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Nutritional depletion, hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency in calves. Colibacillosis of calves and other diseases - how to treat them at home

If you keep cows, you should know what to do if a calf is diarrhea, how folk remedies can help with treatment, and how to properly care so that the animals do not get sick. It is very easy for young calves to contract infectious diseases that can cause diarrhea. It is important to prevent viruses from spreading throughout the herd. According to statistics, 70% of young animals are susceptible to viruses due to non-compliance sanitary standards content. Unfortunately, in almost half of cases, diarrhea can be fatal.

Causes of diarrhea in calves

Diarrhea in a newborn calf may appear in the first month. The main source of diarrhea in newborn animals is the low-quality colostrum they are fed. Often it is stale or simply cold. In the first days of life, it is very difficult for a young body to adapt to everything around it, including food. Therefore, colostrum should be given strictly on schedule, fresh, heated. In addition, in order to avoid infections during feeding, the dishes in which food is served must be thoroughly washed.

If the calf has diarrhea not in the very first days of life, but in the first month, the culprit is most likely bacteria that provoke diseases such as tetanus and escherichiosis. The reason for harmful substances entering the body is a violation of the hygiene regime. If a sick calf is discovered, it must be immediately isolated in a separate box. It is recommended to vaccinate the remaining “guests” to prevent the spread of infection. The room itself must be thoroughly washed using special equipment under high pressure of water and disinfected.

Symptoms accompanying diarrhea

Diarrhea in calves caused by the penetration of bacteria into the body can be mild or complicated.

In mild cases, slight fatigue and short-term changes in body temperature are observed. During this time, the calf eats less. Feces are yellow-green in color with a slight odor.

With strong or acute diarrhea The animal becomes very weak and lies down a lot. Anorexia occurs, eyes roll back, the coat becomes dull and rough. The calf has difficulty breathing, the heart rate increases, and epileptic seizures are possible. With this condition, the likelihood of death increases.

In any case, when diarrhea occurs in calves, it is recommended to carry out a diagnosis. Having complete information about the cause, timing and symptoms of the disease, you can determine how to treat the patient.

Folk remedies against diarrhea

Today there are many medicines to stop diarrhea and prevent the development infectious diseases in the body of a young cow. But treatment with folk remedies is also relevant. Many traditional recipes I can replace it based on my qualities expensive medicines. Before starting treatment with folk remedies, it is worth carefully studying the properties of all the components with which you will treat. After all, some methods can provoke complications or cause other diseases.

Owners of livestock farms try to treat diarrhea in cows and calves using traditional methods. In the first days of diarrhea in very young calves, many farmers feed them sour milk. This product creates an environment unfavorable for the development of bacteria in the body, increasing the pH to 8 (with an acceptable range of 5-6). In such acidic environment harmful substances will not be able to reproduce.

Brewed tea with proteins can help stop and strengthen a weakened body. fresh eggs. Add the whites of 3 eggs and salt to a liter of tea. This infusion is served to calves 2 times a day. Dosage – 7 grams per 1 kg of animal weight.

Infusions will help

You can cleanse the body and save the calf from diarrhea with the help of flax seeds. Add 50-60 grams of seeds to 1 liter of water. The mixture is brought to a boil, then left on low heat for an hour. The prepared mixture is filtered and cooled, mixed with two liters boiled water room temperature. A sick calf is given 500 ml twice a day.

To stop diarrhea in calves, prepare an infusion of onions with red skin. For 3 liters of solution take 200 grams of grated onion and 100 grams of vegetable oil. The oil should cover the entire solution. The resulting mixture is poured into a bottle with a siphon. It is given 5 times in a row every hour at the rate of 4 ml per 1 kg of weight. During treatment with colostrum, calves are not given water on this day.

Useful for severe diarrhea beet juice. At home, sugar beets are passed through cheesecloth. With the help of this traditional remedy Severe bloody diarrhea can be cured. For treatment, it is necessary to give sick calves enemas of 250-300 ml, depending on the degree of the disease. The intervals between enemas are 2-3 hours.

