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What to apply to a lacerated wound? Creams and ointments on a natural basis. Stages of treatment for weeping wounds and ulcers

Wound healing after surgery is the most important physiological process, the success of which determines the patient’s recovery rate and his future health. After all, sometimes even after a successful surgical intervention During the rehabilitation period, complications arise that are associated precisely with imperfect wound care.

How does a wound heal after surgery?

The first and most important thing that the surgeon does to speed up the healing of the wound after surgery is to bring its edges together using suture material. In other words, it puts stitches. Thanks to natural regeneration processes, over time the wound grows together and is covered with new tissue.

If you go deeper into biology, you can identify three sequential healing processes.

The first is epithelization. The resulting squamous epithelial cells cover the most affected areas (with the deepest tissue damage).

The second process is convergence or contraction of the wound, when the edges join together, completely hiding the exposed mucosa. And then the third, final mechanism of postoperative wound healing occurs - collagenization, when collagen fibers cover delicate skin wounds, providing it with lasting protection.

Important! If a person is healthy, then everything happens quite quickly and efficiently. A weakened or sick body sometimes lacks the biological capabilities for this, so it is necessary to select special auxiliary drugs for wound healing and care for it more carefully.

Preparations for wound healing after surgery

It is sometimes possible to determine from a person's first aid kit that he has recently undergone surgery. Because in this case, not only plasters and bandages appear at his home, but also all kinds of solutions, gels and ointments for healing. Some were recommended by a doctor, others were recommended by a neighbor or colleague, and others were purchased as a result of advice from Internet forums. And often half of what is purchased is wasted, because the choice of drug largely depends on the type of wound and the stage of its treatment.

External preparations

A good external agent should have the following properties:

  • disinfectant (does not allow the formation of harmful microbes and destroys the old ones);
  • anti-inflammatory (stops and prevents inflammatory processes);
  • anesthetic (relieves pain);
  • regenerating (promotes speedy healing).

But you don't have to buy 4 different drugs to quickly heal the wound. Modern means usually have two, three or even all four properties, which makes them convenient to use. So how to speed up wound healing s after the operation.

Primary processing

Caring for the wound and the skin around the wound should be regular. The frequency of dressings or simply applying an external agent not under a bandage is determined by the attending physician. But before using the gel or ointment, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic, which will clean it of dirt and particles of dead skin, preparing the tissue for the main healing agent.

Of these antiseptics, you can use the “good old ones” pennies: hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate solution, furatsilin, chlorhexidine. Depending on the specifics of the wound and its location, the doctor will recommend which drug is best.

The main remedy for rapid wound healing

This can be an ointment or gel. They differ not only in their consistency, but also in their purpose. The ointment is applied to dry wounds that tighten and tear, and therefore do not heal. And the gel is better suited for weeping wounds, because it does not form a film and allows the skin to breathe.

Salicylic ointment

Known since Soviet times, ointment with antibacterial properties. Apply under sterile bandage after pre-treatment of the wound with peroxide. Buy salicylic ointment you can do it for only 20-30 rubles (25 g).

Despite the fact that this is an ointment, it does a good job of drying wet wounds and healing them. Contains zinc - useful mineral, promoting cell division and skin regeneration.

Earlier zinc ointment was produced in dark glass jars. Today you can buy it in tubes, 30-40 rubles per 30 g.


A popular antibiotic ointment that can draw pus and other dirt from the wound. It also has regenerating properties. Must have in surgical department any hospital. It is relatively inexpensive: 120-130 rubles for 40 g.


Also a fairly well-known external remedy for wound healing, used in pregnant women and children. It has bactericidal, regenerating and anesthetic properties. Costs 100-110 rubles for 30 g.

A modern product based on calf blood extract. It heals well and is usually used in cases where cheap drugs do not help. Available in the form of ointment and gel. The approximate cost of a 20-gram tube is 280-300 rubles.


Or its analogue – Sulfargin. This is an ointment with silver extract, which perfectly disinfects the wound in addition to its healing and regenerating properties. Especially good for purulent postoperative wounds Oh. For 40 g you will have to pay 350-370 rubles.

