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Birth control pills: benefit or harm. The health risks of birth control pills. The harm of hormones to health The benefits of hormonal pills

drugs cause a lot of discussion. Some people are skeptical about them and are categorically against their use. Someone, on the contrary, argues that from using contraceptives - contraception feels better and notices changes in positive side. Undoubtedly, the harm and benefits of hormonal contraceptives are obvious, but with medical point vision this is called “features of impact birth control pills on the body."

Taking hormonal contraceptives does not produce serious or life-threatening side effects. There are no health risks even with long-term use, but some changes in the body may occur. The harms and benefits of taking hormonal contraceptives are assessed over time.

Taking hormonal contraceptives helps restore hormonal balance V female body. Some of them are prescribed by gynecologists even for the prevention of cancer, in the treatment inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system. In addition, hormonal contraceptives have therapeutic effect for those who suffer from abdominal pain in the first days menstrual cycle.

Hormonal contraceptives improve the condition of the skin, hair, regulate the psycho-emotional state, which is often unstable before the onset of menstruation in women. Mood swings, depression tendencies, irritability and insomnia are all unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated after taking contraceptive drugs.

The diverse effects of contraceptive pills are complemented by the main effect that they have - the prevention of pregnancy. There is no need to use condoms or other means of protection.

The harm and benefits of contraceptives are evaluated strictly individually for each woman. Who claims that from taking hormonal contraceptives, weight is rapidly gaining. Some people think that, on the contrary, they contribute to weight loss. From a medical point of view, this is explained by the fact that hormonal effects on the body due to gestagens. These are hormones that are part of hormonal contraceptives. Some drugs contain more gestagens, some have less. Therefore, all contraceptives are prescribed strictly individually, only after examining the female body and taking tests, including tests for hormones.

Undoubtedly, hormonal drugs can have some kind of therapeutic effect, in particular on the skin and hair condition. It is known that some women suffer from acne as a result of hormonal imbalances. Treatment of such a problem is possible with the help of hormonal contraceptives.

Most women face such a problem as irregular menstrual cycles. Birth control pills can normalize the cycle, make periods regular and reduce pain.

Reception hormonal pills helps reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases. Scientists were able to conduct research and prove that the risk of cancer is reduced by 45-55%. When a tumor has already been detected, hormonal contraceptives are not prescribed.

Doctors prescribe some hormonal contraceptives even in cases where it is necessary to cure infertility. Due to the fact that they contain hormones, a woman’s fertility is restored. There is no evidence that long-term use of contraceptives affects the development of infertility in the future. These factors are not interrelated.

Now let's talk a little about what is negative about taking birth control contraceptives. Firstly, the statement that some tablets contain extremely small amounts of hormones is incorrect. Hormones are still present in the tablets, and the dose of hormones still enters the body. There is a possibility that a disruption of the natural course may occur physiological processes, but this is facilitated by drugs with a high content of hormones.

Basically, hormones are chemicals that are produced by the glands in our body. They are considered carriers of various information. Everyone knows that adrenaline is produced from fear or strong emotional experiences, and the hormone of happiness, serotonin, is produced from joyful experiences. All hormones together have an impact on the state of our body, on well-being and on the emotional state.

Doctors say that taking contraceptives is artificial suppression natural processes in organism. The instructions for the pills say that they prevent ovulation. In fact, it is simply impossible to suppress ovulation, just pills create extremely unfavorable conditions for the fertilized egg to move and attach in the uterus. Thus, every month something like a mini-abortion occurs.

Birth control pills cannot protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Only condoms and a careful choice of sexual partners are suitable for this purpose.

It should be remembered that the harm and benefits of taking hormonal contraceptives are assessed exclusively individually. In any case, no woman should prescribe them for herself. First of all, taking any medications– this is a disruption of natural processes in the body, this is an impact on the daily functioning of all organ systems.

Birth control pills are not intended for use by girls under 20 years of age. Doctors allow taking such drugs up to 50 years of age.

