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What pills should you take to avoid getting pregnant? Tablets for headaches during pregnancy. Indications for emergency contraception

It is fundamentally important to exclude the risk of ectopic pregnancy before taking the pills; otherwise, there is a certain risk to the woman’s life. You should definitely seek advice from a gynecologist, as self-medication can lead to serious negative consequences. Among the advantages similar drugs: no need to go to hospital; no anesthesia or surgical intervention required; the risk of developing infertility is almost zero; fetal rejection is almost similar to the untimely arrival of menstruation.

Tablet options

Most pills are designed to terminate a pregnancy of up to six weeks (42 days). It should be remembered that during their action, blood clotting worsens, and pain in the lower abdomen is often observed. In connection with the use of drugs, there have been cases of inflammatory processes in the genitals, the risk of tumor formation increases.

"Mifegin" (a French-made drug) is characterized by an effectiveness that is as close as possible to 100%. The price starts from 3000 rubles. Can be used for up to six weeks.

Mifeprex is effective and well tolerated. Its price is from 1500 rubles. Application period is up to six weeks.

"Mifepristone 72." The pharmacy usually requires a prescription for this drug. The price range for it is very large - 3-5 thousand rubles. The term for termination of pregnancy is up to six weeks from the moment of conception.

"Mifolian" (active ingredient -) is sometimes used to speed up natural childbirth. The price of the drug is from 1,200 rubles, but it is much easier to find in a antenatal clinic than in pharmacies. Duration – up to six weeks.

"Pencrofton" (active ingredient - mifepristone) is acceptable for use as emergency contraception. Has a low likelihood of complications. Price – from 15,000 rubles. Can be used for up to six weeks.

For emergency contraception immediately after unprotected intercourse, you can use Postinor. Moreover, the first tablet should be taken as soon as possible, and the second - 12 hours after the first. "Postinor" gives an 85% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy. The price of the drug is from 230 rubles, it is contraindicated for teenagers, and before use you should consult a doctor.

General contraindications to taking medications

Any pills of this kind are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, followed by consultations and ultrasound. But there is also absolute contraindications such as: tumors (malignant and benign), diseases of the adrenal glands, inflammation of the genital organs, impaired blood clotting. Smokers are at risk, especially those over 30 years of age, as the drug can cause complications in their cardiovascular system.

The procedure is not carried out medication interruption pregnancy during renal failure and heavy pulmonary diseases, as well as in case of allergy to mifepristone and suspected ectopic pregnancy. Contraindications are also heart and vascular diseases, liver failure and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Birth control pills after intercourse for 72 years are the first thing that comes to mind when it is urgently necessary to take care of preventing pregnancy. This method of protection is very often popular among women who do not plan to have children, but life circumstances: a torn condom, rape, an incorrectly chosen method of protection pushes them to use a special pill. In most cases emergency help This is precisely what is better than a planned abortion.

In our article you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What pills are there to prevent unwanted pregnancy after intercourse?
  • How to use them?
  • How much do they cost and where to buy?
  • Comparison of drugs with different active ingredients.
  • What are the contraindications?
  • How else can you prevent conception?
  • Why is it dangerous to use “fire” tablets?

For today pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of types of planned and emergency protection. These are all kinds of patches, rings, suppositories, spirals, tablets. You need to know more about the tablet form, since they are in demand and are prescribed to the fair sex.

The tablet form is easy to use and does not require additional training before use. It is important to remember that the tablets about we'll talk, are not suitable for permanent use and should only be used in an emergency. The recommended frequency is no more than 1 – 2 times per calendar year.

Important: you should not select the product yourself. Consultation with the supervising physician is necessary.


How does it work?

Levonorgestrel (a progestogen) works in three ways that help prevent the fertilization of an egg:

  • After using the drug, ovulation is canceled or delayed by the action of the active substance on the ovaries. The egg does not leave its house, so it does not meet the sperm. By the time ovulation occurs - male cells die;
  • Cervical mucus changes its properties and becomes viscous. Throughput is reduced to 0;
  • The contraction of the fallopian tubes decreases;
  • The structure of the endometrium changes. The walls of the uterus become loose and thin, due to which a fertilized cell cannot implant.

