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Increasing androstenedione levels in women. On what day of the cycle should you take hormone tests: explanation Androstenedione is elevated and testosterone is normal

Hormones have a strong influence on the body; not only health, but also emotional condition. Androstenedione is a hormone that precedes testosterone. It is present in both female body. However, it is the weaker sex that often suffers from a deficiency or excess of androstenedione. This hormone is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. If its content in the blood does not correspond to the norm, then there is a high probability of disruption of the functioning of one of these organs.

Active production of androstenedione begins at approximately 7 years of age and reaches a peak by 30 years of age. Then its content in the blood begins to decrease. Also, the level of this hormone changes throughout the day, the maximum amount being noted in the morning. In women, androstenedione is increased during pregnancy. The result of the analysis also depends on what day of the cycle it is taken (the most androstenedione is in the middle of the cycle).

The norm of this hormone for adult woman is 85-275 ng/100 ml. Any deviation is dangerous to health, because there is a failure in the production of the main sex hormones, which will certainly affect general health person.

Androstenedione in women may increase due to benign or malignant tumors ovaries. This problem can also arise due to polycystic ovary syndrome, in which changes occur in their function and structure.

Androstenedione may be increased when malfunction adrenal glands Most often this is:

  • hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;

Another reason is female osteoporosis.

If a woman has increased anrostenedione, this will greatly affect her appearance and disrupt reproductive functions. Possible violation menstrual cycle and hair loss, including baldness. Skin problems may begin, an unpleasant rash will appear, which is not easy to get rid of. In addition, a woman begins to develop masculine traits - her voice becomes rougher, and sometimes facial hair begins to grow. It is also possible to increase muscle mass, which is sometimes used by bodybuilders. Experiments with the endocrine system cause great harm health, so the game is not worth the candle.

If a pregnant woman has elevated androstenedione, this can cause infertility or fetal rejection, so it is especially important to monitor its levels when planning a pregnancy. If there is too much of this hormone at a young age, it can lead to early puberty. The symptoms of increased androstenedione are often not given due importance, but this is a serious disruption in the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, you should contact a specialist at the first signs of an increase in male hormone.


Problems with metabolism can be detected by the content of androstenedione glucuronide. It itself is not highly active, but by its level it is possible to diagnose failures in the production and. Problems with this hormone are known to cause masculine characteristics in women, such as facial hair, a rough voice, and increased muscle mass.

To check the content of androstenedione glucuronide, you need to follow a number of recommendations that will allow you to determine its level as accurately as possible. The same preparation is required for other types of analysis. It must be treated responsibly, because the actions of the attending physician depend on it.

2 weeks before the test you need to stop taking any oral contraceptives. You should refrain from taking alcoholic drinks one day before visiting the clinic. It even matters what day of the cycle you donate blood. Usually on days 2-5 of the cycle, sex hormone tests are taken. These numbers may vary depending on the length of the cycle. The test for androstenedione is taken on an empty stomach.

Moreover, during the day you need to limit your intake of fatty and fried foods, as well as spicy foods. It is important not to subject your body to heavy stress before the analysis. It goes away in the morning, when the level of androstenedione in the blood is highest. It is worth refraining from smoking several hours before the test.


If androstenedione deviates from the norm, treatment should be started immediately. His low level just as dangerous as elevated.

If the level of this hormone is low, the cause is usually adrenal or ovarian insufficiency. But most often problems arise precisely because of increased androstenedione. Under no circumstances try to lower its level yourself, as this may lead to serious problems with endocrine system. It is better to entrust this matter to professionals - a gynecologist or endocrinologist. The entire course of treatment must be carried out under their supervision.

To reduce the hormone androstenedione, it is usually prescribed oral contraceptives and special medications. Many contraception contain drospirenone - synthetic hormone, which is often used in hormone therapy. Most often it is combined with other substances. The most common combination is a mixture of drospirenone and estrogen. If the disease is caused by a malfunction of the adrenal glands, dexamethasone is used. This hormone is used only in severe cases, for example, during pregnancy. The following drugs have proven themselves well:

  • Clomiphene;
  • Androstenediol;
  • Androstenedione.

Best to use nutritional supplements, such as androstenedione and androstenediol. They normalize testosterone levels in both men and women. These drugs are usually sold in capsule form, their daily value is 100-600 mcg. They enhance those properties of the body for which the male hormone is responsible. There is an increase physical strength and noticeable muscle growth, as well as increased sex drive.

