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Constant aching dull pain in the lower back. Heaviness in the back causes

The health of your spine Andrey Viktorovich Dolzhenkov

What causes heaviness in the lower back and what can be done?

“Tell me, doctor,” another patient asks, “why do I feel heaviness in my lower back even after sitting for a short time?” And I can’t stand for long – my lower back hurts. And when I’m walking or lying down - discomfort are decreasing. Sometimes they disappear completely. What is this connected with?

The doctor will think for a very short time - after all, in his practice he has already encountered similar situations. It seems to the patient that his case is unique, that the pain and discomfort he experiences are incomparable. In fact, we all get sick more or less the same way. Our ailments are comparable. Everyone is susceptible to them - including doctors, by the way. Simply, knowing deeper than other devices human body, doctors know how to successfully fight illnesses. And an experienced vertebrologist in most cases will immediately determine the causes of back pain. But sometimes special studies are needed to make an accurate diagnosis.

If the patient is 30–40 years old, then painful sensations are most likely associated with age-related changes in the spine. Intervertebral discs, as already mentioned in the first chapter, lose their elasticity over the years, and their shock-absorbing properties decrease. The flattening of the discs due to their drying leads to the convergence of the adjacent vertebral bodies. This leads to a change in the relationship between their contacting articular processes, forming common joints. Naturally, the joints begin to experience overload and become not as stable as before. The deep muscles of the back, the extensors, therefore bear a greater load. After all, previously all of them - discs, joints, and muscles - shared their hard work equally. Now the extensors have to work with large overloads. By maintaining the body in one position, they quickly get tired. They get tired. They start to hurt. Sometimes they get spasms from overwork.

Try changing your position, walking, moving around. Then the load from the previously hard-working muscles will be redistributed to those that were previously resting. They will get to work full of strength. The lower back pain will disappear or at least decrease. This is similar to working on a rotational basis, when a rested team replaces a tired team. For round-the-clock shift work in a factory or plant. To send some units of the active army to rest and bring fresh reserve forces into battle. Anyway, enough comparisons. The essence of what is happening is already clear: “Osteochondrosis!” - the doctor will say.

But it also happens. The doctor will send the patient to x-rays lower back, and there the changes are minimal or not at all. And the patient complains. Here the doctor has the right to assume dystrophy of the deep muscles and prescribe treatment that restores their mass. It may be the most likely cause of back pain in those who are over the third decade. If a teenager, boy or girl turns to a vertebrologist, the doctor will most likely suspect changes in ligamentous apparatus. Soft ligaments - we already talked a little about them in the first chapter - that's what it's all about!

Do you do the splits without difficulty? Can you easily clasp your hands behind your back? Do you have a natural gift for flexibility? This is a very beautiful, but insidious gift! After all, it is the ligaments that are largely responsible for the correct relative position of the vertebrae during the movement of the spine. They are the support and support of the spinal column. If the ligaments are too soft and, therefore, do not provide the spine with proper support, all other supporting structures are forced to work in emergency mode. What will happen if in a team of ten people three take a long smoke break? That's it! What if there are five?..

Abnormally mobile, soft ligaments are a congenital pathology. Therefore, rapid back fatigue, spasms in tired muscles and, as a consequence, lower back pain during short periods of sitting and standing can appear already in adolescence– much earlier than with natural age-related changes in the spine.

Of course, there are many other reasons or combinations of reasons, causing pain in the lower back under statokinetic loads, that is, while maintaining any position or movement. For example, different directions of articular spaces in the left and right joints connecting the vertebrae, spodylolisthesis, nonfusion of the vertebral arch... You never know what else!

What can be recommended in this regard? Treatment using an ordinary tennis ball is quite effective... No, we do not encourage you to go out onto the court or take part in the Big Hat tournament. Not everyone has sufficient training and the necessary equipment for this. But the ball is accessible to everyone, and if used correctly, you can improve the well-being of your lower back.

So, you take an ordinary tennis ball. Then lie down on the floor and place the ball under your back. Now “ride” it. You should not cause yourself too severe sensations: try to avoid the most painful areas by slightly raising your back. But the spinous processes of the vertebrae - the bones that can be felt on the back - located near the centers of pain - “punch” as carefully as possible. Thus, using the ball, you will give yourself a very useful spinal massage. The procedure will take you about five minutes, but this is quite enough. And don't be embarrassed if you don't feel better after the first session. At first, on the contrary, the pain may even intensify somewhat. But usually the next day the pain disappears or decreases significantly, especially if self-massage is combined with deep bends according to the scheme proposed in the book.

After these exercises, you can do a hang on the bar. If there is no crossbar in the house, it doesn’t matter: it will be replaced by a cabinet. Grasp its upper edge, bend your legs without lifting them from the floor, but without leaning on it, and hang as long as your arms can bear.

Repeat the recommended exercises every other day for two weeks. Soon you will notice a clear improvement in the functioning of the spine, especially in the lumbar region. The point is positive action is that you eliminate spasm of the back muscles, improving blood circulation in them.

If these measures were not enough, well, obviously, things have gone too far. The spine is very overworked, so you need to get proper rest. Rest, observing bed rest if possible.

What if this is not possible? It’s sad, of course, but sometimes even a few days of complete rest are an unaffordable luxury for many of us. But even in this situation there is no reason to fall into despair.

“Forget about tennis for a while,” the doctor might joke, “remember weightlifting.” And he will tell you about an orthopedic product called a “weightlifter’s belt.” This wide leather belt, tightly fitting the lumbar spine, facilitates the work of muscles and ligaments, thereby reducing the load on intervertebral discs and joints. Equipped in this way, you will active image life, give your spine a rest. (There are others orthopedic products of this kind, we will talk about them a little later.)