Alder cones will also help to quickly cope with the disease. The inflorescences of this plant have an astringent and hemostatic effect. Alder is rich in useful substances and is a good disinfectant. To prepare the infusion, 40 grams of cones are poured with 3 liters of water, boiled and simmered in the oven. For a simmering effect, you can also use a large thermos. Infusion at room temperature is given to the calf 2-3 times a day, 500 ml.

Dehydration can lead to death

During severe diarrhea, the calf's body loses 3-5 times more fluid than normal. This phenomenon often leads to dehydration and, as a result, death occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to try to replenish lost fluid reserves. This can be achieved using an electrolyte solution. It's easy to prepare and cheap remedy will help cope with several problems with diarrhea at once:

  • restore the supply of fluid and salt in the body;
  • improve bowel function;
  • establish correct work microflora;
  • restore oxidative processes in the body;
  • saturate with useful substances.

Treatment with folk remedies is always combined with compliance with a special regime. Move the pet to a clean box, create dim lighting, and provide the calf with peace. The place where it is located must be warm. A small patient can be covered with a blanket.

Diarrhea in a calf - serious problem, often leading to exhaustion and death of the animal. Unfortunately, this makes it extremely unpleasant disease Neither domestic animals nor young animals from large farms are insured. Statistics show that this reason causes the greatest financial losses in raising dairy calves than any other syndrome.

What is diarrhea: signs of diarrhea

Diarrhea is not independent disease, This clinical syndrome associated with several diseases. Regardless of the cause, during diarrhea the body's absorption of fluid from the intestines is altered, resulting in life-threatening electrolyte imbalance. That is, the calf loses fluid, quickly becomes dehydrated, and suffers from electrolyte loss and acidosis. Infectious agents can cause problems in the intestines, but actual death from diarrhea in cattle usually results from dehydration and loss of electrolytes.

Diarrhea may occur light form, manifested loose stools, moderate, when dehydration is already great, but the animal can stand on its feet, and severe, when the calf stops eating and lies all the time. In addition, the infection may differ in the color of the stool: it can be green, mucous, lumpy and mixed with blood, which is especially dangerous.

Causes of diarrhea

Animal owners are wondering why the calf has diarrhea if it has not eaten anything but milk. In fact, food has nothing to do with it in most cases. This problem is viral in nature, so the baby could simply become infected. For example, a common cause of diarrhea is rotavirus infection; its share accounts for more than 30% of all cases of diarrhea in a herd. This virus is present on every farm, so almost all calves are at risk. The reasons for this unpleasant condition Other agents, in particular E. coli, coronavirus and Cryptosporidia, may also become involved. They are dangerous individually; in addition, they are easily combined with rotavirus infection, causing acute form diarrhea, which complicates treatment. Identification of infectious disease agents that cause diarrhea has important to implement effective preventive and therapeutic measures.

Causes of diarrhea are grouped into two categories: 1) non-infectious causes and 2) infectious causes.

Food diarrhea can be caused by a disturbance in the usual diet, so white diarrhea in calves is caused by problems leading to indigestion of milk passing through intestinal tract. This type of diarrhea is usually easy to treat. Many of these calves, if they remain active, do not even require treatment. If the calf becomes depressed and is not eating well, then therapy should be started.

As you read above, diarrhea may be the result of a combination non-infectious factors And infectious microorganisms, therefore, when choosing a method on how to stop diarrhea in a calf, it is important to use complex preparations and maximum measures to control the situation.

There are managerial as well as medical requirements, which must be fulfilled. Special attention should be given to nutrition environment, sanitation and care of newborn calves. There are two keys to preventing the spread of rotavirus and other pathogenic agents - maximum level hygiene and feeding newborn calves with colostrum for as long as possible.

