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Puberty: features in boys and girls. Premature puberty in girls

Puberty is the time from the beginning to the end of puberty. It begins in boys and girls with hormonal changes, which contribute to the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Children have a hard time coping with changes, which are always individual. Time periods can be determined genetically, but the normal limit is very wide. The upbringing and attention of parents determines how this period will pass.

What is this period like?

Puberty, or puberty, is the period of puberty when changes occur in the body of a teenager, thanks to which he becomes an adult and fertile. The child becomes more mature not only physically, but also psychologically. Translated from Latin, pubertas means “maturity” or “puberty.” During puberty, many things begin to change: appearance, body, psychology, and even how a teenager perceives himself, people, and the world around him.

Experts were able to reveal that puberty is triggered with the help of special signals that are sent from the brain to the gonads. In girls - to the ovaries, in boys - to the testes. The gonads respond by producing various hormones that stimulate the development and growth of bones, muscles, brain, reproductive organs and skin.

In the first half of the period, body growth begins to noticeably accelerate, and ends only with the completion of puberty of the teenager. At first, the differences in the body structure of a boy and a girl are mainly limited to the genitals. But throughout this entire period, significant differences begin to form in the shape, size, composition and functions of various structures and systems of the body, the most obvious of which relate to secondary sexual characteristics.

At what age does it start

While early puberty is normal for girls, delayed puberty often occurs in boys. Very often parents worry about this and take their child to specialists. Although there is nothing terrible in this phenomenon. It is important to know that if a girl experiences premature puberty, this should not be a cause for concern for parents. The beginning of this period is genetically predetermined - the body will begin to change at the same time as that of the parents.

Doctors have established a certain characteristic of the time of puberty: in boys, this age generally begins at the age of ten. The deadline is fifteen years. For girls - from the age of seven, the deadline for its start is possible at thirteen years.

If girls are ahead of boys in development up to the age of fifteen, then boys begin to actively overtake girls.

Puberty lasts about five years for both sexes. The start time is always very individual. But if it started happening really very early, then the child’s parents can consult a pediatrician. Only with the help experienced doctor You can correctly assess the child’s condition and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate tests and additional medical examination. This will help you find out what is the cause of the failure and deviations from the norm. But serious problems in children are quite rare.

If the extreme age has passed, but puberty has not yet arrived, then this needs to be treated. Parents should contact their pediatrician or endocrinologist. It is important at this time not to express your doubts and fears about normal development in front of the child himself, because this can cause him psychological trauma and develop complexes - in adolescence, the psyche of children is very vulnerable. It would be best to discuss your concerns with a specialist, and only after that invite your child to the office.

The course of puberty

It is impossible to find two girls or boys for whom everything goes the same way. But there are several patterns that unite all teenagers. Puberty is triggered in the child's brain by a special hormone - gonadoliberin. Then the pituitary gland is stimulated and luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones (LH and FSH, respectively) begin to be produced.

These hormones are present in both boys and girls, but affect different parts of the body. In the female body, these two hormones act on the ovaries, due to which estrogen begins to be produced. All of them together prepare women’s bodies for motherhood.

In the male body, these hormones begin to provoke the production of testosterone and sperm. It is testosterone that is responsible for the changes that occur in a young teenager during this period. Hormones turn children into adults. After this period is over, the person will be completely ready to continue his family line. Psychological maturity will come much later.

There are common signs of puberty:

  • increase in height;
  • hair growth;
  • change in body shape;
  • the appearance of odors;
  • deterioration of skin condition.

In boys

Doctors consider the beginning of puberty in boys to be the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. These include:

  • the appearance of hair in the armpits and in the genital area, legs and arms;
  • voice change;
  • enlargement of the penis and scrotum;
  • erection;
  • acne.

It is from them that parents can notice that their child has begun to become an adult. The duration of maturation varies for boys.

With the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in boys, changes in the genital organs begin, the penis and scrotum increase in size, and an erection appears. Nocturnal emissions occur frequently. Then the prostate gland begins to increase in size and the seminal vesicles begin to work.

Erotic dreams and erections during sleep are normal for this age. The skin of the face may become covered with acne. Boys' hair begins to appear in a variety of places during this period. If a boy develops female-type hair growth, he should immediately be shown to an endocrinologist - this can be an alarming symptom that may indicate hypogonadism (testosterone deficiency in men).

Male and female hair growth

During adolescence, boys' voice changes; it becomes rougher and lower, which indicates the teenager's puberty. In just a few months, the voice can become completely unrecognizable. Serious changes occur in the development and structure of muscles and bones, the skeleton begins to form according to the male type: the shoulders widen and the hips seem much narrower in comparison with the shoulders, and the torso shortens.

For girls

Puberty in a girl precedes the onset of puberty, which begins from the moment of the first menstruation. The average period of onset of puberty is 11-13 years. But experts have noted that today in girls puberty begins to occur earlier and earlier - already at nine, or even seven years old (when only primary sexual characteristics should be expressed). Then you should seek help from specialists who will correct this problem. If the deviation is not critical, then parents should not worry. During this period, it is strictly not recommended to treat the girl with any hormonal drugs: they can undermine her health and lead to incurable infertility.

The main changes in puberty are the following factors:

  • increase in height;
  • development of mammary glands;
  • change in figure, appearance of body hair;
  • menstruation;
  • awkward figure.

In the seventh or eighth year of life, girls begin to grow actively, adding 8 cm per year. After a year sudden jump growth stops, and the girl grows 1–2 centimeters. This pace will continue until age eleven. The most active growth spurt is 10 cm per year from 11 to 12 years. In subsequent years, height will increase by a maximum of 4–5 cm. At this time, weight also increases: instead of the usual one or two kilograms, girls can gain up to eight. If you gain weight faster, you should consult a doctor to avoid obesity.

One of the important factors in the development of a prepubertal girl is the formation and growth of the mammary glands. The nipple and areola change, and it increases in size. Then the mammary gland itself changes. At first it takes the shape of a cone, and this lasts for twelve months. And after a year it takes on a round shape. Hair growth occurs in the perineal area and armpits. The girl’s figure becomes more rounded, her hips begin to expand and become rounded, and her waist becomes more noticeable. The structure of the hair may change, it becomes stronger and thicker.

Coming menstrual period, he appears at thirteen or fourteen years old. This is direct evidence that the body is developing correctly. It is important that your period lasts no more than five days. After the first menstruation occurs, girls practically stop growing. The cervix begins to produce mucus in small quantities. This leads to the appearance of whitish vaginal discharge, the so-called teenage leucorrhoea.

In addition to the above factors, during puberty a disproportion of the entire body appears in girls’ figures. This is only a temporary feature that will soon disappear. At this time, parents should explain this to the girl, who may be extremely worried and complex about her unattractiveness. Often the bones begin to grow unevenly: first the arms and legs stretch out, they become disproportionately long. The face also seems elongated. Even a teenager’s gait becomes angular and awkward.

Why are many of your daughter’s age already interested in the opposite sex, wear “adult” underwear, are concerned about their appearance, but your girl still plays with dolls? The reason lies in the puberty of girls, the timing of which is purely individual.

Irritability, touchiness, frequent mood swings, isolation are temporary difficulties that every teenage girl has to go through. Some parents believe that girls' puberty and adolescence occur simultaneously, around the age of 11-13 years. In fact, a girl begins to turn into a girl starting from the age of 8-9. By the age of 17, a girl’s puberty stage is usually completed.

Puberty of girls. How does this manifest itself?

“You have a girl,” the midwife delivering the baby said joyfully. It is thanks to the primary sexual characteristics - external as well as internal genital organs - that the gender of the child can be determined. Subsequently, the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics, which directly depend on the predominance of certain hormones, indicates the onset of puberty in the girl.

Puberty in girls: rapid growth.

A sure sign initial stage A girl's puberty is rapid growth. To the surprise of her parents, her daughter can gain up to 10 cm in height in a year, surpassing her peers. sexual development for whom it occurs several years later.

Due to the rapid and disproportionate growth of bones and lagging muscles in development, the girl’s figure has angular outlines, her arms and legs appear thin and long, and her face appears elongated. Delays in bone growth nerve endings and blood vessels, resulting in a teenage girl clumsy like a bull in a china shop.

In addition to intensive skeletal growth, puberty in girls is characterized by increased work sebaceous glands. In this situation sebaceous glands perform protective function, preventing damage, stretching and drying of the skin. Since the sebaceous glands are “involved” in work throughout the body, the hair on the head and facial skin become oilier, causing the girl a lot of inconvenience. In the absence of proper skin care, acne appears - faithful companion teenagers

IMPORTANT! External changes that occur during a girl’s sexual development can cause shyness, mistrust, and complexes. During this period, it is important to explain to a teenage girl the significance of her transformation. Ignoring the fact that your daughter is growing up is stupid, especially when she needs parental support.

Puberty of girls: enlargement of the mammary glands.

At puberty in a girl, the beginning of the development of the mammary glands, or “thelarche” in other words, occurs in parallel with the acceleration of growth. Breast enlargement in a young girl begins with the areola and nipple area, after which the entire gland begins to develop. Breast growth continues until the age of 16. The final size of the breast is determined only after breastfeeding ends.

The presence of several dark hairs on a girl’s chest is considered normal. The presence of a large amount of hair on the mammary glands is a sign of hormonal disorders and requires contacting a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

IMPORTANT! The color of the peripapillary area (halos) and nipple varies from light pink to rich brown, and depends solely on the level of pigment - melanin. The color of the nipple does not in any way affect the sensitivity or function of the mammary gland.

Puberty of girls: pubarche.

At the age of 10-11 years, the first coarse hairs appear in the pubic area. In girls, hair in this area grows in the shape of an inverted triangle, without creeping over inner surface hips. With an excess of male sex hormones, hair grows not only on the pubis, but also on the hips and lower abdomen, which is the reason for consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Pubic hair growth during puberty in girls is called pubarche.