In addition to gels and ointments, another type of external preparation is actively used today - powders (powders). They are ideal for wet postoperative wounds because they have not only healing, but also absorbent properties - they absorb excess moisture. This is, for example, Ambulance, Baneocin. Of the powder preparations of the Soviet era, many remember Streptocide. You can buy tablets and crush them, or immediately purchase a package of powder for 30-40 rubles per 2 g.

Preparations for oral administration

The human body is a single whole. And in order for a postoperative wound to heal faster, it is not enough just to smear it good remedy. You also need to help yourself from the inside, strengthening your immune system and creating all the conditions for fast healing. Vitamin-mineral complexes will help with this, in which the percentage of vitamins A and C, as well as zinc and omega-3 fatty acids should be increased.

Nutrition for fast wound healing after surgery

Instead of vitamin-mineral complexes (or simultaneously with them), you can simply eat right. Balanced diet also has a positive effect on recovery after surgery, in general, and on wound healing, in particular. And it also implies the presence of the previously listed components in the products. Let's make it more specific.

If the products listed above contribute to the speedy regeneration of the skin, then seasonings can be added to dishes to disinfect it from the inside. Turmeric, ginger, cloves and even regular black or red pepper have antibacterial properties and help speed up wound healing.

Rules for treating wounds

In order for the wound to heal faster, complete sterility is necessary. Even the simplest abrasion requires compliance with this condition, not to mention a complex open postoperative wound. Therefore, the hands of the person who will carry out the treatment should be washed with soap or wiped with alcohol. In the room where fresh wounds are treated, everything should also be sterile. Therefore, dressings in hospitals are done in dressing rooms, in which quartz treatment is periodically carried out. At home, you can use a portable quartz lamp.

Treatment of a postoperative wound begins with its cleansing. Peroxide, pink solution of potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine should be poured over the wound or wiped with a sterile bandage soaked in one of the products.

Attention! When treating postoperative wounds, it is not recommended to use cotton pads and swabs. Firstly, they are non-sterile. Secondly, the villi can remain inside the wound and cause suppuration.

After treatment, the wound should dry out a little. If necessary, you can speed up the process using a sterile bandage. Then you can take the ointment or gel and apply the product according to the instructions, under or without a bandage.

The next time you change the dressing, you need to remove the old bandage carefully so as not to damage the tissue. If the bandage is dry, it needs to be soaked by watering it with chlorhexidine, for example. Regular water use is not recommended.

All people are familiar with various injuries, wounds. For some, wounds heal quite quickly. Some people have to put in a lot of effort to get well. Why does a non-healing wound occur? There may be several reasons. We will consider them further.


A wound that does not heal for a long time is a reason to seek treatment medical care. Only there you will receive appropriate treatment. The question arises, what time of wound healing is considered normal? Normal healing occurs within no more than three weeks. If complications arise or there are deviations, this process may drag on for one and a half months. Reasons why the wound long time does not heal, they are divided into external and internal, as well as their combination.

Internal factors: chronic diseases endocrine system, such as diabetes mellitus, exhaustion of the body, vitamin deficiency, excess weight, circulatory disorders, varicose veins, infectious diseases, cancer diseases. All these diseases lead to decreased immunity. How - wounds do not heal.

Getting infected

If a person is injured with a sharp object, infection may occur directly from the injury. Although this can happen in other ways. For example, infection getting into a wound during dressing. If the wound is not treated promptly disinfectants, the spread of infection is possible. Then you will need long-term treatment.

Symptoms: body temperature rises, swelling appears in the affected area, the skin becomes red and hot, and suppuration appears. Infection causes the wound site to for a long time doesn't heal. Treatment will require antibiotics. It will also require special treatment, removal of suppuration and suturing if necessary. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe blood transfusions and vitamin therapy.

Treatment of non-healing wounds in diabetes mellitus

With this disease, any minor cut becomes a real challenge. High blood sugar has a detrimental effect on blood vessels, destroying them. Blood supply is impaired, especially in the lower legs. In addition, the sensitivity of nerve endings decreases. As a result, a person does not feel that he was injured because of this. An ordinary callus, a small cut not treated in a timely manner, can become a non-healing wound, and later turn into an ulcer.

You should be extremely careful and try to avoid injuries or cuts, and carefully check the condition of your legs. At the slightest violation skin you should consult a doctor. Wound suppuration in diabetes mellitus often leads to amputation of the affected parts of the limbs.

