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Artificial insemination at home. Signs of pregnancy after artificial insemination. Is it possible to swim and sunbathe after insemination?

According to statistics, today almost every second couple cannot get pregnant, and therefore have to resort to a procedure such as artificial insemination. It is impossible to conceive a baby naturally for a number of reasons, and the main one is infertility, which most parents are diagnosed with. It is worth noting that treating infertility is much more expensive artificial insemination, and therefore it is better to use this 100% method than to undergo treatment for a long time different ways, take pills and have no confidence in the future. There are different methods of how to get pregnant, but each of them should be carried out only under the guidance of a specialist who can provide competent and individual approach, as well as a guarantee of achieving the set goal.

Existing types of fertilization

Types of fertilization, or in other words, the procedure for conceiving a baby, can be different, since it all depends on the physiology of the parents and the presence or absence of certain problems.

Namely, conception can be:

  • Artificial;
  • Natural;
  • External;
  • Internal.

If everything is clear with the second point, then there is still a lot of controversy regarding the first. To be more precise, there are those people who reject insemination and IVF because they consider it an interference with nature, and there are those who have dedicated their lives to researching these ways to help parents become human.

Medical artificial insemination: what is it?

The various ways in which an egg is artificially fertilized is generally called insemination. During this procedure, sperm is introduced into the lumen of the fallopian tubes or directly into the uterine cavity.

Conception, therefore, is done if:

  1. Men have health problems such as impotence, hypospadias, and lack of ejaculation or sluggish sperm.
  2. A woman has pathologies in the development of the cervix.
  3. The girl is diagnosed with vaginismus, which cannot be treated.
  4. There is mucus in the cervical cavity that can disarm sperm.

Before artificial insemination is performed, a process of examining the sperm of the man and the female reproductive system is carried out. This is required to accurately identify the cause of infertility.

Insemination is carried out 2-3 times per cycle, and the procedure can be repeated at least 3 cycles in a row.

If the study yields a result in the form of sperm pathology, for example, their absence or sluggishness in their activity, then in this case they are looking for a donor or, in other words, a person who will fit all the parameters of the parents’ requests, will be able to give his seed and will not have any the right to an unborn child and even the opportunity to meet him. Sperm is injected into the uterine cavity using a special syringe, and this helps to bypass all the obstacles and dangers that kill sperm.

How to do artificial insemination

Insemination of women is not a difficult process for modern specialists however, careful preparation is required. First, the man’s entire body is examined, and this must be done a couple of months before the day of planned conception. After this period, a woman undergoes stimulation of ovulation, which requires special medications.

Typically used:

  • Menopur;
  • Gonal-f;
  • Puregon.

Only one remedy is used, which must be taken strictly at specific times. Administration is carried out intravenously and subcutaneously. The entire process of egg growth is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, due to ultrasound examination and tracking hormone levels.

The drugs contribute to the maturation of the egg, not just one, but several at once.

This is what increases the likelihood that 2 people will finally have children. A puncture of the ovarian follicle is required, and if laparoscopy is required, anesthesia is required local action. The entire diagnostic process is carried out under ultrasound control, which eliminates the possibility of harm to the female reproductive system. The needle for sampling is inserted through the cavity Bladder or through the vagina. Once the eggs are collected, they are placed in a special thermostat, in which they are further cultured.

Next, the male semen is taken, in which the sperm are artificially separated from the seminal fluid, as well as processed and placed in the incubator. After this, they are attached to the egg, and as soon as they are fertilized, they choose the most suitable ones. The remaining cells are frozen. Throughout this period, the woman needs to take progesterone and estrogen. Due to these hormones, a favorable atmosphere is created for the implantation of zygotes and their adaptation to new living conditions. As a rule, 3 zygotes are taken, of which 2 are attached to the uterine cavity, and the rest are simply placed in it. The result of this treatment can be seen within 2 weeks by simply taking a pregnancy test.

Stages of artificial insemination at home

There are many specialists you can contact to carry out a procedure such as extra corporal insemination, for example, Autleva Susanna Ruslanovna and others, however modern women Are you wondering why this can’t be done at home? It is worth noting that now indeed in vitro fertilization it is quite possible to carry out at home, and the procedure will resemble the most ordinary sexual intercourse, only without the participation of a man.

To carry out this procedure, you will also need to undergo a preliminary examination to exclude:

  • Pathologies;
  • Diseases;
  • Other reasons why natural conception does not occur.

