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Bad habits. Bad habits: why you need to give up sugar

20 years is the time when a person tries new things, challenges himself, makes mistakes, learns from them and becomes the person he should be. That is why 20 years is the ideal age to give up bad habits and become the person you want to be.

1. The habit of not getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on your immune system, hormone levels, mood and reduces concentration. To get better sleep, cut out caffeine at least 8 hours before bed and eliminate distractions. Watching your favorite show before bed may seem like the perfect way to spend time, but in this case, you will fall asleep much later and with your laptop on your lap. Instead, accept hot shower and do some stretching. Get rid of bright lighting and extraneous noise in the bedroom.

2. Avoiding sunscreen

Not wearing sunscreen can lead to age spots, weakening blood vessels and wrinkles. Get into the habit of applying cream daily, even when it’s cloudy outside, and also use cosmetics with an SPF filter.

3. The habit of drinking little water

Drinking enough water removes toxins from the body, allows your muscles and ligaments to work better, motivates you and improves memory. Start carrying a bottle of water with you and get into the habit of drinking regularly. A person should drink at least 4-8 glasses of water per day.

4. Skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast in the hope of holding out on coffee until lunch leads to metabolic disruption and impairs your ability to think. Set aside time in the morning to prepare breakfast. It is not necessary to prepare a substantial dish; you can get by with simple but nutritious foods.

5. Working too hard because of little things

Life is already too hard to add additional stress to yourself over unimportant things. Learn to see the difference between what seems important now and what will be important in the future. If some little things go wrong, don't dwell on them and move forward. Keep the big picture in mind and be grateful for everything that comes your way.

6. Lack of time to reduce stress levels

Constant presence in under stress undermines health and leads to depression. This, in turn, leads to problems with hormones, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels, decreased immunity and has a bad effect on your mood. So start practicing some stress-reducing activity.

7. Binges

In addition to decreased immunity overuse Alcohol leads to liver problems, increases blood pressure and leads to depression. When you go out with friends, decide right away how much you plan to drink and stick to that plan. Don't forget to drink a glass of water between cocktails.

8. Smoking

Among others harmful effects smoking on the body, it can be noted negative impact on skin, sexual health and reproductive system, as well as the possibility of developing diabetes and cancer. Yes, it’s hard to quit, but you’ll thank yourself later.

9. Destructive relationships

This applies not only to romantic relationships, but also to friendships. First, realize that such a relationship will not lead to anything good: in a normal, healthy relationship, you should feel secure and happy, you should know that you are loved. If a person constantly lets you down and makes it clear that his feelings are fickle, it’s time to think about whether you need such a relationship?

10. Avoiding safe sex

It doesn't matter whether you're in a committed monogamous relationship or promiscuous, you need to protect yourself physically and emotionally. Whatever method of contraception you use, always be prepared when the time comes to use it. Remember to get tested for STDs once a year and go to the bathroom after sex (this reduces the risk of infection).

11. Negligent attitude towards oral hygiene

It's time to start taking care of your dental health. If you don't brush and floss your teeth regularly, you risk contracting periodontitis. In addition, dental problems lead to many other, unrelated diseases. Therefore, floss morning and evening before brushing your teeth. Visit your dentist for cleanings every six months.

12. The habit of going to bed without removing makeup

The habit of not removing makeup leads to acne and premature aging. Cosmetics clog pores and sebaceous glands, and may also cause eye irritation. In addition, during the day it holds free radicals, which interferes with collagen production. But even if you don't wear makeup, it's important to wash your face at the end of the day to remove any oil that has accumulated during the day and any germs you may have accidentally introduced by touching your face. Make cleansing your face one of the first steps in getting ready for bed. This will prevent you from falling asleep with makeup on your face while watching your favorite show before bed.

13. Addiction to fast food

The harm of fast food is beyond doubt. Avoid the temptation to buy processed foods if you have the ability to prepare some yourself. Carry lunches to work in containers and try to cook your own dinner instead of having it delivered. Not only will this save you money, but you will also know what is in your food and what is going into your body.

