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Nise for toothache. Using Nise tablets to relieve toothache

If a person has a toothache, he often forgets about everything in the world. The only thing he cares about in this situation is how to get rid of the pain, or at least make it less severe.

Of course, the real problem in this case is not pain, but the pathology that caused the painful sensations. So, if a tooth hurts for the first time, most probable cause the feeling of pain is pulpitis. A characteristic feature This disease is a sensation of sharp pain when chilled food or drink comes into contact with a diseased tooth. In addition, a symptom of pulpitis is that the tooth begins to hurt more severely at night, as a result of which a person cannot sleep.

If the tooth is already bothering you long time, while the pain has aching character and intensifies in the case of sharp pressure from above on the diseased tooth, or tapping on it, then in this case, most likely, periodontitis occurs - inflammation of the tissues directly adjacent to the root.

If the patient feels a sharp throbbing pain, accompanied by swelling of the face, then in this case there is inflammation of the periosteum or, in colloquial speech, usually called flux.

All these dental diseases never go away on their own and require medical care. Periostitis is especially dangerous, threatening life itself. However, it is not always possible to go to the dentist at the first sensation of pain. An attack of toothache can take you by surprise. In such cases, first aid is necessary, which consists of temporarily relieving toothache. Analgesics are used for this purpose.

The oldest and most common of the anti-anxiety drugs toothache, is a well-known analgin. However, its serious disadvantage is that it can cause life-threatening immunodeficiency associated with a drop in the number of leukocytes. And the anesthetic effect of this drug is quite weak, and therefore when acute pain analgin may simply be useless.

Modern analgesics based on ketorolac (for example, ketans) help even with the most severe pain, eliminating painful sensations fully. Their advantage is that they not only eliminate pain, but also weaken the inflammatory process. However, due to the risk side effects and a number of contraindications, such drugs can only be purchased upon presentation of a prescription. What to do if there is no corresponding recipe?

In this case, help can be provided by those anesthetic drugs that are sold freely in pharmacies. One of the most popular modern over-the-counter painkillers is Nise tablets. Does Nise help with toothache?

How does Nise help with toothache?

Currently, Nise is one of the most widely used analgesics, as it is a medicine that is quite effective in calming pain. The relatively low price and the ability to freely buy the drug also contribute to its popularity.

Nise for toothache

Nise is a medicinal product produced by Indian manufacturers in the form of tablets, suspension and gel. If toothache occurs, either tablets or a suspension of the drug are used.

So, if a person has a toothache and Nise was advised to him, the following questions will probably arise:

  • How effective is Nise if you have a toothache?
  • Does Nise work in case of acute pain?
  • How to take Nise correctly for toothache?
  • how to avoid negative consequences from taking Nise tablets.
  • How long does Nise last for toothache?

Answering the last question immediately, we can say that the drug can eliminate pain for several hours. Everything depends directly on the cause of the development of the pain factor and the nature of the pain.

What is Nise

The main active component of this medicine is nimesulide, an organic compound related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Like others medicinal products this group, this substance interferes with the synthesis of prostaglandins in inflamed tissue. As a result, the inflammatory process subsides, swelling decreases and pain calms down.

After oral administration the drug is almost completely absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. If you take the medicine immediately before or immediately after eating food, it will be absorbed more slowly, but the completeness of absorption will not decrease.

Nise really helps with toothache

After entering the body, nimesulide is metabolized in the liver. 65% of the resulting products are excreted by the kidneys. The remaining part of the metabolites enters the intestine with bile and is removed from it with feces.

The process of metabolism and excretion of nimesulide is not significantly affected by the patient’s age and the presence of mild renal failure. Therefore, the drug is suitable for children, elderly patients and kidney patients. However, in case of liver pathologies, nimesulide is contraindicated, as well as in the case of severe renal failure.

Nimesulide is contained in Nise tablets, as well as in nimesil powder - a common anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medicine, often prescribed to children.

Can Nise be used for toothache?

Nimesulide acts as an analgesic for pain in a wide variety of locations, including toothache. Even when the tooth hurts very acutely, using Nise tablets, as a rule, leads to a gradual weakening of the pain - until it completely disappears for three to four hours.

Nise is most effective for painful sensations of low and medium intensity. With acute pain, sometimes only dullness is noted.

The disadvantage of nimesulide is that it different people This drug works differently and in some cases has no anesthetic effect at all.

Although nimesulide has an anti-inflammatory effect, in the case of pulpitis, periodontal inflammation and other dental diseases therapeutic effect it has virtually no effect. Therefore, you should not hope to stop the inflammatory process with the help of tablets and thereby postpone a trip to the dentist for a couple of months.

