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Anti-radiation products. Medical natural preparations. Foods that reduce the effects of radiation

Radiation is called invisible enemy”, as its consequences manifest themselves over time. Current recommendations, how to get rid of a faceless enemy who harms the body.

How to remove radiation after radiation therapy

This procedure uses ionizing radiation. TO radiation therapy This includes radiography, MRI, and other types of radiation exposure (remote, radionuclide and contact). In one course, a person receives radiation equal to 200 rads. The entire duration of therapy takes about 3 weeks, during which a person receives up to 5000 rads.

After radiation therapy, the doctor prescribes drug treatment, allowing you to get rid of residual radiation. How to safely remove radiation from the body using tablets:

  • Amygdalin;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Nerobol;
  • Revalid;
  • Mexamine;
  • Methandrostenolone.

Unfortunately, such medications have a strong effect on the body, so they can only be taken after consultation with a specialist. Also, certain foods help to quickly get rid of decay components.

Products that remove radiation after radiation therapy include:

  • green tea;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits (plums, blackberries, grapes and grapefruit) and raw vegetables rich in fiber (red beets, pasta, cilantro, greens);
  • quail eggs;
  • sunflower and olive oil;
  • wheat (bran and germ);
  • eggs (especially the yolk);
  • garlic;
  • tomatoes;
  • rabbit meat, poultry, liver;
  • black currant;
  • cereals, lentils;
  • sorrel;
  • seaweed and spinach;
  • flax seeds;
  • asparagus;
  • nuts;
  • rose hip;
  • carrot;
  • tuna and sardines;
  • dried apricots;
  • persimmon;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • octopus

What removes radiation from the body after radiation for cancer

Most of the products listed above contain vitamins that help quickly remove radiation from the body, namely E, C and A. This vitamin complex contained in medicinal plants. After radiation therapy, it is allowed to use folk remedies to remove radiation.

To remove radiation after radiation therapy for oncology, the following folk remedies are used as herbal medicine:

  1. Rosehip infusion. Add 40 g of fruit to a liter of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours, drink the prepared product 24 hours before.
  2. Tincture of soothing and tonic herbs. Mix plantain, mint, chamomile (50 g of each plant), St. John's wort, yarrow (25 g each). Take a tablespoon and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour, use ½ cup. 4 times a day before meals.
  3. Celery juice and honey. Squeeze 50 ml of juice from celery, add 1 tsp. honey Take in the morning 60 minutes before meals.
  4. Black radish tincture. Take 1 kg of vegetables, rinse, chop finely and pour in a liter of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 15 days, strain and drink ¼ cup. three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  5. Nettle decoction. Pour 2 cups. boiling water 5 tbsp. l. plants, brew for an hour. Strain, drink 200 ml three times a day, but not more than 30 days. If a long period is necessary, you need to take a break of 14 days.

Herbal medicine will not cure oncology, but can only improve health after radiation therapy. But to benefit from phytotherapeutic methods, you need to consult a therapist.

How to remove radiation from the body after an x-ray

It is not worth cleaning the body from radiation after undergoing one x-ray procedure. X-ray studies are carried out in a dose that is safe for the body. If it is necessary to repeat x-rays repeatedly, then to get rid of radiation, you should use methods rather than drugs traditional medicine. Medicines should only be taken in serious cases, and the remedies suggested below have minimal side effects.

  • grape juice with pulp;
  • milk;
  • red wine (no more than 200 g).
Red wine is a product that promotes the removal of radionuclides

Infusion of Deryabin

Among the popular means used to remove radiation from the body after an x-ray is called “Deryabin’s infusion.” To prepare it you need:

  1. Mix pine, birch, plantain, eucalyptus and nettle buds.
  2. Take 15 tbsp. l. the resulting dry mixture.
  3. Pour 3 liters of boiling water
  4. Leave in a warm place overnight.

