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Are pyelonephritis and exercise therapy compatible? Carrying out exercise therapy during the development of pyelonephritis

Sports and physical exercise good for health, they are especially necessary for patients with kidneys and back problems. Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis is included in complex treatment and is a necessary factor for get well soon. Before starting exercises, you should definitely consult your doctor. Some physical activities can harm your health and worsen your condition. It is important to pay attention to how you feel when exercising and, if it worsens, stop. Exercises are only allowed if chronic form pyelonephritis; in acute cases of the disease, sports are contraindicated.

Therapeutic exercise promotes the overall health of the body, and pyelonephritis is no exception.

The importance and intensity of sports activities for pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis is preceded by many other diseases; it does not occur and does not occur on its own. With this pathology there are inflammatory processes in neighboring internal organs. Along with pyelonephritis, the following diseases are often diagnosed:

Physical activity is often included in complex therapy in the treatment of many diseases. Exercises for pathology are not only allowed, but also necessary if there are no contraindications. Physical activity quickly brings a sick body back to normal and has a preventive effect on a healthy one.

Pyelonephritis is not an obstacle to playing professional sports.

The doctor must clearly indicate the weekly norm of exercise; excessive exercise also has a bad effect on the body, just like its complete absence. First, the patient is recommended to train under the supervision of a trainer, who will indicate a specific set of exercises recommended for pyelonephritis. There are several rules when performing exercise therapy:

  • Regularity when playing sports is important;
  • exercises should be alternated with rest;
  • do each element the required number of times;

Therapeutic exercise consists of different elements: walking, active games, gymnastics. There are single exercises for pyelonephritis and those where the help of a partner is needed. Classes begin when remission has occurred and the patient feels better. It is worth consulting with your doctor about the possibility of starting sports.

Rehabilitation for acute illness

If the disease has acute form, this does not mean that exercise therapy does not need to be done. There is a set of exercises that allows the body to relax during the rehabilitation period. Diaphragmatic breathing is recommended to be done several times daily. If stagnation occurs, it will help get rid of it special massage. It is important to maintain smooth breathing and not make sudden movements during gymnastics.

Exercise therapy for kidney inflammation

Therapeutic exercise for pyelonephritis is aimed at eliminating noticeable pain in the lumbar region, as well as general strengthening body. Together with exercise therapy they are prescribed medications And massage treatments. When performing therapeutic tasks, you should follow their sequence; they must be performed in a slow and smooth rhythm. If the exercise is accompanied by pain in the lower back, you need to stop doing gymnastics or reduce the amount.

Exercises on the floor

There are several types of tasks that should be performed while lying on the floor. In the starting position, lie on your back, legs should be spread as wide as possible, while bending them slightly at the knees. Before starting, take a deep breath and exhale several times, which promotes relaxation. When performing the first task, you should join your feet and move your legs at the knees. While inhaling, lower your knees to the right, and as you exhale, return your legs to the starting position. With the next smooth inhalation, lower your knees to the left, then exhale and return them back. It is recommended to do the exercise 12 approaches in each direction. After this exercise, return to the starting position with your legs spread wide. Bend your arms and lean on your elbows, lift your pelvis deep breath, and as you exhale, lower it. It is necessary to perform 5 approaches. If pain occurs, then exclude this exercise or do not lift your pelvis too high.

A physical exercise routine performed on the floor will have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the kidneys.

To perform the exercise, you will need a book or other light object that can be placed on your stomach. As you inhale, raise your stomach, and as you exhale, lower it. Repeat the exercise 8 times. To do the next task, you need to use a machine that creates a soft spacer. It is performed lying on your back, the exercise machine is placed between your legs. The task is to bring your legs together, resisting the simulator. One approach should be done for 3 minutes. While resting, remain on your back with your legs and arms spread out, breathing smoothly and deeply.

Causes and symptoms

Pyelonephritis - infection which is characterized by inflammation renal pelvis. Most common cause the occurrence of the disease is coli. The development of the disease also contributes to urolithiasis disease, pregnancy, prostate diseases, anomalies urinary tract, diabetes.

Pyelonephritis can be acute or chronic. Chronic is usually asymptomatic. His symptoms most often appear during periods of exacerbation. Acute inflammation characterized by pain in the lumbar region, frequent and painful urination, high fever, headache, nausea.

