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To prick or not to prick: Why vaccinations are needed and when to do them. Why are vaccinations needed?

Vaccinations for children are reliable, effective remedy to create an active specific immunity. Vaccination prevents development dangerous diseases, life-threatening and health.

Compliance with the vaccination schedule is a prerequisite for protecting the child from dangerous infections. Without specific antibodies Toddlers, older children and even adults easily become targets of attack by dangerous viruses and bacteria. find out more information: why it is important to vaccinate your baby on time, what are the risks of refusing to administer the vaccine in a timely manner and violating the timing of revaccination.

Why is vaccination necessary?

After birth, a newborn is exposed to bacteria and viruses. After a sterile environment, the tiny organism has to adapt to the proximity of various microorganisms. Practically complete absence immunity to early stage life makes the baby easily vulnerable to microbes, including many pathogenic ones. Vaccination is the main method that creates protection for a child.

Do children need vaccinations? Pediatricians insist: Vaccinations for children are mandatory! Epidemics of smallpox, polio, and measles, which raged several decades ago, have practically disappeared. Positive result provided by mass vaccination.

Why do children need vaccinations?

  • After the introduction of a live or inactivated form of the vaccine, the body fights the pathogen, lymphocytes actively protect the body from viruses and bacteria. The result is the production of protective antibody proteins;
  • for a year, three, five or more years, the body “remembers” the vaccination. The next time you come into contact with a harmful bacteria or dangerous virus the risk of the disease is reduced to almost zero or the disease is mild;
  • revaccination (repeated administration of the vaccine after a certain period) enhances protection against a specific pathogen, long-term, lasting immunity is developed. Even after close contact with a sick person, antibodies easily recognize a “familiar” pathogen, quickly neutralize it, and the disease does not develop.

Information for parents! Specific immunity to the causative agent of rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, viral hepatitis B, diphtheria, and other dangerous diseases occurs only after the administration of an inactivated or live vaccine. Other methods of therapy are not able to completely get rid of the disease; the risk of re-infection persists throughout life.

Causes of complications

Nowadays it is fashionable to refuse vaccination, to look for reasons not to vaccinate children. Internet forums are filled with stories about complications that arose after vaccinations. But if you carefully study each case, it turns out that most of negative reactions have objective reasons. At proper preparation to vaccination, taking into account certain factors, complications could have been avoided.

Most often, negative reactions occur in the following cases:

  • vaccination during a child’s illness;
  • doctors and parents ignoring contraindications (both temporary and absolute);
  • inattention to the baby’s condition on the day of vaccination;
  • improper preparation for vaccine administration;
  • inopportune moment: the baby has just had a serious disease, the family returned from a trip to the sea, the child suffered severe stress;
  • application potent drugs, blood transfusion shortly before the time of vaccination;
  • refusal to take antihistamines that prevent allergic reactions, if the child is diagnosed increased sensitization body.

Sometimes the cause of complications is a poor-quality vaccine. Fortunately, such cases are rare. With frequent complaints from parents about active adverse reactions in children, doctors are required to collect data on a certain type of vaccine and transfer it to the authorities involved in drug quality control. At large quantities negative reviews a certain series is temporarily discontinued for re-checking quality.

Table of vaccinations for children by age

Pay attention to the vaccination schedule for children. What vaccinations do children get? By medical indications The doctor can create an individual vaccination schedule or prescribe the use of an additional vaccine.

Frequently ill children are often prescribed vaccinations to prevent hemophilus influenzae infection. Dangerous pathogen provokes purulent meningitis, osteomyelitis, epiglotitis, pneumonia, otitis media.

Many pediatricians recommend vaccinating children against influenza from the age of 6 months. Vaccines are updated annually taking into account the strains of the virus that are most active in the current period. Risk group for which the flu vaccine will help prevent dangerous complications: children suffering chronic diseases lungs and bronchi, cardiac, renal pathologies.

Calendar and schedule of vaccinations for children by age:

Age Name of the disease to be prevented by vaccination
First 12 hours after birth Viral hepatitis B (1st vaccination required)
Newborns (from 3 to 7 days) Tuberculosis
1 month Viral hepatitis B (2nd vaccination)
Age 3 months Diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, tetanus (1st vaccination)
At 4.5 months Diphtheria, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (2nd vaccination)
Six months Viral hepatitis B (3rd vaccination) + polio, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria (3rd vaccination)
1 year Mumps, rubella, measles (1st vaccination)
18 months The 1st revaccination of children against tetanus, whooping cough, polio, diphtheria is being carried out
20 months Revaccination against polio
Age 6 years Vaccination against rubella for children, measles and mumps (2nd vaccination)
From 6 to 7 years (in 1st grade) Revaccination (1st) against tuberculosis
From 7 to 8 years (in 2nd grade) Revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria (pertussis component missing)
Age 13 For previously unvaccinated children - administration of a vaccine against viral hepatitis B, administration of a vaccine against rubella (only for girls)
From 14 to 15 years old Mandatory revaccination for children against diphtheria and tetanus (3rd), against polio (3rd revaccination), revaccination (2nd) against tuberculosis
For adults Revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria is mandatory every 10 years.

