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Consequences of an inguinal hernia. Rehabilitation after surgery to remove an inguinal hernia

In this article we will try to give a detailed answer to the question: inguinal hernia in men, what consequences can occur after surgery and effective methods their elimination.

The essence of the problem

The inguinal type of hernia is the most common in both men and women. The disease is expressed in the protrusion of the peritoneal organs through the canal formed by the inguinal ligaments and abdominal muscles.

In men, this system is “tied” to the spermatic cord, which is part reproductive system. That is why it is important to remove the hernia before it bends.

How the procedure goes:

1. In 90% of cases, a local type of anesthesia is used.

2. The operation itself lasts no more than 10 minutes; the patient must be provided with complete bed rest for 48 hours.

3. Stitches are removed on the 10th day.

4. If successful postoperative period the patient can be discharged for 3–4 days (with subsequent return for suture removal).

What to do next

  1. Follow a diet ( dairy products, legumes, sweets and fruits can cause strong gas formation and pain).
  2. Avoid strenuous exercise for 3–4 months.
  3. Provide proper care behind the wound surface (dressings, use of healing creams, antiseptics, etc.).

What can happen in the postoperative period

The consequences of hernia removal can be very diverse, they occur with a frequency of 7-8% (of the total number of operations performed on men):

  1. infection of the wound (this problem can be easily eliminated by using modern antibiotics). Probability of occurrence: 2-3%;
  2. consequences of anesthesia: thrombosis of the veins in the legs, heart problems, headaches, difficulty urinating, etc. Similar consequences can occur if a man has a number of concomitant diseases or his age is over 60 years old;
  3. serious violation of the integrity of the spermatic cord (in in rare cases accompanied by loss of the ability to reproduce offspring); Probability: about 1% for normal and about 2–3% for complex operations;
  4. the hernia may grow back (relapse). This type of complication is the most common. At risk are patients who do not comply with the ban on physical labor in the first months after surgery;
  5. severe swelling and bluish color surfaces around the wound may indicate the beginning internal bleeding(rarely occur, but sometimes similar cases are fixed);
  6. in rare cases, the patient’s internal organs may be injured: kidneys, intestines, bladder. Risk similar phenomena minimal if the operation is performed by an experienced surgeon.

Expert advice: be sure to carefully examine your groin to detect and correct the problem in time. The operation to remove a hernia with a bend is considered complicated (risk of unpleasant consequences surgical intervention increases sharply).


A hernia is a protrusion of any organs under the skin. Arises due to hereditary factors injury, during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as when straining while going to the toilet or after lifting heavy objects. As a rule, a person with a hernia suffers from pain, and the protrusion brings a lot of trouble from the aesthetic side. The only way to combat the disease is to remove it through surgery.

Need to know

What to do if you are diagnosed with uterine adenomyosis?
Application oral contraceptives. Contraceptives estrogen inhibits, and as their level decreases, the manifestations of adenomyosis decrease or disappear completely. This is very effective method on initial stages a disease that quickly returns the ability to become pregnant.

An inguinal hernia can be reducible or irreducible. In the first case, the protrusion can be moved inward by hand, that is, the defect can be reduced. And in the second case, it is impossible to straighten the protrusions on your own; tissue is pinched. So that an inguinal hernia does not bring more harm, urgent surgery is necessary. The surgeon will make an incision, put the contents of the hernia in its place or completely remove the inguinal sac, strengthen the weak tissues and sew up the wound.

After the operation, the patient needs rehabilitation, which can last up to one year, depending on the individual. The patient spends the very first week in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. After the operation, you are allowed to walk independently after 2 hours, but only a little. Bed rest and medication are the main treatment at first. After a week or a little more, the patient’s stitches are removed and he is discharged home. But this is provided that the operation went without complications, and rehabilitation after the operation inguinal hernia also lasted without problems. In most cases, patients return home on their own, on their own feet.

At first, a person will feel pain, this is quite normal; to reduce it, painkillers are prescribed. A bandage is applied to the wound, and dressings are done every day. When discharged home, the doctor gives some recommendations, in particular these:

  • do not lift weights - more than 5 kg in the first days, then you need to do physical activity, but gradually. Assign physical therapy maybe a doctor;
  • wear a bandage, the duration of stay in the bandage is determined by the doctor depending on individual factors;
  • after taking a bath, you need to powder your skin with baby powder to avoid irritation;
  • drink more fluids and avoid constipation;
  • Always keep the dressing clean to prevent infection of the wound;
  • keep your diet under control, it is better to eat in 4-5 meals, but little by little. Especially use products with high content protein, thanks to which the regeneration of damaged tissues will occur faster - chicken, mushrooms, fish, milk and dairy products.