Drug options

Name Instructions for use Price, ₱ Vacation
Postinor Recommended time for administration is 72 hours. The package contains 2 tablets. Drink the first one, then maintain an interval of 12-14 hours and take the second one. 340-450 On prescription
Escapelle Two tablets are taken one at a time with an interval of 12-14 hours. If vomiting occurs within the next 180 minutes, take it again. 450-650 On prescription
Exinor-F Two tablets are taken in the same way as above. The interval between them should be about 12 hours, but no more than 16 hours. It is possible to take two tablets at the same time for a high effect. from 300 On prescription
MODEL 911 It is recommended to take the tablet within 12 hours after the act, but not later than 72 hours. from 350 On prescription


Taking the drug shows that pregnancy can be prevented in 95% of cases if the pills are taken quickly (up to 24 hours). Effectiveness decreases in subsequent hours, which increases the risk of pregnancy.


Levonorgestrel is used for rapid contraception after intimacy. Indications for use: unreliable methods of contraception, unprotected sexual intercourse, including rape.


Ladies who decide to use the above-described products should carefully study the instructions. Pay attention to contraindications. If at least one of the following points is present, you should avoid taking pills:

  1. The age of the person taking the drug is not younger than 16 years. Application of EC ( emergency contraceptives) from 16 years of age must be supervised by a doctor.
  2. sharp or chronic problems with liver, kidneys and pancreas. Since removing the drug is a huge burden on the kidneys and liver, women with problems should consult a gynecologist for consultation and choose another more gentle method of contraception, including urgent ones.
  3. allergy to the main component of the drugs - levonorgestrel, or lactose.
  4. presence of pregnancy. Before taking the pill, pregnancy should be excluded. The active substance has a detrimental effect on the condition of the embryo and can also lead to ectopic pregnancy.
  5. not recommended for breastfeeding, Crohn's disease.

Side effects

If the drug is not suitable or an overdose occurs, the following symptoms can be observed:

  • allergies, which are expressed by redness, swelling, itching, rash;
  • nausea, possible vomiting;
  • pain or dizziness in the head, fatigue, lethargy;
  • lower pain in the area of ​​the ovaries and uterus;
  • swelling and pain syndrome mammary glands;
  • copious or scanty discharge blood;
  • changing the monthly calendar by delaying up to 7 days.


How does it work?

Mifepristone in pure form apply only in medical institutions. The purchase of drugs with the same active ingredient is possible through pharmacy points, but only by prescription.

It aims to block the production of progesterone. The abilities of the myometrium change. Ovulation is slowed down or does not occur at all. In addition, the active substance reduces the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg.

Drug options

Name Recommended time to take Instructions for use Price, ₱ Vacation
Mifepristone Use as a quick contraception after NPA, when 72 hours have not yet passed after ejaculation. The risk of becoming pregnant is quite low if you follow all the instructions and take the drug as quickly as possible. The dosage is determined solely by the doctor. Reception medicine performed stationary. It is not recommended to eat food the day before (1-2 hours before). The woman is observed for several more hours from the start of the procedure. from 5000 Through a medical institution
Gynepristone It is recommended to eat and then drink the drug after a couple of hours. One tablet is taken with plain water. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat food for 2 hours. 400-600 On prescription
Mifegin The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician. The drug must be taken in a hospital. from 3000 Through a medical institution
Ginestril The 10 mg tablet should enter the body within 3 days after intimacy. Do not eat food a couple of hours before and after the procedure. from 4500 On prescription
Genale The procedure is carried out before or after meals 2 hours. It is important to take the pill no later than 3 days after intimacy. from 300 On prescription
Mifeprex from 1100 On prescription
Agesta from 300 On prescription


Taking into account that drugs with the active substance - mifepristone - must be taken within the next 72 hours after sexual intercourse with an unreliable method of contraception, it is believed that high probability prevent pregnancy occurs within 12-24 hours. The effect is reduced when taken later than 25 hours after NPA.


The application options are quite wide:

  • medical abortion during pregnancy no more than 9 weeks;
  • emergency contraceptive when visiting a doctor. Often used after violent intimacy. The relevance of the method is 72 hours. Use in subsequent hours is inappropriate;
  • use during labor for stimulation labor activity. Reception is carried out in several stages over 3 days. Important Feature– the pregnancy should be considered full-term.

