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The large intestine is hard on palpation. The abdomen is hard and hard to the touch reasons

The small intestine is the section of the digestive tract between the stomach and the cecum. Its main role is the absorption and digestion of food. The small intestine is divided into the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Its length is more than six and a half meters and it fills the entire central part of the abdominal cavity (Fig. 5-23). As the digested food passes through the small intestine, it travels through the portal vein system to the liver, where it undergoes further processing before reaching other parts of the body.

1. "Abdominal Brain"
The small intestine is responsible not only for digesting food, but also for “digesting” emotions. Various contractions of the small intestine correspond to unprocessed emotions. Therefore, in traditional Chinese medicine The small intestine is called the abdominal brain. All negative emotions are reflected in the small intestine in the form of constrictions and bends. Anger

squeezes right side intestines, next to the liver. Anxiety affects its upper left side, which is next to the spleen. Impatience and restlessness affect the middle of the upper part of the small intestine. Sadness attacks both sides of the bottom. Fear affects the deeper lower parts of the abdominal cavity (Figure 5-24).

2. Toxins in the small intestine
Toxins passing through the small intestine can already be considered to be outside the body, since they do not penetrate the membranes digestive system. They are on their way to being eliminated from the body. These are toxins that have not been digested or broken down by the stomach and its juices into particles small enough to penetrate the membranes of the digestive system and then into the blood. When the intestines become too full of toxins, the rate of digestion of food drops and the absorption function of the small intestine is inhibited. It becomes compressed and becomes unable to perform its natural physiological functions. So you can eat enough food and still be undernourished.

3. Healthy small intestine
A healthy colon can be covered with one open palm (Figure 5-25). It should be smooth and soft to the touch, move easily and painlessly, penetration of fingers should not cause any reflex muscle reactions. When the pressure is released, the intestine should immediately return to its normal position. The lightened small intestine will be firm to the touch, and you can usually feel very strong pulse aorta. The shape of a relaxed and weakened small intestine is uneven, and bubbles of gas or liquid are felt in it. Often, some parts of the small intestine are too tight, while others are loose.

4. An unhealthy small intestine leads to
violations throughout the system

It is the small intestine that gives the abdomen its shape and size. If the small intestine is overloaded with toxins, it loses tone and increases in size, putting pressure and reducing circulation in the lower abdomen. As a result of pressure on the veins, the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins begins. In women, this can also lead to hormonal and menstrual disorders.
An unhealthy intestine often pulls down the spine with its weight, leading to excessive curvature of its lower part and roundness of the chest (Fig. 5-26). This disrupts the breathing reflex, retracting the diaphragm and causing the chest to overexpand. The result is chronic compression of the intercostal muscles. It also promotes the formation of mucus in the lungs and weakens lymphatic system due to lack of normal abdominal movement. Arises vicious circle intoxication and increased stress.
If intoxication of the small intestine increases, pressure occurs on the nerves and communication center of the lumbar and sacral plexus. As a result, the messages that nerves are supposed to carry from the organs and lower abdomen are blocked. Stops flowing to the brain important information and, conversely, messages sent by the brain do not reach the organs.
This is why emotional tension accumulated in the intestines turns into tension in the muscles of the back, legs and lower back. The pressure exerted on nerve plexuses, causes corresponding reactions in the back. You may not feel it, but even if you did, you wouldn't be able to relax your muscles because the pressure is blocking the nerves.
After some time, the compression begins to irritate the nerves, causing pain in various places. And you are unable to relieve this pain because your nerves are pinched. This is why when you apply pressure to certain points in the small intestine, you can cause sharp pain somewhere else entirely, such as a leg, back, shoulder or arm.

5. Small intestine massage
When you begin massaging the small intestine, the student's stomach should be empty. Sometimes this area is very sensitive to pain and extremely congested. In this case, suggest that your student eat only white rice for two to three days, chewing it thoroughly before swallowing - 50 to MO times. This leads to a build-up of saliva. Saliva helps cleanse the intestines. You can add a little yogurt to the saliva. All this will help improve intestinal health.
After such preparation, all blockages and distortions of the small intestine will be better felt. Massaging your small intestine will help digest food and speed up the elimination of waste. Don't forget that at the same time you are helping to release emotional trauma by removing blockages and obstructions that interfere with the healthy flow of masses within the intestines.
Sometimes the student does not have the opportunity to use rice diet, promoting copious discharge saliva. In this case, you can begin detoxification using some very gentle techniques described below.

6. Small intestine massage techniques
In the practice of Qi Neizap, paramount importance is attached to the effect on the small intestine. Any blockages, toxicity, stagnation, including emotional, coming from different parts bodies, manifest in the Navel Center. The techniques below are not just techniques: they involve using your personality and spirit. As you apply pressure to your student's stomach, massaging it and causing the energy to move in a spiral, you are simultaneously doing the same to your stomach. You connect your gut spirit with the student's gut spirit, connecting your healing energy at the same time. It will take some time before you get good at it, but you need to start trying right away. Working with the stomping gut is very much like a game, and should be approached with a feeling of overflowing joy. If you are tense, your tension will be transmitted to the student. Therefore, you should be well grounded, relaxed, confident and comfortable and act at ease.

a. If the student's abdomen is very hard and so sensitive that even the slightest touch causes pain, you will need to be as gentle and patient as possible. Your fingers should seem to glide over the skin, barely touching the surface and applying the slightest pressure. You can place your entire palm or its proximal part on your stomach and make gentle spiral movements.
After some time, your stomach will become softer. The harder it was, the softer your fingers should be. They should remain just as soft as you go deeper.

b. Perform deep detoxification of the skin using the wave movement technique.

c. When making wave movements, your fingers may feel that some parts of the intestine are denser than others, or feel for knots. These may be chronic or involuntary contractions of the intestinal muscles, diverticula (pockets or pouches), or a hernia. Before these areas become painful, massaging the small intestine area will help gradually ease the situation.

d. The small intestine has a serpentine, or S-shaped, shape, where one part of the curve lies on top of the other. To detoxify the colon, you can use the basic spiral massage technique using your fingertips, but try to feel and follow its sinuous shape at all times. As your fingers approach the turn, shake your intestines until you feel them relax. This will help move food masses (chyme) and activate the intestines.

e. Use short, explosive movements, moving back and forth in a semi-spiral, clockwise and counterclockwise direction. You can perform left-right - left-right movements one, two, three, four or more at a time. Finally, always pull your fingers and energy toward the cecum because this is where the contents of the cecum enter the colon (Figure 5-27).

f. Continue until you have stimulated the entire small intestine.

g. Cover the student's small intestine with your palms and have him direct his breath into your hands. Do it with him Inner Smile. Synchronize your breathing with it.
Feel the light filling you and exhale it into the student through your hands at the moment when he inhales. Teach him deep abdominal breathing.

h. It’s good to work on your own small intestine (and other parts of it too) by sitting comfortably on the toilet. Bending over, you can lean on your fingers and probe the abdomen deeper (Fig. 5-28).

