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Sinus tachycardia - what is it? Its causes, symptoms and diagnosis. Causes and treatment of sinus tachycardia

The first sound that a person hears even before his birth is the rhythmic sound of his mother’s heartbeat, and then his own heart. Actually, the whole life of a person is subject to various rhythms - daily, annual, seasonal, but the main thing, undoubtedly, is the heart rhythm. Therefore, it is especially dangerous if a malfunction occurs, a violation of the heartbeat rhythm. One such disorder is sinus tachycardia.

The human heart, like any muscle, contracts under the influence of a nerve impulse. For rhythmic contraction, a rhythmic impulse is needed. It is also known that the heart is completely autonomous system, independent (and maximally protected) from external signals. After all, we can even stop breathing of our own free will, but only the semi-mythical Indian yogis are capable of giving a direct command to the heart.

And if so, it means the source of rhythmic impulses, causing contractions cardiac muscle must be sought within the heart itself. That’s right, the sinus node is the cardiac tuning fork, its function is called the driver heart rate or pacemaker. The sinus or sinoatrial node is located at the base of the vena cava in the fornix of the right atrium and is a complex interweaving of cardiomuscular tissue fibers with endings nerve cells– neurons connecting the sinus node with the autonomic nervous system.

Coordination of heart contractions is ensured by a complex conduction system that ensures the distribution of sinus impulses throughout the myocardial muscles. It is noteworthy that in the event of damage to the sinus node, the functions of the heart pacemaker can be taken over by other parts of the cardiac conduction system. In this case, they are called second-order pacemakers.

Types of heart rhythm disorders

The rhythm is set by the oscillations generated by the sinus node, with normal conditions called normal sinus rhythm. However, various anomalies of the contractile function of the heart are often encountered, which, depending on the nature of the disorders, are divided into the following groups:

Causes of the disease

Physiological tachycardia, in addition to those already mentioned physical activity are caffeinated drinks, strong emotions, adrenaline rush. Pathological sinus tachycardia is a symptom of diseases, both directly related to the activity of the heart (intracardial tachycardia) and not related to it (extracardial tachycardia).

Intracardial causes of tachycardia include:

  • heart failure;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • myocarditis.

Extracardiac causes of tachycardia are as follows:

Sinus tachycardia caused by exposure various drugs, called pharmacological tachycardia. Pharmacological tachycardia is caused by:

  • atropine
  • alcohol
  • caffeine
  • adrenalin
  • thyroid hormones.

Also, sinus tachycardia is almost always observed with elevated temperature body, acute blood loss, suffocation. Taking certain medications can also cause tachycardia.

The causes of the so-called inappropriate sinus tachycardia, a rather rare and currently insufficiently studied disease that occurs most often in young women, have not yet been fully elucidated. It is characterized by persistent rapid heartbeat at rest, which increases disproportionately with physical activity. Even moderate physical activity leads to a strong increase in tachycardia.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

If the rhythm disturbance is pathological, painful, and requires treatment, then the following symptoms of sinus tachycardia usually appear:

  • sensitive palpitations (the heart “jumps out” of the chest) in the absence of physical activity;
  • the patient experiences a feeling of lack of air, dizziness and nausea;
  • Possible sweating without a feeling of heat (“breaks into a cold sweat”)

Almost one hundred percent diagnosis of tachycardia, as well as other types of heart rhythm disturbances, is provided by an electrocardiogram (ECG).

ECG of a patient suffering from sinus tachycardia

Sinus tachycardia manifests itself on the ECG with a contraction frequency of more than 90 times per minute while maintaining the general rhythm of heart contractions. Positive P wave in leads I, II, aVF, V4-V6. There is a pronounced decrease in the amplitude of the T wave.

Good results in diagnosing tachycardia are obtained by Holter ECG monitoring - long-term (up to 48 hours) observations of heart activity using an ECG. For Holter monitoring, special miniature recording devices are used.

Treatment of pathological sinus tachycardia

Treatment of sinus tachycardia is an incorrect concept; it is the disease that needs to be treated, not its symptom. However, in some cases it is necessary to stop tachycardia. For this purpose, drugs such as Comcor, Omacor, Lozap are used. In case of an attack of tachycardia, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

A healthy heart is the key to a long life. Treat your “engine” with care, with due attention and respect, and your reward will be health and longevity.

Sinus tachycardia - what does this diagnosis mean?

The correct heart rhythm depends on the uniform occurrence of impulses in the sinus node and their conduction through the conduction system of fibers. The sinus node is a collection of nerve cells located in the atrium. It receives “commands” via a special nerve from the brain.

