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Mucaltin: instructions for use for children, general characteristics and features of use. Mucaltin for children: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews

If you show a sick child to the pediatrician, you will definitely leave the office with a prescription. And to purchase all the medicines you will need an impressive amount. And the saying “you can’t buy health” is starting to seem not entirely true. However, every expensive drug always has more affordable analogue. If not in terms of the main component, then at least in terms of action. So, today’s medicine treats coughs, unfairly pushing aside Mucaltin - cheap, but effective tablets natural origin - to the background.

Mucaltin is an expectorant and anti-inflammatory drug.

When is Mucaltin prescribed?

The drug is prescribed for the following lower diseases respiratory tract in acute or chronic form:

  • Tracheobronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchiectasis (enlargement of the bronchial tree).
  • Obstructive bronchitis. This is a direct indication for treatment with Mucaltin according to the instructions (). However, Dr. Komarovsky has a different opinion. He says that with this type of bronchitis the lungs are clogged with mucus. Its amount will increase if you take an expectorant, which is absolutely not allowed. The main task in this case is to ensure the outflow of sputum, diluting it with the help of drink plenty of fluids and air humidification.

The drug thins mucus and stimulates coughing.

All these diseases have in common that they are accompanied by the formation thick phlegm, which separates poorly and comes out with difficulty. Mukaltin helps to liquefy secretions and increase their volume. Thanks to this, coughing becomes easy, mucus does not stagnate in the respiratory tract, and the infection does not move deeper.

Important! The medicine is only suitable for wet cough, despite the fact that the opposite statement can be found on the Internet.

IN official instructions According to the application it is written: “take for the treatment of diseases accompanied by the formation of difficult to separate sputum.” With the dry type, mucus is not produced - that is, it is not there at all. If you start giving Mucaltin to your child, you will only increase irritation in the throat.

Understand what exactly the baby has wet type cough, can be based on the following signs:

  • During an attack, wheezing (the dull sound of bursting bubbles) is heard.

If you hear wheezing, then it is a wet cough.

  • The result of coughing is thick clear slime(if the disease is advanced, it may contain white, yellow or even green lumps, streaks of blood).
  • Cough is most disturbing in the morning after waking up. This is explained by the fact that a lot of phlegm has accumulated during the night, and it needs a way out.
  • The voice becomes hoarse, hoarse, and may disappear after sleep.

Attention! Even after independently determining the type of cough, do not self-medicate. Mucaltin should be given to the child in combination with other medications. And their choice depends on what caused the disease. So visit pediatrician as soon as possible.

Composition and release form of the drug

The medicine is released only in tablet form. Each of them contains 50 mg of mucaltin (the main component) - this is the name of the polysaccharides isolated from marshmallow. The composition also includes excipients:

  • wine acid;
  • calcium salt of stearic acid;
  • sodium salt of hydrocarboxylic acid.

The main component of the medicine is marshmallow root extract.

The flat-cylindrical tablets are colored light gray, sometimes with a brown tint. The surface may contain inclusions, creating a marble effect. There is a chamfer (blunted edges) and a mark (a recess in the form of a line dividing the tablet in half). Placed in 10 pieces in blisters, which are sold individually. You can buy cardboard packs containing from 2 to 5 records and detailed instructions by application. Another packaging option is polymer jars (packed with 20-100 tablets).

Mukaltin has a specific and pungent smell that children do not like. The medicine tastes sour, which can also become a reason for the child to refuse to accept it.

There is a type of drug - Mucaltin Forte. It is distinguished by a double concentration of the main component and has a different composition excipients. Mucaltin Forte with vitamin C is very effective. Please note that, despite the similarity of these medications, their contraindications are different. Read them before giving the tablets to children.

Consult your physician before use.

Veronica writes in her review:

“For bronchitis, my daughter was prescribed Mucaltin, and to strengthen the immune system - ascorbic acid. But when I went to the pharmacy, I found out that these two remedies can be contained in one tablet with a dosage suitable for children. Very comfortably".

