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Problems of the reproductive system of males. Tumors of the mammary glands. Diseases of the genitourinary system in dogs - Bladder and urethral stones

The dog's body is complex biological mechanism, the work of which is carried out through the interaction of internal organs and systems. One of essential functions of an organism is its ability to reproduce. This function is ensured due to the existence of a system of reproductive organs. Thanks to the ability to reproduce, not only the preservation of the species - the dog - is ensured, but it also becomes possible to select animals, preserve certain breed characteristics, and consolidate them in certain lines useful breed properties.
However, increasingly, pets are becoming susceptible to various diseases of the reproductive system.

Sexual cycle

The reproductive cycle in dogs occurs according to the so-called ovarian type. Its essence lies in the fact that under the influence of gland hormones internal secretion sex cells (eggs) mature in the ovaries, and the ovaries themselves begin to produce a large number of female sex hormones (estrogens). At the same time, certain changes occur in the uterus, during which the inner layer of the uterine walls (endometrium) thickens, the amount of mucus produced increases, and bloody issues from the external genitalia. All these changes occur during the period of estrus. After a normal estrus, the level of female sex hormones gradually decreases, the uterus acquires a normal structure, which remains until the next estrus. All these changes are cyclical and occur twice a year in dogs. Any disturbances in the reproductive cycle can be considered a disease; in addition, they cause conditions such as inflammation of the uterus and contribute to the appearance of tumors in the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands.
What are the signs of organ disease? reproductive system can be observed? The first symptom is any disturbance of the sexual cycle. Such violations include unequal intervals between estrus, prolonged or mild estrus, frequent heats, an increase in the interval between estrus of more than 6 months or absence of estrus.

The most common diseases of the reproductive system include hormonal imbalance, endometritis, uterine hyperplasia, pyometra, neoplasms of the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands.

Hormonal imbalance metabolism, as a rule, is manifested by an increase in the level of female sex hormones. Clinical signs can be very diverse. Often these are skin diseases: itching, baldness (especially symmetrical in the back, abdomen, hind limbs), skin rash, thin, dry hair, thin, “parchment” skin. Another sign of a hormonal imbalance would be considered severe false pregnancy (pseudo-lactation). You should also pay attention to various changes in the skin in the area of ​​the external genitalia: thickening and roughening of the skin, the appearance of pigmentation.
If increased level female sex hormones persist for a long time, this leads to the development of more severe changes in the organs of the reproductive system: acute purulent process in the uterus (pyometra), as well as such a disease as uterine hyperplasia (pathological long-term thickening of the walls of the uterus with significant changes in the structure and development inflammatory reaction).

With pyometra The uterus greatly increases in size and pus and other products of inflammation begin to accumulate in its cavity. At the same time, the animal refuses to eat, thirst increases greatly, the temperature rises, weakness and apathy develop. Vomiting may develop. Emerging from the external genitalia purulent discharge, the abdomen noticeably increases in size. The development of pyometra requires immediate surgical intervention.

With the development of hyperplasia uterus clinical signs will be the same as with pyometra, but less pronounced: appetite is absent or reduced, thirst is moderate or normal, lethargy may alternate with a satisfactory general condition, vomiting rarely develops. Discharge from the external genitalia is often bloody or mucous, and may be completely absent. Weakness or stiffness of the hind limbs often appears.

characterized by the development of inflammation of the uterine mucosa. The general condition of the dog is satisfactory and the only sign of illness may be stiffness of the hind limbs or mucous discharge from the external genitalia. Almost always, without treatment, inflammation spreads from the mucous membrane of the uterus to the entire uterine wall, and endometritis turns into uterine hyperplasia or pyometra.

The diseases listed above, as a rule, develop after estrus, and there may be no clear boundary between estrus and the onset of inflammation.

Development of breast tumors Diseases are also common in dogs. Although the exact cause of this problem has not been established, it is known that high levels of sex hormones contribute to these diseases. Tumors appear as lumps on one or more mammary glands. The sizes of these neoplasms can vary: from a pea to the size of a child’s head. Tumors can be smooth or lumpy and have different intensities growth. At a certain stage of development, the tumor begins to ulcerate and necrotize. Tumors of the mammary glands have a mixed structure, i.e. consist of both malignant and benign cells. Since these tumors often metastasize, best treatment is to remove them early stage development.

Neoplasms of the uterus and ovaries are less common in dogs. Mainly benign tumors, but ovarian cancer also occurs. Clinical symptoms in this case they can vary from mild malaise to severe conditions, accompanied high temperature, refusal to eat, severe lethargy, impaired cardiac and respiratory activity.
In all of the above cases, the dog or cat must be urgently shown to a veterinarian. Sometimes inflammation can develop very quickly and without treatment the animal can die within a few days. For staging accurate diagnosis veterinary clinics use modern research methods: ultrasound, blood tests, etc. Unfortunately, drug treatment most diseases of the reproductive system are difficult.


