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Gallstones are the name of the disease. Contraindicated in case of cholelithiasis. Drug dissolution of stones

Drug treatment of gallstone disease is primarily aimed at eliminating the expression large quantity unpleasant symptoms similar disorders, which may have varying degrees of intensity. To remove stones large sizes Only surgery is used. However, if during diagnosis sand or small stones were found in gallbladder or bile ducts, they are often tried to dissolve them with medications.

Despite this, drug dissolution of stones is possible only if cholesterol levels are detected. gallstones volumes up to fifteen millimeters. In addition, the course of the disease should be accompanied by normal contractile function of the gallbladder, as well as patency of the biliary tract.

However, there are several contraindications to drug therapy for gallstone disease. These include:

  • bearing a child;
  • breastfeeding a child;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder or ducts;
  • the presence of stones with a diameter exceeding two centimeters;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of any stage of obesity;
  • ulcerative lesions of the duodenum or stomach;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • tumor of this organ;
  • detection during instrumental diagnostic measures multiple stones that occupy more than fifty percent of the total volume of the gallbladder.

In most cases, the following groups of drugs are prescribed for gallstone disease:

  • choleretic substances;
  • ursodeoxycholic acid;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Choleretic drugs

One of the most effective choleretic substances is Allochol, which consists of the following herbal components:

  • nettle;
  • garlic;
  • Activated carbon;
  • dry animal bile.

The drug exists in several forms - syrup and tablets.

The properties of Allochol include:

  • acceleration of bile secretion in the duodenum, which helps stimulate intestinal motility;
  • preventing the accumulation of large amounts of cholesterol, which prevents the formation of new stones;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process in the gallbladder and its ducts;
  • reduction of intoxication of the body with bile acids - such medicinal effect achieved thanks to activated carbon.

Indications for this medicine are:

  • chronic constipation, which is caused by impaired intestinal motility and insufficient bile secretion;
  • inflammatory process in the bile ducts and walls of the gallbladder.

There are also several contraindications to taking Allochol for cholelithiasis:

  • closure of the duct with a large stone. This is what causes obstructive jaundice;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers.

The duration of therapy with this drug is approximately one month, it is best to repeat it twice a year. It must be consumed after every meal.

In addition to Allohol to the group choleretic drugs can be attributed:

  • Urolesan – consists of natural ingredients. Contraindications are: an allergic reaction to any component of the medication, gastritis or ulcers, stones larger than three millimeters;
  • Holosas – based on rosehip. Contraindications – diabetes or allergies;
  • Flamin is a drug based on immortelle. Contraindications include: high blood pressure;
  • Holagol is an extract of curcuma longa rhizomes, emodin from buckthorn. Prohibited for use if there is a violation of the blood clotting process, blockage of the bile duct, patients under sixteen years of age, or the presence of renal or liver failure.


A disease such as cholelithiasis in all cases is accompanied by severe pain, which often spreads to other areas of the abdomen, so taking painkillers is important.

In almost all cases, doctors prescribe No-shpa to their patients, which also has several analogues:

  • Bespa;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Nosh-pa forte;
  • Spazoverine;
  • Pakovin;
  • Spasmol;
  • Spasmalgon.

These drugs eliminate spasm of smooth muscles that occurs due to damage to the ducts by stones.

The drug exists in several forms - tablets and solutions for injection. It can be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding baby.

Among the undesirable situations for use it is worth highlighting:

  • individual intolerance;
  • acute nature of renal or liver failure;
  • small syndrome cardiac output, which causes heart failure.

Another effective remedy to treat gallstone disease - Duspatalin. It acts selectively on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. You should take it one tablet at a time.

Contraindications for use are:

  • the patient's age is up to twelve years;
  • individual intolerance;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

Spazmalgon is often used, which is indicated during exacerbation of the disease.

It is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia.

Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances are used to treat gallstone disease. They are often prescribed for relapses of the disease.

The list of such drugs includes:

  • Paracetamol and its analogues;
  • Ibuprofen and Nurofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin.

In cases of exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease, you can take any of the above substances, but always after meals.

Strict contraindications include:

  • ulcerative lesion;
  • liver or kidney failure.

Ursodeoxycholic acid

Ursofalk is quite new drug based on ursodeoxycholic acid (a natural component of bile). Analogues of such a substance can be:

  • Holacid;
  • Destolite;
  • Urdoxa;
  • Solutrate;
  • Ursahol;
  • Urososan;
  • Urzofalk.

The action of the substance is aimed at:

  • decreased cholesterol formation;
  • prevention of stone formation;
  • dilution of bile;
  • splitting existing stones;
  • improving the functioning and protection of the liver.

Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • liver damage by cirrhosis;
  • obstruction of the ducts;
  • presence of cholangitis.


Antibiotics should be used only when indicated. IN preventive measures For cholelithiasis, such medications are not only ineffective, but can also be harmful.

Indications for use antibacterial agents are:

  • development of an inflammatory process in the gallbladder or duct;
  • recovery after surgery to remove the gallbladder.

The course of antibiotic therapy ranges from five to nine days. IN similar treatment It is very important not to skip taking the drug.

