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Medicinal properties of black elderberry, use in folk medicine. Use of black elderberry: decoction of leaves. Fruit syrup

Black elderberry is an unpretentious large perennial, with branched branches, which belongs to the honeysuckle family. It has rather large odd-pinnate leaves up to 30 cm long.

Its flowering period begins in May or early July. During flowering it is covered with small fragrant, yellow-white flowers. The fruits of this plant are purple-black berries.

The unpretentiousness of the black elderberry has helped it spread widely in almost all regions with a temperate and warm climate. It can be found literally in different parts of the world, from Uzbekistan to New Zealand.

Such a huge habitat was facilitated by quick way propagation using small cuttings and seeds.

Medicinal properties of black elderberry

IN traditional medicine people have long known about the beneficial properties of this plant. The most common way to consume it is tea, which is brewed from dried berries or flowers. Elderberry juice can also be added to wine or other fruit juices.

Her rich benefits for the body is determined by the presence in this plant of a huge range of various vitamins and other bio active substances. This plant has disinfectant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and many other properties.

People use preparations based on black elderberry to treat initial stages cancer, and normalization of the condition after chemotherapy.

  1. Black elderberry flowers contain useful substances such as choline, rutin, provitamins and A-carotene.
  2. The fruits themselves contain a huge concentration of vitamins C, as well as many carboxylic acids and a huge amount of macro and microelements
  3. The leaves of the plant are rich in resins, A-carotene and ascorbic acids.

But not all parts of the plant are rich in useful microelements; the roots of black elderberry contain a huge amount toxic substances such as sambunigrin and coniine. These toxins make the plant dangerous for all types of mammals, including humans. Therefore, for consumption you need to use fruits, flowers and occasionally leaves of only the black elderberry variety.

Collection and preparation

The correct collection of berries directly determines how effective and high-quality the raw materials from which various medicines will be prepared will be in the future.

Black elderberry berries and flowers are extremely susceptible to moisture, so it is recommended to collect them only in dry weather.

The collection of flowers usually begins towards the end of spring, when they become open and freed from their rough scales. It is important to know that no matter what drying method you choose, be it an electric dryer or conventional air drying, the temperature in which the raw materials will be located should not exceed 35 degrees.

It is recommended to start picking berries only after they are fully ripe, because unripe black elderberry fruits are toxic and can only cause harm to the human body. Ripe berries are black with a purple tint; their harvest usually begins at the end of August and continues throughout September. The rules for drying berries will be the same as for flowers.

When collecting berries from wild trees, you need to know that only the black elderberry variety has medicinal properties. Its closest relative, the red elderberry, does not have any beneficial properties, so it is best to pass by such trees.

These two varieties can be distinguished by their inflorescences; in the red one they are quite small, no more than 6 mm, and in the black inflorescence they reach 25 mm in cross section.

We bring to your attention a video with a description black elderberry and its medicinal properties:

Black elderberries - recipes

Elderberry wine

The most delicious thing that can be made from elderberries is delicious wine. It also has beneficial properties such as strengthening the immune system, normalizing the functioning of blood vessels and the heart. For his recipe you need to pour 1.5 kg of berries into 5 liters of boiling water and cook over medium heat for at least 3 hours.

After that, the resulting drink must be carefully strained through a sieve or gauze folded in several layers to get rid of unnecessary fruits and add another kilogram of sugar. And keep on low heat for another hour. After this time, you need to add one handful of raisins and let the drink ferment.

Upon completion of this procedure, you need to remove the foam formed during the fermentation process, strain again and pour into a container convenient for you, and put it in a dark, cool place for a period of 4 weeks. After which the drink is ready to drink.

Elderberry jam

Another very tasty delicacy made from the fruits of black elderberry is jam, which is prepared in this way: you need to pour an even layer of ripe berries into an enamel pan, after which you should add sugar in a 1:1 ratio and repeat this procedure until the number of layers suits you. Next, you need to wait 7–9 hours until the elderberry gives up all its juices, after which you can start cooking.

The resulting jam is extremely sweet and serves as an excellent substitute for honey in cases where it is necessary to cure a cough. This jam will also help improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract.

Black elderberry flowers

Recipe No. 1. The easiest way to cook healing infusion from flowers it will be like this: 3-4 bunches of dried flowers and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them, then add 3 tablespoons of dry coltsfoot leaves and the same amount of linden flowers.

Then cook over high heat for 4-5 minutes and let rest for an hour.

The resulting drug should be drunk within a day, it perfectly relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

Recipes No. 2–3. Two pretty simple recipes, which are good for helping children cope with coughs and the first symptoms of a cold.

For the first recipe, we will need to add one bunch of dried flowers and dried fruits to 0.5 liters of boiling water. This potion should be boiled for 5–7 minutes, then allowed to brew and drunk warm throughout the day.

The second recipe is a little more complicated: you need to mix a bunch of black elderberry flowers and knotweed and pour two glasses of boiling water, wait until you get ready and consume within. This remedy helps well with pleurisy.

Plant leaves

Elderberry leaves are of great value from a cosmetological point of view. After all, frozen cubes, with their decoction to wipe the skin of the face, rejuvenate it, making it flexible and evening out the color.

Recipe No. 1. The first recipe will be a tonic lotion, which is prepared in this way: pour 7-10, depending on the size of the inflorescences, with half a liter of good boiling water and let the lotion brew for one day. After which it must be filtered through gauze or a sieve. The resulting liquid will be a wonderful tonic for your skin and will give it beauty.

Recipe No. 2. Elderberry leaf decoction is not only good for the skin, it can also strengthen your teeth and prevent tooth decay. The bath recipe is quite simple: for 30 grams of leaves you need to pour one liter of boiling water and let it all brew for two hours. Rinsing oral cavity This decoction will relieve pain from teeth affected by caries and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Bark and roots

As mentioned earlier, the roots and bark of black elderberry are toxic. But when prepared correctly, they can also provide benefits to your health.

