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The invisible enemy - symptoms of enteritis in dogs, treatment of parvovirus, coronovirus forms. Parvovirus enteritis of dogs Enteritis in dogs symptoms treatment at home

The development of enteritis in dogs occurs as a result of the penetration of viruses into the body: parvovirus and coronavirus. Therefore, there are two types of disease: parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis. There is also a mixed form of the disease, inflammation of a bacterial nature and a disease caused by other, non-infectious causes (for example, poor diet). Viral enteritis poses the greatest danger to a pet’s life.

Once parvovirus enters the body, it begins to multiply very quickly. The intestinal mucosa short time is subject to destruction, erosion and necrotization. At the same time, the infection penetrates the heart, where it destroys myocardial cells.

In addition, being in the bloodstream, parvovirus “corrodes” the walls blood vessels and changes the composition of the blood. All this happens so quickly that when the first signs of the disease appear, the blood vessels, heart and intestines have already undergone structural changes. Severe poisoning of a dog's body with virus toxins can lead to death in the first days of the disease.

Coronavirus has a weaker effect and does not affect the heart muscle. However, even in this case, without timely and proper treatment, the animal will die.

The incubation period for enteritis ranges from 2 to 10 days. Viruses released at this time are characterized by high resistance to temperature conditions and disinfectants. So, under normal home conditions they can remain viable for up to 5-6 months or more.

Causes of enteritis in dogs

There are several reasons why a four-legged friend can become infected with enteritis.

Since the virus is able to remain viable for a long period of time, any excretions (feces, urine, saliva, vomit, etc.) of a sick animal on the street are a dangerous source of infection for healthy dog. A pet can become infected by sniffing, licking, or if it steps on an infected area and later licks it. The virus can be anywhere: on the grass, in a puddle, on a stick that the owner picked up to play with his pet.

There is a high probability of infection with enteritis through direct contact between animals - just sniffing an infected dog is enough (it may look healthy). Even completely domestic dog is capable of contracting inflammation of the intestines if the owner brings the virus into the house on the sole.

Symptoms of enteritis

Regardless of the type of enteritis, the dog exhibits symptoms such as:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • putrid smell of feces;
  • exhaustion;
  • apathy.

Intestinal and cardiac forms are characterized different signs(in addition to the above).

Intestinal enteritis

Cardiac enteritis


The animal is lethargic, sleepy

Normal or slightly elevated body temperature

Breathing heavily or not at all

Abdominal pain (responsive to touch)

Pallor, cyanosis of mucous membranes

Appetite may be absent or persistent

Cold paws

Rumbling in the stomach

Imperceptible pulse

Attention: before treating your pet, you need to determine the type of disease and pathogen. This is only possible by laboratory diagnostics. Delay can cost your dog's life, so you should immediately take him to a veterinary clinic.

Diagnosis of enteritis

Even though every minute counts, urine, blood and feces will have to be collected from the dog for testing. Using data laboratory tests the doctor will be able to differentiate the viral nature of enteritis from plague, helminthiasis, hepatitis, gastroenteritis of another nature. The results will allow you to find out the cause of diarrhea and vomiting: virus, bacteria, poisoning or other, depending on which appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs

Treatment of enteritis in dogs can take place both in a hospital setting and at home, depending on the condition of the animal. The treatment regimen is determined by a specialist based on laboratory data and the dog’s condition. Therapeutic measures are complex in nature and are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • destroy the virus;
  • prevent dehydration;
  • stop diarrhea and vomiting;
  • remove toxins;
  • enhance and stimulate activity immune system;
  • normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and heart.

Note: predominantly injectable forms of drugs are used for treatment, since the state of the gastrointestinal tract prevents normal absorption medicinal substances.

Provided that therapy is well-designed and provided in a timely manner, improvement will be noticeable within a day after its start.

Drug treatment

For enteritis, the following groups are indicated: medicines.



Antiviral (serums, immunoglobulins and others)

Prevents further proliferation of viruses, stimulates the immune system, promotes cell restoration

Fosprenil, Immunofan, Cycloferon, Giskan, Vitacan


Restore water balance

Trisol, Ringer-Lock solution


Removes toxins

Hemodez, Hydrolysin, Sirepar, Enterosgel


Stop vomiting

Serenia, Cerucal


Eliminate pain syndrome


Increase blood clotting (if present in feces or vomit)

Vikasol, Etamzilat

To maintain cardiovascular system

Stimulate cardiac activity, normalize its trophism and oxygen saturation

Cordiamine, Sulphocamphocaine, Riboxin


To eliminate and prevent the development bacterial infection

Cefazolin, Amoxicillin


Normalization of microflora in the intestines


It is possible to prescribe additional medications. For example, if enteritis is caused or complicated by worms, the doctor will prescribe anthelmintic, corresponding to the age of the animal and the characteristics of the clinical case.

Gastric and intestinal lavage

The solution is prepared from boiled water room temperature and several crystals of potassium permanganate. When it dissolves (the water should be slightly pink), you need to take the liquid into a syringe and inject it into the pet’s anus.

You need to give enemas until the fluid flowing from the intestines becomes clear. The same applies to introducing the solution into the mouth - only the injected water should flow out during vomiting.


Proper nutrition is of great importance in the treatment of enteritis in dogs. The animal should be on complete fasting in the first days of the disease. Inflamed digestive tract will not be able to accept, much less digest, food. In addition, food (even if it comes back out in the form of vomiting) will require additional energy expenditure from the weakened body. The only thing your dog should always have nearby is a bowl of clean boiled water.