Hygiene . Good hygiene reduces the spread of disease between calves. Make sure that the bedding of the young animals is perfectly clean and dry. Never mix animals of different ages- they have different immunity. And especially do not feed your pets from the same container. Sick calves must be urgently removed from the group and placed in a separate room. The place where the sick baby was must be thoroughly disinfected. As practice shows, serious outbreaks infectious diarrhea in calves are associated with poor housing conditions. A newborn calf needs a dry, clean place and clean dishes. Ideally, a specific area should be provided that is used only for calving. After the calf is born and has received colostrum, it should be separated.
Colostrum . Colostrum is an immune stimulant in young animals. It contains antibodies that protect against a variety of diseases, including rotavirus, and nonspecific defense systems such as lactoferrins, which prevent bacterial growth. If the calf receives enough colostrum (at least two liters within six hours after birth), then it is much easier for him to cope with diarrhea, even if the infection has entered the body.

It is best if the calf receives the colostrum by suckling it on its own - this ensures that it absorbs the maximum amount of antibodies. Bottle or bucket feeding produces poorer results, so this type of feeding should only be used for calves that are too weak to stand. The second period of feeding colostrum should be within the first 24 hours from birth. It is no less important than the first feeding, so it is recommended to leave the calves with the cow during the first 24 hours.

Norm of colostrum for calves

The first dose of colostrum provides protection for only three to four days, while rotavirus and other infections can affect the animal's body at any time during the first few weeks. To prevent diarrhea, it is important to feed colostrum and milk at least 2.5 liters every day for two to three weeks. Of course, there will be fewer antibodies in milk every day, but those that arrive remain in the intestines and, thus, prevent intestinal infections. To give colostrum for three weeks, you need to preserve it, for example, by freezing it.

Diet of pregnant cows. The diet should be balanced in terms of energy, protein, minerals and vitamins. It is especially important to improve nutrition during cold or inclement weather. You must keep in mind that pregnant replacement heifers have not yet reached their size, so their diet must be formulated to provide them with enough energy to maintain and grow. Failure to meet energy needs will not only result in the birth of a weak calf, but will also contribute to increased dystocia (difficulty calving) and delayed return to estrus. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of vitamin A and E in feed.

Cure for diarrhea in calves - cow vaccination

The level of antibodies in colostrum depends on many reasons. Currently, there are special vaccines that can significantly increase their number in cows after birth. It is recommended to give such vaccinations in the period from one to three months before calving.

Colostrum from vaccinated cows has very high levels of antibodies, enough to protect the calf from rotavirus for the first seven days, provided two liters of colostrum are fed within 12 hours of birth. Best effect vaccination is obtained when colostrum from vaccinated cows is given to calves for at least two weeks after birth or longer, in which case the calf will have high level protective antibodies in the intestines throughout the critical period.

A well-planned and consistent vaccination program is an effective tool for preventing diarrhea. Unfortunately, in different regions and even just different herds in the same region, they can become infected different types infectious agents, therefore there is no such thing as a universal vaccination program. Most vaccines contain K99 E. antigen coli alone or in combination with coronavirus and rotavirus. Some manufacturers include C. Perfringens and E. coli bacterins in vaccinations. All manufacturers' recommendations must be followed.

How to treat diarrhea in calves

If, despite good hygiene and adequate consumption of colostrum from vaccinated cows, you still notice that the calf is developing diarrhea, begin to treat it immediately. It is advisable to take a test to a veterinary laboratory to find out the source of the infection, because diarrhea can be a symptom of a serious illness such as salmonellosis, etc. It is important to recognize and begin appropriate treatment to maintain hydration and to prevent or eliminate blood acidosis.

First you need to determine how sick your pet is. The results will dictate the degree of aggressiveness of treatment. It is customary to divide calves with diarrhea into two categories:

  • With mild degree when they can stand and suck;
  • with a severe degree where they cannot stand on their own two feet.

Animals belonging to the first group can be cured with good success by giving drugs and fluids orally- through the mouth. In case of severe acidosis, you will have to do intravenous infusions - droppers.

