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Healthy eating - breakfast, lunch, dinner. Proper breakfast

There are a great many proverbs and sayings about healthy and healthy food! Both ancient wisdom and modern research They tell a lot of different things about how to eat right. What should you give preference to?

Every day brings us more and more new advice on how to eat to be healthy, young and slim. Sometimes the advice is similar to each other, sometimes they are completely opposite in meaning. Very popular advice today is: complete failure from breakfast or a ban on dinner after 18:00. However, reality makes its own adjustments even to the recommendations of your nutritionists. How can you strictly complete them all during a busy work day, a lot of personal urgent matters, and an unstable schedule? Even just eating a full meal during the day is not always possible.

Varied menu

What does the menu usually offer for breakfast, dinner, lunch? Probably for breakfast it’s a couple of sandwiches and a cup of coffee or tea, for lunch – the famous doshirak, and before bed – a hearty homemade dinner! Are there many benefits from this diet? Unfortunately, here more harm. The stomach is on a starvation diet all day, and in the evening, when the body needs rest, the stomach receives a real bomb from food. Basics work time the brain does not receive nourishment, and the whole body is not happy with this regime. The result is obvious: well-being worsens, appearance and figure suffer. But there is absolutely no need to go on a grueling diet to avoid health problems! You should organize the right breakfast, lunch and dinner for weight loss, remembering only a few rules.

What to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner to lose weight:

  • you can eat everything;
  • nutrition must be balanced;
  • caloric content of food should be moderate;
  • salt, sugar and fat - in small quantities;
  • the break between meals should be no more than 4 hours;
  • food should give you pleasure and be delicious!

Food that brings pleasure - main principle « reasonable nutrition" However, you should not turn your lunch into a daily celebration. Our task is to strive for healthy body, and not arrange a “belly festival”. Daily in proper diet food must include vegetables, fish, bread, meat, dairy products, and a variety of cheeses.

Is it important to have breakfast?

Let's take a closer look at what breakfast and lunch are. Unfortunately, many people thoughtlessly refuse breakfast, hoping that it will help them lose weight. But it is a high-calorie breakfast that curbs our appetite during lunch and dinner! Only at breakfast our body gets everything nutrients supporting him until lunch break. It is also known that metabolism slows down by 6-7% due to skipping breakfast. And this invariably leads to excess weight. Therefore, at breakfast a person should eat at least 25-30% of the calories of the daily menu. In addition, breakfast should not be too voluminous and light enough. Let's take a closer look at the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner for every day.

To ensure you have proper nutrition, breakfast may include: an omelet with vegetables or cereal with warm milk. A cup of cocoa or coffee with milk is great. If lunch is planned later than usual, prepare yourself a quick lunch. A sandwich with bell pepper and tea, or a bun with kefir would be quite appropriate here. Are you in doubt: what if a second breakfast is bad for your figure? In vain. By keeping digestion in good shape, it will prevent you from eating extra foods at lunch. Moreover, the salad Bell pepper, cucumber or kefir contain quite a lot of vitamins essential for the body.

Healthy lunch - main principles

Lunch is traditionally considered the most generous intake food. According to the classic formula, at lunch you should definitely eat the first and second courses, as well as juice or a third. It can hardly be called a healthy lunch if the plates are full of different goodies, especially if you haven’t had breakfast yet! Therefore, portions should be small.

Important principles of a healthy lunch:

  • There must be hot dishes;
  • about 40% of calories from the daily diet should be contained in a complete healthy lunch;
  • The lunch menu needs to be diversified.

Great to start lunch with fresh vegetables or salad. Then you should eat something hot: broth, cabbage soup, meat, soup or tea. This perfectly stimulates digestion and helps saturate the body. The soup will also help keep your figure slim. Do you need to eat anything else? You can, if you have such a desire. It is important not to overeat here. You can finish your lunch by enjoying a glass of compote or juice.

Great home cooked dinner

It is believed that proper nutrition is a must for dinner! Never Not refuse from dinner . Newfangled dinners only before 18 o'clock or complete refusal of dinner will not relieve excess weight! But they will add problems to the stomach - an increased appetite develops, and ulcers may even develop in the stomach. Therefore, you should not skip dinner.

However, you should not have dinner too late or too heavy. So that you don't suffer in the morning headache and the swelling didn’t bother me, exclude from menu dinner: dishes from mushrooms, from meat And legumes! It is very healthy to eat stewed vegetables, cheese, fish or dairy products for dinner.

