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What are Probiotics and why do we need them? Microbial culture. Why do we need probiotics and prebiotics

This tool has a positive restorative effect in the presence of acute diseases, reducing the duration of the disease and healing the intestinal mucosa. They are also effective when caused by taking antibiotics or various types poisoning.

Research on the use of probiotics in various diseases gastrointestinal tract give the most positive results.

Doctors recommend taking this for constant, chronic inflammation intestines, lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, probiotics can be taken to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract, and also taken as an additional therapeutic agent for atopic. Remember that before taking probiotic medications, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, who will accurately determine the type and dosage of the medication.

How to take probiotics correctly

If he is not bothered, he does not need probiotics to maintain optimal gut flora. Healthy people They can do this through nutrition - after all, natural probiotics, which are nutrients, are found in many foods. So, a sufficient amount of them can be obtained from fermented milk products, juices, chocolate, tomatoes, asparagus, bananas, onions, garlic and whole grain wheat. These products act as a breeding ground for data beneficial bacteria and increase their content in the small intestine.

The maximum amount of natural probiotic substances is contained in exotic fruit- kiwi.

Some people ask the question: “in what form are probiotics?” Nutritionists say that each form of probiotics serves a specific role. For example, fermented dairy products with beneficial lactobacilli It is advisable to take it as a prophylaxis or for uncomplicated disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics in dosage form(drops, ) are prescribed by a doctor if available acute diseases or in the case of a person's ongoing complaints of intestinal problems. The main rule for taking probiotics is to take them in sufficient quantities so that they can fully provide good and long-lasting benefits. healing effect.

While classical medical wisdom teaches people to avoid bacteria, some microorganisms can promote health. These include bacteria and yeast, called probiotics.

Probiotics are microorganisms that are naturally present in digestive tract person. They take part in the digestion of food and reduce inflammatory processes.

People can take probiotic supplements if needed, but these microorganisms can also be consumed through food.

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of probiotics, talk about the risks associated with them, and also provide a list of foods with probiotics and touch on the topic of supplements.

The exact mechanism of action of probiotics is unknown

Scientists are trying to figure out the exact principle of action of probiotics, but so far this goal has not been achieved. Presumably, probiotics can affect the body in the following ways:

  • When a person loses “good” bacteria, for example as a result of taking antibiotics, probiotics can replace these bacteria.
  • Probiotics can maintain a balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria and thus help the body function properly.

How can probiotics benefit the body?

If there is a lack of probiotics, people may experience the following side effects:

  • digestive disorders;
  • skin problems;
  • candidiasis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • frequent flu and colds.

Historically, the human diet included a large number of probiotics. People consumed beneficial bacteria through fresh food food grown in fertile soil, as well as through fermentation, a processing process that preserves food.

However, at present, due to freezing of food and some production processes, used in agriculture, most foods contain little or no probiotics.

By adding probiotic foods to the diet, people can gain next benefit for your health:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve digestion;
  • increase the amount of energy that is generated thanks to;
  • improve breathing, since probiotics destroy candida microorganisms;
  • improve skin health as probiotics reduce symptoms of eczema and psoriasis;
  • relieve cold and flu symptoms;
  • reduce weight;
  • improve healing in leaky gut syndrome.

People who want to get maximum benefit from probiotics, can start consuming them today.

Foods with probiotics

There are many various types and classes of probiotics. Some of the most common ones include the following.

  • Bifidobacteria. They are found in some dairy products. Bifidobacteria help improve the condition of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases.
  • Lactobacilli. These bacteria are the most common type of probiotics. They can be consumed along with yoghurts and other fermented foods. Certain strains help with diarrhea and also benefit people who are unable to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk.
  • Saccharomyces boulardii. This is the yeast found in probiotics. They appear to help combat diarrhea and other digestive problems.

Food manufacturers also refer to probiotics as “live cultures” or “active cultures.” Fermented foods often include probiotics, meaning they contain live bacteria.