It is also important to determine how dehydrated the calf is. This is quite easy: the state of hydration is determined by examining the patient's eyeballs. In a healthy animal, the eye should lie close to lower eyelid. If between eyeball and a gap has formed in the wall of the eyelid, this means that the condition of the animal leaves much to be desired. In severely dehydrated calves, the eyes begin to “sink”, and the further they lag behind the wall, the worse the situation.

Another way to assess the degree of dehydration is to pinch the skin on your neck, twist it about 90 degrees, and release it. In a healthy calf, the skin returns to its original position immediately. When dehydration occurs due to diarrhea, the process is much slower.

Fortification . Newborn calves require injections of vitamin A, as deficiency is associated with diarrhea. A calf can be given 500,000 IU (usually 1 cm) of vitamin A per early age.

Infusion therapy for diarrhea in young cattle

Administration of electrolytes (eg calcium chloride) is recommended for any calf with diarrhea that is able to stand and has at least a weak sucking reflex. They will replace lost fluid and correct the acidosis that usually accompanies diarrhea. In addition, electrolytes provide nutritional support. Giving electrolytes as a drink once to twice a day is sufficient to maintain normal hydration in calves with diarrhea.
If the calf is unable to stand or is already severely dehydrated, IV fluids must be given.

Should calves be given antibiotics if they have diarrhea?

Regarding the use of antibiotics, there is no consensus even among veterinarians. Almost everyone will agree that antibiotics will help calves with diarrhea and some other signs of systemic bacterial infection: elevated temperature, bloody diarrhea, swollen joints or navel and so on. However, many experts say antibiotics are not necessary in mild cases. In their opinion, it is enough to monitor hydration, and everything should be fine.
And yet there is an opinion that the use of antibiotics may be indicated, even in the simplest, uncomplicated cases, since calves with diarrhea have larger number gram-negative bacteria in the small intestine. Over time, even if the diarrhea passes, the pathogens will still remain and will manifest themselves at the first opportunity. In addition, part dangerous bacteria, circulates in the blood - according to statistics, they are found in 40% of sick animals. As practice shows, calves treated with antibiotics have lower mortality rates and higher growth rates.

Antibiotics should be used orally or by injection. Use “systemic” antibiotics; that is, those that are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. They are necessary to prevent pneumonia. Drugs that reduce intestinal motility and corticosteroids should not be used. If antibiotics are ineffective after two to three days of use, discontinue use. During salmonellosis outbreaks, antibiotics can cause the release of excess endotoxins, so try using infusion (drip) therapy only.

In modern veterinary medicine, it is common practice to prescribe flunixin meglumine for ordinary diarrhea or bloody diarrhea. It is an anti-inflammatory drug that can speed up the recovery of even very sick animals. Studies have shown that one to two doses of flunixin within 24 hours significantly reduces livestock mortality.
Activated carbon is an excellent adsorbent. 1 tablet per 10 kg of live weight. You will also need vitamin AD3E (at a veterinary pharmacy) 10 ml once a day.

Pharmacy antibiotics often use tetracycline (3 tablets 2-3 times a day) or chloramphenicol. You can also try phthalazole. But an overdose threatens dysbacteriosis. Treatment can be supplemented with human bifidumbacterin.

As for injections for diarrhea, you can use Telosin or Baytril according to the scheme from the instructions included with the drugs.

Treatment of diarrhea in calves: an effective scheme

Whatever the calf’s diarrhea, its treatment will include a set of similar measures. Treatment should primarily focus on correcting dehydration, acidosis, and electrolyte loss. Antibiotic treatment can be started at the same time as anti-dehydration medications are given.
If the calf is diarrheic, do not give it milk or milk substitutes, as milk in the gastrointestinal tract becomes an ideal environment for the most dangerous bacteria, such as E. coli.