How to take Nise tablets for toothache

How to take Nise in case of toothache is determined by the form in which the drug is released. The procedure for using the medicine in tablet form is somewhat different from the method for using the drug suspension. It is always necessary to read the instructions for use of any drug!

Nise tablets are designed for use by adults and patients adolescence weighing more than forty kilograms. In this case, the dose of the drug is one tablet twice a day. If pain quickly returns, you can increase the frequency of taking the drug, but the total amount of the drug taken during the day should not exceed four tablets.

Nise tablets for toothache

Nise is recommended to be consumed after meals. There are two types of tablets of this drug available. The first of these are ordinary tablets, swallowed whole and washed down with water. Second type - dissolvable tablets, which before use must be placed in a teaspoon and filled with water. When the tablet dissolves, the resulting solution should be drunk.

In case of toothache in children under twelve years of age, a suspension of this medicine. The medication regimen is determined by the attending physician. In this case, the daily dose of the drug is determined based on the fact that there should be no more than five milligrams of the drug per kilogram of the child’s weight. Daily dose the analgesic is not used immediately, but should be divided into 2 doses.

It is recommended to give the suspension to children before meals. However, in the event of discomfort It is permissible for a child to take the medicine after meals. In any case, the decision to give the child Nise must be agreed with the doctor.

For any form of the drug, the duration of its use should not exceed ten days. During this period, you should definitely find time to visit the dental office. We must not forget that analgesics are only a temporary way to make the problem of dental pain not so acute. And pain relief does not in any way reduce the need to go to the doctor.

When should you not use Nise for toothache?

A significant disadvantage of nimesulide is a considerable number of side effects. From this point of view, Nise is superior to other drugs similar action. Typically, undesirable consequences occur in the following cases:

  • in case of taking a dose of the drug above the established norm;
  • when the duration of use of the medicine exceeds the maximum permissible period;
  • if the patient has individual negative reactions to nimesulide;
  • in the presence of pathologies that are contraindications to the drug.

What negative effects can Nise tablets cause?

Individual intolerance to nimesulide, the presence of contraindications to it, as well as an overdose can cause side effects such as:

  1. Heartburn.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Liver pathologies.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Headache.
  7. Anemia.
  8. Decreased blood clotting due to a decrease in the number of platelets.
  9. Immunodeficiency as a consequence of a decrease in the number of leukocytes.
  10. Bloody impurities in the urine.

The likelihood of negative consequences increases as the duration of drug use increases. For this reason, dentists rarely prescribe this remedy. Most of those affected by the side effects of nimesulide took this drug on your own initiative, ignoring the warnings specified in the instructions.

When is Nise contraindicated for toothache?

Nimesulide preparations are completely contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. During pregnancy.
  2. With acute sensitivity to the drug.
  3. For any pathologies of blood formation.
  4. In case of simultaneous intolerance acetylsalicylic acid, bronchial asthma and nasal polyps.
  5. For hepatitis.
  6. In case of presence of blood in feces or urine.
  7. For pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. In the presence of skin diseases– such as psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis.

In addition, Nise should not be taken by children under two years of age.

Women who are breastfeeding should also not take nimesulide. If you cannot do without using this medicine, then during the period of taking the drug breast-feeding should be suspended.

People suffering from diabetes, hypertension and heart disorders should consult a doctor about the admissibility of their use before using nimesulide preparations.

How can you replace Nise for toothache?

The main reasons for the popularity of nimesulide drugs are the effectiveness of their analgesic effect, relatively low cost, and the ability to buy them without a prescription. Therefore, many prefer Nise to drugs that act no worse, but are not as dangerous as nimesulide.

Among the relatively safe and effective analogues nimesulide refers to the well-known paracetamol and other drugs that contain it, for example, efferalgan. Paracetamol-based drugs are used primarily as antipyretics. However, they can also cause an anesthetic effect. Being less dangerous than Nise, these medications can also be taken by children under two years of age, but older than one month.

Another drug that has an anesthetic effect is Nurofen. The results of its use are approximately the same as in the case of using Nise, however, the anti-inflammatory effect of this medicine is less pronounced.

The most popular remedy used in case of toothache is, of course, analgin due to its low cost and availability. However, this medicine cannot be called safe due to its ability to cause serious and life-threatening blood damage.

When you feel a toothache, you need to remember that not a single medication can eliminate its cause or cure dental disease. Decide this problem Only the intervention of a dentist can. Therefore, in this situation, it is necessary to visit the dentist as soon as possible, without waiting for the problem to worsen.

Nise tablets have been used in dental practice for quite a long time to eliminate or alleviate. But how effective and safe the product turns out to be directly depends on whether you take it correctly.

What is the drug

All forms of the drug, including Nise tablets, belong to the NSAID drug group and are produced on the basis of nimesulide. Distinctive feature This group of drugs is their ability to relieve not only pain, but also the inflammatory process, which in most cases becomes the source of pain or its consequence.