The examination includes general tests urine and blood, biochemical analysis blood, ultrasound, x-ray research methods. Based on them, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, including antibiotics, diet, and possibly surgery, phytoprocedures, reception herbal infusions. They give a good combination proper nutrition and a properly selected set of exercises for pyelonephritis.

Physical therapy for pyelonephritis

It is recommended to engage in physical exercise after the exacerbation subsides: the cessation of sharp pain and reduction of fever. A set of exercises for pyelonephritis is necessary in order to normalize blood circulation in the kidneys, improve metabolic processes, improve urine flow, normalize blood pressure, increase the body's resistance and maintain normal physical performance.

Contraindications to application of exercise therapy serve serious condition sick, strong pain when performing physical exercises, as well as the likelihood of internal bleeding.

In exercise therapy for pyelonephritis, it is necessary to include general developmental exercises. Special exercises include relaxation and diaphragmatic breathing. Exercises for the abdominal muscles should be used with caution, avoiding straining.

A special stroking massage can help eliminate congestion in the urinary system. During the massage, the back, lower back, buttocks, abdomen, and lower limbs are massaged. Impact techniques should be avoided. The duration of such a massage should not exceed 10 minutes. A total of 10-15 sessions are recommended.

Exercise therapy options

A set of exercises for pyelonephritis should carry a moderate load. As remedy Therapeutic walking is widely practiced. Walking through areas with different terrain and measured walking are practiced.

Skiing stimulates tissue metabolism and helps train the cardiorespiratory system. It has not only a training effect, but also a hardening effect.

Cycling improves metabolic processes, trains the cardiovascular system, breathing, legs, and enhances autonomic-vestibular reactions. The dosage is determined by a number of factors, including distance, pace, and cycling time.

Sample exercises

There is a special set of exercises for pyelonephritis, which, however, can help if you do it regularly.

  • 1. Starting position - lying on your back, legs bent, feet spaced slightly wider than shoulders. You need to take a deep breath. As you exhale, you need to alternately tilt your shins inward. They have to get the mattress out. Do bends 15-20 times.
  • 2. Starting position - lying on your left side. Legs must be bent at the knees and hip joints. As you exhale, you need to take one leg back, gradually increasing the amplitude of abduction. The bending angle needs to be reduced. Then lie on the other side and repeat everything exactly the same. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • 3. Starting position - lying on your back, place your arms along your body. Make cross movements of straight legs. Do 12-15 times.
  • 4. Starting position - sitting, leaning back in a chair. You need to grab the seat of the chair with your hands. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, you need to raise your pelvis, leaning on your arms and legs. Then you should return to the starting position. Do the exercise 15-20 times.
  • 5. Starting position - sitting on a chair. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, pull the bent leg towards the abdominal and chest wall. Repeat 12-15 times.
  • 6. Starting position - standing, holding the back of a chair. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, move your leg to the side and back. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Do it 10-15 times in total.
  • 7. Starting position - standing. Step back 2-3 steps - inhale, 4-5 steps and exhale. Repeat 10-15 times.

Pyelonephritis is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the kidneys, accompanied by the formation of purulent contents in the organ. Clinical picture manifested by general intoxication, increased body temperature, pain in the side, swelling, and impaired urination. Treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and dietary nutrition. During improvement, patients receive additional methods treatment, one of which is exercise therapy for pyelonephritis.

Patients with a history of this diagnosis need periodic treatment V inpatient department hospitals. Supportive methods - physiotherapy, physical activity and massage - are aimed at providing relief. general well-being patient and prevention of disease progression.

Therapeutic exercise is a method complementary therapy, using moderate physical activity on the body for restorative and strengthening purposes. Exercises improve the psycho-emotional state, normalize hormonal background, increase protective function body. Massage for pyelonephritis is used at the discretion of the attending physician.

Impaired kidney function affects their functional ability. The paired organ processes the fluid entering the body during the day, processing it and removing it through urine final products metabolism. The pathology of their work leads to a failure in the system metabolic processes and calls serious consequences. Delayed treatment pyelonephritis affects the functioning of the body.

