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How long does it take and what is the correct discharge after childbirth? How long does lochia last after childbirth? How long does lochia last after the second birth? How long does lochia last after childbirth?

During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body aimed at creating comfortable conditions for bearing a fetus. The birth of a child changes not only psychologically, but also physical state women. In order to bring all organs to a prenatal state, the body needs time. Recovery of the body begins immediately after childbirth, one of such processes is the postpartum release of lochia.

Lochia is a discharge from a woman’s genital tract that begins immediately after delivery and continues until full recovery damaged uterine tissue.

Lochia after childbirth helps cleanse the uterus of excess substances accumulated during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the child develops thanks to the mother's resources, which are supplied to him through the placenta and umbilical cord.

The placenta is tightly attached to the walls of the uterus. After the birth of the child, it begins to peel off, since there is no point in its further presence in the uterus. After the placenta is rejected, a wound surface remains on the wall of the uterus. During the healing process of the wound, lochia is released.

Lochia after childbirth is a collection of blood cells, plasma and exfoliated endometrial cells. Passing through the birth canal, to uterine discharge the contents of the cervical canal and vagina are added. Thus, reproductive organ regains its former shape and prepares for a new conception.

Depending on the stage of the postpartum period, the discharge has a different character:

  • Early postpartum period – the first hours after delivery. During this period, the most abundant rejection of bright red lochia occurs. The general condition of the woman is not disturbed. At this time, the woman should be under the constant supervision of doctors. The danger that awaits a woman in the first hours after childbirth is the occurrence of a complication in the form of hypotonic bleeding. The total volume of discharge in the first hours after birth should not exceed 400 ml. To prevent complications, life-threatening mothers after delivery, an ice pack is placed on the mother’s stomach. If after childbirth the uterus contracts poorly, the woman in labor is given oxytocin. A few hours after the baby is born, the uterus is reduced in size by half.
  • Late postpartum period- occurs a few hours after birth. Despite the fact that the uterus has shrunk by half in the first hours, throughout the week there are signs of copious discharge. Lochia after childbirth, the smell of which is very specific (rotten), changes its color and volume every day. After about a week, their color takes on a brownish tint, and the quantity becomes more scarce. After a few weeks the color becomes yellowish, later turning white or transparent. Discharge may increase after long stay V horizontal position and after feeding the baby, which is quite normal and you shouldn’t be afraid of it. After the wound surface is completely healed and the organ is completely restored, lochia will stop.

Norm and pathology

Even in ancient times, lochia was considered to cleanse the body after childbirth. Although lochia appears in all women without exception, its nature depends on the course of labor and the postpartum period and may have some differences. Lochia after childbirth has a certain smell, color and quantity.

It is important to monitor all these indicators, because deviations from the norm may indicate dangerous complications. During the first time after childbirth, obstetricians monitor the discharge, and after discharge, responsibility for her health falls on the shoulders of the woman in labor.

Deviations from the norm:

  • Lochiometra is a disease that develops as a result of retention of lochia in the uterine cavity. The disease manifests itself as premature cessation of postpartum discharge. Against this background, the woman begins to experience abdominal pain. The cause may be poor contractility of the organ or a mechanical obstacle to the separation of lochia (blockage of the cervical canal).
  • Endometritis is an inflammatory process affecting the endometrium. Common cause the development of endometritis is a lochiometer. As a result of delayed discharge, which contains clots of mucus, blood and exfoliated endometrium, inflammation occurs. The patient is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation in the perineum, increased body temperature, and discharge of various types (purulent, bloody).
  • Bleeding. Pathological bleeding arise as a result bad contraction uterus, the presence of tumor formations in the mother, inflammatory processes, protracted labor and medical negligence. Blood loss in excess of normal requires medication or, in extreme cases, surgical intervention.
  • Thrush. Symptoms of thrush are the appearance cheesy discharge, itching in the perineum, sometimes there is pain when urinating. The causes of thrush are decreased immunity and infection.
  • Parametritis is an inflammation of the parometrium (uterine tissue). Occurs when infection occurs or is a complication of endometritis. Signs of parametritis are sharp increase temperature, abdominal pain, general condition disturbance (dizziness, weakness, headaches).

When should you seek help?

If alarming symptoms appear, you should seek help from a doctor; delay may lead to serious problems with health.