Bacteria are often killed during food production. If a product sits on a shelf and is not refrigerated, it may no longer contain live and active probiotics.

Both dairy and non-dairy yogurts can contain probiotics

Examples of dairy products containing probiotics include the following:

  • mature cheeses such as cheddar, gouda or mozzarella;
  • kefir - an acidified milk drink;
  • buttermilk;
  • yogurt.

Probiotics are not only found in dairy products. Non-dairy products containing the microorganisms in question include the following:

  • non-dairy yogurts;
  • salted cucumbers;
  • kimchi;
  • kombucha (kombucha);
  • miso;
  • natto - a dish made from fermented soybeans;
  • sour cabbage;
  • tempeh - popular in countries South-East Asia meat substitute.

How to add more probiotics to your diet?

Fermented cabbage - a product that contains probiotics

Exists wide range probiotic foods, so people can include probiotics in their food in the amounts they require. The choice of products depends on the individual gastronomic preferences of a particular person.

For example, you can supplement your diet with probiotics in the following way.

At breakfast, enjoy probiotic yogurt with berries, flax seeds and nuts.

Make a stir-fry using tempeh as a meat substitute. However, it is best to add tempeh at the end of frying the food, as excessive heat can kill active bacteria.

Add miso to soups. Below is a great recipe for Black Bean Miso Ginger Soup.

Show miso soup recipe


  • 1 tablespoon canola or olive oil.
  • 1 small chopped onion (about half a cup).
  • 1 medium carrot, chopped (about 1 cup).
  • 2 crushed cloves of garlic.
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger.
  • 2 200g cans rinsed and dried black beans.
  • 4 cups lightly salted vegetable broth or water.
  • 1 tablespoon red miso paste.
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.
  • 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro.
  • ginger root (1-1.5 cm long), cut into thin slices, about 1 tablespoon (add as desired).


  1. Heat oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan. Add the onions and carrots and fry them over medium heat until they become soft, that is, for about five minutes. Add the garlic and ginger and continue the frying process for a few more minutes.
  2. Add black beans and vegetable broth, then bring it all to a boil. Reduce temperature, cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat.
  3. Pour about a quarter of the soup liquid into a small bowl or glass. Add miso paste to it and mix thoroughly. Do this carefully so that the paste has time to dissolve in the soup.
  4. Before using, add lemon juice to the pan.
  5. Add seasonings to taste and lightly crush the soup with a potato masher. This will thicken the dish without compromising its structure.
  6. Sprinkle the soup with chopped cilantro and, if desired, add some fresh ginger to the pan.

For a second breakfast, drink drinks rich in probiotics, such as kefir or kombucha.

Prepare sauerkraut as a side dish for main dishes.

Keep in mind that some probiotic foods, such as yoghurt, contain added sugar.

Stop your choice on those food products that contain minimum volumes sweeteners, sugar and artificial flavors.

Myths about probiotic foods

There are several common misconceptions about probiotic foods.

While some food groups contain probiotics, not all foods that belong to these groups are probiotic. For example, not all yogurts contain live or active bacteria. Those that do usually have a mention on the packaging.

Additionally, not all fermented foods contain live bacteria. Fermented foods without probiotics include the following:

  • beer;
  • chocolate;
  • soy sauce;
  • bread made from yeast dough;
  • wine.

These and some other products go through production stages during which living microorganisms are killed. For example, this may occur during baking, filtration or pasteurization.

Side effects

Some people experience side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, gas and bloating when consuming foods rich in probiotics.

You can minimize side effects by adding one or two new probiotic foods to your diet each week.

Pregnant women, people who are following a specific diet due to existing medical conditions or who have a suppressed immune system should discuss increasing the proportion of probiotic foods in their diet with their doctor.

How to use probiotics safely?

Despite the fact that probiotics have significant effects on the human body, in most countries they are considered foods and not medicines. Thus, the Office of Sanitary Supervision of Quality food products and Medicines, the United States controls the production and sale of probiotics according to the rules applicable to products. That is, manufacturers of probiotic supplements do not have to prove that such products are safe and work effectively.