Together with exercise therapy chronic pyelonephritis massage is indicated. It is carried out at the stage of rehabilitation of a recovered patient. Massage movements have a beneficial effect on lymphatic drainage and muscle corset, eliminating stagnation in tissues. The course consists of 10 procedures. The exercises come down to 4 main areas: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. Massaging collar area and back. Movements are performed at half strength; tapping and sharp vibrations in the kidney area are contraindicated. One massage session is 10 minutes.

The effect of exercise therapy

IN medical institutions attention is paid not only to drug therapy, but also to physical therapy. After receiving a course of antibiotics, the patient is prescribed exercise therapy.

The main task of exercise therapy for pyelonephritis is:

  • general strengthening of the body, increasing muscle tone;
  • reduction in the active phase of the inflammatory process;
  • increased oxygen flow to tissues;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • increasing the body's resistance;
  • fast recovery.

Performing physical exercises is accompanied by active breathing movements. During inhalation, an increased amount of oxygen enters the patient's body. It enters the blood and enters all tissues of the body. Thanks to oxygen, rapid tissue restoration, wound healing, and reduction of purulent contents in the kidneys occur. Also active movements improve urine flow.

Sports activities are an integral part of the treatment and recovery process for pyelonephritis. Exercises are performed only after the patient’s condition has been alleviated, symptoms of intoxication have been eliminated, and a course of antibiotic therapy has been completed.

Basic rules of the exercise therapy course:

  1. Systematic daily exercise.
  2. Follow the scheme built by the doctor, without changing the number of approaches.
  3. Balanced loads.
  4. Take a timely break between approaches.

During classes, the instructor monitors the patient's condition.

Features of exercise therapy

Exercise therapy classes begin after the subsidence acute stage diseases. Heavy loads are contraindicated for patients; the complex consists of simple exercises that do not require complex movements. The basis of all activities is walking, it is recommended at any age. The simplest set of exercises for pyelonephritis is walking around the ward or hospital grounds. It is allowed to conduct classes at bed rest patient.

The complex of treatment with exercise therapy is selected individually for each patient. In all cases, avoid stress on the abdominal area and back. Gentle exercise regime under mandatory control of heart rate and breathing movements. The initial position of the body is lying, sitting, standing. The duration of the entire lesson is up to 30 minutes.

Types of exercise therapy:

  • gymnastic exercises;
  • all types of walking and hiking;
  • mobile game movements.

Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis begins with walking, it is allowed to use auxiliary devices in the form of crutches or walkers, and walking in water. After prolonged bed rest, walking will activate the work of the heart and musculoskeletal system, returning vascular tone. The dosage is different for each patient: according to the pace of steps, duration of walk, length of steps.

For severely ill patients on bed rest, exercise therapy classes for pyelonephritis are also provided. They come down to breathing exercises on the bed. Take a deep, slow breath and exhale quickly. As an additional load, raise your arms up. The beneficial effect of such gymnastics is to enrich the body with oxygen. After discharge from the hospital, patients are advised to go cycling.

Swimming and visiting pools are contraindicated for patients.

Exercises for pyelonephritis

Positive dynamics in treatment and the recovery period allow for a more complex set of exercise therapy measures.

  1. Starting position (IP) - lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knee joints, feet apart. Alternately bend one leg inward, reaching out to the bed if possible, leaving the other in its original position. Do it 10 times.
  2. IP - lying on your back. Bend your knees and alternately tilt them to the sides, 10 times each.
  3. IP - lying on your back. Raise your pelvis from the bed without lifting your feet, bend your knees, place your arms along your body or under your pelvis. Perform 10-15 times.
  4. IP - lying on your back. Carry out 5 rotational movements in each direction, first with the left, then with the right leg raised above the bed. 20 approaches for each leg.
  5. IP - lying on your back. Legs are straight, arms are free. Raising your head and shoulders off the bed. 10-15 approaches.
  6. IP - lying on the right side. Bend your legs at the knees, move them away left leg back, then straighten. 10-15 approaches. Repeat on the other side.
  7. IP - lying on your back. Exercise "scissors". The legs are stretched out on the bed, the arms are either along the body or under the pelvis for comfort. Cross your raised legs in the air 20 times.
  8. IP - sitting on a chair. Raise your legs bent at the knee joint alternately to your chest. 10-15 approaches.
  9. IP - sitting on a chair, side to back. Bend your torso back as far as your condition allows, holding onto the chair with your hands. Repeat 10 times.
  10. IP - sitting on a chair or bed. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt your torso towards your right leg, straighten up, tilt your torso towards your left leg. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
  11. IP - standing. Alternately, bring your legs back 15 times each, hold onto a chair or wall with your hand.
  12. IP - standing. Turn the torso to the sides 10 times.
  13. IP - standing. Circular rotation of the pelvis 10 times in each direction.