Rapid healing is promoted by: timely treatment with antiseptics, prescription of ointments with antibiotics, proper nutrition, foods rich in vitamins B and C, additional vitamins, proper care for the affected area of ​​the body, treatment, dressing.


When treating a non-healing wound on the leg, you can combine drug therapy And traditional methods. This combination will speed up healing.

Fresh cucumber juice provides antimicrobial effect. They need to lubricate the wounds and apply compresses for several hours.

Celandine leaves have a healing effect. Both fresh leaves can be used for treatment, and the leaves should be steamed before use. Bandages are made with celandine leaves, applying them to the wound.

A mixture of burdock and celandine roots, boiled in sunflower oil, will also help. How to make it? Now we'll tell you. This will require 100 ml sunflower oil, crushed burdock roots 30 g., celandine roots 20 g. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then cool and strain. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area two to three times a day for a week.

Diabetic wounds

If a person has diabetes, non-healing wounds how to treat? Now we'll tell you. When treating a non-healing wound in diabetes, you need to remember how to properly treat the affected area and bandage it:

You should follow your doctor’s instructions and consult if you want to use prescriptions. traditional medicine. Self-medication and the wrong choice of medications can significantly worsen the condition of the wound and slow down healing.


Effective ointments for non-healing wounds:

1. "Solcoseryl". Used for dry wounds. Accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes effective healing. 2. "Actovegin". To heal deep wounds, a gel is released, and after the wound has begun to heal, an ointment is applied. Analogue of "Solcoseryl". 3. "Levomekol". Antibiotic drug. Used for treatment purulent wounds, burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers.

4. "Baneotsin". A drug containing antibiotics that protect the skin from infection. Available in ointment and powder form.

Non-healing weeping wounds

A weeping wound is accompanied by the release of ichor in large quantities. This happens if a person is injured due to a burn (electrical, chemical, solar), there is bacterial or fungal infections, the skin is torn off, there are diaper rashes, abrasions and calluses.

In order to avoid infection in such a wound, an antiseptic bandage is needed. If the affected area has foreign objects, damaged skin extends more than one centimeter, observed heavy bleeding, then you should urgently go to the emergency room. If all this is missing, you can treat the wound and apply a bandage yourself.

Do not use iodine or brilliant green to wash an open, weeping wound. These products will burn the tissue and the fluid will not drain. And this can cause inflammation and suppuration. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide. It can be treated with a solution of Chlorhexidine, Unisept, Decasan or Miramistin. For subsequent cleansing and treatment of the wound, you can use a solution of furatsilin or an isotonic solution ( boiled water With table salt, 5 grams per glass of water). These products can be used to remove dried bandages and to treat the surface of the affected area.

Weeping wounds. Treatment

How to treat non-healing wounds that get wet? Until a crust has formed on the affected area, you should avoid ointments. For treatment, use solutions or powders with a drying effect. In this case, a saline solution works simply and effectively. How to cook it? Dilute salt in water in a ratio of 1x10.

To speed up tissue regeneration and eliminate infection, you should use antibiotic powder. For this, the following drugs are prescribed: “Streptocide”, “Penicillin”, “Levomycetin”.

Drugs are also used combined action, aimed at suppressing bacteria and fungal environments, such as Baneocin. A thin layer of powder is applied to the treated surface of the wound using a cotton swab. Then it is covered with a sterile gauze pad and bandaged. After 4-5 hours, the bandage should be moistened saline solution. Afterwards it is worth replacing it. If the wound is healing, there is no pus or there is very little of it, you can not rinse with saline solution, but limit yourself to only treating the affected area.

If they don't pass painful sensations, the edges of the wound darken, the inflammation spreads to nearby areas of the skin, you should urgently visit a doctor. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and antibacterial drugs to avoid infection, sepsis. In addition, vitamins are necessary to maintain the body’s resistant functions.


Correct and timely treatment will give positive result within one to two weeks. In some severe cases Therapy will be required for a month using physiotherapy: heating, quartz treatment, laser treatment, massage. Wounds that take a long time to heal lead to damage to adjacent areas of the skin and the formation of keloid scars, which can remain forever. You need to be attentive to your health.

We all experience injuries from time to time. How to speed up the healing process and avoid scars if possible, read our article.