A girl of the 21st century begins to menstruate at the age of 12-13 and by the age of 16 she often already experiences an abortion. Women today face infections and diseases that their great-grandmothers did not know. Endometriosis used to be called the disease of nuns because it occurred in women who had never been sexually active. And now we diagnose it even in young girls. The modern woman gives birth less and lives longer. As a result, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian tumors, benign formations and breast cancer.

Doctors promote hormonal contraceptives for women as a solution to these problems. They stop monthly ovulation and create the opportunity for rest for the ovaries, the so-called pseudo pregnancy. In addition, hormonal contraceptives with estrogen, by turning off ovulation, preserve a woman's supply of eggs - her reproductive potential. The two main questions that concern women about these products are: will they make me infertile and will they spoil my appearance? Many are afraid that after stopping artificial hormones, the body will not be able to produce its own (it will become weaned).

This is not true, if the production of her own hormones stopped, a woman would have symptoms of their deficiency after stopping the pills (symptoms of menopause, such as long absence menstruation, hot flashes, etc.), but this is not observed. The most common, especially in the first one to three months of use: spotting and breast engorgement. Less commonly, swelling, nausea, headache, decreased libido.

Increased blood clotting, cardiovascular complications, venous thromboembolism, liver pathology. The risk is very low - about one woman in 10,000 - and is higher in women over 35 years of age. If these symptoms occur, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible: breakthrough bleeding for more than two months, abdominal or chest pain, migraine, swelling, skin rashes, gum inflammation (when taking progestogen-containing drugs). Hormones - chemical substances, which the body produces to control the functioning of various organs.

Hormonal contraceptives are medications with the strongest contraceptive effect; the likelihood of becoming pregnant when taking them is close to zero. Have additional therapeutic effect. In our country they are sold without a prescription, in the USA and Western Europe- only after consulting a doctor. Estrogen and progestogen - two female hormone, are part of contraceptives.

Coca - combined oral contraceptives, the most popular hormonal contraceptive in the world. They are sold in the form of tablets, taken in cycles - for example, 21 days, then a break is taken for 7 days, during which a menstrual-like reaction occurs. Cokes vary in the amount of estrogen, from low dose (20 mmg) to high dose (30 mmg). The less estrogen, the fewer side effects.

Menstrual-like reaction - short (one or two days), light and painless bloody issues, occur during a seven-day break in taking hormonal contraceptives. Mini-pills are oral contraceptives that contain only progestogen. They do not have the side effects of estrogen, so they are recommended for lactating, women over 35 and women with contraindications to estrogen. The main disadvantages are unpredictable spotting and decreased libido.

Breakthrough bleeding is spotting. One of the most frequent and unpleasant side effects in the first six months of taking contraceptives (mainly progestogen-containing: mini-pills, the Mirena system). It is impossible to predict when they will start and when they will end, which causes discomfort (blood is an ideal environment for the development of bacteria in the vagina; the quality of sexual life decreases).

Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for more than six months. Almost always occurs after prolonged use of progestogen-containing contraceptives. After discontinuation of the drug, menstruation and the ability to become pregnant return in one to three months. Emergency contraception - birth control pills (postinor and escapelle) should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sexual intercourse, no later than 72 hours. They contain a loading dose of hormones - in regular cokes it is distributed over 21 days. Cannot be used more often than once every six months.

The effect of hormonal contraceptives is initially based on lies. The pills deceive the body by artificially creating a certain hormonal background. All organs and systems are fully confident that ovulation has already occurred, and therefore do not care at all about the timely (real) maturation of the egg. If there is no mature follicle, there is no pregnancy. It's clear. Just like the fact that the blood carries tableted hormones not only to the ovaries. In the article we discuss a new topic about hormonal oral contraceptives and pills.

Because for the first generation of pills that ladies swallowed in the 60s of the last century, this was not a myth. High doses of estrogen actually caused their bodies to become rounder and more feminine. But the next few decades development contraceptives followed the path of reducing dosages. In tablets latest generation doses of estrogen are so low that they can lead to only slight enlargement of the mammary glands. But you’re unlikely to be upset by the extra 100-200 g in this particular zone, right?

