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How to remove a gallstone. Gallstones - symptoms and treatment. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

The appearance of stones in gallbladder is a consequence of disorders of bilirubin or cholesterol metabolism.

This condition can lead to negative consequences– inflammation of the affected organ, frequent colic and even peritonitis.

Because the dissolution of gallstones folk remedies considered a very pressing issue.

Causes of stones

Development cholelithiasis The following factors contribute:

  • not enough active image life;
  • eating disorders;
  • wearing corsets and waist belts;
  • taking certain medications;
  • genetic predisposition.

The causes of stone formation include the following disorders:

  • excess weight;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • sand in urine;
  • gout;
  • diabetes.


Quite often, cholelithiasis is not accompanied by pronounced manifestations. Even with impressive stone sizes, it can be asymptomatic.

Often, pathology is detected only when X-rays are performed or ultrasound examination.

Sometimes when stones appear in the gall bladder, the following signs appear:

  • colic under the ribs and in the epigastric region;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • release of gases from the oral cavity;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • increase in temperature;
  • high fatigue;
  • loss of appetite.

Traditional methods of treatment

Dissolution of gallstones without surgery is carried out using folk recipes . Even with the help of ordinary infusions and decoctions of herbs, it is possible to soften the stones and try to remove them.

It is important to consider that such methods only help deal with small particles.. They can be used only after ultrasound examination. Otherwise there is a risk of dangerous consequences.

Dissolving gallstones according to Bolotov involves the use of chicken bile. To do this, you need to buy a fresh chicken carcass and carefully cut out the gall sac. Draw its contents into a syringe.

Since bile has a bitter taste, it is consumed with bread.. To do this you need to roll small balls from bread crumb, make indentations in them and add 2 drops of bile. Then roll the ball again so that the bitter product is inside.

This remedy should be taken at regular intervals - every 2 hours. The course of treatment is 1 month. Some patients require less time.

After 2 weeks of therapy, it is worth doing an ultrasound to evaluate the results.

Chicken stomachs

To dissolve stones you need to buy chicken gizzards, rinse and cut off the films. Then they need to be dried, ground to flour and sifted through a sieve.

Use the resulting powder in the morning 1 hour before breakfast in the amount of 1 small spoon. It is recommended to drink the product with milk or water.

The duration of therapy depends on the size and number of stones. Most often, the product is used in courses lasting 21 days. Between them you need to take 20-day breaks.

During therapy, you must completely avoid fatty and fried foods.

Take 1 kg of nuts with shells and pass through a meat grinder several times until the mixture is very fine. Then add 500 ml of medical alcohol.

Separately, you need to prepare sugar syrup by mixing sugar and water in equal proportions. When the composition has cooled, it needs to be added to the nuts. The product must be infused for 15 days in a glass container.

The result will be a thick dark mass. It is taken after meals, 1 small spoon. It is advisable to mix everything thoroughly before use. A course of treatment lasting 2 months will require 3 kg of nuts.


Take 1-1.5 kg of fresh potatoes, wash thoroughly. It is not recommended to peel vegetables. Place in a container with 6 liters of water and cook over low heat for 3 hours. Prepare liquid puree, add salt and cool.

When the potatoes have settled, drain the liquid into a jar and store with the lid closed. It is recommended to do this in a cool place.

Take 2 tablespoons of the decoction half an hour before meals. This must be done three times a day. The course of therapy is 1.5 months. Thanks to the application this tool It will be possible to remove stones and sand.

It is considered an effective remedy olive oil . This product contains fats that are easily digestible. Thanks to its use, it is possible to cleanse the body of excess bile.

The product has a pronounced choleretic effect and prevents stagnation and inflammatory processes. Thanks to its use, it is possible to reduce the amount of cholesterol and prevent the formation of particulate matter.

It is best to use virgin oil. You should start taking it with half a small spoon. Gradually increase the dosage - preferably up to 1 glass. This therapy should be continued for 2-3 weeks.

Black radish

Black radish juice has pronounced choleretic characteristics. Thanks to its use, it is possible to get rid of small particles, sand and stones.

To solve these problems, you should take 2-3 tablespoons every day of this product. This must be done before meals.

Provided that the juice is well tolerated, the dosage is gradually increased, bringing it to 100 ml. After 1 month, you can take 2 glasses of the product. The product can be mixed in equal parts with honey.


This product perfectly helps with inflammatory damage to the organ and the formation of stones. It can help reduce the amount of cholesterol.

Beets can be used in the form of juice or decoction.

To prepare the product, the vegetable must be boiled, chopped and squeezed. Bring the resulting liquid to a boil and heat until it thickens.

Take a quarter glass three times a day. Gradually the stones will dissolve, which will facilitate their painless removal.


The fresh leaves of this plant help break down solid particles that are in the gallbladder..

To do this, you need to collect 2 bunches of leaves, squeeze a tablespoon of juice from them, add a small amount of water and consume twice a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.