Therefore, Nise can be used not only for pain, or other similar conditions, but also when there is an active inflammatory process.

A kind of “side”, but in some cases beneficial effects The drug is its properties to reduce body temperature and cause changes in the blood coagulation system. The second property should be discussed in more detail.

When taking Nise (like any other drug based on nimesulide), the ability of platelets to stick together, that is, to form clots, is reduced. Depending on the features clinical case, this effect can be equally harmful to health or beneficial. So, if Nise is taken as a pain reliever in people prone to blood clots, the action of nimesulide will help reduce the risk of blood clots. But for people with a compromised hematopoietic system and diseases that potentially threaten the development of bleeding, the drug is contraindicated.

Advantages of the drug Nise

As a pain reliever, Nise tablets for toothache compare favorably with a number of other drugs with a similar effect:

  1. Rapid onset of analgesic effect - 15-25 minutes after taking this drug, pronounced relief or complete elimination of pain is observed.
  2. Duration of action - a single dose of the drug allows you to get rid of pain syndrome for a period of 6 to 12-14 hours (depending on the severity of pain).
  3. High safety profile - Nise can be recommended even if there are indications for it, and also combines well with most drugs commonly used today from other medicinal groups(antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, antihistamine, etc.).
  4. Affordable cost - on average, a pack of tablets (20 pieces) can be purchased at a pharmacy for $2.5-3.

Indications for use

In the list of indications for use drug Nise primary attention is paid to pain of a different nature and origin (for example, with various types of pain). The manufacturer notes in the instructions for use that this drug is recommended primarily for pain in the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis, myalgia, rheumatism, tendonitis, bursitis, post-traumatic pain, etc.).

But anyone who has at least once experienced pain in the joints, spine or injured muscles has an excellent idea of ​​its nature - painful and unbearable. This gives an idea of ​​the power of Nise: if it is effective for joint pathologies, it can cope with toothache with the same success.

Although the list of indications also mentions hyperthermia ( elevated temperature body), Nise should not be relied upon as an antipyretic. However, this effect is not the main one, and to normalize the temperature during acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, etc., preference should be given to drugs with a milder effect.


Nice tablets for toothache, which can both help and harm. This drug should not be taken if you have the following diseases or conditions:

  • insufficiency of the blood coagulation system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with a high risk of gastric or intestinal bleeding;
  • organ failure (heart, liver, kidneys, lungs);
  • allergic reaction to NSAIDs, in particular to aspirin;
  • liver diseases.

Pregnancy and childhood(starting from 2 years) are not contraindications for taking Nise, but require consultation with a doctor. Also, in case of violations blood pressure and compensated kidney diseases, you must use the drug only as prescribed by a doctor or after you have received his permission to take Nise.

How to take Nise

For adults, Nise is recommended to take one tablet, taken twice a day with an equal period of time between doses of the drug. In some cases, for example, if the pain quickly returns, you can increase the number of doses of the drug to 4 per day, still maintaining equal intervals between the use of each tablet.

Most NSAIDs have such side effects as heartburn, burning in the esophagus and stomach, which is associated with a rather aggressive effect of the active substances on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, taking the drug should be tied to meals: a tablet taken during a meal or immediately after it will not harm the digestive organs.

  • Nimegesik.
  • These drugs are developed based on the same active substance, nimesulide, which determines their effect, similar to the effect of “Nise”.

    It should be remembered that long-term use of any medications requires consultation with a doctor. If necessary, he will select another pain reliever for you for tooth pain, which has a pronounced analgesic effect, but does not have negative influence on your overall health.

    Nise is a modern painkiller that has quite pronounced properties, which is why dentists often recommend Nise for toothache. The advantage of the product is its low cost and sale without a prescription. The product is manufactured by the Indian company Dr. Reddy’s.

    Nise is available in the form of tablets, suspension and gel. In most cases, after the first use of the drug, it is so effective that people refuse other painkillers.

    • begins to act within 15-30 minutes;
    • peak effectiveness is observed after 3 hours;
    • the duration of action lasts for 6-12 hours, which allows you to forget about pain for the whole working day;
    • in many pharmacies the drug is sold without a prescription, although this is prohibited due to many side effects;
    • the active substance is nimesulide, which is prescribed even to pregnant women and children;
    • Based on reviews, we can conclude that the product is well tolerated by most patients, even with long-term use;
    • the price of a package of 20 tablets in Russia is approximately 150 rubles (7.5 rubles per tablet);
    • the product combines well with most painkillers;
    • the drug can be taken together with antibiotics wide range actions, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory.

    Despite the effectiveness and availability of the drug, it has a number of disadvantages, which often force doctors to prescribe other medications to patients for toothache.