Sick leave can last up to one and a half months, and the patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. If the patient has the unfortunate habit of smoking, then he needs to get rid of it. This is because smokers have a characteristic cough, and after surgery to remove a hernia, the cough can cause an increase in internal pressure, which leads to rupture of the sutures.

A month after the operation, you can establish your stable life, that is, play sports, go to work, go on vacation. Walls abdominal cavity will finally get stronger and accept normal condition in six months.

By following these recommendations, postoperative period will pass without complications, you don’t have to worry that the inguinal hernia will reappear. If the patient requires a second operation, it should be performed only after a six-month period.

Rehabilitation after removal of an inguinal hernia

Since an inguinal hernia most often appears due to muscle weakness, during the postoperative period, preventive measures aimed at strengthening the muscle wall of the abdominal and groin area become important.

What determines the duration of the rehabilitation period?

Duration of recovery period for male or female female body is directly proportional to the method of hernia repair used and the type of anesthesia.

The duration of the outpatient period after surgery ranges from 8 to 10 days. At this time, patients are advised to observe mainly bed rest, save energy, and avoid physical activity. They are prescribed a special diet.

Regular visits to the doctor are also a prerequisite. Medical observation allows you to quickly respond to changes that occur, if necessary, take measures to control the intensity of pain and change tactics aimed at rapid recovery after surgery on an inguinal hernia.

During the outpatient period, physical activity (including light exercises) is prohibited. The duration of abstinence from physical activity is determined by the attending physician. But in the future they are extremely necessary, since with the help of a special complex it is possible to significantly strengthen muscle fibers, increase their tone, thanks to which you can avoid reappearance hernias

Goals of the rehabilitation period at a later date

After a certain time has passed after surgery, the main goal is to eliminate provoking factors that could potentially provoke a relapse of the disease. The following activities are carried out:

  • strengthening the muscle corset in the abdominal area;
  • uniform distribution of physical activity;
  • measures for the prevention and treatment of predisposing pathologies that are accompanied chronic constipation or prolonged cough;
  • getting rid of excess weight, the presence of which significantly increases the load on abdominal wall, leading to its weakening;
  • getting rid of bad habits– in particular this applies to smoking, which contributes to rapid wear and tear muscle tissue, premature manifestation of signs of muscle aging and provoking coughing attacks (all these factors can cause a recurrence of the hernia)

Causes of pain syndrome

It has already been said about the dependence of the method of rehabilitation after excision of an inguinal hernia on the chosen anesthesia.

Basically, after four hours, patients can move independently. In this case, aching or cutting pain may appear, localized in the area of ​​the incision.

The origin of the pain syndrome varies.

  1. Its appearance may be evidence of the process of wound healing, tissue restoration and fusion, since during surgical incision of soft tissues small areas of nerve fibers are damaged, which leads to increased sensitivity of the operated area.
  2. Another cause of pain after inguinal hernia surgery is tissue swelling.
  3. The likelihood of pain is largely due to the thoroughness of the surgical procedure. Insufficient qualifications of the doctor causes incorrect manipulation of tissues, leading to unnecessary injury.
  4. Pain does not in all cases indicate problems with scar healing. It may be of muscular or neurological origin.
  5. Significant stress in the postoperative period sometimes provokes a relapse of the disease, which causes severe pain. In this case, it becomes necessary to repeat the operation.
  6. Pain syndrome may indicate external or internal divergence of surgical sutures

During the recovery period

In most cases, the operation is performed in the morning.

In the evening, the first dressing is performed. Mostly discharge is observed from the wound, which is normal.

During the outpatient period, dressings should be performed daily. They may last longer if the stitches become suppurated and the pain increases.

If using silk suture material removal of sutures is indicated from the fifth to the seventh days. Recently, more and more doctors prefer the use of self-absorbable catgut sutures, thanks to which it is possible to achieve maximum invisibility of the scar.

Drug treatment in the postoperative period after removal of an inguinal hernia depends on the presence of certain symptoms.

In case of severe pain immediately after the intervention and during early period painkillers are used.

In case of complications the following are prescribed:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • medicines to improve tissue trophism;
  • vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • immunomodulators (drugs to strengthen the immune system).

As for physical activity, it is advisable to exclude it for the first 10-20 days. You can then gradually return to your normal routine, avoiding intense exercise and lifting heavy objects weighing more than 5 kg.

Read more about the characteristics of the disease in adults and children.

Do you need a bandage?

Therapeutic bandages are intended to prevent the development of hernias, and if they are present, to prevent an increase in protrusion and prevent strangulation.

