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Dioxidin veterinary instructions for use. Dioxidin for cats - indications and treatment regimen

Instructions for use of Pharmoxidin for the prevention and treatment of mastitis in cows
(Developer organization: Mosagrogen CJSC, Moscow region, Domodedovo)

I. General information
Trade name medicinal product: Pharmoxidin.
International nonproprietary name of the active substance: hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide.

Dosage form: solution for intracisternal administration.
Pharmoxidine in 1 ml contains 10 mg of hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide as an active ingredient, Excipients: nipagin - 1 mg and water for injection - up to 1 ml.
By appearance the drug is a transparent, greenish-yellow liquid.
At temperatures below plus 15 o C, the formation of fine-crystalline or flaky sediment is possible. In this case, before using the drug, the bottle is heated in a boiling water bath to dissolve the sediment. There is no loss of activity of the drug after heating in a boiling water bath.

The drug is released packaged in 100 ml glass bottles of appropriate capacity, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers reinforced with aluminum caps. Each package is supplied with instructions for use.
Farmoxidine is stored in the manufacturer's sealed packaging in a dry, protected from direct sun rays place, separate from food and feed, at a temperature of 5°C to 25°C.
The shelf life of the medicinal product, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of production. After the first puncture of the bottle cap, no more than 14 days. Do not use after expiration date. Should be kept out of the reach of children.
Unused medicinal product is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.

II. Pharmacological properties
Pharmoxidin is an antibacterial drug from the quinoxaline group. Hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide (dioxidine), which is part of the drug, has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action and is effective against gram-positive cocci - Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.; gram-positive rods - Actinomyces spp., Clostridium spp; gram-negative rods - the family Enterohacteriaceae (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus spp., Salmonella spp., Shigella spp.), Bacteroides spp., including Bacteroides fragillts, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; as well as Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
The mechanism of action of hydroxymethylquinoxyline dioxide is the ability to cause deep structural changes in the cytoplasm of microorganisms and disrupt the synthesis of bacterial DNA in the microbial cell without affecting the synthesis of RNA and protein; cause structural changes in the bacterial cell wall, suppress the activity of extracellular bacterial nuclease and α-toxin.
When the drug is administered into the milk tanks, the active substance penetrates the parenchyma of the udder, remaining in therapeutic concentrations for 12 hours.

The drug, in accordance with the classification of GOST 12.1.007-76, belongs to hazard class 4 (low-hazard substances).

III. Application procedure
Farmoxidine is used for the prevention and treatment of clinical and latent forms of mastitis in lactating and dry cows.

A contraindication to the use of Pharmoxidine is individual increased sensitivity animal to the components of the drug.

When treating mastitis in cows, before administering the drug, the secretion (milk, exudate) from the diseased quarters of the udder is completely milked into a separate container, disinfected by boiling and disposed of, and the teat is treated antiseptic solution. Before administration, the drug is heated to 40°C and administered through the nipple canal using a catheter. After administering the drug, pinch the tip of the nipple with your fingers and lightly massage the nipple from bottom to top for 1-2 minutes for better distribution of the drug.
In the treatment of acute and chronic forms For mastitis, the drug is administered into the diseased lobe of the udder in a dose of 20.0 ml with an interval of 12 hours for 3-4 days.
For latent form and prevention of mastitis, 20.0 ml of the drug is injected into the udder nipple twice a day for 1 - 2 days.
For preventive sanitation of the udder, the drug is administered on the 4th day from the beginning of the dry period into all lobes of the udder, 20.0 ml once.

No symptoms of drug overdose were identified.
No specific effects of the drug upon its first use and discontinuation were identified.
Avoid skipping the next dose of the drug, as this may lead to a decrease in therapeutic effectiveness. If one dose is missed, the drug must be administered as soon as possible.

When using Pharmoxidine in accordance with these instructions side effects and complications, as a rule, are not observed. In case of increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug and signs of allergy appear, the use of the drug is stopped and prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy.

Farmoxidine should not be used concomitantly with other antibacterial drugs for intracisternal administration.

Slaughter of animals for meat is permitted no earlier than 2 days after the last intracisternal administration of the drug. In case of forced slaughter of animals before the established deadline, the meat can be used as feed for fur-bearing animals.
Milk obtained from cows treated for mastitis with Pharmoxidin can be used for food no earlier than 48 hours after the last intracisternal administration, provided complete absence signs of mastitis.
Milk from unaffected lobes of the udder, obtained during the treatment period and within 48 hours after last use the drug is subjected to disinfection (boiling or pasteurization at 76 o C for 20 seconds) and used in animal feeding.

IV. Personal prevention measures
When working with Pharmoxidin, you should follow general rules personal hygiene and safety precautions required when working with medications. When working with the drug, do not drink, smoke, or eat. Hands should be washed after finishing work warm water with soap.
People with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should avoid direct contact with Pharmoxidin. In case of accidental contact of the medicinal product with the skin or mucous membranes of the eye, they must be rinsed big amount water. If allergic reactions or if the drug accidentally enters the human body, you should immediately contact medical institution(bring with you the instructions for use of the drug or the label).

Empty drug bottles must not be used for household purposes; they must be disposed of with household waste.

Manufacturing organization JSC "Mosagrogen", Russian Federation, Moscow region, 142000, Domodedovo, Kutuzovsky Ave., 10-77.
Production address: 117545, Moscow, 1st Dorozhny proezd, 1.