Only a doctor can organize the proper intake of androstenediol and androstenedione. Self-medication is especially dangerous for men, since they have high levels of their own testosterone. When abused, it occurs acne, the emotional state becomes unstable, growth retardation and early puberty are possible.


To reduce androstenedione levels, you should healthy image life. It is advisable to go to healthy eating, exclude semi-finished products from the diet and spicy food. It will be better to limit your consumption of fried and fatty foods. Such a diet will help both with increased androstenedione levels and with decreased ones. For get well soon worth giving up bad habits at least for the duration of treatment.

Exercising also helps normalize hormonal levels if you approach it wisely. It is advisable to avoid strength exercises, especially weights, as they increase the amount of testosterone in the blood. In summer, you can get by with a light jog or a simple walk. fresh air. Remember that reducing androstenedione levels folk remedies dangerous. A well-chosen course of treatment and a healthy lifestyle will quickly return your hormonal levels to normal.


  1. Purulent-septic infection in obstetrics and gynecology. Abramchenko V.V. 2005 Publisher: Special Literature.
  2. Infections in obstetrics and gynecology. Makarova O.V., Aleshkina V.A., Savchenko T.N. Moscow., Medpress-inform, 2007, 462 p.
  3. Gestagens in obstetric and gynecological practice. Korkhov V.V., Tapilskaya N.I. 2005 Publisher: Special Literature.
  4. Obstetrics. National leadership. UMO stamp medical education. Ailamazyan E.K., Radzinsky V.E., Kulakov V.I., Savelyeva G.M. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  5. Ectopic pregnancy. UMO stamp for medical education. Sidorova I.S., Guriev T.D. 2007 Publisher: Practical Medicine
  6. Clinical guidelines for contraception. /Translation from English/ Edited by Professor V.N. Prilepskaya - 2009, M.: BINOM Publishing House.

There is a close connection between health and hormones. For each individual phase there is a specific ratio and concentration. For an accurate diagnosis, doctors determine on which day of the cycle to take hormones, and also talk about additional phenomena that cause results that do not correspond to reality.

Hormones during the follicular period

The hormones of phase 1 of the cycle include the following:

  • androgens;
  • paths;
  • estrogen;
  • 17-hydroprogesterone;
  • SHBG;
  • prolactin;

Sometimes you have to do tests on other days due to altered cycle length, concomitant pathologies and doctor’s recommendations.

Luteinizing hormonal period

At the end of the ovulatory period, the level of the following hormones of the 2nd phase of the cycle is studied:

  • gestagens;

The last two laboratory tests can be carried out either at the beginning or at the end of the month under certain circumstances and medical recommendations.

What hormones to test for 3-5 days

There is no need to take separate hormones only on days 3–5 of the cycle. This concept is partly true, because some of the tests that fall on these days also apply to others, right up to ovulation (most often the 14th day). You also need to take into account that much will depend on the duration female cycle. If it differs greatly from the standard in one direction or another, then the date of the study also shifts. But there is an exception - a test for Anti-Mullerian hormone is carried out exactly on days 3–5.

Basic rules for taking tests

It is important not only to take into account the phases of the menstrual cycle, but also to follow basic recommendations. Violating the rules may cause false results.

  1. Any hormone is administered on an empty stomach and always before lunch.
  2. Even if the analysis does not depend on the daily period, doctors insist on visiting the laboratory before 10.00.
  3. It is worth excluding going to the gym, emotional stress and heavy lifting in advance.
  4. You also need to remember to get a good night's sleep for several days.
    It is better not to drink alcohol for a whole week, but giving up cigarettes for a couple of hours is enough.
  5. Sexual intimacy can also distort the data, so you need to exclude sex at least a day before the analysis.


Even though they don't wear feminine nature, you still need to stick to taking hormones on the days of your cycle. For example, testosterone concentrations for conducting laboratory research enough from 6 to 10 days of the menstrual cycle.

To determine the patient's condition, blood is most often taken for the presence of:

  • cortisol (hydrocortisone)
  • androstenedione;
  • testosterone;
  • DHEA sulfate;
  • dihydrotestosterone (metabolite of testosterone).


Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands and plays important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Its second name is the stress hormone, because thanks to its production, human energy resources are preserved. Hydrocortisone counteracts adrenaline, protecting people from high blood pressure and other negative consequences stress.

When and on what day of the cycle to take Cortisol is decided by the attending physician. This analysis can be carried out at any time, both in the first phase and after ovulation if symptoms of such disorders occur:

Among women reproductive age If menstruation fails, ovarian tumors and hair appears in atypical places, it is better to donate urine and blood for analysis at the beginning menstrual month(3–7 days). And to exclude false results must be strictly adhered to following rules:

  1. The optimal time to conduct the study is before 9 am, when the concentration active substance reaches its peak.
  2. It is better to go to the hospital on an empty stomach, having previously ruled out physical overexertion, sexual intercourse, stress factors, alcohol and cigarettes.
  3. It is important to warn your doctor about taking medications that lower the level of this hormone (prednisolone, dexamethasolone).
  4. About 30 minutes before the start of the procedure should be devoted to relaxation without worries and overexertion.

In the medical table, the normal cortisol level ranges from 140 to 640 nmol/l for people over 16 years of age. A higher rate is not a pathology if a woman:

  • pregnant;
  • suffered a trauma;
  • recovering after surgery.


Stimulates adipose tissue liver, where others are synthesized important substances, including estrogen and testosterone. This is a male sex hormone (minor), but its low or too high content in the blood more often leads to disorders and pathologies in women.

The peak of the substance is observed at 30 years of age, after which the indicator should decrease. If this does not happen, then the health, reproductive system, and appearance of the female half of the population suffer.

Doctors make individual recommendations for each patient on when to take Androstenedione and on what day of the cycle. Unless specifically prescribed, you should be examined within the first ten days of the onset of menstrual bleeding. But these numbers may differ insignificantly in different clinics. So, some medical laboratories in Moscow advise their clients to come 8 or 11 days after the start of menstruation.

High levels of this hormone prevent many women from becoming pregnant. Even if conception has occurred, the risk of premature birth and miscarriage remains. They may also be observed following problems:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • occurrence in women male characteristics;
  • osteoporosis;
  • malignant formations.

Reduced levels of the substance often indicate anemia, abnormal ovarian activity and problems with the adrenal cortex.


Dihydrotestosterone is the most male hormone, which is responsible for the dynamic process of growth, puberty, erection and ejaculation. It is also present in the female body and does not lead to problems as long as its level is within normal limits.

The role of DHT cannot be overestimated, because it is responsible for several moments in the life of the female sex:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • ensuring normal metabolism;
  • maintaining sexual desire;
  • strengthening bones and muscles;
  • formation of thick and strong hair;
  • normalization of work sebaceous glands (healthy skin);
  • maintaining optimal blood pressure levels;
  • acceleration of recovery functions;
  • security fast response and concentration;

Doctors have determined the exact date on which day of the cycle to take Dihydrotestosterone for women. The analysis is done on the second, third and fourth days of menstruation.

It is very important to try to be examined at rest in order to obtain the most reliable data. Immediately before taking blood for hormones, experts advise fasting in the evening.

From the following drugs DHT content decreases:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Cyproterone;
  • Spironolactone;
  • Digoxin;
  • Ketoconazole.

The increase is affected by:

  • antispastic drugs;
  • estrogen tablets;
  • Clomiphene;
  • contraceptives;
  • barbiturates.

A result of 24–450 pg/ml is normal condition. Too much a large number of indicates hyperandrogenism, androgen-producing tumors. Very low levels may be due to congenital 5-alpha reductase deficiency or Morris syndrome.


Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is a hormone produced from adrenal cholesterol. DHEA-S supports the optimal functioning of many processes in the body of the fair sex, including quality sex life, healthy sexual desire, bearing a child.

A lack or excess of a substance negatively affects vitality, emotional stability, intimate life. And also, the longer the hormone remains in the body, the later woman will grow old. The highest content of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate occurs at the age of thirty. Then its concentration gradually decreases until production stops completely.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding which day of the cycle to take DHEA. When accounting medical factors it becomes clear that this androgen is practically free from influence:

  • female hedgehog monthly cycle;
  • concentration changes throughout the day.

Therefore, you can undergo examination both at the beginning, end, and in the middle of the cycle. Although the comments on many sites show that most patients had their blood taken between days 7 and 9. And only one woman passed the tests on the 22nd day.
This is due to the fact that every laboratory uses different techniques and medications during the procedure. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to talk to your doctor in advance and choose suitable date.