The prescription of a particular drug must be carried out by a doctor who will determine required dosage taking into account the time passed after intimacy, the duration of pregnancy.


The list of diseases and conditions when the use of mifepristone-based drugs is inappropriate is quite wide. Namely:

  • problems with the adrenal glands;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • large and small fibroids;
  • anemia;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • smoking after 35 years;
  • pregnancy more than 9 weeks;
  • sensitivity to the main active substance;
  • heart problems;
  • chronic lung diseases.

Do you have any doubts about taking the product? Contact your doctor for advice!

Side effects

When taking mifipristone in large quantities, as well as ignoring contraindications, you can get the following side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea, often leading to vomiting;
  • stomach upset;
  • depressed or apathetic state;
  • fatigue;
  • allergic rashes (urticaria);
  • pain in the ovaries and uterus;
  • smearing or copious discharge blood;
  • changing the menstrual calendar;
  • adrenal insufficiency.

Use of combined contraceptives

The Yuzpe method involves taking oral contraceptives, used on an ongoing basis, as a quick and temporary way to prevent unplanned pregnancy immediately after intimacy. Not all drugs are suitable, but only combined OCs. The effectiveness of taking tablets in this way is determined by the time that has passed since the NPA. Using high dose hormones in the first 12-24 hours, the probability of fertilization is 75-95%.

The drugs combine two different active ingredients: levonorgestrel, estrogen, progestogen, ethinyl estradiol, desogestrel. It is important to observe the number of tablets, which corresponds to the increased dosage, as well as the time of re-dose.

How does the method work?

After taking COC medications (combined oral contraceptives) in large dosages, the body responds to their effects:

  • the endometrium changes;
  • the release of the egg is blocked or inhibited.

Drug options

Name Price, ₱ Recommended time to take Instructions for use Vacation
Rigevidon from 250 The relevance of the method is 72 hours from the regulatory legal acts. It is recommended to use a higher dose in the first 12-24 hours. 4 tab. should be taken within a time period of 0-72 hours. Then the interval is maintained and the same dosage is repeated. On prescription
Microgynon from 350
Miniziston from 400
Femoden from 800
Regulon from 400
Marvelon from 1400
Novinet from 450 Similar time indications as those of the above-described means 5 tab. should be taken within a time period of 0-72 hours. Then the interval is maintained and the same dosage is repeated. On prescription
Mercilon from 1500
Logest from 800


The reception is justified if “fire” contraception is needed for:

  • wrong choice permanent way protection;
  • a torn condom;
  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • rape.


A massive dose of hormones can have a significant impact on your health. It is important to consider contraindications when taking pills. Diseases included in the list may worsen, and the consequences may become irreversible, up to fatal outcome. Do not neglect the instructions; it is better to contact a specialist for advice.

So, for what diseases is it better to forget about combined contraceptives in huge dosages:

  • the presence of inflammation of the genital organs;
  • bleeding;
  • problems with the kidneys, liver, pancreas;
  • problems with the mammary gland: the presence of neoplasms, both benign and malignant;
  • intolerance to the main or auxiliary components, and then this allergic reaction(Quincke's edema);
  • various problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • thrombosis;
  • excess weight.

Side effects

Taking COCs incorrectly can lead to side effects. Treatment is prescribed depending on the symptoms and drug withdrawal. What to expect:

  • the breasts swell and begin to hurt, as before menstruation or worse;
  • there is heavy bleeding;
  • the nature of vaginal discharge changes;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • there is nausea, which can turn into vomiting;
  • change in vision sharpness;
  • a tired, depressed state sets in;
  • the skin becomes oily, numerous rashes, redness, nodularity, and itching are observed;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • swelling.
Photo: Which birth control pills to choose after intercourse for 72, 24 hours

Alternative to pills for emergency contraception

If for some reason you cannot use the pill method of emergency contraception: the presence of contraindications, breastfeeding, you should immediately consult a specialist. The doctor often suggests alternative way: installation of an intrauterine device (IUD). Girls and women who breastfeed prefer this option. It is gentle and makes it possible to continue feeding the baby. In addition, the effect remains for subsequent times (up to 5 years).

It is important to contact the clinic as soon as possible. This must be done no later than 5 days after the legal act.

How does it work?