With the approval of this Instruction, the instructions for the use of Pharmoxidine, approved by Rosselkhoznadzor on May 20, 2014, become invalid.

A drug intended to treat different forms purulent bacterial infections.

Composition and properties

By external signs dioxidine is a greenish-yellow, odorless, crystalline powder; poorly soluble in water and alcohol.
Mechanism of action, main pharmacodynamic effects
It is a derivative of quinoxaline with a broad antimicrobial effect, including microorganisms resistant to other chemotherapeutic substances.
Mechanism antimicrobial action similar to quinoxidine. It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal canal and after 2-3 hours its concentration in the blood and organs reaches a therapeutic concentration, which persists for 8-14 hours, and traces are recorded after 24-36 hours. It is distributed unevenly, but diffuses into different biological fluids and through biological cell membranes, where it exhibits an antibacterial effect and changes in metabolism.

Action and application

Antimicrobial drug wide range actions.
The drug is recommended for the treatment of animals with severe purulent-inflammatory processes: pleurisy, lung abscess, peritonitis, cystitis, wounds with deep purulent cavities.

Side effects

When using the drug in animals, chills, fever, dyspeptic reactions, and convulsive muscle twitching are possible.


Contraindications to the use of the drug in animals is individual intolerance.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is administered into the cavities at 10-50 ml of a 1% solution (100-500 mg) per day. Administer daily for 3 weeks. Repeated courses carried out after 1-1.5 months. The ointment is used in the treatment of purulent and trophic wounds, burns, and pustular skin diseases.
Inside and intravenously
10 mg/kg of animal body weight 1 time per day, for 7-10 days.

Release form

A 0.5 and 1% solution is produced in ampoules of 10 and 20 ml; 5% ointment in tubes of 25 and 50 g.


Store the drug with precautions (list B), in a place protected from light, at room temperature. If crystals form (at storage temperatures below 15 °C), they are dissolved by heating the ampoule in a boiling water bath. If, when cooled to 36-38 °C, the crystals do not fall out again, the drug is suitable for use.

Best before date
2 years.

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation16.00.04
  • Number of pages 171
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2. Literature review.

2.1. Physiological stimulation of productivity of farm animals.

2.2. Quinoxaline derivatives - promising means for animal husbandry, veterinary medicine and medicine.

2.3. Mechanisms of productivity stimulation by chemotherapeutic drugs.

2.4. Dioxidin is a promising drug for animal husbandry.

3. Material and research methods.

4. Own research.

4.1. Physicochemical properties of dioxidine.

4.2. Biological effect of dioxidin.

4.3. Toxicological properties of dioxidine.

4.3.1. Acute toxicity.

4.3.2. Subacute toxicity.

4.3.3. Chronic toxicity.

4.3.4. The effect of dioxidin on animals.

4.3.5. Study of local action.

4.3.6. The effect of dioxidin on liver function.

4.3.7. The effect of dioxidin on digestion.

4.3.8. The effect of dioxidin on urination.

4.3.9. Cumulative properties.

4.3.10. Veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat from piglets treated with dioxidin.

4.3.11. Pathomorphological studies of pig organs when prescribing dioxidine.

4.4. Pharmacology of dioxidin.

4.4.1. Pharmacokinetics of dioxidin.

4.4.2. Pharmacodynamics of dioxidin. The effect of dioxidin on the functions of an isolated segment of the intestine. Effect on the motor-secretory function of the stomach and intestines. The influence of dioxidin on the absorption of energy substances. Study of the anti-inflammatory effect of dioxidin. 104 4.5. Development of indications for use.

4.5.1. Growth-stimulating effect of dioxidin.

4.5.2. Efficiency in gastrointestinal diseases.

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Pharmaco-toxicological rationale for the use of dioxidine in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine”

The ever-increasing problem of providing the population of our country with good nutrition is mainly due to the low productivity of farm animals. This is due to a number of reasons and, in particular, the high morbidity and mortality of the latter. However, the main one is inadequate feeding of animals, which does not provide all the physiological needs of the body for biologically active substances of appropriate quality (I.V. Petrukhin, 1989, N.I. Kleimanov, 1987, etc.). In this case, the normal flow does not occur physiological processes in the organs and tissues of the body and, as a result, metabolism is disrupted, the productivity, growth and development of animals decreases, and various types of pathologies arise (V.T. Samokhin, 1981).

At the same time, even in conditions optimal feeding the majority of animals (up to 58%) grow slower than their physiological capabilities, and about 10% are sharply stunted (I.E. Mozgov, 1964).

Industrial technologies for livestock farming greatly aggravate this situation, because physical inactivity and disruption of connections with natural biotopes have led to a decrease in the digestibility of biologically active substances, and, consequently, to a greater need for them for the body (V.M. Danilevsky, 1980) .

Therefore, in countries with intensive livestock farming, pharmacological regulation of the physiological processes of the body is widely used using various substances that allow accelerating the growth of both satisfactorily and poorly developing animals on average: chickens by 12-20%, piglets - 12-17%, calves and lambs by 8-12% (A.M. Venediktov, A.A. Jonas, 1979). These drugs are called growth-promoting agents and their introduction is mandatory in so-called medicated or guaranteed feeds along with vital biologically active substances (vitamins, macro- and microelements, amino acids, etc.). These include mainly antibiotic drugs. (A.B. Arkhipov, 1984; M.N. Argunov, 1994; L.B. Safonova, 1997; A.I. Frolov, 1998).