The patient continues to ask questions:

– What should you do if your lower back hurts, but you can’t find a weightlifter’s belt in your household?

It's okay, you can help yourself here too. Make a wide belt from some dense material. In the end, you can use an ordinary sheet for this purpose, folding it in several layers. Wrap it tightly around your lower back, grabbing the top of your pelvis, and secure the ends. The result will be a completely acceptable orthopedic fixation. Just remember: your lumbar spine is experiencing some pretty significant challenges. Have you been able to find time for complete rest? bed rest, found or made an orthopedic belt - you still need to take anti-inflammatory drugs two or three times a day: ortofen (diclofenac), voltaren, indomethacin...

To those who suffer peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis or other diseases gastrointestinal tract, the listed medications should be used with extreme caution. For them, ointments with anti-inflammatory activity are more acceptable. For example, indomethacin, butadione, hydrocortisone. Or gel forms of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac gel. Apply ointments and gels in the morning and evening in a thin layer on the affected areas of the spine and cover with woolen cloth.

Continue treatment for a week. Most likely, during this time you will feel better. And if not, additional examination is required: some serious changes have occurred in the spine.

Put the book aside for a while and go to see a doctor - preferably a vertebrologist. He will find underlying reasons your ailment and will provide necessary help. Knowledge and experience are a great thing!

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“Tell me, doctor,” another patient asks, “why do I feel heaviness in my lower back even after sitting for a short time?” And I can’t stand for long – my lower back hurts. And when I walk or lie down, the unpleasant sensations decrease. Sometimes they disappear completely. What is this connected with?

The doctor will think for a very short time - after all, in his practice he has already encountered similar situations. It seems to the patient that his case is unique, that the pain and discomfort he experiences are incomparable. In fact, we all get sick more or less the same way. Our ailments are comparable. Everyone is susceptible to them - including doctors, by the way. Simply, knowing more deeply than others the structure of the human body, doctors know how to successfully deal with illnesses. And an experienced vertebrologist in most cases will immediately determine the causes of back pain. But sometimes special studies are needed to make an accurate diagnosis.

What are the causes of heaviness in the lower back?

If the patient is 30–40 years old, then heaviness in the lower back is most likely associated with age-related changes in the spine. Intervertebral discs, as already mentioned in the first chapter, lose their elasticity over the years, and their shock-absorbing properties decrease. The flattening of the discs due to their drying leads to the convergence of the adjacent vertebral bodies. This leads to a change in the relationship between their contacting articular processes that form common joints, which is unfavorable from the point of view of movements. Naturally, the joints begin to experience overload and become not as stable as before. The deep muscles of the back, the extensors, therefore bear a greater load. After all, previously all of them - discs, joints, and muscles - shared their hard work equally. Now the extensors have to work with large overloads. By maintaining the body in one position, they quickly get tired. They get tired. They start to hurt. Sometimes they get spasms from overwork.

Try changing your position, walking, moving around. Then the load from the previously hard-working muscles will be redistributed to those that were previously resting. They will get to work full of strength. The lower back pain will disappear or at least decrease. This is similar to working on a rotational basis, when a rested team replaces a tired team. For round-the-clock shift work in a factory or plant. To send some units of the active army to rest and bring fresh reserve forces into battle. Anyway, enough comparisons. The essence of what is happening is already clear: “Osteochondrosis!” - the doctor will say.

soft ligaments

But it also happens. The doctor will send the patient for x-rays of the lower back, and there will be minimal changes or none at all. And the patient complains of heaviness in the lower back. Here the doctor has the right to assume dystrophy of the deep muscles and prescribe treatment that restores their mass. It may be the most likely cause of back pain in those who are over the third decade. If a teenager, boy or girl consults a vertebrologist, the doctor will most likely suspect changes in the ligamentous apparatus. Soft ligaments - we already talked a little about them in the first chapter - that's what it's all about!

Do you do the splits without difficulty? Can you easily clasp your hands behind your back? Do you have a natural gift for flexibility? This is a very beautiful, but insidious gift! After all, it is the ligaments that are largely responsible for the correct relative position of the vertebrae during the movement of the spine. They are the support and support of the spinal column. If the ligaments are too soft and, therefore, do not provide the spine with proper support, all other supporting structures are forced to work in emergency mode. What will happen if in a team of ten people three take a long smoke break? That's it! What if there are five?..

Abnormally mobile, soft ligaments are a congenital pathology. Therefore, rapid back fatigue, spasms in tired muscles and, as a result, lower back pain during short periods of sitting and standing can appear already in adolescence - much earlier than with natural age-related changes in the spine.

Of course, there are many other reasons or combinations of reasons that cause lower back pain during statokinetic loads, that is, when maintaining any position or movement. For example, different directions of articular spaces in the left and right joints connecting the vertebrae, spodylolisthesis, nonfusion of the vertebral arch... You never know what else!

How to treat heaviness in the lower back

What can be recommended in this regard? Treatment using an ordinary tennis ball is quite effective... No, we do not encourage you to go out onto the court or take part in the Big Hat tournament. Not everyone has sufficient training and the necessary equipment for this. But the ball is accessible to everyone, and if used correctly, you can improve the well-being of your lower back.

