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How and with what to treat cuts on the skin: features, algorithm of actions and recommendations. Selection of means and order of processing of the rafter system

Burns are the most common domestic injuries, which every person encounters repeatedly. But treating them like something is not worth attention, it is forbidden. Even a seemingly minor burn can have serious consequences if left untreated.

Degrees and types of burns

Before treating a burn with any other means, you need to find out its degree and take into account the type.

All burns are divided into thermal (resulting from exposure to a hot substance - water, steam, oil, sun rays etc.), chemical (fabrics are damaged by caustic chemicals- alkali, acid, etc.) and electrical (formed under the influence of electric current).

If you receive chemical or electrical burns, it is not advisable to self-medicate, except to provide first aid. But you can eliminate the consequences of thermal burns yourself. But here it all depends on the degree. There are four of them:

  • The first is manifested by redness of the skin, a burning or tingling sensation and slight swelling.
  • The second degree is manifested by severe redness skin and blisters.
  • A third degree burn is accompanied by severe pain, from which the victim can get shock and even lose consciousness. Burns to large areas of the body can be fatal.
  • The fourth degree is manifested by charring of the skin. Muscles and even bones are destroyed. Often the victim does not feel pain due to damage to the nerve endings.

If there is a third or fourth degree burn, even on a small area of ​​skin, the first thing to do is to immediately take the victim to the hospital. But with the first and second degrees, it is quite possible to do without the participation of doctors.

First aid for first and second degree burns

Before treating a burn, you need to cool the affected area. This will reduce the pain. It is good to place the wound under running water for 10-20 minutes.

Further, at the first stage, you can treat the wound with some kind of antibacterial agent or healing cream. If the skin at the burn site is dirty, it should be wiped before treatment. alcohol solution (40%).

In case of a second degree burn, the damage is treated antiseptics based on furatsilin, rivanol, etc. Anti-inflammatory and film-forming aerosols are used. You can also apply a bandage soaked in a solution of novocaine, or take painkillers orally.

What not to do

For first and second degree burns, there are taboos, the violation of which is fraught with complications. So, what should you never do?

  • Apply ice to the burned area of ​​skin.
  • Apply oil or rich creams to the wound. Although they relieve pain in the first minutes, they retain heat and slow down the healing process.
  • Lubricate the wound with sour cream, kefir and other dairy products (unless we are talking about a sunburn).
  • Use cauterizing agents such as brilliant green or iodine.
  • Bandage the wound.
  • In case of second degree burns, it is forbidden to rip off the blisters.

How to treat a burn? List of medications

As primary processing For burns, furatsilin ointment has proven itself well (especially for children). “Plastubol” and “Iodvinisol” have film-forming properties. Aerosols “Olazol” and “Lioxazide” have high medicinal properties. Ointments “Bepanten”, “Rescuer”, “Levomekol” are also suitable.

The best answer to the question of how to treat a burn with boiling water is the Panthenol aerosol. In this case, it is simply irreplaceable. If you do not have any of the listed means at hand, you can use traditional methods treatment of burns, which we'll talk below.

Folk remedies for thermal burns

The centuries-old “burn practice” has not passed without a trace for humanity. People have come up with a lot of options for how to treat a burn at home, without resorting to traditional medicine.

Here are the most popular and accessible:

  • Toothpaste (preferably with propolis or mint). Applying it to the burned area relieves pain and prevents blisters.
  • Potatoes or carrots - grated raw, they are applied to the wound and fixed with gauze.
  • Cabbage. Cabbage leaf cool and apply to the affected area before heating. Then take another cooled sheet.
  • Soda. One tablespoon per glass of water. Gauze is moistened with the solution and applied to the burn site.
  • Green or black tea. Cooled fresh tea leaves are poured over the wound.
  • Egg white. You can simply apply it to the wound, or you can mix it with sauerkraut(finely chopped) and attach.
  • Onion. Finely chopped vegetables are fried on large quantities sunflower oil before Brown. Then the mass is cooled and filtered. Onion oil is applied to the burned areas.
  • Dill. The juice squeezed out of it is diluted with water in a ratio of one to two and applied to the burn in the form of lotions.
  • Calendula. The tincture of this flower is mixed with Vaseline in a ratio of one to two. The resulting ointment treats burns well.

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to treat a burn with urine. There is no clear answer to this. Some say that urine in this case is a panacea, while others categorically deny it, claiming that urine contains toxins that can cause inflammation of the affected area.

