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How to understand that childbirth is coming soon

Menstruation represents bloody issues, which occur once a month. If pregnancy occurs, they stop. The menstrual cycle is the period of time from the first day of one period to the first day of the next. On average it lasts about 28 days, although it can be longer or shorter. Regularity of arrival plays the main role here. critical days. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs: a mature egg, ready for fertilization, leaves the follicle and moves along fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. During ovulation, the probability of getting pregnant is very high, so every woman should know when her next period will begin. Often the cycle gets confused, and determining the date of arrival of critical days is very difficult.

How to recognize ovulation

Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle; a woman can determine this process by certain signs. When the egg leaves the follicle, the body experiences hormonal surge. Basal temperature increases by 0.5-0.8 degrees, this increase can last up to last day cycle. Measure your temperature in the morning after waking up without getting out of bed. The thermometer must be inserted into anus for 8-10 minutes. It is better to write down the thermometer in a specially designated notebook, this will make it easier to track the regularity of your cycle. When measuring basal temperature It is important not to forget to record the date of measurement and the day of the cycle.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

PMS is a combination of its own personal feelings, which indicate the approach of menstruation. The cause of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is hormonal changes in the body. Each time these signs can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. Lasts premenstrual syndrome from two to several days.

PMS symptoms are divided into psychological and physiological. Psychological symptoms: drowsiness or insomnia, unmotivated touchiness, anxiety, fear, aggressive behavior, sharp changes moods. Physiological signs: nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, headache, dizziness, increased appetite, nausea, swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of acne on the face, slight increase body temperature, loss or increase of sexual desire.

If a woman notices the manifestation of any symptom from these two groups, she should not immediately label herself “PMS”. It is necessary to monitor any symptoms for at least three months, then it will be possible to draw conclusions whether it is PMS or not. Don't forget that premenstrual syndrome won't last forever. If symptoms greatly complicate life, interfere with work and communicate with people, you need to take action. A good obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you the condition, and the support of your family will give you strength.

Harbingers of the very first menstruation

The onset of menstruation is not a sign that a young girl’s body is completely ready for pregnancy and childbirth; it is just a sign that pregnancy is possible. Usually, a girl's first period (menarche) begins at the age of 11-14 years. This period varies greatly due to several factors. The date of menarche is influenced by health status, diet, physical and mental development, history of illness, hereditary factor, stressful situations etc. Some signs indicate the approach of the first menstruation: nagging pain in the lower abdomen (previously unfamiliar), nausea, headache, frequent changes mood, fatigue, apathy or aggression.

There are other signs of puberty, and therefore imminent arrival menarche: the girl’s figure becomes more rounded, the volume of the hips increases, leucorrhoea (discharge from the vagina) appears, the work of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and pregnancy cause similar sensations - mood changes, swelling of the mammary glands, bloating, etc. These signs are caused by the influence of progesterone, its content increases in the second phase menstrual cycle and continues to increase with the onset of pregnancy.


With a regular menstrual cycle, these conditions feel similar in a very short period of time. At classic version In a 28-day cycle, conception is possible from approximately day 14, i.e. from the moment of ovulation. If the onset is not felt from the very first day, the level of progesterone increases gradually. Think about why you need to differentiate these two states? If you planned, you may be on the way to your dream. If not, there is still a lot of time; it is not recommended before 4 weeks. On the day of the expected attack, everything may become clearer.

If, after all, pregnancy is desired, if any unusual sensations appear, take the measures necessary for a healthy birth. Lead healthy image life, eat a balanced diet and avoid stress. However, this must be done without the desire to have offspring.

The differences between pregnancy and PMS occur later. If after certain period menstruation has not occurred, buy it at the pharmacy and do a test. If he showed positive result, then it was not premenstrual syndrome. If they occur, then all the unpleasant sensations disappear on their own due to the fall.

In cases where the menstrual cycle is irregular, the problem of distinguishing pregnancy from PMS becomes relevant. During pregnancy, changes in taste preferences often occur; a woman may eat unusual combinations of foods. The mammary glands can not only increase in volume, pigmentation of the nipples is possible. Often in the morning there are attacks of nausea as a result early toxicosis. If these symptoms appear, go ultrasound examination uterine cavity and donate blood for hCG level. The results of these examinations will reliably indicate whether pregnancy has occurred or not.