If a person's stomach is hard and hurts, they should consult a doctor. IN human body Something constantly hurts and we are already used to it. Any pain is a sign of some dysfunction in the body. Sometimes the pain is fleeting, then you should not focus on it. Perhaps you just overate a little. But when the pain becomes prolonged or returns periodically, then this is probably evidence of something more serious and you should consult a doctor.

Most often, patients complain of bloating. This is a rather subjective statement that passes over time. There are complaints about conflicting sensations of a stomach inflated with air and at the same time heaviness in it.

In most cases, such symptoms do not require any medical intervention and go away over time, but in some cases the situation will not be resolved without specific medical measures.

Upon examination, the doctor will immediately point out problems present in the gastrointestinal tract. With proper examination, the doctor will certainly be able to distinguish between them.

If the examination showed the absence of any visible abnormalities in the patient, then the person himself most likely provoked the accumulation of gases in his stomach:

  1. Haste during eating, when a fair amount of air is swallowed along with food.
  2. Abuse of carbonated drinks.
  3. Other similar reasons.

If this is the reason, then the swelling is temporary and passes quickly. Excess gases will leave the stomach in all possible ways:

  1. Frequent belching of air.
  2. Excreted through the anus.
  3. Absorbed by the intestines themselves.

However, a hard stomach is not always the result of these completely harmless points. There are a number of reasons that are worth understanding:

  1. Gases can form when food is digested in the presence of excess soda, which impedes the work of gastric secretions.
  2. Abundance of sweet and rich foods in the diet. This category is oversaturated with fast carbohydrates, which are easily and quickly absorbed, which provokes the fermentation process, which is accompanied by abundant gas formation.
  3. Fiber and starch, which enter the stomach along with potatoes, legumes, black bread, cabbage and other products, also provoke increased formation of gases.

Pathological causes of bloating

Quite often, the human body does not have enough of any enzyme necessary for the high-quality breakdown of food.

As a result, when food that is heavy for a particular person enters the stomach, it is often digested by other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, causing excessive gas formation. The excess gas that appears has a bursting effect on the stomach.

In children, a hard stomach is due to dysbacteriosis. The reason for this is an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

Beneficial bacteria and opportunistic bacteria cease to compensate for each other, and certain processes begin to prevail, thereby disrupting normal functioning intestines, food is digested much worse, giving way to putrefactive bacteria.

The latter are characterized by increased gas formation. By the way, a similar pathology has become increasingly observed in adults.

From time to time, the stomach does not become equally hard everywhere. Practice shows that the cause of this phenomenon can be mechanical blockage of the intestine in a certain place. Such a “plug” could be, for example, a tumor, or maybe something else. In most cases, the blockage is pronounced manifestation concomitant diseases(intoxication of the intestinal muscles, circulatory problems, etc.).
In the current conditions, the stomach is hard and hurts due to a violent emotional experience.

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Diagnosis: why the stomach is hard and hurts

The first thing that always catches your eye is a person who wears clothes that are much larger than necessary and constantly loosens his belt, while feeling discomfort. All these signs are very similar to many similar pathologies.

This is how obese people behave, with asymptomatic ascites and many other similar diseases. Any of the diseases mentioned can smooth out the sensation of pain for a long time, thereby masking itself.

Individual manifestations may be:

  1. Constant tension in the groin area.
  2. Tightness on both sides of the spine.
  3. Painful manifestations, as a rule, arise due to pathologies of any internal organ. There can be a great many such examples.

A hard stomach and pain can result from many pathological processes that provoke an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Often, increased intra-abdominal pressure complicates the digestion process, literally squeezing food mass back from the intestines into the esophagus.

Heartburn in this case is guaranteed. There are cases when the diaphragm rises unreasonably high, causing shortness of breath and rapid breathing. Such signs should lead to a much more serious examination of the patient by a doctor.

First of all, the specialist will ask the patient about his attitude towards drinking alcohol. In the anamnesis, he should first of all be interested in whether there were hematuria, jaundice, whether pathological intestinal dysfunctions and heart problems were observed.

The indicators obtained as a result of the examination will make it possible to detect liver cirrhosis, colon cancer complicated by metastases to the abdominal region, some kidney diseases and congestive heart failure.

What to do if your stomach is hard and hurts?

In any case, there is no need to try to fight this pathology on your own. Frequent recurrence of such symptoms should definitely lead you to a doctor, and more specifically, to a gastroenterologist. The specialist will conduct primary diagnosis, examines the anamnesis and determines the present disease. In order to remove all possible doubts, the following studies will be needed:

  1. Analysis of stool for microflora.
  2. Study gastric juice.
  3. Analysis of stool for the presence of bacteria.
  4. Bile analysis.
  5. Ultrasound examination of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Having completed all the required studies, the doctor will be able to say with complete confidence why the stomach is hard and hurts.

Palpation is the most important diagnostic method intestinal studies. This method can only be performed by a highly competent doctor who knows all the intricacies and rules for palpating the abdominal organs.

It is divided into 2 main types: superficial and deep. Each of these types allows you to obtain quite important data about the patient’s internal organs and their condition.

Palpation allows you to determine the presence of pain in any part of the intestine and make a preliminary diagnosis. Also using this method diagnostics, the doctor can determine the presence of various diseases. To confirm the diagnosis, it is enough to conduct some additional instrumental studies and tests.

Inspection Objectives

There are 3 main tasks of examining a patient, namely:

  1. Identification of neoplasms that can be benign and malignant. If any are detected, additional procedures and instrumental studies may be prescribed, among which the most significant is a biopsy.
  2. Changes in tissue structure. Upon palpation, the doctor can detect obvious changes in the structures of the intestinal tissues; this may be looseness, thickening or thinning of any parts of the organ, which indicates a disease.
  3. Inflammatory processes are also easily determined by examining the patient by palpation.
  4. Soreness- is the most important sign of the disease. It is this symptom that can indicate which part of the intestine is affected by the disease and how serious the disease is. When identifying a painful area while palpating the abdominal cavity, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis.

Thus, this inspection method has quite a lot of tasks. They also depend on the type of palpation (deep or superficial).

How is intestinal palpation performed?

Intestinal palpation involves two types of palpation of the abdominal cavity: superficial and deep.

Superficial palpation is always carried out first. After it, the doctor conducts a more in-depth study of the intestines and its specific parts.

If the patient has painful areas, important rule which the doctor observes is the following: in no case should palpation begin from the place that hurts. Usually the doctor starts from the opposite part of the abdomen.

Most often, palpation begins from the left iliac region and involves feeling the intestines in a circle and counterclockwise.

Video about the intestinal palpation technique:

Surface method

With the superficial palpation method, the doctor needs to relax the patient as much as possible. For this, the patient is placed in a horizontal position with his knees slightly bent. This way the abdominal muscles relax as much as possible.

If the patient is still too tense, the doctor can distract him from the procedure by forcing him to perform breathing exercises.

The palpation occurs very smoothly and accurately. The area that hurts is palpated last, since if you start the procedure from the painful area, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall will tense, which will not allow a full examination.


