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What to do if your shin hurts? Causes and treatment of pain in the shins of the right or left leg Pain in the lower leg on the side

Circulatory disorders are often accompanied by pain. First of all, it occurs in cases where ischemia develops due to impaired blood circulation in the muscles of the limb, which is especially evident when walking and working muscles. Pain in the lower leg with severe circulatory disorders also occurs during the rest period. Pain that appears or worsens while walking is called

Intermittent claudication - most important symptom While walking, pain is felt in the lower leg. Pain appears at varying intervals, the duration of which depends on the severity of the disease. Pain in the lower leg often spreads to the entire lower limb, including the hip and foot.

Pain in the lower leg when walking is accompanied by an unpleasant tingling sensation in the muscles, fatigue. The pain is often so severe that the patient is forced to stop while walking. Rest leads to a short-term cessation of pain. As soon as the patient begins to walk again, the pain resumes. Increased pain is caused by cold. To a certain extent, the severity of the disease can be assessed only on the basis of how many steps the pain occurs after. Usually the first attack of pain after the start of walking appears earlier than after its further resumption. Therefore, the patient gradually gets used to measured walking.

IN severe cases the pain in the lower leg does not stop even at rest, is cramping in nature, very intense and especially painful in the supine position. And this is violated general state the patient develops insomnia. Such severe pain appear most often when, as a result of severe tissue ischemia, trophic ulcers and gangrene. In such cases, the pain in the lower leg is constant, worsens in warmth and weakens when hanging the leg down. Treatment in case of gangrene development should be carried out surgically, with excision of necrotic tissue and possible amputation of a portion of the limb.

In addition to the fact that the lower leg hurts, the criteria for circulatory disorders include the integument, which is more pronounced when raising the leg. When the leg hangs down, the skin becomes cyanotic red. In different positions, the color of the limb changes from redness and cyanosis to pallor. Palpation reveals weakening or complete absence pulsations of the posterior artery of the foot and the posterior peroneal artery. At the same time, the presence of pulsation does not exclude the possibility of narrowing of these arteries, the arteries of the fingers, and even the possibility of developing gangrene. To detect circulatory disorders, they are used instrumental methods research: arteriography, ultrasonography Doppler

The cause of circulatory disorders of the lower extremities in old age is usually atherosclerosis. In young and middle-aged people, the main cause of tissue ischemia is thromboangiitis obliterans, also called a possible combination of these diseases.

With atherosclerosis, pain in the lower leg is accompanied by other symptoms of this disease. Patients with atherosclerosis often complain of squeezing pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, headaches as a result of unstable blood pressure, sleep. With atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia occurs, often symptoms diabetes mellitus, coronary disease heart, an increase in the level of lipids in the blood, true hypertension, and an enlargement of the abdominal aorta are determined. Buerger's disease is indicated by severe inflammation in the arteries and veins.

Hello, dear readers.

After quite long break (sorry about that) I continue to publish recommendations from the book ““.

So, the causes of pain in the lower leg

Pain in the lower leg may occur due to congenital or acquired foot disorders. This is either too high an arch (instep of the foot) or flat feet. Pain can also occur due to unsuitable shoes.

Pain may occur due to a leg injury, due to excessive physical activity, when a muscle is strained, or damaged Achilles tendon.

One of the causes of pain may be inflammatory process tendons. This is called tendinitis.

Pain in the lower leg also appears with this serious illness, as varicose veins, including due to phlebitis or thrombophlebitis of the veins arising against this background.

Pain and lameness may appear due to deterioration in the patency of the arteries that supply the muscles of the lower leg. It's called intermittent claudication syndrome. Pain in the lower leg when walking occurs most often for this reason.

Contact your doctor if...

the pain did not subside in a couple of days;
to the touch there are painful bumps and swellings under the skin - signs of thrombophlebitis;
the pain is very strong after walking, but it goes away if you sit for a while;such symptoms are in thrombophlebitis and intermittent claudication. These diseases are very serious, and going to the doctor should not be postponed under any circumstances.

Urgent measures

If your leg really hurts in the lower part of the shin when you try to walk, it is most likely due to overload. damage to the Achilles tendon, or you have inflammation of the tendon. Contact your surgeon immediately for examination and treatment. The leg needs rest.

