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Causes of numbness in thumbs. The little finger and ring finger go numb: causes, possible diseases and treatment

Physical discomfort and various pain sensations are often perceived by many people so naturally that they do not pay due attention to the problem that has arisen. However, if your health worsens, then there are reasons for this, and they need to be dealt with. For example, when the fingers on the right hand go numb, this means that certain functions are impaired and need to be restored.

Why does finger numbness occur?

Initially, it is worth noting the following fact: numbness may be accompanied by several characteristic features- this is tightening, chilliness, loss of sensitivity, burning and tingling. When your fingers go numb and hurt right hand, the cause is often worth considering neurovascular syndrome, which manifests itself against the background of high blood pressure and cervical osteochondrosis.

Sometimes loss of sensitivity is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle. But in any case, when the fingers on the right hand go numb, this is only a symptom indicating a specific dysfunction of the body.

If the problem with finger sensitivity does not go away, then you should not delay a visit to the doctor. However, there are cases in which urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary:

Rapid loss of sensitivity to water temperature;

Systematic numbness without obvious reasons;

Speech impairment;

Numbness of the hands, which interferes with proper coordination of movements;

Behavioral disorders, psychological or nervous disorders that appear simultaneously with loss of sensitivity;

Decreased sensation or tingling, accompanied by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, general weakness, nausea and dizziness.

When understanding why your fingers go numb, you need to pay attention to this reason this state like Raynaud's syndrome. This is about pathological condition, which differs from the disease of the same name in that vascular spasms in the fingers are defined as secondary symptom, indicating chronic diseases nervous system, endocrine disorders, intoxication, problems with connective tissue due to constant exposure to cold and vibration. Raynaud's disease itself directly refers to numbness of the fingertips due to vascular spasms of small capillaries (most often occurs during hypothermia). Vasospasm can also be caused by severe stress.

Another answer to the question of why fingers go numb is a diagnosis such as arthrosis (arthritis) of the phalanges of the fingers, as well as the joints of the hand. The cause of loss of sensitivity can also be a violation of cerebral circulation. Numbness of the fingers in this case should be defined as the first symptoms of this pathology.

There are more trivial reasons numbness of fingers right hand. Since this hand is a working hand for many (seamstresses, those who have to write a lot, etc.), due to frequently repeated stress, the small muscles of the hand become overstrained and numbness occurs. To prevent such a condition, there must be periodic pauses in work. Competent finger motor skills will not be superfluous, exercises for which can be suggested by a qualified doctor. If you have to work outside low temperatures, then it is imperative to protect your fingers from hypothermia (warm gloves). In other words, you need to take care of your finger joints and blood vessels.

Numbness symptoms

At first glance, it may seem that the symptoms of loss of sensitivity are obvious - tactile sensations are significantly reduced. But when complaining about numbness, ordinary people may mean various manifestations.

Therefore, it is worth clarifying exactly what symptoms should be attributed to this problem:

A condition in which the sensitivity of the skin decreases;

A tingling sensation that causes significant discomfort;

Feeling of so-called goosebumps moving;

In rare cases - complex manifestation all the symptoms listed above, or impaired joint mobility.

Causes of numbness in fingertips

Spring vitamin deficiency can often be cited as the cause of loss of sensitivity in the fingertips. If this is really the case, then you need to enrich your diet with foods that sufficiently contain vitamin groups A and B. You should not ignore these measures to restore the body, since a deficiency of vitamins can lead to significant complications. For example, there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis (blockage) of blood vessels in the fingers. Numbness in the fingers of the right hand can also develop for other reasons: this endocrine diseases, consequences of injury and inflammation of the joints.

You should pay attention to various accessories that are attached to the hand or fingers. For example, bracelets, straps or rings that are too tight and do not fit the right size, can compress blood vessels and nerve endings.

The impact of poor lifestyle on the condition of fingers

Bad habits can cause numbness in the fingers of your right hand. The reasons why an incorrect lifestyle can cause such significant harm are quite simple:

- Alcohol abuse. With stable consumption, alcoholic beverages lead to disruption of work peripheral nerves upper and lower limbs. As a result, a sensation of “goosebumps” appears, after which the skin begins to lose sensitivity and the sense of touch is impaired. If alcohol continues to enter the body in significant quantities, coordination may deteriorate and difficulty performing hand movements. In this condition, it will be difficult to fix even a light object with your fingers.

- Excess weight. With developing obesity, the body's metabolism and blood flow, on which the full functioning of the legs and arms depends, are disrupted. As a result, the fingers and palms lose sensitivity and begin to go numb. If a person with overweight suffers from physical inactivity (lack of physical activity and movement), then signs of loss of sensitivity appear especially clearly.

- Smoking. Both the tars contained in nicotine and nicotine itself have an extremely destructive effect on the walls of blood vessels. They (the vessels), in turn, begin to thin out, become non-plastic and brittle. This condition damaged areas circulatory system leads to the fact that blood access to the upper extremities is difficult and numbness of the fingers of the right hand develops. The reasons for the development of atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the hands largely go back to the process mentioned above. It is important to understand that sclerosis of the limbs is too serious a disease to be ignored. We are talking about consequences such as gangrene and even amputation of the hand.

As you can see, numbness in the fingers can be a symptom of extremely destructive processes in the body. Therefore, you should not delay diagnosis and, if necessary, qualified treatment.

Numbness of the right thumb

Speaking about problems with the thumb, it is worth remembering carpal tunnel syndrome. This pathology, depending on the degree of damage, affects the loss of sensitivity of the phalanx of the thumb, as well as the middle and index fingers. In this condition, a compression effect occurs on the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel.

