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How to remove plantar warts at home. How to treat warts on the feet: a description of self-removal techniques. The most common drugs

Dear readers! In this article you will learn what a plantar wart looks like, what the symptoms are and the causes of its appearance. After this, you will become familiar with treatments in traditional medicine and at home.

What is a plantar wart?

The virus enters during skin contact through cuts and abrasions in the outer (horny) layer of the skin

Plantar warts– this type of wart, which is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), appears on the outside of the skin on the sole of the foot, any toe and on the palm of the hands.

Plantar wart is also called spiny wart, chicken wart or chicken butt, horny wart, verruca plantaris or plantar warts.

The virus enters during skin contact through cuts and abrasions in the outer (horny) layer of the skin.

First, a small yellowish-gray papule with an uneven surface appears. Gradually, the small element becomes dense and takes on the appearance of a dirty-colored spine.

Due to pressure on the foot while walking, the spine can be pressed inward, and a stratum corneum will grow on top.

From the inside, the papule looks like fused papillae different sizes with a pinkish tint. Additional capillary vessels form there, causing bleeding if you catch a wart.

Important! If plantar warts are not treated, they will gradually begin to cause severe pain, interfere with walking, causing disability, create mosaic clusters around yourself.


The cause of the appearance of the spine is the penetration of HPV under the skin.

The active stage of the virus develops with the following predisposing factors:

Mechanism of wart appearance: you damaged the skin - abrasions, scratches, cracks appeared. The virus got there and integrated into the genes of skin cells. The cell changes shape like a tumor cell.

Sources of infection:

  • pool;
  • shared shower;
  • bath and sauna;
  • sand on the beach;
  • someone else's shoes.

The following categories are at high risk of infection:

  • young people 20-30 years old with reduced immunity;
  • aged people;
  • children who like to bite their nails and pull off hangnails;
  • people with pathological conditions: HIV-infected, cancer patients, etc.

Human papillomavirus

Human papillomavirus– a group of viruses that cause warts and papillomas in humans. Over the past 50 years, scientists have identified more than 100 types of HPV. Now 70% of the world's people are infected with HPV.

The appearance of a spine can be caused by three types of HPV:

  • type 1 forms deep warts on the sole;
  • type 2 forms mosaic warts on the sole;
  • Type 4 promotes the growth of small warts.


Appearance: dense, clearly demarcated formation of a round or oval shape, with a yellowish or light brown tint, 4-20 mm in size.

Above level healthy skin rises only 1-3 mm, and most of it goes inward and grows in width. When the immune system is severely weakened, daughter warts appear next to the main wart.


Types of plantar warts

There are several types of plantar warts:

  1. Viral occur in the skin under the influence of certain types of HPV, their diameter is from 1 mm to 1 cm. They are formed when the immune system is weakened. Most often they appear between the fingers and around the nails. They don't call severe discomfort on the palms, but they spoil appearance, on the feet interfere with walking.
  2. Deep they grow deep into the skin, are slightly convex on the outside, rough, resemble old calluses, and sometimes bleed. They happen under the nails. This type is rarely amenable to surgery and can be removed with a laser.
  3. Internal (subcutaneous) appear on the fingers and toes. Under the influence of the virus, cells grow intensively deep in the epidermis. Mainly appears from dust and dirt getting into open wounds. Incubation period may take several years.
  4. Flat occurs in teenagers transition period on the hands and feet around the nails. Diameter: 1-5 mm. Slightly convex or smooth, flesh-colored or light pink.
  5. Single do not form groups, appear in one place, become denser over time and can exist for several years.
  6. Mosaic represent a scattering of warts covering most skin. They have one main thing - “maternal”. If you take her out, the rest will leave on their own.
  7. Black are considered a consequence of senile processes in the body, or the presence of blood clots in the blood vessels that provide nutrition to this formation. They are asymmetrical (like moles), grow slowly, and bleed, even without damage.
  8. fused are formed from several, acquire bright red color and emit an unpleasant odor, releasing liquid. Provoke the formation of ulcers on the skin. The patient experiences itching and burning.

Where can spines appear?

Places of education:

  • on the feet and soles;
  • on the toes;
  • on the heels;
  • on the palms and fingers.

The difference between plantar warts and other diseases

It is difficult to distinguish spine from other diseases without the help of a specialist:

  1. Like a callus, the spine is rough, hard, you feel pain when moving when pressing. But if you steam its top layer, you will notice pinkish papillae in the form of peculiar “volcanoes”, located almost on the surface, close to each other, and clogged vessels that look like black dots. Blood often comes out from there. This distinguishes a wart. If you see a homogeneous tubercle without various inclusions, then you have a dry callus.
  2. Callosity– skin thickening on the sole under the head metatarsal, there are no black dots in it, but a white core.
  3. Callus comes from an ordinary blister, consists of dead skin, upon opening you will not find blood vessels, the nerve endings are also not affected.
  4. Corns located on the heels or at the base of the toes, but consist entirely of keratinized skin, there is no rod.

Are plantar warts dangerous?

Remember that spines are not oncogenic papillomaviruses; with timely treatment, they do not develop into cancer.

But if you use detergents, gels and soaps with high chemical concentrations, then there is a high probability of the plantar wart degenerating into a malignant tumor.

When should you see a doctor?

If you find symptoms of pimples, you need to consult a dermatologist.

You urgently need medical help if:

  • education increases in size;
  • color has changed;
  • took on the appearance of a blurry spot;
  • new formations appear around;
  • you feel tingling, tightness or itching.

A dermatologist will make a diagnosis, and if necessary, you will have to consult a surgeon.

Diagnostic methods

The dermatologist uses the following diagnostic methods:

Wart removal

Spine removal is required if:

  • education limits movement;
  • you are in severe pain;
  • the wart is increasing every day;
  • daughters begin to appear nearby.

Removal of growths is successful in 98% of cases.

The sore spot is lubricated with nitrogen, its temperature is -196ºС, deep freezing of the tissue occurs

– cauterization of the spine with liquid nitrogen. If the wart is small, you may not need anesthesia.

The sore spot is lubricated with nitrogen, its temperature is -196ºС, and deep freezing of the tissue occurs.

The thorn dies. But in its place a blister appears, inside there is liquid with a pinkish tint or colorless.

It is necessary to protect this place from damage, tie it with a bandage, do not cover it with an adhesive plaster, you can wet it, but do not pierce it. After a week, new tissue will begin to form.


  • sensitivity to nitrogen;
  • epilepsy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • colds.


  • no scars remain after the procedure;
  • possibility to wet sore spot even during healing;
  • low cost of the procedure - about 500 rubles.


  • soreness for 2 weeks;
  • blisters often form near the problem area;
  • Sometimes doing it once is not enough.

Laser coagulation

The spot beam is aimed at the affected area, acts on the roots, and the affected cells die

Laser coagulation– evaporation of the wart under the influence of a laser for 5-10 minutes. Local anesthesia.

The spot beam is aimed at the affected area, acts on the roots, and the affected cells die.

Not much will appear at the removal site deep wound in the form of a red spot, but will go away in about 2 weeks.

For 3 days after surgery, treat the wound with rubbing alcohol.

Do not pick off the emerging crust! Do not use any cosmetics until complete recovery!

Laser coagulation methods:

  • Carbodioxide (carbon dioxide) laser the spine is cauterized at the beginning of its formation. This laser may cause noticeable scars.
  • Erbium laser gradually removes spines by evaporating the layers. This is more effective, but the method requires more time.
  • Pulse laser on dyes promotes the death of spines by affecting oxyhemoglobin. The method is painless and rarely leaves scars.


