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Is it possible to do a general blood test if you have a cold and how to properly prepare for the test. Is it possible to donate blood for hormones during a cold?

In cold weather, the number of colds increases, but in summer it decreases. A cold involves a wide group of diseases that differ in area affected and etiology, but the symptoms are very similar: fever, sore throat, sore throat, coughing, runny nose. If the patient’s health worsens, additional diagnostics will be required. In this case, donating blood for a cold is not only possible, but necessary. But in what cases is this not recommended?

Is it possible to donate blood and blood tests if you have a cold?

Analyzes are the main standard of examination in medicine. For colds, several types of tests can be used:

  • general clinical analysis;
  • detailed analysis with leukocyte formula;
  • immunogram;
  • hormone tests;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • virological studies using PCR;
  • tests to identify bacteria: culture, etc.

The obtained examination results enable the attending physician to determine the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the body, distinguish the viral course of the disease from the bacterial one, and determine complications. That is why donating blood is not just possible when colds, but also necessary without fail.

Using the result, it is possible to identify the pathogen, which will make it possible to correctly diagnose and prescribe effective therapy. Colds may be hiding dangerous diseases allergic in nature. A blood test will help determine this condition. An excessive increase in the level of leukocytes and ESR indicates a progressive acute inflammatory process. Here's the definition large quantity eosinophils already speaks of allergic reaction body.

But does a cold affect biochemistry? Usually, with ARVI or isolated runny nose, there are no special changes in indicators. But the complicated course of the infection is accompanied by an increase in inflammatory markers, and with influenza, deviations in the coagulogram are possible.

If, against the background of a respiratory illness, the patient wants to undergo a biochemical analysis, for example, to determine hormones, then it is necessary to take into account some points. A respiratory disease itself cannot distort the results, but taking medications during illness can. Before taking the test, you should inform your doctor about the treatment being carried out. In addition, it is important to properly prepare for the study, since if the rules are not followed, the results will be distorted.

The volume of standard analysis for diagnosing the disease is small, so there is no danger to the body. The specialist will assess the patient’s condition and prescribe additional examinations if necessary. Usually blood is donated immediately upon visiting the clinic or the next day.

If the test is not related to a cold, but is necessary to pass medical examination or other events, then in this case it is necessary to avoid manipulation.

The presence of antibodies in the blood does not always indicate an illness, therefore immunological tests should be done after a certain period of time. But routine general tests will need to be repeated throughout the disease to assess the effectiveness of the therapy.

Is it possible to donate blood?

Donor blood is intended for a person who has serious illnesses and pathology, is in serious condition. That is why it must be extremely carefully double-checked, studied and safe.

If the donor already feels the initial symptoms of ARVI, for example, if the throat hurts, the temperature rises, or rhinitis appears, then donating blood is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that even during the initial period of the disease the virus may already be present in the blood. That is, it will easily get into the material designed for transfusion to the patient.

Also, a sick donor acts as a source of infection and easily infects the people around him: doctors, other donors. Infection occurs through airborne droplets when sneezing or coughing.

Drawing blood from a patient with an advanced cold will worsen his condition. The immune system is too weak and will not be able to cope with the infection. You can become a donor again only 30 days after complete recovery.

How to prepare to donate blood

Many people wonder how to correctly take tests for hormones and other indicators - on an empty stomach or not. It is recommended to carry out the analysis in the morning on an empty stomach. When taking a general blood test, a blood sample is taken capillary blood from a pillow ring finger. Some doctors allow a light tomorrow an hour before the test, but without eating fatty, fried or sweet foods.

A number of restrictions must be adhered to. The day before the examination, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible. But it is extremely important to completely stop drinking alcohol. IN difficult situations Submission within 24 hours is allowed if the benefit from deciphering the result obtained is greater than the preliminary distortions. Such distortions arise due to non-compliance with fluid and food intake.

More complex tests, such as biochemical, immunological and others, require sampling venous blood. That is why preparation for them is more rigorous. The day before the analysis, dinner should be very light, a few hours before the expected sleep. It is important to exclude fatty, fried, sweet, and pickled foods from your diet. It is equally important to limit the consumption of sugars and protein products.

