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Indications for the use of de-nol in the presence of signs of gastritis. Contraindications, side effects. Indications for prescribing the drug "De-nol"

Gastrointestinal diseases intestinal tract- These are punishments for an incorrect lifestyle.

Frequent stressful situations, Not proper nutrition, eating on the go, conflicts in the kitchen - all this gradually leads to disruption of the digestive system.

Behind last years These diseases have become significantly younger and are found even in children. Timely intervention can make a person’s life much easier. This is best done under the supervision of a doctor.

It is best to use medications such as De-Nol and Phosphalugel together.

These two drugs are the most common. They are prescribed for various diseases gastrointestinal tract. These may be the components of a rehabilitation therapy complex.

You can determine how best to combine them only after you have carefully read the instructions for use.

How to take Phosphalugel

This drug is intended for oral use. It is able to protect the stomach and reduce acidity levels. The action of the drug is aimed at restoration in three stages.

Phosphalugel helps form a protective layer that can protect against further damage and facilitate the entry of food into the body.

Additionally, it helps cleanse the body of toxins, as well as eliminate bacteria and microorganisms. The acidity level is also normalized, and the result lasts for a long time.

The drug is produced in the form of a gel. This preparation contains active substances such as pectin, agar-agar, aluminum phosphate, Sorbitol.

The drug does not lead to disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

When treating Phosphalugel with De-Nol for recovery in the presence of gastritis or stomach ulcers.

The drugs are also taken in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes you can replace Phosphalugel with Maalox.

How to take De-Nol

First of all, you need to look at the instructions for use. Eat certain diseases, for which you need to drink De-Nol.

For example, acute or chronic gastritis, heartburn, functional impairment gastrointestinal tract problems, stomach ulcers or duodenum.

How long it takes to completely cure diseases of the digestive system is a very complex question. It all depends on the degree of neglect, application patterns and age categories.

Two drugs are used together - De-Nol and Phosphalugel for a faster recovery process.

De-Nol itself is a cytoprotector. It helps protect the stomach from of hydrochloric acid and other destructive processes.

This is especially important when treating an acute condition with gastritis or ulcers. It is made in the form of tablets.

Additionally, the drug is intended to combat pathogenic bacteria. For example, such as Helicobacter pylori, rotavirus, coli, shigella.

De-Nol is also intended to create a barrier to protect the body from further damage and toxins.

Especially if intoxication occurs as a result of taking medicines, alcoholic drinks or food.

Children need to take De-Nol in limited quantities.

It is advisable to take 2 tablets per day, but, as a last resort, acute condition You can drink a maximum of 4. They must be washed down with water, and still.

How to take De-Nol and Phosphalugel together

It is these two drugs that help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Phosphalugel should be taken 2 hours after eating, and De-Nol should be taken 20-30 minutes before meals.

Treatment of gastritis, acute or chronic form, gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers must be treated with the help of these drugs, but it is advisable to first consult a doctor.

If the disease is not too advanced, then a specialist can prescribe treatment with one drug.

An important nuance is that at least two hours should pass between doses of drugs.

Treatment of chronic gastritis

In many ways, the duration of treatment depends on the cause of its occurrence and the type of disease.

The most dangerous thing a person can do in this case in relation to his health is to self-medicate for a long time.

Whenever painful sensations It is not advisable to take any painkillers in the stomach area.

In the presence of gastritis, which is not associated with the presence of infection, it is recommended to use drugs that have a cytoprotective effect.

An ideal option would be De-Nol. Instructions for use are included in the kit.

Phosphalugel can also be used both in combination and as an independent product. It can be taken in pure form or dissolve in water.

Take Phosphalugel only after eating two hours later or if pain occurs. It is recommended to take De-Nol before eating.

Rules for the use of medications

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and there are recommendations, the gastroenterologist may recommend treatment with drugs such as De Nol and Phosphalugel.

