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Stomach flu symptoms and treatment. How to treat intestinal flu: useful tips

) – infection, characterized by damage to the intestinal mucosa by rotavirus. This virus is quite contagious and poses a danger to others. In this article we will look at the symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu, and talk about prevention.

You can become infected with rotavirus in various ways: through saliva, feces and vomit of a sick person, personal hygiene items and by airborne droplets. Almost every person has suffered from rotavirus infection to one degree or another. This disease can provoke small epidemic outbreaks (in schools and kindergartens), or it can also be sporadic. Gradually, the body gets used to the effects of the virus and each time the disease begins to manifest itself less pronounced, but at the same time the person is a carrier of the disease and is able to infect others.

Intestinal flu in Russian latitudes is a fairly common disease that is seasonal (most often recorded in the autumn-winter period). Children bear it the hardest.

Signs of rotavirus infection

The disease begins acutely with a rise in body temperature, the appearance of abdominal pain and upset stool.
  1. Acute onset diseases. After a short incubation period (2–3 days), the body temperature rises sharply, signs of febrile syndrome appear, vomiting begins, and. The discharge may change color, and sometimes streaks of blood appear in the stool. The acute period of the disease can last for 7 days.
  2. Abdominal pain. A person with rotavirus infection experiences cramping pain in the abdominal area of ​​varying intensity.
  3. Runny nose, sore throat, sneezing. Often stomach flu develops immediately before an outbreak and may be accompanied by common signs of a viral infection.
  4. Loss of appetite, weakness. Over the course of 7–10 days of illness, the human body can become very depleted, facial features become sharper, and the appearance of the face may decrease. blood pressure and signs appear mild degree anemia ( low level hemoglobin, dizziness, pallor).

Occurs at any age, but most often in development of this disease small children are susceptible (due to low acidity gastric juice and habits of putting foreign objects into the mouth) and people with weakened immune systems. Antiviral drugs do not have a detrimental effect on rotaviruses.

Intestinal flu can directly threaten the baby's life, so if frequent, profuse vomiting and diarrhea occur, contact your pediatrician immediately.

First aid for children with intestinal flu:

  • provide the baby with a warm, fortified drink (compote, tea or boiled water);
  • make sure that the child (especially in infancy) did not choke on vomit and did not remain alone;
  • during sleep, the baby's head should be strictly turned to its side, it is better to slightly raise the head end of the bed;
  • Monitor body temperature, give antipyretics if necessary;
  • If the child does not refuse food, then feed him only natural products, steamed or boiled (liquid porridges and soups with water, vegetable puree).

Be sure to consult a doctor, because such a disease is childhood require particularly careful diagnosis and timely treatment. Sometimes the symptoms of stomach flu may hide additional infectious process and delay in treatment threatens with serious consequences for the child’s health, including death. Typically, treatment of children before school age suffering from a severe form of intestinal flu is carried out in a hospital setting.

Principles of treatment of rotavirus infection

  1. Rehydration therapy (ingestion of an isotonic solution and medicines, replenishing the loss of fluid and nutrients).
  2. Purpose of sorbents (activated carbon) and medications, anti-bloating and (probiotics).
  3. Compliance with diet. For rotavirus infection, a gentle diet is recommended, excluding fried, fatty, dairy products, carbonated drinks and juices. It is advisable to eat porridge cooked in water. vegetable soups, dried fruit compotes, jelly.
  4. Semi-bed rest and isolation of the patient from healthy people are indicated.
  5. In case of severe vomiting, antiemetic drugs may be used.

Preventing the development of intestinal flu

As specific prevention Vaccination against intestinal flu is provided. Nonspecific prevention consists of following the rules of personal hygiene. It is recommended to drink only purified and treated water (especially during respiratory outbreaks). viral infections), wash your hands after visiting public places, eat only clean vegetables and fruits. When swimming in ponds and pools, avoid swallowing water.

Which doctor should I contact?

Severe cases of intestinal flu are treated by an infectious disease specialist. At mild form Sometimes a consultation with a pediatrician or therapist is sufficient.

Stomach flu is an infectious disease accompanied by acute inflammation stomach and small intestine. Another name is gastroenteritis.