The thumb can also become numb due to specific working conditions in which the hand is fixed in one position for a long time. As a result, stenosing ligamentosis of the transverse ligaments develops, against the background of which swelling progresses connective tissue wrists. Next, compression of the nervous tissue occurs, since the impulse passing through it becomes weak. The consequence of the weakened impulse is stiffness in the movement of the phalanx. For the same reasons, you may feel numbness in the ring finger of your right hand.

The thumb can also go numb due to the development of diseases such as neurofibroma and hemangioma. This diagnosis refers to tumors that can put pressure on nerve endings. A visit to the doctor should be planned if the loss of sensitivity lasts more than half an hour. If the treatment process is ignored, the progressive disease can lead to atrophy of the thumb muscles.

Why does my index finger go numb?

Loss of sensation in the area of ​​this finger also indicates the possible development of diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis of the elbow joint. The essence of the effect of arthrosis is the destruction of the joint tissue of the elbow, accompanied by pain. The nerves and vessels passing through the cubital canal are compressed, resulting in loss of tactility. Bringing the fingers together becomes extremely problematic for the patient.

The causes of arthritis can be identified as infectious pathology, which leads to an inflammatory process, or stable and significant loads on the elbow joint. As a result, the conductivity of nerve impulses noticeably decreases and sensitivity index finger gets lost.

Numbness of the middle finger of the right hand

When numbness is felt in the middle and index phalanx of the right hand, it makes sense to suspect structural abnormalities in the tissues. The consequence of such disorders can be functional disruptions in the functioning of the discs and muscles of the neck, as well as intervertebral tissues. The result of such changes is compression of the nerve endings, leading to signal blocking. Besides there is high probability manifestations of pain symptoms in the forearm and shoulder.

Regarding the issue of loss of sensitivity middle phalanx, it should be noted that the cause of this condition is often neuropathy of the peripheral zone, which was obtained in the process of violating the integrity of the distal processes of the nerve receptors located in the radial nerve. Such disorders occur when a nerve fiber is damaged or ruptured. The cause of the rupture is usually carpal tunnel syndrome or subluxation, as well as a sprained elbow joint.

Why do my fingers go numb at night?

The cause of numbness during sleep is the uncomfortable position of the arm, in which the blood vessels are pressed under the influence of body weight, and the limb begins to go numb. This can be easily corrected by changing the posture and, as a result, removing the load from the arm.

Another reason why your fingers may go numb is uncomfortable clothing that pinches the blood vessels. That is why it is not recommended to use tight, uncomfortable underwear, including pajamas.

Gymnastics that restores sensitivity in the fingers

In order to neutralize numbness, it is necessary to perform the following exercises for the fingers, which can give good results:

In a lying position, you need to raise your hands up and clench and unclench your fingers 80 times.

At next exercise you need to stand facing the wall with your arms raised up, while leaning on your toes. You need to stand like this for about a minute, after which you should repeat the exercise several times.

The final element of the gymnastics looks like this: in a standing position (on a full foot), you need to clasp your hands behind your back and hold them like that for 1 minute. This exercise is repeated 3 times.

Charging for fingers with constant workload on the hands

Numbness in the fingers of the right hand can have different causes. One of them is the constant load on the hands. To neutralize harmful effects monotonous work, you need to perform the following exercises:

The palms are pressed against each other, while the fingers are crossed. They (fingers) need to be bent and straightened several times.

Clench and unclench your fists with your palms pressed together.

Leaving your thumb motionless, you need to touch it with the tips of your other fingers.

The fist is clenched (with force) for several seconds, after which the fingers are extended. Afterwards, you need to squeeze each of them in turn, with the tip of the phalanx reaching the middle of the palm.

The hand should be placed on the table so that the hand hangs over the edge of the tabletop. Next, you need to move your hand down and up, leaving your hand motionless.

Treatment of loss of sensation

Since, as mentioned above, numbness of the fingers is a symptom of the disease, treatment should be focused on neutralizing the original source of the problem.

Among others, we can highlight such popular techniques as magnetic-vacuum acupuncture, osteopathy, vibration finger massage and phonophoresis, which is understood as introduction medicines using ultrasound.

The doctor approaches the treatment process individually, since the causes of loss of sensitivity may be different and may be accompanied by some complications. After diagnosis, treatment of numbness in the fingers of the right hand, as a rule, involves the use of one of the following therapeutic measures:

The use of anti-inflammatory drugs in case of detection of neuritis and osteochondrosis (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Amidopyrine, etc.);

Implementation active image life;

Prescribing a hand massage to improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation (it is important to massage each finger separately from the tip to the wrist);

Taking vitamins A, B, E (Aneurin, Thiamine, etc.);

Controlling the amount of liquid and salt used in the diet (especially important for pregnant women);

The use of drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels (Venolek, Vasoket, Detralex, Venarus).

Considering the fact that numbness is, in fact, a manifestation of a specific disease, if you lose sensitivity in the fingers of your right hand, it is important to visit a doctor and get diagnosed. This will allow you to find out the real problem and act on it before complications arise.

Numbness of the fingers is a rather unpleasant, but quite tolerable symptom, which many do not pay attention to. But there are a number of serious diseases that can lead to loss of sensitivity. Although in most cases the causes of numbness in the fingers are trivial, you need to know all the possible conditions in order to begin timely and competent treatment.

Causes of numbness in fingers

Not related to illness

    • Hypothermia
    • Uncomfortable sleeping position
    • Exposure to chemicals
      • alcoholism
      • heavy metals and solvents
      • medications


Numbness not related to illness

What body reactions are absolutely normal? (cm. )

  • Everyone is familiar with the feeling of “not your own hand” when, during good sleep one or both limbs are pinched.
  • The same thing will happen if you “rest” your hand - your fingers will go numb. A few minutes of normal position and intense fist clenching are enough to put everything in order.
  • You can temporarily lose sensitivity when you are outside in the cold, especially when working with water.