Next, the “instructions” are distributed along the nerve bundles. Thanks to the precise work, the contractions of the atria and ventricles, the filling (diastole) and contraction (systole) phases are coordinated. Endocrine system participates in rhythm regulation through the hormone adrenaline and its derivatives.

The norm for sinus rhythm is the number of contractions ranging from 60 to 90 beats per minute. Sinus tachycardia is an increase in frequency over 90.

Sinus tachycardia is also called “normotopic” because it always depends on the main sinus, in contrast to “heterotopic”, which occurs due to increased activity other nodes. This is how paroxysmal tachycardia is formed. In this case, the heart rate (HR) will also be above 90, but the heart rhythm goes the wrong way, the work of different departments becomes uncoordinated and incomplete. This form is dangerous for the development of complications. Terms " sinus tachycardia" and "sinusoidal", used by inexperienced patients, are incorrect with medical point vision.

Types of sinus tachycardia

The causes of sinus tachycardia have been studied quite well. They are not always associated with cardiac pathology. Moderate sinus tachycardia serves as a normal physiological mechanism for overcoming physical exertion and emotional stress. Depending on the predominance of causes, several varieties are distinguished.


Sinus tachycardia during stress is normal defensive reaction. But frequent stressful conditions, psycho-emotional stress can cause constant or paroxysmal tachycardia as a symptom of cardiac neurosis. Seizures occur when remembering an unpleasant situation or experienced fear. They can be removed using hypnotic suggestion and sedatives.


Increased thyroid function during thyrotoxicosis leads to the production of excess thyroxine hormone. It speeds up the basal metabolism, heart rate and blood circulation speed.


Sinus tachycardia is caused by substances such as atropine, adrenaline, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and digitalis.

This type of arrhythmia is characteristic of infectious diseases. Here, in addition to the toxic effect on the node, the following play a role:

  • temperature increase;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • anemia (decreased hemoglobin level).

It is believed that an increase in temperature by one degree causes an increase in heart rate by 8–10 beats per minute. Hypertension is accompanied by a decrease in heart rate; with low blood pressure, tachycardia is observed. Sinus tachycardia is especially pronounced in severe infections and septic conditions, in which all types of effects are combined.


This type of tachycardia is characteristic of initial symptoms heart failure. It occurs as a result of a compensatory mechanism that improves the supply of oxygen to tissues. Observed when

  • myocardial infarction,
  • heart aneurysm,
  • endocarditis,
  • heart defects,
  • hypertensive crises,
  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.


When moving from a lying position to an upright position, the heart rate increases. In people with a certain type nervous system this acceleration is very strong. Such manifestations are especially often observed during the period of recovery from various diseases, if a person was forced to remain in bed for a long time.


According to ICD-10 ( international classification diseases of the tenth revision) sinus tachycardia is classified in class I 47.1, “supraventricular tachycardia”. The terminology adopted in Russia in this case does not contradict the ICD, but clarifies it.

Clinical manifestations of tachycardia from the sinus node in the form of palpitations, pulsating tinnitus, dizziness, shortness of breath are often symptoms of other diseases and are associated with neuroses.

On an ECG, the frequency of contractions is measured by the distance between the tallest teeth; their direction and shape indicate the correctness of the rhythm.

The diagnosis can be made by a doctor after an electrocardiographic examination (ECG). Regular listening to the heart and counting the pulse can indicate an increase in heart rate, but does not say anything about the correct rhythm. So the symptoms of sinus tachycardia can only be seen with a special study. The ECG is taken in the supine position. The pulses are recorded by electrodes and converted into a graphic image. Based on the nature of the teeth, the length and position of the intervals, the doctor’s office functional diagnostics can judge many diseases, including the correctness of the rhythm.

Holter observation is carried out during the day in a cardiology hospital. This is important for diagnosis if no acceleration of the rhythm is recorded on the ECG.

Sometimes, to resolve the issue of a person’s suitability for work in difficult conditions (service in the army, in units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, admission to a military school, contact with occupational hazards) the medical commission prescribes stress tests. The most popular is to take an ECG before the test, then the patient is asked to do 20 squats at a moderate pace and an ECG is taken after the exercise. The increase in heart rate is used to judge the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system.

A more thorough examination is carried out on specially equipped simulators. At the same time, not only the rhythm is monitored, but also other indicators of the functioning of different parts of the heart.


To eliminate sinus arrhythmia, it is often enough to carry out good treatment diseases that caused it (thyrotoxicosis, infectious diseases, hypertension, heart disease). When prescribing therapy, the doctor always takes into account the heart rate. Usually they warn about the need to control the pulse when treating with certain medications.

General procedures that strengthen the nervous system (massage, baths, showers), physiotherapeutic treatment simultaneously calm the patient and normalize arrhythmia. In complex neurogenic cases, consultations with a psychologist, treatment with hypnosis, and auto-training are recommended.