In the period after surgery, these products help to avoid muscle strain and reduce the load on the abdominal muscles, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of relapses and complications.

Wearing an inguinal bandage ensures uniform distribution of external load and intra-abdominal pressure on the operated area, reduces compression on the scar area, which promotes its rapid healing.

The duration of use of the bandage is determined by the doctor depending on the initial size of the hernial protrusion, the contents of the sac, the duration of the operation and its complexity.

However, such a preventive measure is not necessary: ​​the use of the latest surgical methods provides reliable fixation of areas where inguinal hernia occurs through the use of mesh implants.

Such bandages will be useful during the initial period after surgery, when pain still persists, and when resuming physical activity.

Diet after excision of inguinal hernia

Patients after inguinal hernia surgery are prescribed special food. The diet is designed in such a way as to reduce the likelihood intestinal disorders(diarrhea, constipation, increased gas formation) to a minimum, improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Proper nutrition prevents complications and reduces the risk of recurrence of inguinal hernia.

  • During the recovery period, emphasis should be placed on liquid food.
  • Portions should be small.
  • You should eat without haste, chewing your food thoroughly.
  • Four meals a day are optimal.
  • Particular attention should be paid to protein products: their presence in sufficient quantities is a necessary condition quick recovery muscle tissue. The diet should include: chicken breast, turkey meat, fish, cottage cheese (preferably low-fat), eggs, milk. Milk is not indicated for individual intolerance: in this case, its consumption can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract and increased gas formation.
  • It is also necessary to exclude other foods that lead to flatulence: yeast products, legumes, chocolate, sweets, baked goods, dairy products, fruits, yogurt.
  • It is better to give up coffee.
  • Hot, spicy, sour foods (including vegetables and fruits that have a sour taste) should be avoided.
  • All soda and alcohol should be excluded from drinks.
  • Attention must also be paid to the compatibility of simultaneously consumed products. An unsuccessful combination also causes intestinal disorders, accumulation of gases and, as a result, increased pressure inside the abdominal cavity. This leads to a significant risk of disease recurrence.

Possible complications

Any surgical intervention to a certain extent leads to destruction of integrity connective tissue and is an artificial penetration into human body, to which the body can react in a rather unpredictable way.

This also applies to the removal of an inguinal hernia. It may be followed by a fairly short rehabilitation, when recovery proceeds at a very rapid pace. But another scenario is also possible, in which a number of complications arise. Their reasons can be very different: non-compliance with the rules of the postoperative period, infection, etc.

The most common consequences after inguinal hernia surgery are:

1. Suture suppuration - occurs after many surgical interventions, leading to pain and increased temperature in the affected area.

2. Relapse of the disease is often a consequence of the patient ignoring the doctor’s recommendations. The risk of recurrence of a hernia increases significantly:

  • in case of diet violation;
  • as a result of increased physical activity;
  • due to smoking (it provokes coughing attacks, which cause the protrusion to reappear);
  • due to refusal to wear a bandage;
  • The cause of hernia recurrence may be an incorrectly performed operation or an incorrect choice of surgical procedure;
  • re-development of the pathology is also possible in case of weakness of the walls of the inguinal canal or insufficient strengthening back wall during the operation.

3. Formation of hematomas. Small-sized formations are eliminated through the use of compressive bandages and cold compresses. At large sizes puncture is used to eliminate hematomas.

4. Damage to blood vessels, nerves, elements of the spermatic cord. Such complications are the result of surgeon errors. Sufficient qualifications of the doctor reduces the likelihood of their occurrence to a minimum.

  • If nerves are damaged, there is a decrease or loss of sensation in the postoperative period skin in the scrotal area and on inside hips
  • When part of the spermatic cord is injured, it suffers sexual function- up to the development of infertility.
  • Damage vascular system spermatic cord can cause testicular atrophy.

5. Hydrocele (hydroxycele) is one of the most common complications after hernioplasty.

With unilateral dropsy, half of the scrotum becomes enlarged.

Bilateral dropsy often develops, as a result of which bilateral enlargement of the scrotum occurs, sometimes reaching such a degree that it leads to difficulty and limitation motor activity patient. The occurrence of hydrocele requires mandatory surgical intervention: conservative therapy is not indicated for this disease.

6. Thrombosis of deep veins of the legs. Most often, this complication occurs in elderly and debilitated patients. The disease is manifested by the presence of pain in calf muscles. Appearance the legs do not undergo changes, the temperature remains within normal limits.

The main treatment for this type of thrombosis is pharmacotherapy. It includes:

  • anticoagulants;
  • thrombolytic drugs;
  • fibrinolytics;
  • disaggregants.

