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A lump appeared in the anus. Lumps in the anus in women

Many alarming symptoms diseases remain unattended due to lack of time. The appearance of a lump in anus- This is a common phenomenon that both men and women have to deal with. In this case, treatment cannot be delayed, because a lump is one of the symptoms of a serious disease accompanied by complications. What to do if a lump comes out in the anus? How to treat or prevent the disease? Read more about this and we'll talk in this article.

A lump has popped out in the anus - how to treat it

TO early symptoms hemorrhoids refers to a lump formed in the patient's anus. Especially if, in addition to the lump, there is bloody stool, severe burning or itching in the anal area. But the lump does not always act as a precursor to hemorrhoids. Often this symptom may indicate the development of paraproctitis or thrombosis hemorrhoidal node. Such a growth in the anus may also indicate the development cancer, condyloma acuminatum or perianal papilloma. These probabilities cannot be excluded. But, as noted earlier, a small bluish formation that appears in the anus, as a rule, indicates the development of hemorrhoids (this is one of the first symptoms of this pathology).

Popularly, such bumps are called balls or growths, but doctors usually call them venous nodules. These formations are filled with blood, and the size of the cones can vary depending on the level of fullness. Development of hemorrhoids on last stage accompanied by a significant dilation of the veins in the rectum. This pathological phenomenon poses a great danger to the patient’s health, since return normal condition the affected area, unfortunately, is impossible. As practice shows, the cause of the appearance of a lump or growth is increased pressure in the blood vessels of the patient's rectum, but there are other causative factors.

Causes of lumps

The development of pathology can be influenced by many factors, for example, prolapse of hemorrhoidal veins, the formation of cracks in the patient’s rectum, mechanical damage mucous membrane and so on. Carrying out laboratory tests allows detection in the body increased activity pathogenic microorganisms (anaerobic bacteria, staphylococci and streptococci).

Lump near the anus - reasons

There are other factors that contribute to the appearance of lumps in the posterior opening. Let's look at the most common of them:

  • genetic predisposition (there are very few veins in the anus);
  • frequent use of contraception (this means oral medications);
  • bad habits that negatively affect the body (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • abuse of drugs with a laxative effect;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • engaging in strenuous sports;
  • severe stress;
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • frequent constipation, problems with bowel movements;
  • eating plenty of fiber-containing foods.

On a note! The appearance of a lump on the rectum near the anus is one of early signs developing hemorrhoids, so if suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. In this case, a consultation with a proctologist is required.

Characteristic symptoms

Poor circulation is often asymptomatic, so the appearance of a lump in the anus signals the second stage of the pathology. In this case it is required surgery. To avoid serious complications, you need to learn to recognize the disease and its warning signs.

The appearance of a lump is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • mucous discharge from the anus. They signal the development of an inflammatory process in the anus. Such discharge can be detected during bowel movements. Also, characteristic stains may appear on underwear;
  • painful sensations. The pain may vary depending on the condition of the anus. If the hemorrhoidal veins are dilated, the patient experiences dull pain and acute, when the formed lump in the anus is pinched;
  • bleeding into calm state or during bowel movements. May cause bleeding coughing, stress or heavy physical activity;
  • the appearance of growths on the inside of the patient's anus. Most often they are colored blue or red, but this may depend on the location and blood supply of the outgrowths. If the lump is small, then you may not notice it, but after bowel movement this lump falls out.

How to treat the disease

To treat a lump in the anus you need A complex approach, including taking medications, following a diet and using traditional medicine. IN in rare cases doctors prescribe surgery. But first you need to find out the cause of the lump. A proctologist will help with this.

Pharmacy drugs

Drug treatment of hemorrhoidal cones means the use of systemic and local drugs. Locals include various ointments, creams and other external products. They have antipruritic (“Bezornil”, “Proctosedil”), anti-inflammatory (“Heparin ointment”) and analgesic properties (“Anestezol”). Also, when treating bumps in the anus, doctors often prescribe the use of drugs to stop bleeding. The most effective of them is considered “Relief”. During pregnancy, products that include: natural ingredients(“Fleming’s Ointment”).