If palpitations occur, there is a known method of self-help: try to breathe deeply, after a few breathing movements hold your breath at the height of inhalation, tighten your abdominal muscles. This simple method helps to cope with tachycardia.

  • lemon balm herb,
  • hawthorn flowers and fruits,
  • viburnum berries,
  • valerian root.

Useful video:

You can cook them without steam bath, pour a tablespoon of crushed raw materials into a half-liter thermos and pour boiling water. Leave it overnight or for 5 – 6 hours. After straining, drink before meals throughout the day, combine with honey. Hawthorn can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of an alcohol tincture. It can be added to tea 10 - 15 drops.

We should not forget that prolonged tachycardia is dangerous due to its consequences. Incomplete and incorrect contraction of the heart muscle causes it to overstrain, requires more oxygen, and disrupts the delivery of blood to the brain. An examination by a specialist doctor should be carried out as early as possible. Timely initiation of treatment will prevent the development of serious diseases.

Sinus tachycardia: causes, symptoms, treatment.

Causes of sinus tachycardia

In a healthy person, in a calm state, the heart makes from 60 to 80 beats per minute.

Tachycardia is an accelerated heartbeat, diagnosed when the heart rate exceeds 90 per minute.

Sinus tachycardia is such a rapid heartbeat when the correct heart rhythm is maintained. Normally, the electrical impulse leaves the sinus node and spreads in a certain order, causing sequential contraction of the ventricles following the atria.

With sinus tachycardia, the electrical impulse, as normal, leaves the sinus node, so the atria and ventricles contract in the correct sequence. Increased heart rate occurs because the frequency of electrical impulses emanating from the sinus node increases.

Normally, an increase in the automaticity of the sinus node occurs during psychoemotional stress and physical activity, consumption of caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, energy drinks, etc.). This reaction allows the body to ensure adequate blood supply to organs and tissues under conditions of their intense work, as occurs with increased physical activity. An increased heart rate is a healthy response of the body to activation of the sympathetic nervous system in one way or another (naturally as a result of the release of stress hormones, or artificially as a result of drinking coffee).

Sinus tachycardia can occur in a person with healthy heart, for example, with fever: it is believed that every degree of increase in body temperature leads to an increase in heart rate by 10 beats per minute.

Often, sinus tachycardia is a symptom of problems with the thyroid gland: for example, in people suffering from hyperthyroidism and not receiving adequate treatment, one of the symptoms is rapid heartbeat.

With anemia, the heart begins to work harder in order to ensure a complete supply of oxygen to the organs, which manifests itself in rapid heartbeat.

It is important to know that it is not only caffeine that can cause sinus tachycardia. Its occurrence can be caused by uncontrolled use of diuretics, aminophylline, glucocorticoid hormones (prednisolone, metipred), and other drugs.

Sinus tachycardia can be a sign of problems with the cardiovascular system. It most often develops in people suffering from heart failure. It can also occur during a severe pain attack due to angina pectoris. at acute heart attack myocardium and other heart diseases.

Symptoms of sinus tachycardia

If heart palpitations are caused by exercise or stress, they often don't feel sick.

If tachycardia persists at rest, then such a patient is often bothered by palpitations, shortness of breath, and a feeling of lack of air.

Treatment of sinus tachycardia

Depending on the reasons that caused sinus tachycardia, treatment will be different. So, if some chronic or acute disease led to its development, for effective treatment tachycardia is necessary to cope with this disease. For example, choosing the right dose of drugs for hyperthyroidism, normalizing the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells for anemia, coping with fever and the cause that caused it, for infectious process, And so on.

If sinus tachycardia is the result of improper use of medications, it is necessary to stop taking them or adjust the dosage.

In cases where sinus tachycardia has developed in patients with heart disease, it is necessary individual approach based on the specific clinical situation. For example, selection proper therapy in case of heart failure, it will help reduce the load on the heart and reduce the heart rate.

Inappropriate (excessive, inadequate) sinus tachycardia is a syndrome characterized by an unexpectedly fast sinus rhythm at rest/or with minimal physical activity, manifested by a spectrum of symptoms including palpitations, weakness, fatigue, and lightheadedness. The acceleration of heart rate with minimal physical activity exceeds acceptable limits, and recovery takes long time. Sinus tachycardia, even if excessively rapid, is usually a reversible condition with an explainable cause and a rate appropriate to the circumstances. Inappropriate sinus tachycardia is a more long-term problem that is not easily explained.

Normal sinus rhythm and its regulation

Heart healthy people At rest it beats at a frequency of 50 - 90 beats per minute. The sinus node is under constant control of a multicomponent hierarchical structure. The main controlling role is played by the influences of the autonomic (autonomic) nervous system, which regulate the flow of ions through the membrane of the cells of the sinus node, changing their automaticity. Important role also belongs to hormonal influences.

Inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Clinical manifestations

There is no heart rate at which it can be said to be inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Patients with this disease usually have a heart rate of more than 100 per minute during the day, and an average daily heart rate of more than 90 per minute. (according to Holter data ECG monitoring), which cannot be explained physiological needs or conditions that usually cause an increase in heart rate. Patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia usually have multiple symptoms: palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, and lightheadedness, but the symptoms may be independent of heart rate.

Often associated emotional and psychological problems, but their association with inappropriate sinus tachycardia is inconclusive. If treating tachycardia alone can relieve annoying symptoms, then this condition is the leading problem. Inappropriate sinus tachycardia may be difficult to distinguish from a normal physiological response or from postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

Epidemiology of inappropriate sinus tachycardia

Most patients are young and female, but the exact prevalence of the disease is unknown. Episodes of tachycardia tend to occur suddenly and persist for months or years. The prognosis is favorable in most cases. Perhaps the only reason for the favorable prognosis is that although patients have an accelerated rhythm, it still slows down during sleep. Inappropriate sinus tachycardia rarely leads to tachycardiomyopathy, although isolated cases have been reported.

Causes of inappropriate sinus tachycardia

Proposed mechanisms of inappropriate sinus tachycardia:

  • internal disturbance of sinus node activity (channelopathy),
  • decreased parasympathetic activity,
  • decreased sensitivity of muscarinic receptors,
  • decreased vagal activation,
  • presence of autoantibodies to beta receptors,
  • excessive activity of baroreceptors,
  • exposure to vasoactive intestinal peptide,
  • the effects of histamine,
  • the effect of norepinephrine,
  • the effect of adrenaline,
  • activation of serotonin receptors.

Thus, it is assumed that in addition to problems directly with the sinus node, problems with the sinus node can lead to disruption of its function. nervous regulation, hormonal regulation And autoimmune processes. The true universal mechanism of inappropriate sinus tachycardia, if one exists, has not yet been discovered.

Diagnosis of inappropriate sinus tachycardia

The diagnosis of inappropriate sinus tachycardia requires the exclusion of conditions that can lead to increased sinus rhythm (corresponding to sinus tachycardia), which include exercise, anxiety, panic attacks, and pain. Medications (anticholinergics, catecholamines), alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, and withdrawal of beta blockers increase the frequency of sinus rhythm. Excessive influences of the central nervous system on the rhythm frequency can cause cerebral stroke, head injury, especially with damage to the brain stem. However, many patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia, with the exception of this standing, are practically healthy. Therefore, at the stage of providing medical care It is advisable to avoid exposure to chemical stimulants and medications (eg, insulin).

It is also reported that inappropriate sinus tachycardia is often associated with mental illness(schizophrenia, depression, panic disorders and etc.)

The diagnosis of inappropriate sinus tachycardia is based on the detection of persistent sinus tachycardia on repeated ECGs or Holter monitoring. Invasive electrophysiological studies do not provide necessary information to establish a diagnosis. When assessing sinus tachycardia, it is necessary to take into account whether it is persistent or paroxysmal. Careful analysis of the 12-lead ECG allows the P wave morphology to be assessed. If it is similar to that of normal sinus rhythm, inappropriate sinus tachycardia is possible. But it should be rejected if paroxysmal atrial tachycardia is detected. If tachycardia occurs gradually after transition to vertical position, it is advisable to study on an inclined table to exclude postural orthostatic tachycardia.

Inappropriate sinus tachycardia is a diagnosis that is born when all known causes of tachycardia are excluded. If the cause is found, there is no talk of inappropriate sinus tachycardia.

Treatment of inappropriate sinus tachycardia

Treatment of inappropriate sinus tachycardia has two goals. This is to control symptoms and reduce heart rate. Reducing your heart rate does not always relieve symptoms. There is controversy among specialists about the need for treatment in patients without symptoms, because treatment may cause more harm than the tachycardia itself. For inappropriate sinus tachycardia, no treatment is able to reduce the heart rate and stop symptoms completely and effectively, which is a consequence of the complexity of the problem and an incomplete understanding of the causes of the disease.

Many treatment regimens have been proposed for patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia, but none have been fully tested. Beta blockers, even in large doses, are usually ineffective. Other types of treatment have been proposed (fludrocortisone, volume loading, phenobarbital, clonidine, erythropoietin, etc.), but all of them are not well tested and can cause side effects. The effectiveness of physical training has been shown, and in patients with anxiety states- combinations of beta blockers and benzodiazepines. In particular severe cases surgical treatment of the sinus node is used - radiofrequency or surgical ablation. Big hopes suggests the use of ivabradine and its combination with beta blockers and calcium antagonists.