Correct selection of drugs for conservative treatment mainly gives positive results, prevents further development of thrombosis and helps restore the patency of the affected vessels.

7. Intestinal dysfunction. This complication is caused by improper treatment of the hernial sac. Most often this happens during excision of sliding type hernias.

8. Damage to the hip joint - is a consequence of applying too rough sutures to the incision in the groin area.

9. Infectious complications are quite rare, but the most dangerous consequences removal of inguinal hernia. If necessary, patients are prescribed a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics.


In the first weeks after the operation, patients are advised to rest.

Then you need to gradually move on to implementing physical exercise. In the initial period, only light movements aimed at strengthening are allowed muscle fibers in the abdomen and groin area, helping to restore their tone. Don't forget to consult your doctor about exercise!

The following exercises are recommended:

  1. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body. Raise your straight legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor surface and cross them. This famous exercise is called “Scissors”. It is performed to increase. You can start with 3-4 repetitions for each leg, adding one each subsequent time.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your legs and begin to imitate riding a bicycle. On the first day, it is enough to do 5 repetitions.
  3. Get on all fours, leaning on your knees and elbows. Slowly raise your right bent leg up. After repeating five times, perform the same movements with your left leg.
  4. Lie on your left side, extend your arm forward, straighten your legs. Raise your right leg up. Repeat 5 times. Turn to right side and perform the same movement.
  5. Taking a seated position, put your leg forward. Bend your knee, lean on it with your hands, and begin slow rocking. Change legs and repeat the entire cycle of movements.
  6. Do partial squats (feet shoulder-width apart). The depth of squats is determined by how you feel. In any case, moderation should be observed.
  7. Lying emphasis. A full push-up is performed. To make the exercise easier, lean on your knees.

The described complex is suitable for daily use. During training, you need to focus on your feelings. If discomfort or pain occurs, you must stop charging immediately.

Loads should be increased gradually. The number of repetitions increases or decreases depending on the progress of rehabilitation. If weakness appears, it is better to temporarily stop exercising.

Execution of any complex therapeutic exercises permitted only after consultation with your doctor.

Sex during the postoperative period

Sex in early dates after surgery, an inguinal hernia can provoke a number of undesirable consequences:

  • increased pain syndrome;
  • increased swelling;
  • development of hematomas;
  • bleeding;
  • the appearance of wound infection;
  • cutting seams;
  • implant displacement.

During normal course rehabilitation period, absence of swelling, pain, or discomfort, intimate relationships can be resumed 14 days after hernia surgery, avoiding pressure on the operated area and excessive tension.

How long does the postoperative period last?

Despite the fact that the operation is simple, the recovery time is different men is spent differently. This directly depends on the type of anesthesia that was used during the intervention.

When anesthetizing with local anesthesia, recovery time takes an order of magnitude less, since the patient is conscious. If no unforeseen postoperative complications arise, the man leaves the hospital 5-6 hours after the operation.

However, you must visit the treatment room every day. Doctors will bandage and monitor the condition of the suture. This will allow timely diagnosis possible complications.

If during the operation you used general anesthesia, the body may need a day or two to finally move away from it. In this case, if there are no complications, the man is discharged after a few days, usually no later than five.

The first weeks after surgery, any physical activity is prohibited. However, as soon as the patient recovers, it is advisable to perform a gymnastic set of strengthening exercises. This will prevent possible complications and relapse of the disease.

Advice! Do not refuse to perform the complex gymnastic exercises, as soon as the attending physician considers it possible to perform it. This will speed up recovery after surgery.

What complications may arise?

Any surgical intervention, especially abdominal surgery, is stressful for the body. If a man is strong, he will recover without any consequences in a short period, but sometimes unforeseen complications may arise, provoked by various factors. What can interfere with rehabilitation?

  • Bacteria entering the wound. This can happen if the operating room environment was not completely sterile. To prevent infection of the wound and suppuration of the suture, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics.
  • The appearance of hematomas. If immediately after the operation the patient is not given cold compress or ice, hematomas may form.
  • Damage to the spermatic cord. Most often this happens due to insufficient qualifications of the doctor. When removing the hernial sac, the doctor may accidentally damage the cord, so he should act with extreme caution. This is a rather serious complication, as it can cause infertility.
  • Dropsy of one or both testicles. Manifests itself as an enlargement of the scrotum. This complication can only be treated surgically.
  • Deep vein thrombosis of the legs. Most often it occurs in older men; they are bothered by persistent pain in the calves. The complication is treated with medication, using thrombolytic drugs and anticoagulants.
  • Damage to the hip joint. This may occur if the stitches were applied too roughly.
  • Relapse of the disease. First of all, it is provoked by the patient’s negligent attitude towards the doctor’s recommendations. Giving up diet, returning to bad habits, excessive physical activity and increased activity immediately after rehabilitation - all this can greatly delay the recovery process. Therefore, you should take the postoperative period as responsibly as possible to avoid the return of the disease. The opposite phenomenon is that the patient begins to take care of himself too much and refuses any physical activity. It's relaxing muscle tone body.

