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Restless sleep. Poor sleep at night in an adult: causes and what to do

Sleep disturbance - serious problem, which deprives many sufferers of similar disorders vitality, reduces performance. The importance of the sleep cycle cannot be underestimated, as it is dangerous to health and even life.

Sleep is a vital cycle that repeats itself day after day. It is characterized by a state of rest, physical inactivity, lasting on average about 8 hours. During this period, the body rests. The body systems are restored, information received during the day is processed and stored, resistance increases immune system to infectious agents.

Various external and internal factors may affect the sleep cycle. As a result, they develop various kinds sleep disorders. Why do sleep cycle disorders occur? What diseases is this associated with? How to restore sleep patterns? How to deal with sleep disorders? The answers to these important questions will be discussed in the article below.

Types of sleep cycle disorders

There is a special classification of sleep cycle disorders. The main types of pathologies of the sleep cycle are the following conditions:

  1. Insomnia - type pathological condition, which is characterized by problems with the process of falling asleep. At the same time, the sleep cycle itself is short-term, very sensitive. Insomnia develops against the background mental illness nervous system, or as a result long-term use alcohol, some medications.
  2. Hypersomnia is a type of sleep pathology characterized by the condition constant drowsiness. People suffering from this disorder can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Develops as a result of deep depression, chronic lack of sleep. There are such forms of hypersomnia:
  • – a type of hypersomnia characterized by a sudden attack of drowsiness, causing a person to fall asleep on the spot. The main symptom of this disease is cataplexy - loss of muscle tone while awake (the person freezes in a certain position, without loss of consciousness);
  • – excessive sleepiness in daytime days;
  • a type of hypersomnia associated with alcohol dependence.
  1. Parasomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by disruptions in the phases of the sleep cycle, as a result of which a person often wakes up at night. Restless sleep develops against the background of enuresis (urinary incontinence during night rest), different forms sleepwalking, epilepsy (bursts of electrical activity in the brain). May be associated with night terrors and nightmares.
  2. in a dream - disruption of the pulmonary ventilation process. As a result of such a failure, an adult develops hypoxia - oxygen starvation tissues, which leads to impaired concentration and daytime sleepiness. Apnea is accompanied by snoring, which makes it difficult for close family members and the sufferer to rest.
  3. Ordinary insomnia is the most common sleep cycle disorder, which can be caused by various factors.
  4. Sleep paralysis common occurrence, in which at the stage of falling asleep or waking up a person is aware of everything, but cannot move or speak. enough.
  5. Bruxism - . It appears in both adults and children.

Causes of sleep disturbances. Symptoms

The normal sleep cycle is characterized by the process falling asleep quickly, awakening after which occurs after a certain period of time (depending on how much time a person needs to rest). On average, an adult's nightly rest should be at least 8 hours.

However, due to certain factors, sleep cycles and quality may be disrupted. This is due to the state of health, the presence of chronic diseases and the negative impact external environment. So, the main causes of sleep disturbance in adults are:

  • emotional excitement, shock. Such conditions can develop due to frequent stress, prolonged depression, aggression, strong shocks associated with illness, death of loved ones. Also, sleep disturbance in adults can occur due to upcoming exciting events: student session, wedding, childbirth, divorce, job loss;
  • daily use of substances that excite the nervous system before bedtime, overeating. These can be drinks containing caffeine (strong tea, coffee), as well as alcohol, energy drinks, and in worst cases, drugs. Some medications can negatively affect the quality of the sleep cycle;
  • failure in work endocrine system, thyroid diseases. Bad dream observed in women during menstruation, when the level of female sex hormones increases, or during menopause (menopause). Sleep disturbance, insomnia is observed with hyperthyroidism - excessive release of hormones into the blood thyroid gland, which activate metabolism in the body;
  • illnesses internal organs: asthma, arthritis, ischemic disease hearts, renal failure, Parkinson's disease and similar mental illnesses. As a result of such diseases, a person experiences enormous physical discomfort, debilitating pain, which makes it difficult to sleep.
  • disturbance of sleep patterns, uncomfortable conditions for rest: presence unpleasant odors, too high, or low temperature indoors, light, extraneous noise, unusual surroundings.

These are the main reasons that lead to short-term or long-term disruption of the sleep cycle. The following symptoms may indicate this condition: a long period of falling asleep, permanent shift body position, very frequent awakening at night, restless sleep, getting out of bed early in the morning. After such a dream, a person feels exhausted, tired, concentration and memory processes decrease.

The consequences of sleep disturbance can be very dire. So, for those who regularly lack sleep or sleep poorly, the risk of illness increases by cardiovascular diseases, diabetes. Poor sleep leads to obesity, immunodeficiency, and breast cancer in women.