You can also put fresh leaves in the salad. Herbalists advise consuming 5-6 plant stems per day during flowering. It is recommended to cut them close to the ground.

Dandelion stems should be thoroughly washed, flowers cut off and consumed raw with water.

To prepare this product you will need Bay leaf in the amount of 300 pcs. You also need to take 10 tablespoons of honey and 1 liter of water.

Mix all ingredients in an enamel pan and heat to reduce the amount of liquid by half.

Strain the resulting mixture and drink warm overnight. You should drink half a glass at a time.

Corn silk

This product has pronounced choleretic properties. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 10 g of corn silk, add 250 ml of boiling water and put on steam bath for half an hour.

Then cool and strain. Add water to get 200 ml. Take a quarter glass half an hour before meals.

One more effective means Sunflower roots are considered to be helpful in dissolving even fairly large stones.

To make a useful product, you need to take 1 cup of dry crushed roots, add 3 liters of water and cook for 5 minutes.

Then leave the product to infuse. Drink 1 liter of decoction per day.

Used roots should not be thrown away. You need to make a decoction of them by adding 3 liters of water. It is recommended to boil the product for 10 minutes.

The third time, the roots are boiled for 20 minutes. The fourth time you need to take a new portion of raw materials. Treatment with this drug should be continued for at least 1 month.

Herbalists advise using a variety of herbs to dissolve gallstones. They help cope with bile stagnation, spasms, and inflammation. Such products remove small stones and remove sand.

The most effective plants include the following:

The Konovalov method is considered an effective method of treatment.. The specialist advises first of all to get rid of the cause of the pathology.

To do this, you need to give up fried and fatty foods, reduce consumption of foods with cholesterol. To normalize the excretion of bile, choleretic herbs should be used.

Helps deal with gallstones special gymnastics . To the most useful exercises include movements for training the abdominal muscles. You also need to perform retraction and protrusion of the abdomen, turns and bends of the torso.

Considered an excellent remedy breathing exercises, which affects the abdominal muscles. For example, you can do the following exercise every day: sit on a chair, put your feet together, straighten your back and relax, then take a long breath, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach.

Hold your breath for 10 seconds. Then, exhaling slowly, stick out your stomach. After a short pause, you need to inhale again. Repeat this cycle 30-40 times.

Massage counts the best method diagnostics. In addition, it helps eliminate problems with the gallbladder.

It is important to consider that this procedure can only be performed by a specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening the patient's condition.


Many patients are interested in what products help dissolve stones. To cope with the problem, you should definitely reconsider your diet. Only A complex approach helps get rid of stones without carrying out surgical intervention.

The diet for dissolving gallstones is aimed at reducing fat intake. Its amount should not exceed 65-90 g. In this case, you need to eat more carbohydrates - up to 345 g per day.

Experts advise including chicken in your diet, vegetable soups, fish, low-fat dairy products. A useful tool when stones form, dill is used. These greens should be consumed systematically.

However, it is not recommended to eat egg yolks, spices, rough products. Prohibited fresh bread, coffee, mayonnaise, chocolate, carbonated drinks. To cope with the problem, you need to eat foods that are steamed or baked in foil. Stews are also acceptable.

Fruits you can eat are apples, bananas, pears, strawberries, citrus fruits, blackberries. In this case, it is better to avoid plums, nuts, almonds, and currants. Compotes should be prepared from fruits, since they are well absorbed by the body.

The appearance of gallstones is a fairly common problem that can cause dangerous complications.

To cope with the disease, you need to consult a doctor promptly. Effective folk recipes can be used as a complement to traditional therapy.

If there are stones in the gall bladder, they speak of cholelithiasis. This disease is also called cholelithiasis. The gallbladder has a sac-like shape and is located in front of the liver. It is designed for liquid bile produced by the liver and performs very important function, helping to process fats. But often from microscopic crystals of cholesterol, or from bile salts, stones form in the gall bladder. They can vary greatly in size. Some are very small, others reach the size of a walnut.

When such a stone blocks the bile duct, preventing the flow of bile to small intestine, arises biliary colic(cholecystitis). As experts say, stones begin to form due to an imbalance of the substances that make up bile. In particular, this process provokes high cholesterol in the bile. What are the signs of gallstones, how is treatment done, how does surgery help, what medications are used?

Symptoms of gallstone disease

When the stones are small, their number is small, and their location is favorable, the disease does not have significant symptoms. The absence of symptoms is typical for most cases. When the stones are large, if the bile ducts are blocked during their movement, strong pain(colic). It often goes away on its own as the stone passes through the bile duct. But if it gets stuck there, it may need urgent surgical intervention.

It is also necessary to visit a specialist if the area of ​​the right hypochondrium often hurts. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe the treatment method you need.

Treatment of gallstones

Therapeutic methods:

Litholytic therapy. It is a technique for dissolving stones using certain medicines, without surgical intervention. It is carried out for small stones.