They activate the functional activity of the body and its systems, mobilize its reserve capabilities and thereby accelerate the growth and fattening of animals (I.E. Mozgov, 1964, P.E. Radkevich, 1970).

IN last years Along with antibiotics, for such purposes antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agents of other classes of compounds and, in particular, drugs of the quinoxaline series are increasingly being used. The most famous of them is a drug developed by Bayer called Bayonox, the active ingredient of which is olaquindox triturate (D. Sechneider et al., 1970; “Anon” (Bayo-N-ox, 1978).

In our country, at VNIIFKhI, a scientific team led by E.H. Padeyskaya (1978) from quinoxaline derivatives developed and found quite widespread use of the drugs dioxidine and quinoxidine, which are produced in large volumes at the pharmaceutical association "October" (St. Petersburg).

These drugs have a different mechanism of action on the microbial cell than known drugs. Drug resistance to them develops more slowly and does not reach high limits. The use of quinoxalines in medical practice quite widely, but it is limited mainly to antiseptic purposes.

The data presented make the development and implementation of new drugs from the 2,4-di-1H-hydroxyquinoline group in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine relevant scientific problem for veterinary pharmacology. These tools include, first of all, the new domestic drug Dioxidine, developed in the chemotherapy laboratory infectious diseases at the All-Russian Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute (Moscow) and has high antimicrobial activity (A.V. Livshits, A.M. Marshak, G.A. Govorovich, 1976; E.N. Padeiskaya, 1978).

Purpose and objectives of the research. The main goal of this work is a pharmacotoxicological study of the domestic chemotherapeutic drug of the quinoxaline series - dioxidine with the aim of developing its use in animal husbandry.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. Find out the biological effect of the drug.

2. Determine the main pharmaco-toxicological properties of dioxidin, study its distribution in the body and its effect on the morphofunctional state of individual organs and tissues of animals, as well as the quality of animal slaughter products when prescribed.

3. To study the effect of dioxidin on digestion and, in particular, the motor-secretory functions of the stomach and intestines, and the absorption of energy substances.

4. To develop indications for the use of dioxidin and, in particular, to determine the growth-stimulating effect of the drug, its effect on the growth and development of farm animals, some metabolic indicators, as well as to establish therapeutic and prophylactic effectiveness for certain animal diseases and, in the prescribed manner, introduce them into animal husbandry practice and veterinary medicine.

The research was carried out according to assignment 0402 of the Russian Scientific and Technical Progress for Fundamental and Priority Research for 1992-1995. State No. registration 01.9.400075 88.

Scientific novelty. As a result of the research carried out using pharmacological, toxicological, physiological, microbiological and biochemical methods, the use of the domestic drug dioxidin, which is a derivative of quinoxaline, was experimentally studied and justified. In particular, its influence on the growth of animals, the main aspects of its metabolism, digestive processes, chemotherapy activity in relation to various microorganisms, fungi and helminths, absorption, distribution and excretion from the body, impact on the morphofunctional state were determined various organs and animal tissues.

In accordance with the requirements of the Veterinary Pharmabiocommission of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, indications for use have been worked out and, in particular, in the treatment and prevention of diseases digestive tract and skin diseases.

Practical significance. A new domestic drug has been proposed for practical livestock farming, which has a pronounced growth-stimulating effect and high therapeutic and prophylactic effectiveness for gastrointestinal and skin diseases.

Practical significance is confirmed positive results extensive production tests and Temporary Instruction No. 13-5-2/1005 on the use of dioxidine, approved by the Veterinary Biocommission and duly approved by the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on July 10, 1997.

Implementation of research results. Industrial production dioxidine substance was mastered by the pharmaceutical enterprise "October" (St. Petersburg), and dosage form- Kaluga plant of veterinary preparations and Armavir biofactory.

In the conditions of livestock farms in different regions of the country, incl. in the Voronezh region and Krasnodar region, its use as a highly effective medicine is ensured.

Approbation of work. The dissertation materials were reported:

1. At meetings of the Academic Council at VNIVIPFiT on the results of research work for 1991-1994.

3. At the All-Russian Scientific and Industrial Conference "State and Development Prospects scientific research on the prevention and treatment of diseases of farm animals and birds”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Krasnodar Scientific Research VS (Krasnodar, June, 1996).

Main provisions submitted for defense:

Results of a pharmaco-toxicological study of a new domestic quinoxaline drug - dioxidine;

Results of studying the biological effects of dioxidin;

The results of the practical use of the drug as a growth-stimulating agent and in the treatment and prevention of various animal diseases.

Publication of research results. The main content of the work is presented in scientific publications.


Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Veterinary pharmacology with toxicology”, Martynova, Alla Vitalievna

1. Dioxidin 1,4-di-N-oxide 2,3 bis-hydroxymethylquinoxaline is a new quinoxaline-type chemotherapeutic drug, promising for use in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

2. Dioxidin has high broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, both in vitro and in vivo. Dioxidin exhibits the highest activity against gram-negative microorganisms. Coccal forms are more resistant to it (from 100 to 1000 μg/ml). Pasteurella was the most sensitive to the drug (3.12-12.5 μg/ml).

Dioxidin exhibits a pronounced chemotherapeutic effect in experimental Escherichia infection, and the dose of the drug significantly depended on the method of its administration.