Causes and treatment of sleep cycle disorders. Diagnostics

The problem of poor sleep cannot be neglected. If a person daily has complaints like:

  • “I can’t sleep for a long time.”
  • “I often wake up at night.”
  • “I wake up very early, I can’t get enough sleep,” this eloquently indicates a disruption in the sleep cycle. In this case, he simply needs to contact a treating specialist and undergo a full medical examination. You cannot hesitate, as accumulating fatigue can lead to irreparable health problems.

Who to contact?

To diagnose sleep cycle disorders, people consult a somnologist who specializes in dreams, problems, and diseases associated with the sleep cycle. If such a specialist medical institution is not available, then you can consult a therapist, psychotherapist, or neurologist. They will tell you how to restore sleep. If there is a serious problem, you will have to contact a somnologist.

Remember, a person who sees a doctor on time avoids many health problems!

Sleep disorders are diagnosed in special laboratory. The following methods are used for this:


It is carried out in a special laboratory where there is necessary equipment. During this procedure, the patient must be under the supervision of doctors during the night's rest.

A person is connected to different sensors that measure frequency breathing movements, heartbeat, pulse, electrical activity cerebral cortex. Based on these indicators, a somnologist can determine the real problem of poor sleep, tell you what to do, and prescribe appropriate therapy.

SLS method - study of average sleep latency

This technique is carried out in cases where the doctor suspects that the patient has hypersomnia ( increased sleepiness), especially narcolepsy.

During this procedure, the suffering person is given 5 attempts to fall asleep, each of which lasts about 20 minutes, the interval between them is 2 hours. If the patient falls asleep in more than 10 minutes, then he has no disturbances, within 5-10 minutes - borderline range, in less than 5 minutes - a clear sleep disorder.

How to restore sleep patterns?

It's vital important question. The listed diagnostic methods will help the doctor get a complete picture of what is happening with human body during a night's rest. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Sleep disturbances and severe insomnia are treated by taking medications such as:

  • sleeping pills of varying strength;
  • antidepressants (if the cause of sleep cycle disturbance is a severe form of depression);
  • antipsychotics with a calming effect, psychotonics are prescribed to patients with severe sleep disorders;
  • sedative (calming) drugs can be taken by anyone who is nervous before a night's rest or is in an excited state;
  • drugs with a vasodilating effect in combination with mild types of sleeping pills are intended for elderly patients whose poor sleep cycle is caused by arrhythmia or angina pectoris.

It is important to remember that self-prescribing treatment sleeping pills very dangerous, because in most cases, long-term use Such medications cause various kinds of addiction, leading to a malfunction of the central nervous system and its organs, aggravating the problem of sleep disorders. Only a qualified doctor should prescribe a course of treatment.

If poor sleep at night is associated with experiences before important event, old age, troubles at work, etc., then you can drink a soothing tea, decoction, or herbal infusion half an hour before rest. For these purposes, chamomile tea made from its flowers, or mint, lemon balm, and their leaves is well suited. After this tea, you will fall asleep better, you will sleep soundly.

You can saturate your bedroom with the pleasant smell of lavender from an aroma lamp. Its pleasant aroma calms and relaxes. The smell of lavender will make a woman wake up joyful and full of strength. You can also place a bag of dry herbs of jasmine and lavender near the pillow.

You can buy it at the pharmacy alcohol tincture motherwort, which is an excellent remedy for insomnia and its other manifestations. At home, you can prepare a decoction from this plant and drink throughout the day.

For older people whose sleep cycle is disrupted, a decoction of lily of the valley herb is well suited, which normalizes heart function and eliminates arrhythmia. Regular use of this decoction will restore the sleep cycle.

Sleep problems. What to do?

However, sleep problems in adults and insomnia are often associated with the most seemingly insignificant factors, such as: overeating, intense physical activity, a cup of strong coffee or black tea. Therefore, in order to normalize the sleep cycle, we first need to prevent sleep disorders, which includes following these simple rules:

  • create all conditions for comfortable rest: make the bed with a clean sheet, ventilate the room, if necessary, install an aroma lamp;
  • accept cold and hot shower before bedtime;
  • let him close person give a light restorative massage;
  • do not eat 2 hours before bedtime;
  • do not engage in activities that can overstimulate the nervous system;
  • drink a glass before going to bed warm milk with honey, or soothing tea;
  • If you wake up at night, it is better not to get up, not to start doing active things. You need to lie down for a while, after a while you will fall asleep again.
  • always remember if you often wake up at night, especially in early age, then you need to see a doctor. The sooner you get rid of the problem of poor sleep, the more you can avoid many diseases.

