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The myth of the century is cellulite, or in any unclear situation - squat. Cellulite (gynoid lipodystrophy) or "orange peel"

Cellulite formation occurs in several stages over a certain period of time. There are three main factors that contribute to the formation of cellulite: circulatory failure, outflow pathology venous blood, stagnation in lymphatic systems e. These three reasons are directly dependent on each other, and the emergence of one of them leads to the addition of the other two.

Mechanism of cellulite formation

Most often, the primary issue is circulatory failure, which almost always leads to a violation venous outflow and stagnation of lymph. In practice, the causes of cellulite are combined and a single pathological process is formed. Level of damage to blood vessels and lymphatic vessels determines the location of cellulite and the extent of the lesion. In this case, an important indicator of the degree of future cellulite is the number of subcutaneous fat cells in the affected area.

Fine subcutaneous fat given that normal function The circulatory system supplies the body's cells with protein and oxygen. Redistribution occurs nutrients, normal unhindered outflow of blood plasma from the arteries through the capillaries into the veins, the formation of a sufficient amount connective tissue.

Areas affected by cellulite are not sufficiently washed with blood. A disruption of tissue trophism begins, slowing down the movement of venous blood and lymphatic fluid. Poor blood circulation results in insufficient supply of protein and oxygen to cells. Violated acid-base balance and as a result, blood plasma accumulates in the intercellular space. The affected tissue thickens, which prevents normal circulation blood in this area. Cellulite forms.

The timing and methods of recovery correspond to the duration and degree of the disease. Knowing about internal changes, become clear external manifestations cellulite. The resulting cellulite will develop continuously depending on the degree of participation of the main causes of the disease.

1 Stage of appearance of cellulite

The beginning of the process is pathology of cardio-vascular system. There is a decrease in the speed of blood flow, stagnation of lymph and blood in the veins. Malnutrition occurs, oxygen starvation cells. At this stage, external changes do not appear in any way. Violation of the outflow of venous blood leads to tissue swelling. The speed of blood flow in the capillary network is reduced to a minimum. Under such conditions, the production of toxic substances begins, which leads to inflammation. inner shell capillaries. Impaired lymphatic drainage leads to increased blood pressure intercellular fluid, hyperhydration of tissues occurs (oversaturation with water), loss of protein structures with the formation of dense enveloping strands. The changes that occur can only be observed through a microscope, however pathological process has begun and will certainly cause visible morphological manifestations.

2 Stage of appearance of cellulite

Accumulation of fluid in tissues and increased osmotic pressure leads to disruption of the permeability of the wall of small blood vessels, which in turn only aggravates the process. Blood flow is redistributed into superficial veins a large volume of blood is sent. Small weak superficial veins are stretched, some of them cannot withstand the tension and the vessels rupture. The first visible manifestations of cellulite begin - ruptured blood vessels, thickening and compaction of small areas of skin with hypersensitivity. Even minor injuries cause bruising. At this stage, cellulite plaques and “orange peel” do not form, and there is no skin hypothermia.

3 Stage of appearance of cellulite

Over a period of time, the capacity of the already slightly damaged and weakened vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic systems does not meet the increased requirements of the surrounding tissues for fluid outflow. Overhydration of tissues becomes constant, as a result of which the affected areas of the skin thicken and become denser. At this stage, the remaining layers of the skin are involved in the process, and we see a specific “orange peel” appearance.

4 Stage of appearance of cellulite

The release of protein fractions continues with the formation of dense fibers in the intercellular fluid. These fibers "braid" fat cells, which makes it almost impossible normal nutrition entire areas of skin. It must be remembered that circulatory system not only nourishes cells, but also rids them of waste products. In our case, this process is also disrupted and toxins accumulate in the cells, which, in turn, leads to further disruption of biochemical processes in the cytoplasm of cells and intercellular fluid. The reduced amount of blood in the tissue leads to a significant decrease in the temperature of the affected area. The orange peel becomes more pronounced.