Just as in a clinical setting, it is necessary to remove the exact date conception, for example, by taking a hormone test or a special ovulation test. To carry out artificial insemination and do it yourself, it is important to remember that the activity of sperm is only 2 hours. It cannot be frozen at home or simply stored in a separate bag; therefore, it simply will not work to create conditions like in a hospital.

The main methods of artificial insemination

There are different reviews about whether artificial insemination with a successful result is possible, but it is worth noting that specialists have their own success statistics, since they have their own specific indicators.

In studies of cats and dogs, they were able to carry out fertilization successfully up to 100%.

Why is fertilization called corporate? Because when an egg is implanted into the uterus, several zygotes are used at once, which can completely survive everything, which will cause the birth of twins or triplets.

Fertilization methods are different, but:

  1. They must be carried out under the guidance of a specialist.
  2. The process can only be carried out after thorough research.
  3. The result will be achieved only if all doctors' recommendations are followed.

Semen should be used immediately after ejaculation, and a syringe without a needle is used for injection, and in addition, a special vaginal dilator can be used.

It is strictly forbidden to inject sperm directly into the uterine cavity, as it should not penetrate the sterile cavity. The likelihood that home insemination will be successful is very small, and hope for positive result It’s not worth it too much, so as not to be disappointed later.

Current types of artificial insemination

In general, the fertilization process itself is not too complicated. The seed is placed in the woman's genital tract. You need to wait until fertilization occurs. The egg is implanted into the cavity of the uterine wall, and the natural development of the fetus begins. This method of fertilization eliminates the formation of several or, in other words, extra embryos. How quickly a positive result will be achieved directly depends on concomitant diseases namely chronic type that parents have.

In some cases, women have a pathology such as the absence of menstruation at all, and therefore preliminary testing is required to determine the onset of ovulation or its absence.

As a rule, after fertilization it is not recommended to carry out sex life, since this can cause rejection of the implanted sperm, and the uterus will simply be in shock. This will provoke menstruation, and all procedures will not work. During the period of preparation for fertilization and directly during and after it, you need to be as careful as possible and try as best as possible to protect the uterus from exposure to bacteria and the body from viruses. As a rule, fertilization with a successful result makes it possible to undergo pregnancy without complications.

Fertilization artificially may be extrapolar, as well as insemination.

Each method is considered:

  • Effective;
  • In demand;
  • Carefully thought out.

They differ from each other in the way sperm enters the uterine cavity and how it is recruited. Only a specialist available at each center can advise who needs such fertilization reproductive medicine. Options to carry out fertilization for free are completely excluded, since it requires the use of expensive equipment and the work of highly qualified doctors, which costs quite a lot.

Dear Alice!

Indeed, some women use home methods of artificial insemination in an attempt to become pregnant without the man's knowledge or in cases where natural insemination for some reason it is impossible. For example, if a man chronic form prostatitis, which reacts with exacerbation to interaction with bacteria from the flora of the vaginal mucosa of his partner. Of course, pregnancy is possible with any method of introducing male sperm into the vagina. However, there are a number of nuances that you need to know in order to increase the chances of the desired conception.

Sperm from condom

The success of conception when using sperm from a condom depends on the following factors:

  • sperm quality and quantity;
  • type of condom;
  • positions when introducing biomaterial;
  • speed of biomaterial use.

To carry out your plan, it is important that the condom is not treated with additional spermicidal lubricant. It is advisable that during sexual intercourse no lubricant of any type is used at all, since viscous liquids only impede the movement of sperm into the vagina. It is necessary to use sperm after the first ejaculation, because with each subsequent sexual intercourse, the concentration of sperm decreases, and the chances of conception accordingly decrease. Use sperm as quickly as possible, because sperm die very quickly when exposed to air. After ejaculation, you only have 5-10 minutes to introduce sperm into the vagina, otherwise the functional quality of the biomaterial will be partially lost. Draw up the sperm into a sterile 10 cc syringe without a needle or latex pad, take a supine position and bend your knees. It is advisable to place a pillow under the buttocks so that the pelvis is elevated. Insert the syringe deep into the vagina and press the plunger. After the procedure, do not get out of bed for 20-30 minutes. When collecting sperm from the abdomen, follow the same rules.