So, you take an ordinary tennis ball. Then lie down on the floor and place the ball under your back. Now “ride” it. You should not cause yourself too severe sensations: try to avoid the most painful areas by slightly raising your back. But the spinous processes of the vertebrae - the bones that can be felt on the back - located near the centers of pain - “punch” as carefully as possible. Thus, using the ball, you will give yourself a very useful spinal massage. The procedure will take you about five minutes, but this is quite enough. And don't be embarrassed if you don't feel better after the first session. At first, on the contrary, the pain may even intensify somewhat. But usually the next day the pain disappears or decreases significantly, especially if self-massage is combined with deep bends according to the scheme proposed in the book.

After these exercises, you can do a hang on the bar. If there is no crossbar in the house, it doesn’t matter: it will be replaced by a cabinet. Grasp its upper edge, bend your legs without lifting them from the floor, but without leaning on it, and hang as long as your arms can bear.

Heaviness in the lower back. Repeat the recommended exercises every other day for two weeks. Soon you will notice a clear improvement in the functioning of the spine, especially in the lumbar region. The essence of the positive action is that you eliminate spasm of the back muscles, improving blood circulation in them.

If these measures were not enough, well, obviously, things have gone too far. The spine is very overworked, so you need to get proper rest. Rest, observing bed rest if possible.

What if this is not possible? It’s sad, of course, but sometimes even a few days of complete rest are an unaffordable luxury for many of us. But even in this situation there is no reason to fall into despair.

“Forget about tennis for a while,” the doctor might joke, “remember weightlifting.” And he will tell you about an orthopedic product called a “weightlifter’s belt.” This wide leather belt, tightly fitting the lumbar spine, facilitates the work of muscles and ligaments, thereby reducing the load on the intervertebral discs and joints. By equipping yourself in this way, you will give your spine a rest even during an active lifestyle. (There are other orthopedic products of this kind, we will talk about them a little later.)

...The patient continues to ask questions:

-What if your lower back hurts, but you can’t find a weightlifter’s belt in your household?

It's okay, you can help yourself here too. Make a wide belt from some dense material. In the end, you can use an ordinary sheet for this purpose, folding it in several layers. Wrap it tightly around your lower back, grabbing the top of your pelvis, and secure the ends. The result will be a completely acceptable orthopedic fixation. Just remember: your lumbar spine is experiencing some pretty significant challenges. Whether you managed to find time for complete rest while on bed rest, or found or made an orthopedic belt, you still need to take anti-inflammatory drugs two or three times a day: ortofen (diclofenac), voltaren, indomethacin...

For those who suffer from peptic ulcers, erosive gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the listed medications should be used with extreme caution. For them, ointments with anti-inflammatory activity are more acceptable. For example, indomethacin, butadione, hydrocortisone. Or gel forms of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as diclofenac gel. Apply ointments and gels in the morning and evening in a thin layer on the affected areas of the spine and cover with woolen cloth.

Continue treatment for a week. Most likely, during this time you will feel better. And if not, additional examination is required: some serious changes have occurred in the spine.

Put the book aside for a while and go to see a doctor - preferably a vertebrologist. He will find the underlying causes of your ailment and provide the necessary assistance. Knowledge and experience are a great thing!

Today many people complain of lower back pain. It occurs suddenly and sharply limits a person’s legal capacity, and can easily become a lifelong companion, sometimes plunging into despair. Various reasons can provoke illness, but the consequences are always unpredictable.

Therefore, it is so important to seek help from specialists in time and immediately go to see a doctor, even if you just have a lower back strain, and there are no others. characteristic manifestations. Such ailment may be alarm signal and indicate problems with the spine and diseases internal organs. Why this happens, and how to understand what caused the discomfort in the lower back, more details in the article.

Back problems

Most of us are familiar with the feeling of a stiff back. If you sit for a long time incorrect position, its bottom loses sensitivity, heaviness always appears, but if there are no serious pathologies, several physical exercise done right there, it can be easily removed. However, if after warming up your lower back still feels tight, there is reason to start worrying. And that's why.

Problems of internal organs

As mentioned above, if the lower back is pulled, there may be several reasons for the discomfort. Some of them are associated with disruptions in the functioning of internal organs. Most often, such symptoms can provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract, malfunctions of the liver, kidneys, and diseases of the pelvic organs. It is not difficult to distinguish such a clinic from spinal diseases without medical assistance. If the nature of the pain does not depend on motor activity, which means that the causes of the disease must be sought in another area. Let's see which one.

Sometimes there is tension in the lower back due to ischemia

When pain in the lower back occurs on the left side, this fact suggests that the patient may have heart problems. Want to know why? Ischemia has these symptoms. It forms a persistent aching pain in the back chest. Pain nerve endings goes down the spinal column, which is why a painful focus often forms in the area of ​​the coccyx on the left side. A heart attack is also accompanied by severe pain in the left side of the body. It radiates everywhere: in the left hand, in the left leg, in the left side of the lower back. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately call a cardiologist.

If the ache just below the waist is accompanied by severe cough, the patient develops acute pneumonia. And all because the bronchi have their own smooth muscles. During spasms, it sharply contracts, changes the pressure in the chest, this leads to static tension in the back muscles, so it pulls.

It is impossible to cope with pneumonia on your own. Delay can lead to fatal outcome, that’s why emergency medical care is needed here too.

Problems of the female body

Sometimes women experience lower back pain when the lower abdomen is pulled, why does this happen? Reason similar discomfort easy to explain by the characteristics of the female body. The malaise is associated with changes in hormonal levels and menstruation. At this time, it is released into the blood great content prostaglandins, which should cause rhythmic contractions of the uterus.