How are gallstones treated? Drugs

For dissolving stones, for conservative treatment cholelithiasis, the drugs are prescribed: Ursosan (ursodeoxycholic acid) and Henofalk (chenodeoxycholic acid). These medications lower cholesterol and bile acid levels. The dosage regimen and duration of taking the drugs are determined by the attending physician, based on the results of the ultrasound.

Crushing stones:

Extracorporeal lithotripsy. This technique assumes strong pressure on the stone, which is created by ultrasound. Under its influence, stones are destroyed and crushed into small particles. They are then dissolved using drugs. The technique is not a surgical operation and is effective for small cholesterol stones.

How else to treat gallstones? Will surgery help?

Cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder). Surgery to remove the gallbladder is the most radical, but also the most effective method treatment. Cholecystectomy is performed when large sizes stones, if they are dangerously located. The operation is indicated in the presence of an inflammatory process, with frequent, painful attacks of hepatic colic, or with the development of complications of cholelithiasis.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy:

This is the most common method of treating gallstone disease. The technique involves making small incisions through which a laparoscope is inserted. The gallbladder is removed using laparoscopy. This method has clear advantages over cholecystectomy, as it is performed in a gentle manner. In this case, the patient recovers quickly, and there are no scars left after the operation.

Traditional treatment

On initial stages diseases, can be used traditional methods treatment. On the advice of a doctor, they can be used as an addition to drug treatment. Here are some recipes that may be useful to you:

Forest rowan (red)

Red rowan berries are very effective in treating gallstone disease. Collect by season fresh berries, eat two glasses a day. You can grind them and mix them with honey. Eat small meals throughout the day.

Birch leaves

Dried leaves birch trees are also used as additional remedy during drug treatment (dissolution) of stones. To prepare the medicine, pour 1 tbsp into a small saucepan. l. leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water over them. Boil again, reduce temperature to low. Simmer for 20 minutes. Then remove it from the stove and insulate it. Wait 1 hour. Drink a glass of the strained broth before meals.


Very good remedy. To dissolve small stones, drink a glass of brine every day from sauerkraut, before meals.

Preventive measures

Everyone understands that it is easier to prevent any illness than to treat it persistently and for a long time. Therefore, to prevent gallstones from appearing, you need to take some preventive measures. Then you won’t have to worry about treatment, surgery, or medications for gallstone disease.

Just limit your diet to fatty, fried foods rich in cholesterol. In the presence of excess weight take measures to reduce it - do what you can physical activity, go on a low-calorie diet.

If stones are found in the gallbladder, avoid taking medications containing estrogens. They promote the active formation of gallstones.
Monitor your health, visit your doctor periodically for preventive purposes and be healthy!

The most radical method of getting rid of gallstone disease is cholecystectomy. This is an operation during which the entire gallbladder is removed. But it is not necessary to immediately agree to surgical intervention; in some cases, it gives good results conservative therapy. Therefore, treating gallstones without surgery is quite possible.


Consumption of high-calorie foods rich in cholesterol, low activity, diseases in which the flow of bile is impaired, and hormonal changes in women (including pregnancy) often cause stones to appear in the gall bladder. These are dense formations that consist of bile acids, minerals and cholesterol.

Stagnation of fluid in this organ, combined with an excess of cholesterol, initially leads to the formation of sand. These are already microscopic stones in the gall bladder. The symptoms (treatment without surgery, by the way, at this stage will be very effective) inherent in cholelithiasis are not yet expressed. Over time, the grains of sand become larger, unite and form large stones called stones. The process of their formation is very long - it can last up to 20 years.

The progression of gallstone disease may be indicated by sudden attacks pain that occurs after eating fried or fatty foods. They are also observed after shaking in transport. Discomfort begins in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, pain can radiate to the corresponding half of the neck, shoulder blade, or arm. This colic lasts no more than 6 hours in a row.

Also, a feeling of bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, flatulence, stool disorders (there may be either diarrhea or constipation) are signs of the development of gallstone disease. The onset of cholecystitis may be indicated by a low-grade fever, which will remain around 37 o C.

Doctors can tell you what symptoms gallstones cause. Treatment without surgery can only be carried out if the formations in this organ are not yet too large. Their total size should be no more than 2 cm. It is also important that there is no acute cholecystitis and the bubble contracted well (this is necessary for the normal release of sand from it).

Necessary research

To install accurate diagnosis and decide on treatment tactics, it is necessary to examine the patient. The main method is ultrasound abdominal cavity. Stones are easily visualized on the monitor screen. The doctor can determine exactly how many such formations are in the bladder and tell you about the size of each of them.

Also, such an examination allows you to evaluate the walls of the organ. If they are thickened, this indicates the onset of cholecystitis. This allows you to determine the most appropriate treatment tactics.