Parents need to do a few things simple conditions. Preparation will not take much time and effort. The more accurately the recommendations are followed, the lower the risk of complications. Pay attention to the child’s health, do not rely only on the doctor.

Helpful Tips:

  • Before going to the clinic, measure your temperature: the readings should be at 36.6–36.7 degrees. In children under one year old, many doctors consider a normal temperature, harmless for vaccinations, to be 37.1 degrees with accelerated heat exchange;
  • Before vaccination, tell the doctor about the well-being of your son or daughter, the presence/absence of allergies, diseases suffered recently. The parents' job is to give detailed information about the health of children, talk about known contraindications;
  • do not refuse vaccination for far-fetched reasons: “he is still too small”, “he is so sick”, “they say that some vaccinations have been canceled”;
  • if you are prone to allergies, doctors often give it before vaccination antihistamines. If there is no predisposition, taking allergy pills is not necessary.

Possible body reactions

Experience shows that parents should know what side effects may appear on certain type vaccines. The doctor is obliged to warn about reactions so that the mother does not panic if, after vaccination, the baby’s temperature rises slightly or a slight lump or redness appears in the injection area.

It is important to know what reactions are normal, and when to sound the alarm, and to immediately seek help.

The doctor should tell you:

  • how the body may react to the vaccine;
  • how to act in case of complications, pronounced negative symptoms;
  • when the side effects from the vaccine should subside.

Parents' task:

  • monitor the child’s condition, monitor the reaction to the vaccine;
  • if age allows, explain to children how to handle the vaccination area (do not rub, do not wet, do not scratch, etc.);
  • protect the injection site from moisture (as indicated);
  • protect your son or daughter from contact with sick people;
  • maintain a daily routine and diet;
  • don't give high physical activity in the first days after administering the vaccine;
  • Seek advice in time if there are deviations from the norm.

Main types of side effects:

  • local. Redness, soreness, hardness at the injection site. In some children, nearby lymph nodes become enlarged. Some mixtures should provoke local reactions to enhance the immune response. Examples: compositions against hepatitis A, B, ADS vaccines, DTP vaccination. Adjuvants (substances that cause local reactions) contain inactivated vaccines;
  • are common. Problems with sleep and appetite, rashes, anxiety, uncharacteristic crying. Marked headache, elevated temperature body, cyanosis, decreased temperature of hands and feet;
  • post-vaccination complications. A rather severe, undesirable response of the body during the formation of specific immunity. Among them: immediate allergy to the vaccine, anaphylactic shock, neurological disorders, convulsions. Such manifestations threaten health and require immediate resuscitation measures. Post-vaccination complications are rare: 1 case per 1–10 million vaccinations.

What are the risks of refusing vaccinations?

Various consequences:

  • the child is defenseless against dangerous infections;
  • any contact with a virus or bacteria carrier causes a milder or more severe form of the disease;
  • for many infections it is possible reinfection even after an illness;
  • Without a medical card with vaccination records, a child is temporarily not allowed to enter kindergarten, school, health camp;
  • Without necessary vaccinations Travel to a country where preventive vaccination is mandatory is prohibited.

Many infectious diseases are more severe in adults than in childhood. In the absence of vaccination, the risk of infection increases when in contact with a sick person, and severe complications often develop.

Now you know how compulsory vaccination protects the child from bacterial and viral infections that they can't cope with various methods treatment, traditional preventive measures. Take a responsible approach to vaccination, study the vaccination calendar, look at the table of vaccinations by age.

Never refuse vaccination for far-fetched reasons. If the rules are followed, contraindications are taken into account, and the doctor and parents interact, the risk of complications is minimal.

More useful and interesting information about vaccinations for children in the following video:

Parents' concerns about whether their baby really needs vaccination from the cradle is quite natural and understandable. Moreover, medicine abdicates responsibility, giving parents the right to make their own decisions in this difficult issue. To finally make your decision, you should carefully study all the arguments for and against.

Childhood vaccination: arguments for

Please note that all the talk about the dangers of vaccinations for a child has appeared only recently, when the risk of the spread of serious epidemics is reduced to almost a minimum. Vaccination helped stop massive outbreaks of diseases that recently claimed the lives of many people.