Store the finished product in the refrigerator. Drink 60 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Bolotov serum

To prepare Bolotov's serum, you need to collect chestnut fruits, rinse under running water and cut in half. Next, follow the algorithm of actions:

  1. Place the fruits in a linen bag and place in a container.
  2. Pour 3 liters into a container. drinking water.
  3. Add 1 tsp. sour cream.

Before using Bolotov serum against radiation, you should infuse the product for 2 weeks. Take 14 days 60 minutes before meals in an amount of 200 ml.

How to remove radiation after fluorography

IN for preventive purposes It is necessary to undergo fluorography once a year. In case of illness or loss of the image, doctors may prescribe replay procedures. To avoid the consequences of fluorography, use the following recommendations:

  1. Drink an infusion prepared from the birch chaga mushroom. 50 grams of mushroom, filled with a liter of vodka, will help restore the body after fluorography. To put on water bath and hold for about 30 minutes. You need to drink the infusion throughout the day, about 14 days.
  2. Use the drug Polyphepan. The product contains wood lignin, which has the property of binding free ions and radionuclides. This allows you to quickly remove them from the human body.
  3. Drink freshly squeezed grape and pomegranate juices. These products are powerful antioxidants– they regenerate the integrity of molecules and neutralize the effect free radicals, formed under the influence of fluorographic examination.
  4. Add foods containing iodine to your diet. These foods include: some seafood, kelp and iodized foods.

Polyphepan is an enterosorbent and perfectly removes radionuclides

It is better to undergo fluorography using modern equipment. The latest X-ray machines expose the body to a lower dose of radiation.

Today, the topic of contamination of the human body with radioactive substances is especially relevant. The Chernobyl accident, the explosion at the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant caused great harm nature and made every person shudder from the possible consequences.

After all, radiation easily spreads through the air - it can reach even the most remote corners of the Earth within a few hours.

Increased radioactive background poses a great threat to the life and health of every person. In our article you will learn how to preserve and protect your health from the effects of radionuclides, as well as how to cleanse your body of heavy metals using folk remedies.

How to remove radiation from the body?

Radioactive decay products are dangerous to the health of any living creature. They have a destructive effect on the nervous and digestive system, negatively affect enzyme activity and contribute to rapid skin aging.

Also radionuclides and heavy metals quite difficult to remove from the body. Experts have proven that proper nutrition, following an appropriate diet, periodic fasting have a preventive effect and help remove radiation from the body.

Products that remove radiation from the body

Most effective method to cleanse the body of negative consequences radiation is therapeutic fasting. If you want to protect yourself from radionuclides, follow special diet, make sure that the following products predominate in your daily diet:

  • almonds or walnuts;
  • lentils and oats;
  • apples;
  • beans;
  • pumpkin;
  • sea ​​kale.

People who have received a certain dose of radiation must eat foods that contain fiber to successfully remove radioactive decay products from the body.

Diet for cleansing the body

  1. Before eating vegetables and fruits, thoroughly peel and remove 3 or more top leaves from cabbage, since most of the dangerous pesticides are contained in the upper layers of the fruit.
  2. Potassium-rich foods such as beets, dried apricots, apricots, as well as black currants, nuts, parsley, and seaweed prevent the absorption of radionuclides. Fill your diet with them.
  3. Drink milk, eat dairy products, especially cottage cheese. The calcium they contain reduces the amount of strontium in the body.
  4. Meat consumption should be limited. Especially great harm beef, which contains greatest number radionuclides. When boiling meat, be sure to drain the first broth.
  5. Provide your body with fluid. So 265 ml of water removes about 1 gm harmful substances. It is recommended to drink decoctions of prunes, flax, natural wine, vodka or alcohol in large quantities(with a completely healthy liver). Juices with pulp absorb heavy metals and promote their accelerated elimination.

Be sure to take your pills before meals activated carbon. They must be crushed and the resulting powder sifted through a sieve. Then you need to mix the coal with water and drink the liquid every 15 minutes, 2 tbsp. spoons - the total volume drunk should not exceed 400 ml.

