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Sedatives for children - overview of composition and release form. Calming herbs for children What calming herb can children use?

Absolutely all people are susceptible to stress, including small children. Unlike adults, they do not yet know how to cope with problems on their own, even if they seem less significant to their parents than their own concerns. The result of constant overexertion of a child is his nervousness, capriciousness, tearfulness, and the like.

If a child is constantly under pressure from certain circumstances that lead to chronic nervousness, you need to seriously think about solving this problem. One of the best ways to gently and, most importantly, safely calm a child is the use of a variety of soothing herbs or their combinations.

Benefits of Calming Herbs

In pharmacies you can find a fairly wide range of different drugs to combat nervousness and excessive irritability in children. However, they can only be assigned to a specific child by a specialist after an appropriate examination. In addition, few parents strive to “put their baby on pills.”

Soothing herbs have almost the same effect, but remain absolutely safe for the body of any patient, even the smallest one. The main benefits of calming herbs remain:

Safety of exposure.



Easy to use.

Good efficiency.

The main thing is to master simple recipes preparation of certain natural remedies that will help overcome stress in a child.

How to use calming herbs for children?

Almost all people are aware of healing properties chamomile, mint, lemon balm and other popular plants. However, not all of them know exactly how to use them to achieve desired result. Considering children's age, there are 2 main options for using natural plants:

1. Oral use in the form of tea, decoction or infusion.

2. Adding plant materials to baths.

The first method remains the most popular. There is nothing easier than just aromatic tea add a few mint or fireweed leaves. At its core Herb tea- This is a regular aqueous infusion of a specific plant, ready for use.

If we talk about the decoction, it involves preliminary processing of the raw materials. It is poured with boiling water and boiled over fire for 5 to 20 minutes to extract more active substances from the plant. If you buy ready-made herbal infusions, the instructions usually indicate exactly how to prepare this or that remedy.

Herbs are usually used internally in a continuous course of at least 1 month, if we are talking about specific neuropsychiatric diseases, nervous tic, epilepsy, etc. serious deviations. You can also use it for immediate stress relief. herbal teas or use baths. Adding medicinal herbs to water helps to gently relax the baby’s nervous system. The duration of such procedures is on average 15-20 minutes.

Effective and Safe Soothing Herbs Suitable for Children

Medicinal plants have been used by mankind long before the advent of modern medicines. The most popular calming herbs that can be safely offered to children include the following:

Valerian. The most famous sedative that probably every person knows about. It is part of a huge number pharmaceutical drugs and herbal preparations. Valerian has a gentle effect on nervous system, promoting her relaxation.

Chamomile. It is used both in monotherapy and as part of multicomponent preparations. It has a soothing property that goes well with its antimicrobial effect.

Mint. Its pleasant aroma and excellent ability to relax a person make it one of the most popular herbs. She will not only take pictures nervous tension thanks to the ingredients essential oils, but will also give natural medicine pleasant taste if used together with other plants.

Melissa. Rarely used as the only component of infusions. It is often used in combination with mint and other herbs to calm the nervous system of both adults and children.

Fireweed. A soothing herb that additionally has good anti-inflammatory properties.

Raspberry and nettle leaves. Strengthen the nervous and immune system child, gently relax.

Chamomile, string and cumin. They have a mild anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect in cases where the cause of the child’s anxiety is intestinal cramps, cold, allergic itching or headaches.

Chamomile, string, lavender, valerian, hop cones. Ideal for soothing baths.

If you do not understand herbs or do not want to spend time preparing complex herbal teas, you can buy ready-made soothing herbs or herbal teas. “Children's soothing tea No. 30” is perfect for this purpose. Your child will love its taste. Tea can be sweetened with honey or your favorite jam. The result of use healing drink This will not only normalize the state of the nervous system, but also eliminate headaches and improve night sleep. Don't launch and don't let it develop nervous diseases! And if your nervous system is overstrained, drink the same tea with your baby.

Nothing helps in caring for a newborn more than nature itself. It’s not for nothing that our great-great-grandmothers trusted their natural intuition in raising children: children were raised on natural products, have been to a lot fresh air, used herbs to bathe a newborn.

And now in many families this trend continues: fashionable cosmetical tools are replaced by herbal preparations.