Diet dishes are unlikely to bring tangible benefits if done between them high-calorie snack. A breakfast and lunch diet will help you become slim and energetic if you eat vegetable salads, fruits or drink a glass of kefir as snacks between them.

Best time to eat

According to the teachings of the ancient Indian “science of longevity” - Ayurveda, if a person lives listening to his “ biological clock“, his body will work in optimal mode, constantly strengthening. Lunch, dinner, breakfast time should be considered in more detail. According to experienced nutritionists and practitioners, for people who want to lose excess weight, the most acceptable diet includes 3 main meals and a couple of snacks. Breakfast It is recommended to eat within an hour after waking up and 25-30 minutes after you drink your morning glass of water. Snack after breakfast, consisting of berries or fruits, it is advisable to do it after 2-3 hours. Dinner Eat a couple of hours after your first snack. Most good time For dinner from 17 to 20 hours. Such intervals have a very beneficial effect on human metabolism. And a person, without experiencing a painful feeling of hunger, can easily part with those extra pounds!

The well-known saying “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy” is one of important rules recommended by modern nutritionists for organizing correct mode nutrition. The fairness of this rule is beyond doubt, since it has been proven by numerous scientific works, and it’s been tested by life, because it is known that a heavy and late dinner increases waist size, increases weight, and can cause indigestion and poor sleep.

How harmful a heavy dinner is is so beneficial full breakfast. Eating in the morning makes the body wake up, stimulates metabolic processes and provides energy for a quick and effective start.

What we eat for breakfast and dinner determines how our endocrine system, and if you ignore the recommendations of nutrition experts, you can make money serious problems with health.

So, what meal should our day begin with and how should it end?

Eat breakfast yourself

For the average healthy person in the usual way In life, modern nutritionists recommend providing 45-50% of calories from breakfast daily ration. The figure looks quite impressive, and, at first glance, not every person is able to cope with such an amount of food, but it all depends on the total calorie content, and if it is low for you, then you can easily consume half of it during breakfast.

The very first meal after waking up should be at least 30% of the daily calorie content, that is, almost a third of the entire daily diet should be eaten at this time.

It is best to have a second breakfast a couple of hours later at work, and its calorie content should be 15-20% of the daily value.

Breakfast foods should be light, but at the same time nutritious. The best options for a healthy breakfast are cereal porridges and dairy products.

Which are contained in cereals, are absorbed slowly and are high-quality sources of energy for the body. In cereals there is healthy fiber, and microelements.

Dairy products are excellent sources of complete proteins and fats. You should not overuse low-fat dairy products, since they have practically no benefit, and they taste significantly inferior to products with normal fat content.

Give dinner to the enemy

In fact, you don’t need to give anything away and it’s best to have dinner yourself, but this needs to be done on time and in a reasonable quantity.

Such is our nature that it is best to eat during the day, and at night it is necessary to give the body rest. But many of us, due to seemingly insurmountable circumstances, have breakfast on the go or skip breakfast altogether, forget about lunch, and, returning home in the evening, soulfully indulge in gastronomic delights. This approach is harmful to the endocrine system!

At in the right way life healthy man receives energy for its activities from carbohydrates, while at night energy needs are met by borrowing from fat depots. The body considers this correct and therefore during the day its pancreas releases a portion of insulin into the blood after each meal. Insulin helps convert carbohydrates into energy, but they are stored overnight.

At night, the pancreas goes to rest and the pituitary gland comes into action, which begins to produce a somatotropic hormone known as growth hormone. Children's body under the influence of this hormone it really grows. In the body of an adult, growth points close, but under the influence growth hormone fat begins to break down from fat depots. But that’s not all, growth hormone stimulates the immune system and has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, heart, liver and pancreas.

A heavy dinner “deceives” our body and forces it to increase the production of insulin and slow down the production of growth hormone. As a result, instead of using up fat reserves, energy is obtained from carbohydrates, and since we do not spend so much of it in our sleep, its excess is deposited in the form of new portions of subcutaneous fat. In addition, a lack of growth hormone negatively affects the immune system, work internal organs, accelerates the aging process of the body.

If dinner is not only late, but also plentiful, then the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract will slow down, and preconditions will arise for the development of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and pancreatitis.