As your pet's condition normalizes, you can begin to introduce liquid food to him. These can be low-fat broths, cereals boiled in water (rice, oatmeal). After a week, it is allowed to feed boiled lean fish, boned, boiled eggs and/or white chicken meat. To restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, food should be given frequently and in small portions, in crushed form.

Attention: under no circumstances should you feed your dog fatty, dairy or raw foods!

Additional treatment measures

Treatment at home for viral enteritis involves daily sanitization not only those items to which the dog is directly related (leash, bowl, bedding, etc.), but also the entire room. The pet's things need to be boiled; if possible, it is better to replace them with new ones (it is recommended to burn the old ones). Interior items should be treated disinfectants. Ideally, it is advisable to quartz the housing. All these measures will prevent re-infection of your pet.

Preventive measures

Prevention of enteritis in dogs is as follows:

  • get vaccinated in a timely manner;
  • protect your pet from strangers;
  • observe sanitary and hygienic standards in the house;
  • keep the dog's area clean;
  • be attentive to changes in the animal’s condition, contacting a veterinarian in a timely manner.

Can humans or other animals become infected with enteritis?

No, a sick pet does not pose a danger to humans and cats. Enteritis viruses are not transmitted to dog owners and non-canine animals.

What vaccines can be used against enteritis in dogs?

For preventive purposes against parvovirus enteritis, both Russian and Russian vaccines are used. foreign production. Among them: Nobivak, Hexodog, Pentodog, Multikan and others. Some drugs have preventive action not only in relation to parvovirus, but also coronavirus (Multican).

What is the schedule for vaccination against enteritis?

For the first time, the vaccine is given to puppies at the age of just over 1 month. Then vaccination takes place according to the scheme: 2 times with a break of 3-4 weeks. The scheme is built individually, depending on physical condition puppy, other vaccinations, deworming and other factors. After reaching one year of age, dogs need to be vaccinated once a year.

Can a vaccinated dog become infected with enteritis?

Vaccinating your pet minimizes the risk of contracting viral enteritis. However, the probability of the disease still remains and is about 5%. This may be due to insufficient care of the dog, low immunity, the presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. However, even if an animal develops this dangerous disease, it occurs in a less pronounced form and is easier to treat. The death of the dog in this case is reduced to zero.

Why enteritis is dangerous for a dog: complications

Unfortunately, the disease does not go away without a trace for all recovered animals. After enteritis, a dog may experience such consequences and complications as:

  • adhesions in the intestines;
  • gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • rupture of the wall of the small intestine;
  • heart failure;
  • peritonitis;
  • myocarditis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas, liver;
  • infertility in females;
  • paralysis of limbs and others.

Which dogs are at risk?

Most often, viral enteritis affects puppies and young animals. This is due to the fact that parvovirus “loves” young, dividing tissues, in which its reproduction occurs most actively and rapidly. Older dogs rarely suffer from this disease.

There is no particular predisposition among breeds. However, there are differences in the course of the disease: Dobermans, shepherds and whippets suffer enteritis more severely than others. In terms of gender, it has been observed that males are more susceptible to the disease than females.

Differences between enteritis and plague

The clinical picture of enteritis in dogs is similar to that of distemper, but still has differences:

  • none purulent discharge from the eyes of an animal;
  • no damage to the nervous system;
  • the lungs are not damaged;
  • with enteritis, a sharp increase in temperature up to 41 ° C is possible.

Can a dog get enteritis again?

Yes, if a dog gets sick with enteritis and then recovers, then the probability reinfection still remains. It is reassuring that the disease will progress in more soft form, and the likelihood of the pet’s death is reduced to a minimum.

What is the prognosis of the disease

In the absence of timely veterinary care The prognosis of the disease, unfortunately, is unfavorable: mortality in puppyhood from parvovirus is almost 90-95%, and in adults - half of the sick animals. With corona viral infection the indicators are lower, but the risk of losing a pet remains high.

Only timely vaccination and the attentive and sensitive attitude of the owner can prevent the death of a beloved animal from viral enteritis.

Viral enteritis is inflammation of the small intestine caused by viruses. This disease is also called differently stomach flu, stomach flu. Very rarely, inflammation affects only thin section intestines. Much more often in pathological process the stomach (gastroenteritis) and large intestine (enterocolitis) are retracted. A person of any age can contract the infection, although children, elderly people and those with weakened immune systems are more often and more seriously ill. For these population groups, infectious enteritis is dangerous in in rare cases may lead to death.

What causes viral enteritis?

There are many causative agents of viral enteritis. The most common are rotavirus, enterovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, and norovirus (Norwalk virus). All of them are transmitted by what doctors call the fecal-oral route. This means that the virus isolated in feces enters the body of a healthy person with food, water, or unwashed hands. Main reason infection - neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, including the use of dishes and towels of the patient. Interestingly, fresh (uncooked) oysters can also become a source of infection. Even after the symptoms disappear, a person remains infectious for some time: with rotavirus enteritis - 10 days, with norovirus - 3 weeks.

Some pathogens of viral enteritis have, as doctors say, increased contagiousness (i.e., they are very contagious) and can cause an epidemic of infectious enteritis.

Very often if in a group kindergarten If one child gets sick, then within a week almost all of them will be infected.