The use of antibiotics and strong anti-inflammatory drugs is ineffective. Today, the most reliable and effective method of treating the listed pathologies, especially in inflammatory processes and neoplasms, is surgical treatment, which involves removing the uterus and ovaries or tumors. Removal of the ovaries is also recommended for the development of mammary gland tumors, because These tumors develop under the influence of ovarian hormones.

Thus, various diseases reproductive organ problems in dogs are very common and can present with a wide variety of symptoms. It should be remembered that even mild discomfort can signal the onset of a serious, life-threatening disease in the reproductive system. Therefore, regardless of the severity clinical signs It is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Only quickly delivered correct diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment can guarantee a favorable outcome of the disease.


The main purpose of this operation (castration in males and aurectomy in females) is to prevent the reproduction of animals. There are two types of castration: surgical and biological.
During surgical operation in males the testes are removed, and in females the ovaries are removed, sometimes the uterus is removed along with them. This is called a hystrectomy. This is done because often after removal of the ovaries various uterine tumors occur. Hystrectomy is quite common in the West; in our country, aurectomy is more preferred.
During the biological method of castration, the male is injected into the testes. hormonal drugs. But in our country this method is not used due to the lack of drugs. In addition to hormones that are injected into the testes, there are drugs that are taken orally, but I do not recommend using them, since animals often experience various diseases of the uterus and changes in hormonal status after their use.
Some people believe that castration reduces an animal's aggressiveness, but this is not true. The male becomes somewhat calmer, but, as a rule, the owner’s expectations are not met.
Some believe that by castrating their male, they deprive him of all the delights of life; this is also a misconception. By losing the testes, the animal is not morally disadvantaged.
After castration, there are practically no complications, especially in males. In females, since this abdominal surgery, complications are associated with infection, etc., which is why no one is immune. Males and cats recover very quickly after surgery, recovery period in cats it is slightly longer - the stitches are removed on the 710th day. It is better to castrate cats from 8 months, dogs - from one year.

Cost of the operation: 2000 - 3000 prices are constantly changing due to rising prices of drugs.
Under no circumstances should castration be performed at home, as this may cause various complications and undesirable consequences. In addition to the main purpose of castration (preventing reproduction), the operation is also performed if there is therapeutic indications, in particular, diseases of the reproductive organs. For now, castration is the only way to reduce the number of stray animals. The world has not yet come up with another means.

Castration of a male

Many professionals recommend neutering a male dog because of his sexual behavior, tendency to run away from home or urinate on furniture, dangerous habit of fighting with other dogs, annoying behavior of jumping on people or other dogs, displays of aggression, and the dog's predisposition to testicular cancer. In some cases, castration can be considered as best solution, in others - no. Many dog ​​owners see this as a quick fix, but this is the wrong approach. It is more correct to carefully study the dog's behavior and make sure that such a radical decision is justified.
Some behavioral problems, such as dog fighting and the possibility of bodily injury, including to the testicles, may justify neutering. Some medical problems such as strong hormonal imbalance may lead to behavioral problems such as uncontrollable lunging at other dogs, frequent erections, or spontaneous ejaculation. In such cases, castration is completely justified.

Basic Rule The thing you should follow when considering castration is to avoid drastic, irreversible decisions when you can resort to simpler measures. If your dog attacks other dogs, runs away from home, or is mildly aggressive, treat it as a behavioral problem that requires well-thought-out obedience training interventions. If you don't understand a problem, you can't find a solution. But you always have the opportunity to make a choice later.
Just like any other obedience decision, a training regimen must first be determined. Use the training methods described in this book as a basis to set the stage for the behavior changes you desire. The dog must be convinced of your determination and reliability. Some changes take time to happen.