5 Stage of appearance of cellulite

Disturbances in blood circulation and outflow of lymphatic fluid cause stagnation in the affected area. At the same time, there is an increase in blood circulation in neighboring areas of the skin. This is due to the compensatory function of the body due to high concentration toxins in affected tissues. Therefore, in neighboring areas the skin temperature rises.

6 Stage of appearance of cellulite

As a result of disruption of biochemical processes, the breakdown of fat in fat cells does not occur, and its formation continues there. This leads to an increase in the extent of the damage. The number of free connective tissue fibers in the intercellular space increases many times and the formation of steatomas occurs. Steatomas cause unsightly lumps on the skin and are a sign of fully developed cellulite.

Cellulite treatment

Treatment of cellulite is a long and labor-intensive process, but with perseverance, patience and the will to defeat this disease modern methods aesthetic cosmetology allows you to achieve good results. You can see useful links to anti-cellulite procedures at the beginning of this article.

Dermatocosmetologist at the Medical and Aesthetic Center "MedEra"

Cellulite does not cause physical discomfort, but it does make you experience serious complexes. Orange peel on the stomach, thighs and buttocks deprives you of self-confidence. What causes cellulite? We will name the main causes of the problem.

What is cellulite?

Do not think that cellulite is one of the manifestations of obesity. Curvy women in some cases can boast complete absence“orange peel”, while the hips, stomach and buttocks of thin girls are sometimes “decorated” with cellulite tubercles.

Cellulite is characterized structural changes subcutaneous fat layer, impeding blood circulation and worsening lymphatic drainage. Stagnation leads to degeneration of adipose tissue. The pores of the cells become clogged, causing everything that should have been removed to remain inside. The changed cells are grouped, which leads to the formation of convex “islands” that are hard to the touch in the connective tissue. Against the background of stagnation of blood and lymph, a change in the color of the body area occurs (the skin acquires a bluish tint), and calcification of fat cells is observed (calcium accumulation in them). Cellulite islands tend to attract fluid from surrounding tissues, which can cause swelling of problem areas.

Causes of cellulite

What causes cellulite? The development of this problem is facilitated by:
Hormonal changes (for example, during pregnancy or menopause)
Reception hormonal drugs
Violation metabolic processes
Unfavorable environment
Poor nutrition with predominance fatty foods
Exposure to stress
Alcohol abuse
Sedentary image life
Aging processes of the body
Pancreatic dysfunction
Diseases thyroid gland
Circulatory disorders
Slagging in the body
Pathologies of the liver and kidneys
Chronic constipation
Vegetovascular dystonia

Interesting fact - in winter period the chances of developing cellulite tubercles increase significantly. It is not difficult to explain such “injustice”. The fact is that during cool periods we prefer hot baths and temporarily forget about the benefits of a contrast shower. As a result, the tone and elasticity of the skin are weakened, and the tubercles of fat are easily pushed to the surface. Other risk factors are air dried out by heaters, as well as temperature changes (this negatively affects the condition of the skin). Oddly enough, shapewear tights can also lead to the appearance of cellulite over time. They interfere with the normal flow of lymph and blood, which provokes stagnation. In addition, in winter we pay less attention to body care - the peak use of anti-cellulite compounds and moisturizers occurs in the spring. Well, such “vacations” provide a completely natural result.

The main causes of cellulite are stagnation, slagging of the body and changes in hormonal levels. These “3 pillars” are the main enemies female beauty. According to many women, preventing the appearance of cellulite tubercles is easier than trying to deal with them. As practice shows, none of the folk or professional means Doesn't completely remove the orange peel. Hard work on yourself allows you to smooth out the bumps as much as possible and make them less noticeable. By the best means to combat the problem are massage treatments, diet, wraps, sports activities.

 Orange peel syndrome, lumpy thighs, lymphatic drainage system failure - cellulite has many nicknames. And each of them sounds unappetizing enough to make us frantically search for methods of treating it. We don't want to think about it or look at it - otherwise why would magical Photoshop so purposefully smooth out the thighs of every professionally photographed woman? But all these views on cellulite are based on many myths, in the creation of which the multimillion-dollar cosmetic industry plays a significant role.