  • how to distinguish between pregnancy and PMS

Tip 3: What do severe pains before menstruation indicate?

Before the onset of menstruation, women sometimes experience pain in the lower back and abdomen. Mild discomfort does not cause concern among doctors. But when severe pain it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence.

Severe premenstrual pain in the abdomen and chest should not be ignored. Urgently for examination!

What is important to pay attention to

The consequences of pain syndrome are gynecological diseases:

1. Violation hormonal levels. Before the level of the hormones progesterone and estrogen increases in the female body, which causes painful contractions of the uterus. Breasts due to a rush of blood to the mammary glands.
2. Cysts, fibroids, etc. Neoplasms disrupt the natural size of female organs reproductive system. For these reasons, the outflow of blood from the uterus is disrupted, pressure occurs on nerve endings back muscles in lumbar region. Hurts , .
3. Congenital features anatomical structure The uterus (its curvature, bend) causes painful contractions of the uterus.
4. Ovarian dysfunction is the result of a disease thyroid gland. This is facilitated by obesity, stressful situations and physical exercise, Availability diabetes mellitus, abrupt change climate, reception
5. Infections in genitourinary system(STDs) support the inflammatory process, causing the formation of cysts, pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region.
6. Possible pregnancy. This is a direct threat to life. Contact a specialist immediately!
7. Incorrectly installed intrauterine device. Visit your doctor for a follow-up consultation.

To prevent pain, exercise physical therapy, aerobics, ride a bike, walk up the stairs, alternate work and rest, walks before bed, stick to balanced diet and rejoice more. This will give excellent results.

Women are familiar with the signs of impending pregnancy, but young girls, especially those whose menstrual cycle has not yet established, may find it difficult to recognize these symptoms. Signs of the imminent onset of menstruation are not always clearly expressed.


There are often jokes about PMS - premenstrual syndrome. Men love to joke about this topic, although in reality there is little humor in it. Due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body before the onset of menstruation, women really have a hard time: their mood changes from a feeling of joy to complete doom; These days even those who never cry cry. Many women experience mixed emotions, and from the outside it may seem like you don't know what you want. For example, a woman wants attention, while the words and actions of others irritate her. If you notice these symptoms, your period may begin within a week or two.

A few days before your expected menstruation, you may experience painful sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands. The breasts seem to increase in volume, and underwear can get in the way and cause discomfort. Women may also experience a mild but unpleasant nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Many people complain of twisting pain in the joints and leg cramps.

Some women note that taste preferences change over the course of a week; they want something sweet, but at the same time familiar products may arise . All these symptoms will quickly pass with the onset of menstruation. However, do not forget that pregnant women also experience the same symptoms at the beginning of their term. Be careful and take a pregnancy test if at least for one day.

Puberty is characterized by the appearance of skin rashes and increased greasiness hair. This upsets the young, but in fact there is no need to be upset, because these signs indicate that the girl is becoming a woman.

For girls who have never had breastfeeding, the onset of menarche can occur against the background of enlarged mammary glands and intensive growth body hair. As a rule, at the stage of puberty, girls also gain a little weight, although cyclical weight fluctuations are also more typical for women. late age.

It is believed that the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are most pronounced before the birth of the child, and after childbirth they go away more easily. However, statistics show that most women hormonal disorders never return to normal, and due to the stress that the woman experienced during pregnancy and childbirth, many ailments intensify before the onset.

Video on the topic

PMS occurs against a background of swelling, dizziness, increased irritability and tearfulness. Many women suffer during this period from flatulence, constipation, insomnia and acne.


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a complex of symptoms that occur during the premenstrual period. Such symptoms negatively affect the physical and emotional condition women and appear every month before the onset of menstruation. Most women - more than 50% - begin to suffer from PMS when hormonal changes in organism. For example, during puberty or the birth of a child, when taking contraception and the onset of menopause. PMS is very often transmitted through the female line. How does it go?

You may notice the first signs of PMS 2-10 days before your period. Today in medicine there are more than 150 clinical symptoms of this state. In some women, PMS occurs in mild form, manifesting itself with 4-5 symptoms, in others it is severe. In this case, out of 5-12 symptoms noticed, 5 will be the most pronounced. If during this period a woman’s ability to work is impaired, then we can talk about a severe course of premenstrual syndrome, often with accompanying mental disorders.