    Composition, release forms and storage conditions of Nise

    Release forms

    1. tablets 100 mg;
    2. dispersible tablets 50 mg;
    3. suspension 50 mg or 5 ml;
    4. gel 1%.

    Nise in tablet form should be stored in a dry and dark place at a temperature below 25ºC. The drug must be stored for 3 years. The gel cannot be frozen and stored for no more than 2 years. Suspension and tablets should only be sold with a doctor's prescription.

    Composition of the drug

    The active substance in Nise is nimesulide. The drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory that temporarily inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which provoke pain and inflammation. This effect allows you to quickly relieve even acute toothache. On average, the drug lasts 3-4 hours, although patients note a longer effect, up to complete relief of pain.

    The chemical composition of Nise tablets is the same: active substance nimesulide, auxiliary calcium phosphate, aspartame, magnesium stearate, sodium glycolate, microcrystalline cellulose, talc, corn starch, flavorings, colloidal silicon dioxide.

    The suspension contains the following substances: nimesulide, sorbitol, propylparaben, xanthan gum, sucrose, citric acid monohydrate, choline yellow WS, polysorbate 80, pineapple flavor, methylparaben, water.

    The gel includes nimesulide, propylene glycol, isopropanol, potassium phosphate, butylated hydroxyanisole, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, carbomer-940, PEG-400, thimerosal, flavorings.

    Indications for use Nise

    Nise helps better with mild to moderate pain in the teeth, although it also dulls severe and acute pain, but an aching sensation may remain. In some cases, Nise only lowers the temperature, in others it has no effect on the current state.

    Nise has the following effects:

    • antipyretic;
    • antiplatelet (preventing blood elements from sticking together);
    • analgesic;
    • anti-inflammatory.

    The instructions say that it is anti-inflammatory, but this does not make it a panacea for the inflammatory process in the teeth. Therefore, you cannot rely on Nise for pulpitis ( acute inflammation, which is accompanied by throbbing pain, especially at night). Inflammation of the pulp must be treated in the dentist's office, as well as periodontitis and other dental diseases. Nise can only relieve pain; the drug has no effect on the progression of the disease.


    • osteoarthritis;
    • bursitis;
    • tendinitis;
    • osteoarthritis;
    • rheumatism;
    • muscle pain;
    • spinal pain;
    • Bekhterev's disease;
    • infectious foci and inflammation;
    • post-traumatic pain;
    • fever;
    • neuralgia, myalgia.

    As you can see, toothache is not included in the list of main indications, but patients still take Nise for dental diseases. The indications are quite serious illnesses. This is justified by the fact that the drug has many side effects, so it is advisable to take it only when the benefit outweighs the harm.

    Nise in gel form is effective for diseases musculoskeletal system(inflammatory and degenerative): psoriatic arthritis, exacerbation of gout and rheumatism, lumbago, radiculitis, sciatica.

    Operating principle

    The analgesic effect is due to the ability of active substances to suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins in the inflammatory focus. The drug also selectively inhibits COX2 (cyclooxygenase). Possible inhibition of prostaglandins in healthy cells, but this rarely happens.

    The drug helps slow down lipid peroxidation. Nise does not affect hemostasis (preservation of the liquid state of blood) and phagocytosis (the process of capture and digestion of solid particles, that is, nutrients, by cells).

    When taken orally, Nise is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, reaching maximum concentration within 1.5-2.5 hours. The main metabolic product is the active hydroxynimesulide. The components of Nise are excreted by the kidneys, with long-term use do not accumulate.

    Nise in gel form has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is able to eliminate swelling and stiffness of the joints (mainly in the morning). It also eliminates joint pain. If there is pain in the teeth, do not use the gel.

    Drug interactions

    Nise can increase the toxicity and activity of certain medications. This occurs due to the struggle of active substances for binding to plasma proteins. The drug interacts with Cyclosporine, Phenytoin, Methotrexate, Digoxin. Nise affects the effectiveness of the following groups of drugs: NSAIDs, diuretics, drugs with lithium, antihypertensives, oral hypoglycemics, anticoagulants.

    Admission rules

    Nise tablets are prescribed to people who weigh more than 40 kg. In this case, you are allowed to take 1 tablet twice a day. If the pain returns quickly (up to 3 hours), you can reduce the interval between taking tablets, but do not exceed a dose of 4 tablets per day.

    Nise is available in regular and dispersible tablets. The latter need to be dissolved in a teaspoon of water, and then drink the solution. Regular tablets you need to drink enough water. Nise should be taken after meals.

    Nise may cause drowsiness and dizziness, so its use should not be combined with activities requiring fast response and increased attention.

    The suspension is more suitable for children under 12 years of age. The average dose is 3-5 mg per kilogram of weight. The total dose should be divided into two doses. Nise suspension should be taken before meals, but if the child experiences discomfort, it is better to reschedule the dose until after meals.