Why does pain occur after surgery?

There are situations when the patient carefully follows all the doctor’s instructions, but he is still very bothered by pain in the groin area. They may be caused by swelling in the suture area or indicate formation adhesive process. If the surgical intervention was performed carelessly, the soft tissue fibers are severely injured and the patient will feel discomfort for a long time.

But if the pain is sharp, unbearable, this may indicate a recurrence of the hernia, or discrepancy inseam, so you should consult a doctor immediately.

Advice! If in the background sharp pain in the area of ​​the seam, a high temperature has risen, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Do I need to wear a bandage?

Modern surgery uses mesh implants to secure the site of hernia formation, so the doctor may not prescribe wearing a postoperative bandage. But if the doctor considers that there are still objective reasons for wearing a bandage, this appointment should not be neglected. The bandage is put on without getting out of bed. It should firmly fix the body, and to prevent irritation from forming underneath, the skin can be powdered with baby powder.

A properly formulated diet is of great importance in reducing the recovery period. First of all. It should be aimed at normalizing work gastrointestinal tract patient, that is, to prevent either constipation or diarrhea. An inguinal hernia in men puts pressure on the intestines, so after surgery there is no need to overload it.

What products should be excluded:

  • everything leading to increased gas formation. These include apples, grapes, cabbage, legumes, tomatoes, radishes, Rye bread, baking from yeast dough;
  • foods that cause constipation and are hard on the stomach: fatty meat and fish, millet porridge, rich soups, smoked meats and various preserves;
  • Carbonated drinks are excluded from drinks, including regular mineral water, coffee, strong tea, kvass, beer, and natural village milk. Under strict ban alcoholic products are located.

What foods should be included in the diet during the rehabilitation period? For several days after the operation, the food consumed should be liquid and as dietary as possible: vegetable broths, low-fat broths chicken meat, for example, from breast, jelly, pureed cottage cheese, steam cutlets from lean meat, white dried bread, dried fruits, steamed with boiling water. You are allowed to eat one soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg per day.

Gymnastic exercise set

You can start doing gymnastics no earlier than your doctor allows. Here are some effective exercises:

  1. 1 "Bicycle". Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, make movements with your legs as if pedaling a bicycle.
  2. 2 "Scissors". Lie on your back, raise your legs and cross them.
  3. 3 Lie on your side, rest your head on your outstretched arm. Perform upward swings with your leg 10 times, then change sides and swing with the other leg.
  4. 4 From a prone position. Alternately pull the left knee towards the right elbow, and the right knee towards the left elbow with twisting movements.
  5. 5 Breathing with weights. Lie on your back, put a weight on your stomach, when inhaling, try to push your stomach out as much as possible, and when exhaling, on the contrary, pull it in.

By secret

  • You may suddenly feel twinges of pain.
  • Are you tired of wearing a special corset?
  • You are “addicted” to painkillers.
  • You may have tried a bunch of medications, but nothing helps.
  • And you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of it.

A hernia is a fairly common disease associated with the release of organs from the natural cavities they occupy. The disease can be hereditary or acquired. In the latter case, the manifestation of the disease is influenced by a number of factors, including heavy physical activity.

The most common hernias are the abdominal and groin areas; they often occur due to injuries or lifting heavy weights. Operations of this type are performed frequently, and rehabilitation after an inguinal hernia requires compliance with a number of important conditions, in order to avoid the development of complications.

How long it takes for the body to recover after surgery depends on factors such as: the method of removing the hernia, the age and complexity of the patient’s disease, the method of pain relief (general or local anesthesia was used).

Excision of the inguinal hernia is performed in the morning, rehabilitation after the operation begins from the moment the operated patient is transferred to the intensive care unit.

Through few hours The bandage applied over the surgical suture is replaced and a doctor examines you. During the entire recovery period, sometimes for some time after the sutures are removed, regular medical supervision is necessary to determine how successfully the tissue healing process is proceeding.

The patient's hospitalization after surgery continues from a week to 10 days. The patient is prescribed bed rest and minimal physical activity. Lifting weights is strictly prohibited if you are predisposed to the formation of a hernia; gentle exercise is recommended to strengthen the muscles.

