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Why does my right heel itch? Why are your heels itchy and how to take care of your feet?

For things like folk signs Perhaps any person pays attention, although not everyone can admit it.

Many are confident that the correct interpretation of a particular sign helps to understand the situation or, on the contrary, leads to it.

Of course, each of us builds our own destiny, but sometimes folk signs can serve as a kind of sign in the future path.

Why your heels itch, signs

Why is my right heel itching?

The interpretation of itching in the heels depends on many factors, for example, at what time of day or on which particular leg.

In the magical field usually right side brings goodness, happiness and only positive emotions. The left one, on the contrary, is usually associated with misfortune and is generally considered unlucky.

In this case, when the itching occurs specifically in the right heel, we can say with confidence that this is a very good sign.

If we rely on popular beliefs, then this phenomenon means a very quick, pleasant trip, perhaps even romantic. This trip could have been planned, but due to some circumstances it was constantly postponed. Or, on the contrary, an unexpected and very successful business trip, the results of which can change your career for the better.

For lonely people right heel may itch as an omen of an early meeting with your soulmate.

If the itching does not go away for a very long time and there are no medical diagnoses, then it is believed that fate is walking very close, you just have to look a little more closely. Those who really believed in this sign say that in fact, they soon found their love.

Why is my left heel itching?

The main interpretation of itching of the left heel is also due to travel, but, unfortunately, not a very successful one.

People who are too superstitious even sometimes postpone their trip because of this phenomenon, confidently thinking that such an event will only bring losses. Allegedly, based on the fact that such signs are given from above and cannot be ignored.

Another interpretation of this sign has nothing to do with the trip. It is believed that if you walk down the street and suddenly itch left heel, it means that someone is spreading rumors and gossiping about you at this very moment.

If, when buying new shoes, when trying them on, itching suddenly began in the left heel, then folk beliefs It's not worth purchasing. These shoes can bring bad luck and disappointment when worn.

For the male half of humanity, there is a rather pleasant interpretation of this sign. Itching in your left heel means that you are on the right track in achieving your goals, namely in building a career and possibly a speedy promotion.

How many different explanations are given for just one phenomenon, which of them can really affect this or that situation is decided by each individual.

Both heels itch at the same time, why is this?

In the old days, they liked to interpret any phenomenon or symptom based on the events that preceded it. When both heels begin to itch, this means that it will soon go away. heavy rain. If such itching bothers you in winter, then it means, on the contrary, the rapid melting of snow and the onset of warm weather.

In other words, itching of both heels only refers to weather changes and such a sign does not affect your personal life in any way.

Itchy heels, what could be the reason?

In our world, in addition to superstitious people, there are also those who are skeptical about various signs and never believe in them. Itchy heels can also be explained by medical point vision.

Foot fungus

The cause of such unpleasant symptoms is most often a fungus, which makes itself felt in this way.

If such phenomena are detected, you should definitely consult a dermatologist for advice. Untimely treatment of this disease can lead to complications in other organs. The fungus itself is very toxic and dangerous; its existence can poison many of our organs and cause a number of other diseases.

The main companions of the fungus are severe itching of the feet, peeling of the skin of the heels and the appearance of rashes in the form of blisters with pus. If you ignore this disease for a long time, the localization of this disease can spread to the back of the leg and even the nails.

There is a sufficient amount in medicine to combat and prevent this unpleasant diagnosis, which for short time will make you look well-groomed healthy looking the whole foot.

Lack of vitamins

Another reason for itchy heels and feet can be a lack of vitamins.

Usually this phenomenon can occur during the cold season, but it happens that this unpleasant phenomenon accompanies all year round. To do this, after consulting a doctor, you can take a course special drugs, containing in their composition vitamins A, B, D and E, and also be sure to consume foods rich in these substances.

Insect bites

Bites of various insects, especially in summer period, when their activity is highest, they can cause itching. Especially if there is an allergic reaction to the bites of certain representatives of these creatures.

After the wounds from bites heal, the itching usually goes away, for speedy treatment you can use special tools.

It happens that the insects didn’t seem to bite and the doctor didn’t find any disease, then what’s the matter?

Maybe the heels need more intensive care, which will allow you to remove dead tissue particles in a timely manner and thereby allow the skin of your feet to fully breathe.

Many people have to feel the painful and unbearable sensations of itching in the heels from time to time. Why do your heels itch? There are many reasons for this manifestation, and heel itching is a completely unsafe condition.