Now hormonal oral contraception V for cosmetic purposes Even girls who don't lead use it sex life. After all, acne and oily shine are often consequences hormonal changes and high levels of male hormones. Oral contraceptives equalize hormonal balance and get rid of acne. They also help to cope with hair loss on the head and prevent their growth in in the wrong places- above upper lip, on the chin and chest.

From time to time, the study of cause-and-effect relationships is renewed somewhere in the world - and the results are inconsistent. Our main idea is this: if you are at risk, for example, have bad heredity in terms of breast cancer, before running to the pharmacy for COCs, visit a mammologist. And it’s better not to just one.

Studies have established and confirmed that hormonal contraceptives save from endometrial and ovarian cancer. The protective effect persists for several years after discontinuation of the drug. The risk of getting endometrial cancer is reduced by 50%, colorectal cancer and ovarian cancer - by 30% if you have been taking hormonal oral contraceptives for at least two to three years. At the same time, COCs help in the prevention of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and other common women's problems. The first reports that birth control pills increase the risk of thromboembolic disease appeared in 1967. The fact is that high doses estrogen can actually activate the blood coagulation system. Doctors usually do not prescribe COCs smoking women over 35, as well as those suffering from heart disease - so as not to add up the risks. But science does not stand still. Now there are modern contraceptives oral tablets without estrogen, as well as products with a minimum amount of hormones.

A 2010 US study found that young girls taking COCs had 6% lower bone density than those who somehow managed without pills. Scientists also explain this by the influence of estrogen. IN normal cycle it fluctuates - and at its peak level stimulates bone mass growth. Against the background of contraceptives, the amount of the hormone remains even, so compaction does not occur. However, now, in parallel in several countries, new studies are underway, which show that after 40 years the situation is reversed. Your own level of estrogen drops, but the artificial one is able to protect your bones. So far, doctors have not given final recommendations on this issue.

No fluctuations in hormones means no premenstrual syndrome. In any case, it has been proven to be less pronounced in those who take pills. By at least, you will not yell at relatives, and empty the refrigerator a week before menstruation. In most cases, COCs increase it - moreover, simply because you stop being afraid of the consequences of sex. But talk about “lost desires” did not arise out of nowhere. As you know, male sex hormones are responsible for libido. Girls from the original high level Androgens tend to be more temperamental than everyone else. But they often have to fight acne and mustaches. These girls are prescribed contraceptives with an antiandrogenic effect - and by lowering the level of male hormones, they also reduce libido. But not to zero, but to the average statistical norm.

Oral contraceptives entered the lives of many women in the 60s of the 20th century. The popularity of these means of protection against unplanned pregnancy is due to the ease of use and reliability. However, along with the advantages, such drugs have their drawbacks, contraindications and limitations. Therefore, every woman should know the rules of admission oral contraceptives.

Combined oral contraceptives, Cocaine, are the most effective means. The principle of their action is to suppress ovulation as a result of the immaturity of the egg, change the composition of the secret in the cervix, which prevents the passage of spermatozoa, and thin the uterine lining so that fertilized eggs cannot attach to it. Combined oral contraceptives contain synthetic analogues of the hormones progestin and estrogen.

The term “hormones” evokes in most modern women negative associations with plump, mustachioed victims of the use of these substances. Hormone therapy has a powerful effect on the human body and this effect can be both positive and negative. But for many people, hormonal medications can significantly improve the quality of life and prolong it. This applies to patients diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, diseases of the thyroid gland.

Are hormonal pills harmful?

The effect of different hormones on the body is not the same, so the effect of different hormonal drugs, both positive and negative, will differ. Positive or bad influence on the body after using hormonal therapy depends on the type of hormone in the drug, its dosage, duration and frequency of use.

Hormonal drugs, like almost any medicine, have a certain Negative influence on the body. But, as a rule, this negative effect significantly less than what was brought positive result during treatment specific disease. There are a number of diseases for which hormonal therapy is the only treatment method.

Why are hormonal drugs harmful?