Therapeutic fasting

Periodic refusal to eat gives an effective result and helps rid the body of the presence of heavy radionuclides. During fasting, cell division processes are weakened, and the enzyme system activates the active restoration of nucleic acid. This causes damaged cells to be repaired.

Therapeutic fasting improves the mechanisms for removing radionuclides, pesticides, and nitrates from the body. For people living in a polluted environment, it is important to periodically refuse food for preventive purposes.

Cleansing the body from radiation using folk remedies

1. Method of Zh. Shishko

Fill 1/3 of a three-liter jar with coarse bran, pour in rosehip infusion and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain and drink the resulting liquid instead of water.

Fill with young pine shoots 3-liter jar, fill everything with sugar or honey. Leave for 24 hours, take no more than 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

2. Bolotov serum

Pour 3 liters of purified water into a container, dip a bag of 20-30 chestnut fruits into the liquid, which must first be peeled and cut in half. Add a glass of sugar, half a glass of whey and a teaspoon of sour cream to the container. Infuse for 2 weeks, take the resulting drink for a month, half a glass before meals.

3. Getting rid of heavy metals in the body according to Deryabin

Pine, birch buds and set medicinal herbs(nettle, plantain, eucalyptus and others) mix. 14th century Pour 3 liters of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave for 7-8 hours. Take the infusion warmed one hour before meals. Drink up to 3 glasses a day. Store in a cool place.

4. Eggshell against radiation

Due to the presence of silicon, calcium, and molybdenum in the shell, every biochemical reaction in the body proceeds more efficiently. For this method Only the shells of domestic eggs are suitable for cleaning.

The shell must be washed, dried, and then ground to a powder. Take the resulting powder 2-6 grams every morning with water and lemon juice.

Herbs for radiation

  • Recipe No. 1 – pour 3 tablespoons of chopped rose hips with boiled water (up to 500 ml). Boil and leave for up to 2 hours. Take 1 glass of infusion per day, with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Recipe No. 2 – 2 tbsp. spoons chokeberry pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for at least 6 hours. Take 1/3 cup before meals.
  • Recipe No. 3 - fill a 3-liter jar with sea buckthorn and mint leaves, proportion 2: 1. Pour boiling water, leave for 6 hours, then strain and add 100 grams of honey. Drink no more than 3 glasses per day.

Honey from radiation

Honey is an excellent sorbent. Beekeeping products are well absorbed by the body and protect us from the harmful effects of radiation.

When in a zone of increased radiation, each person should eat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey several times a day. You can dissolve honey in warm water and drink the resulting liquid as often as possible.

I present to your attention several good recipes- where radiation honey helps remove radionuclides in combination with herbs.

Recipe No. 1 – Rosehip and chokeberry with honey

To prepare the cleanser, take 500 grams of rose hips and chokeberry (dried fruits). Thoroughly grind the rose hips and rowan berries in a mortar, then add half a glass of honey, mix well and store in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.

How to use:

Brew regular green tea - half a teaspoon of tea per glass of boiling water, then add a teaspoon of the prepared mixture. We insist. Drink the resulting infusion warm twice a day, before meals.

Recipe No. 2 - Rosehip and red rowan with honey

Take one tablespoon each of red rowan and rose hips. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the fruits and steam the infusion in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then cover with a lid and leave to brew for 2 hours. Strain and add natural honey taste.

How to use:

Received healing infusion You should drink half a glass three times a day, as a vitamin and radiation remover.

Recipe No. 3 - Motherwort five-lobed with honey

To cleanse the body of radiation we take alcohol tincture motherwort - 30 drops, dissolve in half a glass of warm boiled water. Add honey - one tablespoon. Drink twice a day to remove radionuclides.

Submitted traditional methods cleansing the body of radionuclides should be supplemented with the following common actions, to achieve effective results in the shortest possible time:

Education: Grodno State medical University. Specialty: General Practitioner.

