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How to quickly get your period. How to induce menstruation if it is late or ahead of schedule: proven methods

Not every woman is faced with the need to induce menstruation when it is delayed. However, such a need sometimes occurs. A standard cycle lasts about 28 days. True, observing exactly this number of days is very rare. Cycle disturbances can be caused by a wide variety of factors, even nervous stress or food.

As soon as menstruation is delayed, the woman begins to worry. There are several reasons for this fact:

It is normal if menstruation is delayed by 2-5 days. If you have to wait longer, there is a possibility that you are pregnant. In this case, you need to go to a gynecologist. When the delay is not related to pregnancy, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound of the uterus to identify the cause of the problem and prescribe treatment.

It is necessary to find out the reason why menstruation is delayed. After all, this may be due to problems in the body.

There are many ways to induce your period if it is more than 6 days late. Often women use such tricks so that menstruation ends by a certain date (for example, important event or travel). Therefore, everyone needs to know how to do this.

Popular herbs for inducing periods

There are medicinal herbs that will help regulate the frequency menstrual cycle. True, if the reason lies in the lack of some useful and important substances for the body, then natural medicine powerless. Before using herbs that induce menstruation, you need to make sure that you are not pregnant. Otherwise there is a risk of causing a miscarriage

To normalize hormonal balance Most often used in the body:

If menstruation is delayed due to psychological reason, then with the help of herbs this problem can be easily eliminated in just a few weeks. To do this, it is enough to use products from calendula and chamomile. It is these medicinal herbs that can regulate the menstrual cycle without harm to health.

There are many other herbs that can restore monthly cycle women. But it is not recommended to take these remedies on your own. You should first consult a doctor so as not to harm your body.

If you don't have your period

A long delay in menstruation is a disease called amenorrhea. This problem arises both psychologically and physiological reasons. It is easy to induce menstruation with herbs. True, some folk recipes have abortifacient. Therefore, if future motherhood is important to a woman, she needs to take a pregnancy test.

You can use stimulating herbs that will quickly lead to menstruation. Among them are parsley and dill. Some women are shown soothing herbs, which will relax the uterus and thereby cause bleeding. These include lemon balm and mint.

If you approach the process of inducing menstruation correctly with the help of medicinal herbs, they can begin as early as the next day. When irregular periods are observed, such folk recipes can stabilize the entire cycle.

Folk recipes

Recipes from herbs that can induce menstruation are passed down from generation to generation. Here are some of them:

Each folk remedy should be used in small dose, which is indicated in each specific recipe. Otherwise there is a chance of getting Negative consequences. One of them is the strongest uterine bleeding. And in this case, you will definitely have to consult a doctor.

The question of how to induce menstruation arises in a variety of life situations, and worries almost every woman at least once in her life.

Yes, menstruation is no fun for anyone. Not very pleasant critical days, however, are part of our lives, and evidence of health. The absence of this process is scary possible pregnancy or illness, in addition, I would simply like to manage the cycle, especially if it is not regular.

In this article we will consider all possible situations.

How to induce menstruation if you are late

The most common question is how to provoke bleeding during a delay. First you need to understand that the delay occurs due to various reasons, and this does not necessarily mean that fertilization has occurred. Consequently, attempts to carry out any event at home with regular cycle- desire to terminate the pregnancy on your own.

If there is no conception, we're talking about about hormonal imbalance. That's enough too serious problem, in which the use of various folk methods can seriously harm, since the cause is not eliminated.

Traditional medicine offers 1001 ways to cause bleeding during early pregnancy. Most of them are associated with the use of herbs, overheating of the mother, and the use of dangerous doses of medications.

Let’s look at the most popular ones, and at one point we’ll get acquainted with the consequences that self-medication can lead to.

Herbs that induce menstruation

Many are prohibited for expectant mothers precisely because they essentially kill the embryo. Many people, wanting to provoke the onset of a cycle, use elecampane. A decoction of this herb causes bleeding several hours after ingestion. This is a very dangerous herb that should be avoided. If the fetus survives, it will be born with malformations, but this happens more often heavy bleeding, incomplete miscarriage, requiring later cleaning and medical intervention. think about your own health before deciding to take such a desperate step, because you can provoke menstruation in less dangerous ways.