The main causative agents of the disease are various viruses: enterovirus, norovirus, rotavirus. Stomach flu manifests itself in the same way in most cases, regardless of the specific type. pathogen caused it to arise.

Causes of stomach flu

Viruses that provoke inflammation of the stomach live all around us; people encounter such microorganisms every day. Cells react to their penetration into the body immune system, instantly destroying strangers. But if the immune system is weakened for any reason, the path into the body is open to various infectious agents, which is why people with a weak immune system get sick much more often.

Infection with stomach flu occurs through interaction with a carrier of the infection, consumption of joint products, use common funds hygiene. However, cases of transmission of the disease through contact and household contact are not so frequent. Most likely for modern man contracting the stomach flu through food.

Dangerous viruses thrive and multiply mainly in dairy products, meat, and water. Getting an infection into water poses a real threat not to one person, but to several thousand people at once. There are known cases of mass poisoning of people with tap water.

A few hours, or less often days, after the virus enters the digestive tract, the first symptoms of the disease inevitably appear:

  • repeated diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pain in the abdomen and stomach;
  • temperature increase;
  • general malaise;
  • headache.

The disease is also accompanied by symptoms characteristic of the common flu: nasal congestion, redness of the throat, hoarseness, dry cough, shortness of breath, chest pain.

Prolonged vomiting and diarrhea can cause dehydration, a condition that is extremely dangerous for the body. You can avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids. Regular boiled water or black tea will save you from dehydration. In this case, it is better to exclude milk, fermented milk products, and any sweet juices from the diet.

Stomach flu is characterized by frequent vomiting even when empty stomach And heat bodies.

Children of kindergarten or primary school age are at risk of developing the disease. Probability of infection nasty infection is significantly reduced if the child does not attend preschool or homeschooled. Stomach flu in children proceeds more violently than in adults, and can lead to serious consequences for good health.

Young children with an infection of the intestines and stomach become lethargic, less often, on the contrary, overly active, capricious, refuse food, often regurgitate, and sleep poorly.

Treatment of stomach flu

Diagnosis of stomach flu includes laboratory test secretions of the patient's body. Enterovirus is easily detected in human feces and urine; in addition, it is present in the patient’s blood specific antibodies, indicating the presence of infection.

There are no special drugs for the treatment of this disease; therapy is mainly symptomatic, that is, aimed at reducing the consequences of the presence of the virus in the body.

At the first sign of any infection, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, the patient should drinking plenty of fluids. This will replenish the loss of fluid in his body and avoid dehydration. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist. Sometimes much more serious infections such as cholera or salmonellosis, which require special monitoring, can be disguised as intestinal flu.

For prolonged vomiting, medications are prescribed: Cerucal, Prifinia bromide, used under the supervision of a physician. You should not choose an antiemetic yourself.

Antipyretic drugs for enterocolitis are prescribed only if the high temperature lasts for 3 days. This could be Panadol, Paracetamol, etc. For prolonged diarrhea, Enterofuril is indicated. This drug completely safe and recommended for treating even infants.

Stomach flu almost always leads to dysbiosis, so it is necessary to include prebiotics in its therapy - drugs that help increase the number of people living in the body. upper sections intestinal beneficial bacteria and restoration of its natural microflora (Duphalac).

You can avoid infection with enterocolitis if you carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not eat outside the home, and carefully select products for your family.

In the cool season, except for colds and respiratory diseases, viral gastroenterocolitis, colloquially called intestinal flu, is also quite common, sometimes also called abdominal or stomach flu.

They received this name because patients simultaneously show signs of influenza and gastrointestinal disorders.

Stomach flu occurs due to rotavirus entering the human body. Anyone can get this disease, from infants to old people, but most often the infection is diagnosed in children aged 6 to 12 months.

According to statistics, 40 percent of all intestinal infections in children are caused by rotavirus. Adults become infected while caring for sick children. Got stomach flu wide use in the USA, and then reached European countries.

How can you get infected?

Why does stomach flu occur and what is it? The virus enters the human body through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. One type of transmission of infection is foodborne. That is, the infection enters the body through unwashed fruits, vegetables, and low-quality dairy products.
  2. The second route of infection is airborne droplets. When speaking loudly, sneezing, or coughing, germs from a sick person spread into the air.
  3. Transmission of stomach flu through contact and household contact cannot be ruled out. Therefore, during an outbreak of the disease, it is recommended to use your own utensils and refuse the services of a common dining room.