14. "Night Watch"

Eating at night is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. The calories you receive speed up your metabolism, increase your body temperature, and disrupt your phase. REM sleep and, as a result, you don't get enough sleep. To avoid this, eat dinner as early as possible.

15. Monotonous workouts

A routine training style reduces the effectiveness of stress on the body. It is necessary to vary training methods so that the body does not have time to adapt. First of all, try to add variety by changing your jogging route or gym.

16. The habit of wearing sportswear after training

Certainly, sportswear It's incredibly comfortable, but you shouldn't wear it for several hours after your workout. The habit of wearing clothes that absorb your sweat can result in acne and thrush. So try to shower as quickly as possible. If your gym provides this opportunity, take advantage of it, otherwise, at least bring a change of clothes with you.

17. Habit of wearing high heels

If you are a lover of high heels, learn to wear them wisely to avoid health problems in the future. Even if your heels are insanely comfortable, they are not made to be worn for long periods of time. Spending hours in high-heeled shoes can be detrimental to the health of your back, hips and knees. Try to change into flat shoes during your commute and during work hours when you are sitting. Save it high heels For special occasions and get to the place in comfortable shoes.

18. Waste of time on the computer

Blue screens not only have a detrimental effect on health, given that we spend most of our time behind them (at work during the day, on VK in the evening), but also negatively affect our relationships with people. Make an effort to distance yourself from such devices as much as possible. For example, you don't have to stare at your phone during dinner. If you find yourself swallowed up social media, get rid of several accounts and resume communication with people you care about in real life.

19. The habit of spending most of your free time within four walls

Our bodies need vitamin D, and staying home can be bad for your mental health, as well as making you sleepier and worsening your mood. It's important when making weekend plans to include something that will get you out of the house. But besides this, you can try to be outside more often: for example, give up public transport and try to walk when the weather permits and you have time. Also do your hobbies outside, such as reading or writing in the park.

20. Refusal of preventive health measures

This includes refusing vaccines and preventive screenings. Moreover, what began as a simple malaise can develop into serious problem, if treatment is not started on time. Visit your GP regularly and remember to make an appointment with narrow specialists, for example, a gynecologist, urologist and dentist.

First of all, it should be noted that ideally healthy image life does not imply the renunciation of bad habits, but their initial absence. If for some reason a person already has them, then it is necessary to take all measures to free the individual from addictions that are so harmful to him.

Bad habits primarily include drinking alcohol and smoking, and in the literature smoking is presented as a more common habit, and therefore as a greater evil for humans.

Smoking puts many lives at risk important organs. Smokers risk getting pulmonary diseases, and are also exposed increased danger coronary disease heart and stroke.

The life expectancy of smokers is 7-15 years less than their non-smoking counterparts.

It is estimated that smoking is responsible for 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% - from bronchitis and 25% - from coronary heart disease in men under the age of 65!

If we compare the incidence of smokers and non-smokers, then in the former it is several times higher.

Smoking reduces physical strength, slows down the reaction, impairs memory, significantly reduces sexual potency. Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to give birth to defective offspring.

Scientists have discovered an increase in the frequency of spontaneous abortions, an increase in mortality in prenatal and postpartum periods, decreased body weight of newborns, deterioration of mental abilities in surviving children, birth of children with developmental anomalies, etc.

It should be noted that the offspring are influenced not only by active, but also by the so-called passive smoking when non-smoking pregnant women are forced to inhale tobacco smoke.

Smoking may cause persistent vasospasm lower limbs, promoting the development of endarteritis, affecting mainly men. This disease leads to malnutrition, gangrene and ultimately to amputation of the lower limb.

People also suffer from substances contained in tobacco smoke. digestive tract, primarily teeth and oral mucosa. Nicotine increases release gastric juice, which causes aching pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea and vomiting. These signs may also be a manifestation of gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach problems, which occur much more often in smokers than in non-smokers. For example, among men with gastric ulcer, 96-97% smoked. Smoking can cause nicotine amblyopia. A patient suffering from this disease experiences partial or complete blindness. This is a very serious disease, in which even vigorous treatment is not always successful.