To enhance the effect, doctors prescribe an appointment systemic drugs(“Troxevasin”, “Detralex” and others). Can also be used antibacterial drugs, but only under the supervision of the attending physician. Self-medication is not recommended, since the wrong remedy or method can only aggravate an already difficult situation.

Folk remedies

As a complement to traditional therapy people often use traditional medicine recipes. There are quite a lot of them, but only a few can really help in treating the disease. Below are the recipes. folk remedies for treatment early stages development of hemorrhoids. They contain exclusively natural ingredients.

Table. Traditional medicine for the treatment of lumps in the anus.

Product name, photoApplication

Peel several large potatoes and grate them fine grater. You should have about 250 g of porridge. Then spread a piece of polyethylene on the sofa or chair, which will then need to be covered with a thick cloth. Place the prepared mush in the middle and, slightly spreading your buttocks with your hands, sit on the potatoes. Make sure that the compress “fits” just under the formed bumps on the anus. Sit still for 10-15 minutes, then wash off the remaining potatoes warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day until symptoms are completely eliminated.

Place several bunches of aspen leaves in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. After 5 minutes, apply the steamed leaves to the anus as a compress. If there are no discomfort, then the procedure can be repeated after 1.5-2 hours. The duration of the treatment course is 7-10 days. During this period, you will notice positive changes: the pain will go away, and the lump itself will noticeably decrease.

Pour 300 ml of milk into 2 large onions with skins and cook it all over low heat. Place the resulting onion porridge in an empty bucket, over which you will then need to sit. To avoid burning your buttocks, cover the edges of the bucket with a towel and wrap your head in a warm blanket. It is necessary to sit over the bucket until the onion pulp cools completely. To completely eliminate symptoms, you need to carry out 10-12 such steam baths.

For the next recipe, you need to place the cooling charcoals in a metal bucket. Make sure that their heat does not heat the edges of the bucket too much. Then make a special circle with a hole inside it and place it on the bucket. You will sit on the prepared circle, but before that you need to pour 3-4 tbsp on the coal. l. chopped garlic. Now take off your pants and sit on the bucket. You need to sit in this position until the coals cool completely. Repeat the procedure daily for 1-2 weeks.

It's no secret that beekeeping products have medicinal properties, therefore often used in folk medicine during treatment various pathologies. Propolis will help cope with hemorrhoidal cones. Prepare the candles. To do this, mix 1 tbsp in one bowl. l. propolis and 200 ml butter. Place it on steam bath for 20 minutes. Then pour the resulting liquid into special candle molds. Place candles 2 times a day. The duration of the course is 10 days, after which take a short break. As an addition, you can treat the resulting lump with a melted candle.

Mix chamomile, sage, horse chestnut and oak bark in equal proportions, then pour 3 liters hot water 5 tbsp. l. prepared collection and leave in a thermos for 4-6 hours. Take 2 tbsp. l. infusion 3 times a day. Contraindication for use is bleeding of cones.

On a note! Traditional medicine is often used by pregnant women who are contraindicated to take a large number of pharmaceutical drugs. Also home treatment Suitable for patients who are intolerant to the components of drugs prescribed for the treatment of lumps in the anus.


Operation intestinal tract may affect the development of hemorrhoidal cones, therefore during treatment must be observed special diet prescribed by a doctor. First of all, such a diet should include foods containing fiber and fiber, without which it is impossible to normal operation organs of the digestive system. You also need to drink enough water, juices and other drinks.

Doctors recommend limiting or completely eliminating foods that can cause blood flow to the lower part of the body. It's about about pickled, spicy and fatty dishes. The same applies to alcoholic beverages, which must be avoided during treatment.

Surgical intervention

If drug treatment turns out to be powerless in treating lumps in the anus, then doctors have no choice but to prescribe surgery. It is impossible to do without it with the development of pathologies such as fistula, paraproctitis, polyps and cancer. For complicated forms of hemorrhoids, you also need surgical methods treatment. Modern medicine involves the use of minimally invasive techniques, especially when treating children or pregnant women.

Prevention measures

Hemorrhoidal lumps in the anus are extremely unpleasant disease, but it can be prevented. There are a number preventive measures, with the help of which you can avoid this and other proctological diseases. Just follow step by step instructions which is given below.