How effective? And is cellulite the inevitable curse of any woman who has gained even a little extra weight? It's time to dispel the myths that add unnecessary complexes to women regarding their appearance.

Myth 1. Only fat people have cellulite

98% of women have cellulite. Even supermodels and anorexics have it. And although the more excess weight you have, the more cellulite, in itself, does not cause the “orange peel”. Well, who are these lucky women who are included in the cherished 2% who do not have cellulite? Cellulite professionals say it's simply women with thicker skin, and the vast majority of them are of African descent.

Myth 2. Cellulite is fat deposits

In fact, it is an uneven mixture of tissue and fat deposits. Under the skin there is a layer of tissue fibers, which, as a rule (but not necessarily), contains fat cells. Fat cells and lymph held by these fibers may be deposited unevenly, causing them to bulge and the fibers themselves to shrink.

Myth 3. Only women get cellulite

This is partly true. Although men also have cellulite, albeit rarely, it does happen. These are usually men with genetic and chromosomal abnormalities. Why is this typical for women? Previously it was believed that the reason was hormones. But now there is new theory origin of cellulite. According to it, the fibers connecting the skin and muscles in women have a vertical orientation. When they are stretched, all the contents between them begin to bulge, thus creating a honeycomb effect. In men, these fibers are arranged crosswise; this design prevents fat cells from protruding. And although not everything is known about cellulite, one thing is clear - women are not to blame for this.

Myth 4. If you lose weight, cellulite will disappear

Healthy eating, physical activity and adequate sleep have never spoiled anyone's appearance. And sometimes losing weight actually leads to visual reduction of cellulite as the size of fat deposits decreases. But it often happens that, especially fast, the skin becomes more flabby, sags, and cellulite becomes even more noticeable.

Myth 5. Cellulite can be removed with creams

Regardless of the high cost of the cream and the “promotion” of the brand, creams are not able to remove cellulite. What they can do is create a slight illusion of smoother skin for a couple of hours and thereby slightly soften the appearance of cellulite. They, as a rule, contain reflective particles, due to which uneven terrain does not appear so noticeably. By the way, self-tanning sprays can disguise cellulite just as well.

Myth 6. You can get rid of cellulite with cosmetic procedures or operations

Nowadays a huge variety of cosmetic procedures are offered that supposedly get rid of cellulite. These include ultrasonic waves, cryotherapy, various types of massages, and wraps. These manipulations can only improve the visibility of cellulite, and even then only for a short time. Somehow influence the condition subcutaneous tissue V long term they are unable to. A new trend in cosmetic surgery is cellulaze, an hour-long operation designed to rid women of the hated “orange peel.” Doctors use lasers to destroy fat cells in the "bumps" of cellulite. The procedure is simple, with fast period recovery, but costs from 10 thousand dollars and more. On this moment considered the most effective means against cellulite, but does not guarantee completely even and smooth skin.

So is there anything you can do to reduce cellulite?

Well, by at least, you can prevent it from getting worse. Harmful solar radiation and smoking worsen the appearance of cellulite. The sun and smoking destroy collagen fibers, causing the skin to lose elasticity and firmness. These are the two most terrible enemies beautiful skin, and not only in relation to cellulite.

It will definitely contribute to the beauty of your legs and proper nutrition. You should eat a lot of fiber and minimize the consumption of “acidic” foods: sugars and carbonated drinks. The Mediterranean diet is best in this regard. Remember to drink lots and lots of water and add some if possible lemon juice in dishes and drinks.

And, of course, nothing serves as such an excellent prevention of cellulite as sports. Physical activity stimulates the body's lymphatic drainage system, and is also a kind of deep tissue massage. All this will help reduce the symptoms of cellulite and prevent its worsening.

