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Violent yawning in the evening. Why do people yawn, and why does yawning spread to others?

Photo 1. Yawning is not unique to humans. Source: Flickr (Janačka).

Causes of frequent yawning

provoke frequent attacks there can be a huge amount of yawning various reasons. In some cases, its appearance is not caused by any pathologies, while in others it indicates serious illnesses. If you yawn regularly for no reason, you must undergo medical treatment. diagnostic examination.


Physiological reasons – phenomena when yawning is caused by non-pathogenic factors. These include:

  • Lack of air- may occur when long stay in a stuffy room, so the body tries to get oxygen.
  • Brain overheating- when a person for a long time is in overvoltage, it begins to heat up. When yawning, a person swallows a lot of air, which ensures ventilation of the brain. Open the window and place it on your forehead cold compress to alleviate your condition.
  • Decreased body activity– if the body is tired, that’s it metabolic processes it slows down. Therefore, metabolic products accumulate in the blood. Thanks to yawning, blood circulation in the body is restored, heartbeat, metabolism accelerates.
  • Fatigue and lack of sleep– the most common cause of frequent yawning. It can be triggered by frequent lack of sleep or chronic fatigue. This is due to the fact that the brain cannot renew itself due to lack of sleep. To start the whole process in it, it needs oxygen.

Note! To get rid of yawning, just cool down and have a good rest. This will restore metabolic processes.

Psychological and emotional

A number of emotional and psychological factors can provoke frequent yawning:

  • Severe overvoltage– yawning acts as a psychological release. Such a manifestation may indicate an approaching nervous breakdown.
  • Chain reaction– if someone from the environment starts to yawn, the person who sees it repeats after him.

Why does a person yawn in his sleep?

IN in rare cases people yawn in their sleep. Usually the cause of this phenomenon is:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Migraine.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Therapy with antihistamines.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body.
  • Sleeping in an awkward position.

Frequent yawning as a symptom of illness

In some cases, yawning can be caused by a nearby pathological conditions. It may indicate a pre-fainting state if it is accompanied by dizziness, darkening of the eyes, decline blood pressure and a decrease in body temperature. In addition, the following diseases may be the cause of this phenomenon:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  2. Multiple sclerosis.
  3. Respiratory failure.
  4. Long-term depression.
  5. Disorders in the cardiovascular system: heart failure, ischemia, tachycardia, arrhythmia.
  6. Atherosclerosis – deposition cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Diseases endocrine system: hypo-, hyperthyroidism, diffuse goiter and others.

Note! If you regularly suffer from yawning, get tested. This phenomenon may indicate serious pathologies.

How to stop constantly yawning

Frequent bouts of yawning cause discomfort to any person. Of course, because of them, a person cannot work normally or be in society. To get rid of constant yawning, you can take the following steps:

  • Breathe through your nose- this way you can lower your body temperature, cool your blood, and therefore stop yawning. If you feel a yawning attack approaching, try taking a few breaths through your mouth.
  • Have a drink cold water – this will lower your body temperature, after which the yawning will stop.
  • If you work in a hot, stuffy room, always keep a bottle of chilled liquid handy.
  • Do some exercise– this will help disperse the blood and speed up the metabolism.
  • Eat something cold– watermelon, melon or ice cream are best for this.
  • Make yourself a cold bandage or compress on your forehead - this will invigorate and relieve yawning.
  • Ventilate rooms regularly.
  • As soon as you feel a yawn coming, rest your tongue on the upper palate.

Photo 2. Ice cream is a pleasant way to combat yawning.

Man during active work never yawns. This happens in cases where he is tired, drowsy, or bored. Yawning can occur when we are in a warm or stuffy room for a long time. All these actions lead to the accumulation of a large number of carbon dioxide, which causes inhibition and causes frequent yawning in an adult.

What does constant yawning mean?

The cause of yawning is an uncontrollable reflex of the body, involuntary respiratory process, which consists of a deep, slow inhalation and a quick exhalation. With it, the blood is enriched with oxygen, in addition, the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the brain increases. All this is also facilitated by muscle tension. oral cavity, neck and face. Ultimately, the blood supply to the head improves and more nutrients to its cells, and thereby quickly removes harmful substances and carbon dioxide due to frequent yawning. As a result, brain activity increases.