Treatment regimens

All of the above drugs are used for exacerbation and remission of the disease.

In case of exacerbation, a regimen from the following groups of drugs is prescribed:

  • antispasmodics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics.

During the remission phase, the treatment regimen will consist of:

  • choleretic substances;
  • Ursofalka.

To prevent the disease, such enzyme substances are used, in particular Mezim and Festal.

It is worth noting that patients should not wait positive effect from drug treatment GSD in cases of addiction to junk food or addictions.

It is important to remember that it is best not to make independent attempts to eliminate symptoms and small stones, but rather consult a specialist medical institution. Since only after laboratory and instrumental diagnostics will the doctor be able to determine daily dosage and the duration of taking one or another medicinal product individually for each patient.

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Treatment of cholelithiasis folk remedies- counts effective technique eliminating symptoms, sand and small stones. In most cases, a person does not suspect that he has such a disease, which is why the onset of symptoms occurs abruptly and unexpectedly. Against this background, it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention as soon as possible, aimed at removing large stones, and, if necessary, the gallbladder itself.

Today, almost every person can detect symptoms of gallstone disease, regardless of age and lifestyle. Moreover this pathology began to “get younger” and appear much more often than before. If previously it was most often found in people over 40 years of age, now it can be found even in young boys and girls. There can be many reasons for this.

What is the disease?

Before considering the symptoms of gallstone disease, it is necessary to find out the mechanism of its development. The pathology can be chronic or acute. It develops gradually. Characterized by the appearance of small or large stones in the bile ducts and bladder. This process is quite long.

The formation of stones begins when the bile thickens. Granules appear in it, on which molecules of undigested calcium and cholesterol settle. It should be noted that stones can be multiple or single. In addition, they have different sizes. When they begin to move, an acute attack occurs, which is accompanied by very severe pain.

Signs of gallstone disease may not appear immediately, that is, the pathology develops over time. In addition, large elements can “sit” in the ducts for quite a long time and not move anywhere. Although this also causes a lot of problems. It should be noted that this disease is very common, and the number of cases is constantly growing.

It must be said that there are several types of stones:

  • pigmented;
  • cholesterol;
  • limestone;
  • pigment-cholesterol;
  • complex stones consisting of the three above components.

Causes of pathology

Before looking at the symptoms of gallstone disease, it is necessary to understand why it happens in the first place. So, among the reasons contributing to the development of pathology, the following can be identified:

  • age (after 40 years, the nervous and humoral system of the body begins to act differently on internal organs, less effective);
  • heavy weight (especially if a person eats too fatty, spicy foods, rich in cholesterol);
  • violations metabolic processes in organism;
  • Not proper nutrition;
  • unsuitable climate and poor ecology;
  • infection of the biliary tract (cholesterol precipitates in them, which then accumulates, gets compacted and turns into stones);
  • insufficient amount of acids that can dissolve lipids;
  • any other pathologies of internal organs (physiological, infectious or inflammatory).

Signs of pathology

The symptoms of gallstone disease are not specific, so it is quite difficult to recognize it at first. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. However, the disease manifests itself as follows:

There are other signs of gallstone disease: allergic reactions, increased fatigue, sleep disturbance and lack of appetite, lethargy. It must be said that they can appear individually or simultaneously.

Diagnosis of the disease

Symptoms of cholelithiasis in adults cannot provide a complete picture, which is necessary for prescribing adequate treatment. Naturally, you will have to visit an experienced doctor who will carry out the entire range of diagnostic measures. They help determine the size of the stones, the degree of development of the pathology, and its type.

Various tools, both technical and clinical, are used for diagnosis. In the second case, the doctor palpates the gallbladder and ducts, during which the patient may feel discomfort and pain. In addition, colic may be accompanied by the passage of very small stones, which also indicates the presence of the disease.

When making a diagnosis, the symptoms of gallstone disease in adults and children (if there are such cases) are taken into account. In addition, the patient will need to undergo the following procedures:

  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • blood and urine tests (for the content of duodenal elements, cholesterol levels, bilirubin, indicators fat metabolism and alpha-amylase activity);
  • a thorough analysis of the patient’s medical history and family history;
  • stool analysis (in it you can often see which elements of food are not digested);
  • study inner surface stomach, duodenum and esophagus (esophagogastroduodenoscopy);
  • cholangiopancreatography (examination of the bile ducts from the inside using a duodenofibroscope);
  • computed tomography of internal organs;

It is necessary to take into account the non-specificity of symptoms, so the diagnosis must be made as accurately as possible. Otherwise, the doctor may simply treat the wrong disease, which will lead to unpredictable consequences.

Features of the course of an acute attack and first aid

This pathology can develop gradually, but the time will come when it will make itself felt. Therefore, you must know how to relieve an attack of gallstone disease. It must be said that a person feels worst at the moment when solid particles begin to move through the ducts and clog them. In this case, severe pain and other symptoms appear. In this case, most often the attack occurs at night. It usually lasts up to 6 hours. If you have an attack of gallstone disease, you should definitely know what to do. So, you will have to take the following measures:

  1. A heating pad or warm compress should be applied to the gallbladder. As a last resort, it is necessary to organize a warm bath to reduce pain and alleviate the condition.
  2. Now you need to take any painkiller that can relieve spasms (“Atropine”, “Papaverine”, “No-shpu”).
  3. You definitely need to call ambulance and hospitalize the victim. Moreover, you need to go to the hospital if the pathology worsens. It is in the hospital that you can spend all necessary diagnostics and perform surgery (if absolutely necessary).
  4. Along with painkillers, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications.