    You are allowed to use Nise for no more than 10 days. As the course increases, you need to monitor your kidney function. In adulthood, for cardiovascular and other abnormalities, the drug is prescribed only by a doctor.
    Nise is often used in combination symptomatic therapy. It effectively relieves inflammation and pain, but only locally. The drug has no effect on the disease, and delaying treatment can lead to its progression. The drug will help relieve pain and fever, so you should not take it for more than 3-4 days.

    Side effects and contraindications

    Nise differs from other painkillers in that it has big amount side effects. The product may cause heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, blood in urine. In some cases, Nise can lead to hepatitis. The drug may also cause skin rash, Sometimes anaphylactic shock, anemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia.

    Other side effects:

    • heartburn;
    • diarrhea;
    • gastralgia;
    • melena;
    • petechiae;
    • leukopenia;
    • oliguria;
    • purpura;
    • hematuria.

    The risk of side effects increases every day you take Nise. That is why the drug is rarely prescribed for toothache. Patients do not pay attention to lists of side effects and contraindications, which increases the percentage of cases of their occurrence.

    Contraindications for taking Nise

    • hematopoietic disorders;
    • hepatitis;
    • aspirin triad (nasal polyps, aspirin intolerance, bronchial asthma);
    • arterial hypertension;
    • pregnancy and feeding;
    • dermatosis;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • heart, kidney or liver failure;
    • blood in urine and stool;
    • age up to 2 years.

    Contraindications also include sensitivity to metamizole sodium and lack of gluco-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Nise is taken with caution in case of kidney disease, bronchial asthma, alcohol abuse, predisposition to hypotension. At diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and moderate heart failure, the advisability of taking it is discussed with your doctor.

    If the doctor prescribes Nise during lactation, feeding should be interrupted. During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to Paracetamol. To treat toothache in children, it is better to use Nurofen and Panadol (for children).


    Symptoms of an Nise overdose include increased side effects. Often, impaired functionality of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract (irritation), seizures, breathing problems, and increased blood pressure are diagnosed.

    At pronounced manifestation If any symptom occurs, you should stop taking Nise and consult a doctor.

    In case of severe overdose, gastrointestinal tract lavage is required. You can take it at home Activated carbon and medications according to symptoms. Treatment of overdose with hemodialysis and forced diuresis is not effective.

    Analogues of Nise for toothache

    There are many similar painkillers. The advantage of Nise is due to its high efficiency and accessibility. This is why the drug is purchased more often than its safe analogues.

    Paracetal and drugs based on it, which have become entrenched in the minds of many as antipyretics, have almost the same effect as Nise. At the same time, Paracetal is safer for adults, and especially for children.

    Nurofen also has a similar effect to Nise, although the latter still copes better with the inflammatory process. Analgin, banned in many countries due to its ability to cause agranulocytosis (decrease in the level of leukocytes, disruption of the body's barrier function), does not act much weaker than Nise.

    Popular analogues of Nise

    1. Nimesulide is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the sulfanilide class. It has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Through activation of glucocorticosteroid receptors, the anti-inflammatory effect is enhanced. Compared to other drugs, Nimesulide has fewer side effects.
    2. Nimulide is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with the active substance nimesulide, a member of the sulfananilide group. It has an analgesic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect.
    3. Ameolin is a drug that has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic and antiplatelet effects. Active substance– nimesulide.
    4. Nimegesin is an analgesic drug, also based on nimesulide. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic properties.

    Analogues with paracetamol

    1. Paracetamol – antipyretic drug, which also has an analgesic and mild anti-inflammatory effect.
    2. Strimol is a drug from the analgesic-antipyretic group. Active substances inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins and affect thermoregulation through the hypothalamus. Strimol has analgesic, antipyretic and mild anti-inflammatory properties.
    3. Efferalgan is a drug with pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effects, and also has an antipyretic effect.
    4. Sanidol is a drug that has antipyretic and analgesic properties.

    Analogues based on analgin

    1. – analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug. The drug is contraindicated for bronchospasm and hematopoietic disorders. Side effects include: inhibition of hematopoiesis, allergies, anaphylactic shock.
    2. Maxigan – combination remedy, designed to relieve pain, eliminate spasms and inflammation. The active substance in the form of the non-narcotic analgesic metamizole sodium, a pyrazolone derivative, promotes analgesia and anti-inflammatory activity.

    Analogues based on ibuprofen

    1. Nurofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has analgesic and mild antipyretic effect. There is an opinion that Nurofen helps in stimulating endogenous interferon, through which it affects immune system, are strengthened protective functions body.
    2. Ibupron is an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drug that affects the site of inflammation through the biosynthesis of prostaglandins (inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme).