The main types, indicating which day of the cycle to donate blood for hormones:

  • ACTH (6–7). Responsible for the functioning of the adrenal cortex, influences estrogen, participates in the control metabolic processes.
  • TSH (5–8). The main regulator of thyroid function. Provides transport of iodine to the gland. Thyroid-stimulating hormone does not depend on the period of the female cycle. But you need to check the date with your doctor.
  • Somatotropin (any day). Responsible for the growth and development of the body. You can be examined any day, but only in the morning.
  • Lipotropic hormones (LD). Helps break down fat cells and reduces the rate of fat deposition.
  • Melanotropin (LD). Ensures the production and deposition of melanin pigment in the skin/hair.
  • Prolactin (no later than 14 days). Enough level Prolactin ensures normal development of the mammary glands, secretion of colostrum and milk, and also regulates the phase of the corpus luteum.

This also includes gonadotropic hormones:

  • LH (3–8 or 19–21). Luteinizing hormone is responsible for the maturing follicle. In the moment follicular phase LH concentration is higher.
  • FSH (3–8 or 19–21). Follicle stimulating hormone is responsible for ovulatory period, formation of the corpus luteum and the production of androgens.
  • hCG (not before the delay in 4–5 days). With the help of the analysis, you can find out about the occurrence of pregnancy.


ACTH or Adrenocorticotropic hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. Promotes the normal flow of several processes at once:

  • control of the total weight of a person;
  • breakdown of fat deposits;
  • enrichment of blood with glucose;
  • regulation of the functioning of the adrenal cortex;
  • control of cortisol production;
  • influence on estrogen concentration;
  • regulation of menstruation;
  • providing protection for negative factors(anxiety, fear).

On what day of the cycle and when to take ACTH, it is better to check with the laboratory. The standard period is 6 or 7 days from the first day of monthly bleeding. But the doctor, based on the patient’s condition and her complaints, may set another date for the test. Maximum concentration the hormone reaches in the morning, so it is best to take the test before 10 am.

For diagnosis, two options for blood sampling are used:

  1. Fast. Only two samples are needed - before the introduction of a similar substance into the body and after that.
  2. Long. The test is carried out 4 times - before the administration of the substance, after 4, 6 and 8 hours.

A decrease in ACTH may indicate:

The reason for deviation from the norm (9–52 pg/ml) of the hormone content is often the following:

  • period of menstruation;
  • physical stress;
  • strong stress factor;
  • chronic depression;
  • conceiving a child;
  • lactation period;
  • wrong day.

Sex hormones

It is the abnormal concentration of these components that most often causes difficulties associated with the monthly cycle, hormonal balance, as well as performance. On what days of the cycle should you take tests? female hormones, is determined by the duration of the female cycle, symptoms and general medical indications.


These substances are responsible for:

  • puberty in teenage girls,
  • processes of fertilization and conception;
  • breast growth, figure formation.

Main types:

  • Estradiol. Is the most active in the group, controls normal height endometrium and prepares the uterus for the process of fertilization. As menopause approaches, its level decreases. By the amount of estradiol in the blood, you can determine the specific period of the cycle and the indicator of ovarian function.
  • Estriol. It is synthesized by the placenta, which is why its content increases during gestation. If there are deviations in its indicators, doctors begin to suspect a pathology in the formation of the placenta or the development of the child in the womb.
  • Estrone (folliculin). Has less ability to communicate with cell receptors. In addition to the female reproductive glands, adipose tissue is also responsible for its production, so it is produced even at the stage of menopause.

When and on what day of the cycle to take estrogen, any woman can find out on her own at home. Everything will depend on the length of the monthly cycle:

  • 28 days from the 2nd to the 5th day of the cycle.
  • From 29 days and more - from the 5th to the 7th day from the onset of bleeding.
  • Less than 20 days – the second or third day from menstruation.

Estrogen deficiency has a bad effect on appearance, causes emotional instability, osteoporosis, and increases the risk of stroke. An excess of the hormone in the first phase of the cycle provokes the development of tumors, obesity, and infertility.