Bay leaf

It is believed that bay leaf can help with the issue of delay. Strongly brewed decoction bay leaf provokes uterine contractions, but does not necessarily lead to abortion. But it can really harm the baby. Such an attempt to provoke a miscarriage, however, like the previous one, is very dangerous for the mother. This may result in bleeding and severe pain is guaranteed.


Particularly funny is the attempt to interrupt an unwanted conception. It is believed that it promotes the production of estrogen and thereby can interrupt the development of the embryo. However, there is no need to take it long time and in huge quantities, you are not a cow to eat only grass! Yes and healthy body will calmly get over it slight increase estrogen, which can be caused by chamomile, preserving the fruit.


It is believed that oregano is also a provocateur. female cycle. Indeed, oregano, or oregano, is a well-known seasoning and medicinal herb, can lead to miscarriage, as it increases uterine contractions. It is used in combination with tansy, a herb that is poisonous to the fetus. Taking a decoction of these herbs does not guarantee termination; in 90% of cases they will only cause pain, bleeding is possible, but the fetus will remain inside you, and will be born with abnormalities.


There is another known method, the basis of which is tansy. A decoction of this plant is embryotoxic - it leads to fetal damage, but not abortion. Taking parsley will give a similar result.

Onion peel

A known method is to use onion peel, which is famous for its high content of minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for women's health. It really helps, but only if the cause of the delays is not pregnancy. Ginger works on the same principle.

Among the many myths, there is also the myth that iodine causes menstruation. those who believe in this drink milk with iodine. It must be said that iodine is very toxic to thyroid gland, and taking this, you cause its inflammation with subsequent disorder hormonal function. The consequences are a weakened endocrine system, and when there are disorders of the thyroid gland, it always suffers reproductive system, then you can be left without heirs altogether. And no one guarantees that turnover will occur; again, you can only cripple a tiny embryo and, as a result, give birth to a baby with pathologies.

Ascorbic acid

There's another one folk tale, What ascorbic acid is a provocateur of menstruation. This also includes attempts related to the consumption of lemon. In general, vitamin C is necessary for the body, but an overdose is dangerous and promotes bleeding. Such an attempt guarantees you abdominal pain and other symptoms of an overdose, but with a 99% chance the embryo will survive. Attempts to lose a baby at an early stage using nettles are based on a similar effect.

All methods are dangerous and stupid in nature. You shouldn’t risk your health, because no one guarantees that an abortion will occur, and even if it does, cleansing still cannot be avoided.

Hot bath

In addition to the previously described plant pests, health expectant mother Physical stress can also cause damage. For example, the harm of hot food is well known. Swimming in hot water leads to general overheating of the body. Vasodilation leads to sharp fall blood pressure with tachycardia, feeling of lightheadedness. However, it is not a fact that this will lead to a miscarriage. But the development of deformities in a baby is a completely achievable result.


It is believed that sex can help those who are nervously awaiting their cycle. Due to sexual arousal, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Indeed, often with a delay after a night of love, everything begins. The secret is to increase the excitability of the uterus and its contractions during orgasm. So sex and even masturbation can really help you. Many gynecologists do not recommend sexual relations in the early stages precisely because of the high risk of losing the baby.

Physical exercise

Unusually high physical activity is also an interruption factor. Certainly, special exercises are not invented, but running, carrying heavy objects, or a long, bumpy ride can cause a miscarriage.

If the delay is not related to pregnancy, it is usually associated with hormonal imbalance. This happens under stress, during sudden weight loss, during severe physical activity, then traditional methods can be effective. And if there is a suspicion of hormonal disbalance, it’s worth getting treatment. The body needs to restore strength, which means the use of vitamins, proper nutrition, rest - can help.

How doctors induce menstruation

If you consult a doctor, he will definitely help you. The option of unwanted conception can be solved with the help of a mini-abortion. This is much safer than trying to cope with the problem using traditional methods.

In unclear cases, when there is a delay and pregnancy has not been confirmed, progesterone injections are used, which is safe for the child if the reason is fertilization and not a failure.