  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • high body temperature.


  • speed of the procedure (5-10 minutes);
  • better effect, because during the procedure you can control the depth to which the stem of the formation is removed;
  • one-time use;
  • fast healing;
  • the method can be used for children;
  • affordable product - from 100 rubles. per wart 1 mm.


  • sometimes a small postoperative scar appears;
  • painful anesthesia;
  • special care.

You will be given local anesthesia, then a high frequency current will be used to cauterize the problem area.

– burning out the wart using an electrocoagulator.

It looks like a scalpel, but electric.

You will be given local anesthesia, then a high frequency current will be used to cauterize the problem area.

Cells die and are rejected as new tissue grows. You will not feel pain, and the wart will be removed from the roots.

While healing, you may experience itching and pain around the wound. It is necessary to treat with an antiseptic.


  • increased sensitivity to electric current;
  • allergies to local anesthetic drugs;
  • infectious diseases during exacerbation;
  • poor blood clotting.


  • bloodless removal;
  • removal by roots;
  • painlessness.


  • the method is used only when the spine is located shallowly;
  • formation of a noticeable scar;
  • costs from 900 rub.

The instrument cauterizes the surrounding vessels, which prevents HPV from entering the wart into the blood

It is carried out according to the principle of laser surgery - due to the evaporation of tissue, but using a radio knife (radio wave scalpel).

The instrument cauterizes the surrounding vessels, which prevents HPV from entering the wart into the blood.

The beard generates heat under the influence of waves, and the affected cells evaporate.

The procedure takes no more than an hour. A depression will remain in place of the spine. A crust will form and should not be touched or wet for 8-10 days.

The surgery will be performed with the least side effects using the Surgitron device. The heat at the tip of the knife penetrates the damaged cells and heats them from the inside, while healthy areas remain unharmed.


  • hypertension;
  • colds;
  • glaucoma;
  • allergy;
  • infections;
  • pregnancy.


  • bloodless method;
  • execution speed;
  • fast recovery.


  • formation of a deep scar, pigmentation is possible;
  • cost – from 1000 rub.

The doctor scrapes out the affected tissue

spines are removed with a scalpel under local anesthesia. We do not recommend without important reasons injure the sole or palm.

At surgical intervention there is no certainty that HPV has been completely removed and that the wart will not grow again.

Use this method only when removing large spines.

The doctor scrapes out the affected tissue. After the operation, stitches are applied for 6-7 days. After healing, scars remain.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • various infections.


  • the most traumatic method, leaves scars;
  • there is no guarantee that the procedure will be painless with local anesthesia;
  • long recovery period;
  • price – from 1000 rub.

Treatment of warts without surgery

On initial stage the appearance of a spine try conservative methods: medication and local treatment.

The following medications are considered effective:

  1. Antiviral drugs – gradually kill active viruses and prevent relapses. It is advisable to use it in combination with other treatment methods. Antiviral ointments have a local effect and are not absorbed into the blood system:
    • Viferon– the basis of the drug is interferon alpha-2, similar to what the body produces as a response to viruses. Application: lubricate the wart 3-4 times a day for a week. Costs about 200 rubles. for 12 g of ointment.
    • Panavir– this gel is based on plant components. It penetrates deep into the skin and stays firmly there for at least 3 days; water does not wash it away from the affected area. Has effect for a short time(maximum 10 days). Application: apply to the wart 5 times a day for 5-10 days. Costs about 800 rubles. for 30 g of gel.
    • Oxolinic ointment– the main component Oxolin protects cell membranes, blocking viruses. The most effective ointment– 3%. Application: apply the ointment to the wart 3-4 times a day until it disappears completely. Price: 70-80 rub. for 10 g
  2. Keratolytic drugs– soften the skin and remove the stratum corneum on it. The best means to remove warts on the feet, because the skin there is too rough, you need to steam it well:
    • Salipod- a patch that softens corns and calluses well, but is not very effective for spines. Best used when complex treatment. It is based on salicylic acid and a little sulfur. Application: first steam your leg or arm, then stick the “Salipod” patch on the affected skin, secure it on top with a regular patch, hold it for 1-2 days, then cut the wart at the root with nail scissors and wait a few days. 50-60 rub. for 10 pcs.
    • Vartox– cream paste that softens the skin due to urea. Application: steam the wart, remove it with scissors or pumice, lubricate it with cream, apply a cotton pad and cover it loosely with a band-aid. Do not wet the area and remove the bandage after 24 hours. Wash with soap and repeat again. 200 rub. per tube 20 ml.
    • Salicylic ointment– antiseptic with keratolytic effect. Application: Protect healthy skin with a patch, then apply ointment to the spine. Use 2 times a day for a month. Price: 30 rub. per tube.
  3. Necrotizing (cauterizing) drugs - they kill and dry out infected cells:
    • Feresol– the main component phenol has mummifying properties on warts. Application: lubricate the growth with cream once if its size is up to 2 mm, or in several layers for a larger size, but apply layers one after another only after the previous one has dried. Price: about 300 rub. for 10 g
    • Verrucacid– the solution is an analogue of Feresol, but its effect is stronger. Application: lubricate warts up to 2 mm once, treat larger ones 3-4 times after each solution dries. Cost: 230-250 rub. in 2 years
    • Super clean- This is an alkali solution. Cheap and accessible. It is safest to use a Lekker pencil. Application: cauterize the wart with one drop of the solution. Price: about 30 rub. for 3 ml.
    • Solcoderm- a liquid that quickly kills the skin when applied. A wound appears at this place, with a crust on it, which later falls off. Application: apply a drop of liquid directly to the affected area, lubricate healthy skin around with baby cream. Solcoderm economical: 1 ampoule – for 6-7 warts.

      Carefully! The first time, use the liquid under the supervision of a doctor, since it is based on 4 aggressive acids - oxalic, nitric, acetic, lactic!

      Reapply after a week. Cost: 500-550 rub. for 1 ampoule.

  4. Drugs with cryotherapy effect– freezing the wart. The effect of the drugs is similar to cryodestruction in hospitals:
    • Cryopharma– an aerosol containing propane and dimethyl ether. Application: lower the applicator (included in the product kit) into the balloon, wait 3-4 seconds until it is filled with the freezing composition, then apply it to the spine for 20-30 seconds. Repeat once a day for 10 days. Price: from 550 rub.
    • Wartner Cryo- a painful but effective drug. Freezes the spine along with its root. Application: as aerosol "Cryopharma". After 2 weeks, the skin will become healthy. Costs from 700 rubles.
    • MaxiVart– the spray, by freezing the unnecessary formation on the foot, removes it without a trace or scar. Application: apply the spray once to the affected area, results will appear in 10-15 days. Price: 600-800 rub.
  5. Immunomodulatory drugs - activate the work immune system so that the body itself destroys HPV:
    • Groprinosin– pills that block the virus in the body. Used in combination with local means treatment of warts. Application: adults are allowed up to 8 tablets, and children - 1 tablet per day. Price: 550-600 rub. for 500 mg (20 pcs.).
    • Riodoxolantifungal ointment 0.25 or 0.5%. Application: Apply a thin layer to the wart 3 times a day for 1 to 3 weeks. If there is a burning sensation, rinse off the ointment under running water. Cost: about 200 rub.
    • lapis pencil– with the help of silver nitrate in its composition it eliminates small warts. Application: moisten the pencil in cold water and rub the spine 2 times a day until complete recovery. The pencil does not itch or burn. Price: 130-150 rub. for 1 piece
Super clean

Ferezol Groprinosin

Cryopharma Lapis pencil

MaxiVart Oxolin

Viferon Panavir

Salicylic ointment Salipod

Solcoderm Wartner Cryo

Vartox Verrucacid

Homeopathy treatment

Many patients are afraid of surgery and medical supplies, therefore they prefer homeopathic remedies.


