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Hardening and the effect of hardening on the human body. The effect of hardening on the human body

July 22, 2011 Health and nutrition

A healthy person is characterized by the presence in his body of a stable temperature balance that persists at any external influences. In order to maintain it, there is a whole range of hardening measures.

The effect of hardening on the body

Hardening the body - a system of special training of thermoregulation processes, which consists of many special procedures that increase a person’s resistance to overheating and hypothermia. It also contributes to improvement defensive reaction body for any external stimuli- be it viruses, cold, dampness, heat, etc.

Differences between an unseasoned and a seasoned person

In an unhardened person, even a slight influence of cold causes disruption of thermoregulation processes and leads to a decrease in body temperature, which gives impetus to the activation of pathogenic viruses and, as a result, contributes to the development of diseases. Whereas a hardened person can easily endure not only cold, but also heat, sudden change temperatures that cause everyone else to deplete their defenses. It is much less susceptible to various colds, including flu, bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, etc.

What does hardening the body do?

Among other things, hardening the body promotes:

  • improving performance;
  • increase in physical endurance;
  • normalization of the emotional sphere.

That is, a seasoned person receives not only health, excellent physical fitness, but also balance, emotional security, confidence, becoming stronger both physically and mentally, which is especially important in modern conditions labor.

Rules for hardening the body

Proper hardening of the body must be carried out according to the rules. Even if this is a pun, it reflects the real attitude towards the hardening process, since it should not be chaotic and spontaneous, but systematic and planned. In this regard, there are several rules for hardening the body, which include:

  • systematic;
  • gradualism;
  • subsequence;
  • complexity.

Systematic hardening of the body

Systematicity involves daily procedures to harden the body, without long breaks, regardless of weather conditions and season. It is best to consolidate this rule in your daily routine, so that over time you get a stereotypical and effective reaction to any weather and seasonal irritant.

Gradual hardening of the body

Graduality is one of the priority rules for hardening the body and is associated with a systematic increase in the duration and strength of the effects of procedures, which ultimately brings the body positive result. For example, the transition to a strict temperature regime should be carried out gradually, always taking into account the nature of the body’s response and its condition. This principle is extremely important for older people and for those who suffer from illnesses gastrointestinal tract, lungs, blood vessels and heart.

The sequence of hardening the body

The sequence of hardening the body is directly related to gradualism and is, as it were, one of its manifestations. That is, it regulates the principle of gradual change of force irritating factors. To do this, you should first practice gentle procedures ( foot baths or wiping) and only then take a contrast shower and douche, while strictly monitoring the gradual decrease in the temperature of the aquatic environment.

The complexity of hardening the body

The complexity of hardening the body means that this type of strengthening procedures depends on a considerable number of objective conditions: place of residence, climatic zone, state of health, time of year. According to experts, the most effective is to combine various hardening procedures that convey the entire complex of natural factors. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the heat-protective qualities of a person’s clothing, which form a certain microclimate around his body, and the temperature in the room where he is used to being.

Methods of hardening the body

Hardening the body has a strong stressful effect on a person, so before moving on to traditional methods hardening, you need to consult with doctors: at any stage of hardening and for any type of hardening, continuous medical monitoring of your health is necessary. This is especially important for those who suffer chronic diseases. The methods of hardening the body themselves are divided into local and general.

Local methods of hardening the body

Local methods of hardening the body involve influencing individual areas of the human body. As a rule, these are nasal cavity, throat and lower limbs. Typically applied to the feet:

  • contrast baths (temperature warm water throughout the entire course remains stable, amounting to +42 degrees, while the cool temperature gradually decreases by 1 degree every 2-7 days; duration of the procedure – from 8 minutes to 12 minutes);
  • cool baths (the use of warm water is not expected at all; start the procedure at +37 degrees, reducing it every 2-7 days by a degree; duration of foot baths is from 6 minutes to 8 minutes at the beginning and from 2 minutes to 4 minutes at the end of the course) ;
  • dousing (is a way of preparing for taking baths; it is also associated with a gradual decrease in the temperature of the water by 1 degree every 2-7 days; it involves mandatory dry rubbing of the feet);
  • rubbing (initial hardening procedure using water +37 degrees and gradually reducing it to +28 degrees; duration of rubbing - from 2 minutes to 4 minutes).

