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What does aspen bark decoction treat? Aspen in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of aspen have long been used in folk medicine.

The bark and buds of the tree for medicinal purposes are collected in early spring, and the leaves - in May and early June..

All this is well dried, and then, if necessary, used in the form of tinctures, decoctions and ointments.

Decoctions of buds and tinctures of bark and leaves with branches drink for colds, inflammation of the bladder, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids.

A powdered aspen buds , mixed with vegetable oil, they are excellent for treating burns and wounds and removing warts and lichens.

Aspen bark, which can be used in decoctions and infusions, helps with disorders of the human nervous system and diabetes.

To do this, carefully crushed bark in the amount of one glass is poured with three glasses of boiling water and boiled for half an hour, and then wrapped and left for about six hours.

The finished broth is taken 3 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of complex diseases, such as joint damage and diabetes mellitus, the process of taking the drug can be long - up to two months. After this, you need to take a break for one month and only after this the course can be repeated.

The bark is also used to treat various colds..

To obtain a more complete and strong effect on preparations based on the plant bark, add aspen leaves and buds. This set of useful substances effectively reduces temperature and cures many problems of the respiratory system: pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, sore throat.

It is best to collect bark from April to May, at this time the movement of juice begins. To collect medicinal raw materials, young plants are chosen, those whose bark is no thicker than seven millimeters.

Care should be taken when removing the bark. For this, a sharp knife is used, with which an incision is made around the trunk.

The next incision is made at a distance of about ten centimeters. Vertical cuts are made in the resulting cylinder and the bark is carefully removed from the tree. Be careful not to snag the wood.

The collected raw materials can be dried in the oven.

Medicinal properties bark
Aspen bark has long been used as a highly effective natural medicine. Medicinal decoctions, a tincture prepared from the bark, is used for the most various ailments, as they have choleretic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective properties.

The bark contains a large number of nutrients, vitamins and valuable microelements. Including phenolic glycosides, various organic acids, tannins. It contains pectin, valuable glycine betaine, flavonoids, polysaccharides and many others. necessary for a person substances. Speaking about the value of the bark, I would like to remind you that it was from it that aspirin was obtained long ago and the first antibiotics were made.

Traditional and folk medicine are actively used healing properties of this tree, including the bark, for the treatment of inflammation of the joints, for example, arthritis, arthrosis. Remedies from the bark are used for rheumatism, kidney diseases, cystitis, and gastritis. With the help of decoction and tincture they treat inflammation of the prostate, hemorrhoids, and are used for complex treatment syphilis, oncological diseases. The bark is used to normalize the functioning of the biliary system.

Due to its high antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, the decoction is used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines. The infusion is taken for general strengthening body, as well as for the treatment of skin tuberculosis. Used for toothache, lung diseases, gout, dysentery and many other ailments. It should also be said that the decoction is considered to be the basis of the bark effective means treatment of diabetes mellitus.

An ointment is prepared from aspen bark, which is used externally for skin diseases, for example, boils, boils, lichen, psoriasis and eczema.
Aspen bark is used to get rid of worms, therefore it is used for opisthorchiasis and

Preparation of medicinal products

Preparing the decoction
Recipe No. 1: Grind 1 cup of dried aspen bark (you can use pharmacy grade), pour into an enamel saucepan, pour 600 ml of hot water. Place the saucepan over low heat and simmer at a gentle simmer for 20-30 minutes. After this, remove the broth from the stove, wrap it in something warm, leave it for another 6 hours, then strain.

At inflammatory diseases kidneys, joints, diabetes, gastritis, pancreatitis, colds and other ailments, take a quarter cup of the broth between meals. The treatment is quite long - 2 months. After the course, take a break of 30 days, after which the treatment must be repeated.

Recipe No. 2: To enhance the effect, you can prepare a decoction from a mixture of aspen bark, leaves, and buds. To do this, mix all the ingredients in equal quantities, pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture 200 ml boiling water. Simmer over very low heat for an hour, then cool until warm state, strain, take 2 tbsp. l. between meals.