In most cases, PMS causes tearfulness, irritability, resentment, insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness. You may notice that you become more forgetful and sensitive to smells and sounds. Almost all women this state. Many become more conflicted, suffer from outbursts of anger and depression. During this period, unfavorable for conception, nature itself reduces a woman’s sexual desire.

PMS occurs against the background of swelling of the legs, face and toes. Many women notice the appearance of acne and itching on the skin. In addition, the glands become engorged, muscle pain and weakness are observed. You may suffer from headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. With this form of PMS, symptoms come to the fore. panic attacks related to the increase blood pressure, a feeling of compression behind the sternum, attacks of rapid heartbeat, and the appearance of fear of death. Similar symptoms are typical for women who have crossed the 45-year mark.

It happens that PMS occurs somewhat atypically. In this case, the body temperature rises to 38°C, stomatitis, ulcerative gingivitis, migraine and cyclic headaches develop. bronchial asthma. There are also stages of premenstrual syndrome. At the compensated stage PMS symptoms are not clearly expressed, they do not progress over the years and disappear with the onset of... The subcompensated stage does not have the best effect on a woman’s performance, and the condition only worsens over time. The decompensated stage is the most difficult. You may notice its manifestation a few days after the start of menstruation.

Modern woman should monitor your health, in particular your menstrual cycle. This process cannot be left to chance, because fertility and the ability to bear a fetus depend on the slightest changes and delays. Exist special features approaching critical days, which are worth studying to make it easier to control the situation.


Both teenage girls and mature women experience symptoms of menstruation in the form of localized acne on the forehead, upper back and chest. However, this symptom does not appear in everyone and may be associated with something else, for example, inflammatory process in organism.

Tip 10: Premenstrual syndrome similar to pregnancy symptoms

Every woman in her life has probably encountered premenstrual syndrome to one degree or another. This syndrome It manifests itself differently in everyone, depending on the body, but changes in hormonal levels are necessarily present in all women.

The reason for these changes is the nature of the menstrual cycle, the body’s preparation for conception and gestation. Due to PMS women may experience some pregnancy-like symptoms:

  • enlargement and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • chest pain;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea (in some cases vomiting is possible);
  • changes in eating habits and reactions to smells.

The usual symptoms, which last from two weeks to 1 day, do not cause harm to health, but the nervous system may suffer.

First of all, this is connected with the psychology of women, since they are able to invent non-existent unconfirmed facts and strongly believe in them, even convince others.

Pregnancy for every woman in different period her life may have different meaning, and the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, similar to those of pregnancy, have their effect on the nervous system.

As a result of the occurrence of one of these situations, the woman’s nervous system comes into an excited state, and as events develop, the state nervous system may improve or, conversely, worsen.

Many women worry that they will not be able to correctly determine the onset of labor. Indeed, it is important to guess this moment: you need to have time to prepare for childbirth, prepare yourself mentally and physically for the upcoming event, and withstand a lot of stress. You will need to prepare things for the trip to the maternity hospital, collect documents, necessary items hygiene. You should call doctors in time so as not to create a threat to your health and the life of your baby.

Often, young expectant mothers believe that they may miss this unique moment and not notice the onset of labor on time. In fact, experts note that it is almost impossible to confuse real labor contractions with preparatory ones. In addition, there are quite a lot of signs of an approaching birth. Some are widespread individual symptoms characteristic of specific groups of women. Even an expectant mother who is preparing to give birth for the first time can easily determine the very moment when the baby is about to be born. How to understand that you are about to give birth? Monitor your condition and pay attention to any changes. Remember a few basic signs and follow the recommendations. Then you will immediately know that childbirth is close, and you will be able to properly prepare for it.

How to distinguish preparatory contractions from labor contractions?
Most women are concerned about the similarity of sensations during so-called “training” contractions with those signs of impending labor, which they have read about many times in different sources, heard from friends. Of course, preparatory contractions are a little similar to prenatal contractions, but it is still very difficult to confuse them with them. Any woman who is not giving birth for the first time will not be embarrassed by this behavior of the uterus. Learn to distinguish preliminary contractions from labor contractions.