As a result of parents' unjustified refusal to vaccinate, cases of children contracting measles, diphtheria, whooping cough and even polio have increased noticeably in Russia. However, timely vaccination would allow us to avoid such depressing statistics. First of all, you should not succumb to mass panic and take into account the compelling arguments in favor:

  • Graft will protect the child from numerous viruses, developing immune bodies in his body to resist the disease.
  • Mass vaccination helps avoid serious outbreaks of epidemics, but it’s precisely the fragile one children's body becomes their first victim.
  • There are a huge number of unsafe bacteria “walking” in the world around us, immunity to which is possible only through vaccination.
  • Despite the fact that the vaccine does not protect 100%, Vaccinated children tolerate the disease more easily.
  • The threat and risk posed by disease are much greater than those posed by vaccination. Almost all vaccines have the following ratio: low risk / high benefit.
  • Massive refusal to vaccinate could lead to epidemics in the future.
  • Today against every disease There is a wide range of vaccines. This allows parents to analyze them and select a vaccine for their child, taking into account all the characteristics of his body, in order to reduce the risk of possible complications.

Of course, when a child is born, he already has a certain immunity, however his defenses are still too weak and unstable. Even an adult does not have immunity to infectious diseases. The viruses and bacteria contained in the vaccine are inactive, they are not capable of causing disease, however, they also help the body produce protective antibodies in case of illness.

A negative reaction to a vaccine is often exaggerated by parents, who sometimes mistake it for a common cold.

Are vaccinations really necessary: ​​arguments against

Nevertheless, The increasing talk about the dangers of childhood vaccinations is not at all groundless. Unfortunately, situations often occur when vaccinating a child causes best case scenario complication. Medical workers who deny the need for mass vaccination use the following arguments to defend their opinion:

  • The diseases against which children are vaccinated are already do not pose a serious danger.
  • In the first 1.5 years of life the baby receives an unreasonably high number of vaccinations, which is a serious stress on his immune system.
  • Some vaccines, for example, the well-known DTP, contain obviously dangerous compounds that can lead to complications. Organic mercury salt, which is the basis of many vaccines, is highly toxic even for an adult.
  • No vaccine protects 100%.
  • It is impossible to predict in advance the reaction of each individual organism to a specific vaccine.
  • Very often complications after vaccination arise due to improper storage of the vaccine. Immediately before vaccination, each parent can ensure that the vaccine is removed from the refrigerator, but where is the guarantee that it was transported and stored before in compliance with all standards?
  • Incorrect vaccine administration technique- a source of complications. Parents are unlikely to be able to control this factor on their own.
  • In the conditions of modern pediatrics, when doctors insist on universal vaccination, the characteristics of each individual child are not taken into account. Children who have not only temporary, but also absolute contraindications to vaccination.
  • The results of independent studies show that today the risk of post-vaccination complications has long outweighed the possibility of contracting the disease itself.
  • The pharmaceutical business is one of the most profitable. Companies producing vaccines earn a lot of money, they are extremely interested in mass vaccination and hiding information about possible contraindications and risks.
  • Approved and valid The vaccination calendar does not correspond to the epidemiological situation on this moment, viruses mutate and change, but vaccines against them remain the same.
  • Today, experts claim an increase in children such as autism, learning disabilities, sleep and eating disorders, and impulsive aggression. There is an opinion that this trend is related specifically to vaccination. In third world countries where compulsory vaccination is not carried out, such deviations practically do not occur. No one knows what consequences universal vaccination will have in the future.

What the law says

Art. 5 Federal Law dated September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ “On immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases” states: “When carrying out immunoprophylaxis, citizens have the right to: receive from medical workers complete and objective information about the need preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, possible post-vaccination complications", T.

e. This article clearly establishes the right of citizens to receive information from a doctor about possible adverse reactions when getting vaccinated.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 1999 N 885 approves scroll post-vaccination complications caused by preventive vaccinations included in the national calendar of preventive vaccinations, and preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications, giving citizens the right to receive state one-time benefits, which indicates the following complications:

1. Anaphylactic shock.

2. Severe generalized allergic reactions (recurrent angioedema- Quincke's edema, syndrome Stephen-Johnson, Lyell's syndrome, serum sickness syndrome, etc.).

3. Encephalitis.

4. Vaccine-associated polio.

5. Lesions of the central nervous system with generalized or focal residual manifestations leading to disability: encephalopathy, serous meningitis, neuritis, polyneuritis, as well as clinical manifestations convulsive syndrome.

6. Generalized infection, osteitis, osteitis, osteomyelitis caused by the BCG vaccine.

7. Chronic arthritis caused by the rubella vaccine.

How often, when bringing their child for vaccination, can parents get all the truthful information about possible complications?