People who are interested in taking probiotics can discuss this option with their doctor. Probiotic foods and related supplements are generally considered safe for most people, although they are not recommended for patients with weakened immune systems or other serious medical conditions.

In some cases, people may experience the side effects listed above, but they usually only appear within the first few days of starting antibiotics and then go away.

In addition, probiotics can cause allergic reactions. If people experience any problems after starting supplementation, they should tell their doctor.


Scientists are constantly conducting research to study the benefits of probiotics and find out what effects they have on various medical conditions- from colds to inflammatory bowel disease.

Experts do not make precise recommendations about specific dosages of probiotics or specific foods that may provide top scores. However, it is absolutely clear that including probiotics in your daily diet can improve the digestion process.

Before purchasing food products, you must study the information on the packaging. This way you can make sure that a particular product contains live and active bacteria.

Advertising insistently advises us to buy foods and medications with probiotics and prebiotics. Like, recovery is inevitable. Is advertising honest in this case? And who benefits from probiotics and who benefits from prebiotics?

How are probiotics different from prebiotics? Where to look for them and in what quantity to use? Says professor, doctor of medical sciences. Zainudin Zainudinov, chief physician clinics therapeutic nutrition Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology.

— Probiotics are microbial cultures that help the intestines work properly. Mainly lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. With a sufficient amount of these beneficial bacteria in the intestines, all digestive processes proceed correctly: breakdown of products, absorption nutrients etc. These bacteria are also responsible for the production of some useful substances and vitamins, in particular folic acid, vitamin K.

Prebiotics are that part of food that is not actively absorbed and does not completely decompose in the intestine, but at the same time is a necessary environment for normal operation intestines and those same probiotics in it. The function of prebiotics is usually performed by coarse fiber. Most often it is found in vegetables and fruits, whole grains. Sometimes some products - dairy, cereals, etc. - are specially enriched with prebiotics. This is useful.

So pro- and prebiotics are the key proper operation gastrointestinal tract and overall health. The absence of such signs of intestinal imbalance as constipation or loose stools depends on this (an increase in fiber can lead to loose stools, a decrease can lead to constipation). It is believed that around 20-25 grams of fiber per day will help ensure normal digestive function of the intestines (exact amounts of fiber are indicated in the tables chemical composition food). On average, it is believed that at least 400 grams fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet will provide the right amount of fiber.

Sources of probiotics are all fermented milk products. Again, on average, it is recommended to consume about 600 grams of dairy and fermented milk products. In this case, fermented milk products should prevail. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date of such products.

Should you rely on the “contains live bacteria” label on the packaging of kefir or yogurt? This doesn't matter since most bacteria are killed when exposed to of hydrochloric acid stomach. It is unlikely that they will reach the intestines alive in the required quantity. That is why there are preparations containing lacto- and bifidobacteria. They are usually made in capsules, which protect them from destruction in acidic environment stomach. So for healthy eating Regular kefir and yogurt are quite suitable.

As for drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria, you should not take them without serious reason. Yes, it is impossible to be poisoned or overdose on them - the body will not absorb the excess amount, and they will come out naturally. But the benefits are very relative. You need to understand that the composition of the intestinal microflora (the number of certain bacteria) in a person is very individual, it is formed in childhood and remains for life. In case of minor deviations from the norm, it is restored quite quickly naturally. Serious disturbances of the intestinal microflora are possible with certain diseases, taking antibiotics, or a radical change in diet and diet. In this case, medications may indeed be required. By the way, stress has the weakest effect on intestinal microflora parameter.

The abundance of products containing probiotics in stores is associated with a rapid increase in the number of people choosing healthy image life, an integral part of which is Manufacturers periodically replenish the range of products containing probiotics, for example, chocolate bars, yoghurts. Probiotics have a significant history, several generations are familiar with them, everyone knows the live cultures that were part of yoghurts. A diverse range of modern products is designed for the most demanding customers. Until recently, industry in this area developed more actively than science; therefore, research is currently being conducted aimed at identifying a group of probiotics that have beneficial effects. positive impact on the body and, conversely, Negative influence. So what are probiotics?