Sometimes it pulls the lower back with female diseases

If the lower abdomen simply pulls, and discomfort occurs before or immediately after menstruation, then this is a normal physiological process, so there is no particular reason to consult a doctor. But when severe aching pain on the right or left side of the lower back is added to the unpleasant sensations, we can talk about the development of endometriosis or the presence of fibroadenoma. And here a visit to the gynecologist will be useful. And all because often the lower abdomen hurts not only before and after menstruation, but also all the time between two menstrual cycles. Pulling and dull, they often affect the lower back, creating a encircling hoop. Such symptoms indicate the presence of fibroids, which should not be treated on your own either.

In any case, if the lower abdomen hurts, or there is a tug in the lower back before or after menstruation, this is a reason to start worrying and take a closer look at your health.

Sometimes painful sensations occur during pregnancy. At this time it changes completely again hormonal background, this helps the embryo develop properly. The fetus grows, the belly grows, the center of gravity changes, the load on the spine increases, so the lower abdomen often begins to hurt, and discomfort appears in the lower back.

Many people wonder why this happens. Because the hormone relaxin is actively produced. It significantly relaxes literally all ligaments, including those that support the lower abdomen and the organs that are located in this area. The larger the abdominal volume becomes, the stronger the pain becomes. A special bandage helps to reduce them, which takes on part of the load.

Pain during ovulation

During ovulation, lower back pulls

Sometimes the causes of lower back pain are associated with other physiological process. They can occur during, before, or after ovulation. They do not last long and in most cases go away on their own. As a rule, they occur only in young girls; adult women do not feel any discomfort during ovulation. So why do some suffer and others not?

Because some people experience ovulation disorders, while others do not experience such changes. Such deviations have easily explainable reasons. They can be provoked by an inflammatory process affecting the genital organs, disruption of the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland, stress and other complex systemic diseases. Their presence may be indicated by blood discharge, which is released not just before menstruation, but long before it.

What happens during ovulation? In the first half menstrual cycle The follicle matures and gradually grows. Its growth is ensured by the vessels through which blood flows. On the 14th day from the beginning of the cycle, the follicle ruptures and the process of ovulation begins. At the site of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum, which indicates a woman’s readiness to conceive.

Bleeding occurs during ovulation abdominal cavity. They are the main causes of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Over time, the liquid is absorbed and the pain goes away. Then they appear immediately before and after menstruation. Lower back pain sometimes occurs before ovulation, before the release of the egg, the cause is stretching of the ovary.

Characteristic symptoms

Immediately before the described process and after ovulation, characteristic symptoms. Nagging pain in the lower back appears suddenly, without warning, and also suddenly disappears. It is similar to a spasm, an attack that is easily eliminated with painkillers. An attack can last a minute or several hours. A feeling of nausea may appear before the attack, but after the attack there is no discomfort left. Pulling in the lower back every month, two weeks before menstruation, its causes are related to the physiological process. During ovulation, the pain is localized in the lower abdomen and then spreads to the lower back. And this must be taken into account when making a diagnosis.

As you can see, heaviness in the lumbar region sometimes has different causes, which is why it is so important to be able to distinguish between symptoms and know which doctor to turn to for help.

Lower back pain is a common ailment. Many people are in no hurry to go to the doctor and self-medicate. By doing this we harm ourselves. After all, a warming ointment will be powerless if inflammatory processes occur in the body. Today we will talk about how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt?

Contact a specialist

Did you know that in cases of lower back pain, even doctors sometimes take a long time to make an accurate diagnosis? To identify the disease, tests, x-rays and ultrasonography. So if you feel unpleasant symptoms, come through comprehensive examination. After all, in order to neutralize the “enemy”, you need to know him by sight. If the diagnosis has already been made, doctors recommend regular (every six months) maintenance therapy. After all, diseases such as arthritis or osteochondrosis are not completely cured. If the diagnosis has already been made, the patient can understand for himself whether the kidneys or back hurt. We will tell you how to determine this below.

Two conditional groups

The causes of pain in the lumbar region are usually classified into two: conditional groups: associated with dysfunction of the spine and pathology of internal organs. The first group includes osteochondrosis with neurological manifestations, protrusion intervertebral discs, spondyloarthrosis, intervertebral hernia, fractures and curvature of the vertebrae. The second group includes the formation of tumors in this area, rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pelvis, and kidneys. All these ailments are different character, therefore, treatment is indicated depending on the exact diagnosis.

Symptoms of inflammatory processes

If the pain comes on suddenly, and before going to the doctor you need immediate relief of symptoms, experts give simple recommendations. How to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt? Most often, sharp, stabbing and acute pain indicates rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys manifest themselves differently. Carefully monitor your condition throughout the day. Thus, pyelonephritis may not be accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region and may have hidden symptoms(deterioration of health, difficulty urinating, heaviness in the kidney area).

At acute inflammation An increase in body temperature is often noted. This is accompanied by swelling in the face, legs and arms, as well as increased blood pressure. If you do not know how to distinguish the kidneys, then observe the sensations in a state of calm. With inflammation, heaviness in the lower back does not disappear even when lying down or while sleeping. If you wake up in the middle of the night and experience the same unpleasant symptoms, do not hesitate to visit a doctor before the disease progresses to chronic stage. Do not self-prescribe diuretics. Typically, these drugs are effective only in complex therapy.

Kidney diseases: who is at risk

Today we are talking about how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt. As you know, inflammatory processes in the body do not arise out of the blue. This state must be preceded by certain prerequisites. For example, the risk group for people with “problem” kidneys primarily includes diabetics. In type 2 diabetes, it is the kidneys that bear the brunt. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to undergo urine and blood tests every three months.