It must be said that a baby who has just been born reacts very sensitively to everything that surrounds him, sometimes even the smallest thing can cause an allergic reaction in him. In such cases, bathing is best way relieve the unpleasant itching that accompanies the rash and soothe the baby’s skin.

Today we’ll talk about how to make your baby’s life more enjoyable with the help of bathing and the right selection of herbs.

Bathing age: when will bathing in herbs not cause harm?

After birth, the baby finds himself face to face with a still hostile world full of germs and bacteria. If earlier my mother’s body protected from them, now small man learns to fight them on his own.

Almost immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, at the first visit, the local pediatrician and nurse tell young parents about the benefits of water procedures.

It is believed that before healing umbilical wound, the child should be bathed in pre-boiled water with a small addition of potassium permanganate. (Read how to dilute potassium permanganate for bathing a newborn >>>) But already at the age of two weeks, the baby is ready to add various decoctions. Many people do not know how and in what cases to bathe a newborn baby in herbs.

Note that in cases of colic, redness, prickly heat, diaper rash, herbs are a very effective and environmentally friendly remedy. Therefore, they can be used almost from birth.

Important! The approximate age for “starting” bathing in herbal decoctions is two weeks, with individual adjustments depending on the baby’s well-being.

There are many herbs, which ones to choose for your child?

The variety of herbal infusions is much greater than the bathing products that any major cosmetic company can offer. But there is important nuance: Each herb has a specific purpose. That is, bathing with certain herbs should solve some problem, be it the baby’s restless behavior or an allergic reaction.

  • There are special soothing herbs used for bathing newborns, these include mint, valerian, oregano and lavender;
  • Chamomile, string and calendula are an excellent way to disinfect a baby’s irritated skin;
  • There are herbal teas that help with colic: bathing with a decoction of bearberry or motherwort added to the water will relieve the baby from this trouble; Find out what other medications exist for colic >>>
  • There are also special decoctions that are indicated for hypertonicity or hypotonicity of the baby’s muscles. But first things first. What is muscle hypertonicity in a newborn?>>>

The herbs have been selected, how to brew?

When the choice is made, the desired herb is already prepared, many parents do not know how to brew in the right way These herbs are for bathing newborns.

First of all, you should adhere to the main rule in proportions:

  1. ½ liter of boiling water;
  2. and 2 to 4 tablespoons ready mixture herbs;
  3. In order for the infusion to reach the desired concentration, it must be kept for about 30 minutes;
  4. The resulting solution, if stored in the refrigerator, will be good for about a week. It can be added to water for both bathing and rinsing.
  5. As for dishes, it is best to prepare enamel, glass or ceramic dishes.

If parents want to use a collection of several herbs, then they need to brew it in the same way as the previous method. Sometimes ready-made mixtures from the pharmacy contain instructions; this is useful in cases where there are some special aspects in brewing one of the ingredients.

On a note! For those who don’t want to bother with decoctions, we can recommend ready-made herbal extracts. They are convenient and easy to use: just add one cap per 10 liters to your baby’s bath, and the water is ready for bathing.

Bath with a decoction of herbs: how to bathe a baby correctly?

Bathing procedure is enough easy process, but it also has several points that you should pay attention to. Having decided which herbs to use for bathing a newborn, you need to start with just one.

If you choose a less allergenic one, then preference can be given to chamomile or. To finally make sure that the prepared broth is safe for the baby, you can do a kind of test:

  • To do this, you need to place a drop of infusion on the child’s wrist;
  • It is better to do this test half an hour before swimming to check if there is any reaction on the skin;
  • The skin remains clean, which means you can swim; the prepared broth is safe;
  • Another control point is observing the baby’s behavior during bathing;
  • If everything is in order, the child tolerates it with pleasure. water procedure- no screaming, crying, difficulty breathing or blushing.

Know! Do you want to prepare a prefabricated decoction or use several ready-made extracts for bathing? We must remember that combining more than 4 different components is fraught with danger. unpleasant consequences. It is better to bathe in different herbs alternately in different days weeks than to make a “mix” into one.

How to properly bathe a newborn, watch the video:

Herbal infusions with a calming effect for bathing a baby

By using decoctions of certain herbs while bathing the baby, parents can count on a calming effect. This is especially important when, after a tiring or overly emotional day, the child cannot calm down and fall asleep (find out why a newborn does not sleep well >>>). Read more about some of them.