  • When 38 weeks of pregnancy pass, training contractions may begin.
  • Preparatory contractions are noticeably less painful than labor contractions. True, first-time women have nothing to compare with, so the sensations may seem extremely unpleasant.
  • An important feature of training bouts is monotony. They do not intensify, become more painful, or last longer.
  • The intensity of preliminary contractions does not increase.
  • Most often, the so-called “false contractions” stop fairly quickly, and the woman feels well again.
Learn to cope with unpleasant sensations during preliminary contractions. Change your body position, walk around the room. You can try to distract yourself: read a book, listen to your favorite music or watch a movie. You will stop worrying, forget about the pain, and the contractions will have time to pass.

Signs of labor pains
The harbingers of the birth of a baby are labor pains. You can identify them right away. They have a whole range distinctive features, therefore, it is almost impossible to confuse these contractions before childbirth with preparatory ones.

  1. Regularity. Labor pains are regular. They do not go away, they appear with a certain systematicity. The most typical contractions last for forty seconds, the breaks between them are approximately 15 minutes.
  2. Increasing intensity. Contractions before childbirth gradually increase, become more intense and severe.
  3. Painful sensations. Labor contractions are much more painful than training contractions. The pain comes in waves, usually starting in the back and lower back. Then the sensation spreads along the thighs, and a kind of ring closes in the abdominal area.
  4. Uterine tone. During real contractions, the state of the uterus can be easily determined by simply placing your palm on your stomach. The uterus is tense because it is in good shape.
  5. Increased frequency of contractions immediately before childbirth. Gradually the contractions become more intense. When the contraction lasts about a minute, and the interval between contractions has already shortened to 3-5 minutes, it’s time to go to the maternity hospital, or call a midwife at home if you decide to give birth at home.

Note! When strong, frequent and painful labor contractions suddenly stop, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a sign of weakness labor activity. Even in the absence of contractions, specialists will help the baby be born and maintain the health of the young mother.

Preparing for childbirth and behavior during labor. A few nuances
Behave correctly during labor pains in order to alleviate your condition as much as possible and prepare well for the difficult work ahead.

  • Calm. Try to calm down and relax completely. Think about the fact that not much time will pass - and you will already give birth. Realize the finiteness of the difficult period, do not let the pain scare you. It will pass.
  • Positive attitude. Get ready for the upcoming birth, maintain confidence in yourself in a successful outcome. Your attitude will have a positive effect on the baby’s condition and will help you too.
  • Relax. During contractions, you must completely relax, do not tense, or strain your muscles.
  • Correct breathing. Breathe deeply when you feel pain coming on. After the contraction begins, you need to change your breathing to shallow, frequent and rhythmic. If the contraction is already over, do deep breath and exhale slowly.
  • Body position. During contractions, it is better to stand with your back against the wall or the back of a chair. When a woman lies down, the pain may be worse.
  • Massage. Helps alleviate the condition light massage lower back. Movements should be directed from top to bottom. You can simply stroke your stomach with smooth circular movements.
Remember the recommendations so that your preparation for childbirth goes well.

Signs of approaching labor
You can tell that labor is about to begin, not just by the nature of the contractions. There are a few other common signs that will let you know that your baby is about to be born.

  1. Preliminary contractions. When the birth is already close, there are only a few days left before it, and preliminary contractions regularly appear. They are necessary to prepare the uterus for the future birth of a baby.
  2. Unpleasant sensations in the thigh area. When a woman carries a child for 35 weeks, discomfort may appear in the pelvic area and hips.
  3. Draws in the lower abdomen. Ligaments stretch more and more before childbirth, so women may feel an unpleasant tugging in the abdomen.
  4. Aching pain. The pubic bones gradually diverge. This is how the mother’s body prepares for childbirth. At the same time it appears It's a dull pain in the crotch.
  5. My stomach dropped. Before childbirth, the stomach drops. The baby moves into the pelvic area, and the stomach gradually pulls down.
  6. The waters have broken. Just before birth, your water breaks. It is advisable to pay attention to their color, consistency, and smell, so that you can tell your doctor everything later. Sometimes the water breaks right during contractions. It is important to remember that you should consult a doctor immediately after your water breaks, since labor has already begun.
  7. Birth pains. A sign of the imminent birth of a baby is frequent, regular, painful contractions.
  8. Loose stools, frequent urination. Sometimes women start going to the toilet more often as they get closer to giving birth.
  9. Chills. Some expectant mothers feel chills before giving birth.
  10. Increased activity. It is typical that many women become more active before giving birth. They have a desire to create a more comfortable environment in the apartment, prepare more things for the baby, and go around the shops.
Monitor your condition. You will immediately understand that you are about to give birth.

