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Pain under the Adam's apple when swallowing. Pain in the Adam's apple? Adam's apple hurts? Tuberculosis of the thyroid cartilage in the larynx

The causes of pain or discomfort in the region of the Adam's apple are diverse. However, in no case should they be ignored, because the root cause can be a very serious disease.


Often people who have problems with normal functioning Adam's apple, complain about:
  • Emergence severe cough. It has a barking character, and the patient begins to choke. This cough can be either dry or with phlegm.
  • Unpleasant sensations during swallowing, and sometimes severe pain. These sensations disappear at rest.
  • Sensation of constant lump in throat.
  • Lack of air. Whistling is felt during inhalation/exhalation as the airways are narrowed.
  • Changes in the timbre of the voice. Sometimes the voice is almost completely lost.
  • The occurrence of clicks during swallowing or talking.
  • Wheezing with expectoration of blood.
  • General malaise, asthenic conditions.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Violations of the digestive tract for no apparent reason.
  • An abnormal reaction of the body to heat or cold.
In some cases pain in the Adam's apple can be aggravated by semi-conscious states. Due to lack of air, the skin turns blue, and the upper and lower limbs get colder.

According to statistics, problems with the Adam's apple or Adam's apple are more male problems. This is easily explained by a different structure and stronger hormonal background body of the strong half of humanity.

What causes problems (causes)

Inflammation thyroid gland called thyroiditis, is considered a fairly common cause of pain in the Adam's apple. It is caused by viruses. In this condition, patients experience:

  • feverish conditions;
  • acute pain in the Adam's apple, which can radiate to the jaw, neck;
  • a feeling of something pressing and bursting, as the gland is enlarged;
  • general weakness.
Statistically, this species thyroiditis is more common in middle-aged women who have upper respiratory tract infections.

Fibrous thyroiditis. Its etiology has not been fully elucidated. With this disease, negative processes of increasing fibrous tissues begin. The gland itself, increasing, is not able to function normally. It notes:

  • the occurrence of dull pain, which is concentrated at the top of the Adam's apple;
  • stony seals on the Adam's apple.
Pain is poorly controlled by medication.

Endocrine dysfunctions of the thyroid gland. A fairly common problem in those regions where acute iodine deficiency is felt. With this diagnosis, patients often complain of:

  • pain in the front of the Adam's apple;
  • increased excitability, nervous strain;
  • problems with the work of the digestive tract (constipation or diarrhea);
  • increased fatigue;
Cervical osteochondrosis. This ailment causes compression, pinching of blood vessels and nerve endings in the cervical spine. Pain appears in the ligaments and muscles. Developing, the edema spreads to the area of ​​the entire spinal canal. In the event of the development of the disease, there are:
  • cervical "lumbago";
  • pain in chest and on the front of the neck;
  • severe pain in the morning, as well as when trying to turn your head;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • pain when trying to cough or laugh;
  • expectoration of sputum with blood.
Pain in the Adam's apple with this disease is boring or stupid character, they are localized in the depth of the neck.

Pain, often very sharp, can also be caused by various mechanical injury Adam's apple. They occur during sports training, especially if a person is engaged in hard contact species sports, also during strangulation attempts. All this provokes a negative mechanical effect on the thyroid cartilage. This effect most often haunts men.

If there are bruises or squeezing of the Adam's apple:
  • the pain becomes very sharp and acute;
  • pain may increase during attempts to cough or swallow a piece of food;
  • when pressed or even lightly touched, the pain also intensifies;
  • hemoptysis is noted;
  • during palpation, a crunch of cartilage is heard if they are broken.
Tuberculosis of the larynx, which is possible against the background of classical pulmonary tuberculosis. A very serious disease that takes everything away every year more lives. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that early stages it is almost asymptomatic. Over time from the lungs harmful microorganisms begin to penetrate into the region of the larynx, causing:
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • frequent chills;
  • sore throat;
  • feeling foreign body in the throat on the background of pain in the Adam's apple.