Use this decoction for all the diseases listed above, as well as to reduce high temperature, in the complex treatment of coughs due to colds, sore throats and acute, chronic bronchitis.

Tincture of bark with alcohol
To prepare this highly effective remedy, grind the dried bark, add 5 tbsp. l. raw materials into glass liter jar. Pour in half a liter of good vodka. Close the jar tightly and put it somewhere dark for 2 weeks. Shake the tincture every evening. After this, you need to take 1 dessert spoon each time before meals.

Take the tincture for all the ailments listed above, as well as to get rid of helminths.

Preparation of ointment
The ointment is prepared in this way: Burn aspen bark, collect the ash, mix with interior pork fat(you can use neutral baby cream), store in the refrigerator. Use the ointment to treat skin diseases.

There are few contraindications to the use of aspen bark, but they do exist. It cannot be used if there is allergic reactions, at chronic constipation and individual intolerance.

In any case, before using aspen bark to treat ailments, be sure to obtain your doctor’s permission. Be healthy!
Taken from

People are used to being surrounded by trees and flowers. But few people think about the fact that almost all representatives of the plant world: majestic trees, and even modest-looking grass, carry within them great benefit for the human body. For example, aspen is an unpretentious tree that grows even on the poorest soils. But hidden behind this modesty is a real storehouse of substances valuable for health. They are especially abundant in tree bark.

Properly prepared from aspen bark, remedies help cope with fever, perfectly relieve pain, and get rid of helminths. Treats bark and more serious problems, because on its basis powerful antibiotics, antirheumatic drugs and a number of other drugs that are successfully used in traditional medicine.

What diseases does aspen bark treat?

All parts of the tree are useful: leaves, pith, branches and roots. But more popular in folk medicine I still use the bark. Its medicinal properties are due to unique composition. Therefore, the bark has a lot of medicinal properties:

  • anthelmintic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic;
  • painkillers;
  • bactericidal;
  • antioxidant;
  • diuretic and other qualities.

Useful composition

It is perhaps difficult to find another representative of the plant world that could compare with the value of the aspen composition. And it impresses with its diversity. After all, aspen bark contains:

  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • resins;
  • carotene;
  • pectin;
  • essential oils;
  • tanning elements;
  • glycine;
  • macro and microelements.

Present in small quantities in the bark and others useful material, who also take an active part in the healing of many diseases. People have long learned about the healing capabilities of aspen bark and for many centuries they have been preparing it for future use in order to later prepare it from raw materials. healing infusions and decoctions.

Application in traditional medicine

In the medical industry, the experience accumulated by the people is always used for the benefit of people. Modern pharmacology has decided to use the rich set of beneficial properties of aspen bark to produce a whole arsenal of drugs: this is, first of all, anthelmintics, external compositions for the treatment of burn wounds and non-healing ulcers, appetite-increasing drugs. Aspen bark helps patients suffering from the following pathologies:

  • radiculitis;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • bowel disorders;
  • tuberculosis;
  • myositis;
  • hernia;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • neuralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • skin diseases.

The bark is often used in gynecology to establish menstrual cycle, it is used in dentistry and many other areas of medicine. It is usually practiced to use healing compounds in combination with traditional pharmacological agents, but often treatment with bark is taken as the basis of therapy. As a rule, a similar trend is observed with home treatment.


Aspen bark, like all other plant components, has a number of restrictions on use.

  1. It is not recommended to use bark-based products for treatment by persons with hypersensitivity to at least one of the elements of the composition.
  2. Those who suffer from constipation should not use recipes containing bark. Since the bark contains astringents and tanning agents, this type of treatment will only worsen the problem.
  3. Aspen should be used with caution in case of dysbacteriosis and during pregnancy.

Otherwise herbal preparation It is well tolerated, causing virtually no side effects.

