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Bogorodskaya herb beneficial properties. Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb)

- a fragrant subshrub with a leafless creeping, woody stem, from which emerge erect or ascending flower-bearing leafy branches up to 15 cm in height, round or vaguely tetrahedral, pubescent under the apical capitate inflorescence. If you carefully lift a bush of Bogorodskaya grass, you will see that soft green shoots are located only at the ends of the branches, but there are so many of them that they form a dense pad-mat. Thin woody stems take root easily. The leaves of Bogorodskaya grass are small, up to 1 cm in length, cross-opposite, arranged in pairs on short petioles, oval or oblong-oval, entire, glabrous, with white cilia only at the base of the leaf. The flowers are quite small, collected in a dense capitate inflorescence, pink-violet, two-lipped, with a flat top and 3-lobed lower lip. The calyx is also two-lipped. Blooms in June-July, bears fruit in August.

Bogorodskaya grass found in forests and forest-steppe of the European part of Russia, especially in the Voronezh and Rostov regions, Ukraine, Belarus, and the North Caucasus. It prefers dry, sunny places with sandy or rocky soil - pine forests, hillsides and mountains, river banks, sometimes forming large thickets that are visible from afar during flowering.

Bogorodskaya grass is presented big amount very difficult to distinguish species, distinguished by small characteristics. In addition, it also varies greatly chemical composition, and therefore the smell. To me myself field conditions It happened on one square meter of meadow to find 5-6 bushes of Bogorodskaya grass, each of which smelled differently, and the smell varied from kerosene (this is how they usually characterize strong smell thymol (people not familiar with this substance) to a strong lemon.

The plant's herb, Herba Serpylli, is used for medicinal purposes. Raw materials are harvested during flowering, cutting off the above-ground part. Dry outdoors in the shade. Then the raw materials are threshed and sifted through wire sieves, obtaining a mixture of leaves and flowers. The smell of the raw materials is peculiar, aromatic, the taste is bitter-spicy, slightly hot.

OST 4388 provides for a humidity of no more than 13%; other parts of Bogorodskaya grass (broken stems) no more than 5; organic impurities no more than 1; minerals no more than 2%.

Useful properties of Bogorodskaya grass

The beneficial properties of Bogorodskaya grass are determined by the presence in it essential oil(up to 0.6%). Bogorodskaya grass contains small amounts of tannins, flavonoids, ursolic and oleanolic acids, bitterness and other substances. The essential oil contains phenols (up to 60%): thymol, carvacrol, cymene hydrocarbon, as well as terpenes. The smell of thymol is familiar to everyone who has had their teeth filled at least once. They use it to treat the hollow before installing the filling.

The use of Bogorodskaya grass

IN medical practice a decoction and liquid extract of Bogorodskaya herb is used as an antitussive and expectorant for colds and bronchitis, as an analgesic for radiculitis and neuralgia, internally and externally in the form aromatic baths and compresses. Very often it is used as a disinfectant for various skin diseases, it not only reduces inflammation, but also relieves itching. Liquid extract is part of the drug "Pertussin", which is widely used in pediatric practice for cough and whooping cough as an expectorant.

IN folk medicine an aqueous decoction of Bogorodskaya herb is used for colds, cough, stomach pain, low acidity, stomach ulcers, headaches, bronchitis, shortness of breath, heart disease, nervous diseases, as a diuretic, for edema, tumors, for liver diseases, anemia, goiter, rheumatism, for “cleansing” the blood, for uterine bleeding. (Nikolaeva, 1964), for abdominal pain, insomnia, before childbirth (Antonov, 1888; Cholovsky, 1882), for chest pain (Uladzimirau, 1927), for cough (Kuprevich, 1930; Tyczkiewicz, 1847; Werenko, 1896) , for colds (Shane, 1902), for puerperal fever (Werenko, 1896).

Bogorodskaya herb is successfully used for diseases gastro- intestinal tract, with decreased secretion, atony and intestinal spasms, bloating.

An infusion of Bogorodskaya herb is prepared, as usual, at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons (5-10 g) per 200 ml of water. When coughing, take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-5 times a day.

Occupies a large and well-deserved place Bogorodskaya grass in cooking. It is added to fatty meats, legumes, potatoes, sausage - in all cases when it is necessary to facilitate the absorption of difficult-to-digest foods.

Growing Bogorodskaya grass

To grow Bogorodskaya grass, you can use the edge of a flowerbed, planting it instead of a border. It is much better if you can get a living plant, since it develops slowly from seeds. You can try to find the seeds in raw materials purchased at the pharmacy; these are small, almost spherical, slightly oblong nuts, with a diameter of just over half a millimeter. It makes sense to sort through the purchased grass and, having selected the most faded branches, try to gently squeeze the flower cups; the nuts will fall out, there are 4 of them in each cup. Of course, you can buy seeds.