A deep type of palpation is performed to diagnose serious changes in the structure of the intestine. The most important condition for deep palpation is the doctor’s clear knowledge of the projection of the internal organs onto the anterior abdominal wall.

For diagnostic accuracy, when performing deep palpation, the doctor feels not only the intestines, but also other organs of the abdominal cavity.

During deep palpation, the patient must breathe deeply, evenly and measuredly through the mouth. In this case, breathing should be diaphragmatic. To facilitate the procedure, the doctor artificially creates folds of skin on the patient’s abdomen and then moves the palm into the required position.

When palpating the intestines, the doctor always follows the following sequence of palpating the organs:

  • sigmoid colon;
  • cecum;
  • ascending and descending;
  • transverse colon.

During deep palpation, the doctor must determine the diameter, nature of mobility, rumbling and painful areas of all parts of the intestine.

Small intestine

Pain to the right of the navel most often indicates illness small intestine. Palpation allows you to determine the condition of the small intestine. Most often, both types of palpation are used, but it is the deep and sliding type of palpation that is more effective.

At the right approach to the diagnosis and professionalism of the doctor to carry out this procedure is not complicated.

Also, examination of this section of the intestine is not painful if the patient does not suffer from any specific disease. Pain when palpating the small intestine may also indicate inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes.


Palpation of the large intestine allows you to examine pathologies of the abdominal cavity, assess their size, position and shape.

Thus, the conditions for palpation are virtually the same as for examining the superficial area of ​​the abdomen. However, in this case, the doctor must be extremely focused and attentive so as not to lose sight of important details.


The cecum is located in the right iliac region and has an oblique course. In fact, at a right angle it crosses the umbilical-spinal line.

Palpation should be carried out in the right iliac region. The doctor's palm lies on the anterosuperior spine. The fingers are directed towards the navel and are in the projection of the cecum. When palpated, the skin fold is shifted away from the intestine.

According to generally accepted standards, the cecum should be soft and smooth-elastic, and also have a diameter of two transverse fingers.

Transverse colon

The intestine is palpated exclusively in umbilical region with both hands at the same time. Palpation is carried out through the rectus abdominis muscles.

To perform palpation, the doctor places his palms on the anterior abdominal wall so that the fingertips are located at the level of the navel. The skin fold must be shifted towards the epigastric region.

Normally, the transverse colon has an arcuate shape that is curved downwards. The diameter of the intestine does not exceed 2.5 centimeters. It is painless and easily moves upon palpation. If there are any deviations, you can detect some soreness, expansion, compaction, and lumpiness.


The sigmoid colon is located in the left iliac region of the abdomen. It has an oblique course and crosses the umbilical-spinous line almost perpendicularly. The doctor's hand should be positioned so that the base of the palm is on the umbilical area. The fingertips should be directed towards the anterosuperior spine of the left iliac bone.

Thus, the palpating hand should be in the projection sigmoid colon.

The sigmoid colon should be palpable for 15 centimeters. It should be even, smooth and moderately dense. The diameter of the intestine should not exceed the thumb.

The palpation is painless, the intestines do not growl and peristalt quite rarely. If there are deviations, palpation is more difficult and slow.


The rectum is examined rectally with the patient in the knee-elbow position. It is preferable to carry out the examination after defecation, as this may cause some difficulties.

If the patient's condition is serious, the examination is carried out lying on the left side with the legs tucked to the stomach.

First, the doctor examines the anus and the skin of the buttocks of the perineum, as well as the sacrococcygeal region. This helps to detect anal fissures, hemorrhoids and other. After this, the patient must be asked to strain.

Then proceed to finger examination intestines. Forefinger with the right hand, with rotational movements, it is inserted through the anus into the rectum. Thus, the tone of the sphincter and the presence of tumor-like formations are determined.

Causes of pain

There can be many causes of pain, but the most common are the following:

  • appendicitis;
  • abdominal abscess;
  • gastritis;
  • intestinal spasm;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • in the abdominal organs;
  • tumors in the intestines;
  • peritonitis;

Pain may have different character, which very often depends on the reason that led to the discomfort.


Normally, the intestine does not cause pain upon palpation of both superficial and deep types. The patient does not feel discomfort, tingling or dullness, aching pain. Spicy pain syndrome also missing.

The doctor does not detect any compactions or loose areas of intestinal tissue. Inflammatory processes, expressed by severe swelling or enlargement of part of the intestine, are not observed.

The location of the intestines is also an important aspect. The correct location of all its parts indicates the absence of volvulus or pathological processes. Also, with deep palpation, the doctor does not detect any lumps or tumors.

In the normal state of the organs, the doctor can palpate the cecum, sigmoid, and transverse colon. The descending and ascending sections of the large intestine are inconsistently palpated.

As for the sigmoid colon, in a normal and healthy state this part of the intestine can be palpated over a length of 15 cm. Its thickness does not exceed the thickness of the thumb. The cecum is normally palpable as a soft, smooth cylinder with a diameter of no more than two transverse fingers.

It is also normal for the cecum to rumble slightly when pressed. The transverse colon has a soft, non-loose structure; there are no compactions or any formations.

Palpation of the rectum occurs through rectal-digital examination. Normally, there is no inflamed tissue or ruptures tissue structures and hemorrhoidal cones.

The most common pain that occurs in people at any time in life is abdominal pain. They can be triggered by various reasons, and also have a variety of symptoms, depending on which the disease is determined.

Also, acute pain in the lower abdomen can radiate to the rectum, which causes dizziness and sometimes loss of consciousness. These symptoms indicate an ectopic pregnancy. The woman experiences bleeding from the genitals and vomiting. In this case you need to call ambulance and urgently perform surgery.

If your lower abdomen hurts and you feel nauseous, then similar symptoms may indicate food poisoning, menstruation, hepatitis and tumor formation.

So, when the first pain in the abdominal area appears, most people attribute this fact to poor quality food. Yes, this is the case, impulses to vomit, nausea very often indicate that a person has simply been poisoned. In this case, you need to get rid of food in the stomach in order to free the body from the factors that cause pain. After this, it is necessary to use medications that will restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This might be the most common one Activated carbon, it is worth taking it in a special way: one tablet per ten kilograms of a person’s weight. Also when food poisoning"Atoxil" helps to cope with indigestion very well. To do this, you need to pour one packet of powder with water, stir well to obtain a homogeneous mass and drink. Then it is recommended to relax, lie down, or better yet, sleep.

But in any case, if such symptoms are observed for the first time, it is better to seek help from a doctor, since each body reacts to all processes differently.

If there are sharp pains in the abdominal area that gain strength with tension, then this is the first “bell” of the appearance of inguinal hernia. Under no circumstances should you delay treatment, as it can burst at any moment. In some cases, piercing pain is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and the presence of bloody clots in the stool.

The occurrence of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen may indicate the appearance of appendicitis. The person begins to feel sick, the temperature rises above normal, the stomach becomes elastic and hard. During walking or sudden movements, the pain syndrome becomes more active. In this case, medical intervention is immediate and mandatory, since at any moment the walls of the appendix may not withstand the pressure and rupture. And this will already entail a great threat of infectious infection of the body by bacteria. At the hospital, the patient will have to take urine and blood tests, and also go ultrasound examination. If the diagnosis of appendicitis is confirmed, the appendix will need to be removed.