Every smoker needs to remember that smoking tobacco has a harmful effect not only on his own health, but also on the health of those around him at home, at work, in in public places. Most smokers are surprisingly unceremonious towards others. This is what L.N. wrote about this. Tolstoy: “Every person of our modern average education recognizes it as ill-mannered, inhumane, for his own pleasure, to disturb the peace and comfort, and especially the health of other people. But out of a thousand smokers, not one would be ashamed to blow unhealthy smoke into a room where non-smoking women and children breathe the air, without feeling the slightest reproach of conscience.”

The need to smoke is not given to a person from the very beginning. It is developed by each individual individually. Smoking exists as social phenomenon, which is one of the usual elements of the lifestyle of most peoples of the world. In the process of socialization, adolescents entering adult life, eagerly look closely and assimilate “adult” norms of life. By imitating their elders, young people take up smoking and, over time, become a source of imitation for others.

Thus, after 20 years, only 10.7% of men start smoking. The rest - much earlier. Smokers, as a rule, cannot accurately articulate why they reach for a cigarette. Their answers are very vague: curiosity, desire to try, self-indulgence, imitation, etc.

Is it possible to quit smoking? Of course, yes, although it is not easy. But most smokers can stop smoking on their own, without any medical care. This is also evidenced by the data of the World Health Organization Expert Committee on Smoking Control, which confirms that among those who quit smoking, about 85% “...did it on their own initiative...”.

It is very difficult for women to quit smoking, however, almost 80% of those who quit smoking did so without the help of a doctor. The statistics are very unanimous: almost all those who quit smoking took this step through volitional efforts, self-discipline, and self-organization, without resorting to medications.

For many heavy smokers Nicotine addiction develops - a disease in which nicotine is included in the body's metabolic processes, being at the same time a necessary participant. When a person quits smoking, a kind of “shortage” of nicotine occurs in metabolic processes. The absence of nicotine manifests itself in a whole complex of very unpleasant physical ailments and psychological experiences for a person. Narcologists call these phenomena withdrawal syndrome.

Alcohol is no less harmful to the body. Alcohol is not only a narcotic substance, but also a poison for the liver. It has a negative impact on different kinds metabolism in the body. Along with disorders metabolic processes(carbohydrate, fat, etc.) functions also suffer endocrine organs(gonads, etc.). In people who abuse alcohol, the liver's ability to neutralize toxic substances is impaired. active products, participate in metabolism, immunological and other defensive reactions body.

Only 10-11% of people consuming alcoholic beverages did not show significant liver abnormalities. 50% of patients were diagnosed with replacement of active liver cells - hepatocytes - with inert connective tissue, 35% have fatty liver and 8% have established serious disease- cirrhosis of the liver.

The liver is disturbed carbohydrate metabolism, which can manifest itself in a disease resembling diabetes. Other types of metabolism are disrupted:

  • - the ability of blood to clot decreases;
  • - the permeability of small vessels increases.

There may be hemorrhages under the membranes of the brain. Antitoxic protective function liver. Initial stages Liver damage sometimes does not appear externally. Then the patient experiences a decrease in appetite, nausea, a feeling of weakness, and lethargy. Then new symptoms appear.

The liver increases in size, while the patient begins to lose weight. Noteworthy jaundice skin, eyeballs. Fatty degeneration of the liver gradually turns into alcoholic hepatitis and then to cirrhosis.

It flows harder and brighter acute hepatitis alcoholics. The patient loses his appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and in the pit of the stomach are noted. The temperature rises sharply - up to 38-39°C.

Next, yellowness of the skin and itching of the skin appear. The liver increases in size, and pain appears when palpated. In the case when the patient continues to take alcohol, the disease may progress to the most severe version - cirrhosis of the liver.

A liver affected by cirrhosis can always be distinguished from a normal, healthy one. With cirrhosis, the organ looks dense, often changed in size, lumpy, and has a yellowish-red color, which is due to bile retention. The disease becomes life-threatening when in free abdominal cavity fluid accumulates (ascites). From the moment ascites appears, the disease lasts from six months to two years and leads to death. In passing, it should be noted that liver cirrhosis often develops not only in people who consume vodka and wine, but also in those who regularly drink beer.