All of the above exercises are performed in a moderate mode, without sudden movements. Lifts are done while exhaling, the amplitude of rotation is minimal, the back is straight.

Contraindications and complications during

Physical therapy for pyelonephritis is carried out for almost all patients. Contraindications:

  • high body temperature;
  • Availability pain syndrome;
  • risk of bleeding;
  • the presence of purulent contents in the renal pelvis;
  • lack of urination.

The general condition of the patient depends on the therapy performed; physical therapy is an auxiliary method and is carried out strictly after his well-being improves. In case of severe pain, he does not perform physical exercises on his own, therefore, in case of pyelonephritis, exercise therapy is postponed until the condition improves.

During the exercises, complications arise from cardiovascular systems s. The patient's heart rate and breathing rate increase, an increase is allowed blood pressure. It is necessary to monitor heart parameters to prevent the condition from worsening. When performing the complex, you should not rush the patient. If difficulties arise, breaks are taken and the load is reduced.

Exercises for pyelonephritis are suitable for all patients and do not require special effort to perform. The result of the method is rapid recovery, reduction of exacerbation chronic stage diseases.

The kidneys perform one of the most important functions in the human body - they remove salts and water, and also regulate blood plasma pressure and water exchange. The kidneys continuously produce primary urine, which is then excreted from the body. Most frequent illness urinary system of the person is pyelonephritis, and the main preventive measures of this disease are the right combination of work and rest, good nutrition, hygiene of intimate organs and prevention of hypothermia. Prevention measures also include physical therapy for pyelonephritis (physical therapy), which allows you to strengthen the body and increase its resistance to inflammatory diseases.

Since pyelonephritis can cause complications from diseases such as: urolithiasis, acute renal failure, hyperplasia, various gynecological diseases and prostate cancer, this should be taken into account when carrying out procedures such as physiotherapy for pyelonephritis.

Human physical activity depends significantly on past diseases and their complications, gender, biological age and general well-being of the patient. It is the main growth stimulator of the human body, and also promotes correct formation and development of the body. Regular physical activity develops the so-called functional adaptation in the body. At physical activity body functions such as adaptability and reactivity develop.

Therapeutic exercise for pyelonephritis has not only a preventive, but also a therapeutic effect.

The main thing is to dose your workouts correctly and follow the following principles:

  • regularity;
  • systematic;
  • duration limitation;
  • individual approach to the patient;
  • competent dosing of loads on the patient’s body.

Physical therapy is a fairly common method of functional therapy for pyelonephritis.

Exercise therapy can take various forms:

  • different types of walking;
  • hygienic gymnastics;
  • outdoor games;
  • physiotherapy.

As for a disease such as pyelonephritis, exercise therapy is carried out after general state the patient will stabilize, the temperature will return to normal, and sharp pains will stop. Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis is, first of all, a remedy pathogenetic therapy. It allows you to normalize and improve the state of kidney function, as well as reduce inflammatory processes in the body.

The main objectives of physical therapy for kidney inflammation

The main objectives of physiotherapy for pyelonephritis are:

  • restoration of human performance;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • regulation of metabolic processes;
  • increasing the resistance properties of the body;
  • reduction of congestion;
  • improved urine flow;
  • ensuring the full functioning of blood circulation in the patient’s kidneys.

The set of exercises includes general developmental exercises that are performed from lying, standing and sitting positions, while the load on the body should be moderate. At acute pyelonephritis also used special exercises, which are aimed at relaxing the body, such an exercise is diaphragmatic breathing. If it is necessary to eliminate congestion, then physical therapy may contain elements such as massage, which creates vibration in the abdominal area. Gymnastics for kidney inflammation practically does not contain exercises for the abdominal region, and sports such as swimming are contraindicated, as they put a strong strain on the abdominal muscles. The exercises are performed without jerking, and the pace of movements should be slow or medium, which is determined by the patient’s condition.

