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How to treat feet from sweat and odor. How to prevent foot odor. Choosing the right shoes

Many people suffer from unpleasant foot odor. This is not life-threatening, but it does make it difficult to feel comfortable and confident.

There are many ways that help against this scourge. It is very important to find the most effective ones that suit you.

Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis have a high risk of getting additional problems with health:

  • fungus;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • epidermal cracks, etc.

If your shoes are constantly wet and you literally have to wring out your socks, this article will be very useful for you. We will tell you how to get rid of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor once and for all.

The main causes of sweating

These can be diseases, most often of the endocrine system:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • hyperfunction thyroid gland;
  • pathology of the pituitary gland.

Sweating can be caused psychological reasons. In this case, we are talking about emotional hyperhidrosis.

There is often a family predisposition, then the problem appears even in childhood or during the ripening period. Feet sweat intensely when exposed to high temperature, but play a big role stressful situations. In most such cases, the condition returns to normal after the hormonal levels stabilize.

Sweating can also be caused by external factors:

  • nutrition, in particular, consumption of large quantities of spicy foods, spices, caffeine-containing drinks;
  • wearing synthetic socks – this helps to increase the activity of sweating and preserves it for a long time bad smell, which even washing cannot cope with;
  • shoes made from materials that do not provide normal ventilation;
  • lack of banal hygiene.

Why does there be an unpleasant odor?

On each foot there are more than a quarter of a million sweat glands (3000 per 1 sq. cm), which are able to produce about 250 ml of sweat daily.

Moisture is not the source of the specific aroma. It appears as a result of the vital activity of bacteria living on the skin!

Microorganisms feed on organic substances contained in sweat and release isovaleric acid. It is precisely because of this that a persistent smell appears that cannot be confused with any other. It is very difficult to get rid of it.

Constantly moist environment is favorable for development pathogenic microorganisms. Sweaty skin can quickly become infected with fungus. The appearance of redness, dryness, cracking of the skin, severe itching- these are signs of mycotic damage.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

Put correct diagnosis impossible without a thorough examination of the patient. The most popular is the Minor test.

It allows you to evaluate the functioning of the sweat glands. The body area is treated with iodine solution and sprinkled with starch. When sweat is released, a coloring reaction is observed, and, as a result, a dark purple stain appears. The size of the spot can indicate the degree of hyperhidrosis.

To get rid of sweating and odor, you must first of all act on the causative factor!

Among the currently available methods are the following:

  • pharmacological;
  • psychotherapy;
  • non-invasive;
  • invasive.

What medications are prescribed for hyperhidrosis?

Pharmacological therapy involves the use the following drugs systemic action:

  • anticholinergic;
  • antimuscarinics;
  • groups of beta blockers;
  • sedatives (sedatives).

Such medications can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Don't self-medicate!

This group also includes the use of local medications from the pharmacy. The most popular of them are:

  • Formidron is a 10% solution of formaldehyde, which is used as an antiseptic;
  • Teymurov's paste is a multicomponent preparation based on formaldehyde, salicylic acid, zinc oxide, boric acid. It has antimicrobial, disinfectant, tanning properties. ;
  • Lassara paste - the active ingredients are salicylic acid and zinc oxide;
  • Hexamine is a solution or powder from the group of antiseptics.

Iontophoresis is an effective non-invasive method

It involves the use of an electric field, with the help of which ions are introduced into the tissue. As a result of the resulting gradient, the sweat channels are partially blocked.

To achieve results, you need to be persistent and do the procedures regularly - from two to four times a week!

For iontophoresis used in most cases ordinary water. Your doctor may also prescribe anticholinergics, botulinum-containing drugs, or aluminum chloride.

The effect begins to appear after 6-10 times.

Iontophoresis shows good results and, which is important for all patients, is a safe method.

Minimally invasive technique - Botox injections

Injection therapy has many supporters. Botulinum-containing drugs (Botox, Dysport) have also found use in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. They help get rid of sweat and achieve almost complete dryness of the problem area.

Injections are given intradermally at a certain distance from each other. The mechanism of action is to block the release of acetylcholine, and, as a result, denervation of the sweat glands. Thus, there is a temporary decrease in their secretion.

The degree of reduction in sweat production ranges from 80 to 90%, but the effect lasts only for 4-12 months.

Daily care is the basis for success

The foundation of odor prevention is frequent washing. Do this carefully warm water with soap. If you wish, you can also gently rub your feet with a soft brush. Special attention pay attention to the spaces between the fingers. If necessary, repeat the procedures several times during the day.

Remember to dry your feet well after washing. Don't leave them wet!

What else is needed?

