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The simplest treatment for heel pain at home. Why does the heel of the right or left foot hurt?

Pain in the heels of the feet may be caused for various reasons. Such problems include:

1. – the most common reason pain;

2. Plantar fascia– a large band of dense formation that extends from metatarsal bones to the heel bone. Fasciitis on the sole can be due to overuse of the foot. Heel pain when walking often occurs from shoes without heels;

3. Tendon injury. These problems can arise from high enough heels that put more stress on the tendons;

4. Bruises in the heel bone can also be a cause of heel pain. can lead to inflammation of nearby tissues;

5. Disorders of the Achilles tendon and its inflammation can cause severe pain above the heel;

6. Reason pain in the heel there may be infectious disease(chlamydia, gonorrhea and others), which cause reactive inflammation of the heel;

7. Inflammation of the heel may be preceded by diseases such as inflammation of the joints and others. Pain in the heels of the feet may appear as a consequence of these diseases.

Treatment of heel pain with folk remedies

For pain in heel area You shouldn't play sports. It is best to avoid running, jumping and carrying heavy objects. This can only lead to more serious problems.

It is best to choose a special orthopedic shoes, in case of occurrence serious problems with health and constant heel pain.

Pain in the heels of the feet can be removed by alternating heat and cold. This can be done using two basins of cold and moderately hot water and alternately immersing your feet in cold and warm water.

"Ice pillow" – filled finely crushed ice small plastic bag. It is best to wrap an ice pad in a towel and apply it to sore heels. The procedure can last about fifteen minutes. An ice pack can be used after foot stress and training.

To steam your feet in a hot bath, you need to do the following: add two tablets of furatsilin and analgin, two tablespoons per liter of water apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey. After twenty minutes of a hot bath, place a clay cake on your foot and wrap it with something. Keep it in this position until it starts to heat up. It is necessary to treat the heels with this method daily until the condition improves.

Tincture of cinquefoil alcohol. This is one of the common and popular treatments especially for heel spurs. The anti-inflammatory properties of cinquefoil can improve the condition. In addition, it removes salts from the body and strengthens the immune system.

Compresses with black radish are very helpful for heel pain. To do this, you must first wash the radish and grate it with a fine grater along with the skin. After this, put the pulp on a cloth, apply it to the heel, and put a plastic bag and a sock on top. Similar procedures you need to do it every day at night until the pain goes away.

In addition, it is necessary to increase blood circulation in the heel. You can tap your heel on the floor or rub your heels on your felt boots. Such procedures can destroy the heel spur.

Special massagers also help with heel spurs. They are convenient to use, for example, while watching TV and placing a massager under the heel, pressing and moving the foot in different directions. There used to be a “computer” with sharp wooden wheels called an abacus. So this is the perfect massager.

Heel pain can also be treated with potato compresses. To do this, boil the potatoes in their skins, mash them well and put them on sore spot. Then you should secure it with a gauze bandage. You can use this compress every day for a week.

Fresh knotweed grass can be put in your shoes and walked throughout the day. The next morning, change the grass to a new one.

Mix one tablespoon of honey, one fifty milliliter bottle of iodine, one teaspoon of crushed Extra salt. This total amount of mixture is enough for five procedures. Before going to bed, you need to apply the mixture to a bandage or cotton wool, applying it to the heel, bandage it on top and cover it with polyethylene, so that the bandage does not slip off during sleep. In the morning the bandage can be removed. Most likely, in five nights you will still be able to get rid of a heel spur, if you have one. For preventive purposes, such treatment can be repeated after six months.

If you have been diagnosed with a heel spur, you should never try to break it. bone spurs using a rolling pin: this can often lead to more worse condition. For pain in the heels of the feet and the presence of a spur, it is necessary to immediately undergo treatment, which includes a physiotherapy procedure.