TO medical procedures may include a sauna or bath, after which it is recommended to conduct a massage course, which should consist of massaging the back, buttocks, abdomen, lower limbs And lumbar region. It is recommended to completely exclude striking techniques. The massage should last no more than 10 minutes, and its course is 10 – 15 procedures. Massage with brushes in the bathroom is also used.

Liberation from physical therapy receive those patients who have a serious condition, experience pain when doing exercises, as well as those patients who are at risk of internal bleeding.

Exercises for pyelonephritis are chosen in such a way that there is no intense stress on the patient’s body. The most commonly used method is walking. It allows you to restore the motor functions of the body, perfectly trains the motor and cardiovascular systems. Walking is indicated for absolutely all patients, for patients experiencing sharp pains, walking in special “walkers”, with crutches, in water, on stairs and other types of walking are used. Dosing of exercises is carried out according to the length of steps, pace, time, and also depending on the terrain.

Walking can be on flat or rough terrain. In the treatment of pyelonephritis, skiing is widely used; such walks are used in holiday homes and sanatoriums.

A course of exercises for pyelonephritis

The most common exercises for pyelonephritis are:
Starting position (NP) – lie on your back, feet apart shoulder-width apart, legs bent at the knees. As you exhale, tilt your shins inward, reaching to the floor.

  1. N.P. – lie on your back, feet together. Bend your knees alternately in one direction or the other. Number of repetitions 15 – 20 times.
  2. N.P. - lie on your back. The legs are slightly apart and bent at the knees, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows. It is necessary to raise and smoothly lower the pelvis.
  3. N.P. - lie on your back. You need to put a bag filled with sand on your stomach. The bag must be placed alternately, sometimes on the top, sometimes on the bottom part abdomen and lift it as high as possible.
  4. N.P. – lie on your back. Raise your straight legs one by one and make circular movements with them.
  5. N.P. - first lying on the right and then on the left side. The legs are bent at both the hip and knee joints. We take our leg back. The amplitude of movements must be increased, and the angle of flexion must be decreased.
  6. N.P. – lie on your back. It is necessary to keep your arms parallel to your body and make cross movements with your legs.
  7. N.P. - on the back. Keep your legs straight and spread them out to the sides as much as possible. The feet must be placed in loops that are made of elastic bandages. We fix the bandages on the headboard. It is necessary to bring your legs together, overcoming the resistance of the bandages. Repeat the exercise for the legs brought together (the legs must be spread apart, and the bandages must provide resistance).
  8. N.P. - on the back. Place a medicine ball between your feet; its weight should be from 2 to 3 kilograms. It needs to be lifted this way. So that the angle formed by the legs and the floor is 15-20 degrees.
  9. N.P. - sitting on a chair. We rest our hands on the seat of the chair, and the body should be tilted as far as possible onto the back of the chair. Leaning on your hands, raise your pelvis.
  10. N.P. - sitting on a chair. Bend your knees. It is necessary to pull your leg towards your chest without straightening it at the knee.
  11. N.P. - sitting on a chair. It is necessary to fix your feet on the floor. It is necessary to straighten your torso back, while keeping your legs firmly pressed to the floor.
  12. N.P. - sitting on the floor. Hands are along the body, and legs must be aligned. They should be together. It is necessary to bend either to the right or to the left leg.
  13. N.P. - sitting on the floor. Place your feet at shoulder width. It is necessary to perform bends, alternating them, then to the left, then to the right leg, reaching its toe with your hand. In this position, you can also bend forward, with your hands touching the floor.
  14. N.P. – standing, lean on the back of a chair. Feet together. Alternately move your legs to the sides and back.
  15. N.P. – standing, lean on the back of a chair. Knees slightly bent. It is necessary to alternately rotate your legs to the right and left. The rotation should take place in the hip joint.
  16. N.P. – standing, hands on the belt, legs apart. Perform turns left and right.
  17. N.P. - standing. Perform walking in place, walking with the left leg thrown out, with the torso turning, and other variations on this theme.
  18. N.P. – standing, hands behind your head, feet shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible, while the head is pulled back, and the shoulders must be spread to the sides.