The diagnostic method presented above is not the only one. Despite the availability and informativeness of ultrasonography, in some cases it is necessary to conduct other examinations. If it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis based on the results of ultrasound, then oral cholecystography may be prescribed. This is a special examination of the bladder, which uses drugs that contrast bile. Also in some cases, retrograde cholangiopancreatography is recommended. During this examination, a contrast agent is injected into the bile ducts.

Treatment methods

If stones are detected, it is necessary to discuss further tactics with your doctor. Therapy should be based on several basic principles. Regardless of the chosen treatment route, the patient must adhere to a diet. In addition, all its actions should be aimed at reducing cholesterol concentrations. But how gallstones can be treated must be understood in each case individually.

Depending on the condition, dissolving or crushing the stones may be recommended. These are non-surgical therapies. But the most common (and at the same time effective) method is removal of the gallbladder. It is used for frequently recurring liver colic, inflammation of the walls of the organ, or when too large stones are detected.

From supporters alternative medicine There are also many options for how gallstones can be treated without surgery using folk remedies. But when using them, you need to monitor your health and go to the hospital if it worsens. But these methods can be a good addition to traditional therapy.

Necessary diet

If you are afraid of surgery and want to understand how you can treat gallstones without surgery, then you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of nutrition. After all, if you continue to eat as you are used to, you will not be able to get rid of deposits of cholesterol, minerals and bile acids.

First of all, all fatty meats are excluded from the diet. Pork, lamb, broths are not allowed. Lard, sausages, spicy, pickled and smoked foods, eggs (yolk), liver, legumes, pastry, soft bread, chocolate, and ice cream are also prohibited. All foods must be boiled, steamed or baked.

You can eat vegetables and fruits, lean meat (rabbit, veal, beef, turkey, chicken will be healthy), river fish, dairy products low fat content, porridge. No more than 150-200 g of animal food should enter the body during the day. It is also important to avoid alcohol and stimulants. The latter include not only energy drinks, but also strong tea and coffee.

Meals should be fractional. You need to eat a little, but at least 5 times a day. This is the only way to force the gallbladder to contract. By the way, you can stimulate its activity by consuming vegetable oil(olive is considered the most optimal).

Conservative therapy

If during the examination it was determined that the patient has cholesterol stones, then a drug treatment. It involves the use of chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acids. These remedies can be used to treat gallstones without surgery.

It is also recommended to take antispasmodics. They are necessary to improve the patency of the ducts and expand them. Also, these drugs contribute to a more efficient flow of bile into the duodenum. Cholespasmolytics such as Papaverine, Drotaverine, Eufillin, No-shpa, Metacin can be prescribed.

Litholytic therapy is called conservative methods, aimed at dissolving a stone in the gall bladder. Treatment without surgery consists of taking special means. These can be “Chenofalk”, “Ursosan”, ursodeoxycholic acid. The action of these medications is aimed at reducing the concentration of substances in the bile that lead to the formation of stones. There are also contact or chemical methods for dissolving them.

If you are looking for an option on how to get rid of gallstones without surgery, then you should pay attention to extracorporeal lithotripsy. This is a method of crushing stones using increased pressure.

Chenodeoxycholic acid

If surgery is contraindicated for you, then it is important to figure out how to get rid of gallstones without surgery. For example, chenodeoxycholic acid (drugs "Chenofalk", "Chenodiol", "Chenohol", "Chenosan") promotes partial and in some cases complete dissolution of stones. It also reduces the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and increases its solubility, thereby reducing its amount in bile. But only a doctor can prescribe these drugs if ultrasonography has shown that the size of the stones does not exceed 20 mm and they fill the bladder to no more than ½ of its volume. As a rule, chenodeoxycholic acid is recommended if it is not possible to remove the gallstone by conventional surgical or endoscopic methods.

It is worth knowing that in patients suffering from obesity, the effectiveness of treatment is noticeably reduced. During therapy, the condition of the liver should be monitored in all patients. But for cholecystitis, hepatitis, inflammatory problems with the esophagus, intestines, stomach, gastric and duodenal ulcers, kidney/liver failure, drugs of this group are not used.

Ursodeoxycholic acid

Also, gallstones can be treated without surgery using other means. They are made on the basis of ursodeoxycholic acid. These are drugs such as Ursohol, Ursofalk, Ursosan, Ursolizin. It is used to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in bile. They drink this remedy, as a rule, once a day, in the evening. The dose is determined individually at the rate of 10 mg/kg of patient weight.

But with cirrhosis of the liver, inflammatory diseases biliary tract and bladder, Crohn's disease, kidney disorders, the drug is not used. You can drink the product only if the gallbladder is functioning normally, the ducts are passable, the stones occupy no more than half of its volume, and they are cholesterol (this is determined by the absence of a shadow on the x-ray).

It is worth knowing that treating gallstones without surgery with medications is a long process. It can last from 6 months to 2 years.

Surgeons often say that such treatment is ineffective. Even if the stones dissolve, they will still appear in a few years. This really happens if the patient does not draw conclusions and continues to fill his body with cholesterol. If, after completing a successful course of treatment, you continue to adhere to the diet, then cholelithiasis will not occur.