The best time for dinner is 4 hours before bedtime. Those who want to safely speed up the process of losing weight are advised to have dinner no later than 16:00, since with this diet the effect of insulin will be minimal, and the work of somatotropin will, on the contrary, increase.

You should not change your usual one to a new and correct one at once and right now. Pull back your dinner time gradually, for example, start with one hour between bedtimes and dinners and increase it by half an hour each week.

People under 25 years old can eat a little later - 2-3 hours before bedtime, and evening fasting is generally contraindicated for children.

You should not fast even if you have certain diseases, such as sugar second type, peptic ulcer during an exacerbation, adrenal insufficiency, etc. We recommend that you consult with your doctor., which, based on the historical records in the card and your current condition, will be able to give you more specific recommendations on proper nutrition.

During dinner, give preference to foods rich in: fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs.

WITH sudden attacks hunger is best fought with small pieces lean meat, or sour fruits such as citrus fruits.

What about lunch?

Lunch should be 35-40% of the daily caloric intake, and that's where the recommendations end. During lunch, you can treat yourself to the dishes you love, simply by sticking to the numbers mentioned. You can divide your lunch into several meals with short breaks between them. Fractional meals contribute even more to weight loss.

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There is a very accurate saying: “We eat to live, not live to eat.” IN modern society there is a stereotype: healthy food not tasty. However, this is not the case. From healthy food you can get both benefit and pleasure.

Basic errors in the power system

Balanced - not only a slim body. The condition of the skin and work depend on the quality and quantity of food consumed. gastrointestinal tract, heart muscle function and blood vessel cleanliness.

The main problem of nutrition modern people- lack of time. Due to the constant rush to work and school, the daily menu is filled with semi-finished products, baked goods, and fast food products. The result of regular eating at snack bars fast food becomes, obesity, disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

The main mistakes in nutrition according to latest research nutritionists:

  • exceeding the daily calorie intake - for people whose profession does not involve heavy physical labor, daily norm calories should be within 2000
  • uncontrolled fat consumption - about 50% of the population is overweight because it does not regulate the intake of fat into the body (eggs, potatoes, fish, meat, lard fried in refined oil, dressing salads with mayonnaise or ready-made sauces)
  • liquid calories - doctors have long been sounding the alarm about excessive consumption sweet carbonated drinks that contain prohibitive amounts of sugar; High-calorie drinks also include alcohol, which additionally whets the appetite, forcing you to consume more food.
  • three meals a day - the stomach is not designed for large portions of food, and long intervals between meals lead to stagnation of bile
  • excess confectionery
  • improper processing of food - deep frying destroys beneficial features products, adding excess fat and carcinogens

People forget that meals should decrease with age, since metabolism slows down and it is much more difficult to spend the calories received.

The daily menu should have the correct ratio of proteins, fats and. This is the basic rule of healthy eating. To determine the balance, there is a “plate rule”: it is mentally divided into three parts, of which half of the diet is taken up by vegetables and greens, 25% is given complex carbohydrates(porridge, legumes), 25% remains for protein products.

Basic rules of healthy eating:

  1. There should be 3-4 main meals and 2 afternoon snacks per day.
  2. 75% of food should be consumed for breakfast and lunch, leaving 25% for dinner.
  3. It is advisable to distribute meals at the same time.
  4. Food should not be too hot or cold, recommended temperature regime: from 50 to 10°, otherwise you may get heartburn.
  5. There is no need to swallow food in chunks: the more thoroughly the food is chewed, the better it is saturated with saliva, so the food is more easily digested by the stomach and upper sections intestines.
  6. You can't skip breakfast. It is advisable to eat no later than an hour after waking up. , weakness, fatigue - all this is the result of skipped breakfasts.
  7. Adequate water intake. 1.5 liters of water, including liquid in fruits and soups, is the minimum requirement per day.
  8. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. Ideal option: vegetables + fish, vegetables + lean meat.
  9. Restriction on salt and sugar. By reducing salt intake, the body gets rid of excess liquid, swelling goes away, heart function improves. The amount of salt is 1 tsp, sugar - 6 tsp. (including salt and sugars already contained in foods).
  10. Worth giving preference vegetable fats, not animals.
  11. Do not forget about the benefits of seasonal products: strawberries in December are unlikely to saturate the body.

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Boiled, baked, stewed dishes will bring maximum benefit to the body.