Treatment of burns with hydrogen peroxide

Another actual question: “Can a burn be treated with peroxide?” This product, unlike special ointments, is in almost every first aid kit. It is used to stop bleeding and treat wounds. Hydrogen peroxide solution (three percent) does not cause skin burning or other pain, but acts quickly. And it's inexpensive. But what about burns?

If the damage is of the first or second degree and does not occupy a large area, then it is quite possible to treat the burn with peroxide.

To do this, soak a napkin or bandage with the product and apply a compress to the wound. Hold for a few minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day for three days. The product quickly relieves swelling and pain.

But peroxide cannot replace other drugs. After treating the wound with a solution, it is recommended to apply ointments like Levomekol to the burn.

Thermal oil burns

Injuries caused by hot oil, which housewives often encounter, deserve special attention. Treatment of such thermal burns somewhat different from those caused by steam, hot water, metal, etc.

If hot oil gets on your skin, the first thing you need to do is place the injured area under cold water for about ten minutes. Remove the oil from the skin using cotton wool and take a closer look at the burn. If everything turns out to be redness or small blisters, you can try to deal with the problem yourself.

How else can you treat a burn?

  • Worked great in this case dark soap economic purpose.
  • It is good to apply soda, chalk or starch to the sore spot. They relieve swelling.
  • Honey compresses relieve pain and heal wounds.
  • If pustules appear (which often happens with oil burns), ointments can be used antimicrobial action. For example, Fuzimet.

Specifics of sunburn treatment

The faster first aid for a sunburn is provided, the “less blood” this situation will cost the victim. And it consists in eliminating the influence of sunlight and moisturizing the affected areas of the skin. Is it true, cold shower not recommended - it is better to cover the burned areas wet cloth of natural origin.

This should be done before treating the sunburn with any nourishing product. For example, a solution of aloe and vitamin E. By the way, this vitamin can also be taken orally - it promotes tissue restoration.

From folk remedies most popular in treatment sunburn are traditional yogurt with sour cream, which are applied to burned areas, potato juice, chamomile and oak decoctions, as well as regular black tea.

Chemical burns

As noted above, upon receipt chemical burns Self-medication is not allowed. After all, they are characterized not only by skin injuries, but also by exposure to harmful substances into the body. Therefore, medical supervision is necessary.

But if the degree of burn is not higher than second, then first aid measures can and should be taken. The action algorithm is as follows:

  • Rinse the wound with running water for 20 minutes.
  • Treat the burn with a neutralizing solution. If the injury was caused by acid, a soap solution will help; if the alkali is boric, citric or acetic acid(two percent solution).
  • It is good to treat the areas around the wound with ammonia (0.5% solution).
  • After removing dead pieces of epithelium, apply a compress with Vishnevsky ointment or syntomycin emulsion.

And be sure to see a doctor, whose help, by the way, will be needed for any degree and for any type of burns, if the wound does not heal for a long time, rots, hurts, has an elevated body temperature, etc. It is important to always remember that such a seemingly trivial injury, like a burn, can cause serious complications, including death.

To relieve symptoms and reduce pain, drugs with antimicrobial effect And local anesthetics. They destroy pathogens and relieve pain. These include solutions, sprays, lozenges, and throat lubricants. The otolaryngologist will advise what is the best way to treat your throat if you have a sore throat.


Regular implementation of the procedure leads to the death of bacteria and their removal from the tonsils along with the liquid. Used for rinsing pharmaceutical drugs or home-cooked. From ready funds can be distinguished:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Furacilin;
  • Lugol;
  • Iodinol;
  • Miramistin.

They should be diluted boiled water room temperature in the proportions specified in the instructions for use.

To normalize microflora in the mouth and suppress growth pathogens It is recommended to rinse with probiotics: Normoflorin, Trilact, Narine.

They have antiseptic, bactericidal, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and immunostimulating effects. Some include essential oils eucalyptus, mint, citrus, menthol, they activate cold receptors and distract from pain.

If you have any doubts about whether to treat your throat with a sore throat, tablets or sprays, then it is better to choose the former. Latest Research scientists have proven that when tablets are dissolved active substance comes in higher concentrations and lasts longer oral cavity. Therefore, they fight the disease more effectively.

What can you apply to your throat for a sore throat?