You should focus on the behavior pattern of a male dog when he is near a female who is in heat. He gets very excited. This is especially true for male dogs who have already had experience of bonding with a female dog during heat. All male dogs experience emotional and physical torment when they are near a female in heat. They moan and howl. They cannot calm down until they are completely exhausted. They cannot concentrate their attention on obedience training or anything else. All their thoughts are focused on satisfying desire. Even if the bitch is taken away, they still cannot come to their senses for a long time. The more often they are subjected to this torture, the more difficult it is for them to do it later. We are convinced that if you expose your dog to this kind of trauma, you are cutting years off his life. But the solution is not castration of the male dog. Often even this measure does not destroy desire. A sire who was often used for breeding remembers this act even if he has been castrated. No, the solution is not to spay females in the same household or remove the dog from that environment.
Eat obvious reasons, why bitches in heat are not allowed to be used for breeding. A well-behaved and well-trained dog may ignore the distracting object, but the emotional torture continues.
If your dog is a monorch (descent of one testicle) or cryptorchid (undescended of both testicles), there may be many reasons to have your male dog neutered. If you breed dogs from this male, his genes will end up in the gene pool. Do not breed dogs from such a male, no matter how good his character is. If your normal breeder produces male monorchid or cryptorchid puppies, you may want to castrate this dog so that other dog breeders do not breed offspring from it. Some dog breeders withhold documents on dogs that cannot be bred until they are spayed or neutered. Some don't give them away until they are neutered. In some areas, even crossbreeds bring good money. They may become the new "exotic" breed of tomorrow. In addition, some dog breeders can always find ways to obtain and falsify documents, so until the last male dog is neutered, there is always the possibility that puppies will be bred from him.
Dogs whose testicles rest deep within body cavities, as opposed to those with testicular descent, are predisposed to testicular cancer. Constantly increased body heat causes pathological process. If a dog is diagnosed with cancer, then surgery is even more necessary. But the situation needs to be assessed for each dog separately, depending on age, health status, etc.
We have personally trained many full-fledged dogs and quite a few castrated males. We did not notice any difference in the perception and reaction of these two categories of dogs. We want to repeat once again: do not resort to castration of a dog as a quick solution problems. Study all factors carefully.

Spaying females

To sterilize or not to sterilize has always been controversial issue for both professionals and amateur dog owners. Here we want to offer our point of view, based on both personal and extensive professional level.
Sterilization is not for everyone. Some veterinarians try to make this decision easier for people by spaying puppies at a very early age. early age, even before they are given to new owners. If you don't intend to breed dogs, then you need to think about it very seriously. There are many reasons to consider. One of the arguments in favor of sterilization is that no one the right dogs are born in huge quantities, which then leads to their mass destruction.
Let's say that you have purchased a puppy that is 8-12 weeks old and you are sure that you do not want to have any more puppies from him. What age is best for surgery? On average, the operation takes 10-20 minutes. We believe that at 3-4 months it is too early for a dog to undergo surgery.

Spaying females
To spay or not to spay has always been a controversial issue for both experts and amateur dog owners. Here we want to offer our point of view, based on both a personal and broad professional level.
Sterilization is not for everyone. Some veterinarians try to make this decision easier for people by spaying puppies at a very early age, even before they are given to new owners. If you don't intend to breed dogs, then you need to think about it very seriously. There are many reasons to consider. One of the arguments in favor of sterilization is that unwanted dogs are born in huge numbers, which then leads to their mass destruction.
When making a decision regarding a hysterectomy, you should consider the age and health of the dog, the frequency of heat cycles, the intensity and duration of these periods, the behavior of the dog during this period, the behavior of other dogs in the house, both male and female, and the reputation and reliability of the veterinarian who will Do a surgery. Let's look at these factors separately.
Let's say that you have purchased a puppy that is 8-12 weeks old and you are sure that you do not want to have any more puppies from him. What age is best for surgery? On average, the operation takes 10-20 minutes. We believe that at 3-4 months it is too early for a dog to undergo surgery.
Females go into estrus between 6 months and one year of age. This is the range of appearance of the first heat. At 6 months they may go into heat and repeat every 6 months, or they may have a 9 or 11 month cycle. Before the first heat has passed, we do not know when is the best time to spay a dog, since after 6 months she can come into heat at any time. If spayed at random, without knowing the exact time of her heat, her uterus may become swollen with blood, creating the possibility of heavy bleeding during surgery. This is an argument for waiting about one month after your first heat. You should wait until your second heat to figure out the cyclicity.
When you have to undergo surgery, you always need to take into account the health of the dog. It is very useful to provide the dog with enhanced nutrition a month before the operation and a month after the operation. In addition, her diet should include: vitamin A or beta-carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin C complex, vitamin E capsules or liquid, lethicin granules or capsules and some garlic. They should be used according to the size of the dog.
If your dog cycles more frequently - every 5-6 months as opposed to 1 year - this may influence your decision to have your dog spayed. Every heat is a physical and emotional stress for the dog.
The intensity and duration of the heat cycle is another matter. If your female is not in a good mood, she is depressed, she is not eating well, then this is a warning sign and she will eventually have more serious problems. If estrus continues for more than four weeks or if there is heavy bleeding, mucus discharge, clots or odor, this may indicate illness.
If her character changes too dramatically during heat, this may indicate trouble. A Rottweiler or Pyrenean mountain dog that changes its personality can be terrifying.
Other dogs in the house may suffer from the paws of a female dog in heat. She may become romantically interested in another bitch living in the same family, who may or may not reciprocate her feelings. She can become aggressive towards other females. She will torment all the males living in the house. They will lick her urine, whine, howl, scratch at the door. They will lose their appetite, and all their thoughts will be directed towards satisfying their desire. This situation, repeated several times, can significantly shorten the life of any male dog and lead to serious problems with health. Usually the house is not large enough to safely house a male dog and a female dog in heat. Please don't ever try this.