Step 1. Maintain good hygiene intimate places. You need to wash the perineal area several times a day with warm water using a special soap or cream. After bathing, dry your body with a clean towel.

Step 2. Try not to sit on the toilet for too long. This is a very unhealthy habit, because long “get-togethers” can provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

Step 3. Use a bidet at least 3-4 times a day. This will prevent the development of many ailments, including hemorrhoids.

Step 4. Include beans in your diet whole grains, fruits and vegetables. All these products contain a lot of fiber, which is so beneficial for intestinal function (improves the process of bowel movements, promoting the formation of stool).

Step 5. Drink enough fluids. Doctors recommend drinking 10-12 glasses of water daily. This adult norm. When water enters the body, it loosens the stool.

Step 6. Don't neglect physical activity, especially if you have a sedentary job. Regular physical exercise accelerate digestive processes in the body, making bowel movements much easier. Just remember that the load should be moderate.

Step 7 During bowel movements, try not to strain too much. This increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids. So that there is no need for this, accept everything preventive measures which are listed above.

Step 8 Avoid lifting heavy objects, this creates an increased load on the pelvic organs. So, if you work in construction where you have to carry heavy weights every day, you are likely to develop a lump in your anus.

Video - How to cure hemorrhoids at home

An anal lump is a common occurrence. The first signs of rectal formation: itching of the anus, burning.

Painful sensations appear when a large conglomerate irritates the pain receptors of the rectum.

Lump in the anus: causes

The reasons for the formation of an anal lump are numerous:

  • Frequent constipation;
  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • Eating fibrous, liquid, rough foods;
  • Hard feces with irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • Frequent stress, nervous experiences;
  • Difficulty defecation.

Provoking factors:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle;
  2. Heredity;
  3. Insufficiency of the anal veins;
  4. Use of oral contraceptives;
  5. Use of laxatives;
  6. Intense weightlifting sessions.

Bad habits (smoking, alcohol) interfere with rectal blood supply. Frequent use coffee, drinking energy drinks, illness of cardio-vascular system– factors that can provoke dilation of hemorrhoidal veins.

During pregnancy, the anal sphincter is in a spasmodic state. Constant narrowing of the rectal opening provokes a violation of the blood supply. Upon joining bacterial infection a lump appears near the anus. Morphologically, the conglomerate is represented by intensive growth connective tissue, accumulation of leukocytes perifocally.

Congenital weakening of the hemorrhoidal plexus provokes unstable contraction of the mucous membrane. Hobbies for sports, horseback riding, different types Rowing and lifting heavy objects increase the likelihood of hemorrhoids.

Each of the above-described causes and provoking factors can lead to the development of primary hemorrhoids. The secondary form is a consequence of other diseases. Pathology often appears with pelvic tumors, liver cirrhosis, and cardiovascular diseases.

Stagnation of the venous plexuses of the final section of the large intestine (anus) is the initial stage of the appearance of an anal lump. With a long course of the disease, the addition of a bacterial infection, the hemorrhoidal node increases in size. Morphologically, the conglomerate takes the form of a cone or node.

Anal lump: symptoms

Paraproctitis – purulent inflammation perirectal fiber. Depending on the form, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Acute abscess;
  • Chronic form;
  • Fistula.

The incidence of the disease in men is higher than in women. Rare detection of nosology in women is caused by inflammation of the vagina, uterus, organs reproductive system V chronic form over a long period of time.

A lump in the anal canal causes severe discomfort.

Such neoplasms can be provoked by various factors. Sometimes such bumps are not only manifestations of hemorrhoids, but also of oncological processes. It is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and begin adequate treatment.

What it is?

The early ones include a lump formed in the patient’s anus. Especially if, in addition to the lump, there is bloody stool, severe burning or itching in the anal area. But the lump does not always act as a precursor to hemorrhoids. Often this symptom may indicate the development of paraproctitis or thrombosis of the hemorrhoid.

Such a growth in the anus may also indicate the development of cancer, genital warts or perianal papilloma. These probabilities cannot be excluded. But, as noted earlier, a small bluish formation that appears in the anus, as a rule, indicates the development of hemorrhoids (this is one of the first symptoms of this pathology).