  • used even with a large number of tumors;
  • are prescribed in adults and childhood;
  • can be used in conjunction with other treatment methods;
  • low price, purchase without a prescription;
  • natural composition of drugs;
  • gentle attitude towards the body.


  • It is not always possible to cure a wart;
  • does not work in advanced disease;
  • long period of treatment.

Features of application:

  1. you take “light” drugs in preparation for a greater effect;
  2. take the main course with a stronger dosage;
  3. final stage lasting 2-4 weeks for recovery skin.

Homeopathic medicines:

  • Antimonium crudum(Antimonium crudum) - antimony sulfide, use on rough, keratinized areas of the soles, fingers, and in the area of ​​nails with yellow growth. Price 50-55 rub. for 10 g;
  • Causticum (Causticum)- consists of burnt lime with potassium sulfate, use to get rid of large but soft warts on the hands. Price: 70-75 rub. for 5 g;
  • Thuja occidentalis (Thuja)– if you need to get rid of multiple warts of any variety, and when relapses often occur. Price: 200-230 rub. for 25 years

To prescribe treatment with these remedies, consult a homeopathic doctor.

Breeding using folk methods at home

According to doctors, traditional methods are not effective. But if the disease has not yet advanced, you can use every chance to avoid surgical intervention.

Recipes at home:


Sometimes people resort to ancient magic methods to destroy warts.

Take a 30cm cotton thread. When you see the waxing moon, go outside or open a window, touch all the warts with a thread and tie knots in the same number as there are warts on the body.

Then read 3 times: “A month, a young month, take the warts with you.” Bury the thread in the ground. It will rot and recovery will come.

How to remove the root of a plantar wart?

Removing the root prevents the wart from accessing substances for blood circulation and prevents relapses. You can make sure there is no wart by ultrasound examination. The root should be removed in a hospital.

To do this, select one of the following methods:

You can also try to get rid of the root at home, using drugs that will dry out the growth:

  • Super celandine is an aggressive solution that burns the wart and its base, leaving a burn;
  • Dermavit is an aggressive ointment. Avoid contact with healthy skin;
  • Ferozol is a strong burning drug.

Important! Do not pull out the wart yourself; this often leads to dangerous inflammation.

Plantar warts in children

Over the years, a person develops a strong immune system, so infection occurs more often in children than in adults, usually in children over 5 years of age and adolescents. Infection occurs very quickly, but treatment takes a long time.

Reasons for appearance:

Types of treatment used in the treatment of children:

  • getting rid of warts with the help of medications;
  • cryotherapy;
  • laser removal.

Typically, warts go away on their own within 1-1.5 years. Treat the child if the formation is painful. To quickly relieve your child of discomfort, start treatment as quickly as possible. Many removal methods are too painful.

The most gentle treatment method is:

  • Ointments: Oxolinic, Tebrophenic, Fluorouracil. Lubricate the wart every day, after 2 weeks it will begin to turn black and fall off;
  • Solkoderm solution (from 5 years), Duofilm (from 2 years), Superchistotel (from 5 years). Apply to the wart for 5 days. But protect your baby's healthy skin;
  • Salipod and Salicylic patches. Cut off small piece plaster, stick it on the wart, with a regular plaster on top. Change every 12 hours for 1-2 weeks.

To avoid the consequences on children's skin from chemical elements, it is better to prepare the drugs yourself (see section “Removal with folk remedies at home”).

Plantar warts during pregnancy and lactation

Causes of warts in pregnant women:

HPV can bring great harm health of the unborn child. Don't delay treatment!

The only method approved by doctors is laser burning.

The laser causes tissue to evaporate. There are 2 types of laser: one that burns out the spine and one that removes damaged skin tissue in layers.

Doctors advise doing laser burning in the 1st and 3rd trimester. If the wart does not cause inconvenience, it is better to postpone treatment until the postpartum period.

Carefully! Do not try other procedures due to the chemical components of the drug or anesthesia. Otherwise things may happen premature birth or abnormal fetal development.


If left untreated, the spine will grow, emit an unpleasant odor and become more painful, causing disability, and mosaic clusters will form around it.

With the right treatment, you will recover completely. But there are also repeated cases of the appearance of plantar warts.

Types of complications after wart removal:

  • damage to healthy skin;
  • the appearance of scars or scars;
  • decreased immunity;
  • rarely - development of spines into malignant ones.

Preventing the appearance of new plantar warts


Can I go to the pool if I have a plantar wart?

It is possible, but during swimming it must be tightly covered with a band-aid.

Why does it hurt to step on a plantar wart?

During the movement, you press on the damaged area with the weight of your body, and it compresses the pain receptors. This causes pain and forces you to change your gait and wear looser shoes.

Is it painful to remove warts?

Not if anesthesia is given.

Is it painful to walk after laser spine removal?

Yes, it’s been difficult to step on my foot for about a week, and the affected area heals slowly.

How long does it take for a plantar wart to heal?

The rehabilitation period ranges from 1 week to a month.

Are antibiotics prescribed to treat plantar warts?

In this case, antibiotics will not be effective. They are used for bacterial infections, not viruses. Warts are considered to be the result of a virus.

What is the ICD code?

International classification of diseases ICD-10 code: B07 Viral warts.

After removing a plantar wart, my foot is swollen, what should I do?

This is a normal reaction. Make a bath, dissolving table salt in it, and apply a bandage with Levomekol. If it doesn’t go away after a couple of days, go to the doctor to avoid inflammation.

Take action!

  1. If you find a wart, consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.
  2. Confirm that the growth is benign with a biopsy.
  3. Choose the treatment or removal method that suits you best. Do not forget to protect healthy areas of the skin and familiarize yourself with possible contraindications.
  4. Follow preventive measures to prevent new warts.

The human papillomavirus provokes the appearance of warts, papillomas and condylomas on the human body. Plantar wart is a type of manifestation of human papillomavirus infection. This localization causes serious inconvenience, as it causes pain when walking. Official and traditional medicine offer a variety of remedies for the treatment of skin neoplasms, including radical measures. But before using any product, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Why do plantar warts appear?

The causes of plantar warts come down to infection with the human papillomavirus, or more precisely, its first four strains, according to the classification of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.

Pathogenic agents can get on the unprotected surface of the foot in a sauna, swimming pool, gym, where visitors walk barefoot. This cannot happen on the beach, since the virus is killed by ultraviolet rays.

Excessive sweating of the skin or, conversely, its dryness, the presence of microcracks on the sole, injury to the skin by uncomfortable shoes against the background of an immune failure, stress or hypothermia opens up the opportunity for the virus to act. Having penetrated the epithelial layers, the virus promotes multiple cell divisions, which is why warts appear on the legs.

Comprehensive treatment is required, since we're talking about not just about a skin formation, but about an infection in the body.

What does a spine look like?

It is important to distinguish heel warts, which are also called spines, from calluses or corns, especially at the onset of the disease. After all, the sooner you start treatment, the sooner you can expect recovery.

Young formations are usually soft and barely noticeable. Over time, the spines grow up to 2 cm in diameter, rising above the surface of the skin by no more than 2 mm. The structure of a plantar wart is characterized by a rounded shape with clear boundaries. The color is practically no different from the surrounding skin.

If you suspect that you have a plantar wart, we recommend that you consult a doctor as soon as possible. Treating a neoplasm is not difficult, but if its development is allowed to develop, complications may arise.