It is advisable to take them separately from other medications. These two medicines are perfectly compatible, so they can be taken throughout the day, but at a certain time interval.

Each medication has its own relationship to the restoration of the body. They do not enhance each other's effects, but they do not reduce each other either.

Side effect

Medicines can restore the body and heal various diseases gastrointestinal tract. But there are certain violations that can occur in parallel.

For example, the use of Phosphalugel can lead to constipation, and De-Nola can lead to diarrhea.

In some cases, nausea or vomiting was observed. Sometimes an allergic reaction or rash on the skin may appear.

If the above symptoms occur, it is advisable to stop taking medications completely.

You should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

It is also important to see if there are instructions for use and to familiarize yourself in detail with the restrictions of drugs for certain diseases.


There are certain restrictions on the use of drugs such as Phosphalugel and De-Nol. These can be either temporary restrictions or a complete ban.

The instructions for use will tell you what violations they include. For example:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Individual intolerance to the ingredients found in these drugs.
  3. Acute or chronic renal failure.

But if these conditions are present in the body, you should consult a doctor. He may recommend restrictions on the drug or replacing the drug with Maalox.

With the help of De-nol and Phosphalugel, gastritis with increased acidity, stomach or duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome.

Useful video

De nol ( international name on Latin De-Nol) is an effective antibacterial drug, the main active substance which is tripotassium bismuth dicitrate. Release form: oval tablets coated with a quick-dissolving coating. The main producing country is the Netherlands.

Let's take a closer look at how to take this medicine, what it helps with, and also find out the predominant properties of the drug.

So, the indications for use of De-Nol are quite varied. It has proven itself well for ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, as a remedy for heartburn with low acidity stomach, for cholecystitis, for colitis, as well as for the treatment of a number of other ailments.

Is De Nol an antibiotic?

This drug is an antibiotic, so it is not recommended to take it without a doctor's prescription, especially for children and pregnant women.

Domestic analogues of the drug De Nol

Despite the numerous positive effects of the antibiotic, people are still more interested in its cost, since today it is a replacement for any honey. the drug is not a problem. So, in pharmacies there are cheap, similar domestic drugs, the mechanism of action of which is identical, and the difference between the drugs is only in the selection of the dose and price fluctuations.

The pharmacological group of such drugs produced in Russia and neighboring countries today is represented by the following drugs:

  • Omeprazole (instructions for use of the drug),
  • Omez,
  • Ventrisol,
  • Pariet,
  • Nolpaza,
  • Pilobactus,
  • Helicobacter,
  • Maalox,
  • Pylori,
  • Plmagel,
  • Reflux,
  • Esophagitis,
  • Metronidazole,
  • Bismuth,
  • Ultop,
  • Venter,
  • Novobismol,
  • Amoxicillin,
  • Clarithromycin,
  • Ranitidine,
  • Trimedat,
  • Vikair and other generics.

Instructions for use De Nol

Instructions on how to properly use the tablets are contained in the package. Usually the medicine is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age in a dosage of 1 tablet 4 times a day, or 2 tablets also 4 times. There is also a scheme for using de Nol, which is determined by the attending physician.

The dosage for gastritis is prescribed by a specialist individually after reviewing the patient’s tests.

When is the right time to take: before or after meals?

According to the instructions, you need to take De-Nol 1 tablet half an hour before meals. This regimen is used both for the treatment and prevention of peptic ulcers. By the way, in order not to cause the so-called “black stool”, it is better not to use it during treatment. dairy products.

Contraindications, side effects

Usually the drug is well tolerated and does not have significant side effects on the body. However, its overdose can cause allergies.

Contraindications for De-Nol:

  • during pregnancy, especially in the early stages
  • during lactation and breastfeeding;
  • childhood;
  • personal intolerance.

Also, you should not take the medicine without a doctor’s prescription.