If the pain is the result of an injury, but the muscles of the lower leg hurt (the Achilles tendon is not damaged), then in The first day it is better to lie down and raise the sore leg higher, above the level of the heart. Apply ice for 20 minutes after 2 hours. Make a not too tight bandage on the shin. It's better to apply elastic bandage. Using a heating pad on the first day is prohibited! Heat will only increase swelling and pain.

Three days after the injury, moist heat, such as a terry towel soaked in hot water, can be applied.

You can also rub a pain reliever on your injured leg. Dolobene gel helps very well. Squeeze the gel out of the tube onto a clean palm, and with light movements, without pressure, rub the gel into your leg. It is useful to wrap your foot in a terry towel afterwards to keep warm. Heat helps muscles relax and the injury goes away faster.

And also, if the pain occurs as a result of an injury, you can buy a painkiller at the pharmacy - ibuprofen tablets, and take them one at a time in the morning, afternoon, and at night. However, if the pain does not subside after a week, you should consult a doctor.

Don't overload your legs

Until complete recovery, avoid anything that requires a lot of strain on your legs: don’t walk in the mountains, don’t climb high stairs, don’t ride a bike, don’t jump.

If you have intermittent claudication, stop smoking

Smoking aggravates atherosclerosis of the arteries of the legs. And this is the cause of circulatory problems. And don’t delay in contacting a surgeon for help.

If you have varicose veins, wear special socks

These tight-fitting elastic knee socks lightly compress the dilated veins, preventing them from expanding even further, and reduce pain.

If knee socks don’t help, seriously think about surgery to remove dilated veins. Such an operation is not dangerous, and will radically relieve you of the threat of vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Preventive exercises

The best prevention of shin pain is exercises aimed at stretching and strengthening the muscles. Warm up your muscles before exercise. To do this, accept hot shower, or douse your shins with hot water.

Exercise 1

Place your palms against the wall. Place one foot in front of the second foot, and place the heel of the first foot on the floor, and turn the toe slightly inward. Bend the knee of this leg.

Continuing to lean on the wall, lean forward. Make sure the heel of the leg behind you is on the floor.

Exercise 2

Sitting on the floor and stretching out your toes, try to grab them with your hands and pull them towards you. The calf muscles will be stretched. If you can't reach your socks, use a towel, drape it over your socks, and then pull them by the ends of the towel.

It’s even better to do this stretching as written.. At the same time, instead of the heel, grab the toe (toes) of your foot and pull it towards you.

Exercise 3

Sit on a chair and raise and lower your heels. Or, as an option, while standing, hold onto a support and rise and fall “on tiptoes.” Do at least 30 times. If it hurts, stop. It's better to rest than to harm yourself.

Exercise 4

Stand on a stair step, standing on your front foot only, with your heel hanging down. Hold on to the railing. Rise up on your tiptoes and lower yourself slowly. When lowering, the heel should be below the level of the step. If it hurts too much, stop. Gradually, when the muscles of the lower leg become stronger, there will be no pain.

Walk as much as possible

With intermittent claudication syndrome, it is walking that causes pain, but at the same time it is the first remedy for treating this disease. You need to walk until you feel the pain getting worse from walking. Lengthen your route every day and it will become easier for you. Gradually, the pain in the lower leg when walking will cease to bother you.

However, this does not cancel a visit to the surgeon about intermittent claudication.

Get a massage

When injured or overloaded calf muscles hurt, rub and stretch them to prevent adhesions from forming in the muscles. Circular pressing movements thumb rub your calf muscles with your hands.

Do the massage using any oil, but it is advisable to apply lavender oil. Massage helps the pain in the lower leg to subside, the muscles relax, and the leg becomes easier.

Wear only good shoes

Take care of your feet - wear comfortable shoes such as sneakers more often. If the rules of your place of work require you to wear dress shoes, change your shoes after work and go outside in something simpler .

Do not wear worn-out or worn-out shoes. It loses its shock-absorbing properties. Your legs may hurt for this very reason.

Reduce the impact of flat feet on leg pain. Use insoles and arch supports. They increase the shock-absorbing properties of shoes by 30% and reduce the load on the muscles of the lower leg and foot.

I hope these tips helped you or your relatives and friends.