Puberty of girls: first menstruation (menarche).

An integral part of a girl's puberty is the first menstruation, which occurs on average at the age of 11-15 years. For Eastern and African peoples, menarche at the age of 10-12 years is also considered the norm. Within a year after the first menstruation, the ovulatory cycle is restored, becoming regular.

Important conditions for the onset of the first menstruation are normal body weight (at least 50 kg), as well as a sufficient mass of adipose tissue (35% or more), which is a depot of estrogens - female sex hormones.

IMPORTANT! The appearance of the first menstruation before the age of 11 indicates a girl’s premature sexual development. Late first menstruation (after 16 years) is a sign of delayed sexual development.

Rounded hips, enlarged mammary glands, pubic hair, body fat in the abdomen, waist and buttocks, the onset of the first menstruation - all this indicates the beginning of preparation female body to bearing a fetus. Do not forget that the first menstruation is not an indicator of puberty, but only indicates the possibility of pregnancy.

The influence of obesity on the sexual development of adolescent girls.

Puberty in girls has its own characteristics, in particular those related to fat metabolism in the body. Puberty in girls is characterized by a slowdown in the growth of muscle tissue and the deposition of muscle tissue in these areas as compensation. For example, if the abdominal muscles of girls are as developed as those of boys, bearing a child will become impossible, since the tension of the abdominal muscles will prevent the growth of the uterus.

Puberty in girls is often accompanied by an increase in appetite, which leads to weight gain. A sedentary lifestyle, the predominance of carbohydrate foods in the diet, and overeating can lead to the development of nutritional obesity, which, in turn, disrupts hormonal levels.

According to research conducted by experts from the United States, obesity is one of the main causes of premature puberty in girls. Obesity promotes the production of female reproductive organs, which accelerate the process of puberty in girls. With regard to the problem of excess weight among boys, the situation is exactly the opposite. Obesity slows down the sexual and physical development of boys, disrupting the production of androgens - male sex hormones.

Towards the end of the girl's puberty, puberty begins, which is characterized by sexual activity due to increased sexual desire. Dramatic changes in a girl’s body should prompt her parents to hold an appropriate conversation about the beginning of sexual activity. By imposing a ban on the topic of intimate relationships, you can achieve only one thing - mistrust on the part of a teenage girl. It’s better to talk to your daughter about an exciting topic, warning her about the possible adverse consequences of early sexual relations. Sooner or later, what parents fear so much will happen, and it is better if the young girl is armed with the necessary knowledge about protection from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

The process of puberty is influenced by many factors. Early and increased hair growth in girls is not the norm and indicates serious disorders of the endocrine system.

What hormone affects hair growth?

During development in adolescents, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics is observed: pubic hair growth in girls, development of hair in the armpits, development of mammary glands, and the presence of menstruation. In boys - pubic hair, severity thyroid cartilage and change in voice timbre. Hair growth in the armpits of boys is also noticeable.

The sex hormone testosterone stimulates hair growth. The formation of hair growth in boys is controlled by androgens produced in the testicles. Hair growth in girls is controlled by androgens produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries.

In girls, the role of androgens is not so great. The influence of androgens on a girl’s body manifests itself in pathological conditions - with excessive production of androgens. Increased levels of hormones cause excess hair growth. Low levels of the hormone lead to a prolongation of puberty and, accordingly, delayed hair growth in adolescents.

Hair growth in girls

In girls, hair growth is formed according to the female type: moderate hair growth in the armpit area, and on the pubis - in the form of a triangle. The hair on the limbs is inconspicuous and not coarse.

Pubic hair growth in girls is completed by the age of 16, going through several stages. Hair color and curl depend on genetic characteristics. At the age of 13, armpit hair appears.

Rice. Hair growth in girls (photos of types of pubic hair growth in girls)

Early hair growth in girls

In girls, puberty is considered premature before the age of 8 years. A cause for concern is swelling of the mammary gland and pigmentation of the nipple. The girl should be under the supervision of an endocrinologist, since this may be followed by an increase in the level of sex hormones and early hair growth in girls.

Precocious sexual development is associated with activation of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. This leads to increased secretion of gonadotropins, which stimulate ovarian activity. Such conditions often develop with diseases and tumors of the central nervous system.

With tumors of the adrenal glands, early hair growth is also observed in girls. These are quite serious symptoms, which, among other things, can be considered a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Increased hair growth in girls

Disorders of the endocrine system (hyperandrogenism) cause increased hair growth in girls in the pubic area and axilla, so you need to consult an endocrinologist to identify the causes of this condition. Increased hair growth in girls is associated with Cushing's syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal hyperplasia or tumor.

Rice. Hair growth in girls (photo of increased hair growth due to adrenal hyperplasia)

Increased hair growth is often accompanied by increased oily skin and the appearance of acne. Only a specialist after an examination can recommend androgen antagonist drugs that will reduce hair growth in girls.

Hyperandrogenism not only causes increased hair growth in girls, but is also accompanied by a number of complications in the woman in the future: menstrual irregularities, miscarriage, infertility, breast cancer.

Hair growth in boys

An important sign of puberty is pubic hair growth. Pubic hair first grows according to the female pattern, and hair growth begins at 12-13 years of age. Adolescent hair growth in boys aged 13-14 years is also characterized by the appearance of a delicate fluff above the upper lip. At the age of 14, hair in the armpits becomes noticeable. Complete hair growth in the cavities occurs by the age of 17. At the same time, facial hair appears: the fluff above the lip turns into a mustache, then a beard begins to grow. By the age of 16-17, male-type pubic hair growth ends and hair growth is noted throughout the body. Hair growth in boys has a direct connection with testosterone production.


The sexual development of girls is a very difficult and delicate issue, which should be discussed with the child with extreme caution. Today we will talk about how to do this correctly, without abstruse phrases and unwanted silences.

The time has finally come when you are faced with a wonderful, albeit difficult age.

If you are a mother, then it is difficult for you to realize that your baby is getting older and now the thoughts in her head can suddenly become multi-colored butterflies or glossy black. At this age, my mother’s girl tries to defend her character, thinking that she can handle everything herself.

Meanwhile, she does not have time to keep track of the changes in her body, which undoubtedly worry her. And you, as the closest person, have been entrusted with the responsibility to tell, help, and direct in the right direction all the energy that is overwhelming your child.

If you are a young girl, you have already had many questions regarding everything related to the adult life of a woman. But these questions could have been put off earlier, since it was far away, maybe not very interesting, in no way connected with that life when you were a carefree girl.

Sex education for girls is a complex and time-consuming process that must be approached with caution. Not only mom, but also dad should take part in the process.

Let's start with the changes in the girl. Precisely in a girl, because perestroika does not begin when secondary sexual characteristics appear, but much earlier. On average, puberty lasts 10-12 years. During this time, the girl changes noticeably before the eyes of others.

Prepuberty is a period that begins at 7-8 years of age and ends with the arrival of the first menstruation. Usually this (menstruation) happens 1-3 years after the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Already from such an early age, you can notice changes in the child’s body. Hormones begin their activity, although not cyclically. But hormone releases occur constantly. In this connection, the transformation of a girl into a girl occurs.

Signs of puberty in girls

The first changes take place in the girl’s body - the hips are rounded, the growth of the pelvic bones begins. Mammary glands appear. You can already notice areas of hair growth on the pubis and armpits.

As a rule, a girl begins to grow sharply before the onset of menstruation.

All these signs may develop inconsistently. Now let’s look at each sign and the pathologies associated with it. There are several stages in the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

A few years before the onset of the first menstruation, a girl’s growth begins to grow sharply. Presumably, this happens 2-3 years before the onset of menstruation.

At this time, growth spurts can reach up to 10 centimeters per year.

Often during this period the child is awkward, since the bones do not grow evenly; first the hands and feet become larger, then the tubular bones and only then the torso.

Clumsiness in movements may also be observed, this is due to the fact that nerve fibers and muscles do not always keep pace with the growth of skeletal bones.


The skin develops according to the skeleton and muscles, for this purpose the secretion of the glands is increased in order to have good stretching, as a result of which the teenager suffers from rashes, which in science are called “acne”, “acne” or pimples. Hair also becomes oilier at the roots, so now you need to wash your hair more often.

Subcutaneous fatty tissue also develops. There is increased deposition of fat in the hips and abdomen. The shoulders are also rounded and the waist appears.

Telarche - development of the mammary gland. Typically, breast growth begins in girls at 10-11 years old, 1.5-2 years before the onset of menstruation. According to WHO, the appearance of signs of breast growth after 8 years is considered normal. The nipples become sensitive and can change color, depending on the amount of pigment in the body.

There is also an increase in the size of the nipple itself. Hair growth is possible around the areola of the nipple - this happens in women of Eastern and Caucasian origin and is not a pathology. The color, shape, and size of the breast depend on genetic factors and the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

There are several degrees of breast development.

  • Ma0- the gland is not developed, the nipple is not pigmented.
  • Ma1- gland tissue is palpated in the area of ​​the areola and is painful.
  • Ma2- the mammary gland is enlarged, the nipple and areola are raised.
  • Ma3- the mammary gland takes the shape of a cone whose base is located between the III and VI ribs. The nipple does not stand out separately from the areola.
  • Ma4- the gland has a hemispherical shape, the nipple is separated from the areola and is pigmented.

The mammary gland completes its development and grows to its maximum only after childbirth and breastfeeding. And the final stage of mammary gland development is observed at about 15 years. The mammary gland itself may be painful during the growth period and before menstruation.