Although persons who have undergone inguinal hernia surgery are already in 5-6 hours able to care for themselves, it takes them at least a month to return to normal. However, the restriction on lifting loads remains. In some cases, it is recommended to wear a rigid fixation bandage, which is necessary to prevent secondary organ prolapse.

Important! Great importance during the postoperative period has a diet prescribed by a doctor, it should be given Special attention to avoid problems with digestion and congestion.

Terms and periods of rehabilitation

The rehabilitation period after surgery to remove an inguinal hernia may vary from case to case, but, as a rule, the period of complete return of the body to normal takes from 3 to 6 months, provided that all the doctor’s recommendations are followed. Conventionally, it can be divided into several periods:

  • post-operative, outpatient ( 7-10 days);
  • restorative at home ( 14-25 days);
  • gradual return to preoperative activity ( from 1 month to six months A).

The temporary division into segments in this case is quite arbitrary; it depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the severity of past illness, predisposition to relapse, from physical fitness and age. It is the responsibility of the attending physician to determine how successful the return to previous levels is.

Rules and diet

Of great importance for the recovery of the body, which has suffered serious stress in connection with the operation, is proper diet. Since in this case internal organs related to digestive system, question proper nutrition becomes especially acute.

During the rehabilitation period after removal of an inguinal hernia, it is necessary to eat 4 times a day at equal intervals.

  1. Portions should be small.
  2. The consistency of the food is moderately soft.
  3. The food itself should not be heavy, rough, saturated fat, spicy, fried.
  4. A minimal amount of spices, a lot of easily digestible protein and fiber.

Categories of products that provoke advanced education gases, stagnation:

  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • fermented milk products, including yoghurts;
  • confectionery;
  • rich bread.

In priority– consumption of dietary poultry meat, eggs, lean fish, some varieties of porridge, for example, buckwheat and oatmeal. Cooking should take place using a minimum amount of spices and fats - steamed, boiled, in the oven.

Physical exercise

Physical activity should be increased carefully and gradually after surgery. Rehabilitation after an inguinal hernia in women is somewhat easier, but they are more susceptible to relapses of the disease.

Attention! Prolapse of abdominal organs is often provoked by injuries and sprains associated with excessive physical activity, primarily in the fairer sex.

Lifting weights up to 5 kg is limited for the first month after surgery. It is believed that after this period the patient can painlessly return to the normal rhythm of life (in the case of plastic surgery based on the patient’s own tissues, the time period increases by 2-3 times). However, in order to avoid complications, lifting heavy loads should be avoided for the next 9-12 months, and sports activities can be prescribed only after consultation with a doctor.

Exercise therapy

Physiotherapy exercises are an integral part of rehabilitation procedures for patients who have undergone surgery. It is necessary to start classes gradually, increasing the load as the body recovers.

In the first two weeks, you should not perform strength exercises or sudden movements. Only a small load on the injured area is permissible in order to strengthen the muscles, restore blood circulation, and restore elasticity to the tissues. Rehabilitation after inguinal hernia surgery in men requires a gradual increase in physical activity.

  • stretching and strengthening exercises lumbar muscles and abdominal area with a gradual increase in load;
  • race walking;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • swimming.

Exercise therapy is prescribed by the attending physician and after a preliminary consultation.

Application of massage

Massage during rehabilitation after removal of an inguinal hernia in women and men is prescribed in order to avoid complications associated with a sharp weakening of physical activity and a decrease in stress, which can negatively affect the body as a whole and lead to the development of muscle atrophy.

You can start massage already in the final stages of the outpatient period, that is, 7-9 days after the operation. It is carried out by a specialist in the field of the lumbar girdle, abdomen, lower limbs. The procedure also helps to normalize intestinal function.


Hardware and physical therapy are prescribed to patients during the rehabilitation period after removal of an inguinal hernia, if men experience accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity or groin area, as well as active discharge of pus. In this case, UHF and laser cauterization through a layer of fabric bandage are indicated.

In case of formation of adhesions, it is necessary to undergo laser therapy and inductothermy, as well as mud therapy. Ultraviolet radiation helps clean the wound from possible infection.

Possible complications

Strip surgery always becomes a big stress for the body. The process of rehabilitation after an inguinal hernia proceeds differently for different men and women. Not only the condition of the body is of great importance, but also the lifestyle the patient led before and after the operation.

Among the most common types of complications that occur after excision of a hernia are:

  • recurrence of the disease - it can be avoided by following a number of medical recommendations;
  • the appearance of pus and fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity, as a result of non-compliance with the rules of care in the period after surgery;
  • formation of hematomas due to surgical injuries;
  • Damage to the system of nerves and blood vessels is solely a mistake and inexperience of the surgeon.