The shin is the part of the leg limited by the knee and ankle joint. Any diseases or injuries of the bones can cause discomfort in this area, skin, muscle tissue, blood vessels and nerves. Often there are problems with the knee or ankle itself, and even with the spine. In each of these cases, in addition to pain, other specific symptoms. And only a few injuries and diseases cause pain in the lower leg when walking. These include, first of all, specific injuries to bones and muscles, as well as vascular pathologies, concentrated directly in this area.

Calf muscle strain

Most often, muscle strain occurs due to injuries, careless leg movements, and also during accidents. In fact, an inadequate load is placed on a certain muscle, which significantly exceeds its physiological strength. Wherein muscle fibers rupture, against the background of which the inflammatory process begins to develop.

Nature of pain

If the injury is minor, the leg will not hurt at rest. But any movement provokes sharp pain, since when the muscle contracts, the damaged fibers inevitably break again.

Most often, a muscle is stretched in the place where it turns into a tendon and attaches to the bone. There are also complete ruptures of the fibers themselves, as well as separations of muscles from bones.

With such injuries, a person feels incredible pain, since not only is the muscle, but also nervous. Patients complain of stabbing, sharp pains, which are incredibly intensified by any movement of the leg, which is accompanied by contraction of the damaged muscle.

Literally after a couple of hours, inflammation increases in the area of ​​damage, which increases the pain syndrome. If tissue rupture provokes bleeding, a hematoma will grow in the damaged part of the leg.

How to treat a sprain?

First aid and treatment in such cases involves a set of measures:

  1. An ice compress is applied directly to the injured area. You can use ice wrapped in cloth, hot water bottles with chilled water, and even frozen foods. Such procedures help relieve pain and prevent the development of swelling. Apply ice for up to 15 minutes several times during the first 2 to 3 days after injury.
  2. Recommended to the victim bed rest and complete rest for the leg, especially the first days. If the injury is without complications, it is allowed to move when the sharp pain subsides, but it is necessary to exclude any physical activity for at least a week.
  3. The damaged muscle is fixed with an elastic bandage. This will help prevent re-injury and overextension. You can replace the elastic bandage with stockings or knee socks.
  4. Anesthesia is carried out according to standard scheme for injuries, that is, with the help of drugs non-steroidal group. It is allowed to take tablet medications or injections of Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nise.

In case of complete rupture or simultaneous damage to several muscles and ligaments, more severe immobilization is necessary. Most often superimposed gypsum bandage for a period of up to 3 weeks. It is possible to use a specific orthosis that limits movement in the ankle joint and holds the lower leg.

Microcrack or fracture of the tibia

The bone in the lower leg area is damaged when falling from a height onto the lower limbs or blunt direct blows to the leg. Bone tissue is actually subjected to forces that are many times greater than its elasticity.

Unfortunately, X-ray photographs reveal only gross defects, in which there are displacements of bone fragments or large fragments exceeding 5 mm. In case of microcracks, the damage may not be reflected in the photographs.

The subsequent appearance of characteristic symptoms is inevitable:

  • inflammation;
  • swelling;
  • increased sensitivity.

The patient complains that the lower leg hurts when walking, which is caused by increased pressure on the site of injury when putting stress on the sore leg.

Why does pain occur with fractures?

When a fracture occurs, a person experiences sharp pain already at the time of injury, which is explained by damage:

  1. The bone itself. Intraosseous pain receptors, which are responsible for the formation and transmission of nerve impulses, are irritated. They are located in the outer bone membranes and are damaged along with the bone.
  2. Soft periosteal tissues. Bone fragments inevitably injure the surrounding bones. soft fabrics. Often a fracture is accompanied by muscle strain, damage to the skin, blood vessels. Nerve endings located in such tissues and cause severe pain.
  3. Nerve trunks. The patient experiences much more painful sensations if the nerves themselves are compressed or damaged by fragments. In this case, the pain will be concentrated not only in the front or back of the leg, but also along the nerve and at the place of its innervation, for example, in the foot, toes, heel.

Against the background of the destruction of cells of various tissues, substances begin to be released that give rise to the development of the inflammatory process. Against this background, swelling increases and local blood flow is disrupted. At the same time, the sensitivity of the tissues increases significantly and the person experiences pain not only while walking, but also with any touch to the limb.

However, there are fractures in which pain is completely absent or mild. This anomaly occurs with “pathological fractures” provoked by oncological processes. The absence of pain is explained by the destruction of nerve endings.

How is a fracture or crack treated?