If inflammation is suspected, the therapist refers the patient to a nephrologist for a more detailed examination. If there is a diagnosis " diabetes"Patients need to monitor the state of swelling of the legs and arms, as well as monitor blood pressure. It must be remembered that kidney damage in diabetes mellitus can develop into renal failure. Persons with untreated caries, tonsillitis and those who suffer from a cold on their feet are also susceptible to inflammatory processes in the body. In other cases, the kidneys suffer due to injury, compression or hypothermia.

Symptom difference

If you don’t know what’s hurting you, your lower back or your kidneys, how can you determine the cause without visiting a doctor? To do this, you need to imagine where the internal organ is located, and also know about the differences in the pathogenesis of inflammation and lumbar osteochondrosis. If you compare the main symptoms of ailments, you can identify clear differences. As we have already said, pain in the kidneys manifests itself at rest, and especially at night. While osteochondrosis makes itself felt during or after physical activity. Thus, you can first diagnose yourself.

How to determine whether the kidneys or back hurt if the inflammation in the body has not developed into a chronic form? In this case, monitor your condition while doing homework. When bending over or lifting heavy objects, osteochondrosis immediately makes itself felt. But severe pain with kidney disease rarely occurs. For example, when, against the background of an inflammatory process, a person’s lower back is blown out. In most cases, inflammation occurs without pronounced pain symptoms. Often, with kidney disease, the pain may not be felt in the lower back itself, but moves slightly higher or goes down to the hip joints.

Important information

If you suspect kidney inflammation, you should undergo appropriate examination. You already know how to determine whether your kidneys or back hurt. However, inflammatory processes can change the structure of the internal organ. Thus, the membranes of the choroid plexuses of the kidney can be affected, and the tissue itself can be deformed. With pyelonephritis, on the contrary, the organ often increases in size. Of course, the patient will not be able to determine the condition of the internal organ by touch. An ultrasound examination will provide the necessary and accurate information. Remember that in 80 percent of cases, kidney disease occurs without pronounced pain symptoms.

Change in urination

Today we are talking about what to do in case of back pain. How to determine inflammation by the nature of urination? In this case, any deviation from the norm should alert you. Kidney diseases are accompanied not only frequent urges to the toilet and urinary incontinence. The color of the discharge may change, impurities appear in it, or it becomes rare (which is most often accompanied by swelling).

Features of treatment

After the patient has passed the appropriate tests, done an ultrasound examination, an x-ray of the lumbar region (in case of suspected osteochondrosis or arthritis), the doctor prescribes a therapeutic course of treatment. When examining a patient, doctors tap the lumbar region with the edge of their palm. If the patient feels internal pain, this clearly indicates inflammatory processes in the kidney area. In addition to prescribed medications, doctors prescribe a regimen, rest and gentle exercise. It is important to review your diet, exclude salty and spicy foods, dairy products, and also adjust your fluid intake. A decoction of corn silk will help you quickly cope with pain (if you follow a diet). Now you can determine for yourself whether your lower back or kidneys hurt. We described the causes and nature of the pain in detail. Let us emphasize once again that you should not self-medicate and delay going to the doctor.

Deforming gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint) is a disease in the hyaline knee cartilage, caused by an inflammatory degenerative-dystrophic process. This disease affects the condyles of the tibia and femur.

Arthrosis knee joint develops slowly. Primary signs This disease causes pain and stiffness of movement. This type of arthrosis, such as gonarthrosis, is the most common in comparison with other types (arthrosis of the phalanges of the fingers, hip arthrosis, elbow or shoulder arthrosis).

This disease most often manifests itself in middle-aged people (40-45 years old), mainly in women. The cause of arthrosis in young people can be any serious injury or heavy load (for example, among athletes).

Causes of arthrosis of the knee joint

The cause of deforming arthrosis of the joints cannot be one; it is usually a combination of circumstances and many catalyzing factors that eventually lead to the development of the disease. In medicine, the causes of arthrosis are divided into:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Primary arthrosis develops in older people due to natural aging(erasure) of the cartilaginous tissues of the body in combination with associated complications. Complications include problems such as:

  1. hereditary pathology;
  2. increased stress on joints throughout life;
  3. obesity (in 10% of cases).

Secondary deforming arthrosis includes 30% of all cases of disease in the knee joint. This form of arthrosis develops as a result of various injuries:

  • meniscal damage;
  • tibia fracture;
  • ligament rupture;
  • severe bruise and pain in the kneecap.

Symptoms of secondary arthrosis appear with a great delay - after 3-4 years, but in case of serious injuries, signs of the disease are detected after 3-4 months.

The risk group for developing gonarthrosis includes people who, after 40 years of age, begin to actively engage in sports or other physical activities. Running, squats, or push-ups give age-worn joints extra work. Such activities can lead to the rapid development of degenerative and dystrophic processes in the joints.

There are frequent cases of the development of arthrosis due to the patient’s concomitant diseases:

  1. Bekhterev's disease;
  2. rheumatoid, psoriatic or reactive arthritis;
  3. gout;
  4. phlebeurysm;
  5. excess weight (obesity).

The reasons for the development of deforming arthrosis directly in the knee joint include:

  • regular heavy physical activity;
  • lifting weights;
  • frequent climbing stairs;
  • professional sports;

The risk of receiving a diagnosis such as gonarthrosis increases if the patient has injuries vertebral region bones, various neurological diseases, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus and (in 3-5%) cases, genetic predisposition due to weakness of the ligamentous apparatus.

