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How to treat intestinal flu: useful tips. Stomach flu: symptoms and treatment in adults - detailed information

Stomach flu is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract of inflammatory origin, affecting mainly the mucous membranes of the stomach. Stomach flu can be provoked by various infectious agents, however, most often the causative agent is rotavirus, which is transmitted by oral, household, fecal and water routes.

Primary inflammation develops in the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, after which physiologically pathological changes spread to the stomach. Considering the intensity of clinical manifestations, gastrointestinal flu may be acute or chronic. The first recorded cases of stomach flu date back to the late 19th century. According to global statistics, stomach flu occupies a leading position among all infectious pathologies, especially in regions with low socio-economic protection of the population. Stomach flu had the highest case fatality rate in 1980, but stomach flu prevention is now effective in preventing the disease from developing.

Children are the main risk category for developing stomach flu younger age, which this pathology occurs in a more severe form than in adults, who have latent or asymptomatic virus carriage. Average duration The period of clinical manifestations for stomach flu is seven days, after which complete recovery occurs, during which the patient can still long time release viruses.

Causes of stomach flu

Stomach flu belongs to the category of polyetiological diseases, but this pathology is predominantly of infectious origin. Among the infectious agents that provoke the development of stomach flu, the first place is occupied by Rotavirus, which belongs to the Reoviridae family, which is represented by several species. Rotavirus infection, as the causative agent of stomach flu, is characterized by increased survival when exposed to environmental factors, therefore rotavirus continues to remain active for up to two months in water whose temperature does not exceed 20˚C, on household items for up to 30 days, and in feces for up to 7 months. To completely destroy the causative agent of stomach flu, the only effective remedy is treatment with chlorine-containing disinfectants.

Humans act as the source of infection for stomach flu, since the rotavirus that infects animals is not pathogenic for humans. The stomach flu virus is most contagious in the first seven days of illness, after which the contagiousness index, which reflects the risk of infecting other people, gradually decreases. Sometimes infectious disease specialists record prolonged isolation of the stomach flu virus several months after the active period, during which the patient is completely free of clinical manifestations.

Penetration of the stomach flu pathogen occurs through the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, and the incubation period on average ranges from 16 hours to six days. Rate of emergence of specific clinical signs and the degree of their intensity directly depends on the amount of infectious pathogen that has entered the mucous membranes and the state of functioning of the patient’s immune system.

One of the options for transmitting an infectious agent is nutritional, in which the causative agent of stomach flu enters a susceptible organism with contaminated food, unprocessed food, and water. In everyday life, stomach flu is usually called “a disease of dirty hands,” since the main factor in the development of the pathology is considered to be failure to comply with basic personal hygiene conditions. The airborne method of spreading the causative agent of stomach flu is not a priority, however, it is quite often observed in children age group patients. A similar situation is observed when contact-household method transmission of the stomach flu virus.

The pathogenesis of stomach flu develops in a short time and consists in the rapid penetration of the pathogen into the mucous membranes of the stomach and epithelial cells small intestine, thereby having a damaging effect on these structures. The result of the damaging effect of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract is a violation of the secretion of digestive enzymes, the function of which is to break down complex sugars. The development of clinical manifestations of stomach flu occurs when a large concentration of unbroken carbohydrates accumulates in the small intestine, contributing to excessive accumulation fluid in the intestinal lumen, causing the development of diarrhea.

Symptoms and signs of stomach flu

Average incubation period for stomach flu viral etiology is five days, but more can be observed short term, however, in all variants of the incubation period, clinical manifestations of the disease are completely absent.

The most early symptom stomach flu is a disease that is most often accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting. The intensity of the clinical symptom complex with stomach flu directly depends on the severity of diarrhea and vomiting. Mild degree stomach flu manifests itself in a single episode of vomiting, and a longer course of diarrhea provokes a worsening of the patient’s condition.

The duration of diarrhea with stomach flu is on average four days and provokes the development of excessive loss of fluid from the body. Inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa provoke the development of pain in the epigastric region, lack of appetite, decreased muscle tone, general weakness, apathy, headache, increased body temperature. The frequency of stools with stomach flu can reach 15-20 times a day and provoke painful sensations in the perianal area.

Stool with stomach flu is usually large and watery with mucus, and the color is most often yellow or green. With mild stomach flu, the consistency of the feces does not change and does not contain pathological impurities. Pain syndrome in abdominal cavity accompanied by rumbling along the intestines.

The clinical picture of stomach flu of rotavirus etiology is characterized by an acute onset, although in some situations there may be a short prodromal period manifested by malaise, general weakness, increased fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, chills, rumbling and discomfort in the abdomen, moderately severe catarrhal symptoms in the form of nasal congestion, sore throat, and mild cough.

Intoxication syndrome with stomach flu, as a rule, develops very early and is manifested by a sharp increasing weakness, diffuse headache, inability to perform the usual physical work. Manifestations of intoxication syndrome in severe cases of stomach flu are the appearance of dizziness, fainting, and collapse. In adult patients with stomach flu, body temperature rarely rises, and if fever is observed, the readings on the thermometer do not exceed 38°C.