Compatibility: De Nol and Phosphalugel

The laboratories conducted special compatibility tests between De Nol and Phosphalugel to find out whether it is better to take these drugs separately or simultaneously. In particular, Ukraine involved its specialists in resolving the issue. And this is the conclusion they came to: it is not advisable to allow the interaction of these two drugs, in other words, medicine says that it is impossible to combine De Nol and Phosphalugel.

Any treatment for gastritis is a long and painstaking process. It requires not only selection proper diet, but also taking medications according to a specific individually developed regimen. For the treatment of gastritis, gastroenterologists widely use drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and reduce its aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the organ. It is acid, or rather its excess accumulation in the stomach, that constantly irritates internal walls and causes increased susceptibility to infection and the development of the inflammatory process in the most important organ of digestion.

De-Nol protects the stomach walls from exposure gastric juice

De-Nol is universal modern remedy, regulating the production of hydrochloric acid by the digestive glands, which has a detrimental effect on the rod Helicobacter pylori, which is most often the causative agent of stomach diseases. De-Nol at chronic gastritis Covers the inside of the stomach with a thin protective film, protecting it from the effects of gastric juice, bile and the contents of digested food, and also prevents bacteria from penetrating through the created barrier and firmly attaching to the muscle wall.

The drug enhances the regeneration of new cells, accelerates the healing process of minor erosions and ulcers, and has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. De-Nol is not addictive, and also does not develop a decrease in sensitivity in bacteria, even with a long course of treatment.

Dosage form of the drug De-Nol

The drug is available in the form of round, smooth, biconvex, light cream tablets, often odorless. Each tablet has an embossed pattern: on one side there is an even square, and on the other a combination of symbols “gbr 152”. Active dominant substance this tool— bismuth tripotassium dicitrate at a dosage of 304.6 mg.


At correct intake De-Nol tablets, the drug, which has broken down into elements, does not enter the general bloodstream and is not absorbed into the blood at all. Therapeutic effect active substance concentrated in the stomach, and then gradually excreted through the intestines during the natural cleansing of the body. If the treatment was carried out over a long course or the dosage of the drug was overestimated, then traces of bismuth may be detected in the blood or urine.


The active component of the drug, bismuth dicitrate, binds to cell proteins, forming a strong chelate complex, and thereby has astringent action. A protective film is formed on the affected surfaces, protecting vulnerable areas from repeated irritation by hydrochloric acid, under which the altered mucosal cells are slowly restored.

Against bacteria, especially Helicobacter pylori, De-Nol has a powerful bactericidal effect. This is due to the suppression of the activity of microbial cells, the destruction of their DNA structure and a change in membrane permeability.

De-Nol suppresses the activity of Helicobacter pylori

De-Nol improves metabolism at a complex cellular level, accelerates cell regeneration, restoring their microstructure. Due to the formation of a strong compound of the elements bismuth and pepsin, their inactivation occurs, and the peptic activity of the composition of gastric juice with high acidity decreases quite significantly.

Indications for use

Conditions in which the use of De-Nol is necessarily indicated:

  • erosive lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
  • chronic gastroduodenitis and gastritis;
  • gastropathy that developed as a result long-term use alcoholic beverages and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • bowel syndrome with signs of irritation, usually occurring with frequent attacks diarrhea;
  • , not associated with damage to the gastrointestinal tract, but caused by functional changes.

De-Nol is prescribed for treatment various diseases stomach and intestines

Method of taking De-Nol tablets and dosage

Only the attending physician should select a medicine that will help quickly and surely get rid of gastritis, having examined the patient’s condition, prescribing full examination, gastroduadenoscopy procedure and necessary tests. If the doctor has prescribed treatment with De-Nol, then the drug should be taken according to the prescribed regimen only. Do not chew or crush the tablet before taking. Drink only plain warm water, in sufficient quantity.