The spiral is made of plastic (first part) and copper (can be replaced with silver)/hormones (second part). The device itself is aimed at maintaining a small inflammatory process that prevents the cell from attaching after fertilization. At the same time, copper or a hormone creates conditions for the death of germ cells.

When should you not get an IUD?

Intrauterine devices should not be used:

  • girls under 18 years of age;
  • women who have not given birth;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • for STIs and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • for cancer;
  • if there was at least one ectopic pregnancy in the anamnesis;
  • with heavy blood loss;
  • with spontaneous displacement of the intrauterine device earlier;
  • non-standard shape of the uterus;
  • with intolerance to a hormone or metal component.

Which drug should I choose?

First of all, the selection of the drug should be carried out by a doctor. Many factors are taken into account: age, hormonal background, diseases, presence of pregnancies in the past and present. If you compare drugs with mifepristone and levonorgestrel in terms of their sparing effect, you can obtain the following data:

Mifepristone (usually 10 mg dosage) Levonorgestrel (usually 1.5 mg dosage)
Pregnancy does not occur in 98-99%
  • in 95% when taking the tablet on the first day (24 hours);
  • in 85% (24-48 hours);
  • at 58-60% in the last time period.
Time of use after NPA 72 hours 72 hours
Risks of developing an ectopic pregnancy 0,8% 1,6%
Changing your menstrual calendar 26% 43%
Number of respondents who noted painful sensations in the chest 8% 8%
Number of respondents who noted pain in the uterus and ovaries 14% 15%
Percentage of patients with bleeding 19% 31%
Age restrictions Can be used in adolescence Contraindicated under 16 years of age

Danger of using EC

Sometimes the harm is greater than the benefit. It is recommended to use such “fire” methods of preventing pregnancy as birth control pills after intercourse no more than 1-2 times a year. What can happen if you neglect the instructions, contraindications and frequency of use:

  1. the risk of developing pregnancy outside the uterine cavity increases with each dose. Subsequently, the body’s adjustment to proper fertilization and attachment to in the right place eggs;
  2. development of the diagnosis of infertility. Violation menstrual cycle, as well as the absence of menstruation, leads to the fact that women cannot become pregnant. Eggs are not produced or are rejected until the moment of conception;
  3. the presence of uncontrolled bleeding. Women who have used EC incorrectly or often enough should remember that the risk of heavy and prolonged bleeding increases. In most cases, hemostatic drugs and curettage of the uterine cavity are used;
  4. uncontrolled doses of hormones can develop diseases associated with thrombus formation, which leads to strokes and thromboembolism;
  5. increased risk of developing Crohn's disease.

Birth control pills after intercourse - reviews

Methods of family planning include contraception, as it helps prevent the development of unwanted pregnancies and avoid abortions. Most of the currently known methods and means of protection were developed in the second half of the last century. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but to one degree or another performs its function.

Contraception can be biological, barrier, chemical, implantation, hormonal and surgical. To assess its effectiveness, the Pearl index is used, reflecting the number of pregnant women out of 100 using contraception certain type. The indicator is displayed as a percentage.

Hormonal contraception is the most popular and effective way to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

It includes:

  • Combined drugs containing estrogen and progestin (Rigevidon, Tri-Regol, Marvelon, Femoden, etc.).
  • “Mini-pill” – drugs with progestin (Microlut, Exluton, etc.).

The action of these drugs is based on the following processes:

  • suppression of ovulation (the egg does not mature and is not released);
  • thickening of the mucus secreted into the cervix does not allow sperm to pass through;
  • a change in the mucous membrane of the uterus, as a result of which a fertilized egg is not able to attach to it;
  • decline motor activity sperm in the fallopian tubes.

Thus, various stages of pregnancy are blocked: from the maturation of the egg to its fertilization and attachment to the uterus. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of the method reaches 99.9%.

This strong effect drugs can cause a number of side effects. Nausea, vomiting, headaches, swelling, vaginal discharge, irritability, depression, acne, decrease sexual desire and weight gain.

Contraindications include the presence malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands and genitals, vascular diseases brain, venous thromboembolism, unrecognized acyclic vaginal bleeding, migraine, hereditary hyperlipidemia.