Recipe No. 1. Good medicine for external wounds, ulcers, burns there will be a decoction of bark, roots and branches, which is prepared in this way: we will need to take 50 grams of peeled roots and bark for 3 liters of water and put on high heat until it boils. As soon as the broth boils, you need to remove it from the heat and add 50 grams of branches and give it time to cool and brew. After which you need to rinse your legs or other problem areas of the skin with the decoction at least 3 times a day until the wounds are completely healed.

Recipe No. 2. Sore joints are well treated by a decoction of bark, roots and chamomile. Such compresses will work as an anti-inflammatory agent and will soften the skin well. Compresses are prepared in this way: for 2 liters of water you need one handful of chamomile flowers and 30 grams of peeled and crushed bark and roots. Then we bring it to a boil and set it aside to cool and strain, getting rid of any remaining roots and bark. You need to apply them like a regular compress, that is, dip gauze or other cloth in the liquid and apply it to problem areas for at least 15 minutes, 5 times a day.

Black Elderberry Syrup

Black elderberry syrup is not only excellent medicine, but also a delicious dessert dish that goes well with pancakes, pancakes and other pastries.

The syrup can also be used to prepare refreshing drinks by simply adding it to mineral water.

Recipe for elderberry syrup with lemon zest. For it we will need:

  • 30 large black elderberry inflorescences.
  • 2 liters of water.
  • 2 kilograms of sugar.
  • 2 large lemons.

The preparation process begins with cleaning the twigs from husks and insects that might be in the flowers. Next you need to get rid of the stems and start preparing the sugar syrup. To do this, mix two liters of water with two liters of sugar.

After the sugar crystals have completely dissolved, add the zest and juice from two large lemons to the resulting syrup. The resulting mass needs to be boiled, and then removed from the heat and pour all the inflorescences into the hot syrup and place a plate on top, pressing it down with a weight.

It is important that all the inflorescences are immersed in sugar syrup. We need to leave our dishes in this position until they cool completely. Then put it in the refrigerator for a day and after that, carefully move it, this procedure must be repeated for three days. And after they have expired, filter the syrup through cheesecloth and it is ready for use.


No matter how good medicinal properties elderberry has, it will still be a slightly toxic plant. Therefore, you should not directly consume the fruits as they have serious contraindications, neglect of which can worsen your health.

The use of this plant in any form is strictly not recommended:

  • pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers;
  • people with chronic gastrointestinal problems;
  • people with diabetes;
  • children under 10 years of age.

Ideally, before starting treatment with black elderberry, you should consult with your doctor about the need for such treatment.

You can also learn how to make black elderberry syrup from the following video:

Elderberry is a perennial woody plant from the honeysuckle family. Shrub or small tree reaching 3-10 m in height. The trunk and branches are gray. Leaves are opposite, petiolate, imparipinnate. The flowers are small, fragrant, creamy or yellowish-white. Blooms from May to the first half of June. The fruit is black-purple, berry-shaped. Ripens in August - September.

In the wild, black elderberry is found between shrubs on the edges of forests in the central zone of the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, in the Baltic states and Belarus, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in southeast Russia.

Elderberry grows in both sunny and shady places. Reproduction is carried out by dividing old bushes, layering and sowing seeds.

Black elderberry is a medicinal plant, unlike red elderberry, which is quite poisonous.

Medicinal raw materials are inflorescences and fruits dried in ovens or dryers. The bark, branches and roots of the plant are rarely used. Collecting elder flowers and storing them require special care, because... they are very sensitive to moisture, quickly change their color and deteriorate. Flowers are collected from late May to early July. Good quality Dried flowers are obtained if they are collected in sunny weather, at 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but not after rain. Freshly blossomed, possibly shorter, cut flower clusters, freed from leaves and thick petioles, are laid out in a thin layer and quickly dried either in the air in the shade, or artificially, but the temperature should not exceed 30-35 ° C. To obtain dry raw materials without petioles, dry brushes are lightly rubbed through a sieve, but not a metal one. Elderberries are also dried.

Dried elderberry flowers are stored in a dry, well-ventilated area. Shelf life is no more than 2-3 years. The shelf life of dried berries is 6 months.

Elderberry calories

It is only 73 kcal, so it will not cause excess weight. You can safely add it to various dishes.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of elderberry

Elderberry inflorescences contain a very complex chemical composition. They contain the glycoside sambunigrin, the rutin-like glycoside aldrin; organic acids: valeric, caffeic, acetic, malic and chlorogenic; semi-solid essential oil, choline, ethyl isobutyl, isoamylamines, carotene, tannins, mucous and paraffin-like substances; Sahara.

Elderberry berries contain ascorbic acid - vitamin C (up to 50 mg%), carotene, sambucin, resin, glucose (up to 2.8%), fructose (up to 2.5%), free acids (mainly malic); amino acids, tyrosine, coloring matter.

IN fresh leaves elderberry contains a large amount of ascorbic acid - vitamin C (up to 280 mg%), a lot of carotene (up to 0.15%); and dried leaves contain provitamin A1. Sambunigrin, essential oil, hexene and glycol aldehydes, traces of alkaloids, tannins, resinous substances (having a laxative effect).

The bark contains essential oil, choline, phytosterol.

Previously, villagers, at the onset of spring, plucked the tops of young elderberry shoots and, along with other herbs, ate them as a salad. It must be borne in mind, however, that elderberry leaves greatly weaken and drive urine away.

From berry juice, after their fermentation, they distilled vodka. Elderflowers added to white grape wine and vinegar give it a nutmeg flavor. The juice of the berries was used to color alcoholic drinks.