Hair growth

Pubarche - hair growth of the pubic area - begins at 10-12 years of age. Growing pubic hair forms a triangle, the base of which is located on the lower line of the abdomen. There may be isolated hairs rising towards the navel. But if the hair densely covers the entire area, forming a diamond, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

By the age of 13-15, hair appears in the armpits and on the legs. The hardness, color and shape of hair is individual and depends on genetic predisposition.

Armpit hair:

  • Ah0- no hair growth.
  • Ah1- hair growth with single straight hairs.
  • Ah2- the appearance of hair in the middle of the armpit.
  • Ah3- hair growth throughout the axillary area.

Pubic hair growth:

  • Pb0- no hair growth.
  • Pb1- hair growth with single straight hairs.
  • Pb2- the appearance of hair in the center.
  • Pb3- hair growth of the entire pubic area along a horizontal line.

You need to learn how to properly maintain the smoothness of your legs, bikini area and armpits. Each girl chooses an individual method for achieving her goal. But do not rush into removal, because the first hair is softer, thinner and less noticeable. Over time or under influence external factors they become tough.

Menarche - beginning menstrual flow, first menstruation. This happens to everyone at different ages, and menarche also depends on genetics. As a rule, the first bleeding occurs from 12 to 14 years. After the start of the first menstruation, the girl's growth slows down, but other signs of puberty continue to develop.

Many girls' periods are not cyclical at the very beginning. For some, it takes some time - from six months to two years. In case of non-cyclical discharge, you should consult a doctor in the future.

During menstruation, the mammary glands may be tense and somewhat painful. Also, many girls and women experience aching pain in the lower abdomen before and during bleeding, and some experience discomfort in the stomach or intestines. All this can accompany mensis (menstruation) normally.

Before the critical days, the mood may change; more often the girl feels irritated, overwhelmed, and tearful. But all this passes during the first days of menstruation. Despite the irregularity of the cycle, a girl can become pregnant, and it is important to convey this to an immature person.

Deviations from the norm

As everyone knows, where there is a norm, there is also a pathology. Today, cases such as premature puberty in girls (PPD) are increasingly observed. And here it is important that the mother carefully approaches changes in the child’s body.

They speak of PPD if the girl herself is under 8 years of age at the appearance of her first sexual signs. At this age, a child cannot always adequately approach the innovations of his body.

Types of PPR

Precocious puberty in girls is divided into into several types.

1. True type. It occurs when the functioning of the endocrine glands - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - is disrupted, which, in turn, stimulate the functioning of the ovaries.

  • Full form. When all secondary signs begin to develop before the age of 7-8 years, growth slows down due to the closure of growth zones in the bones, and menstrual flow appears.
  • Incomplete form. Here secondary signs appear, but the periods themselves come much later - at 10-11 years.

2. False type. It is characterized by a disorder in the ovary itself - the random production of sex hormones occurs, and therefore the order of appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in the child is disrupted. And there is irregular spotting, which can begin without the full development and formation of the mammary gland or hair growth.

3. Hereditary type. As a rule, if a girl has women in her pedigree (especially if it is her mother) whose maturation began earlier than the designated dates, then the child himself will turn into a girl earlier than his peers. In this case, the order of appearance of sexual characteristics will not be disrupted.

Causes of PPR

Causes of early puberty in girls can be:

  • brain cysts;
  • previous bacterial or viral infection;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • congenital anomalies (hydroencephaly);
  • exposure (high exposure to radiation);
  • poisoning by poisons (lead);
  • consequences of brain injuries.

If you notice any changes in your princess that can be attributed to PPR, or there is a growth spurt before the age of 7, it is better to contact a gynecologist, endocrinologist and undergo an examination. Early sexual development is a process that requires mandatory supervision by a specialist.

Delayed puberty

Another problem for mothers and their girls is delayed pubertal development in girls (DSD).

Signs of delay:

  • absence of onset of menstruation before age 16;
  • lack of sufficient growth of the mammary glands before the age of 13;
  • scanty hair growth by the age of 14;
  • insufficient growth or abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • lack of correspondence of height and weight to age.

Also, delayed development of maturity is a condition when a girl’s sexual development is only half complete. That is, the mammary glands have developed, there is partial hair growth, and then everything slowed down for more than a year and a half.

Causes of mental retardation

  1. Congenital disorders of the brain.
  2. Brain cysts and tumors.
  3. Poisoning by poisons.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Exposure of the body to radiation or radiation therapy.
  6. Removal of ovaries.
  7. Strong physical activity.
  8. Severe stress or malnutrition (exhaustion).
  9. Complications after bacterial or viral infections, etc.

If you are concerned about your girl's health, consult a doctor, he will conduct an examination and be able to diagnose correct diagnosis. It is easier and more effective to treat any condition of the body at the very beginning, when the pathology has not caused irreversible consequences. Everything needs to be done on time!

Another important moment in a girl’s development is growing up and becoming a girl, a woman from the inside.

Sexual development of girls should be given special attention from birth. Even from the cradle, a girl should feel like an important link in creating family comfort, since the atmosphere in the family mainly depends on her. In addition, the girl will face pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn in the future.

The child must prepare for the upcoming difficulties, and this is not bad when little girls push their dolls in strollers and already begin to experience maternal feelings and a sense of responsibility. When a girl tries to be like her mother and knows what awaits her, she enjoys all the changes and is not afraid to move forward.

If a girl is not talked to about the topic of transforming a girl into a girl, and then into a woman, all changes in her body are unpleasant for her, and the onset of menstruation generally frightens her. You need to explain everything to your princess as she grows into adulthood, step by step. It is important that next to the girl there is an older comrade in the person of a mother, friend, aunt, etc.

During adolescence It is sometimes very difficult for teenagers to understand themselves, their mood can change dramatically, the feeling of irritability and tearfulness does not allow them to calmly perceive changes. You should never ridicule or reproach a child during this period.

With the onset of adolescence, or rather, with its end, it is time to discuss the sexual side of her life with the girl. The girl’s behavior changes - she often looks at the opposite sex, experiences attractions, and is overcome by erotic fantasies. A teenager must understand everything and learn not to be ashamed of it. Sex education for girls – important task, which lies with the parents.

In addition to the perception itself, it is necessary to convey to your child information about the possibility of becoming pregnant and contracting infections through sexual contact. You should also tell her about negative impact early onset of sexual activity. Teenagers at this age often experiment, including in this area, and violent actions are possible.

Teaching a child the rules of personal hygiene, purity of sexual relations and their protection, telling them about the frequency of showering during menstruation - all this is a task good parent. Having matured, the child encounters new conditions of his body. For example, thrush occurs - a fairly common disease that needs to be cured in time.

Often a teenager, feeling his imperfection, withdraws into himself and suffers for a long time from symptoms that can bring severe discomfort. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of acne, it is important to tell your child how to deal with them correctly, because we all know the tendency of children to squeeze everything out. This may lead to unpleasant consequences: scarring of the skin, blood poisoning.

Sex education is often the subject of much debate. But there are certain rules, which are best to adhere to - they will allow you to transition into puberty as smoothly as possible and preserve the girl’s health.

It is worth paying attention to the nutrition of a teenager; girls themselves often skip meals on purpose in order, as they think, to be more beautiful. A girl should eat well to avoid delays in the development of sexual characteristics and the onset of menstruation.

Under no circumstances should you treat a teenager like an adult. A person in adolescence already knows a lot, has his own point of view, but he is just starting on the path of growing up; your advice is important to him, although sometimes he does not show it. Control is never superfluous.

Masturbation is very important in the development of sexuality. There is nothing unhealthy or shameful about this behavior. This is how the child learns to relieve stress by fantasizing, imagining imaginary actions. Contrary to the thoughts imposed by the Bible and Soviet education about masturbation as something dirty and unacceptable for a self-respecting woman, today its benefits have been proven, of course, if you don’t “go too far.”

As a conclusion

The main goals of parents, especially mothers, during puberty, are:

  • teach the girl to accept herself as she is;
  • convey all knowledge regarding the technique of sexual relations, contraception and methods of protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  • show all the beauty of a woman, mother, wife;
  • determine the boundaries of decent behavior with the opposite sex;
  • teach how to cope with some ailments associated with premenstrual syndrome, thrush, etc.;
  • surround your child with love and care, especially when he needs it.

Of course, just like a child, you also grow up. Do not forget that the child has never been an adult, and you, adults, have already experienced all the hardships of this difficult period. How your child perceives everything depends largely on you.

We know a lot about babies, we argue about diapers, swaddling and vaccinations, but our daughters are growing up, the period of puberty begins, when a young maiden blossoms from an angular girl in one year. What kind of puberty is this, what is its peculiarity in girls and what do mothers need to remember and know about?

Puberty is a complex of physical changes in a girl’s body combined with psychological changes; they occur gradually and are manifested by the beginning of menstruation. Typically, this event occurs between the ages of 12 and 14 years, but can occur somewhat earlier or later, with an average range of 10 to 15 years. Every girl has her own menstrual cycle, the duration of menstruation will be from 3-4 to 7 days; in the first year, menstruation will be irregular and there is no need to be afraid of this.

What will menstruation depend on?
The reproductive function of a girl will depend on the girl’s health and her compliance with personal hygiene rules. In healthy and seasoned girls who play sports, periods usually pass easily. But weakened, overtired or frequently ill girls may experience malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, headaches and aching in the lower back during menstruation. U healthy girl There may also be slight weakness, but this usually does not interfere with her normal lifestyle, she just needs to slow down the pace of training and activities.

Girls can lead during menstruation ordinary life, they are not contraindicated from going to school or classes physical culture, you only need to cancel jumping, carrying heavy weights or cycling. During menstruation, you should eat less salt and hot spices; they can increase the flow of blood during menstruation. Teach your daughter to keep a menstruation calendar, it will be calmer for both you and her - remember, sexual activity begins in teenagers without asking our permission, and if you have periods, pregnancy is always possible. While, unfortunately, her mother will have to think for the girl, the girls have wind in their heads. In a calendar, let him mark the start and end date of menstruation, its duration and abundance, this will also help to note health problems if they arise. Regular menstruation indicates puberty - that is, the ability to conceive a child, but this is far from the maturation of a girl as a person.