All exercises must be performed while exhaling.

Inflammatory kidney diseases account for half of all lesions of the genitourinary tract. Exercises for pyelonephritis are aimed not only at accelerating recovery, but also at preventing the development of pathologies. Exercise therapy and massage complement the main drug treatment, restore immune status patient and normalize the functioning of the body.

Exercises and sports with pyelonephritis may have some restrictions or a complete ban.

Is it possible to play sports with pyelonephritis?

Active sports require large quantity energy. During inflammatory diseases the main energy of the body is used for the synthesis of antibodies and resistance to the disease, in addition, the cells are severely poisoned by the pathogen and its waste products, which significantly weakens the body. Intense physical stress during pyelonephritis provokes increased pain, slowing down recovery. The possibility of playing sports is decided by the doctor in individually.

Prohibited species

If you have pyelonephritis, you should not engage in water and winter sports.

If you have pyelonephritis, you should not engage in exercises that require strong stress on the abdominal muscles. These include weightlifting and powerlifting. Sudden changes in body position, jumping and bending provoke paroxysms renal colic. Physical activity that causes hypothermia or overheating of the body is strictly contraindicated:

  • swimming;
  • water aerobics;
  • walking or skiing and snowboarding;
  • sledding and ice skating.

Permitted species

With absence concomitant diseases or other contraindications, cycling, joint exercises, yoga, stretching, long walks or Nordic walking, jogging at an easy pace, table tennis, chess and other sports aimed at obtaining pleasure or even slight relaxation are considered useful.

Exercise therapy program

An integrated approach to treatment necessarily includes exercise therapy, and drug therapy with acute pyelonephritis. Tasks therapeutic exercises:

Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis accelerates recovery and activates the work of the whole organism.
  • improving nutrition of the affected kidney;
  • antibody delivery;
  • accelerating the elimination of pathogens and toxins;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • increasing the body's resistance;
  • restoration of immunity;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • normalization of psycho-emotional tone.

Regularity and systematicity are the key to the effectiveness of exercise therapy.

Gymnastics for pyelonephritis includes warm-up, outdoor sports games, walking elements, yoga and massage. The combination of such exercises, in addition to recovery, is aimed at training the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, preventing possible complications pyelonephritis:

  • nephroptosis;
  • chronic form of renal failure;
  • ureteral obstruction.

Indications and contraindications

Physical therapy for pyelonephritis is not recommended for all patients. Classes are carried out only when you feel relatively stable and satisfactory. Mandatory conditions are considered normal temperature body and absence of pain. Can't study physical activity for urinary disorders. Use caution with concomitant diabetes mellitus And arterial hypertension.

Examples of exercises

It is important to perform exercises for pyelonephritis correctly so as not to cause complications.

Exercise therapy exercises for pyelonephritis are performed at a moderate or slow pace. The intensity is selected individually with a subsequent increase in load. The lesson takes up to half an hour. The exercise therapy complex covers:

  • preliminary warm-up and warming up of muscles;
  • therapeutic gymnast;
  • dynamic games;
  • diaphragmatic breathing techniques;
  • yoga asanas;
  • relax.

Exercise on the floor

  • From the starting position on your back, bending your knee at the inhalation phase, raise the opposite arm. Exhale, returning to the starting position. Do the same on the other limbs. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Starting position: lying on your back, hands on your waist. During the inhalation phase, raise your head and shoulder girdle from the floor. Exhale. Return to starting position.
  • Lying on your left side, stretch left hand up and slightly bend the leg of the same name. As you inhale, raise right hand, bent right leg lead to the stomach. Perform 5-10 times. Repeat on the other side.
  • Starting position: lying on your left side. Inhale and pull your right knee and arm toward your chest. Straighten up. Perform up to 10 times. Repeat lying on your left side.
  • Sitting on the floor with straight legs, bend over to each leg in turn.
  • Sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart. Try to reach the toe of your foot with your hand. Repeat 5-10 times in each direction. Stretch forward 5 times, touching the floor.

Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis can be done at home, using a mat and a chair.