Elderberries were once widely used to dye cotton and silk fabrics black. At the same time, green vitriol was added to the juice of the berries. Mixed with alum, the juice of the berries produces a blue dye. Ink was made from the juice of the berries, with the addition of a small amount of alum and vinegar. Rural beauties blackened their eyebrows with berry juice.

A refreshing drink was prepared from fresh elderberry flowers with the addition of lemon juice, zest and water by fermentation.

There used to be a belief that elderberries quickly killed chickens. We don't know if this is true. But our ancestors used berry juice to exterminate bedbugs, that’s for sure. Elder flowers are used to cover apples during storage; they are better preserved and have a good smell.

IN folk medicine They use not only the fruits, but also the leaves, flowers, and bark of black elderberry. The fruits of black elderberry have their own healing power how in fresh, and in dried form. Fresh elderberries have been successfully used to treat hepatitis, peptic ulcer and for their prevention. Fresh fruits also help with neuralgia. Dried fruits are used to treat such rare disease like malaria. It is believed that the medicinal properties of black elderberry are so high that it can be used as an aid in the fight against stomach cancer and skin cancer. For stomach cancer, the patient should be given jam made from the fruits of black elderberry; for skin cancer, the juice from the fruit is squeezed out and a wine extract is prepared.

No less valuable are the flowers of black elderberry, which contain choline essential oils, rutin, valeric, caffeic and malic acids, etc. Decoctions or infusions are prepared from the flowers of black elderberry, which have antibacterial and diaphoretic properties. That is why they are especially good for colds, sore throats, flu, diseases respiratory tract. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of black elderberry flowers and pour into a glass hot water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, cool, squeeze and use half a glass warm, 2-3 times a day before meals. This medicine helps with arthritis, gout, rheumatism.

Black elderberry leaves are also medicinal. Like flowers, they have antipyretic, diuretic, astringent, sedative and diaphoretic effects. Applying steamed leaves relieves inflammation well, which is why they are used for diaper rash, burns, and inflammation. hemorrhoids, furunculosis. Eat folk remedy for chronic constipation using young leaves of black elderberry. Young leaves have some laxative and restorative effects. For treatment chronic constipation You need to take honey, boil young black elderberry leaves in it and take it orally.

The bark of this plant is no less popular in folk medicine. A decoction is prepared from it, which is taken for skin and kidney diseases. The decoction is also used for baths for gout, rheumatism and arthritis. The prepared decoction can also be used in the form of lotions.

Folk cosmetology also uses healing properties black elderberry. For example, its flowers can be used to make a lotion that is applied to the face every morning and evening. To prepare the lotion, take 10 inflorescences and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. Leave to infuse for a day. After this, filter and store in the refrigerator. This lotion tones the skin well and makes it look younger.

A decoction of the whole plant (root, flowers and leaves) is used as a means to regulate metabolism. Fresh berries and a decoction of flowers are used for rheumatism. You can make jam and jelly from black elderberry berries. Keep in mind that it is better to prepare jam and jelly without sugar, using honey or molasses.

Apples sprinkled with elderberry flowers retain their aroma for a long time. An infusion of dried elderberries (1:10) improves bile secretion, enhances diuresis, and promotes the movement of intestinal contents. Tea or infusion of elderberry flowers is prescribed for laryngitis, bronchitis, influenza, neuralgia, for rinsing the mouth as an anti-inflammatory agent, as well as for kidney diseases and Bladder, rheumatism and gout. In the latter case, it is recommended to make hot linings from bags filled with a mixture of equal parts elderflower and

Elderberry is a well-known crop in our latitudes. It has been used since ancient times not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a medicine in folk and traditional medicine. True, you need to use it with caution. Therefore, in this material we will talk about the features of elderberry, and also pay attention to its medicinal properties and possible contraindications.

Chemical composition of elderberry

The plant is valued for great content biologically active substances: carbohydrates, organic and fatty acids, essential oils, triglycerides, hydrocarbons, anthocyanins, steroids and other beneficial microelements. However, their percentage largely depends on the climatic zone and the specific area where the elderberry grows.

Did you know? It is quite easy to recognize elderberry among other plants. It has leaves of 5–7 oblong-ovate pointed leaflets, its shield-shaped inflorescences consist of creamy white flowers, and its round berries are black and purple. The bush grows up to 3–10 m and blooms in June. It can be found on the edges, in forests and bushes, although it is often cultivated for decorative purposes.

Berry composition

IN medicinal purposes First of all, the berries of the plant are used. They contain carotenoids, amino acids, ascorbic acid, tannins and dyes.

Black elderberries contain vitamin C, carotene (provitamin A), malic, acetic, valeric, tartaric, citric acids, essential oil, tannins, sugar, rutin.

Approximately 2.8% of the composition is glucose and carotene, and up to 2.5% is fructose, sambucin, and resin. There are also free acids in more- apple.

Composition of flower baskets

Black elderberry flowers contain essential oils, glycosides, mucus, choline, rutin, valeric, acetic, caffeic acids, vitamin C, tannins, sugar, and substances similar to sex hormones.

Leaf composition

They bring no less benefit elderberry leaves. They contain approximately 0.15% carotene, vitamin C, sambunigrin, essential oil, tannins, and some alkaloids.

There is also a considerable amount of resinous substances that give laxative effect. When dried, provitamin A1 is formed in the leaves.

Composition of the bark

It also has beneficial properties bark bush. It contains a lot of pectin, triterpene and tannin compounds, essential oils, betulin, choline, phytosterol, and sugar.

Important! There is black and red elderberry. The black one is used for medicinal purposes, while the red one is poisonous. It should absolutely not be eaten, and if you come into contact with the berries, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Make sure that red elderberry juice does not get on the mucous surfaces of the body or in wounds. In this case, it is better to immediately seek medical help.