And remember that having cellulite on your thighs, buttocks and even your stomach is NORMAL. Even if it doesn’t look very attractive in certain sizes and ages. There were times when this was considered just attractive. All of the above does not mean that you don’t need to take care of yourself. But if you remember that cellulite is normal, inevitable and invincible, then it will be easier for you to come to terms with yourself, accept your reflection in the mirror as it is, and direct your energy in a more beneficial direction.

Jamilya Atabieva, dietician-nutritionist, obstetrician-gynecologist, world karate champion

No one is immune from the appearance of cellulite! It occurs in women and men, in young and older people, in fat and thin people. Occurs on the buttocks, legs, arms, and abdomen. Like this global problem, which is very difficult to fight.

– this is a violation of microcirculation and lymphatic drainage of the subcutaneous fat layer, which ultimately leads to the proliferation of connective tissue, the appearance of nodules, tubercles, pits and bluish spots. These irregularities cause the skin to look like an orange peel. The thinner the layer of epidermis in humans, the stronger manifestation cellulite.

There are several stages of cellulite:

Stage 1. Slight increase in subcutaneous fat. There are no visual changes, but if you lightly squeeze the skin with your fingers, you can see it. At this stage, the body often copes with the problem itself, especially if active image life.

Stage 2. The bumps and pits become slightly noticeable. At this stage, you can still fix everything if you eat right, exercise, and get massages.

Stage 3. The orange peel is very noticeable. It is no longer possible to get rid of it on your own. Need help from a specialist.

Stage 4. The holes deepen. Sometimes they appear painful sensations and bruises on the body. You will need the help of a surgeon.

So what causes cellulite? This is important to know in order to understand how to deal with the problem and accept preventive measures.

What are the reasons?

1 Female physiology

According to statistics, cellulite occurs in almost 90% of women and nature itself is to blame for this. It was she who laid down that the main function of the weaker sex is bearing children. Therefore, girls at the age of 17-18 begin to accumulate a large number of fat in the thighs and abdomen. This applies to absolutely all girls, even thin ones! It’s just that at this time the body is still successfully coping with the problem on its own, especially if a person leads an active lifestyle and eats right. As you age, when your metabolism begins to slow down, you have to make more and more efforts to burn off this fat.

2 Sedentary lifestyle

If you are most If you spend time sitting, your risk of getting cellulite increases many times over. Muscle tone weakens, blood stagnates, and in the most vulnerable parts of the body, not the most useful material. Hello, " Orange peel»!

3 Pregnancy

More precisely, the reason is not even that, but a change in hormonal levels in women. The enemy of beautiful skin is the hormone estrogen. Surges and declines in hormones occur during puberty, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, after menopause. All these factors encourage the body to stock up on fat and store it in the thighs and abdomen.

Smoking, etc. bad habits

Smoking and alcohol also slow down the removal of toxins and waste from the body. In addition, nicotine constricts blood vessels, which threatens the appearance of edema.


Unfortunately, this factor cannot be discounted. Low fat burning rate and slow metabolism can be inherited.


Strong antibiotic, diuretics, even sleeping pills, can disrupt metabolism and negatively affect other important processes in the body.

Abuse of fatty, fried, salty and spicy food leads to the formation of cellulite. Everything is simple here. The conclusion from such food harmful substances from the body slows down, hence the fat. ABOUT proper nutrition that will help fight cellulite, we will talk below with an expert. For now the next point.

Lack of fluid

Not only excess fluid is harmful, but also its lack. Water helps our body get rid of waste and toxins, which means it promotes healthy skin.

9 Diets

Especially strict mono-diets. When, after prolonged fasting, the body gains access to good nutrition, he not only shouts “Hurray!” greedily begins to absorb everything previously inaccessible to him, but also strives to make a reserve for the future. Can you guess what this stock is like?! Yes, these are fat cells!

In addition to the direct causes of cellulite, there are many indirect ones. Private snacks on the run, stress, overwork. The presence of an “orange peel” may also indicate more serious problem– disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidney disease.

How to get rid of it?