The pancreas performs a dual function in the body: being an exocrine gland, it releases digestive juice into the duodenum, and the organ internal secretion, producing the hormones insulin and glucagon. Insulin is a protein hormone that increases the rate of glucose absorption in tissues, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels. A deficiency of insulin in the body leads to the development of diabetes. Glucagon performs the opposite regulatory function - it increases blood sugar levels.

How does alcohol abuse affect the functioning of the pancreas? Alcohol disrupts intrasecretory and exocrine function pancreas. Bad influence alcohol can have an effect on the gland in various ways, changing nervous regulation its work, directly affecting the gland tissue in a toxic manner. When drinking alcoholic beverages, the content in the stomach decreases of hydrochloric acid, a stimulant of the pancreas, which affects its functioning. Alcohol entering the bloodstream first irritates the pancreas, resulting in stimulation of insulin production.

But with repeated drinking of alcohol, the pancreas is depleted, and insulin production decreases sharply. Diabetes mellitus often occurs in a latent form in alcoholics. Patients experience increased thirst, frequent urination, and an increase in the daily volume of urine excreted. Patients complain of dry mouth. Appetite is usually increased. Noted itchy skin, boils appear.

Alcohol abuse can lead to chronic pancreatitis. Alcohol has a negative effect on the stomach and intestines. The stomach is the first to perceive the influence of a concentrated portion of an alcoholic drink. What does this lead to? The main manifestation of this effect is the development of so-called alcoholic gastritis.

Alcohol remains in the stomach for a long time. Consequences " chemical burn“and poisoning is especially pronounced here. First of all, it should be noted that the mentioned gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) is observed in the vast majority of people who abuse alcohol.

Initially, a form of gastritis is noted, accompanied by an increased secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which later changes to a non-acid form of gastritis. The formation of pepsin, an enzyme in gastric juice that promotes the breakdown of food proteins, is disrupted. In this regard, the alcoholic develops protein starvation. These changes disrupt the process of assimilation of food entering the stomach, which affects general condition body. With prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages, the excretory function of the stomach suffers. Acute poisoning alcohol may cause vomiting. The patient complains of tense sensations in the abdomen, a burning sensation, pain in the pit of the stomach, belching, etc.

Chronic alcoholic gastritis is accompanied by a feeling general weakness, decreased performance, bad aftertaste in the mouth, aching pain in the stomach, nausea, diarrhea, in the morning, on an empty stomach with scanty vomiting. Chronic gastritis may be accompanied by the development of peptic ulcer duodenum. The activity of the small and large intestines is disrupted (enterocolitis). Clinical picture Alcoholic enterocolitis is characterized by diarrhea that occurs in the morning or shortly after eating. Diarrhea may alternate with constipation. There is an increase in body temperature and weight loss in patients. If you continue to take alcohol, the disease can progress and end tragically.

With alcoholism, the kidneys, the organs involved in the regulation, also suffer. water-salt metabolism, in maintaining acid-base balance, in the release of various slags. Constant long-term use alcohol causes chronic diseases kidneys (nephritis, kidney stones, pyelitis, etc.). Small doses alcohol increases urination, which is associated with the irritating effect of alcohol on kidney tissue, its effect on the cardiovascular system, and an increase in the filtration capacity of the kidneys.

Chronic alcohol intoxication manifested by excessive sweating and the development of edema. Due to the gradual destruction of cells renal tissue dead cells are replaced by connective tissue, the kidneys become smaller and wrinkled. It is quite clear that the noted significant changes in nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, in the kidneys and other organs do not pass without a trace and shorten life expectancy, leading to premature death, both women and men who abuse alcohol.

It should be taken into account that alcohol significantly reduces the body’s resistance to the effects of infectious pathogens and toxic substances and thereby contributes to an increase in the incidence of drinkers. Against the background of alcoholism, the symptoms are more severe. various diseases, especially chronic (tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.), infectious-allergic ( bronchial asthma, rheumatism) and cardiovascular.