Among the advantages hormonal contraception its effectiveness comes first. In addition, these drugs have a number of positive effects: reduce the likelihood of ectopic attachment ovum, prevent the formation and spread of inflammatory processes in the genital organs, prevent the development of neoplasms, restore the menstrual cycle, and reduce pain during menstruation.

Hormonal drugs are convenient to use, they are available and presented in a wide range in most pharmacies. The possibility of conception is restored 2 months after stopping the pills.

Disadvantage hormonal method contraception is the presence of contraindications and side effects. Long-term use or an overdose may lead to malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, to an increased risk of developing hypertension, atherosclerotic changes, blockage of blood vessels.

The method is effective only when taking pills daily, so constant monitoring is necessary. In addition, do not forget that hormonal drugs do not protect against infections.


Condoms are a male barrier method of contraception. The action is based on a physical obstacle to the penetration of sperm into the vagina. Efficiency this method when using a condom correctly - about 90%.

The advantages of using a condom include the absence of contraindications and side effects, protection against sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of additional lubricant, accessibility and “mobility” in use (does not require prior preparation, consultation with a doctor, adherence to a schedule, can be used at any time).

The downside is a decrease in sensitivity during sexual intercourse and the need to interrupt it to put on a condom. Moreover, in in rare cases latex causes an allergic reaction.

Intrauterine device

This intrauterine contraceptive It is a T-shaped device made of copper and plastic. The action of the spiral is based on inhibiting the movement of sperm into the uterus, reducing the viability of the egg and preventing its attachment to the uterine mucosa after fertilization. The effectiveness of the method is more than 95%.

The undoubted advantage of the intrauterine device is its ease of use: no additional actions are required from the woman; the gynecologist installs it in one visit. The spiral begins to “work” immediately after the installation procedure. Moreover, if a woman wants to get pregnant, she will not need to wait for some time as when taking hormonal drugs. The ability to conceive is restored immediately after the IUD is removed.

The intrauterine device is a reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy during breastfeeding. It does not affect milk production or its composition. It does not affect sexual activity and is not felt by the woman herself or her partner.

The disadvantages of the intrauterine device include:

  • the presence of contraindications (blood diseases, detection of precancerous processes in the cervix, neoplasms in the genital organs, a history of cervical injuries during childbirth);
  • Installation is not recommended for nulliparous women, as there is a risk of inflammation and subsequent infertility;
  • after the installation procedure – discomfort, possible appearance bloody discharge;
  • pregnancy occurs in 5-10% of cases, often ectopic;
  • The IUD does not protect against infections and, when infected, increases inflammatory processes;
  • The risk of developing inflammation due to injury to the walls of the uterus by the coil.
  • This method of contraception is most suitable for women who have given birth, including breastfeeding women, who have a regular partner.

Coitus interruptus

When intercourse is interrupted, the man removes the penis before ejaculation occurs. The effectiveness of such contraception in comparison with previously discussed methods is low, about 70%.

The advantages of interrupted sexual intercourse primarily include its absolute accessibility and the absence of monetary and time costs. Proponents of this method of contraception emphasize ease of use, the absence of contraindications and side effects, and the preservation of high sensitivity of the genital organs. Coitus interruptus is a way to help avoid getting pregnant without additional protection.

The main disadvantage is the high risk of developing an unplanned pregnancy: every 4 women become pregnant. In addition, the method does not protect against infections and contributes to the development of impotence in men, as the blood supply to the penis deteriorates. Women often do not achieve orgasm, and with prolonged practice of this method of contraception, they develop frigidity.

Other methods of contraception

Hormonal contraceptives, condoms, intrauterine device and interrupted sexual intercourse are the most common methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

The following options are less popular:

  • Female barrier methods: vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap, contraceptive sponge. All of them have the same advantages and disadvantages as condoms: effective, affordable, protect against sexually transmitted infections, but require certain manipulations before sexual intercourse. In addition, unlike condoms, female barrier methods There are contraindications (mainly gynecological diseases).
  • Chemical methods. Spermicides inactivate sperm and prevent them from entering the vagina. They are easy to use, provide a certain degree of protection against sexually transmitted infections, and can be used either independently or in combination with other methods. Disadvantages: no high degree protection against pregnancy (16 cases out of 100).
  • Biological methods(calendar, temperature, cervical, symptothermal). They are based on identifying the days of the cycle in which a woman’s fertility is increased and abstaining from sexual intercourse during these periods. Depending on the correct application of the methods, the effectiveness ranges from 60% (estimate cervical mucus) up to 99% (temperature detection). The absolute advantages include the harmlessness and accessibility of biological methods. They have no contraindications, side effects, and do not require material costs. The disadvantage is the laboriousness of measurements, the need to constantly monitor the characteristics of the body, accuracy in calculations is required when calendar method. The biological method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and is not always effective.
  • Sterilization (surgical method) is the most effective, but irreversible method of contraception. At correct implementation The procedure is 100% effective. Advantages: does not require constant monitoring, material costs, applies to natural methods. Disadvantages: contraception is irreversible, possible development postoperative complications, there are contraindications.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful period in a girl’s life. But the lack of readiness to become a mother forces girls to take drugs to end pregnancy.

In this article we will look at the best birth control pills after intercourse within 72 hours based on reviews.

Name and prices of the 5 best tablets

For your attention TOP 5 best birth control pills, among which:

  1. Postinor;
  2. Escapelle;
  3. Eskinor F;
  4. Gynepristone;
  5. Genale.


The drug prevents pregnancy in 85% of cases within 72 hours after intercourse.

Price – 336 rubles.

I underwent an emergency termination of pregnancy, purchased the drug, drank it 6 hours after the PA, my cycle was disrupted, bleeding appeared, my lower abdomen hurt terribly, and I had nausea. But there was no pregnancy. I won't recommend it.

Negative effects:

  • allergic reaction (urticaria, rash, facial swelling, itching);
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • breast disease;
  • delayed menstruation;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • bleeding;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • vomit;
  • fatigue.


  • increased sensitivity of the component;
  • renal failure;
  • up to 16 years old;
  • biliary tract disease;
  • Crohn's disease, lactation;

Rigevidon tablets 21 pcs.


The effectiveness of the drug in the first 24 hours is 95%; 24-48 – 85%; 48-72 – 58%.

Price – 406 rub.

There are no negative effects, I completed my task, did not get pregnant, my cycle was off by a week. I felt good. Drank 24 hours after PA.

Negative effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • bleeding;
  • delay of menstruation.


  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • use by minors;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • liver and biliary tract disease.

Novinet tablets 21 pcs.


A drug that suppresses ovulation after PA for up to 72 hours.

The cost is 200 rubles.

I took the first tablet 4 hours after PA, the second - 12 hours later. Negative consequences no, it worked. My menstrual cycle has not changed. I recommend it.

The next day after the PA, I ran to the pharmacy to get some pills; the pharmacist recommended Eskinor-F. After taking the pills no side effects did not have. I was sure I didn't get pregnant. A month later I bought a pregnancy test (to annoy my husband, he really wanted a child, but I was not ready for this). The result surprised me. Two stripes. I cried all day, but later I came to terms with it. Now I’m only worried about not harming the baby. My husband is happy and I'm happy.

Side effects:

  • acyclic bleeding;
  • nausea;
  • pain, dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • Quincke's edema.


  • renal failure;
  • age up to 16 years;

Novinet tablets 63 pcs.


Taken orally in a single dose of 10 mg up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

The cost is 436 rubles.

A gynecologist I know recommended the drug Ginepristone as the most gentle one. I did everything according to the instructions and took the drug the next morning (9 hours later). Side effects I didn’t notice any, no nausea, no weakness, no bleeding. After 2 weeks I felt nauseous bad condition. I purchased a pregnancy test – 2 strips. I visited the doctor and the pregnancy was confirmed. I don’t recommend it, it’s ineffective and expensive.

After using it, I did not feel any pain in the lower abdomen, nor any other pain. Available without a prescription. Menstruation a week after taking it, the cycle was not disrupted, no hormonal imbalance was observed. No unplanned pregnancy occurred. I can recommend it to other girls with a pure soul.

Side effects:

  • bloody issues;
  • nausea, dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • vomit;
  • hyperthermia.


  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • long-term use of glucocorticosteroids
  • extragenital pathology.

Tri-Regol tablets 21 pcs.


The drug will cost 300 rubles.