Neutering is the most common surgical procedure performed by veterinarians. A veterinarian who is unable to perform this operation should not go near surgical instruments. Before you trust your veterinarian, ask his clients about him. Ask him for testimonials from satisfied clients. There is nothing offensive about this to the veterinarian; If your question is met with hostility, seek help elsewhere.
One of dire consequences The reason (in terms of money and health) that the dog was not sterilized is pyometra, an accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity. In this case it is necessary major surgery. The disease creeps up unnoticed, without making itself felt, and appears suddenly. Pyometra can be open or closed. Both cases are serious, but closed pyometra can result in death from extensive infection. Tumors mammary gland are also more common in unspayed bitches. These tumors often become cancerous.
With any surgery there are risks associated with anesthesia. But if you take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of sterilization, then this operation will still be the lesser of the evils. Whatever your decision, make it only after you have learned as much as possible about it.

Katie Berman, Bill Landesman. Training your dog

Hello site readers! In this great article I will tell you about. I will introduce you to various diseases genitourinary system dogs, as well as methods of their treatment.

Diseases of the genitourinary system in dogs are very varied and happen very often. About the most frequent illnesses genitourinary system in dogs, namely: stones Bladder and urethra, postitis, phimosis, paraphimosis and tumors of the penis and prepuce and we'll talk In this article.

Diseases of the genitourinary system in dogsBladder and urethral stones

Bladder and urethral stones. The disease is typical for old dogs, mainly males. Stones or sand are formed in the kidneys and urinary tract, consisting of calcium carbonate, ammonium urate, urates... The occurrence of the disease is associated with metabolic disorders, peculiarities of urine reaction, infection urinary tract.


Urination becomes difficult or stops completely. The dog is worried or looks at its belly. There may be several stones of varying sizes in the bladder of dogs, but sand is more often found. Small stones usually get stuck in the urethral canal behind the penile bone. When the neck of the bladder or urethral canal is blocked, an increase in the volume of the abdomen is observed due to the overflow of the bladder. The diagnosis is made based on medical history (difficulty urinating, dripping urine, the appearance of blood from the urethra at the end of urination) as a result clinical trial . Bladder stones and overflow can be easily felt through abdominal wall

. The presence of a stone in the urethral canal is determined by palpation when removing the penis from the preputial sac. Additional information is obtained through x-ray examination, which makes it possible not only to identify stones, but also to establish their location, shape, and size.

Treatment. Stones are usually removed surgically by performing cysto- or urethromy. Cystotomy is performed in the dorsal position of the dog using combined anesthesia. After preparation surgical field

Laparatomy is performed anterior to the pubic fusion. Moreover, in males, they step aside from the rectus abdominis muscle by 1 cm. In females, the incision is made parallel to the linea alba of the abdomen, retreating from it by 0.5-1 cm. The wound of the abdominal wall is covered with gauze. From the bladder, raised with fingers placed under it, urine is aspirated along the sides of the intended incision of the bladder, without piercing the mucous membrane. Apply one ligature-holder at a time. Fixing the bladder outside the abdominal cavity. outer wall his vagina. The third floor is applied to the skin. Skin sutures are removed on day 8-9.

Urethrotomy is performed using potentiated infiltration anesthesia by dissecting the urethral canal behind the bone of the penis. The length of the cut is 2-3cm. A metal probe is first inserted into the urethra. The tissue is cut deep down to the probe and the stone is removed with anatomical tweezers or a blunt spoon. Usually a lot of bloody urine leaks out, the edges of the wound are lubricated with antibiotic ointment, and the wound is not sutured. It heals in 12-15 days.

Diseases of the genitourinary system in dogs - Postit

Posts- inflammation of the preputial sac. It arises due to the accumulation of smegma in it, which decomposes under the action of microflora. The reason is trauma during coitus; The cause may also be an infection, especially when the resistance of the animal organism decreases or when the dogs are kept in an unsanitary manner. The course of the disease is chronic.


Drops of yellow-green exudate are released from the opening of the preputial sac, the local temperature rises, the prepuce is swollen and painful, and urination is difficult. Treatment. Clean the prepuce cavity with swabs or cotton balls moistened with oxygen-containing antiseptic solutions (3% hydrogen peroxide solution, 2% potassium permanganate solution). When purulent inflammation

A 0.5% solution of silver nitrate (lapis) is instilled into the prepuce. If ulcers appear on the inner leaf of the prepuce. They are cauterized with a lapis pencil. And a 2% solution of protargol is injected into the prepuce cavity. Synthomycin emulsion, Vishnevsky ointment.