Additionally graduated from State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of Higher Education Borisoglebsk medical School, specialty “Dentistry”, qualification “Dentist”.

Leading specialist in training professional personnel at Borisoglebsk Medical School. In 2008 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in pedagogy and psychology, qualification as a pedagogical psychologist.

Many patients are interested in how to remove radiation after radiation therapy and x-rays, what medications exist for this, what foods to choose, what is more effective and what is worse.

Radiation, where can I get it??

Radioactive radiation is often used in medical practice. Imagine modern medicine without radiation exposure is almost impossible. In particular, this technique of radiation therapy, which saved a truly gigantic number of human lives.

In addition, we can recall those that are still widely used due to their low cost and information content. diagnostic techniques, such as radiography, fluorography, which can only be carried out in strict accordance with the indications for use with mandatory compliance with protective requirements (lead aprons, the same doors, glass, and so on).

Radiation is dangerous?

Of course, radiation exposure affects atypical cells, if we are talking about radiation therapy. As a result of this, pathologically altered tissues become sclerotic and lose their ability to undergo further uncontrolled division.

The effect of radiation is based on damage nucleic acids, which leads to the impossibility of cell division processes. In addition, individual reactions of synthesis of the most important cellular proteins are also affected, which leads to lysis and sclerosis of living tissue.

But nevertheless, radiation entering the body does not act selectively. Its destructive influence spreads throughout all tissues and organs, adversely affecting rapidly dividing cells. The organs most susceptible to radiation exposure are: the thyroid gland, The lymph nodes, spinal cord, Bone marrow, lung tissue.

How to speed up the removal of radiation from the body after x-rays and radiation therapy?

You can speed up the cleansing of the body from radioactive particles using non-rural methods. First of all, there are special drugs, the action of which is in one way or another connected with the removal of radiation, you can eat certain foods, and of course, the highlight of any discussion about the removal of radionuclides is ethyl alcohol and alcoholic drinks.


Strictly speaking, there is no pharmaceutical group whose representatives would redirect and selectively bind radioactive particles and remove them from the body. For these purposes I use various drugs, the effect of which in one way or another affects the amount of radionuclides.

Potassium iodide is a drug used to eliminate iodine deficiency. In case of radiation injury, the use of the drug helps displace radioactive particles from tissues thyroid gland.

Anabolic steroid. These drugs help normalize the biosynthesis reactions of important cellular proteins, which does not increase the rate of removal of radionuclides, but reduces the degree of their harmful effects.

Vitamins are a wide group of substances useful to humans, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the functioning of all systems and organs without exception. human body. In case of radiation damage, it is recommended to take any of the multivitamin and multimineral products.

Serotonin receptor stimulants. The effect of these drugs on the human body, first of all, is to suppress the manifestations of radiation damage: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, feeling unwell, headaches and so on.

In addition, drugs included in this group, for example, Mexamine, can accelerate intestinal motility, which contributes to rapid elimination radionuclides from the body.

Antioxidants - these medications, again, do not enhance the processes of removing radiation, but reduce the harmful effects of radionuclides. Under the influence of these drugs, the reactions of destruction of living cells are suppressed, which reduces the harmful effects of radiation.


There are a number of products that contain increased amount substances (pectin), contribute to the binding and removal of radiation. The leaders in this regard are apples, of any variety, but preferably ripe and soft.


Influence ethyl alcohol radioactive particles have been studied for many years, but it has not yet been established for certain whether it helps to cope with radiation damage or vice versa, dangerous in this situation.

However, some things have been established quite accurately. Ethyl alcohol promotes uniform distribution of radionuclides throughout the human body. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not yet clear. This helps reduce the risk of developing thyroid and lung tumors, but increases the likelihood oncological diseases other organs: brain, intestines, bones, and so on.

Most healthy alcohol in case of radiation damage it is natural red dry wine. Beer, cognac, whiskey, vodka and other alcoholic drinks do not have antioxidant abilities and therefore are not so useful when exposed to radiation.