But if similar situations are repeated every day, or specific parts are always involved (for example, only numbness of the ring finger of the left hand), then you need to think about pathological reasons. The only time when numbness in just one ring finger of the right hand is normal is too small size wedding ring.

Tunnel syndromes

Carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome)

Compression of the median nerve passing through the wrist causes carpal tunnel syndrome. It usually occurs in people of certain professions (musicians, programmers, packagers), whose work involves active bending of the arms at the wrists. Sometimes the syndrome occurs after injuries and surgical interventions; it also occurs with edema during pregnancy, as well as with severe obesity. By the way, numbness during pregnancy does not require special treatment.

  • Signs of the disease include numbness, burning, tingling in the thumb, index and middle fingers, sometimes spreading throughout the hand.
  • Worsening occurs at night.
  • At long-term compression muscle weakening and permanent nerve damage occurs.

The diagnosis is made mainly by complaints; sometimes MRI, electromyography and other additional methods are used. To treat the syndrome, anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, and splints are used in the wrist areas. Often it is necessary surgically release muscles and nerves from compression. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor, as mild numbness in the fingers can eventually turn into loss of ability to work.

Cubital tunnel syndrome

Entrapment of the ulnar nerve from the elbow to the wrist can cause associated carpal tunnel syndrome. To the most common reasons such pinching include:

  • habit of leaning on your elbows during work and rest
  • injuries
  • deformities of the elbow joint (with arthritis and arthrosis)
  • subdermal implant for contraception
  • extensive hematomas due to blood diseases
  • unsuccessful vein puncture when placing IVs and drawing blood
  • wasting with loss of muscle and fat mass
  • tumors
  • unknown factors

To the signs elbow syndrome include burning, tingling and numbness in the little finger and ring finger. As pinching progresses, weakness in the fingers, pain, muscle loss and difficulty in manipulating the hand occur. There is even a special sign: when trying to hide a hand in a trouser pocket, the little finger remains on the edge of the pocket.

The diagnosis of cubital tunnel syndrome, like carpal tunnel syndrome, is made based on the patient’s complaints. Must be excluded common reasons nerve damage (diabetes mellitus), examine the elbow joint using X-rays or MRI, recall recent injuries and operations. For minor numbness, it is usually recommended to keep the arm straight at all times, even while sleeping. For this purpose, soft tissue splints are used. If this does not help, and muscle weakness and atrophy increases, then surgical treatment is resorted to.

Numbness of the fingers, spreading to the entire limb or even one side of the body, especially in combination with unintelligible speech, is a reason for emergency hospitalization. Such signs may indicate a developing stroke.

Raynaud's disease

Conventionally divided into two types: primary (without visible reasons And background diseases) and secondary. The latter is usually combined with and is a consequence of systemic autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and others), and also occurs against the background of vibrations in production. The primary form occurs more often in young women. Symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon include:

At primary disease Raynaud's does not pose a threat to life and health. You just need to protect your hands from cold, vibrations and avoid stressful situations. To exclude a secondary form, a doctor's consultation is necessary. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of complaints, but in case of persistent changes, severe pain and the appearance of other symptoms, additional methods are used.

They examine the vascular bed (to rule out a blood clot), nerve conduction (to rule out nervous diseases), and take a blood test to diagnose autoimmune processes. Treatment of secondary forms begins with treatment of the underlying disease and smoking cessation. The medications used include calcium channel blockers: nifedipine and similar drugs. IN severe cases have to resort to surgery.


Anemia is a very common condition nowadays. It presents with many symptoms that are often attributed to other diseases. With anemia, the level of hemoglobin in the blood is below the established norm. Sometimes hemoglobin is within normal limits, but the body's iron reserves have already depleted. This is called latent (hidden) iron deficiency.

Symptoms of anemia and latent iron deficiency:

  • numbness of fingers and toes
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes
  • weakness, prolonged low-grade fever
  • aversion to meat, penchant for inedible foods
  • , nails
  • and dry skin

It is believed that the normal hemoglobin level in men from 20 to 59 years old should not be lower than 137 g/l, in men over 60 years old - 132 g/l, and in women the lower limit is 122 g/l. To determine hidden iron deficiency, determine. In cases of confirmed anemia, iron supplements (Ferretab, Sorbifer Durules, see) are prescribed to replenish the body's depot.

Guillain-Barre syndrome

The syndrome is an acute inflammatory process in nerves and nerve roots, as a result of which motor and tactile function is impaired. Often it is the numbness of the fingers and the tingling sensation in them that are the most early symptoms diseases. Signs of Guillain-Barré syndrome include:

  • numbness in the fingers and toes, extending up to the wrist and ankle
  • aching and throbbing pain in the back, buttocks, thighs
  • fast or slow heartbeat, shortness of breath
  • difficulty swallowing and speaking
  • weakness in the legs and arms, up to immobility

All symptoms usually appear after a slight indigestion or mild acute respiratory viral infection. The result is an autoimmune process where the body attacks its own nerves. The disease develops acutely, reaching a maximum in 2-4 weeks. Then there is a gradual decline and attenuation of symptoms.

The main treatment is rehabilitation after stopping the autoimmune inflammation. Recovery may take up to several months. In severe cases (2-4%), death occurs from respiratory arrest and other important processes. But most patients have only part of the above symptoms, which are not fully manifested. Such people have good prospects for full recovery all functions of the body.


One of the most severe autoimmune diseases, in which the skin, vessel walls, and internal organs gradually become denser, losing elasticity and their normal functions. This disease is not inherited, but the risk of getting sick among relatives is still higher than average. Most often, the disease affects women aged 30-50 years. The reasons for its occurrence are unknown.