Microorganisms that benefit the body are probiotics. Bacteria are recognized as the most common type; yeast is also popular. Their influence is similar to the action of bacteria inhabiting the human body. Many of them are actually bacteria.

Each species is characterized by certain strains. This factor deserves special attention, since each strain has a positive effect on a specific organ. An example is the Shirota strain, which belongs to a species that promotes the transport of food through the intestines.

There are two types of probiotic bacteria: bifidobacteria (lat. Bifidobacterium), lactobacilli (lat. Lactobacillus), in addition, there are several other less common species.

One of the most popular representatives of the Lactobacillus delbrueckii species is the Bulgaricus strain, which is indispensable for patients whose bodies do not accept lactose from dairy products. The conclusion is extremely simple: each probiotic has specific beneficial properties. Modern scientists continue to study their properties; this is one of the most pressing topics throughout the world.


  • Stimulate functioning immune system, providing the secretion of antibodies to various viruses.
  • They prevent the attachment of harmful bacteria to the human intestines and inhibit their growth.
  • They strengthen the mucus layer, which serves as protection against infections in the intestines.
  • They have a detrimental effect on toxins released by pathogenic bacteria.
  • Produce vitamin B, without which food metabolism is impossible; deficiency of B6 and B12 is real threat development of anemia, the condition of the skin depends on them.

Probiotics and diseases

Most often, probiotics are consumed to stimulate the digestive system. The abundance of offers requires a responsible approach on the part of the patient; it is necessary to choose the option that provides maximum benefit. Until now, scientists have not given a clear answer as to which probiotic should be used for a certain disease. The results of their action on the body attract attention Below are the diseases for which, according to statistics, probiotics are most often used.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of intestinal motility. Symptoms of IBS include constipation and diarrhea, or an alternation of the two. To identify IBS, it is recommended to conduct a number of studies, most effective ways Special tests are considered diagnostic.

Probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Sacchromyces boulardii, Lactobacillus plantarum ensure normalization of bowel movements. In addition, they help get rid of such unpleasant symptoms, like bloating and gas, which are the most common problems that IBS sufferers have to face.

Inflammatory bowel diseases

Many of the symptoms accompanying inflammatory diseases intestines are similar to IBS, and there are a number of signs that make it possible to diagnose correct diagnosis. Immune system disorders are recognized as the main cause of IBD. The patient faces the following problems: diarrhea, pain, colic, blood in stool, weight loss. accompanied by statements in various departments intestines, for example, in the small and large intestines.

A characteristic sign of ulcerative colitis is inflammation of the colon; as a rule, attacks appear, after a certain period of time the pain subsides. At acute conditions the fight against the disease is possible only with the help pharmaceuticals, you shouldn’t experiment and be patient.

In practice, it has been proven that they are able to relieve inflammation, after their regular use the patient experiences attacks much less frequently. There is a widespread opinion that ulcerative colitis more susceptible to the effects of probiotics than Crohn's diagnosis. The most common way to combat IBD is the Nissle strain coli In addition, the use of a combination of strains of bifidobacteria, streptococci, and lactobacilli is practiced. Scientists have not stopped there; experiments continue using various means.

Infectious diarrhea

Infectious diarrhea is caused by viruses and bacteria. In practice and in laboratory conditions the effectiveness of the use of Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus in the fight against diarrhea resulting from rotavirus infection, which most often occurs in infants. The yeast strain Saccharomyces boulardii and Lactobacillus contribute speedy recovery.

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea

Quite often occurs while taking strong antibiotics. The drug has a destructive effect not only on non-pathogenic bacteria, but also on beneficial microorganisms, without which the full functioning of the body is impossible. One of the most common microbes is the bacterium Clostridium difficile, which infects patients in nursing homes and hospitals at an astonishing rate.