What a woman should pay attention to:

  • Duration of discharge. Obstetricians in a hospital should inform the mother in labor about how long lochia lasts after childbirth and what its nature is. If the discharge is more or less than the permissible norm, this should alert the woman.
  • Change in color, foul odor.
  • Resumption of discharge after it has stopped.
  • Too much discharge.
  • Increased temperature and pain in the lower abdomen.

All of these signs are not normal and require specialist consultation.

Duration of discharge after childbirth

“How long do lochia last after childbirth?” is a question that interests many new mothers.

The duration of bleeding depends on factors such as:

  • the weight of the child (large children contribute to severe overstretching of the organ);
  • amount of amniotic fluid;
  • number of births in history;
  • blood clotting (low coagulation – longer recovery process);
  • the presence of complications in the form of chronic foci of infection;
  • method of delivery.

In mothers who breastfeed, the recovery process is completed much faster, and after caesarean section Lochia usually lasts longer. Acceptable norm The duration of bleeding is considered to be an interval of 4 to 6 weeks, and in some cases up to 8 weeks.

After the birth of a child, women are faced with various physiological problems that worry them and bring discomfort. However, they must know all the nuances in order to distinguish natural state from pathology.

Question of the day: how long does the discharge last after childbirth, and what does it look like during a normal course? postpartum recovery? Every new mom goes through this, which is why it's so important to know what to expect.

Girls will have lochia no matter how the child was born - naturally or with surgery. The reason for their occurrence lies in the restoration of the uterus and its cleansing of membranes. After the baby is born, a wound from the placenta remains on the surface of the organ. Until it heals and the mucous membrane returns to normal, you can observe wound contents coming out of the vagina. Visually, it may resemble menstruation, but it contains remnants of membranes, ichor, and mucus. After some time, their abundance and color will change.

If the process of cleansing and reduction takes place without complications, then the duration of lochia is 5-8 weeks.

Moreover, the abundant ones end within up to 3 weeks, after which they are not so strong. Of course, this happens individually, taking into account factors such as:

  • lactation;
  • age and physical activity;
  • blood clotting;
  • child's weight;
  • complications during pregnancy.

It is important to be able to diagnose what is normal and what is a sign of pathology, so always pay attention to these characteristics:

  1. Composition (1-4 days - blood, clots; 2 weeks - clots and mucus; a month later - smears (possibly blood).
  2. Color (1-4 - bright scarlet, 2-3 weeks - brownish, after a month - white or transparent).
  3. Smell (in the first week - bloody, musty, beware of the rotten and pungent smell!).

Average duration

How many days does discharge last after childbirth? On average, about 42. At the same time, it is the period when they change their color and volume that is important, because you need to make sure that the body is cleansed correctly and on time.

How long does it take for lochia rubra to last - another one important question. Immediately after the baby is born, the placenta separates very actively, and there is a lot of bloody secretion from the vagina.

This is not very convenient, but it is important so that the gynecologist can determine whether everything is fine. At this time, about 400-500 ml of liquid pours out of the girl.

Up to 3-4 days they appear scarlet in color, clots can be seen in them, but this is not a sign of pathology. During this period, a woman has to change a special pad every hour on average. In addition, the girl may smell a sweetish or musty odor - there is no need to be afraid, but if the odor is putrid, consult a doctor immediately.

How long does serous lochia last? They should last from 4 to 10 days. Their volume decreases, their color changes - now they are brown-pink or brown. The number of leukocytes increases, so there should be no more blood clots during this period. You can already use regular gaskets

After 10 days lochia appears white, smearing in nature. They are odorless and do not cause discomfort, and last about 20 days. This is the final stage of wound healing. After finishing.

Risk of uterine bleeding

There is a high risk in the first hours after the baby is born uterine bleeding if the uterus contracts poorly after relaxation during pregnancy. To prevent this, put ice on their stomach. During contractions of this organ, they are compressed blood vessels, this prevents excessive blood loss and its consequences: anemia, dizziness, weakness.

It is important on the first day not to be ashamed of your secretions, show them to the doctor and keep him informed about your condition all the time. This will also affect how long you will have to spend in the hospital after giving birth.

Pathological conditions

We have already discussed the situation with natural healing, but there are various deviations, if you notice them in time you can maintain your health. Some of them indicate pathologies that require medical intervention.