Important! Any treatment is a responsible undertaking that involves risks. Therefore, it is best to first consult with your doctor about the chosen treatment method.

How to brew bark correctly to fight worms

Here is a description of the simplest recipe for preparing an anthelmintic from aspen bark.

  1. Dry bark (50 g), crushed to a powdery state, is poured with half a liter of water. For these purposes, it is better to use metal utensils.
  2. The container with the mixture is placed on low heat, brought to a boil and left to simmer for another 15 minutes.
  3. The decoction is placed in a dark place to infuse for several hours.
  4. It is recommended to drink the finished product up to 5 times. This minimum dosage is due to the high tannin content, which can cause a negative reaction to this type of treatment.

On a note: The solution can be prepared from raw materials purchased at a pharmacy, or from material collected independently. The pharmacy version is easier to prepare, since it can be brewed like tea and consumed after just a few minutes of infusion.

Use of decoction
In addition to anthelmintic purposes, the resulting decoction can be used:

  • for colds as an antipyretic;
  • to establish digestive processes and improvement of appetite;
  • to eliminate joint pain;
  • for diarrhea to normalize stool consistency.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare this composition you will need alcohol or vodka and crushed aspen bark. The components are taken in a ratio of 1:10. The infusion takes four days to reach readiness, then it is filtered. You should take the medicinal composition one teaspoon three times before each meal. This remedy helps to quickly cope with the symptoms of dysentery.

There is another way to make an alcohol tincture intended for internal use. But this technique is more suitable for home therapy for arthrosis, gout, joint pain. Well it helps to remove toothache, and is also often used for skin problems. The healing tincture is prepared in a similar way, only the dosage in this case is different: ½ cup of raw material will need to be poured into 0.5 liters of an alcohol-containing product. The solution needs to be infused for 7 days, and a single dose per dose is 1 tbsp. spoon.

Compositions for prostatitis

A healing decoction of aspen bark is good for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. For daily use, it is enough to take 3 liters. Art. bark, pour boiling water (200 ml) and cook for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Divide the resulting volume into several steps. It is recommended to drink before meals. After a two-week course of treatment, there is usually a noticeable improvement in the patient’s condition, inflammation subsides, and gland function is restored.

A concentrated tincture also helps in solving male problems, when there is only a glass of vodka per 100 g of powdered raw materials. At the moment of mixing the two components, the mixture must be shaken several times so that the bark powder is completely covered with the liquid base. Exposure period - 2 weeks. At one time you should take only 20 drops of the healing tincture, you can dilute them a little with water.

Aspen kvass for diabetes

This drink is not only healthy, but also has a pleasant taste. It is recommended to prepare aspen kvass in a glass container. For these purposes, an ordinary three-liter jar is best suited, which is first filled halfway with bark, then a glass of granulated sugar is added, and a teaspoon of sour cream is added. The workpiece is placed in a warm place to activate the fermentation process. In two weeks healing drink he'll be ready.

Kvass can be drunk without dose restrictions, several times a day. But there is one important point: after each pouring of liquid, you need to make up for the lack of volume with the same portion of water and be sure to add a teaspoon of sugar. You can drink healthy kvass for several months without changing the bark.

The original recipe for the treatment of eczema

This unusual method requires preliminary preparation. In this case, the bark is burned, and the resulting ash (10 g) is used for preparations. medicinal composition. It is mixed with Vaseline, but it is better to use butter. Received this way in an unusual way ointment is intended to lubricate affected areas skin. The composition heals purulent wounds and burns well.

When treating with compositions prepared from aspen bark, several rules should be followed:

  1. It is necessary to select a treatment option taking into account the characteristics of the body and existing diseases. Incorrectly selected dosage form V best case scenario will be ineffective, but there is negative side question - such treatment may result in additional problems.
  2. The doctor must be aware of all events, so the patient is obliged to inform him of his intention to be treated with the traditional method.
  3. Increased caution should be exercised when using alcohol-based products. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and prevent the composition from getting into food.
  4. It is better to consult a doctor regarding the optimal duration of treatment and dosage. It will correctly determine these important parameters.
  5. At the slightest manifestation of an allergic nature, treatment with aspen bark should be stopped immediately.