For a woman, pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of menstruation. For many representatives of the fair sex, this phenomenon is a familiar process. The main thing is to have an analgin or dexalgin tablet on hand. But if these symptoms appear unexpectedly, then a consultation with a gynecologist should be mandatory.

If painful sensations in the abdominal area are accompanied by discharge from the genitals, and the body temperature rises noticeably, then you need to seek help from a doctor. After all, such signs are the cause of infectious diseases. In particular, it could be gonorrhea.

Abdominal pain in the lower side, as well as the presence of nausea, vomiting, and high fever may be symptoms of diseases genitourinary system. Infection Bladder, the formation of kidney stones provokes such pain. It is necessary to be examined at a medical institution in order to confirm the diagnosis, because minor formations can be cured with the help of medications, but large stones are removed surgically or laser. And to avoid negative consequences, there is no need to delay treatment, since initial stage it is much easier to get rid of the disease.

To treat certain diseases, doctors often prescribe vitamin B. But in some people, this substance, if it is found in the body excessively, can also cause colic in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, you must inform your doctor about this fact so that he can select another drug.

In any case, if you experience any pain in the abdominal area, there is no need to self-medicate. Only qualified specialist can accurately determine the cause of their occurrence, as well as prescribe the correct treatment.

I took a blood test (biochemical (APT, AST, bikir, amylase, PIF, SRP, AT to Giardia.)

Here's the result:

alat=22 (it is written that the norm is 10-35)

asat = 23 (normal 15-38)

total bilirubin = 20.3 (normal 8.55-20.5)

direct bilirubin = 5.1 (normal 2.1-5.1)

alkaline phosphatase=135 (normal)

amylase = 98 (normal 29-90)

cholesterol=6.1 (normal 3.9-6.5)

second blood test:

hemoglobin=129 (normal)

red blood cells = 4.09 (normal 3.9-4.7)

color index = 0.91 (norm 0.85-1.05)

platelets=234 (normal)

leukocytes=8.2 (normal 4-9)

band neutrophils = 1 (normal 1-6)

Segmented = 52 (norm 47-72)

eosinophils=2 (normal 0.5-5)

lymphocytes=42 (normal 19-37)

monocytes=2(normal 3-11)

plasma cells=1 (norm is not written)

erythrocyte sedimentation rate = 5 (normal 2-15)

My lymphocytes are elevated, the doctor told me that this may be due to some kind of inflammation in the body. I have cervical erosion - I think that’s why they are elevated. What could cause amylase to be too high (for me it’s 98 (it’s written that the norm is 29-90) or is there nothing wrong with it?

a month before, I had a finger prick blood test from a surgeon (clinical analysis), I will only write down those indicators that are NOT normal:

WBC=14.4g/l (normal 4-10)

MID=2.2g/l (norm 0.2-08)

GRN=8.3g/l (norm 2-7.5)

RBC=3.61T/l (norm 3.8-6.2)

HCT=0.305l/l (normal 0.350-0.540)

MCH=40.7pg (norm 27-32)

Maybe this analysis somehow intersects with what I described above (nothing is clear here)

you wrote that liver tests need to be taken - what is that?

I also did an ultrasound of the breast cavity: according to the results, it was written that the pancreas measures 24*14*15 - is this normal? I was diagnosed with diarrhea, prolapse of both kidneys, superficial bulbitis, and questionable chronicity. cholecystitis. And they sent me for an FGDS; as a result, it was written that the walls of the stomach were smooth and elastic. in the lumen there is a large amount of mucus with bile. The mucous membrane is congested. The bulb of the 12 duodenum is of regular shape, the elastic mucosa is congested, edematous.

During pulpation, the doctor said that I had a spasmodic large intestine (I WENT TO HER FOR THIS REASON) and a spasmodic small intestine. and the tongue is slightly covered with a white coating.

please tell me what can be done with all this! - namely, with the spasmodic large and small intestines!! - they are really hard! I can feel them well with my fingers. Thank you for reading such a great answer. I bought a laxative today, Dufolac, maybe my colon will finally return to normal... I also drink various herbs (chamomile, calendula, etc. I brew and drink everything together) - especially since they are choleretic, and that’s exactly what I need)

And I also have a question for you:

Can I have some dekaris? (or recommend something for worms, protozoa and giardia - I want to drink for prevention! - because a stool test may not show them..

Topic: Diagnosis of IBS (colon is spasmodic and hard when palpated), accompaniment.

The main etiological factors of constipation:

1. nutritional constipation associated with insufficient consumption of food or liquid, with qualitatively inadequate nutrition (deficiency of calcium salts, vitamins, plant fiber, as well as improper nutritional rhythm);

2. neurogenic constipation - a manifestation of pathological viscero-visceral reflexes in peptic ulcer disease, duodenitis, chronic cholecystitis, kidney stone disease, as well as constipation in neurological diseases- multiple sclerosis, cerebrovascular accidents, tumors and brain injuries spinal cord;

3. psychogenic constipation, primarily the so-called. habitual, due to a violation of the habit of daily bowel movement when changing place of residence, long trips, prolonged forced bed rest. This also includes constipation in mental illness;

4. constipation caused by anorectal lesions - hemorrhoids, anal fissure, paraproctitis, accompanied by severe spasm of the anal sphincter, etc.;

5. toxic constipation: lead, mercury chronic intoxication, exposure to certain medications - anesthetics, neuroleptics, etc.;

6. proctogenic constipation - caused by a violation of the act of defecation associated with impaired muscle function pelvic floor;

7. constipation caused by mechanical obstacles - tumors, large polyps and strictures of the colon, as well as anomalies of its development.

1. Constipation without abnormalities; anus, rectum and colon and without mental disorders. This includes patients with poor diet and lifestyle, constipation in pregnant women, the elderly and old age, idiopathic constipation with slow intestinal transit, as well as irritable bowel syndrome;

2. Constipation with disorders of the structures of the anus and large (rectum and colon) intestine. This group includes patients with anal neuralgia (mainly after unsuccessful operations on the anus or after trauma), anal stenosis of various etiologies, strictures of the colon, pseudo-obstruction of the colon, etc.

3. Secondary constipation caused by extraintestinal anomalies and diseases. This group includes endocrine lesions (hypothyroidism), neurological disorders(damage to the spinal cord, sacrum, pain during tension due to compression of the branches sciatic nerve), systemic sclerosis and other connective tissue diseases;

4. Psychological reasons constipation This is depression, anorexia nervosa,

5. Constipation associated with side effect medicines.

It is a deep misconception that treatment chronic constipation is an easy task, and to solve it it is enough to purchase a “good” laxative at the pharmacy. The problem of treating chronic constipation requires mandatory consultation with a specialist. Long-term, independent use of laxatives without knowledge of their mechanism of action, indications and contraindications, in most cases gives the exact opposite result:

Constipation becomes more persistent and severe;

Intestinal motility and motor activity are significantly reduced;

The dose of the laxative first constantly increases, then its effect becomes ineffective;

Problems arise associated with disruption of the metabolic process in the body.