Often (50-60%) the development of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint occurs due to muscle spasm the anterior surface of the thigh. This spasm does not appear until pain occurs in the knees. Disadvantages include mild lower back pain, heaviness in the legs and fatigue.

If the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles are constantly in a state of spasm, as the patient ages, the patient will develop “tight” knees, which will significantly limit motor function.

The latest discovery by scientists

Belgian orthopedic surgeons from the city of Leuven recently discovered a previously unknown and completely unstudied ligament ALL, which is localized in the human knee. This ligament was given the name "anterolateral" or "anterolateral".

The studies, which lasted for 4 years, were confirmed by rare cases where patients, after successful surgery due to ligament ruptures or knee injuries, pain during physical activity did not disappear, and instability of the knee joint was observed.

About 40 patients were involved in the research, which made it possible to discover this very ligament, about which doctors had no data at all. As it turned out, the main function of the anterolateral ligament is the rotational movements of the tibia.

When the knee was injured, doctors did not even realize that it was necessary to correct it during surgery.

Classification of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint

Often the disease develops in only one knee joint. Considering the intensity of development pathological processes, doctors distinguish 3 degrees of gonarthrosis:

  1. The first degree of knee arthrosis does not entail deforming changes, but there are characteristic periodic pain sensations after loads on the joint. At times, mild swelling of the joint appears, disappearing on its own.
  2. With arthrosis of the knee joint of the second degree, the symptoms of the disease worsen significantly. Pain syndrome manifests itself after slight physical activity. Walking and lifting heavy objects cause prolonged and intense pain, and the patient develops a characteristic knee crunch. A slight deformation of the joint and a slight limitation of movement are likely to occur.
  3. In the third degree of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint, the maximum development of the symptoms of the disease is observed. The patient's gait is disturbed, there is pronounced deformation of the joint and severe functional limitation of movements. Pain increases depending on weather conditions, the limitation of the joint reaches its maximum point. The pain is so severe that the patient cannot find a position in which it would decrease, and sleep is disturbed.

What can be confused with arthrosis of the knee joint?

There are several diseases similar in their symptoms to knee arthrosis:

Knee block and meniscus block. This disease is developing rapidly. With a sudden movement, a crunching sensation occurs in the knee, accompanied by an attack of acute pain, which goes away after 10-15 minutes. A day later, swelling of the kneecap forms.

Various types of arthritis (rheumatoid, psoriatic, reactive), articular rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, gout. These diseases can be distinguished from arthrosis using a blood test.

Inflammation of the knee tendons. This disease mainly affects women over 40 years of age. Pain occurs when lifting heavy objects or going down stairs. The pain takes over inner surface knee, but the functionality of the joint is not limited.

Vascular pain in the knee joints. This is a symmetrical lesion of the joints, affecting both knees at the same time. It occurs mainly in the younger generation due to accelerated growth bones. Pain syndrome is noted:

  • when weather conditions change;
  • for colds;

Defined as It's a dull pain(twisting).

Symptoms of deforming knee arthrosis by stage

In the first stage, the affected knee-joint By external signs no different from healthy.

  1. Sometimes you may notice slight swelling in the affected area.
  2. IN in rare cases There is an accumulation of fluid in the joint, and it swells greatly, taking on a spherical shape.
  3. Synovitis develops.
  4. The functionality of the joint is limited.
  5. There is a feeling of heaviness.

What is the reason for this?

At the initial stage of development of arthrosis in the joint, there is a disruption of small intraosseous vessels and blood circulation in general, on which the nutrition of hyaline cartilage depends.

With further development of the disease (second stage), the symptoms intensify. The pain is determined in the anterior internal side of the joint and is disturbing even with no heavy loads, retreating at rest and returning at the slightest movement.

With deforming arthrosis of the knee joint of the third degree, significant deformation is observed articular bones. They press into each other cartilage tissue practically destroyed, functional limitations intensify. The pain syndrome does not subside even for a minute, regardless of the tension or resting state in which the joint is located. Flexion and extension of the limb is difficult.

The joint is severely deformed, the legs are bent into an O- or X-shape, the gait becomes unstable and waddles. Quite often the patient has to move around with the help of crutches or a cane.

What to do if your lower back hurts on the back left side

If pain occurs in any part of the body, a person should be wary, since this is a serious signal that he has certain disorders. Left lower back pain is one of the most common painful conditions, which can affect any person, regardless of age, type of activity and state of health. And it can be caused by a variety of reasons.

  • Pain in the left side of the lower back and its main causes
  • Back pain during pregnancy
    • Diagnostic methods
    • Pain treatment
  • Prevention of diseases and back pain
  • Conclusion

If a person values ​​his health, then when such sensations appear, he will immediately consult a doctor. Most often, experts name the most probable reasons deterioration of health fatigue, long work V sitting position or standing, carrying loads or pregnancy. If any of the above applies to you, then you can be sure that this is directly related to back pain on the left. However, at the same time, this syndrome may indicate the presence of more serious diseases of the back and internal organs.

Pain in the left side of the lower back and its main causes

Most often, experts call as main reason, which can cause back pain and spinal problems. Statistics show that in most patients this symptom indicates the presence of an intervertebral hernia. This disease is often accompanied prolapse of part of the intervertebral discs from their place, as a result of which they enter the spinal canal. This, in turn, explains why a person in this condition may feel pain in the heart, chest or left back.