The recommended amount of red wine is 100 grams, that is, approximately 1 small glass per day. Anything that is drunk above the specified limit will be an ordinary alcoholic libation and will not provide any benefit.

However, there is information that high doses of ethyl alcohol, in some mysterious way, can reduce the concentration of radionuclides in the tissues of the body.

But we should not delude ourselves in this regard. Extremely effective high dosages bordering on irreversible toxic damage nervous system and therefore experimenting with them is not recommended.


Summarizing what was mentioned above, it should be noted that it is possible to minimize the effect of radiation on the body, as well as enhance the processes of removal of radionuclides using a whole list medicines, some food products, as well as a glass of dry red wine.

“Radiation” is one of the most terrible words that entered people’s lives along with the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. And then myth and reality mixed up. The worldwide panic that gripped not only Europe, but also Western countries, spoke for itself. There is no need to remind us of the thousands of victims who lost their lives long after the accident - the consequences of the radiation were so irreversible. The consequences of the accident were forgotten, and the world recovered a little from the shock, as people began to forget about the dangers of dangerous radiation. Although, every person should know that radiation is present everywhere and enough attention should be paid to avoid its negative consequences.

The harm to the body from radiation is simply colossal. There are several stages of radiation disorders:

  1. somatic disorders. They include:
    • various tumors;
    • radiation sickness;
    • leukemia;
  2. genetic disorders:
    • gene mutations;
    • chromosome mutations.

Of course, the second group of lesions is much more dangerous and cannot be treated in any way, but we should not forget that somatic disorders will inevitably lead to the second group if they are neglected. The main negative consequences that radiation can lead to are:

  • infertility;
  • leukemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • damage to joints and cartilage;
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • impaired immunity;
  • visual impairment;
  • gene mutation;
  • disruption circulatory system and hearts;
  • tissue destruction;
  • destruction of cells and intercellular connections;
  • the occurrence of chronic and incurable diseases.

The least a person can do is eat foods whose substances can remove radiation from the body.

The role of these products is great and they should be consumed daily, since every day a person receives small dose radiation from space, from various medical procedures, nuclear weapons testing. To know what foods should be eaten, you need to familiarize yourself with substances that have a beneficial effect on removing radiation from the body.

These substances include:

  • selenium;
  • fruit pectins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • fiber;
  • antioxidants;
  • carotene;
  • methionine;
  • caffeic acid.

Selenium. This element helps remove radiation directly from the cells and tissues of the body. It penetrates deep into the cell structure and affects harmful radiation. Selenium also destroys infected cells, preventing them from developing. You should eat foods that contain selenium to protect your body cells from radiation. Add more grains and nuts to your diet - they best helpers in this case.

Potassium. Radionuclides are one of the most common harmful radioactive particles that can penetrate the skin and muscle layers, being absorbed into the blood and spreading throughout the body. Only potassium can interfere with this process, which creates a barrier to dangerous elements and protects organs and tissues from its dangerous effects. In addition, a sufficient amount of potassium strengthens the immune system and protects it from other viruses and infections.

Fruit pectins. Not much is heard about this element, but scientists know for sure that pectins are indispensable in the fight against radiation. They act on heavy metals. By identifying dangerous compounds, pectins group them and promote their elimination through intestinal tract. Therefore, you should add more apples and citrus fruits to your diet.

Cellulose. This is one of the most persistent substances that can defeat radiation. Fiber works by reacting with contaminated particles. Subsequently, such reactions produce a complex that can be neutralized and removed from the body by amino acids. Fiber is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables. You should also add fermented milk products to your diet.

Antioxidants. We hear a lot about the benefits of antioxidants for the body in general. The fight against radiation is no exception. Antioxidants are protectors of the immune system, so it is they who carry out the hard work of prevention. negative influence radioactive radiation. Antioxidants patrol tissue cells and, if necessary, destroy harmful bodies. The best antioxidants are the products plant origin, namely green vegetables. Fermented milk products will also help remove radiation from the body and recover from the negative radiation received.

