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Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Russian sanatoriums. Periodic treatment of arthritis in a sanatorium

About half of the world's population suffers from joint diseases. A quarter of them are young people under thirty and children. Joint disorders are among the first in terms of incidence. They can lead to severe movement restrictions and disability. Arthritis and arthrosis are the most common joint pathologies. They develop under the influence of various factors: age, excess weight, sedentary lifestyle, injuries of various kinds, allergic reactions.

Causes and types of joint problems

Arthrosis is the development of deformation processes in the joints associated with age-related changes in the body. Middle-aged and elderly people are susceptible to it. People can develop arthritis up to the age of forty, although there are exceptions. Osteoarthritis affects only the joints.

Arthritis affects the entire body, so arthritis is a symptomatic disease. Hip, knee, thumbs legs and arms are the main joints that suffer from arthrosis and arthritis. Less commonly, the ankle, shoulder, and elbow become inflamed. The symptoms and course of these diseases are varied.

Doctors recommend treating arthritis and arthrosis in a sanatorium as an effective healing and strengthening method. Symptoms of arthritis depend on the form of the disease. General symptoms of all arthritis can be observed both at night and at daytime days.

Arthritis is accompanied by:

  • pain;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • inflammation and swelling of the joints;
  • general weakness of the body.

In addition to the main ones, other symptoms are added depending on the type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis also has its own manifestations that are different from those of arthritis. These are painful sensations that intensify when walking and various movements. With arthrosis of the knee joint, pain may occur during running, walking, physical exercise, in which the knee joint is involved.

At rest, the pain subsides. In the initial stages of arthrosis, the pain is slight. Then the pain intensifies and can be disturbing, even if the person does not move. The next sign of arthrosis is crunching in the joints, accompanied by pain. Joints suffering from arthrosis become less mobile. Flexion-extension becomes difficult, especially of the knee joint. Gradually, the diseased joint becomes deformed and changes its shape.

Only a doctor can diagnose the exact form of arthritis or arthrosis after medical examination and diagnostics. After diagnosis, treatment is carried out.

We treat joint diseases

Treatment of joint diseases is complex. It includes the use of various medications (anti-inflammatory, relaxants, antibiotics, antiseptics, etc.). Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, laser and wave therapy) is prescribed. If the treatment has no effect, it is carried out surgery. Treatment of arthritis in the sanatorium is indicated both before and after surgery.

Rheumatoid arthritis is well treated in sanatoriums knee joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of the joint tissue that is chronic. It occurs in the area of ​​the knee, hip and ankle joints, and also affects the joints of the foot. Causes rheumatoid arthritis– immunopathological disorders in the body.

Sanatorium- spa treatment offered in sanatoriums of Crimea. Rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis are treated there all year round. But the influx of patients begins with the beginning of the holiday season. It is best to choose a sanatorium that specializes in treating diseases musculoskeletal system. In the sanatoriums of Crimea, a unique modern system of treatment has been developed, including rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joints.

Sea resorts of Crimea provide a unique opportunity natural treatment, without the use of drugs. In sanatoriums there is a whole range of procedures that help cure the disease:

  • galvanotherapy;
  • balneological procedures;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture.
Method Impact
Galvanotherapy, or mud therapy. Well-known method. Mud cakes are applied to the area of ​​the knee, hip, and ankle joints. Unique natural ingredients, which are contained in the composition of silt mud, have a rapid healing effect, remove pain symptom, swelling, improve joint mobility. They have a powerful antiseptic effect, which allows you to remove the initial cause of the disease.
This is a special massage that starts the recovery process in the joints, improves metabolic processes and blood flow, and serves as a prevention of joint destruction.
Acupuncture, or acupuncture. Prescribed in some cases. Influencing nerve endings, acupuncture stimulates recovery processes, relieves inflammation and pain. Recommended for the treatment of rheumatoid inflammation. Together with manual therapy and acupuncture is prescribed exercise therapy.

Diseased joints need movement, especially for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, so exercise therapy is one of the obligatory prescriptions of a doctor.

Bath treatment has become widespread. It is very diverse. Doctors can prescribe several types of baths. It all depends on clinical picture diseases. Thus, baths based on hydrogen sulfide help restore cartilage, as they stimulate peripheral blood circulation and metabolism.

With the development of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joints, radon baths are recommended. They got their name from their main element - natural gas radon The bath can be of different concentrations: strong, moderate, and weak. Radon baths improve blood flow, accelerate metabolic processes, stabilize the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the stomach, affecting the mucous membrane, which in patients often suffers due to taking medications.

Salt baths are very effective and are indicated for different types arthritis and arthrosis. Salt irritates skin, stimulates the nervous and peripheral systems. Thanks to this, new blood vessels, blood circulation improves, and this stimulates joint restoration. Salt baths can also have different concentrations.

If the patient, in addition to arthritis, has disorders endocrine system and cardiac activity, iodine-bromine baths are indicated for him.

Main contraindications

Like any treatment, spa procedures have a number of contraindications. If the patient acute degree heart failure, active acute inflammation, circulatory disorders (second and third degree), hypertension, lesions internal organs, pregnancy - procedures are contraindicated for him. In case of ankylosis (pronounced deformation of the joint), it is not recommended to send the patient to a sanatorium.

Taking steroid medications is also a contraindication. After using them, at least six weeks must pass. Only then can the patient be sent to a sanatorium for treatment.