  1. The most common herbs from which decoctions are made for bathing are:
  • Lavender is an excellent antispasmodic and sedative;
  • Valerian calms the nervous system and also has a beneficial effect on the digestive and cardiovascular systems;
  1. Herbs that have also been proven effective, but should be used with caution in allergic children:
  • These include mint and oregano. The first soothes, reduces inflammation and pain, and also stimulates appetite;
  • Oregano decoction helps with various nervous disorders, as well as for problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  1. Of the prefabricated decoctions, the most effective is considered to be an infusion of motherwort, bearberry and St. John's wort:
  • For the dry part of these components, take ½ liter of boiling water, and then leave for 20 minutes;
  • Has a good effect complex collection from motherwort, valerian, thyme and oregano;
  • To make the decoction sufficiently concentrated, take one tablespoon of each dry ingredient per ½ liter of boiling water;
  • A bath with the addition of such a solution can be taken for no longer than 15 minutes, but for the baby this time will be enough.

Common herbs: almost everyone knows them

As mentioned above, bathing herbs each “specialize” in their task.

  1. So, for example, there are herbs for bathing against colic, these include bearberry (it reduces muscle tension and strengthens gastrointestinal tract) and motherwort (it perfectly regulates intestinal function and eliminates spasms). Find out how to cope with colic using non-drug methods in the course Soft tummy: getting rid of colic in your baby >>>
  2. Has your baby been diagnosed with hypertension? In this case, he is advised to bathe with the addition of soothing herbs or infusions containing hop cones, licorice and valerian roots, mint leaves, and motherwort. Chamomile in combination with sea salt also has a sedative effect.
  3. Decoctions based on the following are very popular:
  • from string, chamomile and thyme with oats;
  • nettle in combination with string and oregano;
  • ready-made extracts of chamomile, lavender and sage;
  • chamomile along with lemon balm oil or strings with lavender oil are an excellent option for those who prefer finished product, not a decoction.

Not all herbs are created equal: be careful!

Some herbal mixtures and decoctions can not only bring benefits, but also cause harm to the baby. Mint and oregano should be used with great caution - they are contraindicated for sensitive children prone to developing allergic reactions.

And there are also herbs that should not end up in your baby’s bath. They need to be remembered: these are calamus, celandine, adonis, wormwood, thuja, tansy, broom.

Remember that nature is best helper, but you also need to be careful with it.

Bathing a baby in many families is a nightly ritual that helps the baby not only adapt to the conditions environment(this is how the baby hardens), but also relax before bed. Until the umbilical wound heals, it is recommended to bathe the child in boiled water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and when the wound has healed, add herbs to the water for bathing newborns. Since our great-grandmothers bathed babies in herbs, many mothers automatically repeat this algorithm. Chamomile and celandine recommended by pediatricians are commonly used, although there are about 30 types of herbs suitable for bathing babies.

The benefits of herbal baths for a newborn and the rules for their use

A newborn's skin is very delicate and early stages life is easily exposed to irritants.

  1. No matter how closely the parents monitor the baby, in the heat the baby often develops prickly heat.
  2. Diaper rash in numerous folds becomes a disaster for large babies.
  3. A mother's favorite product may cause rashes in a breastfed baby

Herbal baths not only help get rid of these problems, but also have a relaxing or tonic effect with increased or decreased tone. In addition, bathing in herbs has a calming effect on the baby’s nervous system - this is very important for children with increased nervous excitability. It's important to remember that positive result can only be achieved with correct selection herbs and their proper use.

Adults are often wary of factory-made children's cosmetics, rightly assuming that these products can harm the child (dry skin, cause allergies, etc.), so they use children's shampoos and creams with caution. Herbs as remedies traditional medicine are often considered completely harmless. However, using herbs to bathe a baby also requires precautions - each herb has its own medicinal properties and may be contraindicated for a particular child. In addition, even harmless herbs that are actively used in medicine (for example, chamomile) can also cause allergies. In order for herbal baths to bring only benefits, you need to take into account simple rules:

  1. You should not experiment and make multi-component decoctions without a doctor’s prescription - the components may have mutually exclusive properties, and in case of allergic reactions it will be difficult for you to determine the “culprit”
  2. Before the first bath in water with a decoction, you need to soak a piece of cotton wool in the decoction and moisten a small area of ​​the baby’s skin. If redness or rash does not appear within 15 minutes, the baby can be dipped in a bath with a decoction. If any changes are noticeable, this herb should be excluded
  3. Herbs that are used for bathing babies should only be purchased at a pharmacy - you can collect the herbs yourself only in an ecologically clean area. For the same reason, you cannot buy herbal infusions from your own hands - you cannot find out exactly where this herb was collected
  4. If you purchased filter bags, you will need 5 bags per one and a half liter to bathe your baby hot water. Dried herb allows you to make a more concentrated decoction (resulting in more of it) - 5 liters water is coming just a handful of grass. The decoction is infused for about an hour before use ( maximum time- 5 o'clock)
  5. Before bathing the baby, strain the broth using gauze so that leaves and other particles do not end up in the bath
  6. The weight of the decoction per bath for a baby should not exceed 30 g - a more concentrated solution can cause allergies
  7. If you decide to use a toddler for bathing herbal tea, the components must be taken 1:1. The collection can be used only when there is one hundred percent confidence that the baby is not allergic to all its components
  8. The decoction is infused in an enamel or earthenware container. It is prohibited to use aluminum products, since this metal reacts with the decoction
  9. For bathing infants, only fresh broth is used.

Herbs for healthy skin

Herbs that are used for bathing healthy babies:

  1. Chamomile, which exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and relieves skin irritations. Has a mild calming effect on the central nervous system, helps cope with insomnia and negative impact stress. Can be added to the water when bathing a baby suffering allergic rashes(provided that the baby does not have allergic reaction to the chamomile itself)
  2. A sequence used to treat various skin diseases. Recommended for bathing healthy babies as it effectively removes yellow seborrheic crusts on the head of a newborn, often occurring in children in the first months of life. It is advisable to bathe in the string no more than twice a week, as this grass dries out delicate skin baby
  3. Nettle, which has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect, softens and tones the skin, heals wounds and ulcers. This plant has a positive effect on hair growth
  4. For skin irritations (heat rash, allergies, diaper rash), baths with oak bark are recommended - thanks to the contents in oak bark tannins prevent tissue irritation and form a kind of protective barrier. Oak bark has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. You can also use a decoction of bay laurel - it is used for suppuration, allergic rash and has soothing and disinfecting properties
  5. With diathesis, atopic dermatitis and pyoderma, baths with St. John's wort are indicated, which also promotes rapid recovery skin

Herbs for colic

Since almost all newborns suffer from colic, to eliminate this problem you can add to the bath:

  1. Bearberry, which relieves muscle tension and contains tannins that have a strengthening effect on the intestines. This plant also has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Hop cones, which have been used since ancient times for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and have an antispasmodic, relaxing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect
  3. Motherwort has antispasmodic properties and regulates intestinal function. Also has a calming effect

Calming herbs

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Calming herbs and sedatives are used for bathing newborns if children are overexcited, sleep restlessly, or the child has a shifted circadian cycle. For soothing baths we recommend:

  1. Lavender, which is not only soothing and antispasmodic, but also antiseptic property. Also effective for flatulence and various rashes
  2. Valerian, which reduces the excitability of the nervous system. In addition, valerian promotes healing skin lesions, relieves spasms, improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system
  3. Peppermint has a calming, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Mint also helps increase appetite
  4. Oregano, often recommended by neurologists for various disorders of the nervous system as an excellent depressant. Oregano removes painful sensations of various origins, has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, recommended for rickets and exudative diathesis

Herbs for hypertension

For hypertonicity, herbs for bathing a newborn are used in the form of mixtures. You can use sedative collection No. 2, containing motherwort herb, leaves peppermint, rhizomes and roots of valerian, licorice roots and hop cones. On the recommendation of a neurologist, knotweed can be included in the collection.

You can add a few drops of fir oil to a decoction of valerian and hop cones (1:1).
Also used for children sea ​​salt with chamomile and after consultation with a neurologist, pine extract.