In cases of minor hormonal imbalances, girls and young women are prescribed additional vitamins. If there serious disorders hormonal sphere (polycystic disease, ovarian cyst), cycle disorders are accompanied by lack of ovulation, prolonged amenorrhea, and infertility. And here we are already talking serious treatment rather than the need to provoke normal bleeding.

How to learn to manage your cycle?

Cause bleeding ahead of schedule or delay his arrival... Is this possible? Yes. Maybe! Reception oral contraceptives makes the process manageable. For each contraceptive The instructions describe how you can speed up the process of bleeding that is normal for a woman. This may be necessary, for example, a week before a vacation, when you want the long-awaited vacation not to be overshadowed by anything, or, on the contrary, to delay the onset before a competition.

Do not consider Postinor a toy and do not take it unless absolutely necessary. Yes, indeed, when you take it, everything will begin in 3-4 days, but this remedy is classified as a fire contraception and causes swipe hormonal system women, so be prepared for disappointing consequences.

Delayed menstruation does not always occur in connection with pregnancy or indicate health problems. The body reacts sensitively to any discomfort or stress. In emotional natures, deviations arise due to the impatient anticipation of the start of menstruation. Sometimes, especially if there are concerns about unwanted pregnancy, women are wondering if it is possible to somehow speed up the onset of menstruation on their own. There are medicines and traditional methods, but you need to know about possible dangers their applications.

Some women have an irregular menstrual cycle, with periods coming every 24 or 30 days. And most often this is not a violation, but the norm for the body. There is also a situation when a delay occurs accidentally, while the possibility of pregnancy is completely excluded. If this happened while moving to new apartment or during the exam period, then there is nothing to worry about, everything will be fine by the next menstruation. You should not try to speed up processes in the body, as this can lead to more serious disorders, such as hormonal imbalance or inflammatory disease.

A deviation of 2-5 days is considered normal occurrence, does not require intervention. But if the delay is 10 days or more, then perhaps it is pregnancy. If it is undesirable, and the woman does not have time to go to the doctor, then you can try to induce menstruation at home. Just remember that artificial termination of pregnancy, as a rule, is not without consequences. And the most dangerous of them is incomplete removal ovum, which leads to bleeding, inflammation in the uterus and the need for cleaning. And sometimes it happens that the pregnancy is not terminated, but the woman does not suspect it. The child may be born with deformities.

Warning: If there is a long delay and persistent irregularities in the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist and, possibly, begin treatment.

When is it dangerous to induce menstruation?

Accelerating the onset of menstruation is especially dangerous in the following cases:

  1. At long delay(1 month or more). The reason may be ectopic pregnancy, artificial interruption of which with medications or folk remedies has serious consequences(bleeding, incomplete removal, kidney and liver complications). Self-interrupt normal pregnancy over a long period of time can lead to death from blood loss.
  2. If a woman has intrauterine device. Rejection, injury to the uterus, and bleeding may occur. A delay of several days, especially in the first months after its installation, is normal.
  3. In the presence of endocrine diseases or hemophilia.
  4. After long-term treatment method of hormone replacement therapy.

If in front of everyone possible risks However, if you decide to act, it is important to know when and how you can induce menstruation if you are late. If a woman is not sexually active or is using contraception, that is, a slight delay in menstruation is not a sign of pregnancy, then you can try to speed up the onset of menstruation. Such a desire often arises if there is a trip ahead, important competitions, a banquet, when a woman should be “in shape”, and she is expected to menstruate these days.

Warning: When deciding to use any method of accelerating the onset of menstruation, a woman must understand that this involves interference with natural physiological processes, this leads to hormonal disorders. They often cause serious illnesses genitals and mammary glands.

How to induce your period

You can speed up the arrival of menstruation different ways, which are based on the following processes:

  • hormonal effects special drugs to reduce estrogen levels in the blood;
  • increasing blood flow and blood supply to the endometrium by warming the lower body;
  • increasing uterine contractility for accelerated endometrial rejection.