It must be said that timely measures can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. Now you know how to relieve an attack of gallstone disease. However, this does not mean that the pathology does not need to be treated.

Features of pathology treatment

Now you can figure out how to deal with this problem using traditional, non-traditional and radical methods. Let's start with the first ones. Treatment of gallstone disease should be comprehensive. That is, it is not enough to simply remove stones from the ducts and bladder. Necessary long time carry out drug therapy, follow a certain diet, follow doctor’s orders.

Experts use various drugs for cholelithiasis:

  1. For elimination pain syndrome intramuscular and intravenous analgesics (Talamonal, analgin solution) are used. IN extreme cases Narcotic substances may be used: morphine, Promedol.
  2. To eliminate spasms in the ducts, you need to use the drugs “Papaverine” or “No-spa”, and under the skin. To improve bile circulation you can use special drugs(“Holenzym”) However, try not to use more strong drugs, as this can lead to an acute attack that will end in surgery.
  3. Treatment of cholelithiasis is accompanied by the passage of solid elements. Warm teas and heating pads are usually used for this.
  4. If the pathology has already passed into chronic stage, try to periodically take courses of treatment prescribed by your doctor. For example, drugs such as “Liobil” and others are taken.

In any case, you cannot choose medications on your own, as you can only harm yourself. It is better to consult a specialist and undergo a thorough examination.

Features of treatment with folk remedies

Naturally, drug therapy is not a panacea and does not always help. Self-prepared substances can also enhance the effect. For example, treating gallstone disease with folk remedies will significantly increase your chances of getting rid of the pathology, but you should not use them without the consent of your doctor. So, the following recipes may be useful:

  1. Red beet juice. Long-term use This drink will help you quickly deal with stones. Moreover, they will dissolve completely painlessly. You can use not only juice, but also beet broth. To do this, the vegetable needs to be cooked for a long time. Please note that not all people like this drink.
  2. Treatment of cholelithiasis, folk remedies, in particular, can be done using mixtures of different plants, each of which has its own specific action. For example, the following remedy can relieve pain, cleanse internal organs, and improve their blood supply: the roots of calamus, valerian and buckthorn, wild rosemary herbs, mint, hawthorn, chamomile, lily of the valley and rose hips mixed in equal quantities. Before this, all plants should be chopped. The maximum amount of each herb is 5 grams. Next, pour the mixture with 1.5 liters of water and put on fire. The liquid should boil for no more than five minutes. Also, give the product time to sit (about 6 hours). You need to take it several times a day, 100 ml. It is necessary to drink the remedy until complete recovery.
  3. In order to eliminate stagnation of bile in the ducts, use a decoction of wild strawberry berries and leaves. Take it three times a day, a glass.
  4. Regular dill is also considered useful. To prepare the decoction you will need two large spoons of seeds and 2 cups of boiling water. Next, the mixture must be put on fire. It should boil for no more than 12 minutes. Try to drink half a glass of the product daily. Moreover, the liquid should be warm. It will take you several weeks to heal.
  5. Chicory root infusion will help you effectively dissolve stones and remove them from the body. To prepare the drink, take 60 grams of crushed raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. The decoction should sit for at least 20 minutes. Next, take the drink in small portions throughout the day. It is best if the broth is fresh each time.
  6. Black radish juice and honey will help you cleanse your gallbladder and dissolve stones. Try to drink 1 tablespoon of the mixture on an empty stomach in the morning. After this you can eat only after a quarter of an hour. Please note that this procedure is long and takes at least six months.

In addition, try to improve bile secretion. To do this, take carrot and cabbage juice every day.

Indications for surgery and types of operations

There are cases when it is impossible to use medications or folk recipes they simply don't help. Besides, acute attacks require surgical intervention. In this case it is done surgical removal stones. There are certain indications for intervention:

There are also contraindications to surgery: serious condition patient, any oncological diseases other organs, strong inflammatory processes in the body, as well as individual characteristics.

Gallstones are removed in several ways:

  1. Traditional (laparotomy). To do this, the doctor must open the anterior abdominal wall and remove the bubble along with all its contents. Such an operation is performed if the stones are too large or the organ will no longer perform its assigned function.
  2. Laparoscopic. To do this, you do not need to cut the peritoneum. Specialists simply make small holes in the area of ​​the bubble and remove the stones through them. At the same time, recovery after such an operation occurs much faster, and there are practically no scars left on the skin. That is, this type of intervention is used most often.

If you have gallstone disease, the operation can be performed without a scalpel. For example, now in medicine they use specialized technical means, which are capable of crushing the formed elements. This method is called shock wave lithotripsy. This procedure is not possible everywhere. After the procedure, small stones are simply dissolved with the help of medications and removed from the body.