The victim after a fracture requires competent first aid. Any manipulations with immobilization and transportation are carried out only after adequate anesthesia. For this purpose, NSAIDs are used, and in critical situations, narcotic analgesics.

To hospitalize a person it is necessary transport immobilization limbs, for which a splint is applied from the foot to the thigh. After X-ray examination The doctor decides on further treatment tactics:

  • for cracks, a plaster cast is applied;
  • if the images show displacement, the fragments are compared in a hospital setting and fixed with plaster for 3 to 6 weeks;
  • multiple fractures, as well as open ones with damage to soft tissues, are treated surgically.

Atherosclerosis of the arteries

Atherosclerosis is considered a chronic metabolic disease. Against the background of cholesterol metabolism disorders and
fat, atherosclerotic plaques form, which clog large and medium-sized arteries, which disrupts the delivery of blood to various tissues. This disease begins to develop after 20 years of age against the background of a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, drinking fatty foods. It progresses further and by the age of 45–50 it manifests itself as serious complications.

The nature of pain in atherosclerosis

In atherosclerosis, it is caused by the blocking of the lumen of the arteries located precisely in this part of the leg. When the vessel is on initial stages pathology is clogged up to 70%, pain appears only during exercise. While walking, running, performing physical exercise tissues require an increased volume of oxygen. However, the vessels are not able to provide this need, as a result of which oxygen starvation of the tissues occurs, which is manifested by pain.

When you walk for a long time, your shin suddenly starts to hurt, which makes you urgently stop and take a break. Such rest allows the oxygen balance in the tissues to be restored, and the unpleasant sensations go away. If there is no way to rest the leg, the person begins to limp. This intermittent claudication is a characteristic sign of vascular problems.

But as the disease progresses, the situation gets worse. The lumen of the artery narrows even more, and this time for restoration oxygen starvation It is not enough for tissues to simply rest. Even the slightest stress provokes pain.

In addition, against the background of prolonged oxygen starvation, the cells die, as a result of which bradykinins begin to be released - active particles that provoke the occurrence of painful and quite severe pain even at rest.

Location discomfort on the lower leg will depend on the location of the artery affected by atherosclerosis.


Video - Pain in the lower leg

Principles of treatment

The development of atherosclerosis is promoted by poor nutrition and lack of motor activity. Therefore, changing habits plays an important role in the treatment of this pathology. The patient is recommended:

  • review the diet, which excludes high-cholesterol foods;
  • include moderate physical activity in your daily routine;
  • quit smoking.

You cannot do without drug therapy.

Usually prescribed medications are:

  • improve metabolic processes in tissues like Trental;
  • increase oxygen saturation - Actovegin;
  • lower cholesterol levels - statins.

In case of severe tissue hypoxia on the lower leg, when the vessel is not able to perform its functions, surgery is necessary. The affected area of ​​the artery is removed or the plaques are destroyed mechanically, which restores the patency of the vessel.

Unfortunately, after surgery, relapses are common, since patients do not listen to recommendations for behavioral therapy, without which full recovery is impossible.

Varicose veins on the legs

For venous insufficiency Overflow of peripheral and deep veins with blood is characteristic. First of all, with this pathology, it is the legs and feet that suffer. The disease is associated with damage to the valves, which natural state prevent backflow of blood. When the valves are weak, gaps form between their valves. Accordingly, venous fluid tends in the opposite direction, which provokes stagnation of blood and stretching of the walls of blood vessels. Against this background, the pressure in the veins increases significantly, which leads to an even greater deterioration of the condition of the venous valves.

The nature of pain with varicose veins

At the beginning of the disease, patients complain more about heaviness in their legs. However, when you stay on your feet for a long time, the pressure in the veins increases significantly, which leads to pain in the lower leg. IN
further noted chronic enlargement veins and the appearance of nodes. Covered venous network both the back and front of the lower leg.

Since blood does not flow in sufficient quantities to the tissues located above the course of the vein, their hypoxia begins, which causes severe pain. Moreover, at the beginning of the disease, the legs hurt only after long stay V vertical position a person, and it is enough to lift them up to ensure normal blood flow. As the pathology progresses, pain increasingly appears with light exertion and at rest.

How to relieve varicose veins?