The mortality rate among alcoholics due to somatic diseases is 3-5 times higher than the mortality rate among people who do not consume alcoholic beverages. The effect of alcohol on the gonads and the reproductive cells they produce - male (sperm or sperm) and female (eggs) - deserves special consideration. They are carriers of genetic (hereditary) information, and the health of future children, i.e., future generations, depends on their condition.

Alcohol can affect offspring in several ways: the first - on the gonads and the sex cells they produce, the second - on the intrauterine embryo (embryo) and fetus, the third - on the development of the child.

In general, many scientists have noted that alcoholism leads to premature aging of the entire body. The skin becomes wrinkled, flabby, facial puffiness, loss of turgor (tone) of the mammary glands are often observed, weakening sexual function, emotional reactions are lost, frigidity (coldness during sexual intercourse) appears. Sex life loses its meaning for them early, reproductive function is often disrupted, as well as the internal need to care for children, which contributes to the disruption emotional sphere in children and the development of crime in them.

For those who want to quit drinking and smoking, a healthy lifestyle in general is of particular importance. Regular exercise balanced diet greatly contribute to overcoming bad habits.

Bad habits poison life in the literal and figurative meaning of the word. Take, for example, smoking: a person spends incredible amounts on buying cigarettes, is dependent not only on tobacco, but also on feelings of guilt, complexes caused by the inability to start correct image life, and as a result pays with their health, and sometimes the health of their loved ones.

When tormented by the question of how to give up bad habits, it is not always possible to find the right answer. This happens for one simple reason - a person intends to find an answer, but he does not intend to act. No matter how difficult it is to start, this is the only way to end addiction.

Ahead of you is a clear guide to action to get rid of bad habits. So, you realized that you should give up bad habits, how to do it:

Accept yourself completely.
The most important and most difficult step, which does not seem so at first glance. Smoking, alcohol, drug addiction and even overeating (yes, this is also a bad habit that occurs quite often) is the result of your dislike for yourself, your complexes, your feeling of guilt towards yourself or someone else. Turn the focus of your attention to your strengths, not forgetting about your shortcomings, but also not making a tragedy out of them.

Answer yourself: why and why? Remember the first time you took a cigarette or when alcohol became your home and refuge? No, don't answer yourself after 1 minute or even after 10 minutes. Think carefully and find the root cause, try to remember your first emotions. Remember: external sign only speaks of an internal imbalance, about internal medicine, as well as acne most often speaks about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; it is necessary to treat the root cause, and not the external manifestations.

Replacement rule. So, what do you get from your bad habit, besides the moral and physiological problems, of course? That's right, you get a dose of comfort at a certain point in time, less or more depending on the nature of your habit. Replace the high from a cigarette, alcohol or drugs with something else that increases endorphins in your blood. This could be chocolate, running or swimming, adrenaline in a reasonable amount, sex, etc.

Create the conditions. Starting a healthy lifestyle and giving up the old way of things is always difficult. So create the maximum comfortable conditions. For example: if you quit smoking, don’t go out for a smoke break with other employees, it’s better to brew yourself delicious tea.

Importance is bothering you. Have you already started to get rid of a bad habit, but failed? Let's try to guess: you probably thought about this day and night, and took this step an important event? In order to get and achieve what you want, you definitely need to reduce the importance, treat this step simply and calmly, and even better, with a smile. If you lay too much big hopes no matter what, in 80-90% the opposite will happen.

Take action! It’s impossible not to mention the well-known Mondays; people have even started a joke: the best day is tomorrow. Stop putting it off and do it now. This is the best and most effective rule.

Why you need to give up bad habits

Why is it necessary to give up bad habits? This question is simpler and most likely does not cause you any difficulties, but we will still give you several motivating reasons:

Being healthy is wonderful! At the age of 20, you rarely think about health, often making a cult out of bad habits, because you want to take everything from life, but by the age of 30, given the modern pace of life, an unpleasant hangover comes from a protracted and unnecessary holiday. Health is the most important, but, unfortunately, irreplaceable resource.

Opportunity to play sports. It's time to set your personal records, very soon you will notice that sports are no less addictive than alcohol, but unlike the latter, they bring much more benefits.

Self-development. Only a truly free and independent person from “vices” can move forward, developing and improving. Think about what this will give you personally: healthy relationships in the family, access to a higher income, more high level life, new goals and their achievements.