This bacterium has distinctive feature: after a short period of time after an imaginary recovery, the patient again feels unwell. Saccharomyces boulardii has proven its effectiveness in practice and provides reliable protection body. The best prevention Concomitant use of antibiotics and probiotics is recognized for antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Traveler's diarrhea

It's no secret that when traveling abroad, almost every person is faced with the problem of infectious diarrhea, better known as traveler's diarrhea. In such situations, it is difficult to decide on a specific probiotic an experienced doctor. It is impossible to choose a course that will work effectively in a new environment.

Other Applications

In addition to their main purpose, probiotics are in demand for the following purposes: prevention skin diseases, promoting vaginal health and urinary tract. This effective remedy for people prone to allergic reactions.

Are probiotics safe?

It is a common belief that almost all probiotics on the market today provide benefits to humans. Doctors are cautious about prescriptions and their use.

The inclusion of any product in the diet should be preceded by consultation with a qualified physician. In some cases, probiotics are contraindicated in older people; they interfere with the effect medicines.

The topic of the effects of products on a child’s body is of increased interest. Although the effectiveness of probiotics in combating infectious diarrhea in infants has been proven in practice, there are a number of contradictions according to which extreme caution should be taken in such prescriptions for children diagnosed with Crohn's. It is strictly forbidden to take them without a pediatrician's prescription.

Only professional doctor, who has practical experience working with probiotics, can give an error-free prescription after a detailed study of the medical history of a particular patient.

There are no rules without exceptions, one of the most bright examples is breast-feeding, mother's milk provides a favorable environment, without which the full functioning of the baby’s digestive and immune system is under no circumstances possible. This is one of the most significant reasons for the popularity of breastfeeding.

Lactobacillus casei shirota is popular, but debate continues regarding its effectiveness. Scientists are not ready to give a definite answer regarding the benefits of the funds; many experiments and studies have to be carried out before the slightest doubt is eliminated. Only after a detailed and consistent study of the effects of probiotics on the body can a decision be made regarding their safety.

Features of use and storage

People who don't have practical experience consumption of probiotics, it is necessary to take into account that they belong to the category of biological additives; compared to drugs, they are not subject to FDA regulations.

Currently, there are no generally accepted standards for probiotics; each of the numerous manufacturers can experiment and innovate; sometimes the composition of products from the same series differs.

High cost is not an indicator of impeccable quality; it is recommended to make a choice based on the advice of a doctor whose reputation inspires confidence; it is very difficult to make an error-free decision on your own.

Like any drug, taking the drug is accompanied by risk; the possibility of adverse reactions. Traditional symptoms Flatulence and swelling are considered to be factors that allow us to conclude that the drug is not accepted by the body.

Depending on individual intolerance, more serious allergic reactions are possible, which can occur not only due to the effects of probiotics, but also under the influence of other ingredients included in specific products.

One of the most important requirements on which the safety of human health depends is compliance with storage recommendations. The instructions contain detailed information about the conditions and location of storage, do not neglect the study of such significant information, the consequences can be the most disappointing.

First of all, pay attention to the expiration date, which must be marked on the packaging. It should be remembered that probiotics are living organisms; therefore, their sale in the form of dry powders requires special conditions, otherwise their death is inevitable. The ideal environment is cool.

What are probiotics and their importance for the human body:

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Probiotics and prebiotics are various biologically active substances, each of which is prescribed when the natural microflora is disrupted to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the result of their action is the same - there is an increase in the number beneficial microorganisms and oppression pathogenic bacteria living in the intestines. In simple words, a perfect balance is achieved. Preparations with active biological additives are prescribed for dysbiosis, intestinal diseases, and to cleanse the body of toxins.

There are two ways to restore natural microflora: by taking with food the right products food or already consuming ready-made drugs with the necessary content of beneficial microorganisms. In the first case, the person is treated with probiotics, in the second - with prebiotics.

A probiotic consists of live beneficial bacteria necessary for normal intestinal function. They are used both in fermented milk products(kefir, yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, soft cheese, fermented baked milk), and in the form food additives. These are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (sometimes yeast may be present). The funds are prescribed to people of different age categories, including infants. They don't call allergic reactions or side effect. Are ideal products as for dietary nutrition, and for use for preventive purposes.