    Analogues based on ketorolac

    1. – analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug. Compared to narcotic analgesics, Ketanov does not depress respiratory function, does not affect the heart muscles, does not provoke hemodynamic disorders. Ketanov does not change psychomotor functions.
    2. – a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that gives a pronounced analgesic effect. The strength of the drug is comparable to morphine, surpassing other NSAIDs. However, the drug has many contraindications and side effects.

    No matter how effective the drug is, if you have a toothache, you need to contact your dentist promptly. Almost always with dental damage drug treatment ineffective. Painkillers are needed only to relieve discomfort for the period necessary to visit a doctor. Other analogues: Mesilid, Prolid, Aponil, Nimika, Flolid, Nimesil, Aktasulide, Kokstral.

    How to treat tooth pain

    If you have acute pain in your teeth, you should not take painkillers regularly. In this case the best solution will immediate appeal to the dentist. If you experience severe pain, you do not need to make an appointment and wait several days for your turn. is a reason to admit the patient immediately and without an appointment at the nearest district clinic. Some medical institutions provide such assistance around the clock.

    Principles of treating toothache

    1. Painkillers are not a remedy dental treatment. Nise, although claimed to be an anti-inflammatory agent, is not a panacea for dental diseases. It only relieves pain without affecting the cause of its occurrence. Most dental inflammations can be cured only with dental office. Often, pain relief with painkillers leads to the disease developing and requiring tooth extraction. If you have any unpleasant symptoms in the gums or teeth, you need to promptly go to the dentist. Tablets are indicated only to relieve symptoms for the period necessary to visit a doctor.
    2. Most painkillers, including Nise, have many contraindications and side effects. Patients cannot distinguish between strong and weak drugs, so they think they all work the same way. Nise refers to strong drugs, which give real complications if the instructions are misused or ignored. The drug must be prescribed by a doctor who will take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient’s condition.
    3. If there is no improvement after taking 1-2 tablets of Nise, you should not shorten the interval between doses and try to enhance the effect. Often one tablet is enough to relieve pain. If it does not help, then the problem lies not in the drug, but in the nature of the disease. An overdose of Nise will harm the liver and kidneys without having any therapeutic effect.

    Visit the dentist

    If you have an acute toothache, the cause cannot always be cured at the first appointment, so the first stage can be carried out at the clinic, and then make an appointment with private clinic for a more comfortable treatment. First of all, the dentist can only open the festering areas, install drainage, assess the patient’s condition and give recommendations that will help relieve the symptoms.

    Acute tooth pain is an indication for urgent dental care also because it indicates a critical disorder in the tooth, which can lead to its loss and complications in other areas. You can postpone treatment only if it is not possible to visit a doctor right away.

    Most of humanity often faces such a problem as toothache, which can manifest itself due to thermal or mechanical effects on certain dental tissues. More often, pain appears due to damage to hard areas of the teeth against the background of an inflammatory process in the soft nearby part surrounding the tooth, the periosteum and the jaw itself, often with neuralgic pathology trigeminal nerve.

    Quite often, tooth pain occurs when a person has a malocclusion or during an exacerbation of certain diseases. internal organs. Basically, severe toothache occurs when the tooth is damaged by caries, inflammation of the periodontium and pulp, or periodontitis.

    Causes of toothache

    Will Nise help with toothaches?

    Judging by the reviews of the masses of people, it should be assumed that Nise is a good remedy for toothache. Nise tablets, when taken for toothache, are quite actively absorbed and quickly penetrate into the blood, therefore, the pain syndrome is relieved quite quickly. short term. The drug can even cope with acute attacks toothache, which occurs as a result of deep caries or pulpitis, while the duration of anesthesia lasts about 4 hours. But Nise for toothache is most active in cases of mild or moderate painful manifestations.

    The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which can be exerted directly while taking Nise during an attack of toothache. It is for these reasons that we can say that with an inflammatory process in the pulp, one should not wait for complete recovery and elimination of this disease. Nise can only temporarily block pain and the development of inflammation, but cannot affect the progression of the disease.

    Advantages of the drug

    During the period of toothache, it is important to ease it or completely eliminate it as soon as possible. Nise takes effect approximately 20-30 minutes after taking - a lot depends on individual characteristics person, as well as the reasons that gave rise to unpleasant sensations

    There are several significant advantages of the drug:

    How to use Nise tablets correctly

    The method of administration is somewhat different for the suspension and tablets.


    Nise tablets are most often indicated for use by adults or adolescents who weigh at least 40 kg. It is allowed to take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. In case of imminent resumption pain symptoms, the interval between doses can be reduced, but you should not drink more than 4 tablets per day, even with active acute pain.