Heel pain - an unpleasant symptom that accompanies injuries, excessive stress on this part of the foot. The causes of discomfort and pain may occur when bone tissue grows in the patient overweight, adipose tissue the heels become thinner, and they absorb shocks worse when running. The heel may hurt when there is strong tension in the heel bone when the patient walks in shoes high heels or it costs a long time.

Pain sensations due to inflammation in joint tissue and muscles, infectious diseases and other pathologies cannot be excluded.

Causes of pain and their symptoms

Plantar fasciitis

Painful sensations associated with this disease begin in the morning after a person gets out of bed. When you step on your heel, the pain spreads throughout your entire foot; you have to practically walk on tiptoe to get rid of the discomfort.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical university them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the Moscow Polyclinic.

After unpleasant symptoms go away, but if the patient lies or sits for a long time, they return sharply again.

Causes: inflammation connective tissue soles (fascia). Prerequisites:

  • Constantly wearing low-heeled shoes
  • Great physical activity
  • Standing for long periods of time
  • Overweight
  • Flat feet (when the arch of the foot drops, the sole experiences tension, becomes injured and hurts).
  • The process can become chronic, often accompanied by salt deposition, leading to the formation of heel spurs.

Systemic pathologies

  1. Ankylosing spondylitis. Characterized by an inflammatory process in the spine, joint tissue, begins due to failures in immune system and its hostility to ligaments and joints. As the disease progresses, the vertebrae fuse together and the spine stops bending. Pain appears at the very beginning of the disease.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis. Affects the patient's joints, begins with movement, intensifies at night. Sometimes the pain doesn't let you sleep at night.
  3. - a pathology that occurs when there is a violation metabolic process. Salts accumulate in soft tissues uric acid. Pain begins, radiating to the joints, often the most severe symptoms begin in the feet and toes, pain radiates to the heel. The skin turns red and the local skin temperature rises.


  1. Heel fracture. The pain is localized at the site of injury, and deformation of the heel bone occurs. The patient complains of swelling and the appearance of hematomas. The pain is so severe that it is impossible to stand on your feet.
  2. Bone bruise. Characterized by inflammation of nearby tissues. A burning pain appears in the heel area, and it hurts to stand on your foot.
  3. . When bending the foot, the pain intensifies. The cause may be a sprained ligament.
  4. Calcaneal epiphysitis. The reason is micro-tears in the connective tissue in the heel area. There is discomfort when walking or touching the foot.

Inflammatory processes

  1. Bursitis. It begins after mechanical impact or leg injuries. The heel swells, hurts, and the skin turns red. Pain is felt on palpation. If inflammation progresses to chronic stage, then the skin of the heel becomes rougher and thicker.
  2. Tendinitis. The prerequisite becomes heavy load on the calf muscles. There is a local increase in temperature, edema and swelling of the heel.

Infectious diseases

  1. Tuberculosis bone tissue. Manifestations of the disease begin with necrosis skin or bones. The infection quickly spreads to large areas of tissue; fistulas filled with pus are formed. Consequences of the disease: deformation of the affected leg and lameness.
  2. Arthritis. Prerequisites: infections of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary tract that occur hidden. Pain begins when walking and intensifies at night.
  3. Osteomyelitis. This inflammation, caused by bacteria, forms in the bone tissue and affects nearby soft fabrics. The pain is bursting, acute, becomes stronger with movement. The skin of the heel turns red and swells.

Which doctors should I contact?

For heel pain, the following may help:

  • Podologist (a doctor specializing in pathologies of the lower leg and foot). He performs the functions of a neurosurgeon, orthopedist, vascular surgeon etc.
  • Surgeon
  • Traumatologist
  • Orthopedist


When heel pain occurs, depending on the cause of the pathology you can prescribe a course of massage, apply compresses, drink food additives for bone tissue restoration.

An effective remedy there will be folk recipes, created from natural products, honey, medicinal herbs.