The current approach to diagnosing and treating inappropriate sinus tachycardia is as follows:

  1. Determination of the presence of sinus tachycardia and its persistence. Exclusion of all causes that can cause sinus tachycardia.
  2. If the diagnosis of inappropriate sinus tachycardia is confirmed, it is necessary to determine, if possible, the event that triggered it. For example, such an event among young and healthy patients may be transferred viral disease, and the consequences of inappropriate sinus tachycardia may persist for up to 5 years or more and then disappear.
  3. Symptoms in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia are often independent of heart rate, and slowing the rate does not relieve symptoms. It is necessary to involve other specialists and, first of all, psychiatrists.
  4. Treatment should begin with small doses beta blockers. No one beta blocker is superior to others in its effectiveness. Physical training and avoidance of potential stimulants (such as coffee and alcohol) from the diet are recommended.
  5. Ivabradine may be effective at a dose of 5 to 7.5 mg twice daily.
  6. Radiofrequency ablation is considered as possible treatment only if the heart rate is extremely rapid, there is evidence of inappropriate sinus tachycardia, and failure of other treatments.

Article publication date: November 23, 2016

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: the essence of the disease sinus tachycardia, causes and types of pathology. Symptoms, treatment methods.

With sinus tachycardia, the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute. Normal frequency contractions range from 65–80 beats per minute. 80 to 100 beats per minute – acceptable indicators, but these numbers are already higher than normal. In such situations, doctors recommend paying attention to the pulse rate and getting examined.

An increase in heart rate is a normal physiological reaction of a person to stress and during physical activity, this is how the body responds to the body’s increased needs for nutrients, oxygen. Such situations pass without a trace and are not accompanied by symptoms characteristic of stable form sinus tachycardia. They do not depend on the gender or age of a person.

When rhythm disturbances such as attacks of sinus tachycardia drag on for hours or days, they cause inconvenience and limit the usual way of life. Then the need arises for diagnostics and treatment of these conditions.

The problem is dealt with by a cardiologist, arrhythmologist, and neurologist.

Types and causes of sinus tachycardia

Sinus tachycardia in in rare cases It can be primary (or idiopathic), that is, “on its own,” without any pathologies or diseases. This version of the norm is combined with low numbers blood pressure(tendency to hypotension).

However, more often tachycardia is secondary and occurs against the background of other diseases:

  1. Arterial hypertension or hypotension (high or low blood pressure).
  2. heart defects, inflammatory diseases hearts.
  3. Chronic lung diseases.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  5. Infections, high temperature bodies.
  6. Obesity.
  7. Abuse of energy drinks, alcohol, smoking.
  8. Blood loss on the background gastrointestinal bleeding or injuries.
  9. Cachexia (severe weight loss) with heart failure or oncology.
  10. Diseases of the nervous system.
  11. Uncontrolled use of diuretics. This is extremely dangerous! Young people abuse to fit model data. In addition to sinus tachycardia, which takes constant and difficult character, such use of diuretics provokes swelling and shortness of breath, gradually and very slowly irreparable kidney pathology forms. This will inevitably lead a person to the need for an artificial kidney.

Symptoms of sinus tachycardia

Symptoms are the same for various reasons, causing the disease sinus tachycardia. Symptoms are the same for men and women:

  • Increased and sustained increase in heart rate.
  • Feeling of the heart working even at rest, in sleep.
  • Dizziness.
  • A drop in blood pressure (below 100/60 mm Hg, which is bad for a person living with a blood pressure of 130/70 mm Hg).
  • Weakness, malaise during prolonged attacks of tachycardia (more than an hour).
  • Pain in chest accompany a sharp increase in heart rate and are typical for patients with concomitant heart pathology (angina pectoris, heart defects).
  • Inexplicable and terrible fear, restlessness, anxiety (symptoms occur in emotional patients or during panic attacks). These conditions are very dangerous for the human psyche.

Symptoms of sinus tachycardia disease

Five groups of treatment methods

In some cases, tachycardia can be cured completely, in others it cannot; it depends on the true cause of the illness.

Eliminating the symptoms of sinus tachycardia is a long process, taking from a month (if, for example, the cause is an infection) to a year. For primary pathology, treatment is carried out in courses throughout life.

All methods can be divided into five large groups:

  1. Treatment of the underlying disease - the real reason tachycardia.
  2. General lifestyle recommendations.
  3. Medicines to reduce heart rate.
  4. Surgery.
  5. Traditional methods.

The importance and significance of treatment is arranged in descending order.