It would be a mistake to completely reject one or another point of view on childhood vaccination, because each of them contains a sound grain. Infant has quite weak immunity, so it is unlikely to be able to resist the disease. But it is for this same reason that it may be difficult for a baby to tolerate vaccination.

In order for parents to make the right decision and not blame themselves later for a rash step, You should first familiarize yourself with the vaccine and its composition, find out the possibilities of complications and risks. However, one cannot ignore the seriousness of the spread of diseases and the likelihood of infection.

Despite high quality vaccines, no one company can be responsible for the individual reaction of each child. After all side effects are sometimes unpredictable and parents are simply obliged, without succumbing to senseless panic, to study the effect of the drug in advance. Any vaccine is first and foremost medical drug, which has its own contraindications.

If parents agree to have their child vaccinated, they must strictly adhere to the rules of preparation for vaccination and behavior after it. To minimize a negative reaction to the vaccine, you will need:

  • Use only high-quality vaccination preparations;
  • Strictly follow the vaccination rules;
  • Carefully review precautions and risk options based on the health of each child.

Only in this case will the child’s immune system be able to develop antibodies against a particular infection.

More details about general rules read about preparation for vaccination

In the conditions of modern pediatrics, parents are obliged to engage in self-education and make their own decisions about vaccination, because all responsibility for the health of the child lies only with the parents.

Do you vaccinate your child? Share your experience and comments.

And vaccinations were originally invented to prevent epidemics. However, as shown by the example of smallpox in England (the city of Leicester) at the beginning of the 20th century, when people began to refuse vaccinations and the epidemic struck again, the number of cases among unvaccinated people was extremely low. It turned out that most people normal level natural immunity is immune to this disease. This experience showed that voluntary immunization, i.e., improved nutrition, hygiene, etc., brought much more benefits than vaccination, and without side effects. What is attributed to vaccination is often associated with improving people's quality of life and, as a result, strengthening their natural immunity.

Currently, widespread vaccination is driven by the illusion of a disease-free life. They are trying to convince people that they can live the way they want, don’t take care of their health, drink alcohol, smoke, have promiscuous sex, etc., and still remain healthy by getting vaccinated and taking a pill. This is a very strong, vicious delusion! If a person does not strengthen his immunity, then vaccination often remains powerless, and what is the surprise of parents that vaccinated children get sick with the diseases from which they were vaccinated. After all, no one hides the fact that vaccination does not provide 100% protection. However, they hide that vaccination undermines the child’s fragile immunity.

To be fair, there are cases when the risk of harm to health from a vaccine is lower than from a disease. Therefore, you need to consciously and sensibly weigh your decisions. Today we will talk specifically about vaccinations for children, since there are some nuances here.

Should children be vaccinated?

“Should children be vaccinated?” - the answer to this question requires clarification, since it is impossible to indiscriminately recommend whether or not to vaccinate absolutely everyone. You need to understand the conditions in which a particular child lives, what age he is, what lifestyle his parents lead and, accordingly, he, moreover, it is important how he was carried, and how he was born, how his mother ate before and during pregnancy , whether he was fed or is being breastfed and for how long and much more.

If we still try to answer the question posed (should children be vaccinated), then healthy children whose parents healthy image life, do not drink alcohol, do not use drugs, do not smoke, live in a normal area and especially in a village or outside the city, children are regularly hardened, eat properly, whose relatives do not suffer from tuberculosis, vaccinations, of course, are of no use.

The fact is that children from disadvantaged families are at risk. What is meant here is not material wealth as such, but the environment and conditions in which the child is kept.

To decide for themselves whether or not to vaccinate their child, parents must weigh the benefits and harms of vaccination. For example, it is extremely unfavorable for newborn children to be vaccinated in the first days of life, since the body has not yet had time to adapt to new conditions. And for the baby’s immunity this is incredible stress, because immunity from vaccination, on the contrary, is undermined. In addition, parents should know that vaccinations such as BCG and DTP have strong side effects, and in most developed countries they have refused to administer these vaccines to everyone, since they do more harm than good. Doctors in our country have long made no secret of the fact that these vaccinations often cause complications.

Let's take a look at what some vaccines are designed to protect against, which will hopefully help you weigh the risks of getting sick with these viruses today and make the right decision regarding vaccination.

BCG- vaccine against tuberculosis. On a website dedicated to this disease, it is said: “Russian tuberculosis is social phenomenon, the roots of which lie in the low level of people’s quality of life. Cases of tuberculosis are more often recorded in places of detention.” The following are factors contributing to the occurrence of tuberculosis:

  • poor nutrition;
  • the presence of chronic diseases - pathologies of the pulmonary system, stomach ulcers, diabetes, etc.;
  • alcoholism, smoking;
  • addiction;
  • unfavorable living environment.