Injury- it's always a nuisance. Even the slightest scratch can cause a lot to a person discomfort: inflammation, pain, swelling. And if these consequences of injuries go away after some time, then the scars, alas, remain for many years. It is especially unpleasant if scars form on visible parts of the body, for example on the face, neck, hands. Appearance spoiled by scars often brings a lot of psychological problems, especially for women who care so much about their beauty.

Fortunately, everything is not as tragic as it seems at first glance. With a competent approach to the treatment of wounds and abrasions, you can significantly speed up the healing process and also avoid the formation of scars.

How do wounds heal?

First, let's figure out how wound healing occurs? Believe me, a deeper understanding of the processes only contributes to the correct treatment tactics. The wound healing process takes place in several stages:

  • inflammation phase. Immediately after the injury occurs, the body begins to fight the problem. Initially, a blood clot forms in the tissues to stop bleeding. On the other hand, the body needs to constantly fight microorganisms that can get into an open wound. This whole process is accompanied by inflammation - a process in which immune cells are recruited to the site of injury, and swelling is also formed, which puts pressure on the nerve endings, thereby causing pain. The inflammation phase can last up to 7 days. Already on the 7th day the wound begins to fill granulation tissue– connective tissue that forms during wound healing;
  • proliferation phase. Approximately starts from the 7th day and can last up to 4 weeks. During the proliferation phase, the wound is actively filled with connective granulation tissue, which is based on collagen. The wound is also filled with capillaries and inflammatory cells. This is how a young scar is formed. At this stage, the scar stretches easily. Because of great content the scar has blood vessels in it bright red color, which makes it easily noticeable;
  • scar formation phase. A scar begins to form around the 4th week, and this process can last up to 1 year. The bright red scar formed during the proliferation stage begins to fade and the scar becomes less noticeable. As a result, the lesion site is finally filled with connective and epithelial tissue. Primary collagen is replaced by coarser collagen. Thus, a scar is formed, which takes on its final (completed) appearance.
Fast healing

In parallel, wound healing occurs in 2 stages: hydration and dehydration. The wound hydration stage is the period when the wound is still moist. Accordingly, the dehydration stage is the time when the wound remains dry. In this regard, to achieve speedy healing, it is important to use wound-healing drugs (D-panthenol, etc.) in a timely manner. It is worth keeping in mind that during the hydration stage the wound needs hydration and regular cleansing. And at the stage of dehydration, the wound needs protection and nutrition of the formed tissues. Therefore, it is very important to use wound-healing drugs already at the “wet” stage. This way the wound will close faster, and the risk of wound infection will be significantly reduced.

In addition, accelerated wound healing, as a rule, does not lead to the formation of scars, or minor scars may form. Well, if scars do form, for example, with deep cuts, or burns, then there are remedies for this case too. You can buy it in pharmacies special means(ointments, gels) that prevent the appearance of scars. However, it is important to apply them immediately after the wound has healed. Thus, when treating scars you will achieve maximum effect.

Minor injuries at home, on vacation or during work professional responsibilities- not uncommon in Everyday life. You can even cut your finger in the kitchen experienced housewife, children's games on fresh air They rarely get by without knocked knees and scratches on their palms; new shoes, as a rule, rub their heels. If the wound is not treated in time, it will begin to become inflamed and fester, and then even an abrasion that seems innocent at first glance can cause serious inconvenience and complications. Relieving inflammation and healing injury as quickly as possible is the natural desire of every person. And it will help with this effective ointment for wound healing.

Wound healing agents are offered by modern pharmacists in a wide range. But which one to choose, so that it helps quickly, and the scar does not remain, and the price does not bite? What wound healing agent can be used to treat injuries in children? An overview of the most popular wound-healing ointments with a quick and proven effect is below.

What to use in the first stage

Regenerating agents are selected taking into account the degree of tissue damage and the type of wound. There are wound-healing ointments for treating superficial wounds - shallow cuts, abrasions and scrapes. And means to solve more dangerous problems– burns, trophic wounds, festering abscesses. Any wound, regardless of origin, has two stages of development and healing: inflammatory and restorative.

At the first stage, the wound bleeds and becomes inflamed, damaged tissue die off, during this process ichor and pus can be released. At the first stage, an antiseptic healing ointment should be used.