Symptoms of scleroderma:

  • thickening of the skin (starts from the fingers), numbness and tingling
  • disappearance of facial wrinkles
  • the appearance of dark and light spots on the skin, shine of compacted areas
  • the appearance of small pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin
  • numbness of fingers and other affected areas, Raynaud's phenomenon
  • pain in muscles and joints
  • shortness of breath, increasing respiratory failure
  • digestive disorders
  • inability to open your mouth wide,

For diagnosis, it is usually enough to glance at the patient. But blood tests (general, biochemical, autoantibody tests) are often used to confirm the presence of the disease. In doubtful cases, a biopsy of the affected area of ​​skin is performed, which is then examined under a microscope.

Treatment of the disease is symptomatic, that is, it is aimed at relieving the main signs of the disease. They use anti-inflammatory drugs, mucus thinners, laxatives, steroids and other medications. In addition, a balanced diet is very important, avoiding bad habits, work in cold conditions, timely treatment of wounds and ulcers.

In addition to scleroderma, almost any autoimmune disease can cause nerve damage and numbness in the fingers. Therefore, if necessary, the therapist will give a referral to a rheumatologist to rule out immune failure as the cause of numbness.

Some psychological problems (depression, for example) can be disguised as unpleasant sensations in the arms and legs. Often they are limited to only the fingers. Therefore, if, in addition to numb hands, there are complaints of sweating, rapid pulse, insomnia, causeless tears and a feeling of melancholy, then you need to urgently consult a specialist. Depression is very serious illness, which requires adequate treatment with medications.

Effects of alcohol

Alcohol, among many other serious problems, causes neuropathy (i.e. nerve damage) in people. There is even a special term: alcoholic neuropathy. It is associated with the versatile influence of ethanol. It interferes with the absorption of such important substances, like thiamine, proteins, folates. In addition, ethanol derivatives directly affect nerves, causing their destruction. Damage also occurs in the liver, which indirectly affects neuromuscular transmission. Thus, numbness in the fingers of alcoholics is a fairly common phenomenon.

Heavy metal and chemical poisoning

Various industries use chemical compounds that have negative impact throughout the entire body, including nervous system. Therefore, people working in metallurgy, construction, and paint shops often come into contact with such hazardous substances. Numbness of the fingers can be caused by arsenic, lead, mercury, thallium, and solvents. In addition to this symptom, problems with digestion, breathing, and even problems may occur. Therefore, if the above symptoms appear after contact with a dangerous substance, you should urgently seek medical help.


Some medications can cause numbness in the extremities, including the fingers. These include isoniazid (an anti-tuberculosis drug), vincristine ( antitumor drug), gold compounds, some AIDS drugs, metronidazole. Usually in the annotations to medicines there is a list side effects which the doctor should take into account.


In type 1 diabetes mellitus, the onset of the disease is associated with sharp deterioration well-being, and only after many years of illness does nerve damage occur. Type 2 diabetes is more insidious; it can be asymptomatic; by the time the diagnosis is made, a person may already have neurological symptoms. In addition, irregular medication use and poor glucose control lead to inevitable consequences. The most famous of them is “ diabetic foot» with loss of sensation in the legs about the formation of ulcers. But quite often, disorders of the nervous tissue in the hands occur, resulting in numbness in the fingers or the entire hand.

Signs of diabetic hand neuropathy:

  • numbness and tingling of fingers
  • worse at night
  • Most often, both hands are affected, but disorders in one limb or in several fingers also occur (for example, numbness of the index fingers)

To diagnose diabetic neuropathy, diabetes must first be confirmed. For this purpose, the level of glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood is determined, general analysis urine. Sometimes they diagnose damage to blood vessels and nerves in the fundus, heart and other organs. To control this condition, it is necessary to maintain adequate glucose levels by using special glucose-lowering medications or administering insulin as prescribed by the doctor. If you strictly follow all the recommendations and do not let the disease progress, you can avoid both unpleasant symptoms and dangerous complications.


Gradual destruction intervertebral discs in the cervical spine, their protrusion, the formation of sharp edges is an inevitable process called spondylosis. As the discs wear out, pain in the neck, shoulder, arm, and limited movement and sensitivity may develop. Numbness usually occurs in the arm or hand, but sometimes it affects only the fingers. The diagnosis is made based on CT and MRI data. Treatment usually includes anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, massage and physiotherapy. If a large hernia forms or narrows too much spinal canal, then operational methods are used.

Lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine deficiency in the body can cause unpleasant consequences for good health. The disease resulting from this vitamin deficiency is called beriberi. First of all, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system appear. In severe cases, the heart and entire vascular system are affected.

Symptoms of B1 deficiency:

  • bilateral numbness of the fingers and toes, which tends to spread
  • muscle cramps
  • atrophy (weakening, drying out) of muscles
  • memory loss, insomnia
  • Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff's syndrome (brain dysfunction with the appearance of a mental disorder)
  • severe weakness in the legs
  • rapid pulse
  • low blood pressure, fainting
  • digestive disorders

Serious cases of beriberi occur rarely in developed countries, mainly due to the following reasons:

  • Alcoholism
  • Severe infection, sepsis
  • Hemodialysis (“artificial kidney”)
  • Stomach and intestinal surgeries

Sometimes dietary factors lead to vitamin deficiency. Some products (polished rice, tea, coffee) contain substances that break down thiamine. If you eat few thiamine-containing foods (cereals, meat, milk, beans), then there is a risk of getting beriberi. Treatment of the disease consists of prescribing medicine with thiamine, diet correction and elimination of provoking factors (alcohol abuse, infectious processes, excessive physical activity).