With a strong infection around the first, maternal, smaller warts, daughter warts, may appear.

Frequent locations

Skin formations that form on the top of the feet, between the toes, on the shins and knees are usually classified as papillomas and condylomas.

Warts on the heel and under the toes are classified as plantar warts.

Additional symptoms

Dark dots that appear indicate the formation of blood clots in the capillaries feeding the growth. Sometimes a depression appears in the center of the spine due to ingrowth into the skin.

Overgrown warts on the soles of the feet can cause severe painful sensations when walking, which can cause a person to limp, or even become completely unable to work.

Therefore, as soon as signs of illness appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. To accurately determine the diagnosis, a specialist performs dermatoscopy - a study with magnified images.

Part of the keratinized area is scraped off for PCR diagnostics. If the leg warts are old and hard, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound to determine the depth of the lesion in the tissue.

How to treat plantar warts with pharmaceutical drugs

After such a “surprise” appears, a person thinks about one thing - how to get rid of a plantar wart. You can find many products in the pharmacy, but they are all potent, and therefore require a serious and careful approach so as not to damage healthy tissue. Before starting use, it is recommended to consult a doctor and familiarize yourself with complete instructions.

lapis pencil

“Hell’s stone,” as it is also called, is a combination of silver nitrate and potassium nitrate. The pencil has a cauterizing and bactericidal effect. It is applied pointwise to plantar warts, after moistening cold water. Treatment is carried out 1-2 times a day. The duration of use depends on the severity of the disease.

To eliminate the spine, use Solcoderm solution, which causes the death and mummification of pathogenic tissues, followed by the falling off of the scab.

It is not recommended to treat an area larger than 5 cm in diameter at a time. Next treatment can be repeated after 4 weeks.

Warts on the foot are pre-treated with alcohol, then the drug is applied. After a few minutes, the spine changes color to white-gray or yellow. If this does not happen, the procedure is repeated.


The Verrucacid solution provokes the death of affected cells, while simultaneously cauterizing and disinfecting warts on the foot. A compress of ointment with a keratolytic (exfoliating) effect is first applied to the keratinized area of ​​the skin. Then the legs are steamed for about 15 minutes hot water with soda and soap, mechanically clean off the keratinized skin. Next, it is important to protect healthy areas of the body with Vaseline or zinc paste.

Only after such preparations is it applied to the spine. medicinal solution. When the first layer has dried, apply the second and so on. Depending on the degree of keratinization, the solution will need to be applied 4 to 10 times with an interval of several minutes. The next procedure is allowed to be carried out no earlier than a week later.

Super clean

Supercleaner has nothing to do with famous plant, but can also remove warts on the feet. It consists of potassium and sodium alkali, which cauterize the growth. Healthy skin must be protected before use.

On a wart on the foot, it is enough to apply one or two drops of the solution once a day. To remove small formations it will take 3 days, large ones - up to 10 days.

Salicylic acid

Removal of warts on the leg is carried out using salicylic acid, which is included in many topical preparations. Warts on the foot can also be treated with simple alcohol solution salicylic acid. To do this, lubricate the affected area of ​​skin with a cotton swab soaked in the preparation 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease.


Ferezol is used to treat a wart on the heel only in a clinical setting. The drug can burn out the spine, but at the same time damage healthy skin. First, the legs are steamed, and then the spine is lubricated with Feresol for an hour. The procedure can be repeated after 2 weeks.

The scab formed after treatment should fall off on its own.

Cryopharma and Wartner cryo

Warts on the feet are frozen with Cryopharma and Wartner Cryo.

Using a sponge applicator, liquid nitrogen is applied to the spine. The duration of exposure depends on the size and location of the growth. Pathological tissue freezes and turns white. After some time, the skin color is restored and may turn red. A blister forms, under which new skin forms.

It is not recommended to remove dead elements yourself. Complete deliverance should be expected in two weeks. If this does not happen, the session is repeated.

Hydrogen peroxide

Palmar and plantar warts are burned with hydrogen peroxide. The basis of the treatment lies in the ability of the solution to soften and separate keratinization, while simultaneously providing antiseptic effect. 2-3 drops of peroxide are applied to the papilloma using a pipette, cotton pad or swab up to 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Alternatively, the same cotton swab is fixed with a band-aid and left for a while.

Radical methods

If warts on the sole do not go away after drug treatment, the doctor suggests using radical methods.

Surgical excision

A wart on the heel can be removed by surgery if:

  • it has become quite large and cannot be removed by other methods;
  • there is a suspicion of degeneration into a malignant formation.

The use of a scalpel involves local anesthesia and suturing. Sometimes during surgery not all pathogenic tissues are removed, so the operation has to be repeated. Healing should be expected within two weeks.

Chemical destruction

To remove skin growths using alkali or acid, you need a qualified specialist, since only the heel wart is subject to chemical treatment, and not the skin near it. If the drug gets on a healthy area of ​​skin around the body of the wart, it is possible severe burn.

Radio wave method

Warts on the feet are also removed using a radio knife. This is a quick procedure with good cosmetic results. In addition, it is non-contact, which means that there is no possibility of infection during the procedure. The remaining tissues are simultaneously coagulated, which promotes rapid healing.


Under the influence of liquid nitrogen, the wart on the foot freezes. When performing a procedure on the sole, one session may not be enough. After the wart thaws, a scab forms, which disappears after a few days.

Laser therapy

Laser removal is a good answer to the question of how to cure small warts on the leg. This popular method is well suited for small formations. The laser beam evaporates the virus-affected epidermal cells. Healing is rapid and complications are extremely rare.


The use of alternating high-frequency current helps get rid of unadvanced manifestations of papillomavirus infection. Removal of plantar warts is complicated by their flat shape and thickening of the skin.

The electric current only burns the top layer of the wart, so there is a danger of incomplete removal of the skin growth.

How to remove a plantar wart using traditional methods

For those who prefer treatment at home, there are various traditional methods for removing warts on the foot.


Treatment for plantar wart at home can be started by testing the power of apple cider vinegar or any other vinegar. This is a fairly strong solution, which contains malic, oxalic, and acetic acids. Vinegar can burn healthy skin, so before starting treatment it must be protected with zinc paste. Cotton swab or gauze folded in several layers suitable size dipped in vinegar, applied to the spine and secured with a band-aid. If the skin is very delicate and a chemical burn is possible, vinegar is diluted with water.

The compress is made in the evening and left until the morning. The procedure is repeated every day until the spine disappears.

A good treatment option is vinegar dough. To do this, take a little flour, add vinegar and knead the dough. The finished dough is spread on the growth and left for several hours, preferably overnight. In the morning, the dough is removed along with the dead part of the formation.


Treatment of a plantar wart will not be complete without the well-known herbal antiseptic, strengthens the immune system and is effective in the fight against many diseases. Here are some popular ones folk remedies to get rid of foot warts using garlic.

The advantage of garlic lies in the possibility of its internal use simultaneously with external use: just garlic cloves during meals or more complex culinary variations, garlic tincture or pharmacy garlic capsules.

There are also many possibilities for external use: a fresh cut of a clove is applied to the spine, juice is dripped in, and crushed garlic gruel is spread on it.

More complex recipes include garlic ointment or garlic with honey. To do this, crushed garlic is mixed with the same amount of baby cream or honey and left as a compress for several hours. These are less aggressive means suitable for children.


The plant blooms from May to June. It is at this time that celandine juice reaches maximum medicinal effectiveness. It is enough just to lubricate the warts on the heels with fresh juice several times a day, which is not at all difficult to do, and within a week the result will be obvious.