With the development of medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, modern hormonal drugs differ significantly from those produced in the last century. If hormonal therapy 20 years ago caused a lot of side effects such as swelling, cellulite, excess hair, excess weight, then a similar effect from modern drugs is minimized. The side effects of hormonal drugs will be minimal only if they are selected correctly, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

What possible harm can hormonal medications cause? This information is contained in the instructions for use of a particular drug. A separate section “Side Effects” contains the entire list of side effects that are possible, but not required. Of these, the most common are metabolic disorders, excessive hair growth, weight gain, skin reactions, and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm and benefits of hormonal contraceptives

For hormonal therapy in women, oral contraceptives are usually used, which provide contraceptive effect, A therapeutic effect is a positive side effect. Disputes about the dangers and benefits of hormones have been going on for as long as these drugs have existed.

There are representatives of medicine, traditional and non-traditional directions, who categorically do not approve of the use of hormonal drugs for the reason irreparable harm, which they inflict on the woman’s body. The drugs suppress the natural function of the ovaries, disrupt natural hormonal levels and have dangerous side effects.

Application research hormonal drugs allow us to assert that all of the above does not apply to modern drugs. They do not contain such high concentrations hormones, like the first generation drugs that could cause serious harm body and provide soft action on hormonal levels due to microdoses of the hormone and high-quality purification of the drug.

Taking OK additionally has the following effects:

The risk of developing inflammatory and tumor lesions of the mammary glands and uterus is significantly reduced;

Improves the condition of hair and skin;

The likelihood of mastopathy and heart and vascular diseases is reduced;

Are relieved manifestations of PMS, the duration of menstruation decreases and they become less painful;

The positive effect of prescribing hormonal contraceptives is much higher than the negative effect.

If a woman has no contraindications to taking hormonal drugs, an accurate diagnosis is made and an individually selected dosage is prescribed, the harm of hormonal drugs is practically reduced to zero.

In the first three months of prescribing the drug, when the body gets used to it, side effects such as headache, nausea, dizziness, headache, engorgement of the mammary glands are possible. sudden changes mood, decreased sexual desire.

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Hormonal imbalance causes many problems in the body. And then hormonal therapy, which is widely used in medicine today, comes to the rescue. But at the same time, conversations about the dangers of hormones for health do not stop. So what are hormones - a panacea or a harm?

The harm of hormones and their benefits

ABOUT the harm of hormones first started talking about hormone replacement therapy, which became widespread in the mid-to-late last century, especially in the West. So, first of all, it began to be used to relieve the symptoms of menopause, treat diseases such as dwarfism, hypothyroidism, Addison's disease, etc. Today there are two opposing opinions: someone believes that hormonal therapy is a benefit for humans (especially for women) , others talk about its dangers and believe that such therapy can provoke many diseases, as well as obesity.

The last statement has a right to exist - it has already been established that hormones can increase the likelihood of breast cancer, increase the risk of thrombosis, etc. At the same time, medicine does not stand still, and hormonal drugs used several years ago are different from modern medicines- they are manufactured using more advanced technologies and undergo a better degree of purification. Another example is hormonal therapy during menopause, which helps a woman maintain her shape during this difficult period and not gain weight. On the one hand, hormones really cope with this task, but on the other, if a woman has already begun to gain weight, they can, on the contrary, only accelerate weight gain. As for development cancer cells then with this side effect Combined estrogen-gestagen drugs can cope.

One of the reasons why some doctors are of the opinion that hormones are harmful is because the dosage is unclear. The level of certain hormones in human body is not a constant value, since in the process of life and depending on various conditions their content may vary greatly. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed very carefully, taking into account individual characteristics, constantly monitoring the increase or decrease in hormone levels. But, often, neither patients nor doctors have the opportunity or time for such careful monitoring, therefore, in most cases, only average doses are prescribed, which can lead to excessive use of hormonal drugs, and the harm from such therapy will be clear. At the same time, we should not forget that our body is quite smart and is capable of removing excess of certain substances on its own. But this happens only if all its internal systems work without failures, which, alas, is rarely expected. In addition, hormonal drugs can simply become addictive, and the glands internal secretion They just get lazy about producing hormones on their own.