The above tips will relieve, as if by hand, fatigue after have a hard day, will help you relax and calm down. In such an environment it will be easy to fall into a deep, sweet sleep.

Sleep disorders.

Restless sleep for a long time is a sign of a sleep disorder. The main reasons, according to doctors, are mental, psychological, nervous overstrain person. Every year the need for mental work increases, while physical exercise become “not fashionable” and not promising in our society. Constant pressure brain, the ability to instantly respond adequately to the most difficult situations in business, work, the ever-accelerating pace of life leads to stress, nervous breakdowns, depression, neuroses. These are the most common diseases of our time. They lead to physical ailments (for example, headaches, gastritis, etc.). main reason all our diseases are mental condition, which directly affects the quality of sleep.

Sleep quality.

Poor sleep has Negative influence on a person's well-being. During the time good sleep the body does not have time to perform all the restorative functions assigned to the night. As a result, we feel drowsy, weak, and tired in the morning. Transferring daytime worries into the world of dreams makes our brain actively work. The subconscious does not have time to process the information. There is a accumulation of images and pictures that are painful for a person. Frequent waking up, insomnia, night activity limbs, sudden hunger - these are the most common consequences of restless sleep. To get rid of them, you need to turn to specialists for help as soon as possible. Restless sleep may be a sign of an emerging serious illness. Therefore, it is important to identify all the signs as early as possible. For example, the predominance REM sleep in humans may be accompanied by uncharacteristic nighttime tension of large muscle groups. This leads to injury to the sleeping person or partner. Another example is that studies have confirmed that restless sleep leads, after 15-50 years, to diseases associated with impaired brain function (dementia). The mechanism of the relationship between restless sleep and the development of chronic dangerous diseases scientists have not yet found it. Currently, researchers have empirically established only which dreams predict the onset of a particular disease and the approximate time when the disease will manifest itself in physical fitness.

Causes of restless sleep.

Computer games, horror films often cause restless sleep. The source of excitement that arises in the head in the evening simply does not allow a person to relax. People can continue to play in their dreams and run away from monsters. It is important to maintain sleep hygiene. That is, go to bed on time, do not drink alcohol or coffee before bed, do not fill your stomach, ventilate the bedroom, do not sit too long in front of the TV and computer, do not study active work. Every person knows himself why he loses sleep. Do not experiment on your body. Sooner or later he will remember everything to you. If your head is bursting with information overload during the day, find a way to think about positive things. For example, watch a calm movie, listen to music, take a bath with soothing herbs, essential oils, practice relaxation. Your tired body will give you a signal when it’s time to sleep. Usually 25-40 minutes are enough for the relaxation needed for sleep.

Traditional methods treatment.

Traditional methods of treating restless sleep involve the use of decoctions and tinctures medicinal herbs, inhaling soothing aromas before bed.

Hawthorn blood red

Decoctions can be made in several ways. The first, the simplest, is to pour boiling water over the crushed plant and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Another way is to not just pour boiling water, but also simmer the herb over low heat for 25-30 minutes. You can also darken it on steam bath 30-40 minutes. Each person has their own preferences in preparing decoctions, favorite recipes and mixtures of herbs.


Herbal tinctures are made with alcohol or vodka. To do this, pour 1/3 or 1/4 of the volume of the crushed plant into a bottle, fill it with alcohol and place it in a dark, cool place for 1.5-3 months. In this case, you need to shake the tincture periodically.

Bearberry (bear ears)

Medicinal plants for good sleep.

It is very important to remember that medicinal herbs themselves are not medicine. They only help the body cope with diseases and illnesses. In addition, some people have an intolerance to one or another herb. Therefore, try to consult with specialists if you are planning to use medicinal plants externally or as a drink.


Recommended plants for decoctions: drupe herb, blue cyanosis, creeping thyme, bear ears(bearberry), marsh rosemary, fruits or flowers of blood-red hawthorn, St. John's wort, yarrow, valerian root, motherwort, cudweed, chamomile, lingonberry leaves, etc.

St. John's wort

You can make a 1:1 mixture of your favorite herbs and drink a decoction of 0.5 cups at night or just like tea with honey. The duration of taking decoctions, if you notice sleep disturbances, ranges from 1.5 to 3 months. This procedure should give you pleasure. Therefore, if you don’t like the smell of a certain plant, then replace it with another.

Marsh rosemary

Tinctures for medicinal plants should also be taken with caution. A glass of 0.25 grams before bed can lead to addiction and dependence. Ideally sedative tinctures Take drops (pharmacy version) or a teaspoon at night (or 3-4 times a day as prescribed by a doctor).