The intestinal virus is destroyed only with concentrated chlorine-containing disinfectants.

Symptoms of stomach flu in adults

Average incubation period for stomach flu viral etiology is 5 days, but can be observed for more short term, however, in all cases the incubation period is completely absent clinical manifestations diseases.

Characteristic periods of the disease:

  • incubation period lasts 2-5 days;
  • acute period - up to 7 days;
  • recovery or convalescence - up to 5 days.

In the case of stomach flu, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. After the incubation period, the body temperature rises sharply, signs of febrile syndrome appear, vomiting and diarrhea begin. The discharge may change color, sometimes.
  2. Abdominal pain. A person experiences spasmodic pain in the abdominal area of ​​varying intensity.
  3. Runny nose, sneezing. Often, intestinal flu develops immediately before an outbreak of traditional flu and may be accompanied by common infections.
  4. Loss of appetite, weakness. Over the course of 7–10 days of illness, the human body can become severely depleted, facial features become sharper, blood pressure may drop and symptoms may appear.

Rotavirus infection is easy to confuse with normal intestinal poisoning, therefore for accurate diagnosis you should contact a specialist. Symptoms of intestinal flu pose a danger to human health and life.


To prevent virus infection and increase immune protection body, it is important to observe simple rules hygiene: wash your hands thoroughly, eat only boiled water, well-cooked foods and only pasteurized dairy products.

When swimming in natural bodies of water, you should not swallow water. If a viral infection is detected, contact of patients with other people should be minimized, and household items and premises should be thoroughly disinfected.

Intestinal flu is an infectious disease that is quite acute. Gastroenteritis has clear symptoms, but its symptoms are characteristic of others. serious illnesses, therefore, to diagnose and treat the disease, it is necessary to seek professional help. At the same time, it is much easier to prevent infection with rotavirus, for which you need to follow basic rules of personal hygiene and minimize contact with a sick person.

Treatment of stomach flu

In case of stomach flu specific treatment has not been developed to date. Therefore, treatment of stomach flu in adults is purely symptomatic.

The main thing is to get rid of intoxication from the body as quickly as possible, to normalize the water-salt balance; it can be disturbed during vomiting and diarrhea. A person should not be dehydrated; it is necessary to remove all toxins, normalize heart function, strengthen vascular walls, do not allow it to develop bacterial species infections.

It is necessary to endure the acute period, despite unpleasant symptoms. In just 5-7 days everything will return to normal.

  1. When diarrhea and vomiting begin, the water and salt balance should be restored - to do this, you need to dilute a packet of Regidron in a liter warm water and drink 1-2 small sips.
  2. Take sorbents, for example, activated carbon, Sorbex, Enterosgel or others twice a day until gastrointestinal symptoms are completely eliminated.
  3. If necessary, use antipyretics to normalize body temperature.
  4. Digestive enzymes also help - treatment with Mezim forte, Creon, Pancreatin.
  5. After stopping the inflammatory process, you need to take care of intestinal microflora. In this situation, it is necessary to take Bifiform, Linex, Hilak forte.

The use of antibiotics for intestinal flu is pointless, since the infection is viral, not bacterial, in nature.

Nutrition and diet

To speed up treatment for rotavirus infection, try to follow a gentle regimen. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • roast;
  • fatty foods;
  • dairy products;
  • juices and carbonated drinks.

Among the foods for stomach flu, you should eat dried bread, pasta, cereals boiled in water (semolina, rice, buckwheat), chicken eggs(hard-boiled, no more than 1 egg per day).

Gradually, the patient’s diet can include low-fat soups, vegetables stewed without salt and spices, mashed potatoes, mashed cottage cheese, fresh fruits and berries.

Stomach flu is a common infectious disease that affects both adults and children equally. The disease is also accompanied by digestive disorders. Despite the fact that most often the infection goes away on its own, refuse medical care not worth it.

What is the disease? Characteristics of the pathogen

IN modern medicine Cases of stomach flu are quite often reported in adults and children. In fact, this disease is not a “flu”, nor does it belong to the group of respiratory infections. Its causative agents are rotaviruses, representatives of the family Reoviridae. This virus infects mucous membranes digestive tract, in particular, the stomach and intestines (which is why the disease is often called “intestinal flu”).