Contact methods

Doctors are currently testing chemical methods to remove gallstones. They are also called contact. The method has not yet been received widespread and is considered experimental. It can only be used if the patient:

Exclusively cholesterol stones,

The passability of the paths is fully preserved,

The gallbladder functions normally,

There are no inflammatory processes.

This method can be used even if there is a large stone in the gall bladder. Treatment without surgery using a chemical method consists in the fact that the formations are resolved under the influence of a solvent.

A catheter is inserted into the gallbladder through a puncture under the control of X-ray tomography or ultrasound equipment. The solvent is injected into it with a syringe in small portions. It is then sucked out of the bladder along with the dissolved parts of the stones. This procedure can last up to 16 hours.

Impact lithotripsy

You should not immediately go to the operating table if you are diagnosed with gallstones. Symptoms (treatment without surgery, fortunately, is now quite possible) often indicate inflammation of this organ (in this case, surgery cannot be avoided), but if you have been diagnosed with gallstone disease only based on the results of an examination, the doctor may recommend shock wave lithotripsy.

Using this method, all stones are broken into grains of sand under the influence of ultrasound. And when taking appropriate medications and following a diet, fragments are easily removed into the duodenum.

But such therapy can be prescribed only if a number of conditions are met:

Stones should be no more than 2 cm;

The gallbladder has retained at least 75% of its functionality and is shrinking;

There are no signs of cholecystitis.

However, in some cases this method may be ineffective. He gives good results only when fragile stones are processed.

After this procedure, as a rule, drugs are prescribed to dissolve cholesterol deposits: ursodeoxycholic or chenodeoxycholic acid.

The effectiveness of folk remedies

Proponents of alternative therapies will tell you how you can treat gallstones at home. But first, it is important to understand that in some cases such methods may not be effective. Moreover, some of them cause the situation to worsen.

So, some recommend taking a potent choleretic folk remedy after a period of complete hunger. It can be magnesia, black radish mixed with olive oil lemon juice and other variations. As a result of fasting, concentrated bile accumulates in the bladder. And after taking a stimulant, it begins to be intensively released. Its flow can pick up small stones and carry them into the duodenum.

But those who like to talk about how to treat gallstones at home forget to clarify the dangers of this method. After all, a compacted formation that will pick up the flow of bile may simply not pass into the duct. It can get caught at a sharp angle and turn unsuccessfully. And there are also anomalies in the development of the ducts: they can bifurcate or be too narrow.

As a result, the stone will completely or partially block the flow of bile. And this will lead to severe colic, excess bile production, or even problems with the pancreas. As a rule, such patients undergo emergency surgery. A large incision is made. Laparoscopic methods are not suitable in such situations.


When figuring out how to get rid of gallstones without surgery using folk remedies, you should not ignore advice on herbal treatment. Of course, these methods will not remove stones, but they help normalize the functioning of the organ, affect the composition of bile and stimulate its timely release.

Drinking radish juice is popular. It is recommended to consume up to 200 g per day. It is also recommended to make syrup from beet juice. To do this, it must be boiled. After this, the juice is squeezed out of it and boiled to a syrup. You should drink ¾ glass of this liquid daily.

The following recipe is also popular: honey, lemon juice and olive oil are mixed in a ratio of 4:1:2. The prepared mixture is consumed in a spoon (tablespoon) before each meal. This remedy is also beneficial for the liver.

Traditional healers know how to treat gallstones with herbs. Most often they recommend making an infusion of corn silk. It is drunk before meals, 1/3 glass (preferably half an hour before). To prepare it, you need to brew a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it stand for at least 30 minutes.

You can also make a decoction of birch. To prepare, you need to pour 5 tablespoons of dried leaves into a liter of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. The decoction can be consumed an hour after it has been removed from the heat. You need to drink a glass half an hour before each meal.

These are the most famous folk methods that are recommended in cases where people are looking for ways to get rid of gallstones without surgery. Reviews about them are quite contradictory. Some talk about a noticeable improvement in their well-being, while others are disappointed in herbal medicine. But you need to know that all alternative methods can improve the secretion of bile, stimulate the bladder, slightly expand the ducts, but they cannot dissolve stones.


In search of treatment methods, many turn to specialists alternative medicine. Homeopaths are very popular now. But even they say that they can only dissolve small stones that occupy no more than 1/3 of the volume of the gallbladder.

The effectiveness of this therapy has not been officially confirmed. But despite this, some people treat gallstones with homeopathy without surgery. For these purposes, a so-called autovaccine can be used. As biological material Even the patient's urine can be used to create an autonosode.

It is sometimes impossible to assess the effectiveness of treatment. After all, homeopaths say that their medications must be taken according to a clearly established schedule for several years. In addition, these alternative medicine specialists claim that at first, the condition may worsen when taking the medicine. For most, this is a reason to refuse to continue such questionable therapy.