First aid for pain

  • To eliminate acute pain cinquefoil tincture with alcohol is used. The liquid can also be purchased at pharmacy kiosk and do it yourself. The resulting mixture is diluted with water (2 teaspoons of tincture per 1/3 of a glass). Course of treatment: 20 days, 3 times a day. A compress of tincture on the heel also helps. A compress is applied at night.
  • One more thing excellent remedy, which allows you to quickly relieve pain is a compress with propolis. Apply a compress, apply a bandage or insulate the leg with a scarf.
  • If the cause of acute unbearable pain is a spur, then it will help white cabbage. It is chopped and poured with boiling water in a basin. We wait for the broth to cool down a little and steam our feet in the warm cabbage infusion until it becomes cold.
  • Apply a compress from ammonia mixed with vegetable oil. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1 to 1. We soak a tampon in it and place it on the heel.

Folk recipes

These are compositions made from infusions and decoctions medicinal plants, vegetables, fruits, bee products, salt, tar, etc.

The use of these funds by patients can be external and internal.

External use


  • An effective method to relieve pain: a compress of boiled potatoes in “uniforms”. It will help remove heel spurs, eliminate salt deposits and calluses. Warm potatoes are mashed without peeling to a puree state and placed on the heel. We tie the affected area of ​​the foot with polyethylene and put a warm scarf on top. Leave on the heel for 2-3 hours. Course of treatment: week.
  • A mixture of grated garlic and chalk. Mix grated garlic cloves and crushed chalk in a 1 to 1 ratio and mix thoroughly. Steam the feet in warm water and apply the mixture to the heel, securing with gauze or bandage.
  • If your heels hurt badly or spurs have formed, a compress of grated radish will help. To do this, several radish fruits are grated on a fine grater without peeling. The resulting mass is spread on cloth or gauze and applied to the affected area. Cover the compress with polyethylene on top. The patient puts on socks on top and goes to bed. In the morning the compress is washed off warm water.


  • We take two containers, which we fill with cold and hot water. Take turns holding the limbs first in hot water, then in cold water for half a minute. We repeat thirty times. Can be enriched hot water decoction pharmaceutical chamomile. After the procedure, lubricate the feet with nourishing cream or vegetable oil and massage.
  • With the help of such a bath you can quickly relieve pain and increase blood flow in the extremities. Take a liter of boiling water, three hundred grams of salt dissolves in it. Pour the resulting solution into the prepared container. Heels are treated in this way for 14 days.

Ointments, creams

  • A mixture of mumiyo with liquid honey works effectively. Take five grams of mountain resin and dissolve it in 2 tablespoons of honey. Every evening we lubricate our heels until the symptoms are completely eliminated.
  • An ointment based on wild rosemary and lanolin will help eliminate pain and make your heels healthy. To do this, wash the collected wild rosemary grass and pass it through a meat grinder (shred with a food processor). Squeeze the juice out of the resulting slurry. Take 20 ml of juice, mix 40 g. butter(lanolin) and stir until smooth. We enrich the ointment with 40 grams of Vaseline and mix again. The ointment is used after steaming the feet and lightly rubbed until completely absorbed. Keep the resulting medicine in the refrigerator.

Internal use

Infusions and decoctions

  • Take 6 teaspoons of plant material (yellow capsule flowers) and pour a liter of boiling water. Place on low heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. Let it brew for an hour, strain, and add warm water to a liter of liquid. Take 100 grams 3 times a day during meals. Relieves joint pain, eliminates inflammation of muscles in the feet, eliminates pain from bruises.
  • Take one hundred grams of birch buds, add two and a half liters of water and prepare the decoction until the volume of liquid is reduced to 0.5 liters. Strain the broth from the kidneys, add a glass of granulated sugar. After the medicine has cooled, you need to add a glass of liquid honey to it and stir. The product is drunk 100 grams 3 times a day.
  • To eliminate inflammatory process Take crushed rosehip roots in a mortar and pour boiling water over them. Boil them for 30 minutes, then leave for a couple of hours and strain through cheesecloth, add a little water. Dosage: 150 grams 3-4 times a day.