ICD-10 code

All viral infections that cause intestinal dysfunction international classification diseases (ICD) 10th revision belong to the group of intestinal infections, which, in addition to viruses, are also caused by bacteria and protozoa. The ICD-10 code for viral enteritis is A08. Separate subgroups include rotavirus enteritis (A08.0), acute gastroenteropathy caused by the pathogen Norwalk (norovirus) (A08.1), adenoviral enteritis (A08.2), other viral enteritis (A08.3) and unspecified intestinal infection of viral origin ( A08.4).

Symptoms and signs of viral enteritis

Intestinal flu viruses exclusively affect the digestive tract. Therefore, all symptoms are somehow related to his work. The most common are:

  • watery diarrhea, very rarely containing blood. Its appearance in stool should alert you: most likely, the infection is more serious and not of a viral nature;
  • colic, abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • slight temperature.

The severity and duration of manifestations can be very different, from minor complaints for 1-3 days, to severe diarrhea or vomiting with high temperature with a longer duration of up to 10 days. In children, people with reduced immunity and elderly patients, viral enteritis is especially severe.

Depending on the type of virus, it takes one to three days between infection and the onset of symptoms.

Viral enteritis in children

In developed countries, this disease most often occurs in children under 5 years of age.

Unfortunately, a huge number of children still die every year around the world from dehydration caused by intestinal infections. Dehydration in viral gastroenteritis occurs as a result of loss of water and electrolytes with vomiting and watery diarrhea. At the first symptoms, the baby must be shown to a doctor immediately. People at particular risk of developing severe dehydration include:

  • children under 1 year (especially under 6 months), for whom fluid loss is very critical;
  • children under one year of age who were born with low weight and did not gain it at the time of illness;
  • kids on breastfeeding who refuse to breastfeed during illness;
  • children who do not drink plenty of fluids;
  • children with 6 or more episodes of diarrhea and/or vomiting 3 or more times per day.

With moderate dehydration, a child may experience the following symptoms:

  • the baby urinates rarely and little;
  • mouth, lips, tongue are dry;
  • when crying there are no or few tears;
  • sunken eyes;
  • weakness;
  • irritability.

If the child is not treated, the condition will most likely begin to rapidly deteriorate, and then emergency medical care and hospitalization will be needed, indications for which may include:

  • drowsiness;
  • pale or blotchy skin;
  • cold hands or feet;
  • almost completely absent urination;
  • rapid, sometimes shallow breathing;
  • sunken fontanel (in children of the first year of life).

Diagnosis of viral enteritis

In most cases, to make a diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to find out the symptoms and carry out general examination. Making a diagnosis is greatly simplified if there are already cases of the disease in the patient’s environment. For roto-, adeno- and norovirus infections, rapid tests have been developed that determine the presence of the pathogen in the stool. In some cases they may be recommended. If the doctor has doubts that the infection is caused by a virus, he will order a stool test to check for bacteria and protozoa. Patients with severe disease undergo clinical and biochemical tests blood to assess general health.

Treatment of viral enteritis

Specific antiviral treatment does not exist. Antibiotics are useless in these cases, and their abuse leads to the formation of resistant strains of bacteria. Most patients do not need to take medications. It is enough to follow simple recommendations:

  • do not eat solid food for at least several hours;
  • dissolve ice (do not give it to small children who may choke) or drink water in small sips. Alkaline mineral water or solutions made from rehydration medications are an excellent choice. You need to drink a lot, but in small portions and often;
  • you need to resume eating, starting with easy-to-digest and bland dishes: banana, rice, boiled chicken, oatmeal, vegetable or chicken broth. If vomiting occurs again, then you should refuse food again;
  • exclude dairy products, alcohol, spicy and fatty foods from the diet until complete recovery, and also do not smoke, at least during the most acute period illness;
  • rest more;
  • Be careful when taking medications. This applies to drugs containing ibuprofen and paracetamol, which are often included in cold medicines. Do not give to children and teenagers acetylsalicylic acid(aspirin). It can cause Reye's syndrome, a rare but incredibly dangerous disease that can be fatal. Regarding regularly used drugs (for example, drugs for hypertension or hormonal contraceptives) you should consult your doctor, since with diarrhea and vomiting they may not be absorbed into the blood in sufficient quantities and stop working as they should.

To prevent dehydration, children and adults at risk are recommended to drink medicinal drinks that are intended for rehydration. They contain special minerals to replenish the loss of salts during vomiting and diarrhea. For very young children, they are mixed into formula or expressed breast milk.

Should not be taken antidiarrheal drugs(loperamide or similar).

Complications of viral enteritis

The main complication of viral enteritis is dehydration. It is not dangerous for healthy people who drink enough water during illness.

The consequences of viral enteritis can be serious for vulnerable groups of patients, as they drink plenty of fluids may not be enough to correct dehydration. Young children sometimes refuse to drink. Therefore in severe cases In such patients, hospitalization is indicated. Intravenous administration liquids perfectly correct dehydration and make it possible to quickly restore normal water and electrolyte balance in the body.

Prognosis for viral enteritis

The prognosis for people not at risk is very good. The disease goes away in 1-3 days without medical intervention. If vomiting or diarrhea lasts longer, the patient develops symptoms of severe dehydration or does not respond to treatment, the prognosis is guarded or poor. Rapid loss of water and electrolytes can lead to hypovolemic shock, coma, and death. Fortunately, with timely and adequate therapy such cases are very rare.

Prevention of viral enteritis

Following simple rules can prevent the disease.

Hands must be washed warm water with soap for 20 seconds after visiting the restroom, changing diapers, before eating and after preparing raw vegetables, meat, fish and seafood. The changing table and any surface used for changing diapers and dressing a child must be disinfected. Drinks and food must be fresh or thermally processed. If someone in the house is sick, they need to be given separate dishes and a towel.