  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Disinfect.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Can be used without consulting a doctor.
  • Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.


  • They have contraindications and side effects.
  • There is a risk of allergic reactions.
  • These remedies are not equally suitable for everyone.
  • Some people may be intolerant to the components included in the ointments.

Healing of wounds of any origin begins with their disinfection. For this purpose, antiseptic and antibacterial agents are used. First, the wound must be treated with a solution of iodine, green diamond or hydrogen peroxide. Then one of the following products is applied to the weeping abrasion.

Rating of the best ointments for wound healing, applicable in the first stage of treatment

Rating#1 #2 #3
Price118 RUR207 RUR130 RUR
Availability in the pharmacy network
Ease of use Gentle effect on the body


Active ingredient This drug is levomycetin; most microbes are sensitive to this substance. It also contains methyluracil, which has unique property enhance the natural immunity of cells. The ointment is spread in a thin layer on the cleaned surface of the wound, and a sterile bandage is applied on top. The procedure is performed up to four times a day until the wound begins to heal.

  • The drug has a wide spectrum of action - the ointment can be used to disinfect both small cuts and abrasions, as well as poorly healing purulent wounds, weeping ulcers, and thermal injuries.
  • Is used for rapid fusion postoperative sutures.
  • Available without a prescription and inexpensive.
  • Contains antibiotics, therefore it has a number of contraindications.
  • Not the best convenient way application - the wound must be constantly cleaned and disinfected, and only then apply the product, and then apply a bandage
  • Some patients have individual intolerance to the active components of this ointment.

A powerful anti-infective agent with universal action. Immediately after injury, it quickly relieves swelling, helps stop bleeding, and reduces pain. Subsequently, it disinfects the surface of the wound, destroys pathogenic microflora and effectively cleans the wound before applying other drugs.

  • It treats not only abrasions, cuts, burns and frostbite, but also bedsores, weeping eczema, ulcers, and herpes.
  • Effective against fungal infections.
  • Allowed for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Available in the form of a solution, ointment and napkins soaked in a solution of the drug.
  • Do not apply to open bleeding wounds, as Eplan affects blood clotting.


An effective remedy for treating suppurating wounds. Contains streptocide and netazol, the combination of these two substances provides effective impact almost all types of bacteria.

  • Widely used for disinfection of postoperative sutures, treatment of abscesses and purulent wounds.
  • Effective for wounds of thermal origin different degrees gravity.
  • At purulent lesions It is enough to place a tampon soaked in this product on the wound once a day.
  • For burns, the damage is treated with the product at least twice a week.
  • How powerful antibacterial agent has a number of contraindications.
  • Not tolerated equally well by all patients.


Wound healing occurs through the melting of dead cells and their rejection. Primarily used in the treatment of trophic ulcers and deep burns.

  • Contains miromistin, which additionally disinfects wounds.
  • The drug is made on a water basis, thanks to which the active components easily penetrate into the deep layers.
  • Helps fight gangrene, which is a consequence diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis.
  • For achievement good effect it is necessary to use a large amount of ointment.
  • Active components may cause allergic reactions.

An effective drug with analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing effects. Effective for scratches, abrasions, cuts and bruises.

  • Made from plant ingredients.
  • It has virtually no contraindications or side effects.
  • The effect is noticeable immediately after application.
  • Treats diaper rash, dermatitis, acne, burns, frostbite, cracked nipples during breastfeeding.
  • Suitable for children's first aid kit.
  • Affordable price.
  • Not the best the best remedy for healing complex, festering wounds.
  • Sometimes plant components provoke allergic reactions.

What to use in the second stage

Each stage has its own optimal means. You should not prematurely use a healing cream that promotes the formation of new tissues - pus may remain under the young thin skin, it will accumulate and ultimately lead to serious complications, up to opening the abscess and cleaning the wound surgically. And only when all the pus is completely drained can you begin to use a regenerating agent for wounds and cracks. In the second stage, wound healing begins , allocation purulent exudate decreases, the wound dries out, and the tissue around it gradually begins to scar and regenerate.


  • Effectively dry and restore damaged tissues.
  • Can be used for healing different wounds, including burns and frostbite.
  • Penetrate deep into the layers of the skin and restore cells.
  • Prevents the inflammatory process.