Produced yellow body ovaries and baby's place during pregnancy. Checking its level in a blood test is required when the patient has difficulty conceiving or experiences miscarriages, especially in the first trimester.
Analysis biological material occurs exclusively in the second period of the menstrual cycle after ovulation, when the eggs leave the follicular sac. The optimal time is 21 or 23 days, but this only applies to the standard monthly cycle (28 days).

In others the situation helps exact date rupture of the follicular sac and release of the egg. After this, a blood test is carried out a week later. To accurately determine the time of ovulation, it is enough to conduct an ultrasound scan or use a special test at home.

Thyroid hormones

Problems with reproductive system sometimes requires observation by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Problems with the thyroid gland can disrupt the cycle, cause infertility, and also provoke the death of the child in the mother's uterus. Therefore, your doctor may order testing of the following hormone levels: thyroid gland:

  • T3. It is synthesized by the follicular epithelium of the thyroid gland under the influence of TSH.
  • T4 (thyroxine). Speeds up basic exchange, increases heat generation and oxygen consumption by the entire body, except the brain and ovaries.

Antibodies are also determined, which indicate that the body does not perceive Thyroglobulin correctly.

You need to check the indicators of general and free hormone. The menstrual cycle does not affect the concentration, so there is no restriction on the days of delivery. But some gynecologists advise doing this 5–8 days from the start. menstrual flow.

On which days of the cycle to take hormone tests is decided by the attending physician. The figures given in this article are general character. Best time occurs under certain factors that differ in each individual case. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will make a diagnosis and select the necessary treatment.

How to donate blood for hormones?

It has become good practice to check your hormonal levels even before any health problems begin. Below I will talk about the rules for taking tests; to make the search easier, we will “divide” the hormonal levels into systems.

1. Thyroid hormones, parathyroid glands . These are TSH, T4 free and total, T3 free and total, antibodies to TPO, antibodies to TG, antibodies to rTSH, some others - calcitonin, parathyroid hormone.
They must be taken on an empty stomach (that is, an “empty stomach”), or 4-5 hours after eating. Tablets (such as L-thyroxine, Euthyrox, Tyrosol, Mercazolil, etc.) are taken after passing the analysis. If you have been ill or are suffering from ARVI, ARI, it is better to get tested 4-5 weeks after recovery. These tests have no connection with the menstrual cycle.

2.Sex hormones(for women). These are LH, FSH, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone (free and total), DHA-S, 17- OH-progesterone, androstenedione, dehydrotestosterone.
It is advisable to take the test on an empty stomach; for prolactin - for 2 days, refrain from intense physical activity, drinking alcohol, or sex. Take it after the temperature drops, in the morning 1-2 hours after waking up
(preferably not later).
Taking medications, not only hormonal ones, is also taken into account
(That's why provide a list of medications you take doctor, and don’t describe their approximate appearance with words - “well, these are white, small, in a little blue box, in general, I don’t remember what they are called”)
FSH, LH, ESTRADIOL, TESTOSTERONE, DHA-S, 17-OH-PROGESTERONE, ANDROSTENDIONE, PROLACTIN - given on days 2-5 from start of menstrual bleeding
(this is phase 1 of the cycle) with a 28 day cycle,
with a cycle of more than 28 days - 5-7 days, including after bleeding caused by progesterone, on days 2-3 with a cycle of 23-21 days.
PROGESTERONE, sometimes PROLACTIN is taken on days 21-22 of a 28-day cycle (phase 2), or calculated on days 6-8 after ovulation (if an ovulation test was performed).
DEHYDROTESTOSTERONE is given on any day of the cycle.

For men, the test conditions are the same (hormones are slightly different)

3. Adrenal hormones. (These are cortisol, renin, aldosterone, metanephrine, normetanephrine, adrenaline, norepinephrine, etc.).
Take on an empty stomach, preferably between 8-9 am
(daily peak of secretion - more related to cortisol!).
Before donating renin, aldosterone, metanephrines, etc., 2 weeks before taking certain groups of medications: Veroshpiron, and -ACE (enalapril), B-blockers
(Egilok), Aspirin and some others.

4.Pituitary hormones(main endocrine gland). These are: ACTH, growth hormone (growth hormone). I have already told you about FSH, LH, prolactin.
ACTH is given as cortisol, on an empty stomach, 8-9 am, sometimes at 13.00 (and/or 20.00) - as prescribed by the doctor.
STG (ego analogue of IGF1) on an empty stomach, at any time.