Insemination kit

To facilitate intrauterine insemination At home, specialists have created special kits. You can purchase all components at once or separately. In the standard kit we can find test strips for determining the level of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone, as well as human chorionic gonadotropin person. The kit also contains everything necessary for collecting sperm and introducing it into the vagina. Manufacturers of the FSH test recommend testing twice with a difference of 7 days, and the day menstrual cycle not important. The test should show negative result, otherwise this may mean that you have problems in the reproductive sphere.

An LH test is performed to determine the day of ovulation. The timing of testing depends on the length of your menstrual cycle. All information on this question can be found on the Internet or in the instructions included with the test.

As for the collection and injection of sperm itself, experts advise collecting the liquid in a special container and holding it for 15 minutes so that the biomaterial liquefies. The room temperature should be about 22 degrees. This will protect sperm from degeneration. To avoid fluctuations temperature regime, cover the container with cotton wool or a bandage folded in several layers. During this time period, the sperm will stratify: it will settle at the bottom thick mixture, and liquid will be located on top. Take a syringe and first draw up the liquid, and then directly the sperm and insert it into the vagina, using or not using the speculum from the kit at your discretion.

Remember, sperm should not be exposed sun rays, it cannot be frozen or transported. And if more than 2 hours have passed since ejaculation, the chances of conception are reduced to nothing.

Best regards, Ksenia

The diagnosis of infertility is not a death sentence and very often it can be overcome by performing a simple and relatively inexpensive procedure - artificial insemination, as one of the methods of artificial insemination.

Carrying out the intrauterine insemination procedure increases the likelihood of natural conception, since male sperm are previously carefully selected and divided into groups of the most active ones. They, together with female eggs, are fed with special microelements and are also immersed in a favorable, sterile environment for development. IN laboratory conditions protein-enriched sperm is prepared for introduction into the uterus, due to which its “path to the goal” is significantly shortened, which means that even low mobility sperm cannot interfere with conception.

Thus, after artificial insemination, the likelihood of a long-awaited pregnancy increases. As follows from the results of research at the Institute of Reproductology, pregnancy after insemination occurs in 30% of cases.

Sometimes the procedure is prescribed after laparoscopy, which stimulates ovulation, and in each individual case the indications for its implementation are determined by the doctor.

Application of insemination

A man’s satisfactory state of health and regular sex life, unfortunately, do not always guarantee his ability to fertilize. Not only injuries and overheating of the genital organs, but also various infectious diseases can have a detrimental effect on male reproductive function. bad habits. All these reasons directly affect the quality of seminal fluid and sperm motility.

But insemination is recommended not only for male infertility. There are cases when, after many unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, a woman’s cervix begins to produce antibodies to individual components of her partner’s sperm, perceiving it as a foreign substance.

During the insemination procedure, seed material from both the husband and the donor can be used, and the procedure is the same. The only differences are in the indications for fertilization.

Insemination with the husband's sperm is prescribed in the following cases:

  • When seminal fluid low quality and sperm have poor motility;
  • the man does not ejaculate or suffers from impotence;
  • female vaginismus, which prevents normal sexual intercourse;
  • in the presence of antisperm antibodies in the cervical canal of a woman’s uterus.

Donor material for fertilization is used when:

  • the woman’s sexual partner has no sperm;
  • husband suffers infectious diseases, dangerous for the child;
  • there is a risk of genetic abnormalities and hereditary diseases;
  • the woman does not have a sexual partner.

Preparing for AI

Just making the decision to undergo artificial insemination is not enough, and partners who dream of conceiving a child should first contact a specialist in the field of intrauterine insemination. The doctor will analyze the situation, take a family history, and prescribe an examination plan.

To begin with, a fence is taken from the man and woman venous blood for HIV, torch infections, hepatitis, as well as passive hemagglutination reaction (RPHA). After three days of abstinence from sexual intercourse, the expectant father must undergo a spermogram and a test to identify antisperm bodies.

Favorable flora of the genital organs contributes to proper development baby, therefore, during the examination, the woman additionally takes a culture in the period from 15 to 24 days of the menstrual cycle. Infections such as papillomavirus, ureplasma, group B streptococcus can interfere with the full gestation of the fetus. These diseases are usually asymptomatic, so the importance of these studies in preparation for the procedure is especially high.

The sperm is also prepared before insemination. The laboratory assistant liquefies the seminal fluid and cleans it of cellular debris and proteins. Then, under a microscope, the most motile and morphologically suitable sperm are selected to be used in the fertilization process.