The throat and nose are rinsed and irrigated, starting at a water temperature of +38/+40 degrees. A decrease in degree is carried out every 3-6 days. The initial procedure lasts a minute and then gradually increases to 6 minutes. The use of sparkling water is allowed.

General methods of hardening the body

General methods of hardening the body include various types of exposure to the body (sun, air, water), but the most common of them is hardening using an aquatic environment. It involves a whole range of measures, which includes:

  • general baths (initial water temperature +36/+38 degrees, which is reduced to +30 degrees every 2-5 days; bath duration is 12 minutes at the beginning and 6 minutes at the end);
  • shower (initial temperature +35/+37 degrees with a gradual decrease to +23/+27 degrees; duration - from 2 minutes to 3 minutes; massage with a brush is used during the procedures; this type is included in the category of measures to continuously support the hardening of the body with stable temperature of the water environment +18 degrees);
  • dousing (initial water temperature +30 degrees; gradual decrease by a degree to +18 every 3-7 days);
  • rubdown (water temperature +35/+37 degrees, indoors - about +25; duration of rubdown - about 2 minutes for each part of the body; the final temperature of the water after decreasing should be +18 degrees; dry rubdown is mandatory at the end of the procedure).

cockroaches from Mars

One type of man irritates me. I can’t stand contact at the cellular level. A couple of times, after forced communication, I threw up inside out in the toilet. Really scared. I experience their company as a cockroach invasion...

Huge, in fact hardening- This is a training of the body's defenses. Hardening body- this is one of the components. And if you are thinking about how to maintain and improve your health, you should read this article.

Basic hardening methods

Basic methods hardening- this is the use of natural forces of nature: hardening air, sun and water.

Such training consists of dosed exposure to factors environment. The purpose of hardening is to increase the body's resistance unfavorable factors external environment.

Hardening body accessible to everyone. Hardening can be done regardless of the degree of physical fitness and age.

Expressed in increased resistance to diseases, endurance and performance. Hardening gives vigor and gives a good mood. People involved in hardening are cheerful. They are calmer and more balanced.

Basic principles of hardening

Basic hardening principles– this is gradualism, consistency, constancy.

These rules mean that the temperature of the air and water must be reduced gradually; It is also necessary to gradually increase the duration of the procedures; hardening procedures must be carried out daily.

Appears gradually . Graduality is very important principle hardening With a reasonable “dosage” of hardening procedures, the body is exposed to safe stress.

If you gradually and systematically increase the load on the body's defenses, the defenses will grow.

The sudden impact of stress causes a massive release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands. This negatively affects the endocrine, nervous, and immune systems. Forced stress only causes a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

When hardening, you need to know that a break in the procedures for at least 1 month completely deprives the body of the new protective habits it has developed. will weaken.

You will have to start doing hardening procedures from the very beginning. The fact is that the body strengthens its defense mechanisms only if external factors constantly influence it.

If hardening is stopped for some time, then our body no longer needs to adapt to the conditions that are artificially created during hardening.

So, daily dousing with water 5 degrees lower than our body temperature will be more useful than dousing with water 10 degrees lower than our body temperature, but carried out every other day.

If you suddenly get sick, the procedures can be canceled, but for no more than 5-7 days. If you just feel unwell, there is no need to stop hardening.

It is necessary to slightly reduce the strength of the hardening procedures, for example, increase the water temperature and reduce the dousing time, but be sure to carry out the procedures.

When health is weakened, procedures to harden the body should be treated with greater caution. The approach to hardening must be individual.

The best indicator of the correctness of the procedures is your good health.

Hardening the body is one of the ways to maintain health. Start taking treatments and evaluate the effect of hardening on the body.

As you know, the human body must function harmoniously with the environment. But due to the gradual decrease in contact with nature over the centuries, our body has lost the abilities inherent in it previously. In order to regain these skills, people resort to hardening, which is known to be very useful for well-being.

Unfortunately, few people are now doing this procedure, and when the disease sets in, there will be no point in it. A complex approach To healthy image life includes only 50 percent of sports activities and proper nutrition, the rest is hardening.

Hardening and the effect of hardening on the human body have been studied for a very long time; it cannot cause any harm if you find a competent approach and do it wisely. Let's start by destroying the stereotype that hardening involves obligatory dousing ice water.