Zhenale is the safest drug for health, containing one tablet. It should be taken as soon as possible after PA. I took the drug when my husband’s condom broke. We have a small child and don’t want a second one. I took it 3 hours after the process. There were no consequences. There was no disruption to the menstrual cycle. I feel great and there was no unwanted pregnancy. Tablets – good modern drug to protect against unwanted pregnancy. I bought myself another package in home first aid kit just in case.

Side effects:

  • inflammation of the uterus and appendages;
  • bloody issues;
  • vomit;
  • hyperthermia, weakness;
  • vomiting, dizziness.


  • anemia, porphyria;
  • renal and adrenal failure;
  • violation of hemostasis;
  • pregnancy, lactation period.

Belara tablets 63 pcs.

The active development of the pharmacological industry and scientific research has made it possible to create a whole range of protective agents. However, there are situations in which it is not possible to use them or they fail at the most crucial moment. And sometimes one of the partners is categorically against taking medications and using a condom.

Sometimes the use of contraceptives is impossible due to individual characteristics female body. It is in this case that the experience of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers in this area will become useful.

Known since ancient times, means of protection against unwanted pregnancy can be divided into several groups:

  • The use of decoctions and infusions of herbs and seeds;
  • Use of special water procedures;
  • Act interruption and cyclic method;
  • Use of chemicals.
In addition, they are divided into methods that are used before the start of the act and immediately after it. Each method has a certain effectiveness. However, if there are individual characteristics of the body, it may not bring the expected result.

Folk contraception can also be useful in such cases of unsafe sexual intercourse:

  1. The condom broke;
  2. The birth control pill was taken at the wrong time;
  3. The process of the act was not interrupted before ejaculation;
  4. Due to the woman's health, taking birth control pills is not permissible.

The effectiveness of traditional methods for preventing pregnancy

Various traditional methods Birth control has some effectiveness. It is worth remembering that none of them gives a 100% guarantee. In addition, no method protects against sexually transmitted diseases.

Effective folk methods

After weighing all the pros and cons, you can choose one of these methods:
  • Up to 50% effectiveness is achieved by douching with solutions containing lemon juice or vinegar. It is worth noting that frequent exposure to acidic environments on the inner mucous membrane of a woman can lead to serious problems and disrupt healthy microflora.
  • Inserting a piece of lemon into the vagina. This method of protection is based on the fact that sperm cannot live in an acidic environment. Efficiency this method up to 70%. However, we should not forget about the high risk of getting a burn to the vaginal mucosa from exposure. acidic environment.
  • Sometimes, instead of lemon solution or vinegar, it is recommended to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. However, this disinfectant liquid has no effect on sperm. The only way to prevent pregnancy is that a strong stream of water can wash them out of the vagina. But certain “individuals” can stay and get to the desired goal. The effectiveness of this method of protection is 40%.
  • The effects of high temperature on male testicles. These are hot baths, heating pads and other devices whose purpose is to reduce sperm activity. The effectiveness of this method is about 70%.
  • Many couples actively practice interrupted intercourse. In this case, the man leaves the woman before ejaculation begins. This method requires constant self-control from the partner and significantly reduces pleasure. However it is different high efficiency- up to 85%.
  • Another widely used method of contraception is cyclic. It is believed that in the first 5 days after the end of menstruation and in the last 5 days before their onset, a woman cannot become pregnant. The method is effective, although it does not provide a 100% guarantee. There are cases when pregnancy occurs even during menstruation.

Immediately after giving birth, a woman begins her lactation period. There is a persistent myth that as long as the mother breastfeeds the child, pregnancy is impossible. The statement is not entirely true. In the first months, when the frequency of feedings is high, this method is quite effective (up to 95%). However, later, when the baby is introduced to complementary foods, protect against repeat pregnancy this way is not worth it. It loses its effectiveness and can lead to a new conception.

Useless folk methods

There are quite a few in various ways, which are supposedly able to prevent pregnancy. However, according to scientific evidence, their effectiveness is either extremely low or even zero.

