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Dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the brain in newborns. Normal and pathologies of the ventricles of the brain in newborns and infants: expansion, enlargement, asymmetry. What it is

If DHEA sulfate is elevated, in the vast majority of cases, a targeted study of the functionality of the adrenal glands is required. An increase in the level of this substance occurs with congenital adrenal dysfunction.

Dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate in its structure is an androgen not associated with puberty and is produced by the adrenal glands. When DHEA sulfate is elevated, disruptions in many body systems can occur, but this anomaly is especially noticeable in women.

If DHEA-C is elevated in a woman, there may be serious disorders at work reproductive system. In addition, in some cases, other significant symptomatic manifestations may occur, including skin and hair problems. Many women with increased level DHEA sulfate long time suffer from hair loss and the appearance of rashes on the skin of the face and body.

Dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is a catosteroid and is produced in women in the amount of 13-35 mg per day, but at the same time most of This substance is catabolized, while only a small amount, up to about 10% of the substance, can be excreted by the body in the urine. It is noteworthy that dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is not associated with specific proteins, and therefore does not affect their concentration in the blood. At the same time, it must be taken into account that dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate can bind to albumin contained in the blood serum.

Dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate in women is produced exclusively in the adrenal cortex, while in men it is produced in small quantities in the gonads. Despite the fact that dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate itself has a low androgynous effect, during metabolism in peripheral tissues can be converted into the male hormone testosterone and its derivative dehydrotestosterone. It is an excess of male hormones that leads to the appearance of a wide variety of abnormalities.

The reason for the appearance of elevated levels of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate in women may be associated not only with a congenital disorder in the adrenal cortex, but also with the appearance malignant tumors in this area, osteoporosis, delayed puberty and even a number of ovarian diseases. That is why an increased level of DHEA sulfate is not a problem in itself, but only a marker of existing problems in the body.

In order to effectively treat increased DHEA level sulfate, it is very important to find out the root cause of such a pathology. Some hormonal drugs They allow you to eliminate elevated levels of DHEA sulfate, but do not eliminate the root causes of the pathology. The use of hormonal drugs is justified only in cases where other methods of therapy can cause significant harm, for example, during pregnancy.

If DHEA sulfate was detected during the diagnosis of infertility, a targeted course of treatment for the underlying disease is required, and not only conservative but also surgical methods, depending on the root cause of deviations in hormonal background. In women who do not plan to have a child in the near future, the diagnosis of DHEA sulfate may be associated with problems that appear due to an excess of male hormones, including hair loss and deterioration of skin condition.

The choice of treatment strategy largely depends on the woman’s plans to have children in the future, as well as on how severe the existing symptoms are. If a woman does not plan to become pregnant in the near future, then hormonal contraceptives that have an antiandrogenic effect are used to eliminate the increased level of DHEA sulfate. There are several types of these drugs that allow you to quickly eliminate excess male hormones from a woman’s body.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that this method of treatment only eliminates symptoms, including problems with skin and hair, but cannot provide positive effect to the root cause of the disease and restore normal work adrenal cortex. IN in rare cases can be used to eliminate elevated levels of DHEA sulfate non-hormonal drugs, which have an antiandrogenic effect, but their use is not always justified.

After completing the course drug therapy there may be attenuation of all symptomatic manifestations, indicating an increase in the level of male hormones in the blood, but this does not happen in all cases. Often when women stop taking hormonal medications, there is a relapse of hair loss and deterioration of the skin.

As you age, all symptoms indicating an excess of male hormones may completely disappear, which is associated with the processes of fading hormone production and the rapid approach of menopause. During menopause, most women experience a decrease in the production of DHEA sulfate.

Although doctors may take a wait-and-see approach if there are no obvious problems that may be caused by elevated levels of DHEA sulfate, regular screening and blood tests should be done as a preventive measure to monitor levels of this substance.

The hormone (DHEA S, DHEA S, DEA S04) belongs to the class of androgens, steroid substances. This is a sex hormone. It is generated mostly by the adrenal glands, a small part of it is produced by the testicles in men, and by the ovaries in women. That is, the substance is present in people of both sexes.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is elevated in women with adrenal dysfunction. If the analysis shows high DHEA C, it is necessary to diagnose the functioning of these organs. Dehydroepiandrosterone increases with problems with reproductive function. What kind of hormone is this and what does it affect?

Functions of DHEA S

DEA S04 in women affects her well-being and youth appearance. In both sexes, the hormone affects sexual desire. A woman’s menstrual cycle depends on DHEA sulfate. It affects the condition of hair and skin. If the level of the substance increases, skin rashes and symptoms of hair loss may appear.