Secretion occurs after 5 weeks or a little longer. If they last less or suddenly stop, visit your gynecologist. The reason for this may be insufficient contractility of the uterus, then the blood and placenta do not come out and form stagnation. It must be eliminated immediately. To avoid stagnation, girls are advised to get out of bed and walk more often.

If lochia comes out after childbirth for more than 2 months, you should be examined by a doctor immediately.

After all, after such a time, you must leave them in the past. The cause of blood may be menstruation if there are no clots, pus, unpleasant odor. Rupture of seams can also affect its appearance. In any case, pay attention to the color, smell and consistency of what comes out of the vagina, and report to doctors.

About endometritis, dangerous inflammation, they will tell you yellow or greenish secrets with a pungent aroma. If your temperature also rises and your stomach hurts, call an ambulance. No matter how long the lochia comes out after the birth of a child, it can either be stagnation or an infectious infection - neither of which bodes well. Treatment of this disease takes place only in a hospital, with the help of antibiotics and a disinfectant solution, and

Lochia after caesarean section

Many girls are interested in how long the discharge should be after surgery. In such cases, they take longer because contractility is hampered due to the suture and swelling of the tissue. However, even under such circumstances, it is considered normal if the end is after 9 weeks. They can be red for up to 10 days, but not longer, then, as with the natural appearance of a baby, they change shade to brown, then to white.

Menstruation occurs after artificial ones, as with normal childbirth, if the woman did not have complications in the form of inflammation, infections, or bleeding. After all, the body of a girl who has undergone surgery is more unstable and weakened.

How long mothers will discharge after childbirth, regardless of the method of birth, is influenced by breastfeeding.

Lactation stimulates uterine contractions and fluid comes out better. So take note.

How long lochia lasts after childbirth depends on the new mother herself and her compliance with certain rules. Below you will find several important advice, the use of which is highly recommended.

  • To reduce the risk of complications after the birth of a child, a pregnant woman should be supervised by a doctor from the beginning. A woman should visit him regularly and take the medications prescribed by him. The gynecologist will assess her individual condition and tell her when the discharge should end after childbirth in her case.
  • Before leaving the hospital, you need to do an ultrasound, which will help assess the current state of the uterus. Over the course of several weeks while it actively heals, you should rest more, avoid heavy lifting, and avoid putting pressure on your abs.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules. While there is discharge, you need to wash yourself more often, after each trip to the toilet. and limit yourself to a warm shower.
  • Do not use tampons. They delay the flow and thereby increase the risk of inflammation.
  • Start walking 4-5 hours after the baby is born, so that there is no stagnation. If you have had a caesarean section, this should be done after 10 hours.
  • Feed your baby your milk.
  • Immediately inform doctors if the nature of the secretions changes, you feel a putrid odor, bleeding increases, and the temperature rises.
  • It is not recommended to have sex in this state. Intimate relationships are possible even when the discharge stops after the birth of the baby.


Let's summarize and figure out how long discharge lasts after childbirth, how long lochia lasts bloody color So what's this. This process is natural, just like the birth of the baby itself. After his birth, the uterus throws out unnecessary tissue, placenta, mucus, ichor, and blood comes out. All this is similar to normal periods, except that they are more abundant.

In the first hours their volume reaches 500 ml. Such secretions last up to 4 days, then their color changes and there are fewer of them. After 2-3 weeks, they turn white or transparent and should be finished in 42 days. Be careful and, if you see signs of the pathologies described above, immediately inform your doctor.

The female body is truly amazing. The changes that occur in it during pregnancy and childbirth cannot but surprise. And what is most interesting is that after childbirth everything gradually falls into place, and the body prepares for new pregnancy with the same changes.

Childbirth is absolutely natural process, for which the entire body as a whole is responsible, but still the “center of events” is the uterus. It is in it that a little person grows and develops for 9 months; it is in it that it changes the most during pregnancy and after delivery it becomes an open bleeding wound that must heal and return to its previous “life.” The placenta, together with the fetus, releases the uterus, breaking with the endometrium (the upper layer of the uterine cavity), and since these two were “connected” important organs numerous blood vessels, then it is natural that their “process” cannot do without blood in the literal sense of the word. After childbirth, a woman’s uterus begins to return to its previous “shape”, pushing out everything superfluous and unnecessary, which women call postpartum menstruation, and doctors call lochia.