  • Use pharmaceutical powder, potato starch or antifungal spray after each water procedure. Pour a little talc into your shoes so that it absorbs excess moisture;
  • preparations with combined antiperspirant and deodorizing effects. Deodorants only mask the unpleasant odor, but do not affect the activity of sweating. In this case, antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride are optimal. When not too heavy sweating antiperspirants containing sage or oak bark extract, or borax, copper and silver ions are suitable.

Effective remedies for sweaty feet

For hyperidrosis, the most effective are antiperspirants containing high doses of aluminum chloride. They can block sweat for a long time.

You can choose:

  • aerosol form (“Dry Dry Foot Spray”, “Scholl 3 in 1”, “Odaban”, “Maxim Dabomatic 30%”, “42”);
  • cream (“Deo-control”, “Cross”, “5 days”, “Lavilin”).

Apply them to dry feet after washing. These products not only reduce sweating well, but also refresh and disinfect. Their positive property is long action. That. You can use them once every few days.

Special powder forms are produced for filling inside shoes:

  • "Borodin";
  • powder "Odaban";
  • cosmetic talc, etc.

Baths – combining business with pleasure

At home, healthy water procedures will help you get rid of sweating and unpleasant odor. Use as filler:

  • tea - tannin, which is contained in tea leaves, has a drying effect. Boil 3-4 sachets in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, then dilute with cold water. Keep your feet in the resulting solution for half an hour. At first, try to do this twice a day, and after achieving results - 2 times a week;
  • kosher salt (it is larger than regular table salt) - prepare a solution in the proportion of half a glass of salt per liter of warm water and keep your feet in it for 20-30 minutes;
  • Burov's liquid – dissolve 2 tablespoons in 0.5 liters cold water, take baths twice a day for 10-20 minutes;
  • purified soda - dissolve 1 tablespoon of powder in 1 liter of water, carry out the procedure for 15 minutes twice a week;
  • natural apple cider vinegar– it can be used instead of soda, add half a glass to one liter of water;
  • warm/hot – these are alternating baths with hot and cold water(finish cold), contrasting temperature narrows blood vessels, which reduces sweat production. You can add ice cubes and lemon juice to the cold bath. Finally, wipe your feet with alcohol and air dry thoroughly. In summer they are recommended daily. Contraindication is diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • furatsilin – reliable inexpensive remedy. With the help of furatsilin you can achieve a good deodorizing effect and get rid of unpleasant odors. Crush two tablets and dissolve in two liters hot water, cool and do baths for 10 minutes. You can add decoctions of chamomile and string.

Evening treatments for tired and sweaty feet

At the end of the working day or active rest our feet need special care. In such cases, baths with the addition of mountain pine oil, willow bark, rosemary, tea tree or sage.

These products have not only refreshing and tanning properties, but also antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The following helps a lot. In the evening, after washing, rub alcohol into your feet, apply antiperspirant to the soles, wrap with cling film and put on socks. This is necessary so that the antiperspirant penetrates deep into the skin. Do this every evening for a week, and then once every 3-5 days.

Foot hygiene plays an important role, especially during hot periods, when sweating increases significantly:

  • it is necessary to wash your feet several times a day;
  • use deodorizing sprays and powders;
  • Change socks (exclusively cotton) more often.

Shoes should be made from natural materials that provide good air circulation.

Don't wear the same pair of shoes every day. For you to feel comfortable, it must dry and ventilate well!

At increased sweating Stop it is important to use special cosmetic products. Products intended for care must contain antibacterial and antifungal substances:

  • triclosan;
  • clotrimazole;
  • zinc oxide;
  • methenamine, etc.

How to properly care for your shoes

If you have foot hyperhidrosis, you need to choose shoes made from natural, breathable materials. After each wear, dry it well and ventilate it for 24 hours. Always have at least two pairs, as it is better to alternate them.

Closed shoes, shoes and boots increase foot sweating and create ideal conditions for the development of bacteria and fungi. Unfortunately, we can’t do without them for most of the year!

In warm weather, choose open, lightweight shoes or sandals.

Buy only cotton socks, as a last resort, with minimal addition of synthetics. They absorb moisture well and provide air circulation. Change your socks daily, more often if necessary.

If it turns out that the smell does appear, systematically carry out disinfection:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • miramistin;
  • sprays “Mikostop”, “Dezavid”;
  • solutions “Lina”, “Bitsin”, “Betadez”.

There are special ultrasonic devices for disinfection - “Timson”, “Xenelight”.

Unpleasant foot odor– this is a common delicate problem, the appearance of which causes inconvenience both to its owner and to the people around him. A person with such a problem develops complexes; he experiences great embarrassment whenever he needs to take off his shoes.