You can understand whether back pain on the left is a marker of an intervertebral herniation using the following criteria:

  • in addition to the lower back, pain is felt in the sternum and also radiates to the left arm;
  • an unpleasant symptom gradually begins to be felt in the lower extremities.

Also, based on the presence of pain in the left lower back, it can be assumed that this is caused by other diseases. Some of the most common are spondylolisthesis and spondylosis. Sometimes this may be due to a congenital disorder of the spine. If a person experiences pain, in some cases this may be caused by the development of tumors, which can be benign or malignant and appear on the spine and internal organs.

Such unpleasant sensations can disturb a person due to certain neurological diseases. In such patients, pain in the left side of the back may occur due to disruption of the nerves in the lower extremities.

Also, such a symptom may indicate the presence neurological problems with the sacrum and lower back. Among men this is most often diagnosed neurological disease, like radiculitis, which occurs due to hypothermia. And this disease most often manifests itself as a shooting, acute pain, which is localized in the sacrum or lower back.

Another reason that can provoke frequent attacks pain in the lower back, there may be an injury to the left side of the body that was suffered many years ago.

You should not delay visiting a doctor if the pain only gets worse over time. Based on this alone, we can assume that there is a certain pathology of internal organs. On the left side of the lower back are important internal organs - the spleen, kidneys, part of the intestines and the pancreas. Women also need to be careful, because here in their body one of the important organs reproductive system- left ovary.

Understand that pain indicates a disease of the internal organs, nervous system and spine, it is possible if you pay attention to the nature of the pain. If it is aching and pulling, bothers you at rest, sitting or lying down, then you can assume that this is due to a disorder of the spine.

In cases where the pain is localized from the back and has a sharp and a strong character manifestations that bother a person in the form of a lumbago, then most likely there is a neurological problem.

Deep, aching and growing pains often indicate diseases of the internal organs, and this is typical for both women and men. Acute diseases often manifest themselves in the form of sharp and acute pain, which can irradiate to the upper and lower limb , chest, and in women in the lower abdomen.

Back pain during pregnancy

Based on the presence of pain, it can be assumed that this can be caused either by a serious illness or by fatigue of the spine and its overstrain. Just such conditions are observed in pregnant women. Experts identify a number of reasons that can lead to pain in the left side of the back in pregnant women.

For the first time with such an unpleasant symptom future mom may encounter on early stage pregnancy, when she does not yet know about the child. At this moment, significant changes occur in the body, which also affect the internal organs. This is what explains that at this moment the woman begins to be bothered by a slight aching pain. And in this case, the left ovary cannot be considered the source of pain. After the third week of pregnancy, this symptom no longer bothers the expectant mother, which is why it is usually called one of the early signs of pregnancy.

Exacerbation of pain in pregnant women is often observed as the abdomen grows. This happens as early as 20 weeks, and the pain gradually increases towards the end of pregnancy. They can be nomadic in nature, and then they affect not only the right, but also the left.

But if a pregnant woman is bothered by pain, this does not always mean a restructuring of her body. Sometimes this may indicate diseases of the internal organs. If the expectant mother notices an increase in temperature, and is also bothered by attacks of nausea and vomiting, and in addition to this there is severe pain in the left side of the back, then most likely this is the beginning of the development of pyelonephritis or inflammation of the kidneys. This disease often has to be diagnosed in most pregnant women.

Treatment of pain in the left lower back

The very fact that a person begins to experience pain on the left side is sufficient reason to consult a doctor. Considering that these sensations can be caused by various reasons, the patient should first see a therapist. After studying secondary symptoms He refer the patient to a specialized doctor. For example, he can write a referral to an orthopedist, urologist, neurologist or surgeon.

Diagnostic methods

It is very important to exclude diseases of internal organs during diagnosis. And for this you have to prescribe an examination using ultrasound. Based on its results, it is possible to determine the presence of a tumor, as well as determine the size of the internal organs. Based on the results of blood and urine tests, you can understand whether this is due to inflammatory infectious diseases. To make sure that everything is in order with the spine, it is necessary to undergo an MRI examination.

Pain treatment

For the most part, diseases that are accompanied by pain in the left side can be cured without resorting to surgery. However, there are some among them, especially if they have moved into severe form, which can no longer be treated with pills and injections. In this case, the only option left is surgery.

If you have lower back pain associated with neuralgia or herbs, then for treatment you can use:

  • warming ointments;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

If back pain has worsened to such an extent that it can no longer be tolerated, then it is allowed to undergo a course of treatment with injections.

Very often, back pain bothers teenagers during puberty. This process is accompanied by such rapid growth of the young body that it does not have time to strengthen the spine. This leads to poor posture, scoliosis, and lower back pain. But carry out special treatment will not be required to eliminate pain. You just need to make sure that the body is not subjected to significant stress, also need to start playing sports. It is very important to choose the right furniture for your child, which should correspond to his height. It is also necessary to monitor the child’s weight to prevent obesity. Otherwise, it can also harm the health of the spine.

If lower back pain arose unexpectedly, and the person was not prepared for it, then you can help the person in this case too. If the pain syndrome is not associated with inflammatory processes and tumors, then you can ease the sensations with the help of hot bath. If the pain is caused by neuralgia, then the cause may be a pinched nerve. In this case, you need to properly prepare the bed, which should be so comfortable as to ensure maximum unloading of the spine. To do this, use a pillow that is placed under your feet during sleep and rest.