The menstrual cycle has certain periods– in each of them there is a manifestation typical symptoms. The cycle begins with the formation of a follicle - on the first day when your period arrives. An egg is released from the follicle after 11-14 days - this phase is called the ovulatory phase.

From the beginning of ovulation until the start of menstruation, the luteal phase lasts - the maturation of the corpus luteum. During menstruation corpus luteum the follicle separates and begins to mature again.

The most striking symptoms before menstruation begin to appear in the ovulatory phase. Within a few days the following are observed:

  • Sudden change of mood;
  • Irritability;
  • Insomnia or drowsiness;
  • Craving for sweets;
  • Chills.

During the release of the egg, the release of hormones is activated, which is why the psycho-emotional state of the woman is unstable. Precursors of menstruation are also expressed in increased fearfulness, light sleep and nightmares. Women during and before menstruation feel anxious; the danger is the effect of estrogens released in large quantities.

Premenstrual syndrome is not considered a deviation, but in medicine is considered a clinical phenomenon. PMS begins from the end of ovulation and lasts until the start of menstruation.

Signs of PMS before menstruation include:

  • Aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Tingling and nagging pain in the lower back;
  • Increased appetite - attacks of hunger can even wake a woman late at night;
  • Sensitivity, irritability;
  • Temperature rise to 37°C;
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness.

Particular attention should be paid to the chest. A week before menstruation, the mammary glands become sensitive and painful. Wearing a bra brings discomfort, it becomes small. The breasts may increase in size and become painful when pressed lightly.

General symptoms

These symptoms may begin long before menstruation. Since they understand that menstruation will begin soon, mainly by discharge, first of all examine the pad.

When menstruation approaches, the discharge becomes white, sometimes brown, with a faint sour odor. They become somewhat richer than usual and have a curd-like consistency.

If white and brown discharge are abundant, itching or burning is felt - these are not signs of the onset of menstruation, but a symptom of a microflora disorder. Having noticed this, you need to immediately go to the gynecologist and take a smear for candidiasis.

Common menstrual symptoms also include fatigue, lethargy, mild nausea and dizziness. Feelings of fear and anxiety often appear, and the emotional state is very unstable.

Since the first process after the release of the egg begins the release of hormones, the main symptoms before menstruation should be looked for in mood, feelings of hunger or satiety, and ability to work.

During the week

7-11 days before the start of her period, the girl gets tired faster than usual and complains of lack of concentration and drowsiness. Many begin to believe that no one understands them, they worry, fuss and quickly get irritated over trifles.

The approach of menstruation is indicated by increased sweating, a feeling of heat that quickly turns into chills. The breasts begin to swell and the halos around the nipples become sensitive even to underwear - friction can cause tingling, goosebumps, and aching pain.

How to find out when your period starts:

  • By feeling the breasts, pressing on the area of ​​the areola;
  • Tracing the color and abundance of discharge;
  • Watching for outbursts of irritation and fear.

Once these symptoms begin to appear, you can expect your period in 7-9 days.

For three days

In such a short period of time, the signs of approaching menstruation may become more intense and be replaced by others. This period is considered a crisis - premenstrual syndrome worsens and reaches its climax.

Some women three days before menstruation feel strong fear for your life and safety, even to the point of paranoia - this is the work of hormonal levels, ensuring the body is fully prepared for pregnancy and protecting the fetus.

A sign of menstruation in three days is nightmares- women complain about light sleep and abrupt awakening in a cold sweat. A frequent accompaniment of a crisis period is migraine, especially in the morning.

How to determine that there are 3-5 days left until your period:

  • Migraine, frequent increase in blood pressure;
  • Increased feeling of fear, anxiety;
  • Discharge of gray, white color;
  • Body temperature is possible within 37-37.5 ° C.

A girl's periods are accompanied by minor rashes on her face. Most often - on the cheeks and forehead, in the same area the oiliness of the skin increases. All these symptoms occur when you have your period.

Per day

A day before her period arrives, the girl feels a nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. When you stretch, you can feel pain and tingling that takes your breath away. The discharge right before menstruation becomes more abundant and becomes more dark color than before.

Young girls have it in place skin rashes Itching may begin, and sweating also increases significantly. Girls notice heat in their cheeks and ears. Nervousness begins to fade, lethargy, fatigue, and desire for sweets become more apparent.