Diseases of the genitourinary system in dogs – Phimosis Phimosis – congenital or acquired narrowing of the preputial orifice, preventing exposure of the glans penis. The disease often develops due to inflammatory process V preputial sac , neoplasms on the penis. A pasty mass accumulates in the anterior part of the prepuce, which, when mixed with urine, decomposes and causes inflammation of the inner leaf. foreskin

, and often the head penis. The act of urination is significantly prolonged and becomes sluggish. Treatment consists of widening the preputial foramen surgically

. For this purpose, anesthesia is used, after preparing the surgical field, holes are cut in the lower wall of the prepuce by 2-4 cm, followed by the application of an interrupted suture to two-thirds of the length of the incision. Then the inner and outer leaves of the preputial sac are sutured.

Paraphimosis– the impossibility of spontaneous retraction into place of the penis withdrawn from the prepuce. The reason is pinching of the penis in the prepuce or pathological enlargement of the head of the penis (). Often paraphimosis is a consequence of inflammatory processes in the penis that occur as a result of injury. In long-haired dogs, paraphimosis sometimes occurs after copulation, when the hair curls around the penis. The disease also occurs after forcible separation of dogs during coitus.

When pinched, significant pain and swelling of the head of the penis and foreskin occur. In advanced cases, necrosis of the glans penis is possible.

Treatment. In the first 24-48 hours after the appearance of inflammatory edema, cold, lotions with drilling fluid, suspension and a pressure bandage are recommended. Subsequently it is necessary to apply thermal procedures, lubricate the penis with camphor ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, streptocide emulsion. As the swelling decreases, the pinched head of the penis is reduced, after which a suspensor is used to hold the penis in the prepuce or a provisional suture is placed on the prepuce. If the penis cannot be straightened, the preputial ring is cut and the head is set in place, a suture is applied, which is removed after eight days.

Diseases of the genitourinary system in dogs - Tumors of the penis and prepuce

Tumors of the penis and prepuce represented mainly by papillomas, fibromas, carcinomas and alveolar sarcomas. They arise gradually and are accompanied by bloody discharge from the prepuce. Male licks prepuce. Over time, the bleeding intensifies and becomes dirty brown with an unpleasant odor.

Tumor nodes are palpated through the wall of the prepuce. When removed from the prepuce of the penis, tumor growths are detected on it. Papillomas, fibromas and alveolar sarcomas in initial stage their development is clearly limited from the surrounding tissues. They grow slowly, without causing changes in general condition organism, as a rule, do not give metastases, and after radical removal do not recur. Cancer, characterized by severe malignancy, often metastasizes and grows into surrounding tissues. Relapses are often observed after its removal, which are accompanied by tumor cachexia and intoxication.

To clarify the diagnosis, carry out histological studies biopsy.

Treatment. In general, tumors are removed promptly. Tumors. those having a thin stalk are removed using scissors, having previously applied a ligature, and those with a wide base are cut off with the adjacent portion of the inner leaf of the prepuce. Sometimes the incision site is cauterized with a hot iron (bleeding stop and ablastic). After the operation, the prepuce is irrigated for 2-3 days with a solution of potassium permanganate (1:500).

For tumors that grow into the tissue of the penis, amputation is indicated.

You can learn about other diseases of domestic animals and their treatment on the pages of my website , Come in, read, I’ll be glad to see you all!


Many, if not most, diseases reproductive sphere bitches are life-threatening. Therefore, if the owners do not intend to engage in breeding, then it is advisable to sterilize the bitches at an early age.

Vaginitis can occur due to the development bacterial infection caused by the bacterium mycoplasma, viral infection or an anatomical abnormality of the dog's urinary tract. With vaginitis, a dog intensively licks its vulva. The vaginal mucosa is inflamed.

Diagnosis and treatment
The diagnosis is made based on visual examination of the vulva and vagina and the results of culture from the vaginal mucosa. Testing is also carried out to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.

Treatment is carried out by washing the bitch's external genital tract with a diluted antiseptic solution, such as chlorhexidine, and using antibiotics. Serious anatomical abnormalities are corrected surgically.

Some puppies have a sticky yellowish-green vaginal discharge that is present until their first heat.

This type of vaginitis is called juvenile; it does not cause discomfort in the animal.

The vulva is washed with diluted saline solution or a diluted antiseptic solution. The discharge stops after the first heat. Therefore, if you do not plan to breed puppies from your dog, she should be spayed three months after her first heat.

On early stages In heat, when the dog's reproductive system is under the influence of estrogen, there is a thickening of the uterine lining and a noticeable thickening of the vulva.

This hyperplasia of the vaginal wall is usually accompanied by swelling in the perineal area, but sometimes the vaginal mucosa becomes so thick that it protrudes from the vulva, which greatly bothers the dog and encourages it to lick the vulva vigorously.

IN severe cases hyperplasia can become so severe that vaginal prolapse occurs—the vagina falls out of the vulva in a ring of pink tissue shaped like a doughnut. Vaginal prolapse can also occur when dogs that are mated are separated before the male bulbourethral gland has decreased in size.

Vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse are most often observed during estrus and rarely with rectal obstruction.