  • The need to pre-treat the wound with antiseptic and disinfectants.
  • Some ointments have side effects.
  • People with individual intolerance to the components of the drug may experience allergic reactions.

When dead tissue has already been removed, purulent discharge are insignificant, wound healing moves to the next stage. New ones begin to form, healthy tissue, the wound is scarred. To speed up this process and prevent scars, various regenerating agents are used.

Rating of the best ointments for wound healing, applicable in the second stage of treatment

Rating#1 #2 #3
Price247 RUR726 RUR314 RUR
Availability in the pharmacy network
Effectively eliminates painful sensations and restores the affected area Ease of use Gentle effect on the body Light consistency and pleasant aroma

The active ingredients of this ointment activate collagen production and regulate metabolic processes at the cellular level. Dexpanthenol, the main active component of the product, contains pantothenic acid, without which the formation of epithelial cells is impossible.

  • Indicated for the treatment and prevention of diaper rash in infants.
  • Helps with burns and frostbite.
  • Heals cracked nipples in women.
  • It has only a slight antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, so the wound must be disinfected before distributing the ointment.
  • To obtain a good effect, the ointment should be applied many times, after first cleaning and disinfecting the damaged areas of the skin.

This remedy also affects metabolic processes in skin cells and stimulates its regeneration. The active ingredient is dexpanthenol.

For many, especially women, the face is a symbol of beauty and attractiveness, on which the mood and general health. Therefore, even the slightest injury to the skin of this area gives a person great anxiety. We will tell you how to quickly heal damage and not leave scars that disfigure the most noticeable part of a person.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

The face, as an open part of the body, is quite often subject to injury. Moreover, the effect on the skin is not only external, but also under the influence of internal processes. Let's look at these options in more detail:

  • Abrasions. Their distinctive feature- violation of the integrity of the most superficial areas of the skin. There is usually little or no bleeding. Abrasions cause trouble due to pain syndrome(the skin on the face is well innervated) and cosmetic problems.
  • Cuts. Injury with a sharp object, the danger of which depends on the location and depth. Bleeding can be quite severe, sometimes nerves are damaged, which leads to impaired facial expressions. The treatment of such wounds should be entrusted to a specialist to prevent irreparable consequences and complications.
  • Lacerations. They occur as a result of car accidents or animal bites. Characterized by massive rupture of soft tissues with damage not only to the skin, but also to muscles, heavy bleeding. Deep wounds are dangerous due to secondary infection and the development of purulent complications.
  • Self-injury. This group is conventionally distinguished due to the fact that a person himself often damages his facial skin as a result of improper care: wounds after acne (squeezing), burns from poor quality cosmetics and others.

Most facial injuries require consultation with a doctor, as this area of ​​the body has its own characteristics that affect healing and the possibility of cosmetic complications.

Features of injuries on the face

Treating even superficial abrasions on the face is very different from healing wounds in other areas of the body. This is due to anatomical features:

  • Enhanced blood supply. Facial tissues are literally riddled with small blood vessels. As a result, even a minor injury causes severe bleeding. There is also positive point- the better the blood circulation, the faster the wound heals.
  • Prolonged and extensive swelling. Swelling of the tissues is caused by their saturation with blood plasma. On the face due large quantity capillaries, this symptom is maximum, spreads to neighboring areas and persists for a longer time.
  • Facial muscles. One of successful conditions tissue regeneration is their complete immobility. This is difficult to achieve on the face, since during conversation or emotions an automatic contraction of the facial muscles occurs. The edges of the wound diverge, healing is inhibited. That is why, in case of facial injury, doctors recommend applying cosmetic stitches even for small cuts.
  • Pain . There are many structural elements on the face: small bones, facial muscles, teeth. All of them have good innervation, so the slightest injury leads to severe pain.

The described features have a positive consequence - wounds on the face usually heal faster than in other areas of the body and are less likely to become infected.

The application of sutures in this place can be delayed for up to 36 hours (in other places this period is limited to a day).

Principles of treatment

The body's ability to heal itself is enormous. Facial wounds in the absence of infection have a favorable healing prognosis. It is important to properly treat them in the first hours and then follow medical recommendations. The following approaches are used for treatment.