This is not so, the main thing is simply a sharp change in temperature in any direction, and this helps to increase power immune system, which increases the ability to resist various infections from the outside.

Thermal hardening includes visiting a sauna or bathhouse, which promotes relaxation and a pleasant pastime. Cleansing the skin also benefits, because the skin is the second respiratory organ after the lungs.

And enlarged pores help remove toxins and other things faster harmful substances. Old skin regenerates faster. Mental condition and the mood also increases after the visit.

Increased blood circulation affects overall health, as oxygen is fully delivered to the brain and other organs.

Next we will consider “cold hardening”. As is known, a cold environment promotes the activation of life processes in human body– organs begin to work with greater intensity. During a sudden dousing, adrenaline is released and at this moment the human body experiences stress.

You've probably noticed how people scream or groan immediately after the process. The essence of the benefit is that this “shake-up” of the body should be short in order to bring benefit and not harm.

The effect of hardening on the cardiovascular system is beneficial, since after a sharp contraction of blood vessels, blood enters the bowels of the body and gradually returns.

Blood circulation improves, the walls of blood vessels and the heart are strengthened. Arrhythmia goes into oblivion along with heart failure if you do hardening regularly and do not stop throughout the year.

Note that cold dousing affects muscular system people, under the influence of ice water they recover faster after active physical activity, endurance increases due to the strengthening of tissues and fibers in the muscles.

The difference between the effects of cold hardening and hot hardening is the increase in tone and general activity after the first, and a state of relaxation and relaxation is felt after the second.

The metabolic system undergoes a change after ice dousing, the level of alkalinity increases, protein is absorbed faster, urea is eliminated faster, helping to cleanse the body of harmful products decay.

The effect of hardening on a person is that emotional stress nervous system is removed and a phase of balance and tranquility begins. If hardening applies, for example, only to the legs, the effect will not be as significant and noticeable as when dousing the entire body.

Respiratory system– we note that we involuntarily scream or our breathing is sharply delayed, then sharply quickened, due to which ventilation occurs bronchopulmonary system and has a beneficial effect on overall respiratory endurance.

It is necessary to avoid hardening immediately after physical training, because hot muscles and a heated body react painfully to such actions.

Regular hardening can begin from the very early childhood, as a rule, parents begin to resort to this method increasing immunity after early childhood illnesses. This is not entirely logical; it is better to worry about the baby’s health in advance and consult with experienced specialist in this aspect.

Remember, the sun, air and water are ours best friends. Be healthy!

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………- 3 -

1. Self-monitoring of the effectiveness of independent studies…………- 2 -

2. Basics of hygiene during physical education…………………- 7 -

3. Hardening. The influence of sun, air, water on human health….. - 11 -

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………- 18 -

List of references………………………………………………………..- 19 -


For every person, and for society as a whole, there is no greater value than health. Physical culture is an integral part of human life. It occupies a fairly important place in people’s studies and work. Physical exercise plays a significant role in the performance of members of society, which is why knowledge and skills in physical education should be developed in educational institutions at various levels in stages. A significant role in the education and teaching of physical culture is also played by educational establishments, where teaching should be based on clear methods, methods that together are built into a well-organized and streamlined methodology for teaching and educating students.

It has long been known that human health depends 10-20% on heredity, 10-20% on the state of the environment, 8-12% on the level of healthcare and 50-70% on lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is balanced diet, playing sports, giving up alcohol and smoking and much more. Important role hardening also plays a role. Hardening – required element physical education, especially important for young people, as it has great importance to improve health, increase performance, improve well-being, mood and vigor. Hardening, as a factor in increasing the body's resistance to various meteorological conditions, has been used since ancient times.

In this test work We will look at 3 questions:

Self-monitoring of the effectiveness of independent studies;

Basics of hygiene during physical education;

Hardening. The influence of sun, air, water on human health.


When engaging in regular exercise and sports, it is very important to systematically monitor your well-being and general condition health. The most convenient form of self-control is keeping a special diary. Indicators of self-control can be divided into two groups - subjective and objective. TO subjective indicators include well-being, sleep, appetite, mental and physical performance, positive and negative emotions. The state of health after physical exercise should be cheerful, the mood should be good, the practitioner should not feel a headache, fatigue or a feeling of overwork. In the presence of severe discomfort you should stop exercising and seek advice from specialists.
As a rule, with systematic physical education, sleep is good, with falling asleep quickly and feeling cheerful after sleep.
The loads used must correspond to physical fitness and age.