For a sore throat, the pharynx is usually treated oil products, having high hydrophobicity (lack of ability to dissolve in water or be wetted by it). This property allows them to linger on the mucous membrane and act longer on the source of inflammation. They create a protective film that prevents the penetration of pathogens.

To lubricate the throat use:


Hydrogen peroxide.

How to treat a child's throat with a sore throat

Not all methods used to treat an adult’s throat are suitable for a child. For example, rinsing is indicated for children who know that the solution cannot be swallowed and know how to carry out the procedure correctly. Most sprays and solids dosage forms have contraindications for use in children under 3 years of age.

For this reason, inhalation and throat lubrication are most often used. But they also need to be carried out with caution. Parents often force children to breathe over a pan of hot potatoes. Such inhalations are not only ineffective, but also dangerous due to swelling of the larynx or a sharp spasm of the bronchi. The most safe method Treatments are inhalation using a nebulizer. It is filled with sterile medicinal solutions and are sprayed in the form of small droplets. The procedure can be performed even on children under one year old.

Lubricating the throat medicinal solution must be carried out so as not to injure the mucous membrane:

  1. Place the child opposite you.
  2. wrap forefinger right hand or a spatula with a piece of bandage.
  3. Take a teaspoon in your other hand and press the root of your tongue.
  4. With quick movements, treat the tonsils, uvula, and mucous membrane.
  5. Limit food intake for 20-30 minutes.

If a child has elevated vomiting reflex, it is better to replace this procedure with rinsing.

Children of the first year of life can be given a pacifier lubricated with chlorophyllipt or Lugol.

How to treat a throat with a purulent sore throat?

With purulent tonsillitis, the tonsil tissues are filled with purulent contents, which look like yellowish dots or stripes. They are easily removed with a spatula. But removing the pus alone is not enough. The process affects deep tissues, and plaque is only external manifestation bacterial activity. The main treatment is antibiotics. To relieve symptoms, you can dissolve tablets, irrigate the throat with sprays or rinse. Lubrication with aggressive substances (iodine, hydrogen peroxide) is impractical and very painful.

How to treat the throat with peroxide for a sore throat

Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) has an antiseptic and mild antibacterial effect. It enters into an oxidation reaction with the suppurating tissue of the tonsils, forming molecular oxygen. As a result, the protoplasmic proteins of microorganisms are oxidized and they die. In this case, foam is formed, which washes away the waste products of bacteria.

How to treat a throat with a sore throat, what concentration of solution to use for gargling, the frequency and duration of procedures is determined by the doctor. Most often they use 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp. dilute in 200 ml of warm water and gargle every 3 hours. High concentration may cause a burn, and less will not lead to the desired effect.

How to treat the throat with Lugol for a sore throat

Lugol is a preparation based on iodine. To mitigate its irritating effect, glycerin is added to the composition of the product. Has an antimicrobial, antiseptic effect. It even kills staphylococcus, which is resistant to antibiotics.

To treat the throat with Lugol, you need tweezers and a cotton swab, which are used to lubricate the tonsils 3 to 6 times a day. Lugol appeared on sale in the form of a spray, which greatly facilitated treatment.

Despite the effectiveness low price and economical consumption, the solution has a number of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • kidney diseases;
  • adenomas;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • age up to 5 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Lugol has a specific taste and can cause vomiting, and in children - laryngospasm. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before using it.

Lozenges and sprays

Modern pharmacies offer dozens of types of tablets and sprays. But the otolaryngologist must determine what to treat the throat with a sore throat. You cannot self-medicate.

The most popular drugs and their prices are presented in the table.

Name Action Contraindications Price, rubles
Faringosept Antiseptic, bacteriostatic Individual intolerance 150-200
Strepsils Antiseptic, bactericidal, antifungal Sensitivity to the components of the drug; childhood up to 6 years 175-290
Falimint Antiseptic, analgesic The period of bearing a child and feeding; allergy to components 215-230
Lysobacter Antiseptic, directed against viruses, bacteria and fungi Lactose intolerance; children up to 3 years old 250-300
Septolete Antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory Individual sensitivity; children up to 4 years old 220-280
Grammidin Antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory Allergic reaction to components; pregnancy and lactation; children up to 4 years old 315-370
Hexoral Anesthetic, antimicrobial, antiviral Erosion of the oral mucosa; age up to 3 years; individual intolerance 260-375
Stopangin Analgesic, antiseptic, enveloping Atrophic pharyngitis; age less than 8 years; I trimester of pregnancy 220-260
Tantum Verde Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic Sensitivity to components; use in children under 3 years of age; bronchial asthma 265-330
Ingalipt Antimicrobial Allergy 80-130
Ambassador Wound healing, bactericidal Sensitivity to components; eczema; use in children under 12 years of age; pregnancy About 100