Herbal teas

  • Tea made from lingonberry leaves is good for eliminating heel pain. To do this, take a tablespoon of raw material, brew it with boiling water and leave for 15–20 minutes.
  • To relieve pain, tea prepared from chamomile or calendula herbs is suitable.

Alternative techniques

  • Massage using a kitchen rolling pin. This measure will help not only remove the formed heel spur, but also prevent its development and formation. Take a rolling pin, place it on the floor and roll it back and forth with your heel for 15 minutes. This way you can strengthen muscle tissue feet and increase blood flow. After treatment, a bath is made and a compress with medicinal herbs is applied.
  • Heat half a kilogram of coarse salt in a cast iron frying pan (without vegetable oil). Pour it into a container, wait until the salt cools down a little, and heat the heel in it. The procedure continues until the warm salt has cooled completely. Course of treatment: 7–14 days.
  • We take country moonshine (150 grams), set it on fire, place the heel over the hot flame and warm it up over the fumes. Then we smear the foot with rosehip oil and massage with vigorous movements. Alternatively, instead of a massage, you can use rolling an ear of corn on the floor or walking on a pebble.


Suitable as a preventative measure refusal from running and race walking. The patient is recommended to ride a bicycle and swim in the pool.

If a person suffers from flat feet, then it is necessary to purchase special insoles recommended by an orthopedist, and generally wear comfortable shoes.

You can't give strong physical activity on your feet, you should beware of foot injuries, treat your feet at the first signs of inflammation or infection of soft tissues.

If you are overweight, you need to go on a diet to reduce it so that the load on the foot is less.

Based on this, we can conclude that pain in the heel can be treated not only with medications, but also with prescriptions traditional medicine. It should be remembered that you first need to consult a doctor and identify the root cause of the disease.

In some cases, the cause can only be eliminated through surgery.

Every day, the human foot is able to withstand enormous loads, resulting in various problems. The main causes of pain are considered to be:
- formation of heel spurs;
- plantar fascia;
- injuries and inflammation of tendons;
- bruises of the heel bone;
- some infectious diseases;
- joint diseases.

Folk remedies for pain

The first step in treating pain should be choosing comfortable shoes. It is incorrectly selected shoes that often become the cause of pulling and aching pain. The ideal option is if there is an orthopedic insole inside the shoe, which allows you to rationally distribute the load throughout. Women should avoid high heels, which put additional strain on the heel area.

At severe pain Special anti-inflammatory drugs are effective and should be in every first aid kit. Of course, you must first consult with your doctor to avoid complications.

An effective remedy for relieving inflammation and pain is a bath. To improve the result, you can add a decoction medicinal herbs, cabbage juice, sea ​​salt. But salt should be used with caution, since if there is open wounds there is a strong burning sensation.

Enough accessible remedy– compress from raw potatoes. It is necessary to grate the unpeeled potatoes onto fine grater, spread the resulting pulp on a cloth and apply to the sore spot. Apply a bandage on top and leave for a day. After just a few procedures, the pain will decrease significantly.

It is recommended to use lilac tincture as compresses. To prepare it you will need dried flowers mixed in a ratio of 1:10. After 7-10 days, the tincture can be applied to the patient, as a result of which inflammation and pain disappear.

If folk remedies do not help, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. In some cases even heel spur leads to the proliferation of bone tissue, which is fraught with its own negative consequences. Carefully monitor the condition of your feet to maintain the beauty and youth of your feet.

The heel is the most big bone feet. It contains many nerve fibers and blood vessels. The function of bone is to cushion human movements and distribute weight evenly. The appearance of pain in the heel leads to limitation of movement, and untimely treatment may cause development serious complications. The causes of pain are different. Accordingly, the treatment of heel pain must be approached individually in each specific case.