Video: How to induce menstruation using hormonal drugs

Progesterone-acting medications

Before using such remedies, you should definitely consult a doctor, since each of them has serious contraindications.

The peculiarity of these drugs is that they can both induce periods faster if they are delayed, and slow down their arrival. It all depends on the time you start taking it and the dose. If they are taken before ovulation, closer to the middle of the cycle, then they, by reducing the estrogen content, delay the onset of ovulation. At the same time, the menstrual cycle lengthens, menstruation occurs with a delay. If you take the drugs after ovulation, then an increase in the proportion of progesterone contributes to the accelerated development (thickening, loosening) of the endometrium. It matures faster and flakes off earlier, which causes the appearance of menstruation. You can take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor and according to a strictly defined regimen.

Duphaston. You should start taking the drug 2-3 days before your desired period. You should take the medicine for 5 days. Abruptly stopping its use after the onset of menstruation leads to heavy bleeding.

The drug does not terminate an existing pregnancy. So if it doesn't have the desired effect (when taken to speed up your period), it usually means the woman is pregnant. Taking it does not affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

Utrozhestan. This remedy has similar action. The advantage is that it can be used both in tablet form for oral administration, and vaginally in capsule form. Tablets may cause drowsiness, and vaginal use this effect does not exist.

Postinor. It also has a progesterone effect. The peculiarity is that it is taken once, no more than once a month, since with prolonged use it causes prolongation of the cycle and other disturbances. The effect occurs within a maximum of 3 days.

Norkolut. The composition includes the hormone norethisterone, which suppresses the production of pituitary hormones necessary for the synthesis of estrogen. That is, the action of the drug is similar to the action of progesterone drugs. They start taking it before ovulation (closer to the middle of the cycle). After 5 days, the use is stopped, after which a couple of days later menstruation begins. The drug is taken to prevent pregnancy, as well as to ensure that menstruation comes earlier than usual.

All of these drugs have serious side effects. They are not used for diseases of the mammary glands or blood, vaginal bleeding, bronchial asthma, epilepsy. The consequences of taking such drugs can be persistent disruption of the cycle and the inability to become pregnant subsequently.

Antigestagen drugs

Mifegin, mifepristone. They allow you to induce menstruation if the delay occurs due to intrauterine pregnancy. They are accepted with a delay of 7-10 days. Such drugs are used only in a hospital, where the patient's condition is monitored to prevent uterine bleeding. Side effects– pain in the lower abdomen, bloody issues, exacerbation inflammatory diseases uterus and appendages.

Homeopathic remedy

Pulsatilla. The product is convenient because it is taken once (the granules are placed under the tongue). This is homeopathic herbal preparation containing biologically active substances stimulating the production of sex hormones. In addition, the product has a calming effect on nervous system women. If the delay is caused by nervous stress, then removal nervous tension eliminates the cause.

Menstruation occurs 2-3 days after completing the medication. The drug may cause allergies.

Drugs to increase uterine tone

Oxytocin and its analogs. This substance can cause menstruation 2-3 hours after ingestion. Its property of significantly increasing uterine contractions is used to stimulate labor. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. If a woman is not sure of the reason for the delay, then she should not take it, as a miscarriage will occur. Taking oxytocin leads to a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate.

Advice: All medicinal methods Inducing menstruation is not safe. You need to weigh the pros and cons before using them. It is imperative to listen to the recommendations of doctors when choosing them.

Video: How to induce menstruation using medications and folk remedies

Traditional methods

Not all women trust medications. If there is a delay, you can induce menstruation using traditional methods. Home remedies and recipes are much safer, although perhaps not as effective as synthetic drugs.

The easiest way to induce menstruation is to take hot bath. Warming up promotes the dilation of endometrial vessels and the onset of menstruation.

Accelerates the onset of menstruation by taking vitamin C tablets for 3 days. You can drink pomegranate juice or eat fresh lemons instead of pills. 3-4 days are enough for menstruation to occur.

A decoction of fresh or dried parsley helps well. After boiling, it should stand for 12 hours. You need to drink it twice a day, 0.5 cups.

A decoction of onion peels is also used. It is brewed with boiling water, infused and cooled. Drink a whole glass at a time. My period comes on the second day.