About the menstrual cycle.
Tell the girl about the menstrual cycle - this knowledge will help her be more careful in matters of her health and possible children. Menstruation is the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and not its end, as many people think. The cycle is calculated from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of the next. They follow each other continuously due to the cyclical nature of hormonal processes in the body, regulated by the girl’s maturing brain. On average, the cycle can be from 22 to 24 days, less often longer. Menstruation itself lasts 3-7 days. The entire cycle can be divided into several phases during which special changes in the body occur.

First period or menstrual bleeding– this is the first day of the cycle, during which the endometrium and its vessels are rejected, coming out with bloody discharge. This is a mixture of blood, mucus and mucous membrane cells; in one cycle, up to 30-100 ml of blood is lost, but if it is much more, immediately go with your daughter to the doctor. The first days of menstruation are more abundant, in the subsequent days they are scanty.

Second phase– this is follicular; during this period, under the influence of hormones, one follicle begins to mature in each cycle in one of the ovaries. Under the influence of estrogen, the inner layer of the uterus begins to grow, the follicle reaches 20-25 mm. Follicles are taken from ready-made buds; by the time a girl is born, there are about 400 thousand of them in the ovaries; about 500 will mature during her life.

Third phase- this is ovulation, it is at this time that the egg is released and it is during this time that women become pregnant. This is important to know so that the girl understands the essence of protection from premature pregnancy. During ovulation, the follicle bursts and the egg enters the fallopian tube and moves along it. In the fourth stage, the egg moves through the tube, and if there is no pregnancy, the endometrium thickens and loosens, and the egg dies. A decrease in hormone levels and again a transition to the first stage of the cycle - endometrial rejection. If a girl becomes pregnant, her menstruation will stop - the absence of menstruation is the first sign of pregnancy, although they may be absent for other reasons.

What does menstruation depend on?
The correctness and regularity of a girl’s cycle depends on her sexual and hormonal health. The main gland in menstruation is the hypothalamus; after an equal amount of time it will send a command to the pituitary gland to release hormones that affect the ovaries and the entire reproductive system of the girl. The ovary, in response to these signals, produces estrogens and progesterone, which will allow the follicle to mature and prepare for a purely theoretical conception. If a malfunction occurs at any of the links in this chain, this leads to disruption in the development of menstrual function and requires the participation of a doctor. For the first two years, irregular menstruation is allowed, but by the age of 16-18, all menstrual functions should be clearly established, the cycle should become regular and not cause much discomfort. If this does not happen, this is a reason to contact a teenage gynecologist.

Teenage girls today have poor nutrition, often girls 15-18 years old are either obese or excessively thin, many live in constant stress from exams, unrequited love or family problems, all this unbalances hormones and the nervous system. These factors are inextricably linked with sexual function and its development.

Normal ovarian function is possible at a certain weight - this is usually when a girl reaches a weight of 43-47 kg; in girls who are on a diet or exhausted, menstruation often disappears or occurs much later. Very low weight women are infertile due to their weight alone. Even if the girl had normal weight, and she will lose more than 10-15% weight, this may lead to amenorrhea. This happens due to disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, and then it is difficult to recover - so, if you want to become grandmothers, watch your daughter’s diet! But without diligence, the opposite state is no less dangerous. Fat chicks begin to menstruate earlier than usual, forming puberty earlier. This is due to an increase in estrogen due to the deposition of excess fat, which leads to earlier maturity.

Not only the quantity, but also the quality of food is important - alcohol, fatty, salty and spicy foods with excess meat lead to more early maturation. If a girl, in pursuit of fashion, limits herself to some elements of nutrition or goes on a diet, this will affect her sexual functions, and sometimes this can be irreversible. Deficiency of vitamin A, zinc and iodine is especially dangerous; this is the exclusion of meat, fish and eggs from the diet.

Other factors.
There are also external factors that influence the onset of puberty - climate and geography of residence. Girls from mountainous latitudes and southerners menstruate earlier, but girls from lowland latitudes and northern regions menstruate later. On average, the timing of the arrival of menstruation varies by no more than 6-12 months. The timing of the onset of menstruation also depends on the social wealth in the family and the quality of life, in stable times and good families Puberty in girls occurs a little earlier.

The onset of menstruation will be influenced by physical activity, girls in adolescence do not have very pronounced physical strength and endurance. Professional sport is a difficult test for them - it greatly affects the health of the sexual sphere and general health. Stress in sports or ballet inhibits the development of the sexual sphere and is combined with delays in growth and development in general. Look at the gymnasts and acrobats - they are all small and childish at 16-17 years old. In addition, female athletes during puberty may show signs of androgenization - the voice becomes rougher, the secretion of sebum increases, and menstruation is disrupted. This depends on strength training and muscle development - this happens among swimmers and rowers; half of the female athletes with medals have very serious problems as women. Therefore, think about what is more important to you: your daughter’s sporting achievements and medals, or the presence of grandchildren in the family.

Another significant problem is bad habits among girls. Our subculture and teenage parties instill in them the wrong styles of behavior - they try smoking as early as 12-14 years old, try alcohol secretly from their mothers, and even begin sexual activity long before adulthood. This leads to negative consequences - not only does health suffer in general, but the formation of menstrual function is also disrupted. Such girls with bad habits are more likely to develop acne and a pale complexion, and their voice becomes rougher - this is due to androgen hormones. They also affect the menstrual cycle - it becomes irregular and painful.

And bad habits damage the eggs so much that after many years, when a girl, having played enough, stops drinking and smoking, she will have high probability give birth to a sick baby from an egg damaged by nicotine and alcohol.

Naturally, adolescence is a difficult test for a girl, but she has a main assistant - her mother. Dear mothers, help your daughter succeed as a woman, and in a few years she will help you succeed as a grandmother!

It seems like just yesterday your baby was trying to hold her head up, smile, crawl, talk, walk…. And today you notice strange changes in her. What's happening to her? Don't be alarmed by the changes taking place - your baby has most likely smoothly entered puberty in girls. And it doesn’t matter that she may be only 8 years old and still just a child. Already now she is actively preparing to become a woman, a mother. And right now you, parents, must help your daughter get through a difficult period in her life. And for this, you need to have an idea of ​​what puberty in a girl means and how it occurs normally.

  • How does puberty differ between girls and boys?

Puberty of girls and boys is completely different; they are completely different processes. Puberty begins in them different time, is perceived by children completely differently, and proceeds differently. For example, earlier puberty in girls is a fairly common occurrence, while in boys it is rather an exception to the rule. However, the premature puberty of girls should not be a cause for concern for parents at all - this is normal.

Puberty in girls and boys generally takes about five years. The timing of the onset of puberty, as already mentioned, is very individual and may well fluctuate greatly, both in one direction and the other. In cases where parents notice significant fluctuations - puberty in girls or boys is too early, or, conversely, too much delay - it makes sense to consult a pediatrician. The doctor is able to assess the most adequate state of physical development of your son or daughter, and refer him to additional examinations if necessary, to reliably determine the reasons for the deviation of the child’s sexual development from the norm.

However, serious hormonal problems are very rare. Almost always, the cause of such temporary deviations is a hereditary trait. The fact is that if at one time at least one parent also had some deviations in either direction, this increases by 50% the possibility of the same deviations in the child. This is especially evident in relation to the growth of children - if both parents are short, one should not expect the teenager to experience an intense growth spurt.

Modern medicine has established some frameworks within which the start of puberty should fit, both girls and boys. Puberty begins earlier for girls at the age of 8, and only at the age of 10 for boys; the deadline for puberty to begin for a girl is 12 years old, for a boy - 14 years old. If parents have any doubts about the sexual development of the child, they should seek advice from a pediatrician or endocrinologist. And remember: under no circumstances should you express your doubts or fears in the presence of your son or daughter - you risk causing the child quite serious psychological trauma, which you will have to struggle with for a long time in the future. Do not forget that the adolescent psyche is a delicate “instrument”, very, very vulnerable.

Actually, this is all that puberty has in common between girls and boys. Everything else is a complete difference that parents should be aware of.

  • Sex education for girls

The first thing I would like to say is that sex education for girls should begin at a very young age, literally from birth. After all, instilling hygiene in a child is also sex education for girls. Each parent probably wants their daughter to grow up to be a soft, sensitive, caring woman who loves her children. This is what sex education for girls is all about at an early age.

You shouldn’t be a prude with your child, tell “fairy tales” about gender differences in childhood, and talk nonsense about storks and cabbages when answering the question “Where do children come from?” The main thing that is required from parents in the event of “uncomfortable” questions or situations is natural behavior, a willingness to answer everything comprehensively, and the ability to explain everything without fear or shame. Regardless of the child’s age, whether he is four, seven or fifteen years old, your answers must be truthful in content, objective and scientific. Be truthful with your child, but age appropriate, and answer clearly, concisely and to the point.

A child’s assimilation of his own gender role, his character, and the development of his sexuality largely depend on the family, which is able to harmoniously combine the social and biological principles of the future woman’s personality.

If you treated the issues of sex education responsibly from the very beginning, then during puberty in girls, you will not have special problems, it's complicated time will pass for your child and for you without any psychological trauma and misunderstandings in the relationship. You can read more about what sex education for girls is in the article: “Sex education for children. Principles of sex education for boys and girls.”

  • Puberty in girls

Puberty of a girl is a very intensive growth of the child, which lasts about two years, and precedes the onset of puberty of the girl. A girl's puberty begins with her first menstruation.