A rotavirus vaccine has been developed for children. You can find out more about it from your pediatrician.

Viral enteritis in infants and nursing mothers

According to the prevalence of viral enteritis in infants ranks second after ARVI. Most kids get it twice a year. At this age, the child’s body most quickly loses fluid and electrolytes, which in some cases can lead to death. Therefore, when the first signs of enteritis appear, you should consult a doctor. If your baby shows the signs of dehydration listed above, he needs emergency help.

At intestinal cold Women during lactation should be especially attentive to personal hygiene. There is no need to stop breastfeeding, because the enteritis virus is not transmitted through milk. A child can become infected through dirty hands, someone else's cup, or a pacifier picked up from the floor. At the same time, babies who are breastfed tolerate the disease much easier compared to those who eat formula. Mother's antibodies, which they receive from milk, help children cope with infection faster.

Hello, dear readers!

Enteritis is an inflammation in dogs of the small intestine, the section of intestine between the stomach and large intestine. Its function is suction useful substances from food. Enteritis causes atrophy of the mucous membrane of the small intestine and ultimately leads to disruption of the entire digestive system and heart diseases. The disease belongs to the category of polyetiological ones - developing for many reasons. It can become chronic. Dogs of all breeds and all ages are susceptible to enteritis. This disease is especially difficult for dogs aged 2 to 9 months, and deaths are common among them.

Symptoms of enteritis appear in adult dogs on the 10th day, in puppies incubation period lasts 3 days. Characteristic symptoms are lethargy, drowsiness, diarrhea, vomiting, and a slight increase in temperature. The dog begins to lose weight, its muzzle becomes sharper, and its sides become hollow. Often an energetic-looking dog with good appetite when pressing on its sides and back, it begins to arch its back and tuck its tail. If you touch an animal’s stomach, you can clearly see that it is in pain. It happens that the dog’s pulse weakens, there is heaviness in breathing, its limbs become cold, and the mucous membranes become pale and sometimes bluish in color.

Rumbling in the stomach with enteritis in a dog

Rumbling in the stomach is a symptom of a malfunction of the intestines. This may be irritation of its mucous membrane, excessive muscle activity, accumulation of gases (flatulence). Often all these reasons are present at the same time.

Gases can accumulate:

  • Due to eating a large amount of food at once.
  • Experiencing stress while eating food, which resulted in air entering the throat.
  • Due to the excess amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins in the animal’s food, which lead to its fermentation in the body.
  • Due to a disease of the small intestine - enteritis, leading to poor digestion and accumulation of food bolus in the large intestine. If a dog's stomach is rumbling and he is drowsy and lethargic, this indicates enteritis with a complication of the cardiovascular system.
  • For liver disease.
  • Pathologies of the pancreas and other glands of the digestive system.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • In case of poisoning.

Causes of enteritis in dogs

They are different:

The immune system protects dogs from viruses. Vaccines help develop immunity. They have wide range actions, including fighting enteritis. In Russia, domestic and imported dogs are available to breeders and owners of dogs.

The most famous foreign drugs:

  • NOBIVAK - Netherlands. Against parvovirus enteritis. Immunity develops over 2 weeks and lasts up to one year. Nobivak Puppy DR is used for puppies over 4 weeks of age; the vaccine does not inhibit the action of maternal antibodies. Nobivac DHPPI - for puppies from 10 weeks of age.
  • EURIKAN LR - France. Immunity develops over 2 weeks and lasts up to one year. Against parvovirus enteritis. Eurican DHPPI+2L for puppies 8 weeks of age.

Russian-made vaccines:

  • ASTERION DHPPIL. Against parvovirus enteritis. Immunity develops over 2 weeks and persists in puppies up to 8 months, in adult dogs up to 1.3 years;
  • GEXAKANIVAK, VLADIVAK. Against parvovirus enteritis. Immunity develops over 3 weeks and lasts up to a year;
  • BIOVAK, MULTIKAN-2. Against parvovirus enteritis. Immunity develops over 2 weeks and lasts up to one year;
  • MULTIKAN-4, MULTIKAN-6, MULTIKAN-7, MULTIKAN-8 - against parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis;

Vaccinations against enteritis in dogs

Vaccinations can be monovalent (against one disease) or polyvalent (against a number of diseases). When vaccinated, an individual is subjected to artificial infection. The goal is to develop immunity to a certain disease. It has been scientifically proven and confirmed by practice - once a dog has suffered enteritis or another disease caused by a virus, certain period becomes resistant to the disease. Antibodies produced by the animal's immune system quickly kill viruses that enter the body and cause disease. If, after the guaranteed period, the animal still becomes infected with the virus, the disease will have light form, often asymptomatic.

Before using the vaccine, the animal must be prepared:

  1. At least 10 days before the dog must accept anthelmintics.
  2. A week before the procedure, the dog is either not taken out for a walk at all, or only walked with it for a short time in order to avoid infection with viruses or bacteria.
  3. A week before the procedure, you need to measure her temperature every day. A body temperature of 37.5-39°C is considered normal for animals. The dog must be healthy at the time of vaccination.

The dog is vaccinated for the first time at 1-1.5 months, then revaccination is carried out according to a certain scheme. The timing of repeated vaccinations is influenced by the degree of risk of infection of the animal. Vaccinations are performed by a veterinarian at a veterinary clinic, because... Vaccine preparations can cause allergies. may cause mild discomfort or anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is first recommended to test the dog for allergies. As a rule, puppies tolerate vaccination well; in case of complications, a specialist will quickly provide assistance.