The seeds of Bogorodskaya grass are photosensitive, so they are sown without covering. For seedlings to appear, you need heat, at 20°C, seedlings appear on days 8-18. Sow Bogorodskaya grass with freshly harvested seeds in August or spring. You can also sow before winter. You need to choose the sunniest place for it and without stagnant water, which is only needed for seed germination. At first it grows slowly, so it needs to be sown in furrows at a distance of 5-10 cm from one another. In the first year, only green twigs will appear, very small, requiring regular weeding. In the second year, the plants begin to bloom, but there is still nothing to collect from them. In order for the bushes to grow faster, you need to carefully pin some of the vegetative shoots to the ground and sprinkle them a little with soil. This will cause the formation of additional roots on them and improve the nutrition and growth of the bush. The same must be done with those plants that you brought from nature, or planted in a permanent place from a nursery. Try to achieve closeness of the plants; there will be almost no weeds in a thick mat, and it looks much more elegant. Blooming Bogorodskaya grass- an excellent honey plant that has a healing effect on bees.

Over time Bogorodskaya grass usually thins out. After 3-5 years, the middle of the Bogorodskaya grass bushes begins to “bald”, the leaves fall off, and the decorative effect is lost. Usually by this time the side branches have taken root, so the “bald spot” can be covered with fresh soil and young shoots can be directed onto it.

For the winter, it is better to cover Bogorodskaya grass with dry leaves or spruce branches, which must be removed immediately after the snow melts. If the plants have lost a lot of leaves during wintering, sprinkle all the bare branches with compost, but not too much, its layer should not be more than 0.5 cm.

Harvesting Bogorodskaya grass

Flowering branches are harvested at the beginning of flowering. From one bush you can safely cut no more than 1/3 of the flowering branches, otherwise this will greatly weaken the plant. Do not tear them off with your hands - the root system of Bogorodskaya grass, although deep, is fragile, you can accidentally pull out the entire plant. In this case, it should be immediately planted back, the central part of the bush should be covered with soil and watered thoroughly.

Bogorodskaya herb is popularly called thyme or creeping thyme. This is a small perennial shrub with a fragrant aroma. At the ends of the branches there are soft green shoots, but their number is so great that together they form a soft feather bed. The flowers are pink-violet, rather small, two-lipped, tightly collected in a capitate inflorescence. The leaves are oblong and hard to the touch. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Medicinal raw materials is a thyme herb, it is collected at the beginning of flowering, then dried in the shade or in special dryers. Creeping thyme is also successfully used in cooking, as it has a spicy aroma. Add to soups and use in home canning. They say that even very ancient doctors such as Avicenna respected this herb. Because it has many beneficial properties. Let's look at them.

Beneficial properties of Bogorodskaya grass:

Thyme herb contains tannins, vitamin C, provitamin A-carotene, minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium. Various essential oils, among which there is 30% thymol, which gives this herb its powerful antibacterial properties. Flavonoids, organic acids (caffeic, quinic and aminolic). Bogorodsk herbs are often used in dentistry, as it contains essential oils; they are used to treat the area before installing a filling. Thyme has a sedative effect; even psychotherapists prescribe thyme tea to their patients. Quite often it is used in cosmetology. The benefits of Bogorodsk herbs are that they are excellent antibacterial, bronchodilator and expectorant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent. Decoctions of these herbs are used for baths. It is used in yoga as a sedative to restore the nervous system. An infusion of this plant can be taken orally, rinsed with oral cavity, inhale the throat. It is also useful for insomnia and nervous stress.

Medicinal properties of Bogorodsk grass:

Since thyme is a good bronchodilator and expectorant, it will be useful for people suffering from bronchial asthma. This herb shows its properties especially well medicinal properties for colds, the antibacterial effect of thyme will manifest itself. Antiseptic property thyme also perfectly heals small wounds, acne, and pimples. It helps with diabetes, allergies, furunculosis. Helps restore strength, heal wounds and stop bleeding. For kidney diseases and urinary tract as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic. If you have insomnia or neurosis, thyme herb will help you, because it is wonderful depressant. Yet again sedative property will be useful if you have initial stage hypertension, it perfectly reduces arterial pressure. To take advantage of the medicinal properties of thyme, you need to prepare a decoction or infusion from it that can be drunk and applied externally. To prepare an infusion for oral administration, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of the raw material into 1 glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for half an hour. After this, you need to strain, add to 1 glass and take 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals. An infusion for external use is prepared in the same way, only instead of 2 teaspoons you need to add 2 tablespoons of raw materials. This infusion is used for compresses, lotions and rinses. You can also prepare tea for the general health of the body. Infuse 1 teaspoon of raw material in a glass of boiling water, strain and drink with honey.