1. Treatment of the underlying disease - the true cause of tachycardia

  • If the cause of sinus tachycardia is heart and vascular disease, then selection of medications (to lower blood pressure) or cardiac surgery to eliminate heart defects is necessary.
  • If the cause is the use alcoholic drinks or energy, then you need to stop taking them. At alcohol addiction sinus tachycardia is fraught with the development of cardiomyopathy (this is the expansion and weakening of the walls of the heart), since the heart muscle works in an “increased mode” due to tachycardia. One of the causes of death in alcoholics - sudden - usually occurs against the background of undiagnosed cardiomyopathy.
  • For infections that are accompanied by intoxication of the body, it is important to choose the right antibacterial drug and implement detoxification therapy (eg, drinking plenty of fluids).
  • If tachycardia accompanies lung disease ( chronic bronchitis smokers), then it is necessary to stop respiratory failure, since this is what provokes increased work of the heart.
  • Attacks of sudden heart palpitations are characteristic of panic attacks. Panic attacks- This strong fear, panic, which is accompanied by palpitations, sweating, and a feeling of severe anxiety. Conditions arise against the background of various phobias (fear of something - death, “going crazy,” persecution). It's uncontrollable and very serious condition, pathology is dealt with by a psychiatrist (neurologist).

Usually, in the absence of a serious illness, lifestyle changes are enough to get rid of tachycardia. This can often be noticed during vacation, when there is no negative factors, experiences.

  1. Adjusting your daily routine: regular proper nutrition, food should be varied in composition (vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, herbs).
  2. Avoid foods that provoke tachycardia: coffee, spicy, fatty, smoked.
  3. Daily walking.
  4. A full night's rest (at least 8 hours).

Lifestyle recommendations for getting rid of tachycardia

3. Medicines to reduce heart rate

In situations where sinus tachycardia is not detected during the disease, no concomitant pathology, or treatment of the underlying pathology is carried out, the doctor may include additional medications to reduce heart rate (HR):

4. Surgical treatment

If sinus tachycardia cannot be stopped with all available medicines, then radiofrequency catheter ablation with placement of a pacemaker is recommended.

Carrying out radiofrequency catheter ablation with placement of a pacemaker

This treatment is required in very rare cases and is usually needed in patients with primary sinus tachycardia. Treatment consists of two stages:

  1. Destruction (destruction) of the sinus node.
  2. Placement of a pacemaker. In a situation with sinus tachycardia, the decision to install a permanent pacemaker is made before surgery.

5. Treatment with folk remedies

Sinus tachycardia can be successfully treated with herbs. Specialists who practice treatment with herbs—herbalists—recommend recipes that can be made at home. For sinus tachycardia, it is better to use decoctions rather than alcohol tinctures(alcohol tinctures can be dangerous as they increase the heart rate).

Dry raw materials Preparation Reception
Anise fruits and yarrow herb 100 g each. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes Two tsp. 3 times a day for 3 weeks
Valerian and/or motherwort root 200 g each. Pour one liter of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes Two tbsp. l. at night for a month
Calendula flowers and valerian root 100 g each. Pour one liter of boiling water and leave for 3 hours Two tbsp. l. at night for 2 weeks
Melissa herb Pour 200 ml of alcohol and leave for 3 hours One tsp. dilute the tinctures in water and take 4 times a day
Chopped lemon pulp and 200 grams of dried apricots Do not add anything, let it sit for 4 hours Two tbsp. l. Take in the morning with food for a month.

Decoctions of these herbs will help in the treatment of sinus tachycardia

All products based on herbal ingredients can cause allergies. Before taking it, be sure to consult your doctor - allergic reaction may provoke an attack of tachycardia.


The quality of life and the ability to perform usual work are determined by the underlying disease.

At serious illnesses, for example, in severe heart failure or malignant tumors– success is determined by treatment of the underlying disease.

If provoking factors such as alcohol, smoking, obesity, anemia, infections are eliminated, then sinus tachycardia will no longer bother the person. Treatment can last from a month to a year.

If this pathology is primary, then most likely it will persist for life. The prognosis for patients with primary sinus tachycardia is favorable: everything is under control active image life, which differs little from the life of people without sinus tachycardia.

Sinus tachycardia - an increase in heart rate from 90 to 150-180 per minute while maintaining the correct sinus rhythm.

Sinus tachycardia is caused by increased automaticity of the main pacemaker - the sinoatrial node (SA node). In completely healthy people it occurs during physical activity or emotional stress.

Pharmacological sinus tachycardia is caused by the effect on the sinus node of substances such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, isoproterenol, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc. Pathological sinus tachycardia can be adequate or inadequate. The causes of adequate sinus tachycardia are increased body temperature, anemia, hypoxemia, arterial hypotension, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma.