The following recommendations will help speed up the recovery process without consequences:

  • Before starting treatment you need stop the bleeding. To do this, apply a sterile pad to the damaged area. gauze bandage. If bleeding persists within a few minutes, consult a doctor immediately as deep vessels may be affected.
  • Antiseptic treatment. This is a mandatory procedure for all injuries. accompanied by skin damage. But traditional means(alcohol, iodine) on the face can cause burns. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute them with water. Solutions of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and furatsilin are safe for disinfecting wounds on the face.
  • For cuts on the cheek or around the mouth, it is better to get stitches immediately. These areas are constantly in motion (talking, eating), so the edges of the wound will constantly separate, and as a result, a visible scar may form.
  • If there is not just torn skin on the face, but a deeper wound, you should immediately see a surgeon. He will professionally treat the surface and give recommendations for further treatment.
  • In order for the wound to heal without a scar, it is necessary to reduce the period of tissue regeneration as much as possible. There are special ointments and creams for this:

“Lekar”, “Astroderm”, “Actovegin”, “Levomekol”, “Bepanten”, “D-Panthenol”, “Sinyakoff”, cream “911”, “Xeroform” and many others. Before using them, you should consult your doctor, since each remedy has its own characteristics and contraindications.

  • Right choice dosage form . This is a fundamental point. If the wound is wet, exudate is released from it, you need to apply a solution or jelly, only after drying is treatment with oil-based ointments indicated.
  • To improve performance immune system the patient is prescribed multivitamin course. If infection is suspected, antibiotics are recommended wide range actions.

IMPORTANT! Features of the use of external medicines should be discussed with your doctor.

Some are effective from the first hours after injury, others should be used at the final stages of treatment. It has been proven that hydrogen peroxide is justified only in the treatment of deep open wounds, with minor damage, the product only causes an unnecessary burn of the skin.

Folk remedies

There are many in nature natural remedies, helping to cope with wounds at home. We list the most effective and proven ones:

  • Aloe. The juice of this plant is a natural antibiotic, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and reduces swelling. It is squeezed out of the lower, “oldest” leaves, moistened with a gauze pad and applied to the wound for a few minutes 2-3 times a day.
  • Plantain. Healing wounds with the help of leaves has been known for a long time. For the face you need to make a paste: the plantain is scrolled through a meat grinder and mixed with Vaseline (ratio 1:5). The result is an easy-to-apply ointment that can be used to treat wounds several times a day.
  • Kalanchoe. The action and method of application are similar to aloe.
  • Horsetail. The herb is dried or bought at a pharmacy, crushed into powder and sprinkled on the damaged areas.
  • Calendula. Prepare an ointment, mix 10 g of crushed calendula with Vaseline or butter (1:5).

Typically, facial wounds have a favorable prognosis and heal within 7-10 days. If use folk remedies does not have an effect for a long time, the wound does not heal during this time, you need to consult a doctor to correct the treatment.

Features of treatment in children

It is especially difficult for young patients to endure facial trauma due to pain and other unpleasant symptoms. They cannot spare damage, so the edges of the wound diverge much more often than in adults.

In case of facial injuries in children, you should immediately go to the emergency room, where any incisions will require cosmetic self-absorbing sutures for the child.

This will shorten the recovery period and reduce the incidence of complications.


If the course is unfavorable, wounds on the face can leave unpleasant consequences:

  • Suppuration. Often this complication is a consequence improper treatment. A wound, even the smallest one, needs to be regularly treated with antiseptics. Stitches must be placed on deep incisions. If doctors' recommendations are violated, long-term non-healing wounds on the face become infected with bacteria, and the process becomes purulent.
  • Scars. Education connective tissue at the site of damage is natural process regeneration. This causes a lot of cosmetic problems on the face. The more extensive the damage and the longer the recovery period, the more noticeable the scars will be. To eliminate them there is conservative methods(absorbable creams) and surgical (plastic).
  • Injury facial nerve . It's more serious consequence, which, unfortunately, is much more difficult to fix. Symptoms depend on the location of the injury and include loss of sensation and movement in certain areas of the face.

Wounds on the face are always unpleasant. In this case, more than ever, it is important to follow all the recommendations of doctors. It’s better to ignore it at the first stage appearance, if necessary, apply stitches and regularly treat the damage, rather than subsequently treating complications for a long time.

How to quickly treat wounds and abrasions on the face. First aid