Features of tonsil cleaning

Tonsils are part immune system person. They trap microorganisms, preventing them from descending below the oral cavity. Frequent illnesses bacterial and viral infections cause growth and loosening lymphoid tissue. Tonsillitis turns into chronic form. The tonsils are constantly filled with pus and covered with a white coating.

Sanitation of the tonsils is carried out to prevent relapses. You can do it yourself or with an otolaryngologist. There are the following methods for self-cleaning:

  • using an irrigator - a device with a curved nozzle through which it is supplied under pressure antiseptic solution and cleanses the tonsils;
  • mechanical squeezing of pus from the lacunae using gauze wrapped around a finger in the direction from bottom to top;
  • squeezing out plugs - use a teaspoon to press on the tonsil, while simultaneously massaging the neck in the area where it is located;
  • self-cleaning - put two fingers in your mouth and, without removing them, call gagging, the pharyngeal ring will narrow, and pus will remain on the fingers.

After all procedures, be sure to gargle with an antiseptic or swallow a streptocide tablet. You are only allowed to drink water for an hour.

Iodine is natural antiseptic, but in pure form it can cause burns to the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is better to use iodine-containing preparations in which it is found in a safe concentration (Betadine, Iodinol solutions, Yox spray, Lugol).

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • mouth ulcers;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • jades;
  • pustular skin lesions, boils.

These drugs should not be prescribed to pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.

Other drugs

The treatment of tonsillitis must be approached comprehensively. In addition to antibacterial and symptomatic drugs the doctor must prescribe: multivitamins(Alphabet, Complivit, Vitrum), biologically active additives(dietary supplements) based on ginseng, eleutherococcus, echinacea to support weakened immunity, probiotics for the prevention of dysbiosis(Linex, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin).

Folk remedies

Folk recipes have been tested by more than one generation, but sore throat is terrible for its complications. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable. You can use these recipes as auxiliary therapy to achieve quick results.

Most popular in folk medicine rinses and compresses. Here are some recipes:

  1. Take 1 tsp per 200 ml of warm water. salt and baking soda, add 3-4 drops of iodine. Carry out the procedure every 2-3 hours.
  2. Pour 2 tbsp into a glass of boiling water. sage herbs, let sit until cool, rinse 3-4 times a day.
  3. Mix equal amounts of chamomile and calendula flowers, 2 tbsp. Brew the raw material with 200 ml of boiling water, wait until it cools down, strain and rinse 4-5 times a day.
  4. 2 tsp apple cider vinegar dilute in a glass of water and add 1-2 drops of iodine, repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

To prepare a compress, honey is used, which is applied in a thin layer to gauze, applied to the throat, cellophane is placed on top and wrapped with a woolen scarf. Leave the compress for 4-6 hours. You can make a warming compress based on alcohol or vodka. But it is not suitable for children. This treatment is carried out only when the first symptoms of a sore throat appear and when normal temperature bodies. IN acute stage It is impossible to heat the tonsils, so as not to provoke tissue swelling, spread pathological process V Airways and the development of complications.


  • to prepare the solution take warm water;
  • the prepared medicine quickly loses medicinal properties, so it cannot be stored for a long time;
  • to provide access to the tonsils, you need to inhale, throw your head back and, as you exhale, pronounce the sounds “A” and “Y” alternately;
  • the duration of one session should be at least 20 seconds so that the throat is well irrigated;
  • you need to control your breathing so as not to accidentally choke;
  • avoid swallowing the solution;
  • after the procedure, do not eat or drink for half an hour;
  • repeat rinsing as often as possible.

If everything is done correctly, relief comes after 2-3 rinses.


They are a common anesthetic. Lollipops containing antibiotics (for example, Koldakt Lorpils, Neoangin, Astrasept), essential oils (Carmolis and Travisil), and sage (Doctor Theis) are produced. Help relieve inflammation, relieve soreness, reduce discomfort when swallowing, inhibit growth pathogenic microorganisms. Children can be given lollipops from 5-6 years of age, as they may accidentally swallow them and choke.