Nutritional Features

For more effective treatment the patient is prescribed diet No. 5. For gallstone disease, it is considered optimal. So, the caloric intake with this diet is about 2800 kcal daily. If the patient is obese, then these indicators can be reduced to 2300 kcal. You need to eat at least 5 times a day in small portions.

You need to drink clean water, and as much as possible (from two liters per day). Try not to drink carbonated water; alcohol is prohibited. The best options are tea, juices and herbal infusions. Products for cholelithiasis must be fresh and safe. It is forbidden to eat fatty, fried, smoked, spicy food, chocolate, canned food, sausages and semi-finished products, fish and meat broths. Also, try to avoid using garlic, pepper, lard, onion, sorrel and excessive amounts of salt while cooking.

Allowed products are: bran bread, vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, lean meat and fish. Moreover, the latter should be baked in the oven or steamed. Eat porridge and boiled eggs (no more than 1 per day). Use sunflower instead olive oil. If you are experiencing a period of exacerbation, then the products should be ground.

You cannot prescribe a diet for yourself. Try to consult with experienced specialist in this area, as well as your attending physician. If you don’t know what you can cook for gallstone disease, the recipes presented in this article will be very useful to you.

So, take 300 g of potatoes, 25 g of carrots, 19 g of butter, 350 g of water, 7 g of parsley and 25 g of onions. All vegetables must be boiled. Gradually add oil and parsley to the “soup”. It is advisable to chop the carrots and potatoes.

Carrot and potato puree is healthy and very tasty during illness. All vegetables must be boiled and crushed (grinded). Next, add a little milk and a little salt to the mixture. Now the puree can be brought to a boil and served.

A very useful vegetable in such a situation is eggplant. It can be stewed in sour cream sauce. To prepare this dish, take 230 g of eggplant, herbs, a little butter and salt. For the sauce you will need 50 g of water, 50 g of sour cream, a little butter and flour. We cook the eggplant last. The sauce is made like this: fry the flour in a heated frying pan, add oil and water. Boil the mixture for about 20 minutes. Lastly, sour cream is added. Now peel and cut the eggplant, salt it and leave for a few minutes to remove the bitterness. Next, place the pieces in a frying pan and simmer a little over low heat. Lastly, add the sauce to the eggplant and leave the dish to simmer for another 5 minutes. Bon appetit!

Disease prevention

It is necessary to treat the presented pathology, but it is best to prevent it. That is, you are obliged to follow all the necessary preventive measures that will help you avoid the disease. Otherwise, treatment will take a long and painful time.

For example, try to support optimal weight bodies. Obesity only contributes to the emergence of this pathology and other health problems. Therefore, force yourself to move, do morning exercises, do gymnastics or some other active look sports Walk more, hike, run, bike, swim.

Very effective way prevention is a balanced and proper diet. You should not overload your gastrointestinal tract, so do not overeat, try to give up harmful products, dishes and habits. For example, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, eating out fast food. Eliminate spicy, fatty, smoked and canned foods from the menu. Limit your consumption of sweets, baked goods, lard, fatty fish and other heavy foods. After all, what is not digested in the stomach turns into harmful sediment, from which stones are subsequently formed. If you don't know how to properly calculate your diet, consult a nutritionist. He will build you a nutritional system that will allow you to get rid of the threat of disease and bring your body into shape.

If you want to lose weight, then you need to do it very carefully so that the functioning of the body's systems is not disrupted. There is no need to lose weight suddenly and quickly. This can only do harm.

However, if the disease does appear, it is urgent to stop its development. That is, try not to delay treatment after detecting the first symptoms and correct setting diagnosis.

Regarding questions about stone removal, you should consult your doctor. If necessary, you can get advice from other specialists in this field. You should not self-medicate, as the consequences can be very serious. It is better to combine all traditional and unconventional methods elimination of the disease under the supervision of a doctor. Be healthy!

Read about the symptoms and treatment of cholelithiasis (GSD).

Poor nutrition often leads to the occurrence of this pathology.
The disease occurs unnoticed, but is fraught with trouble for a person.

Symptoms and treatment of gallstone disease

This is a disease that occurs when the body does not function properly and contributes to the appearance of stones in the bile ducts and gall bladder.

It is characterized by stagnant biliary processes and metabolic disorders in the body. It usually affects middle-aged and elderly women.

The main symptoms of cholelithiasis in humans

It is characterized by non-specificity, as a result of which the disease is difficult to recognize.

It can be diagnosed by a doctor who has knowledge of the symptoms of cholelithiasis, which boils down to the following:

  • pain in the right side of the hypochondrium, accompanied by constant aching character, which is especially noticeable when eating;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea from eating illicit unhealthy foods;
  • colic in the right hypochondrium;
  • feeling of abdominal tension;
  • belching air;
  • weakness, high degree of fatigue and sweating;
  • presence of low-grade fever;
  • presence of skin itching;
  • irritability.

In addition, gallstone disease is characterized by sleep problems and loss of appetite. These symptoms can appear either immediately or separately.

Principles of effective drug treatment

Provides pain relief and inflammatory processes, as well as carrying out measures for the outflow of bile.