    Tablets are available in regular and dispersible form. The instructions for use say that dispersible tablets require preliminary dissolution in 1 tsp. ordinary water, and then use the resulting solution. Recommended use after meals. But ordinary tablets are simply taken with the required amount of water and also after meals.


    The finished suspension is prescribed to children after 2 years of age and until they reach 12. The dosage is calculated based on the child’s body weight (about 5 mg per 1 kg of weight), the resulting solution is divided into 2 doses. In general, the suspension is taken before meals, but if the child experiences discomfort, the dose can be rescheduled until the end of the meal.

    The duration of taking the drug should not be more than 10 days. And during this period you can already find time to visit a specialist.

    Possible contraindications

    The medicinal product requires careful use when:

    • Ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Bronchial asthma and the presence of polyps in the nasal cavity;
    • Individual intolerance to the components included in the drug (especially aspirin);
    • Heart failure and diabetes mellitus.

    It is important to remember that this remedy cannot be prescribed to children under 2 years of age, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Complications may appear as intestinal disorder, painful sensations in the stomach, diarrhea or allergic reaction. Rarely, protein may appear in the urine in sufficiently large quantities.

    Important! The longer the course of taking Nise, the more likely it is that one or more side symptoms. Therefore, it should not be abused frequent intake means to prevent additional diseases. At acute manifestations If you have a toothache, you should immediately visit a dentist to eliminate the cause of the pain.

    Nise against toothache is a progressive, non-steroidal analgesic medication with an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug was developed to relieve pain after filling or tooth extraction, prosthetics or other surgical procedures in oral cavity.

    Despite the general availability of the medicine in pharmacies across the country and the fact that many have been using it for a long time, leaving Aspirin and Analgin in the past, there are still enough people who do not use it. The reason for mistrust can only be lack of information, since reviews of the drug indicate its high efficiency and the ability to quickly eliminate aching toothache.

    A little about toothache

    Toothache is a difficult ordeal for any living creature. Most often it begins against the background of the development of an inflammatory process, which is localized in the tissues of the gums and teeth. Inflammation occurs in the pulp tooth as a complication of neglected caries. In some cases, this may be due to the lack of qualifications of the dentist or any injuries to the teeth, gums or jaw. The pain characteristic of pulpitis is paroxysmal and acute, and can radiate to the temples and ears.

    Caries is the destruction of dentin or the hard part of the tooth. It develops mainly due to improper or insufficient oral hygiene. Caries itself is rotten dentin tissue that has formed a hole in the tooth. Epithelium with food particles accumulates in this cavity and they actively rot. It’s unrealistic to fight caries at home, and not everyone has the courage to go to the dentist, so little black dot soon turns into a relatively huge hole and begins to ache unpleasantly.

    In some cases, the cause of pain In the teeth, the development of periodontitis can occur - an inflammatory process localized in the gum tissues that surround the roots of the teeth.

    Symptoms indicating the appearance of caries, periodontitis or pulpitis are different, but there are still some similarities. The main unifying factor is the severe pain that constantly worries a person.

    In order for toothache to go away, perhaps not forever, but still for a long time, simply buying medicine at the pharmacy will not be enough. Any drug will only relieve from unpleasant symptoms, but will not cure the disease itself. Only a dentist can handle this. Most tablets that have an analgesic effect negatively affect the functioning of the heart, liver, blood vessels, genitourinary system and kidneys. That is why taking them is always prohibited.

    Tablets with an analgesic effect work well only with temporary work, then they simply undermine the work of the whole organism.

    There are quite a few pharmaceuticals , which can be used against toothache and they work well, but, alas, not all have a prolonged and powerful effect. If you believe surveys and reviews from forum visitors, one of the drugs that contains everything positive traits, which an analgesic medication should have, is Nise.

    Pharmacological properties and composition of the drug Nise

    The country of origin of the drug is India, which is considered one of the leading countries for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products. Medicines produced in India are powerful and of impeccable quality. Those who have at least once experienced the effect of Nise for toothache, as a rule, do not return to the usual Analgin. It should be mentioned that the drug is a good pain reliever at a time when, for any reason, reason a visit to the dentist is impossible. But still, you should not delay consulting a specialist, since you cannot take the medicine for a long time.

    Nise for toothache is pharmaceutical drug, quite famous among the masses. The medicine has an analgesic analgesic effect. The opinions of people who have become fans of this drug say that it begins to act immediately after taking it, actively combating toothache or headache, instantly drowning out its manifestations. Victims of toothache also speak positively about how long the drug lasts, even mentioning 5 hours of absence of unpleasant sensations.

    Nise tablets have an undeniable an advantage that fully justifies its popularity: they can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor, despite the very powerful and in some cases dangerous composition.

    Moreover, the cost of Nise tablets is very low, so anyone who has a severe toothache can afford them. Depending on the pharmacy chain the price of the medicine will be from 150 to 170 rubles.