These simple tips in combination with valuable recipes will make the treatment effective.

Video: beneficial properties and uses of aspen bark

Aspen bark is used with great success in making pharmaceuticals aimed at treating pathological phenomena of varying complexity. The medicinal properties and contraindications have been studied thoroughly; in today’s material we will consider them in detail.

Aspen bark - medicinal properties

Aspen bark is the most valuable natural raw material, beneficial features and application directly depend on the existing diseases.

No. 1. Speeds up all metabolic processes

The bark is based on essential oils, bitterness, and fatty acid And alimentary fiber. In combination, the presented substances form a powerful complex for launching absolutely all metabolic processes in the body. Blood circulation accelerates and enriches cells with oxygen. The work of the digestive system organs is enhanced. Normalized acid-base balance due to exit excess liquid from tissues and the space between internal organs.

No. 2. Helps you lose weight

This follows from the previous point. Aspen bark cleanses digestive tract, eliminates all stagnant processes, expels water. It triggers the burning of adipose tissue, transforms carbohydrates into energy, and not extra centimeters in the waist and hips. Aspen bark normalizes hormonal levels, eliminating imbalances and, as a consequence, the root cause of excess weight.

No. 3. Removes worms

No. 4. Helps with diabetes

Aspen bark for diabetes mellitus reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood and increases the sensitivity of cells. At the same time, pancreatic functions improve and the production of your own insulin accelerates. Experts recommend that diabetics drink infusions and decoctions of aspen bark to increase metabolism and prevent obesity.

No. 5. Improves heart function

The glycosides that make up the raw material increase the elasticity and density of blood vessels. The heart muscle is powerfully strengthened, the heartbeat is improved, and attacks are prevented. Bark infusions should be taken by categories of people who have recently suffered a heart attack. Such agents increase the rate of tissue scarring.

No. 6. Eliminates inflammation

Aspen bark is famous for its anti-inflammatory healing properties and contraindications in minimal quantities. Therefore, products based on this raw material should be taken in the presence of foci of inflammation on the mucous membranes internal organs. Rinse your mouth with water infusions to get rid of stomatitis, bleeding gums and unpleasant odor.

No. 7. Accelerates wound healing

Due to the inclusion of resins and phytoncides, cellular regeneration is accelerated. A bandage soaked in a decoction of bark is applied to festering wounds, abrasions, and burns. Psoriasis and eczema and other dermatological problems are treated in the same way. Aspen bark increases blood clotting, eliminating internal and external bleeding.

No. 8. Strengthens the immune system

The basis of natural raw materials is ascorbic acid, which simultaneously acts as a powerful immunostimulant and antioxidant. Vitamin C is necessary for people who have been frequently ill since birth or are constantly on the move. Water decoctions and infusions are recommended to be taken in the off-season, for vitamin deficiency, influenza epidemics, etc.

No. 9. Removes toxins and impurities

Aspen bark conducts complex detoxification, as they say, on all fronts. The strongest medicinal properties and contraindications in minimum volume encourage people to use natural raw materials for complete cleansing fabrics. All thanks to the ability of the bark to remove toxins, poisons of a different nature, metal salts, radionuclides. The product also cleanses the intestines from the accumulation of feces (stagnation) and expels water.

No. 10. Fights hair loss and split ends

After basic shampooing, you need to rinse the head with a decoction of aspen bark. So simple and cheap remedy will get rid of hair loss in just 10 sessions. At the same time, the rinse will eliminate split ends, restore pigmentation in natural or dyed hair, remove grease from the roots, cure porosity and combat electrification.