Allows you to reduce the drug load on the body, especially in children. But inhalations cannot be carried out without the consent of a doctor. Contraindicated at body temperature above 37.5° and purulent sore throat. It is best to use a nebulizer, with which medicine sprayed in the form of small droplets and delivered to the tonsils. The most commonly used are Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Dioxidin, Tonsilgon N. Before the procedure, they are diluted with saline solution in the required proportion.

Treatment with oil and wax You will need: linseed oil; beeswax; flute (wide flat brush); fine grain sandpaper; rags. There are different methods for processing wood, but they have the same goal - to prevent rotting, mold, drying out, damage by insects, and also to give the surface a beautiful finished look. The use of special oils (drying oils) and beeswax allows you to preserve the structure of the material, gives it shine and strength, and increases its service life. Impregnation depth linseed oil is 2 mm, which is enough to form a protective layer. You can process wood at minimal cost using flax or hemp oil. Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the wood from dirt and dust, completely remove the previous coating, and sand the surface with fine-grain sandpaper. Experts recommend heating flaxseed oil in a water bath, but you can do without this procedure. Apply the oil either using a flute or rub it into the wood with sandpaper. It is important to follow the direction of the brush; apply oil only along the grain. The work is left for a day, after which the oil is applied again, the procedure is repeated until desired result. Small items are immersed in oil for several days. There are other treatments, such as coating the wood with a mixture of linseed oil and beeswax. All components are melted in a water bath, then applied to the surface with a brush or cloth. In order to give the wood a certain shade, color is added to the composition suitable color. U this method there is a significant drawback - very slow drying. You can speed up the process if you add a drier (sold in art stores) or purchase ready-made oil (driing oil), which contains polymerization accelerators and antifungal additives. You can treat wood with only one wax. Modern industry offers colored, colorless, matte, semi-matte, glossy compositions that not only strengthen, but also highlight the texture of wood. To treat a large surface, it is necessary to heat the wax in a water bath (in this case it is applied with a wide brush). Cold wax is rubbed into the wood in a thin layer using a cloth, left for about a day, then the surface is waxed again. You can combine colorless and tinted wax, for example, treat the edges with a dark composition and the middle of the product with a transparent one. After the wax has dried, you need to polish the surface with a woolen cloth (felt). You will need: gas burner; metal brush; work gloves; flute The brushing method allows you to favorably emphasize the structure and give the wood a touch of antiquity; it involves removing soft fibers (from the top layer) using a hard metal brush. For this purpose, a tree with clearly defined growth rings is selected; the presence of knots, eyes and other defects is only welcome. The best types of wood for brushing are pine, spruce, oak, linden, and walnut. The following are considered unsuitable: cherry, pear, alder, juniper, teak, beech. Brushing can be superficial or deep, and is performed with or without firing. It is much easier to use the non-firing method at home. The wood is cleaned of dust and dirt, the surface is moistened with water, and after about 15 minutes they begin to comb out the fibers using an iron brush. You need to move along the direction of the fibers, and it is advisable to repeat the pattern of annual rings (the furrows should not be perfectly even). This work is quite dangerous, so it is important to follow safety precautions. The remaining debris is cleaned with a flute (wide brush), moving against the grain, otherwise the dust will adhere to the surface. This is followed by treatment with stain or wax. For processing using the firing method, you will need a gas burner; it is used to char the surface of the wood. Sometimes there are so-called resin pockets in wood, which can catch fire during firing. Under no circumstances should such places be allowed to burn for a long time; the fire must be extinguished immediately. The degree of charring depends only on your idea; it can be light or completely blacken the surface layer. After this, the fibers are combed out with a wire brush. It is better to work outdoors, as brushing produces a lot of black dust. At the final stage, the surface is sanded using fine sandpaper. In some