What is lochia after childbirth?

postpartum discharge, which are wound discharge. Above we briefly described what happens to the uterus after childbirth, so it becomes clear where and why lochia appears. This discharge is similar in nature to the discharge during menstruation, but it is formed from different “components”. Lochia contains scraps of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, remnants of the placenta, ichor and mucus from the cervical canal, and, of course, blood that appears as a result of rupture of blood vessels.

Lochia (their color, consistency, character) require special attention from both the medical staff and the woman in labor, since they indicate how the uterus (and the entire body) is recovering. There are certain standards for what the discharge should be, and any deviations become a signal of postpartum complications. New mothers have many questions about this. In the first days after birth, the woman is under the supervision of doctors, but soon she is discharged home, but the discharge does not stop and she herself has to monitor the nature of the lochia, so as not to miss important symptoms"postpartum problems"

Let's figure out which lochias are “normal” and which are “pathological”.

Postpartum lochia:

- norms

Scarlet discharge with clots of blood and mucus, quite abundant in the first days after childbirth, is normal. Every day the character and appearance of lochia will change: their number will become scarcer, and their color will become lighter. First, the lochia become brown and brown, then they lighten and become completely yellowish or transparent, and their “composition” no longer contains blood, only mucus. After a few weeks (4-6), postpartum discharge stops altogether. After a long period of rest, the discharge may intensify; with movement and breastfeeding, it is also more abundant. The smell of postpartum lochia cannot be called repulsive and unbearable, although it is very specific (rotty). In the first days after childbirth, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen. This is not entirely related to lochia, painful sensations cause uterine contractions. In turn, when good reduction uterus, the body gets rid of lochia faster.

- deviations

A sudden sharp cessation of postpartum discharge indicates that lochia is retained in the uterine cavity, and this is fraught with serious complications, because wound discharge is an excellent environment for pathogenic bacteria which can cause inflammation and infection of the uterus. Also dangerous is the sudden resumption of discharge after it has already begun to stop, and it becomes more severe again. bright red color(a sign of uterine bleeding). Of particular importance is the smell of lochia, which becomes unbearable if the uterine cavity is infected, and their color (with infection, the discharge acquires a greenish tint and becomes purulent). Strong profuse bleeding at any stage after childbirth should be a reason immediate appeal to the doctor.

How to avoid complications?

It is not always possible for a woman to avoid postpartum complications, however, it should be observed simple rules, and then their probability will decrease:

  • Carefully observe personal hygiene (toilet the external genitalia daily, change pads every 2-3 hours, regardless of their filling, do not use tampons).
  • Empty your bowels in a timely manner and bladder.
  • Apply ice to your lower abdomen once a day to improve uterine contractions, and also lie on your stomach and move around often.
  • Breastfeed your baby - this is the surest and fastest way.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and no complications!

Especially for Tanya Kivezhdiy

Every young mother is always worried about what they should be discharge after childbirth, is this process happening normally for her? Pay attention Special attention on the nature of the discharge and doctors who observe patients after the birth of babies. In the context of normal development postpartum process A very important question is how long such discharges take. It is no less important to control their smell, quantity and other characteristics. About how much days go by blood after and about other features of such secretions we'll talk In this article.

How is the postpartum period going?

So, the postpartum period begins at the moment when birth occurs placenta . In medicine, it is customary to distinguish two stages after childbirth:

  • early stage lasting for two hours;
  • late stage , lasting from 6 to 8 weeks.

In the postpartum period, the placenta, which has separated from the wall of the uterus, is released. At the place where it separated, a wound surface with gaping vessels is formed in the mucous membrane of the uterus, from which blood is released.

How long does it take for the uterus to contract after childbirth? This process begins immediately, and as long as the uterus contracts, its walls become tense and the torn vessels are compressed. During the first 2 hours after birth, moderate, bright red, bloody discharge appears. The normal discharge rate after childbirth in the first stage is no more than 0.4 liters.

If blood loss increases, then it is imperative to exclude hypotensive bleeding . Next, the doctor must make sure that there is no undetected rupture in the perineum, cervix, or vaginal walls of the woman in labor.