It is difficult to achieve a 100% cure in one course. But after a three-week course of procedures, a noticeable improvement is observed. Pain syndrome is minimal, stiffness in the knees and ankle joints, the range of movements increases.

Prevention and treatment of arthritis in a sanatorium is necessary periodically. Spa treatment must be carried out at least once a year.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease connective tissue, also called collagenoses. This chronic illness with progressive symmetrical polyarthritis and inflammatory-dystrophic processes in the internal organs. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by high degree disability, almost 90% of patients with an aggressive form of the disease become incapacitated. You can slow down the progression of the disease and avoid disability by visiting a sanatorium where rheumatoid arthritis is treated.

The causes of rheumatoid arthritis are not fully understood. Family genetic predisposition plays a role in the development of the disease. The role of infectious factors cannot be excluded. Ultraviolet irradiation, ultrasound, transfusion of blood and its components, and the use of vaccines contribute to the development of arthritis.

The onset of rheumatoid arthritis is predominantly gradual, with slow progression clinical symptoms for several months or even years. The main manifestation of the disease is joint damage. Changes in the small joints of the hands are typical. A symptom of morning stiffness appears with the inability to perform small movements with the fingers, as a result of which the patient cannot hold a spoon, comb, toothbrush. The duration of morning stiffness depends on the activity of the process. As the disease progresses, it increases and can last until lunch. The pain in the joints is constant and intensifies with any movement.

Later, changes appear in the joints, causing deformation of the fingers and hands, contractures of large and small joints. The most typical deformation is the “walrus flipper” type with the fingers deviating outward, the “swan neck” type - the fingers constantly remain in a half-bent state. Mobility in the affected joints is reduced, and the range of motion is limited. Due to muscle atrophy, muscle strength decreases. In severe cases, ankylosis develops - fusion articular surfaces the affected joint, resulting in complete immobilization.

In rheumatoid arthritis, internal organs are involved in the pathological process. Changes occur in the heart, lungs, kidneys, organs digestive tract. Cardiac lesions vascular system varied, but their course is usually asymptomatic. In rheumatoid arthritis, all membranes of the heart are involved in the process, which leads to the development of myocarditis, pericarditis or endocarditis with the formation of heart disease. When the lungs are affected, it develops chronic inflammation with a cough without sputum that cannot be treated with antibiotics. Changes in the kidneys manifest as focal or diffuse nephritis complicated by chronic renal failure.

Unfortunately, at present, rheumatoid arthritis, like other collagen diseases, cannot be completely cured. Application drug therapy anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid hormones reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, relieve pain, and prevent the development of deformity.

Along with medications, a variety of physiotherapeutic methods are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: hemosorption, magnetic therapy, laser therapy, inductothermy. In the stage of remission of the disease, treatment of arthritis in a sanatorium is indicated. For rheumatoid arthritis, balneo-mud resorts are recommended, where sanatoriums treating arthritis are concentrated. Here they use hydrotherapy with mineral waters, natural peloid therapy in the form of mud applications and compresses on the affected joints. It is not yet possible to completely cure rheumatoid arthritis, but by visiting for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, you can slow down its progression, achieve long-term remission, significantly improving your quality of life.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Russian sanatoriums is aimed at preventing new attacks, reducing the intensity of relapses, and improving the general well-being of the patient while strengthening the immune response. In which sanatoriums in Russia can you undergo maintenance therapy for joints?

Indications for treatment in a sanatorium

For treatment of arthritis in a sanatorium to be effective, it is important to reduce the activity of the pathology; it is best for the disease to proceed in remission. The clinical picture is as follows:

  • Minimal joint swelling;
  • Stable speed of red blood cell movement;
  • Articular manifestations in the resting stage.

People report good health and can take care of themselves. In the active stage of the inflammatory process of the joints, spa treatment can only aggravate the patient’s situation.

Treatment methods in the sanatorium

Place sanatorium treatment selected by the doctor, according to some criteria, this is the presence of the necessary complex methods to improve the health of the body - exercise therapy, physiotherapy, balneotherapy, suitable climate, geographical location.


It is impossible to imagine spa treatment for rheumatoid arthritis of the joints without therapeutic exercises. Thanks to regular exercises, muscles and joints are trained, the mobility of connecting elements is restored, blood flow improves, and the severity of symptoms and signs of rheumatoid arthritis decreases.

On a note!

Activities are complemented by walks in the fresh air and swimming in the pool. It is important to avoid putting excessive stress on your joints to avoid exacerbating your rheumatoid arthritis.


There are many physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Phonophoresis;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Paraffin and mud baths.

In the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the joints, mud applications have a high effect; if well tolerated, the therapeutic result consists of muscle training respiratory system, strengthening blood vessels and capillaries, increasing resistance to their fragility and damage.

The effect of physiotherapy is aimed at improving blood circulation in tissues, increasing the body’s resistance to negative factors environment, relieving swelling and swelling of joints.


Impact healing waters useful for the manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis in the initial stages. With the help of treatment with mud, sodium chloride waters, radon baths, nitrogen waters, you can remove characteristic features pathological process, stop the disease at the stage of progression.

Hydrogen sulfide baths improve blood flow in tissues, stimulate restoration processes in damaged areas, and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems.

Radon baths are indispensable in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis. Their effect continues several hours after completion of the procedure. The procedure allows you to stop the progression of joint pathology.

Salt baths improve the strength of blood vessels and capillaries and strengthen muscle fibers. This procedure can be carried out at home, the main thing is to observe the salt concentration according to individual indications.