And at the very end, the authors of the site make a very sensible conclusion: “The main way to overcome tuberculosis is to popularize a healthy lifestyle.” If you look at the statistics on the incidence of tuberculosis in Russia, you will find an inverse relationship between the level of quality of life and the number of patients. Let us note that the level of quality of life is now growing. So, what is the probability that a newborn, kept in good home conditions, will develop tuberculosis? Here everyone must give their own answer based on their own situation.

DPT- vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria. As we said above, it can have strong side effects. In addition to the substances that are included in its composition, harm is caused by too strong pressure on immune system, this weakens the immune system so much in the days after vaccination that the child becomes vulnerable to other infectious diseases. And yet, let's look at the probability of a child getting sick with these diseases in the first months of life.

Tetanus bacillus can enter the body through injured epithelial tissue(skin, mucous) from the ground, rusty tools, nails, animal bites. In order for tetanus to be activated, there must be no oxygen entering the wound, i.e. it must be quite deep wound. At the same time, a tetanus vaccination can be done separately if the need arises, that is, in the event of a serious injury, and not just like that, just in case. At the same time, homeopathic doctors claim that it is possible to cope homeopathic remedies without resorting to such radical methods like a vaccine.

Whooping cough transmitted by airborne droplets through direct contact with a carrier of the virus. After an illness, natural, strong immunity is formed for life. The effect of the vaccine is short-term and requires revaccination. In addition, the vaccine does not guarantee complete protection against the disease. Previously, people who were sick with whooping cough used to bring their children to them to recover from the disease, as they now do with chickenpox, for example.

Hepatitis B. In addition to BCG, in the maternity hospital, at the birth of a child, they are vaccinated against hepatitis B. It should be noted that this vaccine is genetically modified, which means that no one fully knows what effect it will have on the body in the future, however, like any GMO product. It should be noted that the hepatitis B virus is transmitted through the blood, saliva, urine, semen and other biological fluids of the carrier of the virus. Infection occurs when the biological fluids of an infected person enter directly into the bloodstream. healthy person, in the absence of immunity to hepatitis B. This can happen in case of injury and the introduction of the virus there, in case of sexual contact with an infected person or when using an unsterilized syringe. It turns out that the risk of getting this virus increases significantly when vaccinated. Attention, question: “Why should a newborn get this vaccination?” The most interesting thing is that even an infected mother cannot transmit this virus to him, provided that the placenta is intact and labor proceeds normally. In England, for example, this vaccination is given only if the parents are carriers of this disease.

We will not consider all the vaccinations included in the vaccination calendar, there are too many of them there, but I strongly recommend studying each one if you are not sure of your decision.

Right to refuse vaccinations

Every citizen Russian Federation has the right to refuse vaccinations for himself and his children. According to Art. 5 of Law No. 157-FZ of September 17, 1998 “On immunoprophylaxis infectious diseases", any person has the right to refuse vaccinations, also Art. 11 of this law states that vaccinations for minors are carried out only with parental consent. It should be borne in mind that the lack of preventive vaccinations entails:

  • a ban on citizens traveling to countries where their stay is in accordance with international health regulations or international treaties The Russian Federation requires specific preventive vaccinations;
  • temporary refusal to admit citizens to educational organizations and health institutions in the event of mass infectious diseases or the threat of epidemics;
  • refusal to hire citizens for work or removal of citizens from work, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of disease infectious diseases.

The list of works, the performance of which is associated with a high risk of infectious diseases and requires mandatory preventive vaccinations, is established by the authorized Government of the Russian Federation federal body executive power.

Refusal from vaccinations is issued on a form that must be issued at the clinic or educational institution. If the form is not issued for some reason, parents must write an application themselves. The Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 26, 2009 No. 19n recommends a sample form for refusing vaccinations for a child: “Voluntary informed consent to carry out preventive vaccinations for children or refuse them.” Since this form is only recommended, parents have the right to draw up an application in any form, in which they should indicate:

  • Full name of the parent, it is also recommended to indicate the date of birth and place of residence.
  • Full name and date of birth of the child.
  • Full name of the vaccination (or list of vaccinations) that is being refused.
  • Links to legislation are welcome.
  • Be sure to indicate that the decision to refuse is a deliberate one.
  • Date and signature.

There are plenty of examples of statements about refusal of vaccinations on the Internet; you can use them.

Difficulties you may encounter if you refuse vaccinations

It’s 2018, which means that an entire generation has already grown up without vaccinations, so in many regions of our country workers social services They have become accustomed to refusing vaccinations and often no longer respond. At the same time, children safely attend kindergartens and schools. And yet sometimes some difficulties arise.