Contraindications to the use of Bogorodskaya herb:

Bogorodskaya grass: beneficial features and contraindications of thyme

IN different countries Bogorodskaya grass is known under individual names. It is valued everywhere due to its range of beneficial properties.

Description of Bogorodskaya grass and its beneficial properties

Bogorodskaya grass is called thyme in Russia. The name “motherboard” is often used. In Ukraine, Bogorodsk grass is called thyme. The plant is a small perennial shrub. Its rhizome has the shape of a rod and a woody structure. The stems are creeping, the leaves are very hard to the tactile sensation, their shape is oblong or ovoid. The photo of Bogorodskaya grass shows its appearance during the flowering period, which lasts throughout the summer.

Source: Depositphotos

Bogorodskaya grass is characterized by a long flowering period

The medicinal properties of Bogorodskaya grass are due to its rich chemical composition. It includes:

  • vitamin A;
  • tannins;
  • fats;
  • B vitamins;
  • ursulic acid;
  • resins;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamin C.

This incomplete list useful substances that fill thyme. It is worth noting that microelements and macroelements are also present in the plant.

The use of Bogorodskaya grass

Thyme is widespread not only in wildlife. Gardeners often grow Bogorodsk grass. Some are attracted by its appearance as an addition to the composition in the flowerbed, others are engaged in breeding for the use of healing properties.

The period when Bogorodsk grass is collected for treatment is characterized by its abundant flowering. Although all parts of thyme are useful, greatest benefit It is the flowers and the tops of the plant that bring it. They are dried and used both externally and internally. Here is a small list of thyme properties that make it so valued:

  • bactericidal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • antirheumatic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • tonic;
  • healing.

Thyme is also able to stimulate the appearance of menstruation and relieve cramps.

Its use has extended to areas such as cooking and cosmetology. In the first industry, the herb is used as a spice. In cosmetology, thyme is used to combat problem skin, cellulite and obesity. With the help of the plant you can get rid of bloating, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and even insomnia.

Bogorodskaya herb also has contraindications. Under no circumstances should you take this medicine during pregnancy due to abortifacient. Thyme can also harm a baby during breastfeeding. Two types of ulcers, gastric and duodenal, also serve as a ban on taking the plant.

A well-known plant reveals new facets when you become acquainted with its properties. Thyme should be regularly stocked and kept in the first aid kit; its effectiveness has been repeatedly proven.

Our ancestors actively used many different herbs that grew near their homes. It was customary to consume plant materials as food, and various teas were prepared from them. In addition, such herbs had a lot of useful properties and helped cure a wide variety of ailments, including quite common ones. However, over time, such knowledge of our ancestors was gradually forgotten, because science came to replace it. But now medicinal herbs are again actively used by both village residents and the population of megacities. Today we will talk about the once very popular Bogorodskaya herb, which is better known to many as thyme.

The benefits of Bogorodskaya herb, medicinal properties

As is clear from the popular name, thyme was very revered and loved, because “Bogorodskaya” means it comes from God. This respect for popular culture is primarily due to the diversity of its beneficial properties. After all, thyme (this is another name for this plant) was in demand among all segments of the population; it was revered even by ancient doctors, such as Avicenna.

This culture contains a lot of useful substances, including various vitamins, including B vitamins, as well as ascorbic acid. It saturates our body with gum, organic acids, flavonoids and carotene. Also, Bogorodskaya grass is an excellent source of tannins, beneficial bitterness, resins, cymol and thymol.

It is believed that Bogorodskaya grass is especially effective in treating various ailments joints, including rheumatism (including muscle), in addition, it will help cope with bruises and rashes of non-infectious etiology. So in the fight against joint and skin lesions It is usually recommended to use baths with the addition of decoctions of this culture.

Essential oil obtained from thyme is actively used in cosmetology. So it is used to stop hair loss, make it healthier and stronger. This product perfectly restores beauty to damaged hair. chemical influences varnishes, gels and paints, as well as from curling.