After labor and delivery of the placenta have occurred, the weight of the uterus is about 1 kg. But after a certain number of days, when the postpartum period ends, it returns to what is considered normal size, weighing approximately 70 g. To achieve this state, the uterus contracts, but these seductions are not as intense and painful as with contractions . How long the uterus contracts after childbirth also depends on the characteristics of the body. In this case, the woman feels only mild spasms, which manifest themselves mainly when the newborn sucks the breast. The fact is that when the nipples are stimulated, the production of a hormone is activated, which stimulates uterine contractions.

Postpartum uterine involution – a process that occurs gradually, 6-8 weeks. after childbirth. During this time, the wound surface heals, the size of the uterus returns to its original size. On the first day after the baby is born, the edge of the woman’s uterus is palpated at approximately the level of the navel. Already on the fourth day, its bottom is located in the middle between the navel and the womb. On the 9th day, the fundus of the uterus is located 1-2 cm above the womb. That is, every day after the birth of the child, the uterus decreases by about 1 cm.

How bleeding occurs after childbirth, how long this process lasts, the doctor will tell you in detail before the woman is discharged from the hospital. maternity hospital. Depending on how much there is bleeding After childbirth, the smell, amount and color of the discharge are determined by the doctor, whether the postpartum period is going normally.

Such selections are called “ lochia " At its core, lochia is the secretion of a birth wound, which contains bloody cells, mucus, decidua, plasma, and lymph. It is very important for expectant mothers to know exactly how long lochia lasts after childbirth. What lochia is and what lochia looks like is usually explained by the doctor before discharge from the hospital. Women should be sure to note how long lochia lasts after childbirth, because this is an indicator of whether the body’s recovery process is developing normally in a young mother.

The nature of the discharge in different time is like this:

  • When the first two hours after birth are completed, reddish or brownish discharge occurs, its character is moderate. The duration of such discharge is from 5 to 7 days.
  • In the first 3 days, the volume of discharge is approximately 300 ml, so the padding diaper should be changed approximately every 2 hours. Blood clots are likely to appear in the lochia, which is normal.
  • From about 6-7 days the color of the lochia changes - they become yellowish or have a whitish tint. Their color depends on the quantity involved in the healing of postpartum wounds.
  • At 9-10 days, watery lochia begins to appear, in which a lot of mucus can be seen. They have a light shade, gradually become more and more scanty, and by 3-4 weeks. disappear completely. That is, after a month, lochia usually stops.

Despite the fact that the exact answer to how long bleeding lasts after childbirth is always individual, normally it lasts on average from 6 to 8 weeks. Regardless of how many days after birth the discharge occurs, it is important that over time it becomes more and more scanty.

How long discharge lasts after childbirth depends on many things, so not everyone has the same amount of time. How long the discharge continues depends on the physiology of the body, the intensity of uterine contractions, the characteristics of delivery and a number of other points. Also, how long postpartum discharge lasts depends on whether the woman practices. At the same time, how long the discharge with blood stains lasts after childbirth is an indicator of whether the young mother’s body is recovering normally.

The actual question is how long the discharge lasts after. It should be understood that this surgery, and the body’s recovery after it lasts a longer period. Accordingly, the duration of lochia after cesarean section may be longer. However, how long the discharge lasts after a cesarean section largely depends on how successful the operation was and whether complications develop after it. As a rule, such discharge should last about 8 weeks.

A woman should be alerted to smelly discharge after a caesarean section, as this may indicate the development of inflammatory process. You also need to track how long the discharge lasts so as not to miss the symptoms of pathology. If you have any suspicions, it is better to consult a doctor.

Subinvolution of the uterus after childbirth

How exactly does the period after childbirth proceed? physiological point vision is determined by the process of uterine contraction. The correct process of separation of the mucous membrane and release of blood clots from the uterine cavity is important.

Involution of the uterus, that is, its reverse development, is very important physiological process for a woman, as her reproductive and menstrual functions are restored. If the uterus contracts poorly, then there is a risk of developing purulent-septic complications.

Therefore, a woman should visit a doctor 10 days after she was discharged from the maternity hospital. The specialist conducts general examination, as well as gynecological.

Sometimes it can be diagnosed subinvolution of the uterus , when the return to previous parameters occurs very slowly. The doctor makes this diagnosis if during this period a very soft and loose uterus of large size is palpated, and its contraction does not occur under hand.