Popularly, such bumps are called balls or growths, but doctors usually call them venous nodules. These formations are filled with blood, and the size of the cones can vary depending on the level of fullness. The development of hemorrhoids at the last stage is accompanied by a significant expansion of the veins in the rectum. This pathological phenomenon poses a great danger to the patient’s health, since, unfortunately, it is impossible to return the normal state of the affected area.

As practice shows, the cause of the appearance of a lump or growth is increased pressure in the blood vessels of the patient's rectum, but there are other causative factors.

Causes of a hard lump in the anus

The disease develops due to pathological expansion veins surrounding the rectum. Due to the loss of their elasticity and problems with the valve apparatus, blood stagnation occurs, which leads to the appearance of a lump near the anus. This process we won't reverse it.

Hemorrhoidal varicose veins are a chronic process with periods of exacerbation. Expressiveness clinical picture depends on the size of the nodes. In turn, the size of the cone is next to anus depend on the degree of its filling with blood.

The exact reasons causing pathology, have not yet been clarified. However, there are a number of predisposing factors that increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • heredity;
  • mental stress;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • physical inactivity;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • pregnancy;
  • congestion in the venous circulation;
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation);
  • any inflammatory or infectious pathologies rectum;
  • oncology in the rectum.

First of all, people who, due to their profession, are forced to sit in one place for a long time are susceptible to the development of pathology: drivers, office workers and others. Lumps near the anus often appear in pregnant women, since during this period the fetus puts pressure on the intestines, causing constipation, and the sphincter is often in a spasmodic state.

Hemorrhoids often occur in athletes who lift weights. Can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids anatomical features structure of organs in men. Since the prostate is located close to the rectum, the presence of inflammatory processes in it increases the risk of hemorrhoidal cones.

Lump in the anus during pregnancy

Most often, the course of the disease in pregnant women is asymptomatic. Developing hemorrhoids are detected during a routine examination. If a lump has formed in the vagina from the anus, this indicates varicose veins of the vagina, which is also dangerous if the process is started. Danger of hemorrhoids:

  • miscarriage in the last stages of pregnancy;
  • the course of labor becomes more complicated;
  • a lump in the anus after childbirth is easily complicated;
  • development of anemia;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • development of skin pathologies.

The symptoms of a hemorrhoidal tumor in the anus in pregnant women are identical to the usual ones. Depending on the size of the node, stage and severity of the process, either conservative or surgery varicose veins hemorrhoidal veins.

Symptoms of exacerbation of hemorrhoids

A hemorrhoid is an area blood vessel, which is damaged and greatly stretched due to high blood pressure. A small pouch forms on its wall. As blood passes through it, some of the fluid is retained and thrombosis accumulates. A lump forms in this place, which protrudes under the skin at the anus.

If the nodule can be easily felt by palpation or hygiene, and is easily diagnosed visually, we can talk about external form diseases. Its development is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain when passing feces through the sphincter;
  • pulling sensations when sitting or walking;
  • burning in the anus;
  • unbearable itching, which intensifies before defecation;
  • bleeding in the toilet or on underwear.

Typically, pain and itching are not felt when hemorrhoids are in remission. Their appearance means that he has entered the acute stage and requires immediate treatment. The lump in the lower intestine may become pinched by the sphincter muscles or rubbed against clothing. This leads to complications and threatens with painful consequences.


Diagnosis of hemorrhoids, as is known, consists of several types of studies. During the initial visit, the proctologist must palpate the rectum, which makes it possible to choose further actions.

If hemorrhoids are suspected, patients are referred to a rectal ultrasound, colonoscopy or irrigoscopy for a more thorough examination of the colon. Stool and blood tests are also prescribed, as well as a coprogram, which allows one to obtain information about the microflora and determine the presence of pathological impurities.

How to treat a lump in the anus?

If the so-called shoots are external, then they can be treated using ointments and gels. But, if the lump appeared from the inside, then special ones are used to get rid of it. rectal suppositories who can easily cope with symptoms internal hemorrhoids. The process of defecation is facilitated, blood supply is restored, blood clots are resolved, inflammatory processes and the pain disappears.