5. Hormone insulin is given on an empty stomach, usually along with blood sugar. Sometimes together with a test for “glucose tolerance” (then 2 times - on an empty stomach and 2 hours after the “sugar syrup”).

6. For delivery daily urine for analogues male hormones (17-KS and 17-OX) are not used now; the reliability of these analyzes is very low. And here 24-hour urine test for cortisol They rent out often! To do this, urine is collected 24 hours from 8.00 one day to 8.00 another day.
(write down the entire volume! collected urine), they chat it up and bring 150-200 ml to the laboratory, along with a note about the allocated volume. Some laboratories ask you to bring all your urine, you need to clarify this issue in advance!
The same applies to daily urine
A) for calcium and phosphorus,
b) metanephrines
V) vanillylmandelic acid (for these you need to take a special preservative from the laboratory! to collect urine). When collecting daily urine, the following are excluded from the diet: beets, carrots, bananas, turnips, citrus fruits, and calcium supplements.

In endocrinology, hormonal tests are also used, but they are a separate topic.

You can't get pregnant because higher level androstenedione? What are the causes of this hormonal imbalance, what is the optimal amount of hormones for conception? How to recover normal level androstenedione? You will get the answers in our article.

Hormone androstenedione

The human body is a complex structure, for the proper functioning of which hormones are responsible. What is the hormone androstenedione responsible for? He ensures that fatty tissues and the liver produce testosterone and estrogen in the right quantities.

From the age of nine, the level of androstenedione begins to constantly increase in the human body. The peak occurs at age 30, after which the level declines. However, there are now more and more cases where the level of this hormone in women does not decrease. This also has a negative impact on their appearance, and to your health. High levels of androstenedione are one of the causes of reproductive system failures.

Increased androstenedione levels in preparation for pregnancy
associated with a malfunction of the adrenal glands and ovaries. An increase in hormone levels is observed against the background pathological diseases, such as osteoporosis, malignant degeneration of the ovaries. Great content androstenedione is a result of many autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases.

Androstenedione. Normal for women

When planning a pregnancy, it is very important to know the level of androstenedione and, if necessary, reduce it to normal. Acceptable level hormone in a woman’s blood ranges from 85-275 ng/100 ml. Noticeable discharges are observed when taking hormonal drugs and tumors various etiologies. During the menstrual cycle, depending on the time of day and phases, slight fluctuations in the level of androstenedione also occur.

When preparing for childbirth and at all stages of pregnancy, be careful not to hormonal surge. A sharp increase in the hormone content in the blood during pregnancy leads to bleeding of the uterus and threatens premature birth. During pregnancy, androstenedione levels may also be slightly higher than normal, this can also be attributed to natural fluctuations. However, you will still be closely monitored by both a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

Oral medications are used for treatment hormonal contraceptives, dexamethasone, clomiphene.

Doctors determine medications, therapeutic agents and treatment regimens individually, based on the reasons hormonal imbalance, age and the presence of concomitant pathologies and diseases. Self-treatment Absolutely forbidden!

Androstenedione. When to take it?

When preparing for pregnancy, you must take a blood test to determine the level of androstenedione. There are several rules for correctly taking tests. Blood is donated for androstenedione early in the morning on an empty stomach. When you decide to get tested for androstenedione, stop taking it thirty days before contraceptive drugs. Avoid alcohol and overeating 24 hours and smoking at least 3 hours before the test. Before testing, try to avoid physical activity and stress. It is not recommended to donate blood for testing immediately after ultrasound, fluorography, radiography and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Many women are interested in the question of which day of the menstrual cycle to take androstenedione. There is no definite answer, because every woman’s cycle
individual. It is important to know that the peak level of the hormone occurs in the middle
menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct research at the end or beginning of the cycle.

And estrone, the concentration of which is determined during the diagnosis of “virilizing” syndromes (polycystic ovary syndrome, tumors of the gonads and adrenal glands, Cushing’s syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia) and monitoring their treatment.

Synonyms Russian

Precursor to testosterone and estrone.

English synonyms

4-Androsten-3,17-dione, 4-androstenedione, 17-ketoestosterone, andro.

Research method

Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.


ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter).

What biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous blood.

How to properly prepare for research?

  • Eliminate alcohol from your diet 24 hours before the test.
  • Do not take oral contraceptives for 30 days before the test.
  • Avoid physical and emotional stress for 72 hours before the test.
  • Do not smoke for 3 hours before the test.