Each patient is obliged to exclude the use of alcohol, any stimulants, and carbonated drinks. Heavy smokers must first stop smoking, since nicotine, penetrating into the bloodstream, not only distorts the result, but also provokes spasm of peripheral vessels. This prevents blood from being drawn.

If it is not possible to not smoke, then you should wait at least one hour before taking the test.

The presence of certain substances in the body is observed in different times days and may fluctuate, so you should come to donate blood at strictly specified hours.

At hormonal tests You should not take any medications either in the evening or before the examination itself. If it is not possible to skip a dose and it is vital, then you should notify the laboratory assistant about this.

An equally important rule is no psycho-emotional stress. Before donating blood, you should sit for about ten minutes, relax, and only then donate blood.

You will need to postpone blood donation if any physiological procedures or radiography were performed the day before. Manipulation is permitted only in special cases, when the specialist will take into account all the inaccuracies when deciphering the result.

Blood test is a unique medical procedure, helping to determine the exact cause of a cold. You should not avoid such research, since no harm will be done to the body. The research is carried out only under the guidance of a specialist.

In the structure of morbidity, the largest part is occupied by acute respiratory lesions of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

In cold weather, the number of colds increases, and in summer it decreases.

The popular name “cold” implies a large group of diseases that differ in etiology and area of ​​affection, but their symptoms are similar: fever, runny nose, sore throat or sore throat, cough.

If your health deteriorates significantly and recovery does not occur within the expected time frame, there is a need for additional diagnostics. Is it possible to donate blood if you have a cold, and in what cases is it not recommended?

Tests are considered the main standard of examination in medicine.

For colds, several types of tests are used:

  • general clinical blood test (CBC), including counting the number of red and white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • detailed analysis with leukocyte formula;
  • biochemistry;
  • immunogram;
  • virological studies using PCR, ELISA;
  • bacteriological tests: culture, etc.

The examination allows the doctor to identify the presence inflammatory reaction in the body, differentiate a viral process from a bacterial one, see signs of complications. Using a blood test, you can detect the pathogen, which will allow you to determine correct diagnosis, assess the degree of the body’s immune response, select treatment and monitor the dynamics of the disease.

Sometimes colds start under the guise serious illnesses allergic nature, autoimmune and oncological processes. A blood test can help identify such conditions. Significant increase in ESR and the level of leukocytes, a shift of the formula to the left indicates widespread inflammation. The detection of a large number of eosinophils indicates an allergic reaction.

Low hemoglobin levels (anemia) can be a complication that worsens the condition. A significant drop in the level of leukocytes is a terrible sign acute leukemia, which can begin as a common acute respiratory infection.

Is it possible to donate blood when you have a cold?

A special category of people who donate blood regularly are donors.

In this case, the volume of material taken from one person is significantly greater than with conventional analysis, and ranges from 80 to 450 milliliters.

Since the donor's blood is intended for another person who is in in serious condition having serious illnesses and often a significant decrease in immunity, then it should be carefully examined and safe.

Therefore, if the donor feels the first signs of a cold ( headache, malaise, runny nose, sore throat), he is prohibited from donating blood. This is due to the fact that even in the prodromal (initial) period, the virus can be in the blood, and therefore get into the material intended for transfusion to another person.

In addition, the sick person is the source of the pathogen and transmits the disease to others: doctors or other donors, by airborne droplets when coughing or sneezing.

Taking a large amount of blood from a person with an incipient acute respiratory viral infection can worsen his condition and prevent the immune system from fighting the infection.

You are allowed to donate again only a month after you have had a cold.

We will tell you in what cases and for what indications it is necessary to donate blood for hormones.

Is it possible to do a blood test during a cold?

The volume of standard analysis sufficient to diagnose the disease is small and will not cause any harm to the body.

The attending physician will assess the patient’s condition and prescribe the necessary minimum examination.

Usually you can donate blood either immediately upon application or the next day.