The medicine is taken before meals, usually 30 minutes before. Daily dosage divided into 3-4 times, with the obligatory taking of the tablet at night. The course of treatment can be from 1 to 2 months. This depends on the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the treatment received. After completing treatment with De-Nol, a break is required. It is not recommended to take additional medications containing bismuth and its derivatives over the next 2 months.

De-Nol and Phosphalugel give a good effect in the treatment of gastritis. In this case, Phosphalugel is drunk half an hour before taking De-Nol. When sowing the Helicobacter pylori bacillus, it connects antibacterial therapy lasting 1-2 weeks.

Treatment with De-Nol can be combined with Phosphalugel

Only your attending physician will tell you how to take De-Nol correctly for gastritis. Do not use for treatment alone combination drugs without consultation with a specialist, as well as increasing the number of tablets taken more than the prescribed dosage.


Even after a doctor has prescribed De-Nol, before starting to take the pill, you must carefully study all the contraindications. The instructions for using the product included in each package will help with this issue. You can drink De-Nol only after making sure that there are no reasons for discontinuing treatment, which are:

  • allergic reaction to the drug itself and its components;
  • simultaneous administration several drugs that contain bismuth;
  • severe liver and kidney dysfunction;

Treatment with De-Nol during pregnancy should be carried out with caution

  • pregnancy (especially the first trimester);
  • breastfeeding period;
  • children under 14 years of age.

Drug interactions

During the treatment of gastritis, it is necessary to develop proper nutrition to help the mucous membrane recover and return to its digestive functions. It is not recommended to take De-Nol and food at the same time, as the concentration of the active substance decreases, and therefore its effectiveness necessary for treatment decreases.

It is forbidden to drink De-nol while treating with other medications that contain the component bismuth. Increased accumulation of this element can cause the gradual development of encephalopathy. Positive effect at ulcerative lesions the stomach is provided by Phosphalugel and De-nol, but only if the interval between their doses is observed.

Side effects

If the tablets are taken correctly, if you do not violate the treatment prescribed by the doctor, then De-nol is well tolerated, without causing discomfort to the patient. But sometimes the following complaints may appear:

  • itchy skin and small rashes allergic nature;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • tongue coloring;
  • darkening of the stool and change in its consistency;
  • weakness, dizziness, poor sleep;
  • violation cerebral circulation with brain damage and the development of encephalopathy (uncommon).

A possible contraindication when taking De-nol is dizziness.

If side effects are minor, you can only temporarily reduce the dosage of the drug. Then, after signs of discomfort disappear, try to return to the prescribed treatment regimen. Gastric lavage is used in extreme cases, depending on how many De-nol tablets were taken at one time. Additionally, the use of laxatives and sorbents is included. During development serious condition associated with disruption urinary organs, the hemodialysis procedure is indicated. As a rule, such situations are rare.

Shelf life and proper storage conditions

The drug is dangerous for children, especially in large quantities. A pill taken by mistake by a child can lead to severe consequences. Store the medicine package in an inaccessible, protected place, away from sun rays and increased moisture. Do not use after expiration date.

Detailed instructions for using De-Nol are contained in the video:

De Nol and Phosphalugel belong to different groups pharmacological action.

Thus, De Nol has astringent properties, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. By covering the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum with a thin protective membrane, the drug neutralizes the destructive effect of stomach acids on the walls of organs. This action helps restore the damaged integrity of the ulcerated walls. digestive system, as well as reducing the inflammatory process until it completely stops.

Phosphalugel, enveloping inner surface digestive organs, additionally neutralizes the irritating effect on the walls of the organs of gastric acids, adsorbing them on itself and normalizing the pH of the stomach and intestines.

And astringent antiseptic De Nol, and antacid drug Phospholugel is used for the same pathologies:

  • treatment of exacerbations due to increased or normal acidity;
  • and stomach;
  • heartburn accompanying pathological reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus;
  • digestive disorders of non-ulcerative etiology;
  • irritation of the walls of the stomach and duodenum with medications, alcohol or poor-quality food.