With stomach flu of rotavirus etiology, a combination of catarrhal manifestations and signs of gastroenteritis is pathognomonic. Catarrhal syndrome manifests itself in 70% of cases and is manifested by a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore and sore throat, and cough.

Stomach flu in adults

The development of stomach flu in adults occurs as a result of the penetration of a pathogen of a viral or bacterial nature into the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx and stomach, with the subsequent spread of inflammatory changes to the small intestine, provoking their destruction. With these changes, gastrocytes and enterocytes are not able to synthesize enzymes, which is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of disaccharidases with the development of secondary disaccharidase deficiency, aggravating the clinical picture of stomach flu.

Stomach flu of rotavirus etiology is characterized by a cyclical course and a short incubation period, lasting no more than two days. Clinical manifestations of stomach flu in adults are less intense than in children with this pathology, however, during this period, adult patients may experience a worsening of the course of chronic somatic pathologies.

Thus, in elderly patients there may be a tendency to increase blood pressure, dullness of heart sounds. Young patients with stomach flu, on the contrary, may lose consciousness for a short time due to hemocirculatory disorders caused by.

Clinical manifestations of dehydration in adult patients can vary widely. Mild course stomach flu of rotavirus etiology is accompanied by the development of thirst, dry mouth, weakness, pallor, and the appearance of hoarseness, muscle cramps, and decreased skin turgor. A decrease in diuresis indicates the development of severe dehydration.

Elderly people, as well as patients with immunodeficiency, are at high risk for the development of a complicated course of stomach flu, manifested in dysfunction cardiovascular systems s and the brain.

Laboratory confirmation of stomach flu of viral etiology is the detection in the stage of a detailed clinical picture of a pronounced, with a neutrophilic shift, increased ESR indicator. In the convalescence stage, complete normalization of the hemogram is noted. Severe stomach flu with severe intoxication syndrome negatively affects the function of the urinary system, manifested in increased urea levels, anuria, and decreased glomerular filtration rate. With timely medicinal correction the above disorders are quickly leveled out and do not appear in the patient in the future.

Stomach flu in children

The occurrence of stomach flu in young children is a life-threatening condition, so every parent should be informed about the peculiarities of clinical manifestations of this disease. The danger is that with stomach flu in children, signs of dehydration rapidly increase due to frequent diarrhea and vomiting.

Children in the neonatal period, as well as in infancy, are more susceptible than others to developing dehydration, the symptoms of which increase already in the first hours of stomach flu. Dehydration provokes the development of disorders of blood supply and the function of vital internal organs, which can be fatal.

In a situation where a sick child receives timely assistance, which consists of replenishing fluids, the stomach flu does not leave negative consequences and after 7-10 days the child recovers completely.

Signs indicating the onset of dehydration in a child’s body are unmotivated weakness and lethargy of the child, lack of tears when crying, dry mucous membranes and a small amount of saliva in the mouth. oral cavity, flabbiness of the skin, the child’s refusal to drink. The presence of at least one of the above symptoms in a baby should be a reason to contact a pediatrician for qualified help.

With stomach flu in children, a clinical symptom complex is formed, which includes increased frequency of stools for seven days, low-grade fever, dyspeptic symptoms in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and intoxication syndrome.

Children may experience frequent episodes of stomach flu of a viral nature, since stable immunity is not formed during the period of convalescence. Recently, in pediatric practice, immunization of children under two years of age against rotavirus infection, which is most often the cause of stomach flu in children. The vaccine used is an oral form of weakened live strains of rotavirus, which is indicated for use in two stages: primary immunization is carried out at the age of up to 1.5 months, and re-use of the vaccine is carried out two months after the first vaccination. An absolute contraindication for vaccination against rotavirus infection is the child’s tendency to develop intussusception, as well as individual sensitivity to vaccinations. The effectiveness of vaccination against viral stomach flu in children is at least 75%.

Treatment of stomach flu

At present, despite the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, a drug has not yet been developed that could be used as an etiopathogenetic agent in the treatment of stomach flu. The main components in the treatment of stomach flu are detoxification measures, means for recovery water-salt metabolism, which is always disrupted with prolonged diarrhea and prolonged vomiting. Thus, treatment of stomach flu is exclusively symptomatic, consisting in reducing the risk of dehydration, reducing intoxication symptoms, restoring the function of the urinary system and heart, and the addition of bacterial complications.

The primary task of the attending physician in case of stomach flu is to carry out rational rehydration therapy, which is carried out orally and parenterally, depending on the indications. Regidron solution is used as a means of oral rehydration, which should be used fractionally throughout the day. If you vomit repeatedly, do not consume large amounts of this tool, but consume a small amount to avoid provoking the gag reflex. The largest volume of fluid should be consumed in the first six hours of the disease, since during this period increased risk development of dehydration of the patient's body. Children suffering from stomach flu, accompanied by repeated vomiting and diarrhea, must be hospitalized in an infectious disease hospital.