Improving family relationships. There will be no more quarrels caused by bad habits. By changing for the better within yourself, you change the relationships within your home.

Your children will be proud. A dad who doesn’t drink or go on a binge, but can easily play football with his children and run cross-country with them, you will become a role model, because you don’t want your children to adopt your current lifestyle.

You just need to give up bad habits today and switch to new stage life.

Giving up bad habits is choosing a decent life

Give up bad habits - choose a decent life, this phrase speaks for itself. We've covered how and why to do this, but ultimately it's up to you. Finally, we will show how two people see the same world.

Man lives life to the fullest, he is happy and not burdened with any harmful addiction. He's walking along beautiful city, admires the sights, sees parks, fountains, people smiling at him. An unhappy person passes through this same place, unhappy from his complexes, dull life and dependence on bad habits. He sees only overflowing trash cans and dirt on the street, dirty walls of old houses, and the same people, gray and tired.

Don’t let yourself end up second best, there is too much beauty in the world, a decent life is worth it.

Interesting Facts about how you can quickly and painlessly get rid of any unwanted habit. We will talk in detail about what actions help improve the quality of life, describe the basics of psychological self-tuning, how to learn […]

Interesting facts about how you can quickly and painlessly get rid of any unwanted habit. We talk in detail about what actions help improve the quality of life, describe the basics of psychological self-tuning, and how to learn to understand yourself. Thanks to our step by step instructions, everyone can understand how to give up bad habits and add better personal qualities to themselves.

Rejection of bad habits

Every person has habits and this is not always bad, because many of them are good. For example, daily exercise or brushing your teeth in the evenings, can such habits be called bad? But there are addictions that destroy a person every day, spoil his image, status and environment. For example, smoking, drugs or alcohol addiction have a very detrimental effect on a person.

In order not to spoil your life and the lives of your loved ones, you need to give up these bad habits. It’s very easy to talk about refusal, but a huge number of people fail to do this. Weak willpower, exposure to environmental conditions that break the incentive, the wrong approach or any other reason will not allow a person to give up habits.

How to deal with bad habits?

First, you need to understand why and why you are doing this. Every case has a justification, for example, frequent nervous breakdowns, stress, problems can be very easily covered up with alcohol. By identifying the beginning of any problem, you can find new approach to her decision.

No one should force you to quit, and you should not do it on a dare. You need to approach refusal independently and thoughtfully. You must weigh all the “pros” for you and the objective “cons”. On simple example with smoking, positive aspects You can only call relaxation from another smoked cigarette, but the disadvantages include a lot of things:

  • poor health for yourself and others;
  • significant monetary costs;
  • spoiled style, image, smell and appearance in the eyes of others;
  • bad example for the environment;
  • breakage due to long intervals.

Do such things have any good in them? You need to analyze what your bad habits give and take away.

To make it easier to get rid of any dependency, you need to create the necessary conditions in life. To do this, distance yourself from all things that remind you of the action. If everyone goes to smoke, then stay and be alone for five minutes. Otherwise, the impact at one moment can break your willpower, which may weaken over time or due to current situations, but this cannot be allowed.

At first it will become more and more difficult to restrain yourself, but at one point you won’t even notice how this craving and desire has disappeared. The main thing is to hold on and not let anything break you.

Also realize that you are an example to your children and loved ones. Adolescence Very dangerous period, in which you should be as close as possible to the child and should help in realizing what is considered bad things. If you cannot quit a bad habit yourself, the child will definitely notice this, and you will be lower in his eyes than you could be.

How to properly get rid of bad habits?

The first step is very obvious, you need to quit this adverse action. You need to do this as soon as you decide. Wait for Monday, birthday or New Year- this is simple self-deception. If you decide to quit this business, then there shouldn’t be a last time. Quitting an unwanted activity once and for all, completely and irrevocably, is a fail-safe mechanism that will allow you to understand how to give up bad habits and will immediately push you to take new steps in developing your personality.

At such a moment, a very strong mood for correction prevails, and you feel that your will is unshakable. After some time, everyone's mood subsides, and they begin to visit bad thoughts about one last time. That's when the real struggle began.