When a person wakes up in the morning, he yawns. The reasons for frequent yawning in the morning are as follows: after waking up, the cells of the head are in a state of residual inhibition. Prolonged inactivity leads to a slowdown in blood flow and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. That's why we want to yawn in the morning. You need to get out of bed as quickly as possible and start moving, you can do gymnastics. Physical exercise increase the tone of the body, improve blood supply to the heart, lungs, brain and helps to quickly transition to active wakefulness.

The widespread belief that the cause of frequent yawning in women is due to lack of oxygen has not been confirmed by scientists. Research by specialists shows that this process contributes to general increase activity level. And it does not depend on the duration of sleep and the time of waking up.

Sometimes a person yawns before various important events. For students this happens before exams, for actors before performances, it is believed that this is how the body prepares for the upcoming stress.

Cause of yawning in adults

It is often said that yawning is contagious. In fact, a moment of imitation occurs here, since the people working nearby are in the same lethargic state as you. Therefore, as soon as one yawns, others begin to yawn.

If this happens to a person during the day, mainly with those who work while sitting, this means that it is necessary to eliminate this cause open a window or window and make a few deep breaths- this will quickly get rid of yawning.

Another reason why people yawn is that medical scientists have come to the conclusion based on research that in warm weather people experience this much less often than in the cold season. It turns out that the human brain overheats, and the body tries to cool it by yawning, since in the summer the air environment warm.

The researchers of this experiment suggest that their discovery could help in the treatment of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, which in most cases is accompanied by yawning. There is a high probability that one of possible options the development of multiple sclerosis may be just heat body, which in turn begins to influence the human body.

Also, one of the factors for frequent yawning is suggested by some diseases that need to be treated. Frequent yawning physical weakness and a drowsy state indicates chronic fatigue or emotional stress. In addition, the yawning process is caused by a violation cerebral circulation, vegetative-vascular dystonia, multiple sclerosis as written above.

Many people believe that yawning only occurs when you are tired and do not get enough sleep. Although in fact, this symptom may indicate certain health problems, so you should not ignore it. If you sleep 7-8 hours a day and continue to yawn every day, we advise you to pay attention to the symptom and figure out what is causing it.

Why do you yawn often: the main reasons

All people yawn, and not only people. Most vertebrates do this. Doctors believe it is good for health. But is it? When you start yawning, blood circulation in the neck, face and head improves. At the same time, you take a deep breath, which increases blood circulation in the brain. Together, these processes help eliminate too hot blood from the brain, bringing in cooler blood from the lungs and extremities.

Some scientists believe that changes in room temperature can trigger yawning. Yawning can also be triggered by boredom and lack of vivid emotions. Thus, doctors were divided into 2 camps. Representatives of one camp believe that the pharynx has physiological reason, representatives of the second - psychological.

Why does a person yawn often? There is nothing wrong with yawning when you don't get enough sleep or are tired. But if you continue to do this constantly and over a long period of time, do not ignore this symptom. After all, it is quite possible that you have health problems.

What can cause frequent yawning:

You didn't get enough sleep . Are you getting enough sleep? Perhaps you sleep too little and your body does not have time to recover. Try to sleep 7-8 hours a day, go to bed as early as possible.

Fatigue. If you are tired at work, school, or training, your body requires more time to recover. You need to rest, this is the only way you will get rid of yawning.

Changes in room temperature, elevated temperature air.

Stress. Try to be nervous as little as possible, accept sedatives if necessary.

You may be interested in our publication How to fall asleep quickly if you don’t feel like sleeping at all: ways

The body needs oxygen. Weakness, yawning and poor health may indicate a lack of oxygen in the blood. Walk for 30-40 minutes every day fresh air, ventilate the room in which you work or live more often.

Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

Specularity. What it is? You've probably noticed that you start yawning as soon as you see a person yawning, haven't you? This normal reaction human body.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Another common reason is that your body is not getting enough nutrients. We advise you to take vitamin complex, it would also not hurt to take the necessary tests.

Taking medications. Some medications may cause drowsiness, such as allergy medications, hormonal agents, antidepressants, some painkillers.

Vasovagal reaction - occurs due to internal bleeding in the heart or aorta. Frequent yawning and worsening general condition may not indicate heart attack or damaged aorta. Thus, excessive yawning for no reason may indicate heart problems.