Intrauterine insemination with the sperm of a partner or donor is carried out during ovulation, at the moment a mature and ready-to-conceive egg leaves the ovary. If a woman has problems with ovulation, then doctors additionally stimulate the ovaries through hormone therapy. Preliminary stimulation increases the effectiveness of the procedure and also allows you to calculate the exact time of ovulation.

Insemination: how the manipulation works

The chronology of insemination consists of the following sequence:

  1. After the partners come to the fertility doctor’s office at the appointed time, the doctor’s first step is to prepare the sperm for use. The cell specialist selects the fraction of the most viable sperm and adds them all necessary substances. Centrifugation, enrichment and semen separation usually takes about 45 minutes.
  2. After manipulating the sperm, it must be administered within the next few hours.
  3. At the same time, the gynecologist must confirm the occurrence of ovulation by performing folliculometry. If the egg does not leave the ovary, folliculometry is repeated again one day after insemination.
  4. The doctor places the purified sperm into a syringe with a long catheter. His fertility specialist carefully inserts it into the woman’s cervical canal and leaves all the selected sperm there.
  5. If the procedure is performed correctly, then the sperm closest to the entrance to the the fallopian tubes, penetrate inside without barriers and fertilize the egg.

This is the process of intrauterine insemination with sperm. It is absolutely painless, and all instruments used are sterile and disposable.

The completion of the manipulations is the attachment of a special cap to the cervix. This is necessary to ensure that the introduced liquid does not leak out. After 8 hours, you can remove the cap yourself. Sexual intercourse is not prohibited, but on the contrary, it is recommended.

2 weeks after AI, a woman must undergo a blood test from a vein to determine the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin.

If pregnancy occurs, your doctor will most likely recommend homeopathic maintenance therapy. If conception does not occur, then, if the partners wish, another fertilization cycle will be scheduled. There is no need to worry about the fact that you were unable to get pregnant the first time, since there are biological reserves of eggs and fertilization cannot take place in every AI cycle. However, the effectiveness of artificial insemination increases from time to time.

Many fertility centers have a discount system, according to which the price is reduced for subsequent cycles of artificial insemination. If the AI's attempts are unsuccessful, the discount also applies to IVF.

Pregnancy after AI

The first sign of pregnancy after the intrauterine insemination procedure is a woman’s delayed menstruation. If the development of the embryo has begun, the gynecologist may prescribe maintenance therapy to the expectant mother.

The probability of conception after the first cycle in this case is 15%, but if this does not happen, then it is advisable to continue treatment up to 4 cycles. It is impossible to stimulate the ovaries more than 4 times and as a alternative way Doctors may recommend using the IVF method.

If the patient’s age does not exceed 30 years, she is healthy, and the partner’s sperm good quality, then the chances of fertilization increase.

Advantages and disadvantages of insemination

Advantages of the artificial insemination procedure:

  • naturalness of manipulation;
  • genetic connection between parents and child in the event of pregnancy;
  • low cost of reproductive procedures.

Disadvantages of insemination:

  • additional hormone therapy can cause ovarian hyperstimulation, in which they enlarge and secrete abdominal cavity a lot of liquid. This leads to an increase in overall body weight and a feeling of bloating;
  • If a catheter is inserted incorrectly into the uterine cavity, the likelihood of infection increases.

Contraindications to insemination:

  • oncological diseases;
  • infertility in the background pathological changes in the uterus as a result of malformations or acquired diseases;
  • diseases for which pregnancy is contraindicated;
  • structural changes in the endometrium.

Helpful Tips:

  1. The priority area of ​​activity of a reproductologist is the use of sperm from the patient’s sexual partner. Therefore, if a man’s seminal fluid contains even the smallest amount of viable sperm, the doctor will do everything possible to effectively carry out insemination.
  2. The more active cells in the sperm, the more likely it is that the AI ​​procedure will be completed successful conception. If the mobility of cells capable of fertilization is low, the doctor may choose a method of hormonal stimulation of ovulation.
  3. For insemination, only fresh, not pre-frozen, is taken. biological material men. Additional freezing can impair the properties of sperm, slow down sperm motility and even suppress them.
  4. For the procedure to be successful, a woman must have at least one healthy Fallopian tube and there should be no serious contraindications to its implementation.

Intrauterine insemination at home

If you decide to carry out this manipulation at home, then you need to be well prepared for it. First of all, buy all the necessary tools:

  • syringe without needle;
  • catheter;
  • tests to determine ovulation.