It is very difficult to break the habit of something, especially after many years of living with any habit. But one “last” time may be enough for the process to start again, and quitting the second time will be even more difficult. After all, you will understand that all the painful stages of withdrawal lie ahead.

If you start doing something new, but you understand that it is harmful, then it is better to quit this activity immediately. In the very first times, a habit does not have time to form, and giving it up is much easier than in the future. Your sense of self-preservation must work correctly, so everything that relates to harmful influences must be rejected.

Evaluate yourself as a person, think about what you become because of your habit. Problems need to be solved, not hidden behind alcohol or anything else. You need to be beautiful and slim, and not overeat because of frustration about this. You should not have the “herd instinct”. If it’s customary to drink a glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve, but you don’t want to, but everyone around you insists, then don’t give in. Even little things like this will set you apart from everyone else.

Come up with an activity that will contradict your bad habits. Sports contradicts almost everything, since it implies daily development And good health. But bad food, alcohol, drugs, the desire to lie on the couch and the like cannot exist together with sports. The pleasure you get from the results in a new activity will be much stronger and more useful than from an old harmful attachment.

There are a huge number of good habits and there is a good alternative to everything bad. If you refuse, the financial component will not suffer any changes, and may even improve. Bad habits are usually expensive when you consider the cost of implementing them and the cost of dealing with the consequences over time. long period, then huge sums will come out.

Quit bad habit Absolutely anyone can do it at any stage if they really want it. It is difficult to adjust yourself and understand this desire, because the further the habit gets into the body, the more difficult it is to think about it. Therefore, it is better not to even start. Reconsider your views on life and behavior, think about what needs to be changed and act.

A healthy lifestyle is not compatible with bad habits. The use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is among the risk factors for many diseases that negatively affect human health and is not compatible with regular physical exercise. exercise and sports.

If you think about it, the very essence of voluntary introduction into your body of obviously harmful chemical substances or foreign chemicals, is some kind of savagery for a normal civilized person.

About the dangers of smoking.

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits for human health! It is harmful because of its commonness, prevalence, apparent harmlessness, and because of the tolerance of others.

Smoking is actually the distillation of tobacco and paper under high temperature. This releases a large amount of harmful substances that enter the body (nicotine, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia, carbon monoxide, resinous and radioactive substances).

The respiratory and cardiovascular systems bear the brunt of constant smoking. Impact tobacco smoke on the respiratory system leads to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, causing inflammatory processes in them, accompanied by coughing, especially in the morning, hoarseness, and dirty gray sputum. Elasticity is impaired lung tissue and pulmonary emphysema develops. Smokers are 10 times more likely to get lung cancer.

Smoking causes a constant increase in heart rate smoking man up to 85 – 90 beats/min at rest with a norm of 60 – 80 beats/min. This leads to an increase in the total work of the heart per day by 15–20%. The transport of oxygen in the cardiovascular system is significantly reduced, limiting its entry into cells, tissues, and organs. The heart muscle suffers from this.

Inhaling tobacco smoke increases blood pressure by 20–25%, which accelerates the rates of negative processes in the work of the cardiovascular system, which are observed in older people, and often in your peers.

Smoking leads to disruption of the endocrine glands, adrenal glands, thyroid and sex glands. Among men, 11% of infertility cases are caused by smoking. It has a negative effect on digestion; smoking is often used as a substitute for time-consuming meals. The appetite of smokers decreases, because nicotine has an inhibitory effect on the contractile and motor functions of the stomach and intestines, which leads to deterioration of digestion, disruption of metabolic processes, damage to the gastric mucosa, and promotes the development of gastritis, gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcers. The liver and pancreas suffer. All this does not appear immediately, but accumulates day after day. But negative consequences await everyone - some sooner, others later.

Stopping smoking during pregnancy will not save the fetus from exposure to the accumulated chemical components contained in tobacco. Smoking during pregnancy is unacceptable - the mother smokes, and the fetus also smokes. This contributes to the threat of miscarriage and causes severe toxicosis.

Passive smoking.