These pains can radiate to the ear region, the characteristic hoarseness of the voice can develop into aphonia. Problems with swallowing increase sharply.

With phlegmon of the thyroid cartilage larynx, there are very sharp pains in the Adam's apple, which increase when you try to turn your neck. Patients also complain about:
  • fever
  • chills;
  • shortness of breath
  • general respiratory failure;
  • aphonia.
characteristic and very bright sign this disease - when pressed into the region of the Adam's apple, painful sensations intensify. Moreover, this painful formation does not have clear boundaries, and the skin is shiny. Also, the pain can increase sharply when the patient tries to change the position of the body.

Qualified assistance in this case is needed as soon as possible. This disease is distinguished by its rapidity, and after a short time, the case may end in asphyxia.

thyroid cancer is relatively rare, but extremely dangerous. At first, it is almost asymptomatic, unless it increases cervical lymph node. As it progresses, a nodule is formed in the tissue of the gland, it becomes noticeable under skin as if protruding above the neck.

Later stages are characterized by:

  • pain radiating to the ear area;
  • frequent cough without colds and fever;
  • hoarseness and hoarseness of voice;
  • swollen neck veins.
Patients with such a diagnosis complain that the Adam's apple simply crushes them and prevents them from breathing. As the tumor grows, the pain only gets worse. Patients have difficulty taking even liquid food, expectoration of blood is noted.

In children often pain in the Adam's apple can provoke such common throat diseases as laryngitis and pharyngitis. However, it should be remembered that it is not worth making a final diagnosis against the background of the child's complaints alone.

Children, especially small ones, are big confusions, it can be quite difficult for them to describe their discomfort and accurately point to the place in the throat where it hurts. Plus, the pain in the region of the Adam's apple, both in an adult and in a child, often has an irradiating character. In case of such complaints the best option is an immediate visit to the pediatrician.

If it is difficult to swallow, a lump in the throat (video)

Pain in the throat and in the region of the Adam's apple. What you need to know about it. Tests for those who often complain of a lump in the throat and why it is difficult to swallow.

Methods of diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Since pain in the Adam's apple can be provoked by many factors, for a start with such a problem, you should contact an otolaryngologist or endocrinologist.

After an initial examination and analysis of patient complaints, these specialists may refer patients to a TB specialist, surgeon, oncologist, or internist.

In order to maximize the completeness of the picture of the disease, the following are prescribed:

  • radiography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • biopsy;
  • scintigraphy;
  • general and hormonal analysis blood.
According to the results of the study, complex treatment, which is aimed at getting rid of the root cause of diseases.

In the presence of inflammatory processes often prescribed anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic drugs. In addition, a course of vitamins can be prescribed to raise the level of the body's overall resistance to viruses.

Thyroiditis require application hormone therapy taking immunostimulants.

With endocrine dysfunctions of the thyroid gland appoint a special drug therapy, radioiodine therapy, in some cases surgery is indicated.

Surgery may also be indicated for various injuries And mechanical damage. Such treatment can be long, because. cartilage fuses slowly due to the constant movement of the Adam's apple during a conversation or while eating.

Treatment of tuberculosis and cancer requires only integrated approach using various methods.

No need to ignore the pain in the Adam's apple and even more so try to "treat" them with the help of some home remedies, decoctions and rinses. The final decision on treatment options and strategies can only be made by a specialist based on the results of the studies.

Next article.

Pain in the Adam's apple may occur due to various reasons. This symptom should not be associated with sore throat, although in some cases it may seem that the pain is localized in the throat and not in the neck. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the appearance of discomfort and why the Adam's apple hurts in men. The Adam's apple is formed by the thyroid cartilage, the two halves of which are connected to each other at a certain angle. In women, the cartilage plates are connected to each other at an obtuse angle, and in men - at an acute angle. This particular anatomical structure we see on the neck in men in the form of a protrusion. The main function of the Adam's apple is to protect the larynx from damage from the outside.