Baths with iodine are indicated for people with endocrine pathology and disorders of the vascular system. They improve sleep, relieve irritability, stimulate brain function, and normalize metabolic processes at the cellular level.

It is useful to combine physiotherapeutic procedures with massage, dietary nutrition, taking vitamin and mineral complexes, yoga, normalizing the psychological state of mind and body.

Climate selection

Rheumatoid arthritis of the joints is an autoimmune disease, and therefore natural and climatic factors will help eliminate the activity of inflammation. Impact fresh air on the body reduces the risk of intoxication and inflammatory processes, and spending time in the sun fills cells with vitamin D, improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

This is interesting!

No less useful curative therapy sea ​​waves and maritime climate - overall well-being improves, the period of stable remission is extended.

In each case of recovery, it is important to monitor your well-being and, if necessary, seek help from a doctor to adjust the treatment plan.

Contraindications to spa treatment

Each treatment therapy, in addition to its positive effect, can also have Negative influence on the body. Spa procedures are not suitable for patients with severe heart failure, acute inflammation blood vessels, circulatory disorders, hypertension, damage to internal organs, pregnancy.

Get positive result it is difficult in one course, but even after 14 days of treatment the patient’s well-being will improve significantly. It is important that the prevention and treatment of arthritis/arthrosis in the sanatorium is carried out at least once a year.

Where to get spa treatment in Russia?

To choose the right one medical resort It is necessary to visit each institution personally, because different institutions have different living conditions, methods of healing, and climatic features. Subsequently, discuss further possibilities of spa treatment with your doctor.

List of sanatoriums where joints are treated:

  • Beshtau - Zheleznovodsk;
  • Solnechny - Kislovodsk;
  • Rus' - Essentuki;
  • Staraya Russa - Novgorod region;
  • New source- Vologda.

To prevent rheumatoid arthritis, you can contact Russian institutions with hydrogen sulfide waters, with nitrogen waters, and with mud and sodium chloride.

In the sanatorium of Kislovodsk, disorders of the articular and cartilaginous system, disorders in connective fibers are treated. And the Rus resort complex in Essentuki is a world-standard establishment, where each patient can receive an individual sanatorium treatment program and a report on the state of health after undergoing therapeutic measures.

In Kislovodsk there are several preventive resort areas for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis - Rodnik, Krugozor, Victoria. They have a strong medical base, convenient location, and optimal price-quality ratio.

The sanatorium, located in the regional center of Sapozhok, Ryazan region, is notable for the presence of healing mud. Patients with joint diseases are advised to visit such a resort several times a year.


To make the trip as comfortable as possible, it is important to choose a resort location close to your area of ​​residence, so that climatic conditions do not change significantly and patients do not experience changes in blood pressure.

Sanatoriums for children

Sanatorium treatment of childhood arthritis is included in the list comprehensive measures to improve the health of the whole body. Choosing a resort in Russia is difficult, because you need to take into account the geographical location, the possibility of staying in the facility with mom and dad, and the number of medical procedures for children.

The duration of sanatorium treatment depends on the patient’s pathology and financial capabilities, at least 10-14 days, and best of all, at least 30 days. Additionally, preventive courses are carried out - 1-2 times a year.

Treatment of arthrosis and other joint diseases takes a long time. Sometimes one course takes 6–9 months, followed by its repetition at certain intervals for several years. The best sanatoriums for the treatment of joints in Russia and other countries they offer their services to improve the health of patients. The procedures carried out increase the effectiveness of the main drug therapy and prevent relapses of diseases.

The best sanatoriums and resorts use healing mud and springs to treat joints

Arthrosis, arthritis, and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system cause inflammation of intra-articular tissues, their destruction and subsequent deformation. Joint diseases vary by clinic and have different reasons occurrence, but several identical methods of physiotherapy are used in treatment: the use of mud, mineral waters, thermal springs.

Natural remedies improve metabolism, regeneration of cartilage, connective tissue, bones, blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and warm up diseased joints.

You can treat arthrosis in all sanatorium-resort complexes where there are mud and/or thermal springs. However, visiting these institutions is contraindicated during the period of exacerbation of the disease, as well as if the tissues of the knee and/or other joints are so deformed that the person is unable to move independently.

The best centers and resorts for the treatment of various joint diseases

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to rest in the sanatoriums of Yurmino (Crimea), Poltava-Crimea (Saki), Sakropol (Saki), and the children's sanatorium named after. N.K. Krupskaya (Evpatoria) and other resorts on the Black Sea coast.

You can effectively treat (arthrosis of the knee) or arthritis in Moscow health centers. The top three in terms of rehabilitation efficiency included the Dikul and Bubnovsky medical centers, as well as the traumatology and orthopedics departments of the hospital named after. Semashko.

Popular are Hamey Gaash, Elina (Or Akiva), medical centers located near. Patients often visit Marianske or Frantiskovy Lazne, Jáchymov.

The best resorts where joints are treated

  • Aachen();
  • Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic);
  • Lake Heviz ();
  • Ein Bokek (Arad on the Dead Sea);
  • Baden (Austria).

All of them are located in different climatic zones and have contraindications for certain categories of patients, mainly those with metal implants and those suffering from cancer.

When choosing an institution, you must take into account the recommendations of your attending physician. Since people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system are very sensitive to cold and dampness during rains, when planning a trip, it is necessary to take into account the season of the year.