Use of elderberry in medicine

Great amount useful substances in the plant could not go unnoticed. It is used to prepare decoctions, lotions, medicinal teas, and jams.

Medicinal properties of berries

The berries are used in in various forms. So, fresh fruit juice treats varicose veins and constipation.

Seed oil- rheumatism, gout, lowers elevated temperature bodies. Fruit decoction used in the treatment of hepatitis, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, obesity.

In the latter case, infusions are prepared not only from berries, but from flowers, which are added to teas for a diuretic and laxative effect. As an additional reaction of the body, a person receives a decrease in appetite and an improvement in metabolic processes.

The effect of elderberry on oncological diseases. In this case, wine extract of berries is used externally, and for stomach cancer, jam or jam made from them is used.

Medicinal properties of flowers

Plant flowers used in the treatment of neuralgia, burns, erysipelas inflammatory processes, pneumonia, as well as conjunctivitis, stomatitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, sore throat, menopause. For treatment, infusions or decoctions of inflorescences are prepared.

Medicinal properties of leaves

The leaves have shown excellent properties in the treatment of furunculosis, hemorrhoids, myositis, and polyarthritis. In this case, Poultices and lotions are used for treatment, sometimes along with flowers. For bruises, injuries, bleeding, insomnia, headaches, decoctions of the leaves are used. Except therapeutic effect the plant has an analgesic effect.

Medicinal properties of the bark

Did you know? It is not always easy to distinguish black elderberry from red elderberry. They differ in fruit color only at the time of ripening. And when it comes time to collect leaves and twigs for treatment, the differences are not so pronounced. Therefore, if you have doubts, it is better not to use elderberry for medicinal purposes, otherwise, instead of relieving the disease, you may end up with severe poisoning.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

All components of the bush are used for medicinal purposes, but they must be collected in different time. So, in the spring, even before sap flow begins, remove the bark of a bush.

For this they use only two-year-old branches. The top layer of bark is scraped off, dried at a temperature of +60 °C and stored for no more than three years.

They are collected when they have just blossomed. Dry the brushes in the shade on a wooden surface, spreading them out in a thin layer. After drying, they are rubbed through a sieve and stored for no more than two years.

LeavesElderberries are harvested throughout the summer. It is better to use young leaves to prepare the medicine.Roots dug up and pruned in the fall. They need to be washed, dried and ground into powder. Store for no more than five years.

Important! Fresh leaves must be used strictly according to the recipe, as an overdose can lead to disastrous results. Young foliage contains the glycoside sambunigrin, which is based on poisonous hydrocyanic acid. However, after drying, this substance in the leaves is destroyed.

FruitThey are harvested at the end of August and at the beginning of September, and as they ripen, only mature berry clusters are removed from the bush. Their branches are first dried in the sun, then dried at a temperature of +65°C in ovens.

Only after this can they be separated from the stalks and stored. Dried berries can be stored for no more than six months.

The general storage rule is to keep raw materials in fabric bags. They should be kept in a dry, dark and ventilated area. If the humidity rises, all the workpieces will quickly become damp and moldy.

The use of elderberry in cosmetology

Since elderberry has an anti-inflammatory effect and is rich in various useful microelements, it is widely used in cosmetology. Flowers are most often used, a little less often - leaves and fresh berries.

To give elasticity, prevent inflammation and healing, use a tincture of the fruit. Additionally, it improves the structure of the skin.

A decoction of flowers and buds is used for baldness, and for general tone They recommend taking a bath with a decoction of elderflower flowers.

Use of elderberry in cooking

In cooking, elderberries are most often used, which have a specific flavor. True, after processing high temperatures it usually disappears. Therefore, it is recommended to use dried berries, which give a sweetish-sour nightshade flavor.

Fresh berries used in the preparation of jelly, compotes, and purees. They make jam from them. Also, marshmallows, jelly, marmalade, and jam are prepared from the berries, and they are often combined with apples or lemon.

Fruit juice Elderberries are used as a natural dye in the production of wines, juices and other drinks. And the berries themselves are used as a base for liqueurs and tinctures. Dried fruits used as a seasoning, and also as one of the components of muesli.

widely used in the production of wines, tinctures, cognacs, and liqueurs. They are added during infusion and a delicate nutmeg aroma is obtained. Elderberry syrup is also prepared with sugar based on the inflorescences, which is called “elderberry honey.” It is used both as a medicine for colds and as an additive to pancakes, pancakes and other dishes.

Sambucus nigra L.
Honeysuckle family - Sarrifoliaceae.
Common name: elderflower, sambuca, buzok, wasteland, elderflower, pischalnik, base.


A small tree or shrub from 3 to 10 meters high. The crown is rounded, the bark on old trunks is ash-brown with deep longitudinal cracks, on young shoots it is darker, gray-brown, with numerous yellowish lenticels. The trunk is up to 30 cm in diameter. Young shoots are filled with a soft white core inside. The leaves are opposite, imparipinnate, with 5–7 ovate, pointed leaflets with sharply toothed edges. The leaves have bad smell. The flowers are quite small, 5–7 mm in diameter, with a fused-petaled wheel-shaped creamy-white corolla, fragrant, collected in apical corymbose inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter. The marginal flowers are sessile, the rest are on pedicels. The fruits are juicy, black-purple, berry-shaped drupes with 2–4 wrinkled, brown seeds. The plant is shade-tolerant. Reproduces vegetatively, by root shoots and seeds.


Found in Crimea, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, southwestern Russia, and southern Siberia.


It grows in deciduous, less often in coniferous forests, among shrubs, in overgrown cutting areas, in forest plantations and forest belts. Bred in parks and gardens.

Flowering time

It blooms in May–June, the fruits ripen in August–September.