When biliary colic is diagnosed, the patient needs urgent hospitalization.

The principle of treatment is to prescribe the following medications:

  • painkillers, where narcotic drugs are no exception;
  • antibiotics;
  • sulfa drugs.

To minimize pain in the abdominal area, ice should be applied.

At treatment of cholelithiasis Diet and adherence to special gymnastic exercises and eliminating constipation. To drain bile, it is recommended for the patient daily use There is little mineralized alkaline water available for drinking.

If the applied treatment principles do not provide any results, surgical treatment is considered.

Causes of the disease

  1. Heredity. If one of the family members has had cholelithiasis at least once in their life, the risk of the disease increases several times than for other people. This is due to the possibility of gene mutation.
  2. Nationality. Statistics show that countries Latin America and Northern Europe are more predisposed to gallstone disease than Asians and Africans.
  3. Gender. Women are at greater risk of developing cholelithiasis than men. Because estrogen tends to stimulate the liver to minimize cholesterol from the blood and redirect it into bile.
  4. Age criteria. As a rule, this disease is not typical for childhood. If there is a risk of stones in children, gender does not matter at all.
  5. The period of bearing a child. Increases the risk of disease as significant hormonal changes occur in the body.
  6. Excess weight. The liver becomes oversaturated with cholesterol, which it does not have time to process, resulting in its release into the bile in the form of crystals.
  7. Diseases. Patients with diabetes are more at risk of the disease infectious diseases, which opens all the ways to the formation of gallstone disease.
  8. Cirrhosis of the liver. Involves the most important risk of gallstone disease.
  9. Diseases circulatory system. Chronic anemia contributes to the risk of formation of pigmented gallstones.

Features of symptoms in women

The increased incidence of gallstone disease in women is associated with the structure female body. Physiology has made sure that women are able to accumulate excess weight faster than men.

Constant strict diets and improper diet contribute to the rapid deposition of stones. Therefore, the likelihood of gallstone disease in women is much greater than in men.

Symptoms of gallstone disease in women:

  1. Sharp pain occurs in the right side, which can radiate to the shoulder blade, lower back and back. This is called hepatic colic. The pain is unbearable painful nature. The first attacks occur after eating fatty, salty or spicy foods.
  2. Subsequently, the pain becomes intense, which provokes nausea and pain in the pit of the stomach. Bitterness appears in the mouth. In some cases, nausea is accompanied by gag reflexes.
  3. Gallstone colic in some cases can last a day or two and recede. But this does not mean that the disease has gone away on its own.

On the contrary, a woman should immediately see a doctor and, at a minimum, undergo an ultrasound examination. Which diagnoses the disease and shows the size of the stones and where they are located.

The gallbladder is not made of iron. If no measures are taken, it may simply burst, causing bile to spill throughout the body and lead to death.

An attack of cholelithiasis and its signs

The attack begins from the moment the stone first moves in the gall bladder.

Main features gallstone attacks are:

  • the onset of hepatic colic, accompanied by pain in the right side;
  • the appearance of nausea with vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • chills;
  • slight swelling of the peritoneum on the right.

The duration of the attack can reach half an hour. The nature of the pain is nagging or aching. The attacks come in waves.

After the last attack, the next one may happen again within a couple of hours. Attacks occur due to the beginning of the movement of stones. The larger the stone, the more painful the attack.

If the stones are small, the pain may be slightly less. When advancing the stone big size the bile duct may become blocked, leading to complications such as jaundice.

Before calling an ambulance, it is necessary to provide medical care, which involves performing the following actions:

  1. The patient is shown bed rest. In this case, performing any movements and bending is contraindicated. If you have a heart problem, you need to anticipate the occurrence of an angina attack. To do this, carry heart drops or other medicine prescribed by a specialist.
  2. To relieve spasms, give the patient a vasodilator medication, which will help the stones move faster.
  3. Place a heating pad on your feet hot water, which will also dilate the blood vessels.
  4. Prepare a hot water bath and sit in it for 15 minutes.
  5. When taking a bath, the amount you drink warm water should reach a liter. Large amounts of liquid consumed can cause vomiting.
  6. During and after an attack, chills are possible, so the patient should dress warmly and wait for the ambulance to arrive.


Diet during exacerbation

Any exacerbation of the disease requires adherence to a certain diet.

Only this approach to treatment can minimize the frequency of possible attacks, relieve pain and improve the patient’s condition.

What should be the diet:

  1. Foods rich in monosaturated fats fatty acids help improve the emptying of the gallbladder. These products are olive oil and rice oil, flaxseed.
  2. Maximizing fiber intake helps minimize the formation of gallstones.
  3. Vegetables and fruits. Statistical observations show that people who eat large amounts of vegetables and fruits practically do not suffer from cholelithiasis.
  4. Nuts reduce the risk of diseases associated with the gallbladder and bile ducts.
  5. Sugar. Excessive consumption of sweets threatens the formation of gallstones. Therefore, those with a sweet tooth should monitor their diet and minimize the consumption of confectionery products.
  6. Drinking about 2 glasses of wine daily reduces the risk of gallstones.
  7. Coffee. Moderate consumption does not in any way affect the formation of gallstones, since the coffee drink stimulates the functioning of the gall bladder and reduces the cholesterol level in the bile.
  8. Drinking carbonated drinks is strictly prohibited. Unless you can indulge yourself sometimes.
  9. Naturally, in case of cholelithiasis and after its attacks, eating fatty, spicy and fried foods is not recommended.