How to extract the power that Bogorodskaya grass has? Application of the plant

It is known that useful qualities thyme helps to cope with various male ailments or prevent their development. This herb is especially effective in treating impotence and prostatitis. To achieve lasting therapeutic effect It is worth systematically consuming tea, which is based on Bogorodsk grass. So you can brew it in combination with other highly beneficial crops. For example, combine a tablespoon of oregano with the same amount of mint and three to four tablespoons of thyme. Pour all these ingredients into a thermos, then add one liter of boiling water. Leave for eight to ten hours (overnight), then strain and take orally throughout the day. From time to time you can change the ingredients by adding rose hips to the thyme, Linden blossom, St. John's wort, etc.

To treat a cold, prepare an infusion by pouring a tablespoon of finely chopped dry thyme into a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then strain. Consume a couple of tablespoons of this product along with honey.

To eliminate allergies, furunculosis and diabetes, brew a couple of tablespoons of the plant with a glass of boiling water. Boil for one minute, then leave for an hour in a fairly warm place. Strain the medicine and consume half a glass three times a day immediately after meals.

To combat hypertension, anemia, inflammatory lesions, colds and diabetes mellitus, you can combine Bogorodskaya grass with blueberry shoots. Combine them in equal parts, after a couple of tablespoons of this mixture, brew with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour of infusion, strain the product and consume half a glass twice a day, immediately after meals.

In order to cope with pain due to rheumatism, arthritis and gout, it is worth chopping thyme, pouring boiling water over it, then squeezing it a little, wrapping it in gauze. This product should be applied to the affected areas while it is still hot.

To prepare a decoction for baths, brew two hundred grams of the plant with a couple of liters of boiling water. Leave for two hours in a fairly warm place, then strain and pour into the prepared bath. The duration of the procedure is twelve to fourteen minutes, repeat it at intervals a day. Take twelve such baths in total, and you can cure allergies, eczema, and furunculosis.

When treating with Bogorodskaya herb, it is worth remembering that this plant contains a lot of thymol. And this substance has an irritating effect on the kidneys, as well as the liver and stomach. Thus, thyme-based medicines cannot be used if the patient has ulcerative lesions stomach or duodenum. Such treatment cannot be carried out during pregnancy.

Before being treated with thyme, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Useful properties of thyme and scope of application

Possessing unique healing characteristics, thyme is used in folk medicine. Its infusion is an indispensable antiseptic in home medicine cabinet, which will prevent infection, suppuration of wounds and skin cuts. By treating the damaged area with thyme, you can prevent reproduction pathogens. Teenage acne can be easily treated with a decoction of Bogorodskaya herb: compresses and washing will make the skin soft and smooth.

Taking thyme infusion orally will normalize blood pressure in patients suffering from hypotension. In combination with medications, caffeine-containing products and pomegranate juice Thyme will raise your blood pressure by several points in a couple of months!

Thyme or motherwort is used to relieve spasms that cause different kinds pain. This plant also stops pain syndrome during menstruation. Thyme is indispensable for people who suffer from rheumatic and joint pain.

Recently, neurology has increasingly begun to use thyme-based preparations. It becomes a remedy for the treatment of insomnia, used to restore memory, concentrate attention and activate thought processes. Thyme actually tones every cell in the body.

A separate area of ​​application of Bogorodsk grass and medicines, prepared on its basis - pulmonology. Thyme stimulates the immune system and naturally increases the body's resistance to viral and colds. It is recommended to use the infusion and inhale the vapors of the plant; you can sew a bunch of herbs into a pillow. Thyme reduces the number of attacks in patients with bronchial asthma, improves sputum discharge in pneumonia, bronchitis and tracheitis. Patients diagnosed with tuberculosis use Bogorodskaya herb because of its mucolytic and analgesic properties. Inhalations with thyme essential oil actively stimulate breathing, and proper use under medical supervision helps to quickly cope with whooping cough in children.

Thyme is widely used in cooking as an aromatic seasoning and in cosmetology for the preparation of healing masks, shampoos, creams and balms.

Traditional medicine recipes

Thyme in folk and official medicine used in the form of the following main components:

  • decoction;
  • freshly picked or dried plant;
  • extract.

The decoction is used as a drink or external remedy. It should be prepared as follows. Pour a glass of boiling water into 5 teaspoons of herbs (fresh or dry plant). The decoction must be wrapped and infused. The daily intake when taken orally is one glass, which is drunk in several doses. For washing and bathing, the decoction is prepared in different proportions. Two liters of boiling water and 100 grams of herbs are infused and used for their intended purpose.

Thyme essential oil can flavor any tea. In this case, a small drop of the substance is enough for one glass of drink.

Thyme extract is usually taken orally.

Contraindications for use

Despite the wide range of uses of Bogorodskaya herb and its magical healing properties, there are contraindications:

  • cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for kidney and liver diseases;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • hyperfunction and other diseases of the thyroid gland.