Herbs for hypotension

For hypotension, baths with pine extract or a decoction of leaves walnut(also used for dystonia). Euphorbia, which has a strengthening effect on muscles, is not recommended for small children to add to water, as it is poisonous.
For bathing newborns, you can use fees containing:

  1. string, chamomile, thyme and oats
  2. nettle, string and oregano
  3. birch and currant leaves
  4. nettle, lungwort, horsetail, thyme or oats

The collection is an excellent substitute for ready-made extracts:

  1. chamomile-lavender-sage;
  2. chamomile with lemon balm oil;
  3. string with lavender oil;
  4. pine extract with thyme and fir oils, etc.

Ready-made extracts are not only easier to use, they are more balanced in composition and therefore more effective. To obtain the concentration required for the baby, all extracts are used exclusively according to the instructions.

Pay attention to the video in which an experienced mother shares tips on bathing her baby in herbal infusions

Every mother has faced such a problem as excessive moodiness and bad dream The child has. This common occurrences V childhood caused by immaturity of the nervous system. Often in such situations, experts recommend bathing the child in a decoction of soothing herbs. Bathing in the bath helps relieve nervous and muscle tension, and sets the child up for restful sleep. In addition, many herbs have additional properties that have a positive effect on the work internal organs and human systems.

What are the benefits of herbal baths for babies?

Water procedures, especially with the use herbal decoctions, very useful for children. Various herbs used for bathing have a mild sedative and restorative effect on humans, and also cleanse and disinfect skin, promote the healing of small wounds and the removal harmful substances from the body.

For children who have difficulty falling asleep, sleep anxiously, and are capricious during the day, pediatricians recommend bathing in a decoction of soothing herbs. Such procedures are quite effective and safe even for infants.

Bathing in a decoction of herbs is easy to do at home, and preparing the composition does not require special skills. The advantage is the naturalness of the components and the low cost of raw materials.

For achievement positive effect Herbal baths should be carried out in the evening, preferably before going to bed. Herbs must be brewed in advance, at least 1-2 hours before taking a bath, so that medicinal properties plants have fully opened. The water temperature for swimming is 37 degrees. The course of using herbal baths is 10-14 days, then it is recommended to take a break.

What herbs and infusions can be used to bathe a newborn?

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Pharmacy chains offer a wide range of herbal infusions, varying in composition and effect. Herbs such as lemon balm, valerian, motherwort, chamomile, sage, oregano, and mint have a sedative effect. They can be used individually or together. Pine and pine-salt baths are also good for relieving nervous and muscle tension and setting you up for a restful sleep.

Soothing baths for children can be taken from the newborn period. For children under 3 years of age, it is recommended to bathe with one-component herbal decoctions, for example, chamomile, string, calendula or motherwort. Then, if the child accepted them normally and no allergic reaction appeared, you can gradually expand the composition of the herbal mixture.

Plants used to prepare soothing baths for children:

How to brew herbs for bathing babies: recipes for soothing baths

There are many options for preparing a bath for a small child:

To prepare a bath, you can use ready-made herbal infusions sold in pharmacies. They have different compositions, so it will not be difficult to choose the right one.

Contraindications and precautions

Baths with decoctions of various herbs are contraindicated if the child has:

  • hyperthermia;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • pustular skin diseases.

If a skin rash, watery eyes, clear discharge from a child's nose after bathing, you should stop using the herbs and seek treatment medical care. You should not use soothing herbal decoctions for bathing for more than two weeks - addiction may occur.

To prepare baths, you cannot use calamus, tansy, celandine, wormwood, adonis, thuja, and broom. It should be remembered that even natural and natural substances can negatively affect the child’s body, so before using this or that recipe, you should consult a doctor.

What to do if your child doesn't sleep well? Home remedies to improve baby's sleep will help you restore your baby's sleep.

Aroma and herbal medicine

It happens that as a result of too strong emotional experiences or for some other reason, a child cannot sleep. He can be overexcited, capricious, overly cheerful - anything but ready to go to bed and dream until the morning.

Herbs, natural aromas and herbal recipes, tested by many generations, will help the baby relieve excess stress.

I suggest you get acquainted with some principles of herbal medicine, as well as stock up on practical knowledge in case of childhood insomnia.


It should be noted right away: this topic is not simple. Pharmacy counters offer an incredibly wide range of aromatic preparations. These include oils, waters, and ointments based on environmentally friendly plant materials. The most commonly used are various essential oils. And this is not surprising, because they are highly active and have a pronounced healing effect.

Precisely because of their activity, essential oils should be treated with caution, especially when we are talking about children's aromatherapy.