After vaccination:

  1. The dog’s physical activity should be gentle;
  2. must not be allowed stressful situations;
  3. To avoid colds, you should avoid overcooling the animal.

How to treat enteritis in dogs

  1. This disease cannot be cured without immunoglobulin serum. The serum is selected depending on the type of enteritis pathogen.
  2. Antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the development of a bacterial infection and prevent complications.
  3. Apply saline solutions to restore the water-salt balance, which is disturbed due to incessant diarrhea and vomiting. Prescribed in small portions every 10 minutes.
  4. Droppers are used, which are very effective for dehydration.
  5. To absorb toxic substances released during decay undigested food, use enterosorbents ( activated carbon, white clay etc.).
  6. Vitamin therapy.
  7. Enemas.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs at home

It consists of consistently following the veterinarian’s instructions, as well as providing the animal with a calm environment, proper nutrition, disease prevention.

Enteritis in dogs is contagious to humans

The disease is not transmitted to humans. The virus that affects dogs is transmitted only to members of the canine family - wolves, foxes, arctic foxes, and jackals. A dog cannot even infect a cat, since it is not a canine relative.

But a person can bring the enteritis virus into the house on shoes or clothes and unwittingly become a carrier of the disease. Dog owners are advised to comply with sanitary standards - upon arrival home, wash their hands, clean their clothes, and avoid contact with sick or suspicious animals.

Infectious enteritis in dogs

Infection occurs instantly - during sniffing or licking an infected animal, eating and drinking from the patient's bowl, as well as through combs and brushes. The infection can be brought on by a person's clothing or shoes. A dog cured of enteritis can infect others for a long time.

Infectious enteritis is divided into parvovirus and coronavirus.


Occurs more often. The causative agent is parvovirus. There are 3 types:

  1. Intestinal region. Characteristic symptoms are lethargy, slight increase temperature, the dog begins to lose weight, its muzzle becomes sharper, and its sides fall in. Often, an energetic-looking dog with a good appetite, when pressed on its sides and back, begins to arch its back and tuck its tail. If you touch an animal's stomach, you will notice that it is in pain.
  2. Cardiovascular system. It occurs more often in dogs aged 2-9 weeks. Characterized by drowsiness, lethargy. Severe pain there are no sounds in the stomach, but there is rumbling. The animal refuses to drink and eat. As a rule, there is no diarrhea. Then the heart makes itself felt - the dog’s pulse weakens, heaviness in breathing appears, and the limbs become cold. The mucous membranes become pale and sometimes bluish in color. Many dogs, especially puppies, die from this complication of enteritis.
  3. Combined. It is observed in weak animals. More often these are puppies that are given birth to unvaccinated bitches.


The causative agent is an RNA virus from the category of coronaviruses. The hidden period lasts up to 7 days.

Spicy. It flows instantly. The dog suddenly weakens. The presence of a secondary infection is characteristic. Particularly dangerous for puppies and weakened dogs - many deaths. Adult, strong dogs usually recover.

In mild forms, the disease resolves spontaneously in adult dogs. The animal eats poorly and is lethargic. There is no temperature. After a few days the dog returns to normal.

Chronic. Occurs in animals that carry the virus or have low immunity.

Coronavirus enteritis in dogs treatment

Treatment involves:

  • The main drug in therapy is immunoglobulin serum.
  • Stimulation of immunity;
  • Vitamin therapy;
  • Taking antibiotics to prevent the development of bacterial infections and prevent complications;
  • A drip that effectively replenishes dehydration.
  • Antispasmodics, hemostatic and antiemetic drugs are used as symptomatic therapy;
  • The use of enterosorbents to absorb toxic substances released during the rotting of undigested food (activated carbon, white clay, etc.);
  • Diet food.

Hemorrhagic enteritis in dogs

It starts suddenly. Characterized by nausea, vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Diarrhea is profuse, bright bloody in color. Dogs have stomach pains, they look exhausted, they are feverish, and the animals refuse to eat. The disease can occur in dogs of any breed and age, but is more common in miniature breeds. For example, French poodle, Yorkshire terrier, Pekingese, miniature schnauzer, spaniel and others.

The exact cause of the disease has not yet been determined. Possible causes may include stress, nervous excitement. . bacteria. It is possible that the problem lies in poor nutrition- eating unhealthy foods or sudden changes in food. The disease tends to become chronic.

Rotavirus enteritis of dogs

The causative agent is rotavirus. Hidden period up to 2-7 days. It belongs to the category of highly contagious diseases with an infectious viral etiology. As a rule, this is a type of intestinal infection. Other names for the disease are “intestinal flu”, “stomach flu”. The disease can occur in dogs of any breed. It occurs more often in puppies, miniature breeds, highly purebred individuals, dogs with low immunity, and stray animals.

Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in dogs

Inflammatory disease Gastrointestinal tract, characterized by penetration and accumulation of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the gastric mucosa (infiltration). Penetration can also affect the submucosal and muscular layers of the stomach. The processes that cause this disease and their causes are still poorly understood. Presumably, the cause of the disease lies in a distorted immune response to certain food components.

Bacterial enteritis in dogs

Intestinal inflammation caused by bacteria. Bacterial enteritis includes:


It starts suddenly. The bacterial gram-negative rod is transmitted throughout the body. To determine the diagnosis, a culture of the stool of a sick animal is examined. Signs of the disease actively appear during times of stress or background disease. Symptoms include diarrhea, refusal to eat, nausea, vomiting, and a lethargic appearance.