The diagnosis is made based on a visual examination of the dog's vagina.

Treatment is usually by keeping the vaginal tissue moist using jelly or liquid paraffin. Antibiotic ointment is used to prevent bacterial infection.

A vaginal polyp is a growth on the vaginal mucosa that can be either benign or malignant. Vaginal polyps are usually classified as fibromas, fibroids, or sarcomas.

The diagnosis is made based on a visual examination of the vagina and the results of a biopsy of the tumor.

Treatment is carried out through surgical removal.

Tumors of the ovaries, uterus, cervix and vagina are diagnosed infrequently; First of all, because when spaying female dogs, in most cases all tissues in which tumors can develop are removed.

An operation is performed - ovariohysterectomy, including the cervix. Secondary development of such tumors is rare.

Prevention measures
Spaying a female dog before her first heat prevents the development of mammary tumors. Sterilization performed after several heats does not eliminate the risk of developing such tumors.

Diseases of the reproductive system of bitches

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

Sexually transmitted diseases

The list of STDs in dogs is as long as in humans. The main danger is chlamydia. It is difficult to diagnose, difficult to treat, and in most cases has a number of complications. You can suspect an STD in your pet if there is any discharge from the genital tract, especially after mating. Redness of the genitals and itching may also occur.

Pyometra, mixometra, endometritis

These three diseases are links in the same chain and can be attributed to both hormonal disorders and inflammatory diseases. Mixometra is characterized by the accumulation of mucous secretion in the uterine cavity. This usually happens after a long period of hyperesthesia (emptiness). On the background high level estrogen, the endometrial mucosa hyperplasias - increases in size. If the endometrium becomes infected, pus is formed - pyometra.

With even a slight dilatation of the cervix, one can observe the flow of purulent or mucopurulent discharge, often mixed with blood, from the dog’s vagina. In some cases, the disease heals on its own, but in most cases it requires treatment. veterinarian and prescription of antibacterial therapy.

When the cervix is ​​closed, pus accumulates in the uterine cavity, it increases in size, like the female’s abdomen. As a result of the septic process, the load on the kidneys increases, with the possible development renal failure. The dog is lethargic, appetite is reduced or absent altogether. If left untreated, uterine rupture with the development of peritonitis is possible.

Endometritis– this is inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Purulent or aseptic, as discussed above. Aseptic endometritis can proceed sluggishly and for a very long time, sometimes for months.

Inflammation of the labia and vaginal vestibule

It occurs mainly in young bitches against the background of a reduced concentration of estrogen, which leads to a decrease in local immunity and infection with pathogenic flora. Or after trauma to the genital tract during sexual intercourse.

There is redness and swelling of the labia. There are discharges. Depending on the phase and degree of the disease, their character changes from mucous and watery to creamy and purulent.

Treatment is predominantly local; in more serious situations, antibiotics and estrogens are used.

Inflammation of the ovaries

Inflammation of the ovaries or oophoritis is uncommon, but can lead to serious consequences. Bitches become infected predominantly through the hematogenous route - in the presence of any general infectious or inflammatory process, pathogens or toxins penetrate the ovaries through the bloodstream. IN acute phase the ovaries are enlarged and painful on palpation. Treatment is effective in acute period. Then the foci of inflammation become sclerotic and adhesions form. At this stage of the disease it is recommended surgical removal ovaries.

Hormonal disorders

False pupishness

False pregnancy or false pregnancy is also called pseudolactation. Develops 1.5-2 months after estrus. The dog's uterine horns and mammary glands enlarge, and milk appears. This is due to the fact that corpus luteum persists. Due to hormonal imbalance, it dissolves much more slowly than healthy dogs, and therefore the level of progesterone in the blood turns out to be very high, which causes changes in the bitch’s body. In most cases, pseudolactation heals on its own - within a few weeks all symptoms false pregnancy decrease and disappear, but during subsequent heats the situation repeats, and the symptoms become more vivid and pronounced.


Decreased estrogen production. Against the background of hypoestria, infertility develops. It occurs both in young individuals and in females who have given birth. As a rule, it is a consequence of exhaustion or, conversely, obesity of the cat, which suppresses the production of the hormone in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. He doesn’t allow the dog to come near him; moreover, he shows aggression. Corrected by the introduction of hormonal drugs.


Complete absence of estrogen. Most often it is congenital pathology due to abnormal development of the ovaries or their infantilism. It also occurs in bitches who have given birth for the same reasons as hypoesthesia, but with more severe insufficiency hormone. In the case of acquired pathology, it can be corrected with hormonal therapy.


Excessive levels of estrogen in the dog's blood. May be a consequence increased function ovaries or hypothalamic-pituitary system, impaired liver function or the presence of tumors in the ovaries or brain. It is characterized by a long course – sometimes up to several months. Throughout this time, the bitch experiences bloody discharge from the vagina, the labia are thickened and swollen. He does not allow the male to approach him.