Prevention of diseases and back pain

To reduce lower back pain, you need to take appropriate measures to help prevent unpleasant symptoms. Effective preventive measure Regular exercise is the way to combat back pain. They strengthen the back muscles and relieve stress on the spine. If, due to health conditions, a person cannot play sports or back pain has already appeared, then their further spread can be avoided with the help of massage.

But massage should be carried out with caution, since for some ailments it can be harmful to health. Therefore, before carrying out it, it is necessary to discuss this issue with your doctor.

Typically, infections are involved in inflammation processes, which often appear in people with low immunity and after hypothermia. Moreover, inflammation of internal organs can occur not only in the cold season, but also in the summer. Girls need to be especially careful when swimming in cold water, as hypothermia can cause serious harm the body in general and the genitourinary system in particular. Inflammatory diseases are responsible for many incurable diseases, including infertility.

Elderly people need to be very careful to the health of your back.

  • If for a long time If you work in the country and lift weights, you may later develop symptoms of rheumatism, as well as severe shooting pain in the back.
  • Constant lying or sitting can cause damage. To keep your back healthy, it is recommended to maintain it at an optimal level. physical activity. This is possible through squats and regular walks of several kilometers.


For a person who does not take good care of his health, even pain in the lower back on the left side is unlikely to mean anything. In fact, this can pose a major health hazard, since any pain in most cases indicates disturbances in the body. If the pain occurs in the lower left back, then it is difficult for a non-specialist to understand what this may be connected with. Accordingly, treatment, if carried out at home, often turns out to be ineffective due to ignorance of the cause of the pain.

That is why it is necessary to treat correctly pain syndrome in the back if it arose from the left back. It is necessary to see a doctor without delay so that after necessary examinations he was able to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Why can the lower back and lower abdomen hurt and what can be done about it?

Lower back pain quite often develops in combination with nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Of course, such symptoms characterize diseases of the female body to a greater extent. However, it is not so rare for urologists to observe such signs at appointments.

In general, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back can indicate many pathological conditions. And in order to start correct treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor who specializes in this field.

During the examination, the doctor first of all pays attention to the intensity of the pain and its nature. It can be sharp or aching. Sometimes it is accompanied by an increase or, conversely, a decrease in body temperature, vomiting, and bleeding. If the patient is a woman, then the doctor must find out whether the pain is related to pregnancy or the menstrual cycle.

Main causes of pain

One of the most common reasons, of course, is the presence of acute cystitis. In cases where, in addition to the pain described above, there is blood in the urine, painful sensations at the very end of urination, or it is excessively frequent, we can say with confidence that the patient is “safely” developing cystitis. In this case, the sick person must undergo all necessary research, which will be prescribed to him by a urologist.

If pain in the abdomen and lower back is not accompanied by the above symptoms, then we can assume that the patient has problems with the intestines. And for women, in addition to intestinal problems, such pain quite often indicates the initial stage of development of an ovarian cyst, adnexitis or other, more serious illnesses female genitourinary system. If such symptoms appear, a woman should immediately make an appointment with a urogynecologist or gynecologist.

Cases when men have pain in the lower back and lower abdomen are quite rare. However, such symptoms may indicate serious illnesses digestive or genitourinary system. Often such pain occurs when a man develops prostatitis. Therefore, in order to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must visit not only a gastroenterologist, but also a urologist. Under no circumstances should you delay visiting a doctor. Often, along with such pain, an increase in a person’s body temperature is observed - such a development of symptoms may indicate the following diseases: mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea or ureoplasmosis.

Of great importance in diagnosis is the nature of pain and the frequency of its occurrence in various diseases. For example, with the acute nature of the course of the disease, cramping pain, increasing and often complicated by chills, nausea and elevated temperature. The presence of such pain often indicates a developing inflammatory process. If such pain is observed for a long time, you should consult a specialist, because in this case there is a high probability of developing a chronic disease.

Chronic pain in the abdomen and lower back

The feeling of discomfort in the lumbar region and lower abdomen has a specific name in medicine - chronic pelvic pain. This diagnosis is made in cases where the symptoms described above have bothered a person for at least six months. Pelvic pain in ¾ of cases is caused by gynecological diseases and in ¼ - extrogenital diseases.

Among the rarer causes of nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen are the following:

  • Osteocondritis of the spine;
  • Intervertebral disc herniation;
  • Arthrosis of intervertebral joints;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Intervertebral canal stenosis;
  • Infectious lesions of the vertebrae;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Stroke;
  • Osteoporosis.

Why does it hurt mostly in young girls?

Such pain in girls is most often observed before the onset of menstruation or directly during it. Most often they are cramping in nature and are observed in the first three days of menstruation. Scientific research they say that more than 50% of women experience cramps, but for the majority they are of moderate intensity and do not cause any particular problems.

It should be said that the nature of such pain directly depends on the amount of special hormones (prostaglandins) in female body. However, there are times when the pain is quite severe and painful. Then you should be examined for the presence of other complicating factors (for example, endometriosis or fibroids).

Pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen is often observed in pregnant women. Which is associated with increased load on the female spine. If nagging pain begins to appear shortly before birth, this may indicate false contractions (Braxton-Hicks). On early stages Such symptoms look especially scary, because they can mean a threat of miscarriage. In such cases, you should immediately call ambulance or go to see a doctor yourself.

Another reason why girls have a tight stomach can be prolonged hypothermia. First of all, this applies to those of them who neglect their health for the sake of beauty, going outside in cool weather with a bare lower back. By the way, after such walks, many girls hear from their attending physician terrible diagnosis– infertility. Therefore, it is worth thinking: is beauty worth such sacrifices in the future?