The therapeutic diet for stomach flu involves excluding from the daily diet any dairy and fermented milk products that contribute to accelerated process fermentation in the intestines, thereby aggravating the course of the disease.

All patients with diarrhea are advised to use sorbents such as Activated Carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb. For frequent, profuse diarrhea, which in most cases accompanies the course of stomach flu, it is advisable to prescribe Furazolidone or Enterofuril.

Due to the fact that the course of stomach flu is always accompanied by a violation of the enzymatic function of the gastrointestinal tract, it is mandatory to prescribe drugs such as Creon, Pancreatin, Mezima Forte.

During the period of convalescence after suffering from stomach flu, the patient must be prescribed a course medicines, normalizing the microflora of the large intestine such as Linex, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Hilak forte.

Parenteral rehydration therapy is indicated for severe stomach flu, accompanied by a severe degree of dehydration, for which intravenous drip administration of saline solution, 5% Glucose solution, and Reopoliglucin is used. Infusion therapy allows you to quickly stop the manifestations of even severe intoxication syndrome.

Gastrointestinal flu is quite often accompanied by the development of vitamin deficiency, so in complex therapeutic measures of this pathology must be included vitamin complexes, among which priority should be given to B vitamins in parenteral form. In a situation where a patient suffering from stomach flu is undergoing outpatient treatment, the use of tablet forms of multivitamin complexes such as Supradin is allowed. Since this pathology causes damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach, enveloping agents in the form of De-nol should be used to restore them.

Physiotherapeutic treatment methods should also be included in the complex of treatment measures for stomach flu. Preference should be given to warm compresses, paraffin applications, ozokerite, inductothermy.

Antibacterial medicine for stomach flu is used only when there is reliable bacterial etiology, as well as the addition of bacterial complications. Antibacterial agents are absolutely ineffective against stomach flu of viral etiology and, on the contrary, can provoke a worsening of the underlying disease due to intestinal dysbiosis.

Stomach flu - which doctor will help?? If you have or suspect the development of influenza, you should immediately seek advice from doctors such as an infectious disease specialist or therapist.

Stop blaming your condition on the stomach flu and instead find out true name your problem: norovirus. It belongs to the family of viruses that cause gastroenteritis, although adenovirus and astrovirus can also cause it. But rotavirus infection is the most common cause of viral gastroenteritis, especially in newborns, older adults and young children.

Norovirus can spread like wildfire in any crowded place, causing outbreaks in kindergartens, schools, hospitals and offices.

Fact No. 2. The flu shot will not help in this case.

When people say "stomach flu," they are referring to the influenza virus that circulates in the environment and attacks humans through the nose and throat every year. Flu shots can protect against this virus, but not the one that causes viral gastroenteritis.

Confusion between the regular flu and the stomach flu may be due to some symptoms common to both diseases. For example, this could be aches and pain throughout the body, nausea, low-grade fever, headache and muscle pain.

But among the symptoms of regular flu, there is no such thing as stomach pain (at least in adults).

Fact No. 3. It's very contagious!

Stomach flu is spread by the "fecal-oral route", which is as dangerous as airborne, through which the common flu is spread. Stomach flu viruses generally enter the body through contaminated stool or vomit. Constant and thorough hand washing is the best remedy defense against gastroenteritis.

Wash your hands especially thoroughly if you change diapers or clean up after a sick child, and adults in the family should constantly clean up after themselves and maintain personal hygiene.

Fact No. 4. You can get the stomach flu from food

Viral gastroenteritis is not quite the same thing as food poisoning, which can occur due to any illness caused by industrial pollutants, including dangerous bacterial toxins such as salmonella. But norovirus is the number one cause of all foodborne illnesses.

Viral gastroenteritis can be spread from person to person or from touching a contaminated surface. But you can also get viral gastroenteritis from Wastewater, contaminated food or water, or food prepared or handled by an infected person. Hence all these “wash your hands” signs in restaurants and hotel bathrooms.

Fact No. 5. Viruses that cause stomach flu are more resilient than regular flu viruses

Compared to other viruses, noroviruses can be surprisingly hardy and remain alive for several days. They remain on household surfaces even after cleaning, so they spread easily. Even small amounts of viruses can cause infection.

To avoid contracting a stomach virus, wash your hands with soap and water, which is more effective than disinfectants for hands. Avoid cooking if you are sick (you may be contagious for 3 days or more after flu or gastroenteritis symptoms disappear). Wash clothes carefully, using gloves, to avoid contracting the stomach flu from contaminated clothing and bedding.

Use eco-friendly cleaning products to kill the virus on hard surfaces.

Fact No. 6. Stomach flu symptoms come on slowly

Diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain will not appear immediately after the viruses reach the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach flu symptoms usually develop gradually over one or two days.

But other types of food poisoning can come on quickly and severely—just hours after you eat something stale. Their symptoms tend to be more severe, such as severe and prolonged vomiting and diarrhea.

Fact No. 7. Stomach flu goes away on its own

Both diseases - stomach flu and other types of food poisoning - are what doctors call "self-limiting", that is, these diseases go away on their own and rarely require treatment.