Factors that cause discomfort

The male Adam's apple can hurt different reasons. Usually, all causes are classified into two subgroups - caused by traumatic injury and resulting various diseases. Depending on the cause, pain in the Adam's apple occurs or intensifies when swallowing, while eating. The nature of the pain in the throat and Adam's apple is also very diverse. It can be pulling, aching, cutting or stabbing. The most common causes of pain in the Adam's apple in men include the following pathological conditions:

  • Inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Thyroiditis. Can wear infectious nature, be a consequence autoimmune process or arise from the growth fibrous tissue. At infectious lesion, in addition to pain in the region of the Adam's apple, there is a feeling of fullness in the throat and larynx, which is aggravated by swallowing. Fibrous thyroiditis is characterized by dull pain in the throat in men.

This disease leads to compression of the neurovascular bundles. As a result, pain in the ligaments and muscles of the neck may be noted, including discomfort in the throat, larynx and Adam's apple.

  • Phlegmon of the soft tissues of the neck with damage to the cartilage of the larynx.

This is a purulent inflammation of the soft tissues. Progression pathological condition leads to the melting of the cartilage of the larynx, the formation of external and internal fistulas. The disease is characterized by a very rapid development, high temperature body, chills, severe intoxication, an increase in the size of nearby lymph nodes. Distinctive feature is unbearable, sharp pain, up to pain shock, increased pain is observed with a change in body position.

Purulent inflammation soft tissues can lead to melting of the cartilage of the larynx.

The severity of sore throat depends on the size of the tumor. Often it can be felt on the neck. There is an increase in regional lymph nodes. The neoplasm often compresses the surrounding organs, neurovascular bundles, causing the corresponding clinical manifestations. For example, difficulty in passing food through the esophagus, choking.

  • Inflammation of the pharynx and larynx - pharyngitis, laryngitis.

In this case, most often the pain in the throat and Adam's apple is caused by bacterial infection, which is accompanied by local swelling of the mucous membrane and inflammation.

  • Adam's apple injury.

Any damage to the cartilage of the larynx is accompanied by pain in the Adam's apple and throat, especially when swallowing and coughing. There is difficulty swallowing - dysphagia, and hemoptysis is also possible. During palpation, you can feel the displacement and crunch of cartilage fragments.

How to eliminate discomfort

If pain occurs in the throat, larynx, Adam's apple or various areas of the neck, a man should consult a doctor. Doctors of the following specialties can help with the issue of therapy:

  • Endocrinologist.
  • Oncologist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Traumatologist.

Given the diverse etiology, diagnosis and treatment of the disease can take a long time. Therefore, it is not worth delaying the trip to the clinic. The doctor will prescribe a set of laboratory and instrumental methods studies that will help determine the diagnosis and choose the most optimal treatment regimen.

Do not delay contacting a doctor in order to quickly determine the diagnosis and begin treatment.

Depending on the identified cause, men are prescribed anti-inflammatory or painkillers. medications. In some cases, physical therapy is effective. In the presence of infection, antibacterial agents. Injuries require the wearing of a special fixing and support collar. Tumor diseases and some variants of thyroid pathology are an indication for surgical intervention.

Each patient should remember that in no case should you self-medicate and take any medical preparations if they were not prescribed by a doctor. Indeed, otherwise, irrational therapy leads not only to the appearance side effects, but also to the progression of the underlying pathology and the development of complications that can be life-threatening.

Pain in the Adam's apple in men can occur for many reasons. In this regard, an integral component is a comprehensive examination, the purpose of which is to identify the etiological factors of the pathological condition. It is also important to understand that the conditions for the occurrence of pain in the throat, larynx (for example, when swallowing or moving) play important role. This makes it possible to differentiate diseases and factors causing pain in the throat, Adam's apple, larynx.

On the front surface of the human neck there is a protrusion formed by the plates of the thyroid cartilage. In men, it is usually more pronounced, since the plates converge at a right angle, in children and women it is smoothed, since the angle is obtuse. Designations "Adam's apple" or " adam's apple” apply mainly to men, however, women also have a similar education, just less prominent.