An unpleasant drawback requires mandatory elimination. Before you fight the smell, you need to identify the causes of its appearance. U different people The reason why your feet stink or smell can vary.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Unpleasant foot odor does not appear out of nowhere. The reasons for this may be:

1. Using shoes made from non-natural materials. Such a wardrobe item blocks the flow of air to the skin of the legs. This also applies to shoes that are too tight. As a result, the feet begin to sweat. All favorable conditions are created for the spread of microorganisms that cause bad odor.

2. Wearing synthetic products. The use of socks, stockings, and tights made from low-quality materials is a common cause of stench. The principle of its appearance is similar, as in the case of low-quality shoes.

3. Individual predisposition. Some people are naturally endowed with the ability to heavy sweating stop. Therefore, any physical activity active image life, stressful situations will provoke the appearance of sweating, and as a result, an unpleasant odor.

4. Failure to comply with hygiene requirements. These may include wearing dirty socks and footwear, walking in wet shoes, and not caring for your feet (removing rough skin).

Often the causes of foul odor from the feet are diseases:

  • . This is one of the most common causes of the disease. The disease can affect both nails and the skin of the feet and provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Any stress or heat that leads to profuse sweating will create an ideal environment for the growth of fungal bacteria;
  • many diets and poor nutrition lead to metabolic disorders. The consequences of this may manifest itself in the form of foot odor;
  • various diseases, the course of which is accompanied by sweating. This could be diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, various disorders of the thyroid gland, as well as the nervous and vascular systems;
  • the cause may be menopause or any hormonal changes in organism;
  • weakened the immune system The body is unable to resist the effects of various bacteria.

The main reason is Foot and nail fungus

When a fungus appears, you can detect symptoms such as peeling, dry skin, itching, unpleasant odor, cracking, redness, yellowing nail plates, their delamination and fragility.

There are many types of the disease. A doctor can determine the type and nature of the fungus. He will also prescribe appropriate treatment.

Ways to eliminate foot odor

Unpleasant foot odor is not a death sentence at all. It should not be ashamed, it should be gotten rid of. They will help you effectively and quickly overcome delicate issue some rules. The main steps must be followed:

Maintaining hygiene. If there is a problem, you need don't forget to wash your feet regularly. This should be done with special care, using a washcloth and antibacterial agent. It is good to wash the areas between the fingers, as the most suitable area for bacteria to live and spread.

Timely disinfection. Special ones are perfect for these purposes. disinfectants containing alcohol.

Using antiperspirants specifically formulated for feet. You can use available products that can dry the skin and cleanse it. It could be talc, soda.

To get rid of the smell, You should only wear leather shoes. Otherwise, cleaning any other shoes requires significant attention. It should be washed, or better yet, washed, and it should be done regularly.

In summer it's worth wear open shoes so that your feet can breathe. But rubber slippers or sandals, as well as shoes with plastic inserts, will only increase the unpleasant odor of your feet.

Under no circumstances Don't wear wet shoes, if you do not want to become the owner of unpleasant foot odor.

Under shoes closed type must be worn clean socks good quality . If there is a problem, it is better not to wear or purchase synthetic products. You should wear a new pair every day. As the problem worsens, socks need to be changed more often.

They will help get rid of the fetid aroma, created on the basis of natural ingredients at home.

Application ethereal, which have an antiseptic effect on the skin.

Use of talcs, which eliminate excess moisture and reduce sweating.

Special products and antiseptics, foot powders

To eliminate the problem of bad smelling feet pharmaceutical companies offer a lot various means. Each of them is effective in its own way and has its own application features:

1. Foot lotionsspecial drugs, have a deodorizing and disinfecting effect on the skin of the feet.

Effective drugs - " Galeno Pharm" And " 5 days».

2. Ointments:

  • zinc ointment– affordable budgetary means to reduce foot sweating, soften, moisturize the skin and eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • ointment DEO-control, consisting of lavender, tea tree, shea, cocoa oils and a complex of vitamins. Thanks to this composition, the ointment acts on the feet as an antiseptic - it softens the skin and reduces sweating;
  • Teymurov pasta– a recommended and highly effective drug for combating foul odor. The product has drying and antibacterial properties and has proven itself in eliminating deficiencies.

Before using any ointment, you need to wash your feet well., allow the feet to dry naturally, then rub the product in with smooth, careful movements for several minutes and wait for complete drying. The procedure must be carried out for 4-7 days until a noticeable result is obtained.

3. Formidronmedicinal product, the main component of which is formaldehyde. It refreshes the skin and has an antibacterial effect on it. The drug is applied by rubbing into the skin. Due to the high drying effect You can’t overdo it with its dosage.