Healthy Breakfast: Options

The notorious sandwiches and coffee cannot be called healthy breakfast. Fast carbohydrates are instantly digested by the body and after half an hour the person will want to eat again.

The leader among all possible breakfast options is porridge:

  • oatmeal with milk and fruit
  • buckwheat porridge with boiled or baked meat and vegetables
  • corn porridge with dried fruits
  • rice with stewed vegetables
  • millet milk porridge with honey and pumpkin

Another popular and useful product for breakfast: . An ideal low-calorie source of protein comes with wholemeal bread and baked or steamed vegetables. Options:

  • Omelet with cheese
  • scrambled eggs with tomatoes
  • omelette with mushrooms
  • fried egg
  • hard boiled eggs with toast
  • egg baked in potato or tomato

The latest culinary invention that combines the benefits of oatmeal and eggs: oatmeal pancake. is very popular among those who want to lose weight: 2 eggs mixed with 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, add 30 ml of milk, salt and pepper to taste. The well-beaten mixture is fried in a non-stick frying pan or a regular one with minimal addition of oil. For filling use: cottage cheese, cheese, banana, vegetables, dried fruits, lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef).

The following are considered healthy breakfasts:

  • syrniki
  • dumplings with cottage cheese
  • vegetable fritters (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin)
  • cottage cheese casserole
  • sandwiches made from whole grain bread with boiled meat and herbs
  • with cottage cheese and raisins in the oven

The preferred beverage is to drink green tea, fruit and berry compote, freshly squeezed juices. It is advisable not to overdo it with coffee: no more than 3 cups per day with the addition of milk (to avoid leaching of calcium).

Examples of healthy lunches

There should be at least 3 hours between meals. Lunch is the most problematic meal of the day because most people don't have time for it. Buns, cookies and pies for a sedentary worker will result in problems with the gastrointestinal tract and obesity. Lunch options at work:

  • muesli with milk or yogurt. There is a pitfall here: ready-made muesli usually has a high content of sugar and preservatives, so before purchasing you need to study the composition of the product
  • seasonal vegetable salad
  • dairy products: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt
  • jacket potatoes
  • lavash rolls with chicken and herbs

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For a complete proper lunch Of course, muesli alone will not be enough. For lunch, it is advisable to prepare a hot dish (soup, borscht), vegetable salad and meat. However, soups are not useful for everyone: they are not recommended for patients with peptic ulcers or duodenal ulcers, as they increase acidity.

On weekends, lunches that are familiar to our mentality are perfectly combined with: recipes for the week

  • buckwheat, pearl barley, rice soup with chicken broth
  • borscht with lean pork or beef broth
  • pickle
  • mushroom soup or beans
  • mashed potatoes, chicken pilaf
  • stewed potatoes with meat
  • baked fish with cheese crust
  • vegetable casseroles
  • durum wheat pasta
  • chicken fillet with grilled vegetables in the oven
  • beans with tomatoes in soy sauce

For dessert you can allow healthy sweets: , marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, dark chocolate (of course, within reason).

Healthy dinner: options

A healthy dinner should have maximum benefits and minimum calories. It is not recommended to eat porridge (except buckwheat) at night: it takes a long time to break down and can create heaviness in the stomach. But you shouldn’t dine on kefir alone either: fasting provokes excessive production gastric juice and bile, which negatively affects digestive system, up to the formation of ulcers or gastritis.

The following dishes will bring the greatest benefit at dinner:

  • vegetable or potato puree
  • vegetable casserole with cheese
  • pasta with baked lean poultry
  • brown rice with seafood
  • vegetable stew made from seasonal vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, onions, carrots)
  • pike perch, cod, pollock, tuna, carp baked in foil
  • rabbit meat in the oven with vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil
  • pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese
  • omelette with herbs and tomatoes
  • spaghetti and Caesar salad
  • lasagna made from vegetables or with minced chicken or turkey

It is useful to add hot spices to dishes prepared for dinner: they stimulate, speed up metabolism and the breakdown of food. Salads are perfect for an evening meal: in summer, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, in winter - from boiled beets with prunes, carrots with nuts, fresh and sauerkraut.

For healthy salad dressings, it is better to use olive oil, low-fat sour cream or unflavored yogurt. For dessert, you can make a smoothie with berries, cottage cheese cakes with fruits or berries.

Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink green tea with honey or a glass of kefir: such drinks will only benefit the body.

The ideal time for a small afternoon snack: 1.5 hours after breakfast and a couple of hours before dinner. It is advisable to eat nutritious product, but a small portion. Options for proper snacks:

  1. . When eating nuts, the main thing is not to overdo it with their quantity. This is a high-calorie product with saturated fatty acids, the list of useful ones includes: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios. Preference is given to unsalted nuts.
  2. . An alternative to candy and a great mental booster. In addition, dried fruits solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract: dried apricots and prunes help with constipation. Dried bananas and apples, raisins and figs are suitable as a snack.
  3. Fruits and berries. Apples and grapes the best option to satisfy your hunger. They whet the appetite, causing intense production of gastric juice. Bananas, raspberries, pears, peaches, oranges, and grapefruit will bring more benefits.
  4. Cheese. An excellent option for a snack, especially varieties of cheese up to 15% fat: feta cheese or Adygei cheese.
  5. Sandwiches. Yes, sandwiches can be healthy. Cereal bread or biscuit with a piece of boiled chicken fillet, a slice of tomato, a leaf of lettuce and a piece of cheese will satisfy your appetite. Another option: a sweet sandwich (rye bread with apple marshmallow).
  6. Olives. A very unusual, but correct snack. They contain substances that prevent stomach ulcers and fight overweight and wrinkles.


Proper nutrition has a number of benefits, such as:

  • improvement general condition body;
  • getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • good health;
  • healthy glowing facial skin;
  • healthy hair and nails;
  • good mood.

In a world full of events and stress, a person spends a colossal amount of energy. It is wasted on any action, be it movement, communication, work and even night rest. Replenishing energy is necessary for the body to continue to function normally, so that its reserves are not depleted. By consuming food, a person fully compensates the body for all energy costs and receives substances, vitamins, amino acids and minerals necessary for life.

Rhythm of life modern man It is extremely fast and eating in it often happens on the run, just to throw something into yourself and run on. This approach could lead to sad consequences, serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of general condition, unhealthy complexion, sleep disturbances, irritation and depression. The food a person eats can bring him as much great benefit, and irreparable harm.

In order not to harm your body, a person needs to eat right. Various, balanced diet will certainly have a positive impact on health and appearance person. Shortage useful substances, with a strict diet, for example, leads to deterioration general well-being, loss of strength, negatively affects the condition of hair and nails. In the same time, overconsumption food leads to the same consequences and obesity.

How to support your body with proper nutrition

So how can you avoid harming yourself? How to keep your body normal, give it everything it needs and replenish enormous energy costs? You just need to eat right, monitor your diet, consume and correctly combine healthy foods. Also an important role in ensuring wellness drinking clean, filtered water plays a role. By drinking enough liquid, a person helps his body get rid of waste and toxins accumulated over the years. Water helps speed up the digestion process and improves brain activity and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Starting your day with a glass clean water, a person prepares his body for active work, gives him a huge boost of vivacity and energy.

Principles of proper nutrition

At proper nutrition It is worth adhering to some rules. Over time, they will develop into a habit and will be performed automatically.

Breakfast - proper nutrition

In the morning, when the body has just woken up, it does not need large quantity food. Therefore, after drinking a glass of water, you can add lemon juice or spoons natural honey, a light breakfast is required. These can be your favorite fruits, various cereals, such as rolled oats or buckwheat, steamed vegetables, fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk).

Beautiful, light breakfast You can serve cottage cheese pancakes baked in the oven without oil, oatmeal with berries, a piece of lean chicken or turkey, a couple of eggs boiled “in a bag” with a piece of toasted bread. Drinking good ones in the morning the right carbohydrates will charge you with energy for the whole difficult and eventful day.

Lunch - proper nutrition

Lunch, unlike breakfast, should be denser and richer. A maximally balanced lunch meal will contribute to the further proper functioning of the body. The daily meal should contain a sufficient amount of calories and at the same time not be overloaded with harmful, hard-to-digest foods. Proper distribution of fats and carbohydrates will help the body expend the necessary amount of energy until the end of the day.

A proper lunch includes a first and second course, a drink and a dessert. You can start your meal with light vegetable salad seasoned with a small amount olive oil or natural yogurt. The hot first course is any low-fat soup. For the second course, meat or fish dishes with a side dish of potatoes, other vegetables, cereals and durum wheat pasta.