Inflammatory diseases and tumors of the larynx

Pain in the Adam's apple may be due to the actual pathology of the larynx, as well as changes in the thyroid gland, which is adjacent to the thyroid cartilage in front. The innervation of the larynx and pharynx is provided by branches of the spinal nerves of the cervical region (segment C4), as well as the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerve. Functional changes in these nerve trunks can cause neurogenic pain in the larynx.

angina - inflammation lymphoid tissue in the area of ​​cartilage and folds, occurs as a complication of trauma by a foreign body or SARS. In this case, there is pain in the larynx (Adam's apple) when swallowing, perspiration and dryness in the throat, body temperature rises slightly. Usually there is swelling in the region of regional lymph nodes. The diagnosis is made on the basis of an objective examination using indirect laryngoscopy, the treatment is complex, prescribed by an ENT doctor.

Acute laryngitis in initial stage (catarrhal form) is not accompanied by pain, there is a sore throat and hoarseness. In more severe cases, the inflammation is phlegmonous in nature, joins sharp pain in the projection of the larynx during swallowing, an increase in the body, a reaction of regional lymph nodes is noted. The inflammatory process is accompanied by edema and narrowing of the glottis, while respiratory failure is possible, therefore phlegmonous laryngitis treated exclusively in a specialized hospital.

Chondroperichondritis of the cartilage of the larynx develops as a complication of injury or when the inflammatory process in the larynx spreads to the surrounding tissues. One of the symptoms may be acute constant pain in Adam's apple. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital

Benign and malignant tumors of the larynx

In addition to pain in the area of ​​​​the thyroid cartilage, extending into the ear, and the sensation of a foreign body in the throat, with this pathology, it is noted:

  • Dysphonia - a change in the timbre of the voice;
  • Swelling may appear on the front of the neck;
  • Persistent dry cough and difficulty breathing;
  • Weight loss due to pain when eating;
Visualization of the tumor of the larynx

The pain in this case is constant, aggravated by swallowing and talking, and generally increases as the disease progresses. It can be one of the first symptoms, so an examination by an ENT doctor must necessarily include indirect laryngoscopy. The earlier the pathology is detected, the greater the likelihood of successful treatment.

Diseases and tumors of the thyroid gland

Acute thyroiditis - inflammation of the thyroid tissue - occurs upon contact with an infection. This gives rise to strong pain in the region of the Adam's apple, extending to the ear, the back of the head and the whole head. Body temperature rises, severe symptoms general intoxication, and on the front surface of the neck, according to the location of the thyroid gland, a swelling occurs, which is displaced along with the Adam's apple when swallowing. The treatment is carried out by an endorinologist, hospitalization is indicated.

Autoimmune Hashimoto's thyroiditis is the defeat of the gland tissue by its own antibodies to its components with the formation of an antigen-antibody complex and infiltration of the gland by lymphocytes. In this case, there is a diffuse increase in the gland, the pain is constant, but weak. The symptoms associated with compression of the trachea and esophagus by an enlarged thyroid gland come to the fore. The function is broken on late stages, the diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of laboratory tests, treatment - by an endocrinologist.

Neurogenic pain: cervical osteochondrosis and neuralgia

At cervical osteochondrosis pain in the Adam's apple is noted with damage to the roots of the spinal nerves in the C4 segment. Most often, this is compression of the nerve by a displaced intervertebral disc. The cervical region is characterized by a lateral displacement, so the pain and feeling of a lump in the throat is usually one-sided. Soreness is felt at the level of the Adam's apple or slightly lower, aggravated by swallowing. Organic changes in the larynx, trachea and esophagus are not observed, but subjectively, patients usually report difficulty in swallowing and are afraid to suffocate. A preliminary diagnosis can be made only after the exclusion of organic diseases with similar symptoms. This requires consultation with an ENT doctor and a gastroenterologist. The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of CT or MRI of the cervical spine, treatment - by a neurologist with the participation of a manual and physiotherapist.