Collection time

  • Flowers are collected during full bloom in dry weather.
  • The fruits are harvested only when fully ripe, in August–September.
  • The bark is removed in the spring before sap flow begins.
  • Elderberry roots are harvested in late autumn.
  • Leaves are collected in spring.

Harvesting method

Elderberry flowers, leaves, grains, berries, young branches, bark and roots are used as medicinal raw materials.

  • Flower baskets are collected during the period of full bloom before the corollas begin to shed. Harvesting elderflower flowers usually lasts 15–20 days. After collection, the flowers are separated from the peduncles. Dry in dryers at a temperature of 30–35°C or cut off whole inflorescences and immediately dry in the shade under a canopy or in attics with good ventilation, laying them out in a thin layer on bedding. Drying is completed when the inflorescence branches become brittle. After drying, thresh or rub through a sieve. Dried raw materials have a spicy smell and sweetish taste. For elderflower flowers, a humidity level of no more than 14% is provided, and for browned elderflower flowers, no more than 8%. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.
  • The fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe - in August–September. Whole bunches are picked or cut, laid out in a thin layer, dried in air, and then dried in dryers, ovens, ovens at a temperature of 60–65°C. Dried fruits are separated from branches and stalks. They are rounded-elongated, wrinkled, black-violet on the outside, dark red on the inside, weakly aromatic odor, sour-sweet taste, with a feeling of sliminess. The shelf life of raw materials is 6 months.
  • Elderberry roots are collected in late autumn, dried, ground into powder and stored in this form for up to 5 years.
  • The bark is harvested from two-year-old branches in early spring before sap flow, cleared of glands, scraped off the upper gray layer, separated from the core and dried in dryers, ovens, ovens at a temperature of 65–70°C. The shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

Store flowers and fruits in bags, bales in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area, on shelves accessible to regular inspection. The raw material does not tolerate dampness, quickly absorbs moisture, becomes moldy, and loses its medicinal qualities.

Chemical composition

Elderberry fruits contain 2.8% glucose, 2.5% fructose, free acids (mainly malic acid), vitamin C, 0.31% tannins. Unripe fruits and leaves contain the poisonous glycoside sambunigrin (breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde). Dried leaves contain provitamin A. The inflorescences of black elderberry contain mucous substances, malic, acetic and valeric acids, a paraffin-like substance, solid essential oil, terpene and glucoside, which has a diaphoretic effect, rutin.

Applicable part

Flowers, fruits, bark and roots.


Black elderberry medicinal plant was known back in the Middle Ages.

Black elderberry is widely used in scientific medicine. Infusion and decoction of elderberry flowers are used as a diaphoretic for colds, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis, kidney and bladder diseases and neuralgia. Elderberry flowers are included in diaphoretics, emollients, laxatives and gargles. An infusion of dried elderberry fruits improves bile secretion, enhances diuresis, and promotes the movement of intestinal contents. The bark is used as a strong laxative, emetic and diuretic. It is especially valuable that the diuretic property of the bark manifests itself selectively, without affecting the activity of the heart and without changing blood pressure.

In homeopathy, the alcoholic essence of leaves, flowers and other preparations from black elderberry is used - for arthritis, rheumatism, fevers, respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, at coronary disease heart, pharyngitis.

In folk medicine, black elderberry received even more wide application. Infusion, decoction, juice, poultices, baths from raw black elderberry are used internally and externally:

  • As a general tonic;
  • Like a sweatshop;
  • As an antipyretic;
  • As an expectorant;
  • As a choleretic;
  • As a laxative;
  • As a diuretic;
  • As an anti-inflammatory;
  • As a sedative;
  • For diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • With ascites (dropsy);
  • For respiratory diseases;
  • For edema of various origins;
  • At women's diseases, menopause;
  • For influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • For headaches;
  • At diabetes mellitus;
  • For gastric ulcers;
  • For hepatitis;
  • For rheumatism, polyarthritis, gout, arthritis;
  • For neuralgia, radiculitis, sciatica;
  • For hemorrhoids;
  • As an antimalarial;
  • For skin cancer, stomach cancer and other cancers;
  • Externally and internally - for various skin diseases;
  • At inflammatory diseases mouth and throat;
  • For chloasma (skin pigmentation disorders), freckles;
  • At depressive states;
  • For hydrophobia (rabies).


Individual intolerance to the drug. It is not advisable to take during pregnancy, consult a doctor! Treat children under 12 years of age with caution. Observe the dosage; in case of overdose, nausea and vomiting are possible. It should be borne in mind that elderberry preparations have a diuretic and laxative effect and should be excluded in case of ulcerative enterocolitis, diabetes insipidus. No specific contraindications have been identified.

Other uses

  • The wood is suitable for use in turning.
  • The branches can be used to protect granaries from weevils.
  • The plant repels rats and mice, so elderberry is planted around sheds, barns, and cellars.
  • Flowers - in veterinary medicine for colds and rheumatism in horses and cattle.
  • Insecticide for bedbugs, gooseberry moth, blackcurrant mite, raticide.
  • The fruits dye wool and silk using mordant in different tones.
  • Red and purple food coloring is obtained from the fruits for confectionery production, jelly, and juices.
  • The fruits are good for cleaning copper utensils.
  • Honey plant.
  • It is grown as an ornamental plant in parks and gardens.
  • In the Middle Ages it was revered as a sacred tree.

Mode of application


Elderberry flowers have diaphoretic, antipyretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. Therefore, an infusion of flowers is taken orally for colds, respiratory diseases, edema, kidney diseases, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, women's diseases, menopause and as a means of increasing the body's resistance to skin diseases (rashes, acne, boils). It is used for rinsing during inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat, in the form of drops, inhalations and used for poultices and baths. The decoction exhibits antibacterial activity.