3. The drug does not have acaricidal or ovicidal effects against psoroptes mites, or larvicidal against fly larvae.

A weak anthelmintic effect of the drug on roundworms of chickens and earthworms has been established.

The drug exhibits weak fungiostatic activity (0.050.1%) against dermatophyte fungi and some pathogens of animal mycotoxicosis. It has no effect on candida.

4. Dioxidin is a low-toxic drug for laboratory and farm animals. The LD50 of the drug for white mice when administered internally for different age groups varied from 1031.5 to 1212.5 mg/kg; for white rats when administered subcutaneously, this dose is 815.7; for piglets when administered orally - 1350 mg/kg.

With long-term repeated administration of dioxidine in optimal and threefold therapeutic doses, it does not have a toxic effect on the animal’s body, their digestion and urination processes, liver function, morpho-functional changes in other organs and tissues, as well as physicochemical characteristics and taste qualities of meat, does not exhibit locally irritating and skin-resorptive toxic effects.

The drug exhibits moderate cumulative activity.

5. The pharmacokinetics of the drug is characterized by absorption from the digestive canal and subsequent distribution in organs and tissues.

Complete elimination of the drug occurs within 72 to 96 hours. The recommended period for slaughtering animals for meat after the administration of dioxidine is 5-6 days.

6. The pharmacodynamics of the drug is due to pronounced antimicrobial activity against pathogens of many animal diseases, as well as versatile pharmacological action, expressed in an anti-inflammatory effect, a positive effect on certain aspects of protein, fat metabolism substances and digestive processes in animals. Multiple administration Dioxidin helps reduce the concentration of hydrogen ions in gastric juice. Stopping the drug helps restore its reaction to its original level within 24 hours. The administration of dioxidine is also accompanied by an increase in free and bound of hydrochloric acid, as well as the general acidity of gastric juice. The dynamics of amylase and trypsin activity are characterized initially by a decrease and then by an increase. The drug has a direct effect on the processes of glucose absorption in the small intestine. The maximum accumulation of glucose is observed when using therapeutic doses; large doses reduce the intensity of its absorption.

7. Dioxidin exhibits a high growth-stimulating effect on animals, which is accompanied positive influence for erythro- and hematopoiesis, level total protein. At the same time, animals have a greater yield of all categories of meat and bone tissue, the mass of internal organs increases, the protein-quality indicator of meat improves, the water content in meat decreases, and the fat and protein content increases.

In accordance with the materials of these studies, Temporary Guidelines for the use of dioxidine in veterinary medicine No. 13-5-2/1005 dated July 10, 1997 were developed. Industrial production of dioxidine has been mastered at the chemical and pharmaceutical association "October" (St. Petersburg), and the production of the dosage form at the Kaluga Veterinary Drugs Plant and the Armavir Biofactory.


The use of the drug is regulated by the duly approved Temporary Guidelines for the use of dioxidine in veterinary medicine No. 13-5-2/1005 dated July 10, 1997.


The severity of the food problem in our country and the associated food security is largely due to the low productivity of farm animals.

One of the main reasons for this is inadequate feeding of animals, which does not ensure the normal course of biochemical processes in the organs and tissues of the body (I.V. Petrukhin, 1989; N.I. Kleimanov, 1987; V.T. Samokhin, 1981).

This situation is aggravated by industrial livestock farming technologies, which, due to the severance of connections with natural biotopes and physical inactivity, contribute to a decrease in the digestibility of biologically active substances (V.M. Danilevsky, 1980).

Therefore, in countries with intensive livestock farming, they widely use pharmacological correction physiological processes of the body using various biologically active substances, which allow accelerating the growth of both satisfactory and poorly developing animals. These drugs are called growth-stimulating agents, since they activate the functional activity of the body and its systems, mobilize its reserve capabilities and thereby accelerate the growth and fattening of animals (I.E. Mozgov, 1964, P.E. Radkevich, 1970) .

Along with antibiotics widely used for these purposes, in recent years antimicrobial compounds of the quinoxaline series have become widely used in the world and, in particular, the Bayonox drug from Bayer, the active ingredient of which is olaquindox triturate (D. Schneider et.al., 1976; ANON "Bayonox", 1978).

In our country, the All-Union Scientific Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute has developed two new promising quinoxaline derivatives, dioxidine and quinoxidine, which have found quite wide application in medicine and are produced at the Oktyabr pharmaceutical association (St. Petersburg).

These drugs have versatile pharmacological effects, are low-toxic and therefore promising for use in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

All of the above served as the basis for a pharmacotoxicological study of the drug dioxidin with the aim of developing its use in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

Studies have established that dioxidin has versatile biological activity and, in particular, a high anti-H microbial effect against many microorganisms. Relatively higher activity of the drug was observed against gram-negative bacteria. Of these microorganisms, Pasteurella was the most sensitive to the drug. The minimum bacteriostatic concentration of the drug was 0.39-3.12 μg/ml, and the minimum bactericidal concentration was 0.78-6.25 μg/ml. Aerococcus viridans showed approximately similar sensitivity, which was 1.56-3.12 μg/ml in both cases. The drug showed a somewhat less antimicrobial effect against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which nevertheless turned out to be quite high and amounted to: bacteriostatic at a concentration of 3×12-12.5 ml and bactericidal - 6.25-25.0 µg/ml. Salmonella and micrococcus turned out to be approximately equal in their sensitivity to the drug. At the same time, the minimum bacteriostatic concentration for both microorganisms was 12.5-25.0 μg/ml. Other Salmonella serotypes were more resistant to dioxidin. At the same time, the bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities of Salmonella dublin were 25-50 μg/ml, and Salmonella cholerae suis 50.0-200 μg/ml.