And recurrent laryngeal nerves manifest paroxysmal acute pain in the first case in the region of the base of the tongue, soft palate and tonsils with irradiation to the ear, in the second - in the lateral wall of the pharynx and the anterior surface of the neck. Both nerves have a close connection with the vagus, therefore, in both cases, during an attack, pronounced vegetative disorders are noted: lacrimation, persistent reflex cough, impaired heart rate, in some cases fainting. Treatment is carried out by a neuropathologist, depending on the identified cause of the disorder.

Many people are faced with such a problem when their throat hurts in the region of the Adam's apple, but perhaps this is a serious signal indicating the development of a particular disease, so you need to take immediate action.

After all, the thyroid gland can become inflamed in a person, it will become painful to swallow, which most often happens, besides this, often this can cause the development of thyroiditis. Painful sensations of the thyroid cartilage indicate that there is a possibility of damage to the neighboring organ system, the laryngeal cavity. From what it hurts to swallow and sore throat in the region of the Adam's apple, consider below.

Why is it excruciatingly painful in the cartilaginous region of the thyroid gland?

As you know, without a larynx respiratory organs become exhausted and die, the excruciating discomfort of the Adam's apple often indicates the development dangerous ailments- defeat of the cervical osteochondrosis; growths of the larynx, pancreas; the appearance of neuralgia; laryngitis; abscesses.

It is important to understand that counseling an experienced specialist necessary, he will conduct the appropriate diagnostics, after which he will prescribe the correct and effective treatment, allowing to save a person from a particular ailment.

The main diseases leading to pain in the Adam's apple


In the event that a person experiences discomfort and discomfort when swallowing, it may be thyroidin. Install accurate diagnosis only a specialist can, to whom it is imperative to turn for help.

This disease usually develops after thyroid gland fall various infections, and the disease is both in the form of an acute and chronic form, it passes in different ways. And today such a disease is indeed common.

If it is an acute thyroidin, then with it a person begins to have a severe headache, pain appears in the region of the Adam's apple, chills, and body temperature rises. In addition, usually the front of the neck is very swollen, if there are complications, then it is completely filled with pus, and this, in turn, leads to more serious diseases, which is why you need to take immediate action.

Speaking about the form of subacute thyroiditis, then, as statistics show, on this moment it occurs infrequently, it is caused by viruses, influenza, etc. It is important to note that pressure is felt not only in the throat, but also mandible, auricles. She can accompany a person quite for a long time.

The non-purulent type of pathology also begins to manifest itself due to one or another group harmful bacteria. Speaking about the chronic form of the disease, it proceeds slowly, as a result, the thyroid gland increases in a person, all these ailments cause serious discomfort, pain syndrome both in the center and below the Adam's apple.

Cellular outgrowths of the thyroid gland - beware of neoplasm!

A person may face such an unpleasant situation in the case of an unnatural hardening of the thyroid gland, because the symptoms are the same. But usually this disease affects females over 35 years of age with menopausal changes in the body.

It is necessary to realize and understand that early, full examination will restore 100% health. Therefore, it is so important not to delay the visit to the doctor, but immediately, take measures that will allow you to get rid of this disease forever.

Indeed, as statistics show, usually the tumor is benign, which means that it is treated very, successfully, if the patient does not delay treatment accordingly.


A disease such as hyperthyroidism usually occurs when the thyroid gland produces a huge amount of hormones. As a result, the patient experiences symptoms such as diarrhea, nervousness, tremors, etc.

With this disease of the thyroid gland, as a rule, the patient is faced with constipation and cold intolerance. Moreover, this form of the disease can only be detected laboratory research.

As soon as the patient seeks help, the main task facing the doctor is to relieve inflammation, pain, for this special anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed, today there are a lot of them, so the specialist selects the best options.

But if the patient delayed the visit to the doctor, which usually happens, then in this case steroids, beta-blockers are prescribed.

Phlegmon of the thyroid gland

It can lead to difficulty breathing, swallowing, in addition, according to experts, this often leads to aphonia. Patients chalk it up to the common flu, not knowing that it can cause serious health complications.