General information about the study

Androstenedione is a precursor of the sex hormones testosterone and estrone, formed in the Leydig cells of the testes, theca cells of the ovaries, as well as in the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex in people of both sexes. Further conversion of androstenedione into testosterone occurs in the cells of peripheral tissues (mainly in the gonads). Despite the fact that normally the effects of androstenedione are inferior to those of other male sex hormones (primarily testosterone), its importance increases with the development of “virilizing” syndromes. Measuring androstenedione concentration is used to differential diagnosis and monitoring the treatment of these diseases. In addition, “weak” androgens play a leading role in the metabolism of patients with low normal testosterone concentrations (for example, boys before puberty). Androstenedione is also the main steroid hormone in postmenopausal women.

Analysis for androstenedione is carried out when examining patients with signs of hyperandrogenism: acne, hirsutism (hair growth male-type: above upper lip, on the chin, along the white line of the abdomen), changes in voice timbre, clitoromegaly. The most common reasons such virilization are: overproduction of androgens by the ovaries (polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperthecosis and androgen-producing tumors) and overproduction of androgens by the adrenal glands (Cushing's syndrome, adenoma or carcinoma of the adrenal gland), as well as taking certain medications (danazol, anabolic steroid) and some others hormonal disorders(hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism). Since androstenedione is produced by both adrenal and gonad cells, this test is not indicated for differential diagnosis of the cause of virilization. Therefore, when high level androstenedione, additional laboratory and instrumental studies to determine the source of increased androgen secretion. Determination of androstenedione levels is indicated for suspected congenital adrenal hyperplasia in infants and children early age. These are relatively rare syndromes synthesis enzyme deficiency steroid hormones(usually 21-beta-hydroxylase, a rarer variant - 11-beta-hydroxylase) are characterized by insufficient production of aldosterone and cortisol, but a significant increase in the level of dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione and testosterone. IN clinical picture In congenital adrenal hyperplasia, symptoms of hyperandrogenism predominate: the presence in a genetically female infant of external genital structures that have both female and male characteristics.

The sensitivity of the test for diagnosing “virilizing” syndromes is maximum when studying samples with a high content of androstenedione and decreases when studying samples obtained from patients with low concentrations of androgens (children, postmenopausal women, men with primary hypogonadism).

The test is characterized by high specificity (approaching 100%), however, cross-reaction of the reagents with some other androgens (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and dihydrotestosterone) is possible, which can lead to higher values.

Like other sex hormones, most of androstenedione is found in blood serum in bound state(conjugated, sulfated, bound to androgen-binding globulin), that is, inactive. Share active hormone depends on physiological state body, taking some medicines, availability concomitant pathology. Normally, only a third of the total amount of androstenedione is present in the free state and is responsible for the effects manifested in target organs. The study allows you to determine the total amount of androstenedione in the blood serum, without separately assessing the active and bound fractions of the hormone. In addition, the effects of androstenedione can be modified by the interaction of this hormone with other androgens and antiandrogens at the level of binding to specific receptors. Therefore, the test result does not always correlate with the severity of clinical manifestations hyperandrogenism. In other words, the study allows us to estimate the concentration of the hormone, but not its bioactivity in the body.

Interpretation of test results should be carried out taking into account additional laboratory data on hormonal background patient.

What is the research used for?

  • To diagnose “virilizing” syndromes:
    • polycystic ovary syndrome;
    • Cushing's syndrome;
    • congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex;
    • androgen-producing tumors of the ovaries, testes or adrenal adenoma/carcinoma.
  • To monitor the treatment of such syndromes.

When is the study scheduled?

  • When examining a patient with signs of hyperandrogenism: hirsutism (hair growth above the upper lip, on the chin, linea alba), severe acne, changes in voice timbre, clitoromegaly, increased muscle mass.
  • When examining an infant with signs of impaired gender differentiation: with external genitalia that have features of both female and male genders.

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Reasons for increasing androstenedione levels:

  • overproduction of androstenedione by the ovaries (polycystic ovary syndrome, Sertoli-Leydig tumor);
  • hyperproduction of androstenedione by the adrenal glands ( congenital hyperplasia adrenal cortex, Cushing's syndrome, cortical adenoma/carcinoma);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • recurrent miscarriage.