Fruits and seeds

The fruits have a peculiar taste and have a diaphoretic, expectorant, choleretic, laxative, diuretic, restorative effect. For treatment various diseases They use fresh, dried fruits and seeds of black elderberry, both independently and in collections with various herbs. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared from the fruits, and are also used in cooking. The fruits are used internally and externally for diabetes, gastric ulcers, hepatitis, respiratory infections, neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, radiculitis, with cancer diseases, skin diseases, inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat. Crushed seeds and dried fruits are used for malaria. At severe cough and the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, it is effective to take black elderberry syrup 3 times a day after meals, 1 dessert spoon. Kissel from dried fruits used as a laxative.


The leaves have restorative, analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, diaphoretic and “blood purifying” properties. The leaves are used externally in the form of lotions and applications for tumors, diseases of the skin and joints. Inside - as decoctions and infusions. Boil young spring leaves in honey and use for chronic constipation.


Preparations from the bark are used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as a strong laxative and emetic. For rheumatism and radiculitis.


Preparations from the roots are used for kidney and bladder diseases, diabetes, gynecological diseases, depression, hydrophobia (rabies), and edema of various origins. For rheumatism, polyarthritis and radiculitis.


Infusion of flowers

  • A tablespoon of flowers in 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes in a closed container, strain, drink hot as a diaphoretic at night, or take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent.
  • A tablespoon of black elderberry flowers is placed in an enamel bowl, poured with 200 ml of hot boiled water, covered with a lid and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes at room temperature, and filtered. The remaining raw materials are squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted boiled water up to 200 ml. The prepared infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take warm, 1/3–1/2 cup 2–3 times a day.
  • Two teaspoons of flowers per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink in sips throughout the day as a diaphoretic, diuretic and emollient for colds (runny nose, cough, sore throat, laryngitis), as well as for kidney disease, bladder, edema, gout, hemorrhoids, skin rashes.
  • 5–15 g of crushed dried flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 20 minutes, filtered, and stored in a cool place. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day hot 15 minutes before meals for colds and spinal tuberculosis.
  • A handful of dried or fresh elderberry flowers are infused for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Used to wipe and wash the skin and wash the face.
  • An infusion made from flower powder has the same effect as the flowers. Prepare an infusion of 1–2 pinches of powder in 1 glass of water and drink in 2 doses.

Infusion of bark

6–8 g of bark or 4–5 g of bark powder are infused in 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos for 5–6 hours, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day for edema (especially for renal edema), inflammatory kidney diseases.

Leaf infusion

In the evening, pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave until morning (you can use a thermos), and drink warm in the morning. Take as a diuretic for colds.

Fruit infusion

  • Infuse 10 g of dried elderberry fruits in 200 ml of chilled boiled water for 2 hours, then strain. Drink 150–200 ml once a day for constipation.
  • In the evening, pour 1 teaspoon of dried fruits with 2 glasses of hot water, leave until morning (you can use a thermos), and drink warm in the morning. Take as a diuretic for colds.
  • Half a teaspoon of dried berries per 150 ml of chilled boiled water, leave for 12 hours, strain, take warm once a day as a mild laxative.
  • tablespoon dried berries pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, take 50 ml 3-4 times a day after meals for diabetes.

An infusion of berries improves bile secretion, enhances diuresis, and promotes the movement of intestinal contents.

Infusion of roots

An infusion of roots is taken for depression and hydrophobia (rabies).


A teaspoon of flowers or buds is infused with 250 ml of vodka for 7 days. Take 30 ml before bed for 2-3 weeks. After 2 x-month break you can repeat the treatment.


Decoction of elderberry bark and young shoots

Mix equal amounts of elderberry bark and young shoots. Brew 30 g of raw materials with 1 liter of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 5 minutes, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Use for diabetes, and also as a diuretic for edema of various origins.

Elderberry decoction

Brew 30 g of black elderberry berries with 1 liter of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 5-10 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Use for diabetes and neoplasms.

Elderberry leaf decoction

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a tablespoon of leaves, boil for 5 minutes, leave until cool. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for diabetes, edema of various origins, rheumatism, gout, ascites (dropsy), etc.

Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the decoction of leaves and take it for stomach colic.

Elderberry root decoction

  • Boil 30 g of black elderberry roots in 0.5 liters of water, use warm for douching for colpitis, cervicitis and other inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Treatment should begin 2–3 days after menstruation. Take a break 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation and so on until complete recovery.
  • Brew 30 g of raw materials with 1 liter of boiling water, put on low heat and boil for 5 minutes, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Use for diabetes, kidney disease, and also as a diuretic for edema of various origins.


  • From an infusion of black elderberry leaves and roots. Dry leaves and ground roots are poured into 1 liter of boiling water (30:1000) and left for 2 hours. The infusion is filtered and poured into a bath (36–37°C). The course of treatment is 10–12 days. It is recommended to take a bath for 15 minutes before bedtime. Indications: rheumatism, gout, obesity.
  • Pour two tablespoons of raw materials (dried leaves, flowers, elderberry roots) into a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and pour into the bath (its temperature should be 36–37°C). Take the bath for two weeks. The bath has a disinfecting effect. After a two-month break, you can resume the course. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to drink 30 ml of elderberry tincture 15 minutes after the bath.
  • A bath of the bark of branches and roots is used for polyarthritis and rheumatism.


Black elderberry juice is squeezed from flowers or ripened fruits. Taken for rheumatism and nerve pain, in particular for sciatica and nerve pain in the face. Fruit juice is taken depending on tolerance from 30 ml to 1 glass with a tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. The juice of the flowers is mixed with honey in equal parts and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


  • Boil two tablespoons of young leaves in milk, wrap in gauze. Use as an external remedy for hemorrhoids, boils, diaper rash and burns.
  • Mix equal parts of black elderberry and chamomile flowers. Place in a gauze bag, pour boiling water over it and apply hot dressings for rheumatism and gout.