Insemination at home should be carried out at a time when the egg is in a mature state and is ready to meet the sperm. Therefore, if you plan everything regardless of the menstrual cycle, then all your efforts will be in vain.

The first cycle of artificial insemination should be done independently two days before ovulation and then repeated every 48 hours. Place your partner’s sperm in a separate sterile container, but remember that no more than 2 hours should pass from the moment of ejaculation to insemination.

Before the procedure, relax and set your thoughts in a positive way.
The chronology of artificial insemination at home consists of the following stages:

  1. Draw some semen into the syringe and insert a catheter.
  2. When inserting a syringe into the vagina, you should not use lubricant, as it can damage the sperm.
  3. Once the catheter is completely immersed, gently press the plunger and release the contents of the syringe.
  4. For comfort, place pillows under your pelvis so that it is elevated during insemination.

You should remain in this position for a while so that the seminal fluid does not leak out. After a few hours, it is recommended to experience an orgasm. In this case, the walls of the uterus shrink, which in itself promotes the advancement of sperm.

The results of the procedure can be found out after some time using a pregnancy test.

In conclusion, I would like to note the importance of the age of the expectant mother when carrying out this type of fertilization. The quality of eggs decreases after 35 years, so fertility doctors recommend using it at this age. traditional method ECO.

Artificial insemination. Video

Is artificial insemination a real chance for infertile couples to find parental happiness or an unnatural procedure, the chances of success of which are negligible?

Motherhood is the greatest happiness and joy for a woman, her calling and most natural state. When, for some objective reason, a woman cannot become a mother, then artificial insemination comes to the rescue. What is it, what methods of artificial insemination exist, what are the features of the procedure, as well as other issues that concern women will be discussed in this article.

The importance of artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is modern method solving the problem of infertility, when conceiving a child cannot occur naturally. The artificial insemination procedure can be performed for a number of reasons, in which both one or both partners are infertile.

The main indications for artificial insemination are:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome
  • endometriosis
  • low quality of the partner’s sperm, which can manifest itself in low sperm motility, low concentration and a large number of pathological units
  • hormonal infertility
  • tubal infertility
  • infertility, the causes of which are not established

Thanks to progress in medicine, hundreds of thousands of infertile couples can finally experience the joy of motherhood and fatherhood, because artificial insemination makes it possible to have children with forms of infertility that in the past put an end to reproductive function.

Video: In vitro conception

Artificial insemination methods

When it comes to artificial insemination, many people think about the common and popular IVF procedure. In fact, there are several methods of artificially solving the problem of infertility:

  • ISM is a method in which the sperm of her husband is transferred into a woman’s uterus. This technique is used in cases where reproductive functions women are not impaired and she cannot become a mother due to the poor quality of her husband's sperm or when the mucus in the woman's vagina is aggressive environment for the existence of sperm and they die before reaching the egg

  • ISD - if the husband’s sperm is unsuitable for conception or he is completely infertile, then the spouses are offered the method of artificial insemination with donor sperm. The procedure itself this method practically no different from the previous one: the woman is also injected with sperm into the uterus, but the sperm donor is not her husband

  • GIFT - when the cause of infertility lies in the fact that a woman’s egg does not exit into the fallopian tube for fertilization, then the method of intratubal transfer of gametes is effective. It consists of transferring an egg previously taken from a woman into the fallopian tube, artificially connected with male sperm. Male reproductive cells can belong to both the spouse and the donor

  • ZIFT is a method in which a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterus prepared by hormones. First, a healthy egg suitable for conception is taken from a woman by puncture of the ovary and fertilized outside of the female body spermatozoa. The embryo is then inserted through the cervix

  • ICSI - effective method artificial insemination, which involves fertilizing an egg with a sperm using a very thin needle. Through a puncture of the testicles, the most active sperm is removed and implanted into the egg

  • IVF is the most common type of artificial fertilization of an egg outside the woman’s body, after which the embryo is implanted into the uterus

IVF method of fertilization

In vitro fertilization - modern reproductive technology, which is most often resorted to not only in our country, but throughout the world. What explains such popularity of the method? Firstly, this technique gives the best results; secondly, with the help of IVF you can achieve pregnancy even in very difficult cases infertility when both partners have serious problems reproductive function.

Artificial insemination procedure

IVF requires multiple eggs. But since only one egg can be formed in a woman’s body during one cycle, the amount of egg production is stimulated by hormones.