Appetite after moderate physical activity should also be good. It is not recommended to eat immediately after class; it is better to wait 30-60 minutes. To quench your thirst you should drink a glass mineral water or tea. If your health, sleep, or appetite worsen, it is necessary to reduce the load, and if the disturbances occur again, consult a doctor.
The self-monitoring diary is used to record independent physical education and sports activities, as well as to record anthropometric changes, indicators, functional tests and control tests of physical fitness, monitoring the implementation of the weekly motor regimen.

Regular keeping of a diary makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of classes, means and methods, optimal planning of the amount and intensity of physical activity and rest in a separate lesson. The diary should also note cases of violation of the regime and how they affect classes and overall performance. TO objective self-monitoring indicators include: monitoring heart rate (pulse), blood pressure, respiration, lung capacity, weight, muscle strength, and athletic performance.

It is generally accepted that a reliable indicator of fitness is pulse. The heart rate response to physical activity can be assessed by comparing heart rate data at rest (before exercise) and after exercise, i.e. determine the percentage of heart rate increase. The resting pulse rate is taken as 100%, the difference in frequency before and after the load is X. For example, the pulse before the start of the load was 12 beats in 10 seconds, and after it was 20 beats. After some simple calculations, we find out that the pulse has increased by 67%. But attention should not only be paid to the pulse. It is advisable, if possible, to also measure arterial pressure before and after the load. At the beginning of the load maximum pressure rises and then stabilizes at a certain level. After stopping work (the first 10-15 minutes) it decreases below baseline, and then returns to the initial state. The minimum pressure does not change during light or moderate loads, but during intense, heavy work it increases slightly.

It is known that the values ​​of pulse and minimum blood pressure are normally numerically the same. Kerdo proposed calculating the index using the formula: IR=D/P, where D is the minimum pressure, and P is the pulse.
In healthy people this index is close to one. When the nervous regulation of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, it becomes larger or smaller than one.

It is also very important to assess respiratory function. It must be remembered that when performing physical activity, oxygen consumption by working muscles and the brain increases sharply, and therefore the function of the respiratory organs increases. By breathing frequency you can judge the amount of physical activity. Normally, the respiratory rate of an adult is 16-18 times per minute. An important indicator of respiratory function is the vital capacity of the lungs - the volume of air obtained during the maximum exhalation made after the maximum inhalation. Its value, measured in liters, depends on gender, age, body size and physical fitness. On average, for men it is 3.5-5 liters, for women - 2.5-4 liters. Before you start exercising on your own, you need to get recommendations on your physical mobility regimen from your local doctor or the regional physical education clinic. Then, using the advice of doctors or physical education specialists (or popular methodological literature), choose the most suitable useful species exercises.

The response of the cardiovascular system is assessed by measuring the heart rate (pulse), which at rest in an adult man is 70-75 beats per minute, in a woman - 75-80.
In physically trained people, the pulse rate is much lower - 60 or less beats per minute, and in trained athletes - 40-50 beats, which indicates the economical work of the heart. At rest, heart rate depends on age, gender, posture (vertical or horizontal position body), the activity performed. It decreases with age. Normal heart rate at rest healthy person rhythmic, without interruptions, good filling and tension. The pulse can be counted at the radial, temporal, carotid arteries, in the region of the heart. Exertion, even a small one, causes your heart rate to increase. Scientific research A direct relationship has been established between heart rate and the amount of physical activity. Under the influence of stress, the volume of the heart increases. The heart volume of an untrained person is 600-900 ml, and in high-class athletes it reaches 900-1400 milliliters.


Hygiene– the science of preserving and strengthening human health. Its main task is to study the influence of living and working conditions on people's health, preventing diseases, ensuring optimal conditions for human existence, maintaining health and longevity.

One of the specialized hygienic disciplines is hygiene of physical culture and sports. She studies the interaction of the body of those involved in physical education and sports with the external environment. The purpose of this study– development of hygienic standards, requirements and measures aimed at improving health, increasing performance and achieving high sports results.