Inappropriate sinus tachycardia is characterized by a persistent, symptomatic increase in sinus rhythm frequency of more than 100 per minute at rest, while awake and with minimal physical activity for 3 months or more without apparent reason. It is believed that it is based on an increase in the automaticity of the pacemaker cells of the sinus node due to its primary lesion, which is facilitated by an increase in the tone of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system and a decrease in the parasympathetic.

Inappropriate sinus tachycardia is a rare and poorly studied disease that occurs mainly in at a young age, mainly in women. Patients are concerned about persistent palpitations, shortness of breath, constant weakness And frequent dizziness. Despite the stable tachycardia at rest, it worsens with physical activity disproportionately to the degree of its severity.

Since in sinus tachycardia the SA node regularly produces electrical impulses that in the usual way are carried out along the atria and ventricles, the ECG differs little from the norm, with the exception of increased heart rate. The ECG shows the correct alternation of P waves and the QRS-T complex, characteristic of sinus rhythm. With severe tachycardia, oblique depression of the RS-T segment of no more than 1 mm, a slight increase in the amplitude of the T and P waves, and layering of the P wave on the T wave of the previous cycle can be observed.

Special treatment of sinus tachycardia is required only in cases of inappropriate sinus tachycardia and often presents significant difficulties. It usually begins with the prescription of ß-blockers, which, if they are ineffective, in cases of significant impairment of the patient’s condition, resort to catheter modification of the sinus node.

Despite sometimes pronounced subjective manifestations, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Tincture based on medicinal lemon balm

To prepare it, you need to grind 100 grams of grass and add 200 grams of alcohol (proportion 1:2). Insist this mixture it is necessary for ten days, after which you will need to strain the tincture. You need to take it four times a day, one teaspoon, after diluting it with water.

Melissa has long been known for her soothing properties In addition, it has a beneficial effect on improving the emotional state.

Infusion of calendula flowers and valerian root

To prepare it you will need 1 tablespoon of calendula, the same amount of valerian root. The herbs need to be poured with boiling water (400 ml) and poured into a thermos, leaving for 3 hours. Take the infusion 4 times a day, 100 ml, continue the course for 20 days. If necessary, you can repeat it after a week.

Coriander infusion

Another excellent remedy, which was known even to our ancestors - an infusion based on coriander. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried coriander into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 50 ml twice a day, after straining. Treatment is carried out in courses, the course should not exceed one month. If you need to repeat, take a break for two weeks.

Effective remedies - oats, rose hips, hawthorn, sweet clover

Effective in the treatment of tachycardia caused by hypertension and high blood pressure, juice from oat stalks. You need to drink half a glass three times a day.

Tea made from rose hips, hawthorn and motherwort herb also helps, to which you add any green tea. You can use it in unlimited quantities.

Yellow sweet clover is also often used, which is a good blood thinner. It must be steamed together with herbs such as chamomile, clover and bearberry. This infusion not only helps eliminate attacks of tachycardia, but also normalizes blood pressure.

Diet features

Another important aspect that must be adhered to is fractional meals, which help reduce the load on the body. It is necessary to include foods that have a beneficial effect on heart function in your daily diet. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Fruits and berries: figs, apricots, grapes, cherries, dogwoods, bananas, prunes.
  • Vegetables and greens: beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, parsley and celery, which cleanse the blood well.
  • Walnuts and almonds.
  • Honey, the benefits of which cannot be ignored. By taking two to three tablespoons of honey a day, you can keep not only your heart in good shape, but also your body as a whole.

We must not forget about physical activity, it should be moderate and regular. Spend at least forty minutes a day on exercise, and after a while you will feel an improvement. You should also spend more time on fresh air, an hour-long leisurely walk will not only improve your well-being, but will also lift your spirits, giving you a charge of vigor and good location spirit.

Sinus tachycardia, what is it? This is what many people ask when they first hear a doctor’s diagnosis. Is it dangerous? What measures should be taken?

If the heartbeat quickens against the background of a normal heart rhythm, then they speak of sinus tachycardia. There are congenital or pathological (acquired) tachycardia.

Manifestations of abnormal heart function caused at birth most often affect girls of different ages and adolescents during the period of hormonal changes in the body, as well as heavy psycho-emotional and physical stress at school.

During severe overvoltage and fatigue, stressful situation, a sudden change in body position, the influence of alcohol, or drinking coffee causes physiological tachycardia. When the above reasons are eliminated, its manifestations also disappear. Sinus tachycardia in children under seven years of age is considered normal.

A pathological heart rate disorder occurs as a result of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, urinary and other systems.