If concentrated oils are used incorrectly, it can not only not solve the problem, but even complicate it and harm the child. Therefore, without denying the high effectiveness of aromatherapy for sleep disorders, let’s start the conversation not with recipes, but with rules.

Before starting aromatherapy treatments, do not forget to consult your pediatrician. In particular, parents of children under 2 years of age should speak with an aromatherapist before starting any aromatherapy treatments. The attending physician should be aware of your intentions and planned activities.

Then the oil must be tested for allergenicity. Don’t listen to friends who have already had successful experience using a particular oil, and don’t blindly trust pharmacists who select an aromatic drug for you at the pharmacy.

Each child is individual, and his allergic and immune status Same. Therefore, before using oils, it is necessary to test their tolerance.

Drop the oil onto a napkin and let your baby inhale the aroma. One short breath is enough. Apply the same napkin to the back of your child's hand. If no allergic reaction (redness, sneezing, watery eyes, rash) appears within 3-4 hours, you can carefully perform the first aroma session.

The next rule is to buy only quality products. Remember: natural aromatic oils can only be sold through pharmacy points or specialized stores (including the Internet portal of the manufacturing company). Oil production is a very labor-intensive and expensive process, so even the smallest bottle cannot cost, relatively speaking, 30 rubles. If price availability is explained domestic production oils - don't believe it. Cheap products are synthetic compounds that are not suitable for any aromatherapy, especially for children.

Having made your choice and purchased the appropriate ones at the pharmacy aroma oils, keep them out of the reach of children.

Aroma recipes

Aroma oils are used quite widely in medical practice. They are used for dry and wet inhalations, during massage and preparing baths. Each method is good in its own way and each has age preferences and restrictions.

Children under 1 year of age should not use peppermint oil. Oils of thyme, geranium, rosemary and tea tree. It is not recommended to use clove oil if your child is under 12 years old. The remaining aromatic preparations are selected individually, as mentioned above.

If Small child If he is very restless and doesn’t want to fall asleep for several nights, you can try giving him a bath with 3-5 drops of lavender. In order for the oil to dissolve well in water, it must first be dropped into a tablespoon of milk or mixed with a spoon of any “transport” oil - apricot, vaseline, flaxseed or sunflower. Pour the resulting mixture into a bath with warm water and bathe the baby for 5-7 minutes. After the bath, you need to bathe the little one with soap and rinse big amount water. Such baths are suitable even for infants; the main thing is to remember to test for tolerance to the aroma oil and consult a doctor.

Another great remedy that uses lavender is cold inhalation. Place a drop of oil on the tip of the blanket or the far edge of the pillow. Within 3 hours it will actively evaporate, giving the baby relaxation and restful sleep.

Citrus oils (tangerine, orange and neroli) perfectly relax the nervous system and set you up for a long life. deep sleep. The aroma of Roman chamomile, ylang-ylang, rose and lemon balm will relieve stress, accumulated irritation and fatigue.

A night's sleep after an aroma session with one of these oils will be refreshing and healing.

Oils can be used individually, or as a mixture, combining 3-4 types of oil drop by drop.

Before bedtime, hot inhalation is perfect for restless and overexcited children. To prepare it (15-20 minutes before the start of the aroma session), you will need an aroma lamp and a blend (mixture) of oils. Pour warm water into the smoking bowl (about two-thirds full), place a candle-tablet under it and drop a mixture of aromatic oils into the water. After ventilating the room well before the aroma session, in order for the air in the bedroom to be renewed and cleansed, close the window and door.

Carry out all the necessary evening preparations with the baby and put him to bed. The first time you can reduce the aroma session time to 5 minutes. If the result is positive, next time the inhalation time can be increased to 20-30 minutes.

In a room saturated with aromas, the child will relax and plunge into the “land of dreams” with pleasure, after which the room can be ventilated again.

An aroma medallion with 2-3 drops of fragrant oil is also an excellent remedy for normalizing sleep. Ideally, it is recommended to use pure oils, such as lavender, ylang-ylang, lemon balm.

Hang the medallion around your baby's neck at dinner - and by the time he goes to bed, he will already be calm and relaxed. Sleep will come quickly and easily.

Finally, a light, relaxing massage - a favorite activity for mothers and babies before bed - can also be done using aromatic oils. Just don’t forget about the skin test - even in the smallest quantities, fragrant oils are extremely active and can cause allergies.