Aspen bark for diabetes

1. When using raw materials for therapeutic purposes against diabetes, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood and enhance the functioning of the pancreas. Against this background, the production of your own insulin will improve, and your dependence on drugs will partially disappear. Before such manipulations, it is necessary to agree with a specialist on the admissibility of use. folk remedies along with drug treatment.

2. Aspen bark has its own medicinal properties and contraindications. If the doctor does not prohibit the intake of raw materials, then it will be possible to significantly speed up metabolism, reduce glucose levels and at the same time prevent obesity. You can use water infusions on the bark to reduce weight. Then you will have to develop a stricter diet.

3. A decoction is made from aspen bark, which should be drunk for diabetes. Mix 250 ml. filtered water with 1 tbsp. l. dried ground bark. Place on the stove and simmer until boiling. Then remove, cool, filter and take 130 ml. every morning on an empty stomach.

4. If you have raw bark, you can use that too. Then the decoction is prepared as follows: mix together hot water with crushed raw materials in a ratio of 3 to 1. Send to infuse under a closed lid for 3-5 hours. Filter, drink 130 ml in the morning. on empty stomach.

Aspen bark for prostatitis

Aspen bark is often prescribed for male diseases. The most powerful medicinal properties and minimal contraindications give good results.

Recipe No. 1

1. Mix 250 ml in a suitable container. boiling water and 3 tbsp. l. ground aspen bark. Set the container to steam bath, soak the composition for a third of an hour.

2. Infuse the product for about half an hour. Filter through gauze cloth. Take 80 ml. three times a day 25 minutes before meals. The course lasts until complete recovery.

Recipe No. 2

1. Pour in 0.5 l. boiling water 2 tbsp. l. aspen bark. Place in a dark place for several hours. Filter in a convenient way.

2. The finished drink should be drunk in 120 ml. 2-3 times a day. To improve the taste, you can add 1 tsp per serving. honey.

Recipe No. 3

1. Combine 1 l. water and 50 gr. bark. Send to a steam bath. Simmer for at least half an hour. Then leave for about 5 hours.

2. The infusion is strong. Drink 30 ml. three times a day half an hour before meals. The health course lasts no more than 1 month.


Aspen bark helps with prostatitis. But before you take any prescriptions, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can significantly worsen the situation.

Application of aspen bark

Aspen bark is used to eliminate pathologies in in various forms. Its medicinal properties and contraindications have already been studied repeatedly. It is worth noting that the tincture is most often used to treat joint pain and skin diseases.

No. 1. Tincture

1. Alcohol tincture is used for rubbing chest and joints for pain. This remedy is also taken orally for gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological pathologies and colds. With the help of tincture you can get rid of rheumatism and gout.

2. To prepare, you need to mix 1 tbsp in a glass container. l. bark and 70 ml. vodka. Keep the product in the dark and warm for about half a month. Take 1 tsp. after waking up and before going to bed before eating.

No. 2. Ointment

1. Has proven itself to be an effective wound healing agent. Helps well with non-healing ulcers and burns.

2. The product is also used as a warming agent and relieves muscle and joint pain. It is useful to use the ointment for rheumatism and gout.

3. Mix 1 tsp. spoon of aspen bark ash with 2 tbsp. l. butter. Use the ointment regularly until recovery.

No. 3. Decoction

1. Aspen bark has characteristic medicinal properties and contraindications. A decoction based on it has excellent antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. This remedy can eliminate headaches, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and gums.

2. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. l. ground bark with 250 ml. water. Boil for 5 minutes. Leave for 1 hour, strain.

3. Accept ready-made product three times a day, 50 ml. 40 minutes before the meal. The decoction is especially useful for colds.

Contraindications for aspen bark

1. It is prohibited to take or use any product based on aspen bark if individual intolerance has been identified.

3. Particular care should be taken when carrying a baby and in case of dysbacteriosis. It is better to take any products based on aspen bark after consulting with your doctor.