At the first pain symptoms in the heel it is necessary, first of all, to find out the origin pathological condition. To do this, you should contact an orthopedist or therapist for examination and instrumental diagnostic methods. Causes of heel pain can be:
  • incorrect shoes that overload the heel;
  • injury, which results in sharp pain, swelling, bruising, bone deformation;
  • arthritis;
  • placental fasciitis or heel spur - accumulation of salt and its growth on the bone of the heel;
  • gout;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • bursitis;
  • skin diseases.
First aid will have cold compress. For the first 2 days, you need to apply ice 4 times a day until the treated area becomes numb. If the pain does not go away during the course of treatment, a contrast compress technique is used: massage the heel with ice for 15 minutes, then a break, after which a hot heating pad is applied for the same time. For the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to limit the load on the diseased bone.

If the cause of the problem is an infectious disease, the therapist will prescribe antibacterial agent. But in most cases, heel pain is non-infectious nature. In such a situation, the doctor prescribes medications to reduce inflammation and pain. The following medications are used for heel pain:
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections and tablets: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac;
  • local treatment with ointments “Dimexide”, “Fastum gel”, “Traumel”;
  • hormonal drugs: Diprospan, Hydrocortisone, Kenalog.
Physiotherapeutic methods are also used in the treatment of heel pain: ultrasound and laser. Effective instrumental method The fight against the disease is massage with the Vitafon device. Its action is aimed at relieving pain symptoms from pain in the joints and bones of various etiologies and origin. Thanks to microvibrations caused sound frequencies apparatus, is achieved healing effect: swelling is relieved, blood flow is improved, bone tissue regeneration is accelerated. Vitafon operates at a depth of up to 10 cm from the surface of the skin, which makes it possible to fight, for example, diseases such as heel spurs. The device can be used at home: it is easy to use and safe. For heel pain, a complex is prescribed therapeutic exercises. These exercises are also great for preventing foot disease:
  1. Roll a small ball with each foot for a few minutes, preferably a spiked rubber ball or a golf ball.
  2. Scatter large coins on one side of your leg and try, without lifting your heels from the floor, to move them to the other side.
  3. Try pulling the towel up with your toes without lifting your heels.
  4. Massage with pinch movements, draw thumb hands in a figure eight on the foot, rub the damaged joint until you feel warmth.
For heel pain, traditional medicine recipes help:
  1. Grate the cabbage stalk and pour boiling water over it. Wait until the infusion has cooled down a little. Dip your feet in it and keep it for half an hour.
  2. Compresses made from raw potatoes also help. Just grate it and wrap it in cheesecloth. Apply to the affected area for several hours.
  3. Greens walnuts fill with water and leave in the sun for 2 weeks. Strain and apply compresses at night. About this medicine need to take care in advance.
  4. Mix a tablespoon of honey, 20 ml of iodine and a teaspoon of salt and soak cotton wool in the product. Place it on the heel, wrap it in bandages and wrap it in a plastic bag. Leave it overnight.
  5. Black radish is good for relieving inflammation and swelling. To do this, grate the vegetable along with the peel and apply a compress.

Preventing the development of heel pain is a choice the right shoes, regular skin care in the problem area and maintaining weight within normal limits. You should also avoid overloading the foot joint and wear special orthopedic insoles if necessary. By following simple recommendations, you can keep your heels healthy.

The heel, like the rest of the foot, acts as a shock absorber. Calcaneus- the largest bone of the foot. Together with a soft fat layer, it can withstand enormous loads when running and walking. It is through the heel that many nerves and blood vessels pass to other parts of the foot, so it is very sensitive to injury and susceptible to disease.

Any painful sensations in the legs can greatly ruin life, because every step is difficult and general vitality falls sharply. It is very important to find out why your heels hurt in order to restore ease of gait as quickly as possible.

Heels hurt, causes

Heel pain can occur due to many factors. First of all, it is constant overstrain and overload of the foot, which leads to pain. Most often, the reason is the wrong shoes, this is especially true for women who regularly wear high-heeled shoes. This can also be caused by shoes with unusually low heels, a sharp increase in motor activity or long stay on your feet.