The probiotic promotes good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restores disturbed microflora after taking antibiotics or dysbacteriosis. In addition to dairy products, probiotics are present in fermented soybeans and sauerkraut. Minus - a certain percentage of beneficial bacteria die in the stomach under the influence gastric juice, and not all of them reach the intestines. They also die when taking antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics. Therefore, when serious complications they may not be enough for a full recovery.

The prebiotic stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the rectum (lactobacteria, bifidobacteria). Prebiotic drugs normalize digestive processes, help with diarrhea, constipation, increased flatulence. The prebiotic is part of food components such as chicory, garlic, artichoke, oatmeal, rye.

Main differences

Both prebiotic and probiotic have biological origins and similar effects. Both products effectively normalize the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, they are prescribed simultaneously - in a complex therapeutic treatment. However, there are differences.

A prebiotic is a chemical compound. It has many advantages - it is compatible with antibiotics, is not afraid of the effects of gastric juice, does not cause side effect in case of overdose.

The probiotic consists exclusively of live microcultures. Each of them is effective in restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Minus - they help cope with the disease only at an early stage.

Is there some more separate group, including prebiotics and probiotics - synbiotics.

When to use probiotics

An incomplete list of problems for which probiotics are prescribed:

  • immunodeficiency state of the body;
  • allergic reactions;
  • viral infections - ARVI, influenza, acute respiratory diseases;
  • prostatitis;
  • dysbacteriosis (in the treatment of any stage);
  • salmonellosis;
  • hepatitis of any kind;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • flatulence;
  • bacterial infection;
  • in gynecology for intestinal microflora disorders and in the treatment of female genital organs;
  • obesity;
  • diarrhea;
  • appearance of Helicobacter pylori;
  • colon cancer;
  • colibacillosis;
  • staphylococcal infection;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • after treatment with antibiotics, radiation and chemotherapy.

Use of prebiotics

Prebiotics are used:

  1. To restore the body’s supporting forces after illnesses;
  2. With an unbalanced diet, diets;
  3. To normalize disrupted metabolic processes;
  4. To improve immunity;
  5. For the treatment of constipation, including chronic;
  6. To improve peristalsis;
  7. In case of violation of digestive processes;
  8. For intestinal inflammation;
  9. To reduce the number of streptococci, staphylococci and increase the growth of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria;
  10. To restore optimal pH levels.

As you can see, the therapeutic effect of both has many similarities. Therefore, they are often prescribed simultaneously. The mutual action of prebiotics and probiotics promotes a speedy recovery. Beneficial microbes They begin to develop faster, and a favorable environment for their life is created.


Probiotics come in the following types: active biological supplements, complex polymeric indigestible carbohydrates, bifidobacteria, glycopeptides, lactoglobulins, synbiotics, symbiotics, eubiotics.

Types of prebiotics: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, lactic acid coli, healthy mushrooms, cocci.

Preparations with prebiotics

  • Duphalac;
  • Inulin;
  • Exportal;
  • Stimbifeed;
  • Prelax Baby;
  • Portalak;
  • Livolyuk PB;
  • Hilak-forte;
  • Eubicor;
  • Good luck;
  • Lactofiltrum.

Preparations with probiotics

  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Bioflor;
  • Acipol;
  • Bifidin;
  • Baktisubtil;
  • Normobact;
  • Trilact;
  • Effidigest;
  • Acylak;
  • Senior;
  • Narine;
  • Eubicor;
  • Linux;
  • Regulin;
  • Algilak;
  • Colibacterin;
  • Symbiolact;
  • Kalsis;
  • Enterol;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Maxilak.

The brevity, course of treatment, and recommended doses of any drug are determined for each patient individually. Usually prescribed until symptoms disappear completely. Probiotics and probiotics are recommended to be taken in for preventive purposes. Exists special group drugs for infants.