Elderberry juice

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits - 1 kg; sugar - 400 g.

Preparation: Wash the fruits and blanch for 5 minutes. When the water has drained, mash the fruits with a wooden pestle, squeeze out the juice, add sugar, bring to a boil, pour into hot sterilized bottles or jars and seal.

Elderberry puree

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits - 1 kg; sugar - to taste.

Preparation: rinse the fruits cold water, blanch for 3–5 minutes, strain, grind with a wooden pestle, add sugar, stir, bring to a boil. Place the puree into sterilized jars, cover with lids and pasteurize at a temperature of 85°C: half-liter - 15 minutes, liter - 25 minutes. Store in a dark, cool place.

Elderberry jam

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits - 1 kg; sugar - 800 g; water - 200 ml.

Preparation: prepare 80% sugar syrup. Place ripe fruits in boiling syrup and cook over low heat until tender.

Elderberry jelly

Ingredients: black elderberry, dried fruits - 75 g; water - 1 liter; sugar - 120 g; citric acid - to taste.

Preparation: pour dried fruits hot water- 500 ml and cook for 10–15 minutes. Drain the broth, mash the fruits, add the remaining water and cook for another 5–10 minutes. Combine both decoctions, add granulated sugar, citric acid and cook until done.

Drink of long-livers

Ingredients: black elderberry, dried fruits - 1 tablespoon; water - 500 ml; honey - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation: Pour dried elderberry fruits with water and boil for several minutes, strain, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Consume hot several times a day.

Elderberry syrup


Preparation: Pour fresh washed fruits with water and boil for 15–20 minutes. Squeeze out the juice, add granulated sugar, bring to a boil, pour into clean bottles and seal them with corks. Store in a cool place.

Elderberry jam

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits - 1 kg; water - 2 glasses; sugar - 1 kg.

Preparation: Pass the washed fresh elderberries through a meat grinder, add granulated sugar, water and cook until the desired thickness.

Elderberry marshmallow

Ingredients: elderberry fruit pomace - 1 kg; sugar - 600 g.

Preparation: Mix the elderberry fruit pomace with granulated sugar and cook for 15 minutes. Place on a baking sheet in a layer 1.0–1.5 cm thick and dry in the oven at low temperature.

Dried elderberry

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits.

Preparation: Separate the fruits from the stalks and branches and dry in a shaded, ventilated area. Dry in the oven on low heat. Store in a dry place in glass jars. Grind before use. Add to meat fish dishes, broths, sauces, gravies.

Elderberry honey

Ingredients: black elderberry, flowers without pedicels; sugar - 1 part; water - 1 part.

Preparation: fill glass liter jar elderflower flowers without stalks, pour sugar syrup (1 part boiled water and 1 part granulated sugar) over them and leave for 24 hours, then bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. Strain the hot infusion through a fine sieve and cool.

Tea "Summer"

Ingredients: black elderberry, dried fruits - 10 g; rose hips, fruits - 10 g; strawberries, leaves - 20 g; black currant, leaves - 20 g, sugar or honey - to taste.

Preparation: Pour boiling water over dried elderberries, rose hips, strawberry leaves, black currants and leave for 5-10 minutes. You can add sugar or honey to taste.

Black elderberry has many popular names. It is called “the eye of the devil” for its shiny dark berries. In some areas, the plant is known by the names: buzok, pishchalnik, elderberry and virgin sambuca.

Why is it useful?

Black elderberry has diaphoretic, antibacterial, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Flowers, bark and berries have a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Medications of these are taken for diabetes.

In folk medicine, recipes are used to treat the initial stages of cancer and alleviate the patient’s condition after chemotherapy. Wine berry extract helps with skin cancer.

Biological characteristics

Black elderberry is a branched shrub that grows up to 7 meters. The plant blooms with lush rounded white inflorescences. During the blooming period (May-June) it emits a strong intoxicating aroma. The berries ripen in August-September.

Elderberry is undemanding to the soil, so it grows in forests and parks, on roadsides and in urban areas. It is often planted as an ornamental plant.

Black elderberry can be confused with its “relative” - red elderberry. This plant is highly toxic and is not used for medicinal purposes. "Devil's Eye" has larger, brighter flowers and a hint of berries. In addition, the red variety has richer leaves and a stronger odor.

Chemical composition

Black elderberry is a low-toxic plant. IN chemical composition contains carbohydrates, steroids, hydrocarbons, fatty and organic acids, essential oils, triglycerides, anthocyanins, triterpenoids (take part in metabolic processes), iridoids (fight infections).

Beneficial features largely depend on the region in which the plant grows.

  1. Flowers contain glycosides, essential oil, carotene, organic acids, choline, vitamin C, tannins, sugars, tannins and mucous substances.
  2. The fresh leaves of the plant contain large amounts of vitamin C and carotene. In addition - alkaloids, resins, essential oil, tannins, aldehydes and sambunigrin. Provitamin A1 is found in dry leaves.
  3. Essential oil, choline and phytosterols were found in the bark. The chemical composition of the berries contains ascorbic and free acids, resin, amino acids, tyrosine, carotene, tannins and fructose.
  4. Fresh fruits and flowers contain amygdalin. This substance can be converted into hydrocyanic acid. However, when dried, the plant loses amygdalin and all parts become harmless.

Collection and storage rules

Medicinal properties found in leaves, bark, roots, fruits and inflorescences. It is necessary to collect raw materials at certain periods.