As already mentioned, it is impossible to name the exact age when puberty begins in girls. Average age, when sex education for girls begins is approximately 11 years old, therefore, the first menstrual cycle should occur around 13 years old, that is, puberty will occur in two years. However, in last decades There is a trend of “rejuvenation” of puberty - earlier puberty in girls increasingly begins at the age of 8-9 years. It happens, especially if the mother’s puberty was late, the girl’s puberty can begin at the age of 13, and the first menstruation, accordingly, at the age of 15.

There are cases, occasionally, but still, that a girl’s puberty starts at the age of 7 or 15. In this case, parents have cause for concern; such deviations are pathological in nature and require special medical correction. If this occurs, premature or excessively early puberty in girls, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

When the deviations are not so drastic, they should not frighten parents. Minor deviations do not signal any hormonal disruptions in the child’s body or malfunctions of the hormonal glands. Most likely, this is just a hereditary predisposition. If you yourself don’t remember when your puberty began and how it went, ask your parents - they will probably be able to dispel your doubts. And, of course, under no circumstances should you give your child any hormonal drugs– it can simply cause irreparable harm the girl's health and even lead to infertility in the future. Such drugs should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

  • Signs of puberty in girls

Height. Puberty in girls is accompanied by the following characteristic signs, each of which manifests itself in its own life period and begins with growth:

  • At 7-8 years of age, the baby grew approximately 7 centimeters over the course of a year.
  • By the age of 9, nature begins to sharply slow down the growth process, and it is only about two centimeters. This will continue throughout the tenth year of life - not exceeding 1 - 3 centimeters of increase in height per year.
  • During the 11th year, a powerful growth spurt usually occurs - over the next couple of years, the average increase in height per year will be about 10 centimeters. In addition, her weight will begin to grow rapidly - the usual 2 kilograms per year will be replaced by approximately 6 kilograms of weight gain. However, this will not be noticeable outwardly, except that the girl may simply develop a “brutal” appetite, due to the body’s need for a large amount of nutrients to ensure such a rapid growth spurt.

Mammary gland. A girl's puberty is accompanied by significant changes in her body. At its very beginning, an enlargement of the mammary glands is noted, which occurs as follows: the first changes concern the areola and nipple, which slightly enlarge and protrude forward. A little later, the mammary gland itself begins to change. During the first year after the onset of puberty in girls, the mammary gland takes on the shape of a cone. About a year before the first menstruation begins, the girl's breasts will take on a more familiar, rounded shape.

Hair growth and body changes. When a girl begins puberty, vegetation appears in the perineal area and armpits. The figure changes, acquiring more feminine outlines: gradually the girl’s hips begin to widen, and her waist becomes visible. In addition, during puberty, girls' hair and skin structure changes dramatically, which is affected by certain hormones.

First menstruation. Around the age of 13, a girl’s first menstruation occurs. However, the formation of the menstrual cycle is a very long process that can last up to one year. Before the menstrual cycle is established, menstruation may be extremely irregular and vary in length - but no more than 5 days of menstrual bleeding. Such irregularity is completely normal phenomenon, which should not cause any concern for parents. When the first menstruation occurs, the girl’s growth seriously slows down; in general, she will subsequently gain no more than 5 centimeters in height.

The mother of a girl should pay especially close attention during menstruation. Regardless of how old a girl’s first menstruation began - at 11 or 15, this event always turns out to be stressful for her. One can only imagine how serious the stress will be if the girl knows absolutely nothing about what is happening to her? As evidenced psychological practice, the girl may start to panic, and she will not even tell her mother about what is happening to her and her body.

That is why the mother is absolutely obliged in a timely manner, before the first menstruation occurs, to prepare the girl psychologically for the upcoming physiological changes, to teach how to use necessary items hygiene, tell the rules of behavior during menstruation. Of course, a girl can learn about everything from other sources, for example, from her friends. However, in this case, do not be surprised if she shares the news that she has become a girl, and other events in her life, with a friend, and not with you. Also, you should not react too violently to the onset of menstruation in a girl, and especially not publicly inform relatives and friends about it - this can seriously confuse the girl, provoke the appearance of complexes, and the fear of telling you something in the future.

Clumsiness. It is during a rapid growth spurt that the same “clumsiness” familiar to many appears in a teenage girl. Parents should not worry about this - such disproportion of the body is completely normal and does not indicate any pathology. The “ugly duckling” period will soon end irrevocably, and your little princess will turn into a real beauty. Be sure to talk to the girl about this, she also needs to understand this, explain what is causing this change, and that it will end soon.

  • Psychological difficulties during puberty in girls

During puberty in girls, the skeleton grows most intensively, but unevenly. The fact is that bones grow with at different speeds, absolutely not synchronously - first the bones of the hands and feet are stretched, then the bones of the arms, and the skull of the face. And only at the very last stage does the body “catch up” with them. This explains the fact that teenage girls often have too long legs and arms, and a slightly elongated face. In addition to all this, the rate of muscle growth is often significantly lower than the rate of bone growth, as a result, a certain clumsiness and angularity of the teenager’s movements.

Signs of puberty are usually pronounced in girls, and if there is premature puberty in girls, problems occur psychological nature. A girl may feel embarrassed by the changes taking place, especially if her peers have not yet begun to experience them. If this issue is quite painful for your daughter, try talking to the teacher, class teacher, who will ensure that the girl does not become the subject of ridicule at school. It would not hurt to seek advice from a child psychologist; he will explain to the child in a tactful manner and with knowledge of the psychological characteristics of children and adolescents that all changes are absolutely natural and normal.

Remember : How a girl perceives the changes that occur in her body depends to a large extent on how good and close her relationship is with her mother. Try to communicate with your daughter as often and as much as possible, answer all her questions, even if they seem ridiculous and stupid. Believe me, your daughter’s trust will more than pay off, and it will be much easier for you to survive the difficult adolescence.

Equally psychological problems may also be associated with late puberty in girls. If she begins to understand that at the age of 13-14 she practically does not experience the same changes that her friends and classmates experience, then she may begin to experience discomfort and worry. A girl may begin to feel extremely awkward in the company of her peers, and develop a strong inferiority complex, feeling worse than everyone else.

In this situation, only constant confidential communication with the daughter can help; she needs to explain everything and periodically remind her that this is normal, and the girl’s puberty is simply inevitable. Mom can use herself as an example, even if she has to slightly embellish the reality. In particular difficult cases, if the daughter does not make contact and the mother cannot cope, we advise you to contact a child psychologist. Do not ignore the problem, because such psychological traumas are quite strong, and an acquired inferiority complex can poison a girl’s existence for the rest of her life.

The sexual development of girls may well have different variations, and not only with age. Sometimes the appearance of hair can vary significantly in its sequence. Usually, breast growth and development occurs first, then pubic hair appears, and armpit hair appears last. However, in some cases, hairs appear in the armpits first, but other signs are not yet noticeable. Sometimes hair appears on the genitals first, and then all other signs.

Also, doctors noticed one pattern - the earlier a girl’s puberty began, the faster it proceeds, and, conversely, the later a girl’s puberty began, the longer the process is underway. For example, in a girl who started puberty at the age of 9, its duration is no more than one and a half years, while its onset in a 14-year-old girl will last about two and a half years.

Therefore, support your princess, be that as it may, because the most important period in her life is happening now. She is about to turn from a girl into a girl, and then into a woman, and soon she will take on your role - the role of a mother.

The period of puberty in girls is quite long - about ten years. It is characterized by the presence of several stages in the development of a girl’s puberty.

The onset of puberty occurs at the age of eight to nine years, which is characterized by accelerated growth in girls.

The appearance of further signs of puberty - enlargement of the mammary glands, growth of pubic hair - begins at approximately ten to twelve years of age.

On average, two years after the above external transformations, the first menstruation appears.

The final stage of puberty in girls is considered to be the age that occurs four to six years after the onset of the first menstrual bleeding. Typically, this occurs between the ages of seventeen and eighteen.

However, there are groups of girls who, due to their developmental characteristics, may begin puberty at the age of nine years. This means not only the accelerated growth of the body and its limbs, but the formation of secondary sexual characteristics - the development of mammary glands and so on. It happens that absolutely healthy girls They begin to enter puberty at the age of seven or eight years, which is associated with the genetic characteristics of their development.

Also, the onset of puberty in some categories of girls may be delayed until thirteen to fifteen years of age. At the same time, girls are healthy and developing normally, and such delays in maturation are caused by hereditary factors.

Onset of puberty in girls

The onset of puberty occurs at the age of eight to nine years. This stage is characterized by a strong jump in the growth of girls, which can reach about ten centimeters per year. It happens that girls at this time are ahead of their male peers in height.

During this period of puberty, the skeletal system, muscular system and nerve endings grow at different rates. Therefore, outwardly, girls who have entered puberty may appear clumsy and awkward, somewhat angular.

Often, such changes in the figure cause girls suffering and fear that they will remain forever like funny grasshoppers. Parents need to reassure girls by telling them that their figures will soon undergo positive transformations.

Later, around the age of eleven to thirteen, secondary sexual characteristics begin to change rapidly - the mammary glands grow, the waist decreases, body shapes become rounded, and so on.

Age of puberty in girls

The age of puberty in girls is as follows:

  1. The onset of puberty occurs around eleven to thirteen years of age.
  2. The end of puberty occurs at the age of seventeen to eighteen years.

There are several categories of teenagers who do not mature at the same rate. Some girls begin to enter puberty earlier and, accordingly, end puberty earlier. Such teenagers are called accelerators. In them, the onset of puberty in the form of enlarged mammary glands is observed at the age of nine – ten to eleven years. And the growth spurt occurs approximately a year before. Accordingly, the appearance of the first menstruation in the above girls occurs at ten to eleven years.