Beginning of menstruation

The first signs of menstruation are marked by nausea and characteristic discharge. The menstruation on the pad is brown in the first two to three hours, then red and bloody. The discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain, some report simultaneous indigestion.

A woman is immediately overcome by weakness and fatigue, even if her period starts in the morning. Appetite disappears, body temperature rises slightly. Many people note discomfort, twitching of the internal hip muscles and oblique abdominal muscles.

Determining days before menstruation

Signs before menstruation can be deceptive: due to general fatigue, lack of sleep or irregular nutrition, girls feel similar symptoms, but menstruation has just ended or does not occur.

To understand approximately what time remains before the onset of menstruation, you can use a pharmacy test. 11-14 days after your last period began, buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy. It is advisable to buy several and start monitoring from the 11th day.

By performing the test according to the instructions, you can determine which days of the cycle ovulation occurs on. From the day on which the ovulation test was positive, it is enough to count two weeks - your period should arrive during this period.

Since preparation for menstruation in a woman’s body depends on many factors, you should not worry if your period is delayed by 3-5 days. Analyze the events in your life during the last cycle. Delays in menstruation are completely justified and safe if at that time there were:

  • Serious shocks, stress;
  • Fasting or strict diets;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • A sharp change in climate (for example, a trip to a warm resort in winter and returning);
  • The beginning of a new season - the turn of autumn and winter, winter and spring, etc.

How to get rid of PMS

We cannot regulate hormonal processes before menstruation on our own - they are natural and should occur. But it is possible to mitigate the symptoms that change throughout the month.

To calm and relieve irritability, you can take baths with fir essential oils, Siberian pine or lavender. You need to add 5-6 drops to a bath of water.

Aromatherapy is useful - to fumigate a standard room of 9-15 m2 you will need 15 drops essential oil orange, bergamot, ylang-ylang. Sweet scents, such as vanilla, contribute to nausea and are not recommended.

If you can't overcome the feeling of fear, intrusive thoughts prevent you from falling asleep, it is better to limit yourself to unnecessary exits from the house and not to get close to dangerous household appliances.

How to relieve pain syndrome

Frequent airing of the room, especially before bed, will be useful. An hour before bedtime you can drink a glass warm milk with a teaspoon of honey or hot chamomile tea.

Try to shoot pain syndromes menstruation with a minimum set of medications. Instead of pills, herbal compresses applied to the lower back can help. On bottom part a compress soaked in a warm broth is applied to the abdomen pharmaceutical chamomile.

Take a bath during your period long time it is forbidden. You can stay in the water for no more than ten minutes, since during menstruation the genitals are very vulnerable. You can add a decoction of chamomile, coltsfoot, to the bath, after lying down and relaxing for a while.

At what stage (what week) does labor begin? Pregnancy is considered full term . From now on, labor can begin at any time.

How to determine the onset of labor? There is no way to predict when this will happen. But there are a number of first signs by which one can judge the imminent onset of labor.

There are many theories, explaining the beginning birth process. In ancient times, it was believed that the triggering moment of childbirth was the constriction of the fetus in a small space and its hunger.

Modern theories suggest that labor begins due to the formation of a generic dominant in the brain, an increase in the concentration of substances in the blood of the pregnant woman that stimulate the excitability of the muscles of the uterus, an increase in the level of sex hormones estrogen, and the accumulation of additional energy in the cells.

Main signs and symptoms

Two to three weeks before giving birth, pregnant women may notice a range of signs and symptoms beginning labor:

  1. . This is due to the fact that the fetal head descends deeper into the pelvis, the fundus of the uterus decreases and begins to put less pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. It becomes much easier for a woman to breathe, and symptoms decrease. However, pressure in the bladder area increases, and the pregnant woman begins to go to the toilet more often.
  2. Anterior shift of the center of gravity. Because of this, the pregnant woman’s gait changes, her shoulders are pulled back - the proud gait of a woman.
  3. Navel protrusion. Before childbirth, due to the increased influence of estrogen, the tone of the anterior muscles decreases. abdominal wall, the navel becomes more pliable.
  4. Behavior Changes pregnant woman: increased nervous excitability or, conversely, a state of mild apathy. This is due to the change physiological processes in the cerebral cortex in connection with the formation of a generic dominant.
  5. Reducing body weight pregnant woman up to several kilograms. Before birth, the amount decreases amniotic fluid, metabolism changes, latency decreases excess liquid in a woman's body.
  6. Decline motor activity fetus. This phenomenon is due to a decrease in the amount of water, fixation of the head to the entrance to the pelvis.
  7. Discomfort or nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Estrogens increase the elasticity of the ligaments, causing a slight expansion of the pelvic bones.
  8. . During the period of ripening of the cervix, its canal shortens and the activity of the mucous glands increases. Over the course of several days, discharge from the genital tract becomes more abundant, similar to thick mucus, transparent or slightly brownish, sometimes with pink streaks.