ABOUT important features You can learn how to use formidron from the video:

4. Boric acid – another good antiseptic. You need to pour a little product into the sock before putting it on clean and dry feet. Each time after use, these socks need to be washed and your feet washed.

5. Burnt alum have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sweat-blocking effect on the skin. The product contains potassium-aluminum alum. The drug is available in powder form. It is used as a morning foot powder, and in the evenings the product is simply washed off.

Folk remedies to combat unpleasant foot odor

Traditional medicine offers many options for combating unpleasant foot odor. Among the huge number of folk remedies, the following recipes are truly effective:

Chamomile infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour the dried crushed plant (3 tablespoons) with a liter of boiling water. Then cover the container with a lid and let the liquid brew for 1 hour. After this time, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, and the infusion is ready. You will need to rub the product on bad-smelling feet, after washing them first.

Oil cocktail. When taking a bath, you can add the mixture to the water essential oils. Take 5 drops sage, eucalyptus and pine oil. These scents will help eliminate foul odors.

An infusion of vinegar is suitable for both eliminating odor and fighting fungus.. To do this, you need to mix 200 g of butter, 100 g of vinegar, 1 egg and its crushed shell. Place everything in glass jar and refrigerate for one week. The prepared infusion should be lubricated daily on the affected areas for 2 weeks. If added to vinegar carrot juice, then this will help improve the skin of your feet and will contribute to its speedy recovery.

Garlic ointment. You need to crush the garlic and mix with the same amount of butter. The finished ointment is applied during the day until the first positive results appear.

Onion compresses. In some situations, onions help get rid of sweaty odor.

Burdock leaves used to create a compress for the feet. The plant must first be prepared by rolling the leaves over the leaves with a rolling pin to squeeze out the juice. Then you just need to wrap your feet with the prepared leaves and leave them overnight, securing them with socks. You need to be treated in this way for 3 weeks. Rowan leaves have similar properties..

Recipes for refreshing and therapeutic foot baths

A good way to eliminate annoying nasty foot odor is various baths. They must be taken regularly to achieve noticeable results. Several available recipes:

Oak decoction. To create the product you will need crushed oak bark (2 tbsp.), 1 glass of boiled water. The mixture must be placed on water bath and cook for 30 minutes. After cooling, the liquid must be filtered and a little water added to it to replenish the original volume.

This decoction is used for baths lasting 20 minutes. Crushed oak bark is also used in dry form. For this oak bark You just need to pour it into socks, put it on your feet and leave it overnight.

Bath based on strong tea, salt and vinegar. The ratio of ingredients to water is 100 g per 1 liter. You need to keep your feet in this liquid for 7 to 9 minutes several times a week.

Bath from veronica herb decoction. To prepare, boil the plant stems for 5 minutes. You need to take it every day foot baths for 10-15 minutes.

Baths with sea ​​salt can eliminate the problem of the legs, but not equally well in each individual case.

Celandine decoction You can prepare it from 4 tbsp. l. dried herbs and 1 liter of boiling water. The procedure can be performed daily. The effectiveness of the method can be increased celandine compresses. You need to add vinegar to the brewed herb and apply it to your feet as a compress.

Maintaining personal hygiene rules

To the problem bad smell feet does not bother a person once again, it is imperative to follow the rules of hygiene. It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of any disease than to deal with its consequences. Therefore, a few worthwhile tips will be useful to everyone:

  • You should not walk barefoot in public places;
  • It is important to change socks regularly;
  • you need to keep your feet clean, for this you need to wash them daily and wipe them dry with a towel;
  • You need to keep your shoes dry and air them regularly. Various aerosols to eliminate odors will help in this matter;
  • try don't wear someone else's shoes and do not give yours for use to strangers to avoid acquiring fungus;
  • Do pedicures regularly and monitor the condition of the skin on your feet.

Proper care of shoes and socks

The problem of unpleasant foot odor can be completely eliminated only through a comprehensive approach. To do this, you need to monitor not only foot hygiene, but also properly care for your shoes. It must be stored in special ventilated boxes.

From available funds won't help a large number of baking soda . If you pour this product into your shoes, you can eliminate excess moisture and bad odor. The portion of shoe soda should be changed every day.

It will help to eliminate the unpleasant odor from shoes that is transferred to the feet. Bay leaf . You just need to put a few leaves under the insole. The spice clove will help solve the same problem.

To prevent your feet from smelling bad, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of your socks or tights. Better wash items of clothing inside out.

If you approach solving the problem comprehensively, regularly devoting a little time to foot and shoe care procedures, then you can short time get rid of a foul-smelling scourge.