In another category of adolescents, the onset of puberty is delayed until thirteen - fourteen - fifteen years. This manifests itself in growth retardation and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. The first menstruation appears in these categories of girls at thirteen, fourteen or fifteen years. Accordingly, puberty ends in more late age, at eighteen years old. Such teenagers are called retardants, that is, they are slow in their development, which is absolutely normal and genetically determined.

However, certain developmental anomalies and hormonal disorders occur in girls, which cause delayed puberty and the appearance of menstruation. Therefore, if there are no signs of puberty at fourteen to fifteen years of age and menstruation has not begun by the age of fifteen, it is recommended to show the girl to a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Signs of puberty in girls

Signs of puberty in girls include the following:

  • A sharp growth spurt - a girl can grow up to ten centimeters per year. At the same time, girls grow faster than their male peers. Differences in height are equalized at the age of seventeen to eighteen, that is, by the end of puberty in girls. At this time, girls stop growing, while boys continue to grow.
  • Changing the figure of a teenage girl in the initial stage puberty– increase in the length of the limbs compared to the length of the body. Because of this, a change in the proportions of the body occurs, which leads to a visual impression of its awkwardness.
  • Subsequently, secondary female sexual characteristics begin to form. First of all, the mammary glands begin to enlarge. Then, after some time, smooth pubic hair appears on the pubic area. After a short time, pubic hair begins to change in structure - it becomes wavy. The next changes in the girl’s body concern the appearance of axillary hair.
  • The labia minora and labia majora increase in size.
  • Soon the first menstruation occurs - menarche.
  • Changes in the girl's appearance continue - the volume of her hips increases, her waist becomes thinner, her shoulders narrower, and her figure acquires rounded, smooth outlines characteristic of the female body.
  • The amount of hair on the girl’s arms and legs increases, and they become darker.
  • Happening hormonal changes the girl’s body, as a result of which the appearance of her skin and hair changes. Activation begins sebaceous glands located in the skin. Therefore, skin and hair become more bold look; The girl's face, neck and back begin to become covered with red pimples and blackheads.
  • The overall percentage of body fat in a girl increases, and fat deposits are noticed mainly in the pelvic area, on the abdomen and thighs.

Stages of puberty in girls

The stages of puberty in girls are correlated with the appearance of each sign of puberty.

  • A sharp jump in growth - in a normally developing girl, this increase in height occurs at approximately eleven years of age. If before this period, at approximately seven to eight years old, girls gain in height by five to six centimeters per year, then the entry into puberty is marked by a growth of eight to ten centimeters per year. At this time, the child grows out of recently purchased clothes and shoes so quickly that it surprises not only his parents, but also the girl herself.

At this time, the annual weight gain reaches four to nine kilograms, although before this period the usual weight gain averaged two and a half to three and a half kilograms.

An increase in growth affects the child’s appetite and the amount of food eaten, because such transformations require an increased flow of energy and building materials.

  • Such changes can appear earlier, at about nine years of age in girls who develop earlier than their peers.
  • Subsequently, the size of the pelvis and hips increases, which refers to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. It happens that such changes occur at the age of nine years.
  • Further changes in the girl’s body are manifested in the enlargement of the mammary glands. First of all, the nipple and areola around the nipple are enlarged. In six months - a year mammary glands become like small cones. At this time, it is not recommended to use a bra, which can stop the formation of mammary glands.
  • Approximately, around the beginning of the first menstruation, the entire mammary gland increases in size and becomes round in shape, like the mammary glands of adult women. This usually occurs during the first period. It is at this time that it is worth putting on the first bras, which will facilitate the girl’s movement.
  • At the age of twelve to thirteen, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics continues: hair grows in the pubic area and a waist, characteristic of the structure, is formed female body. Primary sexual characteristics also develop - an increase in the external genitalia (labia minora and majora) occurs.
  • There are various skin changes associated with the activation of sebum secretion. Such “innovations” are due to the process of hormonal and physical changes in the girl’s body. An increase in the amount of sebum provokes the appearance of red pimples on a girl’s skin and acne, and also causes high fat content hair.

Such changes do not at all please older girls, who are very worried about the deterioration in appearance that has occurred. Parents should consult with hairdressers and cosmetologists regarding the purchase special shampoos and cosmetics for the skin, with the help of which you can maintain the good condition of the skin of the body and hair, as well as maintain the external attractiveness of the girl. It would be a good idea to undergo special skin cleansing cosmetic procedures in a cosmetologist’s office. In addition, an older girl must be taught the rules of careful personal hygiene so as not to provoke deterioration of the condition of her skin and hair.

  • The appearance of the first menstruation, called menarche. This fact means that the girl is already sexually mature, that is, capable of reproductive function. At first - for two years - the menstrual cycle is most often unsteady. This is manifested in an unknown rhythm of bleeding, as well as in its strength and duration. After menstruation becomes cyclical, we can say that the girl is ready to conceive and give birth to a child (but only from a physiological point of view, and not psychological and social).

As noted above, in the first two years, menstruation in girls has an undefined cycle, that is, deviations of a different nature appear. These features are not a violation of the girl’s normal development, but are considered fluctuations that do not go beyond the normal physiological stages of puberty. First of all, this concerns irregularities in the regularity of the menstrual cycle, which has two phases. During the period when menstrual bleeding has just begun, the primary eggs may not mature to the end, and therefore the separation of mature eggs from the ovaries does not occur. Education corpus luteum in this case, it either does not occur at all, or is underdeveloped, which does not stimulate production high content progesterone in the girl's blood.

The first phase of the menstrual cycle leads to increased growth of the uterine mucosa (endometrium), which occurs under the influence of estrogens. This provokes the appearance of uncomfortable sensations and prolonged uterine bleeding, called juvenile. Approximately five to ten percent of girls experience similar manifestations.

Sometimes, periods may not occur every month, but at intervals of two to three months. Other disturbances in the cyclicity of menstruation may also occur, but such deviations, as already mentioned, disappear after a couple of years.

It is very important to prepare the girl for periodic bleeding before her period appears. You need to tell the girl about hormonal changes in her body, that her body is already ready for reproductive functions. Such a conversation can be conducted by the girl’s mother and/or gynecologist. It is worth preparing the girl to accept the fact that menstruation is a common occurrence in a woman’s life. But if the bleeding is accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations that can disturb the girl and cause her inconvenience, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist.

It is also necessary to have a conversation with the girl about the dangers of early sexual activity and possible pregnancy in this case, which leads to tragic consequences in this age.

  • Since the onset of menstruation, a girl’s height does not increase at an accelerated pace. At this age, on average, by the age of thirteen, the growth rate is reduced to one and a half to two and a half centimeters per year.
  • At the age of fourteen to sixteen, a girl’s figure begins to take on feminine contours - in addition to the already grown breasts and thinning waist, the hips begin to round, the pelvis begins to grow, the shape of the legs changes, and so on. Hair appears in the armpit area. Menstruation becomes rhythmic. Development skeletal system, bone growth stops.

To maintain a girl's hygiene, it is necessary to teach her how to use a razor for women to shave hair in the armpit area. Pubic hair should not be removed, since at this age it is not at all necessary.

Early puberty in girls

Early sexual development is considered to be the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and the appearance of menstruation (in some cases) in girls around ten years of age. Such manifestations in development, which are slightly ahead of the norm, are not considered a deviation or violation. Therefore, we can say that for some girls a slight advance in development is a variant of the norm. Such developmental features are observed in accelerated girls, who differ from their peers in early physical, sexual, psychological and emotional development.

Early puberty in girls should not worry parents. But in these cases, it is recommended to conduct special conversations that can explain to the girl the changes in her own body and teach her personal hygiene skills.

Premature puberty in girls

Precocious puberty is characterized by the appearance of a full set of secondary sexual characteristics (or some of them) in girls under eight years of age. Sometimes at this age the appearance of menarche - the first menstruation - is observed. There are several forms of premature puberty in girls:

  1. True premature sexual development. This form premature development is considered cerebral, that is, arising due to processes occurring in the brain. The early onset of puberty is caused by the early onset of activity of the hypothalamus or adenohypophysis, which are responsible for reproductive functions. The activity of these glands stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Activation of LH leads to the production of estrogen in the girl’s body, which leads to changes in her body due to puberty. The activity of FSH leads to the onset of growth and maturation of follicles in the ovaries.

True premature puberty has a number of features:

  • isosexual in nature, that is, correlated with the female sex genetically and by gonadal characteristics;
  • complete in its manifestations, that is, characterized by the presence of thelarche (growth mammary glands), adrenarche (appearance of pubic and axillary hair) and increased body growth rate.
  • completed, that is, characterized premature appearance menarche.

The causes of the cerebral form of true precocious puberty can be infections that were suffered by a girl under the age of one year. Such manifestations lead to organic lesions brain, which puts pressure on the hypothalamus, as well as certain problems that arose during maternal pregnancy.

There is not only a cerebral form of true precocious puberty, but also a constitutional form. Latest form Deviations in puberty are more rare and are hereditary.

False precocious puberty

This kind premature ripening occurs due to the increased secretion of estrogen in the adrenal glands or ovaries. The use of drugs containing estrogens or gonadotropic hormones in the treatment of girls also provokes the appearance of false puberty.

The false type of premature development is characterized, like the true one, by the accelerated rate of growth of the girl. But false development is always incomplete, which is manifested in the absence of premature menarche. Also, false development can occur in both isosexual and heterosexual types.

Characteristics of the false isosexual type of development (female type):

  • fast growth rate;
  • mammary glands enlarge;
  • pubic hair growth occurs groin areas and armpits.

Characteristics of the false heterosexual type of development (male type):

  • up to the age of eight, the clitoris enlarges, which begins to resemble the shape of a penis;
  • hair shafts appear in the area upper lip and chin;
  • bones grow faster than in girls developing according to the isosexual type;
  • the fat layer is distributed according to the male type.