If the test is not related to a cold and was planned in advance in connection with medical examination or other non-emergency medical interventions, then it is better to refrain from donating blood during the period of acute respiratory viral infection. After all, inflammatory changes in the hemogram or changes in biochemical parameters are unlikely to have a positive effect on the course of another disease or will assist in choosing a course of treatment.

It should be remembered that the presence of antibodies in the blood does not always indicate a disease, so it is advisable to carry out immunological tests some time after the disappearance of clinical symptoms. However, standard general tests sometimes have to be repeated during the course of the disease to assess the effectiveness of treatment.

It is better to do an analysis immediately; treatment tactics depend on this. If the examination started is delayed drug treatment may distort the results obtained and give an incorrect picture of the disease.

Preparing to donate blood

Many people are interested in how to properly donate blood for hormones and other indicators - on an empty stomach or not. It is better to take blood tests early in the morning on an empty stomach. When performing a CBC, capillary blood is collected from the fingertip. Allowed light breakfast an hour before the procedure, excluding fatty and sweet foods.

It is better to adhere to some restrictions the day before.

The day before the test, it is advisable to drink enough fluid.

But you should give up alcohol. IN emergency situations blood donation is allowed throughout the day, since the benefit from the interpretation of the results obtained is significantly greater than the possible distortions introduced by non-compliance drinking regime or eating food.

Carrying out more complex tests (biochemistry, immunological and other studies) requires taking blood from a vein. Therefore, the training criteria are more stringent. The night before no more than two hours before bedtime - light dinner, with the exception of fatty, fried, pickled foods. It is advisable to limit the amount of heavy protein foods and sugars.

Taking alcoholic beverages, soda, and stimulants is excluded. You should also refrain from smoking, since nicotine, when it enters the blood, not only distorts the result, but also causes spasm of peripheral vessels, which makes sampling difficult.

If you can’t give up nicotine, you need to wait at least an hour and only then go and donate blood. The content of certain substances in the body is different time day, may fluctuate, so to get the correct result you need to come for analysis at strictly designated hours (for example, the level of hormones or iron is determined before ten in the morning).

Before donating blood for hormones, you should not take any medications the evening before the test or in the morning, however, if medications are vital and cannot be skipped, it is better to warn the laboratory assistant about this.

It is better to sit for five to ten minutes before entering the treatment room.

It will be necessary to postpone blood sampling if some medical procedures were performed before the study: x-rays, physical procedures. However, in in case of emergency Taking blood for analysis is allowed, and the doctor will evaluate the results taking into account possible errors.

A blood test is a medical procedure that helps determine the cause of a cold. It should not be avoided; it does not cause any harm to the body and is carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

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Everyone knows what a cold is. This name covers diseases that occur with the participation of viruses and bacteria, the development of which is largely facilitated by hypothermia. This could be any ARVI, rhinitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis. Nasal congestion, sore throat, coughing, fever and malaise are the main symptoms unpleasant condition. They are familiar to many and force them to apply for medical care. And after the examination, the doctor will first issue a referral for lab tests. And any patient is interested in what they will show, and even more so for parents whose child is sick.

Or another situation: a person needs to donate blood - as a donor or for examination for another pathology - and he suddenly falls ill respiratory infection and doesn't know what to do. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to get tested for a cold is very relevant and requires clarification.

Colds, like other diseases, are subject to diagnosis. And during the examination, the doctor needs the results laboratory methods. They allow us to determine the nature of the disease and plan accordingly. therapeutic measures. For a runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever, the following are most often prescribed:

  • General blood analysis.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Swab from the nose and throat (for cytology, culture).
  • Serological tests (to detect antibodies).

This is a standard set of studies recommended for ARVI. If necessary, the doctor prescribes blood biochemistry, ECG, x-ray chest. As a rule, this is due to the likelihood of complications. It is worth taking a closer look at the most common tests (blood and urine) that are done in any laboratory and what results can be obtained.