Liver damage. Some doctors believe that excessive yawning may be a symptom liver failure. If you have had liver problems, be sure to get checked.

Epilepsy - In some cases, yawning can be a signal of the development of this disease, but this is not common.

Stroke - in this case, the brain begins to send uncharacteristic signals, as a result of which you yawn often. A stroke causes lesions in the brain, which leads to yawning.

Multiple sclerosis. According to research, patients suffering from multiple sclerosis yawn frequently. This is due to the fact that their body is susceptible to thermoregulatory dysfunction, which provokes yawning.

In some cases, frequent yawning over several days or even weeks may indicate problems in functioning. thyroid gland, of cardio-vascular system. Do not self-medicate; be sure to consult your doctor.

Why do my eyes water?

Some people produce tears when they yawn. Why is this happening? Your eyes begin to close, causing pressure on your tear sacs, causing them to release tears.

Frequent yawning: when to sound the alarm?

If you begin to notice that you yawn often, try to get enough sleep, spend time in the fresh air more often, and take a vitamin-mineral complex. If the situation has not improved and you continue to yawn every day for a long time, be sure to consult a specialist.

Yawning is an unconditioned reflex, manifested as an involuntary respiratory act. First, there is a deep breath, during which the mouth opens wide, then the pharynx and glottis. After which a quick exhalation is carried out, accompanied by a characteristic sound. Let's consider what may be associated with frequent yawning.

As a result, metabolic products accumulate in the blood, which causes yawning. During yawning, the blood is enriched with oxygen; in addition, there is an increase in the speed of blood flow occurring in the vessels of the brain. This is due to the fact that during yawning, tension occurs in the muscles of the face, mouth and neck. This helps improve blood supply to brain cells, the flow of more nutrients and removal harmful substances. As a result, brain activity is activated.

In some cases, frequent yawning occurs before the time comes for all sorts of important activities for a person. For schoolchildren these are exams, for artists these are performances. It is believed that this is how the body prepares for upcoming stress. Yawning can occur before a person is about to perform any tricks (skydiving, ski jumping), thus the body suppresses the feeling of fear.

It is also believed that yawning occurs due to lack of air. In this case, it is recommended to leave the stuffy room or ventilate it.

In rare cases, yawning can be a sign of the development of certain diseases, so if it appears frequent yawning, then you should consult a doctor.

The contagiousness of yawning

Yawning can be transmitted from one person to another nearby. People who can empathize are more susceptible to this phenomenon.

Yawning during prayer

If during prayer you begin to yawn, and the yawning continues for a long time, and at the same time you notice that only this room affects you in this way, then it is possible that the yawning occurs for physical reasons, which include rare ventilation of the room. If you yawn, no matter what room you are in and what time of day it occurs, then it is possible that you are a victim of evil spirits. This is due to the fact that devilry makes an attempt to prevent a person from reading prayer by sending him sneezing, yawning, scabies, etc. Then it's worth trying the following. During the waning moon period, it is recommended to light a blue candle every day, place it in an uncut glass, previously filled with salt, and read the plot 3 times (at this time you should try not to yawn).

Conspiracy: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I expel from myself, from those around me, furry devils, black demons, evil devils and all the evil spirits of the underworld. I conjure you, unclean ones, not to come near me from now on, not to ruin my prayer. Amen"

Yawning is an integral part of every person’s life, it is special condition, which cannot always be explained. Most people do not pay attention to this reflex, taking it for the norm, but there are also those who are interested in what yawning is and why a person yawns. Meanwhile, this physiological process very important for any human body.

You will learn about the causes of yawning and ways to get rid of it on this page.

Yawning - what does this condition mean?

Traditionally, a person believes that he yawns when he is sleepy or when he is very bored. And he is also surprised that yawning is an extremely contagious thing. Few people think about what happens in their body during yawning and why yawning occurs, as people say. In this article, we get to know this reflex and understand whether those who accuse yawners of lack of interest in what is happening are right.

The state of yawning is an unconditioned reflex, expressed by an involuntary respiratory act, consisting of a deep, slow inhalation and a fast, energetic exhalation.