By and large, aspen bark has unique medicinal properties and minimal contraindications. The drugs are well tolerated human body without causing side effects. When self-medicating, you must consult a doctor.

In the fight against helminthiasis, aspen bark is used as a medicine, although special substances contained in branches, roots, leaves. Aspen can successfully restore the top layer, which is removed to create medicines, in which the tannin content is an order of magnitude higher than in the rest of the tree. In addition, aspirin and some antibiotics were created from the upper part. The medicinal properties of aspen bark are based on a wide range of useful microelements, vitamins and acids.

  • phenolic glycosides;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • glycine betaine;
  • carotene;
  • resins;
  • essential oils;
  • trace elements (iron, zinc, copper, bromine, nickel);
  • coumarins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • pectin.

Treatment with aspen bark

Using aspen bark tincture on vodka

The main thing to remember is that alcohol tincture Aspen bark should not be used for food. The question is not even alcoholism, but the fact that potent substances, combined with vodka, will apply irreparable harm liver and kidneys. Therefore, the dose prescribed by the doctor must be followed. The use of tincture of aspen bark in vodka is justified when a specific extract of the contained substances is required. You can buy it or prepare it yourself.

Use of aspen bark decoction

A decoction of aspen bark can be used for a whole range of diseases for adults and children thanks to the individual components:

  • influenza, fevers, colds and malaria - salicyl;
  • improved digestion and appetite – vitamin bitterness;
  • relieving aching joints;
  • fight against gastritis and diarrhea with the help of astringents;
  • anthelmintic effect - tannin, phenol glycosides, other tannins.

How to brew aspen bark

To get the most useful decoction, you need to strictly follow the recipe, storage and consumption technology. In this way it will be possible to achieve maximum benefit from tannins and phenol glycosides in the fight against helminths. Here is the description itself simple recipe how to brew aspen bark, which you can implement on your own collected material or purchased from pharmacy:

  1. Requires 50 grams of aspen bark and 0.5 liters clean water.
  2. Grind the bark to a powder consistency, add water in an iron bowl.
  3. Boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and leave in the dark for 4-5 hours.
  5. Drink the decoction 4-5 times a day, one sip (the concentration of tannins is so high that a large dosage will only harm the body).

Recipe for aspen bark tincture

You can find a huge number of recipe options for aspen bark tincture on the Internet for any disease. Most of them differ only in the additional ingredient to vodka and aspen. Below is a general strengthening recipe that helps in the fight against helminths. The main thing to remember correct dosage and the fact that this is only a supporting agent, and not the main drug.

  1. Requires 100 grams of aspen bark, 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. The strength of the liquid is not important, because the finished infusion will be diluted with water. You can increase the volume of the components, the main thing is to maintain the proportions.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a glass container and close tightly (preferably with a metal lid).
  3. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  4. Afterwards, before use, strain the solution and remove all wood fragments.
  5. Take a teaspoon diluted in a quarter glass of water before meals.


Be sure to get instructions from a doctor before using aspen-based folk remedies. The first thing to remember is the possible individual intolerance to any of the substances, of which there are many in natural materials. For gastrointestinal diseases associated with constipation or dysbiosis, it is better to avoid these decoctions or tinctures, since they contain a large amount of astringent elements. Otherwise, there are no contraindications for aspen bark.