Enteritis caused by anaerobic gram-positive coli Escherichia coli, capable of forming spores. Five CI strains were studied. To determine the diagnosis, a culture of the stool of a sick animal is examined. The disease is characterized by hemorrhagic diarrhea with blood inclusions. During diarrhea, a large amount of extracellular fluid is released into the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in hypovolemic shock.

Anti-enteritis serum for dogs

The main panacea for this disease is immunoglobulin serum containing antibodies against enteritis viruses. It is a transparent yellowish liquid. The serum is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The therapeutic effect is to induce immunity to the enteritis virus in dogs. Serum is prescribed individually depending on the type of enteritis pathogen. Applies as in medicinal purposes, and in preventive ones.

Prevention of enteritis in dogs

Prevention is of great importance in the fight against enteritis. They allow you to avoid the disease or alleviate its course and prevent complications. Prevention of this dangerous disease comes down to following a few simple rules:

  1. Feed correctly;
  2. During grafting;
  3. Give anthelmintic drugs;
  4. Isolate from contact with infected animals;
  5. When an animal appears, even mild symptoms disease, immediately show it to a specialist.

Diet for enteritis in dogs

With this disease, it is important that the dog does not eat heavy food. Porridges that envelop the walls of the stomach, for example, oatmeal, are suitable. If your dog has no appetite, you should not force feed him. On the contrary, it is beneficial for the animal to fast during the first day. When the dog gets better, the appetite will come. We need to try to get her to drink more water. Decoctions of herbs with astringent and enveloping properties are also useful at this time.

Good luck everyone, see you in the next article.

Enterovirus in furry pets is an infection that primarily affects gastrointestinal tract. Enteritis of viral origin is serious danger primarily for young animals with an unformed immune system.

The disease is dangerous due to the rapid development of dehydration of the body. Delayed treatment often leads to the death of the dog. Timely preventive vaccinations help reduce the risk of infection.

Read in this article

Types of disease

IN veterinary practice mainly encounter two forms pathogenic microorganisms— Parvovirus CPV-1 and Parvovirus CPV-2. These types of viral particles cause the presence of three forms of the disease: intestinal (intestinal), cardiac and mixed (combined).

Parvovirus CPV-2

A virus belonging to the CPV-1 group usually manifests itself in abortions and the birth of still and non-viable puppies. Viral particles of the second type cause the intestinal form of parvovirus infection.

Virions of both types of the parvovirus family are characterized by small size and quickly infect intestinal epithelial cells, the heart and organs of the lymphatic system, causing a severe inflammatory reaction, including tissue necrosis. Cells with high speed divisions (lymphocytes, endothelium of intestinal villi) are the favorite targets of the virus.

One of the varieties of the disease is the cardiac form of the virus. A pathogenic microorganism can infect muscle tissue, including the myocardium. The cardiac form of parvovirus infection occurs in puppies aged 6 weeks to six months, but puppies aged 1 to 2 months are more often affected. This type of disease is most often asymptomatic and ends in death 2 to 3 days after infection.

Intravenous administration of the drug helps save the puppy

Both intestinal and cardiac forms of parvovirus infection are characterized by high degree contagiousness. Due to this viral disease poses a serious danger to nurseries and shelters.

The mortality rate among puppies can reach 85 - 90%. Pets aged from 3 - 4 weeks to 5 - 6 months are most often exposed to infection. There are also cases of the disease in dogs aged 2 years and in old pets due to weakened immunity. Mortality in adults ranges from 15 to 20%.

The prevalence of infection is due to the high stability of viral particles in the environment. In dry feces, the pathogenic virion can persist for up to one year. It is resistant to action ultraviolet radiation, to many disinfectants, successfully survives pasteurization.

Sources of infection

Veterinary experts note that the main route of transmission of parvovirus to a healthy animal is fecal-oral. The source of infection is primarily a sick animal, releasing viral particles into large quantities V environment. Feces, urine, and saliva from a sick pet are potentially dangerous.

The virus is released not only at the time clinical signs of the disease appear, but also within 10 - 14 days after the animal recovers.

Infectious enteritis viruses that are resistant to aggressive external factors retain their virulent properties for a long time. In this regard, a dog can become infected with viral enteritis by contacting contaminated objects: toys, bedding, comb, ammunition. There is a high risk of transmission of infection through food and water contaminated with the virus.

The incubation period of the disease ranges from several hours to 5 - 6 days. There are acute and subacute course diseases. IN chronic form Infectious parovirus enteritis occurs extremely rarely, more often in adults.

A carrier of viral particles from the patient to healthy pet There may be rodents, insects, as well as humans. The owner can bring a viral particle into the room from the street on his clothes, shoes, or household items and cause the pet to become infected.

Can a dog get infected from a person?

Parvovirus infection is typical not only for domestic animals, but also for humans. There is no threat of a dog becoming infected from a sick family member. The reason is the species specificity of each group of parvoviruses. Therefore, infection occurs only within one species - from dog to dog, from cat to cat, etc.

Most doctors are of the opinion that a healthy person with a developed immune system cannot become infected from a sick pet. However, there is an opinion that if viruses from different animal species have similar antigens, this makes a sick dog unsafe for the owner and immunocompromised household members.

Symptoms of enterovirus

Clinical signs of parvovirus enteritis are largely determined by the form of the disease. The virus, penetrating the pet’s body, first lives and multiplies in the cells of the blood and immune system. Further affecting the intestinal epithelial cells, the virus leads to their death. This process is accompanied by a violation of the absorption capacity of the small intestine.