In the body men DHEA C hormone is converted into testosterone, and in a woman’s body it produces estrogens. Analysis for DHEA S04 shows where intensive formation of the steroid occurs - if it is elevated, then the generator is the adrenal glands, if it is reduced, then the ovaries (in men, the testicles).

The substance is formed from cholesterol with the assistance of enzymes. Therefore biologically active additives(dietary supplements) containing DHEA sulfate can reduce body weight. But you can’t get carried away with them. We will consider below what happens when the hormone increases above normal.

In women during pregnancy, dehydroepia is absorbed by the placenta for subsequent production of estrogen. If a pregnant woman has elevated DHEA C levels, which means the placenta is not saturated with this hormone, and this situation can lead to miscarriage.

In male children, DHEA S affects the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

The amount of steroid in the body does not depend on puberty. It also does not depend, unlike many other substances, on the time of day.

Steroid norm in women

The volume of DHEA sulfate is affected by a person’s gender and age. Scientists have determined that the most high level substances are present in embryos in the mother's uterus. After birth, the amount of the hormone in a child drops sharply, then it increases during puberty.

In a woman under 30 years of age who is capable of conceiving a child, the androgen content should be from 2700 nmol/l to 11000 nmol/l. A man who has strong sperm capable of fertilizing eggs has at least 5500 nmol/l dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.

During pregnancy, the content of the described substance in the expectant mother decreases every 3 months. If from 1 to 3 months it ranges from 3 to 12 µmol/l, then from 7 to 9 months the DHEA hormone decreases to levels from 0.8 to 3.5 µmol/l. The figures are approximate. The interpretation of the analysis should be carried out by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

After 30 years, androgen levels in women are reduced. The table of the dependence of the amount of androgen on age looks like this:

Causes of elevated DHEA C in women

DHEA S is male hormone. Its increase in women indicates pathology. It could be:

  • Congenital disease of the adrenal cortex;
  • Tumor disease (benign or malignant) of the adrenal glands;
  • Pituitary tumors;
  • Excessive generation of adrenocorticotropin by tumor cells;
  • Multiple ovarian cysts;
  • Too late puberty;
  • Osteoporosis disease;
  • Ovarian pathology.

It is clear that increasing the volume of the hormone in itself is not a problem. It only indicates pathologies of the listed types. To treat elevated DHEA C, it is necessary to treat the disease that caused it.

The consequences of an increased amount of androgen, excluding the consequences of a tumor, can be:

  • Diagnosing a woman with infertility;
  • Miscarriages and premature births;
  • Aging too early;
  • Excessive fat deposition;
  • Irritability and nervousness;
  • Insomnia or sleep with nightmares;
  • Hair growth of parts of a woman's body.

Low androgen may indicate endocrine disease, in which the adrenal glands cannot cope with their functions, due to a lack of sex hormones and other pathologies. It also occurs during late puberty.

Indications for laboratory testing

Your doctor may order a blood test for the hormone DHEA C in the following cases:

  • Early or late puberty.
  • Suspicion of a tumor in the adrenal glands.
  • Determination of normal growth and maturation of follicles.
  • Frequent miscarriages.
  • Suspicion of a pituitary tumor.

The pituitary gland produces adrenocorticotropic hormone, which affects the production of DEAS. Some preparation is required before taking the test.

Preparation for analysis on DEA S04

Blood is taken for analysis from a woman in the morning on days 5–7 of the cycle. A few days before the test, the woman needs to reduce physical activity. Should be excluded from drinking alcoholic drinks and coffee. 2 days before the test you must abstain from sexual intercourse.

The day before you should not eat fatty or too salty foods. Semi-finished products containing artificial additives for color and smell should also be excluded from the menu. You can have dinner, but it is not recommended to overeat at night; you are allowed to snack on kefir or something light. After this, you can neither eat nor drink until blood is drawn.

Smoking in the morning is not advisable. If it is not possible not to smoke, last time You can smoke an hour before the test.

On the day of the study, before the analysis, you cannot undergo other tests. diagnostic procedures- Ultrasound, radiography, CT or MRI. It is also prohibited to take physiotherapeutic procedures.

Treatment for elevated DHEA C

To treat an elevated level of a substance, it is necessary, first of all, to cure the disease that caused this increase. Tumor disease requires surgical treatment. Chemotherapy may then be prescribed. If a tumor is found on early stage, a specialist can replace the operation drug treatment. These measures will be a factor reducing the indicator.

In case of infertility, a consultation with a doctor from a family planning center is required, who will prescribe a detailed examination to determine the cause. On the center’s website there are many reviews from families, women who were successfully treated to make it possible to conceive a baby.