Cholelithiasis is the formation of stones in the gallbladder. The classical treatment method involves abdominal surgery with dissection of the abdominal cavity and removal of stones mechanically.

It's traumatic though reliable way treatment. It is not always possible to do without it. Still, these days there are non-invasive and minimally invasive ways to treat gallstones without surgery. But even in this case, there are a lot of nuances that need to be taken into account. What do you need to know about non-operative treatment of cholelithiasis?

Methods for treating gallstones

There are three main methods of treating cholelithiasis.

The first and most radical is surgery, the essence of which is dissection of the abdominal cavity followed by removal of stones. Replacing classical abdominal surgery in last years became laparoscopy - a minimally invasive operation when surgical instruments are introduced into place surgical treatment through small incisions in the skin. Such an operation has a short rehabilitation period, although it requires great professionalism of the doctor. The most traumatic surgical treatment option is cholecystectomy, which involves removal of the gallbladder. This last resort required in exceptional cases.

The second involves taking medications to dissolve stones. In some cases, contact administration of drugs directly into the cavity of the gallbladder is necessary.

The third is the destruction (crushing) of stones using a laser or ultrasound.

Each method has pros and cons and has its own characteristics. In some cases, one or another treatment method may simply be ineffective. We need to look into this in more detail.

Drug dissolution of stones

In the vast majority of cases, this method is ineffective. Medicinal dissolution stone treatment only works in the case of cholesterol stones, and not in every case. This is the most gentle treatment. Its essence lies in oral administration specialized drugs:

Bile acid analogues. Allowed with high speed initiate the reaction of dissolving gallstones. These include: Urosan, Henofalk, Henochol, etc. These drugs are available and do not have serious side effects, so they can be prescribed as a primary remedy not only by a doctor.

Drugs that stimulate gallbladder peristalsis. Must be used with great caution. Often problems with the gallbladder are complex. Thus, dyskinesia of the organ, stagnation of bile, all these problems can be aggravated when taking bladder contraction stimulants. This group includes: Allohol, Holasas, Zixorin, Liobil.

Pros of taking medications:

This is a gentle technique. No special preparation required rehabilitation period absent.

There is no risk to life.

The drugs from these lists are available because they are low cost.

Disadvantages of taking medications:

Although these groups of drugs do not have significant side effects, they seriously change the clinical picture when tested. ALT and AST levels increase, this complicates further diagnosis and can be falsely mistaken for liver problems. In exceptional cases, unstable stools and bitterness in the mouth may develop.

The course of taking the drugs is long. Treatment is required for at least six months. In exceptional cases, the course of therapy can reach three years or more. During this time, the medications must be taken continuously.

In a large number of cases (over 70%), cholesterol gallstones recur, which means a new course of treatment will be required. This approach is fraught with almost lifelong use of drugs. No matter how safe they may be, a long course of treatment has never made anyone healthier.

There are also certain contraindications to therapy with pharmaceuticals.

Presence of pathologies gastrointestinal tract. First of all, gastritis, stomach ulcers, cholecystitis (especially dangerous), colitis, Crohn's disease.

Presence of biliary dyskinesia. Taking medications that improve gallbladder peristalsis pushes the stones forward. This may result in occlusion (blockage) biliary tract, obstructive jaundice and, as a result, rupture of a hollow organ.

History of kidney disease. It is assumed that the reception of the specified pharmaceuticals leads to increased stress on the kidneys. This is explicitly stated in the instructions.

Large stones. Lead to blockage of the bile ducts.

The period of gestation.

To achieve more quick effect the administration of the described drugs is possible through the wall of the abdominal cavity directly into the gallbladder. This is a rather dangerous technique that requires advanced skills on the part of medical personnel. It has the same pros, cons and contraindications.

Crushing stones with laser and ultrasound

Treatment of gallstones without surgery is also possible in other ways.

Ultrasonic crushing

The technique is ideal for the destruction of stones with a diameter of no more than 30 mm without calcification impurities. If the patient has more than four stones in the gall bladder, this technique is not used.

Advantages of the method:

Non-invasive. Unlike surgery, which requires an incision, this technique is non-invasive. Everything happens within 10-20 minutes using a sensor resembling a device ultrasound diagnostics.

Speed ​​of the procedure. The entire treatment, as already noted, lasts only about half an hour. If the stones are small, then much faster.

Disadvantages of this method:

Stones can travel along the bile ducts and, as a result, become blocked.

The method does not take into account the nature of the stones. If stones have spines, ultrasonic crushing is extremely dangerous: such stones can damage the walls of the gallbladder.


Diameter gallstones over 3 centimeters.

A history of gastrointestinal diseases. First of all we're talking about about pathologies of the liver and the gallbladder itself.

Low blood clotting, not corrected by specialized drugs.

The period of gestation.

Overall it is safe and effective method treatment of gallstones without surgery. But, as in any other case, careful attention and a clear study of the nature of the process in a particular patient are important.