Yawning is accompanied by a characteristic sound caused by vibration vocal cords and a stretching movement in humans, and in animals - by arching the back and stepping over the legs. It is incredible, but true, that already at the age of ten weeks, stretching and yawning are recorded in the human fetus. It's not just humans who yawn; this reflex is common to many vertebrates. And if a person tries to yawn imperceptibly, so as not to appear sleepy or bored, then animals, and even fish, do not bind themselves to etiquette and yawn always when they need it. In some animals, yawning serves unusual functions. Thus, among monkeys, an open mouth in a yawn with bared teeth means a warning to the opponent. And the yawn of a hippopotamus allows you to get rid of unnecessary gases in the body.

Lack of oxygen as a cause of frequent yawning

Causes, yawning in people, may be different, for example, yawning usually occurs when tired, drowsy, staying in a room with increased content carbon dioxide, in the absence of muscle activity and in many other cases, sometimes without any apparent reason. Sometimes it occurs when various diseases, as a symptom of oxygen starvation of the brain.

If yawning begins as a response of the body to a lack of oxygen, then the process looks like this. When falling asleep, the breathing rate automatically decreases, because during sleep a person requires significantly less energy than when awake. If at this time a person tries to stay awake, then the brain begins to experience a lack of oxygen. To correct this, people yawn to increase the amount of air entering the lungs. For the same reason, an attack of yawning can occur in a person who is absolutely not going to sleep if he finds himself in a stuffy room.

With a slow and deep yawn, the blood is enriched with oxygen. The muscles of the oral cavity, face, and neck become tense - all this also helps to increase the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the head. The blood supply to brain cells improves, processes in them are activated. Stretching when yawning also serves a purpose. By straining the muscles of the legs, arms and especially the back, a person produces some kind of movement. Of course, stretching is far from real physical exercise, but the muscles, nevertheless, send impulses that force the brain to “shake off” inhibition.

The widespread belief that yawning means oxygen starvation of the body has been relevant for a long time. Until this statement was questioned by Ronald Banninger, who studies the mechanisms of yawning at Temple University in Philadelphia. The scientist conducted an experiment with a group of student volunteers who were placed in a room where the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide was constantly changing. The yawns of each subject were counted. And what’s surprising: as the oxygen deficit in the room increased, the students’ breathing rate only increased, but the intensity of yawns remained unchanged.

Why Yawning Starts: Keeping You Cheerful

Thus, Benninger, discussing why yawning begins, came to the conclusion that its purpose is to maintain the activity of the awakened brain in case falling asleep is undesirable. This is what explains the uncontrollable desire to yawn, for example, during a tiring meeting or lecture. That is why a person yawns not only before going to bed, but also early in the morning. Yawning does not contribute to falling asleep, but, on the contrary, helps to drive away sleep and invigorate the body.

When scientists began to calculate the frequency of yawns depending on situations, it turned out that the highest - 24 yawns per hour - was found in a group whose members had to remain alert, although everyone’s body was tired. That is why yawning is often a way for the body to maintain vigor, however, this hypothesis cannot explain all the facts of yawning: for example, yawning before bed in most people or at a moment of excitement among athletes. Even reading material about yawning or thinking about it causes yawns.

Experts who have been working with test pilots and parachutists for many years have noticed more than once that before important flights, many of them begin to yawn. Musicians often yawn before concerts. It is possible that in situations involving strong emotional stress or danger, an ancient mechanism involuntarily turns on: a person freezes, holding his breath. The subsequent deep breath-yawn saturates the blood with oxygen, it enters the brain and muscles, maintaining readiness for decisive action.

Fatigue as a reason why severe yawning occurs

One of the reasons for severe yawning is a signal from the body indicating fatigue, that is, it lets you know that it is time, if not to go to bed, then to stop working. During a yawn, a person with an open mouth slowly but deeply inhales air and exhales it just as slowly. The useful meaning of yawning is as follows: in the blood of a tired person there is not enough oxygen, and there is more carbon dioxide than necessary. When yawning, much more air enters the lungs than during normal breathing, and the blood removes more oxygen from the lungs. Yawning ventilates the lungs. The immediate cause of yawning is the drainage of blood from the brain; Therefore, people who are morbidly anemic or have lost a lot of blood yawn very often, especially if they are standing or sitting. When such a person lies down, the yawning goes away, due to the fact that in supine position blood flows to the head.