Against the background of pathology of the absorption function, the inability to perform a protective role, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the blood and develop a secondary infection.

With the intestinal type of disease, the following symptoms are observed in a sick animal:

  • . The stool becomes liquid and has a foul odor. As the intestines are damaged, undigested food particles, mucus, and blood are mixed with the feces. Often the owner observes foamy stool. The urge to defecate is frequent, 12 - 14 times a day. A putrid odor from feces indicates the beginning of tissue death processes.

Diarrhea in a puppy due to enterovirus: a) on the first day; b) on 2-3 days mixed with blood
  • Vomit. Impaired digestion of food and intoxication developing against the background of the disease lead to frequent vomiting in a sick animal. The vomit is gray in color and has a stringy consistency.
  • Pain syndrome. Stroking the pet and palpating the abdomen causes pain in the dog.
  • Animal and water. General condition the pet is depressed, lethargic, apathetic. The dog refuses treats, is reluctant to respond to calls, and ignores walks.
  • Hyperthermia. The development of the virus in the body leads to an increase in body temperature by 1.5 degrees.
  • Against the background of profuse diarrhea and vomiting, the sick pet quickly develops dehydration. Skin become dry and lose elasticity. In severe cases, retraction is observed eyeball, due to intoxication of the body.
  • Rapid exhaustion, weight loss.

With cardiac parvovirus infection, infection with the virus usually occurs in the womb or after birth if the bitch has not been vaccinated. The development of the cardiac form of the disease has the following clinical manifestations:

  • Cyanosis of visible mucous membranes.
  • Heavy breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Dry cough.
  • Sudden death of a puppy.

The mixed form of viral infection is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of intestinal species pathologies, as well as manifestations of the cardiac and respiratory systems. A clinical blood test reveals leukopenia (an abnormally low number of white blood cells) due to damage to these cells by enterovirus.

For information on the symptoms of enteritis in dogs, watch this video:

Dog treatment

Given the danger of parvovirus enteritis, treatment of a sick pet should be started as early as possible. Therapeutic measures prescribed by a veterinary specialist are, as a rule, complex in nature and aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and intoxication.

First of all, the dog is prescribed intravenous solutions to eliminate dehydration.

For this purpose, physiological sodium chloride solution, Ringer's solution, glucose, and calcium preparations are used. In some cases, your veterinarian may perform cleansing enemas to quickly evacuate the virus and toxins from the intestines.

In the fight against dehydration, antiemetics play an important role: metoclopramide and its derivatives, for example, Cerucal.

Due to the high risk of developing a secondary bacterial infection, a sick animal is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Enter antibacterial drugs into the dog's body by intramuscular or intravenous injection. The use of tablets is ineffective due to disruption of intestinal function.

To a sick animal as symptomatic treatment cardiac medications are prescribed, for example, Camphor, Cardiamin, Sulfocamphocaine. If necessary, painkillers are used - No-shpa, Spazgan.

In the complex therapy of parvovirus enteritis, veterinary specialists include general tonic and immunostimulating agents: vitamins, immunomodulators. In order to regenerate damaged intestinal epithelial cells, it is effective parenteral use vitamin A and ascorbic acid. A course of Gamavit, Roncoleukin, Glycopene, etc. will help strengthen antiviral immunity.

The need for intensive therapy, parenteral methods of administering drugs make it difficult self-treatment pet at home. In this regard, the sick dog should be placed in a hospital to provide qualified care.

For information on the treatment of enteritis in dogs, watch this video:

Diet for a sick pet

Besides drug treatment The sick pet is prescribed a therapeutic diet. Veterinarians strongly recommend that owners keep the animal for starvation diet within 24 hours after vomiting stops. Subsequently, the dog is transferred to specialized medical nutrition.

During the period of therapeutic measures, it is important that the diet is light but balanced. For this purpose, the line of well-known premium food manufacturers includes dietary food for animals with gastrointestinal problems.

In addition to industrial mixtures, you can use porridge with meat broth, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, lean beef. Feed the dog 4 times a day in small portions, use only boiled water.

Consequences for the animal

At successful treatment intestinal form As a rule, the disease does not have negative consequences for animal health. However, in some cases, viral particles can have a negative effect on the functioning of the myocardium, provoking the development of acquired heart disease. With this development of events, the animal will experience problems associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system throughout its life.


Save four-legged friend Timely vaccination will help against a dangerous viral infection. In puppies, colostral immunity, provided that their mother has been vaccinated, lasts 2 - 3 weeks. The introduction of a special immunizing serum containing ready-made antibodies to the enteritis virus can prolong protection. This procedure is usually carried out in nurseries and shelters.

Used for vaccination domestic drugs– Multikan, Hexakanivac, Pentakanivak, and foreign-made vaccines – Nobivak, Hexadog, Primadog. According to the instructions for the vaccine, the treatment is carried out twice.

Active immunity remains in a pet for 12 - 16 months, so veterinary experts recommend vaccination every year.

Parvovirus infection in dogs is a dangerous disease characterized by a high mortality rate. Only timely and intensive treatment in conditions veterinary clinic will give your pet a chance to recover.

Complex therapy includes detoxification of the body, combating dehydration, preventing secondary infections, restorative measures and therapeutic diet. The best method Protecting an animal from the virus is through active immunization.