To use the product to treat a child or to extend the exposure time, celandine juice is mixed with a small amount of natural fat or baby cream. The compress is secured with adhesive tape and left until the morning.


A wart on the sole is treated with such a well-known plant as nettle. Treatment is best carried out in the second half of spring - early summer, while young shoots can be found. They are thoroughly crushed or ground, the resulting pulp is spread on gauze or a burdock leaf, applied to the affected area of ​​the sole, bandaged, and left overnight. This method can remove a plantar wart in a few times.

How to remove plantar warts with antiviral agents

Papillomas are of viral origin, so treatment of warts on the foot consists not only of removing the growth, but also of cleansing the body of the virus. For this purpose, products for internal and external use have been developed.

Antiviral agents tablet form are made on the basis of substances that prevent the multiplication of the virus and promote normalization cellular immunity. Many have an anti-inflammatory effect: Groprinosin, Alpizarin.

Antiviral drugs come in the form of injections and suppositories. Some of them are produced on the basis of human recombinant interferon alpha-2, a protein that plays an important role in protecting the body from the virus: Roferon-A, Laferobion, Altevir. Some drugs are aimed at stimulating the production of the body's own interferon: Panavir, Gepon.

Suitable for outdoor use oxolinic ointment, Viferon, Panavir gel.

Features of treatment for children

Children are not protected from the appearance of skin tumors, including the development of plantar warts. But first you definitely need to consult a specialist so as not to confuse the growth with another disease.

If suspicious formations appear, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

A heel wart in a child is treated according to the same principles as in adults. The main difference is the delicate skin of the child, and therefore the use of strong methods is unacceptable so as not to cause a burn. Also, the use of some medications is limited by age.

Treatment prognosis

Treating a wart on the leg with excision or local therapy does not guarantee a complete cure. The virus cannot be completely eliminated from the body, so after a few months the infection may reactivate in epithelial tissues. Relapses are caused by the same provoking factors that contributed to the development of the disease the first time: a weakened immune system, stress, physical and emotional overload, hormonal changes.

However, some owners good health a year later, no traces of the virus were found in the body. This indicates the influence of the state of the immune system on the course of the disease.

Prevention of plantar warts

Family members of an infected person are primarily at risk of contracting human papillomavirus infection. Therefore, observing the rules of personal hygiene takes first place here: wear only your own shoes, use only your own towel, regularly treat the bath or shower stall with antiseptics.

To avoid infection with plantar warts in the pool and sauna, it is enough to wear replaceable shoes. At increased sweating you need to find the cause and try to get rid of it.

It is important to keep the entire body healthy. This will help protect yourself from infections, and in case of illness, deal with it quickly.

Plantar warts occur in 30% of patients who see dermatologists, and most often they must be removed. In the medical literature, such warts are called verruca plantaris; they are popularly called spinules (from the word “thorn”), since they cause discomfort, as if pricked by a thorn or splinter. The growths are also called horny warts (from the word “horn”).

Plantar warts are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Since the number of variations HPV virus exceeds 100 units, then subtypes 1, 2, 4, 27 and 57 are responsible for the formation of such papillomas. The growths are a skin nodule, a small elevation above the surface of the skin, mostly round in shape. A wart appears due to excessive growth of the surface layer of the epithelium and tissues formed from the papillae that are located underneath it.

Although diagnosing such warts is not difficult, treatment is a lengthy process and requires effort. On average, almost 27% of people suffering from this skin disease, can heal on their own within two weeks. The remaining part of patients requires drug treatment or surgical intervention. Many methods help to reduce the symptoms of plantar papillomas, shorten the duration of therapy and almost eliminate the risk associated with infection of others.

Causes of plantar warts

Pictured are plantar warts

It is clear that the main root cause of the development of warts is infection with HPV, but this virus does not always appear immediately (find out about the main ones). Its incubation period takes from one and a half months to six months. However, even then, a person will not necessarily develop papillomas, since the infection for a long time may be in an inactive, “sleeping” state. But when will they be “created” for her? favorable conditions, nodules will appear on the feet, which the patient may not even pay attention to at first, because they will not yet be painful.

Typically, virus infection occurs in the following way:

  • an injury appears on the skin (for example, a minor scratch);
  • the virus penetrates the skin;
  • the infection begins to integrate into the genes of skin cells;
  • the shape of the cells becomes unnatural, similar to tumor cells;
  • compound large quantity Such cells constitute a wart.

Attention!!! Some HPV types can contribute to the development of dysplasia and even cervical cancer, as well as degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Where is it possible to become infected with the human papillomavirus? The answer is obvious - in places with large crowds of people. However, since infection occurs mainly in childhood, such institutions are kindergartens, schools and others. public places(swimming pools, gyms). At the same time, not all people who are affected by HPV get sick; this directly depends on the level of a person’s immunity.

In children's or adolescence warts may appear for the first time, but as the body’s immunity strengthens, they often disappear. In adults, such papillomas on the skin appear infrequently, but if this happens, the following factors most often contribute to this:

  • frequent stressful situations;
  • weakened immunity;
  • lack of vitamins.

The main causes of plantar warts include:

  • wearing narrow and uncomfortable shoes;
  • the use of shoes made of artificial and non-breathable materials (plastic, rubber, etc.);
  • wearing someone else's shoes or socks, tights (they can transmit infection from a person suffering from HPV);
  • profuse sweating on the feet.

It is clear that the infection enters the body through damaged areas of skin on the palms or soles (this is not only cuts or scratches, but also calluses or abrasions).

Symptoms characteristic of the formation of plantar warts

The formation of papillomas on the feet (or palms, since one type of virus is responsible for this) occurs in the following stages:

  1. The initial stage of spine formation. On the foot (or palm), between the toes, a compaction forms on the surface of the epithelium in the shape of a circle. In appearance, such a spot resembles a callus, so the patient does not pay much attention to such a skin nodule. When walking in this area, slight pain and itching may occur. It helps a lot at this stage.
  2. Middle stage – occurs after 14-30 days. The plantar wart gradually thickens, the surface of its central part becomes rough, and the skin pattern gradually disappears. Black or burgundy-red dots may be visible in the center of the papule. This means blockage of blood vessels.
  3. Final formation of the spine. The size of the papilloma is growing, in its central part there are thin papillae that are collected in bunches. The edges of the wart are slightly raised above the skin in the form of a roll of keratinized epithelium. The color of the growth becomes grayish-yellow or brown. Pain when walking prevents you from moving normally, as the papillomas begin to protrude significantly beyond the skin.

On initial stages itchy skin due to the fact that cells plantar papilloma As they grow, they compress neighboring skin receptors, causing slight discomfort, and the area begins to itch. It is also noted that the surface of the plantar wart is last stage easily crumbles, opening access to bleeding and painful papillae. However, since the growth of the spine mainly goes inside the foot, when pressure is applied to it, the pain receptors on the foot are affected.

Initially, the size of the plantar wart is small (only 3 mm). At the same time, even reaching 1 cm, such a skin nodule above the surface of the skin will rise by 1-2 mm, and all because its growth goes inside the epithelium and in breadth.

If such papillomas are not treated in time, then soon daughter warts will form next to the mother wart, and at some stage they will begin to merge into a single tumor. This process indicates too strong a decrease in immunity and requires drug treatment. Next we will tell you how to get rid of plantar warts (removal, instrumental methods and at home).

How to remove a plantar wart?

According to medical institutions, only 10% of patients diagnosed with warts require serious treatment. For others, they eliminate themselves at an early stage. Self-healing usually takes from 14 days to one and a half years. This happens because the immune system begins to suppress the virus in its cells. This promotes healing of the epithelial surface.