Being in a room where people smoke, we inhale air that contains 50% of the substances formed during smoking. After some time, we may notice signs of nicotine intoxication: headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, increased fatigue, decreased performance. Therefore, smoking in public places is prohibited.

About the dangers of alcohol.

Folk traditions: “Let's be healthy!”, “A little for your appetite!”, “Let's have a drink and everything will pass!”, “On your way!” etc. This is where the complexity of the problem of alcoholism lies.

There is a disruption in the functioning of the digestive and metabolic organs. By irritating the gastrointestinal tract, alcohol causes a disruption in the secretion of gastric juice, which leads, as with smoking, to the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Digestive diseases are 18 times more common among drinkers. Fatty liver, then cirrhosis, in 10% the appearance of cancer. diseases.

The pancreas is affected, the load on the cardiovascular system and respiratory system increases. With relative rest, the load is similar to the reaction to significant physical activity. voltage. People addicted to alcohol are 4 times more likely to have respiratory system diseases. The functioning of the excretory system (kidneys and sweating) worsens. The gonads suffer - spermatogenesis decreases, gradually impotence. There is a decrease in the content of the most important vitamins B, PP, C, A, E, and the body’s resistance to infections decreases.

Under the influence of alcohol, serious changes occur in mental sphere. Immediately after drinking alcohol, a pronounced phase of excitement (euphoria) occurs. People become cheerful, sociable, talkative, courageous (inhibitory processes in the central nervous system are disrupted), sexual processes are stimulated, but the feeling of shame is muffled. There is an illusion of increased performance. In fact, mental performance decreases (speed and accuracy of thinking, attention deteriorates, many mistakes are made). Physical performance deteriorates, coordination and speed of movements decrease. And after the phase of excitement comes the phase of depression.

Alcohol consumption leads to loss of social activity and withdrawal into a circle of selfish interests. The quality of life in general decreases. Relationships with others take on a conflictual nature, and gradual degradation of personality occurs. The concepts of “honor”, ​​“conscience”, “duty” lose their meaning. Falsehood, boasting, tactlessness, and rudeness appear. A person is not able to overcome his illness on his own - he needs honey. help.

This stage occurs most quickly and acutely in women. Men and women are alcoholics, the main culprits in the birth of children with external and hidden mental disorders and physical deformities. Even practically healthy parents may have stillborn, defective children if conception occurred during a period of intoxication.

Rejection of bad habits

Associated with other components of a healthy lifestyle:


Regular physical activity;


Fruit and vegetable nutrition is one of the means of combating bad habits; a dairy-vegetable diet helps to quit smoking and alcohol. Strict compliance normal sleep using existing techniques (warm baths, quiet evening walks, self-hypnosis, etc.). And of course classes physical exercise and sports. They will give information about the degree of harmfulness of any doses of alcohol and tobacco! This is an additional motivation to refuse them.

Quitting drugs.

It is only from this position that it is necessary to approach the problem of drug addiction; there is no point in talking about the rapid transformation of a thriving young man into NOTHING.

Modern drug addiction (in the form of smoking, inhalation, ingestion, subcutaneous, intravenous) has nothing to do with the humane goals of medicine.

The root causes for trying drugs are different, but most often the stupidest for this deadly infection. Friends try and there’s nothing terrible... Experience a feeling of bliss, weightlessness, etc. But no one tries to lick prussic acid! This is instant death. Drugs are also a quick death, but somewhat delayed in time.

The euphoria phase is followed by a state accompanied by weakness, apathy, and a feeling of weakness. Tears, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, fear, heavy sleep. Objectively, the negative impact of drugs on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, impaired urination, the appearance of rashes and various itching, convulsions. After the effects of a significant dose of drugs, a feeling of death, dreams with nightmares, aggressive behavior, and depression appear. Sudden exhaustion of the body, mental disorders, memory impairment, the appearance of persistent delusional ideas (similar to schizophrenia), infertility. General degradation occurs 15–20 times more often than with alcohol abuse.

Most students know this, as well as the fact that drug addiction treatment is extremely difficult. Therefore, the best thing is not to try drugs. Elderly and old drug addicts - no! Think about it!