Every owner loves their dog, worries and cares about its health. Unfortunately, our smaller friends are subjected to various diseases quite often. To protect them from diseases and their consequences, you need to know the main signs and methods of their treatment. Consider enteritis in dogs . The knowledge gained will protect you from many troubles.

Viral enteritis belongs to the group of infectious diseases that cause, which is included in the list of the five most common in dogs.

It is relatively new, but has very high level mortality , the death statistics are almost equal to. In our regions, this disease was first noticed in the eightieth year of the last century.

During the first outbreak, natural immunity had not yet been developed, which caused massive deaths of animals. Relatively for dogs young, on average from two to nine years old, the infection is deadly. The most severe complications then observed in puppies.

Puppies are most susceptible to severe complications.

Enteritis primarily provokes disruption of the heart, kidneys, and other internal organs.

Genetic predisposition

There is no genetic predisposition to it in certain breeds, but Doberman Pinschers, Whippets and East European Shepherds suffer the disease worse than others.

Doberman dogs have a genetic predisposition to the disease.

This problem is dangerous for dogs of any age and breed. But it practically does not affect other animals, and does not pose any threat to people.

Characteristic signs and symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Approximately ten hours after the virus enters the body, four to five times a day.

A dog's diarrhea begins approximately 10 hours after exposure to the virus.

Coronavirus and rotavirus enteritis

With enteritis, the dog begins to drink a lot of water.

Parvovirus enteritis provokes a decrease in the dog’s temperature to 37.5 degrees.

In this case, the pet defecates very often with at intervals of twenty or forty minutes. Fecal discharge occurs in a sharp stream, sometimes at a distance of up to a meter, has a pungent odor, is brown or green and watery texture. IN stool there are pieces of skin and small tubes. Vomiting occurs every half hour.

The disease most affects the intestines, destruction of the mucous membrane occurs, its exfoliated particles can be released along with feces. Because of this, a larger volume of cells disintegrate and release toxins that damage the walls of blood vessels. Which in turn provokes the movement of fluid into the walls and cavity of the intestine, increasing its size. On damaged intestinal surfaces, active proliferation of microbes occurs, which provoke intoxication of the entire body. The virus can travel through the blood to everything internal organs, including the heart, destroying it.

After twelve hours, the intensity of the attacks decreases and they occur less frequently. The temperature drops from forty to thirty-seven and a half degrees. After five days, the body produces a considerable amount of antibodies in order to bind viruses. But by this time, most of the pathogens have already moved to the intestines and heart. Therefore, antibodies often do not have time to get to their localization sites, because protective function the body is significantly inferior to infection in the rate of development.

Risk of death

The most life-threatening periods are from the second to the fifth day, from the seventh to the twelfth.

Day 2-5 has a high risk fatal outcome.

It is at this time that the risk of death is high. Even with high-quality and timely delivery medical care high percentage of animal deaths: rotavirus enteritis - less than five percent, coronavirus - up to ten. The most dangerous is the parovirus type of the disease. The mortality rate for its victims is more than eighty percent.

Causes and routes of infection

The causative agents of the enteritis virus are transmitted through sick individuals, the main source in big cities are homeless dogs that do not have proper care and living conditions.

Stray dogs are carriers of the enteritis virus.

They are excreted in feces and vomit, in which they can persist for more than one day even at zero temperature. Viruses are quite tenacious, they do not change their structure even at sixty degrees of heat, they die only when exposed to direct sunlight.

Transfer methods

Dogs that have been stressed are especially vulnerable to the disease.

There are two ways of transmitting viral enteritis: contact and non-contact.

The first involves direct contact with an infected animal or carrier. In the process of sniffing and licking them, you can become infected. But pathogens are also transmitted through food or water, care items, and bedding.

Treatment of enteritis includes restoring the dog's immunity.

All types of enteritis have significant differences from each other. But the process of combating them has a number of general directions:

  • destroy the causative agent of the virus;
  • restore the required amount of fluid;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • restoration of immunity;
  • restore proper functioning of the digestive system;
  • maintaining heart function.

Stages of treatment

Catozal is a drug used to fight infection.

  1. The first stage of treatment must be carried out veterinarian , because the infection can only be overcome by introducing special drugs into a vein. After all, due to a large loss of fluid, other injections will not be absorbed.
  2. Used to fight infection serum or immunoglobulin containing antibodies . But they are not administered intravenously. They often resort to the use of catozal, erbisol and other agents that stimulate the immune system. Intravenous administration of a salt solution (disol, trisol, quartosol), as well as glucose. Which solution and its concentration is prescribed by the doctor, based on the dog’s condition. Glucose is used only in the form of a five percent solution.
  3. Toxins are eliminated by hydrolysine and its analogues . In this case, it is necessary to use substances that support the functioning of the liver (glutargin), because it is the liver that is involved in the treatment of intoxication. There are also medications that provide complex treatment. For example, taking polyoxidonium or lycopidium guarantees the removal of toxins and increased immunity.
  4. Metoproclamide helps stop vomiting . The main danger lies in the rapid development of microbes in the affected areas of the intestine. This problem can only be eliminated with antibiotics. In this case, it is necessary to include in the course of treatment the use of enterosgel, oak bark extract or flax seeds. They have an enveloping and bonding effect. But you can start intestinal rehabilitation only from the second day of infection.
  5. Love and attention to him will help save the life of your pet after suffering from enteritis. . Protect the animal from any stress and increased physical activity. The pet will need to follow a strict diet and take vitamins.

And most importantly, remember that you are responsible for the life of your dog; if at least one of the symptoms appears, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Video about enteritis in dogs