You can select following cases when it is necessary to treat a plantar wart:

  • causes severe pain;
  • walking becomes impossible;
  • the papilloma has become very large;
  • daughter warts rapidly form nearby.

To treat plantar warts, you need to consult a specialist - a dermatologist. For this purpose, medication and instrumental methods are used.

1. Removal of the plantar spine with medications

In this case, agents are used that have a local necrotic effect on skin cells affected by the human papillomavirus:

  • Solcoderm(price from 562 rubles) is used for benign superficial lesions of the skin.
  • Vartox(price from 228 rubles) is presented in the form of a cream paste, which promotes painless softening of the wart tissue, after which the growth is removed with pumice. Read real ones.
  • Dufilm(price ranges from 170-360 rubles) has a cauterizing effect. Read from papillomas.
  • Collomak(price from 311 rubles) has a keratolytic effect, has local anesthesia and a sclerosing effect, which reduces the possibility of relapses. Read from papillomas
  • Super celandine(price varies from 30 to 60 rubles, or 20-25 UAH) eliminates excess keratinization of the skin.
  • Verrucacid(price 236 rub.) or Feresol(price 45-50 rubles) - these products have a milder effect, but are highly effective.
  • Lapis or lapis pencil(price from 141 to 200 rubles) is an effective drug that is used for long-term treatment. Read about papillomas and warts.

These products contain alkalis and acids, which contribute to the death of wart tissue. However, when using such medications, you should take care that they do not come into contact with areas of healthy skin, as this will cause a chemical burn. The previous location of the growth will be visible due to the remaining scar. To protect the healthy part of the epithelium, it is necessary to use an adhesive plaster, which is glued in such a way that the drugs have access only to the papilloma. Before you start drug treatment, you can prepare a plantar wart. For example, stick a Veropharm Salipod patch on it and leave it for a couple of days, or carefully remove the surface of the papule manicure tool(scissors or wire cutters).

2. Removal of plantar warts using instrumental methods

When you need to quickly get rid of a plantar wart, they resort to the following hardware methods:

  • Laser coagulation. In this case, the papilloma tissue “evaporates” under the influence of the beam. After them, only a small depression remains, healing 10–14 days after exposure. Up to a minute of time is allotted for one wart. The effectiveness of this method reaches 93%, while the price of the procedure starts from 140 rubles.
  • Cryodestruction liquid nitrogen. Local anesthesia will also be required in this case, since the effect of cold on the wart feels like a burn. The process involves deep freezing of the papule tissue, and in its place a white bubble. This “burn” takes up to two weeks to heal, although after 2-3 days the whitish crust falls off, revealing young skin. This method is considered the most gentle, but there are a number of contraindications: patients with diabetes mellitus, children under 7 years old, pregnant women. With cryodestruction, the effect is 70-100%, relapses occur in only 15% of patients. The price of the procedure is from 300 rubles.
  • Radio wave exposure(using the “Surgitron” device or similar). In essence, this method resembles the use of a laser beam. Radio waves that are obtained by conversion electric current, have a frequency of 3.8-4.0 MHz. Under their influence, the plantar wart is removed. All that will be left of it is a small depression, similar to a wound. This procedure is often called a “radio wave knife.” The efficiency of application is slightly lower than that of laser method– 80-90%. However, relapses are possible in patients in 2-5% of cases. The removal price starts from 600 rubles.
  • Surgical excision using a scalpel. In this case it applies local anesthesia in the area where the papilloma is located, because it is necessary to remove all the affected epithelial tissue, capturing the edges of the skin undamaged by the virus. After removing a plantar wart, the surgeon applies cosmetic stitch. A scar remains in this place. It is worth noting that this removal method is used only if it is necessary to send parts of the papilloma for research. The effectiveness of excision of skin lesions with a scalpel is 50-60%, and the rehabilitation period will be relatively long. There is also a high risk of relapse - 50%. The price for removing one plantar wart starts from 300 rubles.
  • Electrocoagulation- the process of burning out papilloma. In principle, this method is similar to a surgical one, only an electrocoagulator is used instead of a scalpel. Despite the effectiveness of 80-95%, the technique is rarely used today. The cost of removing one spine will be from 500 rubles.

3. Traditional methods for the treatment of plantar warts

Using means that are known traditional healers Since ancient times, it is also possible to cure spine. However, before self-medicating, you should consult a dermatologist.

The following folk methods will help get rid of plantar warts at home (the results are not quick, it takes time and patience):

  1. Garlic. The substances it contains help resist viruses. To treat growths on the feet, steam them in hot water and carefully remove the top of the plantar wart using nail scissors. At the same time, try to remove the cushion from the skin surrounding the papilloma. It is recommended to slightly cut off the skin tissue itself. Even if the vessels of the wart begin to bleed, it is not scary. The garlic blade is placed on the plantar wart and secured with an adhesive plaster. It is advisable to change the dressings daily in the morning and evening for 7-14 days. Positive result will be in 20-30 days.
  2. Freshly squeezed (stems). This plant has a good antiviral effect, but can burn healthy skin. To treat with celandine juice (it has an orange color), apply warts on the soles about 4-6 times a day. Before doing this, you can cut off the top of the growth a little. Usually complete cure occurs after 30-60 days.
  3. Composition of flour and acetic acid. It is recommended to dilute the flour to a pasty consistency with 70% acetic acid. Steam the foot on which there is a plantar wart and apply this remedy purely to the skin lesion. Leave for a while and repeat applications until the papillomas disappear.
  4. Application of horseradish. Before treating with horseradish root pulp, the feet are steamed in hot water to soften the surface of the plantar wart. Then you need to apply a little horseradish grated on a fine grater to the skin nodule, cover the affected area with polyethylene on top of it so that the juice, which will corrode the papilloma, is preserved longer. Then the foot is bandaged and a sock is put on so that the compress is fixed and does not slip. Usually compresses are applied at night and repeated until the spine falls off.

The need to consult a specialist about plantar warts

When plantar warts appear, you should know some recommendations from a dermatologist to prevent degeneration benign education to malignant. In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor:

  • the color and shape of the plantar wart began to change;
  • the color of papilloma on the foot has several shades;
  • the boundaries of the wart were no longer clear;
  • the plantar wart is constantly injured;
  • the number of warts on the foot began to increase, despite therapy;
  • papilloma constantly bleeds;
  • application traditional methods did not produce results for 2-3 months.

Preventive measures against the appearance of plantar warts

Even while in the human body, the papilloma virus may not manifest itself in any way. To minimize the risk of developing plantar warts, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • wear loose shoes so as not to put pressure on the foot and interfere with blood flow;
  • treat increased sweat production, in particular on the surface of the feet;
  • promptly treat injuries (scratches, cuts, etc.) to the skin with antiseptic drugs;
  • lead healthy image life and increase immunity, take vitamins.

Video on how to treat plantar warts:

The presence of warts on any part of the body causes great inconvenience and discomfort, but if the warts are on the soles, then this is especially unpleasant, since when walking, pressure is placed on the plantar wart and pain appears. After a very short time, the pressure and friction on the plantar wart will become simply unbearable, so treatment is absolutely necessary.

Plantar warts are caused by the papilloma virus, which causes warts to appear throughout the body. Most often, plantar warts form on the supporting parts of the foot, that is, on those points on which the most strong pressure. Plantar warts generally affect either the balls of the feet or the heels. If plantar warts are not treated, then after regular pressure, they begin to grow inward, and at the same time form a callus.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 96% of shampoos from popular brands contain components that poison our body. The main substances that cause all the troubles are designated on labels as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty thing gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you not to use products that contain this chemical. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Most often, plantar warts do not cause harm or threat to overall health, and generally do not require specialized treatment. But all the inconvenience and discomfort that plantar warts bring simply forces patients to resort to treatment. In case home treatment folk ways do not help, you should consult a specialist for advice. Unfortunately, today it is impossible to determine exactly when the patient was affected by the virus.