In medicine, another term is used to refer to this disease - gastroenteritis. According to statistics, outbreaks of this infection are more often observed in the autumn-winter period, although, of course, infection is possible throughout the year.

What happens in the body after infection?

After entering the body, rotavirus quickly penetrates the cells of the small intestine - viral particles in these structures of the digestive tract can be detected within half an hour after infection. The vital activity of the pathogen disrupts the natural structure and functioning of the intestinal mucosa.

In turn, such processes affect the synthesis of digestive enzymes that break down complex carbohydrates. IN small intestine Undigested sugars accumulate, which bind and retain fluid inside - this is why stomach flu is accompanied by diarrhea and other disorders.

How is the infection transmitted? Risk factors

The source of pathogenic organisms is a sick person. Viral particles enter the body through the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. There are several ways of transmission of infection:

  • Viral particles can enter the body along with unwashed vegetables and fruits, stitched or low-quality food. The pathogen can also spread through running water.
  • The virus is released from the human body along with vomit and feces. Stomach flu is classified as a “disease of unwashed hands.”
  • It is also possible airborne transfers. The infection can be caught by talking or having close contact with a sick person, as viral particles are released from the body during coughing and sneezing.
  • It cannot be ruled out contact-household method spread of infection. The disease can be contracted in public places, for example, in schools, kindergartens, shops, offices, etc.

It is worth noting that these viruses are very resistant to external environment. The infection is killed when treated with chlorine and some other antiseptics, as well as when heated to 70-80 degrees. It should be borne in mind that you can catch the infection in a contaminated body of water, as well as in a sauna or public pool (provided that workers do not carry out proper disinfection).

Stomach flu: symptoms, features of the clinical picture

As already mentioned, viral particles enter the body through the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. The incubation period in most cases lasts no more than a day, although sometimes the first symptoms appear after 4-5 days.

  • The illness begins acutely. General malaise, weakness, and headache appear. Patients complain of body aches. Sometimes there is rumbling and pain in the abdomen.
  • An increase in body temperature up to 39 and sometimes up to 40 degrees Celsius can be added to the list of symptoms of stomach flu in children. In adults, fever is observed much less frequently.
  • Catarrhal phenomena are possible. Patients develop a runny nose, a burning sensation in the nose, a sore throat, and sometimes a cough.
  • The main symptom is diarrhea. Sometimes defecation occurs several dozen times a day. The patient's stool is foamy, mushy, yellow or greenish-yellow.
  • Other violations are also observed digestive system. In particular, many patients suffer from pain and rumbling in the abdomen, severe nausea which turns into vomiting.
  • Some patients develop secondary lactase deficiency. Consumption of dairy products against the background of gastroenteritis leads to aggravation of the above-described symptoms.
  • Long-term diarrhea and vomiting lead to dehydration. Therefore, patients suffer from weakness, increased fatigue. Dizziness occurs periodically, moreover severe cases These episodes end with temporary loss of consciousness.

The acute phase of the disease, as a rule, lasts no more than 5-7 days, after which the symptoms begin to gradually subside. However, the patient's body requires several more days (in severe cases, weeks) to fully recover.

Stages of disease development

Symptoms of stomach flu depend directly on the stage of development. Today there are four main phases of development of the disease:

  • The incubation period can last from several hours to five days. Characteristic symptoms There are no illnesses during this period, but patients sometimes note a deterioration in their health and the appearance of constant feeling thirst.
  • The catarrhal period lasts from 24 to 48 hours. At this time, nasal congestion and a slight runny nose appear, although these symptoms usually pass quickly.
  • Next comes an acute period of gastroenteritis. Disturbances in the digestive system appear (in particular, abdominal pain and diarrhea), body temperature rises sharply, and the person becomes weak and lethargic.
  • The recovery phase begins. The symptoms begin to gradually disappear, although some lethargy, drowsiness, and fatigue persist for several days.

What complications does the disease lead to?

Treatment of stomach flu in most cases ends successfully - the patient’s body is completely restored. It is even believed that to some extent past illness provides temporary partial immunity. For example, it has been noted that the symptoms of stomach flu in adults who suffered from rotavirus gastroenteritis in childhood are less pronounced, and the disease itself is much easier to tolerate.