Who is not familiar with the unbearable and disgusting sensation of itching on the legs? The itching can be severe and persistent or barely noticeable. Sometimes, after scratching, suppuration, abrasions or ulcers appear on the feet. Why do my feet itch, in particular the soles, heels and between the toes? What is the reason for these disgusting and debilitating feelings.

Causes of itchy feet

To understand why your heels itch and get rid of such unpleasant sensations, you first need to identify the cause of this manifestation.

This could be a simple load on the legs, poor nutrition, all kinds of fungal diseases, a predisposition to allergies, insect bites, the presence of minor microcracks and abrasions, skin pathologies, as well as a disorder of the nervous system.

Let's analyze a number of reasons in more detail:

Often this condition manifests itself as a result of an insect bite. Having carefully examined the skin of your legs and feet and discovered redness and swelling, you will immediately understand what’s wrong. Within a short time, symptoms of itching disappear, but if there are prerequisites for an allergy to insect bites, you should consult a doctor for help.

One of the reasons may be the change in the annual season. A person undergoes a decrease in immunity, and “catching” the fungus is not the slightest difficulty. In this case, you need the help of a specialist who will install correct diagnosis and determine a course of treatment to increase immunity.

An important factor is the shoes we wear. By wearing wide or oversized shoes, we force the heel of the foot to overexert itself while holding it. Narrow and tight, preventing proper blood circulation. When buying shoes, you need to pay attention to their quality: cheap ones, in order to give them rigidity, are impregnated with harmful chemicals, which make your heels itch. Chemical composition glue, rough seams, high and irregular shape heels strengthen and sharpen the position of the legs.

Insoles play a big role: they should be made from natural raw materials.

If the insoles in the shoes are made of artificial raw materials, then during wearing, when the feet sweat or warm up, the insoles will begin to release destructive and harmful substances that penetrate the skin of the feet through the pores. In this case, itching may appear not only in the heels, but throughout the entire foot. Therefore, you need to buy insoles that are made with high quality from natural and natural raw materials.

Excess weight, high stature, discrepancy between the size of the foot and the weight and height of a person, congenital distortions: flat feet, when the foot does not rest on two points, and “clubfoot” or deformation of the foot with its incorrect placement, also cause reasons that force the heels to itch.

Heels can also itch due to a common and popular reason: fungal foot disease. The course of this disease cannot be ignored and hope that everything will go away on its own. The consequences can be very dire: a skin disease can turn into nail fungus, which is very dangerous for the human body. The fungus produces toxic substances that affect human health. Therefore, at the first sensation of itching, without prolonging the illness, you need to buy an anti-fungal ointment at the pharmacy and undergo a course of treatment. If the disease has dragged on, then you need to first of all consult a dermatologist so that the doctor, in addition to the ointment, prescribes treatment with antibiotics. This especially applies to those who like to constantly visit places where compliance with hygiene rules expects the best: baths, saunas or gyms.

With vitamin deficiency and dehydration, the skin of the feet suffers all year round. By regularly taking vitamins and eating fruits and vegetables rich in these vitamins, you can avoid hardening and cracking of your feet and heels.

One of the reasons may be a negative reaction to some allergen. It is necessary to remember what food was taken the day before, perhaps consumed large quantity sweets or stale product eaten. By analyzing your diet, you can avoid allergic reactions in the future. Perhaps the allergy is affected by clothing: socks or tights made of synthetic material. For some, itching in the heels begins from an allergy to grass, which means walking barefoot in such cases is harmful.

Also, a common cause of itching in the heels includes diabetes mellitus. Therefore, you should definitely take a blood sugar test

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The influence of the nervous system on itchy heels

In a hot-tempered, twitchy, uncontrollable person, oddly enough, the nervous system certainly reacts; sometimes this reaction manifests itself in such a way that it can cause itching in the heels. Anxiety and unrest Bad mood, fear and apprehension influence the body precisely by such actions. In order to get rid of these troubles, first of all, you will need to analyze your emotions, understand what the problem is and eliminate and free yourself from worries and worries as soon as possible. Unplanned rest has a very beneficial effect, during which the body returns to its previous course, all unwanted and painful symptoms disappear.

The perception and sensation of a deep and internal itching of the heel of the foot begins to form after the accumulation of prolonged stress received throughout the day. The most common causes of itching in the heels: dysfunction sweat glands, thickening and coarsening of all layers of the skin of the foot, dry calluses.

The feeling and perception of itching can also have more incomparable, alarming and complex sensations that require systematic research. First of all, it is a replacement of carbohydrates, which are corrected by the pancreas.

Diabetes mellitus is also a cause of deep heel itching.