Nutrition should be balanced and correct. Give preference to steamed or boiled food.

What you can and cannot eat

At exacerbation of cholelithiasis There are a number of products that are recommended and prohibited for consumption.


  • yesterday's rye or wheat bread;
  • a small amount of butter;
  • homemade sauerkraut;
  • soft-boiled eggs;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • watermelons, pumpkin and melon are especially useful because they cause a diuretic effect;
  • as sweets the best products are honey, marmalade, marshmallow;
  • vegetables and fruits with soft skin;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • a small amount of nuts;
  • Stewed greens and vegetables.


  • fresh baked goods;
  • fatty meats;
  • pickles, canned food, fried, salty and fatty foods;
  • sour vegetables and fruits;
  • ice cream;
  • garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • barley;
  • alcohol;
  • strong tea;
  • spices;
  • cocoa.

What herbs should you drink?

  1. Milk thistle.

Possesses high degree solubility of stones. Can be used in preventive measures as a remedy against gallstones. This became possible due to the presence of silymarin in milk thistle, which promotes better fluidity of bile.

  1. Green tea.

A drink that has antioxidant properties, helps improve bile fluidity, reduces the level of intoxication, and minimizes the concentration of cholesterol in bile.

  1. Artichoke.

A plant that has a diuretic effect, improves the fluidity of bile, facilitates painful condition patient when the stone begins to move in the bladder. Has an antioxidant effect.

Indications for surgical treatment

The operation must be performed in the following cases:

  • if the stone is more than a centimeter in diameter;
  • at high probability blockage of the bile duct;
  • the appearance of polyps in the gallbladder;
  • cholecystolithiasis is asymptomatic;
  • Availability intestinal obstruction, which was provoked by the presence of a large number of stones;
  • Mirizi syndrome;
  • exclusion of other types of diseases, in particular cancer;
  • acute attack of cholecystitis.

Patients with symptoms calculous cholecystitis, which provoked the presence of stones in the gallstone, surgery is relatively indicated.

Surgical treatment of cholelithiasis ( complete removal bile organ - cholecystectomy) is performed in the following cases:

  • upon confirmation of blockage of the bile duct leading to the duodenum;
  • acute course of cholecystitis, which in some cases leads to death;
  • diagnosing hemolytic anemia;
  • assumption of the possibility of the presence of stones in the gallbladder 20 years ago;
  • calcification, which contributes to the formation of a cancerous tumor;
  • the presence of polyps in the gallbladder with a stalk of more than 1 cm;
  • severe abdominal injury;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • significant deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the gallbladder.

The operation is also recommended for those segments of the population who have suffered from cholelithiasis for a long time and live in remote areas where conditions for the procedure have not been created. surgical intervention.

This category includes travelers and other people whose profession is related to long absence in "civilization".

With timely surgery, patients are guaranteed a 95% favorable prognosis.

Possible complications and preventive measures

  1. Infection of the body. The most common complication GSD, which is dangerous for the entire body due to the occurrence of sepsis. In this case, the patient experiences fever, tachycardia and panic.
  2. Gangrene and the onset of an abscess. Accompanied by complete destruction of tissue in the gallbladder, which leads to gangrene. Males over fifty years of age are at risk.
  3. Rupture of the gallbladder. Occurs when patients fail to seek help in a timely manner. The spread of bile into the peritoneum is fraught with the development of peritonitis.
  4. Empyema. Characteristic for acute cholecystitis. The appearance of pus in the gall bladder occurs, which is accompanied by abdominal pain, and is very life-threatening, since infection of neighboring internal organs is possible.
  5. Fistulas. The disease is typical for elderly patients.
  6. Pancreatitis. Slagging of the gallbladder leads to pancreatitis.
  7. Oncology. Symptoms of gallbladder cancer show themselves only in last stage.
  8. Pathology of the pancreas. A disease in which the bile duct joins the pancreatic duct and poses a high risk of cancer.

Preventive measures to prevent gallstone disease:

  1. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper diet, which does not contribute to excess weight.
  2. Maintaining active image life.
  3. Taking medications that help dissolve gallstones.

The benefits of spa treatment

At chronic course cholelithiasis is prescribed treatment in sanatorium-resort institutions. This method gives good results and prolongs periods of remission. For cholelithiasis, the second and third sanatorium regime is used, which includes:

  • general climatotherapy;
  • therapeutic group physical education;
  • application mineral water;
  • balneotherapy (mud therapy has an effective effect);
  • various therapeutic baths (mineralized and herbal).

Sanatorium-resort treatment is a gentle but effective way of non-surgical treatment of gallstone disease. The results of this treatment are:

  • reduction of pain syndromes;
  • improvement of general well-being;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes digestive system, gallbladder;
  • stabilization of pancreatic function;
  • reduction of lipid oxidation;
  • improving the functioning of the intestinal tract;
  • change in bile density.