The reasons for heel pain can be: various diseases, including:

  • Arthritis - this is when the tissue that runs along the foot and connects the toes becomes inflamed. calcaneus. The painful sensations intensify gradually, and the heels hurt especially badly in the morning;
  • Plantar fasciitis. The fascia of the sole is a dense formation located in the connective tissue that runs along the entire sole of the foot. Regularly wearing tight shoes or working in a job that requires you to be on your feet all the time can lead to inflammation of the fascia. In addition to pain, plantar fasciitis causes salt deposition at the site of inflammation, which provokes the formation of heel spurs;
  • Heel spur – chronic form heel fasciitis, in which the deposition of calcium salts under the skin leads to the formation of a peculiar growth. It puts pressure on surrounding tissues, causing the heel to hurt when walking. The pain is most intense in the morning after sleep, during the day it subsides a little, but can resume and intensify again;
  • Any tendon injury, sprain or tear, can also lead to sudden burning pain right under the heel, which are especially felt when walking or physical activity;
  • Reactive arthritis – sometimes the heels hurt due to development infectious processes in the body, most often chlamydia and other venereal diseases. Hidden infection provokes reactive inflammation of the heel tendon, which leads to constant pain, which intensifies at night;
  • Some other diseases, such as gout.

These diseases do not go away on their own, therefore, when your heel hurts severely when walking, you should consult a doctor, traumatologist or rheumatologist. The heel is a very vulnerable part of the body, and healing usually takes weeks and months. Regardless of the diagnosis, for complete deliverance To avoid discomfort while moving, you must be patient and strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

How to get rid of heel pain in the morning

If your heel hurts in the morning, there are several methods that will help you cope with severe painful sensations in heels that appear at the very beginning of the day:

  • Cold treatment - for relief pain syndrome You can massage your heel with an ice cube for 5-7 minutes until it becomes numb. This procedure should be repeated during the day, 3-4 times. It is also effective to alternate cold with heat. To do this, first apply ice to the sore heel for 15 minutes, then take a break for 15 minutes. and finish the procedure by applying a hot heating pad for another 15 minutes;
  • Painkillers - for the treatment of any inflammatory diseases, including those that cause heel pain when stepping, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, are effective;
  • Using a heel pad can reduce pain by distributing the load on the heel more evenly. To do this, it is recommended to use special inserts that are inserted into shoes and raise this part of the body by 3-6 mm, thereby slightly reducing the load on the transition zone of the sole to the heel.

How to avoid heel pain

To prevent the development of serious problems, you should carefully monitor your health. So, extra pounds Not only are they harmful to the whole body, they increase the load on the heels, so it is important to maintain a normal weight.

Wearing comfortable shoes with low heels (up to 5 cm) is the most important preventative measure the appearance of leg diseases. Often the heel hurts due to overstrain of the foot, and a low heel distributes the load evenly over its entire surface. If there are even minimal signs of flat feet, it is necessary to use special orthopedic insoles, which support the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the heel.

Extremely useful, even completely healthy person, regularly perform special therapeutic exercises for the prevention of foot diseases.

Heels hurt, gymnastics

There are several effective exercises to strengthen and improve the muscles of the legs, including the heels:

  • Roll a small ball, such as a tennis ball, with your feet. This exercise must be done daily a couple of times a day for a few minutes;
  • Knead and stretch your calves and feet. Give a massage, best at the end of the day, before bed;
  • Stand facing a wall at arm's length from it. Press your palms against the wall, right foot take a step back and bend your left knee. Lean towards the wall and stand right heel on the floor so as to stretch the muscles of the right calf. After standing like this for 10 seconds, switch legs and repeat the exercise several times for each leg.

Regular exercise will help prevent heel pain when stepping. When performing them, increase the load gradually to avoid injury.

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