The instructions for use of both drugs also indicate contraindications for taking these medications. So, De Nol and Phosphalugel should not be used in case of pathology of the urinary system and individual intolerance to the components of both drugs. The drugs are also contraindicated. Women should also avoid treatment with De Nol during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug compatibility

For treatment inflammatory processes and ulcerations of the walls of the stomach and duodenum, the doctor most often prescribes several drugs that complement or enhance the effect of each other. The combination of Phosphalugel and De Nola gives a high effect. Such joint therapy will also be effective in cases of ulcerative processes in the stomach and duodenum caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

The compatibility of the astringent antiseptic De Nola with Phosphalugel, which protects the internal mucous membranes of the digestive organs, has been reliably proven and is successfully practiced in the treatment of gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer. Taking into account different mechanism actions on the walls of the hollow organs of the digestive system, there are certain rules simultaneous treatment these medications. Combination therapy regimens with De Nol and Phosphalugel should be drawn up by a doctor in each case individually. Attempts to independently treat inflammatory and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract are fraught with the development of complications.

Simultaneous dosage regimen

To restore normal anatomical structure and the functioning of the stomach and duodenum, De Nol and Fofalugel should not be taken at the same time. The time interval must be observed not only between taking these two drugs, but also taking into account food intake.

An approximate scheme for the simultaneous treatment of gastritis, duodenitis and peptic ulcer:

  1. At least half an hour before meals, take the dose of De Nol selected by your attending physician. During this time, drinking water, juices and other drinks is also prohibited.
  2. After eating, you should wait at least 2 hours and only after that take Phosphalugel in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

During the treatment of pathology, it is imperative to ensure that the interval between doses of these drugs is at least two hours.

In cases of concomitant pathology of the heart, blood system, as well as when treating with drugs of the tetracycline group, the same time interval should be maintained between doses of De Nol, Phosphalugel and drugs prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of other diseases.

It should also be borne in mind that in the process of treating pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, a protective film is created on the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum, therapeutic effect from medicines used to treat accompanying pathologies may go down.

Side effects from concomitant use

Treatment of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract with De Nol and Phosphalugel should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the attending physician. You should not use these two drugs at the same time. After this joint reception medications may cause side effects:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract there may be stool disorders in the form of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • from the outside immune system possible reactions in the form of the appearance of various rashes, itching, and red spots on the skin;
  • with long-term co-administration nervous system pathology in the form of encephalopathy may develop.

Treatment of peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as duodenitis and gastritis with De Nol and Phosphalugel should only be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. Accurate adherence to all doctor’s recommendations for taking medications will allow you to quickly stop the exacerbation of the disease and avoid the development of complications and side effects.

Useful video about De-nol

To treat pathologies associated with the digestive tract, various combinations of drugs are used that enhance healing effect. For example, De Nol and Phosphalugel can be used in monotherapy and in combination. The regimen for co-administration of drugs is determined by the attending physician after examining the patient in order to ensure the maximum therapeutic effect.

1 How they affect the body

The drugs have different properties.

De nol

De-nol has antibacterial, antiulcer and gastroprotective effects, and is active against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Its active ingredient is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate.

After oral administration the bismuth drug gets into acidic environment stomach, where it forms a protective film on the surface of erosions and ulcers and stimulates the growth and division of cells in the defect area. It increases the resistance of the mucosa to the effects of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, bile salts and enzymes, while simultaneously reducing the activity of pepsin and pepsinogen. De-nol provides protection against the penetration of bacteria, toxins entering the stomach in the form of certain medications (NSAIDs, cytostatics) and alcoholic beverages.


The main component of Phosphalugel is aluminum phosphate. It has an antacid, enveloping and sorbing effect. Once in the stomach, the active substance reacts with hydrochloric acid, turning into aluminum chloride. At the same time, the acidity level of gastric juice is reduced to a value of 5 pH, and a secondary release of hydrochloric acid does not occur.