To confirm postpartum subinvolution, the specialist must prescribe ultrasound examination small pelvis. Such a study will make it possible to find the cause that is an obstacle to uterine contraction. Usually, we're talking about about the remains of fetal membranes or placenta.

Factors that predispose to the manifestation of uterine subinvolution:

  • multiple pregnancy ;
  • polyhydramnios ;
  • rapid labor or protracted ;

The doctor decides individually whether there is a need to hospitalize a woman. If a young mother does not complain about her health, her condition is generally satisfactory, and there are no remains of membranes or placenta in the uterus, the doctor prescribes the use of uterotonic drugs. Typically this is oxytocin , water pepper tincture, methylergometrine .

If foreign contents are detected in the uterus, they are removed using vacuum suction. Diffuse lavage of the uterus is also sometimes practiced, for which solutions or antiseptics are used.

For prophylaxis, the patient is also prescribed a short-term dose - they should be used for 2-3 days.


This condition is also a complication after childbirth. During development lochiometers lochia lingers in the uterus. In most cases, this condition appears 7-9 days after the baby is born. This complication can be caused by the following reasons:

  • blockage of the cervical canal of a mechanical nature;
  • insufficiently active uterine contraction;
  • the presence of a mechanical obstruction in the cervical canal (blood clots, remnants of membranes, decidua);
  • the uterus is bent forward too much.

If during pregnancy there is overstretching of the fetal sac, and this occurs with multiple pregnancy, large sizes fetus, polyhydramnios, the ability of the uterus to contract weakens. This also happens with prolonged or rapid labor, incoordination labor activity, cervical spasms, caesarean section.

If lochiometra is diagnosed on time, then the woman does not have time to worsen general health, her pulse and body temperature do not change. In this case, the only sign pathological condition- this is very scanty discharge during the period when they should be abundant, or they stop completely.

In this case, lochiometra treatment is carried out after childbirth, and the woman’s condition gradually improves.

If the lochiometer is missed, if the doctor palpates the uterus, pain is noted, and he also notes that the size of the uterus has increased compared to the previous day. If the lochiometer was missed, the woman may subsequently develop.

Therefore, it is important to know what the normal discharge rate should be after childbirth, and to consult a doctor in a timely manner if certain violations occur. Therapy consists, first of all, of ensuring the outflow of lochia from the uterus. Initially, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment:

  • parenteral use or ;
  • uterotonics ( oxytocin ), applying cold to the lower abdomen.

If a woman is diagnosed with a kink in the uterus, the specialist performs bimanual palpation to return it to its normal position.

If clogged cervical canal, the specialist carefully expands it with a finger. Sometimes used for this purpose special devices— Hegar expanders.

Provided that all the measures described above did not lead to the elimination of the pathological condition in 2-3 days, curettage is performed - emptying the uterine cavity using instruments. Vacuum aspiration can also be used. To prevent inflammatory processes, women are prescribed antibiotics.

How long the lochia lasts after curettage depends on the period when the procedure was performed.

Postpartum endometritis

Another complication that is more dangerous to health compared to a lochiometer is endometritis or inflammation of the uterus. In a pregnant woman weakened as necessary to prevent rejection ovum, which the body considers foreign body. Restoration of immunological protection occurs approximately 5-6 days after the birth of the child or 10 days after it occurred abdominal delivery . That is why all young mothers have an increased risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

Currently, certain factors are identified that predispose to the development of endometritis after childbirth. They are indicated in the table below.

During pregnancy
  • manifestation of late (after 20 weeks);
  • multiple births;
  • anemia;
  • very large fruit;
  • malposition;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • inflammation of the cervix, vagina;
  • surgical intervention for isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • infectious diseases during pregnancy;
  • exacerbation chronic illnesses during pregnancy;
  • low placentation, presentation;
  • the presence of a threat of interruption, especially permanent;
  • sexually transmitted infections before childbirth;
  • placental abruption.
During childbirth
  • prolonged, premature labor;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • weakness, incoordination - anomalies of generic forces;
  • obstetric benefits during childbirth;
  • C-section;
  • manual control of the uterine cavity;
  • long (from 12 hours) period without water;
  • frequent (from three) vaginal examinations to determine the obstetric situation.
Are common
  • age of the woman in labor (up to 18 and over 30 years);
  • endocrine pathology;
  • a history of gynecological diseases - inflammation, fibroids, etc.;
  • eating disorders;
  • bad habits;
  • history of caesarean section;
  • extragenital diseases in chronic form;
  • poor living conditions.