Video: Folk methods to help induce menstruation if delayed

A delay in menstruation is an important signal that indicates changes in female body. This could be pregnancy, inflammatory processes, nervous tension, hormonal imbalance and other reasons that a woman should definitely pay attention to. Therefore, it is so important to know whether this is allowed and in what cases, what are the main methods of stimulating menstruation and indications for this.

Is it possible to induce menstruation at home?

A woman at home can independently shift her monthly cycle by consuming, for example, vitamin E (found in seeds) or taking regular warm baths (warming causes accelerated maturation follicles). However, all this cannot be done thoughtlessly, because... During the inflammatory process, heating will only worsen the situation. Therefore, before making a decision, a woman must first understand why she needs to speed up her menstruation.

Exist following reasons delays:

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle. For example, a girl decided to go on vacation to the sea, but her menstruation falls right on this period. By consuming vitamin E (hulled seeds), ginger and chamomile teas, dill and parsley, taking hot baths, she causes her monthly cycle earlier, which will allow her to fully rest.
  • Menstruation has disappeared. A delay occurs if a woman has a hormonal imbalance or. If this is associated with special events (divorce, move, dismissal, injury, birth of a child, stress), then after a change in conditions, periods will go on their own. If their absence is unexplained, you should consult a doctor.
  • Pregnancy. Often a delay means pregnancy. In this case, you cannot induce menstruation, even if the pregnancy is unwanted. Having discovered the absence of menstruation, you first need to make sure whether you are developing new life, and then think about how you can induce menstruation if you are late.

  • Inflammatory process or other problems with the female reproductive system. A delay in menstruation is a sign of “feminine” problems. It is necessary to visit a gynecologist to rule out this cause. If there is, menstruation can be induced (or will improve on its own) only after the problem is treated.
  • The monthly cycle has increased. A woman's cycle does not have to be the same every month. Normally, its duration varies in the range of 26-35 days. If your normal monthly cycle is 28 days, but your period has not come, wait, it may come on the 35th.

  • Emergency contraception. Have you had unplanned sexual intercourse, and according to the calendar there is a risk of ovulation? To avoid fertilization, use - special tablets, containing a loading dose of progesterone substitute and causing premature menstruation, which will not allow the egg to be fertilized or attach to the walls of the uterus. These pills are harmful to the body, take them extremely rarely and only in the most urgent cases.

Read more about the reasons causing delay menstruation, watch the video of one of the “Live Healthy” programs, where Elena Malysheva and her assistants will explain everything important points this problem:

What medications cause menstruation?

There are a number of drugs that can cause a monthly cycle; they are sold freely in pharmacies, but remember that they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor! And even the gynecologist’s prescription must be treated sensibly:

  • If you are a young girl and your menstrual cycle is irregular, this may not be a violation - your cycle is forming. Menstruation may occur every few months and does not require treatment. Gynecologists often insist on it.
  • If you have hormonal imbalances, do not rush to “go on pills”; the body self-regulates to suit the conditions. Think about what in your life could lead to hormonal deficiency or delay. Change this and everything will get better on its own.
  • Often, gynecologists do not approach the problem comprehensively and act in a stereotyped manner. For example, artificial increase is necessary only in the case of true progesterone deficiency, and this is a very rare and poorly diagnosed diagnosis, the sign of which will be a short monthly cycle rather than a delay. But in practice, gynecologists make this diagnosis to almost every second woman with cycle disorders and insist on hormonal therapy, and this is an intervention in the self-regulatory process of the female reproductive system.

Listed bellow medicines Suitable only for cases of true progesterone deficiency and delayed menstrual cycles. If a woman actually has a disease endocrine system(and not a temporary glitch), which is not such a big deal common occurrence, then you need to start hormone therapy, because in this case, there is a risk of infertility or miscarriage during pregnancy.

The drug "" is a very common method of combating irregular menstrual cycles (delayed menstruation), however, it is only suitable for those who have a real hormone deficiency. It is also prescribed to overcome the threat of miscarriage. It is created on the basis of progesterone, obtained synthetically and compensating for the deficiency natural hormone in a woman's body.