When an ultrasound determines that the ovary is enlarged and eggs have formed in it, they are removed. After this, the oocytes are washed from the follicular fluid and placed in an incubator, where the eggs are kept until artificial insemination.

If it is not possible to obtain eggs from a woman, then donor eggs are used.

On the same day, sperm are collected, which are obtained by masturbation or interrupted sexual intercourse. Spermatozoa are isolated from the resulting sperm and the most active ones are selected. After this, the required number of active sperm is added to the test tube with eggs, at the rate of 100-200 thousand per egg. It is also possible to use donor sperm.

Within 2-3 hours, the sperm fertilizes the egg. Next, the resulting embryo is placed in a favorable environment, where it remains for 2 to 6 days. All this time, they are introduced into the test tube essential vitamins, physiological ions, substrates and amino acids. After this, the embryos are directly transferred into the uterus, which is carried out in a matter of minutes on a gynecological chair.

If a woman cannot carry a pregnancy herself, then they resort to surrogacy.

Video: In vitro fertilization. Komarovsky

In vitro fertilization pros and cons

Although IVF opens up the possibility of having children for people suffering from infertility, this procedure can also have Negative consequences, which sometimes become deplorable:

  • hormonal imbalance
  • ovarian hyperstimulation
  • fetal malformations
  • multiple pregnancy, in which it is necessary to kill “extra” embryos for the survival of at least one or two

In addition, the IVF procedure is an expensive undertaking that not everyone can afford, and sometimes childless couples have to give up any hopes of becoming parents, since the amount is simply unaffordable for them.

On the other hand, in society there is a prejudiced attitude towards the procedure of artificial insemination - “test tube children” are mistakenly mistaken for inferior and developmentally delayed.

Today, the IVF procedure is being improved in many ways. New technologies are used, the exact dosage of hormones is established, which ensures the necessary processes and at the same time causes the least harm to the woman’s body.

It is also important that it is extremely rare to place a large number of There are usually only two embryos, which prevents the need to eliminate the extra embryo. And the joy of motherhood itself exceeds everything possible risks and undesirable consequences that the IVF procedure may cause.

How much does artificial insemination cost?

The price of the issue depends on the method of artificial insemination. It may vary in different clinics, but on average the price list looks like this:

  • IGO from 28 to 40 thousand rubles
  • IVF from 40 to 100 thousand rubles
  • ICSI from 100 to 150 thousand rubles

Other methods of artificial insemination are not common in Russia due to lower efficiency.

Artificial insemination of single women

For women who do not have a partner to conceive a child, but desperately want to have a child, the procedure of artificial insemination will help. During this procedure, active donor sperm are placed into the woman's uterus, after which the egg is fertilized.

Immediately before the procedure, the woman undergoes examinations and tests, and, if necessary, hormonal stimulation is performed.

Artificial insemination at home

The artificial insemination procedure can also be performed at home. Its essence lies in the fact that a dose of sperm obtained during ejaculation is injected into the woman’s uterus using a syringe and catheter. Thanks to this manipulation, the chance of fertilization increases significantly, because all sperm are sent to the egg, whereas with natural fertilization some of the semen is spilled out and neutralized by the vaginal mucus, without even entering the uterus.

To carry out artificial insemination at home, you need sterile:

  • syringe
  • catheter
  • gynecological speculum
  • pipette
  • disinfectant
  • tampons
  • towel
  • gynecological gloves

It is important to carry out the procedure during ovulation, which can be determined using a special test.

The problem of artificial insemination

Detailed instructions on how artificial insemination is carried out at home can be obtained from a gynecologist, but it is important to understand that carrying out such an important process at home may carry the risk of introduction into the uterine cavity various infections, due to the possible unsterility of the devices used.

Artificial insemination: reviews

Having analyzed the reviews of women who decided to undergo artificial insemination, several key aspects of the procedure can be identified:

  • pregnancy does not always occur. There are couples who decided to undergo IVF five or six times in a row, but never achieved their desired goal.
  • Many infertile women are concerned about the moral aspect, because the problem of artificial insemination still causes discussions in various circles, especially from the church, which considers such events unnatural, and condemns families who do not have children, since they must bear their cross and not go against the will of God

  • artificial insemination is a colossal burden on a woman’s body, both morally and physically
  • Despite the problems faced by married couples who still decide to undergo artificial insemination, the positive result and joy of having a child exceeds all the risks and negative points and many are stopped only by the cost of the procedure from having a child artificially again

Video: Types of artificial insemination

IN last years Unfortunately, there is an increase in the percentage of women who cannot become pregnant naturally. The reason for this is the deteriorating environmental situation, various inflammations of the woman’s genital organs and many other factors. A union between a man and a woman is considered infertile when the partners are sexually active without using contraceptives for 1-2 years, but long-awaited pregnancy it never comes. This problem is diagnosed in approximately every fifth married couple. In such situations, methods of artificial insemination of a female egg come to the rescue.