    Nise is available not only in tablet form. The drug can also be purchased in the form of a suspension or gel, which is intended for external use only. The gel form of the medication works against local pain, which is localized in a relatively small area of ​​the human body. Gel Nise is not used to treat toothache and is effective only when applied externally. In order to stop stabbing and cutting toothache, you need to take Nise in the form of a suspension or tablet.

    As the main active ingredient The manufacturers of the drug chose the component nimesulide, which has non-steroidal anti-inflammatory properties.

    The action of nimesulide is based on inhibition of the synthesis of chemical bonds of prostaglandins when interacting with the lesion. Chemical compounds act as provocateurs of pain.

    The duration of the active effect of the drug depends on some individual factors, which is why it will not be possible to set the time accurate to the minute. The effect of the drug on average begins 10-20 minutes after taking it and lasts for 3-5 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. As the effect of the medicine will pass, you need to decide whether to take another dose, but you should not get carried away with the painkiller. Maximum daily dosage The medication should not contain more than 400 mg, and one tablet should contain 100 mg of the active ingredient.

    Nise: admission rules

    Despite the assurance manufacturers about the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of the drug, it would still be foolish to hope that the drug will cure the tooth and avoid a trip to the dentist. The problem will not go away on its own, but the remedy will only give you the necessary time before visiting a specialist. Tablets or suspension will not be able to stop the inflammatory process of the gum or dental tissue, but will only muffle the pain, perhaps not even eliminating it completely. Get rid of existing dental problem It will only be possible at the dentist's office.

    It is also not worth taking Nise in batches, as this will greatly harm the body. These tablets are recommended to be used only to eliminate severe toothache, which is simply impossible to tolerate. Among the contraindications, it is worth noting the undesirable use and even prohibition of the product for people weighing less than 40 kg, as well as for young children. The medicine is suitable only for adults and teenage children.

    Nise against toothache can be purchased in the form of suspensions and tablets. Adults and children whose weight exceeds 40 kg can take both tablets and suspension. If you suffer from pain of moderate intensity, it will be enough to take a tablet 2 times a day - at noon and after dinner. If this is not enough, the frequency of administration can be increased by 2 times, but no more. Thus, you can drink 1 tablet every 4-5 hours, the main thing is that you drink no more than four tablets per day.

    In turn, tablets come in regular and dispersible types. Simple ones are possible, as usual, drink plenty of water, if desired, chew, bite or crush. The second option needs to be diluted in water until completely dissolved, and then drunk as a solution. Any form of medication is taken exclusively after meals. This is necessary to avoid a negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.

    The suspension is prescribed mainly to children who are not yet able to swallow a pill or simply refuse. The dosage can be determined at the rate of 5 mg per 1 kg of baby’s body weight. The dose should be divided into two equal receptions with equal time intervals between them. In order for the effect of the suspension to be as fast and long-lasting as possible, it must be drunk before meals, unlike tablets. If the child is capricious and refuses treatment, the suspension can be mixed with delicious dessert, juice or compote.

    Main side effects and analogues of the drug

    There is probably no need to mention that any pharmacological agent along with positive medicinal qualities, it has range of possible side effects which negatively affect the patient’s well-being.

    Nise can cause the following phenomena:

    The body’s negative reaction to the action of nimesulide directly depends on the duration of taking the drug. That's why dentists don't often prescribe Nise to its patients, despite its effectiveness and rare side effects.

    When is Nise contraindicated?

    At any pharmacological form The release of the drug is contraindicated in the following ailments and conditions:

    The drug has analogues that are used mainly when there are contraindications to taking Nise. The price factor, as a rule, does not affect it, since the cost of Nise is practically no different from the cost of its high-quality analogues. All drugs presented have different composition, but similar anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect:

    • Ibuprofen;
    • Paracetamol;
    • Analgin;
    • Citramon;
    • Aspirin;
    • Ketanov.

    The opinions of people who have used some of the drugs from the above list confirm their effectiveness, along with Nise tablets for toothache. Before you decide When taking any painkiller, you should carefully study its instructions, side effects and contraindications, and also be sure to consult your doctor. All analogues have natural base: mint oil, camphor or medicinal valerian extract.

    It is advisable to take Nise for toothache only after consultation with a specialist, and also only if the use of other less aggressive drugs is for some reason impossible.

    It is worth noting once again that the medicine is used only as a remedy to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The drug can only temporarily relieve inflammation and pain and exclusively locally. Nise will not help with toothache therapeutic effect on pulpitis and will not stop the progression of carious tooth decay. The medication is effective only for fever and toothache. That is why taking it for more than 4-5 days is simply pointless, despite the fact that the maximum period of treatment with the drug is a little more than a week.