Concomitant influenza is always capable of causing serious complications, and this leads to various more serious illnesses, for example, to inflammation of the supraclavicular space of the larynx. After that, the inflammation begins to cover the cartilage itself, and this, in turn, forms the formation of fistulas, abscesses, etc. on them.

Staphylococcus aureus of the thyroid gland - tuberculosis

Often people develop tuberculosis of the thyroid gland. Statistics show that indeed today with such a disease, people are faced with more and more often. The main reason for this lies in the fact that a person suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis, which gave the most serious complications, again due to untimely seeking help from specialists.

At the time of examining the patient's condition, a special sample is taken, it is needed to identify tuberculous microbacteria that are in the mucous secretions of the oral cavity.

You may have noticed that there are pain sensations that do not go away for quite a long time, the voice disappears, you can’t drag it out! It is imperative to go for help to such specialists as a phthisiatrician, an otolaryngologist, who will conduct a differential diagnosis.

Oncological lesion of the Adam's apple

If a person experiences these symptoms, then this may also mean the presence of a more serious disease, such as malignant tumor Adam's apple region, because this disease has the same symptoms as the sensation of a foreign body on the tonsils, where the Adam's apple starts to hurt.

If the patient delays going to the doctor, this leads to running form illness, expectoration with blood impurities may appear, in addition, it may be
difficulty passing food through the esophagus, resulting in pain when swallowing.

If the throat hurts in the region of the Adam's apple, it hurts to swallow, the thyroid gland may be inflamed and thyroiditis develops. Pain in the region of the larynx, at the root of the tongue, in the lower part of the neck are associated with damage to the larynx or nearby organs, tissues and have different intensity and degree of localization.

The larynx is important body respiratory system, the function of which is the production of sound and the conduction of air through the trachea to the lungs. Pain in the Adam's apple and neck can also be due to:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • injured larynx;
  • neuralgia;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • acute / chronic laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis of the cartilage of the larynx;
  • phlegmon of the cartilage of the thyroid gland;
  • neoplasms in the throat and gland.

What diseases can lead to pain in the Adam's apple

Thyroiditis is an inflammatory process that develops as a result of infection in the thyroid gland, has an acute or chronic form. In acute thyroiditis, the head hurts a lot, there is pain in the Adam's apple, the temperature rises, the pain radiates to the ear and neck. The anterior part of the neck swells, fills with pus in case of complications, which can lead to the development of sepsis or purulent mediastinitis.

The form of subacute thyroiditis is less common, caused by viruses, mumps, influenza, localized in the upper respiratory tract. Often the pain presses not only on the Adam's apple, but also on the ears, jaw, and can last from a week to several months. The patient has weakness, difficulty in swallowing, breathing, fatigue, fever, hoarseness, pain when touched.

Known non-purulent, granulomatous form of thyroiditis, which develops as a result of ingestion viral infection. The chronic form is called Hashimito, develops rather slowly, leads to a gradual thickening of the surrounding tissues, an increase in the thyroid gland, is mobile to the touch, causes discomfort, and signs of hypothyroidism. The synthesis of hormones is disturbed, the secretion of the pituitary gland increases, and thyroid hyperplasia. At advanced stage its functionality and iodine content are sharply reduced. When growing connective tissue the disease acquires a fibrinous character and is called Riedel's thyroiditis. There is a diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland, the Adam's apple area becomes stony, as if soldered to neighboring tissues, it begins to put pressure on the trachea, blood vessels, esophagus, which manifests itself in the form of painful symptoms in the throat, when swallowing.

A tumor of the thyroid gland is also associated with a sore throat, neck, and Adam's apple. It is more common in women after 30 years, during menopause. Early diagnosis leads to a complete recovery of 95% of patients. Usually, in most cases, the tumor has a benign form, it is successfully treated.

Hyperthyroidism is caused by the thyroid gland producing a large number hormones. The patient has:

  • increased heart rate, sweating;
  • tremor;
  • nervousness, increased fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • intolerance to hot air currents, intense heat.