Where to treat joints in Russia - the best institutions

Domestic rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums and resorts also use thermal springs, mud, gases, mineral water for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In which sanatoriums in Russia are arthrosis treated? The list of popular health resorts includes the following medical institutions:

  • Altai spring, Belokur (Belokurikha);
  • Sanatorium named after Abelman (Vladimir region);
  • Jinal, Narzanov Valley (Kislovodsk);
  • Rus' (Essentuki);
  • Blue River (Moscow region);
  • Staraya Russa (Novgorod region);
  • New source (Vologda);
  • Moscow region UDP of the Russian Federation (Domodedovo district);
  • Saki;
  • Zagorskie Dali UDP of the Russian Federation (Moscow region);
  • Rus' im. Likhodeya (Ruzsky district);
  • Sanatorium named after Vorovsky (Yaroslavl region);
  • rehabilitation center “Three Sisters” (Moscow region);
  • Volzhsky Utes (Samara region);
  • Dalnyaya Dacha, Uvildy (Chelyabinsk region);
  • Khosta, Matsesta (Sochi);
  • Vorobyovo (Kaluga region);
  • Arkhangelskoye (military sanatorium, Moscow region);
  • Forest edge (Moscow region);
  • Sanatorium named after Borodin (Kostroma region);
  • Khoprovskie dawns (Penza region).

The effectiveness of programs developed by domestic specialists is confirmed by the results dynamic observation for patients and reviews of people who have taken advantage of the wellness procedures of our institutions.

Treatment of gonarthrosis includes physiotherapy

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a resort or sanatorium, you need to collect information about each of them on the Internet, find out the range of services provided and pricing policy. You should definitely ask for the opinion of your attending physician and consult with him.

Treatment programs for large joints in health resorts

Experts have selected a complex useful procedures for the treatment of diseases and support of the musculoskeletal system for the purpose of recovery, prevention of relapses, and prevention of complications.

Sanatorium and resort treatment includes the following therapeutic measures in the program:

  • balneotherapy ( water procedures);
  • (dirt, clay);
  • , bischofite;
  • exposure to heat (paraffin compresses);
  • massage;
  • interference therapy;
  • amplipulse therapy;
  • diadynamic currents.

Medical recommendation! For correct selection health resort and a set of necessary procedures, you must first undergo a full examination. Medical institution may offer additional examination services for those body systems in the treatment of which it specializes.

Prices will need to be found out directly from the administration (accounting) of institutions, since their size depends on the class of the institution, the range of services provided, and territorial affiliation. Also, the cost of accommodation and a set of procedures for the treatment of arthrosis may differ in the cold and warm seasons of the year, and decrease due to the offered promotions or discounts.


Water procedures are among the most important methods by which it is recommended to treat gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, omarthrosis, polyarthrosis, arthrosis deformans, various arthritis and other joint problems. In therapy of the musculoskeletal system, mineral waters and gases from medicinal springs are used for external use.

Balneological procedures:

  • baths (general, local);
  • swimming pools;
  • souls (local, ascending);
  • hydromassage (impact of streams of water on the body).

Prescribing treatment with salts or gases to people with cardiac diseases should be done with caution, since the procedures increase blood circulation and the load on the heart may increase.

At articular pathology useful the following types medicinal baths:

  • hydrogen sulfide (improves metabolism, relieves pain, eliminates inflammation);
  • nitrogen (reduce muscle tension and pain, increase joint mobility);
  • radon (have an anti-inflammatory, calming, analgesic effect, improve metabolism, promote the elimination of toxins);
  • saline (have an analgesic and antispasmodic effect);
  • sulfide (eliminate the consequences of injuries, activate regeneration, blood supply, improve mobility).

Additional physical procedures will help heal joints in a sanatorium-resort environment - the use of black wax, paraffin, herbal remedies, therapeutic exercises, special diet and other methods.

Treatment is aimed at improving mobility and restoring joints.

Peloid therapy

Treatment procedures are based on the use of healing mud and clay. Typically, health resorts that use this method are located on the banks mineral springs, salt lakes, Dead and Black Seas.

Natural remedies for stage I–II arthrosis in the form of applications and wraps for 10 sessions qualitatively and gently warm up diseased joints, enrich damaged tissues with minerals, increase cell regeneration, and relieve swelling. With frequent relapses, better penetration healing substances galvanic mud therapy, balneotherapy, exercise therapy, and massage will be provided to the joint tissues.

Interference therapy

The method is used for electrical stimulation of nerve and muscle fibers. It helps relax muscles and reduce the severity of contractures. With the help of several types of alternating currents in the diseased joint, blood supply increases, vasoconstriction is better produced active substances.

The procedure eliminates swelling and reduces inflammation in the periarticular tissues. The course consists of 15 sessions, the procedure lasts up to 30 minutes. This method is contraindicated in the presence of metal implants, a pacemaker, pregnancy, or cancer.


This type of physiotherapy significantly reduces the intensity of pain, stimulates nerve endings, ligaments, and muscles. The procedure increases blood flow, improves the outflow of lymph and synovial fluid. In addition to eliminating congestion, amplipulse therapy improves local metabolism, increasing cell saturation with oxygen. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s condition and the severity of the pathology.