Carotene. There are useful substances that prevent the absorption of radioactive particles into the blood, and there are those that destroy them and remove them from the body, but carotene acts in a completely different way. It finds damaged cells that can still be “salvaged” and rehabilitates them. Carotene penetrates the cell structure and, destroying infected atoms, reacts to create a new cellular element. Carotene is the best fighter against the effects of radioactive exposure.

Caffeic acid. This substance identifies negative particles and breaks them down into simpler compounds, allowing other elements to act on the destruction of radioactive compounds. Caffeic acid is found in abundance in plant-based foods, so you should add more to your diet fresh vegetables, greens and fruits. This will certainly help remove radiation from the body.

Calcium. This is an element that is responsible for strengthening the cells and tissues of the body. Calcium can also have a destructive effect on radiation that comes from outside. The main function of calcium is to strengthen cells, so it has a more preventive function. Also, when identifying damaged cells from radioactive exposure, calcium gives an impulse and “calls for help” amino acids, which deal with the offender. In addition, calcium is an active fighter against strontium, which affects most skin and mucous membranes of organs.

Methionine. The main task is prevention negative impact radiation. A sufficient amount of methionine contributes to the formation of the body’s resistance to harmful influence external environment, and also promotes the formation of antibodies that break down infected radioactive cells. Also, methionine, being one of the most active amino acids, helps cells recover from the harmful effects of radiation.

Products that remove radiation

The table below shows products and substances that remove harmful radiation from the body, indicating the daily permissible dose of a particular substance for an adult:

Useful material

Daily value for an adult

Mushrooms Selenium 30 mcg
Nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.) Methionine 5 g
Seeds Selenium


30 mcg
Sour cream Protein 0.75g/1kg
Radish Pectin 15 g
Apples of different varieties Calcium

Fruit pectins

2000 mg
Beans (white, colored, etc.) Methionine 5 g
Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, etc.) Fruit pectins 15 g
Grapes (green, red) Carotene


Fruit pectins

5 mg
Black bread Cellulose 125 mg
Pepper Cellulose 125 mg
Tomatoes Antioxidants Carotene


10 mg
Cabbage Caffeic acid


0.4 g
Cottage cheese Antioxidants 10 mg
Plums Antioxidants 10 mg
Strawberry Caffeic acid


400 mcg
Strawberries Caffeic acid


412 mcg
Eggs Methionine


5 g
Milk Potassium 0.5 g to 1 kg
Corn Antioxidants


10 mg
Kefir Antioxidants 10 mg

0.5 g to 1 kg

Dill Caffeic acid 400 mcg
Seafood Protein 1.5g to 2kg
Celery Carotene 5 mg
Parsley Methionine 5 g
Carrot Carotene


5 mg
Beet Pectin 15 g
Zucchini Pectin 15 g
Spinach Carotene 5 mg
Pumpkin Pectin

Caffeic acid

15 g
Almond Carotene


5 mg
Dairy Protein 0.75g/1kg

0.5 g to 1 kg

The products provided in the table are not the entire list of media useful substances, which are capable of removing radiation from the human body. The most important rule in the fight against the consequences of radioactive influence is the use large quantity fruits, herbs, vegetables, grains, lean meats, seafood and fermented milk products. In addition to the substances shown in the table, fatty acids, which protect cell structures from destruction and changes, have a beneficial effect on the removal of radiation. Fatty acid are found most in fish, and will be an excellent preventative against radioactive influence.

Also, we should not forget about substances that strengthen cell structures and contribute to their speedy recovery. These elements include magnesium and zinc. Despite the fact that these substances do not remove radiation from the body, they help get rid of the negative consequences of such influence.

Protecting the body from radiation is one of the most important tasks, because radiation tends to accumulate and if at the beginning of exposure, the health consequences are not noticeable, then over time everything will only get worse. But you can’t withdraw large doses radiation from cells and tissues is much easier than then dealing with large-scale disasters.