The secondary appearance of a hernia is possible due to a number of reasons, including:

  • violation of medical recommendations (refusal to follow a diet, increased exercise, early removal of the bandage);
  • smoking (it can provoke severe cramps);
  • individual tendency to form a hernia due to poorly developed tissues of the internal walls of the canals;
  • incorrect surgical intervention.

Prevention of inguinal hernia

As soon as the rehabilitation period after surgery to remove an inguinal hernia is over, the question arises: how not to return to the operating table in the near future? Simple prevention will help to avoid the recurrence of a hernia, which includes:

  • diet;
  • training to strengthen muscles in the abdominal and groin areas;
  • giving up bad habits, such as smoking, which leads to the development of spasmodic cough, which, in turn, provokes organ prolapse;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • preventive wearing of a bandage during pregnancy.

Timely measures taken will save you from having to seek medical help.

Pathological changes in muscle tissue, anatomical features And traumatic injuries may cause an inguinal hernia. This type of disease is more common among men, but women are also susceptible to this disease. The formation of specific weak points leads to protrusion of organs in the groin area, hernial orifices are formed, which, in case of increased load or inadequate treatment pinch the structures present in the bag. Most severe consequences inguinal hernia - an infringement that ends with necrotic lesions or complete cessation of function of the pinched organs.

A protrusion in the groin area can be right-sided or left-sided, the size of a pea or exceed ten centimeters. The progression of the disease is accompanied by the transition of part of the intestine into the scrotum due to a weak muscle wall. The protrusion is asymptomatic for a long time, until the influence of a stress factor (physical or emotional). A small protrusion is characterized by a gradual onset of symptoms, minor pain and discomfort. The pronounced clinical picture begins at the moment of formation of complications.

Inguinal hernia in men: consequences

Clinical symptoms of an inguinal hernia in men begin with a feeling of heaviness in the peritoneum and flatulence. Then comes pain in the pathological area, which intensifies during straining and lifting weights. Specific sign inguinal hernia, palpation of a small protrusion in the groin area, which is early stage can be pushed into place.

A gradual increase in symptoms indicates the progression of the disease, it becomes difficult for a man to walk, bloating intensifies and disappears only after taking a horizontal position.

Strangulated hernia - severe complication, accompanied by circulatory disorders, loss of function of the pinched organ. Infringement can be identified by a specific set of symptoms.

  • The appearance of blood in vomit and feces.
  • Frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  • Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines.
  • The pain in the groin gradually increases, becoming permanent.
  • The protrusion does not return to its place.

Important! A strangulated hernia in the groin area leads to gangrene, peritonitis, and lack of timely treatment leads to fatal outcome. The negative consequences of protrusion are associated with non-compliance treatment regimen, experiencing stress and continuing to engage in heavy physical labor. In women, inguinal protrusion can develop during pregnancy, therefore, to prevent complications, it is recommended to wear a support bandage.

Frequent complications of inguinal protrusion among men:

  • inflammatory process of the contents of the hernial sac, symptoms include local redness, soreness, fever;
  • the inability to reduce the protrusion requires immediate surgical treatment, as it may indicate intestinal strangulation;
  • dysfunction of injured organs.

The listed consequences arise regardless of the doctor’s professionalism, but there are also complications that arise through the fault of the specialist. Postoperative complications occur frequently and can lead to the death of the patient, which is why it is so important for the patient to be aware of the possible consequences and measures to prevent them.

Postoperative complications

After surgery to eliminate inguinal protrusion, men may experience unpleasant postoperative complications related to genitourinary function.

What is the danger of an inguinal hernia after removal:

  • Pathology of the spermatic cord - in the process of removing the hernia sac, damage to the cord occurs, which is the result of the doctor’s inexperience or incorrect choice of treatment method. Such a consequence may result in a violation nervous regulation and the inability of a man to fertilize. Advanced pathology leads to hormone imbalance and testicular atrophy.
  • Violation of the integrity of the intestine in the process of improper removal of the hernia sac or damage Bladder if the position of the hernia sac is incorrectly determined.
  • Violation of the integrity of the femoral joint is a complication that occurs when rough sutures are applied.
  • Formation of a hematoma - occurs when it is impossible to stop the bleeding. To prevent this complication, apply ice and leave for two hours.
  • Infectious lesion - common complication with secondary penetration of infection into the surgical wound.
  • Dropsy - unilateral or bilateral enlargement of the scrotum may indicate such a complication.
  • Relapse of the disease occurs when the rules of the postoperative regimen are neglected.
  • Vein thrombosis - occurs in people with physical inactivity, and constant pain in the legs develops.