In pregnant women, it supports uterine nutrition and fetal implantation (i.e., prevents miscarriage). In non-pregnant women, it creates a typical amount of progesterone in the body, which leads to standardization of the monthly cycle and the onset of menstruation. However, this does not solve the main reason for the delay; rather, it artificially maintains hormonal background women (similar to contraceptives, but without pregnancy protection).

"Utrozhestan" has the same effect on the monthly cycle as "Duphaston". They are prescribed as synonymous drugs in case of intolerance or ineffectiveness of one of them on the body of a particular woman. "Utrozhestan" has some advantages over other similar drugs: it is created from plant materials, taken orally and vaginally (the second method sharply reduces the load on the liver).

Postinor is used as a one-time treatment emergency contraception, with unprotected sexual intercourse, calendar threat of pregnancy. It contains 750 ml of levonorgestrel (a progesterone derivative), which large doses will sharply shorten the 2nd phase and cause menstruation ahead of schedule. In this case, with menstruation, all the contents of the uterus will leave, including sperm and an egg, or a fertilized egg that has not had time to implant in the uterus. Pregnancy will not occur only if correct reception"Postinora" according to the instructions.

Drinking "Postinor" is allowed extremely rarely, because such a “hormonal” storm negatively affects general health women. If you still have to take it, you need to take kidneys (don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat overcooked or peppered food) to make it easier to endure the period of action of the pills and recovery after them. If all recommendations are followed, there should be no critical consequences (bleeding is not a side effect, but a method of action of the drug).

Progesterone injections

Progesterone injections have the same effect as Duphaston and Utrozhestan. A series of injections are prescribed, which are given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Prescribed for late menstruation, after hormonal tests. Are in a frequent way treatment due to the fact that tests often indicate a lack of progesterone, because its maximum content can be detected exclusively on days 6-8 of the 2nd phase, and it is not easy to predict this time.

Despite the wide network of medical institutions and accessibility medical care, thousands of women and girls prefer to resort to folk remedies with a delay in menstruation. Any folk remedy intended to induce menstruation when delayed is based on the abortifacient effect. This means that the use of traditional methods leads to rejection of the endometrium (uterine lining). Namely, the process of endometrial rejection is menstruation. Using folk methods endometrial rejection can be caused by various mechanisms - some drugs increase the contractile activity of the uterus, others increase blood flow, and others simply poison the entire tissue of the uterine mucosa. The result of using traditional methods for delayed menstruation is the rejection of the endometrium and the development of menstruation.

The effectiveness of folk methods for delaying menstruation has been empirically tested by many generations of girls and women who wanted to induce menstruation. They have survived to this day and have reached quite effective means and techniques that modern girls use. However, it should be remembered that in addition to being effective, traditional methods are dangerous. side effects, which can seriously affect a woman’s health. Thus, most folk remedies can cause severe bleeding, which can cause death. Exactly internal bleeding is the most common cause deaths of women using traditional methods of inducing menstruation. All of these factors should be taken into account when deciding to use traditional methods with a delay in menstruation.

Currently, effective folk remedies for delayed periods include the following:

1. Take a very hot bath, sitting in the water for at least half an hour. In this case, menstruation will begin if the woman is not pregnant;

2. Have sexual intercourse several times during the day. In this case, menstruation should occur regardless of whether pregnancy has occurred or not;

3. Infusion of parsley seeds. To prepare it, crush or grind parsley seeds in a coffee grinder. Pour two tablespoons of seed powder into one liter of cold water and leave for 8 hours. Strain the finished infusion and take half a glass four times a day.

4. Pour 150 grams of well-washed parsley into a liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the broth and take two tablespoons 3 times a day.

5. Tansy infusion. Pour 25 g of tansy flowers into a liter of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Strain the finished infusion and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

6. Infusion of onion peel. To do this you should take a large number of onion peel and pour boiling water, then leave for 1 hour. The finished infusion should be dark and strong, as for coloring easter eggs. Drink 1 glass of the prepared infusion, after taking which your period should begin within 24 hours.

7. Root decoction