Treatment depends on the woman's plans. If she does not intend to have a baby, she may be prescribed contraceptives in the form of hormonal pills, which will reduce the production of androgens. That is, there are hormonal drugs that can reduce DHEA C, but they will only eliminate the consequences of the disease, while its cause will remain. Hormonal medications are prescribed only when other treatments are unacceptable. Such periods include pregnancy. But the reception unsafe drugs a pregnant woman should be under constant supervision of a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

After a course of treatment with hormones, signs of increased DAE S04 may disappear. But after some time a relapse is possible. If a woman is close to menopause in age, her DHEA C levels decrease naturally and the consequences of its increase disappear - body hair, the onset of baldness, and so on. Despite this, you need to keep your health under control - undergo periodic examinations, visit a doctor and do hormone tests.

DHEA C should also be increased in the manner recommended by the doctor. First you need to conduct an examination and understand why the hormone is low. Then you need to eliminate the disease that led to its decrease. You should not immediately take medications containing DHEA S.

DHEA-c hormone: what is it in women? Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA for short) is a hormone that affects women Health and beauty, although it is also present in male body. Its production affects a woman’s mood, appearance, and libido. When there is an excess or deficiency of the hormone, the woman’s condition undergoes pathological changes. To identify the nature of the violations, it is necessary to go through comprehensive examination which includes a fee venous blood for the determination of hormones.

What is the hormone DHEA? What is its role in the body?

This active substance produced by two organs:

  • Adrenal glands (more than 90%).
  • Ovaries (about 5%).

The hormone belongs to androgens, that is, those substances that are responsible for the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics in men. Due to an imbalance of DHEA, male sexual characteristics can also appear in women.

Normally, the amount of the hormone gradually increases as puberty. Maximum level DHEA reaches the age of 30, and with age it is produced less and less. Based on DHEA endocrine system produces 27 other important hormones. Once in the bloodstream, it is transformed into:

Functions of dehydroepiandrosterone

  • Controls libido.
  • Suspends the aging process.
  • Responsible for muscle growth (in men).

Impaired DHEA production

If there is a malfunction of the adrenal glands various reasons(tumor), and DHEA productivity has increased, then such changes in women sooner or later lead to:

  1. Inability to have offspring.
  2. Premature birth.
  3. Rapid aging.
  4. Hair growth by male type.

Insufficient amount of hormone inhibits sexual development teenagers This situation is typical when the adrenal glands do not fully perform their functions.

Any pathological changes in the body should cause caution in patients. If you have any questions, please contact your endocrinologist or gynecologist.

Normal DHEA values ​​in women (table)

Hormone levels are different for each gender and age. So the table below shows the amount of hormone in the bloodstream, typical for healthy patients:

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Patient age (years)Amount of hormone in women (mcg/dl)Amount of hormone in men (mcg/dl)
10-15 33,9 - 280 24,4-247
15-20 65,1- 368 70,2-492
20-25 148 - 407 211-492
25-35 98,8-340 160-449
35-45 60,9-337 88,9-427
45-55 35,4-256 44,3-331
55-65 18,9-205 51,7-225
65-75 9,4-246 3,6-249
More than 7575 – 154 16,2-123

Children also have their own levels of this hormone, the amount of which depends on their age.

The level of the hormone in pregnant women varies depending on the trimester:

  • In the 1st trimester there is 3.12 nmol/l.
  • In the 3rd trimester - 3.6 nmol/l.

When is a DHEA test prescribed?

The reasons why doctors issue a referral for a DHEA test are as follows:

  • Early maturation in girls (7-8 years).
  • Suspicion of tumors in the area of ​​the adrenal glands and other organs.
  • Regular miscarriages, premature births.
  • Causeless baldness or increased hair growth in women.
  • Lack of sexual desire, despite young age.
  • Infertility in women of childbearing age.

DHEA is elevated: interpretation of results. What does it mean?

One of possible resultsincreased amount DHEA. The hormone may be increased due to:

  • Forced hunger.
  • Intense physical activity.
  • Increased emotional stress.
  • Long-term smoking.
  • Taking some medicines(“Clomiphene”, “Danazol”).

The following pathologies affect the increase in the substance:

  1. Adrenogenital syndrome. A lack of enzymes that convert DHEA and other androgens in the adrenal glands leads to an excess release of hormones into the blood.
  2. Cushing's disease. It releases a large amount of hormones.
  3. Hypothalamic-pituitary syndrome. A brain tumor stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands, and hence the release of DHEA.
  4. Tumors. They provoke early puberty and contribute to excessive production of the hormone by the adrenal glands.
  5. Cancer of the pancreas, ovaries, lungs. Malignant formations lead to hyperfunction of the adrenal glands.