It may seem frivolous. Meanwhile, a large number of people experience discomfort and inconvenience about this. They avoid going to visit people, because there they will have to take off their shoes and blush for “. They are embarrassed to bring a girl home or are afraid to wear open shoes so as not to spoil their impression of themselves with the smell of sweat. In such cases, only pharmaceutical anti-sweating products can really save you.

Naturally, medicine, pharmacology and cosmetology have not ignored people with similar problems. Today, anyone suffering from an unpleasant odor or excessive sweating of the feet, coming to the pharmacy, can easily find the medicine they need for sweat and odor.

Based on methods of application and therapeutic results, the following types are distinguished, which can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  1. Creams, ointments, solutions and powders with medicinal effects.
  2. Sprays and deodorants for feet, fragrances for.

Medicines are used to treat excessive sweating of the feet, eliminate the terrible “smell” and destroy fungal diseases. Drugs that only mask an unpleasant odor most often do not have a therapeutic effect.

Eliminating the causes of odor and sweating

To solve the problem of sweating feet, to get rid of it, you need to approach it from the position of “treating the cause, not the symptoms.” Modern medicine and pharmacology have been successfully coping with all these ailments for a long time. All you have to do is choose the right product at the pharmacy.

Designed to eliminate the main problem – sweating. This product dries out the skin thanks to its boric and salicylic acids, as well as the main component - formaldehyde. Except active substances, this medicine contains mint oil, which gives it a pleasant aroma.

To obtain clinical results, apply to clean, dry skin. Depending on the tolerance of the components that make up the paste, it is applied for a period of half an hour to two hours. After this, the product must be rinsed off with warm running water. The effect of the drug lasts about 6 hours. This procedure should be repeated once a day for 3-4 days. To avoid skin addiction, after this period you need to take a break for 20–30 days, after which you can go to the pharmacy again and purchase this product.

Foot cream “5 days”

The medical name of this product is “GalenoPharm 5D”. It is sold in almost every pharmacy. Based on the name, it is not difficult to guess that positive result from the cream is achieved 5 days after the start of daily use.

Numerous reviews about this product indicate that after a course of treatment, excess sweat and terrible odor disappear for a long time - up to six months.

Included in this medicinal cream includes: talc, boric and salicylic acid, as well as excipients - camphor, zinc stearate, menthol and magnesium carbonate.

Using this anti-sweating remedy is very simple. It is enough to pour the powder from special bags into shoes (one bag per shoe), which should be worn for at least 4–5 hours.

An active antiseptic substance, the main component of which is formaldehyde. Used for problems with excessive sweating of the feet. pharmachologic effect this drug achieved by reducing activity to zero. However, its frequent use leads to addiction and reduced effectiveness.

For achievement best result, the gel should be applied to clean and dry skin of the feet. After half an hour, the drug must be washed off. Positive effect After using Formagel, it lasts up to two weeks. Ask for ointment at pharmacies in your city. According to reviews, this is best medicine to get rid of sweat odor.


A remedy against hyperhidrosis of the legs with a therapeutic effect - it fights fungal infections of the skin and destroys bacteria that cause odor. In composition and application, this gel is very similar to the “5 days” cream. Borozin is also available in powder form, which should be sprinkled into shoes. Manufacturers claim that the product penetrates the skin very well, due to which a long-term (several months) effect of the drug is achieved.


This medical product from sweaty feet. Basic active ingredient This product is oak bark. This natural material has always been famous for its ability to treat problems with the skin of the feet - normalize sweating, tighten pores, eliminate, and improve the health of the skin of the feet. These properties are also characteristic of pharmaceutical product Quercus.

The medicinal product is available in powder form, which must be dissolved in warm water before use. Then you need to immerse your feet in this solution for 10–15 minutes.

After the procedure, the feet should be wrapped in a towel, removing moisture from the feet, then simply hold the feet in the open air. It is necessary to be treated in this way before three times per week until this disgusting smell is eliminated.

Getting rid of odor

In every pharmacy today you can find products that are inexpensive, easy and quick to use, but often do not treat the root of the problem. Deodorants and foot sprays, antiperspirants, shoe fragrances are products that can effectively eliminate or mask the “aroma” from shoes, and you can buy them in all pharmacies in your city. But not all of them have a healing effect. Therefore, you should not expect that the passion for such sprays will lead to long-term results or a radical solution to the problem. .

These tools can be used on initial stage treatment with medications, when the result is needed now, and the process of getting rid of sweating feet may take a long time. In addition, pharmacy products that simply eliminate or mask odor are often much cheaper than drugs created specifically to treat the causes of these problems. Therefore, using concealers is easier and cheaper.