Be aware that norovirus is the leading cause of foodborne illness, but salmonella and other pathogens can lead to hospitalization or death.

If you have viral gastroenteritis, you should start to feel better after two or three days of being sick. Food poisoning, on the other hand, is caused by other things - it affects you more and more quickly, but it goes away faster and you can return to normal work in a day or two.

Fact No. 8. Dehydration is the biggest risk with stomach flu

It goes without saying that if you are losing a lot of fluid due to watery diarrhea and vomiting, you need to drink fluids. But in addition to fluid, you also lose sodium, potassium and other minerals known as electrolytes, and these also need to be replenished with proper diet. To replenish potassium reserves in the body, you need to eat rice porridge with water and bananas - they contain a lot of potassium.

If you have severe diarrhea, you should drink oral electrolyte solutions containing salts and sugars, as well as water. Energy drinks (especially for those who enjoy sports) are not the best choice, because they do not contain the right mixture of salt and sugar in terms of replacing lost fluid.

Fact No. 9. If you have a stomach flu, sparkling water may not be the best choice.

Try to avoid drinking too much sugary soda or drinks such as juice that contain a lot of sugar. Exception - Orange juice, indicated for dehydration. The biggest mistake people with stomach flu make is simply trying to drink a lot of soda water. They know they need to drink something to keep themselves hydrated, but they don't do it correctly.

It is undesirable to consume dairy products, for example, kefirs and yoghurts, milk, since the virus converts milk protein into a toxin, and your condition will only worsen. It is also undesirable to consume bread and sweets with soda, which are very difficult to digest and assimilate.

If you have lost a lot of water, you need to drink chamomile infusions, mineral water without carbon, green tea, blueberry jelly.

Fact No. 10. Do not treat stomach flu with antibiotics

Many people mistakenly think that stomach flu requires antibiotics. But there is really no treatment for viral gastroenteritis other than time and symptom relief. Antibiotics are useless in this case, so don't be surprised if your doctor doesn't recommend them.

But for stomach flu, antidiarrheal medications are indicated, which can also help relieve cramping and diarrhea. But you should avoid them if you have bloody diarrhea and a high temperature, as this may cause symptoms to worsen.

Fact No. 11. Children and the elderly, as well as pregnant women, are at greatest risk

In children of primary preschool and school age the immune system is still weak enough to fight viral infections In addition, with the stomach flu, children and the elderly are at greater risk of dehydration. Older people are more prone to viral gastroenteritis and take longer to recover from the illness.

Any person with chronic diseases such as heart disease, asthma, cancer or kidney disease, people exposed to HIV or taking medications that suppress the immune system should always consult a doctor before taking anything for an upset stomach.

Fact No. 12. Don't rush your road to recovery

When the vomiting and diarrhea stop, you will of course feel very hungry. But you should not pounce on food, but wait a few days before throwing yourself a banquet. Eat small meals and drink less. If you overload your stomach, you will feel sick again too soon. So don't include it in your diet just yet. fatty foods and give your stomach time to digest the food.

When should you see a doctor if you have the stomach flu?

If you see blood in your stool or vomit, see your doctor. Diarrhea in itself is not a cause for alarm, but call your doctor if you experience extreme lethargy, confusion, or changes in mental state, or absence of urine (or urine is dark and concentrated). These are all signs of severe dehydration.

In addition, you need health care, if you do not get better after three days of illness, you have prolonged vomiting that prevents you from drinking normal amounts of fluid, or if your temperature has risen above 38 degrees Celsius.

Stomach flu is quite dangerous disease, which requires proper treatment. And then you will recover very quickly.

20-30 years ago, intestinal flu was not identified as a separate disease at all. It was a simple intestinal infection, one of many. However, in the 70s of the twentieth century, rotavirus, the causative agent of intestinal flu, was discovered, after which the disease received its name.

What is it? Intestinal flu is a simplified name for gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection, the causative agent of which is rotavirus. Its reproduction leads to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. In this article we will talk about when a diagnosis of “intestinal flu” is made, the symptoms and treatment of this unpleasant disease, and we will also talk about how the disease is dangerous for adults and children.

Why do children get sick more often than adults?

The fact that intestinal flu occurs much more often in children than in adults is a consequence of the peculiarity of the children's body, which consists in a low level of acidity gastric juice. The body of adults is to some extent protected from rotaviruses due to higher acidity, as well as a sufficient amount of IgA immunoglobulin production.

  • Children’s habit of putting toys and other objects in their mouth also plays a certain role.

Antiviral drugs are powerless against rotavirus. Stomach flu in children can be very dangerous. The appearance of diarrhea and frequent vomiting should be a reason for immediate appeal to the pediatrician. An important point Protecting babies from infection is prevention.

How can you get infected?

Why does intestinal flu occur and what is it? The causative agent of the disease is rotavirus. The causative agent of the disease was first discovered in 1973 in a biopsy specimen. small intestine in children with gastroenteritis. The main source of infection is a sick person or a virus carrier. Microbes entering the human body multiply in the cells of the mucous membrane digestive tract and are output to environment along with feces. Virus shedding occurs immediately after infection.