With the help of sinusoidal currents with a frequency of 5–10 kHz, it is possible to treat not only arthrosis of the knee, hip, shoulder joint and other joints, but also arthritis, radiculitis, atherosclerosis, genitourinary and digestive systems. The main contraindications for using the method are the presence of a pacemaker, unhealed tissue damage (fractures, ruptures), and oncological tumors.

Diadynamic therapy

DDT, or Bernard currents, is one of the methods of therapy for joint diseases using electric current frequency 50–100 hertz. The course consists of 10-12 procedures. DDT has an analgesic effect, improves microcirculation of blood and lymph, stimulates metabolism and restoration of periarticular tissues. Persons with implanted metal elements, the presence of a pacemaker, or open lesions of the skin or bones in the problem area are not allowed to be treated with Bernard currents.


The best sanatoriums for the treatment of joints in Russia, near and far abroad have many natural remedies, thermal and mineral springs, where famous resorts are located. By choosing the right health facility and the season of the year, you can heal your joints and have a good rest.

Pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as a rule, affect a complex of human systems and organs. Nerve fibers are pinched, muscle and joint tissues change, and in some cases, the load on the heart, liver and kidneys increases. For successful treatment such diseases are needed A complex approach, which includes various techniques modern therapy.

For this reason, the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system in various sanatoriums is more effective than in hospitals. These facilities may combine medication and physical therapy and natural influence, thereby speeding up the recovery process. We will tell you which sanatoriums in Russia are suitable for these purposes.

  • The best sanatoriums in Russia

The best sanatoriums in Russia

Our country has many unique natural areas in which leading sanatoriums are located. Some of them specialize directly in the treatment of pathologies of joints, bones and spine. Let's talk about four similar institutions that have gained popularity among Russians.

Spa Hotel Rosa Springs

Is in locality Estasadok, Adler district of Sochi. The hotel has diagnostic and treatment rooms, and healing mud treatment is widely used. Rosa Springs is equipped with modern physiotherapy equipment and treatment is provided by qualified doctors. Get well soon promotes mountain air, stimulating blood circulation in tissues and metabolism.

Clinic "Kivach"

Located approximately 50 km from Petrozavodsk (Karelia), it has its own diagnostic laboratory and modern diagnostic rooms. In fact, the Kivach clinic is a sanatorium in which, along with traditional treatment, widely used:

  • phytotherapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • thermotherapy;
  • therapeutic swimming.

This approach allows the clinic’s doctors to successfully treat various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and carry out rehabilitation measures at the highest level.

Sanatorium "Nizhne-Ivkino"

Is in Kirov region and is the largest in this region. For people with diseases of the joints, bones or spine, various diagnostic rooms are available, and there is an in-house research laboratory. Doctors with specializations such as:

  • traumatologist-orthopedist;
  • reflexologist;
  • physical therapy doctor;
  • nutritionist;
  • physiotherapist.

Conservative and modern techniques therapies, including magnetotherapy, horizontal traction, music therapy, hirudotherapy, mud therapy and so on.

Health resort "Nadezhda"

Located in the Chuvash Republic, near the city of Cheboksary. The doctors at the sanatorium specialize in rehabilitation activities necessary after surgical or other treatment of diseases of the bones, joints or back.

On the territory of the health resort you can restore health using the following methods:

  • mud therapy;
  • paraffin treatment;
  • mineral baths;
  • physical therapy;
  • reflexology.

Activities are selected individually for each patient, taking into account the clinical picture and doctors’ instructions. Excursions and various entertainment events are regularly organized for patients.

Russia inherited the richest heritage of the Soviet healthcare system; many sanatoriums have been operating for almost half a century. In this article, we talked only about a few health resorts where pathologies of the musculoskeletal system can be cured, but there are many more such institutions. You can find out about the ones closest to you at your local clinic. There you can also prepare the necessary documents.

Useful articles:

In accordance with the recommendations of the European League Against Rheumatism, Methotrexate is prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis immediately after diagnosis. Experts from the American College of Rheumatology also suggest using the “gold standard” treatment for systemic disease first. The drug meets the principles of the “Treat to Target - T2T” program, which was developed in 2008 by representatives of 25 countries in Europe, Northern and Latin America, Australia and Japan. It includes strategic therapeutic approaches that provide the best results in the treatment of pathology.

Description of the drug Methotrexate

Methotrexate is a cytostatic drug from the group of antimetabolites, antagonists folic acid. Cytostatics are antitumor drugs that disrupt the processes of growth and development of tissues, including malignant ones. They negatively affect the mechanism of cell division and restoration. Rapidly dividing cells, including cells, are most sensitive to cytostatics bone marrow. Due to this property, cytostatic drugs are used to treat autoimmune diseases. By inhibiting the formation of leukocytes in the hematopoietic tissue of the bone marrow, they suppress the immune system.

Immunosuppressive therapy is the mainstay of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, as the disease is autoimmune. At autoimmune pathologies The body's defenses begin to fight against its own cells, destroying healthy joints, tissues and organs. Immunosuppressive therapy stops the development of symptoms and inhibits destructive processes in the joints. Cytostatics inhibit the growth of connective tissue in the joint, which gradually destroys cartilage and subchondral bones (adjacent to the joint, covered with cartilage tissue).

The action of Methotrexate is based on blocking dihydrofolate reductase (an enzyme that breaks down folic acid). The drug disrupts the synthesis of thymidine monophosphate from dioxyuridine monophosphate, blocking the formation of DNA, RNA and proteins. It prevents cells from entering the S period (the phase of synthesis of a daughter DNA molecule on the matrix of a parent DNA molecule).