Note that calves with diarrhea often suffer from hypothermia. Heat lamps will help to cope with this; they are simply necessary in the treatment of hypothermia.
Dehydration can be overcome with simple fluids, various solutions of glucose, calcium chloride, etc. If dehydration has progressed, it is necessary intravenous administration liquids. The first clinical signs of dehydration occur when fluid loss reaches five to six percent of body weight. A fluid loss of eight percent results in depression, sunken eyes, dry skin, and inability to stand. A fluid loss of 12 percent usually leads to the death of the animal.

If the calf cannot swallow, buy a special device, which is a collapsible plastic bag with a lid and a flexible tube inserted into the esophagus. The plastic bag or gastric tube should be used after thorough disinfection and lubrication with petroleum jelly.

Treatment with folk remedies for diarrhea in calves involves self-cooking solution for oral administration. You can prepare electrolyte from one tablespoon baking soda, one teaspoon of salt and 250 ml of 50% dextrose. Attention! Don't use table sugar! Add warm water so that you get 3.5 - 4 liters of solution and feed it to the calf every three to four hours, depending on the degree of dehydration and fluid loss. This solution can be used as a single source nutrients over a period of 24 to 48 hours. Another formula drinking solution, often recommended by modern veterinarians, includes one packet of fruit pectin, one teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of baking soda per 2 liters of water. Give me one liter warm solution orally at four to six hour intervals.

You can also find recipes that suggest giving chamomile decoctions, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or horse sorrel decoction for the first day. On the second day, this liquid is replaced with milk (no more than one glass), diluted with decoctions of rice, flax or rolled oats. If diarrhea continues after a couple of days starvation diet Try giving 2 beaten egg whites every 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure for the second feeding, accompanying the meal with decoctions of rice, rolled oats or flax, without milk. In between feedings, give the calf salted water. On the third day, you can add a little milk, but monitor the condition of the calf.

A decoction of flaxseed should be prepared as follows: boil 50 g of seeds in 1 liter of water for 1 hour. As it boils, add water to the original volume. Ready decoction Store in the refrigerator for up to three days.

You can also give burnt alum, purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Dilute a teaspoon with a mountain of powder in 100 grams of water. Give the resulting solution to the calf twice - in the morning and in the evening.
Attention! Homemade recipes against diarrhea in calves are not a substitute for balanced veterinary medications and are intended for oral use only.

Diarrhea in calves is a preventable and treatable condition. However, if non-infectious causes are ignored, no treatment will be effective.

The appearance of a calf on a farm is a big joy for a budding entrepreneur. However, this event does not always bring only pleasant prospects. Often the appearance of a young animal can be complicated various diseases, some of which are contagious and difficult to treat. Today we'll talk about what you can do if dyspepsia, bronchopneumonia or pseudomonosis are found in your calves.

Diarrhea is a well-known disease characterized by dysfunction intestinal system, accompanied by a sharp change in stool. Common reasons Diarrhea in a calf can be:

  • excessive amount of milk consumed;
  • sudden change in diet;
  • poor quality of feed;
  • decreased immunity;
  • poor living conditions (they are extremely favorable for the development of the disease);
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases of calves.


Enzymatic diarrhea or newborn diarrhea is another name for dyspepsia. This type Intestinal dysfunction in an animal manifests itself in the first 10 days of life. The disease is quite dangerous due to a sharp decrease in fluid levels in the body. Most often it appears in the first 2 hours after the baby’s first feeding.

Calf dyspepsia occurs when, during pregnancy, the cow does not receive the necessary nutrients; the digestive organs remain underdeveloped. Dyspepsia can also occur due to non-compliance with hygienic standards for caring for newborn calves and their mothers.

The symptoms of dyspepsia depend on the form of its course. Loss of appetite, decreased body temperature, and mucous diarrhea are recorded.

A mild form of dyspepsia is treated with a diet - skip one of the feedings, and also drink astringent and anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions - chamomile, oak bark, flax seeds, etc.