Treatment of varicose veins begins with the elimination of provoking factors. The patient is advised to refuse:

  • uncomfortable to wear and high heels shoes;
  • inadequate loads on the legs;
  • long stays in static positions;
  • bad habits.

As the primary and secondary prevention measures associated with moderate load on the legs are used. Recommended for varicose veins hiking, swimming. A diet must be prescribed that is aimed at getting rid of excess weight, constipation.

As painkillers and medical procedures gentle massage recommended cold and hot shower, dousing, walking barefoot, wearing compression garments.

Drug therapy involves taking:

  • non-steroidal drugs for severe pain;
  • venotonics in tablets and ointments, which tone blood vessels and thin the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • anticoagulants that reduce blood clotting;
  • vitamin.

Surgical intervention is necessary if complications occur in the form of thrombosis, skin ulcers, thrombophlebitis.

The causes of sudden pain in the lower leg while walking can be either traumatic or vascular in origin. And such diseases are absolutely curable different methods. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should not try to get rid of the pain. folk remedies or painkillers.

A smart decision would be to consult a doctor who can prescribe a complex diagnostic measures and, based on the examination results, explain why it hurts to walk and how to cope with the problem.

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Basic information

Pain in the legs is a complex clinical problem, since they are common symptom not only this potentially dangerous condition, like venous thrombosis, but also many less dangerous diseases.

Most cases of shin pain are caused by one or more disorders that are easily treatable.

Pain in the legs occurs in more than 50% of patients with symptoms venous thrombosis, confirmed by venography, are, however, a nonspecific symptom, and their intensity and prevalence do not correlate with the size (and therefore the potential danger) of venous thrombi.

The doctor is faced with a dilemma: in which cases with pain in the legs should one suspect venous thrombosis and resort to objective research methods, and in which cases it can be ruled out with complete confidence.

This chapter discusses various reasons pain in the legs, and also outlines a practical approach to their diagnosis using special and objective methods research.


Pain receptors are located in most tissues of the lower leg, including muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, blood vessels and surrounding tissues. Pain in the legs can be caused by an inflammatory process in any of these structures, as happens, for example, with deep vein thrombosis, which occurs as a result of inflammation of the vessel wall or tissues located around the vessel. As a result, pain in the legs can occur in a number of disorders (Table 21).

Table 21. Causes of pain in the lower leg

Venous thrombosis
Strain, cramp, or muscle injury
Muscle rupture
Direct injury to a muscle or lower extremity
Spontaneous hematoma in the muscles
Arterial insufficiency(muscle ischemia)
Neurogenic pain
Rupture of popliteal cyst (Baker's cyst)
Arthritis of the knee or ankle joints
Inflammation of the heel tendon
Inflammation of the soft tissues of the lower limb
Bone damage
Varicose veins veins
Superficial vein thrombosis
Pregnancy or taking oral contraception
Postphlebitic syndrome
Inflammation of subcutaneous fat tissue
Tendon damage

Venous thrombosis

In most patients, venous thrombosis occurs without clinical manifestations. Symptoms or signs are usually caused by a blockage in a vein that is blocking blood flow, inflammation of the vessel wall or surrounding tissue, a combination of these factors, or pulmonary embolism.

The most common clinical symptoms and signs of venous thrombosis are pain, tenderness and swelling. It should, however, be emphasized that these symptoms are nonspecific and can be caused by any of those listed in the table. 21 pathological conditions.

Hohmann's sign (the appearance of pain at a certain time of day) is also not specific and can be found in many disorders that simulate venous thrombosis. Therefore, despite the fact that based on the indicated clinical symptoms venous thrombosis may be suspected, they cannot be used for differential diagnosis and selection therapeutic tactics. Less common manifestations of venous thrombosis are dilation of the veins, changes in the color of the lower leg, including pallor, cyanosis, redness, and the identification of venous strands on palpation.

Pain and tenderness on palpation. The cause of pain and tenderness on palpation is most often inflammation of the vein wall and perivascular zone, and in the case of proximal vein thrombosis, dilation of the vein.

With thrombosis of the veins of the leg, pain and tenderness on palpation are usually localized in the calf region, and with thrombosis of the proximal veins - in the lower leg, in the thigh or in the iliac region. In patients with thrombosis of the distal veins of the leg, pain and tenderness on palpation, when they are caused by severe swelling of the tissues, may be more diffuse.