General blood analysis

At colds Taking a clinical blood test is not only possible, but also necessary. He is necessary element diagnostic program. Diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature are a direct indication for a hemogram. It allows you to narrow your search by establishing the origin of the disease (viral or bacterial). In addition, based on the results of a blood test, one can judge the severity of the pathology and its reverse development, performing a study over time. So, any ARVI is accompanied by quite characteristic features in hemogram:

  • Normo- or leukopenia (leukocyte level within acceptable limits or below 4*109/l).
  • Lymphocytosis (lymphocyte count exceeds 37%).
  • Monocytosis (more than 11% of monocytes in the blood).

Thus, the viral process is indicated by specific changes in leukocyte formula in adults and children. If, against the background of this, annexation occurred bacterial flora, then the picture changes: leukocytes grow (over 9*109/l), a shift in the formula to the left is observed (band neutrophils more than 6%). Other indicators for a cold in the blood - red blood cells, hemoglobin, platelets, ESR - in most cases remain within normal limits, unless we are talking about a complicated course of a respiratory infection.

In a blood test for colds, changes are observed that make it possible to establish the viral or bacterial nature of the inflammatory changes.

General urine analysis

For respiratory diseases, a clinical urine test is also prescribed. It is included in the standard set of studies. But changes in urine are nonspecific and indicate mainly the severity of intoxication. In this case, the child may have casts (single), traces of protein, and a few leukocytes. But this does not indicate inflammation in urinary tract, but only indicates a transient increase in the permeability of the renal “filter”.

Blood biochemistry

We cannot ignore the question of whether a cold affects a biochemical blood test. With isolated rhinitis, it is unlikely to notice any significant changes. And ARVI in a child usually does not produce noticeable changes in indicators. But severe and complicated course of infection is accompanied by an increase in inflammatory markers ( C-reactive protein, seromucoids), with influenza, deviations in the coagulogram are likely.

If there is a person in the background respiratory disease wants to undergo a routine biochemical analysis, for example, to determine hormones or a lipid profile, then he will have to take into account some points. In general, a respiratory infection is not capable of significantly distorting test results, but taking certain medications can. Therefore, before taking tests, you need to notify your doctor about the therapy being carried out. Additionally, it is worth fulfilling other preparation conditions: do not eat for 8–12 hours, avoid heavy physical exertion, refrain from drinking alcohol (2 days in advance) and smoking the day before. All this can affect biochemical composition blood.

HIV test

Another question that requires consideration is whether it is possible to take an HIV test if you have a cold. This study consists of determining antibodies to the virus. Specific training, in addition to general recommendations, characteristic of all biochemical tests (in relation to nutrition, exercise and bad habits), no need. Therefore, simple rhinitis and cough cannot be obstacles to a laboratory test. But it should be remembered that an HIV test is indicative only 3-4 weeks after possible infection.

What kind of blood test can and should be taken for adults and children for a cold? This is a question for the doctor. Only a specialist can give a detailed answer and explain the essence of diagnostic procedures.


A prerequisite for taking blood from a donor is his health. Firstly, in a sick person, the quality of this biological fluid decreases; microbial toxins and antibodies may be present in it. Secondly, the procedure itself can worsen the donor’s condition. And thirdly, a patient with a respiratory infection can infect medical staff. Therefore, it is recommended to donate blood after a certain time interval after recovery:

  • For rhinitis – 1 week.
  • For influenza and ARVI - 2 weeks.
  • For bronchitis – 3 weeks.
  • For pneumonia – six months.

Considering the above, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to donate blood for colds is obvious. Donation for respiratory infections is contraindicated until a certain time has passed after recovery.

Many people want to know what tests can be taken for a cold. And to understand this issue, you need to visit a doctor. The specialist will tell you in detail what should be taken into account by an adult and a child with a respiratory infection in a given situation.

Colds are quite common. They can have a simple or complex form and be accompanied by other disorders. Viruses, hypothermia, weakening of the body lead to the appearance of such ailments. immune system. If the first signs of illness appear - sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, cough, the doctor may recommend testing general analysis blood.

Why do they take a blood test?