The antimicrobial effect of the drug on Bordetella also turned out to be quite pronounced and amounted to 25-100 μg/ml.

Various serotypes coli were approximately similarly sensitive to dioxidine. Moreover, their sensitivity manifested itself in concentrations from 12.5 to 100 μg/ml. The most resistant of the studied strains of microorganisms were gram-positive and, in particular, staphylococci and streptococci, the sensitivity of which varied from 100 to 400 μg/ml.

The activity of dioxidin against Proteus vulgaris was relatively low. Its bacteriostatic effect was at a concentration of 200-100 μg/ml, and its bactericidal effect was 100 μg per 1 ml of medium. Klebsiella was more sensitive to the drug, the effect of which was manifested at a concentration of 25-50 μg/ml.

Dioxidin also showed a pronounced chemotherapeutic effect in experimental Escherichia infection.

Moreover, its dose depended on the route of administration. Thus, when administered intraperitoneally on the 15th day of the experiment, 100% survival of white mice was noted at a dose of 10 mg/kg. ED50 in this case was 2.5 mg/kg, but when dioxidine was administered orally, the ED50 parameters were higher and reached 61.5 mg/kg.

Dioxidin, administered an hour after infection of the animal, protected white mice from death at a dose of 10 mg/kg, the ED50 being equal to 4.1 mg/kg. The administration of dioxidine 3 hours after infection increased the unit and amounted to 7 mg/kg.

Tests have shown that a 1% solution of dioxidine does not have an acaricidal effect against ticks. psoroptes, since no significant changes in the condition of the mites and their death were noted. A similar result was obtained in the control.

However, no ioacidal effect of the drug was observed. The hatching of larvae in this case was similar to the control.

Dioxidin did not have a larvicidal effect on fly larvae. The hatching of larvae did not change significantly, but after 2-3 days they pupated.

When studying anthelmintic action The drug has a weak destructive effect on earthworms. Moreover, their death occurred within 90 minutes. The picture of intoxication was characterized by weak excitation of the worms, followed by paralysis and death.

The death of chicken roundworms occurred after a 10-hour exposure.

It has been established that dioxidin exhibits weak fungiostatic activity (^.05-0.1%) against dermatophyte fungi. In relation to the causative agents of mycotoxicosis (Fusarium), the drug showed a destructive effect at a concentration of 40 mg/kg, and the effect on Stachybotris alternans was manifested at a concentration of 0.5 mg/kg. Dioxidine had no effect on Candida.

Thus, dioxidin has a weak antifungal and anthelminthic effect.

A study of the main toxicological parameters of dioxidine showed that it is a low-toxic drug. Its maximum tolerated dose for white mice when used internally, depending on age, ranges from 600-1000 mg/kg. LD50 varied from 1031.5 to 1212.5 mg/kg. A dose of 1400 mg/kg caused the death of all mice.

For white rats with subcutaneous administration of the drug, these parameters were respectively 600; 815.7 and 1000 mg/kg.

Piglets turned out to be less sensitive to dioxidine compared to laboratory animals. At the same time, the MTD was 1200; LD50 -1350 and LDuo - 1700 mg/kg.

Clinical picture intoxication was characterized by depression, decreased pain sensitivity, lack of appetite, coma. Convulsions and impaired coordination of movement were recorded in piglets. Dioxidine, when administered internally for a long time at 50 times the therapeutic dose, caused death within 6-10 days. When administered at a 20-fold dose, the death of animals was 60%, which indicates the low toxicity of the drug.

In similar experiments conducted on sheep, it was established that dioxydine, when administered internally in 10 times therapeutic doses, did not cause signs of intoxication and death of the animals. 20 times therapeutic dose caused the death of all animals within 5-10 days. Blood tests did not reveal any pronounced changes in blood parameters.

With long-term internal administration (21 days) at a 3-fold therapeutic dose, the drug did not have a pronounced toxic effect on the clinical status of animals, blood parameters and the weight of internal organs. At the same time, the temperature, pulse, and respiration parameters of the rabbits did not undergo significant changes throughout the experiments (15 days).

It did not have a local irritant or skin-resorptive toxic effect during skin applications and conjunctival tests.

Dioxidin did not cause disturbances in the basic functions of the liver, as well as in the processes of digestion and urination.

It showed moderate cumulative activity. The cumulation index was 6.1; 3.7; 1.8%, respectively, after 24, 48 and 72 hours. The drug reversibility index during these time intervals reached 93.9; 96.3;98.2% respectively.

Histological examination of the internal organs of animals that received three times therapeutic doses of dioxidine for a long time did not reveal morphological changes in the liver, kidneys, or heart. Only in some animals were weakly focal injections of capillaries in the kidneys noted, as well as weak catarrh mucous membrane of the stomach and jejunum.

The conducted veterinary and sanitary examination of pig slaughter products shows that the carcasses of the experimental (received dioxidine) and control animals did not differ in external characteristics, and no visible changes in their internal organs and tissues were also detected.

Dioxidin does not change the taste of meat, as evidenced by its commission tasting assessment and biochemical research meat from pigs treated with the drug.