Bogorodskaya herb can cause an overdose, its symptoms manifest themselves as severe nausea. You can get rid of it by drinking a large number of liquids and gastric lavage.

It is difficult to find a plant in nature that has similar beneficial properties. It is worth noting that all parts of the plant are used in medicinal purposes, however, the most valuable component is considered to be the top of the flowering bush and leaves.

It must be said that the Bogorodsk herb has also found application not only in folk medicine, but also in cooking; dried thyme leaves are actively used in conservation and in the alcoholic beverage industry.

The use of Bogorodskaya grass

The beneficial properties of Bogorodsk grass have long been used in the treatment of diseases, affecting organs breathing, in particular with ARVI, pain in the nasopharynx, viral and colds. The herb is used for inhalation. You can also gargle with thyme tincture. It is recommended to use products containing thyme extract for herpes and various skin rashes and dermatitis.

An effective effect is also observed when using Bogorodskaya herb to improve sexual function. It is actively used to increase potency in men and prevent prostatitis. The tincture is taken internally, and thyme-based ointment is used externally.

An additional beneficial property of Bogorodskaya herb is its ability to normalize mental and emotional condition person. Tinctures and decoctions made using Bogorodskaya herb can tone nervous system, and also at the very first appointments there is an elimination of symptoms chronic fatigue and stimulation of brain activity. Bogorodskaya herb is also used to improve memory; you should drink its decoction for headaches.

The analgesic property of this plant is used to alleviate the patient’s condition with radiculitis, sciatica and neuritis. For these diseases, Bogorodskaya herb is used for compresses and hot baths.

The particular effectiveness of Bogorodskaya herb is noted when it is used to treat digestive disorders, insomnia, bloating and the healing of ulcers and wounds.

One of the most important beneficial properties of Bogorodskaya herb is its blood purifying and diuretic effect on human body. Thanks to these properties, the herb is actively used to restore the normal functioning of impaired metabolism and to eliminate the consequences of intoxication of the body. Thyme is also used to reduce alcohol dependence.

It is also worth noting the use of the beneficial properties of Bogorodsk grass in the cosmetology industry. Thyme extract is used in various creams and lotions. It is also effective to use thyme decoction to prevent rashes on the oily skin, to eliminate the effects of acne and to prevent sagging skin.

Contraindications for use

However, despite the large number of beneficial properties of this plant and the extensive use of Bogorodskaya herb in various areas, it is worth remembering that there are also contraindications for the use of this herb.

TO absolute contraindications Taking all components of the herb may include stomach ulcers, pregnancy and lactation, and duodenal ulcers.

Every person has probably heard about thyme (thyme) and even used it as an aromatic spice, but few are aware of its beneficial properties. This one has wonderful plant There is a second name - Bogorodskaya grass. The ancient Slavs had a tradition of decorating the faces of the Mother of God with it on the holy holiday - the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Since then, this name has been firmly attached to the plant.

Even among the common people it is called matter, flypalm and boron pepper. The herb was widely used in pagan rituals, cooking and alternative medicine. It has long been believed that she cleanses the house of negative energy, cures physical ailments and relieves severe fear. Among many peoples, the plant is revered and loved.

In the 21st century, it is added to medicines, infusions, decoctions, extracts and ointments are prepared that have healing properties. However, it must be remembered that thyme has many subspecies that are similar in appearance. But not all of them benefit the body. Sometimes even experienced specialist It can be difficult to identify medicinal thyme. It is recommended to purchase dry shoots from pharmacy chains.

Botanical characteristics

Bogorodskaya grass (thyme) has a fairly extensive growing area. The plant is widespread in the Caucasus, European regions of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Far East. Prefers sandy and dry soils. It can often be seen in meadows, mountain slopes, road clearings, and deciduous and pine forests. Flowering is observed at the beginning summer period, and fruit ripening occurs in August.

In appearance it is a small (up to 15 cm) climbing subshrub with bare stems and flowering branches. Under the foliage of the fragrant bush you can find a soft cushion of green shoots. The plant has small leaves with white cilia at the base. The flowers are collected in inflorescences of a light purple or pink hue. The fruits are dry, black-brown in color.

Procurement time

Creeping thyme (Herba Serpylli) has medicinal properties. They begin to collect it in June-July (the period of active flowering) using special knives. In this case, only the upper shoots are cut off without affecting the root system (they are left for propagation). Then the raw materials are thoroughly dried. You can do this on the street, attic or open veranda, spreading it on the fabric in an even layer.