Important! Dropsy, as a complication of protrusion, occurs most often and is eliminated after repeated surgery.

Prevention of complications

Postoperative complications can be prevented by following preventive measures. For the first two days after surgery, you need to remain in bed and follow a gentle diet. The entire postoperative period should be limited to physical activity, and after healing of the sutures, carry out special gymnastics.

The operation is performed and the patient begins the stage postoperative recovery and rehabilitation. After the anesthesia has worn off, the patient begins to feel pain in the lower abdomen. There may be a feeling of numbness. Between 15 and 20 percent of people undergoing surgery may feel a slight burning sensation after an inguinal hernia is removed. If there are no other pathological symptoms, then the factors listed above relate to symptoms of the postoperative norm.

In some cases, after surgery, the patient experiences a sensitivity disorder. Typically, the level of sensitivity in such patients recovers on its own after a few weeks. In rare cases, this may take several months. This is where the individual characteristics of the person and the complexity of the surgical intervention come into play.

Sensitivity disorder, in addition to burning, can also manifest itself as numbness, tingling, increased sensitivity in one area and decreased sensitivity in another area.

But you should still tell your doctor about your feelings. After all, a burning sensation in the wound area, against the background of other symptoms, may also indicate infection of the surgical suture. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. And the sooner this is done, the less the patient’s body will suffer.

Pain after removal

It has already been said that pain syndrome and its intensity largely depends on the chosen method of surgery and anesthesia. Usually, after four hours after the procedure, the patient can move independently. But at the same time he begins to experience aching pain in the suture area.

Pain after removal can vary.

  • Such symptoms may indicate healing. After all, during the operation they were damaged soft fabrics and nerve fibers, and the area itself has become more sensitive. This pain is muscular or neurological in nature.
  • Tissue swelling can also provoke pain.
  • A harbinger of relapse. Risk of reoperation.
  • May “talk” about seams coming apart. If this is not visually observed, internal discrepancy is quite possible.
  • Error in resection.

Swelling after removal

A slight swelling after the intervention is normal. To eliminate the development of swelling, immediately after suturing, apply a heating pad with ice to the area of ​​manipulation.

But if swelling after removal of the hernia begins to develop not immediately after the operation, but later, during the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. After all, edema is a violation of the outflow of lymph or venous blood. But there’s no need to worry too much. Usually this problem is resolved quickly and without much effort.

A jockstrap, bandage or tight-fitting swimming trunks can save the situation. Linen should be made of natural material (cotton).

The doctor may also prescribe one of the drugs that have decongestant properties. Anyone will do antihistamine. It is usually taken as a tablet every eight hours. The course of therapy takes about five days.

The protocol for anti-edematous therapy is prescribed medicine, which is based on vitamin D, which allows swelling to resolve faster.

Temperature after removal of inguinal hernia

The operation is performed and the patient enters a rehabilitation period. But the temperature that appears after removal of an inguinal hernia is always unpleasant symptom, able to say that an infection has entered the patient’s body, which has started the process of inflammation, and possibly suppuration.

For prevention infectious lesion and development, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics after any operation. But if a fever does appear, you should immediately notify your doctor. He will review the situation and adjust the therapy.

Pain in the testicle after removal

Another complication of the postoperative period may be pain in the testicle after removal. The cause of such discomfort may be nerve damage caused by the surgeon when relieving the problem. In this case, the sensitivity of the affected area increases, leading to pain.

Swelling, which is localized in the area adjacent to the testicle, can also provoke pain. In any case, it is worth contacting a specialist for advice and elimination of the uncomfortable condition.

Dropsy after removal of inguinal hernia

Hydrocele, or as people say hydrocele, is one of the most common negative consequences interventions.

Mostly dropsy after removal of an inguinal hernia is unilateral. In this case, there is an asymmetry in the size of the scrotum. But cases of bilateral dropsy are not isolated. Sometimes the size of the scrotum reaches such a size that a man has problems with motor activity.

Complication in the form of hydrocele is an indication for surgical intervention. Conservative treatment in this case is powerless.

Tumor after removal

Visually, a hernia resembles a neoplasm, which quite possibly a person far from medicine can mistake for a tumor. Depending on the method of removing the problem, the patient’s medical history, his physical condition and the state of the body’s defenses, the likelihood of repeated loss may vary.

But surgery is stress for the body, and its restoration requires strength that increased volumes and are consumed by the body, reducing immune status patient.

This is exactly the picture of development recovery period and can cause swelling after removal of the hernia. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is mandatory.