Methods of artificial insemination

IN modern medicine Today, there are several methods of artificial insemination that have been successfully used for many years. Every couple who decides to resort to one of the methods of artificial insemination should know how artificial insemination is done and what to expect during this procedure. In this article we will try to answer the most interesting questions regarding such a difficult topic. Become a full-fledged family, conceive and give birth healthy baby Nowadays it is possible using methods such as:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) - the fusion of male and female cells is performed in a laboratory in a sterile test tube, after which the developing embryo is transferred to the uterus of an infertile woman.
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg (ICSI) - the technique of this procedure is almost identical to the previous one, however, in the case of ICSI, fertilization occurs using purified prepared male sperm (the patient’s spouse or donor).
  • Artificial insemination(AI) - to this type artificial insemination is used in cases where problems reproductive sphere were detected in a man ( lack of activity sperm, abnormalities in sexual function, the presence of any other diseases).
  • Donation of male genetic material.
  • Conception using an egg from a professional or individual donor.

Important! If you have been trying unsuccessfully to become parents for many years and have already used all the available methods of conception, you should not despair - every couple has the opportunity to resort to the services of a surrogate mother. However, if you cannot or do not want to use this method, you can always adopt a child who is left without parents.

Understanding the mystery of conception

Fertilization itself is First stage the birth of a new life. Its beginning is considered to be the moment of union of female and male reproductive cells. From this second, the sex of the child is already randomly determined in advance. We know that the sperm and egg contain 23 chromosomes, one of which is responsible for the sex of the unborn baby. When an egg meets a male sperm with an X chromosome, the couple has a girl, if with a Y chromosome, you can soon be congratulated on the birth of a boy.

As a rule, 12-14 days after the start of menstruation, almost every representative of the fairer sex experiences ovulation - the release of an egg from the follicle, which is ready for fertilization. It gradually moves deeper through the fallopian tubes, where for some time it will languish in anticipation of meeting the sperm. The egg remains fertile for approximately 24 hours from the moment it leaves the follicle. Thousands of sperm enter the woman’s vagina along with the seminal fluid and begin their long and difficult journey.

It takes sperm 3-4 hours to travel this short distance. There are a lot of obstacles on their way, and most of them die. Only the highest quality and most agile of them achieve their cherished goal. It takes about 10 million for conception to occur. male cells, but only one of them will be able to merge with the egg, which will be able to penetrate through the dense protective shell. The moment of their fusion is considered the moment of fertilization.

Two fused cells eventually turn into a zygote, and then into an embryo - the prototype of the future little person. Pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and attaches to inner shell uterus - endometrium. This happens around 7-10 days. After this, the woman’s body begins to produce a special hormone responsible for pregnancy (hCG), which makes it possible to diagnose pregnancy at home - you just need to purchase a special test at the pharmacy. After nine months, a new person is born.

Artificial conception and its types

If a woman or her partner has been diagnosed with infertility, then in this case they resort to the procedure of artificial insemination. But you should not be afraid of the word “artificial”, since babies conceived in this way are absolutely no different from children who were born naturally.

The most affordable and simple method artificial insemination is considered to be artificial insemination. During this manipulation male sperm through special catheter is placed directly into the uterine cavity, where sperm independently find the egg and fuse with it. Of course, the sperm is pre-cleaned and prepared; only the highest quality and most mobile sperm are selected.

On the eve of the manipulation, the married couple must undergo full examination body, donate necessary tests. The woman is checked for patency of the fallopian tubes, the man undergoes a spermogram analysis, and both partners are tested for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Often, if necessary, a woman’s ovulation is stimulated using special hormonal injections.

This type of artificial insemination is used in cases where:

  • the woman does not ovulate;
  • the fallopian tubes are obstructed or absent altogether;
  • a woman experiences spasms and muscle contractions during sexual intercourse;
  • a woman’s body produces antisperm bodies that deprive sperm of viability;
  • the man has been diagnosed with impotence or other sexual disorders;
  • age factor;
  • the woman has endometriosis or other diseases in the genital area;
  • spermogram analysis has an unsatisfactory result.