The disease is often associated with dehydration, which is fraught with a lot of complications. There is a possibility of developing violations from circulatory system, up to heart failure. The mortality rate among patients with viral gastroenteritis does not exceed 3%.

Diagnostic measures

In modern medical practice Cases of illness such as stomach flu are often reported. Symptoms and treatment in adult patients, features clinical picture and therapy among children is, of course, important information. But it is worth considering that the disorders that accompany viral gastroenteritis are also characteristic of some other pathologies, in particular food poisoning, salmonellosis. That is why the diagnostic process is extremely important - for drawing up correct scheme therapy needs to accurately determine the cause inflammatory process in the small intestine.

  • First, a gastroenterologist will conduct general examination, will collect information about the presence of certain symptoms and assess the patient’s condition.
  • The patient must donate blood for analysis. An increase in the number of white blood cells in blood samples, as well as increase in ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) confirms the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  • Laboratory testing of urine and feces is also carried out. Such tests help determine the presence of infection or inflammatory process.
  • PCR diagnostics, immunofluorescence - these procedures help to accurately determine the nature and type of the causative agent of the disease.
  • Instrumental methods diagnostics (for example, ultrasound internal organs, endoscopic examination internal surfaces stomach and intestines) are used only if there is a suspicion that patients have concomitant diseases.

Treatment of stomach flu in adults and children with medications

Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to draw up effective scheme therapy. The symptoms and treatment of stomach flu are closely related. Therapy for such a disease is aimed only at eliminating symptoms and strengthening the immune system.

  • First of all, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs. Such drugs, as a rule, contain ready-made interferon or substances that stimulate the synthesis of interferon by the immune system. Such drugs as Arbidol, Interferon, Remantadine, Viferon, Amiksin are considered effective.
  • As already mentioned, gastroenteritis is accompanied by dehydration. That is why it is important to restore and maintain the natural water-salt balance. An effective medicine in this case it is “Regidron”.
  • For severe vomiting, use antiemetics, in particular, Ondansetron. This drug blocks gag reflexes.
  • Antidiarrheal drugs, in particular Loperamide, are sometimes included in the treatment regimen. Such medications, as a rule, reduce the motility of the intestinal walls, while simultaneously increasing the tone of the anal sphincter.
  • At severe symptoms intoxication, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to help reduce body temperature, eliminate pain and weakness. Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Nurofen, and Ibuprofen are considered effective.
  • Antihistamines(“Loratadine”, “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”) help relieve swelling from the mucous membranes, prevent the development allergic reactions.
  • Since the stomach flu is often accompanied by a cough, patients are sometimes prescribed Broncholitin, Bromhexine and some other medications that block cough receptors.
  • Sorbents are also used that quickly bind and remove toxic waste products from the body. pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, such drugs help cleanse the intestines, cope with diarrhea and nausea. “Enterosgel”, “ White coal", "Smecta", "Neosmectin".
  • The treatment regimen sometimes includes drugs containing digestive enzymes. Products such as Mezim and Creon are considered effective. Medicines help you digest and absorb food faster.
  • Sometimes patients are prescribed potassium supplements (Panangin) to improve kidney function.
  • During the period of recovery of the body, the treatment regimen must include various vitamin complexes, which help strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process.
  • Patients also take drugs such as Linex, Hilak, Bifiform. These medications help restore normal microflora intestines, improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Is it worth using antibacterial drugs for such a disease? Stomach flu are viral disease, so taking antibiotics is useless. Similar drugs included in the treatment regimen only if secondary bacterial infection.

Home Remedies

How to treat stomach flu at home? ethnoscience, of course, offers remedies that can cope with the symptoms of gastroenteritis.

  • Considered effective chamomile infusion. Bag pharmaceutical chamomile and two tablespoons of dried apricots (can be replaced with raisins) pour a liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew. Drink 100-200 ml of infusion every hour.
  • An infusion of ginger will help cope with the symptoms of intoxication and strengthen the immune system. It’s easy to prepare: pour two teaspoons of crushed plant root into 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew. Drink ginger tea you need 100 ml several times a day.
  • Decoctions made from the blood of marshmallow and dill herbs are considered effective.