The main route of infection is through eating food that is contaminated with the virus, is not well processed during preparation, and when basic rules of personal hygiene are ignored. This is also a “disease of dirty hands”, like most intestinal diseases. A good environment for the development of rotavirus infection is water and dairy products.

Most often, children from six months to 3 years old get sick with intestinal flu. Older children do not get sick often; they develop relatively stable immunity.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

In the case of intestinal flu in adults, symptoms can be divided into two groups. The first group includes those symptoms that are characteristic of a common cold or flu. The second group contains symptoms associated with stomach and intestinal disorders.

The main signs of intestinal flu in adults are:

  • nausea, vomiting without blood and mucus;
  • weakness, body aches, muscle pain;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • redness, soreness and;
  • low-grade or high fever;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, abdominal cramps, with frequent light
  • foamy stool with an unpleasant odor;
  • with severe development of the disease, signs of dehydration are noticeable.

Incubation period with intestinal flu it ranges from several hours to five days. It is during this time that the infection that has entered the body reaches the gastrointestinal tract and begins to actively multiply there. How quickly the infection takes hold of the body depends on the amount of the pathogen virus in it. The severity of gastroenteritis also depends on this factor. The disease is most difficult for children and the elderly.

The average duration of the disease in adults is a week, but complete recovery occurs only 5-7 days after acute stage diseases. However, a person can still be a carrier of the disease, so it is worth practicing strict personal hygiene rules, especially in public places.


Sometimes with intestinal flu, due to large loss of fluid, dehydration of the body may occur, which requires special attention and careful selection of medications. Dehydration may be indicated by sunken eyes, dizziness, thirst, sticky mouth, and dry skin.

Dehydration can be alleviated by offering the patient a warm drink and some diet food containing bananas, rice, Apple juice, crackers. This is an anti-inflammatory diet.

How to treat intestinal flu?

Antibiotics are not used due to ineffectiveness. In the case of intestinal flu, treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and has certain goals:

  • elimination of dehydration;
  • raising the body's immune forces;
  • restoration of water and electrolyte balance;
  • normalization of intestinal function;
  • replenishment of enzyme deficiency.

To achieve the objectives, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • enterosorbents;
  • astringents of plant origin;
  • enzymatic drugs;
  • drugs that normalize microflora (pro-, pre- and eubiotics);
  • antipyretics;
  • vitamin complexes.

Treatment regimen

There is no specific treatment for intestinal flu in adults yet. Therapy at home aimed at reducing intoxication, normalizing water-salt metabolism, which is disrupted by diarrhea and vomiting. That is, treatment is mainly symptomatic, aimed at reducing negative impact virus on the body.

General principles of treatment of rotavirus infection:

  1. First of all, it is necessary rehydration therapy, why 1 sachet dissolves in a liter boiled water and is drunk every half hour throughout the day. Adults, regardless of the severity of the condition, drink 200 ml after vomiting or stool. solution, since fluid losses must be replenished in the first 6 hours. Children with frequent vomiting and diarrhea requires hospitalization.
  2. Purpose of sorbents (
  3. Semi-bed rest and isolation of the patient from healthy people are indicated.
  4. After acute phase flu, you need to restore the intestinal microflora. For this - Bifiform, Hilak Forte, etc.
  5. If the symptoms are pronounced, hospitalization in a hospital is indicated.

Since there is no etiotropic treatment for this disease, great importance has the prevention of intestinal flu. Preventive measures include the entire complex used for intestinal infections: regular hand washing, cleaning of premises with disinfectants and antiseptic solutions, handling dishes and food, isolating the sick from the healthy as much as possible. If these rules are followed, the spread of the disease can be stopped.


A diet for intestinal flu is mandatory: the patient should not eat spicy and fried foods throughout the entire course of treatment, eat more vegetable soups, drink jelly and compote.

With diarrhea and vomiting, the body becomes dehydrated, so you need to drink more fluid. To prevent gases from collecting in the intestines, you need to eat fermented milk products, croutons and crackers.

Stomach flu (also called gastroenteritis, intestinal flu or rotavirus) is an infectious disease. It is caused by rotavirus, which, upon entering the body, affects the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine. This pathogen highly contagious and dangerous for children and adults.

Rotavirus infection was discovered in the 80s of the last century. The virus is shaped like a wheel, which is why it is called that. It can affect not only the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, but also the lining of the respiratory tract.

Ways of contracting the disease

The infection has several modes of transmission:

  1. When communicating with an infected person, germs can be picked up through personal hygiene items, saliva, feces, and vomit.
  2. The virus easily enters the body through food: through low-quality milk products, unwashed berries, fruits or vegetables.
  3. Infection is possible even through raw water from the water supply network. And also if, while swimming in any body of water, water gets inside the body.
  4. Quite a high chance of becoming infected through the air. When a sick person sneezes or coughs or talks, germs enter the air along with saliva.