It should be noted that the heterosexual type of development is quite rare and is determined by hormonal disorders in the bodies of girls who were injected with androgen hormone preparations. If a timely visit to specialists occurs, deviations in the girl’s development can be reversed into a feminine direction. The use of the correct treatment method, which is carried out over a long period of time, can completely restore the correct sexual development of the girl. The mammary glands will form in due time, the menstrual cycle will be established on time. In the future, the reproductive functions of the cured girl will be preserved, she will be able to conceive and bear a child well, and also give birth normally. If treatment is neglected, then female-type development in such girls will not occur at all.

Incomplete precocious sexual development

This type of premature puberty is caused by the appearance of an excess of gonadotropic hormones in the girl’s body. A strong increase in estrogen can also lead to similar deviations in sexual development.

Characteristics of incomplete precocious puberty:

  • not accompanied by accelerated growth rates;
  • only the mammary glands are formed, without the appearance of other secondary sexual characteristics;
  • Only hair growth appears in the groin, pubis and armpits without the formation of other secondary sexual characteristics.

Diseases of various types that provoke the appearance of premature sexual development. Such diseases include:

  • the occurrence of follicular ovarian cysts,
  • presence of ovarian tumors,
  • the appearance of primary hypothyroidism,
  • McCune-Albright syndrome,
  • Russell-Silver syndrome.

Such diseases are characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge that resembles menstrual bleeding. But secondary sexual characteristics do not develop.

Movies about girls' puberty

It is recommended to watch films about girls' puberty together with their mother or other adult woman, which can explain to the girl any incomprehensible or confusing moments. Parents are recommended to watch the film themselves before watching it together with their child to make sure it is beneficial and does not contain footage or information that, in the opinion of mom or dad, is premature for their daughter. You should start watching such films at the age when the first signs of puberty appear in a girl, as well as when she develops an interest in such issues.

Films about girls' puberty are represented by the following documentaries and cartoons:

  • A film about formation and protection reproductive functions girls “When a girl grows up...”, which won the main prize in the “Applied Animation” category at the Open Suzdal Festival in the city of Suzdal in 2003. The film was created with the support of the Russian Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical company Gedeon-Richter.
  • Documentary "Girl Power" from the Discovery Channel.
  • Documentary film produced in Great Britain in 1998 “The Human Body. Puberty."
  • Documentary film created in 2008, “About Sex - Puberty.”

The time has finally come when you are faced with a wonderful, albeit difficult age.

If you are a mother, then it is difficult for you to realize that your baby is getting older and now the thoughts in her head can suddenly become multi-colored butterflies or glossy black. At this age, my mother’s girl tries to defend her character, thinking that she can handle everything herself.

Meanwhile, she does not have time to keep track of the changes in her body, which undoubtedly worry her. And you, as the closest person, have been entrusted with the responsibility to tell, help, and direct in the right direction all the energy that is overwhelming your child.

If you are a young girl, you have already had many questions regarding everything related to the adult life of a woman. But these questions could have been put off earlier, since it was far away, maybe not very interesting, and in no way connected with the life when you were a carefree girl.

Sex education for girls is a complex and time-consuming process that must be approached with caution. Not only mom, but also dad should take part in the process.

Let's start with the changes in the girl. Precisely in a girl, because perestroika does not begin when secondary sexual characteristics appear, but much earlier. On average, puberty lasts 10 - 12 years. During this time, the girl changes noticeably before the eyes of others.

Prepuberty is a period that begins at 7–8 years of age and ends with the arrival of the first menstruation. Usually this (menstruation) happens 1 to 3 years after the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Already from this early age You can notice changes in the child’s body. Hormones begin their activity, although not cyclically. But hormone releases occur constantly. In this connection, the transformation of a girl into a girl occurs.

Signs of puberty in girls

The first changes take place in the girl’s body - the hips are rounded, the growth of the pelvic bones begins. Mammary glands appear. You can already notice areas of hair growth on the pubis and armpits.

As a rule, a girl begins to grow sharply before the onset of menstruation.

All these signs may develop inconsistently. Now let’s look at each sign and the pathologies associated with it. There are several stages in the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

A few years before the onset of the first menstruation, a girl’s growth begins to grow sharply. Presumably, this happens 2 - 3 years before the onset of menstruation.

At this time, growth spurts can reach up to 10 centimeters per year.

Often during this period the child is awkward, since the bones do not grow evenly; first the hands and feet become larger, then the tubular bones and only then the torso.

Clumsiness in movements may also be observed, this is due to the fact that nerve fibers and muscles do not always keep pace with the growth of skeletal bones.

Skin covering

The skin develops according to the skeleton and muscles, for this purpose the secretion of the glands is increased in order to have good stretching, as a result of which the teenager suffers from rashes, which in science are called “acne”, “acne” or pimples. Hair also becomes oilier at the roots, so now you need to wash your hair more often.

Subcutaneous fatty tissue also develops. There is increased deposition of fat in the hips and abdomen. The shoulders are also rounded and the waist appears.

Thelarche is the development of the mammary gland. Typically, breast growth begins in girls at 10 - 11 years old, 1.5 - 2 years before the onset of menstruation. According to WHO, the appearance of signs of breast growth after 8 years is considered normal. The nipples become sensitive and can change color, depending on the amount of pigment in the body.

There is also an increase in the size of the nipple itself. Hair growth is possible around the areola of the nipple - this happens in women of Eastern and Caucasian origin and is not a pathology. The color, shape, and size of the breast depend on genetic factors and the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

There are several degrees of breast development:

  • Ma0— the gland is not developed, the nipple is not pigmented;
  • Ma1- gland tissue is palpated in the area of ​​the areola, painful;
  • Ma2— the mammary gland is enlarged, the nipple and areola are raised;
  • Ma3- the mammary gland takes the shape of a cone whose base is located between the III and VI ribs. The nipple does not stand out separately from the areola;
  • Ma4- the gland has a hemispherical shape, the nipple is separated from the areola and is pigmented.

The mammary gland completes its development and grows to its maximum only after childbirth and breastfeeding. And the final stage of mammary gland development is observed at about 15 years. The mammary gland itself may be painful during the growth period and before menstruation.

Hair growth

Pubarche - hair growth of the pubic area - begins at 10 - 12 years of age. Growing pubic hair forms a triangle, the base of which is located on the lower line of the abdomen. There may be isolated hairs rising towards the navel. But if the hair densely covers the entire area, forming a diamond, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

By the age of 13-15, hair appears in the armpits and on the legs. The hardness, color and shape of hair is individual and depends on genetic predisposition.

Armpit hair:

  • Ah0- no hair growth;
  • Ah1- hair growth with single straight hairs;
  • Ah2- the appearance of hair in the middle of the armpit;
  • Ah3- hair growth of the entire axillary area.

Pubic hair growth:

  • Pb0- no hair growth;
  • Pb1- hair growth with single straight hairs;
  • Pb2- appearance of hair in the center;
  • Pb3- hair growth of the entire pubic area along a horizontal line.

You need to learn how to properly maintain the smoothness of your legs, bikini area and armpits. Each girl chooses an individual method for achieving her goal. But do not rush into removal, because the first hair is softer, thinner and less noticeable. Over time or under the influence of external factors, they become tough.

Menarche is the beginning of menstrual flow, the first menstruation. This happens to everyone at different ages, and menarche also depends on genetics. As a rule, the first bleeding occurs from 12 to 14 years. After the start of the first menstruation, the girl's growth slows down, but other signs of puberty continue to develop.

Many girls' periods are not cyclical at the very beginning. For some, it takes some time - from six months to two years. In case of non-cyclical discharge, you should consult a doctor in the future.

During menstruation, the mammary glands may be tense and somewhat painful. Also, many girls and women experience aching pain in the lower abdomen before and during bleeding, and some experience discomfort in the stomach or intestines. All this can accompany mensis (menstruation) normally.

Before the critical days, the mood may change; more often the girl feels irritated, overwhelmed, and tearful. But all this passes during the first days of menstruation. Despite the irregularity of the cycle, a girl can become pregnant, and it is important to convey this to an immature person.

Deviations from the norm

As everyone knows, where there is a norm, there is also a pathology. Today, cases such as premature puberty in girls (PPD) are increasingly observed. And here it is important that the mother carefully approaches changes in the child’s body.

They speak of PPD if the girl herself is under 8 years of age at the appearance of her first sexual signs. At this age, a child cannot always adequately approach the innovations of his body.

Types of PPR

Precocious puberty in girls is divided into into several types.

1. True type. It occurs when the functioning of the endocrine glands - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - is disrupted, which, in turn, stimulate the functioning of the ovaries.

  • full form. When all secondary signs begin to develop before the age of 7–8 years, growth slows down due to the closure of growth zones in the bones, menstrual flow appears;
  • incomplete form. Here secondary signs appear, but the periods themselves come much later - at 10 - 11 years.

2. False type. It is characterized by a disorder in the ovary itself - erratic production of hormones occurs, and therefore the order of appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in the child is disrupted. And there is irregular spotting, which can begin without the full development and formation of the mammary gland or hair growth.

3. Hereditary type. As a rule, if a girl has women in her pedigree (especially if it is her mother) whose maturation began earlier than the designated dates, then the child himself will turn into a girl earlier than his peers. In this case, the order of appearance of sexual characteristics will not be disrupted.

Causes of PPR

Causes of early puberty in girls can be:

  • brain cysts;
  • previous bacterial or viral infection;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • congenital anomalies (hydroencephaly);
  • exposure (high exposure to radiation);
  • poisoning by poisons (lead);
  • consequences of brain injuries.

If you notice any changes in your princess that can be attributed to PPR, or there is a growth spurt before the age of 7, it is better to contact a gynecologist, endocrinologist and undergo an examination. Early sexual development is a process that requires mandatory supervision by a specialist.