This type of treatment is used only in the stage of remission and in the absence of pain. Not applicable Spa treatment at acute forms cholecystitis, especially when purulent.

Features of diet therapy

The peculiarity of diet therapy is the regulation of metabolism, especially cholesterol metabolism. To do this, reduce caloric intake and limit consumption simple carbohydrates and animal fats. Food for gallstone disease should be simple, balanced and as healthy as possible.

The following food products are excluded:

  • egg yolk;
  • offal;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • animal fats.

The exception is butter; it is recommended to consume it up to 10 grams. in a day. Prohibited foods also include herbs containing a lot of acid - sorrel and spinach. You should avoid eating spicy seasonings, beans and baked goods. All of these foods are difficult to digest and contribute to the exacerbation of the disease.

Changing your diet is fundamental to treating the disease without surgery. According to medical recommendations, use diet No. 5.

The main points of the diet are:

  • fractional meals;
  • exclusion of harmful foods;
  • consumption of foods enriched with magnesium salts.

Portioned food consumption improves the functioning of the bile-excretory system.

Nutritionists recommend consuming various cereals, especially green and ordinary buckwheat, and whole grain oatmeal. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to include dairy products. And the consumption of mineral water (alkaline) is an integral part of the therapeutic diet.

Dietary food processing should be carried out in the following ways:

  • boiling;
  • baking in the oven;
  • steaming.

First breakfast:

  • cottage cheese casserole (120 gr.);
  • oatmeal (150 gr.) with butter(10 gr.);
  • Herb tea.

Second breakfast – fruit of your choice (apple, pear, apricot).

  • vegetable soup (400 gr.);
  • a piece of baked poultry;
  • steamed vegetables (zucchini, carrots) –120 gr.;
  • dried fruits compote.

Afternoon snack – fruit compote with crackers.

  • fish baked with vegetables (250 gr.);
  • decoction of rose hips and strawberry leaves.

Before bed – natural yogurt (200 grams).

Option No. 2

First breakfast:

  • buckwheat porridge (200 grams);
  • natural yogurt with fresh berries(100g);
  • tea without sugar, you can add honey.

Second breakfast – steamed dried apricots (several pieces).

  • boiled veal (100 grams);
  • beet and carrot salad, dressed vegetable oil(200 grams);
  • Herb tea.

Afternoon snack – baked apple or pumpkin.

  • steamed fish cutlets (150 gr.);
  • boiled rice (100 grams);
  • drink with echinacea and rose hips.

Before bed - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Based on this approximate diet menu, it is easy to select dishes, excluding junk food from your diet, and create a list of products for every day that will meet therapeutic diet №5.

A common pathology characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts is called. The formation of stones can be caused by the deposition of bile pigments, cholesterol, calcium salts, as well as lipid metabolism disorders. The disease is accompanied painful sensations in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, biliary colic, as well as jaundice.

According to statistics, the disease occurs in approximately 13% of the adult population of the planet. The disease can develop in both men and women, but among representatives of the fair half of society it occurs twice as often.

The leading cause of pathology is the formation of stones due to lipid metabolism disorders. In addition, the occurrence of the disease may be due to:

  • unbalanced diet, abuse of fatty foods;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • anomalies that occur in the gallbladder;
  • various liver lesions;
  • spinal injuries;
  • pregnancy;
  • fasting;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the small intestine.

Women are more susceptible to the disease. This is explained by the technique contraception, pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, the disease is more often diagnosed in older people. The highest incidence is observed among the Japanese and Indians.

Symptoms of the disease

There are stones made from cholesterol, bile pigments and mixed ones.

  • An increase in unconjugated bilirubin is the cause of the formation of stones from bile pigments. They contain calcium salts and bilirubin.
  • As for pigmented stones, they are small in size, often up to 10 mm and black or grayish in color.
  • The composition of cholesterol stones: insoluble cholesterol and various impurities. There are both single and multiple. They are black or grey.
  • Mixed stones are most common. They contain: cholesterol, calcium salts and bilirubin. They are yellowish-brown and always multiple.

Symptoms of the pathology do not appear immediately in more than 60% of cases. Gallstone disease can be asymptomatic for several years.

Gallstones are detected in the gallbladder, usually by accident, during ultrasound examination. Symptoms can only appear if stones move through the cystic canal, which provokes blockage and the development of an inflammatory process.

Signs to watch out for

Since the pathology practically does not manifest itself over a long period, it is important to respond in a timely manner to signs that may indicate the presence of stones in the gallbladder. Often, we don’t particularly react to the appearance of heaviness in the stomach; we attribute it to a heavy dinner. Do not underestimate this sensation, as it can signal urolithiasis.

In addition, the first manifestations of pathology include: discomfort and pain after a meal, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, yellowness of the sclera and skin.

A lot of time passes from the moment stones begin to form until the first manifestations of pathology. According to some studies, average duration asymptomatic illness - ten years. If there is a predisposition to stone formation, this period may be reduced to several years.

For some, the formation of stones, on the contrary, is very slow - they grow throughout life and this does not manifest itself at all. Such stones are often discovered after death.