There is no pain associated with venous thrombosis characteristic features. They can be aching or convulsive, sharp or dull, strong or moderate. Very often they intensify when walking, carrying heavy objects and are combined with local pain on palpation. Pain may be relieved by lying down with legs elevated and treatment with heparin, but these symptoms are also not specific to venous thrombosis.

Associated symptoms

An increase in the size of the limb due to edema is often accompanied by pain and tenderness on palpation that occurs with venous thrombosis. Usually, after pressing on the area of ​​edema, a depression remains, but sometimes the edema is insignificant and can be determined by an increase in the turgor of the lower leg muscles, which is best assessed when the muscles are relaxed. If calf swelling is caused by occlusion of a large proximal vein, it is usually located distal to the obstruction and may be moderately painful.

Swelling caused by inflammation is usually localized at the site of thrombosis and is accompanied by pain and tenderness on palpation. Placing the leg in an elevated position usually reduces swelling.
Venous dilatation is a relatively rare manifestation of acute venous thrombosis.

This symptom is early sign disturbances in the outflow of blood through the veins and usually disappears if the limb is placed in an elevated position, as well as with the development of collateral blood flow. Discoloration of the skin of the leg is also a relatively rare manifestation of venous thrombosis. The drumstick may be pale, cyanotic, or reddish-blue in color. Cyanosis, caused by impaired venous return and congestive hypoxia, occurs in patients with obstruction of the proximal veins of the leg.

IN in rare cases, with severe inflammation of the perivascular tissues, the lower leg may have a diffuse red color, which makes it difficult differential diagnosis with inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. Paleness, although it is not characteristic symptom, can be found on early stages thrombosis of the veins of the iliofemoral region and is probably caused by spasm of the arteries.

When a vessel that is easily accessible for palpation is thrombosed, a soft cord is felt by touch. If the vein is located superficially, a local increase in the temperature of the limb may be detected.

The shin is the part of the leg that occupies the distance from the knee to the heel. Just like all other parts of the body, the lower leg is multi-layered: on top there is skin, under which there is subcutaneous tissue, then there are muscles, between them there are ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves. And since pain receptors are present in large quantities tissues of the lower leg, then pain in it can be the result of a problem in any of them.

Thus, inflammation may develop, a tumor may form, blood circulation may be impaired, nerve fibers may be damaged, and some kind of injury may also occur.

Causes of shin pain

Due to the above facts, there are many reasons why the lower leg hurts:

Physical overexertion

Pain in the front of the shin occurs due to continuous/long-term stress on the leg.

Painful sensations in the anterolateral part of the lower leg are the result of too much tension in the anterior muscle group. The main symptom of this type of injury is pain on the outside and front. At first, the pain only appears while running, when the heel hits the ground. However, continuing to load the leg, the lower leg begins to hurt with every step. In the end, little by little painful sensations develop into permanent ones.

During movement (walking or running), the muscle block of the inner and outer muscles is responsible for the extension of the foot. back surfaces shins. In most cases, injury to these muscles occurs when running on an incline. If the feet turn inward too much, then the likelihood of muscle damage and, accordingly, soreness is very high. Especially if the “runner” wears special running shoes, since they do little to protect the foot from such torsion.

In such cases, pain initially appears on the inside of the lower leg. It is worth noting that they become stronger when the victim rises on his toes or turns his leg inward. If the patient, despite all the symptoms, does not stop the load, then the pain shifts to the front, to the inner part ankle joint, to the top of the shin, just short of reaching the knee. Obviously, the more the muscles are injured, the more intense the pain.

Anterior carpal tunnel syndrome

It is well known that the muscles of the lower leg are divided into three parts: lateral, posterior and anterior. Each of them is surrounded by fascia - a special dense case, which consists of dense connective tissue and it is very difficult to stretch.

For the specified disease Inflammation of the muscles of the anterior block is characteristic. This can happen if the muscles are damaged by bone fragments, become infected with purulent and other bacteria, etc. As a result of this, swelling occurs, compression in the fascial sheath, which stretches very weakly.


  • pain in the front of the ankle and foot, which becomes stronger when the first is flexed;
  • the skin over the site of inflammation is red, with swelling,
  • pain is felt when touched.

After a doctor diagnoses the patient with this disease, anti-inflammatory devices are prescribed, and if they do not help, it will be necessary surgical intervention. It is important to understand that if timely treatment is not carried out, then such compression of the muscles will simply lead to the death of muscle tissue.