Manufacturers and cost

Tablets are produced in domestic pharmaceutical companies:

  • Galichfarm;
  • Dionysus-Pharma;
  • Wifitech;
  • TatKhimPharmPreparaty;
  • Medisorb;
  • Pharmstandard.

The price range for one blister (10 tablets) is 7-17 rubles.

How does Mucaltin work?

Means has secretory, thinning and expectorant effects. Once in the body, Mucaltin affects the bronchial glands, increasing the amount of sputum produced. The mucus itself becomes liquid. And thanks to the increased activity of the ciliated epithelium lining the cavities respiratory organs, the secretions quickly move towards the exit. The secretions coughed up when coughing enter the esophagus.

Thanks to the removal of mucus, the airways are cleared and their ventilation improves. Mucus contains a large number of viruses and/or bacteria. And along with its discharge, the pathogens of the disease leave the body, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Indications for use of the drug are chronic and acute diseases organs of the respiratory system.

Treatment of children with Mucaltin

The instructions for the drug do not indicate the minimum age of a child who can be given these tablets. Therefore, opinions differ. Some believe that children can be treated from 1 year old, others - from 3 years old. There are cases of treatment of even infants with Mucaltin.

Taking into account the form of the medicine, it is difficult to imagine how the baby will take it. In any case, until the child is 3 years old, you should definitely ask the pediatrician whether this or that remedy can be used. And if yes, then in what quantity.

Only a doctor can prescribe medicine for children under three years of age.

Maria left a review:

“Kiryusha was 4.5 months old when we were hospitalized with high temperature And severe cough. And among all the prescribed medications was Mucaltin. It was necessary to give half a tablet three times a day. The attending physician told me how to do this: express milk for one feeding into a bottle, add the powdered product, shake and feed the baby. If you are not breastfeeding, you can use formula."

Dosage by age:

  • up to 3 years - check with your doctor;
  • 3-12 years - 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • 12 years and older - 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

A drug taken before meals(breakfast, lunch and dinner), washed down with half a glass of water. Mukaltin for children who have not yet learned to chew should be crushed with a spoon. Dilute the resulting powder in any drink (compote, compote). You can mix it with big amount honey or jam, put it in the child’s mouth, and then wash it down.

The tablet should be taken with water.

The minimum duration of the treatment course is 7 days. Maximum - 14 days. If the disease has not subsided during this time, visit your pediatrician to check the effectiveness of the treatment or change the drug.

Contraindications and side effects

Mucaltin should not be given to children with:

  • stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • individual intolerance to components.

Usually the drug is well tolerated. IN in rare cases Allergy begins in the form of itching and rash. Sometimes dyspepsia develops. This is a condition when there is a “sucking in the pit of the stomach”, and it seems that the stomach is full.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

First, let's list the disadvantages of Mucaltin:

  • There is only one form of release - tablets, which are inconvenient for small children to take.
  • Not a very pleasant taste and smell.

In defense of Mukaltin, it can be said that the statement that there is only one form - tablets - is not entirely true. Other cough medicines are produced based on marshmallow, only with a different name:

  • Alteyka syrup with a pleasant taste and aroma. You can even give it to newborn babies. The price for a bottle of 100-125 ml ranges from 55-100 rubles.
  • . Can be given to a child if he is already 2 years old. A 125 ml bottle costs 35-50 rubles.

A more expensive analogue of Mucaltin is Althea syrup.

  • Marshmallow syrup. The possibility of use for children under 3 years of age should be checked with a pediatrician. average cost- 200 rubles.

Mukaltin has more advantages:

  • Efficiency.
  • Low price compared to similar products pharmacological action(the difference is tens of times).
  • No fakes. Cheap funds It is unprofitable to counterfeit, so you can be sure that you are giving your child the medicine and not a dummy pill.

Despite the different active ingredients, medicinal effect the above drugs are similar to the domestic Mucaltin. Only they are imported.