The most popular rectal products are suppositories in the form of:

  • Proctosedyl M, Ultraproct, Aurobin, Hepazalone - these drugs, which have a complex effect, thin the blood, destroy infection, relieve inflammation and pain;
  • Glycerin fillers – facilitating easy release of feces from the intestines during constipation;
  • Nigepan, Anestezol - these drugs are quite effective in treating the external appearance of the described formations;
  • Olestezina, Anuzola. Similar candles and their analogues, consisting of medicinal plants, perfectly prevent inflammatory processes caused by hemorrhoids and help in getting rid of such pathological neoplasms.

If a lump sticks out in the anal area, then to treat it an excellent remedy will serve – Heparin ointment. If an existing pathology has developed into a complicated form, the above-described remedies can alleviate symptoms, but will not be successful in treating hemorrhoids themselves.

It gives a person a lot of inconvenience and worry. Not everyone will decide to immediately consult a doctor with such delicate issue. Many people try to find answers to their questions on the Internet and take some treatment steps on their own, which doesn’t always work. positive result. A ball near the anus, discovered by chance during hygiene procedures, relates to such problems.

Many serious proctological diseases in initial stage of their development may not bother a person and are discovered by chance.

Considering the variety of possible pathological conditions, the potential danger of some of them for later life patient should be considered serious symptom requiring contact with a specialist.

What reasons can lead to its formation? There are quite a lot of them:

Causes for concern

If a lump is accidentally detected in the anus, there are no other complaints from the patient and indications of possible reasons initial independent observation is allowed. Over the course of one to two weeks, it is necessary to eliminate all situations associated with stagnation of blood in the pelvis:

  • make dietary adjustments - exclude spicy, spicy foods, coffee, alcohol, fatty foods, fast food;
  • normalize stool - avoid constipation or diarrhea;
  • avoid heavy lifting;
  • increase motor activity during sedentary work;
  • Do not wear tight clothing or chafing synthetic underwear.

If the measures taken are enough for the lump to shrink or disappear, then this lifestyle should be made the norm. Most often this situation happens with hemorrhoids. If there is no effect from the work performed or if the condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination, to find out the cause, and to choose treatment tactics.

The concern should be caused by the ball near the anus, which has big sizes, complicates the process of bowel movement, causes pain and discomfort when walking or sitting, and bleeds.

These are usually more serious situations than hemorrhoids. The presence of accompanying symptoms also gives reason to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Therapeutic actions

The choice of treatment method is made by a specialist after determining the cause of the appearance of the ball in the anal area. If the patient is worried associated symptoms, then drugs of appropriate action are prescribed.

For example, for hemorrhoids, heparin or troxevasin ointment is used topically, heat is prescribed to the area of ​​the lump and medications for internal use(Detralex, Phlebodia) for 2 months. For anal fringe it is recommended surgical removal. Anal fissure treated conservatively; in case of pronounced sentinel tubercles and narrowing of the rectal lumen, it is indicated surgical treatment. Paraproctitis is treated with medications only in the stage of maturation of the inflammation focus; further disposal of it requires the participation of a surgeon.

You should not expect that the problem that has arisen will resolve on its own, for example, that the ball in the anal area will disappear. Nothing happens in a vacuum. The doctor’s task, with the active participation of the patient, is to understand the situation and eliminate health problems.

When dilated veins are inside the intestine, they can periodically prolapse (protrude outside the anus) and become very painful and swollen. Small prolapsed nodes sometimes look like growths near the anus. They can be returned into the anal canal without much difficulty with your finger.

Internal hemorrhoids are classified:

  • 1st degree: the nodes do not yet extend beyond the anus;
  • 2nd degree: the veins periodically fall out, but then return back;
  • 3rd degree: veins prolapse during physical exertion, but they can be returned manually;
  • 4th degree: the nodes are always outside the anus and can no longer be returned to the anal canal.

- these are masses or clusters of dilated veins and nodes. They are located under the skin near the anus. With the internal type of this disease, a small ball in the anus can be palpated independently.

Clinical picture

Internal nodes very rarely cause any clinical symptoms, unless thrombosis occurs at some point in life. External nodes can usually cause itching, burning and irritation in the anal area.