Methotrexate is a first-line drug used in the basic treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It suppresses the production of not only immunocompetent cells, but also synoviocytes (cells of the synovial membrane) and fibroblasts (the main cells of connective tissues). Inhibiting the proliferation of these cells helps prevent deformation and inflammation of the joint. Methotrexate stops bone erosions that occur as a result of the attack of actively growing tissues of the synovial membrane of the joint.

Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis allows you to achieve stable remission. The clinical effect persists even after its discontinuation.

Toxicity of Methotrexate

Methotrexate is the most toxic folic acid antagonist. Due to impaired methylation of deoxyuridine monophosphate, it accumulates and is partially converted into deoxyuridine triphosphate. Deoxyuridine triphosphate is concentrated in the cell and incorporated into DNA, causing the synthesis of defective DNA. In it, thymidine is partially replaced by uridine. As a result of pathological processes, megaloblastic anemia develops.

Megaloblastic anemia is a condition in which the body is deficient in vitamin B12 and folic acid. Folic acid (along with iron) takes part in the synthesis of red blood cells. These blood cells are playing important role in hematopoiesis and the functioning of the whole organism.

With a lack of folic acid, red blood cells that change in shape and size are formed. They are called megaloblasts. Megaloblastic anemia causes oxygen starvation body. If pathological condition observed long time, it leads to degeneration of the nervous system.

When treated with Methotrexate, adverse reactions characteristic of megaloblastic anemia occur. The hematopoietic function is inhibited. If recommended doses are exceeded, the following occurs:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

If the drug is not discontinued in the presence of such symptoms, serious illnesses digestive tract. Renal tubular acidosis (reduced urinary excretion of acids) and cortical blindness (impaired vision) are sometimes observed.

Methotrexate practically does not break down in the body. It is distributed in biological fluids and 80–90% is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. If kidney function is impaired, the drug accumulates in the blood. Its high concentrations can cause kidney damage.

At long-term treatment Liver cirrhosis and osteoporosis may develop (especially in childhood). While taking Methotrexate, the following occurs:

  • dermatitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • sensitivity to light;
  • skin hyperpigmentation;
  • photophobia;
  • furunculosis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • lacrimation;
  • fever.

Alopecia (hair loss) and pneumonitis (an atypical inflammatory process in the lungs) are extremely rare consequences of Methotrexate therapy.

Studies have confirmed the connection between the occurrence of side effects during treatment with Methotrexate and a lack of folic acid in the body. During the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, cellular folate reserves rapidly decrease. At the same time, an increase in homocysteine ​​concentration is observed. Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid formed during the metabolism of methionine. The breakdown of homocysteine ​​requires sufficient level folic acid. With its deficiency, the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood increases critically. His high concentration increases the risk of atherosclerotic vascular damage and accelerates thrombus formation.

A large increase in homocysteine ​​concentration is due to the tendency for its accumulation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment with Methotrexate enhances the negative process, especially at the stage when achieving therapeutic effect requires increasing doses of the drug.

The administration of folic acid during Methotrexate therapy can reduce dangerous homocysteine ​​levels and reduce the likelihood of developing undesirable consequences. It helps reduce the risk of developing critical conditions in patients who have concomitant cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment with folic acid allows you to avoid other adverse reactions that occur during treatment with Methotrexate. If it is prescribed immediately after the start of a course of therapy with the basic drug or during the first 6 months of treatment, the incidence of gastrointestinal disorders is reduced by 70%. Folic acid helps minimize the risk of developing diseases of the mucous membranes and alopecia.

Folic acid for rheumatoid arthritis is taken daily throughout the entire period of treatment with Methotrexate. The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor individually. The exception is the day you take Methotrexate.

The daily dose can be taken the next morning. This will allow you to stop adverse reactions at the most early stages their development. In addition, a folic acid regimen may be prescribed, in which a weekly dose of folic acid is drunk once a week. The drug should be taken no earlier than 12 hours after taking Methotrexate.

Methotrexate therapy for rheumatoid arthritis

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with Methotrexate is sometimes started even before the diagnosis is confirmed, especially in cases where the pathology is rapidly progressing. The longer the disease develops, the higher the likelihood of disability and death of the patient. Therefore, the activity of the rheumatoid process must be slowed down as soon as possible.

Typically a one-time weekly injection of moderate doses medicine allows you to achieve desired result already 1-1.5 months after the start of treatment. In some cases, double or triple doses of the drug are necessary to produce and maintain the desired clinical effect.

Since complete remission occurs extremely rarely, treatment is continued for a long time. The minimum course of treatment lasts six months. In 60% of cases it is possible to obtain the required clinical result. To consolidate it, monotherapy is continued for 2-3 years. With long-term use, the effectiveness of Methotrexate does not decrease.

The drug cannot be stopped abruptly. Stopping treatment may cause an exacerbation of the disease. If it is necessary to adjust the dose downward, do this gradually.

If monotherapy does not have the desired effect on the pathological process, Methotrexate is combined with one or two medicines basic therapy. The best treatment results were observed after using a combination of Methotrexate and Leflunomide. Leflunomide (Arava) has a similar effect. If you take both drugs, they will enhance each other's effects.

A persistent positive result is provided by therapy with Methotrexate in combination with Cyclosporine or Sulfasalazine. The sulfanilamide drug Sulfasalazine helps to achieve a significant improvement in the well-being of patients in whom the disease develops slowly.