If at a meeting, meeting or lecture someone present yawns, it means that he is not listening to what is happening. If he listened and his brain consequently worked, perceiving what he heard, that is, blood would rush to his brain, he would not yawn. Yawning also begins to overcome after a hearty lunch, when blood begins to flow from the head to the stomach; at the same time there is a tendency to sleep. You can stop yawning by an effort of will; if you do not resist it, then it can begin when something reminds you of it; makes you yawn, for example, the sight of a yawning person, even a yawning dog.

Why does yawning occur: brain overheating

For many years now, scientists different countries They are trying to understand what causes yawning and many of them have come to the conclusion that yawning is associated with overheating of the brain. It is the excessive increase in temperature that American researchers explain human yawning.

To prove they were right, scientists conducted observations of budgerigars. These inhabitants of the Australian continent, in addition to their relatively large brains, have another strange feature: they, like many people and some animals, are characterized by “contagious yawning.” Researchers took advantage of this property of birds.

They watched the parrots in three different situations: elevated, very high and average temperatures external environment. In the first two variants, virtually no changes in the behavior of the birds were observed. But when zoologists began to raise the temperature, starting from the average, optimal value for parrots, the birds began to yawn twice as often as under normal conditions.

It turns out that if the temperature of the brain has risen above a certain critical level, then, most likely, the person will very soon begin to yawn. And this physiological phenomenon will be almost equivalent to turning on a fan to cool the computer processor. That is, like a computer, the human thinking organ works more efficiently with slight cooling, and yawning is a special physiological mechanism that lowers the temperature to an optimal level.

Now it can probably be explained why, for example, yawning stops if you cool your forehead or take a few quick breaths in and out through your nose.

Why yawning occurs: stress and lack of impressions

Frequent yawning often means that people lack impressions or are under stress - before an exam, public speaking or other important event. Yawning allows you to relieve fatigue, disconnect from stress, refresh the air in your lungs, and put your thoughts in order.

By the way, there is interesting fact: Young people yawn more often than older people. Perhaps because the body of older people has already been “trained” by stress over many years and becomes less susceptible to it? And men yawn more often than women. We can also speculate on the reason for this: are either men more often in a state of stress, or are women more resistant to these stresses? Or both of them simply lack impressions.

There is undoubtedly a connection between emotions and yawning. An experiment was conducted that can be repeated in relation to yourself. Volunteers were asked to imitate a yawn by opening their mouth wide and moving their tongue back, while silently pronouncing a drawn-out “y”. Then the subjects, and there were more than a hundred of them, were asked to describe their feelings. A set of fairly similar answers was received: “I plunged into darkness”, “I didn’t hear anything”, “It became very easy”, “Everything inside was relaxed” and the like.

Other reasons why yawning occurs

There are many other reasons for this condition.

  1. Why yawning occurs is still not clear, but it is known that it helps to more fully open the alveoli of the lungs, increase blood flow to the heart muscle, reduce blood stagnation in the lungs and increase its oxygen saturation. When yawning, the nasopharynx canals also straighten and open, leading to maxillary sinuses both into the Eustachian tubes and to the middle ear. This is what helps a person relieve ear congestion and discomfort near eardrum that occur during takeoff and landing of an aircraft due to pressure differences.
  2. Another theory suggests that the cause of yawning is the body’s signal for the need for “energy recharging.”
  3. When we yawn, we suck in energy with our open mouth, like a funnel, as if taking it from space. And therefore, during shock or surprise, according to this theory, we open our mouths to get an additional portion of energy.
  4. In flight, the difference in pressure causes my ears to become stuffy. And since the middle ear cavity eustachian tube connected to the pharynx, then yawning equalizes the pressure. The muscles of the oral cavity, face and neck take part in the act of yawning; their tension helps to increase blood flow in the vessels of the head. At the same time, the blood supply to brain cells improves, which means that more nutrients and oxygen are supplied to them and waste metabolic products and carbon dioxide are removed.
  5. Scientists conducted an experiment on why yawning occurs, and it turned out that even with high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, the number of yawns did not increase, although the breathing rate did increase. This means that gas exchange is not the main function of yawning.
  6. Then the assumption arose that the main thing in yawning is not the breath, but the wide opening of the mouth. That is, yawning is a kind of stretching. That this is indeed the case is proven not only by everyday practice, but also by medical observations of sick people and experiments. Thus, when the hormone oxytocin was injected into the blood of animals, both phenomena were observed: yawning and stretching. And in people suffering from unilateral paralysis, the limbs of the paralyzed side stretch during yawning.
  7. Yawning easily occurs as an imitative action (in the form of a mirror neuron reaction). As soon as one yawns in society, others begin to yawn too. And a person, as it turns out, reacts primarily to general form yawning man. The yawning mouth itself, without the rest of the face, has a very weak effect.