Inga says:

“There is always some amount in the wallet. Last time I went to the pharmacy to buy cough medicine and gasped: I forgot my money. There was only a card, and on it was the remainder of the salary of 35 rubles. I was about to go home when the pharmacist suggested buying Mukaltin instead of Lazolvan. I immediately took 3 blisters for a 10-day course. And the tablets helped no worse than the famous syrup.”

When choosing a drug to treat a wet cough in a child, you cannot be guided only by price. If you give your baby any other medications, be sure to ask your doctor if they are compatible with Mucaltin. There are drugs that cannot be taken together: they may lose medicinal properties or form new substances harmful to the child’s body.

Alisa Nikitina

If you have a cold and are tormented by a suffocating cough, but there are some contraindications to taking pharmaceutical “chemistry,” then a drug based on a natural substance from a medicinal plant – Mucaltin – will help out.

Current The basis of the drug Mucaltin is phytotherapeutic raw materials - marshmallow extract(each tablet contains 10 mg of active substance), which has the property of having a softening effect and facilitating expectoration.

Besides, dosage form also contains excipients.

Their composition is as follows:

  • Sodium bicarbonate– 14.5 mg; this substance has the property of reducing the viscosity of bronchial secretions and, thus, promotes the rapid evacuation of sputum.
  • Tartaric acid– 16.7 mg, which has an antioxidant effect;
  • Calcium stearate– 0.5 mg.

Mucaltin, active ingredient

The roots of marshmallow serve natural source large quantity mucous substances, the main structural components of which are polysaccharides. In addition, from this plant material they were isolated fixed oils and mineral salts.

Slime natural origin have the property of enveloping the surface of the epithelium a thin layer that remains on the surface for a long time, protecting the epithelial tissue from irritation and damage.

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis).

These processes lead to improved regeneration of damaged epithelium and gradual extinction of the inflammatory process on the mucous membrane. In addition, this plant extract facilitates expectoration.

Effects of marshmallow root extract on the upper respiratory tract:

  1. Enveloping epithelium;
  2. Anti-inflammatory;
  3. Expectorant.

Interesting fact! The enveloping and anti-inflammatory effects of marshmallow extract also extend to the gastric mucosa. Moreover, the lower the pH gastric juice(the more intense the acidity), the higher the effectiveness of this herbal remedy.

Mucaltin for what kind of cough - dry or wet

A drug mucaltin is indicated for use to thin sputum for diseases accompanied by an unproductive cough. It can also be used for paroxysmal, barking cough to soften it.

Such unpleasant symptom, as an unproductive cough, is characteristic of the symptoms of several diseases.

The instructions for use of Mucaltin may not contain information that this drug simultaneously acts directly on the bronchial region and indirectly through the cough reflex chain associated with the brain.

These are the following pathologies:

  • Bronchitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Pharyngitis, etc.

Mucaltin tablets, instructions for use for adults

Before deciding on treatment with mucaltin, you should consult your doctor, since uncontrolled use of the medication can lead to chronicity of the pathological process.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, the nature of the cough, the activity of the inflammatory process and the tendency to allergic reactions. Pills Mucaltin is taken between meals, according to the instructions for use.

They can be dissolved in the mouth or swallowed whole with plenty of water. During therapy with drugs that have an expectorant and mucolytic effect, the amount of daily fluid intake should be increased.

It is important to know! Mucaltin is not the main treatment for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Its use should be combined with etiotropic therapy.

How to drink Mucaltin correctly

Mucaltin should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, who will determine

It is best to drink Mucaltin at regular intervals.

dose and duration of therapy, based on the characteristics of the disease in a particular patient.

The reception features are as follows:

  • Frequency of reception– 4 times a day.
  • There are 2 options: dissolve the tablets like lollipops, or drink orally with water.
  • You should not continue to use the drug after completion of the course of treatment determined by the attending physician, as well as in the event of an allergic reaction or after the appearance of unwanted side effects.
  • To avoid overdose Do not exceed the dose recommended by your doctor.