Aromatherapy received wide use last time. One of simple ways- this is to sew a bag and fill it aromatic herbs. You can simply hang bunches of medicinal herbs at the head of the bed. Opportunity to buy essential oils gives big choice in composing fragrances according to your preferences. To inhale the soothing scent, you just need to leave the bottle open for a few minutes before bed. Lighted aroma candles and aroma lamps with different scents create a cozy and intimate atmosphere in the bedroom. This contributes to good and healthy sleep. Aromatherapy and color therapy have a very strong effect on the human condition. Therefore, it is stupid not to use the knowledge of centuries for your health. Place your favorite ones near the bed houseplants. Remember that bright green flowers have a soothing effect on tired eyes, and leaves with a reddish tint have a general relaxing effect.

Have a healthy sleep!

Nightmarish dreams, frequent awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia - these are the main complaints about sleep that can often be heard from women. There are many reasons for such a “night rest”, but it is necessary to distinguish restless sleep from anxious sleep.

These types of sleep have different reasons and symptoms, and therefore methods of treatment.

First of all, it is worth saying that all of the above symptoms are signs of a sleep disorder. First of all, they talk about pathological processes that occur in the brain. These changes can lead to mental changes, which in turn lead to mental disorders. Sometimes restless sleep and people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and central nervous system diseases suffer from nightmares.

Features and causes of disturbing sleep

Anxious sleep is often accompanied by nightmares. The causes of disturbing dreams are serious changes in a woman’s life that she did not want. The changes are so profound that they have caused frequent conflicts and quarrels in a woman’s professional, family and personal life. Experiences capture a woman so much that increased emotional background does not allow her to experience everything in reality. Deep experiences turn into dreams, where they take the form of nightmares.

The second reason for disturbing dreams is increased fatigue. With the help of disturbing sleep, the body shows that it does not have time to rest.

The third reason is very difficult. This is a post-stress state. The events due to which the woman experienced stress have such a strong impact on her psyche that they begin to haunt the woman in her dreams. The circumstances suffered do not give me peace and worry me very much, preventing me from falling asleep.

The fourth reason for disturbing sleep is the presence of depression in a woman. The loss or change of values ​​has affected the woman so much that deeply feeling this problem leads to difficulty falling asleep.

The fifth reason is drinking alcohol and energy drinks. These substances increase blood pressure and increase heart function. In this mode, the body cannot adjust to rest, the brain continues to work.

The sixth reason is overeating, especially at night. Often it is overeating that leads to nightmares.

Restless sleep occurs due to the presence of fears. It is expressed in frequent awakenings and prolonged falling asleep. There are different fears. They are often associated with the fact that a woman is afraid of losing something or someone. Perhaps a woman has a disease that worries her very much (asthma, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, shortness of breath, apnea). Significant mental and mental stress leads to restless sleep.

Ways to solve the problem

Among preventative methods can be called adherence to a rest and work schedule. During the day, a person is charged with energy, and by the end of the day he must use it up. Evening is a time for rest, and night is a time for sleep. But the modern pace of life has led to the fact that women continue to work in the evening without having time to rest. The body, especially the brain tissue, is depleted, since it is this organ that has to coordinate actions.

Sleep is a physiological process in which the brain and body periodically rest by reducing the body's reactions to various external factors and minimizing brain activity.

Restless sleep is a state when a person is asleep, but something continues to happen to him while he sleeps. His brain does not rest, but continues to work, imagine dream pictures and think about some problems. The person seems to continue to “communicate” with the people around him during the day. He seems to be in an intermediate state between wakefulness and sleep.

Restless sleep is very incomplete. After such a dream, a person does not have the feeling that he has rested and gained strength.

Causes of restless sleep in adults

The causes of restless sleep can be very different. Restless sleep in adults can occur due to the following diseases:

Nocturnal asthma;

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea;


Gastrointestinal disorders;

Chronic alcoholism;

Apnea syndrome;

Mental illnesses (especially states of passion);


Restless legs syndrome.

Also, restless sleep can be caused by severe anxiety, mental or physical fatigue, and overexertion.

Causes of restless sleep in a child

Often, restless sleep in a child is observed due to:

Serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;

Diseases of internal organs;

Mental disorders;


Changes in diet or lifestyle;

Changes in living conditions;

Conflicts in the family.

Symptoms of restless sleep in a child

Symptoms of restless sleep in a child are:

Bruxism is teeth grinding at night, which can sometimes be accompanied by altered breathing, level of blood pressure and heartbeat;

Startles are pathologically conditioned sleep phenomena, which include physiological movements during sleep;

Nocturnal enuresis – involuntary urination during sleep;

Night terrors are sudden psychomotor agitations accompanied by fear, in which the child does not come into contact with others and does not remember what happened after waking up;

Breathing disorders during sleep.