Some doctors call cellulite a disease, while others consider it a cosmetic defect that does not affect health in any way and therefore does not require treatment. Both approaches are wrong. Cellulite cannot be called a disease in the full sense of the word. However, this is not entirely normal condition skin. Areas of the body with cellulite do not receive necessary vitamins and accumulate toxins. Therefore, the appearance of “orange peel” is a signal that the body needs attention and support.

“It is very difficult and practically impossible to get rid of this effect on your body,” says Jamilya Atabieva, a nutritionist, obstetrician-gynecologist, certified psychologist, and also a world karate champion. – But it is possible to reduce manifestations. And you need to start from the “depths”, and not from the “tops”.

So, what does our expert advise?

! Water and balanced diet– this is what lies at the core and what you should first pay attention to.


You need to drink your quota of water. This is the only way to remove all toxins and waste from the body. To find out your daily norm, you need to multiply your weight in kg by 35. Make sure that water gets into your field of vision: place a bottle of water at your workplace, and a decanter at home. Always carry it with you in small bottles. You can stick bright stickers on containers so that every time you catch your eye on the bright “marker” you drink a few sips of liquid. Water “outwardly” is also beneficial - cold and hot shower and massage of problem areas with a hard brush will help improve microcirculation in the subcutaneous fat layer.

Balanced diet

Every meal should be balanced. Your diet must contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates (in the right amount, without abuse). The feeding rhythm is every 4 hours.

The less protein, the worse condition skin, which means there is a greater chance of “orange peel” spreading throughout the body.

There is a misconception that simply cooked food does not taste good. And this is the main thing that a dietician-nutritionist has to deal with. The reality is that for 10 of your usual and not quite “correct” dishes, there are 20 simple, tasty and healthy ones.

Healthy foods

What to include in your daily diet? What products will help in the fight for healthy and beautiful body?


We don’t often remember this fruit when planning our menu at home, but in vain. Avocado contains essential amino acids, vitamins A, vitamins B, C, D, a lot of microelements, as well as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium. This is a strong antioxidant. The fruit helps reduce blood cholesterol, improves microcirculation, affects skin condition, improves hormonal background.


Whole grain wheat, oats, rye. Cereals are rich in magnesium, which improves the condition of smooth muscles of blood vessels, accordingly, microcirculation and lymphatic drainage improve, leveling out the “orange peel” effect.

Nuts and seeds

They contain essential amino acids, improve microcirculation, have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels and the beauty of the skin in general. The leader at this point is linseed oil. It contains record content essential amino acids, as well as Omega3 and Omega6. By drinking one spoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach, you completely close daily requirement person in the right fats and “start” the body’s work.


Reduce the risk of blood clots and improve blood flow. They contain a large amount of vitamins, calcium, microelements, antioxidants - which contributes to the rejuvenation of organs.


Dill, parsley, green salad, spinach. Lots of calcium, vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Thanks to greens, blood viscosity is reduced, microcirculation is restored - the result is an improvement in the condition of the skin, including in problem areas.

What to exclude from the diet?

You need to stop eating fatty and fried foods. Or reduce them to a minimum. The most harmful are trans isomers fatty acids, which are found in fast food, chips, and store-bought sweets - it’s best to avoid this altogether. Limit/remove alcohol (extra empty kilocalories + fluid retention in the body) and smoking (impaired microcirculation). Coffee - if you are unable to eliminate it altogether, then replace it with natural black coffee and without sugar. And it can be given sweetness by a substitute of natural origin, for example, based on stevia. And it’s important! Stop adding salt to dishes to avoid swelling.

Of course, this is only the base that will help keep your skin youthful and healthy. There are plenty more different ways, for example, sports, it can be either a fitness club or regular hiking, as well as aerobics, dancing, running. This can also be mechanical influences - massage, “wraps” and hardware procedures from a cosmetologist.

Remember! Even if you don’t have the strength and inspiration to implement everything right away, it is important to take “honest” and, most importantly, regular small steps towards your goal. And then you will succeed!