Delayed puberty

Another problem for mothers and their girls is delayed pubertal development in girls (DSD).

Signs of delay:

  • absence of onset of menstruation before age 16;
  • lack of sufficient growth of the mammary glands before the age of 13;
  • scanty hair growth by the age of 14;
  • insufficient growth or abnormal development of the genital organs;
  • lack of correspondence of height and weight to age.

Also, delayed development of maturity is a condition when a girl’s sexual development is only half complete. That is, the mammary glands have developed, there is partial hair growth, and then everything slowed down for more than a year and a half.

Causes of mental retardation

  1. Congenital disorders of the brain.
  2. Brain cysts and tumors.
  3. Poisoning by poisons.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Exposure of the body to radiation or radiation therapy.
  6. Removal of ovaries.
  7. Strong physical activity.
  8. Severe stress or malnutrition (exhaustion).
  9. Complications after suffering bacterial or viral infections etc.

If you are concerned about your girl’s health, consult a doctor, he will conduct an examination and be able to make the correct diagnosis. It is easier and more effective to treat any condition of the body at the very beginning, when the pathology has not caused irreversible consequences. Everything needs to be done on time!

Another important moment in a girl’s development is growing up and becoming a girl, a woman from the inside.

Sexual development of girls should be given special attention from birth. Even from the cradle, a girl should feel like an important link in creating family comfort, since the atmosphere in the family mainly depends on her. In addition, the girl will face pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn in the future.

The child must prepare for the upcoming difficulties, and this is not bad when little girls push their dolls in strollers and already begin to experience maternal feelings and a sense of responsibility. When a girl tries to be like her mother and knows what awaits her, she enjoys all the changes and is not afraid to move forward.

If a girl is not talked to about the topic of transforming a girl into a girl, and then into a woman, all changes in her body are unpleasant for her, and the onset of menstruation generally frightens her. You need to explain everything to your princess as she grows into adulthood, step by step. It is important that next to the girl there is an older comrade in the person of a mother, friend, aunt, etc.

During adolescence, it is sometimes very difficult for teenagers to understand themselves, their mood can change dramatically, and the feeling of irritability and tearfulness does not allow them to calmly perceive changes. You should never ridicule or reproach a child during this period.

With the onset of adolescence, or rather, with its end, it is time to discuss the sexual side of her life with the girl. The girl’s behavior changes - she looks at the opposite sex more often, experiences attractions, and is overcome by erotic fantasies. A teenager must understand everything and learn not to be ashamed of it. Sex education for girls is an important task that falls on parents.

In addition to the perception itself, it is necessary to convey to your child information about the possibility of becoming pregnant and contracting infections through sexual contact. You should also tell her about the negative effects of early sexual debut. Teenagers at this age often experiment, including in this area, and violent actions are possible.

Teach your child the rules of personal hygiene, purity of sexual relations and their protection, tell them about the frequency of showering during menstruation - all this is the task of a good parent. Having matured, the child encounters new conditions of his body. For example, thrush occurs - enough frequent illness, which needs to be cured in time.

Often a teenager, feeling his imperfection, withdraws into himself and suffers for a long time from symptoms that can bring severe discomfort. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of acne, it is important to tell your child how to deal with them correctly, because we all know the tendency of children to squeeze everything out. This can lead to unpleasant consequences: scarring of the skin, blood poisoning.

Sex education is often the subject of much debate. But there are certain rules that are best adhered to - they will allow you to transition into puberty as smoothly as possible and preserve the girl’s health.

It is worth paying attention to the nutrition of a teenager; girls themselves often skip meals on purpose in order, as they think, to be more beautiful. A girl should eat well to avoid delays in the development of sexual characteristics and the onset of menstruation.

Under no circumstances should you treat a teenager like an adult. A person in adolescence already knows a lot, has his own point of view, but he is just starting on the path of growing up; your advice is important to him, although sometimes he does not show it. Control is never superfluous.

Masturbation is very important in the development of sexuality. There is nothing unhealthy or shameful about this behavior. This is how the child learns to relieve stress by fantasizing, imagining imaginary actions. Contrary to the thoughts imposed by the Bible and Soviet education about masturbation as something dirty and unacceptable for a self-respecting woman, today its benefits have been proven, of course, if you don’t “go too far.”

As a conclusion

The main goals of parents, especially mothers, during puberty, are:

  • teach the girl to accept herself as she is;
  • convey all knowledge regarding sexual techniques, contraception and methods of protection against sexually transmitted infections;
  • show all the beauty of a woman, mother, wife;
  • determine the boundaries of decent behavior with the opposite sex;
  • teach how to cope with some ailments associated with premenstrual syndrome, thrush, etc.;
  • surround your child with love and care, especially when he needs it.

Of course, just like a child, you also grow up. Do not forget that the child has never been an adult, and you, adults, have already experienced all the hardships of this difficult period. How your child perceives everything depends largely on you.

Many parents, unfortunately, do not quite understand what adolescence is like for girls. Signs that tell them something is going wrong in their daughter's life. new period, are often simply ignored. Adults forget about their own childhood and adolescence, and therefore, when their beloved daughter reaches adolescence, they are completely unprepared for the changes that are taking place. Moms and dads have no idea when girls’ adolescence begins and at what age it ends, what changes in their physiological and psychological state are normal and what are not, what problems accompany this period and how to deal with them.

What is adolescence?

Adolescence is a rather difficult period that every child goes through in the process, a fact confirmed by both psychologists and doctors. During this period of time, children's perception of the world and consciousness changes, and their body is subject to significant physiological changes.

Sooner or later, every parent raising their beloved daughter wonders at what age girls begin adolescence. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question, since this period does not have strict time limits. The transitional age in girls, the signs and symptoms that characterize it, differ and depend on the individuality of each individual. However, among psychologists it is customary to conditionally divide the transitional age into three main phases:

What physiological changes accompany adolescence?

How to determine that a girl has begun adolescence? The signs are usually obvious, so attentive parents are unlikely to miss this moment. From a physiological point of view, the following age-related changes take place:

Anomalies of puberty

Parents need to be very careful during the period when girls begin adolescence. Signs of any deviations must be identified in a timely manner, since any delay is fraught with serious consequences. Moms and dads should sound the alarm if:

  1. The mammary glands begin to grow too early. It's about O premature growth breasts, if this happens when the girl is not yet 8 years old.
  2. characterized by the onset of puberty in girls under 8-10 years of age.
  3. Premature hair growth in the pubic area and armpits.
  4. Premature or late onset of menstruation.
  5. Late puberty, characterized by the absence of signs of puberty in girls aged 13-14 years.

Despite the fact that there is no specific date when adolescence begins in girls, the symptoms described above should alert parents. If any of them are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice.

Diseases of adolescence

Puberty is accompanied by serious changes throughout the body. Health status is also affected. Problems that arise psychologically place additional stress on the body, as a result of which it sometimes fails.

What diseases occur when girls begin adolescence? Do the symptoms of these diseases manifest themselves in any way or not?

As a rule, illnesses characteristic of adolescence are temporary. Among the most common, the following should be noted:

Puberty and adolescence

In girls, signs of puberty usually appear at the age of 12-13 years. They grow quickly, and in just one year their height can increase by 5-10 cm. Puberty of girls begins with a sharp development of the mammary glands and, of course, the genitals. The body takes on a more rounded shape, subcutaneous fats are deposited on the buttocks and thighs, and intensive hair growth begins on the pubis and armpits. At the same time, changes occur in character. Girls become more shy, they flirt more and more often with boys, and fall in love for the first time.

One of the most important signs is the onset of the first menstruation. At this time, changes take place in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There are mood swings, increased fatigue and headaches. Therefore, when menstruation begins, doctors recommend that girls spend more time in the fresh air and do not expose the body to excessive physical activity and get more rest.

What psychological problems do girls experience during adolescence?

For teenage girls, how others perceive them is of great importance. It is very important for them how they look and what impression they make on members of the opposite sex, that is, boys. They spend a lot of time in front of the mirror and closely study the changes that their body has undergone. Often girls are very critical of themselves and remain dissatisfied with their appearance. In addition, adolescents experience frequent changes mood, which is explained by the increased release of sex hormones into the blood. Hormones are also the cause of excess sexual energy. However, the girl cannot yet realize this energy due to her age. As a result, she becomes aggressive, brash and disobedient. Parents should be patient and not forget that during this period in adolescents the adrenal cortex functions much more intensively, and that is why their child is constantly in a state of stress.

What complexes do girls develop during puberty?

New problems arise in the family when girls reach adolescence. Photos of an intimate nature in a desk drawer, a mountain of cosmetics and new clothes are far from uncommon. Desire to wear short skirt And putting a thick layer of makeup on her face does not mean that the girl wants to attract attention. Sometimes this is a sign that she has developed certain complexes and has lost self-confidence. The situation is aggravated if a teenage girl lags behind her peers in development. A friend’s second breast size compared to her zero is perceived as a real tragedy. Life seems gray and worthless.

If you don’t help the girl, if you allow her to continue to remain alone with her problems, eventually her complexes will multiply. This, in turn, can lead to the development of protracted depression, from which it is not possible to get out of it without the intervention of a psychologist.

How to help a girl overcome the difficulties of adolescence?

It’s difficult not only for teenagers, but also for their parents. Loving mothers and fathers often turn to specialists with the question of how long puberty lasts for girls. Unfortunately, neither psychologists nor doctors will be able to give them a specific date, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the child. However, they can give parents some important recommendations that will help them cope with the difficulties of adolescence. For example, parents should:

Allow the girl to make independent decisions;

Forget about the directive style of communication;

Give the girl more freedom;

Do not do work for your daughter that she can do on her own;

Don't criticize the guy she's dating;

Do not violate her personal space;

Do not discuss your daughter with strangers.