It must be remembered that in addition to B1, other vitamins of this group have an effect on the nervous system. Therefore, a balanced diet is the key to health.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

ALS is serious disease nerve cells responsible for motor function. Sometimes it begins not with impaired movements, but with a feeling of awkwardness in the hands, similar to numbness. It usually occurs first on the working side. So, a left-handed person experiences numbness in the fingers of the left hand, and then the right. As the disease progresses, numbness is accompanied by an unsteady gait, the inability to perform precise movements with the hands, and “shrinking” of the muscles.

Then there is a speech disorder, slurred voice, and difficulty swallowing. In the final stage, the respiratory muscles are also involved in the process, which leads to frequent pneumonia. The end of the disease is respiratory arrest. There is currently no cure for it, so the average life expectancy is 5 years. Although with proper care you can extend it indefinitely. An example is the famous theoretical physicist Steve Hawking, who is confined to a wheelchair and communicates using a computer.

The diagnosis of ALS is rarely made at first presentation. Sometimes several months of observation are necessary to rule out other possible causes of numbness. For diagnosis, EMG (electromyography) is often used - the study of muscle activity in response to stimulation.

Diphtheria polyneuropathy

Diphtheria – widely known disease, the nightmare of pediatricians of past centuries. Now this disease is rare due to widespread vaccination of children. Mostly unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated children and adults get sick.

Symptoms of diphtheria:

  • the onset of the disease resembles a common ARVI
  • sore throat increases
  • diphtheria film is formed - gray plaque in the respiratory tract
  • cervical lymph nodes enlarge (symptom called “bull neck”)
  • difficulty breathing (due to blockage of the airways)

In addition to the last symptom, which is life-threatening, nerve damage may also occur. As a result, there is a sensory disturbance (numbness and tingling) in the extremities of the “gloves and socks” type. The disease is treated with a special anti-diphtheria serum. In developed countries, this disease is found in full form- is now a great rarity, but with numbness in the fingers one cannot discount it.

Tests for numbness in fingers

Despite the fact that many diseases that cause numbness in the fingers can be determined by external symptoms and an initial examination, the doctor may prescribe additional tests:

  • on an empty stomach
  • Glycosylated hemoglobin
  • Blood creatinine
  • TSH level

After the tests, electromyography is often performed, in which the electrical potentials of certain muscles are recorded, comparing them with the norm.

Before visiting a specialist, you need to decide which fingers are going numb, and whether this process is bilateral, or whether only the left or right hand is involved. This is of great importance, as it allows one to distinguish tunnel syndromes from, for example, serious nervous diseases. In addition, you need to accurately name everything additional symptoms. Numbness and pain can indicate injury and carpal tunnel syndrome, and loss of sensitivity even to strong impacts speaks in favor of diabetes.

How to eliminate numbness in fingers at home?

Numbness due to hypothermia or after an uncomfortable position in sleep goes away on its own. Other forms of sensory loss may be permanent or intermittent. Numbness in itself is not dangerous; it does not need to be eliminated. But visiting a therapist or neurologist is simply necessary. Treatment for numbness in the fingers depends on the disease that caused it.

Once again, when you wake up from intense tingling in your numb palms and fingers, you should ask yourself the question: why do your hands go numb?

Symptoms that are harmless at first glance and quickly disappear when changing body position may indicate flaws in the diet, but more often they are harbingers of “systemic” diseases.

Numb hands may indicate a serious illness

Among the causes of temporary numbness of the upper and lower extremities - arms and legs - are conditions in which there are restrictions on normal blood flow or damage to nerve fibers.

Incorrect posture during the day - sitting cross-legged or long-term cycling - causes compression of the nerves of the lumbosacral spine, and the result is “crawling goosebumps” in the toes or feet.

Crossing your arms over your chest makes it difficult to walk arterial blood, causing a feeling of coolness in the hands or tingling in the fingers.
There are many reasons why your hands go numb during sleep:

If symptoms persist

In the cases described above, getting rid of unpleasant symptoms will be achieved by simply changing your body position during sleep and wearing loose clothes for sleeping.

After all, some diseases are successfully “masked” as harmless symptoms. So, if in the absence of significant physical activity the hands become numb, the cause may be a pinched nerve.

Osteochondrosis lumbar region spine can cause numbness in the hands

Why do my hands still go numb?

Among other factors of “discomfortable” symptoms are: obliterating endarteritis, is a formidable disease that manifests itself by damaging the blood vessels of the extremities.

Numbness of the left hand, sometimes indicating inflammation of the ulnar nerve, more often foreshadows a stroke and “heart” ailments.

Regarding why the right hand goes numb, primary and secondary factors of unpleasant symptoms are distinguished.

Among the primary ones there are:

  • Compression of the median nerve, or carpal tunnel syndrome. The three fingers—thumb, index, and middle—are most vulnerable to compression of the median nerve. A disease, one of the causes of which is long work at a desk or computer - causes severe pain and over time leads to loss of sensitivity and immobilization of the hand;
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency, responsible for normal functioning nerve fibers;
  • Raynaud's disease, or impaired blood flow in the hand area.

You will learn all the details about the causes of numbness in the hands from the video:

Occurs as a result of prolonged stress, alcohol or nicotine poisoning, hypothermia, or vice versa, after long stay in the sun. Sometimes the disease causes blueness in the fingers and a feeling of coolness in them.

Among the secondary factors, neuropathy is especially distinguished - a “failure” in the functioning of nerve canals that develops as a result of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Hands often go numb during pregnancy, the reason for this is fluid retention and the presence of multiple local edema.

Why do my fingers go numb?