You need to donate blood when you are sick for several reasons. By using this study you can get the following results:

  1. Determine the level of inflammation activity. This is done by assessing the white blood cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
  2. Determine the nature of the process - it can be bacterial or viral. This can be assessed by shifting the leukocyte formula.
  3. Determine the allergic nature of the disease and assess the level immune defense.

Inappropriately selected therapy can lead to a serious deterioration in the patient’s condition. Often, such tactics significantly delay time and lead to blurring the picture of the disease. To clarify the indicators, it is imperative to get tested for a cold.

Colds can have 2 forms - viral and bacterial. In the first case, the causative agent of the disease is a virus, in the second - bacterial microorganisms.

Both types of pathology have the same symptoms:

  1. headache,
  2. rhinitis,
  3. cough,
  4. increase in temperature.

They are also often accompanied by redness of the throat and other manifestations. It can be very difficult to immediately notice the differences between diseases.

Wherein correct therapy it will not be possible to select without identifying the causative agent of the process. Thus, with a viral origin of the disease, there is a need to use antiviral drugs, while bacterial pathologies require different tactics and the use of antibiotics.

If used to treat viral infections antibacterial agents, achieve desired effect it won't work. Antiviral drugs will not give results in the treatment of bacterial infections.

To diagnose the origin of the disease, blood donation is indicated. Most often, a general analysis is prescribed. If there is a need for a more complete picture, biochemical research is used.

If a complex viral illness is detected in a patient, a virological study is indicated. This procedure allows you to identify the causative agent of the disease.

If the patient has additional pathologies, there is a need to perform biochemical research blood. Thanks to this procedure, it will be possible to eliminate complications from various organs. This is very important, because such violations can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s health.

If the immune system is weakened, an immunological blood test is prescribed. Thanks to this, it will be possible to accurately assess the patient’s condition and select adequate therapy.

Features of performing a blood test for influenza

Blood tests during colds are important diagnostic study. With its help, you can determine the diagnosis and general condition of a person. It is recommended to take the test immediately after receiving a referral from a doctor. The accuracy of diagnosis of the disease, the choice of treatment tactics and the correction of the selected treatment depend on the timeliness of obtaining data.

Using a blood test, it will be possible to determine what exactly the patient is infected with. Each pathogen has very specific indicators. In addition, the specialist will be able to determine the stage of development of the disease.

  1. With a strong increase in the level of leukocytes, you can detect inflammatory process. If, in the case of repeated analysis, this indicator has decreased significantly, we can judge the beginning of the recovery process.
  2. In addition, a blood test will show whether transformation has occurred viral infection into a bacterial one. This process observed quite often if a person does not follow the doctor’s recommendations and does not receive the required therapy. Thanks to a blood test, it will be possible to adjust the treatment and undergo timely rehabilitation.

The results of blood tests are usually ready within the next day. In some situations, data can be obtained within a few hours. This service is usually provided in private laboratories.

Preparing for analysis

To obtain correct results research, you need to carefully prepare for it. Before taking a general blood test or biochemistry, it is prohibited to take any medications. Drinking alcohol is also strictly prohibited.

Blood should be donated in the morning. It is best to do this on an empty stomach. Experts do not recommend eating food within 8 hours before the test.

If it is not possible to donate blood in the morning, you can do the procedure in the afternoon. However, in this case it is recommended to fast for 6 hours. It is important to control that the morning menu does not contain fatty foods. For breakfast you can eat an apple, porridge without butter and milk. It is also perfectly acceptable to drink unsweetened tea.

So, before taking blood tests, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. The day before the test, you should stop drinking alcohol.
  2. On the eve of the procedure, excessive physical exercise. Sexual intercourse is also not recommended.
  3. If necessary, use medications You should definitely inform your doctor about this. Medicines containing iodine, oral contraceptives And hormonal agents may distort the analysis results. Sometimes doctors recommend stopping medications 1-2 days before the procedure.

To do a general blood test, other conditions must be met. The procedure can be carried out 1 hour after eating. In this case, you should stop smoking 3 hours before your visit to the laboratory. When consumed biologically active additives you need to notify the specialist about this in advance. This will help prevent you from receiving incorrect information.