For example, if a child is not vaccinated against tuberculosis and has not had a Mantoux test, upon admission to a kindergarten or school they often require a certificate from a phthisiatrician. Until recently, people actively wrote refusals to visit a TB doctor, since he required a Mantoux test or an x-ray, which is extremely undesirable for a child. The fact is that among the components in the Mantoux test there are harmful substances, such as estrogen, which has Negative influence on hormonal system human, and phenol - toxic substance, an overdose of which can disrupt the functioning of the heart, kidneys, reproductive system and leads to immunosuppression. What puts this procedure on par with vaccination. However, the indicators are often false positive in healthy people. According to the law, X-rays can be prescribed for children under 14 years of age only extreme cases. But at the moment the situation has changed, and new modern accurate alternative ways tuberculin diagnostics, one of which may make sense to undergo, so as not to waste time and effort on applications, refusals, prosecutors, etc.

  • PCR - polymerase chain reaction. For analysis they can take physiological secretions human: mucus, phlegm, ejaculate and even cerebrospinal fluid. The test accuracy is 100%. True, the test does not distinguish deceased tuberculosis DNA from living ones, so in a person who has just recovered from tuberculosis, the test may show a false positive result.
  • Quantiferon test. Used for analysis deoxygenated blood. Accuracy - 99%.
  • T-SPOT is an analogue of the quantiferon test. Recommended for HIV-infected people and those with severely weakened immunity. Safe for pregnant women and infants. Accuracy - up to 98%.

It should be noted that the accuracy of the Mantoux reaction test is up to 70%, this method V modern world is considered obsolete. At the same time, the only negative side the above alternative methods is their high cost.

In addition, there are situations when parents are threatened that they will not accept their child into kindergarten or school without vaccinations; sometimes they actually refuse admission and suspend them from classes. In this case, you need to contact the prosecutor's office; these actions on the part of the management of children's institutions are unlawful, unless it is a temporary suspension related to the epidemic.

Whatever decision you make, remember that the main thing when it comes to vaccinations is immunity! And it is laid long before the birth of the child, and also depends on how soon the umbilical cord was cut at birth, whether the mother breastfeeds the child and how she feeds herself. In the first years of life, while the child is eating breast milk, he is under double protection, his own and his mother’s immunity, so when normal conditions Children during these years rarely get sick and recover quickly. Also, do not forget to harden your children from the first days of life, go to the bathhouse with them and douse yourself with cold water!

Remember, the best alternative to vaccination is a healthy lifestyle!

Modern parents often have doubts about the vaccinations offered by doctors. Let's figure out whether vaccination is really necessary, what are the disadvantages of vaccinations and whether everyone should get them.

Pros and some statistics

  • All the diseases that vaccinations seek to prevent are very dangerous for young children. The hepatitis B virus, having entered the body of a baby in infancy, will remain there for life, causing damage to liver tissue. Putting the baby in BCG maternity hospital, you will protect your child from severe forms of tuberculosis. Infections such as tetanus, whooping cough, measles, polio, hemophilus influenzae and others pose a great danger in childhood. For example, the mortality rate from tetanus is over 80%.
  • By refusing to vaccinate their children, parents increase the risk of epidemics of dangerous diseases in the future.
  • The effect of vaccination on the development of autism was studied in a 2005 study. which took into account data from about 100 thousand vaccinated children. It found no connection between vaccinations and the disease.
  • The percentage of complications after vaccination is many times lower, than the percentage of complications in the disease if the child is not vaccinated.

It is not simple beautiful words: Vaccination literally saves the lives of many children


Parents who oppose vaccinations usually offer a variety of reasons, most of which are only partially true:

  1. Vaccinations negatively affect a child's immune system. Immediately after vaccination, the baby becomes more vulnerable to diseases that an unvaccinated child might not have developed. This is true, but the weakening is only temporary.
  2. The vaccine does not protect against the disease against which it is directed 100%. Although having partial protection is still better than no protection at all. When a vaccinated child does become infected, his illness is milder and has virtually no complications.
  3. Child receiving mother's milk, is protected from infections, so you should not overload his immune system in the first year of life. Indeed, antibodies are transferred to the baby with mother’s milk and during the first months they provide the baby with good protection against infections, but already at 3 months of age their concentration decreases and the child becomes defenseless against bacteria and viruses.
  4. Each vaccine contains toxic preservatives that have a negative effect on the baby’s body. It should be noted that vaccines are constantly improving and the concentration of such substances is decreasing. In addition, if the child gets sick, he will have to take medications, which can also be toxic to the baby’s kidneys and liver.
  5. There are no completely safe vaccines; each of them can cause allergies, brain damage and even death. This is true, but the diseases for which vaccinations are given most often lead to disability and death; in the case of vaccination, these are only exceptions to the rule.