Calf colibacillosis is a well-known infectious disease that causes sepsis, severe diarrhea and high rates of animal mortality. As a rule, it affects animals aged 1 to 7 days of life. A baby can become infected through contact with an already sick animal, a carrier mother, or dirty household items. The symptoms of the disease directly depend on the form of the course.

For treatment of this disease a solution with the addition of strong tea and a raw chicken egg is used. In addition, it is necessary to use modern antibiotics. It is recommended to use a special hyperimmune serum and bacteriophage with them.


There are several ways of infection: through contact with a sick animal, through food and water, and also through contact with household items. In addition, other animal species, rodents and insects can carry cryptosporidiosis. The main signs of this disease in calves begin to appear 3-7 days after infection. The young animals begin to refuse food and develop diarrhea. Soon severe dehydration of the body sets in, calves lose weight and often die.


Paratyphoid fever is caused by two types of dangerous microbes. They can only be destroyed by using special disinfectants. In addition, it is worth remembering that the microbes that cause paratyphoid fever in calves are dangerous to humans, so the meat of sick animals should not be used as food. Young animals can become infected with paratyphoid through the urine and feces of sick animals. Therefore, most often this disease occurs in animals in crowded conditions.

You will learn a lot from the video “Diarrhea in Cows” useful information.

Paratyphoid fever of calves can appear 5-25 days after the pathogen enters the body. Characteristic signs this disease - heat(up to 41 degrees), severe diarrhea with admixtures of blood, cooling of the extremities, lethargy. Paratyphoid fever may manifest itself through shortness of breath and a severe dry cough.

Treatment of paratyphoid fever begins when sick animals are isolated from the rest of the livestock, and the premises where they were kept are thoroughly treated by special means. After this, you can start feeding calves with bacteriophage, antibiotics, nicotinic acid and biomycin.


A disease that is acute infectious form and is transmitted by contact with a pathogen - this is pseudomonosis. Most often, this disease affects young animals. You can get pseudomonosis through contact with a sick animal or person. They shed bacteria through saliva, feces, urine or blood. Water, household items and food are also carriers of infection.

The main symptoms of pseudomonosis are arthritis, pneumonic manifestations and, of course, diarrhea. Incubation period pseudomonosis is from 20 to 48 hours. The baby's temperature rises, his appetite disappears, and soon severe diarrhea begins. The feces will contain mucus or bloody discharge. There may be mucous discharge from the nose.

Typically, pseudomonosis is treated with antibiotics administered intramuscularly. The dose of antibiotic for pseudomonosis is calculated by the veterinarian based on the weight and condition of the animal. To eliminate damage to the gastrointestinal tract due to pseudomonosis, drugs such as startin, recuraltan, and vetseptol are used.

Treatment of pseudomonosis is impossible without special drugs aimed at combating dehydration. In case of dehydration, a drip infusion of saline is indicated. solution and glucose.

It would not be superfluous to use various vitamins oil and water based, they will help support the calf during acute development pseudomonosis. Veterinarians can give other advice on how and how to treat calves.


Pasteurellosis is a very common infectious lesion organism of many species of domestic animals, which is characterized by pneumonia, pleurisy, swelling of the limbs and many other symptoms.

The causative agent of pasteurellosis dies when using various disinfectants. The source of pasteurellosis infection is sick or recovered animals. It is worth remembering that the mortality rate for pasteurellosis reaches 70%.

Pasteurellosis is transmitted through food, water, bedding, and household items. The secretions of sick animals, fur, and skin can also be contagious. Pasteurellosis can also be transmitted by air. Most often, infection with pasteurellosis occurs through damaged mucous membranes, digestive tract and skin.

In calves, pasteurellosis occurs in the first 10 days of life. The disease develops very quickly (1-2 days). The first symptom of pasteurellosis is a sudden increase in temperature. Then weakness, increased heart rate and diarrhea appear. After 1-2 days the calves die.