Mix a drop of oil (citrus, lavender or ylang-ylang) with a drop of “transport” oil or a portion of baby milk (cream) and give your baby a regular massage, avoiding particularly delicate areas of the skin. Try not to touch the face and groin. Otherwise there are no contraindications.

After the massage, dress your little one in warm pajamas and put him to bed. After such an aromatherapy procedure, some parents are sincerely surprised at how quickly their babies fall asleep. The baby's nervous system and body quickly and naturally relax. So healthy night sleep will be provided to all family members.

"Sleepy" herbal medicine

People have long learned to recognize beneficial features various herbs and roots and use them for treatment. Currently, many, including representatives traditional medicine, again turned to herbal medicine, although over the past two decades healing herbs have significantly lost ground compared to the actively developing pharmaceutical industry.

Nowadays, not only herbalists know how active they can be healing herbs, if processed and consumed correctly.

To normalize sleep, herbs have been used since ancient times. And as part of modern soothing and sedatives you will often find a variety of phytoextracts.

Like any method of treatment, herbal medicine has its own laws and rules. And, of course, they should be followed with particular care when it comes to children. Let's look at the rules in more detail.

Firstly, herbs can and should be used only after consultation with a specialist. Ideally, you should know the child's allergic status and proceed from his characteristics.

Secondly, in young children under one year old, herbal medicine is best kept to a minimum. The baby’s body is still developing, so most pediatricians and dermatologists advise not to overload the child’s body (in particular, the skin) with too active substances. This can lead to a delayed reaction and the development of allergies several years later.

Thirdly, if you decide to start herbal medicine for sleep, take care of the quality and environmental friendliness of the raw materials. The fact is that the modern environmental situation dictates its own rules for collecting herbs.

If you buy herbs at a pharmacy, pay attention to the manufacturing company. In them, the growth, collection and processing of raw materials is carefully monitored; chemical substances And great importance make the “phytogarden” environmentally friendly.

It is quite easy for you, as a consumer, to check the quality of the product. When purchasing powders, herbal mixtures and capsules with extracts, carefully read the information on the packaging. There should be information about standards, certification, processing method and place of growth of raw materials (this applies mainly to collections), contact information of the manufacturer.

These are so simple, but mandatory rules will help you to use successfully and with maximum efficiency medicinal herbs, normalizing the child's sleep.

Herbal recipes

Below are recipes - both ancient and modern. But the main thing that unites them is really high efficiency. From medicinal plants You can prepare decoctions, teas and baths, make sachets (phyto-pads).


Before giving examples of “sleepy” sachets, let’s agree - do not leave the sachet in the baby’s crib all night. It is enough for the bag to lie next to the baby until you go to bed, that is, on average 2-3 hours.

Babies don't sleep well at night when they are teething, have gas pains, or when they are reacting to changes in weather and magnetic storms. In this case, sleep disturbances are temporary and can be easily relieved with a phyto-pad placed at the head of the bed (there is no need to sleep on such a pillow). Place equal parts of dried chamomile flowers, hop cones and valerian root into the bag.

If the cause of insomnia is tummy pain and bloating, you can fill a pillow with chamomile flowers and fennel and place the resulting sachet on the baby’s tummy. Essential herbal substances will relieve pain, calm the nervous system and help the baby fall asleep.

For children over 3-4 years old, a pillow with hop cones, St. John's wort, lemon balm and mint will help return night sleep. You can also add Crimean rose petals, lavender and a little jasmine. This herbal mixture improves mood, helps cope with stress and relieve your baby of bad dreams.

And here are a few more collections for phytopads.

Collection 1: hop cones - 2 parts, fragrant geranium - 1 part, fern - 1 part.

Collection 2: mint - 1 part, oregano - 1 part, pine needles - 2 parts, hazel leaf - 2 parts.

Collection 3: lavender - 1 part, thyme - 2 parts, sage - 1 part, mint - 1 part.

All these fees are very effective for temporary sleep disorders or severe anxiety, but can only be used for children over 5-7 years old and not constantly, but as needed.

Infusions, teas, decoctions

To prepare a “sleepy” infusion you will need hop cones. For children 2-3 years old, 0.5-1 teaspoon of raw material brewed in a glass of boiling water will be enough: wait until the infusion cools down and let them drink a third of the glass in the evening.