Thus, the problem of treating chronic constipation requires the most serious approach, both from the patient and from the attending physician.

Compliance with certain requirements for the diet of a patient with constipation plays a huge role in his treatment. Every person suffering from constipation should know which nutrients promote bowel movement and which ones delay bowel movement.

Black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, bread containing a significant amount of bran help to empty the intestines; cereals: buckwheat, barley, oatmeal; meat with big amount connective tissue; pickles, marinades, herring; smoked meats, canned snack foods; soft drinks (mineral waters, lemonade, juices), beer, kvass, sour cream, cream; sweet dishes, jelly; dairy products: curdled milk, one-day kefir, white grape wines.

Products containing tannin delay bowel emptying: dried blueberries, strong black tea, cocoa, natural red wines (Cahors, etc.); food in pureed form, substances with a viscous consistency (mucoid soups, pureed porridges, especially semolina and rice).

When compiling a diet for patients suffering from constipation, one should take into account the content dietary fiber in products. When eating a large amount of coarse fiber, people with flatulence release on average 2 times more gases than with a diet with moderate fiber content, and almost 5 times more than with a liquid, chemically homogeneous diet without dietary fiber. Patients with constipation and complaints of bloating should limit or even exclude foods rich in dietary fiber from their diet. Avoid dishes made from beans, cabbage, sorrel, spinach, etc. that cause increased gas formation. Apple and grape juices are not recommended.

For constipation accompanied by severe intestinal motility, especially in the presence of cramping abdominal pain, a diet rich in dietary fiber may cause increased pain. IN similar cases At first, a diet low in dietary fiber is used. To reduce and subsequently eliminate intestinal spasms, antispastic medications are prescribed, then foods containing fiber of a delicate and subsequently coarser consistency are gradually added to the food. Since plums contain organic acids that promote bowel movements, despite their relatively low fiber content (0.5 g per 100 g), prunes in any form are recommended for patients with constipation, including infusion and dried fruit puree.

If there are no special contraindications (heart disease, edema), then a patient suffering from constipation should drink approximately 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. Taking enough fluids is very helpful because due to delayed evacuation feces They dry out from the intestines, which, in turn, makes it difficult for them to move through the colon.

It is important to maintain a proper diet. Food must be taken at least 5 times a day. Long breaks between meals are unacceptable.

Bran provides a very significant therapeutic effect for constipation. Bran is resistant to the action of digestive juices, they are not a significant source of energy and at the same time significantly stimulate the evacuation function of the intestines.

Equally important is the rhythm of bowel movements. It is individual and you should not work out an artificial “norm” and insist, for example, that you have bowel movements every day, if you usually have bowel movements once every 2 or even 3 days. The goal is not so much to increase the frequency of bowel movements, but to prevent straining, i.e., to dilute the stool. Do not artificially suppress the urge to defecate under any circumstances, this will only aggravate the problem.

An important role in the prevention and treatment of constipation is played by maintaining an active motor regimen. It is unacceptable to get out of bed late in the morning or lie for long periods of time. Hiking or skiing, swimming, cycling and other physical activities are very useful. Exercise is stimulating motor activity intestines, strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall, increase the tone of the whole body, and have a beneficial effect on the neuropsychic sphere.

Mineral waters are recommended for patients with constipation: Essentuki No. 4, Batalinskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Jermuk, etc.

When intestinal motor activity decreases, as evidenced by a large amount of feces, more mineralized water is recommended - Essentuki No. 17. For constipation with increased contractile activity intestines, for abdominal pain, it is preferable to take warm mineral water. Increased physical activity leads to increased intestinal motility and strengthening of the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the process of bowel movements and, accordingly, the treatment of chronic constipation.

Use of laxatives

Laxatives should be used only in cases where the measures listed above are not effective enough. As for laxatives, they can be divided into several groups: those that increase the volume of feces (bran, seeds, synthetic agents), irritants (anthraquinones and diphenylmethane derivatives), increase osmotic pressure in the intestines, enhance intestinal motor function (prokinetics), soften feces (liquid paraffin).

The choice and use of a laxative should be approached with extreme caution. For chronic constipation, long-term use of irritating laxatives and enhancing intestinal motility is not recommended. Long-term use of these drugs, as a rule, leads to addiction - to “lazy bowel” syndrome. If you need everything for normal bowel movements high dose laxative, and without its use persistent constipation occurs - sound the alarm. It is necessary to change the drug, but it is better to consult a doctor about this. With normal use of a laxative as a treatment for chronic constipation, its dose should be gradually reduced, up to complete refusal from its use.

In relatively mild cases, it is more advisable to resort to more “natural” laxatives; mixtures of figs, prunes and dried apricots with honey and Alexandrian leaf(Regulax drug). There is a separate problem with herbal medicine for constipation. Many years of experience clearly indicate the use of various laxative herbal mixtures (hemorrhoidal tea, etc.), but on one condition: all herbs can only be purchased in pharmacies. Herbal laxatives can also lead to addiction, so their long-term use is not advisable.

Why the stomach became hard and swollen, its treatment

If the patient notices that he has a swollen and hard stomach, then perhaps the cause of this phenomenon is a disruption in the functioning of the body. One of the main factors is overeating. But if an unpleasant symptom occurs constantly, then the cause lies in the pathological process.

Causes of abdominal enlargement

Not only adults can complain about a tight belly. This symptom often occurs both in babies under one year old and at an older age.

Temporary bloating is caused by swallowing air while eating food, abuse of carbonated drinks, fatty or gas-forming foods. Against the background of this process, constant belching occurs. Some of the air exits through the anus, and the rest is absorbed by the intestinal walls.

The stomach can swell when the digestive processes are activated. Some people experience a tight stomach the moment they take soda. The effect of this product is aimed at neutralizing gastric juice.

A hard stomach is diagnosed in children of preschool and school age after they have eaten a large number of sweet or starchy foods. The thing is that they contain easily digestible carbohydrates, which lead to the processes of fermentation and decay.

A discomfort in the intestinal area occurs when consuming large amounts of fiber and starch. This includes dishes from legumes, potatoes, cabbage.

Causes of a pathological nature

If a hard belly appears in the lower abdomen after consuming gas-forming foods or drinks, then unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own after a few hours.

Things are much more serious when the cause is pathological.

If a hard lower abdomen is diagnosed, the reasons may include the following:

  • lack of enzymes. Enzyme or lactose deficiency is very common not only among children, but also among adults. The cause of a hard belly is lactase deficiency. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of dairy products. If there is a shortage of this component, milk enters the large intestine and is already digested there thanks to the local flora;
  • intestinal dysbiosis. This type of disease is accompanied by a violation of the microflora in the digestive tract. That is, the quantity beneficial bacteria sharply decreases, and harmful ones increase;
  • the appearance of tumor-like formations: polyps, cysts, malignant formations;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Many patients are interested in the question, why do women have a hard stomach? Girls more often than men suffer from discomfort in the stomach.