Symptoms of heart dysfunction

An ECG study can diagnose sinus tachycardia, even if the disease does not manifest itself. Sinus tachycardia on the ECG looks like frequent cardiac complexes with shortened intervals between them. At the same time, the rhythm of contractions itself remains normal. You can check the status of your heart yourself by periodically measuring your pulse at rest. If the heart contracts 100 times or more in 1 minute, you should definitely consult a doctor to identify the cause of the abnormality and prescribe treatment.

Clinical manifestations of the disease may include fatigue, deterioration of mood, general weakness, dizziness, up to loss of consciousness.

Sinus tachycardia during pregnancy in mild form is quite common occurrence . It's connected with hormonal changes the whole body, as well as a heavy load on life-supporting organs.

The cause of tachycardia may be fetal development, compression of the heart, increased cellular metabolism, because the mother’s heart works both for itself and for the child. Tachycardia usually manifests itself in the last trimester, when the fetus is almost formed and its gas exchange is intense.

After a doctor makes a diagnosis Special attention attention should be paid to the main symptoms of sinus tachycardia. The duration of the rapid heartbeat, as well as the frequency of its occurrence, are subject to mandatory recording. These indicators will tell the cardiologist a lot and help prescribe adequate treatment.

If an attack of heart palpitations occurs and disappears suddenly, and can last from a few minutes to a longer period, then the doctor diagnoses paroxysmal sinus tachycardia. The reason for this condition is the invasion of the heart by a new source of excitation, called extrasystole. It forms its own rhythm of the blood pump. Knowing this diagnosis, you need to start treatment immediately.

What sinus tachycardia is is well known to older people, many of whom suffer from hypertension, ischemia and other cardiovascular pathologies. And the main cause of all these ailments is atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of both the heart and brain. In this case, treatment of the underlying disease should be the prevention of tachycardia.

The course of the anomaly with alternating increased heart rate and bradycardia, when it sharply slows down, can be dangerous. This may be a manifestation various forms neurosis and requires mandatory drug treatment. Most often, the disease is detected in older people who find it difficult to control their emotions. The disease can also be accompanied by pathologies such as cardiosclerosis and rheumatism.

Possible treatment options

Treatment of sinus tachycardia is carried out taking into account the cause of the identified disease and is prescribed for each patient individually.

If identified light form abnormal heart function, your doctor may recommend taking sedatives. It can be like this sedatives like Seduxen or Phenobarbital. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the dynamics of the disease. From herbal remedies Tinctures of valerian and motherwort have sedative properties.

A cardiologist will tell you how to treat sinus tachycardia if heart failure is diagnosed as its cause. In such cases, it is usually prescribed ACE inhibitors, cardiac glycosides. ethnoscience recommends drinking an infusion of hawthorn flowers or fruits for a long time, which effectively strengthens the heart muscle.

When tachycardia is detected after an infectious disease is detected in the body, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the source of infection. Negative Impact Diseases can also affect heart rhythm internal organs, to which the patient did not pay attention. Therefore, first it is necessary to eliminate the main source of the disease, which provokes a malfunction of the main motor of the body.

The physiological form of the disease does not provide any treatment. If you avoid the factors that provoke it, you can completely get rid of rapid heartbeat. To do this, the doctor suggests completely eliminating stimulant foods from the patient’s diet, for example, coffee, strong tea, and chocolate. This also applies to alcoholic beverages.

Treatment of sinus tachycardia with drugs is aimed at correcting metabolic disorders in organism. In severe cases of the disease, beta-blockers are prescribed, which help reduce the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. In addition, magnesium preparations are an ally in treatment, promoting the restoration of heart tissue. It is advisable to take Panangin, which combines potassium and magnesium in an easily digestible form.

However, you should not prescribe treatment for yourself. Such independence can also cause more harm heart and provoke dangerous consequences for good health.

Consequences and complications of tachycardia

The consequences of sinus tachycardia can be different, just as the reasons for the disruption of the rhythm of the heart muscle are different.

In the case of the physiological nature of the onset of the disease, even with very strong manifestations, the prognosis is satisfactory.

For patients with existing problems in cardiovascular system As a rule, the prognosis can be quite alarming. After all, many factors are involved in the process that influence normal work hearts. This includes a decrease in blood output from the heart, a disruption in the supply of the brain, and oxygen and nutritional deficiency in the body.

Why is sinus tachycardia dangerous? A prolonged course of the disease causes overstrain of the heart muscle, which can cause cardiac arrest. Timely treatment will help prevent the development of severe pathological process and prevent negative structural changes in the heart.

In order to prevent the occurrence of sinus tachycardia, you need to be more attentive to your health, do not overexert yourself, and healthy image life.

And most importantly, do not forget that life is given to us only once. Therefore, more positive emotions! Try to see the good even in the bad.