Based on the first manifestations, pathologists can determine accurate diagnosis difficult. The appearance of nausea, vomiting and stool disturbances may accompany other gastrointestinal ailments. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound examination is prescribed abdominal cavity. It is with its help that one can detect both an increase in the size of the gall bladder and the presence of stones in its cavity.


There are several stages of gallstone disease: the stage of violation physical and chemical properties bile, latent or hidden and the stage of onset of symptoms of the disease.

The first stage practically does not manifest itself at all. The diagnosis is established only by examining bile. Crystals or “snowflakes” of cholesterol are found in it. When conducting biochemical analysis There is an increase in cholesterol content and a decrease in the concentration of bile acids.

The second stage also does not manifest itself in any way. But at this stage there are already stones in the gallbladder. The diagnosis can be made using ultrasound. Symptoms in particular biliary colic appear only at the last stage. On at this stage there are complaints of strong, paroxysmal or sharp pains. The duration of the painful syndrome is from two to six hours. The attack usually occurs in the evening.

The patient complains of pain in the right hypochondrium area, spreading to the right cervical region. Often, pain occurs after eating fatty, spicy foods, as well as after physical activity.

The appearance of pain can also be caused by the consumption of carbonated drinks, eggs, cream, alcoholic drinks, and cakes. In addition to pain in the right hypochondrium, there may be complaints of increased temperature, chills, and increased sweating.

Ignoring the symptoms of gallstone disease is fraught with the development of the last stage or stage of complications.

What are the complications of gallstone disease? Lack of therapy is fraught with the development serious illnesses: acute cholecystitis, hydrocele of the gallbladder, perforation or rupture of the gallbladder, liver abscess, cancer of the gallbladder, empyema, reactive hepatitis, acute cholangitis, biliary fistulas, paravesical abscess, cicatricial strictures, secondary biliary cirrhosis.

Help with an attack of biliary colic

When severe pain in the right hypochondrium, chills, fever, subtle bloating and arrhythmia, measures must be taken. The attack itself lasts, as a rule, half an hour, after which the pain becomes aching. After about three hours, the pain goes away.

The occurrence of an attack is provoked by stones that move along bile ducts into the intestines. It is the size of the stones that determines the intensity of the pain.

Often, to relieve pain, the administration of M-anticholinergic blockers (help eliminate spasms) is prescribed - Atropine 0.1% - 1 ml IM or Platifillin 2% - 1 ml IM.

If anticholinergic blockers are ineffective, they are used antispasmodics. In this case, intramuscular administration of Papaverine 2% - 2 ml or Drotaverine (No-shpy) 2% - 2 ml is prescribed.

Baralgin or Pentalgin 5 ml IM is prescribed as a pain reliever. If the pain is severe and cannot be relieved by anything, use Promedol 2% - 1 ml.

How to diagnose cholelithiasis?

In order to identify pathology, in addition to questioning, examination, palpation of the abdomen and blood sampling for general and biochemical blood tests, the following is prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • radiography;
  • cholecystography;
  • computed tomography;
  • endoscopic cholangiopancreatography.

Features of treatment

Treatment of pathology involves preventing the movement of stones, litholytic therapy (crushing stones), as well as normalizing metabolic processes. The main direction of treatment for the asymptomatic stage of the disease is diet.

What should the diet be like? You need to eat food in small portions, at least five times a day. The temperature of cold dishes is 15 degrees (not lower), and hot dishes are not higher than 62 degrees Celsius.

Patients are prohibited from consuming: alcoholic beverages, legumes, fatty and spicy foods, dairy products (cream, fat milk, sour cream), fatty varieties meat and fish, canned food, mushrooms, freshly baked bread, spices, coffee, chocolate, strong tea.

It is allowed to eat low-fat cheeses, dried bread, baked vegetables (potatoes, carrots), fresh vegetables(tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, green onions, parsley), low-fat varieties meat (veal, rabbit, beef, chicken) stewed or boiled, cereals, noodles, sweet ripe berries and fruits, compotes, low-fat yoghurts and low-fat cottage cheese.

Drug dissolution of stones

Drug therapy for the disease is effective in the following cases: if the stones consist of cholesterol, if they do not exceed five millimeters, if the patient is not obese and the age of the stones does not exceed three years. In order to dissolve the stones, the use of Ursofalk or Ursosan is prescribed - 8-13 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. The average duration of a therapeutic course is a year.

Surgery for gallstone disease

The operation is performed if the stones are large and also in the case when drug therapy has not brought positive results. The main types of cholecystectomy (surgery to remove the gallbladder) include:

  • standard cholecystectomy;
  • laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

The first method has been used for a long time. It is based on abdominal surgery(with an open abdominal cavity). However, recently it has been used less and less. This is due to frequent postoperative complications.

The laparoscopic technique is based on the use of a special device – a laparoscope. This method is much more effective than the first. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy does not require large incisions. In addition, small scars remain after the operation. Another advantage of such an operation is fast recovery performance. And most importantly, complications after surgery are rare.

Useful information in the article "."

How to carry out prevention?

In order to prevent the development of this pathology, it is recommended to keep active and healthy image life, eat right, exercise, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.