When a hard belly is detected, the reasons for women are as follows:

  • psychological stress, regular stressful situations;
  • varicose veins in the pelvic area;
  • early pregnancy;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • Start labor activity.

It is more difficult for women to cope with the problem. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is not enough to take medication alone. You need to follow a diet and avoid various stressful situations.

Determining the causes of abdominal hardness

Many patients at doctor's appointments ask the question, why is the stomach hard? First symptoms bloated belly often manifested in a feeling of relief after removing the belt. Against this background, a person tries to wear clothes that do not cause significant discomfort.

The appearance of disturbances is indicated by sensations of tension in the groin and lower back. When palpating a dense abdomen, pain occurs.

Painful sensations arise as a result of the body’s reaction to a pathological process that occurs in any internal organ. These include an enlarged spleen, a congested liver, and a tumor in the colon.

Local pain occurs due to cirrhosis. But severe cases are also possible, when an unpleasant symptom indicates peritonitis, acute pancreatitis or primary liver cancer.

Why does the lower abdomen become swollen, hard and painful? These signs may indicate progressive ascites or active growth of tumor formations. Then the patient will complain of indigestion and heartburn.

During pregnancy, women often face the problem of increased intra-abdominal pressure. This occurs due to the active growth of the fetus and uterine cavity. They compress internal organs. The diaphragm also rises, making breathing difficult when lying down or sitting.

A tight belly during pregnancy indicates the tone of the uterus. This condition is considered dangerous, because the risk of miscarriage increases and premature birth. On latest dates During pregnancy, the abdomen becomes elastic and hard at the onset of labor. In such cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

Diffuse swelling may be a reason for a thorough examination. The first thing the doctor is interested in is the tendency to drink alcohol. It is also necessary to identify whether there was a history of hematuria, jaundice, digestive disorders, rheumatic or cardiac pathologies. By obtaining the data, the possibility of making a correct diagnosis increases. Then it is possible to diagnose cirrhosis, cancer digestive organs, kidney pathology in the form of nephrosis, congestive heart failure.

Therapeutic measures for an elastic abdomen

A large and elastic belly is a reason to consult a specialist. With temporary swelling, unpleasant symptoms disappear after a few hours. If your stomach is constantly bloated and no measures help, then you should visit a doctor. Most often, such problems are dealt with by gastroenterologists.

Based on the complaint, accompanying symptoms and examination, the doctor prescribes an examination.

It is based on the following principles:

  • submitting feces for analysis to identify intestinal microflora;
  • examination of gastric juice;
  • submitting stool for bacteriological analysis;
  • bile examination;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy;
  • X-ray examination using a contrast agent.

Thanks to such techniques, an accurate diagnosis can be made.

After this, treatment is prescribed. It implies:

  • following a strict diet. Excluded from the menu gas-forming products in the form of cabbage, potatoes, dairy products, black bread. Every day you need to eat white stale bread, vegetable and fruit dishes, cereals, soups with low-fat meat broth, and fermented milk products;
  • performing physical exercises. Every day you need to do exercises that are aimed at eliminating the symptoms of bloating. Doctors also recommend including a daily walk of three kilometers;
  • prescription of medications. The patient is prescribed enzymes, probiotics, antispasmodics, choleretic agents, and adsorbents.

For more serious pathologies, it is carried out surgery. For cancerous formations, chemotherapy and radio wave therapy are prescribed. To support immunity, vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed.

Hard belly intestines

We all periodically face various health problems. However, if you have stomach pain, a hard belly is usually a sign that medical attention is needed.

Of course, sometimes such symptoms can be the result of banal overeating, and just lying down is enough for everything to go away. But if the pain does not go away, this is alarm signal. Why does this happen and what to do in this case?

Common reasons

Bloating is a common cause of complaint. Certainly, this feeling often subjective and then goes away. Sometimes a person suffers from bloating and at the same time heaviness, the stomach becomes large.

As a rule, these symptoms usually disappear without medical attention. But sometimes situations arise when only a timely visit to a doctor solves the problem. However, if after inspection obvious pathologies was not detected, the patient’s condition is most likely caused by the accumulation of gases in the intestines.

This often happens due to eating food too hastily, with air accidentally entering the stomach.

This also happens due to the consumption of carbonated drinks and foods that provoke gas formation.

These products include:

  • sweets and baked goods - they are rich in simple carbohydrates, which quickly break down and cause fermentation in the intestines;
  • beans, peas, beans, cabbage, black bread and other food products, they contain a lot of starch and fiber;
  • Too much baking soda inhibits the secretion of gastric juice and causes gas formation.

Usually the body itself gets rid of excess, so gases come out of the anus or as a result of belching. Some of them are absorbed through the intestines.

Sometimes bloating in adults occurs if the body does not produce the enzymes responsible for processing lactose. In this case, consuming dairy products, sometimes even the most ordinary ice cream, will inevitably cause increased gas formation. If you have such a problem, then it would be best to eliminate milk from your diet.

If, despite the fact that a person has not consumed these foods, the stomach is still hard and hurts, the reasons may be much deeper.


With this disease, the peritoneum, the membrane lining the insides, becomes inflamed. This is due to the fact that with advanced appendicitis, inflammation of the intestines or other organs, their contents penetrate into the peritoneum, because in healthy people the abdominal cavity does not contain any foreign substances. This causes its inflammation.

Due to the fact that substances are well absorbed through the peritoneum, infection quickly spreads through the blood throughout the body, and therefore sepsis occurs without urgent medical attention.

This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

stomach pain, hard stomach; the patient feels sick and vomits, but unlike simple poisoning, such vomiting does not alleviate the condition; heat; thirst, weakness, rapid heartbeat, sweating.

There are no home treatments for peritonitis!

In this condition, urgent surgical intervention is necessary - only it will save the patient, and in this case, every hour counts. Without urgent surgery, a person will not live more than one day.

Watch a video about this condition


As you know, our body is inhabited by various bacteria. There are especially many of them in the intestines - the microflora in it is necessary for normal digestion of food.

However, due to various factors such as taking antibiotics or other medications, poor nutrition, stress and other things, an imbalance of microorganisms occurs. Food that gets inside is not digested normally, which causes rotting, fermentation, and therefore bloating, discomfort, and stool disorders.

A common reason why a child develops a hard belly is dysbacteriosis. This problem is also widespread in adults.

Perhaps this disease may seem frivolous to some, but it is not - dysbiosis, if left untreated, disrupts the functioning of the entire body, and also causes diseases such as thrush, especially in women.

Mechanical blockage of the intestine

This condition is characterized by pain (sometimes hardening is felt in some part of the intestine), stool retention, and the patient may not pass gas.

The pain can vary in intensity, the nature of the sensations and their localization can be clear, but not always. The cause of mechanical blockage is constipation (it is caused by various factors, from poor nutrition to pathologies in the development of the digestive organs), tumors, etc.

For an accurate diagnosis, you must consult a doctor. If the problem is caused by ordinary constipation, then performing a cleansing enema and further proper nutrition will help solve the problem.