Numbness, slight tingling and a feeling of crawling “goosebumps” in the fingers or their tips also indicate systemic “problems”. Unpleasant symptoms usually occur in one finger, at night or in the morning, after waking up, less often in 2-3 fingers at the same time.
Each finger of the hand is “connected” to a certain organ, and to find out the reasons why the fingers go numb, let’s look at this “relationship” in more detail:

  • If your little fingers are numb– work should be checked of cardio-vascular system. In this case, pain may appear in the area from the little finger to the inside of the forearm. Also among the causes of discomfort are ulnar nerve neuropathy, pectoralis minor or scalene muscle syndrome, pinched nerve roots by intervertebral hernia;
  • Impaired tactile ability of the ring finger also indicates damage to the ulnar nerve. Sometimes its numbness is associated with compression of small branches of nerves or the occurrence. When discomfort is accompanied by neck pain that extends along the elbow or along the front of the chest, this is a sign of carpal tunnel syndrome;

    What is carpal tunnel syndrome? You will learn from the video:

  • Forefinger most involved in daily work. If there is numbness, it should be examined osteoarticular system, and also exclude the presence fungal infection nails;
  • Numbness of the middle finger- a signal about a malfunction of the heart. Simultaneous numbness of the ring and back of the middle finger occurs with diseases of the elbow joint, but may be a consequence of alcohol or nicotine intoxication;
  • Numbness of the thumb especially if the index finger “suffers” along with it - a signal about overload of the neuromuscular system or.

The main reasons why the fingertips on the hands go numb, especially if they get cold, are impaired blood supply to the hands, which occurs with osteochondrosis, polyneuropathy, pinched median nerve, thrombosis of the upper extremities or blockage of cerebral vessels.

To treat or not to treat?

Having studied the probable reasons why your fingers go numb, you should worry about what to do about the unpleasant symptoms.

So, if the manifestation of symptoms is minor and occurs at night, you should check the correct selection of pillow and mattress, as well as the position of the head and torso during sleep - they should be located in the same axis.

U healthy person there are no “favorite” positions - he falls asleep in any body position, and sleep comes fairly quickly.

Pay attention to foods rich in B vitamins, especially sources of vitamin B12 – beef liver, heart, tongue, chicken and rabbit meat, dairy products and fish (herring, sardines, trout, chum salmon).

You will learn all the details about vitamin B12 from the video:

Take advantage and folk remedies treatment, for example, mix 0.5 cups of sugar and the same amount of vegetable oil. Massage the mixture into sore areas, moving in a spiral. After this, hold your hand in warm water with added salt (2-3 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water).

If “changing positions”, diet correction and procedures do not work, it’s time to visit a therapist.

Before visiting him, analyze whether you have any pain in the lower back or neck during the day, how physically active you are, and whether your diet is adequate.

The doctor will begin the examination with pressure readings on both hands. The difference in numbers may indicate cerebrovascular accidents, and the next step will be a consultation with a vascular surgeon.

Also, with increasing sensitivity in all fingers of the hand, the doctor may suspect the consequences of endocrine or immune disorders or cardiac vascular diseases. You may need to study blood counts and consult specialists - a cardiologist, neurologist, vertebrologist and chiropractor.


Hands, and especially fingers, are unique indicators of the state of body systems. Many organs send through them the first alarms. By listening to them, you can prevent serious health problems.

Fingers often go numb in pianists, writers, seamstresses or elderly people, but representatives of these categories simply ignore the alarming symptom. In fact, numbness is not only a sign of overexertion, but also evidence of serious pathological changes in organism. Based on the location of the symptom, one can often make a diagnosis or suggest possible problems with health. We'll talk about this in this article.

Why do your fingers go numb: general information

Doctors of different profiles will agree that what is concentrated in the hands a large number of nerve endings. Chiropractors and Representatives oriental medicine They also believe that the health of the limbs can determine the characteristics of the course of physiological processes in organism.

If your fingers go numb, then this is not always a separate independent disease, but the first sign of a certain pathology of the internal organs. Numbness is often accompanied by a slight tingling sensation and paresthesia (“goosebumps”). Unpleasant symptoms bother the patient at night or immediately after waking up.

When the hands not only go numb, but also become cold, this indicates a violation of blood circulation in the upper extremities. This problem can be caused by both local pathologies and diseases of internal organs. Based on which fingers are going numb, one can conditionally determine the problem organs of a person, and in some cases even make a diagnosis.

Numbness of the thumb and index finger

Most often they suffer thumbs. If unpleasant symptoms persist, but a person does not pay attention to it, he may lose sensitivity or even functionality of the problem area. The thumb and index fingers usually go numb in the presence of an inflammatory process in the body or in the initial stages of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: intervertebral discs or cervical vertebrae that pinch nerve roots.

Numbness of these two fingers indicates a significant overload of the neuromuscular system. Most often we are talking about frequent and long-term monotonous work with brushes (writing, embroidery, knitting, playing the piano, etc.). Please note that this cause is usually asymmetrical: in right-handed people the symptom appears on the right hand, and in left-handed people - on the left, which depends on which limb is more overstrained. Instead of numbness, convulsive cramping of the fingers or stiffness in their movements may also appear.

The ring and middle fingers go numb

The ring finger goes numb due to pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Most patients note that the discomfort intensifies at night, turning into a barely noticeable tingling sensation by morning. Often, numbness begins at the fingertips and reaches the entire surface of the upper limb.

If brings the nameless and middle fingers from the outside, which is accompanied by irradiation of an unpleasant feeling to the back of the hand, weakness and pain, this may indicate pinching of the nerve plexus of the shoulder or a disease of the elbow joint. Often these same symptoms appear with alcohol abuse or smoking.

The little finger usually goes numb at night, and this indicates pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Depending on the specific disease, painful sensations can radiate to the inner side of the forearm and spread up to the elbow joint.