However, it is worth understanding that unpleasant foot odor and excessive sweating are problems that, sooner or later, need to be treated. And when a person who wants to restore health to his feet comes to the pharmacy to buy a remedy to treat the problem, he must remember: when using any anti-sweating drug, you should consult a doctor, carefully read the instructions for ointments and creams, check their expiration date and authenticity. And remember - buy medications only in pharmacies where pharmacists work and have a license.

Folk remedies for getting rid of unpleasant foot odor

Many people are concerned about how to get rid of foot odor and whether it can be done at home. The problem is common mainly in adults - both women and men. The fair half of humanity common cause is hormonal background and diseases internal organs, among representatives of the stronger sex - a genetic tendency to sweating and external factors.

Chronic pathologies can also lead to the appearance of an unpleasant “aroma”, for the diagnosis of which you need to consult a doctor. Let's look at how to deal with foot odor and whether it can be eliminated at home.


When a terrible smell appears, many immediately begin to use deodorants or actively carry out hygiene of the skin of the legs and feet, without thinking about the underlying cause that needs treatment. Having identified the predisposing factor, you can specifically decide what to do in case of sweating and unpleasant foot odor - create a set of necessary therapy and a program for preventing relapses. Let's talk in more detail about the types of smell and the main reasons for its appearance.

Why do my feet smell?

A strong odor on the feet is a consequence of a mixture of sweat contents and bacteria living on the skin. By its structure sweat glands They are necessary not only for cooling the body, they also play the role of excretory glands - they remove toxins and decay products from the body.


The qualitative composition of sweat and its odor may vary depending on chemical reactions, predominant inside the body.

A person may be bothered by the following unpleasant odors:

  • Sour foot odor;
  • With a hint of vinegar;
  • Smells like urine or ammonia.

The state of smell is influenced by the contents of the secretion sweat glands, as well as types of bacteria that live on human skin. When they sweat, they begin to multiply more actively, producing an unpleasant odor. Accordingly, one person’s feet may smell like vinegar, while another may smell like ammonia or sourness.

On a note!

The main cause of unpleasant foot odor is bacteria or fungus that grows on the skin from increased content sweat.

These microorganisms are always found on the skin, but only in limited quantities. When sweat occurs, it creates optimal conditions For their development and reproduction, microbes begin to divide and use sweat particles as food. The products of their excretion gradually accumulate, which form a specific unpleasant odor. Normally, sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin without leaving any traces, but if this does not happen, condensation accumulates, which enhances the unwanted “aroma”.

Main causes of excessive sweating

The second enemy of clean feet is hyperhidrosis - increased secretion of sweat glands. As a result, under certain conditions, the glands become activated and produce sweat, creating conditions for the activity of harmful bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the feet. The situation gets worse when elevated temperature environment- V summer time, as well as when wearing clothes and shoes that reduce evaporation from the skin.

The main causes of excessive sweating of the feet:

  • Shoes made of artificial materials - wearing sneakers or shoes in the hot season is especially dangerous. In this case, sweat does not evaporate from the surface of the skin;
  • Wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes contributes to the compression of blood vessels, poor circulation and activation of the sweat glands;
  • Clothing - artificial fabric creates the same effect as sealed shoes, leading to sweating and unpleasant foot odor;
  • Frequent stress - nervous tension often complicated by hyperhidrosis;
  • Malnutrition - some foods affect vascular tone, general blood flow and secretion of sweat glands;
  • Lack of personal hygiene - often the feet sweat due to the fact that excretory products accumulate on their surface, blocking the gland ducts. Compensatory other sweat glands begin to work more;
  • Increased overload – with increased load, a person begins to sweat. If such situations are too frequent, reflex hyperhidrosis develops.

Increased sweating may also be caused by chronic diseases, which are called endogenous factors. In most cases, they form systemic disorders that affect blood flow and condition excretory system, which partially includes sweat glands.

Methods to combat unpleasant odor

Now let's talk about how to cure feet from sweat and odor at home. In order to quickly get rid of the disease, it is necessary to at least practice personal hygiene, as well as treat clothes and shoes. According to reviews effective ways- wipe feet by special means, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently according to recipes from traditional healers.

Expert opinion!

Getting rid of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor is only half the battle. After using deodorants or sprays, it is recommended to undergo examination by your doctor - the doctor will prescribe the necessary medication to eliminate the cause of the disease.

A large number of products are sold on the modern market to get rid of unpleasant odor from feet and shoes - these are sprays, ointments, creams or powders. Some are applied to the skin, others to shoes or even clothing. Let's talk in more detail about the most popular means.

Teymurov spray and paste

Both drugs help well in the fight against unpleasant odors and also have a bactericidal effect. Kill bacteria, eliminate foot odor, improve sweating and promote a feeling of lightness in your feet.