Drying time ranges from three to five days. After which the plant is sorted, removing rough shoots, and transferred to glass or porcelain containers. Crushed Bogorodskaya grass can be used in cooking and folk medicine. It has a bitter, pungent taste and a characteristic odor. Reveals healing qualities during heat treatment.

Active substances

Valued for its content of healing essential oil, which contains the following components: carvacrol, borneol, n-cymene and thymol. Thyme (or Bogorodskaya herb), the medicinal properties of which are due to its diverse composition, is also rich in macro- and microelements. They are necessary for the body to function properly. internal organs(iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, zinc, calcium, selenium and magnesium).

Many triterpene compounds have been found in the plant ( mineral salts, flavonoids, oleanolic, folic and ursolic acids). The above-ground parts contain ash, resins, gum, vitamins, fats and tannins.


Bogorodskaya grass, a photo of which can be seen in the article, is endowed with a rare set medicinal properties. Meet a plant in the wild with similar composition difficult. The most valuable components are the leaves and top part subshrub. They are credited with bactericidal, antiseptic, stimulating, tonic and carminative effects.

The drug is actively used to normalize the functioning of the intestinal tract (relieves spasms, colic, flatulence, bloating), as well as for atherosclerosis and inflammatory phenomena respiratory system, cough and insomnia. Infusions are used for inhalation for tonsillitis and aphthous lesions of the mucous membrane.

Extracts have a disinfecting effect on the nasopharynx and oral cavity; they are used to treat the gums and pharynx. Bogorodskaya herb (thyme) in the form of a decoction weakens alcohol intoxication and eliminates addiction. Used for skin pathologies(compresses, dressings, lotions, baths), hypertension, radiculitis, joint pain and inflammation of the bladder.

The essential oil contained in thyme has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used to make oil extracts and eye drops for conjunctivitis. Also used for rubbing. Powder from dry shoots has wound-healing and bactericidal properties.

The plant is effective for sexual impotence. The tincture is used to stimulate potency and improve sexual function. In addition, thyme helps restore the psycho-emotional state, it relieves irritation, anxiety, tones the central nervous system and brain function.

The herb is used as an analgesic for migraines, neuritis and radiculitis. For such violations, baths, decoctions and compresses are used. The most important advantage of thyme is its blood purifying effect on the human body. Practice proves that the material eliminates the effects of intoxication and restores metabolic processes.

Bogorodskaya herb has proven itself well in the cosmetology field. Extracts obtained from it are added to lotions, creams and emulsions. Purpose herbal remedies- fight against excess oily skin, inflammation, sagging and acne. You can make your own similar in action decoctions at home from available ingredients.

Folk recipes

It is very difficult to get rid of a cough, sometimes even the most modern and seemingly effective medicines turn out to be useless. You can cope with a common disease with simple traditional methods. We suggest preparing a proven herbal infusion for bronchitis, cough and asthma. You will need crushed dry Bogorodsk grass (a tablespoon), a glass of boiling water and a thermos. Leave the liquid for two hours, strain and take the product three times a day, 10 ml, for children - a dessert spoon.

A positive therapeutic result can be achieved by rubbing the prepared infusion into the area. chest, place a sheet of paper greased with goat fat on top. Go to bed with this compress. The course is three days.

Radiculitis solution

  1. Brew half a glass of thyme in two liters of purified water. Leave for an hour, filter out impurities and take baths.
  2. You will need a liter of water and Bogorodskaya grass. How to brew? You will need about ten grams of dry raw materials. Boil water with leaves, cool and drink? glasses four times a day (adults), children - 5 g. It is advisable to combine oral administration with compresses and baths.

For problem skin

As mentioned above, since ancient times people believed that Bogorodsk grass was endowed with cleansing properties. The use of steam baths based on this plant is indicated for aging and oily skin with enlarged pores. Procedures can be performed twice a month. Persons over 45 years old - once every 30 days. For half a liter of water you will need crushed thyme - 60 g. The solution must be boiled for 20 minutes. Hold your face over the steam for 10 minutes, covering it with a blanket.

Anti-inflammatory oil

Bogorodskaya herb, the medicinal properties of which have a broad therapeutic focus, will help relieve swelling, fatigue, relieve pain and improve blood flow. Quite a lot effective recipes came to us from our ancestors. We will share one of them. Take one hundred grams olive oil and two tablespoons of dry thyme. Mix the ingredients and leave for two weeks in a closed container (shake occasionally). Filter the oil and consume a small spoon three times a day. They can be used to rub sore areas on the body.