Damage to the patellar ligament

Aching pain in the lower leg due to inflammation of the patellar ligament. This disease is often found in professional athletes, as well as in those people who are actively involved in physical culture. The inhabitants gave it the name “jumper’s knee.” Nevertheless, such a pathology can be found not only in designated people, but also in ordinary people (mainly in people over 45 years old). The explanation is quite trivial: gradually, with age, all sorts of changes occur, minor injuries accumulate in the tendons, the ligaments become old, so they lose their ability to resist physical stress to the same extent as before.

Patients state that the front part of the lower leg hurts, somewhere in the area of ​​the lower lobe kneecap and even lower, where the ligaments are attached. When the stage is still early, painful sensations appear after exercise, but as the disease intensifies, and then during the transition to chronic form, it becomes painful even during physical activity itself, and, sometimes, even before it.

Characteristic features of this pathology:

  • the pain is dull, aching, and swelling often occurs;
  • problems with leg extension – difficulty, weakness, tension;
  • the pain becomes much more significant when with force or when pressure is applied to the kneecap.

Patellar ligament ruptures. Just as in the case above, such traumatization occurs in people over 45 years of age and in others during physical activity. Very often people make this movement - quickly, sharply and forcefully contract the quadriceps femoris muscle, the knee is bent at this moment. This movement is what causes injury. Nevertheless, such a nuisance can also occur due to a banal tripping on the stairs or due to an unsuccessful jump.

It happens that during a rupture a cracking sound is heard, and it feels as if someone hit the front of the knee. It is clear that an instant reaction occurs - the lower leg begins to hurt in front. But moving the knee joint turns out to be simply impossible, that is, the victim can neither bend nor straighten his leg. Often he is not able to stand on two legs without outside help.

If the ligament is not completely torn, then the leg can move to a certain extent, but very little. An important sign The resulting rupture is upward due to contraction of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Osgood-Schlatter disease

WITH scientific point vision, the disease is called osteochondrosis of the tibial tuberosity. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the tibia where the patellar tendons attach. That is why it is quite appropriate to say here that the patient has pain in the bone, although in other cases this expression is not used.

This pathology can cause pain in the knees and with outside shins in puberty, since this is directly related to the growth of the musculoskeletal system. Gradually, as it grows, the pain usually stops.

Characteristic features of the disease:

  • It's a dull pain,
  • swelling in the anterior lobe of the knee, just below the kneecap;
  • it is usually one-sided.

These symptoms increase noticeably with increasing physical activity on the knee.


Video - pain in the lower leg

Osteochondropathy of the tibial tuberosity

This disease is typical for athletes. This is what it is pathological condition, in which the tendons of the quadriceps femoris muscle and the tibial tuberosity become inflamed, which, in turn, is the place where this tendon is attached.

The cause of the disease is constant trauma to bone tissue at the micro level. These injuries occur when heavy loads are placed on the thigh muscle. For example, when an athlete lifts a barbell or squats with weights in his hands. As a result, the periosteum becomes inflamed, and microcirculation in it is disrupted. All this can lead to a sad outcome - necrosis of bone tissue, tendon separation.

Main symptom of this disease - dull and aching pain, which appears and increases during training. When the leg is at rest, the pain becomes less and may even disappear for a long time, but as soon as the athlete returns to his training, the pain will return.

Only possible variant treatment of this disease is an absolute renunciation from all heavy sports. However, there are also temporary remedies to eliminate pain - NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs): Voltaren, Nimesil.

Tibia bruise

Front tibia it is covered only by the skin, which is why, if a patient hits his foot in this place, damage to the periosteum occurs every time, and then inflammation necessarily occurs.


  • swelling;
  • swelling;
  • acute pain at the site of injury;
  • hemorrhage under the skin is possible if blood vessels are affected;
  • increasing pain when pressing.

If the immune system If the body works correctly, and correctly selected methods of therapy are carried out, then within a few days (weeks) the inflammation goes away. But there are cases when the pathology can become more complicated by inflammation of the bones. Consequently, bone grows around the inflamed area, or the wound begins to fester. If the wound suppurates, the patient’s condition as a whole deteriorates sharply, and the temperature begins to rise quickly.