Laser crushing

Minimally invasive technique. Through a puncture in the front abdominal wall A specialized sensor is inserted into the abdominal cavity. Stones are destroyed under the influence of high temperature. After some time, stone fragments enter the duodenum and are then evacuated from the body with feces.

Advantages of the method:

Minimal invasiveness. No carrying out required complex operation.

High efficiency.

Availability of the procedure.

Disadvantages of the method:

As in the previous case, damage to the walls of the organ by calculus spikes is possible.

Requires professional, expensive equipment.

Heat can damage the mucous membrane, resulting in a burn, and subsequently a gallbladder ulcer.

Contraindications to the procedure:

The patient is overweight (over 125 kilograms). This will lead to the fact that the sensor simply cannot be inserted into the abdominal cavity due to the abundant fatty tissue.

Serious condition sick.

The patient's age is over 60 years.

The described methods of treating gallstones without surgery are not suitable for everyone and not always. You need to pay attention to the size of the stones, their origin, nature, number. This is the only way to decide on treatment tactics and assess the prospects of the proposed treatment.

There are other non-invasive treatment methods!

So, in some cases it is shown diet . It is effective if the stones are small and can still come out on their own. The main thing in this case is to improve the peristalsis of the gallbladder. To do this, you should eat more products plant origin. Suitable for the same purposes recipes traditional treatment . They should also only be selected by a doctor: there is a high risk of harming yourself.

Non-operative treatment methods in most cases are effective in early stages cholelithiasis. But in some situations there are alternatives surgical treatment simply not. The treatment tactics should be determined by a gastroenterologist after a thorough diagnosis.

Crushing stones in the gall bladder for the purpose of removing them from the human body (cholelithiasis) is one of the main methods of treating gallstone disease. The formation of stones is observed in more than 10% of the world's population, more often in women after 50 years of age, as well as in those whose menu is dominated by products made from fats and proteins of animal origin.

The gallbladder is involved in digestion by collecting bile synthesized in the liver. Bile acid is designed to break down and process food. Bile contains cholesterol and bilirubin. The accumulation of stones in the gallbladder occurs due to stagnant processes in the organ due to metabolic disorders in the body.

At the same time, the solubility of bile deteriorates, the level of concentration of cholesterol and calcium bilirubin in it increases. First, cholesterol residues accumulate in the gallbladder and bile ducts in the form of flocculent sediments, which are gradually transformed into sand, and then into stone formations, varying in size (from 2 to 5 cm). This is a rather long process, which at first is almost asymptomatic.

Etiology and symptoms of pathology

The main reasons for the formation of gallstone deposits:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • long-term use hormonal drugs and various medications;
  • age-related changes;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • long-term feeding through intravenous catheters - the production of bile, necessary for digesting food, is disrupted;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • internal organ transplantation operations;
  • intestinal pathologies with impaired absorption of nutrients;
  • anemia;
  • use large quantity products containing iron (meat, seafood).

Exacerbation of cholelithiasis makes itself felt by the following symptoms:

  • paroxysmal cutting pains in the stomach area, extending to the right hypochondrium;
  • signs of dyspepsia: nausea, heartburn, vomiting, accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • high fever;
  • the skin begins to turn yellow due to stagnation of bile.

If left untreated, gallstones provoke a narrowing of the bile ducts, the gallbladder becomes inflamed and develops chronic cholecystitis. In the future, damage may affect other organs. urinary system: Bladder, kidneys, liver. At acute attacks The disease requires emergency surgery and removal of stones from the organ.

According to their composition, stones are divided into the following types:

  1. Cholesterol stones that arise from the abuse of fatty carbohydrate foods, when due to sedentary lifestyle life, excess weight, diabetes mellitus or hereditary predisposition Blood cholesterol levels increase.
  2. Pigmented (bilirubin) arise as a result of anemia, with cirrhosis of the liver, when hematopoietic processes are disrupted. They make up 10–20% of all gallstones. Most often they are black.
  3. Calcareous forms when bile becomes infected pathogenic bacteria with inflammatory lesions of the mucous tissue of the gallbladder walls. They come in brown color.
  4. Mixed stones are a mixture of cholesterol and calcium formations.

To select a treatment method, diagnostics are carried out and the composition of the stones is determined. Stone formations may be based on cholesterol, lime deposits, enzymes and mixed composition. Cholesterol deposits can be dissolved using medicines based on bile. Grinding of stronger and larger stones is carried out using ultrasound or laser.

Other treatments

Gallstones in the gallbladder can be treated in the following ways:

  • diet therapy and health procedures;
  • medicinal dissolution of gallstones without surgery;
  • crushing of stones (lithotripsy);
  • surgical removal of the affected bile organ with all existing stone formations (cholecystectomy).