In hypothyroidism, another form of thyroid disease, on the contrary, constipation and cold intolerance are observed. This form of the disease can be detected by a laboratory study, as a result of which the level of thyroxine, blood serum, serum thyroglobulin, TSH, ESR is overestimated; the level of T4, on the contrary, is greatly underestimated. In hyperthyroidism, treatment is aimed at relieving inflammation, pain with anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, aspirin). With a running inflammatory process, steroids (prednisolone), beta-blockers (atenolol, propranolol) are prescribed.

Phlegmon of the thyroid gland leads to difficulty breathing, swallowing, often - to aphonia, chills, fever. Concomitant influenza can give complications, lead to chondroperichondritis of the larynx, inflammation passes to the laryngeal cartilages, which form suppuration, fistulas, sequesters.

Tuberculosis of the cartilage of the thyroid gland occurs due to pulmonary tuberculosis, which gave complications. For diagnosis, tuberculin samples are taken from the patient for the presence of tuberculous microbacteria in the sputum. If there is pain in the Adam's apple, hoarseness of voice, dysphagia is felt, there is no need to hesitate, but contact a phthisiatrician, an otolaryngologist for further examination.

Cancer of the thyroid cartilage has the same symptoms, the same feeling of a lump in the throat, a foreign soft body. In advanced form, it leads to expectoration with blood impurities, difficulty in passing food through the esophagus, and painful swallowing. Pain in the Adam's apple is often associated with cervical osteochondrosis. If there were fractures in this area, compression of the laryngeal cartilages, then when touched, the broken cartilages begin to crunch, breathing, swallowing is difficult, damage leads to persistent cough, hemoptysis, laryngeal edema, emphysema.

The cause of pain in osteochondrosis, laryngitis

With osteochondrosis of the cervical region spinal column there is compression of blood vessels, nerve fibers. With cervical osteochondrosis, dislocations of the vertebrae are noted, the neural parts of which irritate the ligaments, muscles and lead to pain syndromes. With manifestations disc herniation, protrusion affects the membrane of the spinal canal, it begins to swell, as a result of which the root of the neck of the spinal canal becomes compressed. The spine becomes inflamed, blood stagnation occurs in the veins. The brain stem, cerebellum begins to be supplied with blood not in full. Stenosis leads to narrowing vertebral arteries, its compression occurs, the spinal cord, the brain experiences ischemia, there is serious disease- spinal stroke.

When laryngitis occurs inflammatory process in the throat, damage by viruses, fungi, as a result of injury to the throat cavity, inhalation of cold air, strong overvoltage vocal cords. In the acute form, it hurts in the region of the Adam's apple, in the depths of the throat appears dry, barking cough. The voice becomes hoarse, up to total loss, mucosal swells. Breathing is difficult, with complications, stenosis is possible, irritating to the larynx. Often occurs in young children, in the absence timely treatment quickly becomes chronic. Not only the Adam's apple becomes painful, but also the root of the tongue, the throat.

Treatment is carried out by the appointment of painkillers, antihistamines, antipyretics, drinking should be plentiful. If the throat is infected with microbes, antibiotics are prescribed, if the fungus is infected, antimycotic drugs. Smoking, alcohol should be excluded, vocal cords should always be at rest. At the initial acute stage diseases good helper become alkaline inhalations.

How to get rid of pain in the Adam's apple

Painful discomfort in the Adam's apple requires diagnosis and, of course, timely treatment.

They can be the cause of many diseases, and quite severe and not treatable, such as tuberculosis, cancer of the cartilage and larynx, thyroid gland. Do not postpone a visit to a therapist or endocrinologist. It is important to identify the disease in time, to prevent its further development.

If the Adam's apple is injured for any reason, it is reasonable to first contact a surgeon, a traumatologist. If you suspect inflammation due to a cold, see an otolaryngologist. If you suspect a tumor in the region of the Adam's apple and neck - to the oncologist.

Do not panic even before the most terrible fears. The tumor at the beginning of development often has a benign character, is well treated and removed without consequences. Today, medicine is able to deal with organ damage by tuberculosis. In any case, the sooner you consult a doctor, the more positive the forecasts for the future will be.