When is the risk of hormonal harm justified?

Hormone therapy is perceived as an extreme, life-saving measure, used only when all other methods have failed, and the risk of complications or consequences of the disease is higher than the risk of complications from hormonal treatment. It is very important that the medications are chosen correctly. The use of bioidentical hormones is recommended - they are a kind of “golden mean”. As for hormonal contraceptives, they should also be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the woman, her condition hormonal levels and under the supervision of her doctor. For diseases upper sections Gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and ulcers, hormonal patches or quickly dissolving tablets are recommended so that penetration into the stomach can be avoided. The risk of hormonal harm is also greatly increased by disordered and long-term use medications are usually sufficient certain period in order for the balance to return to normal. Constant use of hormones is prescribed only if, for example, a woman has undergone surgery to remove an ovary.

Possible harm hormones does not mean that they should be abandoned completely. You just need to use them only after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you may not only not help, but also greatly harm your body and worsen your health.

Modern science provides people with the opportunity to independently regulate the number of children. It's about about preventing unwanted pregnancy and methods of contraception. Condoms, coils, tablets, barrier protection - pharmaceutical market provides a wide range of protection products. This article will tell you about oral contraceptives, how to choose, use and what effect their use has on the body.

Types of contraceptives

Contraceptive pills occupy a leading position among the means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. They are easy to take, they are not expensive, and they protect reliably. At first glance, their advantage is obvious. But is it really that simple?

There are 2 types of birth control pills.

  • combined oral contraceptives;
  • mini-drink.

The former contain 2 types of hormones - estrogen and gestagen. Mini-pills consist only of gestagen.

Based on the name, mini-pills are tablets that contain minimal doses of hormones. That is, their efficiency is slightly lower than that of regular tablets. But such pills act much more gently, so they can be used during breastfeeding and for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Conventional tablets, in turn, are divided into:

  1. Monophasic - the level of hormones remains unchanged throughout the month. These include Regulon, Lindinet, Janine, Logest, Silhouette.
  2. Biphasic - the amount of hormones differs in 2 periods of the cycle. For example, Femoston.
  3. Three-phase - level active substance changes 3 times per cycle. They are less popular, despite the fact that they imitate the natural release of the hormone. They are much worse perceived by the body than the first 2 types. Their name includes the mark three - Tri-Regol, Three Merci.

The point of birth control pills is that they prevent the egg from maturing. This makes ovulation impossible. Mini-pills only act on the lining of the uterus. They make it loose, the secretions are viscous, which does not allow the sperm to penetrate to the target.

How to choose birth control

To choose high-quality ones that are guaranteed to protect against and not cause unnecessary side effects, you need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a survey and examine your skin, mammary glands. Measure your weight and blood pressure. And based on this data, he will offer you a choice of several drugs that are right for you. It would be better to take a special test for hormones, this will allow you to choose a 100% suitable means of protection.

Remember that like any other medicine, birth control pills have their contraindications:

  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • liver diseases;
  • migraine;
  • - reduces the effectiveness of the drug;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy and;
  • after 40 years;
  • diseases of the biliary organs;
  • high level .

How to take birth control pills

If you are starting to take oral contraceptives for the first time, then you should start right from the first day. If this is not done, then it is better to use it for the first week.

When one tablet of tablets runs out, or you need to switch to another remedy, you need to take a 7-day break. On day 8, start drinking either the next package or a new product. Please note that some drugs do not have a break in their “program”. For example, Jess. These pills use “empty” pills during menstruation, without hormones. This is done for convenience so as not to get confused.

You should take the pills every day at the same time. Of course, there is no need to set an alarm clock and take pills every minute. It is best to take the drug in evening time day, it’s good to eat before. At first, some women experience bouts of nausea. This is caused by hormones and is considered a normal reaction.

If you forget to take your next pill, but 24 hours have not passed yet, just take the missed pill. If more than a day has passed, take 2. Also, if the break due to forgetfulness is more than a day, it is best to use additional protection.