Treatment with drugs

As noted above, with the help of bile-based drugs (Ursosan, Ursofalk, Henochol) only cholesterol stones up to 2 cm in size can be dissolved. At the same time, it is necessary to influence the cause of stone formation in the biliary organs, aimed at restoring the activity of the gallbladder and stimulating the production of bile . For this purpose, the drugs Allohol, Holosas and Lyobil are prescribed.

Contraindications to treatment with medications:

  • pathologies of the digestive system (gastritis, tumors of various etiologies, motor disorder, intestinal obstruction etc.);
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis);
  • use of hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • excessive body weight;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Flaws this method:

  • the likelihood of a recurrence of the disease after stopping medication;
  • long course of treatment (from 6 months to several years);
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • high cost of medicines.

Removal of gallstone deposits by crushing them

Main indications for the use of lithotripsy:

  • the presence of calcium elements in the stones;
  • duration of the disease: the older the stones, the more difficult it is to dissolve them;
  • contraindications to the use of drugs;
  • large size stones.

The essence of the method allows you to crush stone formations with a shock wave into smaller fractions, which are removed from the bladder with bile fluid into the duodenum and leave the body along with feces.

Disadvantages of this method of therapy:

  • the likelihood of failure of larger fragmented fragments in the gallbladder;
  • the possibility of particles getting stuck in the bile ducts;
  • possible injury to the ducts by the sharp edges of calcium particles upon exiting.

Such complications may be due to the fact that the gallstone formation has divided into relatively large parts that exceed the size of the ducts. For this purpose, drug dissolution of particles or several shock wave lithotripsy procedures are used in combination. There are 2 main methods: ultrasonic and laser crushing of gallstones.

Ultrasonic crushing

The separation of gallstone deposits with an ultrasonic device is based on the impact of a wave on them. Ultrasonic crushing of them into fragments measuring 4-8 mm is considered ideal, then they can freely exit the gallbladder. To obtain desired result As a rule, 5-7 sessions are required.

Indications for the use of ultrasonic stone grinding:

  • the number of formations in the bubble is no more than 4 pieces;
  • formations consist of cholesterol deposits, without calcareous substances;
  • the size of each stone is no more than 3 cm in diameter;
  • The functionality of the gallbladder is not damaged, bile leaves it unhindered.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic stone extraction:

  • there is no guarantee of the formation of new stones due to persistent gallbladder pathologies;
  • only 15% of patients with cholelithiasis meet the above conditions;
  • the sharp edges of the fragments can injure the mucous membranes of the gallbladder, duodenal intestine upon exit, and also get stuck in the bile ducts, which will require surgery;
  • Vibration can damage the walls of the gallbladder, causing inflammation and the formation of scar tissue in the peritoneum.

Contraindications to ultrasonic crushing:

  • dysfunction in the gallbladder;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers, duodenitis, etc.);
  • the presence of an electronic cardiac pacemaker;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • bearing a child.

Laser crushing of stones

Gallstones can be crushed using laser beams. To do this, the anterior part of the peritoneum is pierced, and the device is inserted into the bile organ. The laser beam acts directly on the accumulation of stones, crushing them into small fractions. The procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes. Indications for use laser surgery the same as for ultrasonic crushing.

Crushing gallstones with a laser has the following possible side effects:

  • burn of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder when exposed to laser beam, which can provoke the formation of ulcerative foci of the mucous epithelium;
  • painful sensations when particles leave the bladder;
  • damage to the walls of the bladder and intestines due to the movement of crushed particles with sharp edges;
  • getting stuck of larger particles in narrow bile ducts;
  • the likelihood of re-formation of stones.

Contraindications for laser lithotripsy:

  • the patient's weight is more than 120 kg;
  • elderly age of the patient (over 60 years);
  • concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

To avoid cases of destruction of the biliary tract and injury to the mucous membranes, the simultaneous use of ursodeoxycholic acid preparations to dissolve small fragments is recommended.

Surgical intervention

With this method, several punctures are made in the abdominal cavity under general anesthesia. First, carbon dioxide is injected into the peritoneum. An endoscope is then inserted into one puncture to obtain an image that helps locate the deposits. A metal tube is inserted into another hole, through which stones are pulled out from the organ.

Contraindications for surgery:

  • overweight;
  • large stone sizes;
  • the body's predisposition to form adhesions;
  • purulent inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

Removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy)

In cases where the presence of particularly large stone formations is diagnosed, with corresponding contraindications for other treatment methods and in particularly emergency situations, a surgical operation is performed to remove the affected gallbladder.

With cholecystectomy, all problems associated with the formation of stones in the body are solved. However, if this organ is removed, the patient will be forced to take replacement medications and comply with special diet for the rest of my life.

Prevention of gallstone pathology

To prevent the re-formation of stone deposits in the gallbladder, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • exclude foods with high content carbohydrates;
  • limit consumption of fatty, salty and spicy foods;
  • give up alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • add to menu protein food, cereals, fruits, vegetables;
  • make meals separate and fractional (small portions 5-6 times a day);