The pathology is seasonal. Cases of infection are most often recorded in autumn and winter. Particularly dangerous are places where many people gather: in transport, in enterprises, in child care institutions, in shops. Most often, the disease affects children from 0.5 to 1 year, the elderly and people with a weakened immune system. In adult men with strong immunity, the disease can pass completely unnoticed by them.

The speed of development and severity of stomach flu always depends on the amount of accumulation of microorganisms that have entered the body and the state of the person’s defenses. Therefore, the incubation period of this disease lasts from several hours to 5 days. With timely and correct therapeutic measures, recovery occurs no later than 14 days after infection.

The intestinal virus has a very high viability. It cannot be destroyed with ordinary detergents. The virus is resistant to both high (more than 60 °C) and low temperatures(less than 0 °C).

In everyday life, it is able to survive for several hours on different surfaces, even after cleaning. Moreover, to infect a child, a small number of microorganisms is enough. The causative agent of the disease can be destroyed by using any concentrated chlorine-containing agent.

It should be understood that the flu shot does not protect against rotavirus infection. Stomach flu is considered a disease of unwashed hands. The best way to avoid infection is to wash your hands with soap and water under running water, and not to use all kinds of wipes, sprays and other means.

Manifestations of rotavirus infection

30 minutes after the virus enters the body, it is found in the cells of the small intestine. It destroys the structure mucous membrane intestines. This provokes interruptions in the production of digestive enzymes that break down complex sugars. Therefore, undigested carbohydrates begin to accumulate in this section of the intestine. This process leads to the accumulation of a lot of fluid, which provokes the opening of watery stools.

Signs of pathology are clearly expressed. In some cases, in adults (with a strong immune system), the pathology is latent. Even though there are no symptoms, the person is contagious. The acute period of the disease lasts 7 days. After another 5–7 days, recovery comes. Throughout this entire period of time, the sick person is constantly a carrier of infection.

Stomach flu differs from other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in that its symptoms begin not with indigestion, but with catarrhal manifestations:

  • slight cough and sneezing;
  • mild runny nose;
  • redness in the throat area;
  • painful sensations in the throat while swallowing.

Fever, joint aches, and symptoms of febrile syndrome (as with regular flu) appear. In some cases, the temperature remains low-grade. These symptoms appear several hours before the gastrointestinal upset and disappear quite quickly. Then appear:

  1. Feeling nauseous.
  2. Rumbling and cramping pain in the abdomen of varying intensity.
  3. Copious clay-like stools up to 10 times a day. It has a gray-yellow color and a pungent odor. The stool may change color and sometimes streaks of blood appear in it.
  4. Vomit.
  5. Increasing weakness.
  6. Loss of appetite.

Dehydration is possible with severe development of intestinal flu. At weak immunity rotavirus infection appears against the background of acute respiratory viral infection. Within 7–10 days, the patient’s body becomes severely depleted with stomach flu:

  • facial features become pointed;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • are developing mild symptoms degree of anemia (pale skin, reduced level hemoglobin, dizziness).

Identical manifestations can be observed with other ailments (cholera, food poisoning, salmonellosis). A doctor's examination is required.

Providing first aid to children

If a child has been exposed to the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. A specialist will help determine the severity of the pathology and the possibility of treatment at home or the need for hospitalization. If vomiting occurs about 5 times, and the urge to defecate no more than 10 times during the day, then outpatient treatment is acceptable. If children (especially preschool age) suffer from a severe form of intestinal disease, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

Stomach flu - serious disease, which quickly exhausts your strength. Therefore, early treatment undertaken before the doctor arrives will greatly help alleviate the child’s general condition. To do this you should:

  1. Make sure that your baby constantly receives a warm drink with vitamins or at least boiled water.
  2. Constantly monitor body temperature. If necessary, use antipyretic drugs.
  3. Do not leave the child alone and carefully watch so that he does not choke on vomit. This especially applies to infants. To do this, slightly raise the end of the crib and turn the head to one side while sleeping.
  4. If the child does not refuse food, then he should be given only natural products. They should be boiled or steamed. It is preferable to limit yourself to pureed soups and rare porridges with water, pureed vegetables.

Such influenza in children requires a particularly careful diagnosis and timely prescribed therapy. In rare cases, symptoms of stomach flu may masquerade as other symptoms. infectious pathology requiring immediate treatment. Delay may lead to severe complications and even death.

Therapeutic measures for gastrointestinal illness

Specific therapy for those infected with intestinal flu has not been established. The use of antibacterial drugs is ineffective. Treatment is primarily symptomatic. It is aimed at reducing negative influence virus throughout the body.