When the pathology is difficult to treat, the doctor prescribes a combination of 3 drugs: Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine and Hydroxychloroquine. When using combination regimens, average dosages of drugs are prescribed.

During treatment with Methotrexate and for 6 months after its discontinuation, it is necessary to use reliable methods of contraception. Medicine negatively affects the development of the fetus and can cause spontaneous abortion. In men, there is a decrease in sperm count.

Treatment of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is called chronic systemic disease associated with psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis diagnosed in 13-47% of patients with psoriasis. Numerous studies have confirmed the autoimmune nature of the inflammatory process in the joints. Therefore, basic therapy drugs are most often used to treat it. They allow you to slow down the progression of pathology and achieve positive changes, which are unattainable with other treatment methods.

The modifying properties of Methotrexate in psoriatic arthritis are beyond doubt. They have been proven by many years of experience. The drug demonstrates an optimal balance of effectiveness and tolerability compared to other cytostatic drugs.

Methotrexate for psoriatic arthritis is used not only to slow down destructive processes in the joints, but also to reduce dermatological manifestations. The drug is the drug of choice in the treatment of generalized exudative, erythrodermic and pustular psoriatic arthritis. It helps alleviate the condition of patients suffering from the most severe forms dermatosis.

The treatment program is developed individually by the doctor. Begin therapy with small or medium doses. Injections are given weekly. If there is no result, the dosage can be doubled. After the appearance of a stable therapeutic effect, the dose is reduced. Methotrexate can be taken not only parenterally, but also orally.

A significant improvement in the condition of patients occurs within 3-4 weeks after the first dose of the drug. By the end of the second month, all indicators of articular syndrome decrease by 2-3 times. Methotrexate therapy demonstrates excellent results in relation to skin manifestations. In almost all patients, the progressive stage of psoriasis stops. Such high efficiency The drug is due not only to its immunosuppressive effect, but also to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Over 6 months of therapy, positive dynamics of dermatosis develops in 90% of patients, as evidenced by numerous reviews. Almost every fifth patient managed to achieve complete remission of the articular syndrome.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews of the results of using Methotrexate indicate its effectiveness. But many patients complain of adverse reactions.

  1. Natalya, 53 years old, Kazan: “In the first 2 years, the pain went away and the swelling subsided. Unfortunately, then inflammatory processes began to grow."
  2. Valentina, 62 years old, Vyshny Volochek: “I give injections once a week during an exacerbation. During the period of remission I try not to inject. When I was treated for six months and went to a sanatorium, I ran like a girl.”
  3. Maria, 47 years old, Samara: “The product perfectly eliminates the exacerbation of the disease. Only unpleasant side effects in the form of nausea and sometimes vomiting. Especially after a light breakfast.”

It should be remembered that unauthorized prescription of Methotrexate can negatively affect your health. This drug is prescribed only by your doctor!

Treatment of joints: sanatoriums in Russia

Joint diseases nowadays affect not only older people, but also younger ones. In particular, arthrosis is common. This phenomenon is caused by a number of factors, for example, lack of vitamins, poor environment and a sedentary lifestyle. Even if the pain in the joints is not too intense, you cannot ignore them. You need to immediately contact a traumatologist and rheumatologist, so as not to trigger the disease later and prevent surgery or disability.

  • Joints and features of their treatment
  • Features of joint treatment in a sanatorium
  • Treatment in sanatoriums of Crimea
  • Other sanatoriums in Russia

One of the methods of treating joints is procedures in a specialized sanatorium. What sanatoriums there are in Russia, and what other methods of treating joints are available, you will find out below.

Joints and features of their treatment

Joint disease such as arthrosis appears for reasons such as:

  • degenerative changes and destruction of capsules;
  • destruction of cartilage;
  • ligaments

Arthrosis is a dystrophic disease and affects the following joints:

  • shoulder;
  • knee;
  • hip

Destroyed cartilage causes deformation and disruption of the proper functioning of the joint, which is responsible for movement. All joint treatment methods should be aimed at restoring and normalizing the activity of their primary structure.

For treatment to be effective, it must be comprehensive and aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • influence directly the cause of joint disease;
  • remove negative processes that accompany the disease;
  • eliminate symptoms of the disease.

Eat a large number of techniques effective treatment joint diseases on different stages. But you need to know that with degenerative disorders the disease has an irreversible course. The structure of the joints and their function should be restored as much as possible, and the likelihood of complications should be eliminated.

Conservative methods of treating joint diseases are:

At an advanced stage, surgical intervention is required. Therefore, contacting a doctor should always be timely. It is necessary to be treated as soon as the first symptoms appear.

Features of joint treatment in a sanatorium

It is impossible to treat arthrosis and other joint diseases without undergoing special health treatments. A course in a sanatorium can significantly improve the patient’s well-being. The following specialists work at the sanatoriums:

  • massage therapists;
  • physiotherapists;
  • rheumatologists;
  • chiropractors;
  • instructors physical therapy and oriental medicine.

Each specialist conducts an individual conversation with the patient and examination, after which he prescribes one or another treatment, which, in combination with other procedures, should bring maximum effect. It should be aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • renewal of cartilage tissue;
  • improvement of muscle tone;
  • correction of joint structure.

The patient should also be prescribed a diet, thanks to which his weight is normalized, this eases the load on the hip and knee joints.