When the calf coughs


With pneumonia, a significant increase in the body temperature of calves is recorded with preservation of appetite. In addition, the calf may suffer from coughing attacks. There is increased breathing and nasal discharge. The calves look depressed and lie around a lot. It also occurs chronic form bronchopneumonia. With it, animals look much smaller than their healthy relatives.

Bronchopneumonia in calves is treatable. At good nutrition and keeping animals have a high chance of recovery. If treatment is not started on time, patients die. Vitamins and antimicrobial agents are used to treat bronchopneumonia.

A calf has lichen

Ringworm in calves is a chronic infectious disease that is extremely dangerous not only for the animals themselves, but also for their owners. A pet can get sick through direct contact with sick animals or through care items. It is worth remembering that if lichen in a calf is not treated, it may die from exhaustion.

For treatment, it is necessary to conduct a veterinary examination of the animal and submit samples of skin and fur for analysis. To cope with the disease, you can use minerals and vegetable oils, fish fat, tar, carbolic acid.

Video "Bronchopneumonia"

From the video “Bronchopneumonia” you can learn a lot of useful information on how to help your pet.

Calf diarrhea is the most common problem faced by farmers. This condition is dangerous for fragile animals and can lead to their death. It is important to understand the reasons for diarrhea in calves, what types there are, and how to treat it at home. Every farmer must have knowledge in this area in order to provide timely assistance to sick calves, otherwise he will suffer losses.


Calves under the age of one month are most susceptible to developing diarrhea. Their body is just beginning to adapt to external conditions, and the immune system is too vulnerable. Let's look at the main reasons why a calf diarrhea:

  1. Adaptation to life outside the womb. Diarrhea develops against the background of changes in the body in the first 5-7 days after birth.
  2. Error in nutrition. Digestive system Calves are too sensitive, so diarrhea may develop due to poor quality food. If you feed young animals with food containing toxins, nitrates, and pesticides, diarrhea in calves is inevitable.
  3. Infectious diseases.

Reference. Intestinal upset can happen even when breastfeeding quality food, if the diet has changed dramatically, for example, the calf was switched to a milk replacer.


Often the reason severe disorder become infections. The most common of them are:

The disease Escherichiosis is caused by one of the strains of Escherichia coli. When hitting small intestine, bacteria provoke severe food poisoning. As a result of the rapid proliferation of pathogenic flora, toxins accumulate in the body. The animal almost always dies due to intoxication and severe dehydration if treatment is not started in a timely manner.

Rotavirus most often affects newborns. This disease is treatable if it is started on time. If left untreated, calves usually die due to dehydration.

Coronavirus and cryptosporidiosis - no less dangerous diseases, affecting calves aged two weeks. The prognosis is unfavorable if you do not immediately respond to the symptoms of the disease. The body of young individuals loses fluid very quickly, and death in this case also occurs from dehydration.


If calves have diarrhea, you should pay attention to associated symptoms illness. In case of defeat various viruses or bacteria clinical picture may be different. Let's consider general symptoms diarrhea:

  • The animal is depressed.
  • Refuses to eat.
  • Feces are liquid, have an unpleasant odor, and may contain mucus, blood, and foam.
  • Bowel movements become more frequent (from 5 to 12 times a day).
  • The temperature may be low or high.
  • Eyes become sunken from dehydration.
  • The mucous membranes are dry.

Attention! As soon as the calf becomes diarrhea, it is necessary to separate it from other animals in order to avoid the spread of a viral infection and urgently contact the veterinary service.


To facilitate the diagnosis of the disease, you need to pay attention to exactly how the disease progresses. Each infectious disease has its own manifestations. The effectiveness of treatment will depend on the correctness of the diagnosis. The farmer must provide the veterinarian with the most complete information about the color of the sick calf’s stool, its consistency, provide him with the animal’s temperature readings and other observations.

What you should pay attention to :

  1. The color of stool is white, yellow, greenish.
  2. The consistency is foamy, watery, mucous, mixed with blood.
  3. The smell of feces is sour, putrid.
  4. Frequency of bowel movements.
  5. Thermometer readings (with rotavirus infection the temperature is elevated, with coronavirus infection it is normal).
  6. The condition of the mucous membranes – are there any ulcers on them?