What does frequent yawning mean, its causes and is treatment required?

The reasons why yawning appears persistent and does not stop for a long time may be certain neurological disorders requiring medical attention.

The appearance of seemingly causeless yawning, which does not stop after the implementation of the measures recommended above, indicates a persistent oxygen starvation brain, which may be caused by problems regulating brain temperature, hormonal disorder, multiple sclerosis. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to identify and eliminate the causes of persistent yawning.

One of the reasons for frequent yawning is the disease multiple sclerosis, and this condition also signals an imminent seizure in epileptics and another wave of pain in people suffering from migraines.

The question of why yawning is constant and does not go away and what its causes may be of interest to people suffering from Parkinson's disease, as well as those who have some forms of epilepsy. Spontaneous yawning is possible in patients with stroke. And in patients in a coma, yawning precedes the return of consciousness. Frequent yawning- one of the symptoms Often yawning precedes an attack.

Therefore, doctors should be attentive to patients with frequent yawning, their task is to identify the causes and prescribe treatment if it becomes a harbinger of any disease.

There are several good tips on how to get rid of yawning, which anyone can successfully test for effectiveness if necessary in their life.

If yawning begins to occur frequently daytime, during work (this mainly happens to those who work while sitting), it is necessary to ventilate the room and perform a set of simple physical exercises with elements breathing exercises. It is recommended to stand up, walk, and do several bends and turns of the body. A completely justified and excellent technique, especially for sedentary work. Good advice for those who are interested in how to get rid of yawning quickly, he suggests yawning, stretching and trying to feel that the body is, as it were, divided into two parts - upper and lower. Then take five deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Drink water, tea or lemonade. Change the position you were in, or, if possible, change your activity altogether.

A person can yawn not only when he wants to sleep, but also after waking up. Immediately after sleep, brain cells are in a state of so-called inhibition, and yawning contributes to more rapid recovery their activity, however, the process of yawning is not able to fully “mobilize” the body. Prolonged immobility leads to a slowdown in blood flow and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. Constant yawning proves that you need to do gymnastics immediately after waking up, without lying in bed for a long time. Physical exercise increases the tone of the body, improves blood supply to the heart muscle, lungs, and brain and helps to quickly transition to active wakefulness.

Set your alarm clock with five to ten minutes to spare and do a few simple movements in bed. Remember how it happens on weekends: accept comfortable position, straighten your arms and legs, slowly and happily stretch several times. When stretching, spread your arms to the sides, up, and lift your legs. Then sit down and stretch a couple more times. But don't stay in bed for too long; three to five minutes is enough to wake up. Calmly but firmly stand up and continue to stretch. Try to breathe as deeply and fully as possible, open a window or window, provide your lungs with fresh air. cool air. Make several turns with your body on the way to the bathroom, bend over. Stretch one last time and start washing. This simple procedure will help those who are looking for an answer to the question of what to do with yawning if it has been bothering you since the very morning.

The chances of you yawning obscenely during the morning operative session will be reduced to zero.

The Positive Effects of Yawning

To summarize, we can come to the conclusion that yawning does not always mean a problem that causes discomfort, because yawning has an unusually positive effect on well-being:

  1. allows the human body to replenish oxygen reserves;
  2. allows you to breathe deeper;
  3. activates blood circulation;
  4. clears the mind-mind, cooling the brain;
  5. supplies brain cells with energy;
  6. promotes activities lacrimal glands– after yawning, dry eyes become moisturized and feel much better;
  7. relaxes the muscles of the jaws, temples, head in general, face, neck, back of the head, shoulders, abdomen and diaphragm;
  8. improves mood and increases overall tone.
  9. Yawning can reduce headache in the temple area.

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