Photo: ShutterStock/Fotodom.ru; Pixabay.com

Cellulite, by definition, is the presence of small depressions and bumps resembling the peel of an orange that appear primarily on the thighs and buttocks. A more accurate name for cellulite is gynoid lipodystrophy.

At first, cellulite is noticeable only when the skin is squeezed. Over time, if nothing is done, it becomes noticeable in any position of the body. Its appearance immediately suggests what causes cellulite and how to get rid of it forever.

Causes of cellulite

To understand what causes the appearance of cellulite on the legs and other parts of the body, you need to delve into the basics of anatomy.

The third layer of skin after the epidermis and dermis is subcutaneous fat, represented by a layer of fat.

It is unevenly distributed in different parts of the body. Fat is necessary because it performs important functions.

The fat layer is penetrated by collagen fibers, which form peculiar partitions attached to the skin and muscles. Between them are cavities in which fat is stored.

However, this assumption does not explain the question: what are the causes of cellulite in thin people? Research by scientists gives the following answer. The structure of the partitions (they differ in thickness) and their location in the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs is different than on other parts of the body. They compress even small amounts of fat and push it out, forming unattractive bumps, which is why cellulite occurs on the butt, the causes of which, as is now known, are closely related to the structural feature.

When considering the main causes of cellulite, we should remember about secondary factors. According to Italian scientists, this is a predisposition to fluid retention by special cells - proteoglucans in problem areas, as well as poor blood circulation and exposure free radicals. But nothing, it’s not difficult to.

Cellulite in men

Here's what men are not familiar with: cellulite. That is, no man, regardless of build, will find skin disfigured by cellulite on his body. And even the distribution of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area full man It’s hard to call it cellulite.

It's all about the structure of the same collagen fibers, which are located diagonally in representatives of the stronger sex. When distributed, fat does not accumulate in cavities that simply do not exist, but is distributed evenly. Therefore, there are no causes of cellulite on the buttocks in men.

Just like cellulite on the thighs, the reasons for its absence are understandable. Something similar to cellulite in men appears when there are hormonal disorders with hypersecretion of estrogen, which are accompanied by changes in microcirculation. Men with a thin build, unlike women, never have an “orange peel” appearance.

Causes of cellulite on the butt

Cellulite appears on the butt for the same reasons as on other “problem” parts of the body. Cellulite on calves, causes the occurrence of which were discussed above, appears rarely and only in very obese women.

There are three main factors that contribute to cellulite:

  • Hormonal factor - disruptions or hormonal surges during puberty, pregnancy, menopause affect the formation of cellulite.
  • Nutritional factor – an unbalanced diet with a predominance of “ junk food» Promotes hyperinsulinemia and an increase in fat cells.
  • Vascular factor – associated with impaired lymph circulation and blood circulation. It is observed at all stages of gynoid lipodystrophy and contributes to slight swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, as well as metabolic disorders.

Cellulite is an exclusively female problem. Predisposing factors and causes of cellulite on legs, buttocks, thighs are as follows:

  • Age. Girls before puberty do not experience any manifestations of cellulite. But after its onset and closer to 30 years, in 9 out of 10 women it is noticeable in varying degrees expressiveness.
  • Estrogen or progesterone? Until recently, the causes of cellulite in women were associated with the hormone estrogen. Indeed, it promotes fluid retention and fat accumulation. However, recently scientists have revised their opinion and come to the conclusion that testosterone helps strengthen connective tissue - it is synthesized in the male body. Its negligible content in a woman’s body leads to the appearance of cellulite.
  • A sedentary lifestyle contributes to excess weight and, accordingly, the manifestation of cellulite. Cellulite on the arms, causes which is associated primarily with obesity, manifests itself in obese women.
  • Smoking indirectly affects the appearance of cellulite. Japanese scientists have discovered that under the influence of nicotine, collagen fibers are destroyed, as a result of which the skin becomes thinner and cellulite is noticeable.
  • Many minor factors, such as: sunburn, dehydration, food allergy, stressful situations, toxins contribute to the occurrence of cellulite.