In the absence of obvious visible causes of itching, examination and examination by an endocrinologist is inevitable.

Every person knows how unbearable and unpleasant the itchy sensation in the heels is. But few people understand why this discomfort occurs and whether there are ways to quickly get rid of it.

Article outline:

The main causes of itchy heels

Sometimes patients come to see dermatologists and ask why their heels itch. Even the most experienced specialist will not be able to give an accurate answer to it without first examining the patient. Before this, the doctor will name only the probable causes of the ailment.

These may include the following factors:

  • Contact with the skin of an infectious pathogen;
  • Severe skin trauma on the heels or feet;
  • Deterioration general condition organism caused by the development of a specific disease.

If the itching is very strong, then the person will have to constantly scratch the heel. Because of this, an injury will certainly appear in the affected area, which will increase the likelihood of infection and complications of the condition several times. As a result, the patient will have to deal with several diseases at once.

Itchy heels may indicate disorders such as:

Sometimes itching appears on the heels and feet due to small rash. As a rule, it is distinguished by a point location. There may be liquid inside the rash. No less discomfort is caused by red spots, which are provoked by various disturbances in the functioning of certain organs. Because of them, a person begins to suffer from itching, which is very difficult to cope with.

Why do my heels itch at night?

It's not uncommon for people to experience severe itching at night. Because of him they lose normal sleep, become irritable. You should not tolerate such a symptom. It is necessary to begin the fight against discomfort immediately after its appearance.

Feet and heels may suddenly begin to itch at night due to a number of factors:

In fact, doctors do not even try to associate itching of this nature with the time of day, since this factor doesn't have much effect on him. It’s just that at night the symptom is more pronounced, since the person does not concentrate his attention on anything else, but only tries to sleep.

What medications to treat itching

If your heels or feet are constantly itching, you need to consult a dermatologist about this problem. He will tell you how to treat unpleasant symptom. But initially the doctor will ask the patient to go through a series of diagnostic procedures, which will allow him to determine the real reason itching.

If its appearance provokes a disease internal organs, then the patient will go to an appointment with the appropriate specialist. And he will already help a person fight the root cause of discomfort.

The dermatologist may suggest that the patient treat problem areas with topical medications. Creams and ointments are good for heels and feet. They help reduce the severity of discomfort. In addition, these drugs are part complex treatment itching.

If the problem is caused by allergic reaction to this or that irritant, then initially the patient will have to exclude the allergen from his life. This is a mandatory condition, without which you should not expect recovery. Afterwards, the patient will be offered therapy that strengthens the immune system and eliminates signs of allergies.

In case of infectious skin lesions in the heel area, medications that belong to the groups of multivitamin complexes and antibiotics will be required wide range actions. They help increase protective properties weakened body and suppress the activity of the infectious agent.

Self-medication for discomfort in the heel area, which is observed long time, is not the best option.

This way a person can only harm himself and make the situation even worse. The problem can only be solved complex therapy, which is selected based on existing violations and complaints. Only a qualified specialist can select it.

The following medications will help cope with the unbearable itching that is felt in the heels and feet:

An antifungal agent that is sold in capsule form. It is intended for oral administration in a dosage of 200 ml daily. Usually the course of treatment takes no more than a week. This period increases if there is a decrease daily dose drug. This medication Should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women, or by patients with heart problems.

This is an ointment that works well against itching. Her active ingredients They fight against fungal pathogens that live on the skin of the heels. IN medicinal purposes The drug is applied to the problem area in a small layer once a day before going to bed. This ointment is not suitable for people who have been diagnosed with kidney or liver failure. Also, children under 12 years old will have to refuse it.

These are tablets that can be identified by their bright pink color. They contain glibenclamide, which can lower blood sugar levels. The medicine must be taken 1-2 tablets per day. The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist.

A remedy known to many with a calming effect. These brown pills contain plant extracts peppermint, lemon balm and valerian. Medicine perfectly fights signs of nervousness, disturbed sleep and irritation. Take the tablets several times a day before or after meals. You need to drink them with plenty of water.

It is extremely undesirable to carry out treatment with the drug during pregnancy, lactation and if you are allergic to the components of Persen.

A cosmetic product that copes with tired legs. The cream stimulates blood circulation in the desired area, and also makes the skin more firm and elastic. It is used as needed.

This vitamin complex, which helps replenish the deficiency in the body useful microelements. It is recommended to take it after meals and drink it with a small amount of liquid. To cope with vitamin deficiency, which can lead to itching, it is enough to drink up to 1 tablet per day for a whole month.