Immunological testing can be carried out only 2 weeks after the patient has recovered. The same time is required if the person took antibacterial drugs, immunomodulatory drugs, vitamin complexes, antihistamines. If the patient has elevated temperature, the study will have to be postponed.

You must follow a diet for 2 days before the procedure. It involves the exclusion of fatty and fried foods. Also prohibited are alcoholic drinks, salty foods and baked goods.

Is it possible to donate blood?

If you have a sore throat, rhinitis or cough, donating blood is strictly prohibited. In such a situation, you should wait until all manifestations of the disease disappear. You also need to undergo tests to assess the condition of the body. Only after this can you start submitting donated blood.

What is the reason for this limitation? This question interests many people. Colds not only affect the quality of blood, but also cause harm to people around them - doctors and other donors. Viruses spread instantly when you cough or sneeze. Therefore, there is a risk of infecting others.

In addition, donating blood leads to aggravation of the patient’s condition. This procedure provokes a weakening of the body and worsens the condition of an already impaired immune system.

To avoid negative consequences, it is important to comply key rule donation: it is necessary to donate blood only after a month after recovery.

Is it possible to get tested for hormone levels?

There are situations when it is urgent to take tests for hormones for subsequent therapy, and a person has a cold. Does a cold affect the indicators in this case and is it possible to conduct a study?

A cold itself is a reaction of the body in which all defense mechanisms are activated. If possible, it is better to postpone hormonal studies at a later date and wait for recovery.

At the same time, scientists claim that colds do not affect hormone research data thyroid gland and reproductive system.

Only a few can distort this information medicines. If the patient had to take antibacterial drugs, you will have to postpone donating blood to check hormone levels for at least 10 days after completing the course of therapy. To be more precise, experts advise taking such tests only 2 weeks after stopping the use of any medications.

  • If a person has taken any anti-inflammatory drugs - for example, aspirin, tests are allowed at least after a week. Alone medications lead to a decrease, while others lead to an increase in hormone levels.
  • If you do not follow your doctor's recommendations, there is a risk of obtaining incorrect research data. In such a situation, you will have to take tests again to get more accurate results. Inadequate indicators can lead to violation of treatment tactics. As a result, there is a risk dangerous consequences for good health.

Donating blood for colds is recommended solely for diagnostic purposes. Using this study, you can determine the nature and severity of the pathology. At the same time, donation and other types of blood tests in this period not recommended. To avoid negative consequences, you need to wait until complete recovery.

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Colds can be mild or severe form, accompanied by complications or concomitant diseases. Colds can also occur due to certain factors or the presence of a pathogen.

In this regard, when the first symptoms of the disease appear in the form of a runny nose, cough, sneezing, redness or sore throat, the doctor often directs the patient to take blood and urine tests.

Thanks to this, it is possible to clarify the diagnosis, especially for a cold that developed during a decrease in immunity or due to the activity of somatic pathology.

Even if at first glance it seems that there is nothing wrong with a cold and the patient believes that it will go away in a couple of days, it is still recommended to get tested.

Similar simple procedure will relieve unnecessary worries, help assess the general condition of the patient, identify the cause of the cold and prescribe competent treatment.

Why donate blood if you have a cold?

Clinical blood tests for colds allow you to:

  • Assess the degree of activity of the inflammatory process by identifying indicators of leukocytes and ESR.
  • Clarify the viral or bacterial nature of the disease using a shift in the leukocyte formula.
  • Identify the allergic nature of the disease and determine the indicators of the body’s immune defense.

If the treatment is incorrectly selected, the patient's condition can greatly worsen. An incorrectly chosen path of therapy greatly delays time and blurs the picture of the disease. Therefore, research to clarify the indicators must be carried out in any case.

There are two types of colds - viral and bacterial, and are quite similar. In a viral disease, the causative agent is a virus; in a bacterial disease, the causative agent is bacteria.

At first glance, it is not easy to notice the difference between them, since diseases have general symptoms– headache, fever, cough, runny nose, redness of the throat and so on.