Other causes of numbness in fingers

To others possible reasons, which can cause numbness in the fingers include:

  • Osteochondrosis, protrusion (bulging of the vertebrae), disc herniation in the lower cervical area.
  • Excessive load on the muscles of the cervical-collar area.
  • Cerebrovascular accident.
  • Impaired vascular patency caused by compression of them by osteophytes (growths bone tissue), hernia or protrusion.
  • Stressful situations and prolonged emotional experiences.
  • Lack of vitamins A and B, which causes hypersensitivity of the fingertips.
  • Pathologies internal systems organs: liver, kidneys, lungs.
  • Quite normal phenomenon after squeezing or hypothermia of fingers.
  • Unhealthy sleep: insomnia, lack of sleep, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, etc.
  • Intoxication after poisoning with medications, alcoholic beverages or certain chemicals.
  • Consequences of hand injuries.
  • Constantly wearing small or causing discomfort accessories such as rings or bracelets.
  • Brain disorders.
  • Raynaud's disease, which affects the circulation of small blood vessels in the hands and fingers.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of the carpal tunnel.
  • Thrombosis of the upper extremities.
  • Polyneuropathy - organic lesion nerve plexuses hands and fingers.
  • Fungal diseases of nails.
  • Diabetes mellitus, which interferes with normal blood circulation.

What to do if your finger goes numb?

First of all, it is necessary to relieve the diseased area from unnecessary stress. To do this, try not to do long, intense and monotonous work, but don’t give up on kneading your fingers. You can start by lightly rubbing or stroking the fingers of the patient’s fingers with your healthy hand. Then bend and straighten your fingers at the joints several times, “play” with them. Such simple gymnastics will help in uncomplicated cases when the finger is numb due to hypothermia or overload, but will be ineffective if we are talking about a serious disease of the internal organs. If the pain does not go away, be sure to consult a doctor.

Treatment by a specialist

Still, most often the fingers cramp due to compression of the nerve endings in cervical area, therefore, we will present the treatment of numbness specifically for this pathology. In other cases, therapy is carried out by appropriate specialists: a cardiologist, therapist, chiropractor, neurologist, massage therapist, etc. In case of compression of the nerve roots drug treatment used to eliminate swelling during inflammation, to reduce muscle spasm and pain, restoration of work small vessels and removal of harmful products of pathological metabolism.

In serious cases, if there is severe discomfort analgesics are prescribed. Doctors often recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes, chondroprotectors (drugs - “vertebral protectors”, prescribed for the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis, tendinopathies, etc.), which affect the normal innervation of the problem area.

Besides drug therapy, local influence is also necessary. One of the most effective options - manual therapy. It allows you to eliminate muscle spasm and swelling at the site of degeneration in just a few sessions, and improve the functional ability of the vertebrae and joints. This, in turn, helps to normalize blood circulation in the hands and fingers, and therefore reduce numbness.

From unpleasant symptom helps a lot in getting rid of physiotherapy. Active muscle contractions restore the full functioning of peripheral blood vessels and quickly relieve numbness. Among the physiotherapeutic methods, ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy and laser treatment can be considered effective. These procedures stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and their blood supply.

Methods alternative medicine(hirudotherapy, vacuum therapy or acupuncture) are auxiliary and enhance the effect of the main procedures, but are never prescribed independently. Doctors often also recommend to their patients special diet- to saturate the body with everything essential vitamins and minerals and prevent possible diseases. Patients with numbness in the fingers are advised to eat a diet high in seafood, lean fish, fruits and vegetables. It's also good to drink vegetable oil(for example, flaxseed, since it contains a lot fatty acids Omega-3) one teaspoon or tablespoon per day. The dosage depends on the doctor's prescription.

Remember that numbness in your fingers can be not only a consequence of simple overexertion or sleeping in an uncomfortable position, but also a symptom of a serious pathology. Do not self-medicate, consult a therapist and get qualified medical care!

Improper blood supply to the extremities leads to a person feeling tingling in the fingers. There are situations when numbness bothers you systematically, along with pain and impaired mobility. These are already pathological processes that should be addressed qualified specialist.

Provoking factors

Numbness in the tips of the right hand can occur due to numerous reasons. Among them: the inflammatory process, various diseases spine, as well as the initial stage of development multiple sclerosis. Of all the assumptions, doctors identify the main factors:

  • long-term pain in the carpal tunnel area;
  • osteochondrosis, striking upper sections spine;
  • syndrome Raynaud;
  • pernicious anemia, when the body lacks vitamin B12;
  • injury in the neck area;
  • hernia spine;
  • polyneuropathy against the background of chronic alcoholism;
  • spondylosis neck;
  • diseases endocrine character against the background of diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism.

Paresthesia may occur in combination with other disorders. For example, with polyneuropathy, numbness is possible not only in the hand right limb. The left hand may also be affected. This provokes disorders associated with the mobility of the lower extremities.

Pernicious anemia, a pathology that is more often encountered by women. Along with numbness in the fingertips, the patient feels weakness and shortness of breath, and his heart beats become faster. After eating sour or spicy food, a burning pain appears. It affects the tongue. In addition, the patient develops diarrhea.

Against the background of Raynaud's disease, the fingertips of the right hand become numb, as vascular spasm occurs. Besides, skin covering becomes pale, in some places of the brush you can see a bluish tint. Not only the pain is disturbing, but also the coldness in the fingertips.

In most cases, the disease develops because a person long time was in the cold. As well as injuries to the upper extremities, rheumatism or arthritis, diseases associated with blood vessels, blood, and the central nervous system. All these factors can contribute to the development of the syndrome, and numb fingertips of the right hand are a symptom of the disease.


The main symptom of the pathology is paresthesia. At the first stage of its development, sensitivity is impaired. Not just one finger may be affected, but several at once. There are also additional signs:

  • goosebumps;
  • burning;
  • your fingertips get cold.

Heavy workload or uncomfortable positioning of the body can cause improper blood supply. As a result, nerve impulses cannot travel.