If the matter is something else, then a medical examination will be needed.

Stress or anxiety

The modern rhythm of life, unfortunately, dictates its own rules to us, but all the stress and nervous experiences that we experience directly affect our health. Intestinal function is no exception.

Of course, it all depends on the person - some people don’t mind all the stress, while others react very sharply to everything.

It is best to try not to be nervous; if necessary, you can take a sedative.

Henoch-Schönlein hemorrhagic vasculitis

This disease usually occurs in children. It occurs due to the fact that the child’s immunity works too actively. Damage to blood vessels occurs. Symptoms that require you to see a doctor:

severe pain, anterior abdominal wall very tense; arthritis; A rash with a purple tint appears on the legs.

This disease must be fought under medical supervision; only a medical institution can diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatments.

"Women's" reasons

Women's stomach sometimes hurts due to factors not related to the gastrointestinal tract. The cause of discomfort may be illnesses such as ectopic pregnancy or ovarian rupture. Such conditions are characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, which gradually intensifies. Bleeding from the vagina also begins.

An ectopic pregnancy requires urgent surgery, otherwise blood poisoning may begin and the patient cannot be saved. Pain can also be caused by a tumor, cyst and other ailments.

If a woman consulted a general practitioner or gastroenterologist about pain, but the doctors were unable to detect its source, it makes sense to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Other ailments

However, all of the above are not the only cases requiring urgent treatment. There are other ailments that require immediate surgery or special medications.

Appendicitis often has a variety of symptoms that can be vague. Although the classic description of pain on the right side, nausea and fever is most common, some other symptoms may occur.

It is better not to guess and not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.

If the appendix is ​​not removed in a timely manner, peritonitis may begin, and this is much more dangerous, as there is a risk of death.

It happens that problems arise due to inflammation of the pancreas.

Pancreatitis in acute form also causes pain that begins near the navel and gradually spreads further. All this is accompanied by vomiting and bloating, in some cases diarrhea. Treat acute pancreatitis under the supervision of a doctor.

Also the reason similar conditions Inflammation of the gallbladder may occur, that is, acute cholecystitis. Among other things, it is also characteristic of him elevated temperature, and the pain can radiate to the heart area.

A strangulated hernia is very dangerous.

As a rule, those who have it pose the greatest danger - both doctors and the Internet inform about this. Symptoms of strangulation are sharp pain in the area of ​​the hernia itself or wider; when pressing, the hernia cannot be reduced. In this case, urgent medical attention is required.

As a result of stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, diseases of the gallbladder, liver, spleen, perforation may occur (if we're talking about about hollow organs) or other damage resulting in abdominal cavity blood or any substances enter. A person may vomit blood, which also gets into the stool and turns it black.

Such conditions can even lead to loss of consciousness. As a rule, this is the cause of subsequent peritonitis, so in case of severe pain, vomiting, or fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is especially important if the patient has previously been diagnosed with an ulcer - he should be aware of the possible consequences.

Injuries and strong blows can sometimes lead to rupture of internal organs. With symptoms preceding myocardial infarction, the pain sometimes radiates to the stomach.

You should be very careful if you have any heart problems or are predisposed to them.

In what case should you see a doctor immediately?

This is how a person is designed: he goes to the clinic only in case of urgent need, when he has no strength to endure sharp pain. However, if particularly dangerous symptoms are observed, it is necessary immediate appeal see your doctor, these symptoms include:

  • acute pain in the right hypochondrium accompanied by nausea and high fever;
  • pain with changes in skin color in the area of ​​the lesion;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen accompanied by heavy bleeding from the vagina;
  • acute pain syndrome in combination with diarrhea, in which blood or bile clots are observed.

If the above problems occur, you need to wait for the ambulance to arrive and not take any medications or folk remedies to alleviate the condition, as this can blur the clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis.

First aid

Pain accompanied by a hard stomach due to malfunctions of the digestive system can be eliminated by taking sorbents: activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel.

For painful sensations associated with PMS, antispasmodics are used: No-shpa, Papaverine, Dicetel.

In addition to medications, folk methods can also help relieve pain, for example, chamomile flower tea or rose hip decoction.

If the pathological process has an unclear etiology, it is better not to take risks with self-medication, but to undergo the necessary range of examinations to establish the cause of the disease.

Diagnostics and prevention

Most of the ailments described above require urgent surgical intervention, otherwise you need to contact a gastroenterologist and undergo comprehensive examination, do an ultrasound and pass the prescribed tests. After this, appropriate treatment and a special diet can be prescribed.

As a preventive measure, there are general recommendations, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and moderate physical activity. For people with sensitive digestion, it is recommended to switch to homemade food prepared with the addition of a minimum of spices.

To avoid infection, it is important to adhere to the rules of hygiene: wash your hands and fruits before eating, do not eat in establishments with a dubious reputation.

The presence of symptoms such as:

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer.

These diseases are dangerous due to the development of serious complications (penetration, stomach bleeding etc.), many of which can lead to

outcome. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their main cause using a natural method. Read the material…

This effect is stiffness muscle fibers surrounding the peritoneum, has more than one cause and factors causing it. So, why do people have a hard stomach?

Gas and indigestion

To eliminate bloating, it is necessary to accurately determine its cause. One of the reasons may be a lack of enzymes in the body, which is why some food products(milk and flour products). Another reason may be too rapid absorption of food (during which digestive tract a significant amount of air enters), which naturally causes bloating.

Methods to combat such inconveniences are quite simple: limit baked goods and pure milk products in your daily diet. It would be more advisable to consume milk in a sour state, or to help the body pharmaceuticals based on animal enzymes.

And remember: there is no need to rush at the dinner table, chew your food thoroughly and do not drink water for one hour.

When the abdomen is bloated, it often gives positive effect a banal enema. You just need to: take a heating pad, fill it with water at room temperature, hang it higher (so that the water flows down under its own pressure), insert the end of the hose coming out of the heating pad into the rectum and, at the first urge to defecate, go to the toilet. This method allows you to cleanse the intestines and get rid of gas formation.

In some cases, a hard belly may indicate poisoning or pathology of the body.

Disorders that cause hardening of the abdomen:

Abdominal pain: caused by an attack of appendicitis, perforated ulcer stomach, ectopic pregnancy, defect of a large blood vessel in the abdominal region;

Abscess in the abdominal cavity;

Diseases of the gallbladder and the presence of stones in it;

Some abdominal injuries;

Benign and malignant neoplasms.

Hardening of the abdomen during pregnancy

A hard belly in expectant mothers is a fairly common occurrence. This can affect fatigue and stress, which leads to uterine tone. In such cases, it is recommended to relax and relieve emotional stress (for example: relaxing music). If the situation still does not change better side, you should not put off calling an ambulance for a long time. Indeed, in the early stages of pregnancy, too active uterine tone can lead to an unwanted miscarriage. This is due to the fact that uterine contractions disrupt blood flow in the placenta, thereby causing a threatening oxygen deficiency in the fetus.