In a sanatorium, the patient attends a set of procedures that are accompanied by good service. Sanatoriums are most often located in picturesque and quiet corners where you can relax and enjoy nature.

For joint diseases, treatment in a sanatorium is recommended at least once a year. With regular visits, the symptoms of the disease disappear, the achieved effect can last about 8 months. Sanatorium therapy in some cases is more effective than drug therapy.

At resorts and special sanatoriums, patients can receive treatment that has a positive effect on the hip and positive joints.

For example, mud baths are unique and inimitable in terms of impact; their mechanical and thermal effect is achieved due to a special chemical composition. In particular, they contain biologically active substances that have a good effect on ligaments, joints and muscles.

Therapeutic mud contains:

  • crystallized calcium and magnesium salts;
  • salts of organic acids and brine, which are formed during the decay of the microflora of lakes in bays near the sea and under the influence of microbes;
  • humus based on a colloidal layer and organic particles.

All components determine physical and chemical properties during the treatment of arthrosis:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high heat capacity;
  • adsorption capacity.

Other procedures are also effective in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee and hip joint and coxarthrosis.

Often, in a sanatorium, baths are prescribed based on various components that help relieve pain and symptoms of the disease:

  • medicinal plants;
  • turpentine;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • essential oils.

Sanatorium treatment may additionally include a number of the following procedures:

  • aromatherapy and herbal medicine;
  • high-frequency therapy, laser application, electropheresis and phonopharesis;
  • homeopathy;
  • massage;
  • magnetotherapy.

Also, most resorts in Russia and abroad are constantly acquiring new equipment to improve the treatment of joints and other diseases.

Treatment in sanatoriums of Crimea

There are many sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of joints in different countries– Czech Republic, Israel and others. They also exist in Russia. Most resorts and sanatoriums are present in Crimea. Back in the middle of the last century, the best specialists who treated joint diseases were gathered here.

It was in the Crimean sanatoriums that all the necessary conditions for the treatment of arthrosis and other joint diseases. Thus, the healing mud at the Saki resort attracts everyone every year more people who suffer from joint diseases.

One of the famous Crimean sanatoriums– this “Poltava-Crimea” is located next to a deposit of medicinal mud. It contains a large number of substances such as:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • silica.

This mud has a regenerating effect; as a result of treatment, the cartilage layer on the surface of the joints is restored.

Also in the area near Lake Mainaki (Evpatoria) there are deposits of highly mineralized water, and the bottom of the reservoir contains several layers of healing silt mud. The following specialized resorts are located here:

  • "Primorye";
  • "Dnieper";
  • "Tavria".

Also in the mud resort of Evpatoria on the seashore is the oldest health resort of the peninsula - children's sanatorium named after N. Krupskaya. Treatment for joint diseases is prescribed here for children and adults.

Indications for treatment in this sanatorium are:

  • scoliosis;
  • congenital dislocations of the hip joints;
  • osteochondropathy;
  • aseptic necrosis of bones and joints;
  • chronic osteomyelitis;
  • coxarthrosis of various origins;
  • bone deformities and bone tuberculosis.

The following procedures are carried out at the sanatorium:

  • massage;
  • vacuum massage;
  • mud treatment on Lake Saki;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • hydromassage.

Other sanatoriums in Russia

Sanatoriums where joint diseases can be cured are located not only in Crimea, but also in other regions of Russia.

In any sanatorium, a specialist conducts full diagnostics patient's condition. When he identifies the location of the pain and the characteristics of his condition, he prescribes an individual treatment regimen.

The most famous sanatorium in Russia, which specializes in the treatment of joint diseases, is the departmental institution “Podmoskovye”, which is located in the Domodedovo district of the Russian capital.

If we talk about the treatment and prevention of joint diseases, the indications will be as follows:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • infectious arthritis;
  • post-traumatic;
  • psoriatic;
  • infectious-allergic;
  • osteochondropathy;
  • meniscitis;
  • arthralgia, etc.

The following treatment methods are practiced in this sanatorium:

  • Exercise therapy in the pool or gym;
  • training on simulators;
  • swimming;
  • medicinal baths;
  • heat therapy;
  • mud;
  • shower-massage;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • joint compresses.

Drug treatment is also practiced, but only when necessary.

Another specialized sanatorium is “Staraya Russa” (Novgorod region). Indications for treatment are:

Treatment includes taking sulfide-silt mud based on iron and bromine sulfide. They have the following effect:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anesthesia;
  • disinfection;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • improve metabolism.

They also practice the use of ultrasound in the frequency range from 800 to 3000 kHz. Ultraphonopharesis combines ultrasound and medications. In addition, they prescribe:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • physiotherapy – light and hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, ultrasound, aerosol treatment and heat therapy;
  • herbal medicine (use of plant materials);
  • electromud therapy – combination therapeutic mud and electric current.

Another sanatorium in Russia that is worth talking about is “New Source” (Vologda region). He accepts both children and adults for treatment. The sanatorium specializes in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • rehabilitation after joint endoprosthetics.

Treatment includes the following procedures:

In addition, joint diseases can be treated at the Belokurikha sanatorium (Altai Territory) and the Pionersk children's orthopedic sanatorium.

Joint diseases such as arthrosis or coxarthrosis are chronic. If they appear once, then they develop and involve everything in the disease process. large quantity joints. The disease cannot be started to prevent complications. Already on initial stage you can go to the Crimean sanatorium or other specialized medical institution. This way you can keep your joints healthy and prevent the development of the disease.