The medicine is intended for recovery normal operation an organ such as the pancreas. With its help, you can get rid of pain at its location. Capsules should be taken about half an hour before meals for 1-2 months. For children and pregnant women, it is better to choose a safer drug.

These and other pharmaceutical products can eliminate the disease, one of the symptoms of which is itching in the feet. You cannot simply cope with discomfort, since its root cause will provoke its appearance again and again.

Prevention of burning heels

Every person can prevent itching on the feet and heels. To do this, you need to adhere to a number of simple preventive measures, which a dermatologist can tell his patient about at the appointment. The following recommendations will help you cope with this problem:

If a person does not violate these rules and begins to take care of the skin of his heels and feet, then the problem of itching will not affect him.

Attention, TODAY only!

Appearance severe itching on your heels during the day and at night deprives you of peaceful rest and prevents you from concentrating on doing important things. Mild, recurring discomfort is also annoying over time.

If the heels of your feet itch constantly or periodically, you need to find out why this is happening and what to do to get rid of the discomfort. This article will provide an opportunity to learn about possible provoking factors, as well as methods for eliminating discomfort.

The main causes of itchy heels

It is not always possible to independently determine the factors that caused such a symptom. This may be a weak scratch that the body has sent to heal. more histamine. In this case, the itching in the heel goes away quickly and without a trace if you do not injure the skin by scratching and keep your feet clean.

There are more serious reasons, which may require full examination, consultation of doctors of different specializations.

  • Allergy. The reaction to external or internal irritants in most cases is expressed by redness and the appearance of small watery spots. Residue can cause allergies washing powder or conditioner on socks, tights, knitwear or low-quality wool, shoes, cosmetics. The skin of a child reacts especially sharply. There are also cases when the heels itch for a reason: poor nutrition, taking medications.
  • Fungus. Factors of defeat such infectious disease varied: insufficient hygiene, changes in weather, climate, increased sweating, poor-quality shoe material, decreased immunity, long-term use antibiotics. Fungal spores affect the feet, causing initial stage just itching. Without proper treatment, microorganisms penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, scratching wounds open the way to another infection.

  • Tired legs. Long stay standing, wearing shoes high heels, not suitable in size and simply uncomfortable causes tingling. Then, even during rest, a person feels additional discomfort: the heels are very itchy, the skin “burns”.
  • Hypothermia. When you are outside or in an unheated room, your feet do not immediately itch. A person feels a clear manifestation of the symptom when warming up. Then the heels may itch all night and even for several days in a row.

  • Pathologies of the pancreas. Violation of carbohydrate and protein balance provokes a feeling of discomfort on the skin. The pancreas does not fully perform its functions; as a result, toxins irritate the epidermal cells from the inside.

Why do the heels of my feet itch at night?

The intensity of itching sometimes depends on the time of day. Sleep disturbance makes a person irritable, he quickly gets tired at work, avoids active recreation. There is no need to endure discomfort. We need to find out why it is stronger and start treatment.

Doctors identify the main causes of itching during sleep:

  • Nervous disorders. A restless state and tension make themselves felt when a person is not busy with anything. He tries to sleep, but he can’t help but think about the problems that worry him. Involuntarily begins to scratch the skin, and the localization of the itching can be anywhere: foot, arms, back, etc.
  • Dermatological pathologies. Defeats skin in the foot area make themselves felt around the clock. But with an active rhythm, it seems that the heels itch and itch less than during rest.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Discomfort, the intensity of which varies depending on the time of day, may be associated with a change in blood circulation. Important role Body position plays a role in this. When diagnosing, doctors do not associate night and daytime itching with a specific problem. It’s just that during rest the symptom is more pronounced.

What medications to treat itchy heels

Depending on the factors causing discomfort, treatment methods and prescribed medications will differ. In any case, it is necessary to eliminate it, because it suffers nervous condition, and microcracks formed as a result of strong scratching provide access to another infection. If itching in the heels occurs due to diseases of the internal organs or infection, it is necessary to solve the root cause.

For allergies

It is imperative to avoid contact with the irritant. D-panthenol and Bepanten are applied to inflamed skin.

For scabies

Scabies mites die from Sulfur ointment, Spregal spray.

For fungal infection

Part of therapy for diseases or independent decision problems are preparations for external treatment.

  • Lamisil. The cream effectively fights fungus. It is enough to apply it once a day before bed. Due to possible side effects, the drug is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, patients suffering from kidney and liver failure.
  • Nizoral. Ketoconazole-based cream eliminates itching, redness, peeling, and fights spores of any nature.
  • Mikospor. The cream is prescribed for fungal infection. The drug copes well with symptoms, eliminating discomfort.
  • Exoderil. The ointment is effective against mycoses of any nature.