Mucaltin, taken before or after meals

Mucaltin should be taken 30 minutes before meals with a sufficient amount of water or dissolving in the mouth.

Mucaltin, instructions for use for children

Mucaltin, at what age can it be given to children?

Mucaltin is approved for use in children over 1 year of age. During therapy with mucaltin, it is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s condition and as soon as possible Tell your doctor if any side effects occur.

Mucaltin should be given to children at any age with caution!

Mucaltin for children under one year old

Children under one year of age should not be prescribed Mucaltin.

Mucaltin for children 2 years old, how to take

For children aged 1 to 3 years, this drug should be given 3 times a day, half a tablet at a time.

Mukaltin for children 3 years old

A single dose of Mucaltin for three-year-old children.

At 3 years of age, the single dose is 1 tablet, and the daily dose is 3 tablets.

Mucaltin for children 4 years old, dosage

Children aged 4 years should take this medicine 1 tablet 3 times a day, an hour after meals, with a sufficient amount of water.

Mucaltin, how to give to children

The optimal regimen for taking Mucaltin for childhood– an hour before meals. Mucaltin tablets dissolve well in water. To take the medicine, you can dissolve the required dose in a small amount (1-2 tbsp.) warm water and add it to your child’s drink.

If you add a little honey to the drink, the child will not even feel the characteristic taste of the medicine. This method of application will contribute to the fastest onset of the effect of the drug.

Mucaltin during pregnancy

Mucaltin during pregnancy 1st trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, mucaltin, like the vast majority of pharmaceutical drugs, should be prescribed with great caution, and only in consultation with the attending physician.

Note! If it is possible to avoid the use of this drug, then it is better to refrain from taking it, since the active ingredient Mucaltin can cause an increase in myometrial tone.

Mucaltin during pregnancy 2nd trimester

At this time, Mucaltin should be used strictly as prescribed by the attending physician, 30-40 minutes before meals, 3 to 4 times a day.

Mucaltin during pregnancy 3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, the use of Mucaltin is allowed, however maximum dose It should not be prescribed to a woman in this position.

Mucaltin during breastfeeding

Possibility of using Mucaltin during breastfeeding still remains open topic, requiring detailed study. The question of prescribing the drug is decided individually. In some cases, it is permitted, provided there is no risk of allergies in the baby and the nursing mother.

Release forms of Mucaltina

Mucaltin, tablets

Mucaltin tablets have a round shape typical for this form of release and are equipped with a dividing strip located in the middle. Tablets are packaged in paper standards of 10 pieces., or plastic jars of 10, 20, 30, 50 or 50 pieces.

Mucaltin syrup

For children under 2 years of age, you can prepare liquid form for more convenient reception. For this it is necessary Dissolve 1 tablet in 2 tbsp. l. clean water.

Add a little sugar, jam syrup or honey to the resulting solution. At the age of up to 2 years, the total daily dose of mucaltin in the form of such syrup is 1.5 tablets.

Mucaltin forte with vitamin C

Compared to regular Mucaltin, this drug has a number of differences, which are its advantages. Release form: chewable tablets with interesting orange flavor. This feature is especially attractive to children, who often do not like unpalatable medications.

Bright, attractive packaging. The presence of vitamin C in the composition of the drug. This component has a pronounced vasoprotective effect and normalizes metabolic processes in cells.

Important! Patients who are hypersensitive to this component should avoid using this product. medicine.

Mucaltin, overdose

Overdose occurs when the maximum permissible dose is exceeded. However, even in this case, Mucaltin does not cause serious harm to the body.

An overdose can be suspected when the following symptoms appear:

  • – increasing, can lead to vomiting, possibly repeated;
  • Feeling of discomfort in the upper abdomen, in the stomach area;
  • Skin rashes according to the type of urticaria.