At lunchtime you can treat yourself to some healthy dessert. They can serve fruit salad, freshly prepared berry mousse, light cottage cheese pastries, cheesecake and even ice cream. The main thing is not to overload your stomach with excessively heavy food, eat in moderation.

You can end your lunch with a cup of aromatic, preferably herbal, tea.

Dinner - proper nutrition

In the evening, a tired body urgently needs to replenish its strength. There is an opinion that dinner is harmful to health. But that's not true! With a modern lifestyle, a person, as mentioned above, spends a huge amount of energy and needs to replace it. A dinner prepared according to all the rules will help compensate for all the expenses of the day. The main rule of a healthy dinner is that it is easily digestible and eaten a couple of hours before bedtime.

A proper evening meal should include protein products, such as cottage cheese, soft cheese, eggs and mushrooms. You can diversify your dinner with vegetables, lean fish, poultry, seafood.

If you feel very hungry before going to bed, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir, eat an apple or a handful of nuts and dried fruits. You should not sit down at the table very tired; you should first take a short rest, take a refreshing shower, and only then start eating.

By eating right, a person will not only protect himself from health problems, but will also help his body function flawlessly, enjoy life and communicate with loved ones.

Nutrition - most important factor, affecting your health. How it will affect your health, positively or negatively, depends only on you. If you have decided to lead healthy image life, you need to know which foods should prevail in your diet, and which ones will need to be limited or completely eliminated. Healthy nutrition for every day: breakfast, lunch and dinner - what should it be? Read on and you will find a comprehensive answer to this question that will help you change your life forever. better side the quality of your life. It doesn’t matter what goals you are pursuing - losing weight or trying to improve your health. By switching to proper nutrition, you will kill two birds with one stone, achieving good health and a beautiful figure.

According to the rules of healthy eating, there should be at least four meals a day, or even as many as five or six. This includes: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. The break between meals should be three to three and a half hours. Develop your own diet that you will stick to for the rest of your life. Eating at the same time is a great habit that will only contribute to weight loss and overall health. Another one good habit- this is regular consumption of water. Every day you should try to drink at least one and a half liters of mineral purified still water (half an hour before meals and an hour after meals).

Naturally, you will need to make a great effort on yourself, stock up on willpower in order to give up those favorite dishes and products that did not bring the slightest benefit to your figure or health. These products include: confectionery, flour products, canned food, overly spicy and fatty foods, fast food, chips, crackers, carbonated sweet drinks, sugar, sausages, ice cream. Of course, from time to time you can and even need to treat yourself to something tasty. Occasionally you can afford to eat one of the above products, but we recommend doing this in the morning, before twelve o’clock. Better yet, find a healthy alternative to any product on the list.

Below are examples of breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner for every day. You can safely combine these options and create your own menu for every day.

Healthy eating for every day - breakfast, lunch and dinner:

Breakfast examples:

Any porridge.
. Any porridge and vegetables.
. A couple of slices of bread with cheese, vegetables.
. Cottage cheese with oatmeal or biscuits.
. A slice of bread and an omelette (can be replaced with two boiled eggs).

Second breakfast examples:

Any fruit.
. Tea with cheese.
. A handful of nuts or dried fruits.
. Low-fat yogurt.
. Juice.
. Baby puree (one jar).

Lunch examples:

Soup, salad with vegetables, a slice of bread.
. Soup, mushrooms or meat, vegetables.
. Cucumber salad, stewed mushrooms.
. Vegetable salad, low-fat fish.

Examples of afternoon tea:

Any fruit.
. Juice.
. Low-fat yogurt.
. Low-fat cottage cheese with greens.

Dinner examples:

Lean meats, vegetables.
. Low-fat fish, vegetables.
. Omelet, vegetables.
. Cucumber and low-fat cottage cheese.

Remember that your last meal should take place no less than three hours before bedtime. If you are used to eating incorrectly, then by switching to a healthy diet, you will immediately see qualitative changes! Moreover, without experiencing discomfort or hunger, as happens if you are on a diet. By adding sports to this menu, soon everyone around you will begin to cast admiring glances at you, in which you can read boundless respect! And remember that it is enough to hold out for only twenty-one days to healthy eating It has become a habit that you will not be able to break for the rest of your life. Go for it!