In case of serious damage, the doctor may prescribe tablets or capsules:

  • Flucostat;
  • Orungal.

During treatment, feet should always be clean; external treatment products can only be applied after water procedures.

In many cases, following simple conditions helps prevent itchy heels. It is enough to monitor hygiene. If you cannot take a shower, you must wipe your feet and the area between your toes with wet wipes. Great value has the quality and comfort of shoes, good protection from sweating and hypothermia, taking precautions in public places: bathhouse, swimming pool, resort area.

If a problem does arise, do not try to solve it yourself. pharmaceutical products without appointment. Side effects and improper use can cause further more harm. Let the doctor prescribe the correct course and monitor the results.

Unfortunately, in our time, various dermatological diseases. They can be expressed not only by rashes, but also by severe itching sensations. Most often, scratching occurs in the extremities, for example, on the heels. There can be many reasons for such symptoms, and if you cannot determine them yourself, you should consult a doctor for advice. Itchy heels can be caused by:

  • fungal diseases;
  • avitaminosis;
  • poor quality shoes;
  • presence of neurological problems.

Itching due to fungal diseases

In most all known cases, it is the fungus that provokes itchy heels. It usually occurs against a background of severely weakened immunity. At such moments, the body's protective function. Weakening immune system can happen for several reasons, including concomitant diseases, taking antibiotics, poor quality nutrition.

Fungus causes itching in the heels, which bothers you both at night and during daytime. In addition, skin roughness and local thickening may be observed. If treatment is not started in time, small ulcers and wounds form on the affected areas. They can be very painful.

On initial stage Doctors recommend using special creams and ointments to treat the disease. They have local action, thanks to which it is possible to achieve much faster positive results. If fungal disease severely neglected, antibiotic therapy may be required. To reduce the risk of foot fungus infection, you should follow increased measures personal hygiene in public places, such as sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse, gym.

Itching due to vitamin deficiency

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine why your heels itch, because tests may be normal, but the itching only gets worse. In such cases, the likelihood of vitamin deficiency is high. By its nature it is a deficiency nutrients in the body. Most often, vitamin deficiency occurs as a consequence of poor nutrition.

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to independently determine which component is missing in the diet. Only experienced doctor will be able to identify the true cause of vitamin deficiency. With a deficiency of nutrients in the body, in addition to heel itching, the formation of deep cracks in the skin, its uncharacteristic roughening, hair loss and brittle nails are also observed.

Vitamin deficiency can only be treated from the inside. No ointments or creams can compensate for the lack of microelements and nutrients. Most effective methods The fight against vitamin deficiency is by adjusting the diet and taking special medications. The diet must contain fresh, high-quality products. Most often, itchy heels are caused by a lack of vitamins such as A, B, C, D. The nutrient content of different foods can be found in the table.

Itching when wearing poor-quality shoes

Very often the heels itch, as if right leg, and on the left when wearing low-quality shoes. Manufacturers, unfortunately, do not always use good, natural raw materials to make their products. As a result of this, in contact with the skin, insoles or entire shoes in general cause severe itching. Scratching is the result of irritation of the receptors by harmful substances.

Often in this case no treatment is required. It will be enough to treat the skin of your feet with an antiseptic, make a bath of warm boiled water and, for example, change the insoles. To avoid such a situation, you should carefully and cautiously buy shoes. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • First of all, shoes should be comfortable and match the size of your feet. Itching may occur due to impaired blood circulation in the extremities;
  • the materials from which the shoes are made must be natural. IN as a last resort, you should choose at least a leather insole;
  • Shoes should not emit a chemical, unnatural odor.

Itching due to neurological problems

In some cases, a neurologist can help you understand why your heel itches, because sometimes the itching is psychosomatic in nature. The human body reacts sharply to various emotional shocks. One of its strangest manifestations can be itching.

Instability of the nervous system is caused by stress, overwork, prolonged anxiety, and fear. In the case when only one leg itches and at the same time dermatitis appears on the body, you should definitely consult a doctor. If a neurologist confirms that the itching is caused by a malfunction in nervous system, then treatment, in this case, will be aimed at normalizing its work. The safest are sedatives on herbs, for example, valerian, motherwort, hawthorn.

Itchy heels - very unpleasant feeling, bringing a lot of inconvenience. If it itches for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to prescribe adequate treatment and tell you what to do to alleviate the condition.