Due to cases of complications after vaccinations, parents are increasingly refusing to vaccinate their children. But remember that such cases are very rare

Opinion of E. Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician says that vaccination is very important. He reminds that all the diseases against which modern children are vaccinated continue to be detected by doctors and threaten both the health of children and their lives. That is why parents need to think carefully about whether it is worth depriving their children of protection from those dangerous diseases whose pathogens are targeted by vaccinations from national calendar.

Do all children need to be vaccinated?

If the child is completely healthy, vaccinations will undoubtedly benefit him. However, there are situations where vaccination is either delayed or cancelled. Therefore, the vaccine is not given:

  • A child with any acute illness and deteriorated general condition.
  • A child whose chronic pathology has worsened.
  • Children who have had severe reactions to a previous vaccine.
  • Infants with immunodeficiencies, severe anemia or cancer.

In addition, the hepatitis B vaccine should not be given to children who are allergic to yeast, and the measles or flu vaccine should not be given to a child with a protein allergy. chicken egg, and vaccination against rubella and measles for children with allergies to aminoglycosides. Premature babies are not given BCG, and the DTP vaccine cannot be administered to babies with neurological diseases.

Before vaccination, read the contraindications and take your child to the pediatrician to assess his condition.

Admission to kindergarten

Only parents can decide whether to vaccinate their baby or not. All vaccinations provided for in the national calendar are carried out only on a voluntary basis, that is, after the consent of the parents.

Since 1998, the opportunity to refuse vaccination has been enshrined in law; to do this, you need to write a refusal to vaccinate. However, in practice it is very difficult to get into the garden without vaccinations.

Parents trying to place an unvaccinated child in kindergarten may face a refusal to sign medical card at the clinic from the medical staff and accept the card in kindergarten on the part of the manager. This is a violation of their child's right to education, so it can be fought. Ask for written confirmation of the child’s refusal to enter the kindergarten. Usually after this the problem disappears.

However, if you are planning to give childcare facility If you have not vaccinated your baby, you should not forget that you are responsible for his health yourself.

Children's diseases are usually called measles, diphtheria, chickenpox and most diseases for which vaccinations are given. In fact, they are not children's at all - nothing changes with age.

It's just that all these diseases are easy to catch. Before mass vaccination, people became infected as soon as they encountered pathogens. This happened in early age, and then the sick either died or acquired active immunity, which protected them. So it seemed that only children were sick.

Now there is no need to risk your life for the sake of immunity - there is. But if you haven’t had them done or have had them done for too long, you are at risk.

Currently, no one will warn a person about the timing of immunization: you need to find out for yourself right time and age of revaccination.

Olga Vladimirovna Shirai, epidemiologist, head of the epidemiological department of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Elizabeth Hospital"

Many adults do not get revaccinated, but still do not get sick thanks to their immunity. Some people have it after an illness, some after a vaccination (even if everyone has forgotten about it), others are protected by collective immunity - epidemics simply have nowhere to roam if the majority are vaccinated. Revaccination is needed to avoid getting sick and not to provoke epidemics.

How can I find out what vaccinations I have had?

In theory, all vaccinations are recorded on a card or vaccination certificate, and cards with data travel with the person from clinic to clinic.

In practice there is none of this. Even if you have been attached to the same clinic all your life, your registration has not changed, all this data can easily be lost. For everyone else, this is a “I remember - I don’t remember” quest. Most likely you don't remember.

If this is so, then there is a guideline for those born in Russia - the national vaccination calendar. If there is a vaccine in it, you may have received it. Then you most likely need a revaccination, because not all vaccinations last a lifetime. If vaccination is not on the national calendar, then you need to get it anyway.

What tests will show that there were vaccinations?

If a person has ever been vaccinated, he has antibodies to this disease. These are proteins that attack bacteria or viruses that have entered the body. They are designated as IgG. - immunoglobulins type G.

Conduct a blood test to check for antibodies to viral hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, polio (in relation to three types virus), measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough. To do this, a RPGA reaction is carried out with the appropriate diagnosticum (diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps) or ELISA (whooping cough, hepatitis, rubella).

Olga Shirai

For immunity to work, a certain titer is needed - the amount of these same immunoglobulins. If the titer is low, you need to get vaccinated. The indicators for all vaccinations are different; this is discussed with the doctor separately.

But even if you get vaccinated against a disease to which you already have immunity, nothing special will happen - the agents introduced with the vaccine will be destroyed.

What vaccines can you get vaccinated with?

When it comes to vaccines, the rule of thumb is “the newer the better,” because researchers are constantly working on improvements. New vaccines are well tolerated and often protect against several diseases at once.

Even if you were vaccinated with old vaccines as a child, you can safely revaccinate with new ones - there will be no conflict.