The virus that spreads warts is everywhere. It is transmitted through direct contact with a carrier or through contact with objects and surfaces on which the virus is located. The damp and warm environment found in shoes, as well as on the floor of a public shower, contributes to the rapid spread of the virus, gym or swimming pool.

Upon contact with an infected surface, the virus enters the skin, and then, through small cuts or scratches on the feet and fingers, even a very minor damage to the surface of the skin is enough for the virus to penetrate human body. The incubation period of this virus can range from several weeks to several tens of months. Over time, several warts may appear on the body at once. With age, the immune system protects the body better and better from the appearance of new warts.

Risk factors

The virus that causes the appearance of plantar warts can affect everyone, regardless of age and gender, but the main group of virus infections includes:

  1. People with weak immune systems
  2. Children and teenagers

Main signs of plantar warts

It is known that warts are not the only type of growth that can appear on the feet. But how can you distinguish a plantar wart from a regular growth on the foot?

Most main feature plantar warts are, of course, pain in the area hypersensitivity. If pain occurs directly when you press on the sides of the growth, and not on the growth itself, then most likely it is a wart. Another differentiating factor is the appearance of the growth. Plantar warts are rough and flat, and most often have clearly defined edges. They are brown or flesh-colored, with black dots in the center.

Prevention of plantar warts

It's no secret that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later, the same applies to plantar warts.

First of all, you must comply with all general rules personal hygiene. It is necessary to wear special shoes in public places, especially in wet areas (swimming pool, locker room, shower, etc.). It is also advisable to avoid wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, in which your feet regularly sweat and which are quite difficult to dry properly. If possible, avoid close contact with objects that the patient has touched, and also do not touch other people's warts.

It is necessary to pay special attention to general health, especially the immune system, that is, lead a healthy lifestyle and do not forget about proper nutrition.

In what cases is it necessary to seek help from a specialist?

  1. In the event that the plantar wart changes color, shape, and so on.
  2. In the event that the plantar wart has several shades.
  3. In the event that the borders of the wart do not have a clear outline, but in this case, it is most likely not a wart.
  4. In the event that the plantar wart is constantly injured.
  5. In the event that the number of warts is constantly growing, despite treatment.
  6. In the event that the wart bleeds.
  7. In the event that treatment with traditional methods does not help within two months.

Most often, plantar warts do not require special treatment. In most cases, warts go away on their own without any treatment within a few years. But you shouldn’t rely on chance and start the disease, early stages You can start treatment using traditional methods, but if the treatment does not help, then you need to consult a specialist.

Plantar warts are quite difficult to treat, for this reason, treating this disease requires time, repetition, persistence and patience.

It is worth remembering that those who suffer from diabetes and damage nerve endings in the legs, must be treated under the supervision of a highly qualified specialist. Most often, treatment begins with the most painless methods that do not have side effects and do not leave behind scars or scars. If scars remain on the foot, they will cause pain and will be almost impossible to remove.

Treatment of plantar warts using traditional medicine

  • In order to get rid of plantar warts in the shortest possible time, you need to prepare the following cake. To do this, you need to grate one small clove of garlic on a fine grater, then add one teaspoon of vinegar essence, as well as a small amount of wheat flour. From the resulting mixture you need to knead the dough. Take an adhesive plaster and make a hole in it, which will be the same size and shape as the plantar wart, no more than 0.5 centimeters. Place a small cake made from pre-prepared dough directly on the wart itself, cover it with a bandage on top and bandage it. Do not remove the bandage for three days, but after the time has passed, remove the adhesive plaster, and the wart will be removed along with it. If the wart is advanced, then one procedure may not be enough. A painful dimple may form at the site where the plantar wart was located. It is necessary to apply a bandage soaked in Vishnevsky ointment and wear it on the leg until the wounds go away.
  • Fresh leaves of pinnate Kalanchoe will help greatly in the fight against plantar warts. They must be applied to the affected skin of the feet and secured with a bandage. Most often, in order to get rid of plantar warts forever, just five daily procedures are enough. It is worth remembering that it is best to do this procedure before bed.
  • Soak a small piece of bandage in green liquid soap, apply it to the plantar wart and secure with a bandage. You need to keep this compress for 24 hours, after a while you need to apply a new bandage, and so on for one week. Thanks to soap, the wart will become very soft and will be easy to remove mechanically.
  • Crush one head of garlic in a mortar and mix the resulting pulp with a small amount of lard. Apply the ointment to a small piece of fabric and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin of the foot, securing it with bandages. Change the bandage every day.
  • Take a raw onion and dip it in vinegar or water for two hours. vinegar essence. Afterwards, pull it out and tie it to the plantar wart for the whole night. The procedure must be repeated until the wart comes out from the root.
  • Ordinary clean chalk is a great help in the fight against plantar warts. It is necessary to finely grind it and pour the resulting powder onto the warts, securing with a bandage. This procedure must be done every day. But it is worth remembering that the bandage should not be wet under any circumstances.
    Every day before going to bed, you need to rub your plantar warts with the juice of sour green apples. After a short time, the warts will shrink significantly, darken, and after just ten days they will simply disappear.
  • Plantar warts will disappear quite quickly and will not leave scars if they are regularly lubricated with freshly squeezed rowan juice before bedtime.
  • Before removing plantar warts mechanically, it is advisable to make lotions from a strong infusion or decoction of wormwood several days before.
  • Many experts strongly recommend using a regular eye dropper, every evening before going to bed, applying one drop (if more, it may burn) of acetic acid directly to the plantar wart. For weight, the course of treatment may take no more than two weeks.
  • Tomatoes also bring quite good results. It is necessary to periodically lubricate plantar warts throughout the day with fresh tomatoes, cut in half, for a month.
    Marigold leaves have a healing effect on the skin of the feet. In order to quickly get rid of plantar warts, you need to lubricate them daily with freshly squeezed juice of marigold leaves. Also, instead of juice from the leaves, you can use the juice of the stems of this plant.
  • Mix lard with celandine ointment or celandine juice in one to one proportions. The resulting ointment should be lubricated on damaged areas of the skin.
  • Take cornflower seeds and crush them in a mortar. The resulting powder should be sprinkled on the plantar warts and secured with a bandage. This kind of procedure must be done daily before bed. Also, cornflower seed powder can be mixed with a small amount of lard. Thus, you should get a thick ointment that needs to be lubricated on the damaged areas of the skin and bandaged on top.
  • For a long time, when fighting plantar warts, the following remedy was used: grind salt in a small amount of horseradish juice, and make either lotions or rubbing from the resulting mixture.
  • Wood ash, which is pre-diluted in water to the consistency of sour cream, is an excellent remedy for plantar warts.
  • Quite often, the milky juice of dandelion, as well as unripe fruits, branches or leaves of figs, are used to remove plantar warts. The resulting juice should be rubbed onto the damaged areas of the skin of the feet twice a day. You can also make lotions.
  • Raw potatoes are a great help in the fight against plantar warts. Having prepared a paste of raw potatoes, transfer it to vegetable paper and bandage it to the foot, leaving it overnight. Repeat the procedure daily for a week.
  • Milkweed juice, lettuce juice and wild molokan juice are often used against warts. In most cases, after the first three procedures, the first improvements are observed, but this does not mean that it is necessary to end the treatment.
  • Many people are very skeptical about urine therapy. But in the case of plantar warts, you don’t have to drink urine; you just need to lubricate the warts with your own urine once a day.
  • You can periodically, throughout the day, moisten the warts with water, and then wipe them with ammonia. After several such procedures they will completely disappear.
  • Plantar warts can be removed using a thin wooden stick. It must be held over the fire, and then the wart must be cauterized. Repeat the procedure for one week.
  • In the morning and evening, drip a few drops of pineapple, dandelion, celandine, thuja and celandine juice onto the plantar wart. Within a week, the warts will fall off.
  • Willow bark will help greatly in the fight against plantar warts. It must be scalded in vinegar and applied to the warts. The warts will disappear within a week.
  • Pour some warm water into a small bowl, add two teaspoons of salt and two drops of oil. tea tree. Immerse your feet in the resulting bath for fifteen minutes. After the time has passed, wash your feet in warm water and lubricate the skin of the feet with nourishing cream. This procedure must be done for ten days.
  • Every day, before going to bed, you need to apply mugs of raw potatoes, or half a baked onion, to the affected areas of the skin. Secure with a bandage or plaster and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage and wash your feet thoroughly.
  • Two tablespoons of wormwood herb should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Wrap the container in something warm and leave to infuse until it cools completely. Soak a cotton swab thoroughly in this infusion and wipe the damaged skin of the foot with it. Ideally, this procedure should be repeated five or six times a day. Within ten days the warts will disappear.
  • In order to quickly get rid of plantar warts, you can purchase a patch with 40% salicylic acid (mediplast) at any pharmacy. The purchased patch must be cut into several small pieces, since they must be glued to cover only the wart, without touching the healthy skin around it. If healthy skin is touched, it can become very inflamed.
  • Salicylic acid sixty helps quite effectively in the fight against plantar warts percent ointment. Before using it, your feet must be steamed in hot water, to which you have previously added baking soda, then wipe your feet dry. Using a cotton swab, lubricate all growths on the skin of the feet with salicylic ointment; on top, place a cotton pad on which a small amount of ointment has been added, and secure it with a bandage or adhesive plaster.
  • In the morning, wash your foot thoroughly in hot water, dry it with a terry towel and lubricate it with baby or nourishing cream. This procedure must be repeated before going to bed. And the next morning, thoroughly rub your foot with a pumice stone. If the wart is deep, the procedure must be repeated until complete removal root of a plantar wart.