The recent tragic earthquake and nuclear power plant meltdown has brought with it numerous problems, including increased level radiation in Japan and around the world.

The Global Earth Restoration Center is committed to educating and helping people reduce radiation exposure caused by fallout and combat daily exposure to harmful electromagnetic frequencies.

Harmful effects of radiation exposure

There are numerous harmful effects of radiation, and the sad fact is that many of them are not noticeable over time.

Low levels of exposure over a long period of time can lead to digestive imbalances, blood changes and even destruction of many cellular structures in key body organs and body tissues.

Common signs of low exposure include symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, nausea, scalp tenderness, scalp discoloration, and dry/itchy skin.

IN extreme cases low doses of radiation can also cause brain damage, memory problems, mood changes and decreased hearing, reduced psychomotor abilities and the need for more time to process information. All this A good reason think about how to protect yourself from this type of influence.

High radiation exposure can have devastating effects, such as bloody vomiting, hair loss, nerve damage, destruction blood vessels, paroxysms with prolonged strong effects, which can even lead to death.

Our cardiovascular system is also susceptible to radiation. Even more low level radiation reduces the level of lymphocytes in the blood. When lymphocyte levels decrease, we are more likely to become infected, and this is known as mild radiation sickness.

The symptoms are similar to the flu and may cause progression to leukemia and lymphoma in the future. Reproductive system also exposed to radiation. Long-term exposure to radiation can even lead to sterility, congenital defects and to the birth of a dead fetus.

Reducing Radiation Exposure Naturally

1. Isolated iodine atoms

Radiation directly affects the thyroid gland, blocking its ability to produce iodine, which is an essential element for healthy and intact DNA, it also required element for immune function, metabolic and endocrine balance, and health of cardio-vascular system. Supplementing food with isolated iodine atoms helps combat the effects of radioactive iodine.

It is one of the single most bioactive forms of iodine, and may be effective in addition to food for people exposed to radiation, reducing the accumulation and persistence of iodine. thyroid gland radioactive toxins.

"Detoxadine®" is a Global Earth Restoration Center brand from standard nano-colloidal isolated atomic iodine produced through a unique transformative bio-element matrix using a revolutionary process. This means that this iodine will be gentler on the gut than other supplements.

What foods are rich in iodine - read.

2. Potassium orotate

In addition to radioactive iodine, the body may also be exposed to a radioactive isotope of cesium known as cesium-137. It is formed as a derivative product of atomic decay. Potassium orotate can block the accumulation of cesium-137.

In fact, getting enough potassium from foods like bananas is the first step to preventing your body from retaining radioactive cesium-137. On the other hand, there may not be enough potassium in the diet.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, potassium may play a major role in protecting the body and thyroid gland after internal infection, as happened in the case of a nuclear reactor explosion in Japan. Potassium ororate is best shape potassium for use in protection against radiation exposure.

3. Calcium and magnesium

Each of these essential minerals can deactivate a form of nuclear waste known as strontium-90. Dr. Linus Pauling recommends calcium supplements as they can reduce strontium absorption by 90 percent ().

4. Dimethyl sulfoxide

Dimethyl sulfoxide is a sulfur antioxidant. Research shows that DMSO actively detoxifies and protects the body from the effects of harmful radiation. One study in Japan found that even small amounts of dimethyl sulfoxide provided radiation protection for human DNA and general cellular structures. This substance also neutralizes the effects of radioisotopes.

Research shows that X-ray radiation, which can damage serocytes, can be blocked using dimethyl sulfoxide. Animal studies also show that rats exposed to X-rays may be protected from negative effects exposure to radiation through consumption of dimethyl sulfoxide.

You can find out foods that increase dopamine in the body.

This Chemical substance, may at least partially protect rats by stopping typical toxic reactions associated with radiation. In another study, scientists from Yokohama City University School of Medicine in Japan tested mice exposed to radioactive substances and concluded that dimethyl sulfoxide provides protective properties, preventing cell destruction and also prevents DNA deviations.