External hemorrhoids

If at external type hemorrhoids in the lumen varicose vein If a blood clot forms, the skin around the anus becomes very inflamed and a very painful lump appears. In very rare cases, this clot may bleed for several days, leaving blood on your underwear.

Lump inside the anus accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Itching in the anus.
  2. Pain in the anus.
  3. Blood on toilet paper.
  4. Pain during bowel movements.
  5. The appearance of one or more hard lumps near the anus.

A varicose vein looks like a small extension near the anus.

Conservative treatment

Home treatment for this disease includes, first of all, diet adjustments.. As is known, dietary fiber in the daily diet has positive effect for relax clinical symptoms diseases. They soften the stool well and increase its volume, which greatly facilitates the act of defecation.

When not very big shots ointments can be carefully applied to the sphincter to relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Sitz bath- it's warm water bath for the buttocks and thighs. It eliminates unpleasant itching very well, reduces irritation of the mucous membrane, as well as painful muscle spasms around the anal sphincter. Proctologists recommend their patients take such a bath for 20 minutes. The most ideal option in this case would be after each bowel movement or 2-3 times a day.

Sitz baths for hemorrhoids - affordable treatment for each

Applying cold packs and ice to the growths near the anus helps reduce swelling of varicose veins and reduce pain. This simple remedy can significantly relieve the itching and burning sensation in the anus.

If you suddenly discover that a lump has formed near the anus, and when examined and compared with the photo it looks like a hemorrhoid, then you need to use anti-hemorrhoidal creams or suppositories purchased at the pharmacy. These products may temporarily relieve pain, reduce tissue swelling, protect the skin, and/or reduce bleeding.

For bumps near the anus, anti-inflammatory drugs (Posterizan), pain-relieving suppositories (Anuzol and Relief), and potassium permanganate baths are prescribed. For varicose veins of the rectum, you need to take a course of venotonic tablets (Detralex or Phlebodia).


Medical application of creams and suppositories can relieve irritation and pain, but rarely completely eliminate lumps and knots. A high-fiber diet and bulk laxatives prevent constipation. However, the mainstay of treatment is surgery.

But, unfortunately, surgical hemorrhoidectomy is usually associated with significant postoperative complications, including pain, bleeding and anal stricture, which can lead to a long recovery period.

Recent advances in instrumentation technology have led to the development of bipolar electrothermal devices such as the ultrasonic scalpel, circular stapler, and vessel sealing systems.

New techniques have been developed to minimize tissue dissection to reduce postoperative pain and bleeding.

Non-operative (conservative) options: rubber band ligation, infrared photocoagulation, cryotherapy, manual anal dilatation, laser hemorrhoidectomy, ultrasonic hemorrhoidectomy.

Removal of hemorrhoids with a latex ring

Most non-operative procedures are used for hemorrhoids first and second degrees and are usually performed on an outpatient basis.

Operational options: clamp and cautery hemorrhoidectomy, open hemorrhoidectomy, closed hemorrhoidectomy, submucosal hemorrhoidectomy, angular hemorrhoidectomy, sutured hemorrhoidectomy, radiofrequency ablation and suture fixation hemorrhoidectomy.

Surgical hemorrhoidectomies are used primarily for third- and fourth-degree hemorrhoids.

Postoperative complications of hemorrhoidectomy :

  1. Postoperative pain lasting 2-3 weeks.
  2. Wound infection.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. Short-term stool incontinence.
  5. Difficulty urinating.


If lumps appear near the anus, drink plenty of fluids. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

If you are using supplements with big amount dietary fiber, be sure to drink, by at least, eight to ten glasses of water or other liquids every day. Otherwise nutritional supplements may cause constipation.

Avoid irritating the anal area. You can rinse yourself in the shower or bidet instead of wiping yourself with toilet paper.

Avoid long periods of standing or sitting. If you must sit for a long time, use a soft pillow. This can relieve pressure on the veins in the anus.


Hemorrhoids can mask more serious illness and therefore must be properly examined and diagnosed by a doctor. Patients with nodules who follow all the recommendations of their physician usually have good result from treatment and relief from this condition.