When you stop taking the drug, the level of hormones in the blood decreases and menstruation begins. Please note that cycle disruptions may occur after you stop taking it. It can either decrease or increase. A failure can occur either in the first month after failure, or in the 3rd or 6th month. If such a situation occurs, consult a doctor to eliminate the risk possible diseases or pregnancy.

By the way, you can get pregnant immediately after stopping taking hormonal medications if the course of treatment was up to 6 months. The instructions indicate that the body will fully recover in 2-3 months after completing the course. But it all depends on the characteristics of the body and the duration of use.

Harm of contraceptives

It is worth immediately clarifying that properly selected and taken medications cause minimal harm to the body. If you ignore contraindications or take the wrong drug, you may:

  1. Vein thrombosis. In cases where there are problems with blood clotting, overweight, there will be air travel or surgery, but you still take the drug.
  2. Junk. Incorrectly selected pills are not very effective.
  3. Incorrectly selected tablets cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and increased blood pressure.
  4. Suppressing symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. If it is not treated in time, it can lead to infertility.
  5. Increased susceptibility to HIV infection and chlamydia.
  6. Some women note a decrease while taking the pills. But the relationship between these factors has not been scientifically proven.
  7. Increased blood cholesterol levels. What is a direct “assistant”.

The benefits of birth control

Positive effects of birth control pills on the female body:

  • prevention of unwanted pregnancy;
  • reducing the risk of ectopic pregnancy;
  • alignment of hormonal levels;
  • cycle regulation;
  • decline pain syndrome during menstruation, as well as their duration and intensity;
  • unloads the ovaries, allows them to rest;
  • prevention of complications in the female part - cysts, inflammations, tumors, incl. ;
  • regulation of work sebaceous glands, fight acne;
  • reduction of natural unnecessary hair growth;
  • reduce the strength and frequency of “hot flashes” upon the onset of menopause;
  • refusal of pills causes a sharp activation of the ovaries; if pregnancy did not work out previously, now it may well happen;
  • reducing the risk of other diseases - ulcers, arthritis, asthma.

Today, we will have an unusual article, we will talk about the effectiveness, harm and even benefits of birth control pills, this is indeed a very controversial topic for discussion, but it is also very relevant, and this really requires truly unbiased analytics and expertise, so we will not we can get around on our self-development portal.

Indeed, in an era of new opportunities and prospects, modern women I want to do less and less housework and raising children, and devote more time to self-realization, and in particular to my career.

The times when “there is no sex in our country” have already passed. And the question of choosing protection from unwanted pregnancy affected every couple in one way or another. And the choice of many settled on hormonal contraceptives and tablets, the popularity and sales of which in pharmacies is growing by leaps and bounds.

Methods of hormonal contraception

Modern medicine does not stand still. And a woman can freely choose the method of hormonal contraception that is most optimal for her.

Traditionally hormonal contraception divided into oral (in simple terms, tablets: mini-miles and combined oral contraceptives, drugs emergency contraception) and parenteral ( intrauterine device, hormonal ring, hormonal patch, etc.)

But today the most popular and widespread are still combined oral contraceptives, or in common parlance “OK” these are our birth control pills, which we will talk about in more detail today.

All these drugs are based on changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. But each of them has its own operating principle.

How birth control pills work

Today we will talk about the so-called oral contraceptives or, in common parlance, birth control pills, which are most popular among the female population.

Usually birth control pills contain two hormones - a synthetic analogue of estrogen and progesterone. Their the contraceptive effect is based on the suppression of ovulation.

That is, female sex cell it simply does not mature and enter the uterus. And besides, they thicken cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from penetrating the uterus and changes the structure of the endometrium. If the sperm has already penetrated the uterine cavity, then it certainly will not attach.

The effectiveness of OK is about 99%, But we must keep in mind that 1% does happen.

The benefits of birth control pills

Very often, doctors prescribe supposedly useful birth control pills to girls who have hormonal disorders. For example, irregular menstruation, follicular cysts, polycystic. Also Hormonal contraceptives are sometimes prescribed to girls with problem skin.

The effect of such treatment with birth control pills does not take long to arrive. As a rule, within a month the skin becomes clear, menstruation occurs on the same date, and severe pain slight discomfort comes, or even any unpleasant sensations disappear altogether.