Helping a patient with an overdose:

  1. Stop completely taking the drug Mucaltin;
  2. Symptomatic therapy manifestations: for nausea, taking a sorbent (for example, Polysorb or Enterosgel) is indicated; allergic manifestations– application antihistamines in local or tablet forms;
  3. Drink plenty of fluids in the form of sweet tea or pure water.

Mucaltin side effects

When taking Mucaltin, some side effects may occur.

These are the following symptoms:

About all cases of unwanted adverse reactions It is necessary to inform the attending physician as soon as possible.

Mucaltin, contraindications

Mucaltin has a number of contraindications.

They are as follows:

Cough tablets or Mucaltin, which is better?

For expectant mothers, the choice is obvious - “budget” cough tablets are contraindicated for them, but the use of Mucaltin tablets, although with caution and in reduced dosages, is still allowed.

Cough tablets are contraindicated for children under 2 years of age., and Mucaltin can be prescribed to such patients. It is also unsafe for adults to use cough tablets: the active substance can cause an allergic reaction, and improper use will lead to chronicity of the process.

Mucaltin, analogues

Speaking about analogues of Mucaltin, we can name the following drugs: Flavamed, Prospan, Travisil, Alteyka, Sinekod.

Having different active ingredients, they nevertheless act in the body according to similar “scenarios”, transforming an unproductive or unproductive cough into a moist, productive state, and each of them has its own niche for use.

Among this diversity Mukaltin remains one of the most budget-friendly, and at the same time, effective options. Mucaltin can be preferred to many analogues when you need a proven, effective and safe drug, the use of which, most likely, will not give pronounced unpredictable consequences.

Mukaltin, average price in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

Mucaltin is one of the most affordable medications in terms of cost.

In the CIS countries, the price of Mucaltin is as follows:

  • In Russia Mucaltin price starts from 9 rubles per package.
  • In Belarus- from 1 Belarusian ruble.
  • In Ukrainian pharmacies the average price is from 6 to 20 hryvnia.

Being known, accessible and relatively safe means for cough, Mukaltin, however, remains pharmaceutical drug, which should be used as prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to indications. Self-medication can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.
Both adults and children need to drink Mucaltin according to the instructions for use, which will ensure correct treatment diseases and minimizes the risk of side effects.

For additional instructions for use, watch a video review in which a specialist talks about the mechanism of action of the drug Mucaltin and how to drink it correctly:

In this video you will learn about the improved form of the drug Mucaltin and how to use it to cure a cough:

Good health to you, dear readers, and good mood!

International name Mucaltinamarshmallow extract, since the basis of this drug is a mixture of polysaccharides extracted from Althaeae officinalis L. Marshmallow root contains plant mucilage (up to 35%), betaine, asparagine, pectin, starch, which have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, softening, enveloping effect. Plant mucus reduces inflammatory process and protect the respiratory tract from irritation.


  • Sodium bicarbonate - increases secretion in the bronchi and thins mucus;
  • Calcium stearate;
  • Food grade tartaric acid.

Release form

Tablets 0.05 g with specific smell and sour taste from light gray to gray-brownish color, uneven color, marbling or inclusions are allowed. Each package contains 10 tablets.

Pharmacological group

Expectorant plant origin(mucolytic).

pharmachologic effect

Marshmallow polysaccharides have a pronounced expectorant effect. In view of reflex stimulation The activity of the ciliated epithelium and peristalsis of the respiratory bronchioles are enhanced, which is combined with an increase in the secretion of the bronchial glands. Facilitation of the removal of phlegm from the body occurs due to the ability of Mucaltin to form a liquid secretion in the bronchi. Mucaltin is low-toxic and does not have a local irritant effect.