It is enough to change the position of the body so that all symptoms cease to appear. If symptoms appear systematically, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Loss of sensation in the little and ring fingers

As a rule, such a pathology is a sign that the patient is developing tunnel neuropathy. Nerve trunks that connect spinal cord and the fingertips of the right hand pass through certain channels. They are located between the vertebrae. In some places these channels narrow, where possible compression occurs. Thus, tunnel syndrome develops. About 30% of patients suffer from peripheral diseases.

Little finger and ring finger become numb as a result of compression of the ulnar nerve. This phenomenon in medicine is called a syndrome. The ulnar nerve carries impulses from the little finger to the ring finger.

It runs along the cubital canal and is located on the posterior inner side of the elbow. The pathology is observed as a result of the fact that the joint has been bent for a long time. Patients whose work involves resting their elbow on a surface complain about this disease.

Most often, those who have numbness in the fingertips of the right upper limb are drivers vehicle, sports people or those who play music or play instruments. This is explained by the fact that overload, injury or work involving vibration causes the joint and ligaments to thicken. Thus, it develops pain syndrome in the cubital canal. Associated symptoms also occur, for example, pain if you press on the elbow, weakness in the arm.

Pathology cannot be left unattended, otherwise serious complications may follow, including muscle atrophy. You should consult a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Right thumb goes numb

As a result carpal tunnel syndrome The median nerve is compressed. The tips of the thumb, index and middle fingers of the right upper limb are numb. The reason is the constant voltage after a static load for a certain muscle group. A similar pathology is encountered by people who constantly work with a computer, play the violin, or practice repair work in room.

Doctors also call this disease stenosing ligamentosis, which affects the transverse ligaments. A large load on the hand leads to swelling in the tendon area. Subsequently, the nerve trunk is compressed. In the morning, when a person gets up, he notices not only numbness, but also stiffness in the fingers of the right upper limb.

Carpal tunnel syndrome may also be caused by another disease. Arthrosis, arthritis, hemangioma or neurofibroma. Treatment of such a pathology is necessary to prevent atrophy of the thumb muscles. Otherwise, in the future a person will not be able to bend it.

The tip of the index finger goes numb

Dystrophic problems that affect vertebral cartilage negatively affect joints. In particular, this concerns elasticity. Moreover, their shape changes, which leads to pinching of the nerve ending.

Pain syndrome occurs in the area chest, shoulder girdle, cervical region. Migraines often disturb, a person gets tired quickly, and suffers from changes in blood pressure. Dizziness, tinnitus, these are all the symptoms that accompany common osteochondrosis.

With arthrosis, similar symptoms occur, as the elbow joint is destroyed and the inflammatory process begins. The patient feels pain that radiates to the hand, as a result of which its mobility is limited, the fingers become numb, and it is not possible to fully clench a fist.

Against the background of arthritis, an inflammatory process develops in the right elbow joint. This leads to the fact that nerve impulses are poorly conducted, so the index finger goes numb. Arthritis develops due to infection, injury, or severe stress on the elbow joint.

The tip of the middle finger goes numb

The cause of pathological disorders is problems in the spine. The disease affects the discs between the vertebrae, in the neck, and muscles. The sensitivity of the middle and index fingers does not completely disappear. Paresthesia, weakness and pain occur as the nerve endings are under compression pressure.

A ligament tear or sprain can cause numbness in the tip of the middle right finger. These are pathological processes of a peripheral nature that appear after serious disorders in the area of ​​the elbow joint.


The doctor needs to do serious work to determine the reason why the fingers of the right hand are numb. Problems of a serious nature should be excluded, such as problems with cerebral circulation. Moreover, diagnose the disease and prevent the development of other possible problems.

Medicine has certain methods by which qualified doctors can diagnose the disease:

  1. X-ray cervical spine. The doctor takes pictures in several projections at once. In this way, he can determine the site of development of the disease.
  2. Research, which help determine how passable the vessels are. In medical language, this procedure is called Dopplerography of the cervical and vertebral arteries.
  3. Magnetic resonance angiography - cerebral vessels and vertebrobasilar zone are subject to examination.
  4. Research using computer equipment. A special scan of not only the brain, but also the spine in the neck area.
  5. Electroencephalography.

First of all, using all these methods, the doctor needs to exclude pathology associated with the central nervous system. Only after this can the disease be investigated, due to which the fingertips on the right hand are numb.


Paresthesia or impaired sensitivity of the skin occurs due to the fact that the nerve roots of the cervical spine are compressed. This is why a person feels numbness in the fingers, tingling, as well as a burning sensation and a “crawling” feeling. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the compression, and thus the symptoms will disappear.

Therapy involves several methods:

  1. Medication treatment. Medicines can relieve inflammation, swelling, pain, and muscle spasms. Medicines can remove harmful substances from the body, especially after disturbed pathological processes. They improve the activity of microcirculatory vessels.
  2. Vitamins, minerals and chondroprotectors. They have a positive effect on the trophism of the innervated zone and affect the source of the disease.
  3. Impact local character, which has a great effect on muscle spasms. Manual massage relieves swelling in the area where pathology develops, improves trophism, and restores the movement of the joints of the spine.
  4. Medical physical training. When the muscles contract, the vessels in the peripheral vein work fully.
  5. Methods physiotherapy, which help stimulate tissue regeneration and improve blood circulation. This includes laser treatment, ultrasound, and magnetic therapy.

Physicians generally consider paresthesia to be a serious signal to pay special attention to the pathology. Serious consequences can be prevented if you seek help in time. Pathological disorders should be prevented by initial stage development of the disease.

Numbness in the fingers of the right hand is serious symptom, which should be contacted by a qualified professional. He will tell you why pathology occurs and how to cure the disease.