All recovery activities are aimed at:

  1. To reduce intoxication. Smecta, Filtrum-STI, Polysorb, Enterosgel or activated carbon should be taken as sorbents.
  2. To normalize water-salt metabolism. When the body loses a lot of fluid, it is deprived of many minerals, including potassium and sodium. Regidron is recommended for this. 1 sachet of medication must be dissolved in 1 liter of boiled water. The resulting composition is drunk in small portions every 30 minutes throughout the day. You can drink mineral water without gases, chamomile decoction, green tea.
  3. To restore normal activity of the urinary and cardiovascular systems. To stop diarrhea, Furazolidone, Enterol, Enterofuril and other medications are prescribed to help stop loose stools. To normalize enzyme activity, it is recommended to take Mezim or Pancreatin. After the acute period is over, treatment is aimed at recovery intestinal flora. For this purpose, Bifiform, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, Linex are prescribed.
  4. To prevent the occurrence of secondary bacterial infection.

At high temperatures (over 38°C), any antipyretic drugs are used. These activities will help remove intestinal colic, stop vomiting and diarrhea, and restore lost strength.

Fighting with unconventional means

For more quick recovery vitality for intestinal ailments, after consultation with a specialist, along with medicines, you can use home remedies:

  1. Dehydration can be treated by consuming a mixture of a weak decoction of chamomile, dried apricots (carrots, raisins) with the addition of salt and sugar.
  2. Rice decoction will help cope with severe diarrhea.
  3. A decoction of marshmallow roots (1 tablespoon of substance per 1 liter of water) perfectly eliminates intoxication. It is taken in small portions throughout the day. A decoction of dill (1 tsp per glass of boiling water) also helps well. Drink 1 tbsp. l. every 30 minutes.
  4. Ginger tea (2 tsp of crushed plant root per 0.5 liter of boiling water) helps to cope with stomach flu. Take 0.5 cups no more than 6 times a day.
  5. A drink made from linden and chamomile flowers, rose hips, brewed in equal quantities, perfectly restores strength. Can be consumed with honey.

If you have intestinal flu, you need to follow a gentle diet. You need to eat in small portions. Recommended to use vegetable soups, oatmeal, lean meats, stewed vegetables, dried bread, dried fruits. Only 7 days after recovery is it possible to gradually switch to the usual diet.

Intestinal flu got its name due to the characteristics of its symptoms. The disease is caused by rotavirus infection and initial stage resembles a cold: the patient develops catarrhal symptoms on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and oropharynx, pain in the larynx, nasal discharge, and body temperature rises. On days 2-3, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, and the signs of the disease resemble the clinical picture of digestive disorders. One of the manifestations of intestinal flu is viral gastroenteritis - pathological inflammatory process, occurring in the membranes of the small intestine and stomach.

Severe dehydration can be a complication of stomach flu. If this condition is not eliminated in a timely manner, the patient’s death may occur, so treatment of rotavirus infection must begin when the first symptoms appear. typical symptoms. There is no special therapy to destroy the causative agent of the disease, and treatment in adults is aimed at eliminating intoxication, rehydrating the body and getting rid of unpleasant symptoms. After suffering from intestinal flu, the patient will have to follow therapeutic diet and gentle regime physical activity within another 7-10 days.

Adults get stomach flu quite rarely compared to preschool children. This is due to the fact that adults pay more attention to personal hygiene, follow cooking standards and heat treatment food, more often monitor expiration dates food products. While children become infected primarily through dirty hands or toys touched by a sick person, in adults the main source of rotavirus is usually poor-quality food.

This could be food that has been stored incorrectly or is past its expiration date, or undercooked meat. Fans of rare steaks need to be especially careful when choosing meat, since poorly processed meat and fish are considered the leaders among products that lead to poisoning. To especially dangerous products This also applies to dairy products (including fermented milk drinks). Under no circumstances should you consume dairy products with a suitable expiration date, even if they look quite edible in appearance.

Tap water can also become a source of contamination, so it must be boiled, even if a purifying filter is installed at home. For those who do not like boiled water, it is better to use spring water sold in stores for drinking.

You can become infected with rotavirus in other ways. The most common of them:

Important! Rotavirus actively multiplies in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and is excreted from the body with feces. If there is a person with an intestinal infection in the house, it is necessary to clean the toilet and disinfect the toilet every day to prevent infection of other family members.

How can you tell if a person has intestinal flu?

Diagnosing the disease at the initial stage is a rather difficult task, since the only symptoms in the first days of the disease are signs respiratory diseases. The incubation period of rotavirus infection can range from 4-6 hours to 5 days. Its duration depends on the condition immune system person, the amount of pathogen and the degree of its activity.

On the first day of the disease, the patient may notice the following symptoms:

  • an increase in temperature to 38°C or higher, accompanied by fever and chills;
  • headache;
  • pain in the throat when swallowing;
  • dry cough of moderate intensity (usually not painful);
  • discomfort in muscles and large joints;
  • redness and looseness of the tissues of the oropharynx;
  • sore throat.

Elderly people, as well as people with reduced immunity, smokers, and patients with alcohol addiction usually exhibit all of the above symptoms. The signs are of high intensity, intoxication of the body develops rapidly, worsening the condition and well-being of the patient. In patients over 55 years of age, discomfort and muscle discomfort can develop into pain.

What happens on days 2-3?