cases, the firing treatment (followed by combing) is repeated several times, thus achieving the effect of aged wood. If necessary, apply stain or patina, but you can do without it. The result is secured with furniture wax. Processing wood with stain You will need: stain; wide brush; fine grain sandpaper; rags. Applying stain to a wooden surface The stain is applied parallel to the wood fibers, preventing the layers from touching. Treating wood with stain is one of the most popular finishing methods. Stain can be water or alcohol based, the latter giving more saturated tones. The alcohol-based composition is applied to a cleaned and sanded surface using a flute (wide brush), moving along the fibers in one direction. At the same time, they try to apply as much stain as possible. After which the product is allowed to dry, the operation is repeated if necessary. Using stain of various tones (by layer-by-layer application), you can achieve interesting color effects. After the stain dries, the washing stage begins. It is necessary to remove excess product; to do this, place the product at an angle of 30?, then dip the brush in acetone and walk over the surface (with light up and down movements). To give the wood an antique effect, use the following method. First, apply the main background color of the stain (water-based), after it dries, go over the surface with fine sandpaper (strictly along the fibers, otherwise transverse stripes will be visible after processing). The result should be uneven tinting with scuffs and bald spots. Then they take a water stain of a different color, cover the wood with it, let it dry, and then sand it again. The operation is repeated until the desired tone is achieved. If you plan to make a single-color coating using water stain, then it is applied in several layers with mandatory intermediate drying and processing with fine sandpaper. Excess stain is washed off immediately after application. Excess is simply wiped off with a damp cloth. When applying water-based stain, you must not return to the painted area, otherwise dark spots, which will be difficult to remove. At home, you can prepare a stain that will give the wood an aged look. IN glass jar stack small nails or metal shavings, pour in table vinegar (it is better to use wine vinegar), leave for a day, after which the liquid is filtered. If you need to get more dark color, then the exposure time is increased. The resulting solution is used to stain wood. As a stain, you can use strong brewed black tea, coffee, cinnamon and even potassium permanganate. The result is secured with nitro varnish. If water stain was used for processing, then it is better to use alkyd or acrylic varnish. After applying the stain, the surface is treated with quick-drying nitro varnish - this is done in order to raise the pile. The varnish is applied in a thin layer (with quick movements). After drying, the wood becomes rough to the touch - this is due to raised fibers. The surface is sanded with fine sandpaper, moving along the wood fibers. The main task is to clean the wood from raised fibers and make the surface smooth. After this, you can use another furniture varnish. It is not recommended to continue processing with the same nitro varnish, as it will dissolve the previous layer. Next, apply a base layer of varnish, let it dry, and then go over the surface with sandpaper. Then remove any remaining dust with a damp cloth and apply the varnish again in a thin layer. The operation is repeated until the surface becomes perfectly smooth. In order to achieve a mirror shine, the surface is polished using a piece of felt dipped in oil and alcohol. When treating wood with varnish, it is very important to use a high-quality brush made of dense synthetic bristles, which does not crumble during application and does not leave marks in the form of stripes and bald spots. For aged items, careful processing of each layer is not required, since the polished surface does not combine well with the antique texture. In this case, it is quite enough to apply 2-3 layers of matte furniture varnish or wax. Alcohol-based wood varnishes (shellac varnish) are applied using a cotton swab or brush. A cotton swab is moistened with varnish, then it is passed along the surface along the fibers (only 1 time), and the next stroke is made nearby so as to slightly capture the previous one. At the junctions of the strips, the varnish spreads quickly, so stains do not form. Do not use shellac varnish that is too thick, otherwise dark streaks will form. Processing wood with shellac using a brush is done in exactly the same way as with a swab. The varnish is applied in 3 layers with mandatory intermediate drying. By following these tips, you can easily process wood without the help of specialists.