Indications for use

Applicable this drug for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of difficult to separate sputum with increased viscosity(as part of complex therapy):
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumoconiosis;
  • bronchoadenitis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

Mucaltin tablets - instructions for use

The dosage is determined by the attending physician, based on the severity of symptoms and general condition sick. The course usually lasts 1-2 weeks, difficult cases up to 2 months. As usual, adults are prescribed 1-2 (50-100 mg) tablets 3-4 times a day before meals, and for greater effect It is recommended to dissolve the tablets in water. Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Destination Features:

  • Small children. It is not recommended to give Mucaltin up to 1 year of age. For older children, the dosage is selected individually by the attending physician. The smallest (up to 3 years old) - half a tablet 3 times a day, older children (3-12 years old) - 1-2 pieces. 3 times a day in the morning, lunch and evening. The tablet must be dissolved in 30 ml of warm water, you can add a little sugar, drink it an hour before meals;
  • Pregnant women. According to the instructions, Mucaltin is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but before using it it is advisable to consult a doctor. If there is a possibility of an allergic reaction, then use should be discarded. Also, if there are complications in the early stages of pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage, you should not take it. Pregnant women should take this drug with caution. diabetes mellitus. Because it can cause mild nausea, for toxicosis of the first trimester, use is not recommended. Daily dose should not exceed 100 mg (1-2 tablets) in 3-4 doses before meals. The use of Mucaltin during pregnancy is permitted, but taking into account individual characteristics woman's body;
  • For acute cough. An acute cough is almost always caused by ARVI, but during the first few days of the disease it is necessary to refrain from taking expectorants, since sputum has not yet accumulated in the upper respiratory tract. When the inflammatory process has moved to the bronchi, you can drink Mucaltin;
  • For pneumonia, flu and bronchitis. A severe “barking” cough with difficult to separate sputum is one of the symptoms of pneumonia. In order to get rid of it, you need to drink mucolytics - drugs that thin the sputum, including Mucaltin. The dosage is selected individually by the doctor in each case. Mucaltin is actively used to treat bronchitis, since its effectiveness has been reliably proven - it helps improve the secretion of the bronchial glands and the peristalsis of the respiratory bronchioles. For the flu, it makes sense to use Mucaltin when the cough has already become “soft” - that is, when sputum has begun to accumulate.


  • Hypersensitivity to marshmallow or other components of Mucaltin;
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach during an exacerbation;
  • Due to the polysaccharide content, use with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Side effects

  • Dyspeptic symptoms - increased flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • Allergic reactions (rare).

special instructions

The formation of a film of plant mucus on the upper respiratory tract gives not only obvious healing effect, but also contributes to better and longer-lasting local effects of other drugs.

Store the drug in a dry, cool place.

Mucaltin can be used by drivers, as well as persons who are in the process of professional activity control complex mechanisms.

Interaction with other drugs

Mucaltin is not prescribed with codeine-containing drugs, since in this case it may be difficult to cough up liquefied sputum.


  • Marshmallow syrup;
  • Amtersol syrup;
  • Bronchicum syrup, lozenges, elixir, drops;
  • Gedelix syrup;
  • Gerbion syrup;
  • Doctor Mom syrup;
  • Dr. Theis syrup;
  • Linkas Lor syrup.


Numerous positive reviews patients talk about high efficiency Mucaltina is used in the treatment of all kinds of respiratory diseases, which confirms the purpose of this drug.

Have you ever come across such a medicinal plant as marshmallow? Did you know that this plant is widely used in modern traditional medicine?

So, for example, it can be found in the composition of not only special biologically active additives, but also many pharmaceuticals. One of these drugs is Mucaltin.

Since marshmallow differs from many other plants in that it is capable of exerting not just a strong, but a very powerful effect on the lining of the bronchi, all these qualities were transferred to Mukaltin. Today, Mucaltin is recognized as one of the best expectorants. In addition, it is also endowed with anti-inflammatory properties. The drug changes the properties of accumulated sputum, significantly reduces its secretion, and also accelerates the process of its removal from the bronchi. It is worth paying tribute to such a component included in the drug as sodium bicarbonate. This component also has secretolytic, antitussive, and expectorant effects.

In the fight against what diseases can Mucaltin be used?