Personal hygiene includes: a rational daily regimen, body and oral care, hygiene of clothes and shoes. It is especially important for students, because Strict adherence to them helps to improve health, improve mental and physical performance and serves as a guarantee of sporting achievements.

A rational daily routine creates optimal conditions for activity and restoration of the body. It is based on the rhythmic and correct alternation of work and rest and other activities.

Basic rules for organizing a daily routine: getting up at the same time; performing hardening procedures; eating at the same time, at least 3 times a day (preferably 4 – 5 times a day); independent studies By academic disciplines at the same time; at least 3 – 5 times a week for 1.5 – 2 hours of physical exercise and sports with optimal physical activity; daily stay on fresh air(1.5 – 2 hours); good sleep(at least 8 hours) with falling asleep and waking up at the same time.

Body care. Body hygiene contributes to the proper functioning of the body, helps to improve metabolism, blood circulation, digestion, breathing, and the development of a person’s physical and mental abilities. A person’s health, performance, and resistance depend on the condition of the skin. various diseases. Body care includes daily care whole body skin care, hair care, oral and dental care.

Hygiene of clothing and footwear. Sportswear must meet the requirements of the specific activities and competition rules of various sports. It should be as light as possible and not restrict movement.

Balanced diet, built on scientific foundations, provides correct height and formation of the body, contributes to the preservation of health, high mental and physical performance and prolongation of creative longevity. For people involved in physical education and sports, a balanced diet helps improve performance, faster recovery after fatigue and achieving high sports results.

Hygienic requirements for food. Food is a specific combination of food products consisting of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water. Basic hygienic requirements requirements for food are as follows:

Optimal quantity, corresponding to the energy expenditure of a person in the process of life;

Full quality, i.e. inclusion of all essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts), balanced in optimal proportions;

Variety and availability of different animal products and plant origin;

Good digestibility, pleasant taste, smell and appearance;

Benign and harmless.

The body's energy expenditure is expressed in kilocalories (kcal). In the same units we denote energy value food. Increasing the activity percentage of metabolism and energy when performing various, mainly muscular, activities is a decisive factor in determining daily energy expenditure. The more intensively performed physical labor, the higher the energy consumption. Mental or fully automated work requires low costs energy.

When calculating the calorie content of food and its composition per day, you can use the data in Table 1.

Table 1. Composition and calorie content of food rations for athletes per day, g per 1 kg of body weight.

The most popular sports


Calorie content kcal



Running short, medium. distance, jumping, throwing

Long distance running, race walking


Weightlifting, athletic

Football and hockey

Basketball, volleyball

Skiing, short distances

Long distances

Vitamins in the required quantities must be present in the diet of athletes and athletes. During intense muscular work, due to increased metabolism, the need for vitamins increases. It is necessary to satisfy the body's need for vitamins, first of all, by consuming natural products. In case of their deficiency, it is recommended to take vitamin concentrates from natural products(rosehip infusion, etc.) synthetic drugs(“Aerovit”, “Undevit”, etc.).

When eating, you should pay all your attention to food.

Distractions from food lead to disruption of digestion and absorption of food. Don't rush while eating. Food should always be chewed well.


Hardening- this is, first of all, the skillful use of perfect physiological mechanisms of protection and adaptation of the body created by thousands of years of evolution. It allows you to use the hidden capabilities of the body, mobilize in right moment protective forces and thereby eliminate dangerous influence it is affected by unfavorable environmental factors.

When starting hardening, you should adhere to the following principles:

a) Systematic use of hardening procedures.

Hardening of the body should be carried out systematically, day after day throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions and without long breaks. It is best if the use of hardening procedures is clearly fixed in the daily routine. Then the body develops a certain stereotypical reaction to the applied stimulus: changes in the body’s reaction to the effects of cold, which develop as a result of repeated cooling, are fixed and preserved only under a strict regime of repeated cooling. Breaks in hardening reduce the body's acquired resistance to temperature influences. In this case, there is no rapid adaptive response. Thus, carrying out hardening procedures for 2-3 months and then stopping them leads to the fact that the hardening of the body disappears after 3-4 weeks, and in children after 5-7 days.

b) Gradual increase in the strength of the irritating effect.

Hardening will bring a positive result only if the strength and duration of the hardening procedures are increased gradually. You should not start hardening immediately by wiping with snow or swimming in an ice hole. Such hardening can be harmful to health.