The pharmacokinetic parameters of dioxidin are characterized by its absorption and distribution in organs and tissues. Both with a single and five-time internal application to pigs at a dose of 10 mg/kg for 10 days, the drug is registered in the body only in the form of traces and not in all organs. Moreover, its traces were noted 6 hours after administration only in the kidneys, liver and spleen. After 48 hours, dioxidine was not detected in any of the examined organs.

When the drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight in the form of a 1% solution, its residual quantities are detected after 48 hours in samples of blood, liver, kidneys, lungs and skeletal muscles. After 72 hours, its content decreases sharply, and after 96 hours it is not detected.

Thus, complete elimination of the drug occurs within 7296 hours, so the recommended period for slaughtering animals for meat after treatment with dioxidine is 5-6 days.

Studies of certain aspects of pharmacodynamics have established that dioxidin, in addition to its pronounced antimicrobial action has a diverse effect on the functions of the digestive canal.

Thus, when the drug is diluted in concentrations of 1:1000 and 1:500, a slowdown in the rhythm and amplitude of contractions of isolated sections of the intestine is recorded, which are restored with subsequent lavage.

At the same time, five-time internal administration of dioxidine to rabbits at a dose of 30 mg/kg increased the motor function of the stomach, which manifested itself in the form of an increase in its bioelectrical activity.

Repeated administration of dioxidine contributed to a decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions in gastric juice. Discontinuation of the drug led to the restoration of his reaction to the original within 24 hours. At the same time, this was accompanied by an increase in the concentration of free and bound hydrochloric acid, as well as the general acidity of the juice, and an increase in the pH of intestinal juice, which after 3-fold administration was 20.7% higher than the background values. The dynamics of intestinal juice amylase activity was characterized by a decrease at the beginning, and then by an increase of 3-13%. A similar picture was recorded for trypsin activity.

When studying parietal digestion of dioxidine for the absorption of energy substances, it was shown that the drug has a direct effect on the structural elements of the intestinal mucosa. The result of this action is an increase in the intensity of absorption and accumulation of glucose by the tissue of the isolated area, however, different doses of the drug affect these processes differently. The maximum accumulation of glucose by tissue is observed when therapeutic doses are used, and large doses somewhat reduce the intensity of its absorption.

It was found that dioxidin at a dose of 10 mg/kg leads to an increase in glucose content in the distal part of the intestine when incubated for 30 and 60 minutes in the first experimental group compared to the control; its amount was respectively: 0.6±0.02 mM and 0.1±0.06; 0.6±0.07 and 0.2±0.07 mM.

Dioxidin at a dose of 30 mg/kg caused a sharp increase in the accumulation of glucose in the intestinal mucosa. The glucose concentration in this case in the distal area after 30 minutes of incubation here reached 1.1 ± 0.02 mM, whereas the control value was 0.1 ± 0.04 mM. With increasing incubation time (60 minutes), the increase in concentration was observed to a lesser extent.

In the proximal part of the intestine, the accumulation of glucose was not so intense. Thus, after 30 minutes of incubation its level was 0.7±0.02 mM - 0.8±0.1 mM, while baseline was 0.2±0.07 mM. After a 60-minute incubation, the amount of accumulated glucose in this part of the intestine increased slightly compared to the control. There was a general trend toward an increase in glucose concentration in both the proximal and distal parts of the intestine after a 30-minute incubation compared with that after a 60-minute exposure.

With direct contact of the drug with microvilli of the intestinal mucosa, the intensity of glucose absorption by the jejunum of rats increased with the addition of dioxidine to the incubation medium.

Dioxidin added to the incubation medium at a concentration of 10 mg/l caused an increase in the accumulation of glucose in the jejunum tissue. Thus, the initial glucose concentration was 0.1±0.07 mM. After 30 minutes of incubation, the concentration of accumulated glucose increased to 0.4 ± 0.1 mM and 0.5 ± 0.1 mM in the proximal and distal sections, respectively. After 60 minutes of incubation, there was a further increase in glucose accumulation, especially in the distal region. Here its level reached 0.8±0.1 mM, while in the proximal section it increased slightly - to 0.5±0.08 mM.

At a concentration of 15 mg/l of solution, dioxidin had the greatest increase in glucose accumulation. Its initial content was 0.15±0.08 mM. After 30 minutes of incubation, the glucose level reached 0.6±0.09 mM in the proximal region. The glucose concentration in the distal region after 30 minutes of incubation was even higher: 1.1 ± 0.09 mM. There was further accumulation of glucose in the intestinal segments after 60 minutes of incubation, especially in the distal section compared to the proximal one: 1.6 ± 0.08 mM and 1.3 ± 0.08 mM, respectively.

Dioxidin at concentrations of 30 and 40 mg/g caused a slight accumulation of glucose in the intestinal mucosa.

Thus, dioxidin at a dose of 15 mg/kg, administered with food to beo and lye rats for 7 days, does not affect the absorption of glucose from the mucous membranes. small intestine. At a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight, the drug increases the accumulation of glucose in the intestine, especially in its distal area after 30 minutes of incubation. When the drug was added directly to the incubation medium, the greatest increase in glucose concentration occurred with the drug at a dose of 15 and 50 mg/l.

If the intestines of such rats, placed in an incubation medium without the drug, are only capable of accumulating glucose 1.5 times more compared to its initial level, then with the addition of dioxidine, the intensity of absorption increases 4-5 times. The maximum concentration of accumulated glucose in the intestine incubated without dioxidine is 0.44 ± 0.02 mM, with dioxidine - 0.65 ± 0.03 mM.