5. Zeolites

Nuclear waste is usually "cleaned up" or "contained" in environment, when they are mixed with clay with zeolites and placed in the ground. Zeolites can independently bind and remove nuclear waste at the cellular level.

In fact, one European study concluded that clay with zeolites was an effective decontaminator for animals that were exposed to nuclear waste from the Chernobyl disaster.

Zeolite clay can also be taken orally to treat radiation. Perhaps the best evidence to prove that zeolite helps in neutralizing radiation was its widespread use in the destruction nuclear reactors due to the Three Mile Island meltdown, Chernobyl and British Nuclear Fuels reactors where zeolite was used to absorb radioactive strontium and cesium-137 from the walls and floors.

Similarly, nuclear weapons sites in the US use zeolite on walls and floors to prevent radiation toxicity.

6. Other types of clays

There are other types of clay that bind nuclear waste in the human body. Other types of clay include kaolin, red clay, bentonite, fuller's earth, and montmorillonite.

French green clay is another absorbent clay that has the property of eliminating radiation, toxic metals and chemical residues from the human body. This should not be surprising, since clay has often been used by engineers and the environment itself to eliminate toxic substances from the human body or the earth.

In addition, it was also used in Chernobyl in 1986. In fact, the Soviet government ordered this type of clay to be added to chocolate bars consumed by citizens to help them eliminate radioactive waste from their bodies.

7. Activated carbon

This is another wonderful substance known for its absorbent properties. Research shows that activated carbon has the unique ability to neutralize radiation, and that 10 grams of activated carbon can neutralize up to 7 grams of toxic material.

8. Papain

Papain is a cysteine ​​hydrolase extracted from the papaya fruit, known for its ability to reduce exposure to toxic substances.

In one laboratory research rats, it was concluded that half of the rats supplemented with papain could survive exposure to lethal levels of radiation, while the rats without the supplement did not survive.

9. Bee pollen

Initial research evidence suggests that bee pollen can significantly reduce negative effects exposure to radiation, particularly radiation from radiation therapy with radium, gamma rays, and cobalt-60.

Because exposure to radiation reduces the function of many of the vital cells in the human body, such as white and red blood cells and antibodies, bee pollen is in a natural way strengthening these vital functions.

10. Beetroot

Under the influence of radiation, the level of hemoglobin in a person’s blood can drop sharply. Research shows that beets can help the human body restore low hemoglobin.

In fact, studies of laboratory animals showed that rats consuming beet pulp were able to reduce their exposure to radioactive cesium-137 more effectively than rats that did not consume beets.

Rats that consumed beets absorbed and neutralized radiation 100 percent more efficiently than animals in the control group.

11. Cold-pressed organic vegetable oils

Oils, for example, Sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil and also help remove radiation. Some sources recommend consuming 4 ounces of oil if you have been exposed to radiation. The lipids in the oil not only bind toxins, but also provide a protective layer for cell membranes.

In studies conducted on mice that were subjected to lethal doses gamma rays, came to the conclusion that mice could survive if they were given oil.

Another study in mice concluded that it may protect mice against high doses gamma rays in the range from 300 to 2400 roentgens.

12. Organic brewer's yeast

For cases of direct exposure, these amounts may double or triple. Brewer's yeast can help the human body both recover from exposure to radiation and protect against it.

13. Organic germanium-132

An organic substance rich in oxygen to scavenge free radicals. When we are exposed to radiation, the rays from that exposure release harmful electrons that kill blood cells (hemoglobin).

Organic germanium has shown in research that it can pick up these radioactive rays, allowing them to move freely within the germanium atomic structure, rather than interacting with human cells and the bloodstream.

This is due to the ability of germanium to protect the amino acid cysteine ​​in the human body. Other studies have shown promising results, including the use of germanium-132 and a strong reduction in cell death in those cells exposed to cesium-137 and gamma rays. Today the Japanese recommend consuming 100 mg of this substance every day.