At the beginning of the use of hardening procedures, the body experiences a certain response from the respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous systems. As this procedure is repeated several times, the body's reaction to it gradually weakens, and its further use no longer has a hardening effect. Then it is necessary to change the strength and duration of the impact of hardening procedures on the body.

c) Consistency in carrying out hardening procedures.

Preliminary training of the body with more gentle procedures is necessary. You can start with rubbing, foot baths, and only then start dousing, while observing the principle of gradually decreasing temperatures.

When hardening, it is best to stick to the known medical rules: weak stimuli contribute to better performance of functions, strong ones interfere with it, excessive ones are destructive.

d) Accounting individual characteristics person and his state of health.

Hardening has a very strong effect on the body, especially on people starting it for the first time. Therefore, before you start taking hardening procedures, you should consult a doctor. Taking into account the age and condition of the body, the doctor will help you choose the right hardening agent and advise how to use it to prevent undesirable consequences.

e) The complexity of the impact of natural factors.

Natural environmental factors that are widely used to harden the body include air, water and solar radiation. The choice of hardening procedures depends on a number of objective conditions: time of year, state of health, climatic and geographical conditions of the place of residence.

Solar infrared rays have a pronounced thermal effect on the body. They contribute to the formation of additional heat in the body. As a result, activity increases sweat glands and the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin increases: subcutaneous vessels expand and skin hyperemia occurs, blood flow increases, and this improves blood circulation of air baths in all tissues of the body. Infrared irradiation enhances the effect of UV radiation on the body. UV rays have a predominantly chemical effect. UV irradiation has a great biological effect: it promotes the formation of vitamin D in the body, which has a pronounced antirachitic effect; accelerates metabolic processes; under its influence, highly active products of protein metabolism are formed - biogenic stimulants. UV rays help improve blood composition and have a bactericidal effect, thereby increasing the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases; they have a tonic effect on almost all body functions. Leather different people has to varying degrees sensitivity to solar radiation. This is due to the thickness of the stratum corneum, the degree of blood supply to the skin and its ability to pigment.

Sunbathing for the purpose of hardening should be taken very carefully, otherwise instead of benefit it will cause harm (burns, heat and sunstroke). It is best to sunbathe in the morning, when the air is especially clean and it is not too hot, and also in the late afternoon, when the sun is setting. Best time for tanning: in the middle zone - 9-13 and 16-18 hours; in the south - 8-11 and 17-19 hours. The first sunbathing should be taken at an air temperature of at least 18C. Their duration should not exceed 5 minutes (then add 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing to an hour). Air baths cannot be slept during sunbathing! The head should be covered with something like a Panama hat, and the eyes with dark glasses.

Hardening with water. Powerful tool, which has a pronounced cooling effect, since its heat capacity and thermal conductivity are many times greater than air. At the same temperature, water seems colder to us than air. An indicator of the influence of water hardening procedures is the skin reaction. If at the beginning of the procedure it is on a short time turns pale and then turns red, this indicates positive impact Therefore, physiological thermoregulatory mechanisms cope with cooling. If the skin reaction is weak, there is no paleness or redness, this means insufficient exposure. It is necessary to slightly lower the water temperature or increase the duration of the procedure. Sudden paleness of the skin, a feeling of extreme cold, chills and trembling indicate hypothermia. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the cold load, increase the water temperature or shorten the procedure time.

There are three phases of the body's reaction to action low temperature water. The first is increased spasm of blood vessels in the skin, and with deeper cooling, also in subcutaneous fat. The second phase - due to adaptation to low water temperatures, vasodilation occurs, the skin becomes red, blood pressure decreases, mast cells and leukocytes of the vascular depots of the skin are activated and subcutaneous tissue biologically released active substances, including those with interferon-like properties. This phase is characterized by improved well-being and increased activity. The third phase (unfavorable) - the body’s adaptive capabilities are exhausted, vascular spasm occurs, the skin acquires a bluish-pale tint, and chills appear.

With the systematic use of water hardening, the first phase is shortened and the second begins faster. The most important thing is that the third phase does not occur. Water procedures are divided into traditional and non-traditional, or intensive.