Precautionary measures

The use of the herb during pregnancy is prohibited. Doctors and healers do not advise using the plant if you have kidney pathology, peptic ulcer Gastrointestinal tract, heart disease and impaired thyroid function. Thyme-based preparations are contraindicated for persons with chronic constipation, bronchial asthma and emphysema. Not excluded side effects in the form of nausea.

This completes our descriptive function, and you can see what Bogorodskaya grass looks like in the photo above.

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13. Stimulating menstruation;

14. Tonic.

In principle, all parts of the plant have health benefits, but the most valuable raw material is the upper parts of the flowering bush, or just the leaves.

Dried thyme leaves are used in the culinary, canning and distillery industries.

The use of Bogorodsk grass as a source of essential oil in cosmetology is widespread. The beneficial properties of Bogorodsk grass are used to produce cosmetics. And, undoubtedly, many medications are made using Bogorodsk grass. For example, the main beneficial properties of Bogorodsk grass are used to make such a familiar drug as Pertussin.

The beneficial properties of Bogorodskaya herb are successfully used in the treatment of human respiratory diseases. The herb is used for inhalation. For ARVI and pain in the nasopharynx, doctors recommend rinsing with thyme infusion. But the beneficial properties of Bogorodskaya herb, concentrated in the plant extract, give an excellent effect in the fight against herpes and other skin diseases.

Bogorodskaya herb has significant benefits when used to restore sexual function. It is this plant that serves an excellent remedy prevention of prostatitis and impotence in men. In this case, the plant oil is used externally, and the infusion is used internally. Another useful property of Bogorodsk grass is its effect on emotional and mental health. Useful material This plant tones the nervous system. So, the herb is useful for asthenia, nervous depression, as well as mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion. The plant extract quickly eliminates the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, stimulates brain activity and improves memory. Drinking thyme decoction is recommended for headaches, regardless of its source. Traditional medicine has long been using the beneficial properties of Bogorodskaya herbs (thyme or creeping thyme), especially the analgesic property of this plant in the treatment of many diseases, namely:

  • Sciatica;

Description of diseases, application and healing properties herbs, plants, alternative medicine, nutrition

Bogorodskaya grass

Bogorodskaya grass- a fragrant subshrub with a leafless creeping, woody stem, from which arise erect or ascending flower-bearing leafy branches up to 15 cm in height, round or vaguely tetrahedral, pubescent under the apical capitate inflorescence. If you carefully lift a bush of Bogorodskaya grass, you will see that soft green shoots are located only at the ends of the branches, but there are so many of them that they form a dense pad-mat. Thin woody stems take root easily. The leaves of Bogorodskaya grass are small, up to 1 cm in length, cross-opposite, arranged in pairs on short petioles, oval or oblong-oval, entire, glabrous, with white cilia only at the base of the leaf. The flowers are quite small, collected in a dense capitate inflorescence, pink-violet, two-lipped, with a flat upper and 3-lobed lower lip. The calyx is also two-lipped. Blooms in June-July, bears fruit in August.

Bogorodskaya grass is found in forests and forest-steppe of the European part of Russia, especially in the Voronezh and Rostov regions, Ukraine, Belarus, and the North Caucasus. It prefers dry, sunny places with sandy or rocky soil - pine forests, hillsides and mountains, river banks, sometimes forming large thickets that are visible from afar during flowering.

Bogorodskaya grass is represented by a large number of very difficult to distinguish species, distinguished by small characteristics. In addition, its chemical composition, and therefore its smell, varies greatly. In field conditions, I myself happened to find 5-6 bushes of Bogorodskaya grass on one square meter of meadow, each of which smelled differently, and the smell varied from kerosene (this is how people unfamiliar with this substance usually characterize the strong smell of thymol) to strong lemon.

The plant's herb, Herba Serpylli, is used for medicinal purposes. Raw materials are harvested during flowering, cutting off the above-ground part. Dry outdoors in the shade. Then the raw materials are threshed and sifted through wire sieves, obtaining a mixture of leaves and flowers. The smell of the raw materials is peculiar, aromatic, the taste is bitter-spicy, slightly hot.

OST 4388 provides for a humidity of no more than 13%; other parts of Bogorodskaya grass (broken stems) no more than 5; organic impurities no more than 1; minerals no more than 2%.

Useful properties of Bogorodskaya grass

The beneficial properties of Bogorodskaya grass are determined by the presence of essential oil in it (up to 0.6%). Bogorodskaya grass contains small amounts of tannins, flavonoids, ursolic and oleanolic acids, bitterness and other substances. The essential oil contains phenols (up to 60%): thymol, carvacrol, cymene hydrocarbon, as well as terpenes. The smell of thymol is familiar to everyone who has had their teeth filled at least once. They use it to treat the hollow before installing the filling.