This pharmaceutical product is used in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases respiratory tract which are accompanied by difficult to separate sputum. Bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia, influenza, colds - all these ailments are subject to Mucaltin. To obtain the necessary therapeutic effect, before using the tablets of this drug, they must be diluted in a small amount of water.

How dangerous is Mucaltin for the human body?

Clinical studies have proven that Mucaltin cannot cause serious harm to the body. The only side effects that may occur during treatment with this pharmaceutical are nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, as well as a feeling of discomfort in the stomach.

When taking Mucaltin, you should not forget about the available precautions for its use. So, for example, this drug is not recommended for use along with medications that block cough. Mucaltin should also be used with special caution by people with diabetes. The fact is that in the composition chewable tablets Mucaltina contains sugar, but you don’t need it.

To get rid of a cough as quickly as possible, along with using Mucaltin, try to consume as much liquid as possible, do inhalations, compresses, rubbing, and lead a healthy lifestyle. By following all these recommendations, you will very soon be able to breathe deeply again.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Interesting, I thought mucaltin was no longer sold. As a child, my mother treated me only with it.

I was sick 2 times during pregnancy, the only thing prescribed was mucaltin, because... on herbs. It helped right away, I gave my 3 month old child 1/4 tablet 3 times a day - 4 days and no cough!!!

And I remember, since childhood, my mother gave me Mucoltin when I coughed. Verified harmless remedy! Only I suck it under my tongue!

This is the first time I hear that mucaltin is dissolved in 1/2 glass of water. and even hot... It’s correct to drink it this way. Use a teaspoon in a large spoon to crush the tablet into powder, it is almost soft and easy to do. Then pour warm water into a spoon boiled water. It will start to foam a lot, and drink this foam. It seems to lubricate and coat the throat, especially with tracheitis it is good. Be healthy and don't get sick.

What nonsense. I took mucaltin during pregnancy and the child was 9 months old and he was ill; the doctor prescribed mucaltin. I don't see anything wrong with it.

I often suffer from colds. The cough lasts 2-3 times, and once it developed into a fever. In what doses should I take Mucaltin? (13 years) P.S. Do you drink Mukaltin before you eat it or after?

Description and instructions for use of mucaltin.

Young children are much more likely than adults to suffer from respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia. A common rather unpleasant and painful symptom of each such ailment is a cough. In today's market medical supplies There is a huge variety of different cough medicines for children. One of the most famous and popular is Mukaltin. This medicinal product Many parents trust it, because it has virtually no contraindications or side effects. The basis of the drug Mucaltin is the marshmallow plant, which is absolutely harmless to children.

Mucaltin is a herbal product. Active ingredient: marshmallow medicinal extract. Marshmallow root contains plant mucilage (up to 35%), asparagine, betaine, pectin, and starch. It has an enveloping, softening, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect. Plant mucus covers the mucous membranes with a thin layer, which remains on the surface for a long time and protects them from irritation. As a result, the inflammatory process is reduced and spontaneous tissue regeneration is facilitated.

1) Mucaltin is intended to combat various viral and colds of the respiratory tract. This excellent remedy, which has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

2) Mucaltin can significantly alleviate the baby’s suffering associated with a severe cough. But giving this drug to children under one year of age is not recommended.

3) For imminent arrival positive effect from the medication, Mucaltin should be given to children strictly one hour before meals 3 times a day, i.e. morning, afternoon and evening before bed.

4) Children aged from one to three years should be given Mucaltin half a tablet at a time. For children from three to seven years old, the dosage of the drug per dose should be increased to one tablet. Older children can take Mucaltin for cough, 2 tablets three times a day.

5) To quickly achieve the desired effect of the drug, Mucaltin should be dissolved in 30 ml (two tablespoons) of warm boiled water. To prevent kids from being confused by the peculiar taste of the medicine, you can add a little sweet syrup to it.

6) The course of treatment for children with Mucaltin can last from one to two weeks.