The manifestation of all these first signs of the onset of labor is not necessary for every woman. Some may be more pronounced, and some may not be present at all.

When do they start? Starting from week 37, duration harbingers of the onset of labor varies among women and can last from several hours to several weeks.

Six to eight hours before birth some women have preliminary period. This time is characterized by the appearance of uterine contractions that are irregular in frequency, strength and duration.

In this case, the woman should not experience any particular discomfort, sleep disturbances or lack of appetite. Slight brown spotting from the genital tract may appear.

Gradually, uterine contractions intensify and become regular - labor begins.

How to understand that labor has begun?

The presence of regular labor, characterized by repeated painful contractions of the uterus - contractions.

The content of the article:

There is one interesting opinion among the people that the child himself chooses the time of birth. But scientists say that this factor is directly influenced by the level of hormone activity, as well as how prepared the female body is for the upcoming birth. That is why doctors can determine the expected date of birth as accurately as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out certain calculations and also do an ultrasound. Due to these indicators, the due date may be adjusted.

But the predictions made by doctors are not always completely true. As a result, future parents become constantly nervous. But every woman who is expecting a child should closely monitor the state of her own body and notice even minor changes, monitor the “signals” that the body gives.

Preparation female body labor begins long before the first contractions. Before the birth of a child, women can have a very different emotional state - from complete relaxation to extreme overexcitement.

Psychological mood before childbirth

The female body is completely unique, because nature took care to prepare it naturally for the upcoming birth. But many expectant mothers last weeks pregnancy is haunted by the question of when exactly this happy moment will happen. In order not to be nervous over trifles, women need to try to fully understand what signs appear before childbirth and do not forget to follow all the instructions and recommendations of their doctor.

As a rule, all pregnant women pay close attention to changes in their own body. In almost all cases, it is very difficult to miss the signs that indicate the imminent approach of labor.

It is extremely difficult to determine the date of birth with an accuracy of one day; this moment can occur at the 38th week of pregnancy, and in some cases at 40. This process is strictly individual and has many aspects, which are sometimes simply impossible to calculate as accurately as possible.

After the 36th week of pregnancy, the onset of labor can occur at almost any time, which is why you should always remain very careful and, if you feel the first feeling of discomfort or worsening of your condition, immediately seek help from a doctor.

How to understand that labor will begin soon?

The main signs that indicate the onset of labor include:
  1. As a rule, swelling disappears almost before childbirth, and with it a few may go away. extra pounds. The fact is that at this moment excess fluid is removed from the body naturally.
  2. In some cases, the onset of labor is indicated by a drooping belly. This occurs because the baby gradually moves towards the birth canal. If this is your first birth, your belly may drop around 37 weeks of pregnancy. And for those who are giving birth not for the first time, this process may occur a little later. At this time, the pressure on the diaphragm and stomach begins to decrease, and the fundus of the uterus gradually drops by several centimeters. Most pregnant women notice that it has become much easier to sit, heartburn and shortness of breath have ceased to bother them.
  3. As a result of the increase in pressure on bladder, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. There is a feeling of pressure and severe heaviness in the lower back and sacrum. This phenomenon is directly related to the change in the position of the child, as well as the expansion of the woman’s pelvic bones. The fetus can put pressure on the nerve endings, causing leg cramps.
  4. Most pregnant women, including in the case of their first birth, may notice a decrease in the baby's activity - by the time of birth, the child has grown enough, so it becomes difficult for him to move in a small space.
  5. Intestinal motility increases as the body begins to actively prepare for childbirth. Possible loose stools, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  6. As birth approaches, the “nesting effect” often appears, which was created by nature itself. Signs of childbirth may also include a change in the usual behavior of a pregnant woman - for example, there is a desire to stay alone or do some general cleaning in the house. Sudden bouts of activity are also unexpectedly replaced by peace, apathy and a sense of calm.
  7. Braxton-Hicks contractions, also called preparatory “false” contractions. It is these contractions that effectively train the body and soften the cervix before upcoming birth. In these cases, tension occurs and the woman practically does not experience discomfort. This type of contraction is not regular, and they are also not capable of dilating the cervix.
  8. Bloody mucous discharge in small quantities. This is a sure sign that the uterus is beginning to actively prepare for childbirth. This symptom may be a thinning or expansion of the uterus.
  9. As a result of shortening of the cervix, the mucous plug is discharged (in whole or in parts), which served as a natural barrier between the fetal membrane and the vaginal microflora. A nagging painful sensation in the lower abdomen may indicate the impending separation of the mucous plug. Most women simply notice the appearance heavy discharge- the cork comes out gradually. If it goes away immediately, a mucous lump appears, which a woman can notice while visiting the toilet. From the moment the plug comes out until the start of labor, quite a long time can pass - a couple of hours or several weeks.