So, the treatment for this problem consists of providing a state of rest for the affected leg; also, in the first few hours after receiving the disease, cold compresses and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

If an infection nevertheless develops, and complications appear against this background, then the patient should take antibacterial drugs. If the infection spreads to the bone, surgical intervention will be required.

"Trap" syndromes of the lower leg

This name includes pain that occurs due to compression of the femoral, sciatic, and cutaneous nerves of the legs. Swelling is not typical here, but painful sensations appear unexpectedly and quickly, becoming stronger when performing movements, which is why the nerve is stretched.

  • Neuritis femoral nerve. With this disease, it is impossible to straighten the knee, loss of the knee reflex is possible, the outer side of the thigh becomes numb, and pain appears in the lower leg on the inside.
  • Neuritis sciatic nerve. Here, it is also impossible to bend the knee, but at the same time paralysis of the feet occurs, the Achilles reflex falls out, pain appears and sensitivity in the lower leg and foot disappears.
  • Neuritis tibial nerve. There is a problem with flexing the foot and its toes, pain appears, the lower leg and sole of the foot become numb.
  • Neuritis peroneal nerve. If there are problems with the dorsiflexion of the foot, then the foot sag during inner side and downwards, there is also a violation of sensitivity, pain appears on the outside of the lower leg and on the inside of the foot.

Other reasons in front

These include diseases:

  • Myositis. There is external pain, which becomes stronger when pressure is applied to the affected area. This problem can cause numbness and stiffness when moving. With absence timely treatment, especially if the disease progresses, muscle atrophy may begin.
  • Self-occurring hematomas. Occur because the patient takes too often medicines which thin the blood.
  • Inflammation of the patellar ligament. Characteristic sign– . Therefore, aching pain appears below, on the front side of the lower leg.
  • Achilles tendon injuries. The main symptom is acute sharp pain, concentrated in the area between the calves and foot. Such injuries quite often appear in athletes who have not warmed up well enough before the start, which results in injury.
  • Osteomyelitis. An unpleasant disease consisting of rotting muscles and bone marrow. The cause may be harmful microbes that entered the body by violating the integrity of tissue or bone, for example, an open fracture.
  • Arthritis can also cause pain in the front of the lower leg.
  • Meniscus injuries, inflammation. This can happen if you bend and unbend too much. knee-joint. If the meniscus is torn, it becomes impossible to straighten the knee due to severe pain. This is where bleeding occurs between the knee tendons.
  • Formation of blood clots in lower limbs. As a result, blood circulation becomes difficult.
Often, pain in the front of the leg occurs due to varicose veins. Signs of thrombosis:

Hormonal imbalances. Pain in the front of the lower leg often occurs in pregnant women because the legs become very swollen. Painful sensations also appear in people taking hormonal agents. The basis of the pain when it happens hormonal changes, is an insufficient amount of salt in the body.

Panniculitis. This is an inflammatory process that concentrates under the skin and can also provoke the formation of very painful balls in the fat layer, the size of which reaches fifty millimeters. Afterwards, the skin swells and becomes bright red. These balls can last up to several years, but then they burst, leaving small depressions on the surface of the skin, and the skin itself becomes dark.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • pronounced pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weak or absent appetite;
  • heat.


It is necessary to understand that you should not self-medicate. It is worth contacting first qualified specialist, who, with the help of research and his own diagnostics, will determine the exact disease.

However, if the pain is intense, it is better to call an ambulance.

Before her arrival you must:

  • stop any movements,
  • apply something cold to the affected limb. This will help relieve pain and slow down inflammation.

Do not apply ice directly to the skin, much less to open wound, there should be some kind of fabric between them. This will help avoid inflammation from hypothermia.

The doctor will decide what measures will need to be taken for treatment after a blood and urine test, based on x-ray and other research.

Conservative treatment

With this therapy it is common to use:
  • Anesthetics will effectively eliminate inflammation.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Nonsteroidal drugs,
  • Hormones.

But it is worth remembering that during pregnancy many medications cannot be accepted. Any medications are used strictly under the supervision of a physician.


Such intervention occurs only under the most extreme cases, When conservative treatment does not give a positive result.


To avoid or at least minimize the likelihood of acquiring most of the indicated pathologies, it is necessary:

  • wear properly fitted and comfortable shoes,
  • Do a daily warm-up, especially before physical activity.