However, an accurate determination of the type of pathogen is necessary in order to prescribe competent treatment. Yes, when viral flu appointment required antiviral drugs, and when bacterial sore throat The doctor prescribes completely different medications in the form of antibiotics.

If you treat viruses antibacterial drugs, therapeutic effect will not, since viruses are not sensitive to such drugs. Likewise, antivirals are ineffective in treating bacterial diseases.

  1. To put accurate diagnosis, a general blood test is usually sufficient. But, if the patient wants to get a more complete picture of his health condition, the doctor can prescribe a biochemical analysis to check other indicators.
  2. If a patient is diagnosed with severe viral disease, a virological study is prescribed, thanks to which the causative agent of the infection can be determined.
  3. With additional concomitant diseases it is necessary to take a biochemical blood test. Such a study is carried out to exclude the development of complications from internal organs, due to which the patient’s condition with a cold can be aggravated.
  4. In cases where immunity decreases, an immunological blood test is performed to determine the patient’s condition and prescribe the correct treatment.

It is necessary to understand that donors cannot donate blood during a cold. It is necessary to wait until all signs of the disease disappear, undergo tests to check the condition of the body, and only after that can donor activity continue.

Such a condition can not only affect the quality of the blood donated, but also harm the health of other donors and doctors. As you know, viruses spread well during coughing and sneezing, so everyone around them is at risk of contracting the disease.

Also, undergoing the procedure can aggravate the patient’s condition, weaken the body and harm the already weak immune system.

It is also necessary to adhere to important rule donation - you can donate blood only after a month has passed from the date of the illness.

Is it possible to do a blood test during a cold?

As mentioned above, in some cases, blood tests are not only possible, but also necessary to clarify the diagnosis and determine general condition sick.

You need to donate blood as soon as your doctor has issued a referral for testing. The speed of obtaining test results determines the accuracy of diagnosing the disease, choosing a treatment package, and carrying out timely correction of already prescribed therapy.

  • A blood test will definitely help to find out what exactly the patient was infected with, since each pathogen is characterized by certain norms of indicators.
  • Also thanks to this, doctors can determine at what stage the disease is. When strongly elevated white blood cells the inflammatory process can be detected. If, upon repeated analysis, the number of leukocytes has noticeably decreased, this indicates recovery.
  • Among other things, a blood test will show whether the viral disease into a bacterial one. Similar phenomenon observed quite often if the patient suffers the disease on his legs or does not receive necessary treatment. The information obtained will allow you to adjust the treatment and rehabilitation plan.

However, if the patient is trying to take a previously prescribed blood test for hormone levels, wants to be tested before planned operation or to visit the laboratory for another purpose, you must wait until complete recovery.

Otherwise, the obtained indicators will be distorted, and the study will have to be repeated to obtain more accurate data. Incorrect indicators can directly affect the quality of treatment due to incorrect diagnosis of the disease.

results laboratory research Blood samples are usually ready the next day. If the tests are carried out in a private laboratory, the data will be ready within a few hours.

Before taking a general or biochemical blood test, you should not take any medications or drink alcohol, which are often used to treat colds. It is recommended to donate blood in the morning on an empty stomach; beforehand, you should not eat for at least eight hours.

If the patient cannot visit the laboratory in the morning, the blood donation procedure can be completed during the day, but before doing so, it is necessary to fast for at least six hours. At the same time, your morning diet should not contain fatty foods. Sample breakfast should include unsweetened tea, unsweetened porridge without milk and butter, and an apple.

To undergo a general analysis, other conditions are required; the procedure is permitted one hour after eating; smoking must be avoided three hours before visiting the laboratory. If the patient takes any biological supplements, the doctor should be warned about this in advance to avoid obtaining incorrect results.

An immunological study is carried out no earlier than two weeks after the patient has recovered. The same time should pass if the patient took antibiotics. Antihistamines, immunomodulators, vitamins. If fever is present, testing will be delayed.

Two days before the blood test, you need to eat according to standard diet, do not eat too fatty, salty, fried foods, as well as flour and alcohol.

An interesting video in this article will help the reader understand the essence biochemical analysis blood.