For deep, restful sleep for children 3-5 years old, an oat drink with milk and honey is very good (if there are no allergies to the products used). In addition, it is tasty, healthy and nutritious, and for children it is even considered a delicacy. Pour a glass of oats (flakes) into 5 glasses of water, cook until half of the water has evaporated. Strain, add 2 cups of milk, then cook again until the milk boils and is well mixed with the oatmeal. Add 4 teaspoons of honey (you can add more to taste) and cook for another 5 minutes. A pleasant-tasting and high-calorie drink should be drunk in 2-3 doses during the day, preheated.

You can make a lighter version oat drink, suitable for children aged 1.5-3 years. Grind the flakes into flour (you can use a coffee grinder), pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 2 glasses of water. Cook for a long time, at least 40 minutes. You can pre-soak oatmeal for 2 hours in warm water. Sweeten the resulting drink with sugar or add berry syrup, liquid fruit puree, or thick juice if desired. Drink slightly warmed during the day and evening.

Melissa tea has a calming effect on the nervous system (from 2-3 years). Pour 2 teaspoons of dry lemon balm into a glass of boiling water and let it sit under the lid (saucer) for 5 minutes. Can be given instead of evening tea, starting with small test portions.

Sweet clover is also suitable for making sleepy tea, but it can be given from 4-5 years of age. This herb is excellent for relaxing, calming and relieving stress, especially in restless, impressionable children. To prepare tea, you will need 2 teaspoons of sweet clover and 2 cups of boiling water: pour in, leave for 2-3 hours, strain, add sugar to taste and give 3 tablespoons throughout the day.

Valerian is considered the queen of herbal sedatives. It can also be used in early childhood, however, always remember to consult a specialist first. Most effective method Application also depends on age.

A bath with valerian has a very good calming effect. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of crushed valerian roots and leave for 3 hours. Then pour the resulting infusion into a bathtub filled with warm water. If you are using a baby bath, then half or even a third of a glass is enough. Bathe your child in this bath for 5-7 minutes, then rinse and dry with a warm towel.

You can also prepare an infusion from valerian: pour 2 teaspoons of crushed valerian roots into 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Give children 2 teaspoons of infusion 2-3 times a day. And if you have severe sleep disturbance or stress, you can give a warmed infusion just before bed. If you are giving an infusion of valerian for the first time, it is better to reduce the concentration by diluting the infusion with warm water in a 1:1 ratio.

Dill is an excellent remedy for an “indignant” tummy and childhood insomnia. Pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs or dill seeds into 1 cup of boiling water, leave, strain and give 1 teaspoon at night.

Another recipe: pour 1 teaspoon of dill juice and 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 glass of milk. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day, at room temperature - no more than half an hour. Give children 1 teaspoon after meals, warmed up.

Refreshing chamomile tea is suitable for children and adults who have difficulty falling asleep or suffer restless sleep and in the morning they feel tired, weak and lacking in strength.

You need to take a bag of chamomile (or 1 teaspoon of raw material), pour 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew under the lid for 10 minutes, strain if necessary, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink warm before bed. Deep dream and freshness in the morning combined with a surge of strength will be provided to you.

Sleepy cocktails for the whole family

In addition to herbs, vegetable and fruit cocktails are great for inducing sleep. Contained therein active substances, having a relaxing effect on the nervous system, will give you a restful sleep and vitamins necessary for the whole body.

Extract the juice from 2 carrots and half a celery stalk. For children, it is better to dilute the resulting juice with warm water in a 1:1 ratio. Give one hour before your evening bath.

Another great option for a “sleepy” cocktail: mix the juice of 2 carrots, mashed half of a sweet banana and a glass of milk. You can add a little honey. A tasty and nutritious cocktail will be a wonderful snack for bedtime. Sweet and good dreams you and your little one are guaranteed.

And this cocktail is a real treat for those with a sweet tooth who just can’t sleep, being too tired during the day. It will help “feed” a tired nervous system, restore peace of mind and relax. You will need a soft banana, pre-prepared tea from chamomile, motherwort and mint (2 teaspoons of a mixture of herbs per 1 cup of boiling water), 2 teaspoons of cream and a little sugar. Mix everything in a blender and treat your sweet tooth. It is served warm.