Let's take a closer look at these methods:

  1. One of the “grandmother’s” secrets of protection against pregnancy is to wash away with your urine after the act. Scientific evidence The effectiveness of this method has not been found. Probably, if it exists, it is extremely low.
  2. Among women you can find a very strange statement that frequent change positions during sex prevent fertilization. And if the girl is on top of the man or the couple makes love while standing, then the sperm will not reach their goal and will simply end up outside. This statement is absolutely not true. Male “tadpoles” do not obey the laws of physics. They strive for the sole purpose of their existence, no matter what position the lady is in. The effectiveness of this method is practically zero.
  3. Another ineffective but popular protective method is daily lovemaking. It is believed that in this case the sperm quality will be low and the sperm will be less active. It is known that married couples who want a child are advised to abstain from sexual intercourse for 3 days. However, sperm activity does not depend on when last time there was intercourse. Even very diluted sperm can lead to pregnancy. The effectiveness of this method is low - up to 10%.

How to protect yourself using traditional methods

Traditional methods of contraception before sexual intercourse

Among all existing methods There are protections that must be used before sexual intercourse:
  • Hot bath. The influence of hot temperatures on partners helps protect against pregnancy. Only a man should accept very hot bath before sex, and the woman will need to do it after. It is believed that this contraceptive method was invented by the Japanese. It is based on the fact that under the influence of high temperatures, the activity of sperm is greatly reduced, and some die. Scientists have proven that in case of an illness that is accompanied by high temperature, sperm parameters differ from the norm for the worse. Therefore, reception hot bath within 1 hour will help you and your partner avoid consequences. After taking a bath, you can begin intimacy.
  • Lemon. If you have a piece of lemon on hand, gently insert it into the vagina just before the act. Alkaline environment leads to the death of sperm. However, it is necessary to remove it immediately after intimacy so as not to get Negative consequences such contraception in the form of a burn to the vaginal mucosa.
  • Aspirin. You can place an aspirin tablet inside the vagina before the act itself. The method is effective, but it is fraught with extreme unpleasant sensations and serious consequences for the intimate area. Aspirin can cause itching, irritation, burning, and lead to chemical burn mucous membrane, provoke erosion. Of course, when there are no other ways to protect yourself, you can use this method. But you should understand the damage you will cause to your health.

Traditional methods of contraception after intimacy

It is known that male sperm cannot tolerate the effects of an acidic environment. Therefore it is recommended after unsafe act perform douching. This must be done in the first minutes so that the nimble tadpoles do not have time to reach their goal. The most popular folk remedies for preventing pregnancy after sexual intercourse are herbal infusions, which are taken orally, and various douches.

Douching is carried out as follows:

  1. One liter of warm boiled water dilute 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice or vinegar.
  2. Immediately after completion of intimacy, you need to douche using a douche or an “Esmarch mug”.
  3. If you don't have vinegar or lemon on hand, can you use it? tsp citric acid. You just need to thoroughly mix the grains of the substance. Otherwise, they may get on the mucous membrane and cause a burn.
Another remedy for the consequences of sexual intercourse is douching with an infusion of yellow water lily. This plant is collected and dried. Then 2 tbsp. l. Dry water lilies must be filled with 1 liter of boiling water. Douching is recommended to be done immediately after intercourse.

Recipes for herbal infusions for pregnancy

For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to prepare these products according to the recipe and strictly follow the recommendations for use. Sometimes an individual allergy to a particular plant is possible.

Effective infusions against pregnancy:

  • . It is necessary to grind one thoroughly ginger root. Then pour one spoon with a liter of boiling water. It is recommended to take one glass in the morning, lunch and evening.
  • Marjoram. Drinking tea from this plant will prevent accidental pregnancy. To prepare the drink, pour 1 teaspoon of marjoram into a glass of boiling water. It should be taken in the period after the end and before the start of menstruation three times a day, half a glass.
  • Pineapple juice. This remedy is used by Malaysian women to protect themselves from unnecessary pregnancy. You need to drink a glass of unripe pineapple juice 3 times a day.
  • Shepherd's Purse . Simple and inconspicuous, at first glance, the grass will be an excellent contraceptive. To make a decoction, just collect it, dry it and grind it into powder, and then pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon. Take a tablespoon once a day. You should stop taking the herb only during menstruation.
How to protect yourself from pregnancy folk ways- look at the video:

None of the above methods guarantee 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy. Some are quite effective, while others can cause serious harm to your health. Therefore, before use folk remedies You must ensure your personal tolerance and do not exceed the dosage. And the most effective way to prevent conception is complete abstinence from sex. In this case, you are definitely not in danger.