The more accurate and complete the information, the higher the chances of survival, because an error in diagnosis means that treatment will be prescribed incorrectly.

Reference. Those who have suffered severe viral infections calves that are early in life are more likely to be less productive later in life.

How to treat diarrhea in calves?

Treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis. It includes the fight against microorganisms that cause the disease, removing toxins from the body, as well as replenishing the volume of lost fluid. When a calf diarrhea, both medications and folk remedies are used.

Drug treatment

It is important to know that when diarrhea in calves is treated at home, milk is excluded from the animal’s diet, since it is not only not digested in case of intestinal disorder, but also aggravates its condition. The patient should be kept separately from other animals in a warm and dry room. Medicines used for diarrhea:

  • Rehydrates.
  • Sorbents.
  • Enzymes.
  • Probiotics.
  • Antibacterial drugs.

In most cases, it is rapid dehydration of the body that leads to the death of young animals. It is important not to allow the total fluid loss to be more than 10%. To replenish it in the body they use various solutions containing salts - potassium, chlorine and other substances. Glucose is administered intravenously. Restore in the same way salt balance if the animal refuses to drink on its own.

In order for the animal’s well-being to improve, it is necessary to remove toxins from the intestines. Sorbents are used for this. A veterinarian may recommend taking probiotics and enzymes to restore damaged intestinal microflora and restore its function.

The main role in the treatment of infectious diseases is given to antibiotics. To destroy the pathogen, select antibacterial drugs wide range actions. The dosage and duration of treatment is selected individually, depending on the weight of the sick calf.

Folk remedies

You cannot rely entirely on folk remedies if the calf has diarrhea. However, in parallel with drug treatment their use is permitted.

Cereal decoction

A decoction of cereals will help restore strength; it can be given to the animal in the first days of illness instead of milk. To prepare the decoction you need to take:

  1. 150 g oats or barley.
  2. Liter of water.

The water is brought to a boil, the cereal, after having been washed, is poured into a saucepan and cooked for an hour over low heat. The product is infused under the lid for 1 hour, filtered through a sieve. The resulting decoction is brought to the original volume with boiled water and given to the sick animal to drink warm several times a day, 500 ml.

Flax seed decoction

To prepare the product you will need:

  1. Liter of water.
  2. 50 grams of flax seeds.

In an enamel saucepan, bring water to a boil, pour in the seeds, and reduce the heat to low. Continue cooking for 60 minutes. Set the dishes aside, cover tightly with a lid and wrap them in a towel. The product must infuse. After straining, bring the broth to its original volume. This liquid is fed to calves 2-3 times a day.

Plantain decoction

Plantain has astringent and disinfectant properties. A decoction for young animals is prepared from it in this way - 100 grams of crushed plantain raw materials are poured into a liter of boiling water. The product should simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, after which it is infused for 1 hour. A glass of strained broth is given to animals to drink 20-30 minutes before feeding.

Attention! Folk remedies cannot replace antibiotic therapy if the cause of diarrhea is infection.


It is easier to prevent the problem than to treat diarrhea in calves. Compliance preventive measures helps protect young animals from infection dangerous infections. What do we have to do:

  1. Keep calves separately from adults, only with their mother.
  2. Carefully monitor animal hygiene and cleanliness of the premises.
  3. Vaccinate cows in a timely manner.
  4. Avoid contact of young animals with animal manure.
  5. Feed the young animals high-quality food.

Reference. For prevention intestinal disorders calves are given yogurt or lime water to drink. These measures help to increase the immunity of animals and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines.

If the calf is diarrhea, you cannot wait. In young animals, dehydration occurs very quickly, which is the main cause of death of animals. You need to urgently seek the help of a veterinarian who will prescribe the correct treatment. Soldering babies and strictly following the doctor’s instructions - priority task farmer