7) Mucaltin in most cases is completely harmless for children, but still, the use of this drug should be agreed with a doctor. Taking Mucaltin, for example, is strictly prohibited for children with hypersensitivity to its components, or with stomach or duodenal ulcers.

Most common childhood diseases are associated with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Mukaltin is a medicine that has been known for a long time and has managed to cure more than one generation of children from cough.

In addition to its undeniable effectiveness, this remedy characterized by a list useful properties, including affordable prices and minimal risk development of side effects.

Composition of the drug

Mucaltin is an expectorant, enveloping, anti-inflammatory agent of plant origin. The drug is available in the form of tablets intended for resorption or dissolution in a small amount of liquid. Marshmallow extract – main active ingredient facilities. Active ingredients The drug helps to liquefy mucus and cough it up. The use of Mucaltin ensures the formation of a protective film on the walls of the respiratory tract, which prevents the development of irritation.

Indications for use of Mucaltin tablets

Mucaltin is perfect for treating children. The drug is prescribed for dry cough, as well as for the treatment of any colds and viral diseases upper respiratory tract. The medicine should be used to treat pneumonia, emphysema, tracheobronchitis, ordinary tracheitis, bronchiectasis, wet cough resulting from an acute respiratory disease.

The drug is recommended to be taken if the baby needs a strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. According to experts, when this drug enters the body, the peristalsis of the respiratory bronchioles is activated. As a result, the mucus accumulated in the bronchi softens and naturally is brought out. A combination of taking the drug with inhalation is allowed.

Dosage for children of different ages

To maximize the effect of taking Mucaltin, it should be given 1 hour before meals 3 times a day. In other words, you need to take the drug an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Add a little liquid honey or a few drops of sweet syrup to the medicine. This will help rid the liquid of the peculiar taste of the drug and make taking the drug more pleasant for the child. Giving Mucaltin to children 1 year of age (one year old) is allowed only after consultation with a doctor.

Children under 3 years old

The instructions note that children aged 1 to 3 years should take Mucaltin only if they have a severe dry cough. The product should be given in a dosage of ½ tablet 3 times a day. It is best to take each dose 1 hour before meals. Half a tablet, that is, 0.25 mg, must be dissolved in a small amount of water before taking.

From 3 to 12 years

Children from three to twelve years old need to take Mucaltin tablets one whole tablet at a time. The number of doses per day remains the same - 3 times a day, an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Adolescents over the age of twelve are allowed to take adult dose, which is 1-2 tablets 3 times a day before meals.

How to take Mucaltin correctly for children?

As noted above, it is recommended to take this remedy 1 hour before meals. The minimum period of time between taking the medicine and eating should be at least half an hour. IN evening time tablets should be given 2-3 hours before bedtime. To dissolve the tablet, you need half a glass of warm water. The therapeutic course should not last longer than two weeks.

Contraindications and side effects

Usually this remedy does not cause the development of any side effects and is completely a harmless drug for the treatment of young patients. Taking medicine to treat dry cough is allowed after consultation with your doctor. According to the instructions for use of Mucaltin, this drug is strictly contraindicated for use when:

  • the presence of hypersensitivity to the components included in the product;
  • the presence of a stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • children under one year old.

Mucaltin forte is famous for its excellent tolerability. However, in some cases, the use of the drug can provoke the development of the following adverse reactions:

If one or more of the symptoms described above develops, you should immediately consult your doctor. Also, you should stop taking this medication. To avoid overdose, parents must strictly follow the instructions and adhere to the daily dosage of the medication recommended by the doctor.

Prices for the drug in pharmacies

Mucaltin tablets, 50 mg, 10 pcs., Manufacturer: Galichfarm – 15 rub.

Mucaltin tablets, 50 mg, 10 pcs., Manufacturer: Pharmstandard – 20 rub.

Mucaltin tablets, 50 mg, 10 pcs., Manufacturer: Dalkhimpharm – 20 rub.

Mucaltin tablets, 50 mg, 10 pcs., Manufacturer: Khimpharm – 20 rub.