Video: aspen bark in folk medicine

Common aspen, also called trembling poplar, is a deciduous tree from the Willow family of the Poplar genus. The aspen trunk is columnar, up to 35 meters high and up to 1 meter thick. The lifespan of a tree is on average about 90 years, with special good conditions growth and absence of diseases, some plant specimens can live up to 150 years. Aspen grows very quickly and easily drowns out other less fast-growing species. The aspen root system is deep, forming numerous root shoots, which is why the plant is very stable and, in the absence of damage to the wood, can easily withstand even very strong winds. The bark of young aspens is smooth, olive-green or gray-green in color; as the plant matures, its bark cracks at the root level and darkens significantly. The color of the wood is white with a greenish tint. Aspen leaves are arranged alternately. They have a rounded-rhombic shape and a length of up to 7 cm. The leaf petioles are compressed from the sides, as well as from above and below. For this reason, being quite long, the leaves of the tree are easily swayed by even the weakest wind, which is why the crown of the aspen seems to be constantly trembling. Aspen is a dioecious plant. Men's earrings are reddish in color, up to 15 cm long; and women's ones are green, shorter and narrower. The flowering period occurs before the leaves bloom. The fruit of the common aspen is a small capsule. The seeds have a puff, thanks to which they are carried by the wind to a considerable distance from the parent tree. On average, seeds can fly up to 1 km, and open spaces With strong wind and further.

Aspen is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere in countries with temperate and cold climates. The tree grows along river banks, in clearings, burnt areas, in ravines and wetlands. In mountainous areas, aspen rises to the height of the edge of forest areas. The tree can form either pure species thickets or be present as part of a mixed forest. Interesting feature Aspen is resistant to forest fires due to the deep location of the root system, therefore, even having lost the above-ground part, the tree recovers, producing numerous root shoots. Despite all the unpretentiousness and ability to rapid recovery, common aspen was listed in the Red Book of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug in 2008. Aspen is used by humans in a variety of ways: its wood is used to produce construction material; it finds application in landscaping; For bees, the tree is a source of propolis, a substance highly valued in medicine. Aspen bark has long been known as a medicinal raw material.

Chemical composition of aspen bark

Aspen bark owes its medicinal properties to its chemical composition. The bark is used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine, and therefore has been very well studied. Thanks to the research carried out on this natural medicinal product, the following healing components were identified in its composition:

This diversity in the chemical composition of the plant allowed its bark to become effective medicine against many diseases. Aspen has been used since ancient times to treat a wide variety of ailments, and the popularity of this natural medicine does not get lost over the years.

When the use of aspen bark is contraindicated

Like any other medicine, aspen bark has certain contraindications, the violation of which will not bring anything good. Refuse this useful natural preparation required in the following cases:

  • tendency to constipation;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • allergic reaction to the plant.

Separately, we should highlight the possibility of using preparations from aspen bark for children. Medicines based on the plant have no direct age-related contraindications, but before you start using them, you should still consult a pediatrician, since in some cases the baby may have individual restrictions on taking medicinal formulations prepared from aspen, which only a doctor can inform about.

Indications for taking medicinal formulations prepared on the basis of aspen bark

The spectrum of action of drugs prepared from aspen bark is very wide, and they are prescribed as medicines that produce the following actions: antipyretic, tonic, analgesic, anthelmintic, diaphoretic, antidiabetic, antitussive, anti-inflammatory, strengthening, appetite improving, secretory, antirheumatic and antioxidant.

For diabetes mellitus, the plant is indicated for use to normalize metabolic processes in the body, stimulating the pancreas and lowering blood glucose levels. Medicines from aspen bark are especially effective for type 2 diabetes mellitus, when there is insufficient insulin production by the pancreas. The patient's condition improves significantly after just a few days of taking this healing agent.

Due to its very strong anti-inflammatory effect medicines based on aspen bark are used for the treatment of kidney diseases and Bladder. The bark destroys pathogenic bacteria that provoke the inflammatory process, and also increases the volume of urine, making it possible to flush out from the kidneys and bladder all the toxins that were released by the pathogens during inflammation.

Being an effective antitussive and anti-inflammatory agent, aspen bark is used to relieve cough attacks in pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy and bronchial asthma. Due to the fact that the plant eliminates the cough itself, having a calming effect on the center that causes it, it is not used for ailments that cause accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. If in this state the viscous mucus is not expelled by coughing, it will create favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria and disrupt breathing, which will only worsen the patient’s condition.