Of course, such decoctions can only be used with the permission of a doctor. Home remedies can only be used as aids- they are not able to replace a full-fledged drug therapy.

Proper diet

Treatment for stomach flu includes: proper diet:

  • Your doctor will probably advise you to stop for a while. fermented milk products, as well as food containing milk protein. The fact is that such a diet creates excellent conditions in the intestines for the life and reproduction of almost any type of microorganism, including pathogenic ones.
  • Because the stomach flu is associated with diarrhea and loss of body fluids, it is very important to follow the correct drinking regime. Patients are advised to drink water, compotes, diluted juices, fruit drinks, teas with lemon and raspberries. Drinking should be frequent and plentiful - at least 2 liters per day.
  • In the first few days, patients are advised to eat easily digestible food, preferably in grated form - this way it is easier and faster to digest.
  • As you recover, your diet can be varied. Nevertheless, fermented milk products should be introduced into the menu gradually, starting with kefir and fermented baked milk.

Preventive actions

You already know how to treat stomach flu in adults and children. But it is much easier to try to prevent infections in the body than to then undergo therapy. The rules here are simple:

  • It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, do not forget to wash your hands before eating;
  • food must also be thoroughly washed;
  • do not forget about the correct heat treatment food;
  • it is better to drink boiled, filtered water (a small home filter will be quite enough to purify the liquid);
  • the room in which people with gastroenteritis spend time must be cleaned and disinfected daily;
  • don't forget about proper nutrition, taking vitamins, physical activity, stabbing, as a strong immune system will help make the body more resistant to various infections.

Many people are interested in the question of whether there are any vaccinations or other remedies for this disease. It’s worth noting right away that vaccination against influenza A and B will not help in this case, because the stomach flu, in fact, is not the flu.

In 2009, several types of vaccines entered the market designed to prevent stomach flu specifically. Studies conducted in some countries in Asia and Africa have proven that the developed products really help prevent outbreaks of this disease. However, mass vaccination against viral gastroenteritis is practiced only in some countries - it is not easy to find this medicine in our pharmacies.

Stomach flu, stomach flu, gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection- these are the names of the same disease, which is a frequent visitor in summer period. When it’s hot outside, all foods quickly deteriorate, becoming an excellent place of residence for many intestinal bacteria; it is very easy to become infected with rotavirus.

Intestinal flu is a viral infection that enters the body by absorption through the walls of the stomach or intestines. Children, the elderly and pregnant women suffer this disease the worst due to their weak immune system. Main danger with this disease it is dehydration. Because of frequent vomiting and endless diarrhea, the body loses fluid very quickly, which can lead to fatal outcome, especially in infants. Therefore, if you suspect intestinal infection Children in the first three years of life simply need to be shown to a pediatrician. He will assess the situation and, if possible, give permission to home treatment. In other cases, treatment of young children should be carried out in a hospital setting.

Symptoms of intestinal flu

Symptoms of intestinal flu appear quite quickly, within a day after the virus enters the body. On average, the incubation period can last from 10 hours to 3-5 days. The speed at which symptoms appear and their intensity depends on the amount of virus that has entered the body, as well as on the patient’s immune system. The following symptoms are typical for rotavirus infection.

  1. First a small manifestation begins cold symptoms– The throat turns red and hurts when swallowing. You may experience a slight cough, runny nose, frequent sneezing. But these symptoms quickly pass, turning into more serious intestinal disorders. Such symptoms gave this type of virus the name “flu,” although intestinal flu has nothing in common with traditional flu.
  2. At the beginning of the development of a viral infection, the patient develops weakness, body aches, and general malaise.
  3. This is often accompanied intestinal disorder– diarrhea. The stool is loose and may be dark, light or green in color. The stool often bubbles and has a sharp bad smell. This means that the fermentation process takes place in the intestines. If stool occurs more than 10 times per day, be sure to consult a doctor.
  4. If blood or mucous patches are found in the stool, you need to see a doctor; perhaps you have another disease. These symptoms are not typical for rotavirus.
  5. Vomit. This is another one common symptom intestinal flu, although there may be no vomiting. If the patient feels nauseous, but does not vomit, it is better to induce it yourself. This will clear the stomach and possibly prevent the contaminated product from being completely absorbed.
  6. The patient's stomach hurts, growls, and twists.
  7. When the virus gets inside, the body begins to resist, which leads to an increase in temperature.
  8. Typically, rotavirus is severe; if intoxicated, a person cannot normal image life. He is so weak that he constantly lies down, especially for children.