Besides, Oral contraceptives as a drug have a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Sounds tempting. Birth control pills have a hormone replacement effect.

The principle of therapy is simple: if a woman’s ovaries are not working well and do not produce enough estrogen or progesterone, the drug “turns off” them and the body functions using synthetic ones.

Polycystic ovarian cysts and cysts, which are often accompanied acne, due to the high level male hormone androgen, and an insufficient amount of estrogen, which in the normal situation suppresses it.

The same applies to hirsutism (hair growth male type). Estrogen, which is contained in birth control pills, balances all sex hormones and therefore all disappear external signs hormonal conflicts. But not everything is so simple...

Harm of birth control pills

Modern medicine and advertising assure us that hormonal birth control pills contain a very low dose of the hormone and therefore are very convenient and safe to take. But is taking hormonal drugs as safe as it seems at first glance?

Before making a serious decision to take or not to take incomprehensibly useful or very harmful birth control pills, you should carefully study at least the instructions, where you will be faced with an impressive list of contraindications and side effects.

This is what is written in the “side effects” column in the instructions for one of the contraceptive drugs, in which the most high dose hormone, and which is also prohibited in Europe:

Side effects of birth control pills

"From the outside endocrine system: V in rare cases- engorgement, pain, enlargement of the mammary glands and discharge from them, change in body weight.

From the reproductive system: in rare cases - intermenstrual bleeding, changes in vaginal secretion, changes in libido.

From the side of the central nervous system: in rare cases - headache, migraine, decreased mood.

From the digestive system: in rare cases - nausea, vomiting.

Others: in very rare cases - poor tolerance contact lenses, allergic reactions, appearance age spots on the face (chloasma).

These side effects may develop in the first few months of taking the drug and usually decrease over time."

The text isn't particularly impressive. Considering the peculiarities of the Slavic mentality, what might a reader think who is determined to take contraceptives - “well, think about it, will you feel sick or have a headache? It happens without that!

In general, this will definitely not happen with anyone, with anyone, but with me!” Common situation? This instruction very briefly and very carefully, marked “in very rare cases,” tells only part of what a woman can expect while taking or after stopping the drug.

Contraindications for oral contraceptives

In addition to side effects, such oral contraceptive drugs and pills have a number of contraindications, which include thrombosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, smoking (which in combination with contraceptives has a very detrimental effect), hypertension, and the postoperative period.

From what is written in the instructions, a simple conclusion can be drawn - only women with very good health, which they are consciously ready to worsen over time.

In order to find out the state of your health, the presence of blood clots, you need to undergo a serious examination, which, as you understand, no one does. And when the doctor prescribes this “miracle pill” to us, he also does not warn us about what may happen next.

How do hormonal contraceptives affect the female body?

The body is an integral system that works harmoniously and everything in it is interconnected. Women's hormonal system regulated by the brain, and in particular by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. But When taking hormonal pills, the connection between the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and ovaries is disrupted.

Since it does not occur on the part of the ovaries feedback. The goal of the OK is to suppress its own system. But the purpose of hormonal birth control pills is not to send the ovaries to rest, as doctors assure us, but to send them into premature retirement, where they will be depleted.

The dangers of oral contraceptives

Synthetic hormones are many times more active than natural ones. AND with their long-term use, disturbances occur at the level of brain regulation.

Wherein The woman's ovaries stop functioning. They decrease in size, blood vessels narrow, which leads to a lack of nutrients. And their natural potential is slowly fading away, which will most likely make itself felt after discontinuation of the drug.

Oddly enough, but honestly, the main effect and purpose of oral contraceptives is to cause a pathology in the female body, due to which the woman will temporarily be unable to have children. After all, a healthy woman is a woman capable of conception and pregnancy.

Very often, this temporary pathology becomes permanent, where a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time after stopping birth control pills.

Here heavy artillery comes to the rescue in the form ECO (artificial insemination ), hormonal stimulation of ovulation or taking hormonal medications during pregnancy, which does not have a very positive effect on the formation of the fetus.