Tumors of the genital organs

A very common pathology in dogs, especially in old bitches. Any genital organ can be affected, but most often it is the vagina and vestibule. Tumors can be benign (lipoma, fibroma, leomyoma), but most often they are malignant (fibrosarcoma, carcinoma and sarcoma). Malignant tumors the vestibule of the vagina, as a rule, has the appearance of a cauliflower or mushroom, located on a wide base. The “hat” is red or dirty brown with plaque or ulcerations.

Breast tumors

Benign tumors also occur, but most neoplasms make up malignant neoplasms, namely carcinoma. Most often, middle-aged or elderly females who have never given birth or nursed their offspring become ill. Upon palpation, the tumor is easy to limit, it is inactive or motionless. Sizes range from the size of a tennis ball to a football. There may be ulceration on the surface with mucopurulent discharge and a red-brown border. Ulcers are painless or slightly painful.

Degenerative changes

Vaginal hyperplasia and eversion

With prolonged estrus or prolonged exposure to estrogen, the vaginal walls hyperplasia (increase in size) and extend beyond the vagina and vulva itself. The disease is typical for Dobermans, bulldogs and boxers.

Diseases of pregnant women

Uterine inguinal hernia

Develops against the background of enlarged inguinal canals or a weak abdominal wall. Part of the uterus, together with the fetus or fetuses, protrudes through the inguinal canal under the skin of the abdominal wall. It can be reversible and irreducible. It can only be treated surgically. Even if the hernia is reducible in the early stages, it becomes irreducible as pregnancy progresses.

Uterine bleeding

As a result of damage to one of the vessels of the chorion or endometrium, blood flows under the placenta, causing its detachment. Fresh blood is released from the genital tract, possibly with clots. The dog is restless, and over time, weakness and signs of increasing anemia appear. Without veterinary care, the animal may die or abort.


The number is increasing amniotic fluid. Most often from the 45th day of pregnancy. The volume of the abdomen rapidly increases, it takes on a barrel-shaped shape. Without veterinary intervention, the bladder or even the abdominal muscles may rupture. Puppies are born very weak or dead.

Uterine torsion

The entire uterus or one of its horns curls “around itself.” This happens as a result of falls, jumps or injuries. The animal takes a forced pose with a hunched back. The abdomen is sharply painful on palpation. Treatment is only surgical.


Abortion is the death of all fetuses with termination of pregnancy, or the death of one or more fetuses without termination. Accordingly, it is called complete or incomplete. Develops most often during infection.

Pathologies of childbirth

Weak contractions and pushing

Contractions are brief and of short duration. The time interval between them increases greatly, bringing the process of childbirth to a day or more, and the interval between the birth of fruits to 2 hours. Without veterinary care, the fetuses die from asphyxia.

Violent contractions and attempts

There is practically no time interval between contractions and pushing; they are very intense and painful. Without veterinary care, fetuses may also die from asphyxia or develop uterine rupture.

Narrowness of the birth canal

It can be either congenital or acquired in multiparous women as a result of injuries in previous births. To facilitate childbirth, use sterile Vaseline oil and a loop. If this method is ineffective, an incision is made in the perineum. If the pelvic ring is narrow, a caesarean section is performed.


Found in short-snouted or dwarf breeds. Requires a caesarean section.

Uterine rupture

May be complete or incomplete. Often develops against the background of violent contractions. When breaking, labor activity stops instantly. In some cases, the fetus(es) can be felt through the abdominal wall. The shape of the abdomen changes - it becomes flattened. Without emergency veterinary care, the dog dies, because... acute massive bleeding occurs in abdominal cavity with the development of peritonitis.

Placenta retention

If more than 2 hours have passed between the birth of the last fetus and the expulsion of the placenta, this is considered a delay. Requires urgent veterinary care, because the afterbirth quickly becomes infected with the development of sepsis and death of the animal.

Diseases of the reproductive system in males

Of the diseases of the reproductive system of male dogs, it is perhaps only worth noting prostatitis and prostate adenoma, resulting in difficulty urinating. Urine is released drop by drop. The disease most often develops against the background of infectious diseases. Which in some cases can also cause inflammation of the testicle and its appendages.

Antimicrobial treatment is prescribed, lasting 2-3 weeks. With the right and timely treatment, the disease disappears without a trace.

We begin to think about sexually transmitted diseases in dogs around the time when, after mating, bitches “suddenly” begin to get sick. And the answer lies nearby. Many veterinarians are now talking about a surge in sexually transmitted diseases among dogs. And the most common is the so-called transmissible venereal sarcoma. There are now several times more animals infected with this disease than five years ago.