Signs of acute endometritis

  • The onset of endometritis is acute, it develops from 3-4 days after birth.
  • The discharge becomes brown and cloudy.
  • Celebrated a little later purulent discharge having a greenish tint.
  • A characteristic symptom is the appearance of discharge with an odor after childbirth, while the unpleasant odor of postpartum discharge usually resembles rotten meat.
  • Getting worse general state– the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, weakness, increased heartbeat, and malaise are noted.
  • The results of peripheral blood tests indicate an inflammatory process (leukocytes increase, ).

Signs of endometritis in subacute form

This condition usually manifests itself after the woman has been discharged from the maternity hospital.

  • In this case, it is important to note how much bleeding after childbirth - bloody discharge remain until 10-12 days.
  • The temperature rises - sometimes to febrile levels, sometimes slightly.
  • If a woman ignores warning signs, the discharge becomes purulent and becomes bad smell.

Postpartum in any form is a reason for hospitalization. In a hospital setting, the patient undergoes a hysteroscopy to exclude the presence of remnants of membranes, placenta, and blood clots or to detect their presence. If any are found, they are removed by vacuum aspiration or curettage.

Diffuse lavage of the uterine cavity is also carried out, for which antibiotics and antiseptics are used. At least three such procedures are carried out.

What should you pay attention to?

Thus, it is important to pay attention to what bleeding after childbirth is like and how long this phenomenon lasts. If we talk about the norms for how long bleeding occurs after childbirth, then lochia should stop after about 3-4 weeks.

If a woman does not practice natural feeding, then monthly cycle she is recovering - this becomes noticeable by the nature of the discharge. If in about 1-2 months. after childbirth, leucorrhoea becomes profuse, resembling the white of an egg, this means that what is happening ovulation . Sometimes a woman notices that after giving birth, her periods last a little longer than before. How long your period lasts depends on the characteristics of the body, but such changes are normal.

At this time, it is very important to take care of postpartum contraception , which you should definitely talk about with your doctor. In this case, the guide to action should not be the advice of friends or a forum - optimal choice A specialist will help you make contraceptives.

If practiced breastfeeding, then when the baby is one month old, the discharge takes on the character of mucus and does not have an unpleasant odor. And throughout the entire period natural feeding they don't change their character.

However, a woman should be wary if yellow discharge suddenly appears 2 months after childbirth, when lochia has long been completed. Particular attention should be paid if the leucorrhoea has a bad odor, and discomfort and itching are felt in the genitals. In this case, you should immediately go to see a doctor.

The doctor will help you find out why they appear pathological discharge why he will take a smear to determine vaginal microflora , after which he will prescribe treatment.

If there is no fever, this most likely means that the discharge is a sign. But if a woman is also worried about temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, then this may be a sign of inflammation in the appendages or uterus. Therefore, in this case, you cannot hesitate to contact a specialist.

Hygiene in the postpartum period

So that the uterus contracts actively and it returns to normal sizes, hygiene in the postpartum period is very important:

  • It is recommended to sleep on your stomach so that pressure on the uterus promotes its active contraction and stimulation of the outflow of lochia.
  • You should immediately visit the toilet as soon as the woman feels the first urge, since a full bladder and a full rectum worsen uterine contractions.
  • It is important to change the pad every two hours, since lochia is a suitable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which subsequently leads to infection.
  • You should absolutely not use tampons at this time.
  • Every day you need to wash yourself at least twice using boiled water or a weak solution potassium permanganate .
  • It is worth practicing free feeding, putting the baby to the breast on demand, since when the nipples are stimulated, synthesis occurs oxytocin .

As you know, after childbirth, a woman’s uterus is not cleansed and restored immediately. After the birth of the placenta, the remnants of mucus, membranes, dying epithelial cells, blood clots, and ichor continue to “come out.” Such postpartum discharge is commonly called lochia.

How long does it take for lochia to come out after childbirth?

The answer to the question of how long the discharge lasts after childbirth and when it ends for very specific reasons concerns every young mother. Generally speaking, the release of lochia continues for several weeks, usually 4–6. Over time, their color and consistency change, and finally they stop.