For diseases gastrointestinal tract Aspen bark is indicated as a means to normalize the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and intestines. Often, compositions prepared on the basis of the plant are used to eliminate infectious diseases, such as dysentery and intestinal inflammation. For hemorrhoids, aspen is used to prevent bleeding and relieve pain.

The bark will also be useful for joint diseases, muscle inflammation and pinched nerves. This medicine quickly relieves inflammation and pain, and also improves blood supply to the affected area, so that the tissues receive the maximum nutrients and are restored in an extremely short time.

Compositions prepared on the basis of aspen bark have proven themselves to be effective for sore throat and other inflammatory diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Being a very effective anti-inflammatory medicine, aspen bark can cope with them in a matter of days. In addition, it should be remembered that aspen bark perfectly heals mucosal tissue, and therefore compositions based on it can be used after tooth extraction to quickly heal the wound.

Men welcome medicines made from aspen bark is recommended in case of disorders of the genitourinary system. These healing remedies help get rid of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and also significantly increase potency and sexual desire. Aspen improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and also stimulates the production of male sex hormones.

In folk medicine, the use of compositions based on aspen bark is often recommended to get rid of ovarian inflammation, although there is no scientific confirmation of the effectiveness of the plant for this problem. For this reason, it is still advisable to similar cases do not replace traditional drugs this folk remedy.

How to prepare medicines based on aspen

Universal decoction for internal use

This remedy can be used in all cases where there are indications for internal use of aspen medicine. In order to carry out the treatment, you need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed bark and pour 1 glass cold water. After this, the composition is placed on the fire, brought to a boil and boiled for 3 minutes. After infusing the drug for 1 hour, it is filtered and taken according to the dose. glass 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is selected individually for each patient.

Infusion for gargling a sore throat and treating diabetes

This remedy requires not dry, but fresh plant bark. To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed aspen bark into 1 glass of just boiled water and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. After filtering, the medicine is taken to normalize blood sugar levels according to? glasses 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Gargling and mouthwash with infusion is carried out 5 times a day, using 100 ml of the drug per procedure. When taken internally, the duration of treatment is 1 month, and when taken locally, until complete recovery.

Alcohol tincture for joint diseases and inflammatory processes in the body

This medicine is taken internally and externally to rub joints and sore muscles, as well as to speed up the recovery of ligaments after injuries. In order to obtain this medicinal composition you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry plant material and pour it with 10 tablespoons of very high-quality vodka. Infuse the drug for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place. The composition must be shaken once a day. The finished tincture is filtered and drunk before meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Rubbing the joints with this remedy is carried out in the morning and evening. After the medicine has been rubbed in, sore spot You should definitely insulate for at least 1 hour.

Ointment for the treatment of wounds, ulcers and burns

In order to obtain such a medicine, you should prepare pure ash from aspen bark. It is mixed in a volume of 10 g with 50 g of lard or homemade high-quality butter. After mixing both ingredients well, the ointment should be left to steep for 1 day in the refrigerator. It is used after the wound is cleaned with a weak solution of manganese, applying a layer of 2–3 mm to the sore spot. Cover the top of the ointment with a clean gauze cloth. Therapy lasts until the wound is completely healed.

How to harvest aspen bark

In order for medicines prepared on the basis of aspen bark to have a healing effect, the plant raw materials should be properly prepared. The bark is collected in March, when sap flow begins. For harvesting, you need to choose young, healthy trees with bark at least 5 mm thick. The bark is cut very carefully so as not to damage the wood. It is also important to remember that you cannot cut off large layers of bark and make encircling cuts. It is best to cut the bark not from the trunk, but from the branches, since in this case it will be much easier for the tree to recover. The collected bark is cut into small pieces and dried, spread out in a thin layer in a dry place out of direct access. sun rays. The finished raw materials should be stored in linen bags in a dark, cool place for no more than 3 years. If during storage the aspen bark changes its color, smell or becomes moldy, you should immediately throw it away, as it becomes unsuitable even for the preparation of compositions used externally.