When self-medicating plantar warts, you must remember that if the warts do not come off your feet, it means they are quite deeply rooted. In this case, traditional medicine is not enough; it is necessary to use more radical methods of treatment. But only a highly qualified specialist - a dermatologist - can help with this.

They represent a benign tumor on the surface of the skin. According to statistics, a third of diagnosed warts are located on the foot; removing the formation is difficult and time-consuming. Treatment takes a lot of time.

If a person prefers to treat the lesion at home, it is definitely worth contacting a dermatologist to accurately determine the presence of a wart on the foot caused by the human papillomavirus. Otherwise, the treatment will be different; the growth on the skin of the sole can be represented by corns or calluses; other means are intended to eliminate them.

Doctors recommend treating plantar warts in specialized medical institutions. Incomplete removal of the root and damage to nearby healthy skin can provoke a relapse with a scattering of plantar warts. Medical institutions use modern innovative equipment to remove warts.

Before treatment at home, you should definitely understand that a wart has formed on the foot. The appearance of the formation provokes the entry of the papilloma virus into the body.

This is easy to do visually:

  • Warts have clear oval or round shapes.
  • The diameter does not exceed two centimeters.
  • Warts vary in color, most often the color does not differ from the color of the skin;
  • The formation protrudes up to 1-2 mm above the surface of the skin.
  • As it grows, due to the covering of the growth with layers of epidermis, the wart becomes rough and changes color to yellow-gray.
  • Sometimes a depression resembling a crater forms in the center of the wart.
  • Due to thrombosis of the capillaries, dark colored inclusions are noticeable in the center of the formation.

In some cases, when the strengthened immune system prevails over the virus, the affected tissue is rejected, and the wart will disappear on its own without removal. This type of development is rare; in most cases, it is difficult to cure a plantar wart; due to the constant pressure during movement, the growth brings a lot of inconvenience to the owner. For this reason, sometimes the appearance of a wart resembles a callus or corns, only experienced doctor A dermatologist is able to distinguish a wart from other formations.

Use of medications

It is possible to remove a wart using means provided by modern or traditional medicine. Traditional use options include:

  • A liquid nitrogen;
  • Laser;
  • Medicines based on chemicals.

For use medications, when using it, you should strictly follow the recommendations in the instructions and the attending physician.

Among the main effective drugs are:

  • Vitamin C. Before application, moisten it in water and apply a small amount to the affected area. The applied vitamin is rubbed directly into the plantar wart.
  • The growth is treated in the same way with vitamin A.
  • To cure a wart, use a solution of salicylic acid or a patch based on it.
  • Solcoderm can be used for removal. The composition of the drug includes oxalic, nitric, acetic, and lactic acids.
  • Castor oil will help you get rid of warts quickly.

Listed are remedies to help get rid of warts at home. Let us mention well-known, no less effective ones. Cryopharma is considered a similar drug. The effect of the drug is the initial complete freezing of the wart with its further death. Thanks to the product, you can quickly and painlessly get rid of plantar warts.

The following external use products are no less effective:

  • Antimozolin ointment;
  • Salicylic ointment.

When treating, it is worth remembering that salicylic acid-based preparations should not be used for removal. Substance children's body doesn't perceive it normally. A small organism is extremely susceptible to any effects of drugs, it is important to get rid of the disease without harming the growing person. Self-medication in the latter case is simply contraindicated. Only a doctor will be able to choose a method of influencing the virus that will give quick results and will not harm the child.

When choosing any method using chemical elements at home that are part of medications, you should definitely visit a dermatologist for a consultation. A professional doctor will be able to adequately assess the situation, from known methods choose the appropriate one. The doctor will visually determine the degree of spread of the virus and will be able to individual characteristics the body to provide for complications and consequences of using the medication. The danger of using any medication the occurrence is always recognized allergic reaction, the consequences of which can be serious.

Traditional medicine treatment

Every sick person is interested in the question of how to cure a wart quickly and painlessly. The best option is to consult a doctor who will conduct an accurate diagnosis and recommend the appropriate treatment option. If treatment is planned to be carried out using drugs from traditional medicine, the doctor will be able to give reliable advice about the effectiveness of the drug, the possibility of complications and consequences.

Some attractive treatments that have been developed over the years include:

  • Celandine. In summer, like good remedy The celandine plant is used to remove the formation. The procedures are simple - the wart is treated with juice up to 5-6 times during the day. After 10 days of regular treatment, the wart, as a rule, disappears, however, there is a danger of scar formation on the treated area. If a wart on the sole appears in winter and there is no fresh plant, it is always easy to go to the pharmacy for a celandine tincture.
  • Copper sulfate. More often, copper sulfate is associated as a preparation for removing dampness, mold and fungi. It is possible to prepare a wart remover from the chemical at home. Butter and copper sulfate are mixed in equal quantities. First apply to the damaged area salicylic ointment, then the prepared mass. To prevent damage to healthy skin, the areas near the wart should be covered with adhesive tape.

The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. Any prescription of traditional medicine should be agreed with a doctor, each person’s body is individual, only a doctor can really assess the complications and consequences! It is not difficult to carry out treatment, but choosing a drug that can treat quickly and effectively is much more difficult.