There are several separate methods of water hardening:

a) Rubbing is the initial stage of hardening with water. This is the most gentle of all water procedures. It can be used at all ages, starting from infancy. It is carried out with a towel, sponge or simply a hand moistened with water. First, wipe the upper half of the body (arms, neck, chest, back), wipe it dry and rub it with a dry towel until red, and then do the same with the lower half of the body (stomach, lower back, lower limbs). The limbs are rubbed from the fingers to the body. The torso is rubbed in a circular motion towards the armpits and inguinal cavities. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 4-5 minutes, including rubbing the body. First used for wiping cool water(20-24 C), and then gradually move to cold (below 16 C).

b) Pouring is the next stage of hardening. It can be local or general. Local dousing - dousing the feet. For the first douches, it is advisable to use water with a temperature of about + 30C, subsequently reducing it to + 15C and below. After dousing, the body is vigorously rubbed with a towel. General dousing should begin at a higher temperature, mainly in the summer, and in the autumn-winter period it should be organized so that the water covers the largest possible surface of the body, the back, then the chest and stomach, then the right and left sides. After finishing, rub with a towel. Time under the stream is 20-40 seconds. A shower is more powerful than a simple douche. The water from the shower has a massaging effect and feels warmer than even pouring water.

c) Showering is an even more effective water procedure. At the beginning of hardening, the water temperature should be about +30-32C and the duration should not be more than a minute. In the future, you can gradually reduce the temperature and increase the duration to 2 minutes, including rubbing the body. With a good degree of hardening, you can take a contrast shower, alternating 2-3 times water at 35-40C with water at 13-20C for 3 minutes. Regular use of these water procedures causes a feeling of freshness, vigor, and increased performance. When bathing, air, water and water have a complex effect on the body. sun rays. You can start swimming at a water temperature of 18-20C and 14-15C air.

Local cold hardening . For hardening, it is recommended to use local ones along with general ones. water procedures. The most common ones are washing the feet and gargling. cold water, since this hardens the parts of the body that are most vulnerable to cooling. Washing the feet is carried out throughout the year before going to bed with water at a temperature of 26-28C at first, and then reducing it to 12-15C. After washing, the feet are thoroughly rubbed until reddened.

Gargling is done every day in the morning and evening. Initially, water is used at a temperature of 23-25C, gradually every week it decreases by 1-2C and is brought to 5-10C.

IN last years Winter swimming is attracting more and more attention. Winter bathing and swimming affect almost all body functions. “Walruses” noticeably improve the functioning of their lungs and heart, gas exchange increases, and their thermoregulation system improves.


Increasing human resistance to various adverse environmental factors is the main task of modern medicine. This is precisely its preventive focus.

Thus, hardening - important tool prevention negative consequences cooling the body or action high temperatures. The systematic use of hardening procedures reduces the number of colds by 2-5 times, and in some cases almost completely eliminates them.

Hardening the body is the formation and improvement of functional systems aimed at increasing the body's immunity, which ultimately leads to a decrease in “colds” diseases.

The mechanism of hardening is the general adaptation syndrome.

The advantages are that a person gets the opportunity to live in conditions that were previously incompatible with life and solve problems that were previously insoluble. Increases resistance to diseases.

Hardening has a beneficial effect on the entire body: it increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation and metabolism, and when the surface of the body is irradiated, a number of photochemical reactions occur in the body, entailing complex physical and chemical transformations in tissues and organs (these reactions cause a beneficial effect on the entire body ).

The only disadvantages include failure to follow the principles of hardening, which results in various disorders in the body.

They have been used since ancient times and now remain the main and most effective means hardening natural forces of nature: sun, air and water. The greatest effect is observed from contrast hardening, which includes foot baths, rubdown, shower, and hardening in a steam room.


1. Artyukhova Yu. How to harden your body, Minsk, 2003

2. Ivanchenko V. G. Secrets of the Russian temperament, Moscow, 2005

3. Ilyinich V.I. Physical culture of a student, Moscow, 2006

4. Laptev A.P. Strengthen your health, Moscow, 2004

5. Milner E. G. Formula of life, Moscow, 2007

Features of hardening the body. Increased resistance to low temperatures. (10+)

Hardening. Training resistance to cold

People striving for a healthy lifestyle often think about hardening. You can read about hardening that it is almost a panacea for all ills, both physical and psychological. What does hardening actually do?