Immediately after the birth process, lochia resembles bleeding. And this is partly true. To reduce bleeding and prevent actual bleeding from starting, a cold heating pad (with ice) is placed on your stomach for several hours. Normally, when cold is applied, the uterus contracts faster, the blood vessels narrow, and thus the discharge becomes less intense. To “revive” these processes, appropriate drugs are also administered intravenously. When the bladder is full, urine is drained using a catheter.

As a rule (and this is considered the norm), the amount of discharge during this time does not exceed 0.3 liters.

If the muscles do not contract very well or there is a rupture of the birth canal, then the bleeding may be more severe.

After time spent with a heating pad on her stomach, the woman in labor is transferred to the postpartum ward. Here it is worth stocking up on pads, since the discharge will not be much less. However, their color will be slightly different - darker, with a brownish tint. You will observe this picture for several days (usually within 3 days).

Over the next few weeks, the nature of the lochia will change: the discharge after childbirth will begin to lighten, and its consistency will become more liquid. There will be less and less bloody particles every day and gradually, by the beginning of the fifth week, the lochia will become whitish or yellowish-white. Discharge of this color continues for 7–10 days, and its color is determined by a large number of leukocytes and decidual tissue (which previously served as a nutritious and protective layer for the fetus).

By the end of the sixth week, postpartum discharge should stop altogether.

If you are not breastfeeding, then literally a month after that you can expect your first period.

Bloody, brown and white discharge before period

What should you pay attention to?

The first few weeks after the birth of the baby, when the birth canal is open and the uterine cavity has not yet fully recovered, female body very vulnerable and can easily be affected by any infection. Therefore, special attention must be paid to maintaining personal hygiene rules.

Also, during the period of lochia discharge after childbirth, it is recommended to abstain from sexual contact, including oral sex and so-called sex without penetration (caressing the genitals with your hands). Despite popular belief, these types of sexual contacts are also fraught with the introduction of infections with the ensuing consequences. Sex during this period can also be quite traumatic, since the genitals are at this stage too sensitive. And this is another reason for abstinence.

During the period of discharge after childbirth, it is extremely undesirable (and most doctors simply prohibit their patients from doing this and, it must be said, they do the right thing) to use tampons. In this case, pads with increased absorbency are best suited. They should be changed as often as possible, and saving in this case is unacceptable and even dangerous (discharge is a very favorable environment for the growth of bacteria!).

In addition, a woman must ensure that the discharge does not emit an unpleasant odor and that there is no discomfort(itching, burning, etc.).

If any of the above are noticed, you should immediately consult a doctor to rule it out. infectious disease, to avoid the risk of bleeding and prescribe appropriate treatment.

An unpleasant odor can be due to several reasons. This, in particular, is a decrease in the contractility of the uterus, the development of an inflammatory process in the genital tract and even the development of enometritis (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus), the main signal for concern in this case is elevated temperature body, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of irregular periods after childbirth

You should know that an increase in temperature during the period of discharge after childbirth is possible. However, normally it is insignificant and can last for the first 3–4 days. If hyperthermia lasts longer and at the same time persists for a long time Brown color lochia, this is considered a pathology and requires mandatory examination by a specialist.

You also need to consult a specialist if the change in the nature of the discharge deviates from the described standard course, which corresponds to the norm. Another important question is: how long does the discharge last after childbirth and what is its quality? If, for example, longer due date the discharge is bloody or lasts more than a month and a half, quite long time the discharge is copious. You should be wary of the need to use more than 6 completely saturated pads throughout the day.

There are cases when discharge from the uterus stops too quickly after childbirth. This is also not good: your uterus is probably overstretched and cannot contract properly and push out the contents needed to be released. In this case, the mother is given drugs that stimulate contraction.

How to avoid bleeding?

In the first time after childbirth, it is best to limit active movements and lead a sedentary - recumbent lifestyle. By at least, about a week.

Make sure you empty your bladder on time. It should not be tolerated, since when filled, it, due to its physiological location, prevents normal contraction of the uterus and, accordingly, the excretion of lochia.

You can also continue the practice of applying an ice heating pad at first. However, you shouldn't get too carried away with this.

One of the best preventive measures to avoid bleeding is breast-feeding. When feeding a baby, a woman’s body releases a special hormone, oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions. When a baby sucks milk, many mothers feel the blood clots, and more actively and in larger quantities than usual.