The solution contains:

  • Sodium borate – eliminates the appearance of foreign odors;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid – relieves inflammation in superficial tissues;
  • Various oils - constrict superficial blood vessels and moisturize the skin;
  • Menthol is an excellent component for foot stink, allowing you to “kill” the unpleasant “aroma”.

The spray is applied to clean skin several times a day, if you purchase the product in the form of a paste, you need to smear your feet with it, after wiping it with a damp cloth or cloth.


Natural spray Duftatit will help remove unpleasant foot odor. The composition contains herbal components that will not cause harm to pregnant women and children. The spray is applied both to clean skin and to items of personal clothing. In the presence of strong odor It is necessary to apply the contents to clothes and shoes, cover with cellophane and allow the substances to absorb. After 30 minutes, remove the polyethylene and allow the solutions to completely evaporate.


You can remove foot odor with this gel if the cause of its appearance is fungal infection. The composition of the medicine includes:

  • Boric acid is an antiseptic that suppresses the proliferation of infection;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid – accelerates the restoration of damage to the skin, improves its condition;
  • Zinc – has a cooling and restorative effect;
  • Sodium tetraborate is an antifungal agent;
  • Glycerin – forms a protective layer on the skin;
  • Mint – refreshes and eliminates foreign odors;
  • Talc – absorbs sweat.


A product in powder form consisting of acetylsalicylic acid, zinc, menthol, camphor and calamine. One procedure will require half a packet, which is applied to the skin and clothing immediately before putting on shoes.


The main substance is aluminum compounds, which reduce the production of sweat and the appearance of unpleasant odor. Apply to problem areas at night and wash off with warm water in the morning. It is not recommended to use for a long time, as it causes clogging of pores.

Other means

Pharmaceutical preparations can not only combat unpleasant foot odor, but also treat local skin diseases. For this purpose, a number of medicines applied externally to the feet and bottom part shins:

  • Cream Aptekar - the basis is urea, which has a beneficial effect on the condition skin. After a few days of applying the substance, the skin becomes fresh, smooth, slightly peels and sweats. The presence of tea tree oil provides an antifungal effect;
  • Chlorhexidine is an excellent drug for treating hyperhidrosis and its complications. This is an antiseptic - the solution is applied externally and kills harmful bacteria and fungi that cause the unpleasant odor. It is important to wash your feet with soap and change socks before use;
  • Boric acid - the drug kills bacteria and fungi, but the effectiveness of its use is slightly lower than that of Chlorhexidine. Recommended for use on small wounds to reduce skin irritation;
  • Formidron - destroys microorganisms, reduces sweating and has a refreshing effect. Application to areas of increased secretion of sweat glands is recommended;
  • Furacilin – antimicrobial drug, is used to identify relevant pathogens on the skin. If there is a strong odor, it is recommended to apply wet lotions to clean and washed feet for 10-15 minutes;
  • Fernomid – active substance The solution contains formaldehyde, which fights unpleasant odor on the feet, and also kills germs, tumors, and heals sores. Apply with a cotton pad to the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off. After 3-4 days, the feet will smell much weaker, and then the smell will disappear completely.

Folk remedies

The use of folk tricks to reduce the excessive work of the sweat glands is also effective. The main goal of this treatment is to stop hyperhidrosis, which is trigger mechanism development of the disease.


Everyday recipes will not help you get rid of foot odor forever at home, but they will help stabilize the small physiological deviations that caused its appearance.

The most popular following recipes to reduce sweating:

  • Bath based on oak bark - take 30 g of the ingredient, chop finely and pour boiling water. It is allowed to additionally soak chamomile flowers. Boil the resulting substance over low heat for 10-15 minutes, cool to room temperature. Strain through cheesecloth or a sieve, lower the feet into the solution for half an hour. It is recommended to do the procedure daily, after 7-10 days the feet will stop smelling unpleasantly, the positive result will last throughout the day;
  • Has a healing effect Apple vinegar– it is necessary to soak your feet daily in a solution, which is obtained by mixing a quarter glass of vinegar with two liters of water. The duration of the procedure is 15-25 minutes, the course of treatment is until lasting improvements appear. For better effect you can wipe your feet with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of the ingredient;
  • Bath from pine needles– you need to take half a kilo of the ingredient, brew it with 2 liters of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes and let it brew for several hours in a dark, warm room. Strain the resulting broth and soak your feet daily for 20-30 minutes. Within a week, the unpleasant aroma will go away, but only on the condition that you treat your clothes and shoes with special products.