Hardening is a process of purposefully increasing resistance to cold by special exercises and procedures. Nature is inherent in the human body natural process adaptation to ambient temperature. However, due to changes in living conditions, this mechanism has become an atavism. Now people can survive and reproduce without having this mechanism. Like everything that is not used, the mechanism of adaptation to cold atrophies and fails. For the device to work, it needs to be trained. Hardening is training this mechanism.

What you can and cannot expect from hardening

There is a widespread belief that hardening improves immunity. But there is no reliable data confirming this. Yes, hardened people get sick less colds, their body is not weakened by these diseases and is less sensitive to other infections. But you should not expect that hardening will help you avoid infection with hepatitis or even influenza during a pandemic.

Hardening allows you to survive severe cooling with minimal losses to the body.

Physiological basis of hardening

When ambient temperatures decrease, the body must solve two problems. Firstly, maintain the temperature of internal organs. Secondly, warm the skin and limbs to such an extent that blood circulation in them does not stop. These two tasks, generally speaking, contradict each other. The body is forced to choose what to heat, the insides or the skin. If he decides to save the limbs, then the peripheral vessels should expand; if there is little energy, then on the contrary they should narrow, let better hand freezes than the heart.

A bias towards heating the skin, for example, in very drunk people, leads to fatal consequences when cooling. It seems to them that it is hot, since the blood vessels of the skin are dilated, but at the same time internal organs can become fatally cold.

In a properly trained body, in response to cooling, peripheral vessels contract, heat production is activated, breathing becomes more frequent and deepens. After this, dilatation of peripheral vessels occurs. But the vessels may remain narrowed if the energy reserves in the body are insufficient and the person is exhausted.

Hardening is the training of such a correct reaction. Hence the conclusions. Firstly, if you react to cold as described, then you are a hardened person. Secondly, should be hardened in good physical condition, if exhausted, hardening and any cooling in general are contraindicated.

Hardening technique

For successful hardening, a certain temperature change regime is required. Slow and gentle cooling can finish off almost any healthy and trained person. There are few people in the world who, after a 4-hour walk without warm clothes at + 14 degrees, will remain healthy. This temperature is most dangerous, since the body’s defense mechanisms do not respond to it. A person slowly but inevitably freezes.

Sudden, strong, but short-term changes in temperature can be tolerated by almost anyone, but they are also not very useful. They harden well, but are stressful and can cause problems in cardiovascular system, kidneys and other organs.

I have determined this method for myself. Cold shower. You can start with 15 seconds. Cooling should not cause your teeth to chatter. But the main thing is that after a cold shower you need to dry yourself (remove drops of water, but do not rub yourself) and wait until the body turns red and warms up. If this happens, it means the regulation mechanisms have turned on, and next time you can stand in the shower longer. If the body does not want to blush, then you need to do several squats or other physical exercise for warming up. The procedure can be repeated several times.

A contrast shower may be useful for some things, but not for hardening. Sudden changes temperatures, on the contrary, can confuse your regulatory mechanisms. Was a person exposed to a contrasting shower in his natural habitat? Thermal adaptation mechanisms are designed to natural conditions and quite inert.

A contrast shower, like any stress, briefly stimulates the immune system, followed by a long-term decrease.

If your feet and hands are cold. Hardening of individual body parts

Using the described procedure, you can harden not only the entire body, but also its individual parts. If your feet and hands are cold, you can try to harden them. I hardened my legs and arms as a child. Now I can easily walk barefoot in the snow and never wear gloves. After cooling, the hands and feet quickly turn red and warm. Everyone wonders how I can do it in such cold weather. bare hands so warm.

Dress for the weather

I do not share the opinion that you should walk poorly dressed in the cold. I think you should dress in a way that makes you comfortable, taking into account the temperature, your individual preferences and your outdoor activities. I’ll say it again that it’s not at all beneficial for any body. long-term cooling, which can occur either due to clothing that is too light or due to clothing that is too warm as a result of sweating. Warm clothing should be made of a material that transfers moisture well to the surrounding air. One more consideration. If you are going out into the cold for a short period of time, dress lightly. Let the body harden. I don’t dress at all in any weather if I go out for less than 15 minutes, but this can only be done once you’ve gotten a little used to the cold. If you go out for a long time, then dress warmly.

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