Consequently, the drug has a direct effect on the structural elements of the intestinal mucosa. The result of this action is an increase in the intensity of absorption and accumulation of glucose by the tissue of the isolated area.

In conditions of unbalanced nutrition, the effect of the drug is less effective. 0

With balanced feeding, the animals gained body weight 2 times faster than the controls, and the amount of food consumed did not increase.

Analysis of glucose absorption by the jejunum showed that the intensity of this process in experimental animals is 3-4 times higher. These facts can be considered as one of the mechanisms that ensure the action of dioxidin as a growth stimulator in animals.

A study of biochemical blood parameters revealed high activity of dioxidin, which is characterized by increased energy and protein metabolism in animals. At the same time, an increase in the content of total protein, RNA, as well as the albumin fraction of blood serum is recorded, which indicates the activation of protein metabolism. A decrease in urea indicates a more rational course of these processes and better utilization of proteins by the body.

However, the results of these experiments also indicate an increase energy metabolism both carbohydrate and fat, in particular, their more optimal flow, and, consequently, better energy supply for the biochemical processes occurring in the body. Ultimately, all this contributed to a greater increase in body weight in the experimental animals.

When conducting clinical trials of dioxidin in order to develop indications for its use, it was found that the pronounced chemotherapeutic properties and versatile pharmacological action contribute to the high therapeutic and prophylactic effectiveness of the drug in various diseases animals, as well as to stimulate their growth. Dioxidin showed a high growth-stimulating effect on pigs, amounting to 149.9% of the control in the first series, 149.9% in the second, and 129.6% in the third. It was noted that the animals ate the food containing the drug well and no toxic effects on their bodies were detected. The effect on the blood is marked by a positive effect on the content of red blood cells and their saturation with hemoglobin, an increase in the level of total protein; in experimental pigs there is a greater yield of all categories of meat, as well as bone tissue. When large doses of the drug are prescribed, a decrease in the yield of fatty meat and an increase in the amount of lean meat is recorded. Characteristic is an increase in the content of tryptophan and hydroxy-proline and, as a result, an improvement in the protein-quality indicator of meat. The water content in meat decreases, and the fat and protein content increases. In parallel, animals show an increase in the mass of internal organs (liver, kidneys, heart). After the cessation of the drug's effect, the mass of these organs is mainly restored.

At clinical trials 5% dioxidine ointment for dog dermatitis, it has been established that the drug, when administered in the form of cutaneous applications 2 and 4 times with an interval of 2 days, exhibits a pronounced healing effect with this disease. After one or two uses of the drug, necrotic scabs were rejected from the affected areas, the skin became elastic, moist and painless, and hair growth began on days 6 and 15. The areas were completely overgrown with hair and the healing process began within 12-30 days. The use of dioxidine in the wound process contributed to earlier epithelization and granulation of the wound surface, acceleration and resorption of inflammatory edema and a decrease in the purulent-exudative process. The pain of the wounds decreased, and the general condition of the animals improved. The experimental animals recovered 2-3 days faster than the control animals. The effectiveness of the drug for skin diseases is due to its ability to resolve inflammatory swelling, stimulate regenerative processes, dilate blood vessels at the site of application and increase their permeability, which is due to its anti-inflammatory, emollient, and improving skin trophism effect.

When studying the therapeutic and prophylactic effectiveness of diarrheal diseases in piglets, it was shown that the administration of dioxidine contributed to a rapid improvement general condition, restoration of gastrointestinal tract functions and disappearance clinical signs diseases within 2-4 days of treatment. The therapeutic effectiveness of the drug ranged from 80-100./

Prescription of the drug with for preventive purposes contributed to a significant improvement in their general condition and appetite. As a result, the preventive effectiveness of dioxidin was 95%

At the same time, the drug did not have a pronounced toxic effect on the morphobiochemical parameters of pig blood and did not exhibit other side effects.

The materials of these studies of the pharmacological and toxicological properties of dioxidine, its effectiveness in various diseases, the developed regulatory and technical documentation for its use were approved by the Veterinary Biocommission of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Russian Federation, which served as the basis for approval in the prescribed manner of the Temporary Guidelines for the use of dioxidine in Veterinary Medicine 13- 52/1005 dated 07/10/97.

Industrial production of dioxidine was mastered at the chemical and pharmaceutical association "October" (St. Petersburg), and the production of the dosage form was mastered at the Kaluga Veterinary Drugs Plant and the Armavir Biofactory. Currently, dioxidin is being widely introduced into veterinary practice in accordance with the approved instructions.

Thus, the new quinoxaline drug dioxidin is low toxic medicine, which has pronounced pharmacological and chemotherapeutic activity. It is effective as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for diseases of the skin, digestive and respiratory canals, for obstetric and gynecological diseases, and also as a growth-stimulating agent.

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pharmachologic effect

Broad-spectrum antibacterial bactericidal drug. Active against Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Friedlander's bacillus, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteria, Shigella flexneri, Shigella boydii., Shigella sonnei, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., pathogenic anaerobes (Clostridium perfringens). Acts on strains of bacteria resistant to others. antibacterial agents, including antibiotics. Does not have a local irritating effect. Possible development drug resistance bacteria. When administered intravenously, it is characterized by a small therapeutic width, and therefore strict adherence to the recommended doses is necessary. Treatment of burns and purulent-necrotic wounds contributes to more quick cleansing wound surface, stimulates reparative regeneration and marginal epithelization and has a beneficial effect on the course of the wound process. Experimental studies have demonstrated the presence of teratogenic, embryotoxic and mutagenic effects.