The acute period of rotavirus infection lasts no more than a week, usually 3-4 days. Then for about another week the patient recovers and comes to his senses. All this time, until complete recovery, the patient is considered infectious.

Causes of intestinal flu

Rotavirus infection is a disease of dirty hands. Often people get it if they start eating with dirty hands. An adult held money and handrails in public transport, a child was playing on the playground, and then put food in his mouth with unwashed hands - the virus easily enters the body. Also, an intestinal virus can be ingested with poor-quality or stale food. You need to be especially careful with perishable dairy products during the hot summer. You can also become infected from a patient with gastroenteritis - through household items or by airborne droplets.

Treatment of any viral infections is aimed at removing intoxication, quickly removing the virus from the body and symptomatic treatment. Here are some consistent steps to take if a person gets the stomach flu.

  1. The very first and most important thing is replenishment water-salt balance. To do this, dissolve Regidron in a liter of water and drink in small portions throughout the day. If a child is sick, you need to drink it every 5-10 minutes, one teaspoon at a time. If you give your baby more, it will lead to another urge to vomit and all efforts will be in vain. If Regidron is not at hand, you can prepare a water-salt solution yourself. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar and half a tablespoon of soda in a liter of water.
  2. To fight the infection you need to take Furozolidone, Ersefuril or Enterofuril. These products are excellent at relieving intoxication because they kill the bacteria itself.
  3. For diarrhea you should take Loperamide, Imodium, Levomycetin. The drug Enterozermina helps children very well.
  4. If a person is suffering from vomiting, it can be suppressed with drugs such as Ondosetron, Cerucal. But they cannot be used by children without a doctor's prescription.
  5. It is very important to take sorbents that will absorb the remaining toxins and remove them out. It could be Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Filtrum. If you don't have it at hand pharmaceutical drugs, it is very good to drink rice water. This glue-like mass not only stops diarrhea, but also absorbs toxic substances in the intestines and stomach.
  6. Within a day, when the patient’s condition has stabilized a little, he will need to be fed. In addition to a gentle diet, the patient must take enzymes with food - Festal, Creon or similar drugs. They will help a sore stomach and upset intestines digest food.
  7. After a few days, when the intoxication passes, the person will probably suffer from incessant diarrhea. This often happens because the intestinal microflora is disturbed. To restore it, you need to take a course of probiotics that will help repopulate the intestines beneficial bacteria. This could be Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, Enterol.

IN acute phase illness, a person is unlikely to want to eat anything at all. And there is no need to force him. Now all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting the disease, and digesting food is an additional burden. After passing acute period you can start eating crackers, low-fat chicken broth, rice and rice water, oatmeal on the water. No fermented milk products - they create an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. Drinking plenty of fluids is very important. You need to drink a lot, only with the help of liquid can you speed up the removal of the virus from the body. Usually, children during the period of rotavirus infection are allowed everything that is usually prohibited - fruit drinks, compotes, juices. Rosehip decoction helps very well, green tea, chamomile decoction.

How to protect yourself from stomach flu

To avoid contracting this infection, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly before each meal. It is best to use antibacterial soap. Especially after staying in in public places. Carry antibacterial wipes and gels with you that will allow you to hiking conditions clean and disinfect hands. Don't eat on the street or in questionable establishments. If, for example, a mother gets sick with the flu, she should not cook food so as not to infect other family members. Sewage ponds without running water, where a huge number of people bathe, are also breeding grounds for many diseases. You can become infected even if a small part of the liquid gets into your mouth while swimming.

Contrary to popular belief, intestinal flu cannot be treated with antibiotics, since the cause of this disease is a virus. Stomach flu can be cured only by fighting the symptoms and eliminating the virus with fluids. To protect the body in the future, it is important to strengthen the immune system - eat right, toughen up, move more and spend time on fresh air. These simple rules will help you avoid meeting with such unpleasant illness like stomach flu.

Video: rotavirus infection - symptoms and treatment