In addition to the diseases mentioned above, increased production substances are observed in patients during menstruation. This is how the body protects itself from the development of osteoporosis. Premature babies also have elevated levels of the hormone.

What does a low DHEA level mean?

Reduced hormone during pregnancy, large physical activity, as well as with excess body weight. Long-term depression affects the decrease in the level of the substance. DHEA deficiency occurs when, which are based on hormones or dexamezatone.

Which pathological processes lead to a decrease in DHEA? This list includes:

  1. Addison's disease, which progresses rapidly.
  2. Osteoporosis.
  3. Tumor-like formations of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

The production of DHEA is reduced in people who abuse alcohol.

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Rules for taking tests to determine DHEA in women

To donate blood for DHEA-S, a person does not need to prepare in particular. Before analysis, you just need to adhere to a small set of rules in order for the results to be reliable.

Since blood for analysis is taken from a vein, doctors recommend not eating before the donation session. You are allowed to drink half a glass of still water.

Be sure to tell your doctor about the groups of medications you are taking. Before the study, you must refrain from taking:

  • "Dexamethasone."
  • "Hydrocortisone."
  • "Diprospana".
  • Oral contraceptives.

It is also important for the doctor to know the date of menopause or gestational age if the patient is a woman. On what day of the cycle can the analysis be performed? It is recommended to conduct the study on days 5-7 (end of the 1st week of the menstrual cycle).

TO when to take it biological material the best thing? It is better to take tests in the morning, despite the fact that the amount of DHEA does not change throughout the day.

Some important points, which everyone who donates blood for DHEA should pay attention to:

  1. It is not recommended to overeat on the eve of the test (in the evening). Fat and fat people should be banned fried foods. Avoid alcohol one day before the intended test.
  2. A couple of days before the test, the patient needs to refrain from intimate relationships. You should also refrain from strenuous exercise.
  3. You should not smoke 40-60 minutes before the procedure.

You can donate blood from a vein again in the same laboratory 2-3 weeks after the first procedure. This will provide more reliable results.

Treatment of DHEA deficiency in the female body

Women who experience a sharp decrease in DHEA levels are treated with artificially produced hormones. DHEA sulfate is an auxiliary hormone available in tablets . It helps women improve their well-being, prolong youth, and restore sexual attraction, and also increases the likelihood of motherhood when there is no hope left. DHEA-s only partially affects genital area. It interacts with testosterone, which activates libido.

Thanks to action of DHEA-s in mature people:

  1. The activity of the central nervous system is restored.
  2. Memory and attention improves.
  3. The psycho-emotional sphere is normalized.

Behind hormonal medicine one more thing noticed positive attribute. It can break down fats formed due to errors in diet. However, one should not assume that the substance is a panacea for obesity.

  1. Improves the condition of her skin, making it smooth and soft.
  2. Increases the duration of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Strengthens bone structures.
  4. Returns hair and nails to a healthy appearance.

At the same time self-medication steroid hormones may worsen the patient's health. The use of synthetic substances in large quantities leads to the fact that a woman:

  1. Male pattern hair growth is observed (on the chest, back, face).
  2. Muscles are strengthened.
  3. The voice grows rough.
  4. Breast cancer develops.


Preventive measures

To prevent a sharp change in DHEA levels and prevent serious disorders in the body, a woman must carefully listen to her feelings. The latter means the following points:

  • Need to notice external changes (brittle nails, hair loss) that are not associated with cosmetic care. They are not always a consequence of vitamin deficiency, as many believe, but are associated with abnormal production of DHEA.
  • Monitor your menstrual cycle. U healthy woman it is 30 days. If in menstrual cycle malfunctions are observed, the amount and color of discharge changes during menstruation - this is a reason to contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons.
  • Fruitless attempts to conceive or numerous miscarriages– also a reason to visit a specialist and undergo a comprehensive examination.
  • Frequent change of mood, appearance large quantity wrinkles in a short period of time, general causeless weakness - all this signals serious disorders, the provocateur of which is an excess or deficiency of DHEA.

How to reduce or? To do this, the patient must first pathological signs seek advice from a general practitioner and then an endocrinologist. Depending on the etiological factor, treatment will be prescribed, including replacement hormone therapy. This will allow a woman to prolong her health and youth, and also to feel the taste of life again.

Hormonal disorders in the body do not tolerate self-medication. Timely diagnosis and treatment from a specialist will help improve your quality of life and overcome the disease without health consequences!

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