When applied topically, it is partially absorbed from the wound or burn surface and excreted by the kidneys. After intravenous administration, the therapeutic concentration in the blood remains for 4-6 hours. It penetrates well and quickly into all organs and tissues and is excreted by the kidneys. TCmax in the blood is 1-2 hours after a single administration, does not accumulate with repeated administrations.


Externally, locally - wound and burn infections (superficial and deep purulent wounds various locations, long-term non-healing wounds And trophic ulcers, soft tissue phlegmon, infected burns; purulent wounds with osteomyelitis); pustular skin diseases. Intracavitary - purulent processes in the chest and abdominal cavity: purulent pleurisy, pleural empyema, lung abscess, peritonitis; cystitis, wounds with deep purulent cavities (soft tissue abscesses, pelvic cellulitis, postoperative wounds of the urinary and biliary tract, purulent mastitis). IV - septic conditions (including in patients with burn disease), purulent meningitis, purulent-inflammatory processes with generalization symptoms. Prevention of infectious complications after bladder catheterization.


Hypersensitivity, adrenal insufficiency (including history), pregnancy, lactation. With caution - renal failure.

Dosage regimen

Externally, locally. Ointment - apply a thin layer to the affected area once a day; Apply napkins soaked in solution to the wounds. Deep wounds tamponed or irrigated with a 0.5% solution. In the form of an aerosol: 1.5-3 g of foam (when pressing the nozzle all the way for 1-2 seconds, 15-30 ml comes out of the balloon) is applied evenly (the thickness of the foam layer is 1-1.5 cm) on the wound surface, previously cleaned of purulent necrotic masses, daily or every other day, depending on the condition of the burn wound and the course of the wound process. Maximum daily dose— 2.5 g. Duration of treatment — 3 weeks. Intracavitary. The solution is injected into the cavity through a drainage tube, catheter or syringe, 10-50 ml of a 1% solution. IV drip. In severe septic conditions, a 0.5% injection solution is administered, previously diluted in a 5% dextrose solution or in a 0.9% sodium chloride solution to a concentration of 0.1-0.2%. The highest single dose is 300 mg, the daily dose is 600 mg.

Side effects

Allergic reactions. After IV and intracavitary administration - headache, chills, hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsive muscle twitching. Local reactions: periwound dermatitis.

special instructions

For chronic renal failure, the dose is reduced. Prescribed only when other antimicrobial drugs are ineffective.

Name in Latin

Solutio Dioxydini 1%

Composition and release form

The composition of the drug dioxidin includes: 1,4-dioxide 2,3-bis-(hydroxymethyl) quinoxaline, a preservative and water for injection. It is a transparent, greenish-yellow liquid with a bitter taste and odorless. The presence of crystals is allowed when stored below 15 ° C. Before using the drug, they are dissolved by heating the contents of the bottle in a boiling water bath. Packaged in 100 ml bottles.

Pharmacological properties

Dioxidin is a broad-spectrum antibacterial chemotherapeutic drug, active against gram-negative, gram-positive pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms spore-forming and non-spore-forming species. Dioxidin selectively inhibits DNA synthesis in a microbial cell without affecting the synthesis of RNA and protein; causes structural changes in the cell wall and nucleotide of bacteria, suppresses the activity of extracellular bacterial nuclease and α-toxin. The drug Dioxidin has a “gentle” effect on lactic acid microflora and is bactericidal for bacteria that have low sensitivity and resistance to other chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics.

Indications for use

A solution of dioxidine 1%, in the form of a single drug, is used for the treatment of early secretion disorders in individual lobes of the udder and hidden mastitis of cows, as well as for preventive sanitizing treatments of the udder at the beginning of the dry period.


Hypersensitivity to dioxidine.

Special instructions. Milk obtained from the udder lobes of cows treated with a 1% dioxidine solution is used for food 24 hours after the last administration, provided there are complete absence of signs of mastitis and normal milk properties are acquired.

Side effects

Very in rare cases Allergic reactions to Dioxidin are possible.

Doses and method of administration

Dioxidine solution 1% is used instead of antibiotics and complex antibiotic-containing drugs in generally accepted treatment regimens clinical mastitis cows Before administering the drug dioxidin, the secretion (milk, exudate) from the diseased lobe of the udder is carefully milked, and the teat is disinfected. The drug is heated to 40 °C, shaken and injected through the nipple canal using a catheter attached to the cannula of a syringe. After dioxidine is administered, the nipples are lightly massaged from bottom to top. When treating early secretion disorders, 10 ml is injected into the diseased lobe of the udder at intervals of 8-12 hours for 2 days. For hidden mastitis, administer 20 ml twice a day for 3-4 days. When treating chronic mastitis, exudate from diseased udder lobes is milked into a separate container, disinfected by boiling and disposed of. Dioxidin is administered into the diseased lobe of the udder in a dose of 30 ml with an interval of 12 hours for 5-8 days. At the same time, it is possible to use symptomatic and general therapy. For preventive sanitation of the udder, on the 4th day from the beginning of the dry period, after carefully milking the secretion into a separate container, followed by its disinfection and disposal, a 1% solution of dioxidine is injected once into all lobes of the udder, 30 ml each.