If a person observes the effect of a hard belly, then, of course, it would be useful to contact a specialist. This is necessary in order to exclude any hint of a terrible disease.


In a medical institution, the patient will undergo the following examination procedure:

General examination (history collection and palpation of the abdominal area);

Blood chemistry;

Urine and stool tests;

Ultrasound examination of the organs of the retroperitoneal space and abdominal cavity;

Examination of the intestines and stomach using barium;

And also a chest x-ray.

Based on the results obtained during the study, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes adequate treatment.

Lead a healthy lifestyle! Watch what goes on your table: try as little as possible to consume foods that provoke disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (whole milk, beans, peas, yeast, dough made from wheat flour, carbonated drinks, white cabbage, pears, indigestible fats , mushrooms, spicy snacks and some spices, and also do not overuse pickles). Numerous additives (group E) can become the culprits of unpleasant processes in the intestines, during which pain and gases appear in the stomach.

Treat liver, pancreas and gallbladder diseases in a timely manner. With weak fermentation and low stomach acidity, specialized medications will make your life much easier. As it says folk wisdom: Treat food as medicine, so that later you don’t eat medicine like food. Human health starts from the stomach!

Why is my stomach hard during pregnancy?

Hard belly during pregnancy

Hard belly or abdominal stiffness: causes

Hard belly: causes, other symptoms of the disease, treatment

The appearance of a hard and bloated abdomen is a sign of a malfunction in the body. Sometimes the reasons are quite banal, for example, this phenomenon often occurs after overeating, but in some cases the provoking factor becomes a serious illness.

The feeling of an enlarged belly can be subjective. Then there are complaints about a feeling of fullness and heaviness. As a rule, this is a temporary condition that does not require specific measures.

The reasons for the temporary appearance of a hard belly are hidden in the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. A medical examination will only confirm the real factors of subjective sensations.

The bulge may be due to overweight and a spinal defect (forward-facing curve - lumbar lordosis). A specialist can easily determine these conditions from real swelling after studying the anamnesis and external examination.

If a person does not have any diseases, then this phenomenon is caused by the accumulation of gases or air:

  • Swallowing air while eating overuse Carbonated drinks cause temporary bloating. In this case, there may appear frequent belching. Partial air exits through the anus and is absorbed by the intestinal walls;
  • The stomach hardens when gases form during the digestion of food, as well as after taking soda, which neutralizes gastric secretions;
  • Hardness is observed after eating a large amount of sweet foods and baked goods. They are easily digestible carbohydrates and cause a fermentation reaction, thereby increasing gas formation;
  • A large amount of fiber and starch in the body also causes discomfort (brown bread, legumes, potatoes, cabbage, etc.).

Gases may occur due to the presence of fermentopathy. For example, a deficiency of the enzyme needed to break down complex milk sugar (lactose) into monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) is very common among adults. This enzyme is called lactase, it is synthesized thin sections intestines.

If there is a deficiency of this substance, milk passes into the large intestine and only there is it digested with the participation of local microflora. It is this process that causes increased gas formation in lactase deficiency, painful sensation distension and bloating after eating.

A hard stomach in a small child most often occurs due to dysbiosis. It is worth noting that this disorder is quite common among adults. This disease is characterized by an imbalance of intestinal microflora, that is, the number of opportunistic bacteria increases, and the number of beneficial bacteria decreases.

Both the former and the latter are constantly present in the body, but when an imbalance occurs, the normal absorption of food is disrupted, it is poorly digested, putrefactive processes dominate, and gas formation suddenly increases.

If the abdomen is distended only in a certain place, then one may suspect a mechanical obstruction to the movement of gases, for example, a tumor or intestinal obstruction for other reasons. This phenomenon observed when intestinal motility is disrupted (often occurs with invasions that provoke intoxication of the intestinal muscles), problems with blood circulation (varicose veins affecting the lower abdomen). Discomfort may be caused mental pathologies, for example, hysterical disorder.

Usually the first person to discover symptoms is the person himself, who constantly loosens his belt, wears large clothes, and feels constant discomfort. However, in some cases this phenomenon goes unnoticed for a long time, for example, with significant obesity, asymptomatic ascites (abdominal dropsy).

The presence of a disorder may be indicated by a feeling of tension in the groin, on both sides of the lower back, and pain in this area.

Pain syndrome, as a rule, occurs as a result of the body’s reaction to damage by pathology to any internal organ. For example, it could be an enlarged spleen, a congested liver, or a tumor in the large intestine. Local pain, which is uncharacteristic of ascites, occurs against the background of the development of cirrhosis. In addition, it may be inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) or pancreas (pancreatitis), primary liver cancer (hepatoma).

A distended, painful, and hard abdomen may be a symptom of progressive ascites or growing tumors. This increases intra-abdominal pressure. As a result, food digestion is disrupted, it moves back into the esophagus (reflux), causing heartburn. When the diaphragm rises, there is shortness of breath in supine position(orthopnea), shallow rapid breathing (tachypnea).

Diffuse swelling should be a reason for a more thorough examination. The doctor is interested in a tendency to abuse alcohol, a history of hematuria, jaundice, intestinal disorders, and rheumatic heart pathologies. The data obtained make it possible to identify cirrhosis, colon cancer with metastases to the peritoneum, kidney pathologies (nephrosis), and congestive heart failure.

It is not recommended to self-medicate, especially if this condition occurs frequently or is constantly present. Consult a gastroenterologist for advice. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, study the medical history, rule out or confirm the presence of diseases.

Often, diagnosis in children and adults involves the following studies:

  • Analysis of stool for intestinal microflora;
  • Examination of gastric juice;
  • Bacterial analysis of stool;
  • Bile examination;
  • Ultrasound of the digestive system.

Without fail, if the stomach is hard, it is necessary to adjust the patient’s diet. Products that can increase gas formation (cabbage, potatoes, rice, whole milk, etc.) are excluded from the menu. Every day they eat coarse bread, a limited amount of vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.

It is recommended to increase physical activity, and it is not necessary to do exercises in the gym; walking 3 km a day is enough. With absence serious illnesses, characterized by the appearance of a hard belly, changing your diet and lifestyle will definitely relieve discomfort.

Often, doctors prescribe a whole range of drugs to reduce gas formation. It necessarily includes adsorbing agents - polysorb, activated carbon, smecta. Enzymatic ones are also used medications– mezim, pancreatin, panzinorm. Sometimes drugs are prescribed that replace bile or stimulate its production - karsil, LIV 80, allohol.

Bloating can be caused by medications that suppress the production of bile, hydrochloric acid and gastric juice.

If the patient is prescribed such drugs, then it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet. In this regard, it is better to consult a doctor if he himself has not given instructions.

Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease, and not just at relieving uncomfortable symptoms. Therefore, it is imperative to find out why this violation appeared.

The action of adsorbents is aimed at collecting gases, but at the same time it is necessary to get rid of the factor that provokes their appearance.

If the cause is dysbacteriosis, you must first eliminate it. Symptomatic treatment, of course, is also suggested, but it will be ineffective if it is not restored. normal microflora intestines.