If at least one of the signs listed above appears, you can be sure that the moment of childbirth will come very soon. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Today, experts distinguish several main signs that are sure harbingers of the onset of labor. They need to be monitored very carefully, since you need to apply for a qualified license in time. medical care. As the due date approaches, determined by the doctor, you need to collect everything Required documents and things that will be needed in the maternity hospital.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, and there are no abnormalities or complications, the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs immediately before the onset of labor, at the moment when the cervix dilates.

Quite often you can encounter a situation where there is a risk of rupture before labor begins. amniotic sac. In this case, the woman will not experience any accompanying sensations that portend this phenomenon (for example, spasms, contractions).

In such a situation, it is necessary to go to maternity hospital. The fact is that the waterless period cannot last longer than 12 hours. During pregnancy, upon reaching the 37th week, the breaking of waters indicates that premature labor has occurred, so doctors may need to prepare the baby for independent breathing.

If there is constant, slow and periodic intermittent leakage of amniotic fluid, there is a risk of premature birth, development intrauterine infection, as well as others serious complications, both for the health of the child and the pregnant woman.

If one of the above reasons occurs, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. If there is no onset of labor, the doctor will prescribe medical stimulation.


The appearance of contractions (regular labor contractions), which are accompanied by unpleasant and quite strong nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, promotes the onset of dilation of the cervix.

In primiparous women, signs of the onset of labor may be minor contractions, the duration of which often reaches a day and at the same time they gradually intensify.

At first the contractions will not be too strong pain, as well as duration (about 10–15 seconds), and they occur periodically. In the pauses that appear between contractions, the uterus relaxes, which allows the pregnant woman to rest a little.

There is a gradual development of labor and contractions begin to become more frequent - both the pain and their duration increase. Now the rest period will be approximately 15-20 minutes, and at the time of birth 2-3 minutes.

Contractions also include pain that manifests itself in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, calves, thighs and rectum. Quite often these symptoms are accompanied by chills. After a 10-minute break is reached between contractions, the duration of which is at least 60 seconds, this is a sure harbinger of the onset of early labor.

Both primiparous and multiparous women exhibit exactly the same signs of labor. In this case, the main difference is the greater speed of births subsequent to the first.

Experts say that when repeated births It is quite common for the water to break prematurely before contractions begin. If none of the above signs of labor have appeared before the 40th week of pregnancy, you should be examined by a doctor to determine the condition of the baby.

What is the difference between true contractions and false ones before childbirth?

False contractions have all the features similar to prenatal ones. However, their main difference is the interval and dynamics. If you lie down, move around a little, or take a shower, the discomfort may stop.

Unlike prenatal, when false contractions occur, a pregnant woman can fall asleep. Training contractions are irregular in nature and interval, but they will not increase in intensity and will not begin to lengthen. When they appear, the cervix does not dilate.

The appearance of false contractions at 39 weeks of pregnancy may be perceived as prenatal. But in some cases they can appear at 30 weeks.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that in each case the pregnancy proceeds in a strictly individually, but the woman will not necessarily exhibit the above symptoms. That is why to the expectant mother It is necessary to closely monitor the state of your own body and listen to the signals it sends that indicate the onset of labor.

How to determine when you need to go to the maternity hospital, watch this video.