What should you do if someone is injured while outdoors and needs first aid, but you don’t have a first aid kit on hand? Don’t worry, in fact, the wound can be treated with improvised means. However, it is important to remember that by acting in this way, you risk introducing an infection into the wound, so you need to do everything very carefully. Provide first aid without special means only permissible if the victim is losing a lot of blood and cannot wait for an ambulance to arrive. In this case, you can try to clean and bandage the wound using the cleanest material you can find. Once you have managed to stop the bleeding, you should go to hospital as soon as possible as the wound may become infected or require stitches. Remember, the sooner qualified medical care is provided, the greater the chance that the wound will be healed without complications.


How to treat a wound

    If possible, wash your hands. To prevent bacteria from getting into the wound, it is recommended to handle it with clean hands. If you have the opportunity, be sure to wash your hands with soap and running water. However, if the injury occurs while outdoors, you may not have everything you need to provide first aid and will have to get creative.

    • If you have clean disposable gloves with you, put them on. Use only disposable plastic gloves that were in an intact, unopened package. Do not use previously used regular gloves as they are likely to harbor a lot of bacteria.
    • If you happen to have with you disinfectant for your hands, use it. With its help you will get rid of some of the bacteria on your hands.
  1. Apply pressure to the wound. It is important to stop bleeding as soon as possible, as large blood loss can cause serious complications. If the wound is minor, bleeding can be stopped by applying even slight pressure to the wound. Apply pressure for 10-15 minutes and then inspect the wound. If bleeding still continues, apply pressure again for 10-15 minutes. In this situation, it is advisable to use a sterile bandage or clean cloth, but if you don't have one on hand, use what you can find.

    Once the bleeding has stopped, inspect the wound. Once you have managed to stop the bleeding, carefully examine the wound to assess how serious it is. This must be done to decide whether further medical attention is required. The area around the wound should be Pink colour and normal sensitivity should be maintained.

    • Loss of sensation or significant change in skin color are symptoms of a wound infection. If you notice these symptoms, you should seek qualified medical help as soon as possible. Be sure to do this before proceeding! If you leave infected wound Without proper treatment, very serious, even fatal consequences are possible.
  2. Clean the wound as best you can. If there are no symptoms of wound infection, the wound must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent infection from developing. Saline solution, disinfected water, or tap water are best. Do not use stream water to clean the wound.

    • IN as a last resort You can use tap water. If you are outdoors, you can clean the wound with bottled water. Do not use iodine, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide as they may cause tissue damage.
    • Very carefully pour water onto the wound. Pour water with enough force to wash away dirt, bacteria and any other foreign particles from the wound, but not so much that debris penetrates deeper into the wound.
  3. Dress the wound if possible. Cover the wound with a bandage to prevent the wound from becoming infected. If you have sterile material, then use it. Bandages or gauze from the first aid kit are best. emergency care. If there is nothing else, you can use sterile swabs.

    How to get medical help

    1. Seek medical help as soon as possible. If the wound was treated using improvised means, it should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. After providing first aid, the victim must be immediately taken to the hospital. Take advantage mobile phone, to call ambulance. If in the area where you are there is no mobile communications, urgently look for a place from where you can make a call. Do everything possible to ensure that the victim receives qualified medical treatment as soon as possible. medical care.

      Close the wound with stitches if necessary. At the hospital, the doctor will assess how deep the wound is and whether it needs to be stitched. If necessary, the doctor will clean the wound properly and then apply stitches.

      • If you put stitches on a fresh wound, they rarely remain noticeable scars. This reduces the risk of wound infection.
      • Exist different kinds surgical sutures. How you need to care for them depends on what kind of stitches you received and how many of them. Before leaving the hospital, ask your doctor how to handle sutures and follow all the recommendations given to you.
    2. At the hospital, you will need to put a bandage on your wound. If the doctor decides that you do not need stitches, the wound will be dressed properly. This must be done to protect the wound from infection.

      • You can use an adhesive plaster or bandage to dress the wound. You can also use paper tape, a roll of gauze, or an elastic bandage.
      • Depending on the condition of the wound, the doctor or nurse will decide which dressing better to use. In any case, the dressing applied in the hospital will be clean and safe.
    3. Change the bandage at least once a day. The dressing must be changed to prevent infection from developing in the wound. While the wound is healing, the dressing is changed as it becomes dirty and wet. This usually needs to be done at least once a day. If the wound is serious, you may need to change the bandage more often.

      • Before you leave the hospital, your doctor will tell you how to change the bandage correctly. He can also give you the necessary dressing material, or you can buy it at the pharmacy.

    How to protect yourself from future injuries

    1. In the future, be sure to take an emergency first aid kit with you on any hike. It is very dangerous to use non-sterile material for first aid. Therefore, when you are planning to relax in nature, do not forget to take with you a first aid kit that contains clean gauze and everything you may need. If an accident occurs or someone is injured, the wound can be treated with a clean, sterile material, thereby preventing it from becoming infected.

      Get a tetanus shot. Tetanus is a disease that affects nervous system person. Tetanus is caused by a bacterium that lives in soil, dust and sewage. Tetanus can be contracted through a wound received while hiking or outdoor recreation if you have not been vaccinated.

      Explore the area you have chosen for your vacation. After setting up your tent during daylight hours, take a walk around it. Pay attention to uneven areas, bumps, and crevices that could cause you to trip and fall. Avoid these places to avoid injury.