Treatment of restless sleep in a child

To achieve restful sleep in your child, you must adhere to the following rules:

You cannot wake up your baby specifically to feed him, as this may disrupt his biological clock;

Before going to bed, the baby should be well fed;

During feedings before bedtime, it is necessary to dim the lights in the room and practically not communicate with the baby;

After 10-12 months, stop feeding your baby at night;

Sleeping during the day should not be accompanied by perfect silence, otherwise the child will get used to it and will wake up after any sounds;

There is no need to react to every baby's sob;

Try to put your baby to bed at the same time every day to adjust his internal clock.

Treatment of restless sleep with traditional methods

The following recipe can help with restless sleep in adults:

Pour one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of dill juice into one glass of milk. Take one teaspoon warm after meals. Can be stored for no more than one day in the refrigerator and no more than half an hour at room temperature.

The following recipes can help children:

Pour 200 grams of pumpkin into one glass hot water and boil for about 10-15 minutes. Cool the broth, and after cooling add honey (one tablespoon). Give your child a quarter glass to drink at night.

Pour one tablespoon of tongueless chamomile with flowers into one glass of boiling water and put on fire. Add sugar (one teaspoon) or honey (half a teaspoon), boil for ten minutes, remove from heat and cool in a dark place. After straining, give the child a quarter glass an hour before bedtime.

Make tea from chamomile and green tea. Leave for 10 minutes and give one glass to the child before bedtime.

Pour crushed valerian officinalis root (one tablespoon) into one glass of boiling water and cook for about fifteen minutes. Cool in a warm and dark place. After straining, give the child one teaspoon three times a day.

Take one tablespoon of chopped herbs and dill seeds, pour boiling water (two glasses). Cool in a dark place and give the child one teaspoon before bedtime.

Nightmarish dreams, frequent awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia - these are the main complaints about sleep that can often be heard from women. There are many reasons for such a “night rest”, but it is necessary to distinguish restless sleep from anxious sleep. These types of sleep have different causes and symptoms, and therefore methods of treatment.

First of all, it is worth saying that all of the above symptoms are signs of a sleep disorder. They, first of all, talk about pathological processes that occur in the brain. These changes can lead to mental changes, which in turn lead to mental disorders. Sometimes people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and central nervous system diseases suffer from restless sleep and nightmares.

Features and causes of disturbing sleep

Anxious sleep is often accompanied by nightmares. The causes of disturbing dreams are major changes in a woman's life, which she didn't want. The changes are so profound that they have caused frequent conflicts and quarrels in a woman’s professional, family and personal life. Experiences capture a woman so much that the heightened emotional background does not allow her to experience everything in reality. Deep experiences turn into dreams, where they take the form of nightmares.

The second reason for disturbing dreams is increased fatigue. With the help of disturbing sleep, the body shows that it does not have time to rest.

The third reason is very difficult. This post-stress state. The events due to which the woman experienced stress have such a strong impact on her psyche that they begin to haunt the woman in her dreams. The circumstances suffered do not give me peace and worry me very much, preventing me from falling asleep.

The fourth cause of disturbing sleep is Availability in a woman depression. The loss or change of values ​​has affected the woman so much that deeply feeling this problem leads to difficulty falling asleep.

Fifth reason - drinking alcohol, energy drinks. These substances increase blood pressure and increase heart function. In this mode, the body cannot adjust to rest, the brain continues to work.

Sixth reason - binge eating, especially at night. Often it is overeating that leads to nightmares.

Features and causes of restless sleep

Restless sleep occurs due to the presence of fears. It manifests itself in frequent awakenings and prolonged periods of falling asleep. There are different fears. They are often associated with the fact that a woman is afraid of losing something or someone. Perhaps a woman has a disease that worries her very much (asthma, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, shortness of breath, apnea). Significant mental and mental stress leads to restless sleep.

Ways to solve the problem

Among the preventive methods are adherence to rest and work schedules. During the day, a person is charged with energy, and by the end of the day he must use it up. Evening is a time for rest, and night is a time for sleep. But the modern pace of life has led to the fact that women continue to work in the evening without having time to rest. The body, especially the brain tissue, is depleted, since it is this organ that has to coordinate actions.

Second important waysleep the prescribed number of hours. Lack of sleep leads to disruption of brain function.

The third way is rest before bed. Two hours before bedtime, you should postpone doing any work. This time can be spent on a calm pastime, which is not accompanied by strong emotions. This could be a walk before bed.