The use of Bogorodskaya grass

In medical practice, a decoction and liquid extract of Bogorodsk grass is used as an antitussive and expectorant for colds and bronchitis, as an analgesic for radiculitis and neuralgia, internally and externally in the form of aromatic baths and compresses. Very often it is used as a disinfectant for various skin diseases; it not only reduces inflammation, but also relieves itching. The liquid extract is part of the drug "Pertussin", which is widely used in pediatric practice for cough and whooping cough as an expectorant.

In folk medicine, an aqueous decoction of Bogorodsk grass is used for colds, coughs, stomach pain, low acidity, stomach ulcers, headaches, bronchitis, shortness of breath, heart disease, nervous diseases, as a diuretic, for edema, tumors, and liver diseases. , anemia, goiter, rheumatism, to “cleanse” the blood, for uterine bleeding. (Nikolaeva, 1964), for abdominal pain, insomnia, before childbirth (Antonov, 1888; Cholovsky, 1882), for chest pain (Uladzimirau, 1927), for cough (Kuprevich, 1930; Tyczkiewicz, 1847; Werenko, 1896) , for colds (Shane, 1902), for puerperal fever (Werenko, 1896).

Bogorodskaya herb is successfully used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, decreased secretion, atony and intestinal spasms, and bloating.

An infusion of Bogorodskaya herb is prepared, as usual, at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. spoons (5-10 g) per 200 ml of water. When coughing, take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-5 times a day.

Occupies a large and well-deserved place Bogorodskaya grass in cooking. It is added to fatty meats, legumes, potatoes, sausage - in all cases when it is necessary to facilitate the absorption of difficult-to-digest foods.

Growing Bogorodskaya grass

To grow Bogorodskaya grass, you can use the edge of a flowerbed, planting it instead of a border. It is much better if you can get a living plant, since it develops slowly from seeds. You can try to find the seeds in raw materials purchased at the pharmacy; these are small, almost spherical, slightly oblong nuts, with a diameter of just over half a millimeter. It makes sense to sort through the purchased grass and, having selected the most faded branches, try to gently squeeze the flower cups; the nuts will fall out, there are 4 of them in each cup. Of course, you can buy seeds.

The seeds of Bogorodskaya grass are photosensitive, so they are sown without covering. For seedlings to appear, a high temperature is required; at 20°C, seedlings appear on days 8-18. Sow Bogorodskaya grass with freshly harvested seeds in August or spring. You can also sow before winter. You need to choose the sunniest place for it and without stagnant water, which is only needed for seed germination. Bogorodskaya grass At first it grows slowly, so it needs to be sown in furrows at a distance of 5-10 cm from one another. In the first year, only green twigs will appear, very small, requiring regular weeding. In the second year, the plants begin to bloom, but there is still nothing to collect from them. In order for the bushes to grow faster, you need to carefully pin some of the vegetative shoots to the ground and sprinkle them a little with soil. This will cause the formation of additional roots on them and improve the nutrition and growth of the bush. The same must be done with those plants that you brought from nature, or planted in a permanent place from a nursery. Try to achieve closeness of the plants; there will be almost no weeds in a thick mat, and it looks much more elegant. Blooming Bogorodskaya grass- an excellent honey plant that has a healing effect on bees.

Over time Bogorodskaya grass usually thins out. After 3-5 years, the middle of the Bogorodskaya grass bushes begins to “bald”, the leaves fall off, and the decorative effect is lost. Usually by this time the side branches have taken root, so the “bald spot” can be covered with fresh soil and young shoots can be directed onto it.

For the winter, it is better to cover Bogorodskaya grass with dry leaves or spruce branches, which must be removed immediately after the snow melts. If the plants have lost a lot of leaves during wintering, sprinkle all the bare branches with compost, but not too much, its layer should not be more than 0.5 cm.

Harvesting Bogorodskaya grass

Flowering branches are harvested at the beginning of flowering. From one bush you can safely cut no more than 1/3 of the flowering branches, otherwise this will greatly weaken the plant. Do not tear them off with your hands - the root system of Bogorodskaya grass, although deep, is fragile, you can accidentally pull out the entire plant. In this case, it should be immediately planted back, the central part of the bush should be covered with soil and watered thoroughly.

Bogorodskaya grass is dried in a thin layer in the shade and stored in carefully closed jars. You won’t get a large harvest from your plot, but it should be enough for culinary needs. In any case, it is decorative and useful plant will decorate your area.