Foot cleansing is very useful; it has a local effect - it clogs the sweat glands, but does not impair their functioning. Most folk remedies have and antimicrobial effect, which significantly reduces the unpleasant odor. It will be effective to add oil, potato peelings or celandine to the baths.

To reduce hyperhidrosis, powders from the following available means are actively used:

  • Starch – absorbs excess liquid, providing a feeling of freshness and comfort;
  • Talc – has similar properties and is actively used for excessive sweating of the feet;
  • You can use a mixture of salt, soda and corn starch - the ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, then the substance is used as a powder on the area of ​​​​the feet and lower legs;
  • Grind oak bark into powder and apply to skin and clothing in moderate quantities.

Powders work as adsorbents - they absorb excess liquid, like a sponge, turning into a homogeneous substance. If a person suffers from hyperhidrosis, daily use of powders significantly reduces sweating of the feet.

Unpleasant foot odor is a common problem among the population. The cause may be either a tendency to excessive sweating or serious chronic diseases. You can partially get rid of the disease at home using special means or folk tricks, but a medical examination will not hurt.

This soap has excellent antibacterial properties, washes perfectly. It has a pungent smell, not very pleasant, but much nicer than smelly feet.
After water procedures You need to thoroughly dry your feet, especially between the toes, with a clean cotton or bamboo towel. It is important that the towel is cotton or bamboo, because cotton and bamboo absorb moisture very well. A synthetic towel is not suitable for these purposes and do not buy synthetic towels at all.
The towel must be really clean, one that has not yet been used after washing. I mean, the towel that you hung in the bathroom yesterday or earlier and wiped your infected feet with it at least once will not work, because you need a clean towel.
After you have dried your washed feet, under no circumstances put on your infected slippers; it is better to walk barefoot. I'll tell you what to do with the shoes later.
Just before bed, when you are about to take horizontal position and you will sleep, you need to do one more procedure.

Another procedure

You need to carefully treat your feet with the product you see in the picture below.

This is a proven product, it works well, but for some reason it’s cheap, don’t let that scare you.
Due to its geographical location You may not find it in a store near your home, but it’s better to find it anyway. Do everything as expected and you will get the desired result.
If you still don’t find this remedy, then find something similar based on tar and tea tree oil.
You need to do the procedure just before you go to bed.
It is very important to thoroughly treat the entire surface of the feet, especially between the toes and under the nails, do not skimp on the cream/gel/or whatever this substance is properly called. So if you haven't cut your nails yet, do it right now.
The product you see in the picture can be found in many stores and pharmacies. It works very well if you do everything as I say. Its disadvantage will be a sharp, not very pleasant, but tolerable smell, which will seem much more pleasant to you than smelly feet.
In the morning, your feet will need to be washed with the same soap that you already saw in the picture even above.
The next day in the evening, simply wash your feet with the same soap and treat them before going to bed with the same product, and so on for at least 3-4 evenings in a row.
Further, for the purpose of prevention, simply wash your feet conscientiously every evening and treat your feet with this product from a tube once every 1-2 weeks before going to bed.
If you are a military man, a fireman, a cop, or someone who wears shoes every day for a very long time, then do this procedure once a week.
Preventive measures you need to do it regularly and be sure to do it.
If you let this go and your feet stink again, then wash your socks and wash your feet as much as you like, they will still stink, because microbes will settle in your shoes and it will be most difficult to destroy them there.
Therefore, after solving the problem, it is important to put this matter under control and not neglect it. Don't wait until your feet stink again, just practice personal hygiene and do preventive procedures.

For those who have not yet reached the point in the pictures above, better take care of your feet and keep things in order before your feet begin to decompose.
Next, you need to regularly follow the rules of personal hygiene and do the preventive procedures that I mentioned above.
It is important not to wear someone else's shoes, because this is often how smelly germs, fungi and similar troubles are transmitted. It is important not to let anyone wear your shoes. Even if that same person claims that his feet smell nice.
If you are visiting, then if possible, go barefoot or bring your own slippers, or demand clean slippers for guests))).
If you receive guests, then have special slippers for guests, which are thoroughly washed after each guest, or let guests walk barefoot in your home, or even let them bring their own slippers if you are too lazy to allocate slippers for guests.
Many people live their whole lives with smelly feet and have already come to terms with it; this nuance often scares other people away from them; oddly enough, families even collapse on this basis.
If you know someone who has stinky feet, just let them read this article and the world will smell better and just be a better place.
If your feet don’t stink, but you would like to play it safe, then these procedures are perfect for prevention.
If you already know all this, but your feet still stink, then take off the handbrake and simply follow the instructions, which I have “chewed” in detail for people like you. Your feet don’t care what you know and what you don’t know, they will only react to what you do. As they say, “Do it normally, and it will be fine.”