We have listed the vaccines that are approved for use in Russia Vaccines of the national vaccination calendar.. To learn more about them, you need to read the instructions and study the contraindications. Some vaccines are not available in clinics, while others are simply difficult to find.

How to get vaccinated against hepatitis B?

Women who have not had chickenpox and are planning a pregnancy should also be vaccinated against this disease, since infection during pregnancy (especially during pregnancy) early stages) can lead to the development of defects in the fetus and even miscarriage.

Olga Shirai

The chickenpox vaccination can also be done to prevent the disease if there has been contact with a sick person. WHO considers this measure effective if vaccination is carried out no later than 72 hours after contact of a healthy person with a sick person.

Vaccine: Varilrix.

How to get vaccinated against polio?

Polio viruses have terrible complications: one out of 200 people who recover from the disease suffers complications in the form of paralysis. You need to get vaccinated if you have no immunity and you are going to a country where the disease is common.

The vaccination is done in three stages. Better to use inactivated vaccine- the one that comes in injections, it is much safer than drops in the mouth.

Vaccines: Pentaxim, Imovax Polio, Poliorix, Tetraxim, Infanrix Hexa.

How to get vaccinated against hemophilus influenzae infection?

Haemophilus influenzae infection causes severe forms meningitis, pneumonia, sometimes leads to sepsis. The infection does not respond well to antibiotics.

Among children, only those who are at risk due to health conditions are vaccinated. This also applies to adults: the elderly, people in contact with sick people, and people with chronic diseases are vaccinated.

Vaccines: Act-HIB, Hiberix Pentaxim, Infanrix Hexa.

How to get vaccinated against papillomavirus?

Some types of papillomavirus (HPV) pose a risk to women's health causing cervical cancer, genital warts and some other diseases.

Vaccination is recommended for girls and women aged 9 to 26 years, preferably before the onset of sexual activity (because with its onset the risk of becoming infected from a partner increases sharply). Vaccination can be done in more late age up to 45 years old.

Olga Shirai

Men can also get this vaccine so as not to tease the virus, cancer-causing(not only the cervix, but also other organs), and not suffer from condylomas. The vaccination is done in three stages according to the instructions.

Vaccines: Gardasil, Cervarix.

How to get vaccinated against pneumococcus?

Adults are vaccinated upon request. Pneumococcal infection, as a rule, joins other diseases and is a complication. It causes meningitis otitis media, sinusitis, .

  • adults over 65 years old;
  • people who frequently come into contact with possible carriers of infection;
  • employees of preschools, schools, boarding homes;
  • to those who have chronic diseases respiratory organs, liver, diabetes;
  • people suffering from immunodeficiencies;
  • patients who have an increased risk of meningitis (after traumatic brain injury, neurosurgical interventions on the spine).

Vaccines: Pneumo-23, Prevenar 13.

How to get vaccinated against meningococcus?

Meningococcus causes meningitis, but in a special way. This is always a rapid infection, potentially fatal. Every case of illness is an emergency.

In Russia, vaccination is carried out if there is an outbreak of the disease, as well as among those who are subject to conscription. military service, and those who travel to Africa and Asia.

Modern vaccines protect against several subtypes of the disease at once. One vaccination in adulthood is sufficient.

Vaccines: “Menactra”, “Mencevax ACWY”.

What other vaccinations should I get?

In addition to those listed, there are also vaccinations for epidemic indications. They are done if an epidemic has started somewhere or if a person at work often encounters rare diseases. This is a matter for specialists, but there are several vaccinations that are worth getting without waiting for epidemics.

  • Tick-borne encephalitis. We have already written about who, how and when to get vaccinated against ticks (start dealing with the issue in February in order to have time to complete the full course and develop immunity before ticks wake up).
  • Flu. We also already talk in detail about the flu shot. Read everything you want to know. Vaccination - best protection from the flu. It is worth getting vaccinated before mid-October to meet the epidemic head-on.
  • Vaccinations for travelers. If you are going to a country where there are frequent outbreaks of infections, you should get vaccinated before traveling. Usually this is hepatitis A (you can get vaccinated against it just for prevention), yellow fever. It all depends on the country you decide to go to.

What to do right now?

To ensure you don't get sick:

  1. Go to your local clinic and ask your therapist what vaccines are on your card.
  2. Get tested for antibodies to those diseases for which this is required.
  3. Find out if the clinic has vaccines and their names.
  4. Find a private medical Center, who has a license to conduct vaccinations.
  5. Find out which pharmacies sell vaccines.
  6. Set up a vaccination schedule with your doctor. Several vaccines can be administered at the same time; it is not necessary to take breaks between different drugs. It all depends on the instructions for each specific vaccine.
  7. Get your vaccinations on this schedule.
  8. Do not be ill.