At primary infertility(1st degree infertility) married couples prefer this method of artificial insemination.

Important! The effectiveness of this type of artificial insemination is approximately 25%. However, the degree of effectiveness is also determined by a number of factors: the age of the partners, the degree and duration of infertility, the quality of the ejaculate and some others.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a more expensive, complex and time-consuming procedure. They resort to it in situations where there have been many unsuccessful attempts to conceive naturally and artificially, but the long-awaited pregnancy never happened. The couple together must undergo a series of tests, the woman is ultrasound diagnostics, the fallopian tubes are checked for patency, and the man takes a spermogram. After a long preparatory stage go directly to the process of artificial conception.

Male biomaterial is pre-processed and cleaned, after which it is placed in a favorable nutrient medium in an incubator. In a sterile test tube, the most active and high-quality sperm are mixed with female cells. After about a day, it can be determined whether fertilization has occurred. And after 2-3 days, the developing embryos are transferred to the uterus of an infertile patient for further development.

During the IVF process, several embryos are usually implanted into the uterus at once in order to increase the efficiency of the procedure. If desired, the couple can freeze the remaining embryos in order to avoid going through all the previous stages of IVF. The chance of pregnancy using this method is approximately 20-30%.

Ithroplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is usually used in cases of male infertility. In most cases, the reason for this is insufficient sperm motility, or complete absence in the ejaculate. The procedure is quite simple - the selected sperm is delivered directly into the egg using a very thin needle. This does not happen in the woman’s body, but in a laboratory using a pre-extracted and processed egg. The progress of the manipulation is controlled using a microscope.

Prepare for ICSI in much the same way as for IVF. The only difference is that with IVF, sperm are given the opportunity to reach the egg on their own, while with ICSI, this task is taken upon itself experienced specialist. The chance of pregnancy using this artificial insemination technique is approximately 30%. To be more precise and turn to statistics, the probability also depends on the woman’s age:

  • the chance of getting pregnant with IVF in women under 35 years of age is approximately 40%;
  • aged 35 to 37 years - 30%;
  • at the age of 38-40 years - 20%;
  • Women over 40 years old are allocated about 10%, and at 45 years old - about 1%.
Alternative methods of conception

It should be noted that in particular severe cases, there are also ways for childless couples to become happy parents:

  • using the services of a surrogate mother (your unborn child is carried and given birth by another woman);
  • in vitro fertilization using donor biomaterials;
  • use of frozen embryos;
  • adoption of a child left without real parents.
Curious facts

There is an opinion that children conceived artificially develop several times more actively than their peers, but are more susceptible to various diseases. However, these are just assumptions, and in fact, test tube babies are absolutely no different from children conceived naturally. Perhaps such opinions are based on the fact that usually a child conceived through IVF is born to elderly parents, thereby becoming even more desirable, long-awaited and loved. In addition, the opportunity to implement this procedure mainly available to people whose financial component is quite reliable and stable, and such parents in the future are able to provide their child with a decent education and excellent living conditions.

Difficulty of choice

In the vast majority of cases, almost any form of both female and male infertility can be successfully treated, and the couple can ultimately experience the joy of having a child. However, sometimes it happens that the cause of infertility has been identified, but it cannot be eliminated with the help of medications, nor is it possible to do it surgically.

Which method of artificial insemination should you choose? There is no clear answer to this question. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the artificial insemination procedure is financially accessible to almost everyone and easy to perform. But one cannot vouch for her very high efficiency. While in vitro fertilization has a fairly high price, and its implementation can take more than one year, but at the same time there is a chance of getting desired result quite high.

Couples with similar difficulties come to the aid of artificial insemination techniques, which have been successfully carried out for several years by Dr. Alexander Pavlovich Lazarev, Ph.D. medical sciences, author of more than 30 scientific works in area various forms infertility. Remember that all couples, without exception, who managed to get pregnant and give birth to a long-awaited baby with the help of modern achievements in the field of reproduction they experience great parental happiness. The same cannot be said about infertile men and women who still have doubts and have not yet been able to make this decision. However, it should be borne in mind that after thirty years of age it is much more difficult for any woman to become a mother, even with the help of artificial insemination. Weigh the pros and cons, make the right decision and experience the joy of having a baby!