  1. Flowers are collected during active blooming. They need to be picked in whole bunches and dried in a shady place, preferably in the open air, spread on paper. The dried product is crushed by hand to separate the stalks. Store in paper packaging.
  2. The bark is collected during active sap flow. Visually, this period is determined by swollen buds and lasts 10-15 days. Branches older than two years are suitable for harvesting. The bark needs to be dried in the shade.
  3. The fruits are collected and washed only together with the stalks, otherwise they may release juice ahead of time and lose their healing properties. The berries can be dried, ground with sugar, made into jam or made into wine. They need to be dried in hanging bundles. When using the oven, the temperature should not exceed 60 °C. The fruits, ground through a fine sieve, are mixed with sugar.

Flowers: beneficial properties

Application of infusions:

  1. Infused flowers are good for treating colds, flu, bronchitis, and sore throats.
  2. Application ready-made product softens dry cough, relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa. Used as a gargle with a warm medicinal drink.
  3. The tincture helps get rid of skin manifestations associated with impaired metabolic processes.
  4. The medicinal product is taken orally warm for diseases of the urinary system.
  5. Infusion therapy relieves swelling caused by diseases of the kidneys and bladder, and facilitates the occurrence of inflammatory processes in renal failure.

Healing properties of decoctions:

  1. The flowers are used to prepare a decoction that helps with joint diseases. Recipes combine black elderberry with chamomile for a soothing effect.
  2. Compresses with this decoction are made for arthritis and polyarthritis, rheumatism, gout, neuralgic diseases, rheumatism and paralysis. The decoction can be added to medicinal baths.
  3. Flowers and fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the glands internal secretion, activate and normalize their activities. Thanks to this, the decoction helps cope with the symptoms of menopause..

The dry extract has pronounced diaphoretic and expectorant properties. Its use is useful for colds and sore throats.


Steamed black elderberry flowers are used to treat radiculitis and relieve pain when it worsens.

Recipe: 1.5 tablespoons of color are poured into a thermos with boiling water (0.5 liters). The liquid is infused for an hour, then filtered.

The use of this remedy gives a healing effect when acute attacks diseases. You need to drink the infusion 3-5 times a day before meals, half a glass. Treatment lasts 10-12 days. If necessary, it can be repeated after a week.


To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of elderberry color into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour.

Take the strained solution before meals three times a day, 1-3 tablespoons.

Application of leaves

For hemorrhoids, burns and diaper rash. Elderberry has hemostatic and analgesic properties. They are found mainly in the young leaves of the plant.

A decoction of milk is used to treat hemorrhoids, burns, diaper rash, boils, burns, dislocations and closed fractures.


To prepare the infusion, you need to add 8 elderberry leaves and a tablespoon of chopped dry sage to a glass of boiling water.

The resulting mixture is kept for an hour, then a teaspoon of honey is added to it. To treat hemorrhoids, take half a glass of the drug per day for a month.


  1. Hemorrhoid therapy, varicose veins veins, hepatitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers is carried out using preparations from fresh fruits and their juice.
  2. Berries have disinfectant properties. The fruit extract has a laxative effect.
  3. The syrup relieves coughing attacks and prevents the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. The medicinal properties of this drug help cope with diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Juice from the berries increases hemoglobin, strengthens the immune system, cleanses and tones the body.

Berry wine

The fruits are used to make wine. The recipes for this drink are quite varied. Regular wine is prepared this way.

  1. At 1.2 kg fresh berries take 800 grams of sugar and 5 liters of water.
  2. Pour boiling water over and cook for two hours.
  3. After straining, add sugar and cook for another hour.
  4. Throw a handful of raisins into the warm liquid (as wine yeast) and cover the dish with a thick cloth.
  5. When the future wine has fermented, the foam is removed, the drink is poured into jars and left for a month.

Stored finished product in glass bottles with a tarred cork.

Fruit syrup

With heat treatment

To prepare the syrup you need:

  1. Pour 1 kilogram of berries with two glasses of water.
  2. The resulting mixture is boiled for 20 minutes.
  3. Then the mass is squeezed out and a kilogram of sugar is added.
  4. The future syrup is brought to a boil and poured into a glass container.

Store in the refrigerator under a tight lid.

Without heat treatment

Recipes according to which syrup is prepared without heat treatment are popular. This allows you to retain more nutrients. To prepare it, the fruits are covered with sugar and shaken well to distribute evenly. The preparation must be infused in a sealed container for 3 weeks until the juice is released.

The resulting product is stored in a cold place.

Fruit extract

Elderberry fruit extract is used to treat cancer and tumors.

  1. Ripe berries are placed in glass jar layers, alternating them with sugar. The thickness of the layer is about a centimeter.
  2. The extract is infused for 15-30 days, then the separated liquid is drained and stored in the refrigerator.

Herbalists advise taking the extract one tablespoon three times a day after meals to treat cancer. Before eating you need to drink a glass of clean water.

Bark and roots

  1. A decoction of the bark has a strong diuretic effect. Therefore, it is useful to take it to relieve edema of renal and cardiac origin.
  2. A decoction of leaves and bark has a laxative effect. It is taken for atherosclerosis and stomach diseases.
  3. A bath with elderberry roots helps relieve insomnia and headaches.
  4. The use of an infusion of bark, branches and roots helps with various skin diseases. It is recommended to take baths with it for rashes on the body.
  5. Powder from dried roots and bark is used as a powder to dry wounds, ulcers and burns.
  6. Baths, compresses and lotions save from erysipelas skin.
  7. The aqueous extract of the root has a diuretic effect. A thick decoction (various herbal infusions) actively fights eczema.


  • Due to the slight toxicity of elderberry, preparations based on it are prohibited from taking during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The plant should not be used for medicinal purposes by children under 12 years of age.
  • Treatment with elderberry is not prescribed for diabetes insipidus and if chronic diseases digestive organs.

It is necessary to observe the proportions and cooking technology medicines with elderberry. Exceeding the recommended dose of fruits and juice may cause nausea and vomiting.