Approximately 2 days from the onset of the disease, the virus enters the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, causing characteristic intestinal symptoms. The patient begins frequent diarrhea, the stool is very liquid, watery, and has a foamy consistency. Repeated vomiting may occur. Vomit has the color of food consumed, without impurities of bile acids, blood and mucous streaks. The smell of the masses is normal, not offensive.

Abdominal pain with intestinal flu is acute and may resemble intestinal cramps. In addition to pain, the patient complains of flatulence, bloating and heaviness in the stomach (regardless of food intake).

Note! In about a third of patients, conjunctivitis appears within 2-3 days, a disease characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. Signs of viral conjunctivitis are transparent discharge from the eyes, redness of the eye sclera, itching and burning.

How to treat stomach flu in adults?

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adult patients is symptomatic and can take place on an outpatient basis, if this possibility is allowed by the doctor who examined the patient. The main goal of intestinal flu therapy is to eliminate signs of intoxication and dehydration. To cleanse the blood and intestines of toxins released by rotavirus, the patient is prescribed sorbents. These are drugs that selectively absorb gases, solid and liquid substances and harmful vapors from the surrounding space.

The most effective sorbents to eliminate intoxication during intestinal infections are:

You need to take them several times a day, while simultaneously increasing the amount of fluid you drink. This is also necessary to eliminate dehydration. For this purpose, the patient is selected for rehydration therapy with saline solutions. They normalize water-salt balance, support kidney function and help restore normal level moisture in the body. The most popular product in this group is “Regidron” in the form of a powder for preparing a solution. The contents of one package must be dissolved in a liter of boiled water and drunk in small sips throughout the day. If severe dehydration occurs, the patient will be hospitalized, and therapy will be supplemented with intravenous infusion of glucose and saline.

The medications listed in the table below may also be used to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Note! After completion of treatment, the patient is given a course of vitamin maintenance therapy. It is important that the complex of vitamins and minerals be selected by a doctor, since an excess of some elements is just as harmful as their lack. For example, in case of illness thyroid gland you should choose drugs that do not contain iodine. If the patient suffers from hyperkalemia or hypermagnesemia, it is necessary to refrain from taking complexes containing magnesium and potassium.

Basics of symptomatic therapy in adults

Medicines to reduce fever are prescribed if the thermometer rises above 38°C. At lower values, the use of antipyretics is not advisable, since most rotaviruses die at this temperature, and its decrease may delay recovery. If the temperature has risen too high, you can take medications based on paracetamol or ibuprofen: Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibufen. In some cases, the doctor may recommend combination drugs, for example, “Next”: they act faster and have a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

If the patient is bothered by a cough, therapy is supplemented with antitussive medications that act on the cough center and suppress the functioning of cough receptors.

These include:

Drinking plenty of fluids will also help relieve a cough and prevent irritation of the throat lining.

Important! In some cases, histamine blockers (Loratadine, Diazolin, Claritin) are used to treat intestinal flu. They are necessary for prevention allergic reactions and possible adverse reactions against the background of multicomponent therapy.

Are antiviral agents needed?

Most infectious disease specialists believe that the use of antiviral drugs does not provide significant therapeutic effect, and the rotavirus dies on its own after 5-7 days. However, drugs in this group can weaken the activity of the virus during acute infection and activate cells of the immune system.

Purpose antiviral drugs and immunomodulators are necessary for people with weakened immune systems, as well as those who suffer bad habits or does not receive full balanced nutrition, since their immunity is not able to independently fight pathogenic microorganisms.

The role of therapeutic nutrition in treatment

During acute course pathology (and this is approximately 5-7 days), the patient must follow a diet excluding drinks and products based on milk protein. This is whole and pasteurized milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurts and other products, the basis of which is any type of milk. Such a restriction is necessary since most microorganisms develop faster in a dairy environment. In addition, fermented milk products and whole milk can increase intestinal symptoms and lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.

To reduce the load on the inflamed intestines, it is important to consume all products in pureed or highly crushed form in the first 3-4 days. It is advisable to pass meat and fish through a meat grinder, grind vegetables and fruits to a pulp. Useful during this period are rice and oat infusions– they contain a lot of starch, due to which they envelop the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and protect it from damage. Fresh bread need to be replaced with rye crackers.

Until complete recovery and for another 7-10 days after the illness, the following are completely excluded from the patient’s diet:

Important! It is necessary to gradually introduce raw vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products, into the diet. It is recommended to start with a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 50-60 g). On the third day, you can give the patient 100 ml of natural yogurt without additives. If everything is normal, the amount of dairy products is increased to the usual norm. Cow's milk is entered into the menu last.

Stomach flu - enough rare disease in adults, but there is no effective protection against rotavirus infection at any age. To reduce the likelihood of infection, it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of food consumed and personal hygiene. Hand washing should be a mandatory procedure after returning from the street, visiting the restroom, and other actions related to unsanitary conditions.

In order for the immune system to fight viruses on its own, it is necessary to carry out general strengthening measures, eat right, and walk more. fresh air and provide the body with sufficient motor activity. If a person does become infected, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and not refuse hospitalization if necessary, as there is a risk of dehydration.

Video - Intestinal flu in adults