The entire surface of the stomach is covered with a thick layer of aluminum phosphate, which protects it from the effects of gastric juice, peptins and digestive enzymes.

In addition, the active substance absorbs harmful substances and removes them from the body with feces.

2 Differences and similarities of drugs

The action of both drugs is aimed at protecting the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum from aggressive factors. However, they belong to different pharmacological groups: De-nol - for gastroprotectors, Phosphalugel - for antacids.

De-nol is available in tablet form. They are biconvex in shape, with “gbr 152” embossed on one side and a square with rounded corners and broken sides on the other.

Phosphalugel has a gel consistency and is available in sachets of 16 or 20 g, designed for 1 dose.

Both drugs have local action and are practically not absorbed into the blood. Excreted in feces. A very small percentage that enters the plasma is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

Both drugs are used for work disorders digestive tract. De-nol forms the basis for the treatment of:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum - in the acute phase;
  • gastritis and duodenitis - in the acute phase;
  • dyspepsia;
  • irritable bowel syndrome accompanied by diarrhea.

Phosphalugel has the same indications. It is also used for high level acidity of gastric juice, pancreatitis, reflux esophagitis, diaphragmatic hernia. Useful for poisoning, intoxication to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of pathological impurities (toxins, alkalis and acids).

Phosphalugel is approved for use for everyone age groups, including infants, has a minimal number of contraindications and side effects.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that the percentage of bismuth absorption into the blood is insignificant, there is a threat to pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, they are prohibited from taking medications with bismuth.

Contraindications for De-nol also include:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • children under 4 years of age;
  • severe renal dysfunction.

Phosphalugel is prohibited for use only in patients with phosphate intolerance and Alzheimer's disease.

How to drink

De-nol tablets are taken orally, 1 piece with a drink. clean water, half an hour before meals and at night (total 4 tablets). Or another dosage regimen: 2 tablets 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Children 4-8 years old daily dose calculated by the formula: 8 mg per 1 kg of body weight, which is then divided into 2 doses. Children 8-12 years old are given 1 piece. 2 times a day.

In monotherapy, De-nol is taken separately with others medicines and food products. Antacids, dairy products, fruits and fruit juices may reduce its effectiveness, so the time interval should be at least half an hour.

The course of therapy is 1-2 months, then a 2-month break should be taken.

Phosphalugel is taken 1-2 sachets up to 3 times a day, maximum dosage- 6 sachets. It can be diluted with clean water. The exact dose and regimen is selected by the doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease. In some cases, a single dose is sufficient.

The time of administration varies depending on the stomach disease: for gastritis, the gel is taken before meals, for ulcers - 2 hours after eating, for vomiting and nausea - immediately after the onset of unpleasant symptoms.

Children over 6 years of age are prescribed adult dose, from six months to 6 years - no more than ½ sachet, under 6 months - no more than ¼ sachet at a time.

Phosphalugel may affect the absorption of drugs into the blood. Therefore, patients undergoing a therapeutic course with other medications should carefully read the instructions for use to determine best time for taking Phosphalugel for more effective treatment.

IN complex treatment De-nol is taken 30 minutes before meals, and the antacid is taken 1.5-2 hours later. This prevents the drugs from affecting each other.

Side effects of De Nol and Phosphalugel

Among the side effects of De-nol are: allergic reactions on the skin (rash, itching) and negative manifestations from the digestive system (nausea, vomiting, constipation and increased bowel movements). With drug withdrawal, all of the above phenomena disappear.

Long-term use high doses Bismuth preparations lead to its accumulation in the central nervous system, which can provoke the development of encephalopathy.

It must be borne in mind that during therapy with De-nol feces may be stained dark color, sometimes the tongue darkens.

Most common side effect Phosphalugel - constipation. It is more likely to affect older people and bedridden patients taking antacid medications. To prevent constipation, you can increase your water intake or use a laxative.