In addition to disruption of ovarian function, long-term use oral contraceptives causes endometrial atrophy, which may subsequently lead to pathological processes in the cervix reaching precancerous conditions

Can I use birth control pills?

While taking the drugs, the condition of the ovaries is similar to the condition of the ovaries during pregnancy. At this time, the body prepares to feed the newborn.

That is, active cell proliferation begins in the mammary gland. But since the period breastfeeding never occurs, these cells become denser and appear various diseases like mastopathy.

In addition to suppressing reproductive health, hormonal contraceptives (and indeed taking any sex hormones in general) negatively affect the gastric mucosa and duodenum, have a toxic effect on the liver and pancreas, and reduce vascular tone. Very often, women who take OCs experience increased heart rate and shortness of breath.

Obesity from taking contraceptives

Another important argument against oral contraceptives is possible uncontrolled obesity or simply weight gain. Despite the fact that pharmaceutical companies assure us that such a dose of the hormone as in modern drugs does not affect a woman’s weight in any way; obesity is a very common side effect.

The reason for this is an increase in blood sugar, which leads to increased secretion of insulin in the pancreas, and as a result, a disruption of the entire metabolism.

The World Health Organization classifies chemical contraceptives and pills as highly carcinogenic. Taking them has been proven to increase the risk of breast cancer. Scientists have already proven that taking oral contraceptives by women under 36 years of age for 4-8 years increases the risk of the disease by 40%, and for more than 8 years – by 70%.

Manufacturers of some drugs timidly warn women about this. But who pays attention to this when such joy as a lot of sex with a beloved man and no pregnancy is on the scales?

Alas. Unfortunately, the instructions with all its “horror stories” have not yet convinced anyone to take hormonal contraceptives. I repeat: in Europe, many drugs that are presented on our market add to the lava of drugs prohibited for sale.

It should also be noted that OCs only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but not against sexually transmitted diseases.

Should I take birth control pills for medicinal purposes?

For those who think they are taking birth control pills medicinal purposes(polycystic, ovarian cysts, etc.), I must say that almost no therapeutic effect not happening. The ovaries simply turn off, the connection between them and the brain is disrupted.

At the girl's all symptoms go away, if the menstrual cycle is disrupted, everything gets better, menstrual-like bleeding occurs (but this is not menstruation, since ovulation does not occur), the skin becomes clearer, but in essence this is pushing the problem into a deep box.

The fact is that doctors who prescribe one have one goal - so that the patient does not have a cyst, for example. But if the patient has a completely different goal - to be cured and then give birth to a child, then these 2 goals do not coincide very much. In very rare cases, after discontinuation of OCs that were prescribed for therapeutic purposes, the disease for which they were prescribed goes away.

Often after discontinuation of contraceptives and previously unhealthy internal system the person becomes even more depressed. And it takes a lot of time to restore it, from several months to several years.

The most common phenomena after discontinuation of the drug are women who do not have menstruation at all, or simply have the same symptoms that were there before they started taking it.

The benefits and harms of contraceptives

Although on the other hand, some healthy women, after discontinuation of the drug, a so-called “hormonal boom” is observed. Then, over the course of several months, the likelihood of conception is very high.

This happens to those who by nature reproductive health very strong. Unfortunately, today there are fewer and fewer such women.

So, I hope you understand that taking birth control pills and their great benefit and convenience in social terms, there is also a lot of harm in medical terms, so not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. As they say, “All that glitters is not gold.”

It is obvious that even after reading this material, not all ardent fans of the benefits of contraceptive drugs will not run and give up their pills, especially since sometimes taking them may be almost necessary, so to speak, due to life circumstances, which is also a certain benefit that cannot be denied .

But, nevertheless, this is just a reason to think, study all the pros and cons, collect as much as possible more information on this issue, our portal is always for an informed choice. And now all you have to do is make a conclusion for yourself - whether this game is worth the candle or not. Although, as you already understood, I would advise you to abandon them as soon as possible, it is better instead to read on our self-development portal about this and, or even more radically, about that man, and also.