Any obvious symptoms indicating illness (depression, refusal to eat, skin rashes), usually not observed in the early stages. Over time, infected dogs begin to bleed blood in their urine. the main problem is that the dog venereal disease very difficult to diagnose. Due to the fact that it was previously extremely rare, many veterinarians are unaware of the existence of such a disease. For this reason, most experts mistake transmissible venereal sarcoma, for example, for urolithiasis and prescribe incorrect treatment. There have been cases when advanced venous disease led to death.

All breeds of dogs are susceptible to venereal sarcoma. It occurs in both males and females.

Sarcoma is located on the mucous membrane of the genital organs and is transmitted sexually. During sexual intercourse, tumor cells break off and attach to the partner's mucous membrane. Venereal sarcoma does not metastasize, but it can spread to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. When a dog licks a tumor, it mechanically transfers its cells.
Transmissible sarcoma cannot occur “on its own.” The most important role Stray dogs play a role in its spread. They are a natural reservoir of this pathology, infecting the “master’s” dogs, which sometimes run away in search of love.

The first and main sign to suspect the presence of transmissible sarcoma in a dog is the discharge of drops of blood from the genitals. Owners of bitches often mistake this for incipient or ongoing heat. In male dogs, spotting due to transmissible sarcoma is confused with a manifestation of prostatitis. With transmissible sarcoma, bleeding is usually permanent. Sometimes you can see the tumor itself: bright red with a lumpy bloody surface. This loose, bleeding formation on a broad base resembles a cauliflower.

The main prevention is to prevent unscheduled, and even more so, street matings.

Since sarcoma is cancerous, chemotherapy is used as treatment.

In addition to sarcoma, the group of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) includes more than 20 diseases caused by various pathogens (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, etc.). What they have in common is that infection is transmitted primarily through sexual contact.

The most likely possibility of infection during mating is:

  • transmissible venereal sarcoma;
  • gonococcal urethritis (in other words, gonorrhea - transmitted only during mating, and inflammation begins the next day; signs are painful and frequent urination);
  • chlamydia (a disease similar to gonorrhea, only caused by other microbes - chlamydia; develops on the 3-5th day after breeding dogs).

In addition to the above ailments, dogs can become sexually infected with slightly less common, but by no means less dangerous staphylococcosis, streptococcosis, and brucellosis. These infections are very dangerous for both males and females and their puppies.

Prevention venereal diseases in dogs includes

  1. douching after mating with a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%
  2. To reassure yourself, it would be useful to do a microflora analysis (bacteriological studies).
  3. reasonable restraint has never hurt anyone - regulation of mating activity and legibility in this regard is perhaps one of the most effective methods prevention of STDs in dogs.

For reference

Staphylococcosis. The most common form is staphylococcal plaques on the skin. The predominant localization of lesions is the groin area, back, croup, hips. During mating, the mucous membrane of the genital tract becomes very vulnerable, and if one of the animals was a carrier of staphylococcus, after mating it may develop clinical picture: against the background of general itching, round, scaly plaques with a dark center appear. Staphylococcal rashes often accompany chronic allergic otitis and dermatitis, the appearance of symptoms of vaginal inflammation and endometritis. Carriage of the infection in the mother can result in purulent conjunctivitis, otitis, acne, vaginitis of puppies.
Streptococcosis. Infection. Method of transmission: contact and airborne droplets. The diagnosis is made based on the results of bacteriological examination. The main source of the pathogen is sick animals.

Characterized by severe septic symptoms, inflammation of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and joints. In adult animals - endometritis and mastitis.

Young animals are affected from the first days of life to 3-4 months. At acute form Body temperature rises to 41-42°C, loss of appetite and depression are observed, the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth become red, purulent discharge begins from the eyes and nostrils. The death of the animal occurs within 24-48 hours. In non-acute cases, a cough, mucopurulent discharge from the nose, diarrhea mixed with blood, and swelling of the joints appear on the 3-4th day. Chronic course typical in animals older than 2 months of age. Patients develop purulent discharge from the nose and a wet, painful cough.
Brucellosis. An infectious, predominantly chronic disease of animals, characterized by damage to many life support systems, dysfunction of the vascular, digestive, genitourinary and reproductive systems.
In bitches, brucellosis is manifested by abortions and retention of the placenta, the birth of non-viable young animals, and infertility; in males - orchitis (inflammation of the testicle). Possible joint inflammation.
The source of the pathogen is sick animals that excrete the infection during abortion, during childbirth, mating, with feces, urine, and milk.

The main route of infection is contact, through the mucous membrane, during mating, through the skin (damaged and undamaged). Newborn animals can become infected from a sick mother, as well as from artificial feeding their milk contaminated with Brucella.

A frequent and sometimes only sign of the disease in females is repeated fruitless matings with obviously healthy males, that is, those from which other females give viable offspring.
Cases of the course of the disease without damage to the genital tract have been described, when deviations from normal condition expressed in fever, increased lymph nodes, loss of appetite, indigestion, enlarged liver, weight loss and nervous phenomena.